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KEZKI, A. Earth pressure on retaining wall tilting about the toe. In English. p. 377. ACTA TECHNICh. (Magyar TudomwWos Akademia) Budstpestj Hangary, Vol, 25., no, 3/4,, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959,, Uncl. G.B., inzh., retsenzent, KRYNITSA, Mikhail Nikolayevichi KEZLING TISHKOVETS, I.V., J-nzh., -retsei:ieif-;-VUSCVA, Z.7.J. red.; FUDRYAVTSEVP F.A.,, nauchnyy red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Equipment for mounting operations on ships]Osnastka dlia. mon- tazhnykh rabot na sudakh. 2., izd., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 390 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Marine engines) (Shipfitting-Equipment and supplies) BOYNOVICHt D011 1"'.'-Kov, VII:31--'iy 1'(jtX1-)V!('h,; PISHNOV@ I .-delr'en FEDOROV, V. In., nauchrt. red.; KU ".E.CVA, A.1 red. [Moch,anizat-lon of the manufacturo c'L pv'Aucts for tile outfitting of ships) Mekhanizatsfift IzguLovIeniiii sudc- vy kh do rc echnykh ivAelii. Leningrad, Sudostroenle, 1, -A 196".. '179 P (1'1:@ 39:2) YEZLn,TO, G.9.; KrSEIZVo 144 &tensivc use of electronic computara in producLion control in ono of tile moot Important tasks of a'-dylbuilders. Sudo- stroente no. 110/6-58 11 165 (MTRA 19:1) KE Z R 'I M T7111 9 R . 1 -. - - -- - - - - - - I - - -- - - I -- -- I Syphilis - DiaFnosin Freruency of change of negative Wassrr.Tnn reaction into it rositive. one In the process of treating seronegatIve primnry qyT!hllls. Veit. ven. I d-.'@rm. No. 3 1952. Mlonthly list of Russian Accessions, ldbrary of Congress October 1952 UNCLASSIFIED Constant tboorem of yeriodic liniits in lincztr -,.,stf,-mC w-it,- constant -e Gzecl-.. P. 295. KC,"L:" Yil. -@nr@est. coe4ficienU;. Tr. from U @ I.- (I.,eports issued lb@ Ux L;ccti,-jn of Technical Sciences, hunrarian x--der-cy of Sciences. C-uarterly) Vol. kL, Do. 1/3, 195h liropean Accessions Li.-t Libr@,ry of Oon-rcsz Vol. 5 I,To. 6, June 1956 KARLOCAI, Janos.. dr.; KEZSENYI, Janos, dr. Report on the work of the Group of Montaineering. Foldr kozl 10 no.3:303 162. 1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Hegymaszo Cooprotja. 2. Vallalati jogtanacoos (for Karlocai). F11 C 0 VSft--l P. - Cz1__'C1'_G3tOV2@Y111L / Physical Chemistry, Thc; rmodyn--iii c s Thc-rmochemistry. Equilibria. Phase Transitions. Physico Chemical Analysis. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Kh1miya, No 20, 1959, 709284 Author : Dykyj, T.; Paulech, J,; Kfucovsky, Pa Inst : Not given. Title : Physical Properties of Ethylcne Glycol and Its Derivatives. III. Equilibrium - Liquid-Vapor - of Binary Mixtures. Orig Pub: Chem. zvesti, 1958, 12, No 9, 543-557. A.bstract: By apraviousl described method (RZKhira, 1955, No. 15, 31216T at atmospheric pressures of 30, 80 and 740 mm, the equiiibrium - liquid-vapor - was invostigated in 11 binary mixtures contain- ing as one of its components uthers or osters 0 of othylene glycol: (1) mothanolmonomethyl ct:@rd 1/3 -L- '.3105D-66 EwT(m)jFwP(t) /rTT ljp(c) jo AZZ NR- AR5028230 souRcE CODE: un/om/65/000/008/0135/0135@ AUTHOR: Vyallyamyae, G.; Kukk, V.; Rekhepapp,, Yu,; Khaak, Kh,; KheynrMsen, V. TITLE: Some problems in the preparation and study of a mercury selenide Hall film transmitter SOURCE: '@j Ref, zh. Metrologiya. i Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, Abs, 8,32,938, REF SOURCE: Tr. Tallinak, ]2olitekhn, in-ta v. A., no. 213, 1964Y 3-12 r TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, metal film, mercury,00magns"K. zinc plating, AR&1-Z4_) 14.0 4-A*@@44@ ABSTRACT: Experimental samples of mercury selenide Hall film trans- mitters were prepared by the vacuum process method without Interrup- tion of the vacuum during the operation. The study showed that it is advisable to inake the contacts of zinc. The stability of the trans- mitters with zinc contacts is higher than with contacts made of silver paste. Moreover, the contacts were not previously (before the paste was applied) expoBed to air. A table giving the basic parameters of HgSe transmittera and their various characteristics is also included. SUB CODE::?909"/ SUBM DAM none ACC NR' AT6 033333 SC(-RCE CODE., AUTHOR: Haas, A.