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Electron Optics SOV3514
Ch. IX. Cylindrical Lenses and Lenses With Two Planes of Symmetry or
Antisymmetry 241
1. Electron-optical properties of cylindrical lenses 241
2. Magnetic cylindrical lenses 256
3. Lenses with strong focusing 272
Ch. X. Deflecting Bleotron-Optical, Systems 281
1. Small-angle deflection in homogeneous electric and magnetic fields 282
2. Deflection of charged particles at arbitrar7 angles In two-dimenaional
magnetic fielde 284
3. Electric field of the cylindrical capacitor and sectorial magnetic
field 290
4. Magnetic electron mirror 299
5. Electron-optical properties of magnetic slits 306
Ch. n . Electron Microscope 311
1. Transition from the ordinaz7 microscope to the electron microscope 311
2. Principle of operation of the electron microscope of the translucent
type 314
3. Magnetic electron microscope 317
4. Electrostatic electron microscope 322
lard 5,1
Electron Optics
5. Resolving power of the electron microscope
6. Investigations with the help of the electron microscope
7. Reflector electron microscope
8. Emiasion microscopes
Ch. mi. Beta-Ray Spectrometers
1. General considerations
2. Beta-ray spectrometers with semicircle focusing in a transverse
homogeneous magnetic field
..3. 'Beta-ray spectrometers with heterogeneous two-dimensional magnetic
4. Beta-ray spectrometers with transverse field securing the sy=etry of
-5.., Beta-ray spectrometers with longitudinal magnetic field
6. Magnetic beta-ray spectrometer built on the analogy of the optical
AVAILABLE: Library of,.Congress
Card 6/6
AUTHORS: Kellmaa, V. M., Peregud, B. P., Skopina, V. 1.
TITLE: A Short Magnetic Lens With a Distributed Winding
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 29, Nr X~pp 1219-
1224 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:. The paper describes construction and design of short magnetic
lenses with distributed windings, to be tioed with a (J,-opcctrom,~ter
having an electro-optical circuit analogous to that of an optical
prismatic spectrometer [Ref 1, 21. Such lenses are considerably
lighter than those having a standard winding, they use less
power for their operation, and do not require any alignment with
the axis of the vacuum tube. The nearer the center of the vacuum
tube the coil is, the longer it is) the number of turns of each
of the concentric windings increasing towards the transverse axis.
The calculation of distribution of ampere-turns density may be
made for any desired distribution of the magnetic field. To this
purpose the equation given by Glaser (Ref 31 is used, the equation)
Card 1/2 written in terms of Hankel functions, representing an expression
A Short Magnetic Lens With a Distributed Win(linfr,
for the calculation of rvqu.1r1.A turns in tile coil winding.
In line with the proposed dcL;i,,r,u Wc authors designed and con-
structed three such lenses. ThQL~c wcrc tested in a spectrcmeter,
and the data obtained by meaourQinunt are compared in curve form
with the calculated values. The method of mcuourt2munts madu is
not described, but it is stated that tile accuracy obtained was
�0.3%. For the lenses tested the magnetic field leakage was 10
times smaller than in standard lenses; itmay be reduced still
further by proper screening. When screening of lenses with
distributed winding was used, the vertical component of the
earth magnetic field was reduced by a factor of 15. A L-ible
is given in which are shown the design data of the lenses dis-
cusaed in the paper as well as those of a standard lens of e-
qual magnification. Tile table shows that tile number of turns
of a lens with a distributed winding, the power it uses, and
its weight are smaller than, and that tile current density is
greater than, those in a standard lens. There arc 'T figures
and 3 references, 2 Soviet, 1 British.
Institute for Technical Physics, Academy of' Sciences, USSR
(Fiziko- teklinicheskly im;titut, AN. SSSR)
April '1, 1959
21(l) SOV/56-36-3-7/71
AUTHORS: Kellman, V. U., MetsUvarishvili, R. Ya.
TITLE: Exact Measurement of the Ration of the Internal Conversion
Coefficients of y-Quanta With Energies of 411.8 kev in
Hg 198 (Tochnoye izmereniye otnosheniy koeffit3iyentov vnutrenney
konveraii y-kvantov 3 energiYeY 411.8 keV v fig Igo)
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 3, pp 694-696 (usn)
ABSTRACT: In the presentpaper the authors publish the results obtained
by measurements of the ratios of the internal conversion
coefficients carried out by means of a 7-spectrometer with
sufficient resolving power. As already shown (Refs 1-3), elec-
tric quadrupole radiation (E2) is concerned in the case of
the 411.8 kev y-quanta emitted by excited Hg198 nuclei. Figure 1
shows the in conversion lines of y-qunata on the L-sub-
shells of fig figure 2 shows the same for the M, 11 and 0
shells, and figure 315hows the conversion lines on K, L, M,
It and 0 shells of lig 8, recorded by means of a spectrometer
Card 1/2 with double focusing. Results: K/L 2.6L+o.02
Exact Measurement of the Ratios of the Internal Conversion Coefficients of
,7-Quanta With Energies of 411.8 kov in 11g198
L L LIII , 1 : (1-05 � 0.02) : (0-45 � 0.01)
L M N 0 - I : (0.252 + 0-004) : (0-077 -� 0-004):(0-018+0-002)
A table lists conversion coefficient ratios (E;,, = 411.8 in
lig'98) which are taken from references 1, 2, 3s 7, 8, 9 and
from the present paper. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and
9 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut
(Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute)
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kellmang V. M.j_ AMokhvarishvili, R.Ya.' SOV/56-37-3-8/62
PreobrazneneKly, bo X.f Romanov, V. A., Tuchkevich, V. V.
TITLE: The Multipolarities of y-Traneition8 in Tm
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1959,
vol 37, Nr 3(9), pp 639-642 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The y-spectrum and the spectrum of the conversion electrons
of excited Tm 169_nuolei has already been investigated by
several authors. In the present paper the level scheme of
the considerably deformed Tm 169_ nucleus and its particular
aharactoristics are first discussed (Fig 10 Ref 4)- In the
following, the authors give~several results obtained by
measurements of the ratios of 1-conversion coefficients to
the L-subshells of Tm 169 (E
M 63, 94, 110, 130.5, 177, and
198 kev). Further, the multipolarities of the transitions
were determined and for mixed radiations the percentage of
the components was determined. The intensities of the con-
geasured by means of P-spectrometers. As
version lines were
Card 1/3 l
a source a thin Yb 9-layer on an aluminum foil was used.
The Multipolarities of y-Transitione in Tm169 SOV/56-37-3-8/62
The production of this source is described in detail: A tan-
talum target was irradiated with 680 mev protons on the
synchrocyclotron of the Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh
issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research); The
rare-earth elements produced were separated by ~on exchange
(using the cationite KU-2) and subjected to a process of 169
preparation which is described. Finally, a Lu-fraction (Lu 16P
was obtained on the aluminum foil, which goes over into Yb
with a half life ofe-j2d. Figure 2 shows the conversion lines
of 177 kev I-quanta onto the L-subehells of Tm 169 , and figure
3 shows the same for 198 kev y-quanta. In both cases also the
LII_ and LIII-maxima are distinctly marked beside the steep
LI-peak. The results obtained by theue investigations are
shown in a table. Thus, the following was e.g. obtained for
the 177 kev transition:
LI:L 11 :L 111' 1 : (0.2~+0-01) : (0-13L+0.006); LII/LI : 82% M1+
+16% E2, LI, I/LI :the same mixture.
Card 2/3
The Multipolarities of y-Transitions in Tm 169 SOY/56-37-3-8/62
For the 198 kev transition the following is given:
LI:Lii-.L III' 1:(0-135.tO-002):(o.o63~+o.ool); LII/Lj: 93~6 M1 +
+ 7% E2, LjII/Lj: 90% M1 + 10% E2. There are 3 figures, 1 tablA
and 15 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR
(Leningrad Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959
Card 3/3
24.2000 77304
AUTHORS: Kellman, V. M., Yavor, S. Ya., Fishkova, T. Ya.
