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ASHIROV, K.B.; GUBANOV, A.I.; KUNIN, 1.1,, ~UiGWCHUV, PU~1. V.S.; GROMOVICH, V.A. Conditions governing the development of* the Kuleshovka oll .field. Geol. nefti I gaza 7 no.10:26-34 0 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy in8titut po proyt-ttirovaniyu i lss'---dovatell- skim rabotam nefteduby-vayushchey promyshlennos"i vu91.o-_bnykh rayonov strany i Kuybyahevneft'. BROD. 1.0.; PEGISHEV, F.A.1 GABRIELYAN, A.G.; OVANESOVY G.P.; SEY-FULI- MULYUKOV, R.B.; SHORNIKOV, B.Ya.; SHIPILIMAN, I.A.; rMNIN, I.L. Oil and gas potential of the Volga-Ural region, the lower Volga Valley, and the Caspian salt-dome region RS rqrts of the northern Caspian oil- and gas-bearing basin. [Tftdy] NILneftegaza no.100-16 163. 1~NMIRA 180) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya geologicheakikh kriteriyev oteenki perspektiv neftegazonoconosti; Upravlaniya neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Verkhne-Volzhskogc i Sredne-Volzhskogo sovetov narodnogo khozyaystva I i Orenburgskoye geologicheakoye upravloniye, KHANIN, 1. 11. Fuel and heat analysis of coke-ovens MoskvR, Metallurgizdat, 1948. 119 p. A U M ECTING DJCTS 1H GJ" DTAL "S or A354idil V911k D OF CALCULATIN T Akad . t W 920. 149T1 IN (1,6vas - Sget, Toch, Scit)p 4 0 K CKE Ovas. 4 5 5 U 6 . . UF C kca;.Sci. OIS junto were made . WN11 kh NaUk T er a Otdal Laboratory 0SP 5W-57,4)- resent a typical (4) 0 , to rep kJxr. 195 , In P'P*o made up I calculations flowing with vater These and theoretics a arisiM t of flues. sistance arrangemen ousi of local re formula for the flue . This d the Sain d to a l e kranchas an r in9tallation s b0tws"'n 1 i on at Jundt a an actual coke ove I Twifla 0 n forvals WA 'Gawal, UM0. regoamended for 9 i s and use CLAIVFKA'" LIVIRAT M or ds At =0 41 g IN,I.M., doteent. Hearth channels vith direct flov in coke oven regenerators. Stall 15 n0-7:579-582 Jl '55. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichookiy institut Ovoke ovens) Iiank Mayerovich Metallurgical Inst) - Acad,,r~Jc Om?--r 0 of Doctor of Teclinical Scienc,~s, 11-w-(I on 'Is d1ofi--ils:), 4 liny 1954 ', in the - R, of h-* c Counc 1.1 rxf, U-1.2 Inst ol Fosoil Fuels of th- Acal Sci U33I- di-sertatim fmtitled: I'Thaor--t'.cal Ea~:es o' Gas !!ov--~~nts In Coke Ovens." Acarlorle clc~-r-n and/or tl-tl~-: Doctor of' Sciences SC: P-2c.lnion~-- of VAK, List no. 127, 21, rec 55, Byullc!t!nl 1,70 3!-,SR Uncl. JPR'~Ty 548 XHLNIII- LU~AIMMA "k-'-4- , professor, doktor takhaichaskikh nauk; I&M , VJ., otvatetvannyy redaktor; SINTAVMYA,To.K., redaktor izdaellstva; AMMY, S.P., takhnicheokly redaktor [Studing the movement of gases in coke ovens by the method of aLmi;ituds] Izuchanis dvizheniia gazov v koksovykh pechakh matodom podobiia. Kharlkove Gos. nauchno-takhns izd-vo lit-ry po cbernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1937. 202 p, (Mlak 10:2) (Coke ovens) (Gas flow) (Bnginaering models) u0i 68-10-6/22 AUTHORS:Khanin, I.M.9 (Dr'&Tebh7.Pc'.)v Yaremehuk; V~A.p and.Kupriyenko, 1-. G _. TITLE: The Use of Radioactive Isotopes for Investigating the Flow of Gases in Coke Ovens (Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov pri issledovanii. dvizheniya gazov v koksovykh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1957, Nr 10, pp'.20-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Possible methods of the application of radioactive isotopes for studies of gas flow in the heating system of coke ovens are discussed. Methods for investigating on models the dis- tribution of gases in regenerators, recirculation of waste &ase3 and mixing of gas and air in heating flues are proposed. oome suggestions as to the application of radioactive isotopes on industrial ovens are also given. It is pointed out that in the process of carrying out such studies the proposed methods can be improved and the field of their application widened. There are 1 table, 4 figures and 13 references, of which 10 are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Dneptropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology (Dnepropetrovskiy Khimiko-Tekhnologicheskiy Institut) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 KH4NIN, I.M.; OpRIUSKOp I.Gv; SIWWOLID M.A*; TAR*EMK~ V.A. Basic trends In the development Of the construction of coke ovens abroad using the underjet gas distribution sy"tem- KOks I khim- n0.7:58-64 160. WU 13: 7) I. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekbnologicheskiy institut, (Coke ovens) KHAVINv I.Mo; IVANOV, S.M.; KA12SYNELIv M.B. Studying the flow distribution in hollow apparatus with different types of gas inlets. Dop.AN URSR no.3016-320 1611. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut. PredstaNleno akademikom AN USSR N*N.Dobrokhotovym. (Gas f2ow) KUNIN, I.M.; LERNMP R.Z.; KUPRIYEUKO, I.G.; FODOLIKHOV, I.S. Wchanism for the turning of twin gas and air valves. Biul. TSIICHM no-4:53 161. (ML14:10) (Coke ovens--Eqaipment and supplies) -41 KHANIN, I.M.p doktor teldin.nauk; GOLIDFAMp E.M.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Temperature oscillations in coke-oven division walls. Koko i khim. no. 5:20-24 161. (~LTM 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichookiy institut. (Coke ovens) I.M.; MI"Ovi, S.I.I.; KAITSYIMLI., M.B. Ifydrody.i,xwdc.q of tho reactor for the rionsaturation pi,oduction of ammoidtim sulfate. Koko i khim. no.7237-42 J1 161. (MIM-14:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy kbimiko-tokhnologichaskiy inatitut. (Aimnoniiin, sulfate) -KHANIN, I.Mf "Gas fitter for coke ovens" by V.A.Leites, M.A.Sheingol% 1A.M. Obukhovskii. Reviewed by I.M.'Khanin. hoks i khim. no.8:58-61 ,61. (M7RA 15:1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnoloFicheskiy institut. (Coke ovens) (Leltes, V.A.) (Sheingol'd, M.A.) (Obukbovskii, IA.M.) KHANIN, I M.