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17FTUKIfOV, '; PRAV!".'F.Al, N@lqo'.a-'; YllMF-J',,yevJL,!j
kand , tt li*-i!K ki 1-9 r Z' KHADMIK' 'IV,
t "ll" D I YAKOVA GJ, @ ved
196, 00 M qA
iO',IiONDK(',V:iK!Y, R.P. , dotsent; SINOPALINIKOV, K.G,, , dotjenl U.M. ;
Problems of orogeny. Ugoll 40 no.12:19-24 D 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Gornyy fakul.itet Permskogo politakhnir!heskogo instituta.
(for Rzhondkovsklyp Sinopallaikov). 2. Kadiyoviki.y gorodskoy
komitat Kormnlaticheskoy partil Ukritiny (for Sakharov).
3. Kombirvit Luganskugoll (for Grinlko, Zakharov). 41. Kadiyevskly
filia.1 Kominunarskogo gorno-metallurgicheskogo inst".u ta (for
Khadzhikov, Lesnykh).
gnbordinnting effect of the mesencephnlon on the nccommodation
of the ocintic nerve. [with summnry In Nnglish]. Biul.ekap.biol.
I mad. 45 no-3 Kr'58 (MIRA 11:5)
1. Is kafedry normallnoy fiziologit (zav. - prof. A.A. Zubkov)
liahineRvkogo moditainakogo inatituta. Prodntsvlena doyetvitell
nym chlonom AMN SSSR Y.N. Chprnigovnkim.
(KISRNCMMALON, phyisioloff,
subordinnting off. on acintic nerve accomodntion (RUM))
(MVE, SCIATIC, physiology.
accomodation, oubordinnting off. of mesencephalon (Rua))
DZHURM,, K.j, lnzh, j KMZHIYMSTEV, 11.
The Proirea�radio receiver, Radio i televiziia 11 no.U:329-
330 162.
Kill 7,;:-;7- Tj ;j@-
Tranapiration intensity and moisture deficif,'l;,,qpbwar4 end ephox=oidal
plantn of tho southwestern Xyzl,Kwa. Uzb. bioi. zhur. no.4:22-26 161.
(MIRA 14: 10)
1. InsLitut botaniki Ali UzSSR.
t I i
GROSHIKOV,M.I.,kandidat maditainskikh nauk; KIROVA, L.I.,klinichoskiv
ordinator; TITOTA, N.M.,kliulcbaokiy ordinator; XH"ZHI-XER, G.F.,
klinicheskly ordinato
Single application of biomycin for treating chronic periodoutitis.
Stomatologiia 35 no.5tl3-15 S-0 156 (KLRA lo:4)
1. Iz kELfedry terapavtichaskoy stomatologii (zav.-prof. Te.Ye.
Platonov) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologichaskogo instituta
(dir.-doteent G.N. Beletskly)
ACCESSION NR* AT4027406 S/3086/63/000/004/0375/0378
AUTHOR: Khadzhimatov, V. A.
TITLEs Body water in animals under various temperature conditions
-SOURCE: AN UzbSSR* Otd, biol. nauk. Voproxy* biologiL L krayevoy
imeditainy*, no. 4, 1963, 375-378
TOPIC TAGS: total body water, axtracellular bo4y water, intracfllular
lbody water-, heat.effect, insolation-effect
'ABSTRACT: The distribution of body water at optimal temperature
:(18-20C)*and under conditions of high temperature (40-42C) and
,insolation were studied on mongrel dogs (weighing 11.0-13.5 kg)
,and rbesus monkeys (weighing 6-8 kg). The monkeys were divided into
two groups. Group I was subjected to daily exposures for 2.5 hrs to
,the action of high temperature and insolation for 24 days; group 11
Iwas subjected to four exposures in 24 days. At optimal temperature,
:the total body water in dogs ranged from 55.3 to 63.3%; the extra-
;cellular water. from 31.5 to 33.72: and tho intracellular w*tero
Lqa,'d 13
from 13.4 to 31.4% of body weight. Under high temperature conditions,
the total body water in'dogs increased to 58-66%. the intracellular
water increased to 30.0-39.3%, and the extracallular water decreased
to 24.5-27.8% of body weight. After termination of the exposure
to heat, slow restoration of the total body water to the initial level
took place. The data obtained for the monkeys were quite different.
At optimal temperature, the total body water ranged from 60.3 to
69.1%; the extracellular water, from 29.0 to 32.4%; and the intra-
cel-lular water water, from 30.4 to 46.1% of.body weight. Changes
occurring in body water under conditions of high temperature depended
on the duration of exposure. In monkeys of group -I, the total body
water content decreased slowly and gradually to 53.-0-65.0% of body
weiaht; the extracellular water decreased by 11.2-27.8%; and the
intracellular water, decreased by 1.8-20.2% of the initial value.
In monkeys of group 11 under conditions of high temperature, the total-
body water ranged from 53.0 to 62.8%; the extracallular water, from
22.0 to 25.0%1'and the intr&cellular water from 31.3 to 40 81. No
data are given an the restoratLoa of the body w&ter conten@ n monkeys
C-,d 2/3
@after tarmination of exposure to high temperature conditions*
iOrige art* hass I figure.
KUDZU-NO"VO MA., assistent
Eleven-year data on hip fractures froj# a hospital surgical
clinic. Zdrav.Turk. 7 no.2t23-A24 F 063. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent,
AMN SSSR prof. I.F.Berezin) Turkmenskogo gosudaretvennogo
meditsinakogo instituta* (FEMUR-FRACTURE)
Plow resistance In relation to.-the line of traction with
commercial and experimental ploughshares. Izv. AN Turk. SSR
no.5:52-59 158. (MIRA 11:12)
l.Turkmenskir sell skokhozyaretvemqy institut im. M.I. Kalinin&.
S: Dom,tn, N. G.,,-K1jjjdzhi-1',1urat, L. N., S,)7/2o-122-1-31/44
Demina, S. Ye.
TITLE: The Unity arid the P--rticul.,,.r Tr.,-iit3 in t,,.e Way of Carbon
Assi,,:Alation by DifforetA Plant Sp-.@cie2(Yedinstvo i
osobennooti puti asaimilyatoii ugleroda razlichnyni
vidami ra3teniy)
PERIODICAL: Dolklady Akadenii rutul. SSSR, 1950, Vol 122, Nr 1,
pp 111 - 113 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In a paper worked out ur,.Gler the participation of the
author mentioned firjt in the title (Ref 1) is was
proved in the czase of 17 p1rtnt sr)(@cies from 12 families
that especially if they are ge:,eticnlly closely relLtted
the ways of their c140 2 in asoimilation are very similar.
It is tilie, however, thr-A already at an exposure
of one second duration after the C140 2 fixation the
specific type of metabolism of the ol-@nt3 concerned has
an effect upon the r,,.tio of the formirG products. The
present investi-ation h.-.,.o t, e airr, to fill the g-@ps
Card 1/!4 in the knowlede,-e concerning the concrete mecha.-Asm of
The Unity and thQ Particular Traits in t.e Way of SOV/2o-122-1-31/44
Cavbon Assimilation by Different Plant Species
CO2 assimilation, particularly in tile initial sta,@es.
