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KA"Vall.', A.1.2 otarshiy nauchnyy notrudnik; CORBUNOVA, R.L., st-a-111V nan-huy sotrudnik; ANTONOV, A.I. Our experience in the use of a brace of the Xlllwauk,~e type. Ortop., travm. I protez. 26 no.4:73-75 Ap 165. 1. Iz Voentrallnogo lnutltuta travriatologii I orto~edii (dir. chlen-karrespondent A14N SSSR prof. M.V.Volkov). 2. Vedushci ,ly konstruktor TSentrallnogo instltuta travmatolc~-,ii 1 ortc-pedli (for Ant,onov). Adres avtorovi Moskva A-299, Ul. Priorova' dum 10, I'Sentralinyy institut travmatologAi i orl,nipedli. ACC We AP60i7986 SOURCE CODE: URI/0413/66i06~/0101008~~GM6 EXENTOR: Bashilov, I. P.; Bulanzhe, Yu. D.; Dubovik, A. 6., Yerofeyev, V. I.; Popov, Ye. I.; Kevlishvilit Ps V,; Kobrin, L. V.; Kogan, B. Ya.; Xaz~~m Mikhaylov, 11. N.; Churbukov, A. 1.; Shileyko, A. V. ORG: None TITLEs An automatic device for determining acceleration due to gravity on a movable base. Class 42o No. 181833 (announced by the Institute of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Ghmidt, All 553H (Inatitut fiziki Zemlt &4 60803 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, 86 TOPIC TA061 gravity, olectron optics, oloctranic aquipment, Gravimator ABSTRACT: Mis Author's Certificate introduces an automatic device for determining acceleration due to gravity on a movable base, using a strongly damped clartic gravi- meter system. The installation contains a meter for acceleration due to gravity, a system of mirrors, lens, light source, two condensers and a slotted prism. Ac- curacy of measurement in improved, and processing of the resultant information is sutomated by using an electron-optical converter v1iich changes angles or turn of a pendulum to digital code. This converter is made in the form of a code mask with leases attached. A prism is mounted behind the lenses vith metallic mirrors and photocells. Card 112 it ------ AC~; r4- f 7 ZM4 1--aCCClerometer$ 2-system of mirrors; 3--objective lens; 4-light source; 5 and 6- condenacra; T-alotted prism; 6_elcca'1*bn-opticcd converter; 9--code mask.. 10- lenses; ii-photocellg; 12-prium i metallic mirrors 6W COM 09, OB/ SUBM L.Tz/ i6cy6h UDWIp A.N. Cimeiform resection of the spine in severe forms of scoliosia. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no.4s368-371 Ag 162. 1. Ustredni ustav traumatologie a ortopedie, reditel radny clen Akademie lekarskyoh ved SSSR prof. N.N.Priorov.' (SCOLIOSIS) CHTZHOV,D.G.; KOOTEV.G.I.; LAVREMIKO,K.D.; SPIRIN, S.A.; NREUISOV,A.M.; rVANOV, R.I.; UYAYFT,K.Ta.; GRISHIN, Ur.; KOSTIN,M.F.; PCPOV,V.A.; ZAGCIRCMIKOY, P.I.; YEDOPOV, P.N.; K 0; YCHICHEV, G.l.; YERSHOV,P.I.; .A&WIN, Aj KOSHCWMYAKOV,V.I.; YBYMOV,S-.G.-, LEVIN, I.S.; LgTUCM.L.I.; XWOM, Ilikolai Alekenevich Andreov. Energetik 4 no.9:40 S 156. (MW 9:10) (Andreev, Ilikolni Alekseavich, 1896-1956) -Z '4/1 1 /Y., /A - ~",' CHIZHOV. D.G.: KOGTXV,. G.I.; IAVRMNKO, K.D.; SPIRIN, S.A.; NFJCRASOV, A.M.; IVANOV, R.I.; UFAYXV, M.Ys.; GRISHIN, I.K.; KOSTIN, M.F.; POPOV, V.I.; ZAGCRODNIKOV, P.I.; YKDOTOV. P.Hii KA,Zl.MlN,,.--A.V..- YOMICHST, G.I.: YERSHOV. P.I.-, KNSII013RYAKOV, V. .1 .YHRNMOV, S.G.; LEVIN, I.S.; IJTUCHXV, L.I.; BILKIN, M.N.; OBOLONKOV, M.I.; BATININ, B.A.: BURIYANOV. B.P.-, XAHATOV. P.I.; KOKORXV, S.V. Nikolai Alekseavich Andreev. Blek. sta. 27 no.10:62 0 156. (Andreav, Hikolai Alakseevich, 1897-1956) (MLRA 9:12) JUZIMIN, FoP-; HFADVEDUROV, V.A. Experience in the operation of the USVM-l blender. Tekst.prom, 20 no.9:71-74 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Direktor fabriki imeni Petra Aleksayeva (for Kazlmin). 2. Glava" inshener fabriki imeni Petra Alekseyeva (for Medvednikov). (Woolen and vorsted manufacture-Equipment and supplies) LEBEDEVA, Ljvubov' Yakovlo3ma, kand. biol. nauk; LEBEDEV, kleksandr Ivanovich, kand. Bellkhoz. naui I--- KAZIMINV G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, otv. red.; SHAYKOVA, N., te (Grapes in the Maritime Territory]Vinograd v Primorskom krae. Vladivostokq Primorskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 157 p. (Maritime territory-Viticulture) (min 16:3) S/065/63/000/003/002/oo6 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Kazlmin, G.I., Bayburskiy, L.A., Odintsov, A.B. TITLE: Preparation of a solvent for the production of polyethylene PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masell n0-3, 1963, 19-22 TEXT: The solvent was prepared from commercial extraction grade benzene extracted from low-sulphur, paraffinic Groznyy crudes. The most suitable fraction of the benzene had the initial boiling points 75 to 95*C, benzene content 1.5 to 2.3 wt.%, sulphur content < 0.005 wt.%, naphthenic hydrocarbons 40 to 48 wt.'%. The production costs of this solvent are lower than those for a similar solvent produced from catalytic reformates. The costs could be decreased further by employing fully instrumented and automatically controlled fractionating columns. The authors recommend that the centre for the production of solvents for the manufacture of copolymers should be situated in Groznyy because of its resources in raw materials. There are I figure and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: GrozNII, GNPZ Card 1/1 GVOZDETSKIY, L.A.; KAZIMIN, G.I.; KASATKIN, V.A.; SEMENOV, B.S. At the petroleum refineries of the U.S.A. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.6t68-72 Je 161o (MIRA 14:7) (United States-Petroleum refineries) r I"g KAZIMD , Grigoriy Ivanovich; GVOZDETSIIY, Lov Andreyevich; KASATKIN, ;-SEMKOV, Boris Sargeyevich; ILITISIERLOVA, 0.14.9 ved, Q.; BASIFAKGV, G.M., tekhn, red, (Petrole= refineries of the U.S.A.]Veftepererabatyvaiushchie zavody SShA. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 332 p. (MIPIA 15-.10) (United States-Petroleum-Refineries) KAZIMIN, G~I* Designing powerful petroleum refineries to be built. DAM. I tekh. topl, i masel 9 no.12r64-65 D 164. (MIRA 18-2) Ar.~, SOURCE CODE: UR/0137 AUTHOR: .. Ka ain, Go- $j,, skov A.; ~kov ts, N. Q.,; Proskurovskiy D. I. & Ir 2 _ _ ,_ _ Sudakov, T. L; Shangini- A.S. ORG: none TITM: Electron-beam weldin '~)i materials in a vacuum SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 127E28) REF SOUIRCE: Sb. dokl. k Novosib. nauchno-tokhn. konforen.tsii po mashinostr. Ch. 1. Novosibirsk, 1964, 115-122 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, vacuur,-, velding, metal cutting TP.V!'.1-11J,LTI01N: The authors describe the. advz-aitages of the eir-c~r~=-bewn -,,~thod for 4 welding -' - C, U a oviz-.r other mothods'Units are described fo. diilling and cutting rrata-ls with the use of an electron beam. These installations -.-tera developed in the Department of Electronic Devices at the Tomsk Institute of Radioelectronics and Electronic Technology. V. Famenko, EJPRSi- SUB CODE: l,3 Card 1/11::Nz- S/139/59/000/05/003/026 AUTHOR: Kazmin,__G,S E032/9114 tLA"...14 /17 TITLE: Arf"'M_Ze"r!tjna_Tubp_'for a High Intensity Slentran Bfiam W PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy) Fizikaj 1959) Nr 5, pp 14-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description is given of the electron-optical system of an accelerating tube with electrostatic focussing and working in the space charge limited region. The electron-optical sch-me is shown in Fig 1. The experimental tube (25u kV) is shown in Fig 2, Its body is 76 am long and consists of two identical glass sections 1. The tungsten cathode which is in the form of a plain spiral 2 gives an emission current of up to 6 amps at 200 watts. The working life of the tube is 10 - 20 hours. The tube is supplied by the pulse transformer 4, and the voltage distributed along the tube sections is derived from the water potential divider (in rubber tube) 5. The current intercepted Card by the Faraday cup 3 at 100 V was found to be 1/2 0.44 amp for m = 2.5 (m is the ratio of voltages on the electrodes of the lens (of Fig 1). At 250 W this current was found to be 1.7 amp. It is shown that 0 KAZIMINP G.S.; KASSIR071p G.M.; KREYNDELI, Yu.Ye.; LAPTEVA, T.I. Some aspects of constructing accelerator tubes for high currents. Izv. TPI 122:108-115 162. (MIRA 17:9) ACC NR, R7002i2 A UiC102 fF/6T/C~0/0l0/A0l1/A011 AUTHOR: Kaz,*'In, G. S. -Noskov, D. A. PankovIeta, N. G.; Sudakov,,V. I.; 'Proskurov-swy. D. TITLE: Electr in-beam welding of leads In electrovacuum devices SOURCE: Ref. h. Elektronikh I yeye prim eneniye, Abs. 1OA74 REF SOURCE: r. Tomskogo in-ta radioelektron. I elektron. tekhn., no. 4, 1965, 112-114 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, tungsten."WbUM, nickel voiding, flux, ABSTRACT: ArX1 experimental investigation was rmde of electron-beam welding of leads in electrovacuum equipment, which were made of tungsten and nickel com- ponents. Acted upon by the accelerated and focused electron beam in vacuum, the tungsten component generates the heat which fuses the ends of the two wires. The leads are welded on an electron beam device. The components to be welded are fastened to a mandrel, placed in the operating chamber. During welding, the com- TYnt4. A91 IJ n1f) ,CC NR' AR7002221 ponents are brought to a distance at 0. 2-0. 3 mm. The nickel component is fed the tungsten com!ponent by a spring mounted on the mandrel. An unetched micro- scopic analysis 600X showed no defects in the weld. The weld was dense, without pores, cracks, i[nd inclusions. [Translation of abstract] [NT) SUB CODE: 13/' Cara. 2/2 U13Lih/ cativattT, Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., 1,io 4, 1958, 15767 1 A-~-- n rp vn7lmin USSR/CUltivatCd Plants Fruits. Berries4' m-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur BiolL, No 7, 1958, 30034 Author Kazlmin) G.T, -- - -------- Inst The Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute for AGriculture. Title The Voylochnaya (Felt-like) sour Cherry. Orig Pub Naucka i peredovoy opyt v s- kh., 1957, No 1, 38-40 Abstract The Voylochnaya (felt-like) variety sour cherry is Oescri- bed which was developed at the Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute for &%(~riculture by methods of analyti- cal selection and hybri(lization with the sand cherry. The hybrid varieties were characterized by stronC; Growth, resistance to red rot and "cherry-pockets" and by their rapid fruit bearing. Ten elite and 16 candicates for the elite and many prospective saplings wer :.Lassified. Card 1/2 Maw UsSR/cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. Abs Jour Ref zhur Biol., No 12) 1958: 53815 Author Kazlminj GoTs Far Eastern Scientific Research Illatitute of ALTiculture Title Some AUotechnical Problens in GrovinG Plum ScOdlin3s- Orig POO : Byul. nauchno-tokha. infom. Dalnevost. n.-i. in-ta s. kh., 1957, No 4t 42-44 A the rccAon of Abstract : The blossoms of the apricots cultivated U Ei:dlin (Italy) are frequently sUbJCctOd to frosts in the nU. It was) therefore~ necessary to raise later spri, blossoming; varieties of apricot. The latest blossorAnG variety is Ril Umla- In 1954 a-,-A in 1955, the author isolated on the Ril U-iola tree one branch which b135somed later than the mother tree but produced earlier (by 8-10 clays) ripenine; fruit. This branch was used for grafting Card 1/2 123 - KAZIMIN, Grigoriy Tikhonovich~ kand. sellkhoz. nauk; I'A:IKOVA, S.P., red.; -IM.UXMVA) red. [Collective and individual orchards in the Far East] Kollektivnyi i priusadobnyi sad na Dallnem Vostoke. Khabarovsk, Kbabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 189 p (MIRA 14:U) ?Soviet Far East-Fruit culture) 42%5-66 Zc~ (d)/TZEN in (1) TJP(c ACC NRs AP016143 AUTHOR: Kazmint_G*,,T9 ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR TIM: Socorrl All-Union Conference on Dionics SOURCE: Avtonatika i tolemokhanika, no- 5. 