- KUPRIYENKO, I.G.,- YARENChM, V.A.; LERNER# R.Z.; PODOLIKHOV, Designing reversible gas-air valves for vombination coke ovens with two-hearth flues. Koks i khim. no.106-38 162. (MMA l512) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut (for Khaniny Kupriyenko, Yaremchuk). 2. Gosplan RSFSR (for Lerner). 3. Dnepro- petrovskiy koksokhinicheskly zavod (for Podollkhov). (Coke ovens) KBNIN,,-,Itl. . doktor tekhn.nauk 1103oke oven firineby E.M.IzraelAtg M.S. Chermnykh. Rsviewed bylcM. Khanin,, Koko i khim, no,12.,62-64 261* MM 25:2) Coke ovene) lzraelit,, E.M.) Chermnykh, M.S.) ~ KHANIN I.M.; KUPRIYFNKOj I.G.; YAFZIqCHUK, V.A. Discussing the article "Control of PVR ovens with separate regenerators in case of heating with coke-oven gas" by G.M. Vollfskii, R.K. Krupatkina, A.I. Ivanov. Koks i kbim. no.4:63-64 162. (MIFLA 16-8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologlebeekiy.. institut. (coke ovens) (Volifskii, G.M.) (Krupatkina, R.K.) (Ivanov, A.I.) KHANINP I.M.; KARTSYNELIM.B.; YAKOVLEV, V.I.; PORTYMENO, V.A.; BOBDARENKO, I.P. IntInsification of the process of benzene 114covery. Koks i khim. no.9:40-43 162. MU 16:10) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tokhnologicheskiy institut, (for Khanin, Kattaynell,, Yakovlev). 2. Gosudarstvennyy institut pa-proyektirovaniyu pr.edpriyatiy koksokhimicheskoy pronqshlennosti (for Fortynenko). 3. Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Dondarenko). (Shrubber (Chemical technology)) (Benzene) (Coke industry--By.-products) I VAN"'79 ~ , .14 1 ; Ulp"o, r11 I J . 'Ili . j . .._ ,~:v ~ Z. !j~ c' 4r ~~ !-+ " r--*,u,.~ the System of j,%B (Afni- "'~ . ,. 1 Ii"'; n 0.10 t 13-1-1 -j'- I - ~ I',' (M."' RA 170' ~,- , , f L ~'.:m i~ 'w'111b f~!~ Wi. *.! 3'. - z"8 1%j,.per~mall tal a budy of Vhri d 15-t ;,3:-, ~D f ~! c~a in a heating system of eoke ovens wiLb unier;st &-o f~c~!. Trudy AKETT no.3.6tI83-1,95 161 (M*.FtA 1718) Ftnistrince of the oi~ c,--ka o%rer.3 !"i tht procc,3s of modeling. IbId.tI97-PrO ~,A KRANO, I.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; KARTSYNELI, M.B., kand. khim. nauk; IVANOV, S.M. Absorption of ammonia in cyclone reactors with sprayers* Khim. prom. [Ukr.) no.2--6-10 Ap-Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. I.M.; AMSTISIAVoKIYI, DJL; BABKINj I~S. Effect of the automation of coke-oven charging on the technological indices ol the- performance. Koko i khiTn. no.2-.27-28 ~63 (kRA 16:2) Io Dnopropetrovokiy khimiko--tokhWlQgicheakiy instituto (for Khanin)e 2. Zhdanovskiy koksokilimicheskiy zavod (for Amstislavtkil, Babkiz))o (Coke ovens) (Automation) -17 MKIN, M.S.; KHANIN, I.M. Improvement of the thermal operating conditions of cvens and the heat expended for coking. Trudy DKHTI no.16:129-134 163. (MIRA 17:2) TYUTYUNNIK, L.N.; KHANIN, I-.M. Experimental investigation of transient processes in the thermal operating conditions of coke ovens. Trudy DMITI no.16j135-146 163. (MIRA 17:2). DERYUGIN, V.G.; KHANINI, I.M. Method of Inventigatlng the flow of gaeos In tho horizontal fluen of coke oven batteries. Trudy DKHTI no.16:159-167 '63. (MIRA 17:2) BABKIN, M.S.; KHANIN,-Tall, Efficient charging of coke ovens and the heat expended for coking. Trudy DKHTI no.16-169..179 63. (MIRA l7t2) KHANIN, I.M.; BAKUN, N.A.; SATANOVSKIY, S.Ya. 'A, ~,- . On A.A.Agroskints book "Chemistry and coal technology." Reviewed by I.M.Khanin, N.A.Bakun, S.IA.SRtanovskil. Izv.vya.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.takh. 6 no.4:699-702 163. (MIRA 17:2) KHANIN, I.M., doktor tekhn, naukj TYUTYUNIK, L.N. Republican Scientific and Technical Conference on the modeling of coke ovens and chemical apparatuses. Met. I gornorud. prom. no.lc75-76 Ja-F 164, (MIRA 17tlO) TAYTS. YsO!., dckt,~,r -L.ekbn. nauk; SHTkITS,, S.A.,p kand. tekhn. nauk[deceased"k FEYSAKHZON,, I.B... inzh.; GELIFER, EA.L., inzh~-. WITHIYRIKO~ II.T., inzb.r, DORYMN, G.A.y inzh..- lZRAELIT. Ye.,M.. in'zh.-, hULAKOV, 11,K., inzh.; 0SHLYANSM, B,S., lnzh.~ 14EYK8011, L.V., Jnzh.[decoanedj; LEONOV, A.S., Inzh.-,, SHVAHTS, G.A_ 1-nz-h.,- SINART3,11AN, I.Yaov inzhat YATSENKO N,Ya~ . inzh. ~' ILUM, P.P. , Inzh. - KILA~It!',jx. dokl,.:)r tekhn, nauk, prof., red.; KOZYREV, V.P.p inzh., red., KUFE.,1'.'1N', F,L, inzh.,, red..4 LGALOV, K.I., inzh., rf,~d.; LEYTES: V.A,, Irizii.r rr~d,; LTFWJM, B.Z., inzb.,red.; POTAI-OV,, A.G., Jn-,h.,, red.-, SHELKOV, A.K.9 red. [1~y-produci '*oke industry worker.9 bandbook in six volumes] Spravochrak k,_-Y..sokh1mika v ohosti tornakh. Moskva, Metal- lurgila. Vo-1.2. 1.965. 288 p. (I.!IRA 18:8) L 03576-67 U~-%M) W~ FUN ACC NR, VOLI INVENTOR: 'Khanin. 1. M.; Smullsov ORGi none A. S.; Brodskiy.._E, V.; Mizin,, V. Ad! /,Z TITLE: Liquid atomizer. Class 24, No. 18606 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 19668 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: fuel atomizer, fuel atomization, fuel injector ABSTRACT: The proposed liquid atomizer'leonsists of a housing cont'ain- Ing a guide assembly inside to obtain uniform atomization of large volumes of liquids at low pressures, the nozzle guide assembly Is provided with disks, placed one above another, and having offeenter openings with different diameters, A cylindrical partition is mounted under the upper disk (see Fig, 1), Orig. art. has: 1 figure. EWA No. 881 UDC: 697-932.6 L 08576-67 ACC NP.! AP6033481 Fige 1. Liquid atomizer 1 - Housing; 2 upper disk; 3 - lower disk; 4 parti- tion* SUB CODE% 21/ SUBM DATE% 15Apr65 411,14.1- ~Tt_ Hi ghly efficient asphalt mixer. Kuk.