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:j;-JAmf,,nt@-. .-.f tn@- ncrl@.wvetcrn part c" the
nuith..-'asp@ar. and ga!,-h--arirf-- bas1r. and adja--ert. territories.
[Trudyll till, refzega -a r,.o.'13,,257-.2',5 163. (MIRA 180)
1. Aaboratorlya gf-Qj-cf71chf-,;k.'kh
kr-Iterlyov o'venk"' pei-spok1kiv Y.oft,(@ga'
-rjnw:r-,jbti; Ni-zhnevo1,.hskiy-
na-u:@hnc, '-ssledovatellskly institut geologii i geoftziki I
Saratovekiy irosudarstvennyy universitc-1. im. Cherny--hevskcgo.
Stratigraphy of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments in
Astrakhan Province and areas adjacent to the Kalmyk A.S.S.R.
Trudy NVNIIGG no.1:79-86 164. (MIRA 18:6)
L P-.-6/Pob
@q 0 v 7
z vo 7, ort V.1 f i
L,a@ um a r-n- en id e
e n@ r,,) r y tollqride, cAdinfun t,? I
'CF 01i NR: AP4041367
SS It 1@4
rolsitimn; fnrr- nn1v in tho ra .,,e to 5-Sq Cd-
lzyntom clolid
r o a
-r", t rurts Ll'.ls t t r and r
lv@ we exnj-(--@B
or)rvnov;i i 7.
of Lon"l-
f-, i n orFanzLing the rwsf2am- ano r i pat ed n
or i r it rt as IiiG
S (TV _r7lIFT, )(-,S
Card 3/3
Studies of solid solutions on the basis of compounds of the
types AIIIBV and AIIBVI. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28 no.6:1010-
1016 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7)
1. Kafedra fiziki Laningradskogo inzhenerno-stroi tell nogo
Determining the saturation point of CdTs solution J.n InSb. Izv. vys.
ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.6:62-64 163. (MIRA 17;2)
1. Leningradskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut.
f @ -
T T. J
COD'_@': UI
V. A. Sharavzkiy, P. V.; i, zz'mina, G. A
Certain electrical properties of telluride of mercury for electron con-
u c tv I, t y
SOUTIOZ': Rcf z1h. Bicktronika i ycyc primeneniye, Abs. 2B46.5
-'O'j:',C*-,': 51). Fi,-.ika. Dokl. k XXIII Nauchn. konforontrii Ioningr. inzh.-atroit.
TO?@7C TAGS: inorCanic anion, olect-ric conductivity, vapor plating, telluride,
...... calin,7, Zttinohaurcn effect, Nernst effect, Hall coefficient,thermal eloctromo-
;_@Vo force 0
A -13.3 T 12j% C T ;A conventional method, whereby HgTc@ is annonled with no mercury vapors
-it, was used to obtain II,-,Tc with ndu
electron co ctivity. Ae Bridgeman method
was used to -ore-Dare the FIGTc crystals. The original substances were taken: (1) in
amounts correspondin- to the stoichiometric formula for HgTe, samples of which re-
tained p-typo conductivity during tho annealing process; (2) with an excess of
morcury. These samples acquired n-typo conductivity during the annealing proc
The annealn.- was dono in a stream of nitrogen vapor at various temperatures. The
6e.-Terature dependence of the conductivity, the Hall coefficient, the thermal
Card-1/2 UDC: 539.293:621.315.592:546.24,49-
L 09225-67
@CC -N-1: ARO-019911
electromotive force, and the lon.-itudinal and transveree Nernst-Ettinghausen
effect, were measured every 2 to 4 hours of annealing."'It was found that
annealin.@ the samples at temperatures below 200*C changed their electrical proper-
ziez;l 1-71-11C.1 were restored with the passage of time. Annealing at temperatures
above 200*0 resulted in irreversible changes in all electrical parameters, which
for many months. The samples obtained by the method described are no
differeat in their physical properties than are samples obtained by the Rodo
method an annealing in mercury vapor. 8 illustrations, 1 table. Bibliography of
12 titles. V. Kh. [Troanslation of abstract]
SUB CODE: 20, 07
iroval V. IharavskiY-
_iation Of Hq in HgTes
ne dissor CdTe in InSb. E, N, KhabarOvp
vn the nature of solid solutions of
P. v. Sharavskly. . . ies Of Solid solutions of the system
and electrical propert My.
preparation Yu. K. Tovpcntsevo P. N. Sharavs
HgTC-CdTe. properti,es of HgTe. L. A. osnach, p. V. sharavsk'.Y-
so'ne physical ravskiY--25 minutes)-
%Presented by P- V. Sh
.0nAI Conference on Semiconductor COMPOUM15)
.,plited at the 3rd Nati
P,,eport PIV-j'_21 Sept 1963
Kishin,@;vy 6
7 tip '1@
4,-) 4 f-,4
S 1@'- -' ERef. zh. Fizika, Abs. DE454
"'MOR aravskiV P. V.'.
_S: Sh Khabarov@, V. A,
7'ITLE: Hall effect in.mercuEy 11tirLde annealed in a neutral at-
s p he r e
17 c- -)I
TR - b.