--Khaas, A. ORC: Central Measurements Research Laboratory,,. Budapelt L in the m'ometer protecting tubes TITLE: Stationary @e ture@distribution SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Act3 technica, v. 51, no. 3-40 1965) 291-308 TOPIC TAGS: temperature distribution, thermometer ABSTRACT: Equations were derived to characterize the tema: peratui-re distribution in thermometer protecting tubes for cases where the tube does not protrude beyond the space of measurement and for cases where it protrudes beyond this space. These equations are claimed to be more ac- curate than those available for this purpose in the relevant literature. This was verified by comparing measured and calculated values. The methods for calculating the temperature distribution described by W. TEWES (&Mh. WaMayir.s,tchaft, Vol 19, 1938, p 189 and by A. CLOSTERHALFEN (Forsqh,,l , gcni2a]@jcsgn, Vol 9, 1938, p 279) were found to be relatively iniaccurate. T@e'information gathered in the course of these studies contributes to better designing of thermometers and thermometer protecting tubes. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 57 formulas. tJFRS: 33,909) SUB CODE: 13p 20 SUBM DATE: 29Apr63 ORIG REN 003 / OTH REP: 007 KHAASI E9 New adridnistrative structure of the EstorAan Ministry of Agriculture. P-574 SDTSIALISTLIK POLUIMAJANDUS. Tallinn, Estonia* Vol. 14, no. 12L, June 1959 Morrthly List of East European Accessions (-7FAI), IZ. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. MAS, P. Causes of damages in the Franko Tozi turbim group in the V. Kolarov Hydroelectric Plant. p.21 ELEKTROENMIU. (Ministerstvo na elektrifikatsilata i Profsuiuz na elektro- rabotnitsite) Sorila. Vol. -t, No. 2, February 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessi.ons List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No, 11, Noveraber 1956 IYEVINSH, Ya.K.; BETIN, S.G.; KIIAAS V M.; TKACIIUKOV, V.Ya., =,-- I nauchn. red.; SHCHEGLOVI, 1. t-I-V 77 MI - [Farm mechanization in the countries of the northwestern zone of Europe (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the German Democratic Republic)) Mekhanizatsiia sellskogo khoziaistva v stranakh Severo-Zapadnoi zony Diropy (Finliandii - Shvetsii - Danii - GDR); obzor. I-Ioskvii, 1963. 91 p. (Kom- pleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i avtonatizatsiin predpriiatii. Seriia 1-63) (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moscow. TSentral'W institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy in- formatsii po evtomatizateli i mashinostroyeniyu. 20829 5/048/61/025,/003/017/047 B104/B214 AUTHOR: Khaav, A. A. TITLE: Electron diffraction study of the effect of gases on the structure of sublimated layers of alkali halide salts PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no- 3, 19611 356-357 TEXT: This paper was read at the Ninth Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held in Kiyev from June 20 to June 25, 1960. Klement et-al. (Ref. 1, Klement F. D., 'Zh. fiz. khimii, 21, 563 (1947)1 Ref. 2: Klemen4 F. D., Malvaheva A. F., Nilova I. S., Solovlyeva A. A., Tr. IFA AN ESSR, No. 