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Climacteric hemorrhages* Zdrav&Del* no*3tl5-16 162.
(MIRA 15:5)
1. Iz Baranovichokogo gorodskogo rodillnogo doma (glavnyy vrach -
zasluzhennyy vrach BSSR V.P& Shchegoleva).
KZMU\, R. Ya.
"Biochemical Processes in �he Brain in Direct Irradiation by X-rays,"
N. N. Blold,.In, B. 1.1. Grayevskly;t, and R. Ya. KeyUna (Cent. Roentgenol.
Radiol. Cancer Inst., Leningrad.) Byull. -,'Asptl. Biol._,ed., 23, 333-42 (1947)
X-ray irradiation of dog brain, at 160 kv., at 23 mm. distance by using
0.5 Cu-3-0 Al filter, each dog receiving a total of 5 unit skin doses of
irradiation in 4 exposures with alternate irradiation --,f the right and the left
temple area, was investigated in respect to biodhem. effects by detn.
of blood sugar (femoral artery and sinus venosus ceL-ebri), spinal fluid sugar,
blood serum protein, and the albumiri-globulin fractions of the latter. As the
total irradiation increased, the total serum zortein rose until an the 90th
da@.r (after the lst irradiation) it re,,. h-Dd 2001'4') of the initial value. In the
same period the album'L.n fractions rose by only 26 741 of arterial and 32% of venous
blood, while the globulin fraction ro_@e 324 and 321 resp. rhe abs. amt. of
i.-,rotein it-, the spinal fluid reirained within exptl. variations, but its albumin/
glo'bulin ration gradually changed to 1.0 froi, 0.56 . Arterial blood sugar
remained normal, but it fell in the venous blood. until the sugar utilization by t
the brain at the 90-day period was 370-,',' of initial.
AKC 'j" VO
Biochemicnl functional to-.t in certsin forms of hypertension. 3:52-57 151. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Otdel biokhimii TSantrallnogo rentgenologicheskogo, rndiologichanko-
go i rakovogo Institutn, Leningrad.
Ubb9/14edicine - Radiation Effects Nov/Dec 53
"Effects of Aneurin (Vitamin Bl) on the Glycogen
Formation Function of Liver of Rats During General
Exposure to Various Doses of X-Rays," B. M. Grayev-
skaya, R. Ya. Keylina, and S. E. Manoylov, Dept of
Blochem, Central Roentgenologic and Cancer Inst.
Min. of Health USSR
Vest Rentgen i RadiolY No 6, pp 22-25
Expts conducted on 15 rats showed that the glycogen,
formation function of the liver may be partially
restored if vitamin B 1 is given after rats have.
been exposed to X-rays. Enough evidence was col-
lected to justify the assumption that the quality
of biochem changes in the organism of rats depends
upon the extent of exposure to X-rays: small doses
(500 r) of X-rays suppress the oxidation systems of
the whole organismi larger doses (1,000 and 2,000 r,
also cause breakdown . of the substances that
oxidize. It is possible that interference with the
synthesis of the dehydrogenase coenz@,me takes place
and that vitamin B loses its capacity to combine
'with phosphoric acid. This follows from a reduc-
tion of the restorative effect of vitamin 131 on the
I tvn, y @
k- All ql Mlvnil tit (hohYlINIC IT, 61@1 ), mll, df@, I
radialtan of 'MI'm M
Va. I T)
6' if,'Vi L@kt It'll clu,.3
cr isNi-ir.A - ri,@:@ u) , , .,
funrtion a;.1 @'- r@ .,:.t t
gluc,se. At
Ut 9lYCCM!Q CLV-,S 3411
(fitlirprit: in lh@- [,;I
kre tl@
fnit,ijnce tLey. havc the I ..L
- -dwfi@ i
Aflvr irr. - to 1,11 d.
by 11, 1
?mmahl, At tile Ic,,v-df)-It lcv,l th@ ani,-@'@
ku;,.4,y and ut rc@Eortcf In -ia,t 4 days; at liig@i 1., 05 of
itm@diafl6tl the ii (li, 9) @%, @4@,-;-f, I C,@@.
wu f.. T-etion 1)" Oao liwr b wl., tw@d 1,,i hf@.
-, -z;:
i.- .
v I a-
tion of fonWng radlition an cetain phases of carbo- k,10
to urchango Jn aninial orgunisin. B, M. 0 racvskuya 1
It. Va. Kelliml. Vspekbi Sovrewnt.-61 llitJ. 40, "10-8
(1055).--A mview with 67 rc(crcnve@:- J. A. Stck91--@- @
I'Changes of the Sugar Content of Blood Leaving the Brain and
Muscles After Total Irradiation of Dogs by X Rays," by R._ Ya-
Keylina, Vonr. Radiobiologii (Probl mi of Radiobiology), Lenin-
irad, 195 r,;@P-34-7-- 351 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya,
Biologicheskaya Khimiya No 1, 10 Jan 57, Abstract No 702
After irradiation of dogs by X rays'(300 - 500 r), the sugar con-
Isumption of the brain sharply decreased, reaching zero toward the 40th
day, but starting with the 50th day there was an insignificant release
of sugar into the circulating blood. However, the muscles at this time
started to use up sugar intensely.
Following total irradiation of dogs by lethal dcses (1,000 r), a
high sugar content was maintained for 4 hours in the arterial blood sub-.@,
sequent, to-adrenalin injections.
Shifts detected in the carbohydrate metabolism following X-ray ir-m-,
radiation areevidences of disturbances of a number of enzyme systems
participativS i@_
"Change of Carbohydrate Me-.aboli6m Due to Total Irradiation
of an Anjma@ Organism by X Rays," by
_41@ ... M..G.rayevs kaya and
R. Ya. , ee-A-1f.Wa. voprosy Radiobiologii (Problems -o-?'*Ra-dio-
biology), Leningrad, 1956, PP 352-356 (from Referativnyy
Zhurnal -- Khimiya, Biologicheskaya Mimiya, No 24, 25 Dec
56, p 80, Abstract No 234410)
Subcutaneous injections of adrenalin to dogs who were subjected to
total irradiations by 300 to 500 r did not cause increased blood glucose
content. Liver glycogen content decreased 8% in 48 hours after irra41-
Glucose administration caused no glycogen synthesis in the liver.of
rate who had been subjected to 5001 1,000, or 2,000 r.
TATARSKIY' it 10; KETLINAl A.Ta,, kand.biolonsuk, nauchnyy red.; VIADIMIRSKIY,
D.H.: ad'.- ME ve; ZHIYEVA, A.M.,
(Tagged atoms and their role in the understanding of vital phenomena]
Hatod mechenykh atomov i ago roll v poznanii zhisnennykh tavlanii,
Leningrad, 1957. 52 p. iMIR& 11:5)
(Radioactive tracers)
USSR / H=an and Ani 1 Physiology. Effect of Physical Factors. T-13
Abe Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3968
Author :Grayevskaya, B.
Inst :Not given
Title :The Deoroase of Sensitivity of Animals to the Effect
of Roentgen Pays in a Lethal Dose by Their Preliminary
Irradiation with Non-Lethal Doses
Crig Pub :Tr. Voss. konferentaii po med. radiol. Ekeperim. med.
radiol. M., Medgiz) 1957, 183-185
'Z4, 16a. '@ " -
Abetract The survival of animals subjected to a total irradiation
of 1000 r (lethal dose) constituted respectively 50 and
100% 150 dOV (34 rats) and 120 - 150 days (8 dogs)
after prellminary irradiation with a dose of 500 r.
Repeated action, as differentiated from a single action
in the same doso) was accompanied by a lose sovoro eymp-
tcmatology and did not lead to a docroneo of Hb content
Card 1/2
Use of some biological preparations (campolonum, vitamin B,
and adenosinetriphosphoric acid) as prophylactic and therapeutic
drugs in radiation sickness. Vop.radiabiol. 2:426-43o '57.
(MIRA 12:6)
1. Sotrudniki iSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledavatellskogo rentgeno-
radiologichesko instituta Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya S SSR -
KEYLIla, -
State of carbohydrate metabolism during the use of certain
substances In the prophylaxis of radiation sickness (insulin,
adronalin, vitamin B, adenoeinetriphosphoric acid, etc.).
Vop.radidbiol. 2:437-444 157a WIRA 12:6)
1. Sotrudnik Ventrallnogo, nanchno-issledovatel'skogo rentgeno-
radiologichookogo institute, Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya.SSSR.
Vith regard to I.G. Krasnvkh and S.P. IArmonerikols letter 'published
in "Biofisika"o Bioflaika 3 no*4t527-528 058 (MIRA 11:8)
RefIlex mechanisms of changes in blood sugar level qssoci@nted with'
local irradiation of the small intestine by rAdlonctive strontium
[with summary in English]. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.2:148-152 F 158.