(7F_S Fizika. Dokl. na ?.1 Na,,
.964, 5-8
TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, mercurv tel.luride. annealincy, stoichio@
:mpul-ity -onductivity, intri-_s 7 -n'J -nr) -
TRMSLATTOgs An investicration was made of the effect of anneali"
.,roperties of HqTe samples prei)ared @usiria the. main L-nmpn-
LA'- --- --: . F';j
@111_ V
Ir@ , @ II&
- 1 - --D5
N a-os
hcre at ntarmal pressurei The uraluess. of Ole Hall
l L
ii. c
the electric conducti,it-1, and t@hp Hall mobility WF
I T't- 1,,nC produren. a grad uai chanq( Li,,
744 the sample in the region or impu@ity conductivity klow LeruperaLuLes@.
at 700C causes a sharp cbarige in these parameters. Hcw-
the recjion ot the intrinsi",
L raperatures]
,hign @e
1v unchanged by annea, 1.nQ. is sbc)-,.rr. that the
'k MCIV Lj-u -----X-
5UB CDDE1. 55 -
Card 2/2
L 33602-66 EvrT(m)/EwP(0/ET1 IJP(C-) JD/RD"
AUTHOR: Rhabarova, V. A.; Sharavskiyg P. V.; Kuz1minaj G. A.
TITLE: Some-electric' -properties of n-type merc telluride-
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. llE516 v7
REP SOURCE: Sb. Fizika) Dokl. k XXIII Nauchn. konferenteii Leningr. inzh.-stroit.
in-ta. L., 1965, 9-18
TOPIC-.*T= : mercury compound, telluride, stoichiometric mixture, annealing, tempera-,
ture dependence, Nernst effect, Ettingshausen effect, Hall constant., electric propertZ
ABSTRACT: To obtain n-HgTe, a direct synthesis procedure was used in conjunetion
with vibration, wherein the HgTe was annealed in the presence of Hg va1)o:rj4;The HgTe
single cyrstals vere prepared by the Bridgman method. 2be initial zubs=es were
taken as follows: 1) in amounts corresponding to the stoichiometric formula HgTe;
these samples remained of the p-type during the course of annealing; 2) with excess
Hg; these samples became n-type during the annealing. The annealing was carried out
in a stream of nitrogen vapor at different temperatures. After every 2 - 4 hours of
annealing, the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity, Hall coefficienty
thermal electric power, and longitudinal and transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
were measured. It was observed that annealing of samples at a temperature below 200C
changes their electric properties) which are recovered in time. Annealing at temper-
atures above 2000 causes irreversible changes of all the electric parameters. These
changes remain for many months. V. Kharitonov. %[Translation of abstract]
L -'l'-7 5 6EVP (%d)104T(l)11,;1'A(s) -21AEVT (M) /Z?F(C)/2,PF(n) -2/_ZrJT (V)@l-2r8"P(t)
AGG Nit: AP5025003 CUDP;: UR/0286/65/000/016/0063/0063
AUT110HS: Martinson, Ye. N.; Khabarova, Z. V. a
ORG; none
TITLE: Working liquid for vacuum pumps and regulating-measuring devices. Class 270
No- 173873
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykii znakov, no. 16, 1965, 63
TOPIC TAGS: molten metalj pump, vacuum ejector pump
A13-r1=1's This Author Certificate pertains to the application of liquid metals
and alloys with low vapor tension (such as Guthrie alloy) as @@okjn
__p, liquids for I
vacuum Pumps of, say, Aplor or Gaede types, and for rogulating-moau@r@dev-fcose
SUB COM 19/ SU13M DATFt 20Jun63/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REFt 000
7- UDGV 621:521--
MRAS, I,M. [deceased]; KATS, I.!,.; FADEYEVA, O.A.
Fractional analyBis of diphtheria anatoxin. Nauch. oan. proizv. bakt.
prop. lOt77-90 161. (MIM 18:7)
1. Leningradskiy Institut, vaktain i syvorotok.
UGLEVA, A.1.p4WBAS1#-1,m1O- [deceased]; FADEYEVA, O.A.; KATS, 1.Z.; TER-OSIPOVA,
Production of purified sorbed dlj:htherJ.a and tetanus anatoxin for
active immnization of children. Nauch. osn. proizv. bakt. prep.
-107100-106 161, (MIRA 18@@7)
1. Ler-ingradskiy inatitut vaktain i syvorctok.
YHABAS, 14. M. ; TER4SIPOVA, M. Z. ; MAY, D. 14.
"Experimontal data for the study of combined trm-nunization
against whooping-cough and diptheria.11
Report submitted at the 1-3th All-Union Congress of Pygenists,
Epideiniologists and Infectionists. l'?59
MURATOVA. X.P.j. 1!@= e.
Characterizing isolated typhoid cultures with the aid of specific type@ of
Vi-phagen; authors' abotract. Zbhr.mikrobiol.&pid.i immun. no.4:63-64 Ap
'53. (MLRA 6:6)
(Typhoid fever) (Bacteriophagy)
260 typhoid cultures were investigated by the method
of phage typing. A detailed breakdown of the phage
types is given.
Cloaring awaY sand plugs uaing noratod fliAid with d surfactant
additivei Nefteprom. del I- no.Z.:13-17 16". (141PA 17:6)
1. Neftepromyslovoye upravieniya "Starogromneft"'.
EaGnoxia-effectivenasa-cf-the ramoval of-aromatic compounds
from "rubber" gasolina-zaing-diethylens.-glycol at the.Groznyy
Petrolsum.Rafinary. laftspar..lneftekhim, no.714,6 165,
(MIRA 18tl2)
1. Groznenskly neftyanoy nauctmo-iosladovatellskiy institut.
KHABATOV, Sh., inzli..-makhanik
What the truck trains should be like. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14
no.3:27-29 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1)
Synthesis of naphthanylarylketones. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh.,
khim. i gool. nauk no.4:43-50 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Institut khImii AN Turkmenskoy SSR.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 195?, Nr 12,
p 41 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Khabayeva, G. M.
