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'T li"Z " 11,9 NTrO!- rLls@ 1.9 FUMP To A t@qc-?.Adca otrAGn J-ultmia a r-ffsob of e@@Tarimntml L-1pertiyroidlai cui the s=itivitj W., Tho brma'rAal -muncu..-W riaeristas orvostado 333 1951 P. 174-7. y@ea,-j@ywj 1111oodw=s, 2* Pathoplusiological .L - lh.3tituta, D.-ibmeen Valvarsity. CUIL 20.2 10p Octs 51 10 GAL, I.; JAVOR, T.; KXSZTYUS L.; LAZAR. is; NIXODMUSZ, VICGH. L. I-; SZJ'LAGTIO Effect of roentgen rays on diphtheria toxins Kisarlates Orvogtud. 3 no. 5:363-365 1951. (CLML 21:3) lo Doctors OxcePt Javor and Lazar. 2. Institute of Pathology and First Internal Clinic of Debrecen Medical University-. STARKi I.; NIKOEMMZ, I.: KESZTYUS, L. L.-.-. .@. Effect of follicular Hormone on diastase activation in vitro. Irigerletes orvostud. 3 no.6:452-454 1951. (CIAL 21:4) 1. Institute of Physiology and Pathology, Debrecen Medical Uhiversity. C* Rfircl of fe"ons on blood-suilu owsintratim. I Kiv--tr And L. XTsstyOA.jUnlv. Dchinvil. 1111118.). Vadmix.. krrNWvIf.WJicA. 4. Gernt,itn); ct Ii abstr-Small dam of estrogrm atk* ""AS (liMintern mull unI I -) used byperglycird. (3")'Y, increase), large domft (FON) internal kmal unit s/'kg.) brought about hypoglycemia In male adult rabbits. Atropine tit ersoloxine, when oulministard together with the bocru"ir. had no effert w3 this pheounicuon. A stilbent pfrint syntrwin, had a hypoglycenvic effect at high at low (I(?% age lcvtl4. Intramuscular injectiom of I re. caslor oil, which was first contiklervil sto kilyrut Itir the httomme, IJAJA ,olloifitrant hirlioglyremic effevi. Olvion helbuilbi ii an tit it r it'ilmd. 1111-111.10 4-; 117- KMZTYUS, L.;SZIIAGYI, T.;NIKODLXMZO I.;FULOP, T. SWAM The effect of feeding thyroid on the excitability of the bronchial musculature. Aota physiol. hang..3 no.1:25-30 1952. (GIRL 24:3) 1, Of the Institute of Patho-Physiology of Debrecen University. ".qzTYUS, I., AND OTHERS "An Experiment With.the Radidic ive Lead Isotope (ThoriumB) in Connection with PoiBoning." p. (Aqt&-Pby8iolARiC&-- Supplement to v. 4, 1953 Budapest.) Vol, 3. No - 6 SO: A-- PasL ai,/LibrAry of' CorkZrasi, June 1954 Unal. IZR,-P ;BARYASZ, T.;JAVOR, T,*,KESZTYUS, L.;SIKON, H.;SZILkGYI, T.;VARGA, J.; ;@;I;. S. awow Novodaine azoprotein and novocain allergy, Acta physiol. hung. 4 no.1-2: 195-210 1953. (GIML 25:1) 1. Of the Physiological and Pathopb;rsiologAoajl InatitQte and of the Stomatological and Dermatolo&ical Clinics. Debrecen University. KESZTHYUS, L..- SZILAGUI. T.; GYUTAI, Y. Nervous system and immunity. I. Iffect of barbiturate sloop on titer of immune bodies in the blood, Acta microb. hung. I no,4: 359-370 1954. 1. Institut Mr Pathophysiologle der Medizinischen Universitit. 'Debrecen. (ANTIGSHS AIM ANTIBODIES antibody form., off. of barbiturates in rabbits) (BARBITURATES, off. on antibody form. in rabbits) JF IZSZTTUS. L.; SZALAI, S.; KOCSAR, L.; UMTZSZ, L.; SALLMI, J. Ferrous system and Immunity. 11. Possible formation of antibodies following a few seconds of antigente stimulation. Acts. miorob. hung. I no.4:371-376 1954. 1. Institut fir Pathopbysiologia der Medisinischen, Universitit. Debrecen und Institut ffir experimeatc1le Pbysik der LudwIg-rossuth- Universitit, Debrecen. (ANTIGINS AVD ANTIBODINS antibocly form. in rabbits after a few seconds of antigen stimulation) 7 7-C T J. In,-,i; mr-d. Uni,,,. Det)r(-(-r-.n, t:, ir@-iin@- di:r "Plirntornin -.iif dr@s on (Eltd, --ot) (7,q-79) nn TT 7-1 1-0 KOCSAR. L.- KESZTYUS, L.; SZAIAT. S.; XIWJdSZ, L.; VALYI-NAGY, T. Studies on experimental lead poisoning. III. The effects of alcohol in acute lead poisoning. Acta, physiol. hung. 5 no.3-4: 543-547 1954. 1, Institutes of Pathophysiology and of Parmacology of the Kedical University, Institute for Axperimental Physics Koseuth LaJos University, Debrecen. (Received June 25. 1953) (LAC POISONING, exper. off. of alcohol premed. in rate) (ALCOHOL. XTHYL. off. on exper. acute lead rats) rq IMSZTYUS, Lorand; SULAY, Sandor: ZOOSAR. Laszlo,- IMMSZ, Laszlo: 'SALA=; Janos Nervous system and Immunity. II. Possible formation of antibodies after a few seconds of antigen stimulations. Iriserletes orvostud. 6 no-5:393-397 SePt 54. 1. Debrecent OrvostudomWi 1gyetem rorelettant Intesete so Debrecent Kose,ath Lajos Tudomanyogyaten Kiserleti Fizikai Intesets. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES antibody form. in rabbits after seconds-long antigenic stimulation) KESZTYUS, L.,; SALANKI, J.,; KOLLER, M. -.f'! @71 '@-. ": _;' Role of the nervous system in immunity. III. Iffect of nourotomy on Arthus-Sakharov phenomenon. Acts. microb. hung. 2 no.4:337-341 1955 1. Pathophy8tologisches Iastitut der Hedizinschen Universitat, Debrecen. (AT.TJMGY, experimental, Arthus phenomenon. off. of neurotomy) (laRVOUS SYSTEM, pbysiology, off. of neurotomy on Arthus phenomenon) KESOMS, L. L. Kesztyus, H. Cz8MYanszky,, M. Koller und J. Salanki: "Nervensystem und Tmmmitat- M Die Wirkung von Neurotomie und Narkose auf das Shwartmin-Phanomen." SO: Acta Microbiologica Hung. 9: 343-352., 1955., Unclassified. XSSZTTUS, L.,; SZILAGTI, T.,; GSEWANSZKY, H. Role of the nervous system in immunity. V. Effect of nourotomy to sensitivity of the skin to diphtheria toxin. Acta microb. hung. 2 no.4:353-358 1955. 1. Pathophysiologischoo Inatitut der Hedizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. (DIPHZMIL. immunology. off. of neurotomy on skin sensitivity to diphtheria toxin) (IMVOUS STSTXH, physiology, off. of neurotomy on skin sensitivity to diphtheria toxin) SZI1AGY1, Tibor; XOCSAR, Laszlo. XMSZTM. Lorand Iffect of adrenalin, noradronalin. acetylcholine and histamines on blood pressure after administration into the hepatic artery. Xiserletes orvostud. 