1966, 2o'P-2o6 10(a TOPIC TAGS: bionicu, modical conforonco, modical porsonnol, biologic porsonnol, information processing, animal physiology, pattern recognition, nervous system, animal communication, cybernetics, computer memory, biophysics, human sense, man machine communication. biologic computer ABSTRACT: The Second All-Union Conference on Bionics, organized by the Academy of Sciences USSR, the t!:knis~a Rf Higher and Secondary_ Specialized Educa tion, the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, and the All-Union Scientific Society for Radio Eng-in-ee`r-ip-Z-'- qi~qj~jqcommunication imeni A. S. Popov, held at Moscow State Universi~y from 20 to 24 December 1965, was attended by some 1000 scientists and engineers from the USSR. Bulgaria, and Hungary. Among the participants were 600 radio, electricalmechani- cal, and automation engineers and specialists in computer technology and cybernetics; 180 biologists, physiologists, and physicians; and 180 phys- icists, mathematicians, psychologists, chemists, philosophers, and other specialists. Six papers were presented in the plenary sessions and 100 In the various sections. /9; mr.- s46.821 L.42055-66 ACC NR; A P6016143 Academician A. I. Be" and Prot. A. 9'.'Sotskov presented a'paper entitled "Present status and trends in the development of bionics" dedicated to general problems of bionics. _.Itj '!important results and studies in bionics in the last few years were associated with the processes of receiving and processing information. These include studies concerned with the design of quick-'response, reliable,, small, and economical elements on the basis of the performance of receptors and analyzers in animals (ear, eye, olfactory-organp-i -and others); with the structure of orientation and navigation systemslin animals; and, on the basis of these studies, with the design of response devices and new navigation and communication systems. A great deal of attention has been paid to developing Information-transforming devices and systems, to eval- uating and Ektoring information, to constructing neuron and neural net modbls, to searching for-new methods for ablving complex problems, in particular,.to developing heuristic programming methods and to-developing -bionics aspects in pattern recognition probleft'. - The 9piTfiotT Ur dxpresgMt: that important results can be ikpected'In'designing high-quality amplify- ing, relay, and logic elements and devices which ensure the separation of signals from noise and also in searching for newmethods and physical .principles for time-dependent and spatial-selection of signals A series of bionics problems were indicated which the authors c9n6idere~ urgent., ~ S. N. Simkin, V. D. Wichev, and V. R. Protasov pre- N. P. Na!n!~v sented a paper entitled "Means of'communica in-animale-arA-4h"r modeli g" in which the problem of controlling the behavior-of a large num- 10255-66- ~ ACC NRi AP60-1.-61--43 ber of wild animals on the basis of modeling the signals (chemical, ,optical, acoustic) serving as means of communication between the animals is analyzed. In a paper,entitled "The problem of modeling a universal sensor," Ya. A. Vinnikov analyzed the receptor cells of various sensing organs from a single point of view. In the paper by L. P. Krayzmer entitled "Modern concepts of the human memory and bionic means for designing the memories of cybernetic machin#sO I&C/ the pecularities of the human memory are analyzed, and its capacity, spe- cific capacity,'and efficiency as compared with computer memories are eval- uated. The course of further studies of the memories of biological systems 'is outlined. The paper by S. Ye. Kleinenberg and N. V. Kokshayskiy entitled "Modern problems i_n__F Moogical aero- and hydrodynamics," presented at the closing plenary session, analyzes the problem of modeling the adapting process of flying or swimming animals, ensuring high velocities at low loss of energy. A critical analysis of attempts to explain why the hydro- 'dynamic resistance of swimming animals is low is presented. In the last paper presented at Ehe 'plenary session by K. B. Karandeyev, B. I. Puchkin, M. Ya. Subbotin, and Ya. D. Finkinshteyn, entitled 'Certain -general regularities i_n__cTe_mTcal reception illustrated by means of the example of an odor perception mechanism," a series of general principles in the structure of neural mechanisms which execute the task of chemical reception are presented. ACC NRs AP6016143 Ille other hundred papers were prp'nented in five.sections: 1) teceptoral analyzers and pattern recognition; 2) neural organization and bionic aspects in reliability; 3) bionic aspects in control, regulation, and in the man-automation problem; 4) orientation and navigation in animals; 5) biomechanics and bioenergetics. The chairmen of these sessions were: ,Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR G. V. Nikol'skiy and Professors N. P. Naumov, S. N. Braynes, L. P. Krayzmer, A. B. Kogan, A. V. Netushil V. V. Chavchanidze, S. F. Manziy . Ya. A. Vinnikov, and L. 0. Belop ki-y. The many problems analyzed in the sections included the organization of structures which realize pattern recognitio pro- cesses, algorithmization of these processes, the connections betwe&L/ learning and pattern recognition, and the design of devices simulating the various stages of the recognition