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a0v Fer@7ic.-- ant', Stufl*.,, Imfluoncc of increasc-I ' -cl, in th- -it, lity C) t' wl 1 -al. Rias. Lad. S-L;R, No. 2, 19@2 Monthly Lis' o.-' lluz@:,iiari kccossioas2 Libr-,t-j of Gon-r ka, unt, Uncla@334-fi,-t(,,. BALOVIDIV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dolls.; ZASOV, kand. tekhn. nauk; KEHOVI I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, dota., retsenzen' Nachines for the maintenance and repair of highways and airfields; atlas of designs] MdshirW dlia 5oderzhaniia i remonta avtomobillrWkh dorog i aerodromov; atlas konstraktsil. Moskvus Mashinostroenie,. 1965. 1,33 P. (MIRA 1833) RIKODO) D.) dotsent; BOGOLYUBOVAI G., dot3ent; XFAWV M.. ZOLOTINAp V.; SHISFOVA@ I. Seventieth birthday of Pxofessor N.B.TSirellson. Ydas.ind. SSSR 33 [i.e.34] no.W8 163. (KM 16-'1,) (TSirellson,, Noi Borisovich, 1,893-) TSIRELISON, N.; LISITSIN, Yu.; KEROV-,-M.; YEHEL'YANOV, V.; ZOLOTINA, V.; SHISHOVA, I. More on the reducing of losses in the live weight of cattle. Miss. ind. SSSR 33 no.4:30-31 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. TSIRELISONI, N.B., prof.; BDGOLYUWVA, G.V., dotsent; LISITSYN, Yu.P., 'dotsent; RIKARDO, D.I., dotsent; qPqy,_M.A,; starshiy prepodavatell; YENELYANOV, V.P., assistent; ZOLOTINA, V.A. assistent Nothods for improving the transportation and keeping of cattle before slaughtering at meat combines. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.6;25-27 Je 161. (MIRA l6a2) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy inatitut n7asnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (for Yemellyanov, Zolotina). (Slaughtering and slaughterhouses) (Beef cattle-Transportation) KER -T-14rigadir slesare7; ZHXIAGIN. G.,tokar' --@RQY Tool for trimming wallpaper and cutting borders. Na stroi. Mosk. no.1:29 Ja 159. (MM 12. 1) 1. Stroitelinyy uchastok - 19 tresta Monetroy Ao.4. (Paper hanging-Equipment and supplies) AW DROT, V.A. . %-@ on, k. Qualitative analysis of cations using the semixtero method vithout the use of hydrogen sulfide. Trudy LIZI no-3:240-243 153. (MM 9--8) 1. Xafedra obshchey, analiticheakoy I organichaskay khimil. (Cations) (Chemistry, Apalytic-Qu^11tative) t@,!' KEROV, V.A. "Aj.", Qualitative analysis of oations by the semimicro method without the us6 of hydrogen sulfide. Trudy LIKI no.4:198-205 156. (MLRA 10:5) leXafedra obehohey, analitichaskay i organicheskoy khimli. (Cations) (Chemistry. Analytic--Qualitative) XBROV, V.A. Solubility of silver bromide in aqueous solutions of potassium bromide. sodium oulfite, sodium carbonate and borax. Trudy LIKI no. 5:183-189 159. (MIRA 13-.12) 1. Fafedra obshchey i analiticheekoy kbimil Leningradekogo Instituta kinoinsbenerov. (Photograptw--Developing and developers) (Silver bromide) AGADZIWTOV, V.I.-, XF-ROVA, G.A. Erecting precast reinforced concrete bridges in the U.S.A. Avt.dor. 21 no.9:30-31 5 158. (14IRA 11:11) (United States-BridgeB. Concrete) NATOORIN, Yu.V.-, DANSKER, T.L.; KEROVA, I.K.; LEONTSH-1, V.G.; SOKOLOVAP M.M. Dehydra',ing nonosmotic action of' the urea; based on experiments w.ith the crystalline lens and -the vfttreous body. TSit,3logiia 7 no.6053-756 N-D 165. (MIRA 19tl) 1. Laboratoriya. razvitiya vydelitcllnoy funktsii Instituta evolyutsionnoy fiziologii i binkhimii AN SS_'-R4 Nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy neyrokbirurgicheskiy institut J Kafedra glaznykh bolez,ney Gosudarstvennogo instituta usovershenstvovanlya. vrache,, Leningrad. Submitted April 16, 1965. CHUTKOY M.13,, prof.,- KZROVA I.K. r- Use of urea in ophthalmological practice; review of Soviet . I an foreign literature. Vestn. oftal. 76 no.4t82-87 Jl-Ag163 (MMA 17 al) 1. Glaznaya klinika lonixigradskogo ordena Lenina instituta uqovershenstvavani7a vrachey. of Cut r Ce@r6i@jt :7,p,_C 11,0- !;..;If 4 1'. USSSR/ Medicine Biochemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 22 32/47 Authors i Chwplnoga 0.P a- wA* Ke rova N.I ---Title-@ Ef foot- of nuclainic- acids on -tissue -respiration -- - ----- -- __PerioaoA1---t----D --AN.SSSR- 1-819420 --- Oot--U-1:1954-_@@-_- ok,. -99/5- Abutract Data-'regardin g the effect-of nuclainte acids on the oxMn demand of liver and kidney, tissues o-L' rabbits are presented. The stabiLizing effect of nueleinic acids on Vne respiratory activities of tiames is explainedd -Five-USA -drawings Institution : Academy or Sciences Ukr--33RO Institute of Biochemistry Presented by : Academician A. V. Palladin, July 9,1954 @kl Uk, KEROVA, K.I. goo" Polynucleass activity of the skin in radiation sickness. Yisiol. zhur. [Ukr.] 2 no.5:90-93 3-0 156. MRA 10:1) 1. Institut fiziologii imeni O.O.Bogomoltoya Akademii nauk TJRSR, laboratoriya biofisiki. (RADIATION BIG M 53) (NUGIJUSEB) It was foiLnd that sublethal and lethal doses of X rw@,s depress t,-.e activity of the polynucleases of the sicin, especiaLLy. rilbonuclease. The degree of -Inhigition depends on the size rf the irradiatiol dose. v I I iu lill Ilk ME,. HIR A fr-ndl tz,- uffin WOVAI Deeoxyribonuclease activity of urine in radiation sickness. Yiziol.zhur.Pkr] 5 no.1:99-103 Ja-F '59. (KIRL 1215) 1. Institut fiziologii im. A.A.Rogomolltsa AN USSR, labora- toriya biofiziki. (DESGMIBONUCLFASE) (URINE) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL 1"ECT) L EINT (1 T(M)/BD5/ES(j) A,4DAFFrcAsD ARA VEW AOCMS ION- -NR r - 31293016210001000100WV065@,j AT300236 IAUTHOR: 0h8b6tarev,,_Ye,.Y6 (Kiev) 1 1@erova, N. L (Kiev) A ---in-dogs. during.complox __.1TITLEt Certain, protein,me.tabolismohaxves t .1treatment:of sLaate radiation-sickness-IF, luchevoy bolozni; ;SUURCEi K voprosam ranney diagnbatiki ostroy abornik nauchnykh rabot. Kiev, Medgiz USSR, 1962, 44-53 '!TOPIC TAGS: protein metabolism., acute radiation sickness, albumint 'blood protein fraction I globulin, nitrogen treatment 1ABSTRACTi Experimental dogs were .