(MIRA 11:5)
1. TSentrnllnyy neuchno-issledovntellskiy rentgeno-rndiologichaskiy
institut, Leningrnd..
(INTSSTINYS, SMALL, eff. of rndintions on
rediostrontium irradiation of exteriorized small intestine
in dog, eff. on blood sugnr levels, reflex mechanisms (Rua)
(STRONTIUM, radioactive
irradiation of exteriorized small intestine of dog. eff. on
blood sugar levels, reflex mechanisms (Rue)
(BLOOD SUGAR, ohysiol,
eff. of radiostrontium irradiation of exteriorized small
intestine of dog, reflex mechanisms (Rua)
Role of the adrenals in certain metabolic dicorders in irradiated
organisms. Med. rad. 4 no-3:21-25 Mr 159. (HIBA 12:7)
1. Iz otdela blokhtmii (zav. - prof. S.Ye. Manoylov) TSentrallnogo
nauchno-inaledovateltakogo rentgeno-radiologicheekogo instituta
Mininterstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR.
(ROENTGMff RAIS, effects,
on carbohydrate & protein metab., eff. of adrenalectomy
(Rue ) )
eff. of x-rays in adrenalectomized animals (Ras))
(PROTZIN, metab.
(ADTV,MLWTOMY, effects
on carbohydrate & ;rotein metab. responses to x-rays
Iffect of vhole body L-irradiation on the glycogen content of
the rat liver. Blokbimila 24 no.6t966-999 N-D '59.
(MIRA 130)
1. Department of biochemistry, Central Research Institute of
Medical Radiology, Leningrad.
(LIM radiation eff.)
(GLYCOG]ff metab.)
Kiseleyx P. N., Professor, 0. A. Guoteria, and A* 1, Strashinin, Eds,
Voprosy rmliobiologii. t. III: Sbornik trudov, poevynahchennyy 60-letiyu so
dnya rozhdcniya Professors, 24. N. Pobedinakogo (Problems in Radiation Biology.
v. 3 -. Aconection of Works Dedicated to the Sixtieth Birthday of Professor
M(ikhaill Nlikolayevichl Pobedinskiy [Doctor of Yedicine)) Leningrad.
Tsentr. n-isal. in-t mod. rudlologii X-va zdravookhrananiya SSSR, 1960.
422 p. 1,500 copies printed.
Tech. Ed.: P. S. Peleshak.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles in intended for radiobiologints.
COVERAGE: The book contains 49 articles dealing vith pathogenesis, prophylaxis,
and therapy of radiation diseases. Individual articles describe investigations
of the biological effects of radiation carried out by vorkers of the Central
Scientific Research Institute for Modical Rmaology of the Kinistry of Public
Health, USSR. (Toentralrnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut wditainakDy
radiclogii. Ki-nisterstva tdravookhreneniya WSR] during 1958-59. The folloving
Card 1/10
Problems in Radiation Biology (Cont.)
topics are covered: various aspects of primary effects of radiation; the
course of some metabolic processes In animals subjected to ionizing radiation,
reactions In Irradiated organisms; morphologic changes in rudiation disease;
and reparation and regeneration of tissuca injured by irradiation. Some
articles give attention to'ke effectiveness of experimental medical treatments.
11o personalities are mentioned, References accompany almost all of the articles.
TA= OF CCq,rE=:
Foreword 3
Gunterin, 0. A.v and A. I. Strashinin. Professor Mikhail Nikolayevich
Pobedinakiy (Commemorating hie Sixtieth Birthday) 5
Lebedinskiy, A. V. (Wmber, Academy of Medical ScIencen =1,
71. 1. Arlashchenko, and V. H. Hastryukova. On the Mechanism of Trophic
t@ Ionizing Radiation 11
Zedgenid-ze, G. A., (Member, Academy of Medical Sciences LISSR), Te. A.
Zherbin, K. V. I-ranov, aid P. R. Vaynahtcyn. Hormonal Activity of the
Adrenal Cortex In Acute Radiation Bickneas and the Effect of Desoxy-
corticonterone Acetate on the Disease 17
Card 2/10
@t@ 34
Problems in Radiation Biology (Cont.) SOV/5435
Manoylov, S. Ye., and B. A. Orlov. Use of the Spectroscopic Research
Y.!thcd in the Stuly of the Condition of Iron-Containing Compounds In
Anlr,@l Org@iszxs Irradiateil With X-Rays 152
Demin, 11. '11,, (Proferisor). On Sow Metabolic Disturbances in Lipides
aac V) External Wbole-Rody Ionizing Irradiation 158
Yeylina, R. -Ya. Concerning the Priblem of the Condition of Proceaces of
-s75tTi-e-oTa--fLnTl)---ccznrxtjiticn of Carbchydrates in the Animal Organism
Glibjected to Whole-Bcdy X-Ray Irradiation 165
ShItova. Z. 1. Changes in Respiration of the SMletal Vanclea Follo-ding
Irradiatlen by Radon cr Different Seginants of the Nervous System 173
Hytareva, L. V. Effect of Ionizing RmIlation on a Perwnt of Glycolysis
of Ph,.i5pbohexsia@merase In, S@,m Organs and Tissues of an kniml. Organism
Subjected to Whole-Body Irradiation 183
Card 5/ 10
V: 'it
M - -R@4tV@@ ;Ifi@
M LIS-BOROK, V. 1. PA 233T84
UiSH/Geophysice Zarthquakes 1950
"Determining the Dynamic Parameters of the Focus,"
V.I. Keylia-Borok
"Trudy Geofiz Inst" No 9 (136), pP 3-19-
Considers a method of detg the source of an earth-
quake, approximately equiv to a focus, that is, at-
tempts to develop a simpler approx method for select-
ing the type of source corresponding to the focus be-
ing studied.
hr,ILIb-BUhUKj V. 10
USOk/de"hysice - larthquskes 1950
AlInvestigating Sources Equivalent to the Foci of
Earthquakes," V. I. Keylis-Borok
"Trudy Geofiz Inst" No 9 (136), pp 20-42
Considers the relations between (a) certain pe-
culiarities of the focus and (b) the functions
which define the sotirce approximately equiv to
it. Studies the dipole with a moment as a so-axcq
which corresponds to a tectonic focus.
PA 233T85
LIS-D-Tftulk- V, 1.
650heoph"IC.5 --.00160104 21 Fab 50
"DY718jai,c Chsracteristics of a Centrum According
to Seismic Observations)" V. 1. Keylia-Borok.,
Geophys Inst) Acad Sci USSR
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol TXX, k 6, PP 995-998
Applies several works of Acad V. L Smirnov and
S. L. Sobolev's school on theory of elasticity
to Interpretation of seismic data. Study of
centra by method proposed would require seven
or eight seismic stations located not further
than 150-180 km from the centrum4 Submitted
19 Dec 49 by Acad 0. Yu. ahmidt.
USSR/Geopbyxics Seixxology Mar/W 51
"Auperficial waves in a Layer Lying on Wastic
Ralf Space, "V. I. Keylia-Borok, Geophys Inst,
Ac&& Sci USSR
"Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Geog i Geof iz" No 2, pp 17-39
Discusses some properties of superficial oscilla-
tions generated by sinusoidal concd force on free
boundary of parallel plane layer lying on elastic
half space. Computes dispersion and frequency
characteristics of layer corr to av terrestrial
usa/Geophysics - ,;eis=logy (Contd) Msj@/Apr 51
crust - Abal'yzes-, somi 441t@ data on siqttmic waves;' in
particular, the nature of Rayleigh and pseudo-
Rayleigh seismic vaves. Submitted by L. S. Leybenzon
1 L 1- 71 V
USM/ft-eophysics Earthquake Centers Nov/Dee 51
"Graphic Methods for Calculating the D@namic Para-
meters of Earthquake Seats," V. I. Keylis-Borok
"Ir Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz" flo 6, pp 1-1-27
Considers graphic methods for detg the parmneters
of a source approximately equiv to the site (focus)
of an earthquake. Gives extensive formulas, graph,
and tables for subject detn.
