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S/044/62/000/001/029/061 On a boundary value problem for . . .C111/C444 N 2[011 (1) (4U)+ + dl, 1+ /=O n-1 I P11 (1, 1') (Alu)- 4. Yj [bil. (1) (410- + W11, -1 U, 1=0 1=01 1. at infinity the condition 2n-2 k 2n- -2~k,0(1), 2 x + iY, az dz and the conditions of regularity: All partial derivatives '3 m+k 3zkdzm Card 2/3 S104416210001001102glo6i on a boundary value problem for C111/C444 are continuoua In S++L for k, m ::t N+1, and in S-+L for k. m 4 ji~ This p.-r-bJem is denoted as the problem T. The author uses the general complex representation of the regular solutions of the problem8 (T) by holomorphio functions, and raduces MS problem to a linear boundary problem for n couples of piecewise holomorphi.- fiinctions (~,(Z), k=O,....,n-1, which on L satisfy certain k boundary conditions and vanish at infinity (problem (T 1)).. The last problem is reduced in the usual way by use of the integral represen- t.atlon of holomorphic functions, to a system of singular integral equations K&,= g of the normal type for which the theorems of F. Noether are valid; the question of the solvability of the problem (T) leads to the investigation of the solvability of the homogeneous adjoint system KIV - 0. The system Kly - 0 is again reduced to more simple but equivalent relations. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card If KERIMOVj To M,q CAND PHY8-MATH $019 BOUNDARY VALUE PROS- LEMS FOR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS@ BAKU, 1961* (Com ~ HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS AzSSR, AzERBAY- DZHAN STATE UNIV im So M* Kinov). (KLs 2-619 199). _14- 1~ n nauk disea.3c ij-i iainb~;. Vetel,1nariia .;J 1, 60-6' 1. (jlr-,vny.,t voterinarnyy vrach 1O.Aull3koy Jrinl.sil i~o bolezr.- ANDRIA3YAN, G.K.; KERTMOV, V.M. Use of local Matsesta. procedures in the treatment c-*' certaln skin disea.,jes. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. 'Liz. kul't. 28 no.4-357-31.78 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Jz kurortnoy polikliniki No.2 v Sochi (glavnyy vrach L.I. Kumitsova) i Upravleniya balineologicheskikh uchrezhdoniy Vlats,~.-aty (na-,hal'rilk M.V. Logacheva). R! DOVZHANSKIY, S.I.,; MALKIN, I.I.; SMIRNOVA, Ye.P.; KORESHEVA, I.I.; KIBZUN, V.A.; SHAVLAK, L.I.; S*IANCHUK, I.M.; KOKHANOV, Ye.M.,- P~rinimali uchastlye: KERIMOV. V.M.; LEV, Kh.A.; GULUBEV, A.F. Combined hydrogen sulfide-radon bathsin treating chron1c dermatoses at the Sochi-Matsesta Health Resort. Vest. derm. i ven. 38 no.9:47-51 S 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Sochinskiy Institut kurortologii i fizinterapii (dir. N.Ye. R-manov) i Iermatologicheskiy sanatoriy nRadugan (glavnyy vrach G,.K,Gonsales). USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., 110 17) 1958) 77598- Author Inst : AS AzerbSSR. Title : Influence of Mineral Fertilizer on the Biochemical Composition of Grain of Different Varieties of Wheat In Azerbaydzhan. Orig Pab: Me'ruzeler. AzerbSSR Elmler Almd., Dokl- AN Azerb- SSR, 1957, 13, No 8, 893-900. Abstract: rata of an experiment, ccnducted (1952-1954) by Mamedov at the Karabakh Scientific-Experiment "lase) in dry farming and in irrigation conditions. Watering without fertilizer decreases the quantity of protein and