TITLEi Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors
PERIODICAL: Zqurnal telchnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 2,
PP 129-137 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: To achieve a deflection or displacement of non-
monochromatic beams of charged particles witliout sep-
aratina- them ELCcording to energy, Kellman and Lyubimov
(Izv. AN' SSSR, ser. fiz., 18, 155, 1954) used a mag-
netic mirror whose maernetic field vector potential A
satisfies the equation:
where H and k are constants. For a particular choice
Card 1/13 of 1c, 09e can f ind ,in angle CL0 for the incoming
Achromatic Magnetic Mlrx,ors
77-3 04
particles, -Mch that all particles of., energies
eliterIng tlie field at, tliat angle J.n the centra-,L -plane
describe L;lmilar trajectorles ana e,^~,.eroe out O-L' t h e
field at the point of entrance as a single be-n-,
(see Fig. I).
Fig. 1. Similar trajectories in an
achromatic ma,lfrletic mirror. (a.)
angle of incidence; (CL,) angle of
Card 2/13
Achrornatle Magnetic Mirrors 7 7310 4
In addition to checking the known values of CLO for
k ~- 1 and k = 2, the authors of this paper evaluated
the necessary k's for angles CLO = 30 and (.2 0 = 450.
Mirrors with CL = 300 an-loo arrange(t along sides of
an equilateral ?rlangrle o~r mirrors w1th CLO = 450
forming a parallelogram could then be used to maintain
closed -trajectories of particles. The authors start
from the solution ofthe differential equation of
motion for charged particles in the central plane
of a two-dimensional magnetic field, which for the
initial conditions x. Yo = 0 has the foi-m:
, k
ell 11d
sin a0
Card 3/ 13
Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors MO!'
Here e, m, and v are charge, mass, and velocity,
respectively, of the particle; c i~; velocity of light;
M 0 where m is rest ma2s of "he Dartllcle.
v /C2
In the central plane (z ~ 0) the field has the value:
14=1-4~0, (4)
where k can take 1nteger and fractlonal values. UsIng
the known values for Ic versus CL 0: 'A = 1, GLO = 900;
k = 2, ao = 400; and Ic - 3, a. ~~ 280, the authors
constructed an approximate curve k = k(CLO ). Choosing
approximate k values, they caleLilated curves by per-
forming numerical integration of Eq. (5). Typical
curves arep~esen-.-.ed on Fig. 3. From the form of the
Card 4/13 curve they could decide if k should be increased or
decreased to obtain the deolred correct curve.
Acn-comatle Magnetic Mirrors 77 310
Flir, 3. Trajectory of charL~ed pai,,-.s in the
central plane of t1he m-Irror, vilth 2.75 at in-
cidence angles of 28, .)0, atid 32o.
Card 5/13
A 1 !'on 1,'I L JC M,'L';* rI t I ~,' M i'M 1-3 7 1" 3)
SOV/1,Y -30-2 -1/18
The Of CaIVUhLtIoni3 are contained ln Table A.
Table A. (a) Tni.t1a]. (b) dat,,i obtained
by i o i rae t,.L c a.1 I i i t e I ~ ra t I c) r i o f' e,,,q (D f E (7); (C)
(1-t t a obtalned by tourier-I c-ul lntt-~v-, rl-~ T. .1 Oil o t
Eq. (10); (d) dogi-oot,,
Q c
ws 1.
rc I
r 1
2 40.7 3 0 46.2 -7.4 -0.71 1.88
2 40.7 0 2.00 36.6 -2.6 0.76 -1.12
3 27.6 3 0 29.0 4.0 -0.61 1.67
3 27.6 0 1.00 28.0 -1.7 -1.18 1.90
1.81 45 3 0 51.7 -9.2 -0-81 2.01 -5.4 2.08
1.81 45 0 2.00 44.0 -0.4 0.70 -1.92 -2
' 1 -' "
30 3 30,2 0 ') -0-67 1.68 8
:2 1:82
2.75 30 0 0. SO 28.5 2.4 -0.26 I'M -1A 1.17
6/ 13 2.7s 130 0 2A)
1 27.7 4.2 - Wit 17.0 4.67
Achvomatic Magnetic Mirrora
This table containo also data about trajectories not
lyIn-,r in the ceritral plane, obtalned by two methods.
One is by numerically 1nteg-vating, the exact system
of equations of''motion:
(Y2 - I- Z3)
MCI, k (k are ig
d2y e1-14 (Y" - I- Z')2 Y Cos A -I- z sill k are tg
I (k are tgr.~
X [C 22)2
L (y2 Cos k are tg
111CII k
dig elf() T
_ Z2) sin k tire tit z Cos
nICU Y)- (k are tg Y)] X
X [C -2 Cos k are tg
"ICv k
Card 7/ 13
Achrurniatic Magnetic Mirrors
7 7 -30 4
where s is len1c:,1th of' path traveie(i Ly tlie particle,
C is a constant wnich I,) a runction of Lniti'a,L
conditions. Tne other is by late,-J,rating, the
approximate equation by Khurg,1n:
d2r It - k - I (,t-,)I -t
r~o (k -'sina, 7.
MOU) 1, Y 1nCV
denotes the angle between the Xf plane and initial
PZ?ticle direction for particles starting in the central
plane (see Fig. 6); z0 is the initial distance from the
XY plane rx particles enterin7 the field parallel to
the XY plane; y. is the angle between direction of the
exit of the particle and the central plane; CL I is the
an-sle between the projection of that direction In the XY
.Plane and the negative Y axis direction. In all
e I k
ca3e5 the quantity :~--o was equal to 0.04 per cm
Card 8/13 mev
Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors
77 3 Q 4
Figure 6 represents an interesting case where a parti-
cle entering the field parallel to the central lane
comes out again parallel to that plane (curve 2~.
A field with such a special k value can then be used
for displacement of parallel be.,uns of particles with
various energies.
Card 9/ 13
7 7 3) 0 4
49 T
5 6 8 -9
41 . . . . . . . .
------- Fig. 6
(cap-ion on
next card)
01 2 3 q 10
Y. CrA
Card 10/13
X, Cm
Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors
Card l1/ 13
Caption to Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Projections on YZ and XY planes of two
space trajectories in a field with k 1.81. Initial
conditionst trajectory (1)1 X0 = YO z0 = 0,
CLO = 450 J '-/~o =030; trajectory (2): x0 = Yo = 0, z0
= 2 cm, CLO = 45 .0 70 = 0. Crosses Indicate
trajectories with the same initial conditions, but
computed using the method of Khurgin.
Using a method described by Kellman and Lyubimov., the
authors constructed a field for k = 1.81, and its values
agreed fairly well with Eq. (4). Further improvements
were obtained by means of additional windings on
the shielding and the magnet iaminas. Tne authors
point out that one can obtal.:i the desired result,
Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors
S () V/5 7 -3 0 - 2 - 1 /18
i. e., the deflection or displacement of a non:mono-
chromatic charged particle bea!-.n. by utilizinE.- tvio
mirrors with a lateral displacement of part.icles of
dlft'erent enel'gIC.13 In the mariner ind.1cated on re.1g. 10.
Fik. 10. Deflection of a nonmonochromatic beam by
means of two mirrors with noncompensated displacements.
Card 12/13
Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 77304
Thereare 10 figures; 1 table; and 6 references, 5
Soviet, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference is: W. K. H.
Panofsky, J. A. McIntyre, Rev. Sci, Instr., 25, 287,
ASSOCIATION: Physico-techrtcal Institute AS USSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-
telchnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDt July 6, 1959
Card 13/13
pPM'--g'. glgt
21.2000,24.2000 T007
matova, K. A.,
Luzyan n, 1. D.
