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MIABIZHANOV, B., Eve-,7 day -accTdahts among the adult population of Semipalatinsk. Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.6;10-13 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallno7 khirurgii (zav. - dotsent K.Ch. Chuvakov) Seminalativiskogo meditsinqkogo instituta. (SFHIPAIATINS K-TRAUMATISM) KWIZHANOV B Free skin transplantifton. Zctrav. Kqz&A. 2i no.11:23-25 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1.-Iz kafedry goopitallioy- khirurgii (zav. -, doteent K.Ch. Chuvakov) SemipalatinakKoRo maditainskogo instituta. (SKIN @TATION) - ..: PETROVA, K.G.t; ABDrYEW, N.;--MU=HLWX1B-- Thromuuembolism of the large vessels in children with -ioxic diphtheria of the pharynx and hemorrhagic syndrome. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.6:33-36 162. (MIU 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent T.N.Nikonova) Kazakhokogo meditainskogo instituta, i Detskoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitay No.2 g. Alma-Aty (glavnyy vrach - F.S.Sakova). (DIPHTHFRIA) (EMBOLISM) (HEMRRHAC.E) 5/12. 0/6 Z/1GGC;/V^()2/G'13/0'17 E194/L435 AUTHOPS: Khablgnko, 11 1 yashenko, 0. 1. T.1 T 1, 1-, :Ali oilectromagnetic pump PERIUDICAL: Pribory i teklmika eksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 178-179 TZXT: This article clescribos.a laboratory gas pump of 10 to 110 litres per hour clutput. Tile special, linen diaphragm is driven bly tile solanoirl of a 6-watt a.c. electromagnet. The inlet and' outlet flap valves are made of soft rubber. A prototype has beell. laboratory tested. There is 1 figure. SUBMITTED: August 7, J961 Card 1/1 KWL;MM,ILD_,__ Useful capacity and life of Moscow Basin mines. Ugoll 32 no.5: 20-21 my '57. 1 (MLRA 10:5) (Moscow Basin--Coal minen ard ftning) KHABLEHKO., D.-O. How to evalu,,ate the ways of Inareasing the econ=ic offectivenees of Capital inventitients in the mining industry. Ugoll 36 no.3s35- 38 Mr '61. (Coal iaines and nining-Fijkance) (VIIRA 34: 5) KHABLO.- I - .. lw@- _@@ Efficiency innovators of the Ukrainian automotive transport enterprises. Avt. transp. 34 no.8:13-14 Ag '56. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Zamestitall ministra avtomobillnogo transports. i shosseynykh dorog USSR. (Ukraine-4ransportation, Automotive) MiABLO, I o Machine-Tractor Stations Some results of productive work of Voronezh Province machine-tractor and shelterbelt stations. MTS 12 no 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September Unclassified. 2. tmn (600) 4. Tractors-Repairing 7, Perfect naster7 of !eading nethods for organizing repair work, MTS 12 no.12 195," - 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. -, @, : - .@ @ - @@, -,,@ @ . "L 4,11--";I@ @` .', @-- - h-JfAPX', 1,; GAPANOV:C14, N.; LEVINSON, B.; YUSHCHENKO, IF . Centralized maintenance and repair of storaga tiitteries is efficient. Avt. transp. 43 no.102-33 Ja 165. (MIRA 180) CORBACHEVICH, Kirill Sergeyevich; WALO, Yev-eniy Petrovich; VISHNYA, L.P., red.j ONOSHKO, N.G., takhn. red. [Why do they have such names? On the origin of the oldest place names in Leningrad)Pochemu tak nazvany? 0 proiskhojhdenii starin@ nykh nazvanii v Leningrade. Leningrad, Leniodat, 1962. 197 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Leningrad-Names, Geographical) ALEKSM,vICH YAKOPNOYE USTROYSTVO I 14ERY pp_rM PREZHDENIYA POTERI YAKOREy L-A)ICFOR IN STALLATION AND MEASURES TO PREVENT THEIR LOSSJ MOSKVA, "MORSKOY TRAN'SPORT11 , 1957 84. f-3j P. ILTIUS. , DIAGFS. , TAXXS (BIBLIOTDICA SUDOVODITELYA 14ORSKoGo FLOTA) BIBJ,I()GP,APFY: P. 86 EPP B93410 SOV/91-59-6-27/33 AUTHORS: Khablov, V.S., and Petrov, K.G., Engi.aeers TITLE: The Best Method of Artificial Respiration PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 6, PP 36-3? (USSA) ABSTRACT: The authors describe an ancient metholl of reviving an unconscious person by breathing into .'aim "from mouth to mouth", perfected by American physician Peter Safar and approved by the American Association of Surgeons. The perfection consists of the use of a rubber or a flexible plastic pipe to avoid physical contact. The article describes the pipe and the method of its ap- plication. There are 2 drawings and I diagram.. Card 1/1 KHLBLOV,V., inzhener The Kma Hydroelectric Power Station. Tech. mol. 23 no..5:15-18 MY '55. (MILL 8:6) (Xma f4rdroelectric Power Station) @11.@ "Keramit." Nauka i zhixal 23 ne.9:49 156. omm 9:10), (cisq) KMLOV V., inthener-gidrostrottell: NIKOLAYEV, Yu., inzhener-gidroatroitel'. Using the "pioneer method." rUn,tekh. no.6tl9-21 Je '57. (KIBA 10:7) (BArrAgos) AUTHOR: Kfiablov, V. 25-12-27/39 TITLEi Penokeralit (Fenokeralit) PERIODICAL% Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 12, p 48, (tJSSR) ABSTRAM A year ago, a new kind of porous artificial stone was produced in the Chemico-Technologioal Institute imeni Mendeleyev (Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendel- eyeva) under the supervision of Professor I.I. Kitaygorodakiy. This product, called penokeralit which is made of ordinary red clay, is 16 times lighter than bricks# and has excellent thermic and sound isolating properties. As a result of reduced transportation costs as well as savings made an account of lighter foundations needed and ease of construction, total savings amount to 8-40%. There is I drawing. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 KWLOV V inzh.