process. A series of papers were dedi- cated to the synthesis of formal neurons, the relation between the reli- ability of the brain and its probabilistic-statistical organization, .modeling the axodendritic sphere of a neuron, and the design of memory devices on the basis of biological .4ysrems. A great deal of attention was paid to papers concei~aing the eff,~,.._- of electromagnetic phenomena on biological memory systems in man and on machine memories, the motor pro- cesses and the mechanisms for controlling them, and behavior and search mechanisms. The problems of orientation and navigation in insects, fish, and birds and of constructing of models on the basis of data obtained from tistudying the motor organs of animals were anlyzed. Card Subject USSR/Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 13/25 AID P - 3825 Author : Ka ; ! MLn~M. Title : The Kungur oil of Bashkiriya Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 33, #11, 69-70, N 1955 Abstract The geological survey made by 500-700 m test well drillings of the eastern slopes of the Russian nappe west of the Ural Mountains in the Kungar District of Bashkirlya has shown an extensive formation of o8litic dolomites in the Permian horizon. Up to now this kind of rock did not yield oil, but the author considers that new trials must be made and new methods developed and applied for oil recovery In this section. Institution : None Submitted : No date KAZIMIN, M.H. Oil-bearing potentials of carbonate deposits in the Bashk1rIan Paleozoic. Gaol, nefti 1 no.9;49-52 6 157. (HLRL 10:9) 1. Ob"yedineniye Bashaeft'. (Bashkiria--Petroleum geolo") 2 )YA , F)A P, W1 Z, OV~J~~ G. New data on the geology of oil- and gas-bearing regions in %shkiria. Sov. geol. 1 no.1:114-127 A 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. ObOyediueniye "Bashneft'," g. Ufa. (Bashkiria-116troleum geology) (Bashkiria-Gae, Natural-Geology) KAZIMP N. (Tambov) The night came ... Pozh.delo 9 no.?t16 Jl t63. (MA 16:10) VASILIYEVA, N.; YuIZIMIN,, N.; ULIYANGV, V. Resolutions of Women's Councils. Fozh.delo 8 no.3:6-7 Mr 162. (MM 152-4) (Tambov Province-Women in public life) (Fire prevention) LUKIN, V.; YAROVAYA, 96, studentka (Voronezh); KAZIMIN, ll.(Tambov); KATS,, I. I I Everyday affairs of volunteer firemen. Pozh.delo 9 no.2 6 F 163. ~~URA 16:3) 1. Nachallnik uchebnogo punkta Laningradskogo oblastnogo i' gorodskogo dcbrovollnogo pozharnogo obahchestva (for Kats). KAZMTN, N. T. 23346 Avtomatioheskiy Tkatskiy Stanok Kananina. Tekstil. Prom-St', 1949, No. 6, a. 34-36 SO: IETOPIS NO. 31, 1949 KAZ IMIN, N, I. Siberia is building roads. Transp. atroi. 14 no.1:2-3 Ja 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya zheleznodorozhnogo stroitell- stva Urals. i Sibiri. KAZ'MIN, N.I. Prepare in time for work in cold weather. Transp. strol. 14 no.10:2-3 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya zheleznodorozhnoy svyazi Urala i Sibiri. KAZHIN' H.T.; ZHIVOY, K.I.; NAUROV, A.Y., retsenzent; XMITAWY. Y.S., [Knotting machines In the weaving industry) Usloviazalinyo ma, shiny tkatskogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-takhn. Isd- vo Hinieterstva promyeblennykh tovarov shirokogo potrablenila, s=. 1953. 76 p. (KLRA 7:8) (Textile machinery) KAZIIIII, IT.T. Uzloviazallnye mashiny tkatskogo proiz- vodstva (Knotting machines in the weaving Indust.xT). Moskva, Gizlegprom, 1953. 80 p. SO: Mlonthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 5, August 195h 0 KAZIMIN.N.T.; MAKARGV,A.V. Choosing the type of a sizing machine for the cotton industry. Tekst.prom. 15 no.6:27-28 Je 155. (MLRA 8:7) (Sizing (Textile)) (Textile machinery) ~-IVOV. lirill Ivanovich; KUPRITANOT, ?odor KAZHINg_Al,kpkp. ........ Sergeyevich; SIKAKIN, Y.T.. retsenzent; SBGSLI. N.M.. redaktor: DMITRITIVA, R.I., takhnicheekiy rodaktor [Reeding section and knotting machines of the weaving industry] Probornyi otdol i usloviazalinyo mashiny lkstskogo proisvodotya. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo X-va legkoi promyshl.SSSR. 1957, 182 pi, (KIRA 10:6) (Veaving) KAZMIN, N.T., inzh. Ar Special characteristics of the AT-100-2 automatic loom. Tekst.prom. 17 no.12:26-29 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Looms) Ail KAZMIN, IT.T. The AT-100-5 automatic loom. Biul.tekh.-okon.inform. no.2:39-41 158. Nin 11:4) (Looms) KhZ MIN, N. T. ~ 1 *0 New SD-110 aboaring macbine. Tokst.prom. 19 no.10:44-48 0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Starsbly inzbener Upravlen'iya tekBtillnoy i trikotazhmy prom.vablonnosti Mosgorsovnarkboza. (Textile machinery) ILOICHIV, Vasiliy Fed0rovich; KAZMIN, Nikolay Tikhonovich STMAKIN, V.V., reteenzent; GOLUBEV, 'red.', SCKOLOV.% V.Ye., red.; SHVETSOV, S.V., (Redesigning of weaving equipment for the cotton industry] Modornizataiia tkatskogo oborudovaniia v khlopchatobumazhnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, I2d-vo nauchno-tokhn.lit-ry RSFSR, 1961. 116 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Looms) (Cotton manufacture--Ilquipment and supplies) KAZIMIN, Petr Alekseyevich; NIWV, A.,; MDVEDET, E., red.; NIKITIMA, V., (Seven-year plan of the Kaliningrad Economic Region] Semi- letka Kaliningradskogo ekonomicheskogo raiona. Kaliningrad, Kaliningradskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 19 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Kaliningrad Province--Economic policy) V-5 -Al 5/021/6o/ooo/oWo15/019 A153/A029 AUTHORS- Kucher, R.Vi,;- Kazlmin, S.D. TITLE, On Thermal Decomiposition~lof Cumene Hydroperoxides in Solubilized Aqueous Solutions PERIODICAL.- Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR, 1960, Nr, 6, pp. 817 -8W TM': Furthering a study conducted by A.Y. Yurzhenk-o and F.Y. Hrobshteyn (Ref. 2) the authors investigated the effects of solubilization of cumene hydro- peroxide upon the rate of its thermal decomposition. Cumene hydroperoxide with a purity of 99.2% was treated in a medium of pure nitrogen in glass vials. So- lubilization effects were also studied on vials, which for the sake of a complete saturation were agitated with solubilized solutions during 10 - 12 hours at 200C. The results are as follows: the thermal stability of hydroperoxides in aqueous solutions is determined to a great extent by tteir solubility in the presence of an emulsifier. The value of cumene hydroperoxide solubilization in aqueous solu- tions of Hekal greatly influences the rate of its thermal,decomposition. The solubility of hydroperoxide in diluted Nekal solutions (up to 2%) is decreased Card 1/2 LWALIYEVV V.D.; KAZIMIN9 S.D.j KUCHM-v R.V. Initiation of the emuloion oxidation of isopropylbenzend and lp I- diphe~nylethane by hydtogen peroxids.,Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. fizie, org. khim. AN' WSR no.8:126-:L31 160. (MIRA 14:3) I. L'yovokiy gosud&rstvinny~ univernitet im. 1. Franko. (Cusene) (Ethane) (Hydrogen peroxide) ~ 4 KUCHER9 R.V.: KAZ'14IN,'-S.D.; YURZHM09 A.I. Some kinetic 4haracteristice 6f the e=lvion oifda:ilon of hy- dorearbons, Sbor. nauch. rab. Inet. fiz.-org. khim. AN BSSR no,8:132-137"60, (KM 14:3) V 1. Llvqvskiy gosudarstvasinyfuniversitet im. I. Pranko. (Hydrocarbons) (Oxidation), 81~10 S/020/60/132' 61351068 _~73Z,9,9 -BO04/BO05 / AUTHORS: Kuoher, R. V., Kazlmin, S. D., Yenallyev, V. D. TITLE: On the Possibility of Increasing the Yield in Hydroperoxide by Initiating the Cumene Oxidation With Hydrogen Peroxideli PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 6, pp. 1348-1351 TEXT: The authors discuss the process of initiation of a chain reaction' on the basis of papers by N, M. Emanuel' (Ref 1) and K. N. Semenov (Ref.2). In previous papers by the authors (Refs- 39 4~ it was observed that in the case of initiation of oxidation of isopropZl benzene ~y means of H2 02the effect depends on the point of time of add the initiator (Fig. 1A). An addition at the beginning of oxidation effects neither acceleration of the re4etion nor reduction of the induction period. Only if H 2 02is added at later points of time when the reaction becomea slower, it effects an acceleration so that the hydroperoxide yield rises Card 1/3 81hio On the Possibility of Increasing the Yield 3/020J60/132/06/35/068 in Hydroperoxide by Initiating the Cumene B004/BO05 Oxidation With Hydrogen Peroxide from 40 to 80%. Hence, the authors conclude that the by-products develop- ing during oxidation exert an inhibiting influence which is eliminated by H 2020 They confirmed this conclusion by adding phenol as an inhibitor the effect of which was ioally eliminated by H 202 (Fig. 1B). Equations are written down for the kinetics of the reaction A --o. B -* C, with the product B undergoing degenerated branching, and C interrupting the reaction chain; Fig. 2 shows the function 7t - f(-v) for various values of oc B/A, -r - A-jh_7_g~ h - rate constant of degenerated branching, g - rate constant of the interruption of reaction, P M k311.17 "g , k3 - constant of the reaction ra-.e for C). The later the H 202 is added, the more intensive is its initiating effect. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Livovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Ivana Franko (Llvov State University imeni Ivan Franko) Card 2/3 -T4500 W-A 2r, 291 S/076/61/035/010/010/015 4 Bio6/B230 AUTHORSt Kucher, R. V., Kazlmin, S. D., and lenallyev, V. D. TITLE- Initiation of emul3ion oxidation of alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons by hydrogen peroxide PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, v. 35, no. 10, 1961, 2522 -2327 TEXT: The authors investigated the initiation by hydrogen peroxide in emulsion oxidation of isopropyl benzene, 1,1 diphenyl ethane, and 1-phenyl-l-p-tolylethane in the liquid phase, this problem being of great practical interest in the synthesis of hydroperoxide compounds. Oxidation was conducted at 850C in "air lift" type glass vessels in which the re- action mixture was agitated by air bubblin(r in through a porous g1 ss partition. For the aqueous phase, a 0.1 N soda solution was used in all te.3ts. The volume ratio of the hydrocarbon phase to the aqueous phase was 1:3. At regular intervals, samples were taken and the hydroperoxide content was determined iodometrically by potentiometric titration (Ref-5: see below). Oxidation of the alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons referred to proceeds in emulsion systems by autocatalysis. The effect of hydrogen Card 1/4 2~291 S/076/61/035/010/'010/015 initiation of emulsion oxidation of ... Blo6/B230 progressing reaction. This hypothesis was confirmed by an experiment in which hydrogen peroxide was introduced into a reaction rctarded. by an inhibitor. For this purpose, the oxidation of cumene was inhibited by adding a small quantity (0.01 g-mole/liter) of phenol breaking down the oxidation chains according to reaction C61; 5OH ~ R, C6H50* + R11. The C61150' radicals are of low activity, and recombine. Adding hydrogen zeroxide eliminated the inhibition of the reaction, and caused a steep rise of the oxidation rate. When during the reaction, oxidation products combine with initiator radicals to form radicals similar to chain radi- c~-ls in their activity, initiation results in increasing the total oxida- tion rate. In the reverse case.. the consumption of components reacting with initiator ralicals is accelerated and the total reaction rate de- creases. Also in this case, the effect of a brief initiation at the final star5e of' oxidation may be favorible for the process. The effect of an init4lator therefore depends on the reactivity of the components of the reaction mixture. There are 3 figures and 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follovis: Hef- 5: V. Kokatnur, M. Jelling, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., Card 3/4 2t 291 3/0706/61/035/010/010/015 initiation of emulsion oxidation of ... Blo6/B230 1432, 19411 J. W. Fordham, H. L. Williams, Canad. J. Chem.. 27B. 913, 1954. A6S0CIATl'Q'N: Llvovskiy universitet im. Iv. Franko (LIvov University imeni Iv. Franko) L SUJIMITTED. 