4, 36 (1956)) had established that phosphors pre- pared by sublimation in a vacuum cham@er are transformed under the action of air, oxygen, and fluorine, Other gases (N , H , water vapor) show no similar effects. In some systems, an inteRsivi recrystallization was found in a fluorine atmosphere. The object of the present work was to clarify whether a recrystallization of.the sublimated layer take's place also under the action of air or bxygen, and what the significance Card 112 50 70 too. -Ing (200" -000 _I g (TO - (r r%noreuuAU 90 rZj Ij 70' 0, IV .T I's nren,1111i t1w 21 Card 2/2 -e`r`-ac`_tj6h or ar.- im ionp -35-34. tit"/261--5,/64/000/026/0079/0092 i AT47:,Ol A U '17 '110)1@: KhaaVs A. A. -4 'j1-nvr-,r4Ap@at!t)n of KI-T1 PhOsPhaz 7-1 a '-'OURCE: AN Est3SR. Institut f lziki I IY? (Ro:tearch on luminescence), 79-92 ia, c r x-ra,, ,e te. rrdne 41 ;-@@rner invc,3 t a D 14 o f aikali -P Since it Is diff-Ic n,- re a s e d . 3h R qyy, FIR @-,. EEO 3 -IMC& -SION - ------ ----- --- v d wi- n-iff-I-nt activaf-cir nnn@@c-nfrptlon for x - T-a- i0frac- i puwflleued PC s 1 t v shcw that i,,-. t f r) rnnp. d u re a rp de E; c r up to 29 molar per cent were m,-@atiuru,' a t ro-cm, temperature, at-Inn rpect-ra at t: h e temperature of llq@ild oxygen. Ac- - Ili T il k , I @ - - - 1@ mc, I a r thp 2olubl I I tj @;(,cordLriv. to Vegard's law. It is rr,-,m ,he results trnl sslons maxl-rhrum obBerved at 2 10 rim c Iv c-, n t a n r-.ic- rr 1-nr-:. T Ls in- -,:W r L r) R I z 1 k, IL 41. "on. -m 11 AN Fr- R-RTZ T n q I hi to n f Q,- ATI-013534 RICL: 00 lijun63 OTHE7ti. o04 007 p7 J-6 Ccrd 3 -)'UB CODE: OP 7 AT50i3687 u-R/26 i 1/61./ooo/c. --@o/ooi6/oo26 R -H, Gindina. R. I. N@W-q A-t-; -A' @-r- VIO TB t r-y F .3p Am EstocuR- Institut- Miki I antronomii. Trudy, no. 30, 104- Isaledo- (Ror,-@arrh @in potassium c@doride lumAnor, c,7vai )umlnescence cent,@r carl- thallium activation, solid solution PI-C-STRACT: Single-crystal phosphors gromm by the StockbarSer aeth:@d vere invsti- ag well as thin layers of KC1-71IC1 ttAen off quartz substrates. To deter- r ir -Llnf,scence In the lur Iscribed brief4. The reutats show 'U", th-, Q o r q on a o t r i e-dv Ly &11 '.hree rratt 4. -cally 4-1- snmp@. T4L c&n -.herefore be concluded unambiguously i -n -o--oduced 'L@v 'hr- K1171- "I Oi-imThr 1-hc maior part le played by *he reglji@@r lafl!r, --r.T@s h e. a r.,4 *I-- FiT-p pa"; CC,d 1/2 N L 60346-65 W CCESSION HR: AT5013687 qi'-es. The reaultr, therefore conifirt, that a typierd alkali-halide crystal -Tl is a eubstitvt-ionpal @olid soluti,in t@f the ac',11vator host. Tuch as IXI F. D. Klement and (7h. 1@. ',ushcli-k "-7- -he tople and A @,l 7-+ QIM 3 MICL! 00 SUB CODE: SUB1,9TTIM 13oct64 -5@5a OP amw AMM KULEBA, S.I.; KRAA , R.A. Stapla dress fabrics. Taket.prom. 16 zo.4354 AP 156. MU 917) (Textila fabrics) 3/114/61/000/012/005/006 E194/E955 @UTHORS: Kravchenko, N.A.9 Vere-jh6haga, Ye.A., Xh!j._baqhevt Voynich, Ya.L. and Nusankin, A.F., Engineers TITL-,": Recent work of XhTGZ imeni Kirov PE Rio U j G U: Energomashinoutroyeniye, no.12# 1961, 48 TEXT: An investigation of the resistance to STOWth Or it r, tre ngt hcast iron in staLcipi at temperatures of 37)-4007' IiIiii, %-iork wri (lone on cast 1ron grade 13Li-45-5 M;h-45-5) uocd In 1,1W diapfirla,6inu of turbine type-PSK-150 (PVK-150). Test resulto are, also given of relaxation@stability, hot hardness, and mechualcal properties at various temperatures. The resistance to grourth was determined as the change in length and weight of spcaimeas 15 mm diameter and 100 mm long during periods up to 45OU hours. The material displayed some tendency to increase in length in steam at these