7 no.1:21-24 Jan, 55- 1. Debreceni Orvostudonanyl J47atem Korelettani Intozete (BLOOD PMSURX. effect of drugs on apinephriue,.arteranol, acetylcholine & histamine, after admin.fin hoptio artery in dog) (ARTMUS, RVATIC acetylcholine. arterenol, epinephrine & histamine admin., eM otk blood pressure in dog) (A031TUCHOLINA, . effects on blood pressure, after admin. into hepatic artery In dog) (ARTAMOL, effects On blood'proesure, after admin. into hepatic artery in dog) (3KPINIPHRM, effects on blood pressure. after admin. into hepatic artery In dog) (HISTAKINN, offsets on blood-pressure, after admin. into hepatic artery in dog) KESZTYUS, Lorand.; KOCSAR, Las2lo,; JOKAT, Istvan,; SZATAI, Inre. Water and salt content of the lung in vague pneumonia. Kiserletes orvostud. 7 no-5:469-475 Sept 55. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi 11gyatem Korelettani Intezete. (PXMONIA. experimental caused by vagotmW in eats. electrolyte determ.) ("TROLYTXS, determination in lungs, in exper. pneumonia caused by vagotomy in eats) (MVAS, VAGUB. surgery vagotomy, exper., causing pneumonia in eats. relation to electrolyte metab. in lungs) - - - - - -- - - - - r-\(Ttx,o i,d fait cffLtc"t aCoS-CnaUtll,30QtLA lungs I J@,L.Y, And I :iimal k",-d L KOC@f @, I 37 r@%Uit, "I that bi ter,41 ccrvc;" vu Wlt-t 'j th@ 'i tlirn-tiun in hkh Oc 140. N,.sud L, 0j,,bly wV11,c the K dc,cm- It, N..,MM JW. Na. --d Cl @ttajlwd by serous infiltratiun nd I . In Ow -W mulfut tile VUJIL9 rclull.5 Or' Y le tails is 11CU", "talluil Y'0- in L.@t@i .1 ti t"C(I ,-n i. ."t 119-c'-flt v ft, the bl"A "M lien" Ithe NXI cuqcu. is 11:dn,"i- MA Bload pressure elfect of &:Ueam Ite, aoradreasline, acetyl- ,Iialine, anti histaraine L-Jected Into the Nood drcalatioin a' liver. @ f -IL,Iagyi. 1. Kocsdt, and L. Kcsttytis At-a Ac--f So 9- @ 4 & 495 b hung., , a_ S-403 j Vatftn-M@B! Inst Med U nw . L) @ r,-.--cu, llungary).a--ln order top w-dure eqaall c-'!-t-- much sir ;las -Io,n t- tial t.4 acety1choll", nafadren-allue. and adreRa".'e (IJIS tu 1120) are needed when injected Into the wiphenoLs th&n. into the purtal veitt or hepatic artery. 'rho liver iz capable of inact1witung 1 8 to S mg. of ad7rnaline in I hr. ISO mg. of acetytcholince is inacti- vated in I hr. when gi-en into the hepatic artery and 250 ing, wfiea gi%en iWo the partAl vcwn@ Histamine may be stored rather than inacti@ated tv tht- liver. k B. I- BFINAX 7224. Blood premare affect of adrenzRae. aoradreualino. scityl- 11,rjlllte, aal histar-twi ftifected Into the Vood circul3ti-ion of Uver @ Med. u1niv,; Dwbrcccf. to prEktuce equal effects muCh sm'-fler tiv:i of 'acctylchuline, naridte-militte. And kt, renallne (1116 to -il'-01 th- 111h, 111A ortal vein 6, ry, hepatic- a to 6 mg, of ;idrenaline In hr. 180mg. ofoxety1choline Isinacti- vated in I hr. when 1.1ven into the hep;xtic artery and 250 mg. wl@zm 93vel, into the purtaA vein. Ifistarnine may be stored rather than inac tivated by tbe liver. A. B. L. BEzNA% 7 EXCMj PTA RMICA Sec.4 Vol.10/2 Microbiology Feb 57 474. KESZ-'.rY-IYS- L, SZAB6 E., GYULAI F. and SZATAI L. Pathophysiol. I @nTt. @e_@iv., Debrecen. *Nervensystem und Immunitat. V1. Wirkung von Dauerschlaf auf das Arthus-Sacharow-Ph!inomen. The effect of permanent narcosis on the Arthus-Sacharow phenomenon ACTA MIC ROBIOL. ACAD. SO ENT. HUNG. 1956, 3/3 (277-264) Tables 3 The necessary period of time for producing the A.S. phenomenon was lengthen- ed by permanent narcosis in half of the examined rabLits. The antibodies in the blood decrease In consequence of the narcosis. Beside the inhibition of immune globulin production the narcosis probably nAs an effect on the diatri- bution of immune bodies between the blood and tissues. (Editor's note: Experi- mental influence on allergic reactions might be of interest to those concerned with the study of experimental allergic, encephalomyelitis.) Edgar Amsterdam HIOUlf/Iffumm --iA kqimal Mysiology - The Skin. V-12 Abs 47,o,,w Pet ztvx - 'Bial-@ lio 21 19.56) 9156 Author rIorku-j.,X*sztVuz Inst Title A 3-P.Aq of tht Role of the Herrvous System in Several RAA,,ttionz Takirg ?Iace in the Skin. ef; Orig Pab Map-)w, tud. ak&d. Biol. @ orv. tdd. oszt. k8zl., 1956, 7@ No 1-3, 1-16. Abstract 'go ObstrTat. Card 1/1 USZTTUS, Lorand,; SZABO, Indre,; GTUIAY, Forenc,; SZATAJ, Imrs. Nervous system and Immunity; VI. effects of analgesia an the Arthus-Bacharoy phenomenon. Kiserletes oryoutud. 8 no.3:309-314 MY 36 1. Debreconi Orvostud. Raetem Korelettai Intesete. (ALLUGT, exper. Arthus phenomenon, off. of mophobarbital analgesia on develop. in rabbits (Hun)) (BAR ITUELLTIS, ozesth. & amlgeeia mophobarbital analgesia, off. on develop. of exper. Arthus phenomenon in rabbits (Hun)) EXCEUTA MEDIU See 4 Vol 12/1 Yed. Yicro. Jan 59 368. ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF POLLEN PROTEIN - Cber die Antigen- eigenschaften des Polleneiweisses - K P a -Kesitty0s L. Pat hophysiol, Inst, Med. Univ., Debrecen - ACTA PHYS10U_AM_.SC1ENT. HUNG. (BtAdapeat) 1057, 11/3-4 (390-407) Tables 2 Rabbits were immunized with extracts or apple pollen (malus pumila) and prune pollen (Prunus domestira). Precipitation tests were performed with pollen extracts of homologous and heterologous plant species. No differences were observed between different apple pollen extracts. However. anti-apple pollen serum did not react with pollen extracts of Pyrus communla and Prunus domestica. Anti-prune serum gave a positive reaction with different pollen extracts of Prunup domeatica but did not react with apple-pollen extracts. It seems, therefore. that the pollen proteins of Prunus domestica are different from those of other Prunus species. OIitW - Jerusalem r---K ff -SZ-T N S I- - KOCSAR, L. -, SZAily, S.; UjnLyi, Ga."* Mechanism of adranalin-cobalt antagonism. Acta physiol, hung. 11 no-3-4.