-mokhanik Increasing the output of dredges. Izobr. i rate. no.l-.42-43 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) (Dredging machinery) -MBWY, .V., inzh. Perlite. ffauka i zhisn' 26 no.9:66-67 S 159. (JURA 13:1) tPorlite) 15(6) SOV/35-59-2-2-5/48 AUTHOR: Khablov, V., Engineer TITLE: Sandy Concrete (Peschanyy beton) PERIODICAL: 4 4-1 ,, Nauka i zhiznl, 1959. Nr 2, p 66-67 (USSR) , , ABSTRACT: This article deals with new methods intended to reduce the production costs of concrete by adding larger quantities of fine sand. The Soviet state standards limited the use of fine-ground sand, i.e. of grains less than 0.15 mm in diameter, to a naximurm of 5%, but recent practice has ignored this. At the ini- tiative of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.A. Kireyenko, sand twice as fine as permitted by the standards was used at the Kuybyshev building site, and still-finer sands were used in other places. Now a new method of "sandy" concrete production has been pro- posed by the Doctor of Technical Sciences Card 112 N.V. Mikhaylov. Cement, finely-ground in Sandy Concrete SOV/35-clq-2-25/48 special vibro-mills, is mixed with sand and water in vibro-mixers. The experimen- tal vibro-mixors designed by the Candidate of Technical Sciences M.L. Morgulis have shown good results. The efficiency of a single-pipe vibro-mixer working on the basis of a vibro-mill of the type "Ll-20011 is 8,000 and more per hour. The experimental mixing combine designed by Engineer Ye.V. Zalipayev, which works on the principle of simultaneous, grinding of cement and sand, has shown still better results. This vibro-combine has a pro- ductivity of 8-10 tons of ready product per hour. There are 2 diagrams. Card 212 KffAl3WV, V.', inth, Expanded clay, filler, Znan.alla 34 no.2:27 F 159. (MIRA 12.3) Olay) (Lightweight concrete) KRABLOV, Vladilen Stepdnovich,--inzh., nauchnyy sotr.; PERFILGV, I.F., -red.---- (Hydraulic classifiers developed by the A1.1-Union Hydraulic and Sanitar7 Engineering Research Institute for separating Sand; experience of the "Gidromakhanizatsiia" Trust of the Ministry of Construction of the R.S.F.S.R.) Gidravlicheskie klanifikatory VNIIGS dlia frakt:3ionirovaniia peskov; iz opyta raboty tresta Gidromekhanizatsiia" Hinisterstva, stroitelistva RSFSR. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat,, 1960. 11 p. WIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i ark-hitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii) mokhanizatsil i takhnichaskay pomoshchi stroitelletva. (Sand) (Hydraulic machinery) .,,-.KHABLOV, V.v inzh. Remote eontrol Of balanced hydraulic excavators. Rech, tranBp. 1.9 noA 608-59 Je 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Remote control) (Excavating machinery) KHABLOV, V- , inzh. Hydraulic separators designed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydro- and Sanitary Ingineering. Stroitel' no.9s25 S 16o. (Separtore (Machines)) (Band) (MIRA 13:9) . IMWVf-v-.-Vi6zh* N Hydraunc Separation of sand and gravel-oand mixes. Roob. transp. 19,13-16 Ag 160. (HIRA 14s3) (&wd and gravol plants) KRBLOVP V.S., inzh. Quickly detachable connections for spoil pipes* Transpoutrois 1-1 no,4:51-52 Ap 161. (MM 14:5) (Earthmoving machinery) (Pipeline transportation of solids) ,.KHABL4DV, V. I inzh. SVMI (anisotropic fiber glass) replaces concretey steelp and wood. Rech. transp; 20 no. 1:52 ja 161. (IGRA 14:2) (Glass fibers) T-T KPABLOV, V., inzb. "ickly dismountable self-packing joints. Rech. transp. 20 no-9:47 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Marine pipe fitting) inzh. .._@BLOV, Uaing the now detonating explqsive "igd**t' in earthwork operations. Prom. stroi. 39 no.455-56 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Explosives) ht& YdIABLCV, V.S.. inzh., nauchn. sotr.,- 1.11KOLULY, V.M., kand. tekhn. nadk, nauchn. sotr.; DOBSHITS, M.L., inzh., red. [Practices in erecting small earthen structures by the method of hydromechanization) Opyt vozvedenila zemlianykh sooruzhenii nebol'shogo ob"ema metodom gidromekhanizatsil. Moskva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1962. 37 p. (1,111A 17.4) 1. Akadomiya stroltellotva i arkhitektury SSSR. Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsil i tekh- nicheskoi pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Laboratoriya i:.r--khaniza- tsii zerlyanykh rabot Nauchno-iusledovatellskogo instituta or- ganizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheakoy pomoshchi stroitell- stvu Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Khablov). 3. Laboratoriya gidromekhanizatsii Voesoyuznogo naucbno- issledovatellskogo instituta transportnogo stroitel'stva (for Nikolayev). KHABIDV, V.S., inzh. Introduction of hydmulic enginGaring machinery in road and omal.1-scale industrial construction. Stroi* i dor. mash. 7 no.7:26-29 -Tl 162. (MM 15:7) (Parthmoving machinery) @49 KHABLOV, V.S., inzh. Applying hydromechanization to Industrial conatruction. Prom. stroi. 40 no.3144-1.7 16.9. (WRA 15:3) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheiskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu Kkademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Hydraulic engineering) KHABLOV, V., inzh. Hydrqulio classifier without additional feed of water. Rech. tranisp. 22 no.5t49 FT 163* (MIRA l6t8) (Separators (Machines)) EIIABLOV, V. S., inzh. Effective use of hydraulic machinory In industrial construction. Prom stroi /+1 no. 12:40-41 D 163. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatuaii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitallstvu. .. , @ -@ @' ,1 KHABLOV, VoS., 1nzh* New VP-20S vibration-type soil scarifiers. Stroi. i dor.mash. 9 no.lOtl8-19 0 164. (MIRA l8q) KHABLOVP V.S., inzh. Economic effectiveness or using hydraulic mechanization at construction lots. Stroi. I dor. mash. 10 no.8s5-6 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) KHABLOV, V.S. inzh. Small hydraillic machinery for earthwork. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.12:14-18 D 165. (@gRA 19:1) T-2" "Cblorination of Water in Wells)" Higiena i ;3anitariya (vssR); 1946., 61 lo-16 LEO11OV, M.F. Reduction of the harmful effect of antimony in cyaniding gold ores. Izv. vys. ucheb, aar.; tovet. met. 4 no.4:91-96 161s, (MIRA 14:8) 1. Ir,kutakiy polltakhnichaskiy inatitut,, kafedra obogashcheniya poloznykh iskopayemykh. (cyanide procesm) (Antimony) S/061/62/000/022/063/068 B166/B144 AUTHORS: Skobeyev, I. K., Podkopayev, N. V.,,Khabrov, M. F. TITLE; Polyacryl amide and its coagulating effect PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 22, 1962, 487, abstract' 22P76 (3b. nauchn. tr. Irkukukiy n.-i. in-t reft.