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Translation from! Referativnyy zhurnal, -Blektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 12,.p. 258,
# 25725
AUTHORS: Nikolayev, A.A., Kersha, V.O., Polonskiy, A.B.
TITLE: Television Translation Station
PERIODICAL: Tr. Televizion.fil.-labor., 1956, No. 2, pp@ 50-67
TEXT,. Subscribers' unit In the television translation station develcped by
MT43JURMY contains the minimum of functions. The video signal, line and frame
scan signals aE well as the sound accompaniment are led to it. An electrostatic
deflection tube is used, For experimental testing 3 stations with 200 subscribers/
units each have been prepared. The video signal transmission is realized by mesnA--
of a coaxial cable with the length of a tapto the subscriber of!r=. 0 m. Tht- pass-
band is 4 Megacycles. Line and frame signals are translated over 2-wire lines.
The Interference of video signal and line scan chains with the broadcast reception
is considered as well as the measures to eliminate it. A short descrIption.of the
station is given. V.F.A.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 1/1
KIRSHA, V.O., insh.
New automaticalI7 controlled television relay stations. Vest.
eviazi 19 no.11:5-7 11 159. (MIRA 13:8)
(Television-Transmitters and transmission)
Vacuum Tubes
Jun 49
"New Books" 1 p
"Radio" No 6
Includes the pamphlets; F. I. Tarasov's "A One-Tube Battery Receiver," V. K.
Adamskiy and A. V. Kershakov's "Amatour Receiving Antenna," and K. 1. Drozdov1s
"Soviet'Radio Tube Production."
PA 51/49T100
SHCHEGOLEV. Yevgeniy.Tpkoyl@vich,proteszor, doktor takhnichoskikh-nauk [deceased];
KOZHMOT. falintin Fatrovich@ redaktor; EMSHAKOY A.V.,rtt'seizent;
BAWOV, Yu.K..ratmausnet; SMM. N.Y.,rodaktor Izdatellstva;
FXT*MF..M.R,.t@khnicheskiy redaktor
ship navigation] 14idiotelchnichaskie aredstra
m6iliog-o*si;d'OTozhdsnii&. Leningrad, lzd-v3 'Horskoi transportr
1956. 569 P. (MLRA 10.5)
(RUctronice In navigation)
Eccentricity checking with a UIM-21 microscope. lzm. tekh.
no.12t14 D t63. (MIRA 16M)
Pilot plant tests in precipitation reduction smeliting of antimony
concentrates in oJectric furraces. TSvet. met. 38 no.5:34-41 1-tr 165.
(,MIRA 18:6,@
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metaltur8iyu, 1958, Nr 4, p 14 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kershanskij,-I-L__
TITLE: Sintering Roasting of Lead Concentrates (AgIorneriruyushchiy
obzhig svintsovykh kontsentratov)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta tsvetn. met. , 1956, Nr 1, pp 48-68
ABSTRACT- An experimental sintering pot and an industrial sintering
machine were used to study the effect of various factors or the
sintering process. The chemical composition of the charge (in
percent) was: Pb30.5-36.9, Cu 1.9-2-0. Zn 6.3-7.9, Fe 17.3-
13.3. SiO2 9.3-10.6, CaO 4.5-5.3. S 5.7-9.0. Return agglomerate
was added in a 1!1 ratio to the wei8ht of the raw charge. and cohe
. 0.5,
breeze in,, percent to the overall weight of the charge- The fol-
lowing was found. The optimum moisture content of the charger,
investigated was 5.2-6.5 percent. Reduction or increase in the
moisture content of the charge by 1 percent of the established
limits reduces the unit productivity of the sinterin8 machine by
about 15 percent. Fine irrigation t the layer of charge bater
in the region of the thirck vacuum chimber, about 3.5 1 7MW?
Card 1/2 water per minute being employed, is desirable to intensify the
5 Aintering Roasting of Lead Concentrates
process of sintering in the �intering machine. If the milling of the return ag-
glomerate is in the 0-6 mm range, the resultant agglomerate showed the best
strength, yield of good clinker, and degree of desulfuration. Addition of 0.5-
1,0 percent wood shavings to the charge improves the sintering process. A
check of the drum specimen method of determination agglomcrate strength
showed it to be fully applicable for use at a lead plant.
1. Lead.--Sintering 2. Sintering--Processes
Card 212
Ifficiency of cup-shaped granulators in rolling batches and
powdered ores. TSvet.met. 29 no.3:23-30 My 156. (KIMA 9:8)
1, Vaesoyusn" nauchno-iBeledovatel'skiy institut tavetuykh
(ore dressing)
xu@ lrcatn3ml (31 AX loam QDIA 14 a?Uivertur, I'D -Vf@
317-K off 41-1 fil, jjr--@@
Ileatrothermic method of diatillating zinc out of silver crust.
TWet, met. 31 no,4#034-43 AP 158. (MM 1115)
1,* VeesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in3titut TSwetmet.
AUTHORS: Averchenkov D.O., Kopchenko D.S., Prongkin V.F.,
Sidorovskiy V.A., and Oveharenko V.P.