temperatures; the mean increase in len7th after 5000 hours at 3750 was 1.2% and after 3000 hours --tt 400ti, o. 86% @dirig for longer tiries gives no greater inex-ement. L',c,losures a; 410100 C for 5000 hours revealed no change in the Card 1/) Recent work of KhTGZ ... S/114/61/000/012/005/006 P194/E955 mnorostructure of the cast iron. The inaterial i@s of poDr reInLxr.ttion stability. Pill investigation of steel fj-@ (P-@) of KhTGZ melt no.60U. T study was made of a four-ton welt of steel which wao used to inalce n valve frame, parts for weldirq; aud experimental forgings. The w-icro and micro structures of the steel were uniform, and ia both the cast and forged states the properties are stable at a working temperature of 5800C. Long-term tensile test:j showed Vi-,Lt the loncr-term strength for a time of 100 000 hotiro, -,t Working te!,,perature 6 A is: for the forged condiLion 7.@) , --or @hc! c!tst 9.7 k,@fiua 9 and for a welded joint m dO witli electrode type RA-2-6tJ (TsL-26M) not less thaa 6 k,/O. The introduction into mvLnufncture of the therw-I di-C.rosion ohromium pl.'ItIng !70_njd@@_fo_F -re IE or, i!Ig o--q-k;j o.': s mochanismo of turU .111 350 MW turbine operating at a pressure of @)Alf) *.-i;w thUre i.'j to reinfurce the surface of varlous o-.rts in coat-.-.ot with Lh,_@ steam? such ao valve seaLings running aL of C@7 rd 2/5 work of @,nTGZ 3/j.1 6 1/000/01P/00@/(A)6 EJ194X955 1@6()Oc and above. Ilavin& prov-,A -,m:;uit,,.b-Lc, P,,;,*i tfterm-tl di.ffusion III(Ailod of C111,01QUIM W'Is carried out in a powder consist-irij-, ).' 7W-', C;)-, -':'(I 1,Z k4NS. The p--irts with chroodum IA-Itln@-- vdxlotr@,- are iti"I --,. cont, jn@;!r w' ich is s.,-,aciaLly :3e,led io nAr and plating t,,:,ikei3 place at a temperaLure of' 10;.-IO-J.OiOO(; foi, L@!n :@tuar@i, Tiic con-kUner with the ptrtu io thon .;ft t/-Ap@r 1) nd anne!i1ed o Tile Fivoo tt st irface coAiog oC wo-v, -rcsi,,,t-DLnt ,.)nd vory hard caruide Cr@3C6 to a depth of 0.03 mtl Ili.(: roh-lrdzic6s of 1450-3,000 kg/ifaa , Tile process is c,)Ylvonioul, .,,i 11d Mivas a filln of good qualiLy- Ail-invc:,Lig,ition of steel -ru@e A-1 (P-1) in -t.,ie c!y3- cyna; A 1,!3 itl;-,-rOdU6 ii inl6o production. Le!;j,s, rin nn experimental full-Jeale casting of' -t cylinder i'vnl,t-2 grade P-1 uhowed 'that: there were no crReIcs, or necumul.-It- ioos of non-metallic or sulphurous inclusions; aiech-nic::tI 'proper- wore sitisf-ictory in both 'thin .n(I thick th s1;r-.bLAt,y of properties at working temperatures w-,:-, the 1OY4-term L;tcength of the materit-d ,tt a t(!:rj)er!-,.-zr-e oil' C."M 3/5 I I 'hTGZ... 1/005/(;,-)6 R ocerit work of S/114/61/000/OJ.I. 219,1/1!,955 1.00 000 hours ic,; 1.2-13 kg/mm2 for thin and thick O!j L-.,iis of tlv@,, Le8t reoults castings were made for Liv-@ Cr-,,me oc iriternol high-pr(m.3ure cylinder of tuxbino md @(,@;ts on the vjeO@.l grtve good results. Fire-reuistant tnoAld 2-tint based on zircon. Zircon-based fire-rusistant paint has been devel.ooed --.!i(i ul;c:j 9tead. of marshAllite paint for i-ritirlp, f*,)d3 ,)I' More th@m a Year in. ;ulphitv wood-pitch atixture and iL has sometini,!:3 o@i used Cor liritin@,v, moulds made of fast-drying liquid-g1ta,--s mixlure for carbon and alloy steels for turb--'.nes. The pain@ is made of zircon (iron free) + 2% fire-res-Lstant clay (ben-.onitc) 10.' --j1phide alkali. The rods and mould.,; ave giveti cino two oi, the jw@int- Use of the paint improves the 01 ,;teel ca.-;tings. A new ouiqk-jq:EyjW 'jiqu@d-g],.as2. w@ :t Oic jnoi-ild - apteri, . .... .. .1ron 011C arld C'Jokin&LA211-t. liquid-glass formulation (corvsistitt,-@ )L" 98.51 nu-!r@-,,- Id f Lre-resist at it, clay , 11Y, cams tic U"'.' 