USSR/Geophysics - Epicenter Azimuth 1952
"Problem of Determining the Azimuth to the Epicen-
ter," V. I. Keylls-Borok, S. D. Kogan
"Trudy Geofiz Inst, Ak Hauk SSW' No 14 (141),
pp 21-28
Describes a method of detg the azimuth to the epi-
center according to observations of transverse
@,hthtmitUcul Rov iurm Kelfis-Borok, V. 1. On the frecitiency equation of it muld-
Vol. 14 I-In. 9 layered elastic wedittin. DoMady Mad. Nat& '6SR
Uptobor 1953 (N.S.) 87, 25-28 (1952). Wiisqian)
aweur consirPre win vs,11.1re (4astique cotnpn56 de n
coitclivs phnes, paralFAvs, hornopt'-neq, ut isotrope+un
dcriii-espice homogt`-ne et isotropti, les (-pair-ptirs, ct autres
r;irartl@.ristiqiws dc voticlics Mant quflcontlum Ce syswNue
cA Ymmis A des tensions prodisisant flt!.3 drformation%. les',
uncR et. lv4;iiitrcq @-tant fmictioni continues des coordontifts.
Sur fit fronfit%re du synthue Irs tengions normales stint nulks.
Ilin reprf-sentant, les @toliitions dei 6quations des oudcs par
Ics int6grale, Fouricr-Bcsszl dims le cas tie sym6tric axi-ile
J'auteur fortne U-quation caracltristiqu@ dont Ics solutions
drinnent Irs fririticticieg des ondes. 11 montre que les ondes 'i
Mims sont possibles et que, N tine distance suffis 'Imment
grande de la, srurce, on pent avoir de3 Ondcs forcl-es Wun
type spkial; letir vitew tic jillase et llnten-,46 (Vixtident
de fit fr6quence tit de (lei couches. I-t nnte donne
lvq fomitiles assez compliclut-en sans d6finitions et itans
V. A.. Kostitzin (Parb).
"Problems of Propagation of Stationary Oscillations in a Layer Located
Between Two Semispacebij," Tr. Geofize in-ta A14 SSSR, No 20, 1953, pp 20-36
Dispersion and resonance of stationary mdally symmetrical, interfer-
ing oscillations generated by a centered force in a flat parallel layer
rigidly bound to seridspaces is analyzed. These oscillations correspond
to roots of frequency equations. The dependence of the amplitude of
these waves on thielmess of layer) wave lengthj and distance from the
layer is computed in a few examples.
RZh Fiz. No 3, 1955
'A "WQNFA&'M NJ L@ A%Rif@ R1
7 0 17 cyj r,
X, D.A.1 YNyLIS_B0R0jC' V. "; KOGAN, S.D.
Meth,de of 8618mle obser,.tlona in an SPIcent Zone and their
interpretations. Trudy ral
%Ofiz.1nst* no.21:27-JL8 i5j.
(Seismology-Observations) (MLRA 7:5)
"Metholds and Results
reports given at of Earthguake Mechnis=
Geophysics ) Rome the 10th Genergl Assembly of th InvestigatlonB one of the
., 1954 0 International Union
Evaluation, 2-86198 and 86204, "0 Jun 55 Of Geodesy and
'a%" 4"04---Aftft
ROOOnant Properties of Interference waves In a lVer. Tr
inst. no*22150-58 154. udy Geofl.9
(Waves) (86ismOI087) (ERA 8t4)
Investigation of focal stresses of the 1hait epicentral zone.
Trudy Geof.inst. no.Z5:113-123 154. (MIRA ?:12)
- ,
Pr6PagfttiOn Of vaTem In waltiloyer semi-spaces. Dokl.a BUR 95
no.4:733-7)5 Ap 154. (XLRA 7:3)
(Vibration) (Selemometry)
"Htthodolor,r and Resultz of Ret3eavches on Mechanisim on Earthquakes."
SO: Soviet AcaderV of Science Proceedings, No.6, March Issue 1955; A-40637
XMIS-BOROK B.I..* Prof. and KOGAti, S.D.,
Mat F17-Sc-ie-nces 1-ardidate of ph)-alcomethe_
"Investigation of the mechanism of earthquakew.,
50th Anniversary Session of the Seismic Station a Paper g,12gen-29atsepe
1956, Leningrad. "Pulkovo"
SUM- 1322
lt@@,, :_--,;:@_ 1-1@-!x-.-,-;-- @i
Relation of point and area amireas. Izv.AN SM.Sar.geofiz. no.4:
40-49 Ap '56. Ov (nU 9:8)
1. Akademiya nauk SSM, Geofizichesk-iy inatitut.
-- I.- - Q -
BnLnK,NA, L M.
X10) MAN I Do= mn4n==
Akadmain ma Wo.
Roultat so foodazu I Iftaik..
TWA7 ficklotm sa XX 6-01"MW amembl".
1 esont'dwskW SCWU"- 11-thdasuct.,W. assoulatsl^
tIslkI -- &MU (Abomta at R
Aseably of ths latonlonal . oports 8vtodt"A to Us n a .. al
latormt,aw Aisoclau on CC sea"" saa O*Qfto", ft.
at solsoology "a Fast.. at a. Earth-~
I.Sw In Roolso am magua/
V* awu..i omtrtbauve owtio.4
mom, Tug bo*US is Latemsed
Islas in molmolacy. lalsto, espe"Oll, U,." spoetalt-
ths t.t- am ocapooluas
Earth - phommass "IOWA then
O*rM &tauag of wu,.k. to. The noority of us azuelas 000.
twv of the xrQ.. . 04- 0010016 im-. Other artlels, a., M* sty%a.
at k4% vregoarvol r"t WA 0-4ai- rmt*l th- aLmUe pruportiff ae
M Was in twom tho PASS061"tols Otteo of F@u aaj tb. Oath, ar
do marsh "b:stss. no eauscum &I" *.0tatme WtIoue on U91
M=6 shrr"', klouryp "a Uldro"LOSIG mound st troalft stwm ad
N-y'. ama Bi. 'as
Tops" uld afrost at k-A. 29
Now mvidemse
ACO ft, ou-t- ot me um-1 erai am Noutau toots
sla fr= Sola.,. Saadla, In Castnt
xwtw at mobuing JA T -*U'Rooples
Garokhm, O.P. solosis TaSsE&Stj bWM* 1@ AM;.
B.Z. nwalsal Proloru" @e Uut "a*@ at RIO prome'm 4)
zoyu!@j@. twi-upum ot &Akga, moc,basion
SAM-1 . I. Diumle at 1.,.u,. " - wu..
:*.-%truvwmu (--f.
AW-mon at ZLWUS V@m is Aftw
doktor fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, oMve ts--vMyy redaktor;
ZAYTBXV. L.P., redaktor izdatalletva; ZZ. V-V-, redaktor
izaatelletva; SHRYCHWO, G.N., tekhnichaskir redaktor,
[Investigation of the mechanism of earthquakes) Issledovanle
mekhanizma zemletriasenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akadamii nauk SSSRV
1957- 148 P. (Akadomiia nauk SSSR- Geofizichaskii institut.
Trud7, no.40). (Seismology) (MIRA 10:10)
KEYUS7-B,Q. V. I., RMNICIENK01 Yu. V. BELOUSOV, V. V. M.,@GINMS-ray V. A. J, raid
3-Qr--v - I
"Seismolo-gLeal Problems and Questions Concerning the Physical Structure of
the Earth's Deposits."
paper presented at the XIth General Assembly of the Int'l. Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics, Toronto, Oaaada, 3-14 Sept. 1957) (Izv. Ak Nauk SSSR Ser. Geog, 1058,
No. 2y PP 3-8 [USsRj).
"On a Method He Developed for Determining the Elements of the Occurrence of
Recent Faults Found in the Depths and Causing Earthquakes, and an Explanation of
the Direction of the Displacement of their Walls," paper presented at the First
All-Union Conference on Tectonpphysics, Moscow, 29 January through 5 February
Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences USSR
Sum 1563
Ir, _9Z M
. " . '191@1@ --
Dislocations in the foci of weak earthquakes in northern Tian Shan,
Biul. Sov. po saism. no.3:118-122 157. (Kru 11:5)
(Tien Shan-Earthquakes)
AUTHOR: Keylis-Borok, V. 1. 49-4-3/23
TITLE: @n @eth@eOry @ofwaves generated during shear.
(0 teorii voln, voznikayushchikh pri sdvige).
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya,
1957, No.4, pp. 440-"S (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The relation is investigated between a point source of
elastic waves (a model simulating the focus of an
earthquake) and the static displacements which occur
after passage of these waves. An analysis is made of
the static field,described by means of the dislocation
the y as formulated by Love for shear dislocations,
and'Khe possibility of application of this theory to
simulating such foc. !"on models. In the case of
correct analysis, the conclusions derived from the
dislocation theory are in agreement with generally
accepted conceptions relating to a shbar wave in
the shape of a dipole with a moment. Vve'denskaya, A.V.
