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IMA MY Ya.I. kandidat meditainakikh nauk; DUBIIISKIY. A.A., kandidat ' '- Hi -:'-@m@a@ikh nauk Khollin and its use for treating disordern of coronar7 blood circula- tion@ Vopepats serdosososist&4 nool:3-9 155. (MLRA 8:3) MELLIN) (NkW--CIRCUIATION, DISMMS CF) DUBINSKIY@, A.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; ZZLINSKATA, S.A.; XWZR&Y, Ya I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk ""aft"AR-0 Khallin In coronary ditteass. Klin.mod. 33 no.2:46-50 F 055. (KM 815) 1. Is kafedry fakulltetskoy terapit (zav. kafedroy prof. S.Ya. Shtsynberg) Xharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta I laboratorli farmakologii ]lharlkovskogo nauchnc@-issledovatel'skogo khimiko- farmatsevtichookogo instituta. (CORONARY DISM M . therapy. khellin) (LULLM. therapeutic use, coronary die.) M" KlL*.DZlL',.Y, Yzi. I., of-r@Il"Ir- "On the Problem of the 1,@:chnnism of thc Aci',"an of a 11C)7'Cr presented at t:l,,Q Fifth Cooference of tho U.-ruillia" "ocie"Y Of P!':'0i0logistl5' Bioch(;,-iot.,;, and Phormacclogists," 2(',. May-2 Jll!'C lc"56' Kll@jrllr-.011. "The rulu preporation Kellin, obtained from th('@ fruits ;'--f thc plant tooth- pich ommi, was found to possess considerabl-2 miotrinpic dnIclearly e7prcos@!d cholJ-.,ol,.-tic action. It rcduced the s-0.q= Of Cardinc- verzoll.; vocsols Co"Ised by borium chloride anO pituitrin ond reduced the enrdlocorustricting effect of ccrbox-@lin, acetylcholine, and nicotine. Dilation of thf.- cardiac vessels occ- urea after the action of atropine, udrenalln, erCotnmirc, vild dii@jto-Air. A i-iliotropic sposmolytic actfon of kellin in regard to a smoc)th muscels Of the irtestirol tractk, bronchi, and thc urinary tract vou It was fcun@' thl), rc'urcd 'lic sensitiviti.- cf the netwal. ji'd musculor 4 @ I I U I cl@oliT@or,,--actjvc oyst(--ms, vithout appreciably affecting th--- rl@rcrorcactive systems of '!-.c Organism. T-e Preparation VVS fQUA to T@01;312SS lACOt4-l!Oly'l-J-C OCtiCl!." N71 MM r 7 nq TRGPP. M.Ya.; ZOZ, I.G.; ANGARSXAYA. M.A.; MAKSIKINKO, G.N.; XHOZHAY, Tg.l. Corelborin-P and Ooralborin-X, eardiae glycosides. Ned.prom. 11 no.6:36-38 Je 157. (XIBA IM) 1, Kharlkovskiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy khtmtko-farmatseyticheekiy institut (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDIS) -1 17 u3n. Pharmacology, Toxicoloi7f. Cardiovascular Agents U-5 Abs Jour IRef. Zh.-Biol., No 2, 1958, No 8008 Author tAngorskaya, M.A., Sokolova, V.E., Khadzhay, Ya. I. Inst Title The Effect of Strophanthin and Corglycon on the Speed of Restoration of the Posphorus Containing Compounds in Experimental Animals. Orig Pub iFarmakol. i Toksikologiya, 1957, 20, No 2, 35-40. Abstract iA sodium phosphate solution containing P32 was given subcutaneously to rats, each rat receiving 3-5 microcuries. Tuo hours later 1.3-1.5 m&/kg of strophanthin or 3-3.5 mg/kg of corglycon were given subcutaneously. Following the injection of strophanthin the rate of restoration of the phosphorus containing compounds was increased in the heart, Card 1/2 Country : USSR V Category: Pbar=cOlOGY. Toxicology. Cardio-Vascul,,@r Agents Abs Jour: MhBiol., No 6. 1959., No 27779 .%ut,,or AngarskaYa, S011010va, V- Yc-; )Gladz' ay-, Ya. I. Inst Title Fharmacological Study of Glucoside Prcparat-ions of Cheiranthus Alli(,ai:L 1jurn. Orig Pub: Far-unkol. i tuksikologiya, 1958, 21. No 3@ 25-29 Abstract: In experimea to on frogs and cats, t@ a sj-r",xry glu- coside prepara4ion of CheirnnVius allioni:@. Horn- "korkhalin" (I) and the crystalline glucoside "alloi- side" -A (II) wera studied. The rainUrmi let al dose, which induces cardiac arrest in systole in frogs, is for 1 1.5 gmmv-,/g, for Ii- 0.4 gamm/G. In I g Card 1/2 V-25 Oategory: Pharmacology. Toxicology. CardiO-Viscular Agents. V Abo Jour: RZhBiol., N:; .1959, NO 27779 Of I there is contained 4587 rat active units, in 1 9 Of IT - T936 Mt active units. For cats, the let al dose of I is 0.220 mg/kg, for 11 - o..126 @,gl kg. AccordinG to tbair cumulative properties, as wall as f1cccrding to their effect on t, . ;1L ,,a art, I and IT are close to strophanthin k. - V.V. Barezil-ins- kaya Card 2/2 USSR Pharmacology, Toxicology. Cardio-vaScular V Agents. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 18, 1958, 85152. KA&MMY0. YA.1i"r-l"AIMISHUYN, ILL Cynarin an u standard for the biological evaluation of Adonis verruais preparations. Apt.delo 8 no.4:64-67 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Iz ItOoratorii farmalcologil Kharlkovokogo nauchno-iseledovatel'- alcogo khitsiko-farmatsevticheskogo inetituta Hiniaterstva zdravookhra- nGniya OTHILRI11) (ADONI S) KHADZHAY9 Ya.I.; SOKOLOVAj V.Ye. Pharmacology of angesinej a-crystalline substance from Angelica silvestris seeds. Farm.j toka. 23 nool:37-42 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14!3) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - dotsent M.A. Angarskaya) Khar'kawskogo nauchno-issledevatellskogo khimiko- farmatsevtichookogo instituta. (MUSCLE REIAXVITS) (A]NGELICA) ANGARSKAYAj M.A.; OBOLENTSEVAq G.V.; KHADWAY9 Ya.I. Bi@alinq a compooite preparation for the treatment of peptic ulcer. Vrach. delo no. 3:23-26 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Khartkovskiy nauchno-iosledovateltakiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut, (PEPTIC ULCER) (BISMUTH) BONDAREHKO, A.I.; DL(LII?SKIY, A.A., kand.mod.nauk.; SOKOLOVA, Me.., kand. med.nauk- KHADZI@AYY Ya I Pharmacotherapeutic investigation of the preparation, "kordin." Vrach. delo no-4:32-36 AP 161. WIRA 14:6) 1. Laboratory farma@:ologii Khartkovskogo