@-irradiated (RUM-3 unitr 3,6 r/min) @with total doses of 600 r. The dogs were then treated with protein blood substitute BK-8 (5 ml/kg)s, antibiotics (lOOpOOO ujits of penicillin), vitamin K (vicosol, 3 m! of 5'1'of 3olution), and, vitamin (10 gamma) d6pending on t-he- symptoms. In addition the animals were given intraveno-isly preparation No. 12 (18 mglkg 0 ~thi-ocarbohydraztdo-do.rivdLt.iivd-- -17-hr@-Vef6re irradlation f or - prophy !tic purposes, Blood protein fractions were determined by eleo,!;ro- phoresis on paper on a special apparatus (made by the experimental construction workshop at@ the -Institute of Yhysiology im, A,-Ao- . ........... .... ASSOCIATION: None !SMIITTEB@- 00 ISUB CODE@ AM i,c a w.L Lt5 0 FNA WXACXQ C. U t%%J.L%WQ DATE ACQ 28may63 MIGL. 00 NO REP, Sui 010 OTHM- 1 003 L 17563-63 CESSION..M' AT300236_2-._'___"__' 1BOgonialtyet3*9 AN USSR) which makes it possible to isolate six com- j f iponents of the blood protein fraction (albuming.. a a B, B arA irgama globulins). Total and residual nitrogen of go '761#oWang'uriao lvere dotermined, For all testa samples were taken before feeding: 12-3 times before irradiation and 1. 4t 8# 12# 16t 20, 24, and 30 days! !after. Results indicate that total X-irradiation of 600 r causes hanges in blood serum protein fraction ratios* albumin content da- ;crease, and globulin decrease. The albumin-globulin coefficient is Teduced and at the same time serious disturbances take place in nitro-@ f9en metabollsm which are characterized by- Jiypoproteinemir.4 azotemia, and inerease in total and residual nitrogen excretect with'urine, All -point to intensive protein distnt-egration in the :L-- -of - these - changes Iradiated organism* Txvbatfdeftt --with- preparation No, 12 and the other i r--_t o ,substances-has a favorable affeLt on blood serum protein f ac 1-6 ;ratios as well as nitrogen metabolism -and@lhelps to restore them to ithei:? normal levels. Orig, art, has: 2 tables. t ISSOC VTTO,N:. -Ro-ne- 00 __ENCI-.O0__ CQ 28May63 @SUBMITTEDIW @_DAM A ISUB CODE; AM NO@ RPF'SOV-- 010 OTHER- -003 Card UROVA, N. I. "Influence of Ionizing Skin polynucleases are more sensitive of the liver, spleen, and kidneys are nucleases of the heart and lungs reac radiation. Radlation of Polynuclease Activity." to external radlation, while polynucleases more sensitive to invernal radiation. Poly- similarly to both Internal and external candidate diGaertation listed in Meditsinskayn radiol no. . 1964. The artlele did not state specifically what degree was a ra'ad. The annotated ..itles deal vith atadles on rodiation ptqsiolCgy., radiation biochosiatry, combirwd tfUu1W and the Inf'Lue.-jee of radiation @Qn regenerative proceBsea, --ndistion m1croblo1W and i==10109Y, Und radiation phormscoloa. L 27872-65 EVIG(I)/P.WG( r. /P-*r WT X IM @.;-)O 56 2 6 V-77T =7 P-41 TT7'T_7 MXn ".Ivnurlease ffrtlvl@y ar@ no effect of I r I -_ 0 C "Mtent SOURCE: AN Ukr9SR. Inatitut fitiologii. SlOogicheskoye dey9tviye ul'trazvuka J verkhvyaokochastotnykh elektromagnitnvkh kolebanky (Hinlo.-Icall effer, -f Jtra&c%,wd and TU-PIC 1AGS: SHF, biological affect, RNA, DNA, -at, polynticlease activity, Tjr ro@jaVe ABSTRACT: Expertments were conducted to investigate changes in the DNA/RNA con- rpnt 4r' t-he activity of DN-aae and RN-a -se In the internal orzans of a-n-imals ex-, f po-sed to 3-cm OF fteldii. Male- anct female white rate weighing 220-250 g vere exposed for 6 min to SHF fields with intensities of 0.1 and 0.5 w/cm2 . in addition, thermal controls were studi2d. These animals were Irradiated wtth IR f-cm K-24 i nr q'_,1 quch a manner vi to produce Ider! -a! 9'x!n t f t h ;z v n -_ri-lei 'lie ia n iz P a rug MIR @'F4=_M 1 L '27-72-65 -@N 14R AT5005626 a th hl 1-bb -9ilf-a-AA-Infrared heWt@ @i4i7wufo at the effect a of SHP ia this ex'Per imeIiit. must be considered "non-speci-fic"i Ortg. ert. bas, 3 figures and 6 tables, [Cnl N SUBMITTED: 15Se-p64 -77 WREP, SOV:, ENCL: 03 SUB CODE- .- 7 --" 5@" 00 , z PRESS' . j j ATD 7@ Card Z15 I MIN VI z A- @,,)n5 26 SO , iff O S w/ - , cr 4. �r 1rfr @red (Control group) PA -/cmj M UP 11 1 @fi I R; "0 CILK. 1. LAMIngEb in. rm-ase activirv in unp nrqAn; nr MR:- 014- Co,d --,'5 71% NO ER2 Its Chan @DM-ase:acitvfty iv che organs of ges Lt. wh I te rats- empose -A t- lmmediatelir:@ Aft; --r - irradiation; B5-7 days later' da@m cd, id:.--:,:: 4 p @f@0562 z . 4 . q @j rl 81: ttmedla@ely aft, Irradiation: B 5- 7 days la@e,;- c 10-12 days lat, Card ACC NRi AP6011805 6_&j6i2/b02/Q-24V6251_ _7 ol,',;jCE CODE: UH/U23 K_ _I- -AUTHOR lo@@@F Goirodetskaya _Y. erova, Al ORG: Biophysics Section, Institute of Physiology im. A. A. Dogomolets, Academy of Sciences URSR,__ Ktev (SeXtor biofiziki Institutu fiziolohiyi Akademiyi nauk UFSR) TITLE: Changes in some functional and biochemical indexes in the testicles*of ani-, mals exposedito 3 cm radiowaves SOURCE: Fiz@olohibhny@r zhurn al v. 12, no. 2 -1966, 246-253 TOPIC TAGS! -1-microvaive-_ 7anital- physiology biochemist-y ffect -animal----- mcrowave- e genetics ABSTRACT: 1.1xperiments were conducted on young male white mice weighing 20-22 g. These anima_@s were exposed to 3 cm microwave's with a power density of o.4 W/CM2 for 5 min. The,microwave source was a magnetron generator (55T cps, 60 kw, mean pow- er - 34.5 w), The effects of the microwaves were evaluated as follows: 1) breed- ing ability of irradiated and control animals; 2) the number and condition of the proeeny of,irradiated animals; 3) the number of stillborn progeny from irradiated mice; 4) histological examination of the testicles of irradiated mice; 5) the DNA content of the testicles of irradiated mice. The restdta were statistically pro- 1/2 C_@d_ L 23003-4,t, ACC NR: AP6011805 cessed for reliability. It was found that microwaves had a deleterious effect on the@ testicles characterized by decreased breeding ability, an increase in the number Cf stillborn progeny, injury to spermatozoa, and a reduction in DNA content. The micro-, 1-,--~,r-ave--effect-;iaa-mos-t--oronouaced--i=e-di-atL-lY---Ufter~:--irradiation-and--on--the--fi-f-th--de4 ----- ---F Orig. art. has: . 