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RABKIN., Lev Izrailevich; SOSKINp Seran Aronovich; EPSPIME, BoriB Shayevich; KAZAM'OVSKIY, D.14,,, red.j SDBOIZVA, YeJf.., tekhn. red. ----------------- (Technology of ferrites]Tekhnclogiia ferritov. Honkvij, Gos- onergoizdat., 1962. 358 P. Verrates) (KIU 150) 0 4 00 0 0 is u u v IF 0 a p aIa at a i v 3 )O 'A 11 v v is x x 0 x 0 4 *to A K- 4.1 L- -L-1-JA ~ N M 0 .2 .go -00 '-oo Go Rum wj&uOQ-i0~;- chmpisamp.. -00 0 to of jr .00 to e go =06 *0 a rA 0 00 a to* 00 w re 0 00 00 off u a AV 10 u;" It to 0 at a a 4 ua It 4 0 40 0 0000 V 0 00 0 000 0 :Coo .00 so* SIS 0 J99 woo 4144116-1, 1 1 OA A I a 1 or so I a 0 3 YlAZARNOV-SKIY, D. M. PA 20T60 USSR/Radio Oct/Noy 1946 'Capacitors, Ceramic Dielectric Capacitors, High Frequency "New Types of Ifigh4renquency Ocramic Capacitors," G. I. Skanavi, Dr. of Physico-mathematical Sciences, D. Me Kazarnovskiy, Candidate of Mechanical Sciences, K. F. Yartashev, I-Iechanic, 8 pp "Radlotekhnikall Vol I) No 7/8 The electrophysical properties and deoign data for new types of high- frenquency ceramic capacitors with improved performance characteristics and higher capacitance per unit volume. KAZARNOVSM, D.M. 42264. KAZ,',aNCVSXIT, D-1 Z6,-ostnyye stabilivo,ory napryazheniya. Trudy teningr. vrari-vozdush. Tnzh ahad., VYP. -X, 11 1,8 ',,,-8'1 SO: LetopistZhu ral nykI, Stutay, Vol. 4'~, 1948 KAZARNOVSKIY, D.M. Katarnovskiy, D.M. NTechnolo&T of articles shaped from native steatite," Trudy Keram. in-ta, symposium 21, 1948, p. 27-32 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 KA-ZARJ4OVSKIY, D. If. "Radio Zngineering Materials and Tarts", Leningrad led Banner Military Aeronautical Engineering AcadenW (LKVM), 262 plip 1950. AC; Sloctria for"ce fw Selpette and refractory shapes. I I %I 10 fill JAI NI 1111.1011 111, W ~1%41,v atid i, l"midol %tilt Silit t-l, h 1.11 Ill. to 1ANI'L, (b) tunwith (Nuitiol. tuALbig tmmmitle A riw .4 tilt to .30' tiiiii. and "mmant Irntperalittv rcir xvvrFal hour,.4. (i ) a It-mixtaime trraglimt .4 -*15' at 131,11, to IM11". and (it) all al-mv it'll and I I USSR/Electricity - Literature X&Y 51 Materials, Electrical "Review of N. P. Bogoro&intskiy, V, V PasYn- kov antl B. M. Tareyev's 'Electrica3 Engineering Materials,'" Docent D. M. Kazarnovskiy, Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad "Xlektrichestvo" No 5;, PP 91-93 This book, issued by the Min:Lstry of Ifigher Educ: USSR as textbook for power engineering and elec engineering institutions and faculties, received f avorable appraisal. It c-overs the fundamental physics of phenomena observed in 189T33 /Electricity Literature May 51 USSR (ContJ) elec engineering materials, and describts the properties and production technology of these materials. First part deals with insulating materials, and the 2d with conductors, seezi- conductors, and magnetic materials. Published by Gosenergoizdat, 1950, 436 pp plus 10 Va- sets, 16 rnbles~ PW= of SAPNk. 3 (No. 7. 7kLt mmmd o(moommumm of km*mk cowift W* ", Weir. Sn (lool oft ik wm vsw a ft N & tdbCdM or ft bdm MKbup WW dreulL A mw ack" ma fdtv W" do I -, em) PWIWU of bmamm"m Vdm Oper. Mkt1w,yo(kmd,trj,m, I Oidg rsW) and accuum fthwi- *(-kw (ow r vadmpso& Ord,,. CUM V" moon hwhe P,.dW Vkh dm AKWV %W& a nilth*y doaum W" aim &maw meZ P. LLA[Aszr#AC7 MNN4, V.T.; KAZAIMVSKIY, D.?4.; ZABEDDINA, A.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor. Illectric condensers] Blaktricbeekie kohdoneatory. Leningrad, Goo energatichaskoe izd-vo, 1952. 512 p. (HLRA 9:10) (Condensere(Blectricity) K A 21 A ?:Vn:VO` ':K' TYD USSR/Electricity - Non-Linear Capacitors Aug 52 Barium Titanate "Calculation of Nonlinear Capacitors," Docent D. M. Kazarnovskiy, Cand, Tech Sci, Leningrad "Elektrichestvo" No 8, pp 60-64 Cites. exptl relationships between dielec. constq of some dielectrics (i.e., barium titanate with or without admixts) on field intensity. Shows procedure for calcg a nonlinear capacitor and defines nature of field distribution in a cylin- drical capacitor of this type. Submitted 2 Nov 51. 235T45 4~ KLZAUOVSKIY, D. M. USSR/Pbrics - Piezoelectricity Apr 52; "Time Variation of the Dielectric Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics," D.M. Kazarnovskiy "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XXII, No 4, PP 553-558 B.M. Vul and his school created a new type of ceramic materials, in particular barium titanate, whict possess plezoelec properties. The author presents exptl data on spmtancous variation, with time , of dielec permeability in piezo-ceramics and the results of investigations into regeneration and stabilization of its value. Indebted to B.M. Vul,.Corr Jkx, Acad Sci UM. Received after re- 'iXision 30 Jan 51- n6m ~ ~' ~~ C_ Fi T-V i _i k I V __1 ?'I\ IIt~1_-' 11- 1- PHASE X TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 