-met., no- 9, 101, 152-159) TEXT: The ability of polyacryl amide to coagulate neutral, alkaline and acidic ore pulps is studied. It is shown to be an efficient coagulant for mineral dressing, separating and purlfyi@g solutions and newage, and for the intensification of dehydration processes. [Abatracterle notez Complete translation.1 Card 1/1 IZONOV, S.B.; ICHABROV, M.F. Intensifying the cyaniding of gold-bearing ores. Izv. vys. uche-b. zav.,, tovet. met. 6 no.3:ICO-lc,5 103. (:!1*.:,'% 16-9) 1. IrkittL@lziy politakhniche@;kiy inEttitut. (Gyunldo procoss) 3/1 33/J`62/WO/OOL/()04/OC)8 A054/A127 AUVORS i Kocho, V.S.; Panasyuk, A.D.; Samsonov, ON.; Strml'chenko, A.G.; ,,4(habrunyok, I.0, TITITs s Cemwt tips made or zirconium boridn for thermocouples ucod in the continuous meacuring of liquid steel temperatures P-aIODICALz Stal', no. 4, 1962, 317 TFXTs To develop a highly heat resistant material for thermocouple tips used In the continuous measuring of liquid st5cl temperatures In open hearth furnaces, tosts were carried out in 1959 - 1960 at the Institut metallokeramiki AN UKrS3R (Institute of Ce:nets of the Acaderr y of Sciences UKr33R) with thermo- couple tips made of zirconium borldc. The tips, 120 mm in 1@ngth, 11 mm O.D. and 4 mm. I.D. worm tested in 185-ton and 370-ton basic open-hearth furnaces into wh@h they were placed by hand-operated thermocouples, equipped with blocks, 25 mm in diameter and 90 mm In length, made of reinforcement steel. Tht, zirconium boride tips, which are more heat-resistant than those made of quartz, were Immersed 10 - 11 time with the immersion 'time Increased to 40 - 45 see. Th establish the service life of zirconium borids tips for continuous operation in Card 1/2 3/133/OV/oGO/Orj4/GO4/GO8 Cormet tipa made of ..... A054/A127 the motal-slag bath, tests ware carried out 'n 10-ton nnd 250-ton open-hearth furnaces. The thermocouple and the tip wore placed in a water-cooled soamlers stool tuba tuyere with coppor bottom. 7he tip was fIxPd to the device with 4 - 5 mm thick asbestos cord. 7tA metal 1AY'r (3-5 -rm thick) nr.4 alag layer (up to 25 w-m) nettling on the tuyerv wall during Irrnruion could be removed more easily If the tuyere wan refractor-1-coatied b!fore innerzion. H-4ever, it was found that in the arrangement described the zirconium borlde tip only protected the thermocouple against the heat of the bat!'i and not against the gases which broke the mam after a continuous immersion if 2 - 3 min. To eliminate this, the authors developed a three-layer tip shown in a figure, consisting of an ex- ternal jacket against the heat, an inner alundum layer to ensure gas pern.Rabiliv, whereas thee gap between them wan f1lled with burnt aluminum oxide. Tho bottom part of the tip was filled with zirconium borlde powder, to decrease Ito heat Inertia. At the upper end. the tip In acaled with calcined decarburized asbeatce. As a result of using the nownP-30/6 (PH-301s) typo thermocouple tip, tempera- turn menruring taken place with great accuracyt in the @500-@6500C range the davlations are not grantor than � 1.50C. The bath temperature is recorded with an 3an-09M (EPF-09M) type potenticaater, at a tape rate of 720 mm/h. The tips operate continuously in metal for at least 150 min, in slag for more than 60 minutes.' There are 2 figures. ___Card 2/?. 'tz_ V BUNICH, P.G., kand.ekon.nouk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; PAKHOMOV, I.M., kand.elcon.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BUDAVEY, V.Tu., nauchnyy sotradnik; IVANOV, Te.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; KIRILLOV, I.A.. prof., doktor ekon.naau ; KOVALEVA, A.M., kand.ekon.nauk; SAFRAT, G.Ye., kand.skon.nauk; TAKOBSON, M#O.# prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GOGITISHTILI, R.N., insh,; 1HABUR%,-B,'L,,; BROYDE, I.M.; FILATCV. N.L.; BLAZHEY. Zdenko, doktorg-ekonomist (Chakhoolovatakaya Respublika); NESHUR, Vatelav, insh., ekonomist (Chekhonlovatskaya Respublika); RYUMIN. S.K., red.: ZOEMAYEVA, L., red.izd-vii; LIBEM, A.. (Planning and finwicing of major repRirs on fixed assets] Planlro- vanie i finaneiroyanie.kapitallnoro remonta osnovuykh fondov. Moskva. doafini2dst, 1958. 223 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Continued on next card) BUNICH, P.G.-Oontinued) Card 2. 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issladovatel'BUy finansovy7 institut. 2. Hauchno- iasledovatellskiy finansovyy institut (for Bunich. Pakhomov). 3. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy ekonomichookiy institut Gosplana SSSR (for Ivanov). 4. Moakovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomichaskiy institut im. S. Ordzftnikidse (for Safray). 5. ftsperimentallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov (for GogitishTili). 6. Zamestitel' direktora TSentrallnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute.morskogo flota (for Khatrur). 7, Nachallnik finansovogo otdola sovnarkhoza Tatarskoy ASSR (for Broyde). 8. Ekspert Ministerstva finansov SSSR (for Filotov). 9. Investitsionnyy bank (for Blashey). 10. Tekhniko- organizatelonnyy nauchno-iseledovntellnyy Institut mashinostroyeniya (for Neahver). (Industry-Finance) STRUMPE, P.I., kand.tekbn.nauk, NHABUR B P-..&-inzh., nauchnyy red.; SUSHXOVA, T.I., red.; KOTLYAYOVA7 . .; [Ec6nom4 aspects and operation of the mpr(Ant marine; present state and trendF in thp expansion of the marine passengerneet in %@. capitalist countries) Ekonomika i ekspluatatsiia morikogo flota; sovremennoe sostoiania i tendentaii razvItlia morskoro passazhirskogo flota @apitalisticheskikh stran. Lenin rad, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1961. 67 P. (Trudy, no.335. (HIRA 14:8) (Steamboats-Passenger accomodations) (Shipbuilding) -KWL11L,-B.P.,--kapitan dallnego plavaniyal red.; DENISOVt X.R., red. izd-va; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1.0 takhn. red. [Manual for sea captains] Spravochnik kapitana dallnego plavaniia. Pod obahchei red. B.P.Khabura. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport#" 1961. 