- 413-419 1957. ls Pathophysiologiachae instutut der madixiaischan univeraitat und atomkornforsohungainatitut der ungarischan akademie der wiseenBahaftin, Debrecen. (VINVHRIN2. aatag. oobalt, relation of selective inhib. in various Isolated organs to rate of organ uptake of radiocobalt (Gar)) (COBALT. aff. selective inhib. of epinephrine in various isolated organs & relation to rate of organ uptake of radiocobalt (Gar)) 7777@;@4@-,-R,f, 7 77* KRSZ ; 5WOO 30; BMs GY,l JOrAYp It SymPtot3ntOI097 of the 3h*lartzmFtn phenomenon. Acta microb. huM. 5 no.2:209-216 1958, 1. PathophysioloOsches Institut der Mediz inischen %iversitat, Debrecen. (ALIMGY. Shwartzman Dhenomenon, aympt. (Ger)) -114- KOGSAR, Liss1b, SZAIAT, Bandor; UJH3LYI, Cf3aba; EMZTYM, lorand Mechanism of action of the cobaltous ion - epinephrine antagonism. Kiserletes orvostud 9 no.5-6:585-588 Oct-Dec 58. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanui Mgyetem Korelettani Intezete as a KTA Atommag Katato Intezete. (COBAIM, eff. cobaltous ion inhib. of epinephrine actions in various animal organ in vitro, mechanism of act Ion (Hun)) (EP,NRPHRM, antag. cobaltous ion in various anima.1 organs in vitro, mechanism of action (Ran)) KESZTYUS, lorand; SZABO, Endre; BOT, Oyorgy; JOKkY, Istvan Data on the eymptomatoloI7 of the Shwartzman phenomenon. Kiserletes oryostud. 10 rio.2-3:305-310 Apr-Jdne 58. 1. Dsb@eceni Orvostudomanyi Igyetem Korelattani, Intezate. (ALLMRGY, exper. Shwartzman phenomenon, metab. changes in (Hun)) IMSZTYUS, L.; GSABA, B.; CSZRNYAXSZKY, H.; KOCSAR, L. Effect of sevenal on guinea pig anaphylaxia. Acta physiol. hurg. 14 no.2:167-175 1956. 1. Pathophysiologisches Inatitut der Medizinischen Uaiversitat, Debrecen. (PHENOBARBIT&L, eff. on active anaphylaxis in guinea pigs (Ger)) (ALLZRGT, exper. eff. of phenobarbital on active anaphylaxis in guinea pigs (Ger)) nSZT,YUS, L.; SZIIAGYI, T.; CSAM, B.; CSIFUMANSZKY, H. Effect of hypothermia on nassive anaDhylaxis of guinea pigs. Acts, physiol. hung. lls no.2.-177-186 1958. I..Pathophyaiologigahes Inatitut der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. (HYPOTkMIA, eff. on passive anaphylaxis in guinea pigs (Ger)) (ALLXRGT, exper. eff. of hypothermia, on passive anaphyUais in guinea pigs (Ger)) K&,ZTYUS, L.; SZIIAGYI, T.; CSABA, B.; GSMiMNSZKY, H.; FAVAI, M. Effect of chlorpromazine on passive anap4laxis of guinea pigs. Acts. physiol. hung. 14 no.2--187-194 1958. 1. PuthophyBiologisches Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. (CHWRPROMAZINE, eff. on nassive anap4laxis in guinea pigs (Ger)) (ALLKRGY, exper. eff. of chlorpromazine on passive anaphylaxis in guinea pigs (Ger)) V IRS, -KZZTYUS,L.; KAVAY,Maria. SZABO.B.; KOOSAR,L. On the Production'and &ntigan properties of chromovalbumin. Acta microb. hung- 7 nO-1:71-76 l6o. 1. Pathophysiologisoheis Institut der Hadizinischan Uhiversitat, Debrecen. (XGG WHI TZ) KWZTTCS, lorand; SZIIAGYI Tibor; KOGM. lasslo; CSXRNMSZKY. Hedy1g; KAVAI Marla. Distribution of 1131-labeled ovalbumin in normal and senBitized guinea pigs. Kisefletes Orvostudomany 12 no.1:80-85 7 '60. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Mastem KDrelettani Intexate. (XGG WHITA) (IODINA radioactive) (AIJMGT exper) KESZTYUS,Le; SZILAGYI,T.; IOG.UA,L.; CSZUYAKSZKTo Hedvig; KAVAI, Maria Distribution of ovalbumin-1131 in the organism of normal and sensitised guinea pigue Acts, Pbysiol.hunge 17 no-3:303-315 160. 1. Pathophysiologisches Intitut der Medizinischen Universitat Debregen. (ALLERGT exper) (ZGG WHITE) MO. SZABO$ E.; CSONGOAp J.; CSABA, B.; KOGSAR, Distftbution of coli-endotoxin in the rabbit organism in 31wartwan's reastion. Acts. microbiol. &cad. sci. hung. 8 no.3:275-280 161. 1. Pathoph iolo ischec Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. . Y dxper) (ESCHERICHIA COLI) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) t SZILAGYI, Tibor; CSABA, Bela; DAMJANOVICH, Sandor; KESZTYUS,,Lorand Effect of hypothermia on the blood histamine level. Kisarletes orvostud. 13 no.3:320-323 h 161. 1. Debraceni Orvootudomanyi Egyetem Korelettani Intezete. (BODY TEMP ERA TURE) (HISTAMINE blood) X WZTYUS, L. On the significance and determination of tia2ue-bound sessile anti- bodies. Acta physiol. hung. 19 no.1-48155-167 161. 1. Pathophysiologisches In3titut der Mdizinischen Un@versitat, Debrecen. (ANTIGal-ANTIBODY REACTIONS) SZILAGrI, Tibor; CSABA, Bela; DAMANOVICH, Sandor; M=TrUS, Lorand Effect of bypothermia on the hiatamine level of blood plama. Acta pbysiol Hung 20 no.2:141-144 161. 1. Inatitute of Pathopbysiology, Medical Univeraity, Debrecen, 2. Editorial Board Member 'Aeta PlVeiological Academia* Scientiarum Hungaricae" (for Neaztyusl. HUNGARY IKAVAI, M., and Ei=TXV@.L., ofthe Instituto of Pathophysiology (Di- rector: L. KI=TYUS) of the Medical Uaiverzit@y, Dabrecen [original version not given]. "M Modified Procedure for the Labeling of Ovalbumin with Chromium" Eudapest, Acta Flicrobiglogica Academias Sclentiarum Fungaricae, Vol 9, I;o 4. 1962737T pp 349-354. Abstract [Article in German; authors' German summary]- A procedure is described for the chromation of ovalbumin in alkaline medium. 7he authors investigate the extent to which the procedure leads to a denaturing of albumin. further, a comparison is made between the electrophoretic moti- lity of native ovalbumin and that of labeled ovalbumin. According to the results 25 chromium atoms may be introduced into the ovalbumin nolacule in such a manner that no denaturing takes place'and no loss of motility sets in. [18 references, predozinautly Western]. SZADECZKY-KARDOSS, Elemer; ZSEBOK, Zoltan, dr.; RUSZNYAK, Istvan, dr.; ANTALFFY, Gyorgy, dr.; BIHARI, Otto, dr,; CHOLNOKY, Laszlo, dr.; GRUBERJI Joasef, dr.; HAY,Lasz1o, dr.; ES@ @L@dp dr.; MAGYAU, Andras, dr.; ORTUTATY, Gyula, dr.; PFRENYI, Imrs, dr.; PETRI, Gabor, dr.; POLINSZKY, Karoly, dr.; RAPCSAK, Andras; TORO, Imre, dr.; ZAMB0, Janos, dr. Peace to the worldl An appeal by the Committee on Science of the National Peace Council. Term tud kozl 6 no.6:241 Je 162. 