-elev-prom. 22 no.1:26-27 Ja '56. (NLRA 9:5) 1. Vuosojvuznyy troot Spotozagotstroy. (Asphalt) (Mixing machinery) KHANIN, L.; RYABIKOV, B.N., red.; NA4ULLINA, R.S., takhn. red. [Sona of Tartary are heroed of the Soviet Union) Caroi Sovetskogo Soiuza - syny Tataril. Kazan', Tatarskoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1963. 679 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Soldiers) I r KHANIN, L.A. mad. nauk Rupture of a dissecting aneurysm of the splenic artery In pregnancy. Zdxav. 3elor. 5 no-2:55-57 7 159 (MIRL 12:7) 1. Iz khirurgichaskogo otdelaniya (zaveduyushchiy L.k. Khanin) Brestakoy oblastnoy bol"nitay Qlavryy vrach V.G. Tishchenko). (AIMMM) (MMUNCY, COMPLICATIONS 01r) K~A ~IN ~_Rt~j._TISHGHMO~ VQGO Gonference of Surgeons of West Province. Wray. Bel. 9 no.72 90 J1163 (mm 1~24) ia pl gw KHANIN, L.A.1; JKANONIDI, P.I. Ectopla of the bladder and ureter. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7s56-57 J1 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz 2-go khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Brestskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach BSSR V.G.Tishchenko). (BLADDFR-DISPIACEMENT) (M,TERS-ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) KHANIIIJ,,- TISHCHMO, V.S.., zaaluzilennyy vrach BSSR Fibromas of the mesentery of the small intestine. Zdrav.Bel. 9 no.2-.6&-69 F163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. 1z khirurgicheskogo otdelenir Brestskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. (IAESElffERY-TUMORS V. KHA N, L.B.. Inzh. Work of mchinery operators of the Bolderaja Silicate Plants Strol,mat, 6 no.2:25-26 Ir 16o. (MM 13z6) (Riga-Silicates) ARKIIANGO.'tUSKIY, L.A.; BUSHTLY11, Ya.A.; VOROBIYEV, S.V.; GAYMO, F.A. ; DOLGOV, Ye.N.; 21JUGLIN, A.A.; ZU13OVSKIY, G.P. ; 1:;HKOV, I.G.; IUMfIfiltIOVSKAYA, G.L.; LIMCATOV, A.A.; LURIYE, R.I.; MIOROZOV, N.P.; 08TROZETSM, A.S.; PAVLOV, N.A.;PEIROV, L.M.; POPOV, V.N.; TARTAKOVIKTY. I.A.; TAUBE, D.N.; KIWIIII LIJ.; .911APIR0, TS.3.; SIIVYTSBURG, I.A.; 11HUTSOV, V.D.; DENISENKOVA) L.M.t red. [Assembler's handbook on perfur-ming mechanical assembly and special work on grain alevators and grain processing, enter-] Spravochnik montazlinika; po proizvodstvu mokhano- viontazlin,ykh i spetsialInykh rabot na elevatorakh i predpri- iatliakh po pererabotke zerna. Mocskva, TSentr. La-t nauchno-tokhn. Informatvii t tekhniko-okon. Isol., 1963. 519 p. WIRA 17.7) KHAN IN, M. 9-Dorts! Kryl.rod.8 no.11:19-20 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Predeedatell Irkutskogo oblestnogo komiteta VResoyuznogo Dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodeyetviya armii, avintsii i flotu. (Aeronautics) (Militar7 oducntion) 4"t KAMENTSOV, A.; KHANIN, M.; KUCHMNKO, A.; TISHCHENKO-RAYEVSKIY, Ye. Overall continuous flow line. Avt.transp. 43. no.4:22-24 Ap '63. (MIRA 3-6: 5) 1. Kiyevskiv taksomotornyy park No.l. Mev-Taxioaba-Maintenance and repair) TE1,Y,VrNlK,')V, 1.!,% XIU, N., 14-1., i,.4 TAITYBEKOV, M.,., ;-A3slst-QTj,6,v 0' ruothod for thc~ ~i,tstrat'ori or ati-'-aals, Vet,-rinari-'-.% I nr. 52-55 0 1 Q/ , (MIRA 181~~!) Ghvnyy vtitzrlnamy-y ~;,wklioza "Uflmslklyl Bashkirskoy AiA WN V-4 KHANIN, M.A., dotsent; TYNYBEKOV, I.A., assiotent Effectivenens of variouq dat~qn and methorlm of a castru-r.inn. Vaterinariia 42 no.11164-65 N 165. (Kuli~ 19:1) 1, Alma-Ati.nnkiy zoo takhni cheaka-va te rl na r-r-*--yr Insti tut, ACC NR: AP7005615 SOUIXE' CODL: INVEINTOR: Bclcvtsev, A. T. Dudkin, L. D. ; Yerofeyev, R. S. ; Lidorcnk,o, N. S. Khanin, M. A. 1ORG: none TITLE: A method for manufacturing thermoalements. Class 21, No. 190448 [announced by. the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Current Sources (Vscsoyuznyy nauchno- !issledovatel'skiy institut istochnikovtoka)) 'SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyya znaki, no. 2, 1967, 52-53 ;TOPIC TAGS: thermocouple, temperature sensitive element Cokrkel-jr ABSTRACT: A method of making thermocouples urith a vilriable concentration of electric ~currenL -;-.r-iers along the operating temperaLure gradient is introeuced. To assure iboth op-,imum variabl*a concentration of the carriers and thermodynamic stability of i.the cleznents, the =OUnt of alloying impuritics in Lhe carrier concentration is ~determoinod by thv specific solubility ol Lila alloying impurities, Lhus assuring the ~desired relatioaship between the carrier concentration and temperature-i.e., n = T/:# [JR) iSUB COD-7; 09/ SUB,,l DATE: 29Jul65 Cord-_ USSR/Diecases of Farm Animals - Gencral Problems . R-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur- Biol., No 10, 1958, 45367 Author : KhagjaA,&,-.., Inst Alma-Ata Zooveterinary Listitutc. Title Castration of Adult Ham Orig pub Tr. Alma-Atinsk, zoovet. in-ta, 1956, 9) 218-232 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 3 KHANIN, M. A. Cand Vet Sci -- (diss) "On the Etiology and Pathogenesis of Post-Castration Complications In Adult Rams and-ag a Rational Method of Their Castration." Omsk, 1957. 13 pp 20 cm. (Omsk Veterinary Inst of the Min of Agriculture USSR), a 130 copies (KL, 26-57, 111) 100 Castration of mature raw. Trudy AZVI 9t2:18-232 156. (MM 15;4.) 