5 tables and 2 figures. [CDJ sm com _o6/ - SUBM DATE -nonef - ORIG REF., oo6/ oTH REF- 002/ ATD PRESS!@Y:O_-Tf KWAN, Istvan Category of the quality and the chemistry. Magy kem folyoir 66 nor 4; 153-159 Ap'60. 1. Beloiannisz Hiradastechnikai Gyar, Bud-,pest. KWAN9 lotvan; TOTH9 GO= The effect of atmospheric humidity on the capacity, of polystyrol condensers. Hir techn 13 no.5.-186.-190 0 162. . 1. Beloiannin Hiradastachnikal Gyar., Kondenutor Laboratorium.- IMPATATA, M. S. Pneumatic unit for processing alumina powder. Stek. i ker. 17 no. il:4i-42 v l6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Alumina) (Pneumatic machinery) Ef@PAUSKAS, A-1- Name KERPAUSKAS, A. I. Dissertation i Endurance of flax fiber in cyclic bending Degree Cand Tech Sci Defended At Lithuanian Agricultural Acadenq Publication Date,, Place 1956, Ka-anas Source Kazhnaya Lertopis I No 6, 1257 ,IMIPAU51:L@ A I . I---- - --il Resistance of flax fiber to the effects of cyclic flection. p. 153 (Lietuvos TSIR 11-1okslu Akademi.ja. Vizikos-tec-hnikos institutas. Darb.A. Vol. 2, 1956, Viknius, Lithunnii) Monthly Index of East huropean Iccessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 KEPXEL. E KerLml, hi-Fronius "Permeability, "ater Content, and Iron EcononW i-nder Pathological cmciitions." p. 4 (Acta-PhysioloEica@ Stpplement to v. 4, 1953. Mapest) SO: ."Ionthly List of East European Accessions, Ubrary of Congress, 1,01. 3, No. 6, June. 1954, Uncl. RUMMUA/Geacral -Problein uf PatholDLy Tmv.)rs. Cnrparative U. Oncolo@y. Human Neoplam-us. ,',.bs Jour Ilef Zhur - Diol., No 19, 1953, 89619 At,th-)r Deren, L., Durlii,, D., R)senluer, :,., Kerpol, L. List Title Leiorayorn ,)f the Stoynch. Ori C: PWj Chirur,,@in, 1957, 6, m 6, W7-339. Abstract I-To abstract. Carcl 1/1 - 24 ROSLTBM, A., Dr.; Gh., ar.; 1'. Dr. INOWAft and radiological rf intravenwig choIecyLto-r:h-)Iarw-.!ogra-ptW with bi'-Ii!@raffin. 1ed. int., f-ilnr. 9 ro.5:752-765 Rv 57. 1. Dtirare efectuata la Snitrilul cic stat nr. 12. (IODIPAMIIE sodium iodi!ismidc in cho Inne- in-iholecvr tn@-ranhy. value) ("MOIATMIOGRAPHY choIwWioch,oIacyetogmph;-,,wIth efodlux.lodipamids. value) GEORGMCU, N. dr.; ROZEMM, A., dr.1 CHERPK@j L. dr.; DIN@SCU, Gh.,, dr.; Clinical and radiological considerations on 4 eased of diverticulosis of the large intestine. Med. intern. 13 no.12il?21-1715 D 161. 1, Spitalul nro 12 A, (MVERTIOLOSISAagnosis) TAS, G7orgy. dr.; KHR L. Kw-fat d r. 1- 1-11---- Ostoomedullaris phlabographia. )(W. sobseset 7 no.4:280-283 Aug 54. le Budapeati Orvostudommyl Bgyatem Baboaztovabbkopso Klinika- Jan&k kozlomenve. lgazgato.- Littmann rmre egyatemi tan&r. (ANGIOGRAPHT phlabograpl7, ostoomodullary) JONA, Istvan, dr.; TIMESVARI, Antal, dr.; HDBICSIK. Ferenc, dr.; rta, dr. X-ray picture of heart c&thaterization. KaV. radiol. 8 no.1: 4-12 reb 56. 1. A Budapeett Orvostudomanyi Iffetem gabsestovabbkepio Klinikajanak (igazgato: Littman, Imre dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemerore. (HIWC catheterization, diag. value in congan. cardiovase. defects & cire. disord. (Hun)) TLMESVARI, Antal, 4r.; SOLTESZ, LaJos, dr.; KXRPIL, Marta, dr.; VAS, Gyorgy, dr. Clinical value of percutaneous lumbar aortngrapby. Ory. hatil. 97 no.14:379-383 I Apr 56. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi F4jetam Sebesztovabbkepzo Klinikajanak (igazgato: Littmann, Imra dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenye. (ANGIOGRAPffY aortography, lumbar. percutannous. di4g. value (Hun)) (AORTA, radiography samm) EXCMF2& MEDICA Soc.3.1 Vol.11/4 CLo_RhinoZ=7n,-,o Apr,58 744. KARTAGENERIS TRIAD - A Kartagener triiszr6l Ke W-'@a_nd r e' M Lukas V. Budapest Orvostud. Egyet. Scb6sztovAbbk6pp%,_Xfi_n.' ?tOntgen Oaztdlyinak do a Sz6vetodg Utcai K6rhdz-Rendel6intdzet R?Jntgen Oszt;ilydn- ak KOzl - ORV.HETIL. 1957. 98/10-11 (264-267) Illus. 5 A description is given of 2 cases of Kartagener's triad. An attempt is made at a theoretical interpretation of a common background of these changes, which are associated with a variety of symptoms. Reference to made to the question of the pathogenesis of so-called congenital bronchiectases. KERPEL, Robert International exchange of television programs. Musz elet 15 no.17:1 Ag 160. (EEAI 9:12) (Television) KERPEL-FRONIUS, E.; VARGA, F.; MMTYAN, G.; BATA, G. Comparative study of somatic stability in severe malnutrition and prematurity. Acts, Pediat. Acad. Sci. Hung. 2 no.4:367-376 161. 1. Department of PaediRIxics (Directorl Prof. E. Kerpol-Fronius), University Medical Sqhool Pecs. t. @NRAT 11UTRITION DISOIIJ)1#110-Ni (INFANT, PREMATURE nutrition &-diet) KERPEL-FRONIUS' E. Paediatric aspects of renal diseaseN. Acts, med. acad. sci. Hung. 19?Supplo7l-76 063. 1. Department of Faediatrics, University Medical School, Pecs. (KIDNff DISEASES) VARGA, F.; KERPEL-,FIRONIUS, P. Hypoxia and metabolic dinturbances in plamna cell interstitial pneumonia of premature and undernourished infants. Cesk. pediat. 20 no-3:317-320 Mr 165 1. Universit9tskinderklimik, Pecz 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 o al 0 0 000000 0600 0 0 0000006 *too* I a 9 30 11 Q 1) 4 It It v is 12 D *x a x np x )f 10 v U a Id 0 16 9 2 to a 41 41 0 0 ace & A I a I L_L_L_M-JS 9 X i ". j 4 - - 0 @ 3 It, -00 00 -is 111 00 .0 Ao\ The blaWcal said disgitoatic oip*sncq of tb, chi.. 611411 COUNPOt of the red blood c"achro. t).I@aj K V I&NOP 13, 4-M 411 hxhb):'-l--- "I'll lWhilt 104",.V%j that kkvtm@ "I Cl @' 1-1 SOCInal'" 9DETwAwd Cl mAtrats of red ldmxj cmlyu!w" u1sy 1@ In_ 00 vat insalt deficitucyis(thr. organjim - 11) in "josi%or 1@ij wh%M the kwol warerex,wds ch 1#41m rhrTd1iOAA 06 1 C, "Inte"t of red Waild mrtmocko 1. that .01 th, 14A"I" to is 4 n4sal.