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KHARAKOZ, A.Y~-.J CHAWVA, re.P.j BABENKO, V.G.; BLESHINSKIY, S.V.; STATEVP AIX, . . Complex formation in the systems consisting of p~)sphorio aoid - alkali - sesquioxideso Izv.AN Kir.SSR.Ser.est.i tekh.nauk 4 no,91l4l...147 162, (MIRA 16W (Phosphorio aold) (Alkalies) (Iron oxidon) (Complex oompounds) BLESHINSKIY, S.V.;. KHARAKOZ, A.Ye.; C -HAWVA, Ye.P.; ALTYNNIKOVA, P.M.; OSIPOVA, 77: Phosphate method for stripping rare-earth minerals. Izv. AN Kir, SSR. Ser. est i tekh. nauk 5 no.4:17-21 163. (MBA 16: 10) BLESHINSKIY, S V,; KRARAKOZP A.Ye.; LUKIN, I.N.; BABENKO, V.G.; CHALOVA, Ye.P.: riniiadli-ikhastiyes ABRAMOVA, V.F.; VISOGRADOV, V.P.; f USUBAKUNOVP M.; GMBUMOV, V.D.; OSIPOVA, T.P.; NAGAYEVA, A.G.; MEDVEDEVA, V.A.; ALTYNNIKOVA, P.M. Fluosilicic method for separating rare-earth elements. Izv. AN Kir. L;SR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 5 no.4:23-24 163, (MIRA 16:10) BLESHINSKIY) S.V.; KHARAKOZ, A.Ye.; ABRAMVA, V.F.; VINOGRADOV, V.P,; BABENKO, V.T.; XACTIKMAYEVAl S.A.; Prinimali uchantiye: USUDAKUNOV, M.; NAGAYLVA. A.G.; GORDUNOV, V.D.; MEDVEDEVA, V.A.; CHALOVA, Ye.P.; ALTYNNIKOVA, P.M. Method for separating rare-earth elemeSte based on the thermal dissociation of sulfates. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 5 no.4:25-26 163. (MDA 16:10) KH&WOZ, I.I.; SOLOTIM. S.F.. red.; ANCKHINA, M.G.. tekhn. red. [1conomic aspects of collective farming in the Chu Talley] Toprosy ekonomiki kolkhozov Onuiskoi doliny. Frunze, Akad. nauk KirgizWwi SSR. 1958. 59 -P. (KIU Ilt?) (Ohn Valley-Collective fame) M F. -- ". Vef!etati~,T propagation of 'D!oF,(,rrrja ca-,,Ci.:,i(a, r ~ I r,,.3z4r-12- 405 165* (YTRA 18:10) 1. Vscsoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatullokly lnstltut i:,-s--11,--hnyl,:h I efiromao3lebryl-h kulltur, Krainodar. U33R / -..'.eadow Cultivution. L Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 69 1959, No. 24752 Author t Geydman, T. S.; Kharakoz, M. F. Inst i Moldavian Affili*aT Title Towards the Problem of Using Meadow Vegetation In the No-.,thwestern Part of the Kodras (Moldavian SSR) Orig Pub izv. Moldavsk. fil. AN SSSR, 1957, NO lo 45-75 Abstract By the method of Itinerary geobotanical investigations and by means of station observations in 1954, the species composi- tion, structure, developmental dynamics and economic value of the grasses of meadow vegetation In the upper reaches of small- rIver valleys, as well as of those in Card 1/3 -101A r cultivat'1011 I L Abe jour Rof Zhur - BioloE;Iya, No 6, 1959, No. 24752 foroat glades and borders, were established. The assembled data showed that the meadows In tho northwestern part of the Kodras possess great economic value. Re first early mowing or sowing on hay-producing meadow lands of the Kodras is Inefficient, leading to a loss of almost half of the mowed mass obtainable in a single but vaodern harvest. Under mowina conditions In the phase of efflorescence (1st decade of July), it Is possible In one or two years to Introduce a two-harvestIng regime with the second mowInG In ono month after the first one. It is recom- mended to begin afforestration of part of Card 2/3 4 USSR 'Moadow Cultivation. L n4 -1-4 - ?,I- C I KHARALANOV, L. -, jrt).,orv-rj, ct' aeror-'i!ils. 1"1;7 o t: . N I , ',~ t i I ~~. : (1: 1", 164. 1 1. llef;d, Joint Xil I i_-, ry ri --~e " en ; rt 1 : . i I : r-I~ of the Vcluntnry Civ-.'] Voifenro 01-rar. zitio:-. F(XP,. YJWULANOV, Kh. Ophthalmoneurological symptoms in carotid Insufficiency syndromes. Suvr. mod. 16 no.U 1736-743 165 1. Hatedra po nervni bolesti (rukoveditel: prof. S. Eozl,.inov) Vissh meditsinski institut, Sofiia. Etiology, pathogeresis and clinical aspects of cnr~Aid in- sufficiercy. Suvr. med. (Sofi'ia) 15 no.10:3-14 16-1. BOZHINOVO S.; UZUN,)Vt F.; RHARALANOVi.Kh. lz~~~~ Acute necro-~ic encephalitis (Coxsackie B virus infection?). Suvren med., Sofia no-7-8:141-146 160. (COMACKIE VIRUS infect) (ENCITHALITIS etiol) IORDANOV., Borig;lav Iv.; KHARALANOV, Kharalan 11. On the problem of heredity in epilepsy. Naucb. tr. vissh. mad. inst. Sofia 35, no.6*.45-57 160. 1. Predetavena, ot dots. S Bozhinov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po nevrologlia. (EPILEPSY genetics) ;2iRISTOV, V.,, fivikj 1WRAIAN'OVp Kh., lekar Atomic dEmg(:r. Nauka i teM m2adezh no.8:4-5 Ag 157. KHARALANOV, M. Amateur Radio Exhibition at Tlrnovo. "RADIT Ministry of Communications., #11.-12:Nov. 55 KHARALANOV S. . ------- AGRICULTURE H-MM Periodical KOOPEiATr1NO ZEMELIS. No. 9, Sept. 1958. KHARAIANOV, 3. Now sowing machines. p. 28. Monthly List of East Earopean Accessions (FYAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. -- S'.. - How to automatize the stands for regulating the Diesel-motov fuel appara,%Ius. P. 21, (Mashinizirtuto Zemedelic) Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1957, i!''.", ` SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 1-1 November 1957 GAIDAROV, N.; UASLINKOV, Iv.; MONOV, Iv.1 KHMSTOV, M.; KHARALINOV, St.; DIIUTROV, I, Mechanized harvesting of maize. Izv mekh selsko stop BAN ltI15-132 161. KWMIANOV Vaoil,, ml. n. sutr. a --. What viFitity to sow. Biol i khim 4 no -5:59-61 162. 1. Tsentralen nauchnoizeledovatelo)d institut po rastenievudstvo. 1 114091- fly Ififf-f- f At t F~\ 7r-, T V~ p ~1; 71 peda"ll, Ago otopf#Tits )go 00 A 00, 94 c 00 IOU) 0 14 Makew C. 24 W474 (be m d I III be "a #Ad a O"d to ISFUNIK M btf thm ad. wt. im! the out, & rwAKk 6 - .. x Md 0 The dwasim -.-thm d handcois of a p". ch", I , am W'd 4, 1 U " O*Ekm ft thwY becum dwy uwd 00 bl* Ju with axis I 10 "C M. Its " work the is '3 hydrialift %,a dMk" by adda. of citric vW. Sald. OkW N K~CrA to A414% 4WAdmis at 220 Is admin coa "s4OAO1Md1xkscKwWwd.F%( 0a),diffusks into MWAW 4411114. OJS N KI and OAIQI M dtdc wW at 314* 69" " OM stirlit"low as tbe tbeary wiedided. 