755 - X BOOK Call No.: AF642507 Author: KAZARNOVSKIY, D. M. Full Title; TESTING OF RADIO MATERLkLS AND COMPONENTS Transliterated Title: Ispytaniya radiotekhnicheskikh materialov I detaley PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Power Fn ineering Publlbhing House Date: 1953 No. pp.: 389 No. of acpies: 6,000 Editorial Staff: Contributors and appraisers: A. M. Zaleaskiy, L. I. Rabkin, S. P. Dezhkin, and Yu. A. IlIkevich. PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: The book is written for engineers and technicians who have to deal with experimental determination of properties and characteristics of radio materials and com- ponents. It can be used by engineering students as a textbook in electrical engineering faculties and institutes. Finally, the book can also be consulted by persons who in their work in government, various industrial enterprises, or scientific research institutes come upon details which belong to the field of industrial electronics. Since many of these persons are not specialists In that field, the book is intended to help them by introducing them into the banic priviolples of the sub- ject. At the beginning of each chapter, tervis, definitionB and I/10 lopytaniya radiotekhnicheskikh materialov I deteley AID 755 - X standard forms of the given problew are preaented and explained. The book is intended as an introduction into the wide field of electrical and mechanical testing of radio materials and com- ponents. Since very little testing and measuring apparatus is produced on a commercial scale, the autho2? Included much Infor- mation on testing circuits and devices developed by Soviet engi- neers which can be easily built in local laboratories. Only the most import&nt, basic tests are included, and attention is paid mainly to the methods and techniques of measurement and to the numerical evnluation of the measured data rather than to theoretical problems, which form the subject matter of special college courses. Much data concerning materials and testing procedure are presented in tabulated form. The book compares favorably with similar textBin the English language. It is well illustrated, has a list of 76 references, and an index. TEXT DATA Coverage: The text covers data on the following tests and measurements; resistance of insulation, dielectric constant and loss angle, capacitance and Q-factors, electric strength, permeability of magnetic materials, electrical characteristics of induction coils, transformers, smoothing chokes, and 2/10 Iopytaniya radiotekhnicheskikh materialov i detaley AID 755 X conducting materials. At the end, methods of determining mechanical and structural characteristics of radio materials and components are given. Table of Contents (annotated) Foreword List of adopted symbols Introduction The author classifies the tests into four groups: (1) assembly, (2) operation, (3) production, and (4) laboratory. He then gives a short historical sketch of the development of radio engineering tests in the USSR and enumerates the names of several Soviet scientists who contributed to various branches in that particular field of experimental science. Ch. I Determination of the Resistance of Insulation The chapter starts with a doifinition of resistivity of insulation materials and proceeds with a description of the methods of its determination: the methods of direct deflection, of chargIng a capacitor, and of the 11electrometer" (an electronic tube with extremely low grid currint for measuring resistances over 1o12 0m). The chapt-ar viida with the measurement of the resistance 3/10 Pages 3-5 9-15 17-20 21-59 Ispytaniya radiotekhnicheelcikh materialov I detaley of insulation of 29 different radio components. These tests are presented in tables which give per- missible resistances and testing methods according to State Standards. Ch. II Determination of the Dielectric Constant and of the Lose Angle at Low and Audio Frequencies The chapter starts with definitions and cozo;inues with descriptions of methods of measuring capacitance and losses at commercial and audio frequencies. Measuring devices of Soviet design and construction are described and illustrated with connection diagrams. Ch. III Determination of the Dielectric Constant and of the Loss Angle at High, Ultra, and Super High Frequencies 60-76 77-107 The chapter describes the methods of measuring capacitance and losses at R-f, V-H-F, U-H-F, and S-H-F, and of measuring the temperature coefficient of the dielectric constant at R-f. Several Soviet measuring apparatuses are described and illustrated with drawings and connection diagrams, e.g.: Q-meters of KV-1, 160-A, and 170-A types for R-f; an apparatus 4,A 0 AID 755 - X Pages Ispytanlya radiotekhnicheakikh materialov i detaley AID 755 - X Pages for the direct measuring of the loss angle at R-f