TITLE: Introduction of an Electrothermic Method of Distilling
Zinc from Silver Crust at the Usti-Kamenogorskiy Lead
Works (Vnedreniye elektrotermicheskogo sposoba distill-
Yatsii tsinka iz sarebTistoy peny na Ust'-Kamenogorskom
svintsovom zavode)
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metallyq 1959' Nr 19 PP 33-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors point out that as continuous desilvering of
lead Is not used In tha USSR methods of crust enrichment
are being sought. A system JRef 7) in which fusion under
carnalite is followed by'vacuum distillation has proved
unsatisfactory while that successfully used in Bulgaria
(Ref 8) is not applicable to Soviet crusts. Based on
enlarged laborator ilot plant work at the
VNIITsvetmet in 19@6r14'.?7 (Ref 9) an ecKperimental
production unit based on electrothermic zinc-distillation
was built at the Ust'-Kamenogorskly lead works and has
Card 1/4 operated from November 1957 to the present. The authors
give the results obtained and describe the plant.
I SOV/136-59-1-9/24
Introduction of an Blectrothermic Method of Distilling Zinc from
Silver Crust at the Ust'-Kamenogorskiy Lead Works
I.P. Volkovq N.V. Kungurov, K.B. Boztayevq D.R. Demurin
and others from the works and V.P. Kuixr, F.A. Mardamshint
Yu.K. Medelltso7, A.I. Tkachenko and V.P. Shchurchkov of
VNIITsvetmett participated. The electro-thermic installa-
tion (Fig 1) consisting of an electric furnace, oxidation
chamber and dust catchers, was designed by the design
.rrtment of the UKBTsK under the direction of
A . Bratchik. The works and VNIITsvetmet laboratories
performed necessary chemical analyses. The 3-phase
300-kVA furnace has a hearth bottom area of 2 i2 and an
effective height of 1.8 m. Fig 2 shows a vertical section
through the furnang, The normal tapping hole is situated
140 mm above the bottom. The furnace is charged with an
Irtyshskiy medeplavillnyy zavod (Irtysh copper-smelting
works) type feeder (Fig 3). Power is supplied by two
type EPOM-250/6 transformers with a 'Zotal rating of
500 kVA. The electrodes are graph, tized and 200 mm in
Card 2/4 diameter. Distillations of zinc were effected at 1150-
13000C, giving lead bullion (sent for cupellation), dust
(discharged periodiQally and sent to the zinc works) and
Introduction of an Blectrothermic Method of Distilling Zinc from
Silver Crust at the Ustf-Kamenogorskiy Lead Works
gases. All materials were weighed, gas flows were measu-
red and during runs for establishing materials balances)
gas analyses were periodically carried out, In such
runs a crust containing 61f.35% lead, 25.8% zinc, 0.55%
copper and 88407 9/tom-@- silver of somewhat variable size-
grading (Table 1 shows4this for two samples) was used.
The results (Table 2) of a 16-day -run in 1957 show that
95% of the lead in the crust was transferred into the
bullion which, the authors recommend2 should be refined
electrolytically. The products were almost exclusively
lead bullion (which contains the major part of the noble
metals) and distillate (71.3 and 35.2% respectively of
the weight of crust taken). Losses,ef lead, zinc and
silver, were insignificant. The adoption of the electro-
thermic method at the works (Fig )+ shows the flow8heet)
has led to a doubling of labour productivity and a
Card 3/1f 4.49% improvement in raw-materials utilization as well
S.Llver Cr,,,t 4t
of an Bjectrother-tj SOV1136-y
th@ r1st'-Umenoge Metho
as to im orskIv 9-1-9/24
dePartr4ent workI d of Distilling zinc
P"Oved . Lead WOrk3
'rhare ng C022ditl
lkrhlch are if f, 92*e4t econo 0113
ASSOC.1.41@10M, "I"S 3 gure Mies. "I the cupellatlon
9 ovlet aIq 2 tables and 9 references
:tUs t 1-4 nd 1 Bngllsh.
Us '-ZamenmenogOrski, 8 Of
OgOrsk 7,ead- svlntsOVO-tslnkovyy
Card 4/1. Zinc - kolubi
COJDblZe) and VVTlr. na t
Processing copper cakes from the zinc industr7 by means of
electric smelting. TSvet-Met- 33 no.1:26-31 Ja 160.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. Vessoyusnyy naucbno-ionledovateltakiy inatitut tovetnykb
AUTHOR; Kershanskiy, I.I.,/
TITLEs Electric Smelting of Roasted Gold-Bearing Concentrates
PERIODICALt Tsvetnyye metally, 196o, No.11, pp.44-47
TE)U3 A pyro-metallurgical method of treatment of gold-bearing
flotation concentrates, obtained in the course of beneficiation of
complex gold-bearing ores, has been recently developed at the North
Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. The method is based
on reduction (sodium carbonate) smelting of the concentrate with
lead, introduced in the form of litharge, used as the collector of
the precious metals; this is followed by cupellation of the crude
lead, yielding Dore metal and litharge which is used again in the
reduction smelting. The object of the large-scale laboratory
experiments, described in the present paper, was to study the effect
of the composition of the charge on the efficiency of this process
and to investigate the distribution of laad and precious metals in
the products of smelting. The experiments were carried out in a
25 W, single-phase, electric furnace. Coke (7% of the weight of
the roasted concentrate) was used as the reducing a5ent, The
roasted concentrate contained 600 g/t Au, 1139 9/t Ag,
Card l/ 4
Electric Smelting ot Roasted Gold-,Bearing Concentrates
0.23% Pb, 0.19% Cu, 17-46% Fe, 0.2% Sb, 0.27% As, o.66% s,
61.8% S102, and 0.33% Cao. The proportions of other components of
the charge varied as followss sodium carbonate between 100 and 0%
of the weight of concentrate; lime - 10 or 70% of the weight of
concentrate; litharge - 4o, 30 or 20% of the weight of concentrate.