There are contradictions with retipect to the problem
of the nature of the initial products of CO ssimilation
in connection with photosyrithonis (Refr, 2-63. Leaves of bean
(bot bean), be@,onia, 3u,-,,Ar bect and tobntcco were
used an experimental objects. They differ greatly with
respect to the type of metabolism. The method of
investii,ation is described in refurence 7. The results
showed that in the case of the shortest exposure of
1 second duration phoophoglyceric acid is formed in
the leaves of all cxp,@rimentul plants. The exposure
was carried out in the presence of C140 2- In begonia,
sul,ar beot and tobacco almost the total radioactivity
was concentrated in this acid. In the bean, however,
this acid is formed as a stable initial product of
photosynthesis but it changes rapidly to free glyceric
acid. In beano sometimes a considerable radioactivity
is observed at short exposures in a culst:tnce which
Card 2/4 1,,a3 so far not been identified (Fics 1,3). In this
The Unity and the Particular Traits in the Way of S07/12o-122-1-31/44
Carbon ksaimilation by Different Plant Sp,?cies
case probably an indcpendant fixation of CO 2 is
concerned which is in connection with the synthesis
of any aromatic scubsta:.ce by means of carboxylition.
The results of the invosti@;ations show that apart
from the unity of the mnin otages of the assimilation
wLys of carbon the specificity of metabolism becomes obvious
,tlreiul- in the be-Anning. kirvady the first irod'act -
piosphoglycoric acid (as well Lis its predecessors)
chan@-os according to scheme into at least 3 directions:
a)red@iction, b) oxidation and c) dephosphorylation.
On the whole it is, however, reduced by entering the
photosynthetic carbohydrate cycle (Ref 7). Thus, other
natural ways are basically not excluded (Refs 9,10). There
1 fioure, 1 table, and 10 references, 7 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut biol:himii im.A.?i.Bak:,a Akademii nauk SSSR
Card 3/4 (Institute of Biochemistry irleni A."'.Bakh,AS USSR)
1-, 1. . 1. " .
IQUD,71`11 )
"Antitoxic Function of The Liver and the State of tho Cardj.o-.rarcular System, in
Intravenal 'Jodiwa Panothal Ilarco3is.11 (Dissertation for of Gjrujidate of
Medical Scietices) TurIcron StaUo Medical Innt iiica-' 1. -,1,, 0"Yalin, Ashkhabad) 1955
SO: 1-1-1036 23 Mar 56
Bxperimental supplementary plowshares cutting to the loft.
Izv.kN Turk.SSR no.3:31-39 159. (14JU 12: 11)
1. Turkmanakly eel Ia]-.okhozyaystvennyy inotitut im. M.I.
101firUT-TANICTOVA, X. T. -- .-
" ,
ParwWlutin&tion of lacheriehi& coll. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i
imvnm. no. 6 t 66 Ja '54. (KLBA 7:7)
KRA ZH1MWTOV, A.K. (Tashkent)
Angulation of the gall bladder simulating a double bladder with
calculi. 35 no.11:144-145 N '57- (MI-RA 11:2)
1. Iz priyemnogo otdeleniya Tashkentakogo meditainskogo institute
(dir. doteent A.G.Gulamov)
(GHOISLITHIABIS, case reports
angulation of bladder simulatittdouble bladder)
KHADZI1111-11AHMIEDOV, Kh. Kh.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of
Cie processes occurring in the interaction of atoms and ions of alkali elements
with the surfaces of heated metals". Tashkent, 1956. 140 pp (Acad Sci Uzbek SSR,
Phys-Tech Inst), 175 copies (KL, No 8, 1959, 134)
Methods for investigating secondary processes.caused by - ion@ -ii@ -..... .
high target temperatures during thermoeledtronic emission. Izv.
AN Uz.SM-Ser.fix.-mat.nauk no-5:15-22 '58. (MR& 11:12)
le lisiko-takhnicheakiy institut AN UzSSR.
(Ilectron emission)
AUTHORSt Arifov,U.A., AkAdemik AIT Uz SSR SOV/166-59-2-6/11
(Academician AS Uz. SSR), and
Khadzhimukhamedov Kh.Kh.
TITLEt Investigation of the Components,of the Secondary Ionic Emission
for High Temperatures of the Target and for an Appearing Thermal
Electron Emission (Iseledovaniye komponentov vtorichnoy ionnoy
emisaii pri vysokikh tem5eraturakh misheni v prisutstvii
termoelektronnoy emisi
PERIODICAL% Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbeksko@ SSR, Seriya
M@tematioheek Ii*niaiiukt 1959, Nr 2, pp 47-50 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present a or is a completion of the recently published
announcomentp?Ref 32. With the vacuum apparatus and the method
le modulation describ direct measure
of the doub ed in fRef 3 7
ments of the coefficients of the secondary ionic emission were
carried out. Here the coefficients for scattered. vaporized, and
diffusion ions are measured separately and theit dependence on
the energy of the primary ions (Na, K, Rb, Cs) as well-as on the
surface temperature of the filamentary W-target is determined.
card 1/2
AUTROR3: Arifov, U. A., Academician, AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Ayukhanov, A. Kh.9
Starodubtsev, s. v., Academician, AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Khad,himukb&_
modov, Kh. Kh.
TITLE: On a Method of Investigating the Secondary Processes Which Are
Caused by Iona at High Temperatures of the Target in the Case of
a Thermoelectronic Etail3sion (0 motodike idsledovaniya vtorichnykh
protseaeov, vyzyvayemykh ionami pri vysokikh temperaturakh miaheney
v Prisutstvii tormoelektronnoy emiasii)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol .124, Nr 1, pp 60-62 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It was interesting to perfect the method of double modulation used
for the investigation of secondary ion processes at high tempers
tures (at which a flux of thermal electrons exists). The apparatus-
used was similar to one that has already been described (Ref 2)
with the exoeption that an electrically heated filament was sub-
stituted for the plane target. A schematical drawing shows the
Principles of the electric wiring diagram. Target temperature was
determined from the heating current and from the diameter of the
filament; the work function was determined by the method of
Richardson straight -lines, taking a correction for the Schottky
Card 1/3 effect into account. The primary and secondary ion fluxes and also
On a Method of Investigating the Secondary Processes Whichfire Caused by Ions
at High Temperatures of the Target in the Case of a Thermoelectronic Emission
the current intensity of the thermal electrons were determined
from tho'coordinatee of oscillograme. In the case under investiga-
tion the application of the method of double modulation is reduced
to the following: the primary ion beam accelerated by the field is
modulated with respect to intensity by a generator for rectilinear
pulses with a frequency of 500 - 1000 cycles (first modulation)
and directioned on to the target. The flux of the secondary emission
from the target is then collected by a collector and is transmitted
to the imput of the vertical amplifier of an oscillograph. The
horizontal development of this oacillograph is synchronized with
the generator of the saw-tooth pulses. Three oacillograms of a
filament-like W-target (which was bombarded with 840 ev K+-ions)
are added at 18000 K. Secondary ion emission consists of 3 components.
On the basis of the here discussed examples it is possible to de-
fine the coefficient of the secondary ion emission as the ratio of
the sum of components of the secondary ion fluxes to the primary
ion flux. The amount of this coefficient depends in a complicated
manner on the energy., the ioni7-ation potential, the mass of ions,
the temperature, the work function, and the mass of the ions con-
Card 2/3 tained in the target. Itia thus possible, by the here discussed
On a Method of Investigating the Secondary Processes Which Are Caused by Ions
Lit High Temperatures of the Target in the Case of a Thermoelectronic Emission
improved miethod of double modulation, separately to investigate
the individual components of secondary emission, viz& the amperagea
of the scattered, evaporated, and diffused ions, as well as the
thermoelectrone occurring in the bombardment of pure metal targets
by positive ions (at high temperature in the presence of consider-
able thermoelectronic emission).'There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk UzSSR
(Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Uzbekskaya
SUBMITTED: August 29,1958
Card 3/3
810481607C 24/06/14/017
Khadzhimukhamedov, Kh. Kh.
AUTHORS., Arifov, U.