1A rd 4/5 o!" I(hTGZ ... 14 "V605/0'rii) U/1. 1611000101- EIWEM ,m(I 0.55 fuel oil) (Abstractorla note: The %'Is add up to 107.5"1 f i-!j @tdded 1@1 iron ore and cookine, ,m]A. Thi.,; c:11VIge, Whilst act. vhQ main properties corwiderably improvcs of t? C 0 PU 11'0111 the metal by forraing a vitreous skin over the wu!tid T,L,-, ma"crial iu used for cu--owi -tad aiJ.o.f zitcel c-L! uZ u p t o2.5 tonu. There are no figure.,j, tubles or referooccu. SAMARIN, A.M., otvetstvenn@y redaktor; SOKUOV, F.Ye., redaktor; HADA-KHRA-59HRICL."., redaktor; GOSTIV, K.I., redaktor; PRONOV, A.P.. redaktor; CHMOV, A.N., redaktor izdatallstva; SOMOREV, B.A., takhnichaskiy redaktor A [Continutius zasting of steel] Neprei7vnaia razlivka stali; 17-19 oktiabria. Moskva, lzd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1956. 299 p. (MLRA 9:7) 1. Voevoyuznaya konferentmiya po nepreryvaoy razllvke stali, lot. 1955. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sam@rin) (Steel-Metallurgy) (dontinous canting) For stfindards e-nd specifications wIthout any rc-servat, Ions. Sfandnrr-'@Zatalia 28 no.10s43 0 164. (MIRA Yh12) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gost.darstvennogo komiteta po sudostroyeniyu SSSR. N BUTOMA, B.Ye.; YFGOROV, M.Ye.; DEREVYANKO, Yu.G.; KHABAK11PASHEZ.-A.A.; BAKAYEV, V.G.; ISHKOV, A.A.; KOLFSNICHENKO, N.S.; KAHENTSF7, V.M.; GORSHKOV, S.G.; KASATONOV, M.A.; ISHCHENKOV, N.V.; AFANASIYEV, S.A.; TITOV, G.A.; LARIONOV, M.F. Boris Evgenlevich Klopotov; obituary. Sudostroenie 30 no.11:81 164. (MIRA 18:3) HRUKHOASHEVtl@ U. ) - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1518 AUTHOR NOVIKOV,I.I.9 SOLOVEV,A.N.9 CIIABACHPAMA,E.M., GRUZDEV,V.A., PRIDAHZEVrA.I.9 VASENINA,U.JA. TITLE The Heat Transfer and the The.*mophysioal Properties of Fused Alkali Metals. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energija, 1, faso. 4# 92-106 (1956) Issued:. 19-10-1956- From 1950 to 1955 the authors carried out experimental research work concerning the thermophysioal parameters and the heat transfer of fused metals. The present article deals with the most important results obtained in the course of this research work. Heat transfer: The experimental apparatus oonsisted of a heat commutator, coolar, pumpt consumption meter, and registering valve. The individual components and their functions are discussed. In a series of experiments the heat transfer be- tween liquid sodium and the copper heating surface is investigated. In the course of a second series of experiments the inner surface of the same heat commutator was coated with a nickel layer of about 10 e.06 thickness. Experiments were carried out at a velocity of flow of the liquid sodium amounting to from 0,8 to 11 m/sec and at temperatures of from 140 to 3400 C. On this occasion the dimenionless criteria characterizing heat transfer were modified within the following limits: Re'- 1,5.10 4 to 2,1.105 , Pr - (5 to 9).10-3, Pe - 100 to 1400. The viscosity of Na, K, Li and of a eutectic mixture of Na and K (25A Na + .t,tT-dr-t2 UIX wn tq P-40TI41d P-2 'o P- .-P.A a -%-Tr-l Du;p, TO- -Ts ;0 %v-q *4daftTrj 4 1 Zq$o P" jo , S.. wn J. pw V.nsqc - Pq,- -lp-T lr . @.-7 -qi .q. P.-4j.. ^q4wTq. *W. 0, Dr. -d!' j -,T.- -fg -T ;o 42 tm P- gmbTl Azmd" Do rT 1-@ Zvr-vm i-z ; -7 FM A voxaveto V- -40%@J.V.j q%-9-? I. %..V@Jmn J.7mrs vftxv&A ."Tnvf@ @sb-ls -,ts ..We C/t xe; M-,nz.d= -%n -ql Di '-,@y ."lq% ;. a q*T-4., -- P.- -T1M-IfJ#dm Do frPM-r@r.-T.- V.- -lu -T- lei, - -72 -s-f-j-d .4% p Lmo-ql Vq-7cTr- : MIZZnvoo otm go T."o-ou"ql "Z _Mbot *rZ 7- T"03 T --@MJ*JV00 OC9 -14 -qM X'T"009 M VI Iva lvdy DWISU&J- At"., qz I zoruz=v Llt-gLt 4-' 't Jr IDA -6;69 '1112@ %Z@-4r .1;73"TOS .