TITLE: A Brief History of Quaternary Fauna in Zabaykallye
(Transbaikal). (Kratki e dannyye po istorii chetvertich-
noy rauny 4abaykallya@
PERIODICAL: Uch, zap'.' buryat-blong. ped. in-ta, 1955, Nr 8, pp 57-70
ABSTRACT: Bibliographical entry
Card 1/1
yogBil pika (Ladotospha, Ochotchidne) from TranebailAlis.
Kraeved. abore noo2:108-115 158. (MIRA 13:2)
(TranRbaika1ia--PikA8# roesil)
.IRodents of the MuVa Valley. Kraeved.abors no.4:129-132
'59. (MIRA 13:7)
(Maya valley-Rodentia)
Synthetic cyclopentylaryl katories. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Sar.riz.-tokh.,
khim.i geol.nauk no.1:103-106 162. (MA 16:12)
1. Institut khImil AN Turkmen3koy SSR.
3186 KHABAZOV. YE. D._
Rezhim Stoka maly Khbek Litouskoy SSR. Pod red. D. L. Sokolouskogo.
L. Gidrometeo izdat. 1954o 152 s. s. graf. I kart. 26 sm. (Glav. upr.
gidrometeorol. sluzhby Fri sovete Ministrov SSSR. Upr. Gldrometeorol
sluzhby pitov. SSR. SSR. SSR. trudy kaunasskoy Nauch.-issled geofiz.
observatorii. Vyp. 1) 30. ekz. 12 r 45 k.- Na obl. Tol@ko 22gL.
serIl - Bibllogr: a.61(20 nazu.)-(54.155632h) 551.482.4(47-45) +
GUSIV, P., kandidat takhnichookikh nau%6J.J&
,ffjjjLf, Inshener.
Hydrothermal treatment of millet. Muk.-slay.prom 22 no.9:22-24
S '56. (RLRA 10:8)
EMU, L,; KIS&W, A., inzh.; GURAAW, A., tekhnik-tekhnolog.
Double-dock millet buller. Alkh.-alev. prom. 24 no.4:16-18 Ap 158.
(KIU 11: 5)
1. Upravleniye mukozolluo-krupyanykh i kombikormovykh predpriyatiy
Minioteretva khlebaproduktov SSSR (for Khabe, liselev). 2. Voronezh-
ekoye oblastuoye upravleniye khleboproduktor (for Gabarev).
(Grain milling machinery)
KWE, L., inzh.; KISUIXV, A., inzh.
Double-deck buckwheat scouring and: peeling nacbine. Muk.-olev.
prom. 25 no.3:2 24 j4r '59. (HIRA 12-6)
(Buckwheati- (Grain-milliz4,, riacblner7)
MIABEO L. insh.
Impra7ing the technology and xasing the quality of work at groat
mills of Bugullma and Stalizo. Kuk.-elev.prom. 26 no.5'.14,15 NY
KMA 14:3)
1. Proizvodstyenno-tokhnioheakoye upravlen1ye Goakhlebkomiteta.
(Pbgullma-Grain milling)
(St&Umo-Grain iiii-lin )
KHA39, L., inah.
The production of glazed rice has been improved at the Kzvl-Orde
Groat-milling Plant. Muk.-elev. prom. 26 no.9:21-22 S 160.
WU 13:9)
1. Proizvodetevenno-takhnichookore upravleni7e Gookhlebkomiteta.
(Kzyl-Orde-- Rico)
BABE y L. ) i=h s
Improving the tecbnology of groat production. Muk,-elsv.
prom. 27 no.4zl6 Ap 161, (14IRA 14:7)
1, Proizvodstvenno-tekhnichoskoye upravleniye Gosudarstvennogo
komiteta zagotovok Savets Ministrwi SSSR.
(Cereal produ@Aj)
MADE, L. 1.
Impraving the quality of groats and frroat products, Standartizatalia
26 no-5:47-48 MY 1622, (MIRA 15 7)
kCareals as food)
Increasing the efficiency of groats enterprises on exitting
production areas. Muk-elev.prom. 29 no.1:13 Ja 163.
(MIRA 1644)
1. Proizvodetvenno.-tekhnicheakoye upravleniye Gosudarstvannogo
komiteta zagotovok Soveta, Ministrov SSSR.
(Grain milling)
Recent developments in the technology of groats. Muk.-elev.
pr=. 29 no.9M-22 S 163. (MIM 17: 1)
1. Proizvodetvemo-tekbnichookoye upravleniye Gosudarst-
vennogo komiteta, sagotovok (for Nazlobin, Khabe).
2. Veeroosiyskoye ob"yedinaniya khleboproduktov (for
104 0i
d 5 P.
for the "a
a re r r 1
,-er a c (3 S
4 -4 @ 3, Ic
,A jor
0 Rozen el es - ,teta
-!f@ 5 figur unjvcr@
rMulas and 10 1 koVO osudarstvcnft0iO
kiy fakult't moslkw-ls
;he - F\,CL' 01
ASSOCIATION'. Flz" 9 r9i
5@.cs Departra"ent, Jos State Unive unisa.
KFAbENKO, _Kirjl_1k_.
Fruit-growing, orchards arid berry plants. en3k, Sei'l-mesektar, 1.)"4. Z'.
KHMMO, Kirill Nalinkovich (Miabenks, K.K.]; RABINOVICH. A., red.;
. --KARPIWOVICH-#Ta-.,-- tokbn,
(Fruit cultural Pladavodstva: druhoe vyPrwilanne I dapounenae
vydanne. Minsk. Dziarshaunae vyd-va BSSR. Red.sellakaboapa-
darohni lit-ry, 1959, 266 p. (MM 13:4)
(Fruit culture)
SYUBAROV; AlekseyYefimovich; SYUBAROVA, Ems. Fetrovna;-LIqA@Wt-Kjrjjj
Anatoliy Grigorlyevich. Prinimal uchastiye
MIKENEVICH, N.I., kladably sotr.; KAZACIMOK, V., red.; KAMCHITS, G.,
tekbn. red.