fibrin, butincreases the quantity of starch. The introduction of fertilizer with M Carl 1/2 Call Nr: AF 1154274 AUTHOR: ,TITLE: We Drill in the;Sea (My burim v more) PUB. DATA: Azerbaydzhanskoye gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo neftyanoy i nauchno-tekhnicheskoy literatury, Baku, 1957, 37 pp., 1,000 copies ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Seid-Rza, M.K.1 Ed. of the Publishing House: Shteyngell, A.S.; Corrector: Akhundov, Ch. M. PURPOSE: The booklet is intended for specialists in drilling oil and gas wells. COVERAGE: The author, a drilling crew chief at Neftyanyye Kamni, relates his personal experiences at the Neftyanyye Kamni oil field. Problems enc&untered in drilling vertical and deflected wells are described. Recommendations concerning futher possible improvements are made. The author discusses briefly his experience prior to coming to Neftyanyye Kamni and his subsequent work there. The use of weight- ing compounds in the drilling fluid is discussed as well as the Card 1/2 We Drill in the Sea (Cont) Call Nr: Alp 1154274 introduction of the shortened turbodrills (in deflected wells) and a larger drilling platform from which 24 holes can be drilled. Also discussed are larger containers for transporting the weighting compounds, the use of pipes without internal upsets and witb welded Joint.9, which pipes are sub- sequently used as casing,special three-blade bits, and the use of central- izers.. The following engineers are mentioned: Arganov,S.A.; Movsumov, A.A.; Kyazimov, Ya. 3.; Seid-Rza, M.K.; Duel#, P.A.; Abasov, K.A.; Gadzhiyev, S.A.; Loshkarev, K.I.; Kuligin, N.A.; Karasik, G. Ye.; and Karash, E.B. There are no references and no table of content. AVAILABLE.- Library of Congress Card 2/2 2. USSR (600) 4- Electric Circuit Breakers 7. &xperience in repairing air circuit-breakers, Eng. Rab.energ. .1 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. KZRIMV,, YUSUP drill Iv a reliable aggregate. Neftianik 8 no.lt35 A 163, (MIRA 16;3) 1, Inzhener po bureniyu proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakogo otdela eksperimentallnoy kont6ry elaktrobureniya treeta Turkmenbuirnefts. (Oil-well drilling-Equipment and supplies) AAR-n Longitudinal vibrations of the drill-pipo column, Dokl,,Ul A.-,crb. SER 17 no.8:671-6'15 162. (I!JRA 1/,: 10) I Inotitut nefti i ldiiLiii Amoni H.Azizbekova, An IzerbSSR. Predstavleno, akade-ikom M' Azer"SR Z.1. 111alilovym. (Oil won drilling) I KERIMOVI Z.G. Determination of d*ynamic atresses in drill pipes. Jzv. AN Aterb. SSR, Ser. fiz.-mat i tekh, nauk no,2tl25-129 163. -., I -I (k-M i6: 10) 1 - K-FRIMOV) Z.G. Determination of the stresses arising in a drilling string while it is being lowered by an alevntor or clamps. lzv.vjs.ucheb. zav., neft, i gaz 6 no.lls23-27 163. OCRA 17-.9) 1. Azerbaydzhanakiy inatitut nefti i khImIt Im. M.Azizbekova. KERIMOVP Z.G. Determination of the stresses lowering the boring instrument brake of a boring winch. Izv. tekh. nauk no.6:115-120 163. originating in boring pipes in by the hydraulic and mechanical AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i (MIRA 17:3) RASTORGUYLVA, V. S.; 13AKAYEV, Ch. K)i.,, PIREYK0, L, A.; TSAYNIITM--~. I "Tipy druyazyniya u ipanskikh narodov Sovetskosgo So:(uza. " report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethmologicall Sciences, MOSCOW, 3-10 Aug 64, YFRIIIII)IMI A.A. Uthologic and reqervoir-rv.