* tnew... (or didelm-Ang Im Wos.. .4 re 0 00 1000 @191106911111. 00 9 I too boo it Oft, a I a. I L A LITIRATtot ct &$%W#CATKN boo V-1- 5- 1 V-11 D;i 0 9' 1 r, .Ot "Illival slit "a If it ft NO #1 1 14 000 Go* lei 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 C*oooo'oooooooooeeooo00000.00040000*000000000 (362'3-)-'-""-'-- A vese szerepe a testnedvek osmo- es volumregulatiojaban lbe role of the kidney in the regulation of the o*notic pressure and volume of body fluids Magyar Belorvosi Archivum 1946, 1/6 (299-321) Graphs 7 Table3 3 Deprivation of salts by intraperitoneal administration of a solution of glucose and withdrawal of the ascitic fluid after three hours causes marked renal water loss both in normal and in thirsting rabbits. In proportion to the diuresis the osmotic prassure of tho plasma soon reaches its normal valuet This phenomenon gann9t be reg.,irded as a regulatory fuction.- on the contrary, it is a renal failure Involving both tubulus and glomeruli, as shown by experimentally increasing the plasma chloride level by intravenous injection of 5 ;6 Nar@ solution. In spite of thirsting, water.diuresis continued and the Dlasma Cl level rose (494 mg. per 100 ml.). In subsequent experiments the mechanism of the hypochloruria of thirsting rabbits was analysed. The chief factor is the diminution of the glomerular filtration rate, sometimes by more than 50 %. This decreases the quantity of Cl filtered per minute, 01 mg./mim). The tubules normally reabsorb at least 80 % of the Cl in the glomerular fluid, in this way hy-pochloruria develops. This experiment demonstrited that the C1 output of the kidneys depends on the quantity of the filtered Cl; and not on the plasma chlorine level. In thirsting animals salt retention is enhanced by desoxy- corticosterone acetate. Pituitrin is without effect. 1@rolonged dosage with pituitrin causes uraemia, with decrease of filtration rate and hyposthenuria. H,etenyi U:r. - Szeged So: Excerpta Medica, ',"ol. II, 'No 7, Sec. 11, July 1949 --w j4p 00 0 To!*****f Tt ? . 4 a a a M 11 - . U w 0 4D off *a It 1' 1, Of iy e and t1fint b- lilts WIT lVkOCd 90CMAGIDOWY tv" 8 hn. wit'al 14 X1 4 tinits 44 - pa""Ific Jobe ezt. (Wandultrin Rkbief). The c0l", Of tlw Urines, as W&MM4 by N and I.p. detas., de. 'U-d A"Y after an isitial rim. Thix IfYK*thenuris do _AL U S AV 93 M a a It x we G7 WOO see dos woe use xes too T_ @11'-_.__ L 00 1 0 Is 5 A a 3 1 1 -- C A -- -- - - - //--Y- AlLmoutary toxicosim; water and minefal sub"go to diarrhea. H-KcrpcI-tpxiIv% Qlks, Ifunc;. Arm Pair- dial. 36. 611-21 ( I Rig) Zin' Vnilish). -87 rrimnm. Raith Perrann KFIRPEL-FRONIUS, I.; VAWA, F.; XMI, K.; VOITOCZKY, Jo 111@W@--v*-;;I.A Clinical aspects and pathophysiolog7 of infantile athrepsia and marasmus. Acta med.hung. 2 no.1:58-84 1951. (CUIL 20:7) 1. Of the Children's Clinic of Paco University (Director- Prof. E. Kerpel-Fronius). Hommal influences an ult and water economy in water deprivation. F. KerpeLf'rnnim and J. Viltioesky (Univ. P&s. u@ Ferinex1forigh. 4. 119411(195IXin linglWO-Ilylicirtmirity of Ific runi- colluLir fluid in OnrifilIg I'Abbill WA4 frIA1,11 11. 4 dMTV.1-1 filimtkul ul Cl - ill the kidney. Reteistiall of ":A * lid Cl and lo-Lit of X " @9-ui both in thirst and after admini.1ration of de3ozycorticosterione a"tair. The latter tkerefore en. hAnces the effects of thint. The kas of Cl- "uwd in iturtual animals by pitreuin dms not ocnir ill thirliting r-AL- 0-its. Privit Ifirlicliberg r Chemical Abstracts V01- 48 No- 5 M". 10, 1954 Bioloe-cal Chemistry Varp,@J. Vonoczky-,and K. Kutr(Univ.@Children's Clink. Wes, Ilung.). Acta Paedi4l. 40, 10-23(105IXin English); cf. C.A. 44. 9=d, l08&5&.--1he balance-bet- 0 trans- ported to the tissues anti 0 consumption was studied In 10 dehydratLd anti 5 1- ..At infants and compared with the arteric @' *ous o oilTerence. The amt. of 0 supplied to the@ tissues (caTdiae output X vol. 9, or arterial 01 duenased parallel with incrc-Lsing dehydration. The decrea3e In 01 supply is jaused by a marked fall in cardiac output. Thel progressivt narrowing between 0 demand and supply re-1 sults in altagnant anoxia comparable in extent with that In: trauniatic islinck. Anoxia in delivdration is aggravated by factors c4ahlv of hirrea-4iig Me. iis@iie demand for (), sinc dehydratidn, i.e., anh%,lli -mi i, preventi adjustment of cirt) culaticn to higher im talvo'ic The treatment of an]. oxia in dehydratinit ih@ rorrection of disparity betwecijOsupplv ('-?i.icotttpitti,;rn1%cdby, cotrecting wilml @-jtvo!,tm@ - ilitre. At the samel time 0 deinall'i i--icz Al.- f". I-Vvml to lxml levels by treali" and Or"tei'. P1.111 j1Crrrrrtb.- MWEL-FROWMS, O.;KOVAGH, I.;WRVATH, M. _- Prevention of acute diffuse glomerulonsphritis in childhood. Orv. h3til., Ihidap. 92 no. 47:1509-1513 25 Nov. 1951. (CIML 21:3) 1. Doctors. 2. Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof.-Dr. Oaon Karpel-Fronius), Pecs Medical Univereitv. KEMI-FROMIUS. O.;KOVACH, I.;JIORVATII, H. , - - ', j1d"A Prevention of acute diffuse glomerulonsphritio in children. Acta mad. hung. 3 no.1:83-92 1932. (GLKL 23:4) 1. Of the Pediatric Glinia of Peas University. KERFEIP-FRONI'US. 0.; VARGA, If.; KUN. K_-, VONGCZKT. J- tion and circulation Of the kidney in exsiCCosis and Relation of func atrophy. Orv. hetil. 93 no- 32:909-915 10 Aug 1952. (GIAL 23:5) 1. Doctor. 