9W p. (Naval art and science) (MIRA 14:6) YJMURP B.F. ShIPPing and Shipbuilding subsidies in capitalist countries. Trudy TSNIINF 7 no.370-18 161. (141RA 150) (ShiPping bonties and subsidies) (Shipbuilding) KHABUR, B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudn1k; GURIN, L., kandokonomicheakikh nauk Problems calling for solution. Mor. flot 22 no.7:15-17 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) I* Zameatitell direktora Ment@allnogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo inatituta morskogo flota po nauchnoy rabote (iror Khabur). 2. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledavateltskiy institut morskogo flota, (for Gurin). (Merchant seamen-labor productivity) (Weekly rest-day) 7-T777717F- KqMUR$ B.P.) kapitan dallnego plavaniya) nauchn. red.; -----------MZNETSOVA,f N*P,j tekhn, red, (Handbook for a captain of long-distance sailing] Spra- vochnik kapitana dallnego plavardia. Izd.2. Moskva, Izd- vo "Transport," 1964. 802 p. (MIRA 17:3) LIBERMAN, F.Ya.; VALIKOVA, A.A.; DYLIS, K.Yu.; RYUMINA, L.A.; SOBOLEVA, C.I.; TUPOVA, V.V.; KHABUR, B.F.,; GUREVICH, G.Ye., kand.tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; GOROBETS, V.A., kand.voyen.-morskikh nauk, red.; KOLODKIN, A.L., kand.yurid.nauk, red. (Conditions for the commercial operation of the merchant marine du-' ring foreign sailing; rules, customs and practices in JapaneSS Bea ports.] Usloviia kommercheskoi ekapluatatsii morskogo flota v zagra- nichnom plavanii; pravila, obychai i praktika mornkikh portov IAponii. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi tvinspart." No.10, pt.l. 1963. 90 p. (Le- ningrad. TSentrallnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut morskogo flota, Informatsionnyi sbornik, no.93). (MIRA 17:2) 1. Sotrudnik sektora ekspluatatsil flota TSentrallnoto nauchno-is- sledovatel'skogo instituta morskogo flota (for Liberman, Vallkova, Dylis, Ryumina, Soboleva, Tupova). F. 1. . kand. tw=kt-x,. nauk, otv. red. ; DR @'TI TSIT , S). N @ . kp-nd. tekJin. rauk, nauchn. red.,-_XJIAZJR 13 F In7h.; natichn. red.; GOROBErS, V.A., red,, [Basic research] Oanovnye nauchryo A:@sledovaivlia. Le- ningrad, Izd-vo "Yorskol transport," 1961. 107 U. 1. Leningrad. TSentrallriyy npi)vbnc_issledovqtr-I institut morskogo flota. 2C.Direktor Uentrallnrgo nauchno-iseledo- vate' skogo instituta morskogo flota, Leningral @for Stnmpe). MWAIRWIYA, K.F.; FUSTOVOY, I.T. i;_ea,t,y`-'f'i*'f'th anniversary of K.I. Winin's appearance at the seventh All-Russian Congress of Public Health Offices. Say. zdmv. 14 no.6: 44-46 N-D 055. (MLRA 9:2) (AMLIO HEALTH, history, in Russia) trial FD-1%":75 Card l/. Pub. 102-10/15 Author : Pustovoy, 1, V. and Khaburzaniya, K. F. (Moscow) Title : Some ideas concerning the work of Medical Control Commission (M) Feriedical : Sov. zdrav., 2, 43-47, Mar-Apr, L955 Abstract : The authority to determine whether any llnd@vidual is physically incapaci- tated and must be temporarily relieved from duty has been vested in the VKK. The VKK has not been operating efficiently enou@-;h in that respect, however. This has been noted particularly in cases that are not clearly defined or too involved. In a situation like that a conference of spe- cialists should be called to determine the causes for physical disability and pruper therapeutic measures must be prescribed. Appraisal of phjsi- cal fitness and diagnostic and therapeutic measures presoribed are part of the ei@tire system of medical service and are indivisible. Appraisal of physical disabilities must-be made part of the duty of practicin4 phycicians, gentor IntcrnuP and head of departittents; they muGt also act as consultants. Institution: Submitted December '@Q, 1954 Name i KH&BUMANIYA, K. F. Dissertation i Organization c"the activities of the physician in charge of a therapeutic section (sector physician) in a con- solidated city hospital Degree Cand Med Sci Defended At Min Health USSR, Central Inst of Advanced Training for Physicians Publication Date, Place 1956, Moscow Source Knizhnaya Letopis' No 6., 1957 KWURZANIYA, X.Y. Improving the effectiveness of work of local general practitioners. Sov.sdrav. 13 no#6128-33 J-D 156. (HLRA 10:1) 1, Is kafedry organizataii sdravookhrousatYs (say. - prof. N.A. Vinogradov) TSentrallnoso instituts usovershpnetwovanira Yrachey. (PHYSICIANS In Russia. distribution of work in hoop.) (QANUAL PRACTICS In Russia, work distribation of GP's in hoop.) FUSTOVOY, I.Y.; KWURZANITA, K.7. Abstracto of Soviet medical literature. Reviewed by I.Y.Pustovoi, K.Y.Ehaburzaniia. Sov.zdrav. 16 no.4s6l-62 Ap '57. (MIRA 10:8) (KIDICINR--PIRIODICAIS) KHABURZAHIYA@ K.I. (Leningrad D-88, ul. Plakhanava, d.19, kv.1 0; FOVrljr@,vy I-, Foreign bodie3 in the lungs and the diaphragm. Grud. khir. 6 no.2t 102-.103 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18:4) OUBURZANITA, L. E, 'ort insurance and credit In capitalist countries. Fin.SSSR T 37 no.3s83-88 Mr 163. O(IRA- 16 S4) (Investments, Foreign) (Insurance,, Credit) irmc @!ADiJR-V-A , T. h. USSR/Chemistry - Coatings, on Metals JanAeb 1948 Chemistry - Scratching, Resistance to "New Method of Determining the Thickness of Nati=al Passivating Coatings on Metals," I. V. Krotov, T. M. Khachadurova, Moscow Aviation Inst imeni Serge Ordzhonikidze, 7 pp 111z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk" No I Describes new method to determine the thickness of coatings on metals by determining the depth of scratches produced on metal @r means of simple instrument. Includes diagram of latter. PA 66T35 USSR/Chemldtr.v - Aluminum, Corrosion of Jan/Feb 49 -t Chemistry' - C.orrosion of Alumin=, by Saline Solutions 04 Processes of Drop Corrosion of Aluminum: I, Corrr,- sion of Aluminum in Contact With Drops of Saline Solutions Without the Addition of Free Acid," V. Krotov T. M. Khachadarova, Moscov Avn Inst imeni S. Ortzhonikidze, 9 pp ulz Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdel Xhim Nauk" No 1 Makes sereral nev observations on.processes of drop corrosion in aluminum. Shovs characteristic role of atmospheric oxygen in these processes. Considers results of experiments from thermodynamic standpoint. wM 27/49T29 UM/ .Chemistry - Aluminum, Corrosion of Jan/Feb 49 (Contd) Ca-loulates characteristics and changes of the oxide Ttlzi on aluminum. Submitted 3 Jaa 48. P 27/49T29 LUCHAMUIA, T. 1.1. Chemical Abst, Vol. 48 No. 9 May 10p 1954 Metallurgy and Metallography 6rMk" of Iron In gattus ldrTMIT chrornatt. C"14watto.