'w 4 - I L A WTALLWftC4L Ll"NATWO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isom 00.1n. 131111 4w i1mv Ili in A I 1 0 A 4 3. 0 0 193 41144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 see 400 b4D 0 LO 0 pool 000000.0000000000006* 0000600006*6000000689 I c 0 r 4 is x L 9 it Ono$ tw,",.u .6 a " till &so 0001 00* 000 Ob 002 on so : of& 000 0 0. 00. 060000OP4160906010006 000000004)00000010000: 0 1100 "llowLs so OlUl p3WW -AIAI ms,(nH -"4A3"do. P"" ol ImpiDim via" 0 )o "'J", "a woo 8 vo Nqlwjjjf .11311d na URI 9IR pp -11~ v "a lo j4AIn OR I I --(qu =got Ong w 'A in)y -74- "At -omm mv p -olp- IN m w w T 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a e 0 0 0 0 0 9 98o6040900009 00 00 04 000 I,** 0# 00 v 00 0 00 woo a 00 00 01- A- I Lu-11MILL ' Itaost of krANkew go r"COM6. tm~j. ju M.) S. 75" of AsCrv(-h Union AsNO. Ind KOCIrt") wu ebmvvd In plistim buikit for 1, 2. 3, -411111, 0 I 04 with the dent C4 6411na. it. -00 00 *0 o0 Of 416-SLA 1111ALLURSKAL LITINAVIANG CLAWFICATOM OW af ld~gsq -0 1 .0 *., (149 u It At 00 is It a 0 0 : : :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 400 '300 see age as* x60 bee 00 boo 'bee boo I qo 0 a aw a Tr I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;b~ I - I . tow@ < USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Blood. T Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41187. Author :_XhaE~~~ ~~ S.; Rakitsyanskaya, A. A. Inst : AS SSSIT- -..b Title i Dio-chemical Properties of Human Blood. Agglutino- gens and their physiological Role in the Organism. Orig Pub: Izv. AN BSSR. Ser. biol. n. 1956, No 4, 153-162. Abstract: The investigation of the biochemical and verolo~i_ cal properties of 0, A, B and AB agglutinugens AG) of erythrocytes (E) and plasma of men demonstrated that the AG of E are phosphatides and the AG of plasma-polysaer'-arides, A physiological activity of materials obu._4ned from E and plasma was demon- strated in experiments on dogs; their activity was particularly evident in combination with hetero- plasma, Isophosphatides in combination with hetero- Card 1/2 47 RAKITYAITSKAYA, A.A., KHARAIIWINKO, S.S. Group opecifIcity nne antleenle propertl"s of' leukocyten [Vith sum- mM in Engliah]. Probl.gemnt. i perel. krovi. I no.4:50-51 Jl-.Ag 158 (MMA 11:8) 1. Im Belourashogo naxichno-issledovntellskogo Institute perelivaniya krovi (dir. S.S. Xhnramonenko). (LEUKOCYTES, group-spenificity & antigenin propertion of leul:ccytes (RUB)) (BLOOD GAOUPS, ro -specificity & nntiranic properties of loukocytee IS) M V, on, .1. 1- 7.1-9 :MIA, 'X So Feel"-- ITIV0146.0-sed. *~.q .*S TOO -1-.too j ...... VS&AI ..4. 1.12, 041~ .. 1: PO. t ;oj IMS.. t-%..d. ;:R..l -VT- ZI ... .... T~T.- -744-4. -Isal vq% xq .%I-- P0.2 R1. I.XUp - :1-1- -I jo JO J-d ftTS"T--S -q% JO ..I!- j-j P.".. - I.. V.xj- q aI- . W*I I "I --A 'R-:-. -9 , x vazo.4. P.~Jvj -7=7 14-C I Z.-.Ipjo UT 2111127--d J. P~qs.. I" to t.. P.;X.O. .1 r.;.omw.O -9sues.16 Pat" J. .a-TUIT. % ."Rsm jo e.p.. . P.S.021" UTXROOo -A -0 .40TI-ml- al"s Aej OF ~Mew q% v Telex. Fee -10. at q%v*,w.jO jo m I .... : ,n P..T- -X-M-9 'A doot oa-MO-1p V- Lai .9-m-OTP 4-do O.Tsvol't -I-riq,,l --T Oj.Tj.j- ;6".d.7p 4- 1" P.0-46TV In- r-12do jo -T-In-S JUTIRT" JOT;:js.vjjdd.- Plot; OR% Few z.vzma" 0" ?..11- IQ a *T I U.TvadOTT -juseli* V~Jvi -_Oluj WIT W-Tea-dovp Fd.T .001d.1 . a ., r f. Del.oll. RI.TU P.Mols." OZO -02".d. T.Sl;g. . . I. Flo ;".Ivg J70.1-Too, . To""OT velpodsu.0 AD WT 'T -x I-VORS"s *1 .;qz 4.7,m "Twowalog 1017"u) -2c3t-wWvI-f SO4.1m,"; zl3m."TSTJ elm rm O"o,e, on Van .0 at" JO T1114-i'ON I PUSIJ 4.31wa"44% to S-Iv-wZeo ".1403% ws ... qa (x=A) 91-" ad -t as 16S6& -USS go" IT-V.XT 3qT-SOOA I W-31o"alt"a ad qxT3m*--I-q Z%OqvI0 o . ..... T-41 Pro Ad"s-40"s TI-u "Is 83 -sall.-Tos -is-wolou A mr %A*vv=Qj*6 wr.-t-woVAm sy -I-TO-vocy I -g -"ud.. ITOICC33M szlm 'Taus" (ONIM" RAKITLUISKAYA, A.A.; KIMAMONEW I-.--,------. Effect of blood phosphatides on hemopoiesis. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi-5 rio. lls2l~26 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (PHOSPHATIDE) (HENATOPOIETIC SYSTEM) MARK7,311CH, S.V.; KIIARANUIM-7,2. S.S. (Kharamonenka, S.S.]; GO:'J)JIIOV, P.T. (Ifarbunouy f-. T-S-.T;-RAK-HOVSKIY, Ye.7. [Stakhowki, IA.V.]; VOLOKIIANOVICIIJ, A.I. (Valakhanc.vich, A.I.]; BUIDAREITO, II.T. [Bandarenka, M.TS.) Radiolysis of polyglukin solution. Vestsi 9; BSSR Ser. biial. nav. no.3:107-113 164 (MIFA 18:1) MIARAMONENKO, S.8. Determining the compatibility of the blood of donors and recipients by electrophoresio of erythrocytes. Probl. genat.i rel. krovi 6 no.ls43- 7 161. MRA 3,4Q) = GROUPS) (BLOOD-TUNSFUSION) (ERYTHROCYTES) LAVROVA# L.V. Antigenic propertiw of high polymeric polysaacharides isolated frm protein and synthetic blood oubstitutes. Problegemat.i perele krovi lno.103-56 Ja-F 156t (KM 3-01) 1e Iz Belorunskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta pereli- vaniya kravi (dir, - S*S. Kharamonenko). (POLYSACCARIDES) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (PROTWS) (BLOOD PLASMA SUBSTITUTES). KHARAMOIWMO. S. S. ItChemical origin of htumn blood iso- and heteroagglutinogens and their physiologic role. " rc-port submitted for 10th Cong, Intl Soc of Blood Transfusion, Stockholm, 3-6 Sep 64. SUBJECT USSR/MATI[EMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/1 PG - 416 AU TE, OR SLOBODECKIJ L.N., CHAR"OVA M.I. TITIE On the uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for quasi-linear symmetric systems of differential equations. PERIODICAL Uspochi riat,, Nauk 11, 4, 155-162 (1956) reviewed 12/1956 Uqually the question on the uniqueness of the solutions of the Cauchy problem for non-.lire&r partial differential equations in the region of non-analytic fl.inctions is reduced to the questior of the uniqueness in the linear case. The authors show that in case of some (so-called symmetric) systems of first and sezond order the c 'jueetion of the uniqueness can be solved nore easily by tEe dire:t consideration of the quasi-linear system. There the coniitions ior the uniqueness correspond to Osgood's conditions for the uniqueness of the so!