2 . ImUtute of Anatonq (Director -- Prof. Dr. Iferenc Kiss), Budapest Hedioal UniTersity. KZML-70111&@Jl- conditions* PermeabilitY, water and ton metaboli" In pathological Acta pbysiol. hung..4 S*pl:4-13 1953.. (CLXL 215: 1) of the Pediatric Ollulo Of pool, usivertity. rMH L-7 @MZSTHR, A.; SZT, S.; BARXA, r.; ZSAKAR. E.: KNIXXIN.I. TM@@@ Resorption of sugar and fat in etperimental anhydremia and hypothermia. Acta mad. hung. Suppl. 6 no.1:73-75 1954. 1. Kinderklinik der Haditinischan Univerattat, Pace. (BLOOD anbydremia, off. on gastrointestinal resorp. of sugar & fat in hypothermis.) ' (GASTROIMSTINAL STSTEM.,'physiols absorp. of sugar & fat, off. of anhydromia & bypothermia in rate) (BODY TZKPMTOV, hypothermia, arper., off. on gastrointestinal absorp. of sugar & fat in rate) (EHErYnRATION, exper. off. on gastrointestinal absorp. of sugar & fat In hypothermle rate) (GLUCOSM, metab. gastrointestinal absorp., eff. of anbvclremia & hypotharmia in rats) (PATS. metab. gastrointestinal absorp., off. of anhydremia, & bypothermia in rate) KIMPAL-7RONIUSO Odon,-'VARGA. 7erenc; KUN. Xaroly Significance of ancocia, hypothermia, and hypoglycemia, in the f Inal stage of infantile atrophy. Ory hatil 95 no.14:366-376 Ap 154. (KUL ": 8) 1. Pecat. Oryostudom&nyi Bgyetem Gyermkklinikajawdc (i&uzgato: Kerpel-Pronius Odon dr. egyet. tams, ) koslemanye. (INFANT IMITION DISOPMRS *marasmu , -ifest., anoxia, hypothermia & hypoglyosmia) (ANOXIA, in Inf. & child *in infantile atrophy) (BODr TZMPZRATURE *hypothermia in infantile atrophy) (HTPOGLYORMU, in Inf. & child *in infantile atrophy) 1XML-FRO!Pj,,Apn, dr.; BARKA, Ilona. dr.; MISTER. Antal, dr.; 7ZAKAR, Xf-zeebet, dr.; SZY, Sandor, dr.; KELIMEN. Ilona, dr. The resorption in experimental anhVdremia and lwpothermia. Orv. hetil. 95 no.47:1292-1296 21 Nov 54. 1. A PeoBi OrvostudomWi X&vetsm Gyermakklinikajanak (igargatoo. Kerpel,vronius Odon, dr. eg7et. tanar) kotlemanye. (FAT, metab. gastrointestinal absorp. in exper. an)Wdremia & bypothe:.aia in rats) (GLUCOSE, metab. gastrointestinal resorp. in exper, antqdremia & lWpothermia In rate) (BLO(w anbydremia, off. on glucose & fat resorp. by intestines in rate) (BODY TEM]PERATURN hypothermia, exper. off. on gastrointestinal glucose & fat absorp. in rats@ (WATER, In blood defic., exper., off. on gastrointestinal glucose & fat Absorp. in rate) KOWZL-FRONIUS, Odon, Dr.; VONOCM, Jozsef, Dr. ft -Ww@ NMW WM~'9-- Significance of tonue changes of body fluids In exsIccoses In infantile diarrheas. Orv. hatil. 98 no.42:1143-1147 20 Oat 57. 1. A Pecsi Orvootudomanyi Ygyatem Gyarme)dclinikajanak (igazgato: Kerpel-Fr6nius odon dr. egyat. tanai) kozlemenyb. (DURRHMA, In inf. & child with dehydration, significance of osmotic pressure (Elun)) (DEMRATION, in inf. & child diarrheal't significawe of osmotic pressure) (OSMOSIS AND PIRMWILITY osmotic pressure in diarrheal dehydration in inf. (Hun)) ( KNURL-7RONrM, Odon, Dr. Embryopathies. Orv. hetil. 99 no.48:1661-1666 30NOT 58. 1. A Pecat OrvoF;tudnmaiiyi FAystem Gyermekklinikajanak (ignsgato: Kerpol-Pronius Odon dr. tgyetemi tanar) koslemanyo. (MMMO, dis. (Run)) ]MRM-FRONILS. Odon, Dr. Interrelation of Olillical and humoral changes inlexaiccation toxicosia. Ory. hetil. 100 no.102345-351 8 Mar 59.. 1. Az Orvosi HetilaD 1000 GvfOlYama s2anara, a exerkeestoBeg felkeresere irt tanulmany. (111YANT NMITION j)IsoR=RS dehYdration tOXia0GiB. pathogen. of Olin. manifest. (Han)) KIMI,FRONlUS.Z.-, RATI,B.I. DOBAK,X.; KBIDM,I. Zffect of a primry change of a single physiological constant of fluid homeoetaois on the remaining constants. icta med. han. 15 no.1:207-220 060. 1. Kinderklinik der Medizinischen Universitat,Pece. (BOIDY 7IMM) LIRPIL-IRONIUS, Oclon, dr. Causes of the lability of fluid balance in the newborn. Ory.hatil. lol, no.34:1189-1193 21 Ag 16o. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Igyatem. Oyarmakklinika (INFANT MMORN physiol) (BOT YWIDS) -- - M KERPEL- FRONITE, Odon, dr.; NAGY, Iaazlo, dr.; MAGYARKA, Borbala Comparative study on water distribution in the myocardium and skeletal muscles of newborn animals in various phases of development. Gyemokgyogyagza+, 15 no.3:65-272 Mr 164 1. Pecsi Orvosttdamanyi Egyetem Oyemekklinilajanak kozle- menye. An the cancept of infivitile "Yiut t1on d1sordersO rl r-Ing thn past dejaderi. Or-,r. het-II, 1C6 no,36aI681-1685 sf@;5. 7 1, OrvoatudomEvlyl 4-3-fa.- Norpel--Fror.!-m,i@ tem, rayermekklinika). "Direct Causes of Death in Cases of Infant Enteritis. Budape-st, A vagyar Tudomanyos Akademia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenysi, Vol XVI, No 1. 1965, pages 135-1.4Z. Abstracti [Authors' Hungarian summary] The mortality, from enteritial of mature, adequately nourished infants is greatly depcndent on the time when liquid and antibiotic treatment is started. In neglected cases, the leading causes of death are stagnant hypoxia caused by shock and by the con- sequent byperkalemia and acidosis ,- a:3 well as hypernatremia. Amon.a, t!le humoral causes of the very high mortality of immature infants, the rreater incidence of severe shock as well as the extreme, prolonged, recurrent acidosis which is difficult to manaCe are mentioned. In contrast to the eu@-- trophic infants, there is also a high incidence of "late" mortality (later than 5 dayp) among immature and atrophic Infants. In addition to the often recurring severe acidosis, a sepsis which respo,.Is poorly to antibiotic treatment is thouGht to play a role in these cases. This, as well as hypo- glycemia which develops during the rapid progression of the atrophy, de- cides thefate of the decompensated cases of enteritis. In the management of these cases, the continuous control of the pU in immature infants and of the blood sugar in the atrophied ones is of groat importance. All 20 refer- ences are Western. [Manuscript received 20 Jan 63.] appear to be of greater importince in the devielopm--e-n-t of lactose malabso-rption than the atrophy of the body itself. Lactose splitting or absorption is one lvf the parameters the repair . of which occurs last in the course of rehabilitation of these infants. 1 Hungarian, 17 Western references. KISS, Annazarla, THAN, Oabor; Medical University of Paco. Institute of Pathophysiology (Pecsi. OrvostudoaLnyi Egyetem, Korelettani F': 1: @7; '11, Y' , A . r,-ITU , P, . Fertilization with lbacttria. P. 103. Vol. 8, no- 3, zv:ar. 1956 XII'MUDOMANY. AGRICULTURE, Budapest, Hungary So: Elast European Accession, Vol. 6. No. 5, Vay 1957 RKEM, Arl*; MMYITAI, Janonj SARKADI, Janos; ZAMORY, L-va Investigations of amm nium hvmate containing organic Compounds in culturs vessels. Veazprem vegyip eff kozl 3 no.1/4t59-78 159 1. Veezpremi Vogyipari F etem Asvanyolaj- es Saentecbnolo -gy @u Tanozek (for Retezart Bunyitai and Kerpely). 2, l4agyar Tido- manyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai. Kutato Intezete (for SRrkadi). 3t@,jOmzagos 14ezogazdanagi Minosegvizsgalo Intezet (for Zamory''10- N io Il tj 11 U a ) k it a V. 11 U of a a re I t It U IS 4 v it if mi 11 if )d AA 1A it a I 1 9 S t Y , PL L (A R I I - - - -f OW1 - Alai- 4`1 10 9 150911 ,; 7S l K W A . ). el u xye 1 ;sejy . "yap JUr%Jk pk proml that an elm. blaIt furnace with it low sluft k lwac- 00 v 'o o : tically suitable for ruw-irm priviuction uniltr llunS"n so A circumstames. 1.1monite orm and the covrfing m" of ' in= tx at lkmid County wul of tnumte mrs with AW Fe tmtrn-. mm to hv- wotLable by thi@ methcA %ith@mt the me, of c,7ke (with llunsArian Ims-il ma% ftw the Iwo- duction of t1cc. current). 1,tvin Fit4ly too J 00 to 0 too A I L Al4LUVrKAL 1,11,144149t (LAISIFICAliCM U it it IS I So 1, 4 " a a A, a ,A- a L 0_11 go A 00 v #POctills 1 , u 0 lrot dur4ar vrebect state of M. 00 ; JK-l'T. Ifung. Elog@ 1. M-W1 00 uUtpUt 4 pig i(Oll W&@ 10" 0 421 3 , 334,K4U. 41 , 0 . 00 Ar 7 09 01@11bl 1-1 77111,3111, 4ml - 111r.b.1m.,tw 1 imllwt Is v AW 111-44111; IfC" 0 'El l Of 04 111 , l 19410-rho !If , 1"j, PE lot ;v AIG@ILA 8111ALLUR46KAL LIMAILMI CLAIJAPICA11010 %.logo .1. Qq jot U III AV 00 WIS IS 1, J It K fl I 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 t i ! @ :10 0 0 a 0 0 6 0.6# 0000 0 0 0.0 0 w a 'w w It 411 A;U old 4t. klo& .1 G" m"tje CC 99 a 42"1 ; &-t 1L -A A- - - . indt;stry. K@fflwl Y4.1fly .Ole YCJf% MAN Jill" th, 11.... lee It m , 111-4-11@ --1 1@- lee @00 i to 0 So 400 10 o 0 0 a 010 lee 0 00 0 too Leo Lot 0 1`0 0 Aa .3.1 Aft I S 8 -0 0 1 V So I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 es 4 0 jk A_* 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 to 6 00 0 17- rlkezeti Acelol/ (!Fl CIA1.1c"i"Pl' (71,rurtnr:-@ -7t@----:: if p A Tkalc Rc-,vicw C U," voi 71 Duck-cst, 9554 July 1 . , Vcr, t,hly 1 iol, of rast uropean Accos;-icris, 0@ mm ............. WINS I in Mw -;36l (IT il 7, ATI 1 "'Cl' 7 @.vly 11554, S 0: l.'crit'lly I isi. of F-;st Accossica-r IT- '!03 4, "o. 3, 1955, Ulnel a U, spm%. Mnyvktadki it,, S (Prim 33. Iterint). This toxtho*@vibich %-gins -with CM a of (lagely- Igerman) plant, I =rIdevolopnont, of eloado atagmaking and pamems F, on to demenbe the dwaigm and of tiocume am furnmom. graphfwrod rod*W fumaotw. and both high. and low-fireqtmicy inducGon fuma&4t. L&W chaptem deal With the nwhial peace= (a futnscoe of all three tytep. and with duplez an triplex invocomem. ax well do Uia Perrin end other stag-mixing F@@ The flual chapOrm cked with the Melting C( "baufae khtdo of ateol, ruch " a-14tenctla Inrl"aftne1w, ttaink4w. electrical. and highrpmd meek and -Xith Isenring pfeatleo (ev quality It,11L A bibli%@phv o( 41 indicates Xmwm wh(ch am &tlrmt @bnlly Oerrmn tir Iluagarian-j, P. S/196/62/000/024/006/ol4 E194/E155 AUTHORS: Papp, Istvinj a Dines; and j Huszty, Kerkay, Andorne TITLE: A method of preparing anisotropic permanent magnets from barium ferrite PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrote@khnika i energetika, no.24, 1962, 4, abstract 24 B 29 Y. (Hung. pat. no. 148045, February 15, 1961) TEXT: The blank of BaO.6Fe2O3 is heat-treated in granular form with a mean particle size greater than 6 microns, the fraction of 6 - 12 microns size being less than 56 by weight. The powder is shaken in a periodically varying but unidirectional magnetic field not exceeding 500 Oe. After pressing in a magnetic field of the same direction and magnitude, the blank is demagnet1sed in a decreasing alternating field and heat-treated. Sintering is carried out at 1300-1350 OC for more than one hour, with subsequent heat-treatment for 3 - 15 hours at 6oo-looo 0C. Card 1/1 [Abstractor's notel Complete translation prof., PRIBOYANUi M. ( UMIN Rumpmiya) Preserved costal homotransplantate in osteoarticular surgery. Ortop., travm. i protez. 21 no.8s53-57 Ag i6o. (HIBA 13:11) 1. Iz kliniki grudnoy khtrurgii (direktor - prof. F.Kerpinishan) i --khirurgicheskoy bollnitay kostno-oustavnogo tuberkuleza (direktor - M.Priboymnu)., Bukhareat. (BONE GHMING) L 18715-63 EPA/EWP(q)/EW(m)/BDS AEDC/AMC/ASD/APGC Paa-4 JDTH-W ACCESSIO9 NR: Ap3oo6245 P/0033/63/000/016/0518/0318 AUTHOR: Ke pols, K. W. M. r=: Gas turbjne_@ (Polish, patent-] class 46f., vo. 44521 GOMM-. Frzeglad mechaniczny.9 no. 16, 1963, 518 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine.. nev gas-turbine design,, turbine designj, rotor-blade attachment, rot6r blade, rotor design, rotor blading,, centrifugal force ABSTRACT: The patent ir for a gas turbineluee Fig. 1 of Enclosure) in vhich cylindrical rotor 1 encloses row of bladedR. Guide vanes are fixed by their lower ends to ring 3. Tight annulai-ip-ace 5 Is provided in housing 4 between the rotor and the turbine body and sealed at 6. The space is filled with a liquid, or gas under pressure Vhich partly counteracts centrifugal forces actir4' on the rotor. Groove 7 in the rotor is connected with conduit 8; together they :provide for drainage of the liquid. This method of blade fixing is especially useful for rotors and blades made of sinteredmaterials. which have a greater compressive strength than tensile art. has: .1 figure. Card KERRE I R. In fraternal cooperation. Mr. tmida i sots, strakh. 6 no.8t 7-10 Ag 163. MRA 16:10) 1. Korrespondent gazety "Sovetskaya Latvi@a". f-, J-Cl- KERRI, Ye. K. Cand Teoh Soi -- (diss) "Problems of the *I&R44&U4n of ri-- 1 '@ Yeii c @@@looomotives on narrow-gagge mine railroads in the motmtainse" I - Mos, 1959. 11 pp (Min of Higher and Seoondary Speoialiied Edueation RSFSR. Moe Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst), 150 oopies (KL, 46-69, 137) .30- UMI, Ye.K. Speed regulation of an asynchronous capacitor traction motor with a phase rotor. Trudy Sred;-Az.politekhAnst. no.12:268- 273 161, (MIRA .18:12) AUTHOR: Kerri, Ye K, (Engi-qr) SOV/110.- 59--l-10/28 TITLE; _Casc@_deOonneotion of Traction Capacitor Induction Motors (Kaskadnoye 3oyedinenlye tyagovykh kondensatornyich asinkhronny)l dvigat;Gley) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Slekt:r,op-rom-;rshi.eiinos~L.,L,195,9~Nr 1,PP 38-1-2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Electric loiomotives sometimes hava to i-an for long periods at low speeds., Existing a.o. locomotives flttzid with three-phase wound-rotor induc.,tion mo@ors use cascade connecticn ur@ly for 3hunting operations, bacause of the low traoti:-ie effort with th-'s method of connection@ The maximum output of a m,--;tor @z:onnc-@3tod -in aas.?ado w-*,-,.h L another is less than half of Its rated Th.-, operation of cascade-connected motors -@tan be iw,7estigated and the laws of change of cnarient and torque studJ'ad on the basis of the equivalent ndrcuitv diagvam of @iasc;ade connection of two-phase machiness shown in Fig !a. For approximate considerations of the laws of -vrariatlon of torque, the equivalent circuit givan in Fig lb can be simplified by neglecting the magnetising currents. This Card 115 gives the circuit shovm in Fig 1-.-, where all the @q@aatj:ins are of simpler form. Cur--ent impedan%-.c, and slip SOV/110-59-1-10/28 Cascade Connection of Traction Capaoitor Induction Motors for this diagram are then written. Torque and rotor- current formulae are derived. Oa comfaring the expression for torque in the cascade connection formula (5)) with that for normal connection (formula (1)), it will be sesn that in cascade con-iection the torque is halved, which is equivalent to reducing the voltage by 40%. If the machines connected in cascade are similarg the short-circuit current is halved in the cascade connection. Thus the diameter of the circle diagram is less and the maxinvim torque is almost halved. The overload capacity of traction motors connected In cas,:ade can be Increased either by raising the voltage applied to the terminals of the first motor or by reducing the double magnetisation current that pasSes through it, The usefulness of the first of these methods is limited with wound-rotor induction motors bet,.auso of saturatJon, As the magneti- sing current Increases, the additional 701tage: is expended in o-cfercoming increas&d voltage-drop on the stator u1ndIng of the first machine, and not in creating useful @orque, The sec,:)nd method ok improving oporation Card 2/5 1 .in cascade conneotlion is more ac.-Japtable and consists in SOV/110-59-1-io/28 Cascade Connection of T.-ar.ltion Capacitor, induction Moto.-S o.ompensating the reac!ti";e powe: of' the motors and reducing the magnetising (--,irrant. by usqlna, extra oaapi- tance. The t..)tal., magret"Ising ou"t.;-ent passing thro-Agh the first machirie b@,- 1.1mited t(-.. the magnetising (@urrent of one ma-Chtne -UP capa(!Itors 8-TO conna(:ted :-n paTall.91 w-th the rotoz In ordar.- to oonsider the off--;(-,,,t on the maohin.? (@haTar@**Ue:Jstic,,s of paTallel c:mnection of capacitors in the rotir circuit., -it Is convenient to lonsider the :@.apaoitanc!e as leing In a separate magneti- sing circuit., -a-sing the t-(juJ-*,.,a1'1.Fnt @Arcait shown in Fig 2a. The changes that. az'a th.3n required in the main equivalent circuit ar-.3 nexl-. c-i)s@(Jpred; by suLtabl's, representation of thc- Jmpedan..:!,.4s, the c-quivalent cl-r(;ult- J.s given In Fig 2-t-) and oan be to F-Jg 23. Her-3 the parametqrs In. the differGnt; brancheS do not depend on the slip, ex,,@ept that in the @;apac:itan--:e -Ilir(.;uit th,--4 current Is proportional ro the square of th-4 slip,, In the power eircrait on.1y the r,esistance values then dspeu@, on the slips, The vaT.Ious to-r.-mulae that can. be derl't,-fel. from this equiva-Lent circuit are then obtaint@A. A Card 3/5 nwrierical exampl.;@, f,Alows, tc-, illust@at.@ the proced!i,:@@ SOV/1" 0-59-1-10/2-8 L Cascade Connection of Traction Capacitor induction Motors for determining the properties of a cascade connection when capacitors are (-.onnected in the rotor circuit of' the first motor5 the motors c:onsidered are of 162 W, 3000 V, 1000 r.p.m@ The necessary impedances and othle@ properties are given. From a circle diagram constructed for cascade without capacitance compensation, the maximum torque is found to be 1+92 kgm,, This is less than half of the torque of two motors connected in parallel to the supply, When capacitance is connected in the rotor circuits the maximum torque becomes 516 kgm. The theoretical conclusions were confirmed by experimental tests. Standard wound-rotor mac.hines type TA-32-1 500 of' 5.5 kW and 120/210 V were re-wound for two-phase operation with an equal number of turns in each phase. When operating in cascada with a first capacitance of 16o microfarads and a second of 334 microfarads the experi- mental values of'ourrent were su@2h that with a slip of 6,75% the line current was -reduced, the current in the phase capacitor inz@reased and the main Dhase current remained constant, The experimental Curves are given -in Card 1+15 Fig 3@ By increasing the capacitanCe in the rotor circuit.-- VD Q,20 m4i@@;-(.-faTads per phase the line and phase BOV/110-59--l--io/28 Cascade Connection of Traction Oapa, Induc-.7ton Moto-rs currents are fttrthpr -,edu.-!ed. as w.111 be seen from Fig 3d. A general propeit'y Of i '--he (@@asaade conne--tion with capaciianots compensatic-n is that there is diTe,-:t,, proportionality biitv,-@an tho tnC:TeaS@ A the capacitan.-, in the second @.vl-rujt (wit@. @.onstant ,apa(;itance in the phase circuit) and. in,::rease in the tr@vque, as plotted in Fig )+@ With @:as@@.ade c--onnecticm und.ei@ t@hese -,onditionlz it Is possible to dpr-!alop the extra, !orqaa ne.-,,essa-ry fo-- accelerating the t@,a.m ot, ope@ral*-Anz the tialn at. zeduc;ed speeds whi.lZt maintaining symmatt@!-,al operating conditionv, Use of (-,ompensatirig @;-apar@itanoe :in tha rotor ci,.rrya-its o*7-*er@@omes th,3 defents r-)f c@ascade Card 515 3onnection. There are 1+ figuie:@, no iefe:renc.-.?s, SUBMITTED: March 12) 1.955 KERRI, Ya*.X,.,-dots. Automtic'control of condenser traction engines. Izv.vys.ucheb. SAV.; gar.xhur. mo.3:119-124 '59- (MIRA 13:4) 1. 3rmdna-A%iatukiy politekhnichotskiy inatitut. Rekommirlovana kafedroy Mrnoy elaktromelthaniki. (ilectrio locomotives) (Automtic control) wt kwg 1= I -7r-l T% : 20AP-164 . I I .. - ca-TuLi a - mmkl@@- -, @Tm -', Fig. 1. 1- vhe,31 hublo 2- hub cap,- brake disk; 4- clamping disk; 6- braking eha-mber, 7- ri,nnrn-, r- ,-;,.:,apresflQd air; 8- epicN-ila gear; 9- ioixn,--L; LC- satia-l'! -itaq. 11- epl--,Cle gear supportj, 12- round plgt--n, 13- thr-js@ ber-a-inrz-, YUGOSLAVIA P,-ZPIC-,LUIC, Dainica; SAARIC, 11.;_DZajTJX,-.L and 1,ERS,V'C t-ntonija; Institute [or Z-fedical Research and Occupational Nedicine (TE-iffiGg 23' fterefnska' istrazivanja i medicinu radaj) Za3reb. "Use of Smaller- Therapeutic' Doses of the Gbelating Agent RDTA in Lead Mooning" Zagreb, Arhiv za fledicinu Rada i Toksilcoloniju, Vol 16, No 2, 1965; rp 125-128. Abstract (English summary modified] : Study in 17 workers suffering from lead poisoning and treated with varyina doses of up to 2.4 CM /day of EDTIA indicates that this highest dose is best from the standpoint of effectivenerp while apparently irreproachable as to safety. Four tables; 1 Yugoslav and 11 Western references; ms roe 20 Apr 65. 24 PRPIC-MAJIC, Danica; S411C, M.; BERITIC, T.; KERSANC, Edita Effect of various therapeutic doses of the EDTA complexon on clinical and laboratory symptoms of lead poisoning. Arh. hig. rada 13 no.ls29-43 162. 1. Institut, za medicinska istrazivsaja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. (LEAD POISONING) (EDATIIAMIL) S A A. dL-A- F, 4 A I... T a V--Z-AA All AC OP M SANOV !@*-l Pffy!-I.I,0-s M460110V t*&Cti*a 14W ChCftkd tMOURRIM. NI. G. Zab. ht, It. Krfunov, 'M. H. Khantun. and K. 4. 046 Chemma, f: Physiillf.' (U.S.S.R.) 33, III-10094-P.- -00 The hlanodtw rearlion (M.. Kemwk, AIM. Zhur, 1914. 00 No. 11/12) fiv imircnafine (detokmilki of a traltrnt 00 8! Campmed c4 110. 11%0t. KlIall. and water-Wor) *41 Ice coacm. of adrenahm up to I in 101. The ,tag Used to denwommle the prriepce of adren. :-06 = 09 risic sutolanve in blixxt aft" mimuistson &A symp4thetic .00 neym. Tile prrvence of the admn"Xic sutstArwr out- Umsconsider.Lbly the phy-JA4. effect o(stilf"aline,6"UtA.- tkmi. MAcin inicritm with the quAnt. use a( the te%t. .00 It is sug2rted th4t the turchAnism of the fe%&Ct@fn 6 A vatalythil effret of wittiLdine cm the u%4L(4xt of tile 1;00 live in t tie mtxrut. A@ 0 0 ,00 441 a '00 VIC- lt.fliv. 141 so 0 1( a KLO A IAll a 0 41 0 0 0' 0 * 0 00 00 0 goo * 0 0 0 0 0 41 00 0 0 0 0000 * 000 00 0 Also Co 0 0 04 00 0 0 0 0 O-o. 0 A OAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 "Treatment of rosilive Ozena by Air I-nIzation and D.-rect Blood 'Trrmsfuslorll. Vast. Oto-rlno-laringol.t No. 1., 1948. Prof., Leningrad State Pediatrics Inst., -cl948-. SAZHINV -Stepmm llkl-tich--.IIM3ATA- -- - - - - - -- - 8 k Ts,T., redaktor; GCRTUNOTA, L.I., redaktor tokhaichaskly rwlaktor [Organization of preparatory work in the imtting area] Organizatmila podgotovitelinykh rabot aa. lesomakes XoskTa. Goelesbusizdat. 1956. 6.1 p . (KM 9: 7) (Lustering) FIERSEK ) V111. Uoa of nitron fiWra for the manuf(tctilre of outerwear knit goods. Leh prm. no.3:6-9 Jl-S 16 If, (1-11IRA :L7;:LO; KER5EK, V. N. I Kar@-iruk) V. M. ] Sov,o propertles of knit fabrics made from carded nitron yarn. Leh.prom, no,2:14-16 Ap--Je 165. (MIRA 18:10) X!:% il", V.,%) .1 L Use of' n! I, @n thO kn I t- gocxi i I -:'a-; I@ry , Leh prcca. no. 1 -4-6 Ja-Mr I f,15 . (MIRA 1814) SMIRNOV, Leonid Stepanovich [Smyrnov, L.S.], M?.SEK Vladimir Nikolays4idh tekhn. red. -- ------I (Kersek, V.M.]; IYASHCHEIIKO, T.V., r%T.,:-7SIIVI-A@M@r@@,.@- [Vevi goods from synthetic fibers) Novi vyroby z khirdchnykh, volokon. Kyiv., Derzh. vyd-vo tekhn. lit-ry URSR, 1961. 17 p. WIRA 150) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) UIARAS, ZsB,,, inshener (Molotov) ;KIMSH, I.K., inshener I - Assembly of Vacuum columns in large sections. prom. 2 no.1:19-22 A 157- (Petroleum-Refining) (Molotov). Stroispred, neft. (M12A 10:3) I.K., inzh. Organization of assembling operations in constructing thermal cracking units of the Novo-Gorkoviskii Petroleum Refinery. Nav.tekh.montA spets.rab.v stroi. 21 no.12: 5-8 D 159. (MA 130) 1. Trost Neftexavodmontash. (Petroleum refineries-Jquipment and supplies) KERSH, I.K., inzh. ----------- Assembly line for welding pipe secti,)ns. Mont. i spets. rab. v atroi. 23 no.5:24-27 My 061, (MIRA 24:27) 1. Trest Neftezavodmontazh. (Pipe--Welding)