nauahno-isoledovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsevtichaskogo inDtituta i klinika gospitallnoy terapii lachobnogo fakullteta (zav. - R.I,Sharlay (deceased]) Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo in@tituta. ' (VASOMOTOR DRUGS) (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) ANOAMKAUt M.1 (Anheralkal M6A@]j BEZRUKt F.I,j SOKOLOVAp V.Tesj M=HAY, YAOIO Phansoologioal etudy of pentaorytbritoltstranitrate (erynite)e Farmtsev. &bur, 16 no, 2t63-67 161a (MIkA I4j4) Is Laboratoriya farmakologii Kbarkivalkogo naukovo-doolidnogo kbimiko-farmateavtichnogo inatitutp, (NITR'A=) GMENSHTEY11, E.I.; - IOIADZIIAYp Ya.I. Pharmacology of a new antiarrhythmia substance - ajmaline. Farm.i toks. 24 no.1349-57 Ja-F 161. (IOU 14:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. (AJMALINE) (ARMYTHMIA) V ANGARSKAU, M.A. SOKOLOVA, V,Ye.; IT@@ZHAIL Ya.I. 0 of corulin. Farm.i toks. 24 Lab :70ra 'Or. ya farmakologii Kharlkovskogo V khimiko_:ra imtowticheakogo instituta. (CARDIOVASCULAR AWM) no.2sl63-168 *-Ap 161. (MIRA ll+:6) nauchno-isaledovatellskogo KHADZHAYj Ya.I. Pituitr:ln-produced coronary insufficiency. Fam,i toke. 24 no.2: 227-233 1@h--Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Laborat ri farmakologii (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Ya.I.lQxtdzhay 0 :LrEmr1kovskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo khimiko- farmatseivtichookogo instituta. (CORONARY HEART DISEASE) (PITUITARY HORMONES) MMiAX, Ya.I. Pharmacology of pasternin. Farm. i toks. 24 no-4:454-460 JI-Ag 161. (KRA 14: 9) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii Kharlkovskogo nauchno-issledovat6l'skogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta. (PAISNIP--TIIERAPSUTIC USE) (VASODILATORS) OBOLENTSLYA; G.V.; SOKOLOVAp V.Ys, 'AN;j., Pharmacolory of rounatin, a total alkaloid preparation of Fauwo3tia serpeatina. Farm. i toks. 24 no.5:-529-534 S-0 16.1. (141RA 14:10) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii Khar!kovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheakogo lwtitutm. IRAUWOLFIA) KHADMAY, Ya.l.; KOIIIOL@W, V.F. Pharmacology of quarcotin. Fana. i to:c!3. 25 no.1:71-77 Ja-F 162. (MILIA 15:4) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii Kharlkovsko(.;o nauchno-is3ledovatellt3kogo khiraiko-farmatsovticheskogo Instituta. (QUZACEETITI) OBOLZTSEVA, G.V.; KROUAY, ya.l. --' Combined use of reserpine and hexonium. Kardlologiia 1 no.2:33-36 Mr-Ap 161. (YditA 15--l) 1. Iz Khartkovskogo nauchno-isnledovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsev-tiche- skogo instituta (dir. - dotsent M.A. Angorskaya). (HUOIIIU14) (RisEaln-) KHADZHAY, Ya. I. Fba=aaological investigation of avisan,, a preparation from the fruit of the bishop's-weed Ammi visnaga. ftmateev. shur. 16 no.101-55 161. (.MIRA,-1,7i 8) 1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey farmakologii Kharlkovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellakogo khimiko-farmataevticheakogo insti- tuta. wt KHADZHAYI Ya.I.; SUPOSMIKOVA, L.B. Pharmacology of methy1cellulose. Farm. toks. 24 no-3:342-346 @@e 061. (MIRA .15:1) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Ya.I.Khadzhay) Kharikovskogo nauchno-isaledovateltakogo khimiko- farmatsevticheskofo instituta. (CELLU OSE-PHYSIOLOGICAL KFeECT) AUGARSKAYA, M.A.; LUTOKHIH, S.I.; KHADZHAY, Ya.I. Standardization of cardiac glycosides on pigeons. Farm. i toks. 25 no.2:193-198 Xr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kharlkovakiy riauchno-isaledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheskiy institut (diTektor - dotBent M.A. Argarskaya). (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) KHADZHAY, Ya.l.; KIJZNETSOVA, V.F. Some pharmacological data on the action of imperatorin. Farmatsev. zhur. 17 no.6:57-63 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii KharIkovskogo nauchno-issledovalkell- skogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta, t, of k",,u i in ;i.@j rt., i n r7,. rn - I m; I tl UiIMHAY, Ya. 1..; KUZN,:,`lLi07A0 V*Y@ (7f Uni- beroxan. Farm. tok:. 2(" 163. (MIRA 1-1:8) farmakolng!f m@,d. rmtk Ylt.). Khadzha- v) vAr-gc Xharlkc R Gil. Moir dol!A!!, t I ti f i"@ von i e i Fa 1 25 no.5:51 -578, 1. t - - i, -?., rk ii y in r L i t u t KHADZHAY), Graphic method for determining the effective dose and its confidence limits in the calculation of reaCtions In graduated form. Fhrm, I toka. 28 no,lill8-122 Ja-F 165, (MIRA 18112) 1. Laboratorlya obahchey farmakologil Khartkovskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo khJ-1ko-farmatsevt1cheskogo instituta. Sub- mitted January 12, 19(4* o!'IIGARSKAYA, M.A.; LUTOIGIIN, S.I.; KHADZIIAVY, Ya.I. St,andardization of cardiac glyco5ides by the use of pigeons. Fhrm. i toks. 28 no.5:621-6,24 S-0 165. OIAIRA 18!12) 1. Kbartkovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmatsevtichoskiy instit,ut. Submitted JulY 3, 1964. 137- 1958-2-2272 Translation froiri Referativriyy zhurna! Metallurgiya 1958 Nr 2, p8 !.USSR; AUTHORS Khvichiya- A T Khadzhava. A.G. Sdmkharadze. S.G. TITLE Sintering High-grade Manganese Ores F:on-I the Checheno-',ngusli Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Turkestan 'Aglomf,ratsiva chiatursk-ikh bogatyl@b margants(-Lyki, rud, PERIODICAL, Tr Gy-tiz. politeldin in-t@ 1957. Nr 5 pp 68-77 ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study wts to ttst -: tain flip sinterability of vach of the rhlrit-ira Mn otvs aml ot its tailings On the basis of their Mn content the orcs wt-re dividt-d into five groups. Ruskills are given of experiments conducted wit'r orps of the first group (with an Mn content of 49. 