TITLE: Vertical Focusing or an Electron Beam Using
Cylindrical Magnetic Lenses in an Axially Symmetrical
Radially Increasing Magnetic Field
PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikt, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 2,
PP 153-158 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Kellman and others (ZhTF XXVIII, 1056, 1958) and
Vandakurova (ZhTF,Xxviii: lo65, 1958) showed that
radially arranged magnetic lenses may produce a
vertical focusing of electrons moving in nearly
circularj or spiral, orbits. The present papor
describes experimental Investigation of an electron
motion in a radially increasing magnetic field whose
defocusing effects are compensated by means of
cylindrical magnetic lenses. Two eqtiai ring-
1- the required
shaped flat C0112 (1) are producinc,
Card 1116, field (see Fig. I).
Card 2/8
, .1 (f
i I " -(.(
0 - - 'T I)
11 Ov/. -I -~Q-2-:'/I"
A J~jv. 1
0" (caption on
. fj
,m X
~ N
Vertical Focusing of an Electron Beam TOO,(
Using Cylindrical Magnetic Lenses in an SOV/5'(-30-2 -4 /1.8
AXially Symmetrical Radially Increasing
Magnetic Field
Fig. 1. Diagran, of experimental setup. (1) coils
of guiding field; (2) focusin systems; (3) h0lder,3;
chamber; (5) Injector; ~6~ ' ; (7) ro'd;
8 window; (9) jumper; (10 InGulation .
with a mean
Fig. t.
were performed with two pairs of coils
radius of 55 and 35 cm. The spacial
of the focusing system (2) Is shown on
Fig. 4. Focusing
system (schematic
diagram). (2a) Copper
rod; (2b) vertical
jumper; (4) chamber.
C ard 3/8
Vertical Focusing of an Electron Be"Lm 773,07
. L
Using Cylindrical Magnetic Lenses in an SOV/57-30-2-11/1~~J
AYially Symmetrical Radially IncveaLiing,
Magnetle Field
As seen, the entire BysLem Is a continuous circiiit.
The direction of horizontal fIe1d COMDonents of
adjacent magnetic lenses is oppos1te. The vacuum
chamber (it) has an inner radius of 17 cm and an outer
of 35 cm. It is 2 cm high. The betatron injector
15 Is of standard type with deflector 18 cm ftom the
axis of the system. It could be rotated in the
horizontal and ve'rtical plane. The-angle of diver-
gence of the beam is 50. The path of the beam was
observed by means of willemite covered screens,
while for intensity measurements the screens were
replaced by copper plates, and the resulting
inhibiting radiation was measured bv meani of Gelc,er
counters throu h thin windows covered with thin
organic glass ~see Fig. 5. The injection wao
continuous by means of a constant 4 to 8 kv
potential. In the case of the 35 cm coil of the
Card 4/18 guiding field with 8 kev eleptrons, and 1,2100
Vertical Focusing of an Electron Beam
Using Cylindrical Magnetic Lenses in an
Axially Symmetrical Radially Itwreaolng
Magnetic Field
Fig. 5. Dia ram of
the distribNion of
screens and end-coun-
ters: (1) Injector;
~fl screen;(3) counter;
4 plate shielding
the scattered X-ray
Card 5/8
Vertical Focusing of an Electron Beam
Using Cylindrical Magnetic Lenses in an
Axially Symmetrical Radially Increasing
Magnetic Field
Card 6/18
ampere-turns on the coilB, the authors found on
the screen Nr 4 the beam to be Piell focused
in the radial direction bUt COMPletely Out Of fOC110
in the vertical direction. A 300 a current in
the focusing device reduced the beajn to an
approximate circle or 3 mm diam. 'Me screen was
at a distance of 24 cm from the axis of Hymetry,
The authors used the 55 cm coil to measure the
average Intensity at a fixed equilibrium orbit.
The results are on F1gs. 8 and 9. On Fig. 9,
N2 and N4 are the counting rate intensities from
the radiations originating at the screens Nr 2 and
Nr 4. One sees that while without focusing the
intensity after one half of a turn drops more than
13 times; for currents 61' more than 300 a the ratio
is of the order of unity. There are 9 figures; and
2 Soviet references.
V011ACal POC"Dirif,' of' in Electroii
Using Cylindrical Magnetic Lenoet, In an
Axially Symmetrical Radially Increasing
Magnetic Field
Fig. 8. Beam Intennity versuB' cuovent intensity in
the Vocusing, system at an angular distance of
1350 f'voin the injector. NF - intensity of countIng,
rate at a Curvent I F; N = intennity of' counting
Card 7/8 rate at I F -- 0.
vortic."ll Focu~;Ing of Fin Elef.-tron
U,,,,in,- Cylindrical. M.--tgnetle, Lon:*,e,', In in
A.xiall.,,j '),vuimet-vical RadLally
M,ign6t1c, Yleki
FLg. 9. N2/"ll ratio veroun fo(u.,ini-,
Intell."ity I F*
Card 8/8
" ~~' i 1 ~
11, ~ /S-0 B013/Bo63
"_ / 1T_j 0 0
AUTHORS: Kellaanj V. M.~ Knyazlkov, L. G., and Vasil~yeva, Ye, K.
TITLE: A Magnetic System With Double Deflection Used in Mass
Spectrometers With Strong Dispersion
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 10,
PP, 1193 - 1198
TEXT: Two schemes of mass spectrometers with double focusing are de-
scribed, for which a magnetic system consisting of two oppositely direct-
ed magnetic fields generated by round poles is used. The basic e.cheme of
one of these spectrometers is shown in Pig. 1. It is shown that the dis-
persion of this,speotrometer may be increased arbitrarily by enlarging
the distances 1 and 111. The optit-al magnification of the spectrometer
remains equal to unity. The second Acheme is shown in Fig. 2. For the
purpose of repeated acceleration of the ion beam, this spectrometer is
complemented by a telescopic system shown in Fig- 3, which.consists of
two immersion lenses. The formulas derived indicate that also the
Card 1/3
A Magnetic system With Double Deflection
Used in Mass Spectrometers With Strong
S/05 60/030/010/007/019
dispersion of this spectrometer may be increased arbitrarily. However,
to prevent an excessive increase, it is necessary to use a large
cylindrical capacitor. A spectrometer designed according to the first
9cheme is now being adjusted at the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut
(Institute of Physics and Technology). There are 3 figures and 2 ref-
erences: 1 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakly institut AN 335R, Leningrad
(Institute of Physics and Technology _S1 111.qqR, T,
SUBMITTED: March 14, 1960
Card 2/3
Card 313
04 te t
2301.3/ 063
Universal precision -spectrometer. Atom.energ. 10 no*5:534-536
My 161. (MM 14:5)
0 1z 3P, RAI
MBw Mot
C2 1/1 6 09 0 0 B1041BI02
AUTHORS. Keltman, V. M., and Gall', L. N.
TITLE: Mass spectrometers with two-dimensional magnetic prism
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 31, no. 9, 1961, 1083-1091
TEXT.: -The production of mass spectrometers built in exact analogy to
light-optical spectrometers is prevented by the absence of magnetic systems
fulfilling the same task as optical prisms. Such magnetic systems are used
in 0-spectrometry, and the authors think it pos8ible to use them also in
Mass spectrometers. A magnetic prism (Fig. 1) consists of a deflecting
magnet whose poles are symmetric with respect to the plane PP (plane of
field antioymmetry) and whose field is two-dimensional. The magnetic field
strength must not change in a shift along the x-axis, The angles a and P
must be chosen so that with a certain ion pulse both cylindrical magnetic
lenses which focus the ion beams form a cylindrical telescopic system.