-ation of the Cauchy problem for systems of ordinary differential equtitions. Under a syvimetric system the authors comprehend systems ra 2u n1 2U u u ~u + f(t X U Aj.j ~x 'bx -dxl x i,j_1 i j n where A A (t,X.u, )u ~u '6u is a Hermitean matrix and A 1 ij ij qt !P TX_ 9-9 I-T ij- ji- I X1 n n 2 Furt~er for arbitrary vectors it is demanded.-. Z (.Lij!~V "M2 J 9T21 USSR/Risice - Acoustics 11 Jan "Propaeation of Sound In a Medium wtth Chance Fluctuations of the Index of Refraction," V.Ytr. Kharanen DAN SSSR, Vol 88, No 2p Pp 253-256 States that subject problem is of interest in the investigation of propagation of sonic rays in the urface layer of the sea in the case of the pres- nce of the jump layer (see V.A. Krasillnikov : "Sound Waves in Air, Water, and Solids" (Zv-ukovyye Volny v Vozdukhe, Vodep i Tverdykh), 1951). Thanks L*H. Brilkhovskikh and M. A. Isakovich for theL- at- tention, Presented by Acad Me A. Leontovich 13 Noy 42. 249T21 h a 0, t1 vi L ~A' V.U'I , AUTHORs Kharanen V. Ya. TITLEt On the Time of Spin-Spin Relaxation in Ifickol Fluooilioate without Constant Magnetic Field (0 vremeni spin-spinovoy relaksatsii vo ftorosilikate v otautetviye postoyannogo magnitnogo polya) PERIODICALt Izvastiya Akademii Nauk, Vol. XX, #11, pp 1245-1250 1956, USSR, Serlya fizicheekaya ABSTRACTs A theoretiotl expression in the case of absence of a constant magnetic fiele. is found for the spin -spin relaxation time, if the monocrystal of nickel fluosilicate XiSiP6' 12H20. The article uses the method of moments and is based on works by Shaposhnikov (1), Broer (I.) and Van Card 1/2 Vleck W- L 13511-66 AG.", NR: AP6007035 SOURCE CODE; HU/0018/65/017/003/0232/0237 AU111OR: Vecsei, Pal--Vechei, P.; Kemeny, Armand; Ifarangozo, Xxr1'a--Kha'rangozo, M. ORG: National Institute of Rheumatism and Balneolory (Orsaagos Rheuma es Intezet) TITIE: Studies with tritium-labellel steroidi S(Ulir,E! Kiserleten orvostudbminy, v. 17p no- 3, 19650 232-237 TOPTC TAGS: radioisotope, tracer study, rat, endocrinology, gland, rullmal. phy3iology, tritium, hormone, bio.-4.,nithesis, corth-ooteroids AWTRACT: This is the first time that H3-labelled steroids wom used for experinental purposes in Hungary. As the results of the first steps in this direction, the following has been shown. 1) The H3-corticosterone experiment gave comparable results In the controls and in rats in the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome. 2) The ability of the rat adrenals to incorporato the activity of H3-progesterons under various non-physiological conditions luts been Investigated. In addi- 'kion to the most often studied compoundst corticosterone and aldozterane, the Iriosynthesis of two recently isolated steroid3i 18-OH-corticosterone and 0 ?0X&0 1c.R6hRr6kjhas ee7 s8ud art.o~ s: ires.[JM"l 26W kF:0r&6 4 f 6V ffie REF: 2 ard M M"fKgj. N.- -N. Kharwiyan, N. N. - "Physiological and Anatomical Peculiarities of Ramose Wheat in Connection with Its Productivity under Irrigation Conditions." Inst of the Physiology of Plants imeni K. A. Timiryazev of the Acad Sci USSR,, Moscow, 1955 (Dissertation for Degree of Candidatt or Biological Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 23, Moscow, June, 1955, PP. 87-104. k)e A, A '~ :A t IrAg'alfan, N. S. ilctlutiv maA N~ N. Kharany(in (K. A. TimirYIZC7 Imt. Plant Raitemil 3, whmt W ZaLietinsk Variety) Ww; ClIrli-Nifell allat(nnically will? the Common f ~ileat; file struct trat diffemices -ire doaiki. nict-rfmoi. in7 wh "at r-poue s more readily to Irrig-4thn, Mums highrr ~, lflr-~- ~~,Wfick -Ituinp, kishi.ig and Ow fi,mimlwi, I milk tipvov!;i ~hr !~ytiflw~i~ vanl-lir.4 :~ ing ftpla-cil tw I detected. Dry natter build up, %tarch, aml N contents %vi-fe low,r in branching will-;, t iiii'l-thr "(."fq cooIaim"I x1lount.; Of th!w ulairri.d.-, than ill wh-.-A. drooght cimiliti-ms the Imiodtito, wheat 6- !Wisfaclo-,' r";Illts. G~ M. PETINOV, N.S.; KEARANYAN9 N.N. Effect of;nineral nutrition on tho wator rogimon and yields of rice. Izv. AN SS3R. Ser. biol. no.33380-388 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 1317) 1. Institute of Plant Physiologyj Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (RICE-FERTILIZERS AND MJ=RES) (RICE-IRRIGATION) KHARANT4 Characteristics of respiration and the oxidation-reduction processes in rice grown under different nutritional conditions. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.ltl95-198 Yq 163. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Kursanovym. (Rice-Fe*rtilizers and manures) (Plants-Respiration) (Oxidation-laeduction reaction) --- KHARANYAN, N.N. - - --- ------- - - - Some physiological characteristics of the root system of rice under various conditions of mineral nutrition. Fiziol.rast. 9 no.4:488- 492 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. K.A.Timiriazev Institute of Plant Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (RICE--FERTILIZERS AND MANURES) (ROOTS (BOTANY)) f~,xpoicity of the wi it:nj, a tw n in,,, .I their drough' ,-(,,.g,,sUtnce. no. I Vb C."', (Ill f RA 3-8; L !-!rs'Kva. .,ultilt fiziologli. rastenly imen; Vm.'ry,~.,zeva 11- -- E in r 1L Ill'i p j64 I~V Olt kit IMARIN, N.N.;_kWA~ivvjrly, Ya..L., prof., red.; SPERANSKIY, V.A. . red. [Mathematical logic and the theory of sets; relation between the abstract and the concrete) Matematicheskaia logika i taoriia mnozhestv; o sootnoshonii abstraktnogo i konkretnDgo. Mloskva, Rosvuzizdat, 1963. 