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EL't"ects Obse-vi2(l) Ful:@e P] L1311la ""'Ov Vil 10 ve I I p L. I rn "I I, y o 'u ". t'(! ri I,; , Uto Initial emtf" a pvop") lot I a i 1 ty (.- Ow"t-1 at I t. , "and it 1, 1 k le nn, 1! 0 t' showcd 1AI'at: Ule r71 [1;-@ 1. rl; VTI cc)m on ve I oc- i,h 1'1v_@ o,-de i, of trial rn I - t 1-,Zc. c (I I I at 1. a I of corn"llited value fol. to natc, L 11 t th@2 cp o f' p I a .."ma depet Id.'3 ve -'y I L t t Lc' 0 t I ()vI e c' 1IJ P, I_; therefol'o- 1nipos"."I.ble tc) 1) 1.nch compy,eosion veloc Lt lc@j Ii 1j," tiiian' 10 cm/sec. . Expet@1niont6 show the oanic ii, tPtIC f0l@ 0thOL' N60thOd"O 01' pult.c cornpr-ession of pLasnia. Aftun, lnvestl@iaj _- i I t lie mechanism of the pt-oces.-; whIch. ToInds, @O !-Lc 3 u J u itua`ion th"! r1ccclevat'loll 1@.' 11! @1 1'-v.'@@ I :I of' vIIIIA(! the 01, @'ko p@.'!'loJ thi_" jow@'(_-O or Ldle, I'l-ic crjw'luv@ic thLlt one ve ' L j_, nchie U of' the Otl-c ly U TWOCIO."." dupin,'r whIch lj1,'i_',ma ,-ill L I'l LI I ij C e d to Vq c 1) F omp -e or' IF, U A 11 E3 I So;! Durlnr- the ?uloe Coritpre-L!Slun of' At the aame time one neel ve, y 6 r, 0 ri g 41 a 9 rj E-1 L IQ fields to suppress eruptive inotabilit-les of t',.,,e T@,,ere are 4 f-logures; and 21-4 references, 1"7. Soviet, 0' U@K.,__5 U.S, The rroa@ rie-aent TJ.K. and U.S. reference:.,, are: J. L. Craston. et al, Fvcccr.,", -je,@eva C-onference 6n "-he Peaceful Uses ol A@o,,,,ic Ene:,C-i-, FaD-r 15, -Ii4, 1958; S A Colgate, H. P. Furth, Scierl'e3 128, 14-r )-,-20, -7@,7 h r-3on, ',-;. f@. Balcer, S, A. 5.@ , 958@; 0 A. Ande - . Colcral.--e, . Ise, Jr , H. 'V 11,*,1e. Pro,-- Inte'rn 1' , on Ion iz 1, 7 eC C. on I ation P@.enomeri@i ',,@ ('ae 1957; L. C . B; a r .1 e i@ a j A.-, p 2(-. 2-C)" f @1() (IC15, Ut STTBMITTED: 0 co lb e r; Card 10-2000 2 C &.2 AUTHORS: TITLE: 84560 25, 0 1 5/057/60/030/011/003/009 B006/BO54 Kvartskhava, I. F., Kervalldze, K. ff., and Instability of an Inductive (Theta) Pinch PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 11, PP. 1321-1328 TEXT: The authors studied one of the forms of plasma instability with which an eruption of local plasma formations from the surface of a strong- ly compressed pinch can be observed. They call this form "eruptive instability". The authors had already reported on this subject at the 4th International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases (Upsala, V@ 1959). The invgstigations were made by means of a series of slow-motion pictures (2-10 per second) of theta and zeta pinches, The pictures were taken with a rotating mirror through a narrow slit from the terminal sur- face of a cylindrical chamber in axial direction. As these experiments had been described earlier, the authors only discuss the result a of thi photographic method. A photographic camera of the type C@P-2M (SFR-2M)@ was used. The eiEperiments were made with hydrogen,' helium, nitrogen, air Card 1/6 8456o Instability of an Inductive (Theta) Pinch S/057/60/030/011/003/009 B006/BO54 argon, and krypton at different pressures. It was shown, among other things, that the effects observed depended greatly on the shape of the chamber cross section. The-photographs taken are partly shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and the corresponding experimental conditions are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. In the following, the individual photographs and their conditions are described and discussed. The investigations showed that all plasma motions are very complicated, and that the in- stabilities of the pinches are of different forms. A relationship was found to exist between the character of plasma motion and the form of instability. In the pressure range from a few mm Hg up to 10-2 mm Hg, it was found that the intensity of eruptive instabilities increased with decreasing pressure, and at still higher pressures, such