TITLE: On the Problem of Neutralization of Past Positive Ions
on a Metal Surface
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakayal
196o, Vol. 249 No. 6f PP- 705-709
TEXT: This is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at the 9th All-
Union Conference on Cathode Electronics from October 21 to 28, 1959 in
Moscow. The authors suggest a method of determining the neutralization
coefficient of positive Ions by the bombardT414arget. The investigations
were made with Na+_' K+7 @Rb-,-ind co-, ions, and targets of W, Mo, and Ta,
and the influence exercised by temperatur e and energx of the incident ions
was studied. The primary and seoondaig ion currentsWere measured by a
method described in a paper by Arifov tRef. 6) . By this method, oscillo-
grams (Fig. I)of*the voltampere characteristics of the primary ion ourrent,
currents of scattered ions, evaporated ions, diffusion ions, and thermo-
electronic ions were obtained. The determination of the individual compo-
nents from the oacillogram is discussed, and the experimental device is
Card 1/2
",O,':OIf)V, A.P.
Ji@@- ity. Izv. Ali IT7. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mt.muk no-511-2 161.
1. Aa-itlemiya nai0c. UzSS.
SSR. Ser. M.-mt.nauk no-.5156--61f161.
.,Rlb'CV y .1.
I C.A. , ahademik; Kh.,
:,C.. I't :-'- @ .- , C.) ;.-I-l 1, ),[, , p .,.:. .., r'Or" -111.1.
SSR. Ser. fiz,-mat.nauk no.5:65-67 161. li.,:10)
1. Akademiya nauk UiSSR.
. (-'Mm2ics) (lons-Scattering)
3L @)63
S/16 61/000/006/004/010
AUTHM Arifov, U. A,,Aoademician AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Khadzhimukhamedov,
Kh. Kh.j Sokolovq A. P.
TITLE# Thermal back-emission of X, Rb and Ce ions from No and Ti
PERIODICALt kkademiya nauk Uzbekekoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 40 - 43
TEXTe When metals are bombarded by alkaline ions, some are scattered and
penetrate the metal. If the temperature is high enough (T? 12000K) these
ions will diffuse toward the surface. Depending on the ratio between the
work function of the metal and the ionization potential of the alkaline
atom, part of these ions will evaporate as neutral atoms and the other
part as positive ions. The latter are called "diffusional ions". The
ion back-emission corresponds to cathode sputtering, that of diffusional
ions to thermodiffusion. The authors measured the emission coefficient
Card 1/3
3L 063
Thermal back-emission of K, Rb and Ca ions ... B102/B138
Kd of diffusional ions, i.e. the ratio between ion diffusion current and
primary ion current, in dependence on the nature of the ions (K, Rb and
CS) and on the target material No and Ti) I inothe energy range
EO-140-1600 ev at a target temperature of 1500 K. The experimental
arrangement has been described in (Arifov et al. ZhETF, 1954, 26,714).
Kd as a function of E 0 is shown In Figs.2 and 3. In all cases X d
increases with energy, tending to saturation above 1000 ev. At EO> 600
the higher the mass and the lower the ionization potential of the ion, the
greater is the Kd value, while below 600 ev the inverse relations hold.
The ionization potential is not only inversely proportional to ion mass
and ion radius, but alno to the number of diffusing ions. At 600 ev the
Cs ions have the highest and the K ions the lowest K d value, The
penetration of alkaline ions into a metal, and their back-diffusion to
the surface, depends in a complex manner on mass, radius, energy and
Card 2/3
Thermionic secondary emission of alkali ions injected in targets
of different densities. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. fiz.-mat. nauk no.6:
44-46 161. (ERA 16:12)
1. Akademiya nauk UzSSR.
S/16 61/000/006/005/010
B! 02YB1 36
AUTHORP Arifov, U. A., Academician AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Khadzhimukhame-
Lo,@, @Kh.
TITLEi Scattering of alkaline ions on metal surfaces at high
PERIODICAL3 Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 47 - 49
TEXT. The authors have measured the scattering coefficients K p of
positivS Li, Na, K, Pb and Ce ions scattered from Mo, Ta, and Ni targets
at 1500 K in the energy range E0 - 180 - 1600 ev. Method and apparatus
have been described earlier (Arifov et al. Izv, AN UzSSR, ser. fiz.-mat.
jr.auk, 1961, NO-5). The targets, 0.02 mm thick plates, were purified by
high-.temperature treatment for several days and were heated again before
each measurement. The primary and secondary currents were recorded bj
oscillograph, The results are shown in Figs. 2-4. Unlike the cold
Scattering of alkaline ions on metal... B102/B138
target experime--ts, with hot targets (15000K) no ion scattering was
observed, within the limits of error, when m2'>M10 If m 2 4@mj' Kpat
YK Is less than at 3000K. M2 is the ion mass, m I the mass of the
+arget atoms, Vnereas, with the cold targets, the K p (r!, .) curves inter-
se@,@ with hot targets they run almost in parallel.. For E - 0.8 kev, the
K va2ues are in good agreement with the relation K - 2A(.1, ). The
p P 3 21ml
re-5i;lts agree with the law of elastic particle collision. There are 4
raid 9 referow:;es3 8 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION,., Akademiya nauk UzSSR (Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED,@ August 16, 1961
q B102/B138
AUTHOR: Arifov, U. A., Academician AS Uzbekekaya SSR,
Khad-zhimukhamedov, Kh. Kh., Parilis, E. S., Kishinevskiy, L. M.
TITLE: Scattering of ions on metal surfaces
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekekoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1961p 50 - 56
TEXT: Experimental results of scattering of alkaline ions from hot and
cold metal targets are discussed and compared with theoretical consider-
ations. The aim of the investigations wao to explain the sudden increase
in the ion scattering coefficient on reduction of the ion energy E 0 from
1-15 kev to some hundred ev. The scattering coefficient K s is defined as
the ratio between scattered and primary ion current. The K 8(E 0) curves
were plotted in the Eo-range 75-1600 ev at T - 300 0K for Na and K scatter-
ing from Mo, Na from W, Mo and Ni and Ce from Mo. In all cases K
Card 1/3
scattering of ions on metal surfaces B102/B138
increased rapidly with diminishing Eo and increasing mass of the target
atoms. At E0>800 ev K8increased with ion mass. At high temperatures
(T-15000K) Mo targets were bombarded with Ha, K, Rb and Ca ions. Kafell
with increasing E0and ion mass. For Cs ions no fast scattering was
observed. The lack of Cs ion scattering at high temperatures means that
Cs ion scattering on a cold Mo target must be due to the film of adsorbed
heavy atoms which evaporate at high temperatures. The coefficient of ion
scattering from metal surfaces can be estimated from the relation
X0=60 lit, ey d0being the elastic forward scattering cross section, N the
number of target atoms per cm3 P he the effective depth of back-scattering.
60 = Itp2 The collision parameter p is found from
0 0
co 7C are Cos
Card 2/3
Scattering of ions on metal surfaces
r . denotes the least distance between colliding2nuclei. po(E 0) was
calculated for a Firsov Potential U(r) z1re a I (P (7'1 Z2) r/.]
(0. B. Firsov, ZhETF, 1958, 34, 447). is the screening function. Eq. (5)
was solved numerically and the results were compared with experimental ones.
The deviations (at low energies the theoretical curve. lie above, and at
highy below, the experimental ones) are explained by the fact that the
dependence of 2e on E. was neglected. It is assumed that Cs+ is not
scattered from Mo atoms, but from heavier ones, e 1A1
and 10 references. 9 Soviet and 1 non -,v,- 1167. There are 5 fig'.1res
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk UzSSR (Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: July 26, 1961
Card 3/3
S/04 62 '/026/01i/oi6/021
B 12 5Y31 02
AUTHORS: Arifov, U. A., and Khadzhimukhamedov, Kh. Kh.