@d4. M - Mach% durava, Zhur. Priklad. A Atmil-761 q. e e, the other hall --inuntried one hall In a layer of a -lectHyt In superns-tant liquid fuel (aviation or cracked gasoline or kerodne) Is untlomly and appreciably corroded In contact with aq. rhase only. Adding KjCrO, to the latter reduces corrosion sharply. With distd. Roo, 0.5N conca. of C presges c*ffosion empletely. Adding 191=ytes tzansfoms cwtosion from general to localized. Cormlou Is Inhibited by KjQO4 only in week aq. tkttro- lytes notcoull. signIficantsunts. of dissolved salts. M. R of liquid uel affect* 17e KHACHkMIDZE. B.I. The role of repetition and demand in the formation readiness ("ustanovka"). Vop. psikhol. 3 no.4:45-52 JI-A9.157. (MLRA NO) 1. Kafedra, psikhologii tbilieskogo universitata. (PSTCHOIA)GT) (CONDITIOMM nSPONSE) KHACH&FURIDZE. B.I. (Tbilisi) Controversial problems concerningr the Vop. paikhol. 9 no.1:151-158 Ja-F 163. (Perception) effect of nonperceivable stimuli. (MIRA 16:4) XALININA, L.S.; GUROVA, S.A.; )MCHAPURIDZE, N.A. Photooolorometric method of dotermining small quantities of methyl alcohol in formalin. Plant. massy no.11:64-66 165o (MIRA "18:12) KUCHATOVROV M 41W401- Economic effectiveness of over-all mechadzationmd automation of production. Vop* ekon, no@12;61-74 D 159@ (MIRA 12:12) (Automation) @Ilnl@,-rt,-- i on: 1 L, r nany v%n, 9 4 KHACUTHTAH*--@- From experience in students' training at a textile factory. Politekh.obucb. no-12:85 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Shkola No.5 Kirovakana Armyanskoy SSR. 51iold work (Iducational method)) E.; KILACHATRYATI, A. Soft drinks. Prom.Arm. 5 no.9:35-36 S 162. (MIM 15:9) 1. Upravleniye pishchevoy promyellennosti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Armyanskoy SSR (for Zazlyan), 2. Yerevanskiy limonadnyy zavod (Cor Khachatryan). (Armenia--Soft drinks) A. A. A.. A. Op.--a-atimoyn- luch,-)!Jn:@ na u, c', i. T i n,,, I ov (7,- 1"'a"', 11 1 r v o ovi. t 1:1-Arun-li), I, -19TY KHACHATRYANI-APA# Kidney located in a sliding hernia. Urologiia 22 no.4:61 JI-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Is Yerevanskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute ortopedii i voostanovitallnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. Xh.A.Potrosyan) (HERNIA) (KIDNEYS -A NCRM ITIRS AND DOPCBRITIRS) ? Ai F S/0?2/59/012/05/04/00r,' AUTHOR: Khachatrzan, A.A. TITLE: On thel'alculation of a Three-layer Orthotropic Sh-el,'V PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Al:ademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Seriya fj---iko--mate- maticheskikh nauk,'959, Vol, 12, No. 5, PP, 59-76 TEXT: The theory of two-layer aninotropir, vholll dov(@lopf-I by 5,A. Ambartsumyan (Ref. 1) is extended to thin which consist of three homo- geneous orthotropic layers, The curvilinear coordinates G( 13,,)-- are chosen so that c(,B fall into the lines of principal curvature and @- into the normal. The author assumes that no sliding takes place between the layers- Furthermore '.hat a) the line element normal to the central surface conserves its length during the deformation; b) for the determination of the de- formations ei and ei the stress 61 is negligible compared withccil_ c) for the determination of e ',3,- the tangential stresses -C"Cr and I, i- are the same as under assumption of the undeformable normal made for the shell as 'totality. In the case of an only normally loaded shell a,,@, Card 1/2 T 7 V q On the@' Calculation of a Throe-layer S/022/59/012/05/04/009 Orthotr,opic Shell complicated system of differential equations is explicitly given for the displacements u,v,w. A solution od this system is given for the special cases of a plate and of a cylinder shell . the author gives two numerical examples. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 8 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONs Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of mathematics and Mechanics AS Armenian SSR) SUBMITTED: May 28, 1959 Card 2/2 MNDZHCYAN, A.L.; AROYAN, A.A.; DUCHaWAN, N.Kh. i Furan derivativaeo Report No. 24: Synthesis of some amino asters of 5-8thYl- and 5- ph(inylethyl-2-furancarboxylic acids. Izv.AN Arm.SSR,Khlm.natLki, 12 no.6:443-450 139. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut ton1my organichaskoy khimii AN ArrVanskoy SSR. (Furanearboxylic acid) AKBARTSUKYAN, B.A. KHACILLTELW, A.A. Stability and vibrationm of anisotropic plates. Dokl AN Arm. WR 29 no.4:159- 166 '59. (XML 13:4) le Institut matemattki i mkhaniki AN ArmSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN AxmSBR (for Xliachatrya@)* (Ilastic plates amd shells) 69297 S/179/6o/ooo/oi/ol4/034 Eo8l/E535 AUTHORS: Ambartsumyan, S.A. and Khachatryan, A.A. (Yerevan) TITLE: The Stability and Vib '-on ) f Anis @ c rati SAO )tropi _Elatedj@l PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 1, PP 113-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 1). It is assumed (1) that the plate is orthotropic, rectangular and of constant thickness h, with one plane of elastic symmetry parallel to the middle surface and the other two planes parallel to the sides; (2) the rectangular coordinate system (a,p,y) is such that the ap plane is parallel to the middle surface with the a and P axes parallel to the sides; (3) the normal stress a on planes parallel to the middle surface can be neglected in comparison with the remaining stresses; (4) the distance along the normal (y) between two points on the plate after deformation remains unchanged; (5) th Card 1/7 tangential shear stresses T ay and T Py are given by :@_ b9297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 Eo8l/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates Eq (1.1), where y(a1p) and q,# (a,p) are arbitrary initial functions. The bending of the plate is governed by the three differential equations (1.2) containing the normal deflection of the plate w, the functions y and IF and the elastic constants of the plate B and a :L j In stability problems Z is given by Eq (2.1 and the