1, Iz kafedry obshchey i chastnoy khirurgii (zav. kafedroy - kando veterinarnykh nauk, dotsent N.F.Fattkin) Alma-Atinakogo zooveteri- narnogo institute. (Castration) (Rams) 9MM, M. 1). KHANIN, M. D. -_ "Soils and Soil Complexes of the Lower Courses of the Rivers Emba and Sagiz." Academy of Science Kazakh SSR, Institute of Soil Science. Alma-Ata., 1955, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences.) So; Knizhaya Letopist No 3, 1956 ,j*od.sal1skokhozyay9tvenrqkh nauk KHANIN, !.~. Raw placement of superphosphate for hemp at the time of oowing. Agrobiologiia no.1:58-63 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Institut lubyanykh kulltur, g. Glukhov. (Hemp--yortilizers and manitres) (Phosphaten) TIF'ONIN, E.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SEVCHENKO, G.I., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; ARIT131=1 A. I., kand. aellkhoz. nauk; GORSHKOVI P.A., doktor sellkhoz. nauk; ZHUKOV, M.S.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; DEMIN., A.P.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KRASEENINNIKOV, N.A., kand. selikhoz. nauk; GORODNIY, N.G., doktor sellkhoz.nauk; REPYAKH, I.I., nauchn. sotr.; PILINIK, V.I., kand. sellkhoz.nauk; KIIANINS M.D~J. kand. selikhoz. nauk; TSELIK, V.Z.p at. nau6bri. -s'otr.[ eceased]; KOZINETS, N.Lp naucbn. sotr.; ZHAWINA, L.S., nauchn. sotr.; LYASHENKO, S.P., kand. sellkhoz. nEiuk; GONCHAROV, G.I., inzh.; BUYAROV, V.I., inzh.; RUDNIKOV, V.N., st. nauchn. sotr.; BLOKHJ21A V.V.J. red.; PROKOFIYEVAI A.N.,; SOKOLOVA,N.N., (Hemp] Konoplia. Mookvaj Sollkliozizdat, 1963. 462 p. (14IRA 16:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellgkiy institut lubyanykh kulltur (for all except Blokhina, Prokoflyeva, Sokolova). (Hemp) FrImary cancer of the duodontzm. Kftlrurg,~Ja 39 no-61.130-131 Je 163. (','111 17: 5) 1. Iz 3-go otdoloadya T~raf. G.D. Vilyavin'; t otdola patz)J:)(;ic-hookoy anatwat I. dolrf,nt', Mod. D.S. Sarklow,r) ln3t~tuta kidrargil irruml !,.V. Vislme,,jk-co (di..,,. - deystvitellhTf chlen Allril S"I.Sit ~~rof. A.A. Vls!-u,,-,vjkiv, A.MN SS3R. ~11~,V) A. i,. piuk i iv fI.; V A T K 11 if i . Id( i ", to rt', in. nauk; IIIIA1117; ,N. 1. Dotermining, the nautrra tange-titial croor, aoction of tho contor o~ de"'or::ntiun in dinConal rolling. Proizv. trab no.10:24-31 163. C.:11JI 17:10) 1. IT UkrS31t (for Cholcrirev) . VATKIN, Ya.L., dcktof tokhri. nauk; 6MIMSYrf, A.A.., kand, tekhn. nauk- YAZAKOV, IL& r inzh.; GMt"IN, M,P., inzb~; P I PERCHMM, V.V.,, inzh.; KHM121, Mf.l, inzh.; BIBA, V.I., inah. Reducing internal laps 'Lit tube rolling on Pilgrim millE. Sta12 24 nn~'t.63-67 ,a '-(:,4, (MITU 1-7~,2", 1. Dneprop-otr3vsk-:y met-aliurgleneskly institut i zavod im. Libimeklita. CHEMM, A.P., akademik; VATKIN, Ya.L., doktor takhno nauk; KHAIUv-ILJ*# inzh.; KUSHCHINSKIY, G.N., inzh. Piercing on mills with oblique rolls and axial billet support, StAill 24 no.l2tlll3-11-16 D 164. (MMA 18t-2) 1. AN UkrSSR (for Chekmarev). CIMAREV, A.P., akademik; VVYIN, Ya.L., doktor tekhn. nauk; uaollt-l KTIMCHIT71Y, G.N. Accelerating the -piercing process on inclined roll mills using axial support of the blank. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.504-36 S-0 1641. (KRA 180) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Chelaiarev). SOV/989-58-11-6/15 AUTHORSt Yermakov, V.S. and Khanin, M.L Engfneer~ TITLE, The Water Power Resources of tho Belorussian SSR (Gidro- energeticheakiya resursy Beloruaskoy SSR) PERIODICALs GidrotakhnichegkoXstroitel:stvo, 1956, Nr I!, pp 28-34 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The Belorussian Republic has no hydroelectric; powex plants on its territory. The needs of industry and populatioz are met by thermoolectric power plants, fuelled mainly with peat. The authors find that the planned construatior. of hydroelectric power plants will solve the powe-. prableme of the republic. The possible locations of these plants on the main rtrers are enumerated. There are 2 tables, 2 char-ts., 1 profilla ani 1 graph. 1. Power plapts-45SR Card I/I KHANIN, M. L. "Duration and Strength of Immunity in Persons Inoculated with Egg Yolk Tularemia Vaccine," from the monograp# Effect of Vaccination Against Tularemia., 1953. p. 146 KubanMedical Inst., Chair Microbiology Translation D 568409 Increasing the effectiveness of bacteriological diagnosis of obliterated and atypical forms if dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun 28 no.2:142 F 157 (MIRA 10:4) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologit Kubanskogo meditainskogo instituta. (DYSENTERY) R~ KM IN, M. L. - KUZZIETSOVA, V. A. ; FLURKOVA, D. K. I . I - - I--- The role of convalencentg In the apidmioloff of dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol.epid. I Immun. 29 no.3:122 Mr 158. (MMA 11:4) 1. Iz Kubnnekopp med ts nakogo inBtituta I I gorodakoy polikliniki. (DTSENTERY) KOR07TAYEV, Aol*;-M~Ell- -M.L. Now method of determining the activity of proteolytic enzyme. Inb. delo 5 no.1:5-7 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii, (zav. - prof. B.P. Pervushin) lubanskogo neditainakogo institutag, Mrasnodar. (PIPSIN) (TWMIN) (CHYMOTRYPSIN) KRANIN, M.L.; GRISHIIAj L.I. Results of the Krasnodar Territory conference of bacteriologists of sanitation and epidemiological control stations. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i. immin. 31 no.9tl56-157 S 160. (MIRA 13: 11) (KRASNODAR TERRITORY-BACTERIOLOGY) KUNIN, M.L.; KOROTXAYEVj A.I. Characteristics of medicinal resistance of dysentery pathogens isolated in the city of Krasnodar. Antibiotiki 6 no,2:161-162 F 161, (MIR& 14*-5) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Kuban3kogo meditsinskogo instituta. (KRASNODAF.