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Approved For Re1ase 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 OGC Has Reviewed ODP 8-1636b 26 September 1978 Assistan Appeals Coordinator, IPS ODP FIO O . .cer SUBJECT FOIA Litigation - Ground Saucer Watch, Inc. v. CIA 1. The Office of Data Processing (ODP) has conducted a reasonable search of its files responsive to the stipu- lation connected to the subject litigation. No material pertinent to this litigation was found. 2. In addition, no one currently working in ODP can recall that this Office has ever been requested or has knowingly provided computer support to any UFO--related project. However, this does not mean that ODP's computers have not been used in this regard by a CIA employee or contractor who has direct access to ODP computers through our Interactive terminal system. We have no way of monitor- ing the content of computer files developed independently by ODP computer users in support of their missions. Indeed, ODP policy prohibits this type of monitoring in order to protect need-to-know compartmentation of computer files. cc. C/MS/ODP DD/P/ODP DD/A/ODP C/SPS/ODP STATINTL iii&,= Distribution: Orig - adse STATINTL A ra 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 2 - OJD/ODP O/D/ODP :ee/9-28-78 Approved For lease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T0057W000100070006-1 $TATINTL }TINTL Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For.Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T0057QR000100070006-1 15 September 1978 _ _put _-_e.,. __ ___ _ _ocessing SUBJECT File Search for Documents Pertaining to UFO's or UFO Phenomenon 1. This is to advise you that the files in Processing have been searched for documents pertaining to UFO's and the UFO Phenomenon and that no documents of any kind on that subject were found. 2. It should be mentioned, though, that the Headquarters Data Conversion Branch, Production Division, did report that documents pertaining to UFO's are handcarried to that facility by an ODP customer for input keying to the customer's data base. The documents are retrieved by the customer after processing by DCB/PD and none are retained by that organiza- STATINTL tion. 111f r7 1-'- vy- 5- f-/,,,-/~ cusfo er, ISsgt 7 The ~JC.1 f'~,c~?~ ~lt ~/6~CC Ir,~GtCS /_/O-r. 4vo5 hdf it/4 f t'h r?`T/ /ill U l,/. *-0 li1FO '.S rI! a ~ll~ (C C~ r l't s$ r/r /t' S CCt L-41~ ~P`i ~Pr Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For R4?lease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573 W 00100070006-1 ODP 8-i636a 11 septe er. 1970- ?1OP jD 3 FUR: &sot. G neral Counsel MIA Litigation _ Cround Saucar =atc", ; Inc. V. CIA (CA "Tv. 78-359) RAP R NC O CC 78-5734 dtd 29 aug . With regard to t:1 s subject litigation the Office of Data Processing ('D)?) esti 4:atfas r 1. The date of docent searc=h cor plotion will be 19 cpt. ` er. 2. ?~he date of docu ant ?01A pw roeaesing conpletio by =SDP will be 26 Sept. Distribution= Orig -- arise I -- IPS I - C/SPS w/ref. 1 - C/AS w/ref 1 -- C/MS w/re f '~"~.- -~ I - DD/A/DDP w/ref 1 - ODP Registry ~Z'-- O/D/OOP STATINTL A rZ/i@yP 1` Z4Z-CI1A-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 LIST OF ORIGINAL FOIA REQUESTERS FYI, the following is a listing of the FOIA requesters and requests on which the revised complaint was based: BRYANT, Larry: unlogged 1973 request F-77-1239 SPARKS, Brad: F-75-3659 E-76-253 E-76-267 E-77-272 TOMASHEVSKA, Dolores F-76-530 ZECHEL, John F-77-757 F-78-081 F-78-171 SPAULDING, William F-75-3653 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 LIST OF ORIGINAL FOIA REQUESTERS FYI, the following is a listing of the FOIA requesters and requests on which the revised complaint was based: BRYANT, Larry: unlogged 1973 request F-77-1239 SPARKS, Brad: F-75-3659 E-76-253 E-76-267 E-77-272 TOMASHEVSKA, Dolores F-76-530 ZECHEL, John F-77-757 F-78-081 F-78-171 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For Re se-2002/01/24 : CIA-RDP83T00573R0W1000700061 OGC 78-5734 29 August 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Information .