1. Orazagoe Beketanacs Tudomanyos Bizottsaganak elinoke (for Szadeczky-Kardoss). 2. Orazagos, Beketanaos Tudomanyos Bizottsaganak titkara (for Zsebok). 3. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia elnoke (for Rusznyak). 4. Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem rektora (for Antalffy). 5. Pecsi Tudom4nyegyetem allamjogi karanak dekanja (for Bihari). 6. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem rektora (for Cholnoky). 7. Budapesti 14uszaki Egyetem rektora (for Gruber). 8. Marx Karoly Kozgazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem rektorm, Budapest (for Hay). 9. Koasuth Lajoe Tudomanyogyetem rektora, Debrecen (for Kentyus). 10. Agrartudomanyi Egy-@tem rektora tfor Mavari). 11. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegy-etem rektora (for Ortutay). 12. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem rektora (for Perenyi). 13. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem rektora (for Petri). 14. Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem dekania (for Polinsz4). KAVAI, MarYJ lMPZTYUS,-L..---- COMPallson of the antigenic properties of chromeovalbamin and native ovalbumin on the basis of quantitative precipitation. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Hung. 24 no.2:171-178 163. 1. Institute of Fatho@hyoialogy,, Medical Uaivercity, Debrecen. (OVALBL14IN (CHRCFJUM) (@- -msmy) (ANTIGENS) (PRECIPITATION TESTS) :vil@b 0-3 P, KAVAI, Maria; KESZTYUS, L. A modified method of labelling ovalbumin with chromium. Acta miarobiol. acad. sci. hung. 9 no.4:349-354 162/63. 1. Pathophvoiologisches Institut (Dire#tor; L. Kesztyus) der Medizinischen Univeraitat, Debrecen. (OVALBUMIN) (CHROMIUM ISOTOPES) (RADIOMETRY) 1 KESZTYUS Lorand, Dr; [no affiliation given] "Went Istvan Dr. 1899-1963-11 Budapest, Oryosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 25, 23 June 63, pages 1153-1154- Abstract: The article is an obituary. N'o references. T:: KAVAI, Maria; KESZTYUS, torand. CompariBon of antigenic properties of chromalbumin and native ovalbunin by means of quantitative precipitation. Kizerl. orvostud. 16 no.2tU9-125 Apt64 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korelettani Intezete. DIMJANOUCH, S.; KAVAI, Maria; KESZTYUS, L. Studies on the antigenic properties and chemical structure of irradiated protein. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Ifung. 24 noo4z407-417 t64 1. Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Debrecen. HURIT"'YARY doctor of medical sciences; Medical University of Debrecen, Instit ute of Pathophysiology (Dpbreceni Orvostudomanyl Egyetem, Korelettant Intezet). "20 Years of Immunological Research in Hungary and its Future Tasks." Budapest, A Maryar Tudomanxos Akademia V. Orvqsi Tudomanyok-Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol XVII, No Z-), lqb6, pagea 193-199. Abstract: From a rather pronounced backwardness in the field, in Hungary, un- til 1947, immunological research has gone through a great revival during the past 20 years. Since the establishment of the independent Immunological Sec- tion of the Hungarian Microbiological Society 7 years ago, it held 18 sci- entific meeting5at which 400 lectures were read. New methods developed in Hungary were adapted abroad as well. In addition to clinics and hospitals, several institutes are engaged in immunological research. Some of these are listed. Some backwardness is present in the field of transplantation im- munity. The greatest technical difficulties are the chronic problem of raising laboratory animals In sufficient nuAers and the bureaucratic in- efficiency which results in lack of necessary chemicals and instruments. The persistent scarcity of specialists in the field is also of great concern. The following areas are recommended for future research-. transplantation im- munity, problems of tumor immunity, immunization against tb, immune pathology (especially autoallergic processes, allergy and anaphylaxis), 2 Hungarian 1/1 references. [Manuscript received 26 Feb 661. URUSOV, A.V.; FETAT, O.B.; KOLITSOVA, V.V. Find of reef facles in the Permian sedtmrnf.3 of the Northern Cau&sus. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no-5:1168-11.71 F 165. (MIPA 18:2) 1. Volgogradskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut neftl i gaza. Submitted July 13, 1964. WX 14 6 - A @i URUSOV9 A.V.; KETAT, O.B.; KOLITSOVA, V.V. Stratigraphic scheme of Permian and Triassic sediments in the Volga Valley portion of Volgograd Province. Trudy MING no.1:91-110 162. (HIRA 16:10) T@- 3(5) PUSE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV12681 Aka&miyWnmik SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh mentorozMenly., petrografii,, mineralogii i geokbimii Geologiya i rudnM mestoro2hdmdys Dal'Aego Vostaa (Geology and Ore Deposits of the Far East) Moscov,, Ixd-Yo AN NOR, 1959., 94 P. (Seriesi Its Trudy, vyp, 18) 1,500 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. A. Radkevich; Ed. of Publishing Housel No Ro Mm; Tech, Ed.: A. P. auseva. PURPOSE: The publication in intended for minIn geologists, geochomistap and mining engineers, COVERAGE: This collection of articles deals with the characteristics of various pol7mertall-I a ore deposits in the (Soviort) Par East, Individual axticles d1s=ss sulphostannates in Southern Primorlye and Zabaftallys, sXsrn,3o sulfides, and 41itic dikes. No personalities are mentioned, References accompany each article. TABIE OF COMENTS: Card 1/3 