-SHIGELLA) (ANTIBIOTICS) KHOO, M.L. .W~ P~ralotmy in obturated concretion of the pelvis in a single functioning kidney* Zdrav.Bel. 8 no,11%85-86 N 162, (MIRA 1615) 1. Iz- khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya Rrestakoy oblastnoy bolinitsy (glavuyy vrach zasluzhennyy vrach ESSR V.G. Tishchenko). (CAIZULI, URIVARY) RAZUMOVICHp KAZAKEVICHP Ye.j.; PAVLENKO, O.P.; YERYSHEV, A.V. Eftebt, on the photographic emulsion of the volat'le products of tissue decomposition occurring during inflammatory processes. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no.lt60-61 Ja-F164. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Pedagogicheakiy institut imeni A.S. Pushkina, Brest. NO A ~Rv o o 0 00#000496*90046 41 ***s g WMW 7 111 A 4""101111111415 10 ld 00 4 oe go 00 of raid giand. & good ot WOW- an the functim of tb tbyl Solt tin, . h T. G. Terekbovs, and C L B-ht 35-9(1947).-A re 3 N o, , S.S.R.) 13, lld confirmtWil of the View of satithyfold subliam- A 0 twLsumptkni. and hi, owth ro , effects I thioum Cm vi e lw y of the ttlymid. too a logo are 0 J1 loo "'8 e 6 J 410* 09TALLVAGACAL L111SA1110f CLAHWICATIC0 C Z- zz- CIO* via., 11,1414f. r7i ;i. 0- jot .1101(pt. 10 40 1 AT VID&W.M Jett Ulf litta Iforkuln I L I a N - - 0 0 0'0 0 * * 0 a OT: 014 Z *06 0 0 0 9-!RA.0 0 aw KHANINI, M. N. 29271 09novnyye itogi izucheniya tak hazyvayemogo tok~scicheskogo gepatita 9 astistom. V eb: Nauch. seestya Akad. nauk IzSSR 24-28 yanv. 1949 g. Doklady Ned. Sektsii. Tashkeat, 1949, s. 9-18. - Abliogr: 8 na2V. SO: Letopat' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 =FM Y- 1-1. V. --- - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- - ---S From the Russian for Dr. Roderick Murray Ter. arkh. Moskya 25(6): 12-24 (inpart); 1953 Experimental Hepatitis and Cirrhosis of the Liver by M.N. Khanin (From the Chair of Pathological Physiology cf the Tashkent I-led. Inst.) lf"Slshtfti Ar, the Nftt'-Aal Inatitur-es or Heftivh, FWA trnn,31Ptj,~!! M'IM. Mg"M MR 'Jill b"MON MA IN, M. 'N. Significance of age In the development of experimental liver cirrhooin.' Diul.skep.biol.i med. 37 no.3:25-28 Mr 154. ( JCEMA 7:6) 1. Is kafedry patofistologii (say. do1;to3r-*edj nauk X-N.Xh~nin) Tashkentskogo nediteinskogo instiiiia imani V.M .Molotova (dir. dotsent A,G. Gulamov) (LIM CIMOSIS. -experimental, *age factor) 'P MI 5! N KHANIN, M. N. "The Etiology of tpe 6o-Called Dzhalangar Encephalitis,," a report presented at the First Conference of Pathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingrad, 12-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol., 17, No 3, pp 83-87, 1955 Abstract Sum. 1003, 20 Jul 56 uSSR/fluroan and Animl Physiolo(3y - Liver. V-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 4129 Author : _~ ~.anin- Inst Academy of Sciences, UzSSR Title Heliotropic Dystrophy of the Liver (Toxic Hepatitis With Ascites). Orig-Pub In: Voprosy krayevoy patol. Geliotrop. distrofiya. pecheni. Trikhodesmin, entsefalit. Tashkent, AN UzSSR., 1956, 7-21 Abstract After the administration of 50 mg/kg of heliotropin (I) to dogs, disturbances of the hepatic functions were observed duriug 60-45 days. A subcutaneous injection of 500 mg/kg of I to rats led to the development, in the first 2-7 days, of a central necrosis in the liver; 25-35 days later, the hepatic structure was back to Card 1/2 u-L une pro. s n ut--Un SvtthC-sJ-' i the liver and a, es. Small doses of heliotrope seedsj taken with foodp led - in rats to --he development of cirrhosis manifestations of toxic her of the liver),without wl- +U- -IJ-. - - - ~atitis with ascites, 171 ZRANIN, MoN., prof. (Tashkent), Certain aspects of regional patholog7 according to data of ph.vaiopathological In7estigationso Pat*fiziol.i ekspoterap; 2 no-5:48-50 S-0 158 (HIRA 11:12) (R3SURCH, =ads, in Russia (Rua)) MUM, M.N., :prof* (Tashkent) Heliotropic liver clystrophy (with su=ary in English]. Arkh.pat. 20 no.12:3-15 '58. (MMA 12:1) (LIM DISUM, dustropby with aecites caused by food containing Heliotropium lasiocarpum seeds, review (Rue)) (YOCED, liver dystrophy with aacites caused by food containing Heliotropium lasiocarpum seeds. reviev (Rus)) (SMS& same) KHANIN M-H prof.; BIJRSHTEYN, Ch.I., dotsent; KARIMOV, Z.N., dotsent; V.I., Assistent; MANKUS, T.G.p assistent; SWRINA, K.A.) assistent; RASULEV, SM.,, assistent; FAMOVA, L.P., assistent Development of ra'diation sicknes's in animals following X-~irradiation. Med.zhur. Uzb. no,11:11-16 N 160. (MIRA 1-4:5) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. M.N.Khanin) i kafedry rentgenologii i meditainskoy radiologii (zav. - prof, S.A.Molchanov) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvenno o meditainslQogo inatituta. (RADIATION SIGKNESS5 c7~ -7, AUTHOR; Khanin ? M. N. TITLE; The influence of hypothermia radiation sickness in animals J761; 5 S/63 61/003/000/003/005 D296YD307 on the development of SOURCE: Trudy Tashkentskoy konferentsii po mi.-nomu ispollzova- niyu atonnoy energii. v. 3. TaBhkent,.Izd-vo AN Uzb* SSR, 1961, 78 - 82 TEXT: The author tried to establish whether hypothermia exerted a therapeutic or prophylactic effect upon radiation sickneas as hypo- thermia is generally used to decrease the intensity of the metabo- lism and the reflex reactions. In the first series of experiments (12 rabbits) the animals were first brought into a state of hypo- 0 thermia by means of ganglion-blocking, drugs and physical cooling and then exposed to x rays in a dose of 800 r. They were kept in the state of hypothermia for a further 2 - 12 hours. In thq second se- ries of experiments (8 rabbits) the animals were first exposed to the same dose of x rays and immediately after exposure brought into a state of hypothermia lasting 2-12 hours. 