(Ref.4) attempted to find a shear model by mean of the
Love dislocation theory, considerinG as a model of-the
elementary shear two perpendicular dipoles with a
moment as indicated in Fig.2 and not one dipole with a
Card 1/5 moment. The dependence of the intensity of the source
On the theory of waves generated durinE shear. 49-4--7./23
on the time is thereby so chosen that the main Dart of the
dislocations is represented by the Dirac 8-func-tioa,
referred to in this paper as the Nabarro source; the
displacements described by the Nabarro formula (Ref-5) are
integrated along a circle which @-.imulates the sliding
planp in the tremor and it is assumed that the obtained
expressions describe waves which occur during shear,
taking into consideration the presence of fault.
It is shown in this PaDer that Nabarro did not generalise
the theory of dislocations for the dynamic case and
introduced certain assumptions without any proof; extension
by Vvedenskaya of the respective interpretation led to
erroneous results,even if it is assumed that the assumptions
of Nabarro are correct. Application of the theory of
dislocations in modelling of earthquakes is fundaaentally
based on the assumption -that residual deformations are
absent in the -.focus,; even for this assumption, the results
obtained from the theory of dislocations are practically
equal with those obtained in earlier work of the author
(Refs.1 and 2). The theory of dislocations in the sense
expressed by Love describes the state of a continuous
Card 2/5 medium and permits detormination of a source with static
forces with equivalent dislocations, i.e. sources which
Inveetignting the mechanism of earthquakes. Biul. Sov. Do seism.
no.6:90-99 157. 11:1)
1. Institut fiziki Zemli Akndemii nauk SSSR, Moskvn.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhur-ial, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 3, p 21 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Keylis-Borok, V.I., Kogan, S.D.
TITLE: An Investigation of the\'tarthquake Mechanisms
PERIODICAL: Byull. Soveta po seysmologii AS USSR, 1957, Vol 16, pp 96-99
ABSTRACT: This is a brief survey of the work of Soviet. authors on the
mechanisms of earthquakes. The analysis of the investigation
results of about 300 earthquakes in the main @--,eismoactlve zones
of the USSR and adjacent regions leads to the following pre-
liminary conclusions: 1) The predominant properties of dis-
locations in the earthquake source vary sharply with the transition
from one tectonic section to another one. There is also no direct
link of dislocations In Individual sources with local t,3ctonic
surface fractures. 2) In regard to the strike of the basic
structures, the predominant strike of dislocation I-- -transverse
for the MI part of the Pacific Ocean, Dagestan, the Akhallkalaks-
koye highlands, and longitudinal for the Ashkhabadskiy rayon,
Card 1/2 But in the majority of zones (Garmskaya oblastt, Tien Shan,
An Investigation of the Earthquake Mechanisms SOV/169-59-3-2207
Shemakha), two predominat strikes are distinguished, the longitudinal -:,nd the
transverse strikes, A gradual change of the strike of dislocations in the
foci from transverse to 'Longitudinal is to be noticed In the Prikazbekskiy
rayon of the Caucasus with increasing distance from the zones of transverse
fractures. 3) The horizontal components of the displacements in the foci
have great intensity. 4) The vertical components of the inotion i-n the ifo@:i
of some districts (West-Turkmenistan, Caucasus, Tien Shan) have a peculiarity
consisting in a lift of the reverse wing, located on the side of the depression.
In general, the results adduced coincide with the neoteotc:nio da-ta for a
number of regions, where recently formed surface dislozations differ from the
basic, older structures, approximately in the same manner as the dislocations
in the earthquake foci described by the authors.
S.D. Kogan
Card 2/2
"The relation of the Area of Disruption to the Energy of Seismic Waves."
e t ennted at a meeting of the European Commission of the International
Assoc R on E ismologists and Earth Physicists) Utrecht, Holland) 8-12 April 1958.
(Izv. Akad. Neuk SWR, Ser Geofizichealutya, 1958, No. 11, PP 1418.)
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki zemli
Nekotoryye voprosy mekhaniki deformiruyemykh ared @Some Problems
in the Mechanics of Deformable Media).Moscow Izclvo AN SSSR,
1959. 219 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, Nr. 2 2@16Y/) Errata slip
inserted. 2,000 copies printed.
Ed.: V.A MagnitskIty, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publish-
ing HLse: V.A', Kalinin; Tech. Ed.: Yu. V. Hylina.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and geophysicists
concerned with problems of deformations.
COVERAGE: This collection consists of eight articles on the mech-
anics of deformations in solid plastic media as applied to the
solution of geophysical and engineering problems. No personal-
ities are mentioned. References appear at the end of each
Card 115
Some Problems (Cont.)
Gurevich, G.I., and A.L. Rabinovich. Relation 13etween Stresses
and Displacements in Large Deformations for the Case of a One-
dimension4l Problem 3
In the arAlytical study of geometrical and kinetic deformations
of elasticand residual nature, which are of signficance in at-
ten'uation and dispersion of seismic waves, the authors derive
gereral equatiorz of motion. 12
Gurevich, G.I. Relation Between Stresses and Displacements in
Large Deformations for the General Case of a Three-dimensional
Load 27
The author considers the application of Maxwell's equation
to a cast of a residually deformed solid-liquid body which
can be considered as a "massive" one and to which the usual
formulas of the theory of elasticity are applicable.
Gurevich, G.I. Generalized Maxwell Equation for Three Measurements
TaWing Into Consideration Small Elastic Aftereffect Deformations 60
In the study of rook behavior in cases of static and dynamic
Card 2/5
Some Problems (Cont.)
Petrachen', K.I. Ogurtsov.
Khaykovich, I.M. Beam Method of Computing the Wave Intensity in
a Relaxing Medium With a Large Relaxation Time 179
The author refers to various scientists offering the solu-
tion of nonstationary problems in the theory of elasticity
leading to the determination of the intensity and the farce
of reflected waves. He introduces a so-called beam me1hod
for computing the propagation of a wave in nonideal elastic
media. The following names are mentioned: G.I. Petrashen',
V.M. Babich, G.O. Gurevich.
Sherman, D.I. Problem of the Stressed @ondition of a Sem@plane
Without External Load and With'Two 'Sunken Circular Orifices 187
The article discusses the distribution of stresses caused
by gravity in media weakened by holes or openings. The-
problem is of interest in analyzing the rock pressure In the
neighborhood of shaft openings and for the study of seismic
Card 4/5
AUTHORS: Keylis-Borok, V. I. and Stesin, I. M.
TITI,h:.- Dispersion of the Mbieigh Waves in a Two-Layer Model
of the Earth's Crust (Dispersiya releyevskikh voln
v dvukhsloynoy modeli Zemnoy kory)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya,
1959, Nr 1, pp 27-31 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In order to improve the data for the Earth's crust
calculated by the dispersion method, a two-layer
dispersion method is proposed. The calculation is based
on the half-space z> 0 covered by two layers:
O>z > - ml and -Ml) z>- (ml + M2) -
The base and the two layers are composed of a
homogeneous medium which is also isotropic and ideally
elastic. The phase velocity v of the Ra)leiE;h waves
in such a medium can be represented by Eq.(l), where
mq - thickness of q-layer,
a b - velocities of longitudinal and transverse
q1 q waves respectively,
Card 1/4 uq - a constant (q = 1 2 3 denote top, middle layers
and base respectively).
Dispersion of the Raeigh Waves in a Two-Layer Model of the
Earth's Crust
The relationship of these values is calculated from the
2 2 2 2 2
cr aq -N/1 - v /aq, v /b ; y=2-v /b
q ILq q q; Pq - q q;
2 2 2 2 2 2
s 2(al - 1) + v /bil c = 2(al-1) -criv /bl; d-c + v /bl;
xia ch a sh a x ch Pitmi;yi "ell PA mi.
iK; Yi (x Ami; i
wave characteristic, t = p/vj p - rotational
f equency). The dispersion surface is equal to
v/b 3 @ f(%/ml, X/m2)1 where X = 21Y(b 3/p) - the length
of the transverse-wave with frequency p. It is divided
into'successive parts according to the different
harmonies (Refs 2,4,5). For computation on hand machines
Card 2/4 it is better to find the solution of ml with given
Dispersion of -the RaLeigh Waves in a Two-Layer Model of the
Earth's Crust
v/b 3 and t m2- The results obtained by means of the
electronic machine BESM, Ac.Sc., USSR are shown in
Figs. 1-4. The constants used were those for the
Central Asia (Refs 6,7) a 3/b 3 = 1.85, a2/b3 = 1.46;
al/b 3 = 1.281 b 2/b3 0.881 bl/b 3 = 0.76, a, = 1.481
a2 @ 1.48 (a 3' b3 'the outer surface). Fig.1 shows
the data of the dispersion surface: the curves of the
phase v and the group velocity V of the first
harmonic for various values of (p = arc tg m 1/m2-
The limiting values of v/b 3 (as related to the R4eiGh
waves) are 0.9265 for X -
.; , 0.6923 for X = 01
01 0.8011 for X = 0, (P = 0. Figs.2-4 show the
surface v/b 3 (for second, third and fourth harmonies).