The authors study the conditions to be fulfilled by the angles a and P in
order that the focuses of the cylindrical lenses coincide. They obtain
the two conditions 1/tana + 1/tanP a + B and sina + sinp d/Q, where d
Card 1
4Y41- -R, 4,
Mass spectrometers with two-..... B104/B102
is the width of the pole ahoee, and Q the radius of curvature of the ion
path in the magnetic field. If the gap width is not small with respect to
Q, the equations of motion of the ions in the magnetic field must be
integrated numerically. Further, the authors discuss various constructions
of mass spectrometers with magnetic prisms, First, they deal with a mass
spectrometer whose construction is equal to that of an optical spectrometer
(without energy focusing), taking account of the angular dispersion of
particles caused by mass differences. Finally, they mention four variants
of mass spectrometers with magnetic prisms in which the energy is focused
by cylindrical or spherical condensers. Fig, 4 shows a mass spectrometer
with energy focusing consisting of a plane magnetic prism and a cylindrical
.-ondenser. Ya. L. Khurgin (ZhETFO 11 824, 1939) is mentioned. There are
7 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two references
to English-language publications read as follows: E. M. Purcell, Phys.
Rev., 5A, 818, 1938; C. P. Browne et al., Rev. soi. Instr., 22, 952, 1951-
ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P,, loffe AN SSSR Lenin-
grad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. P. Ioffe of the
AS USSR, Leningrad)
Ca rd 2/4
KtL~m~V.~M-, and Yavor, S. Ya.
Achromatic four-pole electron lenses
Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 12, 1061, 1439-1442
TEXT: Achromatic lenses for electron microscopes are studied. This kind of
achromatic lens can be an assembly of two four-pole lenses - one electro-
static and one magnetic. The symmetry plane of the electric field will
coincide with the plane of antisymmetry of the magnetic field. The electri-
cal and magnetic forces acting upon the charged particles have to point in
opposite directions. The authors only considered the case in which the
electrostatic and magnetic fields are superimposed. The advantage of this
design is that in paraxial approximation all particle trajectories may be
considered achromatic. The relativistic equations for the trajectories of
the charged particles in the lens are
Card 1X
x" - xf(Z)Q(V) - 0
yof + yf(z)Q(v) - 0
Achromatic four-pole electron lenses
S/057/61/031/012/005/01 3
eH eE0
where Q(v) -2 . f (z) determines the dependence of the electrical ind
magnetic scalar potentials on the z coordinate. m - relativistic mass. A
possible design is shown in Fig. 1. Another design could be with hyperbolic
poles and electrodes, with or without laminated electrodes between the
main ones. G. A. Grinberg (Izbrannyye voprosy matematicheskoy teorii
elektricheskikh i magnitnykh yavleniyt M.-L.) 1946) is meritiotied. T~.,ere
are 3 figures and 4 references: 1 Soviet and 5 non-Sovit~t. 11:0 2 re""Cr-
ences to English-language publications read as follows,: P. Crivet. h.
Septier. Vucl. Instr. Meth., 6, 126, 243, 1960; M~ Y, T!,
185, 1953.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im, A. F. Iof'fe AN SSSR
Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni A. F.
loffe AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDt January 26, 1961
Card 2P~
B 1 ON
AUTHORS: Ankudinovt V. A.f Kresin, 0. M., and
Sysoyevaj L. N.
TITLE: Motion of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field the
strength of which is linearly dependent on time
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. it 1962, 22-29
TEXT: The motion of charged particles of mass m and charge a was studied
in a uniform magnetic field Hz = 110 t + Hi. H 0 and HI are constant. The
electric field created by the variation in magnetic field strength is shown
as Ey a -Hbr/2c. The equations of motion for a charged particle in
no relativistic approximation read:
2 (r2 eHor_ e ;~ (Hot + H1
T-T~(H 0t + H r dt -T 2o 0.
From the latter equation it follows that z . i 0t + z0 (3), rhere i 0 and z0
are constant. Thual the particles travel in an r- Y plane moving along the'
z-axis at oonstant velocity. By substituting
Card 1/4
3/0~ 62/032/001/003/018
S/05 62/032/001/003/018
Motion of charged particles ... BI 04X1 38
effo HI
.W =-Y- WI=
0 MO 2MV (A)
in the equations of motiont one obtains
Using the complex function U rexj+(j + 6,16t /2. + CO t)I this system can
2 1
be represented in the form U + (yo t +(J1) U - 0 (7).
iwof -0-1)
Not + WI), I
U= 4-
2we J 2W0
is a solution of (7), Jn being the Bessel function. The constants in (8)
are determined with the aid of an initial value problem, and
Card 2/4
-r" Oj
Motion of charged particles ...
8 0
7 62/032/001/003/018
(mire (Xo) L'J' Wl
X X,
is obtained as solution. Since r is the amount of the complex function U,
one has
J'Or from
(Xjj--~Y. w) (I-,/.(x 1.1.(X)
.1-1. (XV-1. W)7 I
ro (#o 4- 6)1)
X0 X-1- are t9- -* 15), . I
AI (-r0) J-14 W('j (X)
Card 3/4 -A (ZQ)A/- (S) -1,/. (110)1--/, cr)
S/05 2"032/001/003/018
Motion of charged particles B104 B138
.(3),,(14), and (15) fully describe the motion of a charged particle in the:
given magnetic field. A thorough study shows that if a particle moves
long enough its kinetic energy is almost linearly time-dependent$ The
results are applied to a number of special caseet There are 9 figures:
and 2 non-Soviet references. The two references,to Engliah-language
publications read as follows: Gordon, Charged-Particle Orbits in Varying
Magnetic Fields, J. of Appl. Phys., .31, no- 7, 1187 (1960)1 C. S. Gardner,.
Particle trajectories in homogeneous magnetic field with linear time
dependence, University of Californiap Lawrence Radiation Laboratory,
Berkeley, California, Rept. 4563 (Aug- 1955)-
ASSOCIATION: Piz iko-tekhnicheekiy institut AN SSSR im. A. F. Ioffeq g.
Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute AS USSR imeni A. P.
Ioffe, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED: March 27, 1961
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: 11 and Rodnikova, I. V.
TITLE: Now systems for maBs-speotrometors
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 3, 1962, 269 - 278
TEXT: The use of an electrostatic prism and a cylindrical telescope
system insLead of deflecting condensors is studied for oleo tron-optical
mass-spectrometers: (a) with a plane magnetic prism and a cylindrical
telescope system (Fig. 1); (b) with a plane magnetic prism and an
electrostatic prism; (a) with an intermediate image, a plane magnetic
prisia and a telescope system of immersion lenses serving as electrostatic
deflecting element (Fig- 5); (d) with an intermediate image and a plane
magnetic prism and an electrostatic prism as first deflecting element.
If in Figs. 1 and 5 the telescope system is replaced by an electrostatic
prism, then the systems (b) and (d) are obtained. P'l; 1~; M. for the
telescope of cylindrical lenses are determined by the following equations;
sin a -+.sin V2 F, (10)
Card 1/j0 2 Cos
Rt- A
New systems for mass-spectrometers B154 B102
Cosa, cosa V7 FS, (17)
M, = -
Cos 02 cosV
k I F,
7.-, 4-2 V..
where a PI . F 2 Vo a V 11 V 2 ftV ii ; f3.1 , f3.2* 6 1; 1.1r;MB for the
electrostatic prism are determined by the following equations:
F2 V
M, == -
%In cos F, V..
2cosp x (27) (25)
x F,
F, \ V.. (26)
with a F F V - V. - V,,. Ll - distance between two lines in the
1 2 0 M 1.
focal plane corresponding to the difference of ion mass a m; M increase
of horizontal plane; M G - increase of vertical plane. The systems (a) and
Card 2/6
New systems for mass-spectrometers B154/B102
(b) do not include an additional diaphraCn for retaining ions with an
energy considorably different from the given enerGy. Thus only ion
sources provided for beams with omall dispersion of velocity can be used.