1*,Iarch 3, 1960 Card 4/4 KUCHER, R.V.; KAZIMIN, S.D. Foulsion oxidation of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons under pressure, Part 13 Kinetic laws governing the accumulation of the main products during the oxidatibn of isopropylbenzen6 and 1,1-dip- henylethane. Kin. i kat 2 no.2:263-266 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. L4o"kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Ukrainskiy naucbno- issledovatel'skiy institut poligraficheskoy promyshlennooti. (Cumene) (Ethane) KUGHERP R.V.; KAZIMIN) S.D.; KOVBUZp M.A. Characteristics of salt catalysis during oxidation of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no,6-.9'71-976 161, (MIRA 15:3) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni, Franko, kafedra, fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. (Salts) (Catalysis) (Oxidation) (Hydrocarbons) XUCHER2 ~.V.; KOVBUZI M.A.; KAZIMIN, S.D. Alkaline oxidation of isopropylbenzone. Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no.5s659-663 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. LIvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I. Franko. d (C=one) (Oxidation) KAZIMIN, KUCHER, R.V. Activation energy of chain propagation during the oxidation of isopropylbenzene and 1, 1-diphenylethane. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.10:3171-3174 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) lo UkrainBkiy nauchno-is8ledovatellakiy institut poligraficheskoy pronVehlennosti. (Cumene) (Ethane) (Oxidation) KUCURY R,V.; KAZIMIN, S.D. Mechanism of the formation of carbonyl compounds and acids in emulsion oxidation of ioopropylbenze bolcl. AN SSSR 139 no. 5:1134-,1116 A 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvernyy universitet im. Iv. Franke. Preidetavleno akademikom V.N. Kondratlye (Carbonyl compounds) (CumenTo KAZIMIN, SID, if~iib:n of degenerate chain branching reacti~s with quadratic chain tomination.Zhur. fiz. kh1m. WnO.5:1166- 1167 My 161. W~A 1627) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut poligrafi- cheskcT pronyshlennosti. (Chemical reactiong Rate of) KUCHER, R.V.; KAZIMIN, S.D.; YENALIYEV, V.D. (Lvov) Hydrogen peroxide initiation of the emulsion oxidation of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons. Zhur.fiz.kbim. 35 no.10:2)22-2327 0 ,61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Llvovskiy urAversitet imeni Iv. Franko. (Hydrocarbons) (Hydrogen peroxide) KUCFER, R.V.; KAZ'MIN_L S.D. Emulsion oxidation of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons under pressure. Part 3: Effect of hydrogpn peroxide on the reaction of oxidation of isopropylbenzene and 1,1-diphenylethane. Kin.i kat. 3 no.l: 31-35 162. (MIRA 1-5:3) 1. L'vovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Franko. (Cumene) (Ethane) (Hydrogen peroxide) KAZ I KIN S.D. Mechanisa of iaopropylbenzene oxidation in weak.-alkaline emLlsions. Zhur.prikl.khJm. 35 no.2,422-.429 F -62. (MIRA 15.2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut poligraficheskoy promyshlennosti. (Gumene) (Oxidation) WIMIN, S. D. Oxidation of acetophenone initiated by peroxide compounds. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.l*.282-285 163, (MIRA 16:1) (Acetophenone) (Peroxides) S. D. Fate, of initiated thain reactions with chiin termination as a function of Lhu activity of initi:-,to- radicals, Kin. i kat. 5 no.3*534-r.37 MY-1c, '64. (~!dlk 17:11) prouiysh lennosl~-! , I Ivov. Y&I'LLISALD-I-EXlYp A.L. (deceasedlL.r ~T~o EMOOt Pf DOM GnWA==l VMpaMtIOnD On the IdMticu- of chnin rwadowe Mr.khimshur- 31 4001521-524 '65* (tank let.-fp.) 1, %ibuittad October 22, 1964o KAZIMIN S D , PETROV, L.N. __ s ~L Saponification of Ila-salt of dioctyl ester of sulfocinnwraic acid in an emulsion system in the presence of nitric acid. Zhur.prikl.khim. 38 no.11:2605-2606 if 165. (1-a-RA 18:12) 1. Submitted September 10, 1963. KAZKN ~j ,_Yj2ct~~ _~.4;iitetski pukovni-, p, of., dr.; ZAJIC, Zivorad, sanitetski potpukovnik, dr. Aplasia and torsion of the liver. Vojnosanite pregle 19 no#4: 298-300 Ap 162, 1. Vojnomedicinska akademija u Beogradu, Klinika za hirurske bolesti. (LIM DISEASES) KAZMIN, Vjeceslav, sanitetelci pukovnik, prof., dr. Prolapse of the anus and rectum. Voj.san.pregl. IS no.3:285-288 Mr 161. 1. Vojnomedioinaka akademija u Beogradu, Hiruraka klAnika. (RECTUM die) (ANUS die) -7. KAZ INIfix V.G.; FARADZHEV, V.A. Tectonic development of the Yarkand sector of Kunlun. Say. geol. 4 no.8:45-57 Ag 161. WIRA 16:7) 1, Voesoyuznyy aerogeologicheskiy trest, (Hunlun-Geologyp Structural) PONIKAROV, V.P.~ SULIDI-KONDRATIM, Y~4.D.~ KOZWV, V.V., KAZIMIN. V.G. Tectonics of the northern part of the Arabian Platform. Sov. geol. 7 no.109-48 Ja 164. (MIRA 17i6) KAZI1,1121 V.G.