It was found that the yield of crude lead decreased with decreasing
content of sodium -sarbonate in the charge. in addition, the
quantity of lead and precious metals lost in slags and furnace
dusts increased. Thus, for instance, when the sodium carbonate
content in the charge was 100% of the weight of the concentrate,
the recovery of crude lead was 85.8%j when the sodium carbonate
content was reduced to 4o% of the weight of the concentrate,
recovery of lead decreased to 75.6% and the losses of lead in slags
increased 3-5 timeBi under the same conditions, the -losses of
silver and gold increased by a factor of 3.5 and 1.9 respectively.
The recovery of gold and silver was reduced from 98.8 to 97-30% and
from 97.2 to 90.9% respectively. This harmful effect of the
reduction in sodium Qarbonate content in the charge on recovery of
metals wa.,4 attributed to the resultant increase in the temperature
Card 2/4
Electric Smelting of Roasted Gold-Bearing Concentrates
of the slag formed under these conditions. The reduction in the
litbarge content in the charge had a similar effect. When the
proportion of this constituent was reduced from 40 to 20ya of the
weight of the concentrate, the recovery of gold decreased from
98.8 to 96.8%, that of silver from 97.2 to 92.6% and lead from
85.8 to 78.7%. Recovery of lead and precious metals is also
adversely affectod by incorrect heating conditions. overheating
of the top layers of molten slag by using too-high voltage must be
avoided to limit the losses of metals in furnace dusts. Since
sodium ::arbonate is in short supply, a series of tests was carried
out to investigate the possibility of replacing this material by
increasing the proportion of lime in the charge, with the litharge
content of 40ya of the weight of the concentrate. It was found that
to obtair, satisfactory results, a quantity of lime not lower than
70% of the weight of concentrate had to be used. Even then,
recovery of silver and lead was reduced by 4.7 and 9.7% respectively,
and losses of these metals in slags and furnace dusts increased.
At the same time, when the furnace was operating at 70 V, better
result- ,rere obtained with a sodium carbonate-free charge with the
Card 3/4
Electric Smelting of Roasted Gold-Bearing Concentrates
lime content of 70% of the weight of concentrate than with a
charge in which the sodium carbonate content equal 10WA of the
weight of the concentrate was usedi this indicates that it may not
only be possible but advisable to completely, or partially, replace
sodium carbonate with lime. in general, the results of the present
investigation indicated that the method studied is capable of being
developed into a commercial production process, Acknowledgments
are made to A.S.Berezin, Yu.K.Medelltsev, F.A.Mardamshin,
V.P.Kuur, 4.1.Tkachenko and A,F,Bukharina who participated in this
work. There are 3 tables.
Card 4/4
Roasting sulfide gold-bearing concentrates in a fluidized bed.
TSvet. met. 34 no.6:45-50 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6)
Pilot plant testing of the electric smelting of high-e W con
copper concentrates without previous roating. TSvet.met. 34
no.9:24,-34 E- 161. (MIU 14: 10)
le Isesoyusnyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut tevetnykh meta.Uov
(for Kershanskiyo Voronin.. Savrayeva). 2. Institut metallurgii i
obogashoheniya AN KazSSR (for Gnatyshenko Shchurovskiy).
3. KazakbskIy-poUtekhnIcheskiy inBtitut ffor Shokobayev).
Analycis of metal distribution in converting rich copper matte.
TSvet. met. A no.12:10-15 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
6/62/ 000100;'
S/"3 /VLk.3,)
F'o'71 vccltr- od
11 ILI 43t
..aills ctrosme
olltal 01-0 61 of
c- L%ll ivig;
J@crs Of so tos b)r rocess
TVs el3tra lc)62 a I.OW
occas, '110 ao Italle Witll
J%AJ pr cl c XI le
a.aa 3-ea etla'lly O@r 53.0 t.,,tes Sca
r.1 thod tr ell -larg;e . cal
cl Me I C'o on a J-tera'.L
T r'Ar e .0. aj@jd 3.eoL( St'd The c t,,te
o'DTcxL; ta .IxlrS a te 't. I "a 15 r cell
OOQ' U'j..mS% d an -,VLX -0%,
Pyr 0011tal -Lope ,IT gVe te5l "Ol t,,,te Lj49
-YT 01.6 ' deVe VY 011cel:ltra cell "" -
T@l Lde I S 'at WaI5 oon 0 Coll 8135
sxaphl 'U 'coj-l@ 0.2
cr c otit e to.3.a st%ldied _b_ 3.3.
ills t1le 0.13.
COPP ator'Y of 1520 c
jabOT itiol-k 5-5.v
compos Ot 3.95 0.17
/t B.36 3.5.7
0.37 1 .72.
P, T, 84
pb '53-
750 1 .,Z6
a Ve
con an
an , si-02 @Ower
roca r --On 21 kg/ton, which
resp, -V'rcj - 09 fActor Of' 3 .
-Lead was 98.1 and 91-7',' The
Card carl be further proc"Sed either by an
Processing of gold containing ... E071/E435
electrolytic or pyrometallurgical method. Losses of nietals with
@31ag were small; slag composition: 0.1 to 0.2 Z/t Au;
5-7 to 10.5 g/t Ag; 0.7 to 0.9% Pb; 16 to 185o' Fe; h2 to 1131" SiO2
and 26 to 29% CaO. These losses can be made smaller still by
overheating the slag and reducing the iron. A major part of
zinc, 17.9*,/o of tellurium' and 8.8';'0 of indium passed into tha dust.