TITLE: Study of the dependence of the necondary ion emission
components on energy, type of ions., and target material
PER10DICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Izventiya. Seriya fizicheakaya,
v. 26, no. 11, 1962, 1422-1425
TEXT: 'I'he dependence of the coefficients K sc for scattered ions, K ev for
evaporated ions, and K diff for diffuse ions, on the energy E 0 (75-1600 ev)
and on the type (Na+, K*, and Rb4) of the bomb 'arding ions, and on the
target material (Ta, Mo Ni) is investigated. The experiments were made
under a vacuum of -10-1 mm Hg. K sc and K ev decrease, but K diff incrtases,
with increasing energy Z 0 of the primary ions. At high energies all i-hvee
coefficients, and also their sum K Z , tend to saturation. The maximum of
K at -)300 ev suggests maximum adsorption of primary iona on the target
surface at this ener The boiAbardr4ent,of a Ni target with K ions
Card 1/3
study of the dependence of ---
S/04 62/026/011/016/021
B 12 5Y131 02
gives rasults aimilar to that of a Ta target with K+ions. For Ni + K4-
K_ is energy independent and equals 10O@. In thin case K.V has its
an ion diffusion current occurs at - 600 ev. The
maximum at 500 ev and
numbers of primary and secondary ions are completely in equilibrium.
A decrease of Ksc is always compensated by an increasing uura of Kev and
Kdiff, The bombardment of a Mo target with Rb+ ions gives results
similar to that of a Ta target with K+ions. flora, too, KZ_ decrea3eu,
at first steeply, then more flatly, with increasing E.. In the bombardment
of a Ta target, Kav and Kdiff are practically zero. The scattering
coefficient KBC9 which is the only coefficient not zero, decreases at
first quickly and then more slowly with increasing energy Eo. The
evaporated and the diffuse particles apparently leave the target surface as
neutral atoms. The ratio K,v/K diff depends on the parameters of the
colliding particles and on the modulation frequency of the primary ion
Card 2/3
Study of the dependence of S/048/62/026/oil/016/021
beam- The lifetime of the evaporated ions in Of the same order an the
duration of pulses of the primary ions 0- aec). The lifetime of tile
diffuse ions 3
K is longer by 2-3 orders Of magnitude, In the equation
sc('-P)+Pt P is the Positive surface ionization of an alkali atom,
For and for 0 (.at 15000K) K is practically equal to I
Ksc* For 0 I Vxv
the Kse values remained almost constant. The curves K ac ( F. 0) did not +
intersectj K increased with m For m @@M (e.g. scattering of Li or
+ ac 2 1
,la from b1o) only fast scattered ions were observed and Y sc was .independent
of the target tempcralure. The scattering mechanism for W-114o is not
yet clear. Assuming interaction between the incident ion and a group of
target atoms of a certain effective mass, so that m eff (E0has a maximum
at E0-1140 ev, would explain the low-eaergy maximum of K ac The whole
curve K se (E0) can be explained with the model.of hard spheres if the
binding forces in the solid are taken into account. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut yadernoy fiziki Akdemii nauk UzSSR (Institute of
Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences UzSSR)
Card 3/3
;j -7. i
fM36-66 - Prl A
ACC NNR: AP6008549 SOURCE CODE: UR/0166/66/000/001/0057/0061
AUTHOR: -'Arifov, U. A.; Khadzhimukhamedov, Kh. Kh.; Avul&,anov, -A. Kh,
- . ............. 67
ORG: Physics Technical Institute, AN.PzS5B_(Fiziko-tckhnIcheskiy institut AIN UzSSR)
TITLE: The Poefficient of surface iLnization of fa
SOU11CE: ANT UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya flziko-matematicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: fast particle, secondary emission, ion bombardment, Ion emission,
Lace ionization
ABSTRACT: After a brief review of the literature, the authors note that there Is no
clarity in the question on the charge state of fast particles emitted from a surface and on
the application of the law of surface ionization to these particles. The present authors
to.-lether with S.V. Starodubtsev showed earlier (DAIN SSSR, 124, 1959, 60) that there
are slow (evaporated and diffused) as well as fast (scattered) ions in the secondavy ion
emission. Experimental work on the charge state of emitted fast particles had be-an
conducted without separating the secondary ions into the individual compqnents. There-
fore, the purpose of the present work is the experimental study of the charge state of
Card 1/2
L 23756-66
ACC NR: AP6009549
surface-emitted fast particles depending, on the ionization energy and potential of
bombarding ions. On the basis of the experimental data obtained In the present veork
and that of other authors (Flyants, N.N., Arifov, U.A., Ayukhanov, A. Hh.
"Radlo@ckhnlka I elektronlka," 1963, no. 8, 34; Zandberg, E. Ya. ZhTF, 25, 1955,
1386; Arif ov, U. A. , Khadzhimukhamedov, 10i. Kh. "Izv. AN SSSR, " seria fizich, , 24,
1960, 705) it is concluded that the scattering in the form of positive ions depends not on
the charge state of the primary particle, but on tho ionization potential of the bombarding
particle. This process, however, only qualitatively agrees with the mechanisms of
surface ionization. This should have been expected, since secondary scattered tons
have an entire energy spectrum, from thermal to limiting, determined by single, and
mulqplc elastic collisions of the bombarding particle with the atoms of the metal.
A better agreement of the results with the surface Ionization mechanism may be
obtained, apparently, only for the group of slow ions with energies below 10 ev.
Orig, art. has: 1 figure and 3 formulas.
SUB CODE- 20 / SUBM DATE: 1OMar65 / ORIG REF: 015 / OTH REF: 001
Card 2/2 0 t' "l,
- KHADZHIMUKHAMEDOVp Kh.K.9 assistent,
Effectiveness of complex prophylactic measures in lowering
industrial traumas of the eye. Med. zhur. Uzb. no. 1:50-54
Ja 160. (MIRA l3z8)
1. Iz kafedry glaznykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent T.Ya. Kasymov)
Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Industrial injuries of the eye and their prevention at the Uzbek
LenixwJ4etallurgical Works. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.4:54-57 Ap 160.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz kafedry glaznykh bolozney (ispolnyayushohiy obyazamosti
zaveduyushchego - dotsent T.Ya. Kasymov) Tashkentskogo gosudar-
stvennogo maditainskogo instituta.
KHANHIMUKILIMEDOV, Kh, K., Gand Pled Scl -- "Industrial -tra"
-Tiiai@m )6rf the v1jual or@;an and its' In certain
p1nnts of the Tashkentskaya Oblast." Dashkent,1961. (,Vln
of Health UzSSR. Samarkand State Med Inst Im I. P. 2avlov)
(KL, B-61, 265)
- 534
c -r,
Ph. K.
1 r-al.,
S; _J @L
T R/024 2 'i@4 @ Con 'a lo,/0069
na Ks- K. (Actl-r.;: @Itjt-anl
-.',c(,n 4unct irn-L ui fumaillin with autchowtherapT in
Opthalcdc burns
HnditalDAkdy zhurmLl UmbokletartA, no. 10,
I injur-y, drug tr-eatment, opthalranl-3v7,
Furacil)ln disaolje-@4 Ln rw-vi:,c<lc watt used irtatead -it- pentzillis
;a-E atreptomycin in hemotherap)r of opthalaic burns in
t-f@ Dains caused by thoaL% twy,- drijg-q Mrs
a d 5c-,: )TId legref opt h-61MI
rx: Ile FLI I UR a.