instabilities do no longer occur. nkT > H2/8n is a necessary condition for the occur- rence of an eruption (nkT - thermal pressure of plasma). There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references: 3 Soviet, I German, 3, British, 2 US, and 3 Swiss. SUBMITTED: May 30, 196o Card 2/6 SONAesell "Paz. its Topos ------- 5 6 30 30 9 9 30 30 9 9 e 25 30 9 9 30 .18 u 30 30 6 6 30 30 30 28 1 28 1 C a r d '316' . . ----- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 60 90 20 80 Emxoc?b 84560 S/05 601030101110031009 B006YB054 TadAmills I KSM*Ptt 100 cm) mum we moviltuo us H Ira AYN@ PBOAS foult Aa&ASNOO T4214 UN PT. IT. mt?p am-pu. MaTQPXgA llaxopu ss 12 1 BoSAYX,10-1 1 ( 27 27 55, 12 1 1 10-1 Kr 27 15 35 35 1 , 8 - 10-2 Kr 27 (pappop 15 10 2 , 2 - 10-2 Kr 27 55 15 35 2 , 7 - 10-3 He 27 55 18 2 , He, 5 10-2 -27 10 1 27 55 To 2 He. 10-1 10 ss 38 40 1-2 5 5 is 7o 1-2 He, 8 - 10-2 27 15 3S I Ht, 3 - 10 27 mapipop: 1 55 13 3-4 He, 3 - 10-1 27 . 55 16 2 He, 10-2. 27 q1 8h56o S/057/60/030/011/003/009 B006/BO54 TadAnUa 2 '(AAMN& RAMOPUS a-u - 50 em, k - 100 cm) 6 30 60 pyrAax is 25 2 0 30 90 KBaAPGTHBX 20 30 1 1 30 go npxmo- 40 35 1 30 90 yrOAbRAX 40 35 2 e 30 60 15 20 2 x 30 60 12 45 1 a ' 30. 60 Kpyr.,-.* 12 45 1 u 30 60 12 45 3- so 90 IS' 3S K 4 1 0 AssAtums rose MaT@PU&A , mu FT. cy. N A a 60 15 25 1 490 490 BosAyx 10-1 490 240 CURAO He, 5 - 10 240 Ar, 10-1 220 @He, 4 - 10-1 2w He, 10-1 200 K He, 5 10-2 200 mapu 1 N2. 2 - 10-1 600 OA"Op 'if Card 4/6) v Hil, 8h56o 8/057/60/030/011/003/009 Boo6/BO54 Legends of the tables-. Fig. 1 Table I (Chamber length 100 am) Capacitor voltage Ek VI Capacitance [p f] Gail length Ea ml a a, l ilo _ cga us ej No.of the half-cycle of the cur- rent Gas pres- sure [mm, Hg] Chamber diameter I�mJ air Material of the chamber porcelain quart7 porcelain Card 516 84560 B/057/60/030/011/003/009 Boo6/BO54 Shape cli of the coil w w r--7 round r- ca 4.4 square 4A H rect- ct 0 > 0 angL@ -0 @* round 0 4- He CO 0 Car d 6 16 Table 2 (Chamber length a-u-50 am, k - 100 am) M Gas '03 Material of the chamber 04 prea.0 sure Emm r-7 I M 44 Cd w H 1. .0 0 air 0 "0 0 4- 0 0 0 A @H 42 1 0 w glass quartz porcelain 8361o S/05 60/0!,6/005/043/050 B006YB063 AUTHORS: Kvartakhava, I. F., Kervalid Gvaladze, Yu. 3. TITLE: Instability of an Induction Pinch PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoraticheskoy fizikij 19609 Vol. 36, No- 5# PP- 1641 - 1643 TEXT: The present "Letter to the Editor" gives a fundamental represen- tation of plasma motionTin inductive (theta) pinches, and describes the experimental conditions under which the accompanying photographs were taken. At the Fourth International Conference on Ionization Processes in Gasep, held at Upsala in 1959, the authors gave a report on the new kinds of instability of linear and inductive pinches, which had been ob- served during a compression shock in a plasma. These phenomena had been detected photographically. In the present paper) the authors report on further investigations carried out with a quick-acting camera of the typejC@P-2rj (SFR-2M). The effects of the instability of V@-pinches were reed-rded on a time magnifier basis. These effects are related to an azimuthal inhomogeneity of the velocities of the radial motion of the Card 1/3 83610 Instability of an Induction Finch S/056/60/038/005/043/050 B006/BO63 plasma during the compression shook. The various experimental conditions are given in a table. Glass or porcelain vessels served as discharge chambers, and air, nitrogen, and Eelium (pressures of 0.1 torr; one ex- perimental series waa performed with He at 0-07 torr) were used as dis- charge gases. The accompanying Fig. reproduces some of the photographs., the major part of which were taken in cylindrical discharge chambers. Those in the last two rows were taken in chambers with square cross sec- tions. The exposure was 0.5 psec, and there was an interval