57 - -17 48%o The experiments viere carried out under identical conditions Coke dust obtained from I -I i-nixt-ure of Tkvarchelland Tkvibullcoals was used as fuel The design is shown of a sintering apparittus With suitable amounts of fuel and moisture Ch!ATur Mn ores of the first group were fovind to be 4interable ki the sintering process the re(JUired ztzilomll" of C mid i-noisturt, fl!ii tuated -on-;Lder@.Lbly. the C content from i to 8% the moisture content fron-i 0 to 18"/o. The moisture Card I /Z content could be conside-ed optin-ird on1v when the charge wa5 found 1 3'1-- i958-2-2272 Sintering High-Grade Manganese Ores (cont. free of unnodulized fines smaller than 0 5 mrn As the nodulized granules of the charge becarne larger. gas pt-rnivability increased. An undermoi5tened or overmoistened batch did not make for good sintering, even though more fuel might be added, The fact that output was quantitativelv acceptable did not always mean that sinter- ing was being done under conditions of n-iaxin-ium efficiency, because sometimes, though output was high, the strength of the sinter cake was low. A. Sh 1. @knganese ores--Sin to ring 2. Sintjring-Test methods 3. Sintering-Test results Card 2/2 'Slat Wf EV; ';Fir go y Dmitr I yovilch; ?Jird jiii'AYE-V , A, --ed. cooperoLlon tm(i 17.ULllfl! Illd (if s:-Cill1j@'t romiLrAu.-d Ekonumichesk,,)@@ 1 v7,,-tlrc)- pimonlichl ootuialintlche@:kikh nixan. Vne-,li-, torgizdat, 19U. 41.5 1). (,.'IRA 18:1) )GIDZIIAYEVO M, A progressive state farm co1lective in the struggle for new frontiers. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.7:17-18 Ap 161. (MMA 14:3) 1. Predsedatell rabochego komiteta 3ovkhoza im. Aliyeva Dagestanskoy ASSR. (Daghestan-Socialist competition) (State farms) ROZEN 9 Boris Yakovlevich; tWZHAYEVA, IN. v red.; PERKOVSKAYA, G.Ye., red. izd-va; fe-@, r ed. [Chemistry of open and hidden firs],Khimiia iavnogo i tainogo ognia. Moskvaq Goo. lzd-vo "Vyoabaia shkolal" 1961. 221 p. (MIM 14:7) (Fire) (Chemistry) FOKIN, M.A.; WDZHAYKVA, T.I. Vascular reactions in rhowuatic lesions of the ner7ous system. Vop.revm. 1 no.4235-42 0--D 161. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Iz kafedry ner-mykh bolezney (zav. - pTof. VoS. Chetverikov) TSentrallnogo inatituta usoverabenstvovaniya vrachey (nauchnyy rukovoditell - profo M B. TSuker) Moskva, (NERVOUS SYSTIN: VASCMOTORJ (RHMIATIC FEVER) MUDUM-il K. Kh. "Freeing Antidiphtheria Sera of Inert Proteins by a Method of Enzymatic Hydrolysis." Cand Med Soil Tashkent State Medical Inst, Tashkent, 1953, (RZhBio1j No 8, Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSP Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sume No. 556, 24 June 55 RAN 01 RAKH.H.S.;.XHADZHETT-AR P.M. Some features in the stereophotogrammetric processing of aerial photographs in cases of exposure through two mediums. Geog.ebor. no-7:155-175 155. (KMA 9:1) (Aerial photogrammetry) YUROVSKIY, O.A.; MIADZEIRTLAS", F.M.__ I- Instrument method for appriaching the next nerial survey flight course with one turm. Trudy lab. meromet. 507-60 '56@ (HNU 10:1) (Photography. Aerial) MMHETIASHE t F M--I- Use of aerial photographs in determining the velocity and direction.of surface curxantat Trudy lab. aeromet, lOs2lO- 217 160o (MMA 14:1) (Tsimlyarwk Reservoir-Hydrology-) (Pbotographyp Aerial) . @.: :- @ -, -'i@A @., .-.- -@, - - -'--; ` - --: - @@ ;@: @@ -@ T @, r o-Kimg, A 9 Jim". /r.YM(v I IT/MbA L'r tA.1-L-Of UU.Lu 7111, J 5 T 7. VELL. oi. the eyo of the observer must be assimled to be 41 cm on tne avurmc,-_ C,3,d 1/ 3 2@q KHADZHNV, P. Volzhokiy. Zhil. etroi. no.2:16-17 7 161. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Glavnyy arkhitekor goroda Volzhakogo. (VolzhoLly-Ci ty planning) KHADMI, A., lnzh. Extracting roots on a sUdo rule without a logarythmiC 5cale. Nauka i zhizn' 29 no.1j102-104- Ja 62. (MIRA 15:3) (Slide rule) KHADZHI, Alcksey Georgiyovich, inzh.; LUNLV, G.A.j red, lWaBbIng machlrom with a recirculatrA Now of the clean- ing nolution) IJ:3tajiovka dlAa stirki bellia v protoke moiushchei zhidkor;ti. MoAva,, Stroilzdnt, lVd- 59 p. (MIRA 18:1) S/109/62/007/007/001/018 D271/D308 AUTHOR: Khadzhi, B. A. - ------------L--- --- TITLE: Distribution of oscillation phase differences among three*Bignals fluctuating in unioong in the presence of correlated noise interference PERIODICAL; Radiotekhnika i tlektronika, v. 7, no. 7, 1962, 1067-1072 TEXT: M. S. Aleksandrov's analysis of the distribution of phase differences (Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v Ia 51no. 3, 19609 360) is further developed to cover three and more signals. n coherent signals fluctuating in unison are considered, with a phase shift o( from signal to signal, caused by the Doppler effect. Quadra@ure components of the first signal have a normal distribution with a -dispersion q2. Correlated interference is additive, with a mean value equal to 0, and has normal distribution; its quadrature com- ponentd are treated as not correlated. When non-correlated thermal noise is present, it is replaced in the analysis by an equivalent Card 1/2 S/109/62/007/007/001/018 Distribution of 08cillation ... D271/D308 correlated interference. An expression is given for the probability. density of quadrature components of the suL' rence; this exp m Of signal and interfe- ression is rewritten in Polar coordinates and the phase distribution is obtained by its integration over all ampli- tudes Of component oscillations. The Rice method for calculating this integral, in the case of n = 3, is fully described; phase difference distribution, in the absence and in the-presence of signal, is illut3trated by three-dimensional graphs, assuming a correlation factor of 0.6. M. S. Aleksandrov0s gui4ance is acknow- ledged. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: November 4, 1961 Card 2/2 Distribution of phase difference oscillations among three fluc- tuating signals with presence of correlated noise interference, Radiotekh. i elektron 7 no.7tlO67-1072 162. (MIRA 15t6) (Electronics) (Radio-Noise) 91- JLJ 0 14 OV 28983 S/135/61/000/011/003/007 A006/AlOl AUTHORS: Dolgov, Yu. S., Grishin, V. Engineers TITLEi On brazing SAP (Sintered aluminum powders) PERIODICALt Svaroohnoye proizvodatvo, no. 11, 1961, 10-13 TEDLT: There are no precise data available on the strengthening of SAP type materials and their peculiarities predetermined by the production technology and composition. Thin makes particulady diffloult the problems of welding and brazing. PSeliminar-1 experiments revealed that exposure to temperatures as high as 500 C for 10 minutes does not affect SAP-1. With prolonged exposure and Increased temperature, blisters develop on the surface. The temperature of the base material in furnace brazing is consequently limited to 500 0C max, the melting temperature of the brazing alloys to 4600C max, and the service tempera- ture of the brazed parts to below 300 C. The interaction of solders with SALP-1 is very different from that with aluminum or its usual alloys. Information is given on investigations made with SAP-1 brazed with zinc and alumlnum solders by various methods. Furnace brazing was unsuccessful due to the poor wettability of SAP-1 and poor fluidity of the brazing alloys. Moreover, zinc-base brazing Card 1A 28983@ 3/135/61/000/011/003/007 On brazing SAP (Sintered aluminum powders' A006/A 10 1 alloys reacted strongly with the base metal causing its extensive erosion. Torch brazing with an air-propane flame y1olded also unsatisfactory results. Better results were obtained with fluxleas brazing In which faying surfaces of the parts to be brazed are first "pretinnedn by rubbing the brazing alloy rod against the heated SAP-1 surface. Pretinned parts ara then clamped into a fixture and heated until drops of the alloy appear in the joint. Lap joints made by this method with an overlap ten times the sheet thickness have a strength, equal to that of the base metal. Another method that was developed is brazing by dipping. The parts to be brazed are dipped into a bath of molten alloys, such as Al-Cu-Si, Al-Cu-Si-Zn, Al-Cu-Zn and others. On the top of the molten bath there is a layer of flux (34 A, @124 (F124), 56% BaC12 - 36% ZnC12 8% Na3AlF6). The base material interacts with the alloy and a "buildup" is formed on the submerged end of the part, which is machined and filed. The parts are then assembled in a fixture and heated (prefergbly with an indirect argon-shielded arc) until the joint is formed by melting of the alloy. A great advantage of this mothod combining welding and brazing is the possibility of using high-melting aluminum base alloys such as eutectic Silumin and 3A4 type alloy with 0.3 - 0.4% titanium. Satisfactory results were also obtained by resistance brazing on a conventional spot welding machine using 0.8 - 1.0 mm Card 2/4 28983s/135/61/000/011/003/007 On brazing SAP (Sintered aluminum powders) A006/A101 ips inserted between the brazed sheets. Brazing conditions thick brazing alloy str, s aret 42 - 48 kamp soldering current; 0.4 - 0.8 800 for 1 mm thick SAP-1 sheet pulse and 750 - 1,000 kg compressing force. Results of static shearing tests made with specimens that were brazed by the aforementioned methods are given in the table below: There are 3 table 7 figures and 2 Soviet-bloo references. a Brazing Grade of compo- Length of TeST. Shearing Nature of ple or e method sition of solder overlap tenpw&. in kg/mm2 break of the tur sr alloy ture specimens - 20 735 In the weld Pretinning P300A 4 - 10 20 3 - 5In the weld 5% Cu 4 -10 20 5% Al 8 - 13 the rest Zn 4 -10 20 6 -10 5% Al 4 - io 20 3 -6 the rest Zn P425A 4 - lo 20 4 -7 P480A 20 16 -18 In the weld Dipping into the AL2 5 adjacent z cne older alloy 5 300 10 -12 through a flux layer "ard 3/4 i On brazing SAP (Sintered aluminum powders) 28983 3/135/61/ooo/ol Table continued: A006/A101 1/003/007 Brazing method Grade of compo- sition Of solder __�1l,2Y_ Length @T_ overlap temp,,,- vure Shearing In2 kg1mm Nature of break of the specimens AL2 5 500 2.53 _ In the weld 34 A with O 4%Ti adjacent zone . 5 20 18 20 5 300 11 12 Resistance A12 - 0.8 - 5 500 2.5 3.5 brazing 1.0 mm) - 20 24-3o 300 14-16 - C; 0 0 3.6-4.2 AMg6 20 26-28 300 14-18 J 500 1 3.7 -4.8 _ Card 4/4 1 T-ion 'reannolog,cai Institute) Big 3/1 V62/ow/bo6/oWo 14 A.0,G61AIC6 AUTHORS: Dolgov. Yu. S. Fhadzhi, D. L., Grishin, V. 1L., Fngineers TITLE: Brazing of' L'Oam-type alumlnur;i with CAR-1 (SAP-1) sintered aluminum pnwdor and r!V1 titanium alloy PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye pr.aizvodstvo, no. 6, 1r)6P, 18-,',10 TEM Brazing (if foam-aluminum with SAP-1 and (T4 in difficult due to the oxide layer on the foam- aluc-iinum surface and internal oxides. r4oreover, the interaction of titanium-base alloys with oxygen and hydrogen entails oxidation and embrittlement nf SUrface layers, It was found that good joints can be obtained by brazing with pretinning. The alloy should prior to tinning be coated with an aluminurn layer. 