When V/b.@-.,@ 0.7 for X - 0 and ml/m2 's small, the
6roup velocity has a second minimum in high frequencies
Card 3/4 (Ref 1). It can be seen from Fig.1 that when the value
Dispersion of the Raeigh Waves in a Two-Layer Model of the
Earth's Crust
of ml/m2 increases, the equivalent value (m1 + m2)
decreases. This is explained by a decrease of the
wavelength due to b, < b2- In order to determine
m1 and m2 by means of the curves (Fig.1), it is
necessary to find the dispersion V in the homogeneous
region so that the respective value of b can be
established. (The notations of Fig .1 ah as follows:
1 - phase and 2 - group velocities, 3-6 - experimental
data for REaeigh waves in various localities (Ref 1)
There are 4 figures, 1 table and 8 references, 5 of
which are Soviet, 3 English.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut fiziki Zemli
(Ac.Se. USSR Institute of Earth Physics)
SUBMITTED: September 16, 195?
Card 4/4
@",!S-@30ROK 1 1101.
Croop of hollow dim to t1flo of
TrIC,v Inst. fIzaer%
,3.q/00 SOV/49-59-11-1/28
AUTHORS: Keylis-Borok,.V. I., and Monin, A. S.
TITLE: Magneto-elastic Waves and the Boundary of Earth Core
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR Seriya geofizicheskaya,
1959, Nr llj PP 1529-1541 (USSR@
ABSTRACT: The authors describe results of their investigations of
the dispersion,damping, polarization and origin of
magneto-elastic waves. The dampinG of waves with an
increase of the field strength Ho attains a certain
maximum value from which it gradually tends to 0. Two
types of waves can occur in a strong field: slow waves
with a velocity between the transverse and lorLYitudinal
elastic waves, and fast waves with a velocity
proportional to HR. An intense mechanical vibration
can only be cause by slow waves. The characteristics
of the latter, being similar to longitudinal or
transverse waves, depend on the direction of their
propagation and are not affected by the initial pulse, The
observed range of velocities of seismic waves in a
stratum D" can be explained by a linear increase of
the gradient k/P and by a decrease of u/P (see table)
due to compensation by the magnetic field. The
existence of transverse waves in the core can be
up.1,1 1/2 explained by a presence of the magnetic field
VPI 9 - 59 - 1 .1
Ma.,--noto-elastic Waves and the Boundary of Earth Core
unlessthere is a layer 20 to 80 km thick at i s surface
with an increased resistance (to - 0.4 X 10 9 SPO or
there is a radj&Ll field with a strength - 10') to loll)
oersted. An increase of theph&,_,-e velocity v of
longitudinal and transverse (dashed lines) waves is
illustrated in Fig 1, where the numbers on curves
denote a squared strength of the field @. Fig 2 shows
the polarization of vibration in a weak field. Fig 3
illustrates the phase velocity of vibrationsin a
strong field. Fig 4 gives the coefficients of damping
with distance in a weak field where the magnitudes of
e _KI xw/a , e-K it xw/a determine damping with a distance
x of longitudinal and transverse waves respectively.
Thanks are conveyed to G. S. Golitsyn, V. A. Kalinin and
R. Khayd for their assistance. There are 4 figures, 1
table and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 6
@LSSUCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Inst .tut fiziki Zemli (Acadeiny
of SciencesUSSR, Instit@te olf rhysLics of Eart',O'
SUBMITTi@D: March 26,, 1959
Keylis-Borok, Vladimir Isaakovich
Interferentsionl*r-ye--p-ov-e-rkh,nootnyye volny (Interference Surface Waves) -Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19600 194 P. Errata slii inserted. 3,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki zemli im. 0. Yu. Shmidta.
Resp. Ed.; D.If Shermanj Ed. of I@iblishing House: T.B. Yanovskaya; Tech. Ed.:
T.V. Polyakova.
PIMYOSE: This book is intended for geophysicists, seismologists, meteorologists,
and cr-eanographers.
COM": 7his is a study of oscillations of a layered elastic medium (plane-
@arallel, uniform, isotropic, and ideally elastic layers) from a single vievl>oint.
Me general physical and mathewtical description of the oscillations is suitable
for direct analysis of the mathematical derivation and for studying the solutions
together with theloystAm of boundary conditions, without resorting to cumbersome
solutlons of elastic theory problems. We approach made it possible to obtain
gever@l results for any number of layers and for practicall y any nonsymmetrie,
eft =.)(A*
GAMBURTSIV, Grigoriy Aleksandrovicb, aki)demik EdeceBsedl; RIZNICHWO, YUJOI
red.;'MOLOI1ENSKIY,'.M.S., red.; BEaZON, I.S.. doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.;
XX7LI3-BORQX,,.V.1., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; LYAFUNOV, A.A.,
doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; YMPINATIYEVA, A.M., ksnd.tekh.nauk,
red.; KOSMINSKATA, I.P., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; STARODUBROVSKATA.
B.P., mladshiy nbuchnyy sotrudnik, red.; BFMGAUT, V.G., red.12d-va;
(3elected studies] lzbrann" trudy. Moskva. lzd-vo Akad.nauk =R.
1960. 461 p. (MIRA 1317)
1. Chleny-korreopondenty AN SSSR (for R12nichenko, Molodenskly).
(Prospecting-Geophysical methods)
K w
. j -; ! t I-, @ I ;i
a 'i I
vk F.
6 . p . r
v r v.
0 n
S/16 61/000/'011/006/065
AUTHOR: Keylls-Borok,-V.1.
TITLE: Studies of the dislocations 10 1
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Gcofizika, no, 11. 196't 14-15,
abstract 11A141 (V sb, Probl. tektonol*izlki.. M,, Gos,
geoltekhizdat, 1960, 309)
TEXT: A method permitting determination of the properties of d16.
locations at an earthquake focus from seismic data (the mechanical
type of fracture, the dip and strike of the plane of fracture, the
direct.,on of' movement) was elaborated, About 300 earthquakes were
investigated in the main seismically-active zones of the Soviet
Union and adjoining regions: the north-west edge of the Pacifil,
Ocean, the Hindukush, the Pamirs and Tyan;--Shan-,. Kopet-Dag and
Western Turkmeniya, and the Caucasus, On the whole, the d-isloca-
tions at the foci have approximately the same similarities to and
differences from the main tectonic structures as those which have
been formed in recent times and which are distinguishable In neo-
Card 112
Sludies of the dl5locations at ... D228/D304
tectonics. Dislocations with a transverse strike and with intense
horizontal components of movement are evidently noted more freqUen-,
!y at the fo(,,! tlian is the case iri sui*fa.7o str-,,,,@. ture.-). 'Vert
vements at the foci of a number of areas are ch,;ra----,eri-zOd by 1,e
uplift of the limb of the fracture which has been turned tcr @h;
de of tlie tee toti! c. depres,,;Ion Thii af,,rev.,i vi', 0,. ti;e 0 1 OCIO'k 0'.
tOrliCS Ut1d With some results of abyssal seismic sound-ing. [.Ab6trac
tor;s notej Complete translation).
C ar d 2/2
AUTHORS: Buns, V. 1.9 Gzovskiy, M. V., Zapol'skiy, K. K.,
___Ke.y1ia3--orok, V. I., Krestnikov, V. N.9 Malinovskaya,
L. N., Nersesov, I. L., Pavlova, G. I., Rautian, T. G.,
Reysner, G. I., Riznichenko, Yu. V., and Khalturin, V. I.