191 P. (VI IRA 17: 6) USSR/Medicine, Veterinary - Epizootics Jan 52 "'_PA_V'ftt-V"h01d Of Yuwi6 in Eerdn;" n.S. Xhanvw, North Caucasian Trust of Stud Farms" "Veterinariya" No 1, pp, 23-31 Discusses frequent outbreaks of paratyphoid of .4 young horses in herds. The animals are affected according to their ages, causing disease (produced by Bact-paratyphi abortus eghi): abortion in mares, arthritis in colts, and paratyphoid in younger horses. Three basic manifestations of the disease are septic, Intestinal, and lumbar. Occasionally, 233T9 thougb rarely, a case combines all 3 forms. Fre- quently, the disease runs a concealed subacute course, and diagnosis can be established only by aerological tests. 'Author recemmends for diag- nostic purposes bacteriol examns for paratyphoid of pathological material obtained from sick or dead horses, and serological. reactions of comple- ment fixation or agglutination. In the treatawt of paratyphoid in young horses, the author room- &ends better sanitation in herds, prevention of vorm infections, and the use of ASD, sulfanthrol, and penicillin in subacute stages of the disease. Author stresses the importance of considering t'hib diseaza as m distinct, self-contained epi- zootic disease. 233T9 (15) Cl' td--i for Cptical cf E-Lz7th 1^~-O. 23 5C0 mr,~t F~:dn. Ed.: C. A. Ed.: D.'Ye. Sl~--hgoluv; Occm-t---/. C.. A. for uc:!x-utlGtj r-n-l Latificial n t '-'7 -1 fz t 1 7 -,1.- - L of a cb. c P f..~r its 41' Ial t*-.N 4 t"t of nat.!' -I-' tc,-a. N, "I'!o a:~-~p r ti Oi: p ar:i 14 r.~far,!:.caa, cLU Scv1,A. C=I 1/3 1.1a c, I' C-1 ]3. -n rf a Y'. F. 3 'A- In Of V- rr --;I, (A.'-- z-r ca! of ci,nnrca ,:f th,2 of Sitclll t,~,a r th to 11~,h TZ Supplied Wi I a Pho zzw~ra fc. 1'L(jI.c~,rapIdn8 the Lfrbu 'DL:I,tw.taw.,, L. T., tvAl V. '~. '.Iarairat. A D.-vice for 11.cgltitr~Alcn of a sa"Alitn's of Ita Variation Card 2/3 Ditllutin of tYj-- Station3 (Cont.) Sr'115576 NiMlov, N. S., ej-.d N. P. Krilin,:ov. (People 'a Rel-ablic of S-Dfla Antronc-aical CIzermtory) P,!rica of tto Drir~itn--i5 Varl-i'LiGn of t:.r, Rocl:at of Sputnil~ 1II Cbservnd in the Sollia Astror=lcal 12 V. N. (Oa,~jr;%aya atantolya nablyul-niiya T-1Z. C~LOjn Satullit,.! 'Arackin:,, Station] Variation of the Period of R.-,*ation of Sputnik 1! 14 Ro5ults of Photc,7rafaic Obocrrationz of Artificial Earth Satellites 20 Corrections (Of '.'0. 10, 1959, Nos. 4 and 5, 1960) 23 AVAILABI-11: Libinry of Congress Card 3/3 lo-zT-61 BUKRUTSEVA L.T..; MfRA~LTIJ.M. Device for the registration of a satellite's brightness and the determinatIon of the period of its variation. Biul.sta. opt.nabl.J.ok.sput.Zem. no.8t9-12 160. NM 140) (Artificial satellites-Ti-acking)(Photometr-y) KHARAS,---A, Systems for the encouragement of administrative workers In pro- duation. Sots. trud no,2:67-73 F 158o (KMA Utl) (Bonus system) GMERSUMICH, I.; =". nauchnyy sotrudnik New features in the remuneration of technical personnel and cle-,-Jcal workers. Sots.trud 4 no.1:118-126 Ja 159, (MrRA 12:,,,!) 1. Nachal Inik otdela truda I zarabotnoy platy javoda imeni Vladitilre, Illiche (for Gershkovich). 2. Nenchno-issledovatel'skiy institut truds, (for lbaras). (Wages) KHARAS, A.; YANSON, F. Paying bonuses to engineers, technicians and office empl-3yees for reducing production costs. Biul. nauch. inform.- trud i zar. plata 4 no.9-28-33 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Costs, Industrial) (Bonus system) 0 l 0 o g 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 o ; 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 AP 11 IS a V 0 P a 0 L I &I ft A L L IJI AA M t-t of I 00 ..Of o9 ; 00 A; WW STU&404 acids abUbsed bi aildstion of paraft in the 00 mallulactliff Of *KF- V. 84VOIRTIOV A'WU it. Kl4AftA,% ZASIO"w 10,1., - 0 411 00 r 19$A. No 3. 42 7 the lyalticlk- "is van rmly ImMally tirl4atv 1tw v% p,jmVqr ,j, in the 1-fri'll of "fi%#Arf.wv .%arm 00 00 00 00 -00 fe s -00 o0 f 00 j 00 ib age, so* 60 Z! 04 tie* oft ties , 00 [Iua AV 0 A I, IV trip eta sit NO Rall K V Ow 0 W 4 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dk 4 T 0 0 0! 0 4 0 O :* 0 0 0,411 0 0 0 0 111 * 0 0 0 41 4 : 41 0 411, 0 0 a 0 4011140 KAGANOVICH, Raisa Semenovna; SWDAROVA, N.I.; KHARA , K.K.; TIKHOHOVA, V.I., nauchn. red.; ISH, N.N., red.; BARLNOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Teaching the course "Cookery" in vocational and technicaL schools] Prepodavanie kursa "Kulinarlia" v professionallno- tekhnicheskikh uchilishchakh; razrabotki urokov. Moskvaj Proftekhizdat, 1963. 126 p. (MIRA 17:4) L"PATOVA, Nina Ivanovna; STEPANOVA, Ollga Mikhaylovna- KHARAS K.K., nauchn. red.; ISH, N.N., red.; TOKER, EMSOMW . red. (Industrial training of cooks] Proizvodatvennoe obuchenie povarov; metodicheakoe posobie. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 187 P. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Zameatitell direktora, po uchabnoy rabote professionallno- tekhnicheskogo uchiliahcha No.10 Leningrada (for Lipatovs). 2. Star6hiy master proizvod5tvennogo obuchenlya professic- nallno-tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha'-No.10 Leningrada (for Stepanova). I (Cooking schools) Piz a X1 t" . 01.6 it ic i41 lit q;; P it 14 1 I P- -4 I S/194/61/000/0008/031/092 D201/D304 YUMHOILS: Anders, VJI. , llcretidc., T.K. and Kharas, N.L. TITIE: A pneutnatic output control chromatograph xnplin (NMR-I.P) FI-A'RIODIC4%: Refcrativnyy zhurual. Avtoinatika i radivelektronika, no. 8, 1961, 37, abstract 0 V236 (V sb. Vopr. pnev- mo i gidroavtonzatiki, M., A14 Sa"SR, 196C, 162-166) TEXT: A note on the design of a regulator controlling the composition of gaseous media and Wnsed on a recording chromatograph. The instrument operates an follows: The analyzed gan, trIxed with the carrier, in passed throtigh a cliromatographic colunu, filled by a special sorbent. Tiie constituents of the ,.nalyzed gas pass through the column with velocities depending ., on their adsorpticri properties and appear consecutively at the output of the column as a binary mixture vrith the carrier gas. Every mixttirc, proceeds then to the measuring elenent of the detector, in which its thencial co-Luluctivity Card 1/2 KHAIIAS, Z. B., inzhener (Molotov) ;KL'UH, I.K.. inzhener (Holotc-0. ,- - - Assembly of yacuum columns in large sections. Stroi.lTed. neft. prom. 2 nool:19-22 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:3) . (Petroleum-Rofining) GONITZLI, K.I., Inzh.; MARAS, Z.B., insh,(Xoskva) Advanced *ethod for assembfing rectifying columns. Stroi.pred.neft. prom. 2 n6.8:22-21 Ag 057, (KIRI, 11:1) (Petroleum refineries-Xquipment and ouppliee) AUTHOR: Kharas, Z. B., Engineer (Moscow). 