-Mfttz lacigwv '(0) Lz S/089/60/009/006/009/011 A 0 B102/B212 AUTHORSs Khabakhp!@shsvap Ye..M., Illin, Yu. M. TITLEi Beat transfer to a sodium-potassium alloy in annular gaps PERIODICALs Atomnaya energiyal v. 9, no. 6, ig6o, 494-496 TEXTa The heat-transfer coefficients for liquid metals in'annular or flat gaps have already been calculated theoretically. So far, these results have not been verified by experiments. The present "Letter to the Editor" reports on analyses of heat-tra,nafer coefficients, which are based on measurements of the wall temperature made far enough from the supply line. The measurements have been made on thick-walled copper tubes having an inside diameter of 17 mm, along the axis of which there was a heater. The wall temperature of the tubing was measured with the help of 8 thermocouples. It has been found that the heat-transfer coefficients 0.8 were stable and agreed well with Lyon's formula: Nu - 7 + 0-025 Pe The heat transfer to Na-K alloys was investigated by supplying heat from both sides and from one side to annular gaps of various widths (2-5, 3.5, Card 1/3 -IJ $10891601009100610091011 Heat transfer to a... B102/B212 and 4-5 mm). The results of tests where heat had been applied from one side .only stray around the straight line Nu (d I/d 2)0 -3 .0.75 Nut (Nut - 7 + 0.025 Pe 0.8 ), and those for the case-where heat was supplied from both sides stray around Ru - 10-5 + 0-036 Pe 0.8 (d1 in the diameter of the hot surface). It has been foun4. that the Nusselt number for narrow annular gaps (dj/d 2"_4 1) where heat had been supplied from one side was about 25-30% smaller than for round tubes having the same Peclet number. This agrees well with theoretical calculations. For the heat supply from both sides, the Nusselt nunber agrees wall with the theory for annular gaps for Poolet numbers >500 and exceeds the corresponding Nueselt numbers for round tubes by a factor of 1-3-1-5. The experimental results confirm the theoretical concluisions that for coolants with small Prandtl numbers changes of the geometrical form of the channel or of the mode of heat supply will influence considerably the intensity of heat exchange. There are 3 figures and 7 referencest 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The three references to English-language publications Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4013173 8/305D/63/000/000/0034/0043 AUTHOR: Kbabakhpasheva, Ye. M.; Korsun, A. S. L TME: Effect of eccentricity on the temperature distribution In a cooling rod SOURCE: Zhidkiye metally*. Sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 34-43 TOPIC TAGS: -heat emission, thermal radiation, surface cooling, cooling, cooling rod, j -- liquid metal, heat carrier, cooling rod temperature, cooling rod eccentricity TRACT: The authors attempt an analytical solution of the problem of the temperature _A33S t---distribution on the surface of a cooling rod, the axis of which does not coincide with the r--Wts of the pipe through which the liquid metal is flowing, thus leaving an eccentrio annular space. The equations which are derived: T 'cP 1/3 tCard. -4- ACCESSION XR: AT4013173 M) (2) show that with small eccentricities, the variation in the temperature of the liquid metal' and cooling rod is directly proportional to the eccentricity. It follows from the first of these equations that the temperature distribution in the heat carrier is stabilized when the exponent is equal to 3; the length of the section of thermal stabilization is then given by ~,Yc' ve which is quite large for the liquid metal heat carriers. The changes in P the temperature of the heat