TITLEt Methods of the detailed study of seismicity
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1961, 12-13,
abstract 10A144 (Tr. In-ta fiz. Zemli AN SSSR, no. 9,
1960, 327 P-)
TEXT: The Tadzhik complex seismologic expedition was organized with
the aim of studying the nature of earthquakes and the conditions of their
genesis. The most seismically-active zones of the USSR (Garmo and Stalina-
bad) were chosen as the work areaso The specific conditions of working
and processing the data demanded the development of special systems of ob-
servation and methods of interpretation. The large amount of recorded
Card 1/6
S/1691161/000/ 010/009/053
Methods of the detaileds.. D228/D304
seismic phenomena permitted the use of statistical methods for studying
their distribution in space and time; these methods, in 'Lheir turnj pro-
vided the basis for introducing the quantitative indices of the seismicity
characteristics of the scismically-active areas. The actual seismic ob-
servations were closely coordinated with geologic invesLi.-ntions, and thia
provided the possibility of exposing the tectonic basis of the seismic
phenomena. L general review of the work area is given in Chapter ly and
concise data on major earthquakes are cited to,-ether with the general posi-
tion of the expedition stations. A description of the standard main and
auxiliary apparatus used at the stations, and also the layout and descrip-
tion of nevily developed equipment--including an automatic seismic station
with a magnetic memory--is cited in Chapter 2. The methods developed and
utilized in the expedition for studying the crust's structure in the area
under investigation from the records of nearby earthquakes are described
in Chapter 3o Horizontal and -vertical hodog-raphs were constructed. The
resulting material enabled the crust to be represented as a one-layer mass
Card 216
Methods of the detailed... D220/D304
with a lonCitudinal-wave. velocity of 6.,,Ot- 6#1 km/3ea. At the Mohorovicic
boundary, the velocity suddenly changes' fo 8.0 km/sec. and then somewhat
decreases, but at a depth of 300 kni it subsequently increases to 9.2
km/see. These data underlay the construction of isochrone charts used to
localize the epicenters and to detGrmine the focal depths. The isochrone
charts were constructed with an accountif the heterogeneity of the work
area's geologic structure and the peculiarity of the seismic stations'
location. This enabled the precision of hypocenter localization to be
substantially increased, reducing it to 1 - 2 km at the center of the
work area's topographic map., In Chapter 4, the definition of the concept
of seismic energy at the focus is given, und the basic formulas are de-
rived for its calculation. On the bas@is@of experimentally obtained laws
for the dyinE out of energy with distance, nomographs were constructed
to determine practically the energV at the focus from the records of nearby
earthquakes. Appraisal of the precision of calculation of the energy in
relation to different factors shows that it may be determined accurately
to the order of its magnitude. In this connection, the value K lg E j.
Card 3,6
Methods of the detailed... D228/D304
is introduced for characterizing the enerrn, r1ass of earthquakes. Tho
value of K is compared with the earthquake magnitude M. The study of
the iso-energy lines shows that the dilferent degrees of the dying out of
seismic energy along and across the strike of geologic structures exert
a decisive influence on the form of the isoseisms. In Chapter 5, the
frequencies of seismic vibrations are studied--in relation to the earth-
quake energy, the distance from the source, the geolo.gic conditions at
the point of observation and at the hypocenter, etc.--from recordings at
both the customary stations and a 3POCial qvjr1C (ChISS) seismic-station
intended for frequency analysis of seismic waves directly at their place
of registration. A detailed description is 3iven for the frequency-
selective seismic-station T4CC- '19S4 (C415S-1954) and for the results of
the investigation of its recordings. Certain epicentral zones with an
anomalous frequency are thereby revealed. The procedure for theoretically
calculating the focal characteristics, and also for appraising these
latter from empirical data. is iven in Cha ter b. Several formulas are
Card 4/6
Methods of the detailod6.6 D228/D304
cited for determining tho size of a focus in-relation to its enerBY on the
basis of different physical propositions. The dynamic parameters of the
foci are determined; there appear to be definite p-edominant directions
for both the strike and dip of the fracture planes. The characteristics
of the seismic conditions of the Garmo and Stalinabad seismically-active
reglons--both as a whole and in individual areas--are quoted together with
the variations in the parameters of the conditions in time. The quantita-
tive expression of the seismicity during constant seismic conditions is
determined by the seismic activity. The possibility is shown of construct-
ing graphs of the recurrence-of earthquakes from short observations of
weak shocks, and methods are given for determining the period required to
obtain the parameters of he seismic conditions with a pre-set precision
in relation to the energy of.the recorded earthquakes. The statistical
constancy of the seismic conditions is determined by the so-called measure
of dispersion of the frequency of earthquakes. A brief description of the
area's stratigraphy and the history of its geologic development is given
in Chapter 8. The structural schemes and descriptions of the most importdnt
Card 1,6
S/16 61/000/010/009/053
Methods of the detailed... D228YD304
deep faults are cited. The contemporary structure of the Garmo area is
depicted as two main regions: the alpine geosynclinal zone in the south
and the activated epi-Hercynian platform in the north. In section, it is
drawn as several steps of Paleozoic basement adjoininU each other along
deep faults. A comparison of the seismicity with the tectonics of the
study areas is made in Chapter 9. The construction of maps of isolines
of seismic activity and gradients of the rate of tectonic movements is
recommended for appraising the connection between the seismicity and the
tectonics. Methods are cited for constructing such maps. The congruence
between these magnitudes is established for the regions under investiga-
tion, and areas with the maximum g-radient values correspond to those with
the highest values Of Oei3mic activity. 272 referenceso Z-Abstracterts
note3 Complete translationo.-7
Card 6,6
Spherical waves in an inhomegeneous liquid. Trudy Inst. fiz. zem.
no.11:133-142 160. (MIRA 13:8)
(Elastic waves)
3, 1 D039/1
AUTHOR: Keylis-Borok,_ V. I.
TITLE: The difference of the surface wave spectra of earthquakes and
underground explosions
SOURCE: Akadem-;ya nauk 335R. Institut fiziki zemli. Trudy, no. 15 (182)"
Moscow, 1960. Seysmicheskiy effekt padzemnykh vzryvov, 68-101
TEXT: The dependence of the surface wave spectrum of the Rayleigh and
Love type on the spatial properties of the source is Investi6ated for the
case of the most simple explosion and earthquake models. The effect of the
dimensions and shape of the source on the surface wave spectrum and the in-
tensity distribution in this source in the case of a given frequency spec-
trum of zerturbance stresses is studied. Based on formula
U i@@ R (_P_ , @) P, (-P-, z.) Q ( p) 1e-' VPr (2)
A V V 7F
where RA is the spectrum of the source according to distance, and on other
calculations in the article, the author compares the our-face wave spectra
Card 1/3
The difference of the surface wave spectra D039/D112
for the accepted earthquake and explosion models. Formula (2) shows that
the difference in the @urface wave spectra will be defined by the funf,4
of R which are independent from the structure of the medium. The calcula-
tions show that the difference between -the sources is mainly determined by
their dimensions. The greater the dimensions, the longer will be the pre-
dominant surface wave period. At the same time, the dimensions of the
earthquake focus are much larger than those of the explosion zone. Conse-
quentlylthe surface wave periods during earthquakes are also much longer
than during explosions. It was established that there is a great differ-
ence among the surface wave spectra, but no difference in the spectra of
volumetric waves. During earthquakes the stress concontrattion is consider-
ably smaller than in explosions of the came energy level. So, in explo-
sions, the non-elastic deformation zone will be much smaller. The depth of
the source of earthquakes is larger than that of explosions. The theoTe-
tical conclusions of the author agree with experimental data taken from the
paper of S. D. Kogan, I. P. Pasechnik, and D. D. Sultanov (Ref. 7: "Dokl.
AIT SSSR", 29, No 6, 1959.). For an explosion of 1 kg of explosives,jaccord-
ind to a report by D. A. Kharin)) the seismic wave energy ;%ras 4 1 .7 org
and the destruction zone diameter rangea between 150 and 100 m. I t wa r,
Card 213
p,ps,, smbitud for thia I.-Ah Pectin S-1-ons C-,,,... R.Onisla. H-all Z, 1-9-
sev 1961.
Z@_fV. A., 11-t- Zr4mphylcs tn.tit.t., A-4@y of
Ei@stlgiiy-- of R,b.t-s of d-d
pLmme@ under answrcloic eom<iccb@ (S tiou IM-11)
aM&TAJTN D A Inst1tv-. of 0-snolocy - '&-0 -gul-ItI.s
or ch'.1-1 k.-t-L.tics in the -.1r. or
tb. sntrsl rem of b. pacirW (Sctj-@ 1"ll.C.1)
All-Lblom Scient ifte Researab Institute of Kai- FISMO-9
@d DC@VGOW - *Sk-'bcariz* 'S-ry%nkA' - a "v for carIze
fl.b.rr L-tlVltil.." (3-tten ZII.C.k)
'MA..l Institute of 0coenclOgy dlstr.-@tlcn of deep-4-
9-13 tb4 Pec-fic In coo-ctica W-th f"d ccao-itlcms"
(Sect-ce, lll.C )
arcw-ru-ML@ Inst.*tute of Blolocr of Reaervolro, Ata4ltoy of gcl@cvs
V= -,TA mb*@L-* I@Ilumlz&ttm "a tbm pricary p-t-tion or photo-
syntb. a to tb* -* (SqqtIq. t!I.C.4)
X.etl-.t. or bl.'.gy of Ac.4-y Of
U= --:be prvbLem Of barinoma cocttnmot&', c@ttcm In the orol-t---
Wogm;,hil 9luCIdxt'oM- (Se:tlcn M-A.3.1)
-d -UES-L 11-A... Jrstitute or Cceanolea - -he mea@-
@t of deep oce@tm @mta v%tb -be appllcmtlm of amch@r bucys
(satbods, appdrst@, revult.',-(3-tton vil.n.5)
TARrM, S. A, and MC=l, A. V., 1rtituta of 0-110a - 'rtostr-,hic
C@r`rent- In the Ant--tic pectcr Of the P=- ric" (3-tion *M.D.,-)
Z., of 3-la d.ta - the tectonics of
M.ztberm Xmmebstke (3.CtI.o, TUX)
MYA=-D. D.- or ztiL..ia - study of t--.