95-11-5/14 TITLEb Industrial Construction Methods In Designing Petroleum .Industry Installations, (Proyektirovat' neftezavodskoye oborudovaniye s uchetom industriallnykh metodov stroitell-stva). M.IODICAL: Stroitellstvo Predpriyatiy Neftyanoy Promyshlenncnti, 1957, W Us ppe 14-16 (USSR), AWTRACT: One of the most complicated groups of construction in the mounting of the technical equipment of mineral oil works if; that of the tube furnace. When enlarging tube furnaces it is necestary frequently to screwdown the sheet metal furnace lining by meanL, of bolts. In some furnace constructions parts are riveted together. For many years it has been found useful to replace the numerous shaped bricks by blocks of refractory concrete. Recent experience gained in assembling indicates the necessity of revising existing projects for tube furnaces, in that constructional parts should be supplied in large blocks by the p3.antB where they are produced, and, if possible, parts should be welded togetl~er instead of being screwed together. Card 1/2 Considerable interest is caused by the experience gathered in assembling Bdustrial Construction Designing Petroleum 95-11-4/14 Tmdustry Installations. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 the rectification columns which have been repeatedly used in the Lyubertsy Petroleum ReflAery. If one considers the great intensity of work and the time it takes to assemble the disks of rectification columns, it wiLL be found neceseary to revise the regulations for assembling and welding the disks and also revising their diameters as soon as possible. Assembly of the heavy apparatus requires many workers and is very complicated. The assembly of the technological equilitelit and Qf buildings on the site where the plant is to be erected is of great importance. The project at present being worked out of new technolow gical plants differ considerably from those already under construc- tion. Planning-9 constructional- and assembly-engineers must come to an agreement as to the technology of assembling metal constructions, technological apparatus, and buildings. It is therefore advisable to place draughts of technological plants, which are still in a preliminary stage of construction, at the disposal of such organia zations as are occupied with the building and the assembly of the plants concerned. I There are 4 figures and I Slavic reference. Library of Congress. KUW. Z. B. I If I fficiOnt schOmO for assembling combined petroleum refineries. Nov. tokh. mont. i spets. rab. v strol. 21 no.2:7-11 F 159, (MIRL 12:1) l.Vsesoyuxny7 nauchno-issledovatel'skly instit-A po stroitellstvu. magietralinykh trubaprovodov. (Petroleum refineries-.-Equipment and supplies) MAUS, Z. B., inzh. Transportation of large heav7 apparatus. flov. takh. zont. I spots, rab. v stroi. 21:27-30 Je 159. t)GRA 12:8) (Fetroleum industry--Xqaipment and stxppliea) ATCHENKO, Te.A., inzh. MARAS, Z.B., insh.; IGIL Optimum load capacity of tovor hoists in assembling vertical apparatus for petroleum refineries. Prom. stroi. 37 no-7:57-60 JI '59. (HIPA 121.10) (Petroleum refineries--Equipment and supplies) (Hoisting machinery) iMiUS. Zakhariy Borisovich; FEREVERZEV, V.V., red.; RASTOVA, G.V., vedushchiy red.; VORDHOVA, V.V., tekbn. red. [Rigging o rations in installing equipment tit potroleum refinerieerTakelazhrore raboty pri montazbe oborudovaniia nefteperer,abatyvaiusbahikh zavodov. Moskva, Gos.ngilchnc- tekhnalzd-vo neft,i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 258 (NIRA 15:1~9 (Petrolm refinerie a-Equipw tit and supplies) I KHARA31 Z.B., inzh. The coefficient of uafety of steel cablev in the assembly of elements and parts. Mont. i spots. rab. v stroi. 24 no.7:29-29 -ri 162. (MIM 15:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitellnoy promyshlemiosti. (Hoisting machinery-Rigging) YURGELI, B.I., inzh.;jHAW.,,-Z.Bc- Flow sheets for hoisting vertical apparatus and equipment. Mont. i spetso rab. v stroi. 23-2t'462,'' (14IM 15s6) 1. Glavnoye upravleni)ni po montazhu obori;dovaniya neftpmoy promyBhlennosti 14inisterstva stroitellstva. RSFSR i Nauchno- iseledovatelfaldy inatitut stroitelonoy Favwyahlezuwti. (Hoisting machinery) M I OLOKANOV, Yurly KonstwitiiiovIch;.-MARAS_, Zakhariy Borisovkh; ZILIBMBEFI,G, D.L., inzh., retaerizent; ScITATITSKX-,'A, K.P., ved. red.; FOLOSDIA, A.S., tekhn. red. (Assembly of apparatus and equipment of petroleum, and gas refineries and petrochemical I)Iants] Mortazh apparatov I oborudovaniia neftegazopererabaty-vaiustichikh i nef-zekhi-.rd- cheskikh zavodov. Moskva, Gootopt.s.3khi-.dat, 1963. 3-1442 p. (14111A 17:2) KMRAS7 Z.B., inzh.; FEDOROV, V.M., inzh. Heavy-duty trailers for transporting heavy and large technical equipment, Mekh,stroi. 20 no.5t28-31 My 163. (MIRA 16:4) (TrOk trailers) GALIPERIN, M.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; KIIARAS, Z.B., inzh. "Planning the organization and execution of assembly work; basic designs of rigging equipment" by M.P. Demat and otbers. Reviewed by M.I. Gallperin, Z.B. Kharas.'Mont. i apets. rab. v stroi. 25 no.501-32 My 163. (MM 16:7) (Hoisting maebinery--Riggin (Dematj M.P.) (loselovskii, 1.7.1) (Koperin, V.V.) (Nikullshin, W.D.) (TSukerman, D.P.) arstaliall V. - On fundamental solutloas of denumerabli ms of Wereatial eiluations. Izvtstfya Akad. Nituk I'te Gyr T izah, SSR 10~0, no, 97, Ser, Mat. Meh. 4, 98-108 A j (1950). (Rustian) In this rind the following four reviews the general topic anti rvIcvant relerences are the earne. Tlic references are as follows: Lyapuaov, Probl6nie gWral de la stahiliO du UAth4MALti0&l RGAGWG mouvernent, Pr nceton, 1947 [thcse Rev,!? 