"In 1IR I
e, r
4 I'd i zhansk'-y -
c a I ,,-,t itute) 00
hpr64 i Pr,:>
T(-rr I 10 66530
AUTHOR: Khadzhimullayev, F.S.- sov/166-59-3-3/11
TITLEs On the Approximate Solution of a Type of Difference Equations
PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko-
matematichookikh nauk, 1959, Nr 3, pp 18-22 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The author considers the difference equation
(1) F(x+h)-F(x) -cp(x),
where F(x) is the unknown function, h> 0 is a given constant
and1f (x) is a differentiable, continuous function defined on
[0, which satisfies the condition
(2) T (x) 6 Lip N1.
The solution is sought in the class of functions two timeB
differentiable on [0,1+h,l. It holds
(3) f (x) = Bn(X, f)+ S'I(x),
where B n(x,%p) is the Bernshteyn-polynoiial of n-th order of
the function @0(x) and
(4) 14 wi:!@
n 2 Irn
Card 112 The approximate solution is sought in the form
On the Approximate Solution of a Type of SOV/166-59-3-3/11
Difference Equations
(5) '+'x) - P(O)+1Y(x)--?(O)+F
4A n+l(x)'
where 1,@(x) is an arbitrary function with the period h and
n n-k+1
(6) Fn+l(x) A kx
. k=o
For the determination of the constant A k the author obtains a
linear system of equations with a non-vanishing determinant.
For the error A n(x) of the approximate solution constructed in
this manner, the author obtains the estimation
Ljx-h I +h].
2h -Vfn-
ASSOCIATIONtInstitut matematiki imeni V.I.Romanovskogo AN Uz SSR
(Mathematical Institute imeni V.I.Rorianovskiy AS Uz SSR)
SUBM,ITTEDs December 19, 1958
Card 2/2
AU'i Khadzhimullayev, F. S.
TIT:,:;': One approach in the theory of integral equations
P7.1i!ODICAL: ReferatiVnyy' zhurnal. 114aterratika,' no. 6, 1962, 74,
abstract 6B311 (Tr. Tashkentsk. un-ta., no. 189, !961,
T.-,.,",T: If thelfu,nction u(x) is a solution to the equation
f(x) +A k(x, t)h(t, u(t))dt, (1)
@;-'U(t) - f(t) -@,h(t, u(t)) f k(x, t)dxj dt - 0.
a a b
Therefore, if F(t, y) - y-f(t) - Ah(t, y) k(x, t)dy>o, then
0) has no real solutions-, if F(t, y),,) 0, then F(t, U(t)) - 0. The 1,@St
condition is applied to examples for finding solutions for equaticii (i).
Card 1/2
Gnc a)?roach in the theory ...
L i
1 1. L i
--z:@ case of imaginary solutions is reduced to the case of rea'
zi [Abstracter's nott--; f.,): - I : : ,
* ere are ;i;,%ny printinr, errors in the work. I'll
t S I'l, i on -j
Gard 212
AUT11ORj Khadzhimullayev, F. S.
B I 121BI06
TITLEt Theory of non-linear singular integral equations
PEHIODICALt Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Iz@estiya. Seriya fiziko-
matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1962c 22 - 32
TUTt The solutions u. of the equation
U(x) - f(X) + @j bK(x,t) h(ttu(t))dt (1)
S t
are approximated by the solutions v of the equations.
V(X,G) . f(x) +AE X FK X,t h(tgv(t,&))dt + KtLX
t -. X (t,v(t,6))dtj
a X+6
The mapping of the function
y - f(t) - Aih(tqy)@ K(X't) dx (8)
a t - X
Card 112
Theory of non-linear singular ... B112/B186
by a solution y - u(x) is investigated (theorem 2) on the basis of a
preceding study concerning the auxiliary function
F V. yt, Y3, YS) - Y, f (t) -).h (t - a, Y2) X
K (X, I - 4) K (r. I + ') d
- i- X
X dx Xh (i + I' YO) r+ 4
theorem 1). The following result Is obtained (theorem 3)s The function
8) is mapped into a function whose graph, together with the straight
lines t - a and t - b and the axis OT, forms a figure which is divided by
the axis OT into two parts with the same area.
ASSOCIATIONt Tashkentakiy gosuniveraitet im. V. I. Lenina (Tashkent State
University imeni Y. I. Lenin)
S UBMITT ED i December 30, 1561
Card 2/2
" - , -@ -, @ - ::@@ -
- @ 1 @ -i L;-#.- P,
Theory of nonlinear singular integral equations. Izv. AN
Us. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.4t22-32 162. (MIRA 1519)
1. TaohkentWy gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni Lenina.
(Integral equations)
Theor7 of nonlinear integral equationa with a variable upper limit.
Rauch. trudy TashGU no.208. Mat. nauki. no.23t170-178 t62.
(KMA 16: 8)
(Integral equations)
. . ".,;x
Theory of S. ff. Ber5teinre polynomials in two variables. Mauch,
trudy TashGU no,208* Mat. nauki. no.23tl79-186 162. (MM 16:8)
(Berstein polynomials) "1@
KHADZlln-!ul,LAYFT,, F.S.
D. Stanculs theorem. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 noolilO61-1062
Ag 64. (YJRA 17.9)
1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstv(,,nnyy unlvprsiltet in. bsnina.
Predatzvleno ukademikom A.P. Kolnogorcvyn.
r.,,V!!q,, CL, cr or; rioll uf
KHLDZHI--MU1WOVt M.K.p assistont
T4 uro @f wo;i i-ot the urinary bladder following sectio alta in
the romoval of calculi. Zdrav. Turk. 4 no.4:25-27 JI-Ag 160.
(Imu 13..9)
1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.F. Berezin)
Turkmensko o gosudarstmnogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.V. Stalina.
Surgical treatiaent in habitual dislocation of the shoulder joint*
7odrar.Turk. 6 no.602-34 N-D 162, (MIM 160)
1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (zare. - chlen-korrespondent
ANN SSSR Prof..I*F. Berezin) Turknenskogo gosudarstrennogo medi-
tainskogo irstitutse
SOSNOVSKIY, S. 1. ,; KHADZHI-MURAT, R.Z. , nauchnyy sotrudnik
On causes of dust in cotton gins. Gig.i san. 26 no.3:94,-96 Mr
161. W'A 14:7)
1. Iz Ukbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts. sanitarii i
ACC NRt AR6029512 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/66/000/006/1075/IO75
'AUTHOR: Hishin, D. D.; Boydenko, V. S.; Khadzhimuratov, A. M.
TITLE; Effect of beat treatment.on the magnotic p 11t, of cobalt-platinum alloys
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 61532
REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Urallsko$o un-ta. Ser. fiz., vyp. 1, 1965, 77-80
PPIC TAGS: metal heat treatment, cobalt containing
alloy, platinum containing alloy,
Magnetic property
TRANSLATION: A study was made of the effect of cooling rate from 1000 to 2000C and sub,-
sequent ordering at 6000C on the magnetic property 011) max of a Co-Pt alloy close to
,the equiatomic composition. The study was conducted on samples of two compositions
with a concentration of Co of 40 and 50 at %. The heat treatment was done in a vacuum
f 1-10-3 mm Hg. The magnetic properties were measured on a permeameter by the ballis-
tic method. Regions of maximum quenching rates were shown, for which further heat
treatment guaranteed the highest magnetic properties of the alloys studied. On an al-
loy with 48 at % Co magnetic properties# close to the maximum obtainable, could be at-
tained by cooling from 10000C at a lose than optimal rate, without a supplementary heat
,treatment. (Based on rosumd).