16 rabbits were exposed Card 1/3, V,7 3/63 61/003/000/603/005 The influence of hypothemia on D296YD307 to x rays at normal body temperature (control). Among the 16 control rabbi-to 4 perished within 12 days, and one after 90 days; among 12 rabbits exposed to radiation in a state of hypothermia 4 perished within 12 days and one after 35 days. Among 8 rabbits brought into a state of hypothermia after the radiation 7 perished within 12 days and only one rabbit survived. These results show that exposure to radiation in a state of hypothermia has the same effect as expo- sure at normal body temperature. If hypothermia is applied after ex- posure to radiation it tends to aggravate the course of radiation sickness. The author explains this unexpected fact by the assumption that hypothermia exerts no direct effect upon the vegetative vascu- lar reflex response to humoral stimuli: after exposure to radiation the white cell count showed the same changes in the control animals as in th. -nimals kept-in a state of hypothermia, changes which are mainly cause%.' 'hy redistribution of the leucocytes in the circulation due to vascular reflexes* The same applies to changes in the serum albumen fraction caused by permeability changes in the vascular - wall. It thus appears that those parts of the central nervous sys- tem which are inhibited by hypothermia and play an important role in a state of oxygen deficiency or after exposure to painful stimuli., Card 2/3 PETAOV, I.R., prof., red *;,jjjjAEPIj_ It-&N-jr-7prof . zasl. deyat. nauki Uzbekskoy SSR, red.; FEDOTOVA, Z.G., red.; CIIAYKA, G.V., red.; SUKRAITOV, P.P., tekhn. red. (Transactions of tho Third Jkll-Union onference of Patho- -hysiologists]Trudy Vsosoiuznoi konfoorentsii patofiziologov, 1960. Tashkont, Modgiz, UzSSR. Vo.3. (Artificial hypo- tharmia]Iakusstvennaia gipoterxiia. 1961. 162 p. WIRA 15: 11) 1. Vsosoyuznaya konferentsiya patofiziologov, 3d, Sverdlovsk., 1960. 2. DeyatvitollrWy chlen Akadernii meditsinakil-I nauk SSSR (for Petrov). 3. Zaveduvushch* kafedro .y patologicheskoy fiziologii Tashkentskogo gosudcrstvennogo meditsinskogo in- stituta (for Khanin). (HYPOTFUM-41A) 1. NA""AROV, S. V.; KIIANIN, If. V., EnFr. 2. USSR (600) 4. Winchiills 7. UTV-5 universal silent windnill. Sellkhozmashina No. 4, 'Ir. 1' 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April .1953. UnclassW-d. /661000 CoDet a10201 t4?, 010032" COO xCC (Koo - as-93 06'aill 'K. 6, 1.966, WjjAD1k% TV, ou Ito. Tou% t moue f lCra a ...,See f10%; f its V. ute 0 OILG of SOLO 'hat%oa I te t nat at I.I.J.1le vte~L lo'w One Ovid the Vaicry a thicu tface ter edd-1 "10" toup au 14any 11,' Ime 7,buVS1 9 id floV t around a t.. ,,face. of Li The 7 'OW as S~Ldcma' Of buttaredtba a latIOtI. 'as ji Vith bte fev 0 f-COM INGS* ull a as 'roy ev deals etosive Only 11 died age itt the uness be Stu t This 'P'a'p bave Tous caln C. be ul.tilas I thez l 'W'ai -n call ,feet tea tic aroull, 05roc~ _,,, use a0de V ficient foTee e It, ptoc I V Of so$ t this (lab roe terials sive f 0 ti.0'as abou ev e-CO diq V 0 , '4 ab t-I'm * %I 1 2 the the quOT . tv ectot i Sud V I 'nite av% t,,Oc vmavLea as + V"Q2V' ILI vectOrs IV of %%VP e alu . _ grad ? velOc'- . 3.9 'radius del. weve Ttatur 9wl'at ressut . alue 9 . t.'-.e TaO Nqatet ey.cess V ci eme cJ.'O a ell 1 0. OV 0 Omet denstty-' 'Post 0 ea i'm a constant is 0 Sed "I ,,he.-Ce P Scoo scale 9 ic V tote jhtee OttJ611; Of ar Opera 1 6, 9 Laipla tea in a .4F t ACC h iqxA-r'T~z' Y'. V. KHANTN, M. V.--"Investigation of a Wind Wheel of the VelociPede Type." *(Dissertations For Derrees In Science And Engineering At 11331, Higher Educational Institutions). (34). Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Higher Technical School imeni Bauman, Moscow, 1955 SO: Kntzhnaya Letovis' No. 34, 20 Auppist 19.55 0 For the De--lree of Doctor of Techndc:il Sciences KHANIN, M.V., kard. tokhn. nauk spec'fras of gas blast flows on undergro and gas pr&ducer models by mea4, of filming. Podzem. gas. ugl. no. 2:67-69 #58. (KIELA 11 -7) 1. Vaesoyunyy nauchno-lasledovatel'skiy institut Podiengas. (Gas flow-Spectra) (Photo'greplW--So tent if io applications) ~q P 2246-67 E 7A; i NKs APb023' SOURCE CODE: bf/0020) AUTHOR: Khanin, M. V. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the mechanism of dickpion damage in policrystalline graphite SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, V. .168, no. 6, 1966, 1303-1306 TOPIC TAGS: graphite, erosion, laminar flowo turbulent flow) surface roughness ABSTRACT: A similarity-theory calculation is used to determine the nature of the damage produced on the surface of polycrystalline graphite placed in a gas stream, and to ascertain the character of the force exerted by the gas stream on the graphite after its surface becomes roughened by erosion. The calculation is based on the pre- mise that the velocity profiles in the boundary layer next to the surface can be re-. ;garded as straight lines independently of whether the flow is laminar ov turbulent,- land that the dimensions of the regions next to the surface (where the Mach numbers are i, small) greatly exceed the heights of the irregularities on the real rou3h surface of the graphite. This makes it possible to treat the flow of a viscous gas in the direct :vicinity of the solid surface and the flow of a viscous incompressible liquid. Dif- .ferential equations and boundary conditions for the flow are written out and solved for several types of roughnesses (triangular, rectart3ular, circular., with flat,,.. pointed, or