34-We Vale 14 not e livemiya Abdi Karat%. f~SR 1948, no. S6, Ser. Mat. Meh. Sept# 1963 2, 3-35; Aka4. Nauk SSSR. Prik]. Mat. Mch. 14, 23-44, 1 635-650 1950): DoklAdy Akad. Nauk WR (N.S.) 14, ' Analysia - 541-543 ( 193~): 63, 22(W32 (1948) [these Rev. 14, 47; 1 ~1, .520; 12, AOO, 10, 299; see also the preceding review]; tiarnsahal, Wyetitiya Akad. Nauk I(3zah. SSRJ949, no. 60, ~ Ser. Nlat. Nlah-1, 77-84 [these Rev. 14, 48],610alkin, C. R, Moklady) Acac. Sci. URSS (N.$.) 18, IS9-162, 162-164 (19 1 sy - - In ill these~pnpers the basic -;pacc is the holifided Subset -I -rT r, V h V (1) 14(10) PHASE I BOOK 16"APLOITATION SOV/1283. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. Sektor matematiki i mekhaniki Trady, t. 1 (Transactions of the Mathematics and Mechanics Section, Kazakh S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, v. 1) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN Kazakhakoy SSR, 1958. 207 P. 2,500 copies printed. Edit.: Vaslavskiy, N.A. and Shevchuk, T.I.; Tech. Ed.: Rorokina, Z.P.; Editorial Board., Akuohskiy, I.Ya., Archashnikov, V.P., Zhautykov, O.A. (Reap. Ed.), Zhilenko, L.G. (Reap. Secretary), Molyukoy., I.D., Strelltsov, V.V. PM PagE: This book is intended for scientists, and students taking senior physics and mathematics ca"Ges at vuzes. COMUR: The book contains contributions by scientists in Kazakhstan in the fields differential equations, theory of elasticity, algebra, nomography, calculation by machine, theory of plasticity, mechanics of a medium of variable mass, etc. rt is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the organization of the Sektor mate- -natiki i mekhaniki Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (Mathematics and Mechanics Sec- tion, Academy of Sciences., Kazakh SSR.) Car L 1/ 4 V,ansactions of the Mathematics (Cont.) TIME OF CONTENTS: SOV/1281 Zhautykov, O.A. Mathematics in Kazakhstan During the Soviet Period &autykov, O.A. On One Partial Differential Equation of the First Order of,a Countable Set of Independent Variablen With a Countable Set of Parameters Kuiakova, R.V. On Stability in a Finite Time Interval Kh3xasakhal., V. On the Stability of Linear Systems of Differential - 17q-u_afi_ons df-the 2nd Order Bedellbayev, A.K. -Certain Tests for the Distinction Between Safe and Unsafe Sections of the Boundary of the Stability Region of One Class of Auto-control Systems Pentkovskiy, M.V. On the Evaluation of Error of Computing Alignment Points by Nomograms and on Their Best Transformation 5 25 41 46 50 62 Card 2/ 4 Almost periodic solutions of simultaneous differential equations. Izv.AN Usakh.SSR.Ser.mat. i nekh. no.7:72-76 '59. (NIU 12:5) (Differential equations) KURASkML, V. Kh. Almost periodic soluvions of simultaneolls differnetial e4tiations. Izv.*11 Kazakh.SSR.Ser.mat.i. inekh. no.8:82-97 159. (MIR& 13:5) (Differential eqluttione) 1 7 KE.ARASAKRA . V.1h. (Alma-Ata) A generalization of the Bohr and naugeboLuer theorem. Prikl mt. i 'makh. 23 no.3:595 Mr-,Ta '59. (MIRA 12.:5) (Differen'tial equations) ~HAWAEIAL, V.~). (AlMa-Ata) Almost periodic solutions of nonlinear systems of differential equations. Priklomat.1 makh. 24 no-3:565-567 My-Je'60. (MIRA 13:10) (Differential equations) 2~774 S/020/6'/7~9/00~/004/017 %too 00 C"I/C333 0'0 AUTHORs Kharnsakhal. V. Kh. TITLEt A method of investigating linear sy9tems of differential equations with qi2asiperlodic ~oefficlerts PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk S33R. Doklady. ;9. r- 2. "-)6! 3 .3!5 TEM The author oonsiders the ajetem dx n .a ~ T P x (a ,n) d' 4h- sk k Khere P k~l sk Pnk (t) are qua-giperi-cidic with -~!czrmon b ti:3 e so that P F whe.-e P .,I ) are sk sk Sk I ~!~ -)n .4 n,.10,.18 periodic functions -if the u with F.---ricdq 0 e k ';Ystem M zx 4L F~ (U U x A -rj (2) M Card It ItWI WWI 25774 S102 6,/,.zc?/oo.-,/ 01/017 '0 C!J-. A method r~f investigatirg linear is set up, L9t X, ;k (-.1 11 T. (,I, u k M be n solutions of (2) such thqt the di-ig.:,,nal furi:*IoT,~S X, x (k 11) .k nk .Form a fundamental system of the of Le t X ( t + 0 t + &-~I + sk rV Ik P* (9.k - -n)t Assume that the !3yetem has the property chat from J(t...-Ot ) '~ " , , + 17 x0- -0(0~'-, (4) 13, n sn (general solution of (1), -, k-' ccnslants) !'I follow:,: C Ird 21f 25774 S/020 61/'39/002/004/017 A method of investigating linear C!11~033 X, (t + (,31'...' 4Q.+Wm) OJ (t+01,., " tt0m) + 11.1 + 3 1 al + a X ( t + U1, t + 0 ) .~ n an I m This property is called condition and is assimed to be satisfied, Let a be the matrix (a sk ) and E the unit matrix.. The equation is - JE 1- 0 (6) is called characteristic equation of (1). It is stated: 1. (6) does not change, if (1) iB subject to a non-degenerated 11inear transformation with quasiperiodie., coefficients with common frequency base Pm- II. The roots of (6) do not depe'nd on the choice of the fundamen- tal system of (~).' III. To every root Xk of (6) there corresponds a solution Card 3/* 25 7 74 S102016111391002100410-7 A method. of investigsLtJng linear C111/C333 x9( t) - lp s ( t) eoLie of where ~sw are quasiper-..odi,.~ fur..:~tions * I M J, 1n ),k constants (some can vanish). k 1It1 63 M m IV. can be brought Into a system with constant coefficients by a Its. non-degenerated linear transformation with quasi peric"dic Coeff4-14., The author thanks B. M. Levitan, Professor, for advices. There is I Soviet-bloc and I non-Boviet-bloc reference,. PRESENTEDs March 7. 1961, by J, G. Petrovskiy. Academicla.1 SUBMITTED: March 1, 1961 Card 4/4 KHARA5AKHALp V.KIr. Method for Investigating linear systems of differential equations with quasi-periodical coefficients. Dokl. 0 SSSR 139 no.2:313-315 J1 161. (MIRA 1417) 1. 