The dust was granulated and smelted in the same furnace with a
preliminarily prepared slag (30 to 45% SiO2,20tO35% ':,:209
25 to,305"o CaO). This increases the recovery of metals in the
ralf lead to; 93.25'0 Pb, 98.5% Au, 97.8% Ag, 93.7% Bi, 575'a T1
and 56.2% In. There is 1 table.
Cara 3/3
Electric smelting of antimony dust. TSvet. met. 3, no.6:39-41 Je
162. (Antimony-Electr6metallurgy) (MIRA 15:6)
KMANDKI, I I [Kershansk;7 I I J- VOROVIN, I.S,; SIIRAEIIA, K.E. [Savrayeva, @,'
y : :- I.-
SENKO _G. ' gatyshanko, G,
[Shchurovskiy V.G. ; SOKOBAEV, S.D. [Sbokobayev, Sh.D.]
SemiIndustrial research on the eloactromelting of the raw high-silicon
copper conc6ntrates. Analel matalurgie 16 no.1351-63 Jn4ir 162.
AUTHORSi Kershanski 1_ Rogova, L. N.
TITLE: A now method of refining antimony from lead
PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Me@allurgiya, no. 2. 1963o 42, abstract 20232
("Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. gornometallurg. in-t tsvetn. met.", 1962,
no. 7, 124 - 132)
TEM. Under laboratory conditions a method was developed for Sb refining
from Pb by its leaching out with a nitric acid solution. At room temperature,
at Sb refining to 1 mm, the solid-liquid ratio 1 : 3 and the concentration of
in the so
HN03 lution 4 - 6 volum.%, the degree of Pb extraction into the solu-
tion is 56% in single-stage leaching out, 66% in two-stage leaching out and 73
78% in three-stage process. The Pb content in the refined Sb was < 1%.-- In re-
melting of Sb refined from Pb under a reducing agent layer (charcoal in 5%
amount of the Sb weight) at 700 - 7400co Sb extraction into solid metal attains
97 - 99%.
G. Svodtseva
[Abstracter's not@-. Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Nershans - and Zelenslcaya, L.I.
High recovery of rhenium during clectrothermic
processing of raw copper concentrates
Tsvetnyye metally, no. .;, 1963, 50 - 59
T M-T: The object of the preaCtLt paper was to demonstrate
,that the difficulties encountered in attaining complete recovery
of rhez@ium present in quantities of up to 40 g/t in some copper
concentrates can be overcome by using electric instead of
reverberating furnaces for smelting and refining the concentrate.
To this end, the authors describe operational experience accumu-
lated at various plants, in which the electrothermic process
developed at VNIITsvetmet is used. The data,quoted in tabulated. I
form, include the following: concentration and distribution of
rhenium, in the products of smelting operations; distribution of
rhenium losses at various stages of this smelting process;
characteristics of the gases and dusts produced during smelting of
granulated concentrate; the effect of the composition of the
revert solution on the concentration and distribution of rhenium
High recovery of .... E193/E383
in the products of wet purification of furnace gases; concen-
tration and distribution of rhenium in the products of smelting
of furnace dusts; concentration and distribution of rhenium. in
the products of dust-catching operations during the converter-
smelting of copper-rich matienj cheinical composition of dusts and,,
slags; concentration and distribution of rhenium during hydro-
metallurgical treatment of secondary dusts and slimes; concen-
.tration and distribution of rhenium in the products of leaching
of converter dusts and wet electrofilter slidle; characteristics
of the rhenium-bearing solution to be treated by adsorption on
activated charcoal; rhenium-adsorption capacity of activated
charcoal as a function of the Na Co and 101n04 content of the
solution. Conclusions: 1) i:C elogtrosmelting is used for
processing raw, rhenium-bearing copper concentrates, 900,10 of the
rhenium present in the concentrate can be recovered in the final
product (sodium perrhanate)o 2) In smelting rhenium-bearing
copper concentrates 60-709' of the rhenium finds its way to the
gaseous phase, the remainLr being concentrated in the matte; the*
proportion of rhanium found in the slags is negligible. When the.;
Card 2/3
High recovery of .... E193/E383
matte is smelted in a convertor, the emtire rhenium content in
driven off with the gaseous phase. No rhenium has been found in
crude copper and only traces in the converter alags. 3) A wet
gas-purifying process, in which A dry cyclon, scrubbers (with and
without checkers) and wet electrofiltors are used, provides a
means of recovering 99.804 rhanium from the gaseous phase. 4) The@
possibility has been established of combining the recovery of
rhonium,from the gaseous phase ifith the leaching operation.
Maximum recovery (more than 90%) of rhenium in the solution is
attained with a solution containing 1 9/1. ICRnO4- 5) The bulk of
rhonium losses is noted in lead cakes which, consequently, have to.
be further treated to recover the rheLaium. This treatment is best@'
carried out at a copper-smelting plant equipped for the recovery
of rhenium an a by-produe There are 11 tables.
Card 3/3
Pilot plant tests in Frecipitation reduction smedting of antimony
concentrates in electric furraee13. TSvet. met. 38 no.5:34-41 My '65.