[Promising fruit and berry varieties of the White Russian S.S.R. and
their regional adaptation] RaimirovanrWe i perspektivrye sorts. plo-
dovykh i iagodrqkh kulltur belorusakoi SSA. By A.E.Siubarov i dro
Minsk, Gos. izd-fo BSSR. Red. sellkhoz. lit ry, 1960. 321 p.
(MIRA 240)
(White Rujinia-Fruit-Varieties)
Now administration and workers' service buildings for open-pit
mines. Prom. stroi- 37 no.4130-32 Ap 159. WRA 12:6)
(Uployess' buildings)
KH.4BENSKIT, A.M., arkhitektor
Planning administration offices and workers' facilities for
open-pit mines. Gor.shar. no-9:32-37 5 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. ()Lororud%, Loning-rAd.
(Mine buildings)
YEGOROVP @., kand.tekhn.nauk;,KHA13ENSKIY, M., kand.te.khn.nauk
Drives with elebtromagnetic powder slAding sleeves. Rech. tranap.
22 no.2:15-17 F 163. (MM 160)
(CoupUngs-Testing) (Electric cranes)
KHADENSKIY, H., kand. takhn. nauk
Efficiency of the automatic control of diesel engine lubrication.
Rech. transp. 22 no.10ill-18 0 163. (MIRA l6jl2)
KHABPrSfFfy,Y,, kand. tekhn. nauk
"."Construction -and' opp-ratior of"l-oating lirtir@@_:Il abrrad. 2Fvh.
.- -rat, -, -3, 1 1
@ -t rip...'2 rm.1'2'46,,@48 it" 164. . - - , (XIFVA@ l8c6).
"!_,, lp: " .!
ITTENBERG, I.;, kand. tekhn. nauk-, KHARENSM, M.., kand. tekhn. nauk
Use of cranes at the luinding places of amall rivers. Reah.
tranap. 24 no.3127-28 165. OORA 180)
L 24828-66 EWT(m)/FJ1P(J)/r IJP(c) RM
ACC NR: AP6012313 (A)- SOURCE CODE"- UR/03-10/65/000/01,1/0014/0016
AWHOR: Protasov, L. (EngineerL); Kha nski
JITLE: Soft containers for shipping bulk goods
SOURCE;: Rechnoy transport, no. 3.1, 1965, 14-16
TOPIC TAGS: packagingvmakewist. transportation equipment
,ad (Sealdbin
;ABSTRACT: The use of airtight rubberi7 _Yp
q@_qqq@ainers for shipping
, are described. The bag-
and storing cement, mineral fertilizers, zinc oxide, etc. 3
.like container is 1200 mm in length, has a capacity of 1.5 m and can hold up to
@2000 kg of bulk goods. Metal flanges at the top of the container facilitate loading
,and unloading by crane. The contents are dumped from the bottom end of the contain-@.
@!r. The principal advantages of soft containert; over other kinds of containers are 1. -.
.increase in the payload and a te4ilblld reduction in the space needed to transport the'
empty containers. The authors n6te that soft ccmtainers are not presently in wide-
spread use in the Soviet Union. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table.
iSUB CODE- 13/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REr: 000/ OTH REF: 000
@Card 1/1.
Automatizing a two-drum clamshell winch for gantr7 cranes. Mor. flot
18 no.ls7-9 A 158. (MIRA llSl)
1. Starshiy navchnyy sotrudnik otdela organizataii i mekhanizateli
gruzovykh rabot-15eutrallnogo naunhno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta
ekonomiki i eklluatateil vodnogo tran6porta,
( ranes. derricks, otc.) (winches)
%', KRABENSKIY Mikhail Abramovich; ILINITSKIY, I.L., kand. tekhn. noui,
rei'senzen @-@
, @.A,, tekbn. red.
(Program control of machine tools] Programmnoe upravlenie metal-
lorezhushchikh siankov. Moskva# Mashgiz, 1962. 36 P. (Nauchno-
populiarnais, biblioteka, raboahogo-stanochnika, no 32)
?MIRA 15:4)
(Machine tool s-N,,merical control)
IN. 11".
PA! 17/49T27
USSR/Engineering say 48
Engines, Automobile
"Selection of a Filler for AutomDbile Engine ThermD-
state," M. Ya. Khabenekly, Cand Tech Sell NAMI, 31 PP
"Avto Prom" No 9
Mathematical treatment of subject under the following:
(1) uniform liquid filler, (2) relation between tem-
perature and vapor pressure of filler under equi-
librium conditions, and (3) method of selecting filler
for thermostat. Includes one photograph, 8 diagrams.
KWIMKIY,,!tj*., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Iffectiveness of closed cooling systems of marine engines. Kor. I
rech. flot 14 no.12:19-21 D '54. (HLRA 8:1)
(Marine engines)
XEfA UWSKIT, X-Ta., k&ndidat takhnicheakikh nauk.
Automatic temperature control in & marine engine cooling system.
Rech,transp. 14 no.12;23-24 D '55- (K6Rk 9:3)
(Automatic control) (Marine engines)
KHABENSKIY. M.Ta., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
I- - ------ -'. - " I
Semiautomatic and remotely controlled electric cranes with single-
engine drive for the thrae-dxum windlass designed for use in ports.