To avoid this disadvantage an,intermodiate image is introduced as shown
in the 3ystem.9 (c) and (d). In these systems Al, M r Mc- are given by the
following equationst In sin /-vm7 a...
t_ F. (43)
V.. M
COS a F.. 2 F.. 2 (41)
cosP F.., F.., V
F., 2 F.. 2 f.. I
F.. I F.. V _K (42)
where ~ 1 =19 2 and
COS a 11. 0. -M. 2
Card 3/6 TO-ST vy,.ti . Fy. 1 (31)
New systems for mass-spectrometers
2 f.. I f_V
.P.. , 7.7: V V.
if V 2 V1 (system c) or V s > Vi (system d), then tgl)l ZY2 0. If
n 6
V2> V1 (system c) or VS-,-Vl (system d), then tg 0 1 = t P,2 V,). 1 - plane magnetic priam;
2 - telescopic system of immersion lenses; 3 - collimator lens of the
electrostatic analysator; 4 - focussing lens of the electrostatic
analysator; 5 - collimator lens of the magnetic spectro-meter; 7 - inter-
mediate immersion lens; 8 - diaphragm; A - object; B Intermediate image;
C - final image.
Card 5/6
Electrostatic prismatic analyser of the energy of charged particles.
Zhur.tekh.fiz. 32 w.3.-279-286 & 162. (KM 154)
1. Fiziko-tokhnicheakiy inatitut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad.
(Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Nuclear physics--Instruments)
B10 B 6
4 18
AUTHORS: Kellman, V. M., Peregud, B. P., and Skopina, V. 1.
TITLE: A precision prismatic spectrometer I. Electron-optical
scheme and design A
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy.fiziki, v, 32, no. 12, 1962, 1446-1464
TEXT: A magnetic. beta spectrometer developed in the FTI imeni A.F.Ioffe
AS USSR is described which makes it possible to investigate the electron 1~
spectrum of radioactive isotopes both with great resolving power and with
great aperture ratio, also determining the eleotron energy with great
accuracy. The electron-optical system (Fig. 1). resembles that of an
optical spectrometer. It is distinguished from other electron-optical
systems in that focusing and energy separation of particles are effected by
different unite. This enables great resolving power to be combined with
comparatively large solid angle, large area of source and great aperture
ratio. In the gap of the deflecting magnet*(Fig. 4) the field can be
stabilized by a tight coupling between field strength and coil current,
accurately to within 0.003%. The field strength-of the magnet lenses can
Card 1/4 (1 ~
1612,109,1 /(ji7
S/05 62/032/012/007/017
A precision prismatic spectrometer... B 104YB 186
be varied over a range corresponding to electron energies from 30 to
2800 kev. The vacuum system comprises a vacuum chamber for the source, two
tubelike vacuum chambers for the collimator lens and the focusing lens,
a chamber for the deflecting magnet and another for the counters. Within
an accuracy of 0.01~, a stabilizer keeps the current constant in a range
from 0.02 to 3 a for 20 minutes. The electrons passing through the alit can
be registered either by two G.M. counters working in coincidence or by
counters placed at a distance of 750 mm from the alit. An automatic system
controls the spectrometer accordin6 to a fixed program and records the
results on a paper tape. There are 11 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR,
Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe AS USSR,
SUBMITTED: July 18, 1962
carc-L 21+
A precision prismatic spectrometer...
Fig. 1. Electron-optical system.
Lejend: (1) radioactive source,
collimator lens, (3) deflecting
magnet, (4) focusing magnet,
j(5) slot
B104 186
Card 3/4
A precision prismatic spectrometer... S/057/62/032/012/007/017
Fig. 4. Cross section of a
deflecting m
Legend: (1) Yoke of the
magnet, (2) pole shoes,
(3) coil, (4) shield.
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Kellman, V. M., Peregud, B. P., and Skopina, V. I.
TITLE: A precioion prismatic s.,jectrometer. II. Resolving power,
aperture ratio, accuracy of measurin6 energy and relative
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnichealkoy fiziki, V-32, no. 12, 19621 1465-1476
TEXT: The pro perties of a prismatic beta-spe ctrometer designed in the FT,
imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR (Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, Tio. 12,
1962, 1446-1464)"are described. The insprumen.t is adjusted by means of the
Ir192 conversion spectrum and an RdTh depo sit,.the rectangular * spurce
(1.5-15 mm) and rectangular slit .(1-5-25 mm) being arranged symmptrically.
The optimal instrument half-width is 6 - 0.027% if source and slit are
I mm wide, the resolving power is 0-036~, if the stated above adjustment
is used. Characteristics are given in Table 1. The design of the vacuum
system and of the source attachment makes it possibl.e to vary the distance
between the source and the ctrnter of the collimator lens from 121 cm down
to 5 cm, thereby decreasint the focal length from 127 to 28 cm. If-the
Card 1/4
A p.recision prismatic spectrometer... B104/B186
aperture diaphraEm is opened 9.0 cn the -solid angle varies between O.OOA
and 0.8J'; of 4TE. If the source Is brought closer to the lens, th4 lens
current I K and the anEle i. through which the source must be turned in order
to compensate for the rotation of the image ~y the maEnet lenses both have
to be altered (Fig. 3). In u ~-anbre betxeen 132 and 807 kev the mea.
line-width of the conversion spectrum lay between.0.15 and 0.2lq,b if the
source dimension was 0.6-15 mm, the source thickness 0.5 mg/cm2 and the
slit 2.5-40 mm. The aperture ratio was 0.471to of 4n in these measurements.
,The probable deviation q of the line-width lay between 1.7 and 15~;. The
electron momentum was calculated from the formula
Hp = k I, -t- 6
k (1, -1- 1o) ~_ (3670 :t 2) (11
0.0025 =L 0.0006)t
where H is i-iven in oersteds-cm and I T in amperes. The error of the
Card 2/4
S/05 62/032/012/008/017
A prUC13ion prismatic spectrometer... B104YB186
relative intensities of the conversion lines lies between 0.01 and 0.8~.
There are 5 figures and 6 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR'
Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe
AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED: july la, 1962
Fig. 3. IKIIO and y. as function of the distance it between source and center
of lens. Legend; W Iy/Io, (2) 9~.
TiLble 1. (a) --ymmetrical variant, (b) creat aperture ratio 12 (1) foetal
length in cm, (2) dimensions of the aperture diaphragm in cm , (3) 2 in ~6 of
4x, (4) source dimensions in mm, (6) aperture ratio, cm , (7) 6-.5(Hq)/(HQ),%.
Card 3/4
A precision prismatic spectrometer...
S/05 62/032/012/008/017
B 1 04YI318 6
Table 1
9. Pas.6p
a - A
Ans,ppe ot 4. K.......
MM aA- (Hp)
Ok UO'.).
j 27
0.4 X 15
3-10-6 -0.014
2 5 X 5 0012 0.4 X 15 0.4 7-10-6 0.022-
12 91X 9 0.04 1.0 x is 1.0 6-10-5 0.036
7 9X9 0.12 2.0 X 15 2.5 3-10-4 0.10
4 9X9 0.37 1.5 X 15 2.5 8.10-4 0.14
.28.5 9X9 10.79 1.0 X 15 2.5 12-101-1, 0.20
Fig- 3
Card 4/4
- KELIMANIP Veniamin Moiseyevich: YAVOR, Stella Yakovlevna; ARTSIMDVICH,
L.A., akadmik, otv.'red.; GOLISHTEYN, G.A., red.izd-va;
AREFIYEVA, G.P., tekhn. red.
(Electron optics] Elektronnaia optika. Izd.2., perer. i dop.
Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR; 1963. 362 p. (MI4 16:6)
(Electron optics)
- ------- ---,7
,z '-C-
z z z
I. -." - 5/3, 6102 1
Kel man V. M., and Yavor, S. ya.