P.-a.s of 0-Sal. :z --bs =1' (S.Otl- rj.3)
W7Z7_VP@S@ of CL,.ancipff - 'T.ot.- of -I.-Ic. I. On
bC,tCn towsr%pby of t@. F-.I:ic C-W (S.-tIca 97-I.C.1)
lA.X'AMZ=7 V A Zme-Ltut. of Gealca - %Cretacmus flerss of the
-i@'tb. t,:;m as a bmts for tbo subdtvistcz of covtl@wmtsa
6,.,O.Its or this .za" (Sect, m vu C)
JCM0="=A@jj.G, T--ett%r-. of 0-1cgy . "OOcgrap-ita! 4.--.trLb.*.Icm
Of ab7saal button fw@ aal the p"blm or werticla tocatL@
(Section M.C)
CZT,_"@ Moscow Stete VoLver.1ty, Gecgr.;Mcal T-aty -
w DetUre of tbA @r consoca, In esst Asie (3@-tlcn Vr.C)
lastttu'te of Geo'cey - @."h* L.I..d -ch.. and the
in tb. of the reciric bit (s.. ti= v=.C)
,QVMtk@ T -2., or Eaxth Phystoi
1-1 0. To t.
of @@ Bbldt --g-T of W-fac.
PecIrW (Sectim 71rx.
L., Instl-vto of Geolcy - Me tect..... cap of bxra Is"
L-Wotica TrI.C)
T= L--.Crd Faroe-, rmgLze-l.;
A-4-CY i"" I 3i H. Ec- - "Sota, ;-bl-. I.-Ired @ttb vo.4 st.,11.1
In *oUtb- t A. .* (3-tion ril.A.7)
Met. St.,-
Vailsity - -Tbe -natl@ cr the 3&Y-umllm and
the Curil IsLam-da" (Sect'Lon VT.D)
Ostitut@ nf Ga,loa - "Ln the "!At4c" 'bet-
-0, fl- of V.. USI-8,
.04 E-Le (Uctl.- MA)
!32@, @!t A, sad MAIrVA, ".. A..-jmxtttz,* or Ocloocl-a - "Ge-r-I
rer,asr%tLws In the cr-mt1tative @d qoajttntl@ dLstrlt@-t!= of tb.
batt- fe- In tb. P---Iflc" (S"tt- M.C)
-;WCaA T ,-T-=d :;. Ll., Ins-Ltute of LOOIOEY - -loc ccc;@Mti"
study I. -tbda of pr'--Ary prod@-Io,n jayestigntLcu Or freab-ter
(5.ctI- ir-.c)
A.V., T.,xtLtut, of Cy-.OI.ED,
of Zer.turo ad.@Vtstt,vB (l Invertebre,tes Lm %be wrtt%tritem @4 or
tb- P-ma 0--" (r-tt- rTT.C)
@=ACO. A. -T-A -T-StLt-t- Of 'CUtUnig Of' -0o-h*M O-so
V-ryb.lcCy' (3-tlon M.D.1)
KEYLIS-BOROK, VlmdiMir TsRaakazLc4NERSESOV, Igor' Leonovich; YAGLAOM,
Akiva Moineyevich; SADOVSKIY, M.A., otv. red.; M-EDER, V.M.
r4;d. Izd-va; YEPIFANOVA., L., tekbft, to&
[Met@ods of evaluating the economic effect of earthquakeproof
tonstructlon]Metodika otaenki okonomicheskogo effekta seismo-
atoikogo atroitelletva, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962,
45 P. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSR (for Sadovakiy).
(Earthquakes and building)
BARW, V.7a.ftranslator)L KEY@IS-BOROKI V.I.j, red.; HI7141CMIKO,
Yu.V., red.; PANTIYEVA,- V., telchn. red.
[Underground nuclear explosiono)PodzemrWe iadernye vzryvy
Moskvaj Izd-v'o Inostr, lit-ry, 1962, 2/j7 p. (MIRA 1529i
Trarislatod from the English.
(Underground nuclear explocions)
KARUS, Ye.V., kand. fiz.-mat, nauk,, red.; KEYLIS-BORO ) V.I doktor
fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; IONELI, A.G.) ved. red.; YAKOVLEVA,
Z.I., tekhn. red.
[Problems in seismic prospecting]Problemy saismicheakoi raz-
vadki; sbornik atatei. YoBkvap Gostoptakhizd-.t, 1962. 225 P-
Translatod from the English and French. (MIRA .15:12)
(Seismic prospecting)
A U 0 V.1. :.nd @.&Iinovnkaya, L.N.
--i ".-he arriv;il of bo , ave
ld9:_:*f4_c_'_1'n @xplo@iions fro dj w 5
a'& ln!-Aitut fiziki Zenli. Trudy, no. 20(187), 10,62.
31@yr,:710106ii i fiziki zzemny1:11 nedr, 117-124,
1% and co::.nrrssion '.I.'Vlr'3 nre r-iiimto-fl from the
`a_-rt@aa in ex- I-j` ons inly waves are generated. There iz;, however,,
r, c i_q i., L) a
finite prcAnnWi-ity ol' t1--c order of lp') that even in ct---e of earthquakes only
zt-@ ri@ccx:3-1 L. !@!! observ-ition points. In this cuse, e4rthquakcs are
from exnloalon@; by Cv: :ji,-7n of the :tir3t arrivals of the trann-vez-ae SV
_flv@!:; roc,)_-3qd c,n nt--,ticai ;-."th;% z.- aufficiently wide rarce of azimuthu: necative 3V
@irrlval:j arn chari@ctcrintic of whereas positive SV arrivals characterize an
ex:--losicn. There ar@@ 8 fiL-ur,-:-,.
Card 1/1
Relation between the spectra of surface waves and the depth
of the sour6e in the earth's core. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz.
no.11:1532-1539 N 162. (MIPA 15:11)
1. Institut fisiki Zemli AN SSSR.
(Seismic waves--Spectra)
"Seismology and the formal logic.*
Report submitted to the SyMosium on Results of the IGT-IOC (Intl.
Geopbysical Year)j Los Angeles, California 12-16 Aug 1963.
Use of electronic computers in locating earthquake epicenters. Dokl.
Pd1 SSSR 151 no.2:323-325 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Institat fiziki Zemll im. O.Yu.Shmidta AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom Ye.K.Fedorovym.
(Electronic computers) (Seismometry)
ANDRIANOVA, Z.S KFYLIS-BOROK' V.I., kand. fiz..-matem. nai2k;
[Surface Love waves] Poverkhnostnye volny Liava. Moskvap
flauka, 1965. 107 p. (MIRA 18-4)
,TS---B-O-ROR,V-1., dokf,@ fiZ,-irLrA tt-izj. rdu-k
Use of computation mat@od-q In studying the up;@er ruanLlle; sympovium
in Moscow. Vest. AN SSSR 3,1, no.0,;88-89 S
(MIP-4 17!10)
KZ"ILIS-BOROKI V.I., do@-tor fi:,,.-m,-,ttem.nauk
Comp.itation mothods in goophysical roi;earch; oyrapotdul in
1.9rai-1. Vast. Mll SSM 35 no.121:54-56 D 165.
ACC NR% AT6033690 SOURCE CODE: Ult/32.31/66/()00/00;,'/OOU:3/00,;5
AUTHOAR: 1.'Ya.; Yanovskaya, T.D.; or o.' physico-
T.ITT F- of Collibined jaLerpretatioll of hodo-raphS and ampliLudc curves in studies
0 Upper r.'antle
OL %- I
SOURCE: AN' SSSR. Institut fiziki Zomli. Vychislitcl1naya seysmolo-iya, no. 2, 1966.