'Brazing with active fliixes proved inexpedient, therefore the authors recorwiend abrasive brazing with the use 0of zinc-base solders. The braz-*ng temperature should not exceed 500 - 510 C to prevent bulging of SAP-1 nnd deforteatlon of the foam-aluminum ce,11s. T.Iechanical tests were made with 5peci;qens brazed by' the described technique with the following 5olders: r,05,, Zn - 5", --,j - 51--,, Al; ;-55 Zn - 5;!, Al; 11.425 A (P425A) and rP,80 A Card 1/2 : V I I -)/6;-)/0,jO/0G6/O(WO 14 Brazing of foa:,i-type alumlnu,-. f -, (l , 6, / A I (" 0' (PliPOA) . The soldered Joints s',Iowr-d satinfactorj shearing ,itrength at 20 and 3000C (from 6p - si6 to 68 - 60 and from -)L: 3 to 53 kg/cii.2' respectively). -3o 64 50 15-day-teotn, In sea water and in a nioisture chamber showed satisfactorj corrosion resistance of 'the .3oldered joints. There are 2 tables and 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: - MATI 'Card 2/2 37537 s/i36/62/000/005/002/002 F.193/r,383 AUT'HORS: Dol-ov, Yu.S., Khadzhi' D.L. and Grishin, V.L. .0 ---1 - - . - __ TITLE. De2osition of an aluminium film on the alloy OT-4 as a means of facilitating brazing titani=i alloys to aluminium alloys PZ2IODICAL; Tsvotnyye motally,^no- 5, 196,2, 66 - 70 T r_','@ T : Titanium and its alloys are difficult to braze because: 1) titanium forms brittle intermetallic co-,.I:)ouiids wit', practically all other metals; 2) even a' relatively lovr (500 - 900 0) it absorbs oxygen and hydrogen v.-iic"I cause etibrittlement of the t;ictal; 3) it readily Uenacious surfaoe oxide films, whic'a are difficult to reduce or re.-..,ove by fltucc; 4) it alloys readily with other metals, so that there is a risk of undercuttin- ulion thin sections are joined by brazing.. The object of lie present investigation was @Io explore the possibilities of overcominS difficulties encountered in joining thin (I - 165 mm) aluminium-alloy components to similar titanium or titanitmi-alloy parts by -Card 1/1 Degosition of .... s/136/62/000/005/002/002 E193/E383 pre-tinnin- the latter metal with aluminitmi. The experimental c Ach, after do- v.-orl' 1.11as arried out on OT-4 alloy specimens wl Sroasiag, cleaning with a revolving steel brush and pickling in a 20-ml. 11F, 15 ml. MNO 65 ml. H 0 solution, rinsinm and drying 31 2 01 or o -irith a layer of dipped in a multen aluminium bath covered th o '380 (F3'0) flux- Preliminary tests 0 showed that,no tretting occurred at temporatures lower than 800 C; at the same time,. the treatment had to be carried out at a tei:iperaturo below the tenr)erature of t1io trans f or;-,,,at ion. In subsequent O:r:-)Cr3.:-.1CntS, therefore, the tinning bath was maintained at LJOij - 860 OC, tho time of immersion varying between 10 soc and 10 ;.,.in. Each test piece was cooled in air after lhavinz been wit.'1drai-m fro,-% the bath, the flux residues were washed off, the test piece was rinsed and dried, after which tho quality of tlic coat and the j.-iic;rostructuro at the Ti-Al interface wore exa-.-Aned and the ductility of tho bond formed under various conditions -.--,as datori-Aned by bending tests. The results can be sun:i,,nriZcd as follows. a) A minimum holding time of 30 sec was necessary Card 2/ 4 S/136/62/000/005/002/002 DerDosition of ... E193/E383 on the coating after bending the test piece through an angle of 10 - 20 0. This maximum permissible angle of deflection increa!;ed to 30 0- 350 for test pieces im,,-,icrsed for 1 min and reac:1ad 60 - 70 for specimens tinnod by short (30 - 110 sec) ii:imcrsion. In no oase did the aluminium coatint- flake-off from the titaniui.-i alloy core. It was concluded that to obtain the .)est results tinni@ig of the alloy studied with aluminium should be carried out at a temperature of about 800 OC and the ii-x:iersion tiiae should be kept to a minimum. OT-11 alloy parts, pre-tinned wit'i al-uminium by this mothod and brazed to various alw-Anium alloys, '* )roduced very strong joins. There are 2 figureS. Card 4/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4006248 S/0135/63/000/012/0030/0031 AUT11ORS- Grishin, V. L. (Engineer); Khadzhi, D. L. (Enginesr) TITLE: Brazin,g alloy for aluminum alloys SOURCE! Svarochnoye proizvodsAvo p no. 12, 1963, 30-31 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, high strength aluminum alloy, AD1 aluminum alloy, ATsM aluminum alloy, D20AT aluminum alloy, V 92 aluminum allay, sheet brazing, brazing alloy, MATI 2? brazing alloy) joint strergth, joint corrosion, aluminum allay brazifig, b)razing temperature 9. brazing, D20 aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: The authors describe a new ty-pe of brazing alloy KATI-2P (Al-Ge-Si) for welding high-strength aluminum alloy sheets. This particular alloy was investigated because its melting temperature was below 550C, and because Ge being similar in nature to Si, did not affect the corrosion resistance of the welded connections, The possible compositions of the ternary alloy are seen on the phase aingram on Fig. 1 of Wie Enclosure. The composition of the alloy used is shown on the diagram by the crosshatched triangle near the sutectic line; the compoai- tions of the experimental alloys weret Si--3 to 4%, Ge--34 to 36%, the rest--Al. ACCESSION NRi APW06248 The allOY was prepared by vacuum melting in the MPV-314 induction oven at 5*10-4 mm MOM. Col..and also by open melting under 34A flux (for protecting the metal against oxidation), Mobility and wettability of this satisfactory. The contact anglos of wetting were with alloy at 380-45OG were grees. High in the limits ualit.v welded connections were obtained with the use 0 Of 20-30 de- ? f different heat sources eas burnerp Ovens, induction ovons) and with flux materials: F380, 34Aj FV-3p and F124. Qcperiments were performed on diuminum AD,$ on duralumin D20AT) ar-,d on the high strength Al alloys V92 and AT81-1- The authors conclude that the Joints are of high quality and