1'redstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Differential equations, Linear) AU'MOR: .TITLE: Kharasakhal, V. Kh. 41hh7 Z;/044/62/000/009/009/069 AO60/AOO0 On almost7periodic solutions of differential equations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matemat1ka, no. 9, 1962, 26 27, abstract 9BI40 ("Tr. mvkhan. matem. fak..Kazakhsk. un-t", 196o, v. 1, no. 2, 248 - 259) TEXT: For the system d n X6 17-1 n) dt _/ , Par rn I with almost-periodic p sk (t) the Floquet problem Is solved. For this, t~ogether 'with (1) the system ')x m C m y 8-E F u )(a n) (2) Ur sr (Ull '2'-"' m 0~.ri r-i T-1 S/0414/62/OW/009/009/069 On, almost-periodic solutions of... A060/AOOO is considered:"where the P are suoh that F (t, t'...' t) = p (t) according sr sr sr to the definition of almost-periodioity. If kx.(u,..., u)j is a solution of equations (2) then t xa(t,..,, t)~ is a solution of equations (1). The funda- mental system of solutions xsk (t,..., t) obeys a sufficiently rigorous con- dition. which, when satisfied, allows one to write out an equation analogous to the characteristic equation, which trakes It possible to ascertain the form of the solutions, B. F. Bylov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Carti 2/2 KHARASAKHAL, V. Kh. Characteristic Nwnbers of the Line;3x Systerm of Differential Equations with V~xiable Coefficients p. 28 "IRANSAiTI.VS CJF THE ?'ITj d,'DY VII ~11;,.Y Wr'.11 M ATAKAN-I,, 'Y K; Tr 1GLAILkSAICIAL, V. 101. AlmOst-PeriOdical Solutions of the Systems Of Differential Equations . p. 65 TRANSACM~TIS OF ME ?ND RETUBUC.IVI C~,' ,'.D (TRUIrf W,--Moy Irr-m-Timmu"T.- 1-'-) . . .. ~.Tj_I- 1.. 0 [ Y-E'-' 1F14 pageg, publisbed by the Publis',.Ang 111,xire w uic. A- ,q- .? - .. " -! - I - I -!,', --R 9~2 1~ , . ? M , I ZOLOTAREV, Yu.G.; KHARASAKHAL, V.Kh. Structure of solutions and regularity of a system of linear differential equations. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. mat. i mekh. no.10:11-16 162. (KRA 15:9) (Differential equations, Linear) KHARASARIAL, V.Kh, Structure of solutions to and the regularity of linear systems of differential equations with quasi-periodic coefficients. Dokl. AN SSSR 246 no.6.1290-1Z93 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Predstavleno akademikom S.L. Sobolevym. (Differential equations, Linear) matc=tika, Ans. 1ZI3233 AUTH(R: Kapishev, K. K.,! Kharasalhal. V. Kh. The svstem A.. j, 1u Ui j - j Pi n,' r, r - R- wa I N NR AR5()O()734 YdiARASAKIIALY V.fui. A system of I)nrtJal differential equations. Trudy Sekt. mat. meldi. AN Kazakh. SSR 2:3-19 063. (KIRA 16:10) MOM WT(d)PX(Ir)/BDS- LFFTG/IJP(C) 44 AUMSSION NR: AP3004113 - - ---- S/00401631,27/004/06721068Z AVMOR: Kharasakhal. V. Kh (Alma-Ata) TITIE:, Quasilinear systems cf solutions of ordinary differential equations C.SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mckhanika, v. 27, no. 4, 1963, 672-632 TAGS: almost periodic, differential equation, partial differential equation, small -:)arameter ABSrRA(,'T: For investigation ~)f almost-periodicity in solutions of -P (t) X, P W IP.4 W I ~whece I'sk are almost periodic., it is essential to work in a space of-several di- mcn;ior.s. For this problem the author goes from (1) to- a special set of partkal dif:erential equations. This permits him to reduce the problem of almust periodic oscUlations to the problem o;: periodic oscillations. The almost-pariodicity can be ..-haracterized via boundary conditions. The author develops a theory analogous to i-.hat of ordinary linear dii`.ferential equations for this type of partial Cord 1/2 L 7682-65 EwT(d) Pj-4 UP (a) /ASD (a) -5/AWAFFI'R,"FS D (dp Ac 7ESSION NR: AP404930- 9/0361/64/000/002/CO40/0042 AU MOR: -Kharasakhal, V.. Kh. TITLE: Application of the Poincare-Andronov operator to quasi.period- ic so1utions of differertial equations SO1TRCE: AV KazSSR. Izvestiya. Seri-ya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauki--,.-- no. 2. 1964, 40-42 TOPIC TAGS: operator -eqmatIon,-,dIffe,renti&I equation, trarisfarma- ti~in, existence theorem ABITRACT: Given a systelk of di-fferential equatioria d-r,f Xt, X., (S whc. -re fS(t, X1. C xn are functions that are quasiperiodic in t, Card 1/2 It a L 17662-65 AC,,'ESSION NR: AP4049397_____._____ It is proved that in order for the system to have a quasiperiodic so.ution generated by the periodic solution of an auxiliary system of partial differential equation Dxj (Uzi ... us,* whitre xt. - -X.) ane.~ the periodic functioas Ix,, -have the- same periods in the variables ,a s the functions f. (V-iich are the diagonals --3f t it .s neces- sufficient that certain transformation operators iave SP(cified stationary poiits. Orig. art. has.- 6 fnrmulas. AS.' - 0 C1 AT I ON: None SU'UKITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: FA NR REF SOV% 004 OTHM.- 000 Card 2/2 9CHS310N NRI Ap4o33971 S/M40/64/0W/002/MS2~" AUTHOM Kharamakhals Ve Khe TITLEi Almost periodic solutions of differential aqua tiond SOUMls IVUZ. Matemstikop no. 2,, l9am 152-164 TOPIC TAGS: almost periodic solution,, almost periodic oscillationv periodic oscillations almost periodic coefficient, ABSTRLM The author reduces the problem of almost-periodio oscillatioins; to the - probl9m of periodic oscillatiova by a new rAhod he proposes for studyiog solutLone of ordinary differential equations., This wthod is based on passing from,,;ha given system of aquations to one iA partial derivativese, Almost-periaded Icity is characterised with the, help of boundary conlitionse , Using this asWiadq the withor studies linear sysUns with almost-Veriodic coaffiolate dx we + P does .FA6(;E:ISION 'mR*#-A'P'403jj7i-------"' and rostablishes necessary and suffi4ent conditions for reduoibility of such systim. Ho also investigates nonlinear "~om am + (S Part of this work was publishid previously by the author'(Ob odnm mtols isslidovaniya lineyrW*kh sixt4m differentsialirg0kh uravneniy a kyasipecriodichask koefl'itsiyontami. DAN 8=9 be 2391, No. 2. 