(MIIIA 18:6',
VC)RUNIN) I.S.; iQi, TAIT':11kilov, S.T.; 13"'YLIN' Ya.,?.;
introduction of the ziric condcjnvf;.t@on proceas in the electrothennal
treatment of silver foam, VML. met. 38 no.21:18-2.1, F 165.
OTIRA 18:3)
-7. 1 @ . tu RA PUlf , 0 , @@' -
Y-,-,R5HPJ,'-1Kly, I , yj,.r,"@J
-,-. , -, @@,r
Pra parittlo, of, ct)-p@r concentrat@',:' '.
75vat'. met. 3B no.4jZ2-27 Ap 165. (MIRA 18t "
00 1 ft IN-6;P .1, 11 BA,9Kj I.L.; SHISHKINA, M.V.
Structure of the product of silvan polymerization in the presence
of a complex metallo-organic catalyst. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim.
no.6:1095-1101 Je 164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza im. A.V. Topchiyeva AV SSSR.
Revision of the AiD-Union State Standard for plurging cements Neft
khoz*35 no*2922-24 7 157* (MIkHA 10:;)
(Oil well cementing)
ALEKPFMV. Aga Mekhti Salman ogly; UR 3AUH, I.M., radaktor;
GONCHAROV, I.A., tokhnicheakir
(Plugging cement for oil and gas wells] Tanponashrve teamenty
dlia naftianykh i gasovykh skyashin. Baku, Azarbaidshanskoe Goo.
izd-vo neftianot i nauchno-tokhn.lit-ry, 1955. 324 p. (MT.RA 8:11)
(Oil well drilling)
Modernization of the IS51N eouplfLng boring machine. Stroi. mat*
9 no.7:26 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:11)
ALEKPERCq M.S. inzh.; KrMjJEN13AUII) I.M.., inzh.
---...- _- -
I p
-_ __
Protective casinga made of asbest,)O CemOut PiPes for
oil wells. Stroi.mat. 7 no.6:24-25
of off.-shore
(Asbestos cement,) (oil well drilling, submarine)
metal piles
Je 161.
OaRA l4t7)
Over-all mechimization of the casting of asbestos-cement pipes
on the ATM-3 machine. Stroi.mat. 8 no.2%27-28 F 162.
(FdRA 15;3)
1. Glavnyy inzh. Bakinskogo kcmbinata asbestotsementnykb i
keramicheskikh izdel-iy (for Kershenbaum). 2. Glavnyy makhanik
Bakinsko o kcmbinata. asbestotetementnyVh i keramicheskikh
izdeli.v Ifor Trushchelev).
(Pipe, Asbestos-cement)
Restoring the bronze grating on cylinders of sheet-molding
machines. Stroi. mat. 8 no.12126 D 162. (KRA 161l)
Welded diaphragm pump with one or two plungero for slip. Stak.
i ker. 19 no.nt39 N 162. (MM 15tl2)
(Pumping machinery) (Cerodos)
KgRSHENBAUM, I.M., inzh.; TRUSHCHELEV, A.I., inzh.
Yodernizing the machine tool for rounding off the ends of asbestos-
cement pipes. Stroi. mat. 9 no.4t22-23 Ap 163. (NIRA l6t5)
(Pipe, Asbestos-cement)
Grill tiles foi, ventilating ducts and heating appliances. Stek.
i ker. 22 no.2;35-36 F 165. WIRA 18:3)
.. ... .. .
Ball mills for wet grinding with a central drive. Stek. i
ker. 22 no.11:36 N 165. (MIRA 18:11)
Determining the momentLo, dge knurling of toothingo Trudy
MINMiGP no-34:157-164 161o (MIRA .14-32)
(Metal-cutting tlools)
Vibroohock unit for horizontal drilling* Trudy MINKHiGP 46:
34-45 164.
Dynaaio@ load on a bit in vortical d-rilting with bottom enginE
Equation fnr the longitudinal vibc-ati,)n of a drilling string.
lbid.36o-6, .1 1 (M,1RA 17.
KERSIMTBAUM) N.Ya., inzh.; MIMYEV, V.I., inzh.
Calculated parameters of the vibration impact method of building
crossings. Stroi.truboprov. 7 no.9:16-18 S 162. (WRA 15:11)
1. Spetsialluoye konstruktorskoye byuro "Gazatroymashina",
(Pipe-laying machinery)
Dynamic stability ot OPO-laYing 'Aacbiner7. Stroi. truboProv-
8 no.4t33-36 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Spetoial'.d@,. konstruktorsIcOYs b7urO "Gazetroymashina%
(pipe-laying machin3ry)
Effect of eccentric impact on the efficiency of the orp-r@
shock units. Strol. truboprov. 9 no.10t24-26 0 '64.
1. Sretslal'noye konstruktcrnkor byiiro "Grizstroy-mashinal
, , r 71 -, * 1 .
_1 , _ I _ -. , tZ - 11 .
Bench for tosi-.Ing 92fiso F, JUStiC. I)jp,@@ f'r
1@ 17, .-, , - ; I-
Mash. .,' obor. 1 (@4 (.,,, TqA I g , -i )
1. Monkovskly ln@@titut ne.";~-~kiii,,,-,Ic-.i~.E~se-f.,,~, i ga --, -@ Y- -p r C, m "- f, 1 en -
no3ti irl. akadpm@ka flubkIna.
V. Ya.
-W�@MATP - - -:
ponsibilitY of using glass-reinforced for oil 6nd gas
pipelines. Traisp. i khran, nefti i neftqprod nooll:3--5 164.