Geology and ore Deposits of the Par East 00ut-) SOV/2681 Radkevich.. Ye. A. Genetic cheracteria4ics of Skorn-F917metallic Deposits of the Tetyukhinskiy 3 Khetchik2yj_@. Relationship BNW*ft Sksrns and Sulfides in the Pervo) 22 -96@vetskoya Depooit (80uth= PrlWr'70) R@dkeVichq TO. A. On the 814VU08t6=1605 in the SinsUdAnskoy's aess'terit*- Su3.fide Deposit of southern Frimorlye 30 polyakova, 0. P. The Decomposition of ft1YhQstann%t69 in ths Orss Of the 46 Smirnovskoys Deposit (Zabsftal'70) Topson, 1. N., BnA To No Sk&kUWV- Main Ir"tU"S of the 000109a Structure of the VanchinsksVe Depression 54 lobanova, Go Mo The Problem of Postore Aplite Dikes 64 lobsnova', 0. M. An Rmple of Horixmtsl ZqUing tn the Distribution of Ore Deposits 72 Card 2/3 NLRZLYAKOVY V,F'j, takhnik; KETEGAT, II.A*, imzh, &perience in operating th'J IZH-60 hardness meter in the Tjuman Thermal Electric Power Plant. Energetik 11 no.10:22-23 0 163, (IaRA 16:U) ELTIEGAT, N.A.p Inzh. Change of regeneratlon conlitlom I.n -rtr;n e7r:hinge filteril. Energetik 13 no.5-.23 My t65. (IMUi 18:8) 1, Tyumormkayu teploelcktrotiEmtrrd i@EGTFELYI, J. with E. SCT'111,9, and E. MIGOR L. Eotvos Univ., Budapest "The Volhard @Ologcn determination." Anal.. Cbim. Acta 9, 229-34 (1953) (in German). huricary CA: 47:12109 KETHELYI, Jozeef A new atlas for spectroscopic testing of steel- Chemia anal 7 no,1:135-147 162. 1. Laboratory for Material Testing,'Er@kar Power Plants, Budapest. 'H 2 r4,7 1- 764. M,.p ........ r..P,.a P.. --ro-rovee... -.A. ig5c. A4p ....... .Me : 3.U. 1951. 30.6. P..PGAS. I A I * * " A ' A :3 I"k 75 1431 c. . . . @ '63- H-C -A.... If... Aw a 1944. 64 ....... @ 3.m. 1943. " - 0- "" -0 .737. K.P.:.... 3...p.j- A6- -- .. P""' 193 7 IlU P....... He -A-- -P-...l 3:qj. M7, 22-6. n t 766. n* AS ..... AS. F@ :: wm*CWTS SAA H-A. A @.::. ID P.- yp-. P.. 11,57. Pd . ..... -'P" A a.m. M7, 14. 'A 1944.11). 33 C M K.P. Au .e HPONA.1 1944.23.30. K ..-P.- Ansa-posso. ."0. 33 1 7. A@,.& H...A.s rp, 4 Poe. P. -pSC 7 23.6. ---PO--A- .4-a 1956. ...V- nf- MAP"A SAAASUND CM.Pm- -Wit 66 A000604- 06 -F-A....m. .4_. Poe. (M.". 9- AH rpy.- CUI. 3.W 1956. 29. 12' Ik --.A` T-z A.Y. -1-Z P .. Cl C ... PC..& JOV.9 A-AP-- 6 . AoCi, -*Ao p- 1954. 66 C. 3.---,S Aza --- p-Som co- 3.,u. 19S4' 2'1. 11 ..F.."P . ..... ".P.-A."C" 760@ K .6 M .... A A...- -,W- mll. A.... U,p 3.%. 1944, 25.12 --$ ..A.A- 19M. 60 c. -769. xyu-ma. P-Ag- m ro --- .6 Z r6p.. -a 3'a. 1 7.21 _@ 761. X ... A.I-..A- ToNmy. Oz. ma w"yaa a ma,,y. 1946. 24 c. P.S Me ...... P.... 3.ql. 1946. 30.1. Sol -P.., -UX SAPax C T". 770- U- ....... PltYA.. El.- * T - *- - 1957. 90, c........ p.- : .. 2.1 121 P -. P- 3.6. 1957. 21.9. C-0. C&Pm. Ins. 69 C.. g Poe. (r". 762. Mra6p.. 0,&... ..., r0F.. CCpt, K "'PA"'.. 771. 4- ... AS# B-A ... P Ta, 6". ...P........ 3.a. 8043' 5.7. 763. MAPM-MISMAN rp*'.P.N -P ...... o ri., I-- -, M... -m- -.a . p 'C'.. 'I K--.... Ay- too-I . P- (H-,. lk..A. Hy. rpy@ CCP). -8 So" 3m .. P.. 1943. -C.P.4 ... ' I U%. 953, 27.4. 3.U. 1144. 19.4. plassrut1cm for deem* of "all"U Fkploo-fitath"Mu"i sal."s a S/051/62/012/oo6/oi6/020 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Al.manov, G.A., Dzhavakhishvili, L.Ya., Ketiladze G.D. TITLE: Measurement of the EPR spectrum of teflon at helium temperatures PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.12, no.6, 1962, 789-791 TEXT: For obtaining the EPR spectrum of teflon at the temperatures of liquid helium and hydrogen a superheterodyne spectroscope previously described wan used together with a specialty constructed cryostat. The cryostat consists of the usual double Dewar vessel with heat shields but designed so that the resonator with the sample is contained in a brass cylinder, 40 nim diameter, maintained at the -temperature of liquid helium (or hydrogen) in the required magnetic field. The Dewar vessel is capable of containing liquid helium for 12 to 14 hours. Spectra were obtained from samples of teflon exposed in the Institute of Physics reactor to a mixture-of n-,Y-radiation with a flux of thermal neutrons of 4.2 x 1012 n/cm2 aec for 2 hours. The general doze was about 30 megarads. These spectra consist of a single line with anisotropic broadening attributed to the Card 1/2 4, Measurement of the EPR ... S/051/62/012/oo6/oi6/020 E039/E420 peroxide radical of teflon. The value of the g-factor at 4.20K is 2.013 + 0.003 compared with 2.011 + 0.003 at 800K and 2.022 -# 0.003 a7 roont temperature. At 4.2-and 8o*K the shape of .the line is almost the same. These results agree well with those obtained by other authors. Measurements were also made on samples of teflon with polymer molecules predominantly orientated in a given direction. Symmetrical lines are observed at helium tertif)cratures, the form of which is not dependent on the orientation of the sample w.r.t. the external magnetic field. The g-factor is 2.011 + 0.003 and the line width about 40 Oe. When the power input i; increased the lines are distorted by saturation effects. The spin-la tice relaxation time is estimated to be about 10-3 to 10-t sec. There are 4 figure3. SUBIMITTED: December 30, 1961 Card 2/2 ALMANOV, G.A.1 DZHAVAKHISIIVILI, L.Ya.; KETILADM, G.D. @basurement of electron paramagnetic resonance in teflon at helium temperatures# Opte i spektr. 12 no.6M'@-791 A 162. (MM 15:5) (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Ethylene) 2339 Ketiladze, X, le, Metocbr Opredeleniya Okisi Ugleroda I Okislov Azota V Vozdukhe. (Metod. Pislmo). Thilisi, Gruzmedgiz, 1954. 24s. s 311. 16sm. (Tbms. Nauch.- Issled. In-T G:LgiorW Truda I Profzabolgvanii Ln. N.M. Makhviladze M-Va Zdravookh-ranenlya Gruz. SSR). 2.000 EKZ. Bespl.- Avt. Ukazan V Kontse Toksta, Na Gruz. Yaz.