equations become (2.2). For a simply supported plate subjected to bi-axial compression (Fig 1), the solution of the equations can be written in the form (2.4) which on substitution in (2.2) gives (2-5). The critical stress P 39 is then found as (2.6) with Pm@, the mn critical stress, assuming the validity of the Kirchhof hypothesis, given by Eq (2-7), and d given by Eqs (2.8). If the plate is compressed in one direction only, Eq (2-7) is replaced by Eq (2.9). If the plate is made of a transversely isotropic material with the isotropic planes parallel to the middle surface of the plate, the equation for critical stress becomes (2.10) with D, c and k given Card 2/7 by (2.11) and E, -@L elasticity modulus and Poisson's 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates ratio in the isotropic planes, GI is the shear modulus characterizing the change in angle between directions in the isotropic planes and directions perpendicular to them. The minimum value of the critical stress occurs when there is one half wave in the direction perpendicular to the stress; in thiscase (n = 1) Eq (2.11) becomes (2.12). Table 1 gives values of k and coordinates of sZme2ch'Tacteristic points of the curves q@ = � (c) P b /fr Dil for p = 0.25. In the upper ]@'Art of the table h/b = 0.1 and in the lower part h/b = 0.2. Values of IT-are plotted against c = a/b in Fig 2; the curve for k 0 corresponds to the classical solution. Values of @Y,(c) for orthotropic, plate (obtained on t@ie calculating machine M-3 of the Calculating ArmSSR) and for various values of k 1 and in Table 2. It is assumed that m = 1 and 5, k = a E = a E h Card 3/7 F2 = T2 = E66= 1 55 1 44 21 electronic Centre, Ac.Sc., c are given 1 0.3 Y-O 1 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/o34 E081/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates where El, jil and E2' P2 are the elasticity moduli and Poisson's ratios in the directions corresponding to a and P. For free vibrations, Z (eq 1.2) is replaced by z yoh _a 2w 9 at2 which leads to Eq (3-1), with y the density of the material and g the gravitational acceleration. Writing the solution of (3.1) in the form (3.2) leads to the equation (3-3) for the frequency wTn , where W0 (Eq 3A) is the frequency according 0 the classicmaY solution. For a transversely isotropic plate, the frequency reduces to (3-5). Table 3 gives values of the ratio W W0 for modes of vibration in which m,n = 1.2. mn mn Tbq departure of the true frequency from the classical frequency increases with increasing k and with increasing mode number. The equations of dynamic stability Card 4/7 of an orthotropic plate are obtained by substituting the 69297 s/i79/60/Ooo/ol/ol4/o34 Eo8l/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates expression (4.1) for Z in (1.2). If the plate is compressed in one principal direction only, the conditions (4.2) hold; assuming that the external force varies periodically with time((Eq 4-3) where P is the amplitude and 9 is the frequency), Eqs (1@2) take the form (4.4). Taking the solution in the form (4.5), where w(t), y(t) and YM are values of the functions w, T and at the centre of the plate, Eqs (4.4) become OTO. Eliminating T(t) and %P(t) from (4.6) with respect to w, the.differential equation (4-7) is obtained, where w mn , Pmn ari the frequency of vibration of the unloaded plate (3-3), and the critical stress for uniax1al stress in the a direction. Eq (4-7) is the known Mattieu equation; for certain relations between its coefficients the solution increases without limit, corresponding to regions of dynamic instability of the plate. Rewriting (4-7) in the form (4.8), it is known (Ref 7) that the limits of the unstable regions are Card 5/7 given by (4.9) for the first (principal) instability 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates region, by (4.10) for the second region and by (4.11) for the third region, where e a is the critical frequency of the external forces. It will now and subsequently be assumed that there is one half wave only in the a and 0 directions (i.e. ni = n = 1) and for simplicity the subscripts 11 are omitted. Under these conditions, the dynamic instability regions of a square plate (a = b) of transversely isotropic material are given by (4-13, Ist region), (4.14, 2nd region) and (4.15, 3rd region) in which the results are presented in a form for comparison with the classical results. From (4.8) X 1/2 arid accordingly, thl limiting 0 ko is given by (4.16). The values of e /2w as a function of No calculated from (4-13) to 0.15) for various values of k are presented in Table 4; Fig 3 shows the instability regions for k = 0 and k = 0.2. Fig 3 and Table 4 show that the instability regions differ from the classical values (k = 0) by greater amounts C,-.rd 6/7 as k increases. Similar calculations for a square V\/ 5 69297 S/179/60/ooo/01/014/034 E081/r,535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates orthotropic plate were made electronically; the results are given in Table 5, where El 1,1 Il kI = E 2 - T2 = Q12' k2 = a 55EI= '144E2 where El, jil and E21 112 are the elasticity moduli and Poisson's ratios in the directions corresponding with a and p; G 12 = B66 with a,,, a 44 and B66 known elasticity constants (top of p 114). The calculations were carried out for 11 = 0.3, h/a = 0.1. There are 5 tables, 3 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR -(Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, AcsSe., ArmSSR) SUBMITTED: June 19, 1959 Card 7/7 6 2' 586 IS1022 60/013/01/02/010 C 11-1@ C 333 AUTHORs Khachatryan, A. A. TITLE:-I-@b`ilit @and 05eci @u on n@, of Round Transverse-isotropic Plates :@v PERIODICALS Iz*estiya Akademii nauk Arwyanakoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- mate-muticheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 13, 110- 1P PP- 73-30 TEXTS The author considers a trzinsverse-inotropic round plate of constant thicknesB h; the isotropy plane is in parallel with the contral surface. The consideration is carried out in the usual cylindrical system of coordinates (r, @ , y ). As in (Rof.1) the author assumans 1. 