A quadrupole len3 vrlth negative chromatic aberration
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnic:hes'P.OY fiziki, v. 33, no. 3, 1963, 7168-370
d- pole lenses may hPve negative chromatic al--rrilion, f the
'c ard electrJc felf4s na~~
. - .. - :.,a ~ r~ I--,.- -. :.. is
and lr~ zjUer,
sym~~,etry ~Iane of
4 3~ ne r CD: nc e 9
the e az t
0~ tn~ lattez. Besides this, the electric and magnetic
field forr~e* acting on the charged particle are count?r tc one another.
~~se assumpt~4ons I the electrostatic and he ma e 4c
-e descri"bed bi 4' 7- x:y
Iz x
res the f4eld distribu'ion alcr- z P-n . re
-r. trie reiativistic case the paraxial tra,octcries have the
A quadrupole lens with negative ... B104/BIGO
xf C'". - -= 0,
mciv, Mat
y1f Ella E
+ rnev MVT
'13 ciefinecl: bj
MOV C2 c
t~,eGe equations the condition
EQ --L < Flo < EO
ve cnromat ic aborration is J erived r, re- V I a t lic and
A q-aadrupole lens with negative B104/B18O
r~ 'r~e ron-relativistic case. If 11 satisfies these conditions a
---adm;Pcie ' uns will hp-ve neg7,ti ve r-~-ro7q; Ile aberrat -Jon. There
4': 7 1 ~C 01 Knrr i C he 8 k i y 'TI B tt U t ; M. AD,' f e ASR
(rlhxsicotechnical Institute imeni A. :Offe AS USSIR,
April 29 1962
S/057/63/033/004/003/0-2-i - --- --
Rodnikova, 1. V.
TITLEs Mass spectrometers with two-dimensional electric and magnetic
PERIODICAL% Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v- 33t no. 4s 1963t 387 - 392
TEXTi In the previous paper of the authors (ZhTF, 32, no. 3, 1962, 269)
mass spectrometers with very small aberration are described, the deflecting
system of which consists of two-dimensional magnetic and electrostatic
f -ields which are arranged separately in a series. The ion beam before
entering and after leaving the f.'elds is parallel. The postulation that
the entire system must be achromatic determines the mutual position of the
magnetic and the electric part of the apparatus. The entire system as a
whole could not be two-dimensional. In the present paper the e1ratron-
optical properties of such a system are studied for the case that the
entire system remains two-dimensional. The formulas are established for
the genexal relativistic case and then simplified for the nonrelativistio
case (low particle velocity) frequently occurring in practice. The angular
Card I/
S/05 63/033/004/003/021
Maas spectrometers with... BIO,YB102
magnification of the eyotem ie M4 coo I$ 2m where ~ is the angla of
deflection, V the electric potential, VIP OV2 ), m is the rest mass
of the pExtiole. The indioes I and 2 denote the values before and after
the passage through the corresponding fields; the index m signifiea that
the particle ahall move in the central plane. The condition for achromatism
sin "2m FV2
Three schemes of the arrangement for mass spectroscopes
sin 1~ V
are. described, which when the direction of motion of the particles is re-
versed, yield three fu_rther schemes. The following formulas are valid for
these schemes (for nonrelativistic approximation). The horizontal
F Cos F V
magnification of the instrument is o 2 lm 2 o
Nor F i -V V-1 Zoe F V
I B 2m 1 B
FI and F 2 denote the focal widths of the collimator and the focusing lens,
V0 is the potential in the object space of the collimator lens and V B is
Card 2/5
Me a aspeotrometers withees D167/B102
the potential in the image apace of the focusing lens. Furthermore
formulas are derived for the image line and the radius of curvature of the
di F2 ~V2 tg + _ V1)
2m (I is valid for the linear dispersion
dm 2ai VB V2
of the apparatus, m is the particle mass. The design of the three
apparatus iescribed in the present paper is simpler thpn that suggested by
'ne author In his previous paper since aimple clectrostrit ic alit lenseq
and not teleacopic systew of ctuch "(-ruges is bofl_r'w. in,~e '.he
angle in tne magnetic field is limited with 400 the dispersion
OIN 0 r. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicherkiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe Aft SSSR, Lenin-
grad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe &S USSR,
SUBMITTEDs April 2, 1962
Card 3/3
Achromatic quadrupole lenses. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.9s
1135-1138 S 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiv institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR.
(Electron optics)
Acceleration of charged particles by periodically varying
magnetic fields. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 33 no.ltl9-27 Ta.163.
(KMA 16 s 2)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni A.F.1offe AN SSSR.,
(Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Magnetic fields)
Chisdrupole lens with negative chromatic a*rration. Zhur. tekh. fiz.
3Y no.3068-VO Mr '63. (KIRA 16:5)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiv institut imeni A,F,Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad,
(Lenses) (Achromatism)
Mass spectrometers with two-dimensional electric and magnetic
fields, Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.4s387-392 Ap 163. OURA 16:9)
1. Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR,
Leningrad. I
(Mass speatrometry) (Electric fields) (Magnetic fields)
"Dis-eersion Properties of a Prismatic Electrostatic Beta Spectrometer."
report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, 7bilisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
FTI (Physico Technical :Enrdt)
ACCESSION NR: AP4013421 S/0057/6-1/03,1/002/0321/0325
Au-1110il: Kel 'man, V. 14. Levchanko, S. I. ; Luzyani~, 1. Peregud. B. P.
TITLE: Vertical focusing of an electron beam in an axially sy=,otric radially In-
creasing magnetic field by cylindrical magnetic lenses
SOURCE: Zhurnal telchn.fiz., v.34, no.2, 1964,!321-325
T-PIC T,%GS'-. electron beam, electron beam focusing, 'magnetic lens, cylindrical mag-
netic lens,vertical beam focusing,'vertical cyclotron beam focusing, cyclotron, ac-
celerator, continuous injection accelerator
ABSTRACT: This paper is the most recent of a series N.M.Kollman, B.P.Peregua, X.
A.Domatova, ZhTF 28,No.5,1055-1060,1958; Yu.V.Vandadurov,lbid.28,No.5,1065-'AO76,
1958;, B. P. Peregud,K. A. Dolmatova, 1. D. Luzyanin, Ibid. 30,No. 2,153-158, IS60
devoted to discussion of a system for vertical focusing of the.beam in a cyclotron
or similar device. The focusing system In described in earlier papers of the seriaso
The focusing system consists of a number of cylindrical magnetic lenses located on
equally spaced radii of the acceleration chamber. The present paper reports an ex-
perimental investigation of the effectiveness-of the focusing system by means of
ACCESSION Nlt: AP4013421
probe measurements of beam intensity under various conditions. The apparatus (ex-
cept for.the probe, which presents no novel features) was described in an earlier
paper. The chamber was 4 cm high and somewhat more than 32 cm in radius. A 5 keV
electron-beam was employed. The beam current was.,measured at 1350 from the injec- '~v
tion point as a function of tho current In the focusing lenses. Appropriate excita-'',
tion of the lenses increased the beam current by a Tactor of 100. The beam current
was measured as a function of the radius with the lenses excited. Six peaks could
be distinguished which, by their relative heights, could be correlated with the
first six revolutions of the beam. The positions of the beam after each of its lirst..
fivo revolutions wore calculated by a method developed in a previous paper. The
calculated beam positions agreed very well with the locations of the five highest
peaks on the current versus radius curve. The position of the beam after the sixth
revolution is not discussed. The following conclusions are drawn- 1) The proposed
system assuros'effective vertical focusing of an electron beam in a radially in-
'creasing magnetic field. .2) Formulas developed in an earlier paper can be employed
to calculate the behavior of the system. 3) The system can be recommended for use
with cyclotrons to increase the beam energy, and for the development of ne'd types
of continuous injection accelerators. "The authors express their gratitude to Yu.