- MIYJIAYLnV, I.A.; SHATSKIY, MI. Rift structures in northwestern Syria. Sov. geol. 7 no.6:81-92 Jo 164 (mIRA 16:1) KAZIMIN, V.G.; KULAKOV, V.V. Ophiolite forination of northwestern Syria. Izv.,rjo.ucheb.zav#; geol. i razv. 8 no.2:3-14 F 165. (FIRA 180) 1. Vsesoyuznyy aerogeologicheskiy treat. PONIKAROV, V.P.; KAZIMIN, V.G. Pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic of the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Sov. geol. 8 no.3:89-99 165. (MIRA 18:5) KAZIMIF V.G. Cl.,,.racteriv ties of the convergence of the ancient platform and Alpine geosyncline area in northeastern margin of the Mediter- runean Sea. MiLl. MOIP Otd. geol. 40 no. 6:43-56 N-D 165 (MTRA 19t1) KAZIMIUJ--Y,I(,; VOMMUM IY, B.I., Prof., red.; BMWK, Yu.K., vedushchiy red.; POLOSIMA, A.S., (Test-vall drillers] Burillshchik strukturnogo bureniia. Pod red. B.I.Vozdvizhenskogo. Koskya, Gos.nBuchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1952. 247 p. (Kim 13:12) (Oil well drilling) KAZIMIN V M.- KAZIMIN, V.S., DUBROVINA, N.D., vedushchiy red.; B.A., [Master's manual on drilling in structural areas] Spravochnik burovogo mastera struktornogo bureniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. 448 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Boring) I I KILOSLAVSKIY, Ya.M.; M=IAVSKAYA, L.I.; LEONOVA, V.; KAZIMIN, V. Effect of certain neurotropic oubstances on the adrenal cortex. Report No. 1. Probl. endok. i gorm.' 6 no. 3:12-14 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (ADRENAL CORTEX) (PHAMACOLOGY) NRt 10 004.555 S0URCE CODE u#OlIS/667606/066-IMO'10'fOO-r--. AUTHORI Kazmi_nl V. N.; 0tlOvL_12~._YL_ ORGt none TITLEI Problem of the principlea of compilation of_gj2Lh6mIcQ1 Maps during a 96010&i& survey souRcEt Sovetskaya geologlYaq no. 6* 1966p 90-100 ToPIC TAGSt geochemistryg geologio survey ABSTRAM Since the principal Bodo of goologica mapping in the USSR is' ,1:50t0000 it follows that this should be the main acalo for Coochemical is paper is a detailed presentation of a method uaod in mapping. Th compiling goochemical maps at this scale simultaneously with gcologi- cal. Rold work*' The study is based on work done in an unforast *od area In Razakhritan with good exporiure of surraco rocks -- an area of compl(MI geological structure with ore shows. The articlo is oignificant due to 'the detail with which it describca all utagos in map compilation, from 'preparations for field work to proporation of the final map and the method could be used for other regiona of comparable characteristics. 'Thq prinqijpj,~~_pf such work are.doncribcd, followed by_ comments -on. the Card I UoCt 550.84028.912 AP7004555 Aola work method and steP-bY-Gt0P doscri' PtIon of tho"Iltatfatical pro- .ce ssing of data and map Plotting. 7ne fina MP ia used J ,together with cross sections and a histogram w1ji Ch accompaniva it and in combination with a rmp of the structural groolor y or the aamo d- u , a q rang lo* The maP can servo as a basis for rodicti th p ng 'ore -deposits or indicating areas promising for PrODPOctin Occurrence of ' work Wh ,, en .this WOrk io done simultaneously with a goolog, a, Gurvoyg co t 0 c ~hq f . h t 0 latter is increanod b7 aPPrOxImatol -30% pr 20 . Orig. art, hast I figu re (_JPRSS 38,4697 SUB CODE$ 08 SU13H DATEs none ORIG RGFs o06 Card 2 /2 10~~ KAVHIN, V.S. . The UHB-ZA drilling unit. Neft.khoz-32 no.2;16-19 F 154, (MLRA 7:2) (Petroleum--Well boring) Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 7/27 AID P - 49, Author Kazlmin, V. S. Title Modernized drilling equipment U.11-B-3 AM Periodical Neft. Khoz., v- 32, #6, 30-31, Ju 1954 Abstract The author describes improvement of various details of the drilling equipment URB-3AM concerning the rotnry table, couplings, friction gears, controlling levers, etc. The arrangement of the details are shown on a diagram. Institution : None Submitted : No date KAZ!Mj-Vj5, Album of Spare Parts for Machine'KAM-500. Gostoptekhizdat. 1955, 80 p, price: rubles 2.40. In book are presented sketches of the basic units and spore parts to the machine; there is given a short manual for assembling and die-assembling of structural-mapping (?) equt-pment, and also principal rules of its use. Handbook is intended for master drillers, mechanics and petroleum-exploration engineers and workers in repair machine shops. So: A.- 3080689 z AID P - 2689 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 7/21 Author Kazlmin) S. Title In 2=13 r lat=Mn~'of the URB-4p drilling instal- lation Periodical Neft. khoz., 33, 5, 32-36, MY 1955 Abstract This article describes the URB-4p movable drilling rig manufactured by the Kungur Machine-Building Plant. It consists of a machine section on caterpil- lars, a pumping section on skids or sliding under- carriage, and an assembly derrick movable on a sliding undercarriage. This movable rig can be used for exploratory or shallow drillings not exceeding 4,000 feet. Technical specification data are given, as well as a diagram and a photo of the installation. Institution : None Submitted : No date KLZIMIN, V.S. Yield trials of URB-2A drilling rigs. left.khos. 34 no.3:6-8 my 156. OCLRA 9: 8) (Oil vall drilling-Rquipment and supplies) -2 KnIHIN, V.M.; -XAZ WIM-; Y.S.; DUBROVINA, N.D., vedushchiy, red.; MUKHINA, S.A., [Master's manual on drilling In structural areas] Spravochnik burovogo mastera struktornogo bureniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. 448 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Boring) KAZIMIN, Vadim Sergeyevich; ILISOY, I.L., red.; SHAKHKAYETA, Ye.A., edus dR_y-r-&d-.-,-MUMHA. I.A., v F [Movable installations for drilling small-diameter wells] Peredvizhnye ustanovki dlia bureniia akvazhin malogo diametra; rukovodstvo po ekopluatataii. Moskva, Gon.