(MIRA 18:1
1. Moskovald-ir ordena, Trudovogo Krasnoge Zrjaneni ins titut nef tekhimi
8koy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akqdemika Gubkina.
Certain structural changes in the design of pipelines brought
about by the use of glass-reinforced plastic pipes. Transp.
i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.50-5 165. (MIRA l8tlO)
1. Moskovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamen'. institut
neftakhimicheakoy i gazovoy proqrahlennoW IT Imeni eked.
@T$IA gam-- 77LIr-p-MMINU@
Bam, YA. M. ^or
KERsHEN oleum @ ry hoi:kv,j, li . nauch.
. zidus t j
ipment u.ed in the petr 50-22027)
Production technologY for eqU 190. 05 P. (
-tekhn. izd-vo neftinnot i &tOrnotopjivnoi lit-ry,
Petroleum Engineering,
"The Technology of Oil-Well Equipnent Productionpil GostoptekhIzdat, 1948.
Su=mry No. 60, 26 May 52; BR-52056899
- man"m ng wwbine for exploratory
OM self-propelled hydraulic drive borl (MLRA 9:10)
drilling- Trudy Mla no .16:168-175 1560
(Boring machinery)
- - ""M
Flexible ebain
176-182 156.
cable of a deep well pump.
(Oil well Pumps)
Trudy MNI no.16:
(MLRA 9.10)
AUTHOR: Kershenbaum, Ya. M.
TITLE: The Use of Insert Bits (0 primenenii vstavnykh dolot)
PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1957eNr 6, pp. 22-26 (USSR)
ABSTRA.^T: Lowering and hoisting operations consume 10-50 percent of total
drilling time. To shorten the time of these operations a method of
changing the bit without raising the drill pipe has been devised. The
bit is lowered through the drill pipe and upon reaching the bottom of
the well It ammen Ile iforking poultiQn, The worn-out bit la placecl
in a traveling position with the aid of an overshot and brought to the
surface. In turbine drilling a motor is lowered together with the bit.
The limited internal diameter of drill. pipes tends to complicate the
design of two-cutter bits, making them slightly weaker than ordinary
cutter bits. The complicated construction of the bit and the fact
that it has only two cutters lowered the footage per run. Keeping in
mind that the use of insert bits is especially practicable in drilling
deep wells and thatthe trend in drilling is towards wells of small
diameter, insert bits Nos. 10, 8, and 6 should be designed for use
with 6 5/8, 5 9A6, and 4 1/211 drill pipes. First of all, the
duration of lowering and hoisting, operations connected with the
replacement of an insert bit has to be determined. Such data
should be of assistance in establishing some guides to the
Card 113 effectiveness of insert bits in Irilling. Mathematical formilas
The Use of Insert Bits (cont.)
are given for the calculation of time required to make a round trip with an
ingert bit, the duration of one run using a regular and an insert bit in
rotary and turbine drilling, the total time of drilling a well, the total
time for lowering and hoisting operations using insert bits in turbine
rotary, and electric drilling. The effectiveness of drilling with an insert
bit is measured by an efficiency coefficient representing the ratio of total
drilling time of a given well (interval) with regular bits to the total
drilling time of the same well (interval) with insert bits. Insert bits were
tested at certain wells of the Saratov Petroleum Association (garatovneftf)
and the Dagestan Petroleum Association (Dagneft') with the following results:
The penetration rate and duration of actual drilling are identical for regular
and insert bits. The speed at which bits can be lifted or lowered varies from
1 to 2 m/sec. An overshot can be lowered at a rate of 3-5 m/sec. The time
required for preparatory, finishing, and related operations is 0.6 hr. for an
insert bit and 1 hr. for a regular bit. However, tha footage drilled by a
two-cutter bit is less than that drilled by a regular bit, the ratio being 5-7.
Two examples of drilling with insert bits are given. In general the use of
insert bits reauces the time of drilling operations, although in certain
unique situations thin may not be the caae. In spite of its positive aspects
the insert bit is not being used on a large scale. Before the design of
Card 2/ 3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr 10, p 80 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Kershenbaum, Ya.M., Krylov, K.A., Gritsayenko, Yu.A.
TITLE: Hot Knurling of Drill Roller Bit Teeth (Goryacheye nakat,@-
vaniye zublyev sharoshek burovykh dolot)
PERIODICAL: Materialy Mezhvuz. nauchn, soveEhchaniya po vopr. novoy
tekhn. v neft. prom-sti. 1958, Vol 3, pp 114-155
ABSTRACT: A description is offered of 4 methods of knurling the teeth
of drill roller bits of grades 1ZKhNZ, 40, 40KhN, and 30KhGS
steels. The methods are developed by the Department of
Machinery Engineering Technology of the Moscow Petroleum
Institute and introduced at the "Krasnyy Metallist" (Red Metal
Workei@Plant in Konotop. Note is taken of the long life of the
roller bit teeth, the considerable saving of material, and the
high output rate of this process. The heating procedure and
the types of tools and their service lives are presented.