that the use do the work at 480-500C Of W1-2P makes it Possible to @ The Joints had a high tensile strength and good corro- sion stability in 3% NaCl solu .tion. Orig. art, hasl 1 table and 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONs 14ATI SU%aTTEN 00 SUB CODEt ML Card 2/@ DATF, ACQ1 31Dec63 NO REF SOV: 003 ENCLt 01 OTHERi ooo V c" 'Av LIM -C rv! t,u t L 13o26-63 EWT(I-)/BDS AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3 IJP(r,)/GG ACCESSION NR: AppooW s/O161/63/O05/005/14A4/14S3 AUTHOR: Moskalenko, S. A.; Khadzhi, P. I.; Bobry*sheva A. I.;- Lelyalkov, A. TITLE: phenomena in the exciton-photon system SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 5, 1963, i4-4A-i4s3 ---@-TOPIC TAC;St--exciton-~--phonon~--Bisei-.Einstein--condensation-,--Hemiltonia,-i,----excitorr-----~----- dispersion, phase transition, mean free path ABSTRACT: The authors have studied the interaction of phonons vith ve.,Ckly bound excitons and have analyzed the various laws of exciton dispersion. They have also investigated that particuler case vhen, in the system of excitons and phonorLs (acoustical or optical), thermodynamic equilibritLm between excitons is established before equilibriin between excitons and phonons. Here the interaction of with condensing excitons does not lead to nozmall scattering but changes the nature of the whole energy spectrum of the system. The necesseary condit-'ons for this are such that the mean free path-during Interexc1ton collisions mraus'C. be considerably smaller then during exciton scattering at twoustical and optical phono." or ev im,urities. 7he interexciton relaxation time must naturally be less than t1he Card 1/2 L 13o26-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3000628 life of the excitons. Computations ucording to different 1wis of exciton dis- persion lead to qualitatively new results, but this matter is not resolved. "In conclusion, we express our deep thanks to V L.-Donch-pMevIch, S. 1. Ee_kar, E. L Rashb , K. B. Tolpy*&o, and S. V. ;YZ1-11,ov for discussing the paper and making comments." Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 35 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki AN MR, Kishinev (Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, MS SUBMITTED: o6sep62 rATE ACQ: 11Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV; 010 OTHER: .005 bord 2/2 SAFROhOV. G.M.: KHAWHI-9 V.Te.- Thermometric investigation of liquid inclusions in artificial quartz. Trudy VMIP 1 no.2:57-61 '57. (MIRA 12:3) (Q,partz crystals) SAFROHOV, G.M.; KHAMHI, V.Ye. Filling up cracks in artificial quartz crystals. Trudy VNIIP 1 no.2:165-166 '57- (MIRA 12:3) Mmrtz crystals) wy 06, UUMMATMIASOVA, R.; KAIRKCHIREV, St. Particularities of emerF 10 no.4:337-3NS 1957. ency aurgery in children. Khirurgiia, Sofla (SURGWIY, OPERVIV3. emergency In child. (Bul)) RANEV, D.; MAMIATANASOVA, R.; ATANASOVA, M. Antibiotic therapy in severe burns. Khirurgiia (Sofila) 16 no.6:507-514 163. 1. Institut za burza meditsinska pomosht ON.I. Pirogov". Gl. lekar; Khr. Zdravkov. (BURNS) (Al-ITIBIOTICS) KHADZHIBAYE'll M., assl@3teni@ w-cretovy Panot'lon of the in liver Hed. zhur. Uzb. no.5930-34 IWO (MIRA 1`14) 1. Iz kaNd@:,j gospitallnoy khirurgil ( zaT. .- prot. S. A. Rsbimov) ler;betnogo faknltteta Taishkr4itzkogo meditsinskogo InBtituta. MUMHUMMI, Z.K. Data on the study of the bamboo spider mite Schizotetranychus bambusao Reek in Tiflis. Soob.All Gruz,SSR 8 no-7:477-480 147. . I OMRA 9: 7) 1*Akademiya nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Tbilisskiy botanicheskiy sad. Predstavleno deyetvitellnym chlenom Akademii Ir.A.Zayteev7m. (Tiflis--Kites) (Bamboo--Diseases and pests) 33346. Lizldra V I. Sad I 0,-Iorod, 11.),49, ',:o. 10, C, 51-53 SO' ktO-)i-Sl ZhUM-11'rii'll! 31-1,01,VY VOL 115) '107i,VI., 19,14-9 77M 1777 1. KUDZHIBEYLI, Z. K. 2. USSR 600 4. Pyralididae - Kakhetia 7. Material on the study of the fig pyralis (Simaethis nemorana. Hb.) in Kakhetia,, Soob. AN Gruz. SSH, Us No. 5" 1950. 9. Monthly List of Russian Acceasionst Idbrary of Congress) April 19.53j, Uncl, KHADZHIBBTLI, Z.K. Nev genus and opecies of pulyinaria of the family Lecantidas (Romoptera. Coccoidea) from Georgia. Int.obos. 34:231-239 155. 1. Institut sashchity rasteniy Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy &U. (Geogria-Scale Insects) USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insectsi Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 6785. kuthor : KhadnhihA Y11 K, Inst :Institute fo@e Protection of Plants, AS, GSSR. Title :Towards the Study of Leaf-rollers, That Damage the Citrus Crops in Georgia. Orig Pub: Tr. In-ta zashohity rast. AN GruzSSR, 1956, 11, 139-155, Abstract: The leaf rollers Sparganothis pilleriana, (the leading species), Bulia politana, Caooeoia la- fauryana, Pandomis heparana, Totrix dumetana and T, diversana, Argyroploce oespitana and Caooeoia podana damaged citrus (especially lemon), fruit trees, technical, decorative, tree and bush varieties a;3 well as weeds, (wormwood, oommeline) which serve as the main preserves of the leaf rol- lers. The sites of the pest's infection were chiefly Card 1/2 21 Liaects. USSR/General and Specialized Zoology - Abe jour : Rof Zhur - Biols) No 8) 1958) 35309 Author : I(hadzhibeyli)ZK& Inst institute for plant Protectioli of the Academy of Sciences, Georgian SSRo, Title Data for the Study of Acterolecanium minus Iaidgr.j Pnrthenolecanium rufulum Ckll. - Diaspidiotus zonatus Frau. Orig Pub Tr. In-ta zaahchity rast. AN GruzSSR, 1956, 11, 157-170. Abstract Twelve species of coccides were found on the oaks in Georgiao The mat destructive were the