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 356 p. (MM 13:3) (Boring machinery) YAZIMIN. V.S.. inzh. New units for test drilling* Bezopetruda v prom& 4 noe3t 16-17 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. GosudaretvemW nauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektxqy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniva. (Boring machinery) ---m " I'& inzh. "1, -1!7) T,.o if-,U--,~O drillin., unit. 1,zop.trucia v prom. 5 no.l:2`-!' -'ra 1 'I'll. (Oil well dxilli-aL; ri,,:-,) .,:,~~14IXs-jadjM_Sorgeyevich; DUBROVDIA, N.D.v ved. red.; POLOSINA, A.S.0 tekhn. roa--'- (Handbook on geological exploratory drilling for oil and gas] Spravochnik po geologorazvedochnomu bureniiu na neft' i gas. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 506 p. (MIRA 15-10) (Boring) LUMIN, Vjeceslav, Pukovnik prof., dr.; YUJISIC, Dragutin, major c1r. wgft~ Osteochondroma femoris at pelvis parmagnum. Voj. san. pregl., Beogr. 13 no.1-2:67-68 Jan-Feb 56. 1. Hirurska klinika V4A. (OSTEDMA, femur & pelvis (Ser)) (MM, neoplasms, osteoma, famoro-pelvic (Ser)) (PELVIS, neoplasms, same) G.Ye. ('dpf-tak~,, KWIMIN, V.V~ Norrognim.4 with un.'fom rnottlincar svdes. Non, s~k.,r. no.2~ 133-140 164. (,v.'RA 18-0) Tr- nol ted f r~lm Ru3oi,7n .":lto Poli~,h R. E-IATk'.!-:; x"IMIN, yu, York organization In building elevAtors. Stroltell 2 no.6:3-4 JO 156o (MMA 10:1) 1. Proisvoditall rabot Alam-Atinskogo, strotiellno~,,o unrnvleniya tresta Sradazzagotatroy. (Almet-Ata-Grain elevqtorB) (Reinforced concrete construction) UZIMIN, Yu.A. Subse4ueucee of Hermits and Iaguerre polynomials. Ust. Mook.un.Ser. Is Mat., imkh. 1-5 no.2t6-9 Mr-AP 160. (MIRL 13:8) 4.1. Kafedrs. teorli funkteiy Hookovskogo univeraiteta. (Sequoncoo(Wthamtion)) (Polynomiale") CaIl Nr: AF lio8825 Transactions of the Third A3.1-union Mathematical. Congress (Cont. hoscow, Jun-Jul '56 Truda '56 v 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo Ali SSSR, Moscow, 19 6, R7 pp. There Is i USA reference. 92-6.3 Zukhovitskiy, S. I. (Kiyev). On a Minimum Problem of the Problem of Momenta. 83-84 There is 1 German reference. .Kazlmin.-Yu. A. (Zernovoy). On Complete Systems in Hilbert Spaces. 84-85 There are 2 references, I of which is USSR, and the other German. Kozmanova, A. A. (Sverdlovsk). The Theorem of Polya for Entire Functions of Two Complex Variables 85 .----Kufarev, P. P. (Tomsk). On the Method of Parametric Representation and G. M. Goluzin Variational Method. 85-86 Card 26,10 3i i 4 " UZ IK", Yu. A. Integrity o " " (z 1, ,, h V (AC) ~] f a system of functions of the form fy 2 Usp.mat.nauk 12 no.2(74):151-154 Mr-Ap 157. (MIRA 10:7) (Punctions, Analytic) U'unctions, Antirs) XAZININ, Tu.A. Spectrum of systems of the form ~z a t *~, fft (z ) j . 0, ugp.mat. nauk 12 no.3:155-158 MY-Je 057. IRA 10-10) (Punctions, Analytic) (Katrices) AUTHORt KAZININ Yu.A. (Zernovoy) 39-4-8/9 TITLEs On the Bases and Complete Systems of Functions in the Hilbert Space (0 bazisakh i polnykh sistemakh funktsiy v gillbertovom prostranstva) PERIODICALs Mat.Sbornik,,' 1957, Vol.42, Nr-4, PP-513-522 (USSR) AISTRACTs The author investigates the question how far a system of functions may be different from a given complete system of the Hilbert space in order that itself still remains complete. The author starts with the assertion that by the influence of a linear bounded operator the inverse operator of which is determined uniquely, a complete system (a base) is again trans- ferred to such one. With the aid of a lemma herefrom there follows the.Theoromt Let the functions of Ifjbe linearly in- dependent and fgnl be a bass in L2' If the double seriest OD 00 Z~ F (Ri,;Rk)(hi9hk), Rn = fa-911 9 (gn;hk.) "nk i-1 kwl converges, then If njis a base. The coefficient spaces are the Card 1/2 same for developments with respect to 19.1 and ifr On the Bases and Complete Systems of Functions in the Hilbert Space 39-4-8/9 fg.} is called strongly minimal if there exists a number 8 > 0 Card 2/2 SUBMITTEDt such that the distance between an arbitrary gi and the closed linear closure of the remaining functions of 41, for all 1-1,2,... is greater than cSor equal to S. igni, Theorems Lot Jgn be complete, bounded, strongly minimal and let H - sup Vhj , (g,;h k) S,k. Lot the system ff.1be such that n co 00 2 Z j(RijRk)j R = f _g. Then jfn3 is complete in L i-1 k-1 H2 n n 2- Lot be a complete orthogonal, normalized system. Lot A&)b* ~,Pnl 00 a set in L 2 such that for f rc A. , f 2 ok TV the series -Flokl converges. k-1 00 i-I Theorem: If Sup I(Rn I kPk) GK,, R. - f .- Yn and here O~k It" n then ~fnl in a bass in A,,.* Theorems Let t(Q be a complete, orthonormalized system, For k3 let $up I(R Pk) I- 1(k, R In order that ~f. Iforms a base n n - f.-gn' in A yit is necessary and sufficient that the function f are linearly independent in th 0 L if 1 is used as the co:fficent space. May 9,1956 3 Soviet and 6 foreign references are quoted. Yaz'min,Y-a.A. 55- 5i- 2/37 TITLE: Some Remarks on the Completenens of the Consecutive Derivatives of an Analytic Function (Neskollko zamechaniy o polnote posledovatellnykh proizvodnykh analitichaskoy ftinktqii) PERIODICALt Nauchnyye doklady vysshey ahkoly. Fiziko-matamatiohenkiye nauki, 1956, Tir 3, pp 64-70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lot Ar be the space of functions analyti,: in lzl..--r, r-%,-R. Let -T. be the spare,- of sequencon x for whi,h ~-im n~l X- 4,-' r. The 1 ( III r system (-In (z )] is called co-lin'ttarly in4&porjd--??-,t on, tbe closed set G and in the coefficient space OL, in symbols Lj- livearly independ-~-nl in (G,00 if from Cnfn(z) - 0 C iE 11= 0 where C f (z) nonverge.3 uniformly on G, theri~ fr," lows f- n n n- o Card 1/2 Some Remarks on the Completeness of the Consecutive SOV/155-58-3-12/37 Derivatives of an Analytic Function Theorems Let f(z) be analytic in Jrj