Rech.transp. 15 no-7:11-13 J1 156. (MIRA 9:9)
(Electric cranes)
KWINSKIY' X.Ya., kandldat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
Dovicee--Mor computing machine time for cranes. Rech, transp, 16 no,6.,
33-34 Ja '57. (RLRA NO)
(Cranes. derricks, etaj (Counting devices)
,.R.UBENSKIT, Me, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
automatic counting of crane cycles. Mor-flot-17 no.3t22-24
fir 157. (MA& 100)
I.TSentrallnyy nauchno-iesledovatol'okiy institut akonomI4 I
ekepluatateii vodnogo transpor @a#
Ollectric cranes (Coimting devices)
KWAMIY, M-Ye, kund takhn. nauk.
Servomotor for automatic starting and accelerating power-driven
cranes, Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. 3 no.l-.14-15 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1)
(Cranes, derricks, ate.) (Servomachaniams)
MLIMNSKIT.L I!,-Ta.. kand. tekhn. nauk.
Using leverlese-type arreeting devices for automatic control of the
load capacity of harbor cranas. Rech. transp. 17 no.12.-16-18 D 158.
(MIRA 12:1)
(Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Harbors)
'14(10) SOV/1 19-59-2-4/17
AUTHOR: Khabent3kiy,,_M,.,.ja., Candi&aL-:! of Teallaucal Sciences
TITLE: Device for the M@,a,;urenent of 5 Charac*.eri s tic Features cf
Hoistina Crane Operations (Pribor, _i;,m(,ryayi:,shchiy tri pckaza-
telya raboty pod'IyeTnykh kranov)
PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeriye, 1959, Nr 2, pp 10-11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The newly developed instrument measures simultaneously and
automatically three characteristic featares of a crane, i. e.
the number n of cyclc@, the machine time of t-he crano, T
and the time T unloading , required for fastening the load ontu
or loosening from the c@anq hook. From these thre- quantities
the capacity of a crane can be derived and the capacities cf
different crane types can be compared.
The electrical circuit diagram of the named instrument is
given. The instrument cc.n3ists of 2 part3, i. e. the part
measuring the cycles and the part determining the time. Both
parts are fed by a commrn nource. Feir countinE a cycle 2 im-
pulses must come in frr;,- 2 zranc@ opp:-ations, 4@. C-. S-Witchine
Card 112 of the hoist@ngr tind of tho thl@ 2nd
SOV111 19-5'9-2-4/17
Device for the Measuremen" of 3 Charac.erir@tic rf Hoisting Crane
impulse no$' being generated 'before a certain preset angle @;f
the crane jib is exceede6.. The impulses ar,7. -'cd to a relay
which is connected to the contasta of the electriz crane
motors. For mea,3ur--'.-ng the "machine" or "hand"; time 2 me"Pring
mechanisirsare used tha' are connf-ced .,@ith a- m1cromotoz. One
of them is 3witched on ON-er a 3er4 6 of ontacto of ar, auxil-
iary relay being by a current ;:-@lay. The other micro-
motor is controlled by a si@ries of au.xiliary relay cvntacts
that trip when the cl=ent. relay bre:@Aka. TM. current relay i@;
inserted in the total craie in such a way trat it
operates if one of t1he eloctrj(;:@"] crano i@, nwitche(l C)n.
For manufacturing this -1n:itrunient. no opcoial struct-aral e1em,--nt,-1
are required. In developing and teatiiig thi-,-. instrument, the
author was assisted by tho Candidate of Teciriii.oal Sciences
K. A. Yegorovq and the Techpicians A. B. Syrkov, R. K. Plctko
and K. 11. Kantionistova. There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya avtomatizatsii Tsentrallnogo ntviohno-isBledovateil-
skogo instituta, ekonoip'.ki i eksplu-itatnli vodnoEc, transporta
(Laboratory for Aut-omatJ.0'a of th(@ Central Scientif ic Re-
Card 212 search Institute for Eoonomaco and RI,4(,.r Traffic Oporation)
EHABENSKIY, M.Ta., Imnd.tekbn.nauk
Modernizing and designing the floating cranea. Rech.tranup.
18 no.9:12-14 S 159. 04IRA 13:2)
(Floating dianes)
KHAIZNSKIT, M., starohiy nauchnyy sotrulnik
Crane brake equipped with centrifugal drive. Mor. flot 19 no-7:19-21
il 159. (NIRA 12:10)
1.0tdol organizateii i makhanizatoii gruzovykh rabot TSentrallnogo
nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta okonomiki i akepluatateii
vodnogo tranaporta.
(Cranes, derricks, etc.--Brakes)
KHABINSM, K.Tao, kand.tekhnnauk
Automatic starting and acceleration of the electric crane drives
by means of motorized pulse relays, Strot. I dor. mashinoetr- 5
no.1l17-9 N 160, (KIRA 13:10)
(Cranes, derricks, etc. -Zlectric driving)
AUTHOR: Khabenskiy, M.Ya.
TITLE: Electrical and mechanical differential systems of
automatic control
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no, 11, 1961t 65, abstract 11 V527 (Proizvetekhns* sb.
Tekhn, upr. M-va rechn. flota RSFSR, 1960, no, 8 12),
22-30 1
TEXT: A description is given of an arrangement developed
by TsNIIEVT for the automatic control of a port crane grab winch,
by automatic switching of the crane winches according to the posi-
tion of 4& grab. The commanding signals for the electric motors @rl
are given by pulsers connected with the differential systems. The-' fi@
latter are controlled by the difference in the speed of rotation o;.
the winch drums. Two versions of the differential system were deve-
loped: 1) A purely mechanical arrangement with a contactor system;
Card 1/2
Electrical and mechanical... D256/D302
2) an clectromechanical version idth the rotation of the winch 40:
transmitted via a reductor into contactless selsyns operated as
motors atid followed by a diff. solsyn. The latter turns by an angle,
proportional to the angle of the 8rab arms, and operates a photo- " ";
plectric system controlling the grab arm mechanisms. Z-7Abstracterl,.:
note: Complete transl.ation2
Card 2/2
YIGOROV, K.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KWINSKIY, M.Ya., kand.tekhn.naWc
Automated started of asynchronous motors with a phase rotor using
electronic starting devices. Prom.-energ. 15 no-12:15-17 D 160.