Card 2/3
V.Vandakurov and Yu.S.Korobochka for the interesting and valuable discussions that'
occurred during the course of the work." 4 formulas, 5 figures and
1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziki-tekhnicheskiy institut ii. A.F.Xoffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physi7
cal-Technical Institute, AN SSSR)
SUBUITM :26Dec62 DATE AOQ: Meb64 ENCL: 00
So Can: PH, SD NR SOV'REFI 004 OMER: 000
i~ 3^
A, .
t Nfluwal -
AWN., ralffil
ZU p
Acceleration of charged particles by variable magnetic fields. Zhur.
tekh, fizo 39 nool:23-33 A '64. (KUU 17:1)
1. Fiziko-tekhniolieskiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad.
~,K~ ,51
Kt,L--'jWN4 V-Pl.; KNYA~;'KOV, L.G.; KRU15NOVA, Ye.K.
High-d! spars ion mass sre-.trompt,-?r wl lh ad ouble magnet 4 c ays
Zhur. tekh. flz. 31+ no.9-.1688-1693 S 164&
(MIRA 17-10)
"'. Flzikc--ts-,khnichpski..y institut Imen! Toffe AN SSSR, Lenln,grad.
rr4Lj,! uu cy-n tp
olmot ggm
N iffi M lttRl~z Clz~~Vl
-I tr-w - . We
Electromagmetic mechanim of t~o acc-eIerat-lon of roz:mir- rays.
Izv. All SSSR.Ser.fiz. 29 no.10:1865-1869 0 16,90
(MRA 18:10)
1. Institut yudernoy Piziki AN KazSSR.
L 21914-66 NT(1) IJP(c)
ACCE9SION NN AP5019234 uR/oo56/651049/ooi/oelo/oei3
AMORt Glikman, L, Ke~~~V~.M. Yakushev, Ye
~TITLM. Exact integration of the equations of motion of relativistic chsrpd
particles for a certain clans of variable electKo
A"Mgtiq f
1SOMM: Zhurnal ekarerimentallnoy I teareticheakoy fiziki, v. 49, not Is 1965g
TOPIC TAGSt motion equations nonlinefir Olfferential equation$ partial differential.
equations first order differential equation, charged particle, relativistic partic1c
!ABSTRACT., The authors obtain an exact solution for the equations of motion of re-
!Iativistic charged particles in a variable electromagnetic field having rotational
:13V,-nmetry, in which there is a median plane that- in perpendicular to the symmetry
axis and is a plane of antisymmetry for the marnetic field and a plane of symetry
for the electric field. The notion of the particles In this plane is treated. It
;is assumed in addition that the charges produce no electric fic-M and that the
electrostatic potential is zero. The magnetic component of the field has only an
azimuthal. component In the median plane. The equations of motion are derived from
the relativistic ffamiltontan-JeLcobi equation and reduced to a first-order partial
i Card 1/2
L 219-1-6
ACCESS1011 ITR- AP5019234
differential equation, vhIch is integrated by the Lagrange-Charpit method, Orig,
art. hnn, 15 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fialki Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SER (Inctitute of
Nuclear 'Physics Academ7 of SciencesgKazakh SSR
suBmimij- nian65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODES Opt MA
~UO REF SOVe 003 0TWi 000
SOURCE com uR/0057/66/036/Ollj
Kel, man,VM,_.;_RodnikoYa.,I.V. ; Uteyev,M,L,
ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Xaz.SSR0 AlvA-Ata (Institut yadernoy Miki
TITLE: A magnetic prism .mass spectrometer
SOURCE: ZhurnAl tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 1966, 2028-204
TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrometer, prism, magnetic.field, electrostatic lens
ABSTRACT: A magnetic prism mass spectrometer is described, theoretical and experi-
mental babkground for the design of which will be found in two pipers by V.M.
Kel'man. and collaborators (ZhTF, 31,1083,1961; DAN SSSR, 160,85,1965). Collimation
and focusing are accomplished by two identical 100 cm focal length singlet electro-
static lenses. The dimensions of the pole pieces ot the magnetic prism, in which
the beam is deflected thrbugh 1060, are 3 x 15 x 13 cm, and the gap between them is
16 mm. A beam of 4.0-4.2 keV ionp from a conventional electron-impact ion source is
admitted through a 0.1 mm alit, limited by a 1.0 x 1.2 cm oval iris 88 cm from the
,slit, collimated by the electrostatic lens 12 cm from the iris, deflected by the
magnetic prism, and focused by the second lens onto an adjustable slit having a
maximum width of 0.35 am. The current through the exit slit is amplified and recorded
with an automatic plotter. The ion beam in brought to a line focus by the fringe
Card 1/2 UDC: 539.1.OS
,~_A_CC kj~s_Kpf-
field of the prism, an6 the focal line is In the central plane of the prism when the
Instrument Is properly adjusted. This adjustment is Offected by moving the prism
1m8gnQt* because the Collimator tube is rigidly fastened to the vacuum system. The
relative mass dispersion of the instrument is 1330 mm (i.e., 13.3 mm per percent mass
~change)- The records of several close mass doublets obtained with the instrument
are presented. A resolving power of about 2200 was achieved with the exit slit wide
open, and resolving powers up to 3000# with a narrow exit alit. Spectra were also
recorded without the second (focusing) lenal the Collimator being adjusted to'over-
Collimate the beam and bring it to A focus on the exit alit$ There was no appreciable
deterioration of the resolving power under these conditions. Orig. art. has:
I formula and 8 figures.
SUB COD91 20 MMM DATE s 28Dec65 ORIG. REFt 005
Card 2/2
V1 2 1~49 2-/ B108/B104
AUTHORS: Yefimova, B, A., Kellman, Ye. V., and Stil'bans, L.. S:~
TITLE: Mechanism of scattering from impurity ions in Bi 2Te
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 1, 1962. 152 - 156
TEXT: The temperature dependences of the electron and hole mobilitie5 of
polycrystalline Bi 2Te 3 (n- and p-type) were measured at 60 - 6000K, The
different carrier concentrations at which the measurements were made were
attained by adding Pb (p-type) and/or CuBr (n-type). In evaluating the
mobility data it was assumed that the mobility related to scattering from
impurity ions is independent of temperature and of the mean carrier energy.
Moreover, it was assumed that I/Uexp = 1/u therm + 1/uion' where u therm is
the mobility with scattering from thermal lattice vibrations, u ion is the
mobility with scattering from impurities. The effect of scattering from
impurities on the thermo-omf is lose than 10 - 12J.. It was therefore
possible to calculate the levels of the chemical potential from the thenno-
Card 1/3
Mechanism of scattering from... B108/B104
emf. The electron and hole mobilities in the cas?,?g scatteriu from t*-.Ie
thermal lattice vibrations are proportional to T and T , reSDec
tively. Experiments as well as calculations were proof of the correctness
of the law 1 - & (1 - carrier free path) (M. 11. Vinogradova e t al, , FTT,
1, 9, 1333, '1959). This law accounts for screening of the charge of the
impurity ions owing to high dielectric constant and high carrier concen-
tration. The experimental and calculated cross sections S of scattering
1; 2
from impurity ions agree well with each other (S exp , 2110- . cm,
Sth - 3,!0 -15 cm2), corresponding to an "ion radius" of about 3 There
are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 2 Soviet and 5 non-Sovict, The
four most recent references to English-language publications real as
follows~ H. Brooks, C, Herring, Phys, Rev., 83, 879, 1951; K,, Hashimoto.
Mem. Fac Science, Kynsyn University, ser. B, 2~ 5, !65, 1-958; 1, G,
Austin. Proc, Phys. Soc., 72, 545, 1956; N. S-clar. Phys. Rev,., 104, 1548,
ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of
Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad)
Card 2/5
Mechanism of scattering from...