- (54-54M) 614.71-o74 KIPIANI, S.P.; KITILADZE, K.Ye. Toxicity of lead oulfide. Gjg.j san. no,5:50 My 054. (IMPA 7:5) 1. Is Tbilleekogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo Inetituta gigiyany trada i profeevional'afth tabolevaniy im. Kakhviladse. (Lead poisoning) Study of toxic properties of the dust of tung tree seeds. Gigj san. no.5:52 My '54. (XLRA 7:3) 1. Is Instituta giglyeny truds i profesolonallaykh sabolevanly Hinisterstva zdravookhranonlya Grusinskoy M. (Tung tree) 77777". 19,TILADZI, K. Yo Ketilafte, K. Yo "Material on the Chemical-Biological Characteristics of the Poisonous Principle of Tang." Georgian State Publishing House for Medical Literature. Tbilisi State Medical Inat. Tbilisi, 1955. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopial No. 27. 2 JulY 1955 4 ;*'p K, A UTHOR: Ketiladze, K.Ye. SOV/127-58-12-15/26 TITLE: The Adsorption of Oxides of Nitrogen by 1.1,ine Dust and Me- thods of Their Detection (Adsorbtsiya okislov azota rud- nichnoy pyliyu i metod ikh opredeleniya) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 12, PP 55 - 57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After the explosion of blast charges, containing nitric compounds, in the underground galleries, the nitric oxide and the oxygen of the air form a new compound - nitrogen peroxide (110 ) which is highly dangerous for the workers" lienlth. It is also adsorbed by the ore dust filling the galleries after the explosion, The author proposes a me- thod of detection of this compound by using the Griess- Iloway reagent or the standard solution of the sodium ni- trite(NaITO2). The method, elaborated in 1952, is described in detail, It has been officially accepted by the Byuro Card 1/2 tsentrallnoy Komissii po promsankhimii pri sanitarno-pro- SOV/127-58-12-15/26 The Adsorption of Oxides of Nitrogen by Mine Dust and Methods of Their Detection tivoepidemicheskom upravlenii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya, SSSR (The Office of the Central Comission on Industrial Sanitary Chemistry at the Sanitary Inti-Epidemic Admini- stration of the U53R Ministry of Health). There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseasesp Georgian BSR) Card 2/2 KVANCHW=Et G.Sh..,- UMUROV9 A.B.; KET-IIAME,K.YO.; CHINCHAUME, G.G.; KURASHVIL19 M.Ye, (Tbilisi) Silicosis hazarda at the Chiatura manganese mines, Gig. truda i prof* zab. 4 no& 7:48-49 XI 160 (MMA 13: 8) le Inatitut gigiyer3,v truda i profzabolevaniy im. N.I. Makhviladze. (CHIATURA-LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) (WGANESE-PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) KETILADZE, K. Ye., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Isolation and chemico- biological characteristics of poisonous substances from the tung tree." Tbilisi, 1960. 26 pp; (Inst of Labor Hygiene and Disease Preveation, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR); 300 copies; free; (KL, 28-60, 159) KETILADZE Kje_t; RACHABELI, G.A. (Tbilisi) Silicosis b4fards at the Kvaisinskiy and Skaty-Komskiy deposits. Gig. truda I prof. zab. 4 no.1103-54 N 160, WrRA 15:3) 1. Respublikanskiy institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevimiy Ministerstva zdravool*raneniya Gruzinskoy SSR i KaAomskiy institut minerallnogo syrIya Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Owaii'm viSTS) (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) UMM/Xedicine - Infectious Diseases Feb 52 "TrVatiment Of Typhoid With Synthmyqciu (Preliminary Data,)," Te. 0. letiledze, Clinle,of Imfectious Diseases, Second Moscav State Ned TAst imeni I. V. Stalin "Klin Ned" Vol XXX, No 2, pp 27-30 The active part of synthomycin vith respect to ty- phoid baci-lli is its levorotatory fraction (chloro- n7cetin or levomyeetin). Nevertheless, in O)CPts syntAtomycin end its levorotatory fraction exhibited appraximately the same activity f?7- The prelix- inaz7 data cited refer to synthomycin as such. The 20grT4 MM/Xedicine - Infectious Diseases Feb 52 (Contd) results indicate that synthomycin is a valuable drug for the treatment of typhoid. Syntbc=,Tcin should be given up to the 6th or 7th day on which normal temp is retained. The min dosis in 3 g per day,(2T g per course of treatment). >4 2OM4 XETILLM. Ye.S., TOPORKOV, F.H.. professor, direktor. Dynamics of the elimination of pyroracemic acid in the urine in typhoid and typhus. Terap.arkh. 25 no.3:36-43 My-Je '53. (HLRA 6:9) 1. Ilinika infektalon-afth bolezuey II Kookovskogo meditBinskogo institute, imeni I.V.Stalina. (Typhus fever) (Typhoid fever) (Urine--Analysis and pathology) K" J.LAD7.F PAISIP.-EVICH, C,- 5., KNYCNA, 11. 0., TRIV L.) -k@@IMPTS, A., V. 0@., DR!@Mf.',,, R. V,, M07APS-KAYA, 7- Y. "Adenovirus and Infecticti caused by them in USSR." Refxirt submitted f,.r tho Igt Intl. Cont,ro,-j on Rezip!ratory Tract Dilsetisez Unis nnd Rlel:ot Ori In. flrar:ve, C,-ech. 23-27 Mv 1@61. --nMLADZE,, 16S., 19fYAZEVA, L.D., ALEKSYEVA) A.A., SOROKINA, Y.Y. L'66HKINA, A.M. "Some clinical and laboratory observations of influenza during the extraepidemic interval." Report submitted for the let Intl. Congress on Respiratory Tract Diseases of Virus and Rickettsial Orgin. Prague, Czech. 23-27 May 1961. KETHADZE9 Ye.S.p knnfi-mednauk; DREYZINt, R.S,p kamd,mad.muk Some clinical manifestations of diseases caused b7 Coxsackie viruses. Sov. mod. Zs79-84 P 161. (MIRA. 14:2) 1. Iz In3tituts, virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo (direktor - Prof. P.N. Kosyakav, iav. kllniko7 - prof# N.V. Sergoyev) A10 SSSR, (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) -7.5 DREIZIN R. S.; ZOLOTARSKAYA, E. E.; KETILADZE K _S.; PASHKEVICH, G. B.; @iYAZEVA, L. D.,- TRIVUZ, N.-L-.-,-PAKT;7R1JS-,-E'. A.; ANZM..TOVI V. 0. Adenovirusee and infections caused by them in the U.S.S.R. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no.2:165-168 162. 