(MIRA 13:12)
(Blectric motors, In4uction-Starting devices)
XHABENSKIYt M,# kandAukhnonauk
Use of drum governors for the automatic control of floating crane
diesels. Rech. transp. 19 no.12:10-32 D 'CO. (KIRA 13:12)
(Marine diesel engines) (Governors (14achim ry))
KRADENSKIY, M.Ya.0 kand.tekhn.nauk
Crane drive with electromagnetic powder clutches. Stroie i dor.
mash, 7 noo9:4-7 S 162* (MIRA 15:10)
(Electric cranen)
- -- - - - - - - - - -- -
AM5 r- I -,
Sukolenov, e indr Toydokimovich
cranee (Plavuchiye krany) I%Gcow, lzd-vo 11'.'mmnaport", 1964, 188 P.
-Mu;:@,, biblio. Errata clip inserted- 3,650 CoPies p-inted.
c-ane, hoisting equipment
7he book discusses the de-relopment of rloaLing crariea abroad
waier ran-sportation of
near@ np,, anJ --a D-C17C,,DL@.P: :@'j @r. th
i a.. -3-.
introduction 3
-T., 7. ---velnp@-,ienf of Floating Cranes 5
review 5
i #-h& i ni nnd knter tmnmportatior o f the Soviet 'Union -12
3C, I
rq r
on ni @-aner. --iF3F-,' n @Q r, 13 -@ar _q; r,
:X ton Irlanz" crane 8?
A Vt _2733
12. 15 ton "Bleichert" crane - -
13. @k ton "Bleichert" crane - - 98
114 15 ton "-,Iyde" crane 101
ne - 105
10 ton "'dilley" crax
10 ton "Valmet" crane - 107
ton "Ardelt" crane 109
toil Ship C1.0.1108
AI)toq,,Atic contrS11 TAII
its for floating
11. A-,itwmatic control\ for power equiprient 115
;r, i tr, for- Controlliriz @rnr- -@PerE-:,
;,,m4@, r tir,5pe,@@,ion and .1ervicing, off
zpm,,@,in, @.7,:pectJon on f1o,9ti.-.z cranen
pc ra, ion oi iioat.x.rie, crane5
Meic rules in Ion-ding procesnea with aoaLl:@,;, crarec i58
11,,- t03RIC USQ,5 Of f'1013A i@ng cra@-ec for-
t c-, f1,,)n@iing and wiloading
opirij t-.
r,-r,,.1az a the Imprro7emarit o f F2 a
C.,d 311;
KHABENSKIY, M.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk
Experimental study of a crane drive with a magnetic
fluid clutch. Trudy TSNIIEVT no.117:136-163 165.
(FIRA 18:12)
KHABERA Stanislav-[Habera, S.) (Cheake-Bideyovitsev Chekhoolovakiya)
Karst of southern Slovakia- Priroda 52 no.22119 163* (MIRA 16s2)
"Monograph on fastern Asiatic forms of the genus Melanaigia Meigen
(14pidoptara, Satyridae)" [in German) by Sigbert Wagoner. Zool.
zhur. 41 no.12:1906-1908 D 162. (KM 16:3)
(Far East-Holanargia)
;Cn. Kh On -,he roblo
!Alcivirin the-@rV (0.% r)x-k,,- f ti,.o
of F:r-ionco)," m
',Sston. SSE), T.;..l*tu, 1.948, ). 114-39
f fa uni- t I c - and ic --he
Inntituti: f f tl',,u 3SP
r,-gnj.yi@ -,o vo -,ro-.,.tm rAolo_li ()kt. lg,',-.',
- In Es'ta'llan Resu.,:e in itussi@n
SO: U-`;600, 10 (Lctopl-, 'Z@--lrrval Illykh '3'-;@txy' No. 6, 1"4i)).
Z"'.. "le
Materials on the Kay fly fauna (2phemeroptera) of the Estonian 8.3-R-
&t.oboz, 33:214-22@ 133, MU 7:5)
1. Inatitut zoologii i botaniki Akademli nauk BSSR#
(Estonia--Kay flies) (May flies--Estonia)
i T I
FT r! '_4 A
General and Specialized Zoology - Insects.
A-33 JOUF,. RZB101.1 ;@O, 19, 1958f Nyo.
I'N 3 T .
lc)e-c@;Y Or Natul'al 'St!: Ut the -kciademy of
TITLE FrOSSErit State and Problemis Of 01,,- clog ical
Research in Estonian 63R.
ORIG. PUB. : Yezl,r--gGdnik 0-va yestc-stvcisp,,-. pri 'N
Lst2SRI IL/551 481 27-4
f i -31i T RA C T:No abstract.
Sciences Estonian SSR,
111, 17-
KUKARI, N.Y., professor, otvetetvenny7 radaktor; ONNO, S.Kh.[Onno, S.H.]
redaktor; PI172R,I.Ya. [PUper. I.J.]. professor, redektor: TALITS.