-A'- of ti--.! of the out)-hirmAi urd Kirimki r ! f - ,~ ',-, f* U', il IPU ?, Cl~, Tol; --' !--.' 'J-, tl ~- li CA 1 fif'l-' - . , I V . -Izv. vp-...Licheb. zav.; neft' ~' gw, 7 :,c,.7:19-..12 ' (. -, . f,I1.~;RA 17:9) 1. Azerbfyi!zhanskiy iriqtltut. incftt I V~ I.:., N,. ~,~ ;: kova. p r.)c?s ~n i e c)f re, 'pL5"rlervjj f serles of a prcda~Ang ~-!j at ;lDn tjcjrIE3b. VAIII.; neft' i gaz 8no.2: 17 -18 165. 18:3) tituL ri,~,ftd ;.ziarbaydzhanAiy ins ~zbekoIL- ,U - - Ilk , R NZ~tc~ PALATNIK, G.G.; KERIMIOVA, A.A.; KREYNIN, Yo.F. DaterminIng thrj oil and gnn 3aturation frictor c," th~i rockn rjr um Kirmaki series based on a study of the Binagady and Chakhnaglyar oil fields. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.4:13-15 165. (MIRA 1825) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy Institut nafti i khirrii im. M.Azizbekova. KERII,'VIA, D. TI., Cand. Phys-1.4-ith. Sci. ~dl,9!7) Sr, .4.". ILItion of Ono Border Task for Systerne of' Crd,lr,,ii,y DIfferent-ial En.uptions.11 3aku, 1961, 6 pp (Azerbaydzhan State Univ.) 150 cooles (KL 3upp 12-61, 2E1). L 1630-66 W-(d) b~ - I - ACCESSION NRs &P50.22081 if., 6< UR/0249/65/021/()05/0008/0012 AUTHORS1 SharlYevo He Ael 71TI'81 APPMXimatO solution of a nonlinear problem in filtration theory SOURCE8 AN AzerbSSR. Dokladyt v. 21, no. 5F 1965, 8-12 TOPIC TAGS1 APPrOximation calculation# differential eqULtion ABSTRACTs The authors consider d2u du W dx dv W=?g X,! a, subjeot to p ') -, '. 7, 7,tT- U 0 =UU(6)2:~o - " . I% and Cardl/2 L 163o-66 ..... .. ACCESSION NRe AP5022081 Thoy obtain an approximate solution of this problem using the Newton-Khatorovich mettodp establish differentiability properties of the operator involved In this method, and obtain error eatimates. Orig. art. hast 14 formulaus ASSOGIIATIONt Institut mtematikip Akademii naukp Asorbaydxhanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics? Acad%W of Soiencesp Azerbaidlhan SSR). Aer- T/.- SUBMITTMa 24jul64 ENCLi 00 SUB COM )U NO REP SOVt 007 OT=t 001 E L 17 WT DJ 7, -ACC-NRi -Ap6(OT6TI~ SOURCE CODE: UH/713M 03 13VENTOR: Culiyev, A. M.- Zeynalova, G. A.K.; Suleyamova, F. G.; Kerimaral 1:. B.-A. K. i AgakishIXT~&, A.-H.-A. K.; Khloer,, V. F. ORG: none A TITLE: Preparative method for a multipurpose additive to motor oils. Class 23, No. 178437 [announced by Institute of Petrochemical Pzncesses.,9 kz Y-- (Lnstitut neftekhimicheski'tchprotsessov AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1966, 43 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant additive, lubricating oil AI'6'MCT*. An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for an inproved multipurpose additive to motor oils. The method involves treatment with phosphorus pentox1de of an e.1kVlphenol-fcrmaldehyde-ammonia condensation product. [BO) SUB CODE: 211 SM DATE: 27oct64/ ATD nms:e '540. AP7003"905 ship of the tempe'rature-heat conductivity of GaS single crystals obtained from gallium monochalcogenides is somewhat weaker than should be expected from the theory of lattice heat conductivity. The heat conductivity of TlS and TITe crystals decreases with an increase of temperature. The