6'@ in neglieible on eurfaces in parallel with the central surfL@ce 2. the distance alon - he normal remains constan,t under the deformation d 1 2 2 _ _ V2) (P (r,,@ ( -1c - @ )y (r, where 3 - 2 4 7 4 - Y and T are unknown. From tho equations I;iven in (Ref.2) the author obtains in the considered cane the relation (1-4) D W - (1-Ka2 A )Z, Card 1/ 3 77, 82586 3/022/60/013/01/02/010 C 111/ C 333 On Stability and Oscillations of Round Tranaverno-icotropic Plates where W - VI(r, is the noxmal displacement, a t@e radius of the plate, Eh3 E h2 2 D w 12(1- @2) K . 10(1_ 2) g, a2 3-r2 . +r r ' r2 2 The equation (1.4) io the bazia of the further investicated cooost I. A plate comprtisood in its plane by a uniformly dibtritute(I ntrefic P which is normal to the boundary. Then it is (2.1) z --P '& W ; if the plate is fixed along the whole boundary, then @or the critical load it follows 26.38 D (2.8) P* - a4(l + 26-38 K) II. The equation of the free oscillations of an unloaded plate is obtained with- Card 2/3 '-:;'F RP 3102216010131011021010 C 111/ C 333 On Stability and Oncillationn of Round Tranover3e-iootropic Platea (3-1) Z Yoh 2W 9 @t 2 where g is the acceleration of gravity, Y 0 the specific @7ravity of the plate. The characteristic frequencies following from this are e3aentially different from the values of the linea-z theory. III. '1he equation of the dynamic stability of a plate subject to a periodically variable stri-os along the boundary is obt[Linei with (4-1) Z - - PA W . ton 6 2W g at There are 9 references: 8 Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONt Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics AS Armyansk-aya SSR SUBUlITTEI)i October 31, 1959 Card 3/13 83618 S/022/60/013/004/001/004 C111/C222 AUTHORi-Kt A4A-. TITLE@ On Stabi.lity and Oscillations of the Transversa1-Iz3;-,tr,-p.--c Spherical iLle-U-1@0 PERIODICAL; Iz-,?e3tiya Akademii nauk ArVanskoy SSR, Seriya "2,'K,.- mqtematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol-13, No-4, PP@19 2& TEXT. The author considers a thin spherical shell of material.. The isotropic planes are parallel in C be med4um surface of the shell. The paper bases on ibe gener-z-, c-f an-'sotropic shells of S.A. Ambartsumyan (Ref.0., vrher-:by ze p@,aBible ic consider the influence of the transverral arl-lf@3 and deformations. The author uses the well-knomr, rE--@aij.:Ir.@ -f (Ref.1) and (Ref.3) and neglects the terms of the ordai h/R-' (b - thickn6ss of the shell, R - radius of the shell). Tnut, hi ot--iir, +h,i following In4tial equation for investigations of statility an,:. -ic:llation for a closed spherical shell: 2(A+l )2+1 P-15) c -,k&3(&+2)w A-2 0")z Eh Card 1/3 83618 S/022/60/0!3/004/001/004 C111/C222 Or, Stability and Oscillation of the Transversal-Isotropic SpheTiC41 S e, el I 2 h2 k Eli2 12( 1--r2)R2 ' 10(- - JA2 )R2G' 2 B S A. ,;,_r@d w J a the bending; R ( 1 5-6@ ) AB + Ur ( R 6k, r) tire coordinates of the medium surface, k w R, B R G! .'4 *he modulus of shear in planes being perpendicular to the @qot_r@,plc plane., Z is the normal component of the charg4ng Qf the The coefficient k is a correction of the classioal theory. W11-h the aid of (1-15) the author considers the case of a A-hell charged t.a!1*f0TMlY t@n the surface ( q - const) and determines the m1nimum -f ihe -r.@tical :!harge (for k - 0 there results a well-kr,.@mrn f@-)rmu-'A V.Z.Vlasov). Finally the author considers free oscillatlon@ @f @kn unloaded shell (tangential forces of inertia are neglected). The e.gen.frequencies are determined under certain restrir.4@i-;ra The case of ri pforlodically -@rariable charge Cayd 213 S/02 60/013/005/004/008 C1 1 1YC222 AUTHORs ,Khachalryan, A.A. TITLEs On the stability of a Circular Cylindrical Shell for Some Loads PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 13, 110. 5, PP. 37 - 45 TEXT: Starting from the general theory of anisotropic shells of S.A. Ambartsumyan (Ref. 1) the author considers the stability of a transversal- isotropic circular cylindrical shell of a mean length 1 for a simultaneous influence of a uniform axial transverse pressure and the torsion. The author obtains the stability equations I + , 02V v a a. =0' (aij + + 2 d2d"I R 02 d"11 I V (1-7) 2 @2-2 + V---- (1.7) R 02 Ehl To 01 U, 2S@ t7 - -AAw (I - k,-%) 12 (1 Gard 1/6 Eh 0"I R on the Stability of a Circular Cylindrical S10221601013100510041008 Shell for Some Loads C111/-C222 where utvtw are the additional shifts; '490p,@- are the coordinates (,6 along the generating line, 8 along the arc of the cross section, k- along the normal of the middle ourface)l R is the radius of curvature of the middle surface. It is assumed that before the loss of stability the shell was in a state of tension free of moments and that T 0 , T 0 , s0 are the inner 1 2 tangential forces of the initial state free of moments; ko Eh2 2 Evi are the modulus of elasticity and the Poisson's coeffit, 10(1-)> )GI in the ient isotropic planes, Gf is the modulu's of shear in planes perpendicular to the middle surface. If there is an axial pressure and a uniform transversal pressure then it holds 0 (2.1) TO P TO qRj S 0 . 1 2 Asiuming that it holds Card 2/ 6 On the Stability of a Circular Cylindrical Shell for Some Loads U - k Cos m i: ot sin n8 1 R (2-3) v - B sin M TL, L --- n8 R w - C sin m sin nB R then with M7 R I values of the external (2-5) PA2 + qRn2 Eh 'J/022/60/013/005/004/006 C111 C222 one obtains for the determination of the critica! forces (for hinged supports along the boundary) 3 2 AA 2+ n 2)2 + A4 I + k( X 2+ n2) (A 2 + n 2 where 2 h2 k0 Eh2 (2-6) c 2 2 k U 77 2 2 12(l 9 )R R 10(i )R 01 Card 3/ 6 677577 M wi% M On the Stability of a Circular Cylindrictil 3/022J60/013/005/004/008 Shell for Soma Loads ClIlIC222 If there is a torsional moment M at the onds then it holds 0 0 0 (3-1) T1 . T 2,0 , S 2 R' Demanding that of the boundary conditione only (3-3) w - 0 for c4 - 0 and -- - I are satisfied then with the representation 2. 