S.Ta. CTalts, S.J.], kandidat biologichaskikh nauk, radaktor;
)MBERMAN. XhAe [Haborwns HeMol, rodaktor; XARTASHIT, N.H.,
MEG- _da_ReTratva,- POLTAKOVA,T.Y., takhaicheakiy rediaktor
e r N
(Proceedings of the Second Baltic Ornithological Conference] Trudy
Vtoroi Pribaltilskoi ornitologictwiskot koaferentall, Moskva, rzd-vo
Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957. 427 P- (HIPA 10:2)
1. Pribaltlyakaya ornitologiqheslaiya konferentsiya.2d, Tallin, 1954.
2& rnstitut zoologii i botaniki A)mdamil nauk Istonskoy SSR (for
Kumari, Onno) 3. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Istonskoy SSR
(for Khaberman)
(Baltic Sea region--Birds)
USSR/General and Systematic Zoology. Insects. Systematics and P
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1959, No 1.1503
Author Haboman i;.K@ -
Inst -Ac@ide-m`y' -o-f--Sc-ienccs EstSSR.
Title Stag Beetles Platycerus caraboides and Pl. capres in
Orig Pub ENSV Tbadusto Akad. Tbimeised. Diol. ocer) Izv. AN EstSSR)
Ser. biol., 1957, 6, No 3, 292-293.
Abstmct A classification table and notations on the taxonometric
diffemnco.- of both species. Data on their distribution
in Estonia.
Card 1/1
ERABERMAN, Xh.M. [Hnbe-?"--n-n, Hj
ZoologicnI resenrch in the Nstoninn S.S.R. Zool. zhur. I?
nn.3:476-h,qo Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4)
(Estonin-Zoological resenrch)
MAAVARA, Wmbola, kand. biol. rinuk. starshiy nsuchnyy sotr.;
I'MINED", Arnold; PAPJW, Hel=t, inzh.-patolog lesnogo
khoz.; PXIU,,AST0, Erast, kand. biol. nauk; HABEl-IM, H.,
akaderdk, retsenzent; KIR'AaI, E., pref., retsenzent.;
I-TISTE, L., kand. biol. nauk., ret@3enzent; LING, H., kand.
biol. nauk, retsonzont; R01CM, P.. knnd. sollkhu?.. nau!
retsonzont, LAATS, A,, prepidavatill, retsenzent; ORA, V.,
nauchrWy sotr., retsenneiiI.: RATIG. If., naiiclin:vy 00tv., retson-
zont; LALL, E., red.1 VAIURE, I&, tekhn. red-
[ForeDt protection) Mletsakaitse. Yoostrjmd A.11-lerihein. Tal",
linn, Eesti riiklik kirjastu--, 1961. 732 p. WIRA 15.5)
I. Uologicheakiy I botanicheakiy institut Akademii nauk
Estonskoy SSR (for Nnatar'd). 2. Direktor upravleniya lesnyl:h
kulltur i molioratsii Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva
Estonskoy SSR (for Merihein). 3. 11inisterstvo seliskogo kho-
zyaystva Estonskoy SSR (for Parmas). 4. Nauchnyy sekretarl
Zoologicheskogo i botanicheskogo instituta Akaderii ruiuk
Estonskoy SSR (for Parmasto). 5. kkademiya nauk Estonskay
SSR (for Haberman., Kumarl. Muiste). 6. Akaderilya sellkhozyay-
stvannyl,b naW-1 EstonqkLr,,-:-. SM (for Laats). 7. VaterimarVy nauchno-
isoledovatal'0.14, inatitut., Estouskaya SSR (for Ore). 8, Institut
khImii Akaderii nauk Zotonakay SM (for rRang).
kEstonia-Treea-Diseases and pests)
KHLMRM&N., Kh.M. (Haberman, H.)
Baltic type of the distribution and adaptation of species as
exempAfied by Coleoptera of the Beashore. Vop. ekol. 71l92-193
162. (MIIU 1615)
1. Institut soologii ibotaniki AN Estonskoy SSR.
(Baltic Sea region-Beetles)
AUTHOR: ..Khabetn, F.N. (Kaliningrad)
TITLE: On the magnoto-gasdynamic nozzle
PERIODICAL: Akademii nauk. SSSR. Izvestiya.. Otdoleniye tekhni-
cheskikh nauk, Mckhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 110.4,
1962, 169-i6G
TEXT: The one-dimensional, -steady-state motion of a
perfectly ionised gas in a channel of constant cross-section
under the effect of constant external electric and magnetic fields
in quadrature is considered. The Euler equation, the energy
equation, the equation of state, tile continuity. equation, tile
boundary conditions and tile condition foi@ accelerstion with
simultaneous increase in the Mach Num6er are the starting points
of the analysis. It is known-that, by a special selection of the
electric and magnetic fields, continuous accelerntion through the
sonic velocity can be achieved. Those particular values are
derived together with several other relationships and quantities
such as the limiting Mach Number at infinity.
-SUBMITTED: February 16, 1962
Card 1/1
USSIH / CuLt;.1-vated Pl.%nts. Flants, .'or T,@.@chnical 'Jst!.
Ou,,Jar Plants.
_8 -0059
j,.)ur: Ilef Zhur-131c!., 19'@
Author be-shvili V V
' r_,).Lven,
Title Alteration of Male -_:,ucom,,iia Trees int-,) r-i-iiqLle by.
Orl@; Pub: A,,;robiolool'iya, 19@7, 14,2
Abstract: Almost all eucomi,@ia trees brou.@,,Jit into the USSR
proved to be male. After obtaining femal,2 speci-
mens, buds were taken from themi and inoculated in-
to the male speciroeno,. As a result, female speci-
mens viere, obtained -e; k:,ive seeds. -- S. Ya.
Card 1/1
Concept of the angle.Hat.v shkole no.4:65-6(, Ji-Ag 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
(Geometry--Study andtoaching)
B]CZSOlTOV, P.A. (Moskva); 'BZLYATIV, V.I. (Kolomna); BUDA11TSEV, P.A.
(Orenburg); KABAYOV. G.I. (Helakess); MAYOROY, S-V.'(Moskva);
MURAVIN, X.S. Oloskva); PRXD2Il,,P.G..(Gubakha, Permskoy oblasti);
SIKOUSKIY, K.P. (Moskva); TARASTUX, V.Te. (Kiyev); KHABIB, R.A.