1. Ivanovsky Inatitute of Virology, Academy of Medical Sciences of U.S.S.R.$ Moscow. (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) KETILADZE, U.S. Influenza and its complications. (DIFLUENZA) Zdorovle 8 no.3:30 Er 162. (MIRA 15:4) A 7@ j KETILADZE, Ye, S,; ALEKSEYEVA, A. A.; SOROXIIIA, Ye. Yu.; LOZHMAP A. H.; KNYAZEVA, L. D.; ZAKSTELISKAYA, L. Ya.; LYARSKAYA, T. Ya. Angina in influenza and adenovirus diseases. Vest. otorin. no.3: 9-15 '62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdolaniya (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitell- nyy chlen AWI SSSR prof. A. F. Bilibin, zav. - dotsent Ye. S. Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii AM? SSM (dir. - deystvitel'nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V. M. Zhdanov) na baze klinicheskay infek- tsionnoy bollnitsy No. 2, Moskia. (IN]FLUFJTZA) (ADFIIOVIRUq INFUTIONS) (TONSILS-DISEASES) 5 r, ig =IADZE Yei.S.; KUYAZEVAt L.D.; ALEKSEYEVA, A.A.; SOROKINA, Yeju.; L,OZH A. N. Influenza and acute re,spiratory diseases of adenovirus etiolo in adults. Sov,med. 26 no.6t92-99 Je 062. (MIRA 15ZM 1. Iz kliniki (zav. - prof. N.V.Sergeyev (deceased]) Instituta virusoloeii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. P.N. Koo kov) na baze Klinicheskoy Infektaionnoy bollnitsy No. 2 (g ya lavnyy vrach A.M.Pylltsova). (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (INFLUENZA) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) KULAGIN, S.M.; FEDOROVA, N.I.; !MTL@, Ye.S. Laboratory outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with the renal syn- drome; clinical and epidemiological charaoteristics. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 33 no.101121-126 0162 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologil i mikrobiologii imeni Gamale! A14N SSSR i Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo, AMN SSSR. Wl_@@_MK@;,_ 110@@, LYARSKAYA, T.YA.t KKILADZE, U.S.; ZHILINA, N.N. 'Uso of fluorescence microscopy for the'detection of virus inclusions in influenza. 26 no.lt6O-65 JpL 163. .(MMA 16W 1. Iz kliniki (zav, - dotsent Ye.S.Notiladze, nauchnyy rukoyoditell - daystvitellnyy.chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.F. Bilibin) Instituts. vimaologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo (dir. deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.M. Zhdanov) ANN SSSR na baze, Iflinicheskoy infektsionnoy bolinitay No. 2 (glavnyy vrach A.M.Pylitsova). (INFLUENZA) (FLUORFSPNCE MIGROSCOFr) LYARSKAYA, T.Ya.; KETIIADZE, Ye - -A Detection of cell inclusions in influenza and its complications during the interepidemic period. Lab.delo 9 no.3:35-a Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Klinika (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.F.Bilibin, zav. - doteent Ye.S.Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo LM SSSR na base infektaionnoy bollnitoy No.2 jINFLUEN7,A) KETILAD7E,_XV,S.; 7HILINA, N.N.; MEKLER, L.B.; NAUMOVA, V.K.; L07HKINA, A.N.; ORLOVA, N.N.; VISEVICH, L.L. Use of the fluorescent antibody technique for rapid differential diagnosia of influenza and parainfluenzal and adenovirus diseases. Vop. virus. 9 no-3:348-353 14y-Je 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AW1 SSSR, Moskva. NAUWVA, V.M.-I MEMIRS, L.S.; ZHILINA, N.N.; KE:TIIhDZF, Ye.S3. A metwhod for rapid diagnosis of viral resp.-Irator-i infections. Vop. vir-us 9 no.L1502-505 JI-Ag 164. (MM 1M) 1. Institut virwologli Imeni D.I. lvanovskogo A", SSSR, Moakva, KMILADZE, Yes-9op kandozwd,rtauk Clinical O:JPccto Of Influenza and ;uomo lrjrJi2on7,u).Jko (11-soauss., Virusy i virus. zabol. no.1:83-0,4 164. (MIRA JW) ..777 Z1111,111A), N.N.; KEITIUDZEY YO.S.; MEKIXRP L.D.; OJIJPVA, 11-14.; TAINKINA, A.11. Early diagnosis of influenza by the fluorescent antibody technique. Sov. med. 27 no.6:85-90 Je 164. (MIRA 18: 1) 1. Klinicheskiy otdol (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AWI SSSR prof. A.F. Bilibin, zav. - dotsent Ye.S. Ketiladze) Insti- t-ta virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo (direktor - devstvitellnyy ch'.en A1,21 SSSR prof. V.M. Zhdanov) AWI SSSR na baze Go@odskoy kli- nicheekoy Infektalonnov bollnitay No.82 (glavnyy vrach kand. med. nauk A.V. Yeremyan), Moskva. SLEFUSHKIN, A.N.; SVIRIDOVA, A.M.; t Prospects for using serological methods for detecting the role of streptococcal and staphylococcal infections in the etiology of acute respiratory diseases and complicsitionc, of influenza. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i iffzMn- 42 no.418g-93 Ap 164* (MIERA 18:4) 1. Institut virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMIN SSSR, Mlookva. KETILADZE. Ye-,A., dotsent; SOROKINA, Ye.Yu.; BOKOVA, Ye.V.; ZAKSTELISKAYA, L.Ya.; YAKIIHOP M.A.; DRETZIN, H.S.; NISEVICII, L.L. Parainfluenzal diseases in adults; clinical aspects and diagnosis. 28 noo3:53-60 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A,F.Bilibin; zav. - dotoent Ye.S.&-tiladze) Institute. virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR (direktor - deyetvitellnyy chlen AWT SSER prof. V.M.Zhdanov) na baze Gorodskoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bolinitsy Nr. 82 (glavnyy vrach - kand. med.nauk A.V.Yeremyan), ',Ifoskva. MAYOROVAP G.F.; MIROL!UBOVA, L.V.; KETIUDZE, Ye.s. Diagnostic significance of the lysia reaction of chick erythrocytes in hemorrhagic fe,yer with the kidney syndrome. Vop. virus. 