3-4) sin n3 w - 2- ci -R one obtains for the critical torsional moment f 2 2 2 3 T 2 c2 pi + n + 3.6) M it R Eh ( n I + k (//.,,2+ n n( A@2+ n2 2 ri I i 7) i where c2 and k are given by (2.6); (i 1,2) satisfy the condition Card 4/ 6 On the Stability of a Circular Cylindrical S102 60/013/005/004/008 Shall for Some Loads C111YC222 6-5) P- - - 2m -Ib R(m 2 " 1 1 and besides are so that (3.6) assumes the same value for i - 1 and i 2. The further investigation can graphically be carried out by drawing the function (3-7) Y - C2 A + n nr 11 + k(/- + n n(1_2 + n 2 (Fig. 1). The ordinate of the chord yields the value 'r- REh y Fig. 1 Card 5/6 On the Stability of a Circular Cylindricaj. 3/022/60/073/005/034/008 Shell for Some Loads C111/0222 There are 6 references 1 5 Soviet and I American. EAbstracter'3 note s (Ref. 1) is a paper of S,A. Ambartsumyan in IPrikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1958, Vol. 22; No. ij ASSOCIATIONs Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 13, 1960 Card 6/6 AMBARTSUMTAN, S.A.; KHkC&TRYAN, A.A. Stability and vibrations of a shallow orthotropic cylindrical panels DoklsAN Arm.SSR 30 no.1:39-45 16o. (MIBA 13--7) 1. Institut mtemt1ki i makhaniki Akademii nauk Arayanakov SSR i Yerevanskly gosudaratvannyy univeraitet. 2. Chlen- korreepondent AN AraVanskoy SSH (for Ambartsumyan)o (JUstic plates and shells) KRACHATRTAN, A.A. Stability and oscillations of a transvereally isotropic spherical shell. Izv. All Arm. 115R.Sere fiz,-mat, nauk 13 no.4:19-2B 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut matematiki i mokhmiki AN ArmSSR. (11astic plates and shells) KHACHATRYAN, A.A. Stability of a circular cylindrical shell submitted to certain loads. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 13 no.5:37-45 160. (MIRA 141l) 1. Inatitut matematiki i makhanilci AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Elastic plates and shells) KHACHATRYANg A. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Several tasks in the stability snd vibra- tions of anisotropic plates and casings." Yerevan, 1961. 9 pp; (Committee of the Council of Ministers Ax-menien SSR for Higher and Secondary Specialist Education, Yerevan Polytechnic Inst imeni K. Marx); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 194) 32383 S112 61/000/012/037/038 @0 6000 @117 D237YD304 AUTHOR: Khachatryan, A. A. TITLE: On the stability and Oscillations of plates isotropic in a transverse direction PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no@ 129 1961, 25-26, abstract 12V182 (Izv. AN ArmSSR. Sero fiz.-matem. n.9 19609 13, no. 1, 73-80) TEXT: With the aid of the equations of bending of circular plates with cylindrical anisotropy (S. A. Ambartsumyan, D. V. Peshtmaldzhyan., Izv. AN ArmSSR. Ser. fiz.-matem. n., 19599 129 no. 1, 43-59-RZhMekh, 1960, no. 8, 10607), an equation is ob- tained for solving the problems of stability and vibration of round transversely isotropic plates of constant thickness, where the plane of isotropy is parallel to the mean plane of the plate. It is shown that the critical force in the statically stable state, frequency of free oscillations, and boundaries of regions Card 112 On the stability.,. 32383 S/124/61/000/012/037/038 D237/D304 of dynamic instability essentially depend on the coefficient K = 1 E h2 10 (1 - )2 GI a2 where E, "@ --modulus Of elasticit in the Plane Of isotropy, y and POisson coefficient .& G' --shear modulus in Planes normal tO,isotropy Plane, h --thickness, a --radius Of the plate. 9 -eferences, Z-ibstracterve note; Complete translation.-7 Card 212 37e55 S/022/62/015/003/003/008 D234/D308 Khachatryan, A-A. T r2l.::: Stability of a rectangular Plate under certain loads 11Z,"ft 10 D 1 C AL Ahademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Izvestiya, v.151 no.3, 19621 129-132 T::XT The loads acting on the plate are assumed to be x + a VO , � 2;YD f TX' - - Tp, XY "r-r@ y Y + b ro = t 2oc p X, c@o = - 0 P, y YX a where a, b - dimensions of the plate; 0c, P, T - several constants; ? - pressure value. The author deduces for the critical. value of the parameter p Card 1/2 S/022/62/015/oo3/008/008 Stability of a rectangular plate D234/D308 2 Pcr - Ur Dab b + pa -G - 21 Y- 'L'he case of a square plate for 3 ed- There i P= T =land Ot Oisd4scuss- s 1 figure. 1JSOC LVION: Institut matematilti i mekhaniki AN ArmYanskoy SSR 11 (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, AS ArmSSR) L; 37 -*1-L TED April 13, 1962 Card 2/2 KHACHAMIAN, A.A. Stability of a rectangular plate under different loads. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fis.-mt. nauk 15 no.3:129-132 162. (mm 15:9) 1. imstitut matematiki i mer1han"d AN Armymnskoy SSR. (Elastic plated and shells) X4 J- 4 nauK, v. lb, no. 1965, 43-52 HAIT1,11Y lit il ['10 XUl-0 Of A fl (I M, i -i [If J fll I te 1-11 a @;@ Ly i@ R; @i d it; ib; @tA ad cr;r, t@.e edge. l7v. AN Am. SSR. nauk. 18 no.2:39-1.7 '(,5. 2. Inolitut natemutiht i mol-luirilli AN Amyanshoy L 27122-66 EWT(d) UP(a) ACC NRi AP016865 SOURCF, CODE,' 41/0198/66/002/002/0029/MI AUTHORS Yelkonyan, A. Pe (Yerevan); Khacha@ryan, A. A. (Yerevan) CRG: Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. AN ArM�5RN Yerevan (Institut matematiki i makhaniki) *s, paper was TITIE: Stabil itl of rectangular'f ilms with transverse isotropy fThl presented at the 5th All-Union Conference on Plates and Shells held in Moscow fr SOURCE: 'Prikladnaya makhanikap v. 2P no.2, 1966 -29- 5 TOPIC TAGSS bomputer, computer calculation, shell structure stability/Razdan-2 computer . On the bas 0 S. A. ABSTPACT. is of the refined the ry of anis otropic films of :Ambart.TaWan A - Theory of Anisotrople Shells (Teoriya anizotropnykh oboloch 41oscow 1961), the authors present a solution of the problem of the stability of a rectangular, transVersely isotropic shaet which in hingo-supported on three sider, and freo on the fourth sida and subjected to a uniform compression on .turo opposite hinged sides. By the introduction of a new function, the original '-system of equations of Ambartsumyan is reduced to a system of two independent equations for the normal dislocations and the derived function. Computations performed on the Razdan-2 computer-at the CpAputer Center 0. the Academy of Sciences Armanian SSR are tabulated.! C