emitting surface aro determined by changes In the temperature of the heat carrier and the temperature head; consequently, when the coefficient of heat exchange to the liquid metal Is large, the change in temperature of the heat emitting our- face Is determined primarily by the change In tomperature of the heat carrier. For the common heat carriers, the local coefficient of heat exchange in an eccentric annular ring ACCESSION NR: AT4013173 0.8, so that it decreases at a constriction in the ring, but in the is proportional to Re Y case of a liquid metal heat carrier the opposite Is true due to the presence of a constant component in the expression for Nu. Therefore, under these conditions, the change in temperature of the heat emitting surface can be calculated on the basis of the change in temperature of the liquid metal. Orig. art. has: 36 formulas and 1 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM, TD NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 3/3 Card KUIATElADZE, S.S.; LEONTIYEV, A.I.; RUMSOV, N.A.; GOLIDSHTIK, MI.A.; VOLGHKOV, E.P.; DAVYDOVA, 1..V.; DI",UZHINM, S.A.; KIRILLOVA, N.N.; E'ALEMKOV, I.G.; MOSKVIGIIEVA, V.N.; MIROI:OV, B.P.; MUKHIN, V.A.; MUKIIINA, N.V., REBROV, A.K.; FEDOROV, V.K.; KHABAKHPASHEVA, Ye.1,11.; SHTOKOLOV, L.S.; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red. (Heat and mass transfer and friction in a turbulent boundary layer] Teplomassoobmert i trenie v turbulentnor, pogranichnom sloe. Novosibirsl:, Red.-izd. otdel Sibir- skogo otd-niia All SSSR, 1964. 206 p. (MIRA 18-1) -A IV/ L 34113-M EWMATAT(m) Wd1DJ Ic- ACC21M AP6008833 SOURCE CODE: UR/0204/66/004/001/0092/0098 AUTHORs Khab!@@asheva, Ye. M ; Grazdevg, L M. ORG: Institute.ofTA al.,P .Alberian Branch,_Acadgmy qf@ $c1eqW SSS In tut .,vrp- _hyAjq s R sti teplotiziki SlbIrskogo otdolonlya Akademil nauk SSSR) TITLE: The Influence of heat flux on the hydraulle resistance and heat exchange In the turbulent flow of dropping liquids in tube's SOURCE: TeplofIzlka vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 1, 1966, 92-98 TOPIC TAGS: heat flux, b'draulic resistance, beat exchange, turbulent flowt pipe flo y W viscous fluid. . --- - .. . - 11 ABSTRACT: Thib article investigates flow of a fluid in which, due to nonisothermality, only the viscosity changes, which is practically characteristic of many dropping liquids in states not close to the critical, A study is made of stabilized (in the thermal and hydro- dynamic respect@ steady-state turbulentnuidflow in a smooth tube. The calculation is performed according to the conventional "three-layer scheme" and is applicable to fluids with Prandtl numbers not too Merent from zero (Pr a 1:20). Viscosity variations with the temperature are considered only in the viscous sublayer. The heat conductivity coeffio- lent is assumed constant, so that the fluid temperature in the viscous atblayer varlea Card 1/2 UDO 642.-632.617.4:632.66:636.624 L '2662 7.66 EIT(1)/E7iP(N)/E'#A(d)/ETC(a)-6/EWA(l) 7 M, ACC NR, AP6013928 0j) SOURCE CODE: UP./0207/66/000/002/0100/0103 AUTHOR: Kostylev, Yu. V. (Novosibirsk); TMov, V. 1. (Novosibirsk); Khabakhpasheva.