1961). .orig. art. mat 39 rotmulan. LS=~IMOIIs none SUBMTM t 3IJan62 SUB C WE i X& DATE ACQs o7m%.64 No Rjw sovi oo6 IML s 00 Mm$ 000 BIRYUKOV, Dmitriy Androyevich, prof., otv. rod.; GOLIKOV, II.V.bVr9d.; ZIHKIN, N.V., red.; KARAMYAN, A.I., red.; KUPALOV, P.S., red.; LAPINA, I.A., red.; VASILIYEVA, Z.A., red.; KHARASH. G.A., tekhn. red. (Problems of the physiology and pathology of higher nervous activity) Problemy fizologii i patologii vysshei nervnoi deiatellnoati. Pod obshchei rbd. D.A.Biriukova. Taningradp Yedgiz. No.2. 1963. 192 p. (KRA 16s12) 1. Akademiya maditsinskikh nauk SS.SR, Moscow. 2. DeystviI;el'4*yy chlen AMN SSSR (for Biryukov). (NERVOUS SYSTEM) AUTHORi KHARASH,L.1., SHIMAKOV,11.1., ELIASBERG,S~1. FA - 2392 _-"Irekhanobtll Ynstitute. TITLEt The Problems of Sinter Production. (Problemy agiomeratsionnogo proizvodstva, Russian). PERIODICALt Stall, 1957, Vol 17, Nr 2, pp 106 - 114 (U.S.S.R.) Received, 5 / 1957 Reviewed, 5 / 1957- ABSTRAliTs In connection with the gradual exhaustion of the rich ore deposits and an increase of the yield of poorer deposits, the great quantities of ore have now been subjected to the proceases of agglomeration and sintering. At present the developmeLts resulted in the feed of only two raw materialat the agglomerate and the coke (instead of 4)- It is shown that it is most useful to build a sintering area of 200 qm in the case of new constructions. The "Mekhanobr" Institute developed this project of such a plant and made the following demands: perfection of the technological sinteri,ng-process, improvement of the construction of the plant, far-reaching automation of production, decrease of oost price. The following items are then dealt witht the imperfections of the present sintering-plante; the new technological scheme where the averaging of the charge, the dosing of the fuel., the heating of the charge, and the cooling of the charge layer are described; con- structional solutions for the plant, the new equipment, and the tech- Card 1/2 nical economic indices. Completion of such an experimental plant The Problems of 3inter Production. ASSOCIATIONs PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDs AVA,ILLBLEs A .. 2392 and the construction of new machinery for the sintering process in 1958 - 1960 are demanded. (2 tables, 5 illustrations and 4 oitations from publications in Slav language). Not given. Library of Congress. 137-1957--12-23061 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 27 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kharash, L. I. ------------------ TITLE: Experiments Conducted at a Sintering Plant to Determine the Requirements for the Automation of the Sintering Process (Postanovka opytov na aglome rats ionnoy fabrike d1ya opi-edeleniya u.-,Ioviy avtomatizatsii protsessa spekaniya) PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. i proyektn. in-ta mekhan. obrabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh, 1957, Nr 100, pp 46-65 ABSTRACT: In order to develop methods for the automatic control of processes in sintering plants equipped with machines capable of continuous operation, the range of variations of the parameters (P) of the sintering (S) process and their interrelation were determined experimentally. Series of instantaneous measure- ments (every 2 to 5 min for a period of several hours) of the thickness of the flow of raw material and of the furnace charge (C) were taken simultaneously throughout the mixing line; con- currently, samples of the above materials were taken at a certain Card 1/3 point alorg the conveyor for the purpose of weighing and for 137-1957-12-23061 Experiments C.dnducte& at a; Sintering Plant (cont. ) chemical analysis. The samples for the testing for C and H20 were taken in the machine itself at the time when the charge was placed :)n the grating. Continuous readings of the height of the charge--layer were accomplished by means of connecting the charge flattener to an induction gauge through a system of jointed linkage.s. A continuous record of the velocity of the carts was also mz,intained. In order to control the temperature of the waste gases and to check the completion of the S process, thermocouples were installed not only in the elbows of all 13 chamberk, but also in the upper section of the last five chambers. In the 12th chamber three th.ermocouple5 were installed additionally, namely, two in the vicinity of the sealing gasket of the machine and one in the lower section of the chamber. In order to determine the tempera- ture of he gases under the layer of the material being !;intered, and in order to establish the connection between it and the amouat of C in the charge as well its the relation between that temperature and certain other P's, a battery of IS thermocOUPIC5 Wits Installed in such manner that its bared terminals were located at a distance of 20-3C mm from the surface layer. In order to study the Card Z/3 fracture of the sinter cake before it is dumped from the machine, 137-1957--12-23061 Experiments Conduct*ed-at a: Sint6rilig 'Plant (-cont.-)-. photographs of the fracture were taken at every 5th to 10th cart. The temperature of the gases under the layer being sintered is primarily influenced by the C content in the upper portion of the layer, but is also greatly dependent on the height of the layer, the velocity of the carts, and the moisture content of the charge. A. M. 1. Sintering p1cntz-;,utoi;ztion 2. Sin--cring p1nnts-CherE:cteristics 3. Sinterin- plpnts-Cpar-tion Card 3/3 KHARASH, L.I.:; VOLODIN, Te.Ya. IPffec-, of conditions of hopper filling with mixture on this sintering process Obog. rud, 3 no.2:51-54 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Sintering) . KHARASH,-.;,,.I,- Wayo of improving the production of sinter. Trudy Mekhanobr. no. 122s280-300 159. (MIRA 14:4) (Sintering) (Automatic control)