SUB CODE: 12/1
UDCs 669.2551231.010.58
Card 111
- .4-1 ---
B.F.[translato-rj; P&dOGOTTIN, M., red.; LARICHEY, Y.I., red.:
[Labor and trade union movement in Bulgaria] Raboches i prof-
soluznoe dvizhenie v Bolgarii. Pod red. H.Pozolotina. Moskva,
Izd-vo YTsWS Profisdat, 1959. 310 p. TranalAted from the Bulgarian.
(Bulgaria--Labor and laboring classes) (MMA 13:4)
(Bulgaria--Trade unions)
YEFREMOII, F.Ye., Inzh.; VINITSKIY, A.I., inzh.; IVANrjV, G.S., inzh.;
Use of wet ash traps in, a boiler operating on industrial fuel.
Elek. sta. 33 no.4s24-26 AP 162. (@nRA 15:7)
(Boilers) (Fuol)
- @r- - @ -: %,,.
The problem of hybrid corn. Bot.zhur.IC no.4:481-507 Jl-Ag55. (MLRA 8:11)
(Corn (MaizeD (4bridizatton, Vegetable)
100th anniversary of Mendelism. Bot. zhur. 50 no.12:1661-1664
D 165. (MIRA l9t2)
1. Botanicheskly institut imeni Komarova AN SSSR i Krasnodarskiy
nai.Lchno-issledovatellskly institut sellskogo khozyaystva.
z H A/ V
USSR/C%,).tivated Plants Grains. m
Abs Jo_.r Ref Zhor Biol., No 18, 1953, 82303
A,ithor m.i. . I
. ......................... .4.1 . !! ,_,
Ilist Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agrie. Iture
Title Selection of Self-Polliuatcd Lines of Coru with Sterile
Pollen and Lines of "Restorers" of Fertility foi- GroviijS
Hybrid Corii Seed Withc t Picking Off the Penicles.
Orig Pub Byul. in-@.ichno-tekhn. inform. Krasnodarsk. ii.-i. ii-.-ta
s.-kh., 195t, VYP. 1; 23-2'r
Abstract D-@ta is cited on the .tilizatim of t1he polloia of a se-
ries of crops iii USA agric,Llt-,,.re. A plan is given for
selection work .-tilizing the phenomez-on of poller, steri-
lity in order to obtai:-, hybrid seeds witho@-.t pl,,.ckii;z off
the panicles. At the Krasnodar Scientific Research Ins-
titute of Agric;_1LlV_,xe, the work m the selection of li, ics
Card 1/3
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. M
Abs Jour Ref Zliur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82303
wi'.., sterile polle.. was ill 1954. The so @rces
of sterility L.sed in the work beloiig to two types:
Moldavian type of sterility (MPS) and the Texas type
oof sterility (TPq). The st..dy of the behavio--r of self-
pollinated lines@%in hybrids with the MPS type of steri-
lit,,r (107 lines) ancl with the TPS type of sterility (84
li%os) permitted o-ie to establish two importa-t facts:
1) The sterility of the polleli from differe.-.t sollxces of
ori@,dn varies - the same lines in hybrids with eterile
pln;-.ts of different sorrces of orif_ia differ greatly in
pollen productioi. The importance of this fact, esta-
blislied for the first time in the selectioa consists,
as pointed out by the ai. hor, of its making it possible
to ,no a co,,siderabiy larger -avliber of self -pollinated
lines for the creation of hybrids .XOW.1 Wit'110'..t plL',ckiij3
cthe penicles; 2) along with the co;.,siderable ii.uriber of
lines which well preserve t%c sterility ii@. ;iybrids,
Card 21"
USSR/OcItivated, Plints - Grai;is, NI
Abs Jour - Ref Biol., No 18, 1958, 82303
lines of "restorers" of fertility were discovered
to MPS type and five for TPS t,-Ipe. For both types of
sterility 3 different lines were also detemiaed w1hich
are ca,)able of sec,-,ri:ig restoratio;'i of fertility ii@ n
consie..'rnble (nbout !'ey) oumber of tho pla,.-ts of hybrid.
The availability of these lilies of "restorers" already
mikes it possible to 1@ow create a series of si,,-apie pater,
i,.-%l hybrids capable of cither f,lly or to au
adeqiate degree the poUen fertility i.., geminate hybrids.
Yu.L. Gueaev
Card 3/3
USSR/Cultivated Maits. Coreala.
Abs Jour,. Bef Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1956, 77626.
Author Khadzhinov, M.I.
Title Selection of Corn.
Orig Pub: Kukuruza) 1958, No 1, 27-32.
Abstract: No abstract.
IL'INITSKIY, L.V.; TRETIYAKOVA, G.I., kand. biolog.
BABAYLNP F.A., kand. biolog. nauk; BAGIROV, M.-T-1.1 mladshi.,r
nauchhyy sotruux-
Brief information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.5:56
,64. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Berezovskiy fito-entomologicheakiy sortouchastok, Odesakaya
obl. (for Illinitskiy). 2. Stavropollskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy
institut (for Tretlyakova, Khadzhinov). 3. Laboratoriya immuniteta
Azerbaydzhan3kogo Instituta zashchity rasteniyj Kirovabad (for
Babayev, Bagirov).
KHADZHINOVA, L,_ V., Cand or Med Scl -- (diss) "Antigenic properties of
various strains of pale treptonems according, to the reaction of combining
the complement with immunized sera and blood sera of syphilis patients."
Krasnodar, 1957, 8 pp (Kuban State Medical Institute Im Krasnoy Armil),
200 copies (KL, 29-57, 94
MDZHIROVA, M.A., date.
Investigating injuries to cotton fibers. Sber. nauch-iael. rab.
TTI no-3:3-25 156. (Hm 11:9)
KHADZHINOVA ROA dat takhnichaskikh nauk.
Denaging cotton fibers in the course of picking nnd technological
processing. Tskst.prom. 16 no.lo:18-21 0 156,, (MIRA 10%1)
KRAMUNOVA, H.Ae, dots,
. ........
Characteristics of mechanical properties of cotton fibers with
various defects and the quality of yarn producad from such fibers.
Sbor. nauch.-isel. rab. TTI no.4:18-25 157. (MIRA 11:9)
KWZHINOVA, H.A .,, kand.tekhn.nauk
,_@ocal personnel. Taket.prom.17 no.11:61-63 N '57.
(HIM 10: 12)
1. Direktor Tachkentakogo tekstillnogo instituta.
(Taahkent--Textile industry--Study and teaching)
KHAWHINOVA, M. A. Doc Tech Sol -- (diss) "Effect of the meclivnicol defects
of cotton fibers upon their properties and "lie qmility of' ,h6,-jproduce
Tachkontj 1958. 29 pp with illustrations; Iq sheets of illustrntions.
('.'in of Higher Education 'USSR. Vns Textile Inst@, 120 copies (KL, 11-58, 116)
--1--"'...p----St0@Of the contest commission on awarding medale for the
best student scientific research paper. 1zv.vys.ucheb.zav.;
takh.tok8t.prom no-2:155-156 . (MIRA 12:6)
Textile resea T*
KWZHINOVA, M.A., prof.
Effect of drying by meam of -f.lue gason on the structure, strangth
and elastic properties of cotton fibers. Sbor.nauch.-ionlerab.TTI
no.12:87-94 161. (MIU 15:3-1)
1.,Chlen-korreepondent AN UzSSR.