S ~13
B108 104
Card 3/3
Mechanism of scattering on impurity ions in Bi2T3. Fiz.
tver. tela 4 no.1:152-156 ja 162. (MIRA 15:;Z)
1. institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad.
(Bismuth telluride)
USSR 11,icrobiology. General "'-icrobioloSy. -;ffect of F
External Agents. Disinfection.
Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol-j ITo 2, 1959, 5421.
-,,,uthor :Kogan, D. A.; Kellman, Z. N.
:Uzbek Institut ~~ ~'Mcs' Traumatology
Inst e d
and Prosthetics.
Title :Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation of Bactericidal
Lamp on Pathogenic Hicroflora of Wounds.
CriE Pub: Tr. Uzb. id-i. in-ta ortopedii, travLlatol, i
protezir., 1955, 6, 89-91.
Abstract: The effect of dcmostic ultraviolet bactericidal
lamp, emitting only ultraviolet rays radiation
with a wave length of 263.5 mp on Proteus, Bao-
illus -pyocyaneus, EscherichIle coli, 13taphylococ-
cus aureus, and Staphylococcus albus was studi9d.
Card 1/2
USSR Microbiology. Microbes, Pathogenic to and F
Animals. General Problems.
Abs Jour f Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 19544
Author t xel'man Z 'NJ
Inst : z ec Sciontific-Research Institute of
Traumatology and Orthopedics
Title :Vaocine Therapy and Vaccine Prophylaxis In
Experimental Wound Infections
OriG Pub !Tr. Uzb. n.-I. In-ta travmatol. I ortopedlip
1957 (1958), 7, 65-69
Abstract :It was Indicated previously that specific
antibodies are formed in the animals' blood
at the presence of Proteus in a wound; titer
and preservation period of these antibodies
in the blood depend upon the scale of the
Infection. On the basis of these data, a
Card 1/3
U:333R / Microbiology. Microbes, Pathogenic to Man and F
Animals. General Problems.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19544
vaccine was prepared from the culture of the
Proteus for accelerating the healing process
of the wounds. The washed day-old Proteus
culture was heated over a water bath and
diluted with a saline solution to a density
of 10 billion microbes. Tests wore conducted
on 85 rabbits, which were previously immunized.
When subcutaneous inoculations of 500 million
microbes were given to the tested animals,
an Infiltrate with pus content 18 formed,
after lancing of which, the wound healed.
It was shown that the heated, as well as the
formalinized vaccine, during the same periodst
accelerate healing of the wounds, depending
upon the quantity of the inoculated microbes.
Card 2/3
Eff e (-- 1~ f,f ', i,-!~ ~! L _1 L 1~ " 7 ;) I , ;",-I ri - wi 4.1r,"i . - !* ~ . 't . (~ " _', *,
the Y! f, 'I'll Of 11 r'. t I -,", ~.).l ~j , * : i -,: -f , . . " ~.rj 9 -i I r --. , . ~ -~ ; -. J,-- 11 .; '. 3
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n 0. 2 :.- .-'~ -,. , ,- - " 1- -4 - I . 1.
1. Irkat.!ikiy
KELIMANS, A.K. (Moskva)
Evaluation of the regability of information transmitting systems
with random structure taking into account the value of transmitted
communications. Avtom. i telem. 24 no.9tl250-1259 S 163.
(MDU 16:9)
(Information theory)
comin inicaElon uvttcr"I
I ar:
MY i S.
ll,-M-Te-~4*PMAOM ggiRg
, I R
68 10114 11 W,
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U~ huff!-Lmv ggl g"a lzr:~osv ~ , -A~ j7
- ---- Aw-g - -.- - - - - . - - --
ACCESSION NR: AP4024683 S/0103/64/025/00Z/0207/021Z
AUTHOR., Xellmansp A* X. (Moscow); Marnikonoy, A. 0. (Moscow)
TITLE: Synthesizing optimum-raliability Information-transmission structures
SOURCE: Avtomatika i t0lemekhanika. Y. 25. no. 2, 1964, ZOI-212
TOPIC TAGS:. automatic control, link system, communication link eyatem,
optimum reliability link, optimum reliability network, information transmission
ABSTRACT: The problem of synthesizing a link structure (network) having an
optimum reliability when the mean losses caused by link and apparatus faults are
taken as a reliability criterion in theoretically considered. The apparatus
reliability is considered constant; hencet the information-system reliability
depends on the reliability of the link structure only. AA algorithm is formulated
(differing slightly from that of Po X. Prim, ."Shortest Connection Networks and
Card I /Z
ACCESSION NR: AP4036508 S/0103/64/025/005/0661/0667
AUTHOR: Kellmans, A. K. (Moscow)
TITLE: Optimum problems in the theory of reliability of information networks
SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 25, no. 5, 1964, 661-667
TOPIC TAGS: system reliability, inforrnation system reliability, system
reserving, information system
ABSTRACT: An information system which includes rx independent and definitely
connected elements, each of them having a probability of failure q(, and a cost c4 ,
is considered. The system reliability criterion F- ...14N) is
specified. Twb types of problems are analyzed: (i) D$terrrxine a reserving plan
that would n-,Laxirnize the system reliability at a limited cost and (2) Minimize the
system cost meeting a specified roUability. These prob16ms are solved
(formulab describing losses which correspond to them optimum distribution of the
r,~, f D K, A
A-',,.) ~ Y~V--T. A new recuralon lormu-IZ Is ouggestea ior acternmaning rac
M 5mmgp pmx,~ 7j%
I i , OEM, :,
'11, 9 ON
w -
:1 , , .1 W
1 1; 1 1. 1 If
14983-66 EWT(d) 1JP(c)
'ACC NR& APG(102402 S06ift CODE- UR/0103/65/026/012/2194/2204
AUTHOR: Kellmana A K. Noscaw)
ORG: None
TITLE: The number of trees in a graph. Part I
SOURCE: Avtornatika, I tolemekhanika, v. 26, no. 12, 1965, 2194-2204
TOPIC TAGS: riet theory, graph theory, function analysis
ABSTRACT: The author. presents a method of determining the number of trees in graphs of a
certain class, which is more effective than the existing general methods. A totality -of
operations has been determined for a set of graphs. Each graph is associated with a certain
function, termed the Brs-function. The graphs of the class examined are represented as
G ~ F(Glj G29 t s. 9 (Q. This article first of all discusses a technique fi)r the "decomposition"
of a graph G Inb) G1. G21 .... GIt. if the indicated represent"# on exists, and secondly,
presents a metbod-of obtaining the Dr a-ftinction-s-of the graphs G,, Gk and the functionF
are known. The number of trees in graph D(G) is easily obtained from the Br'-function of the
graph G, where D(G) Is the value of the D8-function in a certrAh point. Orig. art. has: 4
figures and 19 formidas. r
/ SUBM DATE- 20MAr 65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: , 010
L 21975-66 ZWT(d) IJP(c)
ACC NR: AP6007861 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/002/0066/0065
AUTHOR: Kellmans, A. K. (Mosccv)
ORG: none
TITLE: Number of trees in a graph. Part 2
SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, no. 2, 1966, 56-65
TOPIC TAGS- graph theory, mathematic analysis
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper Is to present a procedure for a specific class of
graphs which would make it possible to obtain formulas for the number of trees In a
graph as functions of the number of peaks and several other parameters. A method for
the expansion of a graph into elementary segments Is Indloated, i.e., a method of the
determination of a given graph, and whether it is presented In the form of
0 = F(G19 G2s ... 9Gk) 9 (1)
en what to its representation. The Bs - functions for several elementary
and if so, th
UDC.- 519.14
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"Hydrodynamics and heat transfer In the annular canal with
an Inner rotating cylinder"
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical
and Applied ~lechanlcss Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
.: 4 r';!,
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