:Oashin.naya interprotatsiya seysmicheskildi vo'An (T Machine interpretation of seismic waves
TOPIC TAGS: upper mantle, hodograph, seismic wave, Monte Carlo method
ABSTRACT: The problem of determinin- the structure of the Earth's upper mantle from th
hodo-raphs t (&) of the first few arriv s lacks a unique solution. This ambiguity may be
a al
rnarkedly offset, however, if the amplitude curve A (A) or A* (A) = log A (A) of direct re-
fracted P waves is also utilized. Travel-tim e curves which hardly differ in t (A) may be
characterized by different A* (A) and analysis of the latter can result in a marked reduction
Of the set of curves obtained. The following method of solution of the reciprocal problem is i
proposed: the sought travel-time curve TTC is parametricized, i. e. represented by a specified'
LCard 1/2 UDC: 550.34-517:681.142.35
ACC NR: AT6033690
function of the parameters. T.ic possible ranges of variation in these parameters, i. e. the i
re-ion within which the true travel-time curve exists, are indicated, and individual TTC are
scanned, on theoretically calculating for each TTC the data known from observations. The dis- j
crepancy between the computed and observational data then is calculated. The set of travel-
urves for which this discrepancy is sufficiently small represents the solution of the
time c L L
i problem. Thus, the problem reduces to finding the region of the minimum of multivariate
function (discrepancy between calculations and experiment) in the space of unknoN%n parameters
of TTC. Finally, the set thus identified must be compactly described, i. e. the common
1 features of all the TTC thus found must be pointed out. The determination of the limits of the
I parameters and the selection of the type of t1io paranictor-dependent function and the optimal
,method of search for the minimum depend on the conditions of solution of the converse problem
iin every particular case: on the accuracy of observational data, type of A (A), epicentral
spacing for which t (A) and A (A) are specified, and the nature of the known and . unknown para-I
meters. ThiiL, e.g. if constraints are imposed on both velocities (according to t (A)) and velo-
Ici' -radients (according to A (A)), of the methods used to search for the minimum the Monte
Carlo method proves to be best. Orig. art. has: 14 figures, .31 formulas, 9 tables. -
SUB CODE: 08,-tZ; 12/ S-L:IM DATE: none/ ORIG RFi';
Card 2/2
W2/ OTH REF: 003
ACC NRi AP7004123
SOURCE CODEs UR/0011/67/000/001/0003/0010,
AUTHOR: Keyli!:! @k.,J&.
ORG: Institute of Geophysics, AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut fiziki Zomli AN SSSR)
TITLE: The use of electronic computers in studying the structure of the earth's crust
SOURCE: AN SSSR. I2;vestiva. Seriya goologicheakaya, no. 1, 1967, 3-10
TOPIC TAGS; earth crust, earthquake, electronic computer, computer programming
ABSTRACT: The author presents an attempt to formalize computer operations for
seismic data in order to obtain information concerning the structure of
the Earth's crust. The first task is to find parameters describing the
dqta succinctly while avoiding the loss of essential inform.-ation.
Earthquakes represent an important characteristic of crustal deformation;
they occur in great numbers, each reported by coordinates of the epicenter'
origin in time, intensity, and so forth. Other parameters are unrelited
to tectonics, Total number shocks and energy are more preferable
parameters, but still not representative. The author has chosen the sum
of energies of individual earthquakes, rained to the 213 power, because
it is convenient, concise and approximately proportional to the num of
the fracture areas of rupture at the foci. Summation was carried out o-a
UDC: 681.142.35:550
ACCNR: A.P7004123
a sliding tinte scale, the sum at any moment being obtsin*ed by summing
earthquakes for a certain number of years preceding that moment. This
number of years varied for different iiLudieS, but waq 3, It, or 5 for
examples illustrated in the paper. Consideration was given to areas in-
volved in the summation (such as all the Himalayas for the Assam earth-
quake, the Pamirs, Hindukush, and Tien Shan for the Miait earthquake).
Conclusions concerning the structure of the crust were in conflict
because of the problem of selecting data, or the inability to handle
all data. The solution of this problem lies in the recognition and
elimination of ambiguity. In this study, records of several kinds of
waves (longitudinal, transverse, Love, and Rayleigh) were used to
investigate a section of the crust between Andizhan and Frunze. Results
show a reliability range for seismic velocities down to depths of 60 km
on the basis of two models: one with one intracrustal discontinuity
(base of the sedimentary layer), the other with two such discontinuities
(base of the sedimentary layer and the "granite-basalt" boundary). The
outline of the computer program is broken down into four stages:
1) analysis of records at a single point, 2) study of earthquake foci,
3) refinement of basic empirical patterns, and 4) final conclusions,
including sections of the earth, description of seismicity, and methods
of recognizing faults. The author concludes that this method of treating
seismic data should be more widely used. :'Orig. aift. 667. ' '6'figures"'. [041
SUB CODE: 08 09/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr66/ ORIG REF: 604/ OTH REP: 001/
Card 2/2
li@uzv--, A. L
Porspektivi IZUCJI0tli'.,r&t I IST)Ollzovr&r' Iya Goryuchi?h Slio-lltofv Siiratovskol;o
Kraya, Goryuchlye Slantsy, 1934, ",o. 5, 9.
SO: Gor,,mcbiye SIP-ntsy No. 1934-35 TN .871
Ispollzovaniye Zoly Vyurtemberpkogo Gor-yucheqo Slantea, Goryuchiye Slantay
1934, No. 6,45.
SO: Gory uchiye Slantey #1934-35 TN. 871 074
MN, Shchchinsk Kokchstavsko7 oblasti)
Combined solubility table of electrolytes. Xhin.v shkole 3-1
no.5:71-72 B-0 t56. (MM 9:11)
(Blectrolytes--Tables) (Solubility--Tables)
(Logl-rith-Ls, exponential nd -Jogarithmic an
experimor-)LUI ,.ex-tbcjok) L:garifiry, pokazateilrqa I loga-
rifinicheskle uravnenila; eksperlmentallm-e -a,:hebnce Fo-
sobio. Dushantp-, Tadzhikaki.', Los. univ., 196'1*. 63
WIRA l71ll)
Haw data on the geological structure of the Sysert' granitio region
[with summary In Inglish]. Sov. geol. 1 no.6:121-135 '58-
(141RA 1WO)
1. Ural'skoye geolo cbeekoye upravleniye.
fulral Mountains --Geology)
Geology of the Ufaley granite massif. Sov. geol. 6 no.10t
120-122 0 1.63. (MIRA 17tl)
1.- Ukallskoys geologicheskoye uprayleniye.
K;,-',YL'I,IA',I, V. A.: Naster Toch .90 (diss) -- 111f!thods ol. improvi.rig Llic! dirt roads
an loass in Rostov Oblast". 'Moscow, 1959. 25 pp ("in IIL;,,Iior Zduc uSSR, Moscow
Automobile and Road Inst), 150 copies (Kl,, No 13, '1959, 105)
Electric heat treatment of bitumen without boilerE. Avt.dcr. 28
no.318-9 Mr '@':)5- WIR-A 18-5),
28194 /oo8/078
and Keyl 'man, yu.N.
AI)THORS' GolltsmaRq
TITLE: A universal filter for seismic ika.
ReferatiVnyy zhurnal " pvtomatika i r_rdjoelektron
pr,.RIODICIE 1961, 21-22, abstract .5 A161 (V sb. Prikl
no. 5, .1 -56)
geofizika, no. 25, 1 1960, 55
niversal filter With
y is briefly explained of a U. given of a
The theor A description Is
TF_XT. response. is
any pre-determined frequency n the form of a delay line cord-
amplifier i
filter in which an audio . h a preliminary re
This makes it possible to dispense wit ing filtered. The
used. d subsequent reproduction of signals be. he elay line
ing an e of the signal in 1:20 LC sections of t
total delay tim -150 c./s. The amplitude res-
microseconds, frequency range 10 f input voltages
is 72 of amplifiers is linear for the range ot . r connection
ponse ent was designed fo
0-0.1 v. The output of the ilistrum the instru-
to a normal 'LOOP oscillograph_ The technique of i1sing
Card 1/2
2 @, ir9
A universal filter for seismic signals D201/D303
ment is described and results of testing it are given, The possi-
bility is emphasized of using the instrument in seismological in-
vestigations, in particular for frequency-separation of m.agnetic
and gravitational anomalies. 7 figure.@;,. 5 references,. Z ibstrac-
ter"s note, Complete translati on-7
Card 2/2
An attempt of model studies on self-reproductive and evolutionary
processes. Trudy Len. ob-va est. 72 no.1;134-137 '61.
(MIRA 15:3)
a- )ar,
:*,@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:.
1. Xt@IAM', t.l. Eng.
2. USSR (600)
4. Chimneys
7. Technical rulcB for building a reinforced concrete chimnBy. Stroi.prom. 30 no. 10
o 152.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
U -