=;i@eb @.;*e'af-
(Effect of the darzage of cotton fibers on the quality of
textile raw materials) Vliianie povrezlidenila khlopkovykh
volokon na kachestvo tekstillnogo ayrlia. Tashkent, Izd-vo
MI UzbSSR, 1963. 141 P. (MI"U 17: 1)
(Cotton-Testing) (Textile research)
L- 0708.5--67 &EWP(l)- -
Ar.;C NRs AP6028546 SOURCE CODE. UR/0280/66/000/003/015@/0163
AUTTIOR: Rotach, V. Ya. (Moscow); Khadzhinski, M, B, (Solta)
ORG: none
TITLE: Synthesis of Indirect information systems
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 3, 1966, 157-163
TOPIC TAGS: linear control system, random process, automatic control parameter
ABSTRINCT: The problem of obtaining information about the measurement of a controlled co-
ordinate of a system inaccessible to direct control Is examined for the case where information
is absent concerning the internal properties of the sytitem and the disturbances acting on it.
It is assumed that the system i3 a stationary linear system and the disturbances are stationary
random functions of time. Conditions are derived which the probability characteristics of the
controlled coordinates should satisfy so that such a measurement can be made accurately.
Expressions are found for the transfer functions of a computer which permits an accurate
measurement or one with a mininial mean square error. The problem of synthesizing such
a system involves selecting the coordinates themselves and selecting the character of the
Card 1/2
T rj'70,0t@__6-7
ACC NR: AP60285-16
transformation in the computer so that the calculated value of the coordinate deviate'3 as little
as possible from the actwi@ value. When solving this problem the authors take Into account
that the controlled systemN6an be a "black box" in the sense that the number and character of
disturbances acting on it can be unknown and the dynamic properties of its channels can also
be unknown. Correspondingly the initial data for the calculation can be given only in the form
of statistical characteristics accessible for measurement of coordinates z(t) and y(t), infor-
mation on the characteristics of which can be obtained by setting up an appropriate experimen
Orig. art. has: 40 formulas and 1 figure.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 10Ju165/ ORIG REF: 001
Car 2/2
Geolo.-!ical stracture of the Kamyshldzhi deposit. Izv. M Turk. 9SR.
Ser. fiz.-tekh.,.khim.. i geol. nauk nj.4:121-123 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1, Turkmenskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nfftegazovogo, w-issledovatells-
kogo instituta.
Zeagli-Darvaza gas field. Gool. nofti i gaza 6 no.11:28-30 N 162.
(MIRA 15:12)
1. Upravlonlyo goologli I okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Turk-
menskoy SSR i Turkmenskiy filial Vsesoyazno,uo neftegazovogo nauchno-
isoledovatellskogo Institutn.
r-, - *
Compatibility of polyethylene with various kinds of
caoutchouc. Khim, i industriia 34 no. 1: 14-21 164.
Experiment in coal slurry drying in it fluidized bed. Koks i khim. no.
11:16-20 163. (miRA 16:12)
1. Kharlkovskiy imstitut gorno,-,,o @ 11 ,,vtQ7@ntiki i vy-
chislitellnoy tekhniki (for Bey in, Kni-, , , @:r)
, I I , j t -@ -, 'a n' o . , . i- ) .
2. Yasinovskiy koksokhL-iichezkiy zavDd Uor LitTI-Ir-'rinvich) -
Industrial testing of the type KhGI fluid-bed dryer. Koks I
khim. no.8:14-19 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Khartkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, a7tomatiki I
vychislitellnoy tokliniki (for Beylin, Yemellyanov, Khadzhioglo).
2. Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Bocharov).
(Coal preparation) (Dry-Ing apparatus-Testing)
DYUKER, Allbert prof astronomii; GETLENDp Kennet; 19UMZP Muatafa
Mu'khammed, doktor; KINDSEY, prof.; KHATANAKA, Takeo, astronom,,
prof.j ZENGER', Eugen,, prof.., speteialist v oblasti raketnay
tekhniki (Federativnaya Respublika Germanii); LOVELL, B,, prof*;
NEVIN, T.,, prof. (Irlandiya); KH _A., akademik
(Belgariya); LUNTS., M., prof.; HATOVICH, V.; UEYL., L.,, doktor,,
spetiallst yo kosmologii (SShA); WDtYA, V.M.p doktor; CHEMBERLEN, D.;
CHZ11AC' TSZYU-CHZHAN [Gaho Chiu-chang]; NAGATA, I.
World scientists about the flight of A-* Hikolaev and P. Popovich.
Av.i kosm. 45 no.10:31-33 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Direktor Frantsuzskogo obshchestva kibernatiki (for Dyuker).
2. Vitse-prezident Obahchestva me7ffip1anetnyiffi soobshcheniy,,
Angliya (for Geltend). 3. Generaltnyy sekretar' nauchno-
issledovatellskogo tsentra Ob"yedinennoy Arabskoy Respubliki
(for Khafez). 1+. Chlen gosudarstvennogo komitpta po atomnoy
energiiq Gana (for Lindsey). 5. Tokiyokiy universitet (for
Khatanaka). 6. Direktor radioastronomicheskoy obsel-vaorii
Dzhodrell-benk., Volikobritaniya (for Lovell).
(Continued on next card)
DYUKER, Allber, prof.astronomii-(continued) Caxd 2.
7. Predsedatell aatronavticheakogo obshchestva, Poltsha (for
lAmts). 8. Sekretarl yugoslavskogo astronomicheskogo i raketnogo
obahchestva (for Matovich)* 9# Zamstitell direktora Natsionallno7
fizicheskoy laboratorii, Indiya (for Vavdlya). 10. Predstavitell
Ehlyustonskogo tsenta po sozdaniyu kosmicheskogo korablya
a ekipazhem, SShA (for Chemberlen). 11. Direktor Instituta
geofizild Kitayskaya Narodikaya Respublika (for CHZIIAO TSZYU-
CIIZHAN), 12. Direktor Institute, radiovoln, Yaponiya (for Nagata).
(Space fUght)
Hagedorn-Jensen method. Izv. med. 1n9t., Sofia 1:188-198 1951.
(CIRL 21:3)
1. Department of Biochemistry (Head -Docent B. Koychev) of
'Ako Chervenkov Medical Acadeny, Sofia.
K M ZH10LOV, A.A., krushchulk
Mlcromqthod of determination of Inorganic phosphorus. Suyrsx.
mod. Sofia 5 no.3.,89-96 1954.
1. Iz latedrata pa biokhimlia A@V*P&IrAln 'pri Xeditsinsksts, aMdamlia
T.Chervankov. Sofita (say. dots. B.Koichav)
(FHOSPHORUS, determination,
,@Ilorphalogjcsg and bistochernIcO al,%,dy ot 11 kes Ln""IA'
p r
G. BuyiWildev. V. .0
iv;ks owdivif by fxatfuu of eXt
filtij with 1jCJ1U or K;Cr,')t wO AJ-1equelit fWain JT'
Yolk glabults stained Wten%ely w10% Suirm III or Me blue
ILI the "iphm' bot only allOtly In thIcicntral port which
'howel it typical timoulAtfatt and irl j"Irle Cask's (L Y'vidly
.1danol)b1lous bubb1c. Vie (tatral part %%,A:, counter.
,tain@d with hqmmtox@,Iln, mcth,. lent Vue. or Acid fuchiln,
ef"'-r tht sudrmnjlhilou@ t-it*AC 1xPjm:&TCd a% a Imck-tk.,
lui. Treisfificift witIf 61,0C fernoRd the Sudan-
"01, tr'111t, mo, t;ikcn ai eViCICIL". for a
of th, llij)V@c romprifivilt ')I tht!
YO, le ftial Yolk Oolmlfi'
Achievements In the field of functiontil biochemistI7 of the
nervous system. Sofia 6 no.10:68-77 1955.