9 no.5:614-617 S--) 164. (MIRA l8t6) 1. Institut ekeperimentallnoy maditainy imni luamalel i Institut virusologii imeni Ivanovskogop Moskva. '-Ids to the spectroscopl-f- nna,yAr 16 no. 6:230-23" (s 16 4 Matcrial Testirj La@.,Jra -If ry ;n: En"erpriBe of KETKIN, If. How a municipal finance department operates. FIn.SSR 15 no.11: 50-53 N'54. (KM 8:2) 1, Zaveduyushchir Sverdlovsklm gorfinotdelom. (Sverdlovsk-Finance) KETIKOt K.K. Introduction of an enwnel undercoat on thn baiis of a danhurite concentrate. Stek. i ker. 22 no.7:38 Jl 165. (147IRA 180) 1. Volgogradskiy zavod "KraqTryy Oktyabrt". Low-titanium oontent white enamels for the production of gas equipment parts, Stak.1ker. 22 no.lOt4l-43 0 165. (MIRA 18-12) KENO, X. 1. 3685o. mlyAmmovicH, B.m. i ano, m.l. Klinika g1pertonicheskoy bolezin I y" lecheniye fixicheeklmi metodamis Trudy Uzbed. gon. nauch-iseled. in-ta kurortologii i fizioterapil im Semaahko, eb. 11, 1949, c. 81-109 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 YATBUSIMICH, Y.M., prof 9 esor;%aTArlA-;,Q,,-, reds ktor; XURAKAYEVA, A.I., redaktor; RAMMTUILIN. F., tekhnich-6skiy radaktor (Hydroaaroionization and its therapeutic use] Gidroaaroicnizataiia I as lechabnoe primeneales Tashkent, Goes lzd-vo Usbakskoi SSR, 1955. 62 P. (MIRA 10:1) (OHALATION (TEIRMUTICB)) UTSINOVIC11. R.A.; KITKO. M.Ig, SkDYKOV, A.S.: ESTRIN, P.L. Treatment of digestive diseases with mineral waterp of Uzbekistan. Izv.AN no.4:15-20 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Uzbekskiy gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iealedovatellskiy inatitut lcurortologii i fizioterapii im. Semanhko. (UZBHKIh-,U--MI1MRJLL WATHRS) (DIGESTIVE ORGAJIS-DISFASES) Ou2w0o, MWINOT, Ta.K.. ZETKO, M.I. Some new ways of organizing resort therapy in Usbekistane Vopo kmr.,fiziatero i lech. fix. kullt. 23 no-5:440-442 S@O '58 MIRA ll:n) 1. Iz Usbekskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta karorto- logii i fizioberapii imeni N.A. Semashko (dir. - dotsent Ta.K. Huminov. nauchnyy rukovidtell - prof. V.M. laybushevich) (UUMKISTAII--BALTII, USORTS, W).TERIIIG PL-i=: ZTQ MUKINOV Yaox. . dotsaftt.; jMTKO, M. I. , starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik 4-------- Organizaticnal problems of health resprts and sanatoriums in Uzbekistan during the 7-year plan 1959-1965* Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-isel. inst. kur. i fizioterno.15:@-17 159. (MIM 14: 9) (UZBEMSTAN-IMALTH RESORTS, WATERING PLACI@, ETC.) MUMINOVI Ya.K., dotsent;-.KZTKOS.M..I-, dotsent All-Union Conference on Aero- and Hydroaeroionization. Yop, kw,, fizioter. i leoh. fiz. kullt. 26 no.3:280-285 MY-Je 161 iMM 1417') (AIR, IONIZED-THERAPEUTIC USE) OBROSOVY A.N., otv. red.; MUMINOV, Ya.K., zam. otv. red.; BULATOV, P.K., red.; VASILIYEV, L.L., red.; DALIMDV, Z.A., red.; KATSENOVICH, R.A., red.; MjM, M-T., red.; YlINKH, A.A.., red.; CHERNYAVSKIY, Ye.A., prof., 'red.; SHRAMKOVA, G.A., red.; TSAY, A.A., tekhn. red. [Aaroionization and hydroaeroionization in medicine] Aeroioni- zatsitIL i'didroaaroionizataiia v meditsine; materialy. Red. kollegiia: A.N.Obrosov i dr. Tashkent,, Medgiz, 1962. 305 p. (MIRA l6z6) 1. Vaesoyuznaya koaferentsiya po aero- 1-gidroaaroionizataii, Tashkent, 1960. 2. TSentrallnyy inatitut.kurortologii i fizioterapii, Moskva (for ObroBov). 3. Kafedra fiziologii cheloveka i zhivotnykh Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Vasillyev). 4. Uz- bekskiy gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut kurortolo- gii i fizioterapii im.N.A.Semashko (for Katsenovich). 5. Gospit4ll- naya terapevtichaskaya klinika Leningradskogo gosudarstvannogo me- ditsinskogo institute. im. I.P.Pavlova (for Bulatov). (AIR, IONIZED-THERAPEUTIC USE) KETY,O, M.I.; BURKHANOV, A.B. Prospects for the navolopment of climatological health resorte in Uztekistdn. Sbor . trud.Uz.gos. much.-I eel. inst.kur. I fizioter. 170-8 16". (MIRA 17:7) KETKO, M.1. ProBpocts for the organization of health resort treatment of kidney diseases in Uzbekistan. Sbor.trud.U7.gos,nauch.-inal. in8t.lrw. i fizioter. 1?s40-50 162. (MIRA 1717) ),IFDZ'iYF,VICq, M.M. [deceased]; DERZHAVETS, B,S.j KETKO, M.I.; GERSHKOVICH, L.S. X-ray therapy for hypertension. Trudy Uz.goa.nauch.-issl, inst.ln= fizioter. 136.281-296 155. (MIRA 18;2) Kj M-1 w v Ya.K.; KATSE,k-VICII, Rdk.@, Coordination of thn, work Gr ll(;814,*,l T,,@.ICj Llj peutic iristitutiann of the roplullll@@,' 0' C:f-nlrt"- ku-r. , f izio ter. i lech. f i z . kl;@@ I IL n,: . Uzb--kek-zy inEfAtut kurortoI7,gf.@ (dircktor - Ya.K. Mu7Ar.o,,', Ta:3hkon@- KETKOV, Ueksandr (Ketkov, OlekoundrIp zhurnallat Science serves the people. Nauka i zhyttia (Bulgaria---Science) 11 no-5:39-Ll V7 161. (MA 14:7) GORGIYEVI T.B., dotsent; KETKOVp G.F.; ZASLAVSKAYAp Ye.S. Autovaccine therapy in treating children with septicopyemia. Xhirurgila 38 no.12857-59 D 162. (KMA l7r6) 1. Iz kliniki detskoy khirurgii ( zav.- prof. A.D. Khristich) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i iz Dnepropetrovskogo inatituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. P6504 AUTHOR: Ketkov, Yu -# L. SOV/141-58-4-20/26 TITLE: A Method of Calculating Polynomials on Computers (Ob odnom sposobe vychisieniya polinomov na matematicheskikh mashinakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizikas 1958, Nr 4, PP 153-159 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The evaluation of a polynomial usually leads to the use of Taylor's series or some approximate interpolating formula. The recurrence formula known as Horner'r rule is usually employedi the simplicity of the programming and the comparatively small number of operations necessary has led to a wide u-se of Horner's rule in evaluating polynomials on computers. In three-address computers a programme using this rule requires three to four instructions and the length of the programme is independent of the degree of the polynomial. In the general case of a n-degree polynomial the evaluation by Horner's rule requires n multiplications and Card 1/4 n additions. There is great practical interest in