of 2 psee between the various exposures. The photographs are described in detail along With the forms of the individual columns and the effect of the compression shook on them. All these effects vanish at higher gas pres- sure. Also in the case of smaller chamber diameters, they are largely reduced or absent. These phenomena are primarily due to the magneto- hydrodynamic character of plasma motion in the magnetic field. For example, the azimuthal rotation of the expansion figures of the pinch in comparison to the compression figures is indicative of the signifi- cant role played for these processes by the reflection of shook waves at the magnetic fields captured by the plasma. The changes of the spatial figures are such as to remind one of the phenomena of an elastic Card 2/3 8361C Instability of an Induction Pinch S/056Y60/036/005/043/050 Boo6/Bo63 body whose "coefficient of elasticity" is largely dependent on the direc- tion of the magnetic field. A qualitative analysis of the data obtained shows that the plasma is not in equilibrium when it is in the maximum compressed state. Comparatively weakly damped intense macroscopic mo- tions are induced in it, which lead to eruptive instabilities. The lat- ter render it difficult to obtain a high-temperature plasma in pulsed processes. Details of these investigations will be published at a later date. There are I figure, 1 table, and l'Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: January 23, 1960 Card 3/3 21537 S/057/61 1031100410031018 c2 13125[B205 AUTHORS: Plyutto, A. A. and KervalidLe@, K_t__N. TITLE: Calculation of the radial motion of plasma in the case of an induction pinch PERIODICAL: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no- 4, 1961, 400-406 TEXT: The present paper deals with the calculation of the motion of plasma on the assumption that the current -carrying layer has an infinite conductivi- ty and the plasma is completely raked. Particular attention has been paid to the physical aspects of the problem. The equation of motion is considered on the following simplifying assumptions: The breakdown through the gas occurs instantaneously. The magnetic field between plasma envelope and solenoid is given by B, - 4ni/c - B. The plasma motion is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The equation of motion for the plasma front reads: d (M dr) . -(@! - P)2Ttr (1), where B is the magnetic field strength,:M @it dt 8n the mass per unit length of the plasma front, and P the initial pressure of Card 1/10 21537 S/05 61/031/004/003/018 Calculation of B125YB205 the gas. since M - nQ(R 2 _ r2 and B - OI/c, it follows from Eq. (1) that d [(.2 2) dr r (2nI2 - r t] . 2 p) (2). This equation can be solved if Tt- Q 0 the rule underlying the variation of I is -'nown. If the solenoid is fed by a condenser bank, then the current strength is given by d (LI) + RI + Idt (3), where I is the current strength per c2 dt cc 1 unit length of the aolenoid, 1 the length of the solenoid, Vo the initial voltage of the condenseraj L the Inductance, R the ohmic rasi8tancef and C the capacitance in the solenoid circuit. The inductance L of the external circuit grows as*.the plasma approaches the axial and may be written as L - LO + Lr ' L0 + (4n 2/1)(R 2 _ r2) (4), where LO is the constant compone&, L the component growing from 0 to (4n 2/1)(R 2 _ r2) as the plasma approaches r 0 the axial (2), (3), and (4) can be used to determine the velocity of the plasma for any instant from the beginning of the process up to the first Card 2/ 10 'M05Y611031100410031018 Calculation of B125 05 pinch of the plasma column. The equation for a linear pinch derived by -M.. A. Leontovich and S. M. Osovets (Atomnaya energiya, Ito. 3, 81,,1956) is mentioned. The second part of the present paper deals with the solution of the equation of motion. For the period of convergence of the plu,,;ria one obtains t