beat conductivity of GaS, GaSe, GaTe, InS, and InSe crystals increases at high temperatures (T > 380 to 490* K) due to the appearance of additional heat conductivity. This additional portion of the total beat conductivity increases exponentially ~ for InS and InSe crystals within the high -temperature range T> 400 to 4800 K, and for GaSe and GaTe up to a certain temperature. According to electrical measurements, the intrinsic con- i Is was not received within the temperature ductivity region for the above crysta range investigated. The exponential increase and"the low value of the activation energy within this range to transfered by excitons, Sharp anisotropy of the heat conductivity is representative of laminated AIR BVI crystals over the whole temperature range investigated. 7be authors tha#k Professor G. B. Abdullaev for his valuable advice. Orig. art. has:.l figure., INT) SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 23MOVORIG~REF: 006/OTH REF: 003/ Card 2/2 -RZA-KULIMA, Khog,; GERSHKOVICH, G.M.; U=Q=U,_A~t~j_ALIYHVA, S.G.; EMDIYBT, N.M. Some data an the state of the ovarian-menstrual and parturienit functions in women workers at the Sumgait S~mthetio Rubber Plant. Aliterb, mod. shur. 42 no. U62-64 il 165 (MIRA 19tl) GUSEMOV, R.N.., doktor med. nauk, prof *j,gRIMOVAs L.Rex klinicheaki7 ordinator Hypochromic anemia In prep-nancy. Ak-uoh. I gin. 39 no.4:66-70 Jl-Ag'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z otdela materinst7a U&ucbno-isslndov&+-sl'skcgo instillita okhrany materinstya i data-tva (dir. K.1a. Farandzlieva) Mini- sterstva zdravookhrane-niya Awrbayfthanskoy SSR. US-OR / Ilicrobiology. Human and Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5638. Author Urimova, 14. A. Inst N_0__t7_gI-V-e-fi-. Title Treatment of I)iphtheria Carriers with Biomycin According to the Method of Z. V. Yermollyev (Author's Report). Orig Pub: Zh, mikrobiol.1 epidemiol. i immunobiol., 1958, No 2, 120. Abstract: Biomycin and ecraolin were used to treat 79 car- riers of diphtheria according to the Yermollyev method. Of these, 54, 23, and 2 carriers were freed of bacilli after one, two, and three cour- ses of treatment, respectively. Carriers in whom, Card 1/2 USSR Microbiology. Human end Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5638. Abstract: pathological changes in the pharynx and nose were absent, were, as a rule, no longer carriers after one course, while those in which there were such changes were free from bacilli only after two, or in rare cases, throe courses. -- 14. A. Gruzman. Card 2/2 68 KERIMOVA, M. A.t it dhu . kiv CAND MED SCIt M*fe*+*t-" THE EPI- DEMIOLOOY OF DIPH~ERIA IN THE O,ITY OF KIROVABAD." BAKUv r 1961. (AzERSAYDZHAN STATE MED INST III N. NARIMANOV). (KLI 3-619 232). 420 AUSLENDER, G. [Ausl9nder, G.] (Ployeshti, Ruzyniya); KERIMOVA. M.K. (translator] Expansion of a function into a series and its resolution into continued fractions. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 3 no.3t 565-568 W-Je 163. (KM 1615) (Series) (Functions) (Fractions, Continued) AKHIEDZADE, D.A.; YASNOPOL-SKIY, V.D.; KERIMOVA, M.M.; KRASNOSEL'SKAYA, Ye.A. Nitrosation of methylcyclohexane and cyclohexanecartraylle acid. Zhur.prikl.khim. 37 no. 1-.22P-229 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) L 4699.3-66 E~A'( j FWT (m) /T 'j, RVIVA, ACC NN, 06027273 SOURCE COW I UR/0191/66/000/oOn/0012/0013 AUTHORI AI(hmodzadop D. A.; Taonovollskiy, V. D Ye. N,j Magerramovao AgDol D. A.; AsInnova, A. A.1 Shabano G_njKkovaj v,, A. .