& Privacy Staff FROM Assistant General Counsel SUBJECT Ground Saucer Watch, Inc. v. CIA Civil Action No. 78-859 1. Attached is a copy of a restatement of the FOIA requests of various members of the Ground Saucer Watch Corporation which have become the subject of litigation. This restatement of the request found directly below "STIPULATION" is a reasonable restatement of approximately ten separate requests from five different Ground Saucer Watch Corporation members. It does not appear to exceed the scope of the total of these requests. I intend to advise the.U.S. Attorney's office that the Agency finds this "STIPULATION," including the "Definitions" and "Reasonable Search", a reasonable basis to continue the litigation. 2. Since most of the searching required has probably already been accomplished in response to the approximately ninety FOIA requests the Agency has received since 1975, I assume that the completion of the search and processing will not require any unreasonable delays. I request that you obtain from each of the components an estimate as to (1) the date of search completion and (2) the date of document FOIA processing completion. Since the Agency has been in litigation in this case since December 77, I do not expect that deadlines beyond sixty days will be regarded as reasonable by the court. 3. Please keep me informed as to any significant develop- ments and particularly let me know when significant increments of releasable documents become available. If there is reason to expect significant delays, the Agency might wish to consider incremental releases rather than holding responsive documents until all of the processing is finished. r) Attach tgve r Release 2002/01/24 :'CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved P Release 2002/01/2 ': diA'PDP83TOOgiii3RgO0100070006-1 HgNRY D. ROTH".%TT PlO11OA. K. Y. CM. F., a 131 C ^(AJM JOSEPH /WNAB $TEPHAJI H. Paasum DAla ) es. Y. 80. C- JON Ci. p OTH99ATT RONALD C. OO(DPARa MICHAEL. TORA EM)4A ALDEN ROT1CBLATr Or. Y.. CAL 0- a P 8Ar ROS97LT L. OAILDHa11 D M RTRAJ4 J. AI A" PETER A. OfR>I1TtN ARTHUR L. D{CKILMAM OMAWOA ? x Y. BAA I ROTHHI.ATT, 1ZC)"t'ttF11_Aitl. `~+F:t fr\ F.ti1.I 1 Cl C -.tiT 11.1 ,r `, 11H1?: I T LlRONX, NEW YORK IO4AI (L-12) 442-L~UV August 23. 1978 William H. Briggs, Jr. Esq., Assistant United States Attorney U.S. District Courthouse Room 3438-A Washington. D. C. 20001 Re: GS W v. CIA Dear Bill: NC'. YORK, I#. V. 10086 t73~ wraT CND AVENUE 1212, 787.7001 HnI.t.Y%f,UI). FIARIDA 3809? I?N$?) HAKRISOM YTRtLtT :1t11.r 912 I3)6) 026.1080 WASHINGTON. D. C- 0 R K 6TRELT. X. W. 162 YL'ITLS 69O (101. 22321120 Enclosed please find the stipulation my client has agreed to along with what would be considered a reasonable search. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me. Thanks for the cooperation. / Ve/y ruly~ `.your Peter A. Gersten PAG/ab enclosures Approved For Release 2002/0'1/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 CSW v. CIA Approved Fitr'Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00, 8R0001000-70006-1 STIPULATION Page i All documents (1) in the possession or under the control of the CIA from wherever obtained, relating (2) to Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) (3) and the UFO Pheno- Definitions (1) Documents - definition contained in the Interrogatories - 'Definitions and Instructions' paragraph B (2) Relating - as used herein should be synonymous with the following terms: referring to, associated with: pertaining to; mentioning: descri. ..and any and all like terms. This definition should be construed liberally to achieve all purposes and objectives of request (3) UFOs - definition contained in the Interrogatories - 'Definitions and Instructions' paragraph F and shall also include all 'unidentified alarms'; 'unidentified images'; 'uncorrelated targets'; 'and 'uncorrelated