- Ye. M. (Novosibirsk) ORG: none TITLE: Velocity profiles for laminar flow of structurally viscous fluids between Rarallel planes SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki I tekhnKcheskoy fiziki, no. 2, 1966, 100-103 TOPIC TAGS: laminar flow, flow profile, viscous fluid, plane flow, shear hSTRACT: Thk authors compare theoreticai and experimental velocity profiles for structurally viscous fluids. It is shown that the velocity profile ie independent of the tangential shear stress on the wall for stabilized flow in a flat channel. The experimental installation was made up of a closed system with a constant-level tank. The measurements were made in a rectangular transparent channel. The instrument used for measuring the velocity profile is briefly described. Experimental curves are giv- en showing the viscosity as a function of tangential shear stresses at the wall for aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol and carboxymethylcellulose. It was found that the viscesity curve Is approximated satisfactorily by the theoretical formula below a certain value for the tangential stress at the wall. The experimental results seem 2 n 2 27.46 L _'-ZIj ACC NRi AP6030329 SOURCE CODE: Ull/01'10/6(;/011/00'~'/0143/0147 I AUT-HOR: I-Chabakbpasheva, Ye. M. ORG: Institute of Ther.mophysics, SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institut teplofiziki SO AN SSSR). TIT LE,: I! e nnd hmt-trnn _1jvr at a turbulent flow of viscous liquids SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 2, 1966, 143-147 TOPIC TAGS- hydraulic resistance, heat tr;-xnsfer coefficient, fluid viscosity, thermodynamic function, rheologic property, turbulent flow, viscous liquid i ABSTRACT: A universal velocit distribution and conventional relationships for y hydraulic -resistance and heat-transfer coefficients, including tile viscosity at a Lubular wall, are shown to be valid for plugviscous Fluids of which the rheological i i i properties depend only on the thermodynamic parameters an(] the shear stress. Prediction according to these equations is difficult since tile iteration method is required for determining the viscosity at the wall. Foi- fluids with linear yielding, equations are presented which do not have such a disadvantage. The predicted Card 1/ 2 UDC: 532. 517. 4 t ig, art. has: I figure aDd red with the experimen al data. Or equations are cornpa 15 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 004/ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22FcbG6/ C.,d 2/2 1- C 48-7-17/21 AUTHORS: Serdyukova, I.A., Khabakhpashev, A.G., Tsenter, E.M. TITLEt The Investigation of the (oc,# n) - Reaction on Oxygen (Issledovaniye (oC , n reaktaii na kislorode) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 7, PP- 1017 - 1019 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 16 17 la Natural oxygen consists of 3 isotopest 0 0 and 0 . The reaction (of, n) on these isotopes has the followi. g energy n 1 effecti on 0 6 - 12 MeVj on 0 7 + 002 MeVj on O18 - 0,7 Mev- In this manner the (ob , n)-reaction for all known 0(.,-emitters can only take place on the isotopes o17 and 018. The emission of the neutrons upon irradiation with 0(- -particles of natural oxygen shows that at least one of these isotopes possesses a larger cross section with regard to the ( vG , n) - reaction. The authors want to determine which isotope is responsible for the larger emission of the neutrons as well as to determine its cross section and to investigate the -radiation which ac- Y@ n mpanies this reacticn. Four standard ypes of sources repre- centing a solution of polonium in nitric acid with various con- Card 1/2 tent of heavy oxygen Isotopes (table) were prepared for determin z. 1, fQ W. RY@'@ s_ 21 7) 21 (3) AUTHOR: Khabakhpashev A '30V/05-7 -1 -14/26 TITLE- The Sp,@uLi:uu f.)r the lls@-atrcas ;.-,f a Po-d--'-S@@uzca (Spektr neytronov Po-ct-O-iatochnika) PMMODICAL: Atomnaya onorgiya, 1959., Vol 7, Nr 1 7 1-72 ( TJS)-_@R) ABSTRACT: By means of a nevily built scintillation srectrometer for fast rieutronu (the spectrometer will tQ doscrited separately), the block schome of which le given by figure 1, the neutron spectrum of a Po-c