$- Kerimovap M.H* iORGI nono ITITIL-1 OrgAnophosphorus stabilizers for p0 ropylono 1SOURCEI Plastichoskiye magay, no. 0, 196A, 12-15 TOPIC TAGS1 orgnnic phosphorus compound, polyprorylonn plastic, chemical stabilizer I i 1ABSTILICT3 Thirteen diffornnt organophoophorun compoundn worn aynthosizod and to atod ag' Istabilizors of thermal and 11ght ",ing of polypropylene. All were found to be better Ian thormostabilizoral except onop which was also orrectivo against light Aging. Analy I isis or tho data froin thn BtandpoInt of tho structurn of the compounds tostod Indicates ,that organophosphorus Anbilizers for polypropylano should be prepared from al)ql phonolr, rather than asters of salicylic acid. Doenuso of nature ~,in 0~ air after Aho action of the ntabillzor hAa ennood, the mnehnnical )trnnrth of polypropylene do lcronsos; in thin connoction, the orfect of tho onmn stabilizora on ancondary polypro: ,pylono was studiod, and a slight d1minution of the offooLivonean of tile stabilizer wasl i I !observed. It in nhown that by suitably selecting the stabilizer and its conoentrationq~ one can offoctivoly improve the aging properties of secondary polypropylene. The orga-~ i nophoophorus compounds act not only as stabilizoraq but in some cases also promote Cmd -742-31678.M.9 1/2 uDce 678 ACC NR, AP6027273 I cross-linking in the pol"er, Thn mnnt "rferuvo atnimi P-0 O-P -0 Orig. art. has$ 2 tables. ISUB CODEI 07911/ SUBM DATHI none/ ORIG WS 002 fA" tard 2/2 () i MOVSUMZADE, M.M,; KERIMOVA, N.G, ..- Syntheato and study of dimethylaxamide and its ethers. Azerb. khim. zhur. no,2313-20 163, (NIRA 16:8) 1 KEMOVA, N.I. Effect of furfuml in selective rofining of potroleum oils on the exor6tian of uropepain. Azerb. med* zhur. 42 not 7z 57 (MIRA 1911) 5 -0 J1 $65 1. Tz Nau chno-issledovateltakogo instituta gigiyeny truda i prof essionalinykh zabolevan:Ly imeni M.M. Kfendiyem Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya (nauchnyy mkovoditell zav. kafedro-y giglyeny truda a kursom professionallnykh zabolovaniy Ayorbaydzhanskogo .meditainakogo inatituta imeni Narimanwa - dotsent B.A. Sbekht- man). KMIMOVAI N'09.j WWWx ~fg. Car expeiience in the treatment of pneumcnia in young children. Xzerb. -%ed. zhur. 42 no. lOt43-47 0 165 (MTRA 1921) PISHNAMAZZAE-IS, B.Fol SHIKHALIYEVA, R.A.j KERIMOVA, R.M.; KAMBAROVA, S.S. Synibesis of di-(3-ahloro-2-but;n6) ester of phthalic acid by reesterifioation. Amerb.khim.shur. no.4138-41 165. (MIRA 18t12) 1. betitut neftekhimioheBkikh protseasov AN USSR. -7, pISHNAMAZZADE, B.F.; GASANTOVA, !)h,D.; MMIMVAI~~Jl- - . Alkylation of some chloromethyl estors of carbcocylic acids with 1- butene and I-pentene. Dokl. AN Azerbq SSR 19 no.1103-29 163- (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut neftekbimicheskikh protaessov AN AzerSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR M.F. Nagiyevymp - ----- - --- A L 11584-66 tWT(M')/EWP(J) M WW/PM C NRs AP5028890 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/000/004 38/0041 I/,,/ , 0_/Y ~ 5, S_' V C/ , .~'- S