1. Well drilling--Equipment 2. Cutting
Card I 11 3. Cutting tools--Temperature factors
AUMOR: Kershenbaum, Ya.M. SOV/92-58-6-19/30
New'Machniques in Wbterranean H3conclitioning of Oilwells (0 novoy
tekhnike v podzemnom remonte okvmzhin)
PMODICAL: Neftyanik., 1958 3Nr 6., pp 21-23 (USM)
ABSTWT: The author states that the analysis of the time spent on subterranean
reconditioning of wells has indicated that operations ca.,@ried out by hand tools
take 90 percent of all the time needed for this job, and of these 90 percent
55-65 percent represent the time spent on sinking and lifting operations. It is
understood therefore that a revision of well reconditioning methods is called for.
One of the changes :in reconditioning methods which is being studied by the
Giproneftemash institute, is the replacement of the rigid hanger for deep in-
serted pumps by a flexible hanger. 7he author explains modifications which are
to be made in the derrick and pumper for using a chain-hanger, and shows the
modified equipment in Fig. 1. Tentative estimates indicate that it would take
not more than 10 minutes to lift the pump from the depth of 1,000 m. if the pirap
is suspended on a chain-hanger moved by the electrically driven pump Jack. How-
ever there 'is another possible way of using the flexible pump hanE;er. In this
case the equipment is powered 'by a tractor having a special outfit as shown in
Fig. 2. The author explains hav this slightly modified equipment works and he
shows in Fig. 3 how the hanger may be ectracted from the well by a fishing tool
Card 1/2
New Techniques in Subterranean Reconditioning (Cont.) SOV/92-58-6-19/30
if its chain breaks. First experiments were made with the 370 m. long flexible
hanger consisting of several chain sections. It took 3-5 minutes to lower such a
chain to a depth of 445 m- After two months the punWer interrupted the supply of
mud because of chain rupture. Experimental operations have proved, however, that
a chain made of 20KhGS or 30KhGS metal with tempered steel surface can be successfully
used as deep pump hanger which may be sunk to the depth of 1,000 m. It has been
ascertained t'siat the oilvell reconditioning equipment with a chain hanger should
be either light or should be moved by the electric motor of the pvmp Jack. The
author suggests that farther tests with flexible hangers be conducted in various
oilwells. There am 3 figures.
1. Petroleum industry-USSR 2. Wells-Maintenance
3. Hoists-Design 4. Pumps-Performance
Card 2/2
I IMHMMU4, Ya..M.-
Ponsibilitien of decreasing bit chango time. Izv*vy@&Uchobo
zav.; noft' i gas 1 no.10:41-45 '58. (MIRL.12:4)
1. Moakovakiy Inatitut neftakhtmichookoy i gazovoy prorAyahlen-
nostl imeni akademika I.M.Gubkins.
(Oil well cirilling)
Kershenbaum. Yakov Markovich
Smena. dolota, bez pod"Yema barillnoy kolonny (Replacing Rock Bits Without Lift-
Ing the Drill Collimn) Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1959. 102 p. 2,700 copies printed.
Ed.: N.S. Timofeyev; Executive Ed..#. N.D. Dubrovins; Tech. Ed.: A.S. Polosina.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel engaged in
oil-well drilling and for. scientific workt :a and designers attempting to de-
velop methods of facilitating tool-oinking and. lifting operations.
COVERAGE: The book reviews the problem in oil-weli drilling of replacing worn bits
without lifting the pipe string column. The flow of solids in a constrained
stream of drilling mud is investigated, and efforts made to develop special in-
serted bits and accessories for rotary and turbine drilling are sil-rized. Ex-
periments conducted wit.'s differemL inseeted-bit systems Are lescribed. The organiz-
ation 6@f .-the drMing -6rew * redommended for drilling with inserted bi@s is re -
vieved, and the *resulting- ec"o-nomy of tima is illustrated. The book contains
Card 1/4
Replacing Rock Bits (Cont.)
numerous designs of inserted rock bits, accessories, and equipment, as well
as tables, diagrams, and computations. The book also contains comments of the
editor, N. Timofeyev. The author thanks Eng;Lneers, M-1. Kornev, E.A. Diffine,
V.M. D@binin, E.I. Tagivev, R.As Ioaznesyau, N.N. Kalqykov, G.S. Yuzbashev,
and members of the Oilfielit Machinery and EqLUp3@_-_-t D@r.@,nt of InTh.
Be also tlianks P3trole=Engineerz9.7_. Kuvykin, N.S. Timofeyev, A.T. Shmarev,
V.I. @tuxavleako, I.S. Blukhin, N.A. MuZanlinskiy, O.A. Mezhlumov, A.M. Slepyan,
N.G. 111in1v and others for their aid in conducting experiments. There are 76
references., all Soviet.
From the Editor 3
Introduction 5
Ch. I. Progress Made in Replacing Rock Bits Without Lifting Drill
Columns 10
Ch. II. Flow of Solids in a Constrained Stj;eam of Drilling Mud 19
Simulation of the process of sinking rock bits in the drill column 22
Experiments in determining the resistance coefficient C 22
Approximate determination of the speed at which an inserted bit moves
in a drill colunm 32
Card 2/4
Tbchnical and economic efficiency of existing methods of increasing
labor productivity in tool-sinking and lifting operations 79
Changing the drilling process when bits are replaced without
lifting the drill column 83
Prospects for applying the method of replacing rock bits without
lifting the drill amlumn, 96
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
card 4/4
V A.