round grooves, with different heights, etc.). It is shown that the roughness makes the flow pulsating. An expression is obtained for the frequency of Card 1/2 UDC: 539.8T ACC NR: AP6023207 the pulsations. In the case of polycrystalline graphite with grains measuring 0.03 - 0-05 MT., the frequencies are of the order of 10(3 - 107 cps. Although each pulse itself is not strong enough to cause erosion, the repeated action of the pulses are capable of producing fatighe and hence failure and erosion. The phenomena observed in graphite are common to many other polycrystalline materials, which can be regarded as mechanical systems whose individual elements (grains) are characterized by definite natural frequencies. The degree of erosion depends on the relation between the fre- !quency of the pulsations and the natural frequency of the grain projections. The author thankda V. I. Likhtman and G. I. Petrov for interest in the work. This report was presented by Academician P. A. Rebinder September 1965- Orig. aft. has: 4 figures and 5 formulas- SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 2lSep65/ ORIG M: 0031 OTH REF: 002 2 SOV/12-t-59-12-10/26 AUTHORS: Totmakov, A.V. and Khanin, 1M.Ya., %ning Engineers TITLE: The Use of Plugb in Blasting Operations in the Krivoy Rog Basin Alt'ines (Primeneniye zaboyki pri vzryvnykh rabotakh v shakhtakh Krivorozhskogo basseyna) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 12, pp 40 - 42 (U33R) ABSTRACT: The authors claim that the blasting of charges, placed in the blast holes without plugging them, is not only con- trary to security regulations, but also decreases the im- pact of the explosion, requires larger quantities of ex- plosives, and increases the amount of poisonous gases in the gallery. The names of following scientists are men- tioned in the articles Doctor of Technical Sciences A.F. Belyayev, G.A. Shetler and M.A. Magoychenkov. There are 5 tables and 5 Soviet references. Card 1/1 un: "Tnorm,,~1c,"I Atvil!" 11i.,In,-..,l iua! f, , ~:, of lo 0".t HUGOVESTOV, 3.K..; KUNIN. N.M., rukovoditell laboratorii normirovaniya Careful use of raw materials for footwear manufacture. Leg.prom. 16 no*2:3-'#' 7 156. (MLRL 9:7) l.Glavny7 in2hener fabrild ISkorokhod" (for Blagovestov). (Shoo industry) KRAOMP NOR* Cuttlug Into.,strips &ad standgrdixing the con"tlon of tubular fabrics for edge triming the upper parts of footwear, .16 no.7:34-36 ii 156. ;Ggp prom . (MLRL.9110) (Bboe Wustry) PEROV, N.P.; EXCIIN, U.N. Road to communist labor. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.5:26-27 Vq ,6o. (MM 13:9) (Shoo manufacture--Iabor proAlactivity) MNINJO NoMo Centralization of the cutting operations of shoe-upper in the Leningrad shoe factories. Kozh.-cbuv prom, 4 no.1-1:8-11. N 162. : * G-aiu 15:11) (laningrad-Shoe manufacture) ~_;j L; .7 oct 48 lagines, Diesel Trucks, Performance "Diesel ZAAZ-204," N. Khanin, 3 PP 'Artonobil" No 10 First Diesel for truck use vas manufactured by Yaro-' alayl Automobile Factory in 1947 and road tested ,during 1947 and 1948 in truck carrying 7-ton load. Average fuel consumption vae 35 liters par 100 km. Gives ba*1c characteristics of the engine. One photo- graph ahmm completed assembly. Sketches ahov four stages of piston operation. 28/49M2 MUMN, N. 425?2. Osobvennostl Skeploatateii Dizeley YAAZ. Aytomobillt 1948, go. 11, s. 12-14. SM. T&k2hS NO. Nol 42337, 42352. 42377. KHM1111, N. S. (Engineer) "Investigation of a High-Speed Volumetric Supercharger." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 28 Jun 50, All-Won (non "State") Sci Res (Order of Labor Red Banner) Automobile and Atitomotive Inst, Sumary 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees In Science Mid Fngkeeriniz in 11oscow in 12500 From Vechernyaya Moskya, Jan-Dec 1950. id-ricatiOr of kh vtoinob, 1 -.7 ekhj:~ I -at, "~Maz,,~a ot che -rny :h b-)1 g:.,;zny In. G--)3to' kl,,D c kv T -,r1 i fty -,-i--.n he--.-y u s t,,ble:;. 111,_1s., rj~ 17?- 1 "Llterat-.1ra": p. (174) SO: ""/ 5 743-221 S. T- USSR/y,iscellaneous - Books card 1/1 1pub. 12 - 11/12 Khardr.) Tarutins A. AutlhOrs t Korotonoshko jo N. I.; KulikoV, N. and Rutenbergx G. M. aphy Titl* I Critique and bibli0gr periodical I AV-.. trakt. pr 4, 31-33, kpr 1954 I~!~ tten bY different authorup dealing Abetract I Critical review of rePOrts wri automotive and metallurgical technolOgY, institution )SCj. ROD. putomdbile MtOr InBt- (NAIII) Submitted H.S., kandidat takhnichaakikh nauk; LTUBINSKIT, N.M., Inshener, "'rMsen'sent; BUDIIIKOV, V.A., inshener, redaktor. [IaAZ-204 and IaAZ-206 engines; building, principles of operation, and repair] Dvigatell IaAZ-204 i IaAZ-206; ustroistvo, onobennosti ekspluatataii i retmonta. Hoskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo maahino- stroit. i sudoetroit. lit-ry, 1954. 262 p. (XLRA 7:6) (Automobiles-2ngines) LU ~m A - -. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KALISH, G.G., doktor tskbn1cbnsk1kb nauk; ANDROMVA, T.B., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; KUKHARRY, M.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; URSFRAN, I.I.; CHAPKEVICH, V.A., Icandidat tekbn1chaakikb nauk; TMoLaw . P. S. Review of the book "Internal combustion engines," Edited by A.S. Orlin. N.S. lbanin and others. Avt. i trakt. prom. no.7: 45-46 il 156. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Nauchno-lssledovatellskiv avtomotornyy Institut. (Gas and oil engines) (Orlin. A.3.) VIM' Mikhail Mikhaylovich; DCBROGAYMY, Roatislav Paylovich; LYAKHOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; PAVLOV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; SOLOOY17, Mikhail Petrovich, professor: STIPAROY, Turly Alskeandrovich; SUVOROV, Viktor Grigorlyarich; Ids t takhnicheskikh nauk, retsenmkt; CHISTOZVONOV, SA., 'reteenzent; NECHATRY, S.K., doktor takhnicheektidi nauk, retsenzent; SOBOVICH, S.