sensor indications'. (4) UFO Phenomena - commonly known as the 'flying saucer craze' and includ but not limited to; CIA involvement in the phenomena, either directly or indirectly, sociological and psychology implications; surveillance, monitoring, infiltration and manipulation of the phenomena; UFO civilian organizati' UFO researchers; alleged abductions and abductees; all, contacts and contactees. REASONABLE SEARCH A reasonable search should include the following areas: (i) (a). CIA Strategic Warning Staff, including. but not limited to: unidentified alarms registered by the sensor systems managed by the national indications, warning and surveillance office. (b). CIA Operations Center, including but not limited to: I) the 1975 sightin of UFOs over SAC bases; 2) the August, 1976 Tunisian sighting: 3) the September. 1976 Iranian sighting: and 4) the September, 1976 Morocca' sighting. (c). CIA Office of Legislative Counsel, including but not limited to: 1) the 11 ~ tC i~ i f?f~g~'N~riR9 ~o 7t '44~ $Q P i~ contact with Richard Hall, Approved Rw-'Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T03R000100070006-1 (d)? National Foreign Intelligence Board T(-;cords including, butUSCIB) not limited to, historical documents of predecessors (USI , (2). National Foreign Assessment Center components: Analysis Service documents of processing, analysis, and (a). Imagery ered by the overhead reconnaissa routing of f unidentified objects roist systems of the NRO . (b), committee on Imagery Requirements and EKploi ati0n CO REX) St3 including, but not limited to, documents of requirements. exploitation planning directives. about unidentified objects regist and by NRO systems. documents including, but not (c) . of curicnl intelligence (d).Office of Current intelligence: documents of le. about sightings, incidents. and flaps, records, briefings. (e). Central Reference Service components: (3). Directorate of Science and Technology (DD&T) documents Missile and Space Analysis Center (FMSAC/OWI) (a). Foreign udin .but not limited to, those inherited from OSI and new ~~ incl g received from all sources, and all finished intelligence on OF s, rs. etc. Including estimates, policy paper nic intelligence (OEL) documents of unidentified elec (b). Office of Electro processed, analyzed and/or dissemina magnetic radiations received, to and from all sources, including NRO systems. Developmer, coffice of Research and Developments (ORD) and Office of (c). documents of basic scientific research on U' and Engineering (ODE): es of UF'O intelligence evaluations, and bas basic cone arch and design studistems imp eme fil basic predecessor contractor studies. sy intelligence reference materials; historical as pertains to preceding ODE document (OSI~? National Photographic Interpre (d), office of Scientific Intelligence including, Center (NPIC), and Office of Technical ot ervice (OTS) to other compc OTS predecessor's research and develo?. but not or to. o nn early historical and historical l files on UFO intelligence collection systems. (~)ApprpXg4&3lea?$ }e 1)x IWRDDD3T00573R000100070006-1 - documents of individuals and organizations inwl l _l r~r-fi ra of Se~cur~ttY s . ~ Approved P!!f IRelease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T0U' 3R000100070006-1 GSW V. CIA P.3 with UFOs and the UFO Phenomena, ie. research, investigation. and writing, including mail cover and intercept fort.Fprogram O intelligence aspecial acct records of special security programs. (b). Office of Joint Computer Support (OJCS): documents of computer hardwa support requests, authorizations, and utilizations. for UFO intelligence data handling. from any and all agOncies ts; anY~ nd all special UFO intelligence data handling systems PrJec software programs and projects, including security systems. (5). Directorate of Operations (DDO): (a). Covert Action (CA) Staffs of all DDO components: historical and current files of covert action projects directed at domestic