on J. 'a 11
1. iv -2 r @i
I-A if
25(277) SOV/1.17-59-4-13/36
AUTHORS: Funberg, A.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Kershenbaum, Ya.14- Engineer
TITLE: The DresLing of Abrasive dheels During High-Speed Grin-
PERIODICAL: 1959, Nr 4, pp 28-@110 (USSR)
TITLE. The article deals with the traces left by the
dressin- tool on the work surface of :--rinding
wheels and so caustn,5 traces on the surface of the
ground work. It was revealed in a study carried out
by E1,11UMS in 1954 and previously described ("Stanki i
instrument" Nr 6, 1954@, by L,.I,, Zalkind) that it is
possible to obtain a high finish of surfaces by
dressing the grindinG wheel with dressinL-- tool feed
of 0.01 to 0.03 mm. per revolution of the grinding
wheel, when the feed per wheel revolution isronsider-
ably shorter than one Grain and therefore the traces
Card 113
The DressinG of Abrasive 'Wheels During High-Speed Grinding
on the Ground work surface are determined by the
traces of' wheel material Grains broken by the
dressing too.l,, It was proven in experiments that dres-
sing with very fine feed results in surface fin:-sh
class '110" and hiGher in grindinG with medium-gra-in
wheels. It was also found that the expensive and s--axre
dressing diamonds can be replaced by other dressing
materials in the case of hir-h-speed Grinding (wheel
surface velocity over c5O meter/sec@)@ The article in-
cludes the results of experiments carried out with
dressing diamondsY solid hard-alloy disks... d-..sks made
of hard alloy grain material, of thermocorundum', and
of black carborundum, and with the use of a Linnik
double microscope for the measurements of the surface
roughness obtained (Shown in table). It is mentioned
that the existing Soviet dressing devices with hard-
alloy disks, used in conventional grinding, cannot
Card 2/3
@';Ov/ il7-59-4-13/36
The Dressing of Abrasive Wheels During High-Speed Grinding,
be used in high-speed grinding. The new hard-alloy
dressin- wheel design ZFiGure, p 29) includes an-
tifriction bearinr*s. Tiere are 1 dia-ram, 1 table
and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 3/3
Improving the design of cones. Triculy- HITIKHIGP no.24:146-155 '59.
(MIRA 13:3)
(Boring machinery)
Replaceable extenoion bits. Neft.khoz- 37 no,3:33-37 Mr '59.
. . (MIRA 12:5)
(Boring machinery)
KIMSHEMBAUM, Ya. M., Coc T cl@ SO (diss) .-- "Inv-sti,la',Ion of the pro'blem's con-
nected with chnn in[-, a drill bit witho,@t hoisting thr, drill collimn". 'Moscow,
1 21 pp Hi--hr-r and 7nte@r Spec ';ii:,,c RSFSR, t-'Oscow (,rdcr of Labor
Red Bnnner Lint of the Petro] eum-Chem and @-,as Tnri,i:3try Im T. '.', r,11bkin),
150 cories OU, NO 14, 191'iiO, 131)
Year and breakdown of small-diameter bit cutters. TrWy KIMMIGP
no.29:11-18 ?60. (MIU 13 S 12)
(Boring machinery) (Keehanical wear)
HORS: Kershenbaum, ]LA
AM Funberg, A. L.
TITLE: The quality of the surface layer of oil industry equipment parts
subjected to high-speed grinding
PEMODICAL: Reforativnyy zhu@nal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 4, 1962, 84 - 85,
abstract 4B531 (1114avosti neft. I gaz. teldin. Neft. oborud. I aredstva
avtomatiz.", 1961, no, 2, 21 - 24)
TEVJ': The authors present the results of Investigating the effect of grind-
ing,condit'Lon.factors on the state of the surface layer during external cylindrical
grinding at high speeds of components. The tests were carried out with hardened
45 and 4OX (4oKh) grade steel specimens, at ,(neel speeds in the range of 44 -
50 m/sec, transverse feed per one double stroke 0.005 - 0.03 mm/min and a compo-
nent speed of 63 - 116 m/min. During the high-s@eed grinding using high peri-
pheral velocities of the component, no marked effect was shovm of the grinding
conditions on the magnitude and sign of residual stresses, mi-trohardness and
changes In the microstructure of the machined surface. During high-speed grind-
ing, tensile stresses are originating in the surface layer. It was found that
Card 1/2
The quality of the...
the use of this grinding method considerably increases the efficiency of the
process without deteriorating the surface finish of the ground parts. There are
2 figures.
I. Brozgoll
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHOMI: Prokhorov, N. A.
TITLE: Vibration arc building-up of parts of oil drilling equipment
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 70, abstract !B4-31
("Tr. Mosk. in-t neftekhim. I ga2. prom-.sti", no, 34, 1961, 12-19)
TEXT: Tests were carried out on automatic vibration arc building-up,of
parts of oil drilling equipment of CT 4OX (St 4OKh). C13C (SVS), rl 1 (Pl),
Y 9 (UM, 50 XOA (50KhFA) and 50 wires (compositions are given) were used as
electrode material. As cooling liquid 06% soda ash solution and 20% commercial
glycerin solution were used at 18 - 80 C. Tho effect of parameters of the
process on the built-up layer formation and on the quality of the weld joint
is shown. Their effect on the structure and hardness of built-up metal and on
the zones of thermal action was studied. It is pointed out that the structure
and hardness oj' metal build-up is greatly affected by the electrode wire compo-
sition; build-up pitch; quantity, composition, temperature and way of supply
of cooling liquid; speed of the are displacement. It is established that for
Card 1/2
Vibration arc building-up ... A052/A101
building-up parts subjected to alternating loads, carbon and alloyed wire with