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; YEGORICLUI, L.I., in2hener. redaktor; SOKOLOVA, T.Y., W.~hnichsskiy redaktor [Construction and 4asign of truck and tractor engines] Konstruktaiis I raschat sytotraktornykh dvigatelei. Pod red. W.A.Stepanova. Moskva. Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1957. 604 p. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Goeudarstvenny7 soyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znsmeni neuchno-imeledovateliskiy avtomobillnyy I avtomotornyy institut (for Khanin, Chistozvonov). 2. Kafedra dvigateley vnytrannago egoraniya TomBkogo politakhnichaskogo instituta (for Nechayev. Shubovich) (Motortrucke-Engiaes) (Tractors--Engines) SKOTHIKOV, Viktor Vaeillyevich-. VEMMPIN, G.A.,red.; LIPURT, A.A., otv. rot.; BMISUV, O.G.,red.; BRISKIN,; DYBOV, O-V.,red.; ZILIMMG, 7%. G.,red,; KOZLOVSKIT,; IWARI, A.G.,red.; LUNEV. I.S.. red.; FEUNER, Th.M.,red.; PRWILOV, V-1-greds; RMTYA~ K.S#tredo; SAMOLI, G.L.rod.; =OVA. Yej. red..-,_ JURNIN, N.5.,red.; CHAPAYMY, A.A-red.; CHISTOZVONOV, S-B-,red.; SHKOLINIUff - red.; MMIKINA, L.I.,red.izd-va; WRNOVA, G.V.,te;;nvred, (Intermediate transformation and temper brittleness of auto- mobile body steels) Promezhutochnoe prevrashchenia i otpxielniaia khrupkost' v konotruktatonnvkh avtomobillnykh staliakh. Moskva, Goe.nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo manhinostroit. lit-ry 1958. 74 p. (Gosudaretvannyi nanchnio-issledovatellskii avtomobillnyi i avto- motorayi institut Trudy, no.85) (14IRA 12;2) (Steel, Automobile--Metallography) c7l' LIPGART. Andrey Aleksandrovich. prof., red.;' DrBOV, Oleg Viadimirovich, SAMOLI, Grigorty Ivanovich,14 r4 Samoylovich,; CHISTWONOTO KU AKIN.Au S6rgty Borisovich. :WItI, P.Y., Icand. ~"etc*" ~Ikj-retsenzent, ; ABRAMOVICH, A.D., Inzh., red.; TWORKINA.' L.I., red. izd-va,; UVAROVA, A.F., takhn. red.; MODEV. B.I.. tekha. red. EV-type gasoline automobile engineal Avtomobil'rUe benzinovye V-obraznye dvigateli. Pod obahchat red. I.A. Lipgarta. Moskva, Goo. nouchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 293 P. (MIRA 11:10) (Automobile a-Eng inn a) SOV/113-58-11-5/16 AUTHORS: Khanin, N.S.j Petrov, N.J., Candidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Turbosupercharging of Compression Ignition Automobile Engines (Turbonadduv avtomobillnykh dvigateley s vosplame- neniyem ot szhatiya) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 11, PP 17 - 21, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article discusses the advantages of turbosupercharging for diesel and other automobile engines. The indices of mostly 4-cycle serial automobile engines with radial turbo- superchargers of American, English, and West-German make are tabulated (table 1) and critically examined. Experiments conducted by NAMI confirmed similar investigations by the West German firm of MAN that the maximum capacity of the MAN engines with turbosupercharging can be increased by 40% as compared with the basic engines. In conclusion, the authore state that turbosupercharging is one of the promising means to increase the opecific capacity of automobile diesel Card 1/2 engines with a simultaneous increase in economy. The appli- SOV/113-58-11-5/16 The TurbOsupercharging Of Compression Ignition Automobile Engines cation of turbosupercharging in automobile engines entails several specific design problems which call for scientific research and experimental designing work. There are 2 dia- grmas, 3 graphs, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: NAMI ~, j!, ~ j,, .. ~-, ~ 1. Automobile industrY--USSR 2. Deisel engines 3. Turbasuper- charges--Performance Card 2/2 --- -- ---- KWIN -N*S., kand. -telchn.-nauk; -GAISTOZVONOV,- S.B.-,-- inzh. -1- Hodern .diesel angitas for automobiles. Test. mash. 38 no.1:10-15 (HIRA ll.-I) I Ja 15B. (Diesel engines) (Automobiles-Ingina's) ORLIN, Andrey Sargeyevich; KRUGLOY, Kikhail Georgiyevich; XMIN, kand.takhn.nauk, retaeazent,, TEGORKINA, L.I., inz -, re 6; TIKHANOV, A.Ta.,; HOMMI, B.I., (Two-cycle internal combustion engines] Dvukhtaktaye dvigateli vnutreanago agoraniia. KoBkva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1960, 555 P. (KIRA 13:10) (Gas and oil engines) No-row engines. - Za rul. 18 no-7:20-21 Jl 160. (KIRA 13: 10) 1. Gosudaretvennyy soyusW ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno- isoledovateltakiy avtomobillnv7 i avtomotorn77 institut. (Motor vehicles-Jhgines) PSTRUS110Y. V.A., insh. ; PASHTN, M.A., red.; LIr-GidiT, A.A.,; ALIPMOVICH, A.G., red.; BORISOV, S.G., red.; BRISKIN, M.I., red.; IYBOV, O.V., red.; ZILIBIWERG, Ya.G., red.~-; L0ZAR', A.S., red; IUYjV, I.S., red.; biAGATNV, P.V., red.; PINZIM, Ta.M.. red.; PRYADILOV, V.I., red.; RaMXYYA, K.S., red.; S)kMOL', G.I.. red.; SRDOVA, Ye.Y., red.; Z-,MWC11I, O.V., red.; KHANIN, N.S., red.; CHAPC11t%YNV, A.A., red.; CHISTOZVONOV, S.B.. red_._;51M0L_qIKOV, E.M., red.: TEGORKINA, L.I., red.izd-va; GORMnTA, L.P., te4m. red. [Operational analysis of the multiplate friction transformer] Analis raboty mnogodiskovykh friktalonufth transformatorov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroltellnol lit-ry, 1960. 79 p.(Moscow. GoeudaretvamWi muchno-iseledovatel'skiA avtomobilinyi i avtomotornyi. inotitut (Trudy]. no.90). (MIRA 13:8) (Motor vehicles--Transmission devices)