and foreign UFO researchers and organizations as well as potential foreign 25X1A adversaries (USSR). (c). Counter Intelligence (CI) Staff: records of mail cover and intercept programs which collected information on UFO researchers and organizations. (d). Counter Intelligence (CI) and Foreign Intelligence (FI) staffs of DDO: records of clandestine collection operations against UFOs and foreign nation intelligence data on UFOs, including hypnotic regression and othe psychological interrogation and indoctrination projects: disinformation and deception plans and operations against UFOs and foreign intelligence agencies. Approved For Release 2002/01124: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 UtNCLASSIFIERpprove~o lgjjpe 2002/01/24: CIA-Rd 3 7 v%6070t06_1 SUBJECT: (Optional) REQUEST NUMBER FOIA Litigation - Ground Saucer Watch, Inc. v. CIA CA No. 78-359 DATE SENT 5 Sep 78 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) STATI NTL STATINTL OD1'/FIO COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across -column after each comment.) In connection with sub ect li.ti- gationr_the following documents are attache _.- d: a) List of original FOIA requester b) 29 Aug 78 0GC memo c) 23 Aug 78 letter with enclosed STIPULATION Per OCC, you are specifically re u.ested to: 1) Estimate the date of search con,' pletion for your component. 2) Estimate the date of document FOIA. processing completion for your component. Note: OCC has requested that 1 & 2 (above) be completed and sent to OC'. (with a copy to IPS) on an e pcditc' basis. If your estimates will not be completed by Monday, 11 Sep, pl'j.s(i call me so that I can keep OGC advi.ed 3) Conduct a search of your com:pofi- ciLt responsive to the restatement o the requests as set forth in the STipulation. Note: As stated in OGC's metro, 0GC: does not expect that deadlines be- yond 60 days will. be regarded as reasonable by the court. YYI: The STIPULATION so changes the original requests, original corn plaint and revised complaint that t'e latter have, in effect, become im-? material to the search you will con- duct responsive to the Stipulation. F-1 SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL El USE ONLY ^ SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83f f573R000100070006-1 TO: ROOM NO. -TRANSMITTAL SLIP 14011 request and reply to me by 15 Sept. 78. DATE1 I SEP 1978 BUILDING j Please conduct the sear requested in para. (b). of last page of this FROM p/ODP/'??A Approve isi roF.I9jease NQWQqMW CIA-RDP83T00573Rdt%100070006-1 MEMORANDUM OF CALL ^-Yau WERE CALLED R - ^ YOU WERE VISITED BY- F (Organization ~~~J~LJ~ PLEASE CALL ----3- PHONE NO. ^ CODE/EXT. ^ WILL CALL AGAIN 0 IS WAITING TO SEE YOU ^ RETURNED YOUR CALL ^ WISHES AN APPOINTMENT MESSAGE car TRANSMITTAL SLIP 1T1 SEP 1878 TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: Please conduct the search requested in para. (b). of last page of this request and reply to me by 15 Sept. 78. FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION i FEB b? 241 REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP our files regarding UFO's or Ground Saucer-Watch. We did find one little green man but he was properly badged so-we did not disIurb him. .. E USED. MEMORANDUM OF CALL 0 YOU WERE CALLED BY- F1 YOU WERE VISITED BY- E] PLEASE CALL -4 CODE/EXT. ---- FTS o W)LL CALL AGAIN 0 IS WAITING TO SEE YOU /d RETURNED YOUR CALL WISHES AN APPOINTMENT DATE rIME STANDARD FORM 63 (Rev. 8-76) Prescribed by GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1 '5SEP 1978 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 1 1 SEP 1978 TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: Please conduct the search requested in para. (b). of last page of this request and reply to me by 15 Sept. 78. FROM: D/ODP/DDA 2-D-00 Has. 0011 ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM RM K65-24 1 REPLACES FORM 36-8 FES WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP83T00573R000100070006-1