1. Iz Katedrata po biokhimiia A.Y.Paladin pri Visshiia meditsinski
Institut V.Chervankor, Sofiia (Zavexhdashch: red. dots. D.Koichev).-
(NIRVOUS SYSTIM, physiology,
biochem.aspects (Bul))
I f),q , f*
KHADMIOLOV, A. Hlstoc@emisti7v of -;Oino baCzoj,hj'.jjj, :!Il StRrC jj to I I I rl
jobulin of UnIs. In imissian. r. 1:7. VIA. 11), no. 1, Jan./Far. 1;'@15.
Di'@,IAJJY., Sofiia, Fulgaria.
SOURCE- East European Accessions (---EAL) Vol. 6, No. 1; April 1957
cog c?o fly' d-c- -p-r-oce-c-u-s -th; Uvei -01 ra is -In' a rj(, a ill
Kalitsyn, A. A. KhailAW-1. "d K. 1. Danci-c%-t
__-- .,' I.-, I I-, 1@-
(V. Cltvfvtnkov Mod,-1vP9tn
r-27 322-20(IM) (in RUU140-After niedinal
adminl3t tin" (nr 6 Anyl, the no. fifycom cuntent of rat
liver wasI11-29%.' Rat& receivIng medinal just once, 3 hrs.
before they were sacrificed, had an av. glycogcr mittwit in
liver of 0.72%. The av. qIyM9fn content of control rats
Wwq0-W%. The difference between the glycogen content of
liver In control rats autd In threse receiving one narcotic in-
i"tion was con Mered ludgnificant. Phospilcrylaseactivity
of livcr In murrotixod gnituals was 1851 h-si than (1cit N Vic
"itittuls. The reverve was true with amybie activity (the
ahP. In the narv,tiv!d ruts bclog 8 mg. of gluclase (mmul in 7
Min., 22 mg. In 15 min., more than in tile contrn!q). 'File
hlrAx sugar content in narcotized r.%6 was GG-1(01 rux. 0,0
with an av. of:30 mg. 1,1v. It was 68-80 mg. % It, Nmt,-oi
vrith an av. of 79 mg.
C I ot 10 1 OZY
JA microbiology-
BULAAR Physiology and 131Och()wJVry-
AbS JOVr Ref ZhUr - 31oloSlyas NO 5, 1959, NO- 19467
.kuthor KhadzhiDlOv, . A- -A* Sciencest Branch Of
Bulgarian "Cuutil"J -
inst Biology and Medical SC10r-C0 and of the
The E;ffect of Ribonucleic Acid
Title Products of Its Hydrolysis On Yeast,
Jzv. O'U-d. biol. I med. nauki. B"16- AN- SeP'
Orig pub eksperlin. biol. i med., 1957, No 1, 12.7-126
Abstract Ribonucleic acid end It5 prodUCtS Of
hydrolysis, containing 31 nucle0t:Ldes (purine
and pyrimidine), ac"Jivate the abf3,.-)I'P+.Ion of
hydrogen in yeast; the products of hydrolysis,
containing free purine and pyrimidine bases,
Card 1/2
"Reactive Changes in to JMW Tissue After Introducing Vegetable Oil
p. 53L (Izvestiiat Vol, 2. 19570 SoMaj, Bulgaria)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (ESAI) W. Vol. 7, No. ll,,
Nov. 1958
"Bismuth Inpregmation of Nerve Elements on the Capillaries of the Brain."
P. 83 ( 17vestiia, Vol. 2, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria.)
I-Tonthly Index of East European Accessions (EPAl) LC. VOL. 7) 1,10. 11)
Nov. 1958
T@JLcj,@RIAI/111U;zn and Animl ity-11010--y - T
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 12454
Author : Kalitain; Khadzhiolov; runcheva
Inst : Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS Bulgaria
Title Variations in Some -Processes of Glycogenolysis in the
Liver of White Rats dvxing Diiig-Indiced Sleep
Orig Pub Izv. In-ta yeksperim. mod. B"lg. AN, 1957, 2, 391-4o4
Abstract Drug-induced sleep was elicited in rats with the daily
subcutaneous injection for 5 day.,, of 15 mg of sodit'm
veronal per 100 6 of body weight. In the liver of the
sleeping animls the glycogea content was significantly
increased) phosphorylase activity decreased, and amylase
activity increased; the blood sugar content was unchan-
Card 1/1
- 10 -
T9ULG.-',R1A General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U
4,bc Jour Ref. Zhur - Biolo6lya, No. 3, 1959, 13549
Author' Khadzh
Dint Institute of Morphology Bulgnrian Academy of
7 i t'L Experimental Carcinoma of the Liver Caused by
4-dimethylaminoazobenzole. III. Matochemical
Examination of Changes In Rlbonucleio Acid.
Pub IZv. In-ta morfol. Bolg. M, 1957, kn.2, 453-460
Abstract At the beginning of tumor development, the content
of ribonucleic acid is decreased in dvlng paren-
chymatous cells and in the cells of the bile dirtc.
Maximum concentration of ribonucleic acid is.noted
in the calls of bilA ducts in the development of
,'Oholangioftbroeis. In hepatomas and cholan6iomas,
Card 1/2
"Achievements of "Jeorgian Vorfiliologic Science."
p. 1161 (Izvestiia, Vol. 2, 1957 Sofiia, Bulgaria)
,"ontbly Index of E@ist European Accession M,Al) LC, Vol. 7, 1-jo. 1.1,
NOV. lq@,R
WW -41: -Vol. n - e r 0-c 7
7:@ -M-DIC-1 -!@.c
HADJ10LOV -" nnd ZACIVURIEVA, L. Ked. Hochsch., LehrE;t. fur
Biochem., Sofia. Der Einfluno der kristallinen Pibonuklen.,@e auf da3
Wachatum de-.
Karzinoms von Gu&in The ellect of crystalline ribonticlecue on the grow1h of Guirin"t tarano.
ma Naturwissensch
aften 1957, 44J2 (45) Griphs I
White rats, which had been inoculated with Gu6rin carcinoma, received a daily i.p.
injection of 20 mg. crystalline ribonuclease each. No prolongation of the longevity of
tIle test animals was observed; consequently, an clTect of ril3;nuclcasc therapy on tu-
mour ro th was not confirmcd - in contrast to earlier similar experiments by Lc-
doux, Aled., Cancer, 1955 al)3tr. No. 4662; and 1956 abstr. Nos. 490 and
2938; see also preceding abstract). juhAsz - Budapest
*Alkaline phosphatas63 in the yolk of hen's egg. In French."
DDKLADy, Sofliaj, Bulgaria, Vol. 11, no. 3, mayliuns 1958-
Monthly List of East Europens Accessions Index (MI)s the Library Of
Congress, Volume 8, No. 8, August 1959-
,CFAPfA FEDICA Sec 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer Fay 59
i7,1fi. The respiratory changes In hepatic cancerogenems in comparison
With the changes In DNA Cbrr (lie i%tiiiiiiigs%-criiii(lertisigt-ii bei dvr lAwmanrem-
grnuse im Vergleich mi den Verandermwen in der IIA0110-
-- A. A. Biwhem. Inst.. , -.kk,, S;)fia.\`a1unvijsenjchqPvj (il ---
o, f \led. I I .11P rjr
-17GF-i"Piration ofwctimm 4 rat liver tismie examined thiring canverogmet,i% by
.1-DAB.The respirmory valts",.vcre n(it only related its the dry %%-right of the timme'.
but alvi shoultaneomly its (lie DNA conteni. The rcipirawry'valuc'3 were fomid it)
riNe slightly daring cancerogenesis and in the ftilly (ir%-rl(
)rd canucr timur with
If-I'virlicr If,, the dr, %%-right ol, lite li"11r, while a marked lecrease was seen with
rrspvct it) the DNX. Grallij - Berlin