Discussing plans of programs. Mat.v shkole no.1:4-24 Ja-F 160,
I OURA 13:5)
1. Zaveduyushchi7 kafedro7 vysehey matematiki Moskovskogo Jnmtituta
khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya (for Bezoonov).
(Mathematics--Stud7 and teaching)
KHABIB, R.A. (Samarkand)
More on mathematical dicUtions. Mat. v shkole no.4:65-67
ji-Ag '61. (Mathematics--Study and teaching) (MIRA 14:8)
M BIB, R.A. (Samarkand)
Approximate computations in algebra and geometry courses of
oight-year schools. Mat. v shkole no.3:52-59 My-Je 162.
O-an 15 -7)
(Approximate computation-Study and teaching)
Anatomioal otructure of Orthurus kobudma R91. at Sebmalb. Usbe
bio16 Mur, no* 61l9-23 160# (KIRA 102)
1. Tashkentakiy, farmatsevticheiski institut.
Cand Pharm Sci - (diss) "Pharmacognostic study of the straight
marestail Zpryamokhvostnik7 kokandskiy (Orthurus kokanicus Rgl.
et Schmalh)." Tbilisi, 1761. 27 pp; with diagrams; (Tbilisi
State Medical Inst); number of copies not given; free; (KL,
5-61 sup, 208)
The kind of help we need. Nauka i pered.op.v sellkhos. 7 no,7:78-79
4 '5 7. (KL18A 10:8)
l.Glavny7 agronom Unalinskoy Hashinno-traktornoy stantaii.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Aachine-tractor stations)
CHESALIN, G.A., kand.8o1'skokhozyayvtveunykh nauk; IADOITIN, V.F., kand.
sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KMBIBRAKHMIOV, Kh.Kh*
Chomice-I control of weedo in green fallowD. Zomledelie 24
no.5:58-66 14y 162. (KMA 15!7)
1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut udobroniy
i agropochvovedeniya.
(Wood control)
Chemical control of weeds in pea fields. Zashch. rast. ot vrede
i bol. 7 no.3t26 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Voesoyuznyy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Peav) (Weed control)
Training in mathematical calculation skills. Prof.-tekh.obr. 20
no.10:14-15 0 163. (MIRA l6sl2)
1. Direktor remeslennogo uchili#cha No.15 Primorskogo kraya.
ACC NRi AR 02578o SOURCE CODE: UR10051116r)IC)OOlOrililEOIlIE011
AUTHOR: Belinskiy, B. A.; Kbubibullayev, P. K.
TITLE: Determination of the effective relaxation time in binary mixtures
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4E79
REF. SOURCE: Tr. 1-y_Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentali Po primeneniyu molekul akust. I
issled. veshchentva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 1964, 139-142
TOPIC TAGS: relaxation process, formic acid, binary mixture, collision
ABSTRACT: To determine the effective relaxation frequen@_y of the investigated mix-
ture of formic acidjand e-t I fmiatp,1the :roilowing empirical foT7uula is proposed:
V,2fj- IbVAA+(I-b)v,,,,)-b(I-b)[bVAA-f-(I-b)vzil!l,
where vAA is the relaxation frequency of the component A, the relaxation frequenc
of component B, and b is the concentration. This expression was obtained under the',
assumption that the effective frequency of the relaxation of binary mixture is de-
ternined by collisions of type AA and BB, while collisions of the type AB and BA arp
ineffective In the relaxation process under consideration. The values of v calcu-1
lated by the p@(posed formula are in catisfjkctory agreement with the experimental
data. A. Osil ;. Z-Franslation of abotracy
Card I/). SUB GIJDE: 20
4 nf CM 0 4 9 9WO 0 N 9 W 0 M 9 LM
Ultramonic wRve absorption in a water - formic acid mixture.
Izv. AN 11z, 3Sq. Str.flz.-malnailk 7 no, 6s99-101 163.
(WIRA 17:6)
1. TalkhVent4My gosuclarstvennyy institut.
Absorption and rate of propagation of high frequency ultrasonic
waves in binary mixtures. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 37 no.111:2?98-.
2800 D 163. (MIRA 17zl)
1. kloskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskly institut, imeni Krupskoy.
V, I /T, "" 71,.'-Pk
ACCESSION NR: AM18405 ttR,/ U-0 I
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Yhlmiya, Abs. JIDE-45
A771H'@F@ Hiabibullayev, F. K.
n of ultra-
1 7 t@ 0 g r a p I I rLa.L iy @i, 1
Card 1/2
ACCE' S I ON NP- AR5018405
inecti n
KRABIBULIN, Sh.S., lnzh.
in unloadi and piling mAchine.
il '57.
Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no-7:16-19
(MIRA 10:11)
(L6ading and unloading)
P@Ic-hinn, -- for unlotkd.lng bulk materials from platform and open
freight cars [Suggested by Sh.5. Khabibulin]. flats. i izobr.
predl. v stroi. no.6:39-43 158. (MIRA 11:10)
(Loading and unloa4ing) (Puilding materials)
First Technological Conference for Studying the
Reservoir. Izv.kN SSSR.Ser.geol. 28 no.W20 F
(MIRA 160)
(Kuybyshev Reservoir)
Wrfihil 1-1'te In the weathering surfan-i of SWan fol'mtloni in
thu Yontney Ranges Trudy V.3FOEI '04,
(MINt 1W.)
Absorption coefficient and rate of propagation of ultrasonic
waves in binary mixtures of formic acid - ethyl formate.
Akust, zhur. 10 nosl:112-114 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Moskovskly oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni