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PE IN pu f"T t F7 < AUTHOR: 3OKOLOV,A.A.1_YERI!1OV,B.X. PA 2007 TITLE: On the Theo ry of the Scattering of Particles by a Steady Center in Consideration of Damping. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Tooret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 31, Nr 6, pp 1080-1081 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 1 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The theory of damping provae to be the stage that follows accord- ing to the perturbation theory and allows the calculation of the o 5oss section 6 not only within range of the long DE BROGLIE Wave lengths but also within the range of smaller wave lengths (Cf~ The relation C+C+ ~ C I +C1.1 set up in connection with the development of the theory of damping k' indi- cates that the total sum of the inciding and scattering particles staye constant at any moment. Some preparatory works on this matter are cited, At first the exact formula for the cross section of the elastic scattering of particles with the momentum I k(k-2n/A ) is given: 0-(4n/k 2) 0 (21+1)Gin2 The perturbation theory allows the determination of the I;haFle ri lf~ in the case of It o ling more a. The expression resulting in this case for the p0hase 11 is given. In the limiting case ka> 1. The expression for 6 applicable in the other limiting case ka >> 1 (range of high energies) is also given, Accordingly, the cross section is the fourfold of its classical value. According to G-MASSEY and m-110HR the noncon- formity of the classical and quantumlike value is caused by the occurrence of a diffraction. The results of both theories agree in the range ka>> 1. Furthermore, the authors were able in recent times to compare the results of the damping theory with those of other theories by means of the example of scattering at a 0-center. The paper ends with a short diaoussion of the last-mentioned investigations. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2 / 2 Levi-Klein's Potential of the Pseudoscalar PA - 2694 ?soon Theory and Nuclear Saturation. V(a) + V(b the interaction of fourth order V 4 M 4 4 ) due to the ex- change of two masons causes weak attraction. The preyent paper completes the two-nucleon potential mentioned above+by a repulsory "core" with the radius r at V V + V(a) + V(b ) at r ;, r V oa at r Z, rc. By means of 12 ' 2 4 4 12 ' the usual computing method a term for the average potential energy of the nucleus is obtained in the approximation of the homogeneous density of the nuclear matter. The kinetic energy of the FER11I gas of nucleons (which are regarded as Impermea Is spheres with the r:diu:tr,) amounts to T - 140 A(-Yt-2 + 2,16 br[7~)MeV. Here rt is a p ram er, which denotes the deviation of the nuclear radius R from its equilibrium value R A1/3 Further it holds that b ij-r For the total energy of the nucleus E -0 )+ T. The results of the 12 computations discussed here demonstrate the following: By applying the two nucleon potential mentioned here it is unnecessary in the poeudoaoalar theory to introduce a three-partiole re- pulsion. The Levi-Klein potential defined here does not correspond to the requirements of saturation neither with or without a three- Card 2/3 particle repulsion. (I illustration) ----IAJ6j WA -Vilgrelloo Card 3/3 A 56-3-57/59 AUTHORS: Sokolov, A.A., Kerimov, B.K. TITLE: ----------- The Influence Exercised by Damping in the Polarization of Dirac's Particles on the Occasion of Scattering (Vliyaniye zatukhaniya na Polyarizataiyu dirakovakikh chantits pri rasse- yanii) (Letter to the Editor) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Ekeperim. I Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 3 (9), pp. 627 - 829 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The elastic scattering of Dirac's particles and of the spin- less particles by an immobilelcenter of force ware Investigated by the authors in 4 previous papers by means of the theory of damping. The polarization occurring on the occasion of the elastic scattering of Dirac-particles is computed in the pre- sent paper by means of the theory of damping. The principal integral equation of the theory of dampi!W for the determination of the scattering amplitudes f I W f (71) has the form so si + l ' , - bl (fa , b.f.) Vj,-, 2 + ' 3 K (kK/8 IT cti) d al'V - b V , ~,jfl t, 'k L I b",, f Here E - ch X denotes the total energy of the par- AMOR z VA,r*bAa*vLCh. 0. ?Z=: Tha VIII Lannal Cose"g. of ap-troseopy CvZII yeshosatmayo smoshchonlyo P- Y-4-re-y opkiro.kapll). I POLIMICAL: U.Vkhi flx1.h..kIkh mack. 1958. Tel 65. Ir 4. PP. T21 - 722 (USSR) AMUCT z Itw 8th C-Creso of Noel*- Spatrvoco;7 task pl-- In Lommingrad from Jamx-7 27 to ftt~u 3. 1953. It -4 att.nd.4 by "0 scientists fram the MR. foxth-r by wishll.t* froa China. France, PolwW, Caachoolovakia. G.r.caq. T.C.slall., and Me -a- I Democratic 4 8.4a 1. three and abaoo~ 90 reports nor. h-d. Th. -1 lactussi* &-1s sAth proUleas concerning maloar nod .1 a. in- a- m& "acay, r-ra4latLan, internal conversion, =4 aucl~ le,sh.rim. B.S.Dghl*Vc.. Corr,aspediag 3kab.r, A-4omy of ftloma.*. V351. opened it'. conference. Zcl'oras am held bTg T.Ta. coacher. Y.. T. Japtx. S.P.Tsysko (FTI.AS rkrSSR) em light nuclei and 4 .. T.Trz.71 smal.t Pskov 3SSR-LIb'.r7 IS 9332)1 T-K.Shl.~ak.. (i[GV-xo.c- 3%.t. 5 1 D.Z. lAst1tte; as al. " levels and Ll Alkhso,, A.P.Griaborg. X.T.T.rokbAma -4 J.Kh.Lmb.'C (LrTI) on "size found A. rat.tiona., .-*Is ot 20 N-T &A Cr. In, " No .-lot. -be "-a ra.-cr-k -.Tk.ra also period a. It. 41-4,.ry of vibrational 11 - ocelot by .."s of the wth--4 of In* V184 I. V112 . , C.oloa.i (z.1m) ... it.tLest .% X.__ I Nov. L.X.Fk.r (BAN 5323) gzv* a survey report: ~Concsralftg 3aas FaAlculare In Vibrational I.-Is of Dfdrml 1"IW. L--tur.. a- hold .1" by: D.F.Zaral.kly (AS S333 - A*332) on, -41.tiam tracmitlams to Worwd aucl.1 .1th the Pin . 1/2& V.3. guoptsoi- a win uzz (204 Scientific I ... a-h 11-titut. of ykjoloo. Most- State Ust-ralty) " th, 1*,.l ht and the probability of JS - " r- t'-aj%X.o, In .4d u%c*.Ij S.F.Z.rot.kly (AS SSU - LS CS!M) am tb. of the pift-orti%al. co-PI1.6 Pon In. as4-t2c c jan -at f 'k* "oI.L' &.1".3" - CIN ILE -,is uzza) as the : = exi.t.m.. of ItCht nuelat nth MO neutron or proton ezcvngi T.A.Kravit"w (L?X-LaninCrol Poly-tochn1c Institute) so it* - "'a of ft'o"o. Pat* - -I.Ii L.L. G.I'dl.. I. D. f root G.N.F.viko-, K.L.T-Xrt yan (TTL AN 3=) on alpha docay an rat.ti-I levels of .44 T.; too., (AN 33n - L5 u3n) on alp" 4..4y of a ... ph.ri.;l uQ4-I (slar,-Y)s A.I.Alli&-.,. T.A.tyUbta.,. ; (TTL AM 8532) ' a 9 &' -Itt*d In tx- "..ay or To LOT7, A4 , ft5)- Is" (14- 011-o's- -1) -a sell as In th-t of Sr"' -4 IT- , (AX =51 - A3 -I- 2 (hI c.".I.tions 1. Sam-4 .. J. ;. ;; Durgov ani Yu.T.Toreklwv (T-%. IS 33SR) so j.v#stj,jtlqz, M A Ile 414020-moutran 60-14ilafta and the resona.ncs .; , scattering at I-radlatioula.9 siv =d I.W.Wa4shafor ~jj~ 009 State, UAlworattyron. Its b-asstrwh1urg of (NOV-ND lon4rLo sally pol&rln*4 olectm-4 A.I.1Mkht&r.v -4 yu.3. :1 Per., (110a) .4 the offe,&&.. or... so-11-6 of the **.tt.r1.4 of polarized electrons and joalzrcoo at pol"tl*4 T-.A.Chedw. and I.Y..Tw. (Ile.) " the or I-A.A.ItF of the .00P.S.". of u . ....... 0-.V.ct ras 1 2 :erdlog to Sk. Perot", Z.N.Sand. L.1.Zyry-.., and Tu.P.3-tow, LOU (L*-%ACra4 3%lt. Mal-r.ity) a. the Putallon of %be probability of the "mlttwd and of the tw6l"Ga amp" of Su4troms, bp a smajoes. KERIMOV, B.K.; NADZHAYUV, I.M. -iis-itrahlung of an electron with oriented spin. Nauch. dokl. vyso skol7; fiz.-mat. nauki no,1:95-100 '58. (MIRA 12:3) I.Moskovskly gosudarstvanW univernitst Im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Bremostrahlung) (Xlectrons) LAS,j GEWNY/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles C-3 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizlka, No lip 1958, No '079 Author Sokolov A., Kerimow B. Inst Moscow Stai-e_ffn_~iversity Title On the Theory of Dirac Particles with Oriented Spin Orig -%b Ann. Physik, 1958, 2p No 1-2, 46-53 Abstract The theory of Dirac particles with oriented span (&fomt Zhur Flzika, 1959, No 1i 175) is applied to an investigation of the a decay of nuclei and the jt-~ 4 + v decay. Certaia results are obtained relative to the polarization of the electio-s in 0 decay of unpolarized nuclei and the polarization of maons in the deaay A 4 V + v. -- G.V. Frolov Card 1/1 KKRBJDV, B. A QOKOLOV., A. AO, and-c;u,-,Eyro,,,p -1. "Demping Theory Study of Elastic Scattering Of Dirac Particles with Account of Polarization Effects)" Nuclear Physics, V01- 5, No. 2, Jan 1956 (North Holland Publ. co., Amsterdam; Physics Dept, MOSCOU State Univ, Moscow, USSR Abst.- Elastic scattering of Dirac Particles by a short-range force centre is considered from the standpoint of radiation da"ing theory. Th-- expression for the scattering amplitude is determined. The intergral equation thus obtained for the scattering amplitude permits one to investisate i0-larization effects, 71 77; n! N.- 21(7) AUTHOR3 SOV/155-58-5-26/37 TITLEs On the Question Concerning Angular Distribution and Polarization of Electrons During the Dissociation of ari Oriented Neutron PERIODICAM Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematiohookiye naukitl958,Nr 5,PP 151-157j~USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper continues the investigation Z-Ref 4 7 of the author and of A. Sokolov. Starting from the theori of the Dirac particles polarized in longitudinal direction the author calculates the angular distribution and polarization of electrons arising during the 3 - dissociation of a free polarized neutron. F6r the determination of the matrix elements of the dissociation with consideration of the polarization he uses the method applied in Z-Ref 4,6-7. The author thanks Professor A.A. Sokolov and A.I. Muratdinov for discussion. Card 1/2 26 On the Question Concerning Angular Distribution -SOV/155-58-5-26/37 and Polarization of Electrons During the Dissodiation of an Oriented Neutron There are 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 6 American, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unive:~sitet imeni 14.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SIUBILITTEDs August 29, 1958 Card 2/2 AUT11'0HS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Kerimov, B. K., Nadzhafov, I. I'll. SOV/48-22-7-26/26 Bremsstrahlung From a Longitudinally Polarized Electron (Tormoznoye izlucheniye prodollno-polyarizovatino.,o elektrona) Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 7, pp. 886 - 092 (USSR) A for:!lula, which is deduced in this paper, det~,rmines the dependence of the circUlLr polarization of brerisstrahlung photons on the angle and the energy. The obtained in this paper for the effective cross-sectinn of bremsstrahlung is a generali- zation of the formula of Bethe-Heitler (Bete-Gaytler). It takes into account the longitudinal polarization of the electron spin and of the photon. In 1945 the theory of Dirac (Dirak)-particles with an oriented spin was developed by Sokolov (Refs 12, 13). This theory permits to find the de-pendenoe of the effective cross-section of a number of processes on the directions of the particle spins. AccordinG to this theory the quadratic forns of the matrix elemento expressing the transition of the electron from the state (k,a, F_ ) to the state ~kol~s;, e I )(Ref 12) are computed with formula (2). In a Born B rn approximation the effective crose-nection of the brems-strahlung of electrons, which Bremsstrahlung From a Longitudinally Polarized Electron SOV/48-22-7-26/26 are polarized parallel or antiparallel to the direction of motion can be determined by formula (3). Using (2), (3) and (4) the effective croso-section of the breinsstrahlung through a longitudinally polarized electron can be determined. In order to investigate the circular polarization of the bremsstrahlung the amplitude of the vector potential of the photon field is split into two components: Pormulae (5) and (6). Takine into account (2) and (5), formula (10) is obtained for the effective cross-section of the bremsstrahlung of the longitudinally polarized relativistic electron, after the final spin states of the electrons has been summed up. Only electrons which are polarized parallel or antiparallel to the direction of motion are able to produce "brems" photons with a circular polarization. The degree of circular polarization of the bremsstrahlung is determined from formula (14), wheras the degree of the circular polarization of the 1'bre7::v" photons is determined from formula (20). The curves show, that the polarization P increases considerably Ath an increase of energy of the "brems" photon. The maximum polarization P increases with the increase of the electron energy and T - 3,5 MeV (E-8m 0C2) reacheB,..,100%. The Card 2/3 bremostrahlung of an oYeetron polarized antiparallel to the Bremastrahlung From a Longitudinally Polarized Electron SOY/40-22-7-26/26 diraction of motion partly shows a left-handed circular pola- rization. A.A.Sokolov discussed the paper with the authors. There are 2 figures and 13 references, 4 of which are Soviet, A350CIATION: Kafedra statinticheskoy fiziki i mokhaniki Moskovskogo gos. universitets, im.M.V.Lomonosova (Chair of Statistical Physics and Mechanics at the Moscow State University imeni M.Y.Lomononov) Card 3/3 V 56-1-17/56 AUTHORS$ Sokolov, A. A& , Gueeynovo Kerimovt B. K, N the Scattering of Dirac Particles by a Short Range Force TITLE: Centre According to the Damping Theory (K rasseyaniyu dirakovskikh ohastits korotkodoystvuyushchim silovym, tsentrom s uchetom zatukhaniya) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Tooraticheakoy Fizziki, 1958, Yol- M9 lir 1, pp. 110 - 112 (USSR) ABSTRAZTt In the present work the elastic scattering of Dirac particles by any short range force centre is investigated according to the damping theory. The wave functions are subdivided here according to the value of the projection of the spin onto the z-axis (m a + 1/2) and not according to -the value Of projec- tion of tfle s-pin onto ~he direction of motion. The inteeral equation for this case is written down exnlicitly. A formula is also given for the matrix elements of -the transitions on whi-.h occasion the spin proportion of the matrix element is given still more precisely. Moreover, the authors use various Card 1/2 recurrence formulae. The expressions for the components of On the Scattering of Dirac Particle, 56-1 by a Short Hang 17/56 ing to the Damping Theory 0 Force Centre Accord- the matrix element obtained after some further transformation written down. It i's Possible to produce the orthOJonal charac- t" Of the matrix element, necessary for sat-_ th~* drMping theory. The thus found differential cross section of the elastic seat- tering and an expression for the amplitude Of acatterine are given. Concluding, the total cross section of the scattering is written down Slavic. There is 1 reference, elastic which is ASSOCIATION$ K6060w St&** SUBMITTEDt (10,kovskiy 90sudarstvennyy Universitet) July 10, 1957 AVAILABLE1 Library Of Congress Cazd 2/2 KERIMOV, B.K. Angular asymmetry and polarization of particles In the decey of a polarized neutron. Izv. vys. ucheb. Zav,; fiz. no.4:111-118 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Mookovokiy gosunivernitat Iment M*V, Lomonosova* (Neutrons-Decay) 24 (5) AWHOR: Kerimov, B. X. SOV/48-23-7-30/31 ---------- TITLEt On the Problem of the (5-Decay of the Neutrons with Oriented Spin (K voprosu o 0-raspade neytrona s oriyentirovannym spinom) FERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii neuk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskays, 1959, Vol 23P Nr 7, pp 924-928 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the present paper$ the angular asymmetry and the degree of longitudinal polarization of electrons occurring in the A-decay of polarized free neutrons are calculated by the theory of the Dirac particles with oriented spin. By equation (3), the Rsmiiton interaction of this decay is described, and the equation (5) is indicated for the probability of the decay of a neutron in the unit of time. In agreement with a previous paper (Ref I the matrix elements of the decay are calculated by equation In the nonrelativistic approximation of the interaction, the equation (8) is obtained for determining the direction of the spine of the electrons and antinoutrinou. Finallyp the formula (11) in obtained from equation (8) for the angular distribution of the electrons in the decay of,5olarized free neutrons, and from this again, the equation (I is obtained for the degree of Card 1/2 longitudinal polarization of the electrons. Un the basis of On the Problem of the ~-Decqy of the Neutrons With SOV/48-23-7-30/31 Oriented Spin experimental results, the equation (15) describes the angular distribution of the electrons. Finally, four variants of the binding are investigated, and the coefficient of the angular correlation between the momenta of the electrons and the spin of the neutrons is calculated for these four variants. The author thanks Professor A. A. Sokolov for the discussions carried on with him, There are 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy goo. universitat im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 2/2 24 (5) AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICAM Sadykhovq F. S., Kerimov, B. K. SOV/48-23-7-31/31 The Formation of an Electron-positron Pair in the Collision of Two Polarized re-quanta (Obrazovaniye pary elektron-pozitron pri stolknovenii dvukh polyarizovannykh 1-kvantov) Izvestiy& Akademii naak SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19599 Vol 23, Nr 7P pp 929-932 tUSSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper# the effective cross section in the formatkn of an electron-positron pair by the collision of two polarized quanta is to be calculated by the theory of Dirge particles. Dirac equation in the form of formula (2) is Used an a basis. Q By the equations (3) the operators occurring in formula (2) of the interaction of the electrons with 7,-quanta are indicated, and by the equations (6) the two functions describing the initial and final state in formula (2) are indicated and discussed in detail. The probability of formation of an electron-positron pair is then investigated, and formula (9) is indicated for the total effective cross section of the formation of an electron-,positron pair.,This formula shows that in the collision of two j--quanta with right- hand or left-hand polarization, an electron and a positron with Card 1/2 right-hand or left-hand polarization are formed. For the The Formation of an Electron-positron Pair in the SOV/48-23-7-31/31 Collision of Two Polarized I-qtxanta ASSOCIATION: ultrarelativistio case, the equation (13),is indicated.for,the effective cross section; this equation shows that in the oolli- si'on of two r6quanta of higk energy, the electron and the positron always show only right-hand or left-hand polarization. Finally, fomula'(14) is ind.3ated for the cross aeotion of non-polarizad "quanta. The authors thank A. A. Sokolov for his continuous ielp in the work. There are 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. f Moskovskiy goo. universitet ims M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M, V. Lomonosov) Card 2/2 24(5) SOV/56-36-4-63/70 AUTHORS: Sadykhov, F. S., Kerimov, B. K. TITLE. On Pair Formation in a Collision Between Two Longitudinally Polarized y-Quanta, (0b obrazovanii pary pri stolknovenii dvukh prodollno polyarizovannykh y-kvantov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1324-1326 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present "Letter to the Editor" describes the results obtained by calculating eleotron-positron pair formation in collisions of longitudinally polarized y-quanta in consideration of the longi- tudinal pola-ization of the produced pair. Such an investigation is of interest, because it is today already possible to obtain y-beams of sufficiently high energy (EY . 0.5 - 1 Bev) by brems- atrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons of high energies or by the P-decay of nuclei. The authors investigated the process Y + Y1 - e- + e+ by means of the equation (1) by which it is described D h - fU00D_'U0(1) + U(X1)D_1U(-K)j \~o; + 0 denotes the Card 1/3 wave function of the initial-, ~2 that of the final state, SOV/56-36-4-63/70 On Pair Formation in a Collision Between Two Longitudinally Polarized y-(juanta D - Dirac operator, U(K) and U(,,(.-) are the operators of elec- tron-y-interaotion; the y-quanta have the momenta t-,K and fl-y! . On the basis of formula (3) derived by Sokolov and Ivanenko (Ref 5) for the total e +e-pair production cross section, conditions are discussed in detail in consideration of particle spin (which is explicitly written down). 'a, =_ al(x) and aj,=raj,(-/,') are the polarization vectors of the y-quanta. From formula (3) it follows that: 1) At a collision of two right-longitudinal (1 - 11 - 1i y-spin is in the direction of motion) and two right-longitudinal (1 - 11 - -1; y-spin is opposed to the direction of motion) polarized y-quanta both an electron and a positron with right (a- - s+ = 1) as well as with left (s = s+ W -1) longitudinal polarization can be produced with different probability. 2) At a collision of right 1 - 1) and left (11 - -1) longitudinally polarized y-quanta ~alao I - -1, 11 - 1) the formation is pos- sible: a) of e + e+ with right (a- - 8+ . 1) as well as with Card 2/3 left (a- - a+ -1) longitudinal polarizations with the same SOV/56-36-4-63/70 On Fair Formation in a Collision Botweon Two Longitudinally Polarized y-quanta probability and b) an electron with right (s W 1) and a positron with left (a+ W -1) longitudinal polarization and vice versa (a_ . -1, s+ = 1) with the same probability. Finally, (3) is writteii down for the ultrarelativistic case and for the case of unpolarized y-quanta. The authors finally thank Professor A. A. Sokolov for his interest and valuable remarks. There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy univeraitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: January 10, 1959 Card 3/3 21(8) AUT110RS:- Uri=_Y-L_B. K. I Mukhtarovp A. 1. 9 SOV/56-37-2-47/56 Gadzhiyev, S. A. TITLE: Polarization Effects in the Decay u4L~*e_ + e+ + PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 20), PP 575-576 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently (Refs 1,2) oases of a charge exchange scattering of negative pions on hydrogen (R- + P-i'n 0 + n) with a sub- oequent decay of the neutral pion according to the Dalitts scheme into an eleotron-positron pair and into a I-quantum were recorded. In the present paper the results of a calcu- lation of the decay of the neutral pion according to the above scheme taking into account the spin states (of the longitudinal polarizatiors) of the eleotron-positron pair produced and of the I-quantum are presented. The Hamiltonian of the direct interaction for the process mentioned abovetakm + 1 + -.*- + - 1 the f orm Eint * 6" e I+eF- 01 D_ (-e-l+)+e+ + 46- a D )Oi~ el. In this equation ~ 09 ~+ 4 and V denote the wave funct- R ir ~e Card 1/3 ions of the x 0 meson, the electron, positron, and of the ;V,. Polarization Effects In the Decay x 0 -4 e- + e + + 7 SOV/56-37-2-47/56 y-quantum. D represents the Dirac operator, 'a - ?I the Dirac matrices, 0 1 - ~2 holding, if the no meson is pseudoscalar, and 0 1 - q,3, if it in a scalar particle. In the sequel an expression for the probability of the decay in question no --~, e- + e+ + y is derived 2 2 k2dQ (dk_) dW(s_,s +9199)- e g + + os t~0(2n)3 koxk+K - (kol-K- )+konK -k-K+ a I+8_8 +~2 +18- ~ 3+ls 341 . The rather lengthy expressions occurring in this equation for 11429 ~39 and (1 4 are writ- ten down explicitly. The formula for dW(S_PS + l,Q) gives the angular dependence and the energy dependence of the degree of longitudinal polarization and of the correlations between the polarizations (the terms -)s_s + '1S_'18+ ) in the decay It0-J~ e- + e+ + 1. This may be of use in the collection of Card 2/3 data on the properties of the neutral pion. According to the Polarization Effects in the Decay %o ---> e- + e~ + y BOV/56-37-2-47/56 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: formulas derived herein the decay probability in no-.)G-+ e+ + Y for the extreme relativistic decay electrons and positrons (if k_, k+.~ k0 and ~ 1 429 ~ 3 ' ~4 is true) differ from zero only if the electrons and the positrons of the pairs exhibit either a left or right polarization. The authors express ttb4ir gratitude to As A* Sokolov for the constant interest shown in this work. There are 5 referenceal 2 of which are Soviet. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Poscow State Uni- versity) May 16, 1959 Card 3/3 KIRIMOV, B.K.; KJMMROV, A.I.; GADZHIYEV, S.A. Longitudinal polarizatiou of an electron-positron pair in the decay of a neutral Ir-weson. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;fiz. no.2:26-30 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosuniversitet im. H.V.Iomonosova i Azerbaydzhanskly gosusiverslU~ Imo SeMeXtrovao (mesons--Decay) 05b0b B006YB070 Z4.657,o AUTHORS: Kerimov, B. K., Arutyunyan, V. M. ........... TITLE- Polarization of Electronalin Elastir Scattering Taking Into ccount the Finite Dimensions cf the Nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti-hegkoy fizikl., 4960, Vol. 38i No. 6.- pp. 1798-1802 TEXT: The object of the present work was to calculate the scattering phaEie shifts and the polarization of elastically sc attered elentrcns when VY allowance is made for the finite size of the scatter14 center. It is known that when a partially polarized electron beam is s,~attexed by nuclei, the angular distribution has an azimuthal asymmetry. As Mott has show-r., suoh an effect can appear on double scattering of an electron at a point center. This effect has been observed experimentally many times but only for low energies where the electron wavelength is large compared to the dimensions of the nucleus which may then be considered as a point scatterer. It may be expected that for large electron energies, the S/05 601C)38100610281'0491XX Card 1/4 85686 Polarization of Electrons in Elastic 3/056/60/038/000'/028/049/XX Scattering Taking Into Account the Finite B006/BO70 Dimensions of the Nucleus structural peculiarities of a nucleu,5 of finite si7e would affect the azimuthal asymmetry considerably. An exprese-ion fcr tbri azimuthal asymmetry on double scattering is derived in thia paper, and i~orrecticns arG given to the usual Mott formula for the sezond and fc-urth nuclear charge density moments. The azimuthal asymmetry.'Y2, on doublo 3cattering through the angles G,' '0 is characterized by Or(O 0 2 i-) (0. ) A (0 2 2 2 &(Q) = i(fg* - fg-)I(ff*' f gg'), where f and g are the D4-ra-. 3-cattering amplitudes. In first approximation A,(0) - 0; in second approximation formula (10) is obtained. As is seen from this formula, the nuclear dimensions affect the polarization properties of the electron beam for large energies. For energies cf 50 100 Mev, (10) may be simplified to T k1 M 00 ), the above + formula becom6s'very simple, and the foliowing relation is valid 'for 89264 Electron-positron correlation S/048/61./025/001/030/031 B029/Bo63 follow for the relative-probabilities of pair production in states with the spin correlations a+9 a 1 and s+s_ a -10 If the energy of the incoming gamma quantum is symmetrically distributed among electron and positron, then E *. J'~_ L and dW - dV/ will hold. Using the substitution + 2 E -~- -Et E E 5 -*' 'at B_ '* 8 1 1 1 -* -1 j the integral cross + 1~y .+ section for circularly polarized bromestrahlung (1 - ;t1) of a longitudinal- ly polarized (a --+I), ultrarelativistic electron is given by dWz~ 84AL.- 6111= Ida). 21 ~'~22 7 (di),+,,j + 3&4,+ W + 29,R- 3W,+ 38! + 284,T- if the longit-adinal polarization of the latter in the final state (alw+l) is taken into account. Here, E - op and El - cpl dehote the kinetic energy of the electron before and after emission of bremsetrablung, and E Y is the Card 4/5 89264 Blactron-positron o~.rrelatibn seat 8/046/61/025/011/030/031 B029/BO63 longitudinally polar.ized G'+ -o- pairs: - -dS 29 8 1 In *"'--y 1 2 + + + + iY (L 161. 2 2 .e2 e2 with 7, r at r a .!F The iniegral production cross 0 o -2 a 737 moc section of longitudinally polarized pairs, which is averred over the two polRrizations ot the gaoma'quantumt reads as follows: ... dR, 2B It 2 CMOO 2 MY L (3,1 wherefrom the relations. B'd In;- X (W+ if's (W + IP)L (3LC'+ 1.") Card'3/5 1! ij ------------ - X. 89264 Electron-positron correlation ass 8/04e/6i/025/001/030/031 B029/BO63 energy of the emitted gamma quantum. A, A, Sokolov is thanked for interest and a discussion, This is the reproduction of a lecture read at the Tenth All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscowt January 19-27, 1960, There are 7 referencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiz1oheskiy fakulltet Mookovskogo goss universitets, im. Us V, Lomonosova, (Division of P sicei Moscow State-University imeni Me V# LomonoBovI. Card 5/5 S/048161/025/001/031/031 to B029/Bo63 AUTHORS: Sadykhov, F, S. TITLE: Electron-positron polarization correlation in pair production with regard to the finite nuclear dimensions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli nauk 835R. Serlya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 166-168 TEXT: The dependence of the cross section for longitudinally polarized aleotron-POBitron pairs on the angle of emission of the positron has been studied in consideration of the finite nuclear dimensions. The cross-seatkn formula derived here may be used to study the effect of finite nuclear di- mensionB on the angular correlation and the longitudinal electron-positron spin correlation in pair production. The form factor F(q) of the density distribution of thel,nuolear charge 9(r) at moderate energies is given as P(q) - go 9(r) sin(qr) 4xr2dr PO I q2 Ot (0) ID4 (0)) dil. (9) can be obtained. With dar (0) (D. (0) is IDS (0) < IN (0) + Is (1)3 (0) + dal, (0, ) - ((dot-)I-L ((da,,)I-j I (dal.)I-1). (12) Card 10/14 Bremsstrahlung of a longitudinal- S/056 ~61/040/002/026/047 3102/0201 P (0,