tvinglandular scale insects: the widely spread A, minus and A. queri- cola, The mat frequently found parasite of these scale insects was Habrilepis zatter8tedti; Euaphycus asterole- canii and Eusphycus sp. ware found less frequently. The oak pseudoscale insect (Parthenolecanium rufulum) and Card 1/2 USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., NO 3) 1958, 11599 Author :.Khadzhibeyli Z. K. Inst @ @@ V_- j_@ E- Title The New Species of the Genus Pluto Sign. (Homoptera, COccoidea) from the Mountain Region Of Georgia. Orig Pub: Soobshch. AN Gruz SSR, 1956, 17, No 6, 515-518 Abstract: A description (with short biolOoical data) of a new species of farinose scale insects p. caucasicus dis- tributed widely in the fir and pine trees of Georgia. Card 1/1 5 -U?li,;@ tyi"'PF' ZOOUIGY. INFECTS C.", And F a uik t.,., t jol.'d -Bfolon`ya, P:o. 2, 395'), No. 6874 'Ir, .1 -11 lJoyl Ty, t, L , o, :)i its st7jc!), of In-t.;% z,wf@hc@.Jty ra.,t.. AN Grwz.551R, lql;lt 12 1 20 -,- 215 ThC' LI-;K I'oi phyro a-zora brief L-joluxice-I e@at-l 01, it .311": SiN*Grl@ KH&WHIBSYLI, Z.K. A now gemis and spacloo of mealY bugs (Homoptera. Peoudococcidae) from Georgia [with ewmary in Bnglishle Ent.oboz. 37 no.4: go)-W 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Inatitut zaahchity rastenly Akademii sallakokhozyuystvannykh nm* GruzSSR, Tbilisl,. (Goorgia-Mealy bugs) KHADZHIMLI, Z.K. Features of Coccoiden of the dark conifer forests of Geor ia. Soob.AII Gruz.SSR 23 no.5:575-582 N 159. (MM 13:6) 1. Institut zashchit7 rasteniy Akade7ii sel'skokhozyaYstvennykh nauk GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predstrivleno chlonom-karrespondezitom Akademij L.P.Xalandadze. (Georgia--Scale insects) KHADNIBEYLI, Z.K. A contribution to the study Ofcoccids of the family Ortheziidae (Homoptera, Coccoidoa) of Gwrgia. Ent. oboz. 42 no.3:611- 620 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut zashchity rasteniy 141nisterstva Bel'skogo khozyastva Gruzin,3koy SSR, Tbilisi. KHADZHID.U1CHLV, D.;ST01 @NUV, N. "How We Oraanize the Fight Against Scarlet Fever 11 3 'j MI'LVEN FRONT, No. 47, Nov. 1954, Sofiya, Bulga;ia5' ' SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (Ei@AL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. GLUSCEVIC, M.j BJELOVITICO Mol KH&DZRIDEDI2,t,,N.j TRIFUNOSKI, J. We and work of Profq Milanko S. Filipovic. Geogr pregi 6: 13m24 162 MITI'Ov, G. CUrran t nf,afus of the of geriet.!@- c-ffe.@t-- ol d,,t,-@zq of InnIzIng Stwr. med. (.2ofHO 15 no.1% 48-59 KHADZHIDXXOV. G., at. asiotent Outsochondritin of the elbow with special reference to roentgen" graphic technic. l(hirurgiia 7 no.1:43-49 1954. 1. Institut po rentgonologita I radioterapila, pri ISUL, Zavexhdashch: Prof. G.Tenchov. (OST=HONMITIS, *elbow, x-ray) (FMOW. diseases, *ostsochondritis, x-ray) KHADZHIDEKOV, G. Bone changes in lymphogranulmatosis, Suvrem mad., Sofia no.gs4g-56 ,6o. 1. From the Cair of Roentgenology and Raldiology at the Postgraduate Medical Training Institute in Sofia. V@hairman: Prof. G.Tenchov) (HODGKIN'S DISEASE pathol.) (BONE AND BONES pathol.) TXNCIIOV, G.,; RAICHIM, P.; KRUSTIV. B.: KWZHIDSKOV, G. Case of maxillary fibrosarcoma with massive calcifications. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:183-185 1955. (FIBROSARCOMA, maxilla. calcified) ('fAXTLLA, neoplasms, fibrosarcoma, calcified) GORANOV, I.; dotsent; CHOKANOV. K.; KWZHIDXKOV, G. Case of aosinophilic graduloma of the radius. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.5:456-459 '55. (BOSINOPHILIC GRANULOKA, radius) (RADIUS, diseases, aosinophilic granuloma) KHADZHIDFXOV, G. Familial cratinoid osteochondropathy. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.6: 537-543 1955. 1. Institut za spetsializatalia t usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite institut po renttenologiia. (CRXrINIf)M, Laewen-Roth pynd.) (DWARFIM, Lanwon-Roth synd.) CHDKANOV, Kr.; KHADZHIDEKOV, G.Zh. Problem of fibrous dysplasta with report of two cases. Kbirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.10:897-906 1955. 1. Institut %a spetsializatsila i usuvurshenstmans na lekarits, Sofiia. Klinika po ortopediia. Direktori prof. B.Boichen. Institut po rentgonologila. Direktor: prof. G.Tenchov. (OSTRITIS FIBROBA, case reports, (Bul)) POPIVANOV, S.; KMZYJ.DZKDVt 0, @4"-r 'W1 @- 1-0 . Combined'forine of nephrolithlaals and renal tuberculosis. Khlrurgila. Sofia 9 no.2:124-129 1956. 1. Inatitut za spetsializatelia i usuvarshenstvuvane na. lekarite, Softia. Klinika po urologlia. Zav. kateclratat prof. A. Chervenakov rentgenov institue. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (KIDMS, calculi, with tuberc. (Bul)) (CALCULI,, with tuber. (-Bul)) (TUBERCULOSIS, RENAL, complacations, calculi. (Bul)) KMDV113PWyOV ." Unuanal roentgenograT)hia T)Icture in a case of tetany. Suvrem. meed., Sofia 8 no.3:91-95 1957. . 1. Iz TlentgnnovilA institut pri ISUL (Znvezhdashch: prof. G. Tanchov). (TRTARY, cone reports, atynical x-ray picture (Bul)) TMICHOV, G.; BUCHUROVA, V.; MAMHIDMV, G. Certain roentgenological skeletal characteristics in congenital myzedsma. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.11:35-42 1957. 2, Iz Katedrata T)o rentgenologita pri ISUL - Sof iia (Zav. k6tedrata: prof. G. Tenchov). i Katedrata po detski bolesti, pri ISUL - Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. V. B. 13ratanov) (GIMINISM, manifest. skeletal x-ray (Bul)) (SKELITON, in var. die. cretinism, x-ray (Bul)) KRADMIDEMV, G. Tomogranhic pictures of normal and pathological ethmoid bone. Ehirurglia, Sofia 10 no-10:898-905 1957. 1. Institut za spetsializataiiu i usuvarshematvuvans na lekarite - Sofila Rentgenov inatitut. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (11THKOID 13ONJ, radiography tomographic method in health & die.) KMZHIMOV, G.; RAZPOPOVA, M. A case of generalized arthrosis consecutive to polyarthritis in a young woman* Suvrememed*,Sofia 2 no-1:83-88 *60. 1. Iz latedrata po andokrinologii i obmiana na veshtestvata pri ISUL. Rukov. na katedrata: prof. Iv. Penchev i Katedrata po rent- genologiia i radiologiia pri ISUL. Rukov. na katedrata: prof. G. Tenchov. (ARTHRITIS RHMMATOID pathol.) ---,,,KH.ADZHIDEKOV, G.;-DASHFV, G.; DIMITIROVA, IA. The sclerotic ram of renal osteopattry. Suvrem med., Sofia no.l: 117-123 161. 1. Katedra po endokrinologiia i bolesti na obmianata, Inatitut za spetaializataiia i usuvurahenotvuvane na lekarite. (Rukov. na katedrata IV7. Penchev.) Katedra po rentgenelogiia i radiologiia (Rukov. na lattedrata prof. G. Tenchav.) (PYELONEPHRITIS patbol) (NErIMOSOLEROSIS pdthol) (BONE AND BONES pathol) TENCHOV, G,L-M@@HLDEKOV, G.; DOBREV, D. Mutilating arthritis and its roentgenological characteristics. Suvrem med., Sofia no.4/5:183-188 161. 1. Iz katedrata po rentgenologiia i radiologiia pri Instituta za spetsia2lzateiia i usuvurahenstvuvane na lekarits. (Rukovoditel na katedrata, prof. G. Tenchov.) (ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOID radiog) KHADZHIDEKOV, G.; DIVIITROVA, IA. Latent forms of osteochandrodystrophy. Suvrem med., Sofia no.4/5: 189-192 '61. 1. Iz Katedrata po endokrinologila i bolesti na obmianata pri Instl- tuta za apetsializateiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite. (Rukovo- ditel na katedrata prof. Iv. Penchev. " i Katedrata Do rentgenologiia i radiologila. (Rukovoditel na katedraut prof. U. tenchov.) (OSTEOCHONDRITIS radiog) TENCHOV, G', prof.; KTUDZHIDEKOV, G., dots, Role of periostoaie and apicalitis in the differential diagnosis of malignant bone tumors. Wrurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:273-274 161. 1. Katedra po rentgenologiia i radiologiia pri Instituta za Bpetsiali- zatalia I usuvurabonstvuvans na lekarite. (BWE AND BONES neopl) TUICHOV G., prof.; KHADZHIDEKOV a cbte. On certain unusual roentgenological pictures in tumors of the femoral bons. Khirurgiia, Sofia 11+ no.2/3:277-288 161. 1. Katedra po rentganologlia i radiologiia pri Instituta za apetsiali- zatsila i uauvarshenstruvane na lekarite. (FEM neopl) KMZHIDEKOV, G., dotB.j SAKHATCHIEV, A. On calcificationo and oo5ificationB in the region of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. Khtrurgiia, Sofia 14 no.8:695-702 161. 1. Institut %a spetsializataiia i uouvurshenstvuvane na lekarite, Sofiia. Katedra no rentgenologiia i radiologiia. Zav. katedrata: Prof. G. Tenchcv(deceasedl. (CALCIFICATION) (OSSIFICATION) (LARYNGEAL CARTILAGES pathol) (HYOID BONE pathol) 7777 TASHEV, T., prof.; Kl@@@EMTY, dots ent:,T5 0071,, D. Alkaptonurik arthrovis. no.1:129-131 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz Instituta opetsializatsii i usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (Sofiya, Bolgariya). (URINE-ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) (JOINTS-DISEASES) (ACETIC ACID) KHLMHIDEKOV, G., clotsent; MITROVp G. Perspectives and trends -in the development of modern radio- therapy of malignant tu=Ta. Khirurgiie. 15 no-4:362-368 162. 1. Inatitut, za opetsializataiia i uouvurshenstvuvane na lekarite Sofiia Katedra po rentgenologiia i racU.ologiia.Zav. katedrata: dote. G. Khadzhidekov. (NMPLASMS radiother) KHADZHDEKOV, G., dotsent; POPlVAIIOV, S. On some differences in roentgenographic: pictures of uro- and pyelography. Khirurglia 15 no.5/6:4.70-476 '62. 1. Inatitut za spetolallzataiia i usuv%wahenstruvane na lekarite Sofiia. Katedra o rentgenologiia i radlologiia. Zav. katedrata: prof. G. Tenchovfdoesaoedl. Katedra po'urologiia. Zav. katedrata: prof. A. Cher7enakov. (PYELOGRAPHY) (UROGMTAL SYSTEM radiog) KILIDZIIIDEKOV, G., and IJITROV, G.; [Affiliation not given.1 "Current Concepts and Status of Radiotherapy on Non-Tumoral Diseases." Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina, Vol 14, No 6, 1963; pp 41-46. Abstract: Review of literature on radiotherapy of infectious syndromes (Kfu`@'6-n'@Tes and furunculoses, lymphadenitis, etc.,) arthroses (including authors, data on 110 patients and 90% satisfactory results,) miscellaneous diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; comprehensive review and discussion of a symposium on radiation treatment of non-tumoral diseases held in Moscow sometime in 1962. Ten Soviet and 3 Western refk-- KHADZHIDEKGV, G.; MITROV, G. Current status and trends in radiotherapy of nontumoral diseases. Suvr. med. 14 no.6:41-46 163. (RADIOTHERAPY) (DEPMATOLOGY) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTDI DTSEASES) (PERIPHERAL NERVE DISEASES) (ARTHRITIS) (SPONDYLITIS) (INFL10,24ATION) IGIADZHIDEKOV, G.; WYMOV, G. Haffuccits oyndrome. Suvr. med.,14 no-4:69-76 163. (DYSCIIONDROPLASU) (HEMANGICbIA, CAVERNOUS) VELICHYM, L.; MEITKOV, F. A:: r,, Ifardl.10 wbruoly,..s. Vest. rent. ' rad. 4C no.-, Mr-Ap IA5. ( ml]@ 1. Kafedra rentgenologii i radiol:)gli (zav..- prDf. C,. Yhad;, f'-' iek@)v) spetsifilizatsii i uso-vershensfyova.-:1ya vr,,ichey kafedra mn',genclogii i radiolDgii (zav, prcf. A. Vy-,.-,heg,o medits:m5kogo Institutii, Soflya. KUMAHOV, Stefan; KHADVIDIMITROV, Petur- KARAIVANOV, Rangel Digestibility of whole and ground grain for horses. Izv Zhivotn nauki 1 no.2t43-46 '64. 1. Zootechnical Faculty of the G. Dimitrov Nigher Agricultural Institute, Sofia. KHADZHIDIMOV, G., inzh.; IKONOMOV, G., d-r The do-it-yourself cart. Nauka i takh m1adezh 16 no.11: 57-61 164.