designed by A. A. Ivanov and A. A. Arkhangelskaya; apparatus for measuring capacities from 2 to 2,0001-_.!,~ at R-f of the GBE-1 1 -2, And -3,,types, and another produced by the factory Etalon and designed by 0. A. Ibragimov, D. I. Zorin, and A. M. Brodskiy; and finally, a method of measuring capacitance at U-H-F and S-H-F developed by K. 0. Knorre with variationa introduced by A. I. Herzheyevskiy and others (see list of references 21 to 24). Ch. IV Determination of Capacitance and of Quality Factors of Capacitors and of Installation Components loB-16o The chapter presents in tabulated form data for electrolytic capacitors of the KET type, values of the temperature coefficient for 13 radio components, and permissible magnitudes of the loss angle for 17 radio components. It gives detailed descriptions and illus- trations of the following measuring apparatus and testing methods: the NIE-1 type for measuring capacities between 1~~ and l0q/,-1C'at R-f and methods of testing it by V.-T. Renne, N. P. Bogoroditskiy, L. N. Zakgeym, 5 I'Al 0 Ispytaniya radlotekhnicheskikh materialov i detaley AID 755 - x Pages 1. 1. Morozov and I. N. Rashchektayev; measurements of impedance at R-f by V. I. Tikhonov and G. B. Kosolapenko, and at S-H-F by A. A. FistolIkors and M. S. Neymanj measurements oZ self-inductance of capacitors by L. A. Pomenko and Ya. M. Ksendzov; measurements of capacitance and CL-faotor of non- linear capacitors by B. M. VU, 0. 1. Skanavi, N. P. Bogoroditskiy and A. D. Demichavo; and finally, measurements of capacity and lose angle of installation components are presented with a detailed description of a measuring device of the IM-2 type. Ch. V Determination of Electric Strength 161-203 Definitions are followed by descriptions of measure- ments of breakdown voltage and reactive power, and of measuring apparatus, such as3 1) an impulse voltage generator designed by Prof. V. K. Arkad'yev and Eng. N. T. Baklin in 1914 (teatis according to GOST 141o-42); 2) an oscillator circuit designed by Yu. V. Guzhov, and measurements of Q-factora and loss angles according to N. A. Tinyakov; 3) measurements of flashover voltage 6/ 10 Ispytaniya radlotekhnichookikh materlalov i detaley AID 755 - X Pages and partial discharges, the latter according to K. S. Arkhangelskiy and A. K. Vlasov, and another method by V. M. Faynitakly. Test voltages for 30 radio components are presented in tabulated form. Ch. VI General Testing of Magnetic Materials 204-217 The chapter starts with definitions and an exposition of hysteresis curves and of types of magnetic measure- ments. Of the latter are described: the ballistic galvanometer, the fluxneter ("ferrometer"), and the cathode-ray oscillograph methods. Finally, loss measurements in sheet materials are presented. Ch. VII Determination of Permeability and of Quality Factors of Magnetodielectrics and Ferromag- netic Core Materials 218-234 The chapter gives terms, definitions, and otandard forms of magnetic data. It proceeds with a descrip- tion of methods of measuring magnetic permeability and its variations with changes in amplitude, tem- perature, frequency, time, and humidity. Finally, it describes measurements of losses in magnetodielectrics and in core materials of the NTs-2500, -1000, -500, 250, -100, and -40 types and presents in tabulated 7/10 Ispytaniya radiotekhnicheskikh materialov I detaley AID 755 - x form certain characteristics of some magnetic mate- Pages rials. Ch. VIII Determination of Characteristics of Induction Coils 235-26-,-A Inductance, Q-factor, and self-capsoltanoe of coils are defined and their measuroments at low and audio frequencies are described. A description of *measure- ments of the same data at R-f is given, with a method by N. N. Shollts, and a method of measuring the induct- ance of coils carrying d-c current follows; measuring scheme and the apparatus QffV--3 and ORV-4 for measuring self-capacitance of coils is described in detail. Ch. IX Determination of Characteristics of Transformers and Smoothing Chokes 264-291 Basic characteristics of transformers(low frequency, pulse, and power transformers),and smoothing chokes are described, and data from the works of G. S. Tsykin are given. General and special testing of low frequency transformers and testing of pulse and power trans- formers are followed by a description of tests of smoothing chokes. 8/10 lapytaniya radlotekhnicheaklkh materialov I detaley AID 755 - x Pages Ch. X Determination of the Characteristics of Conducting Katerials and of Components 292-331 The chapter describes measurements of the resistance of conductors, of resistivity and temperature co- efficient, of very small resistances, of non-wire resistances, and of the noise B.M.F. of resitances. It ends with a description of tests of wound enamel- covered resistors. Data are presented in tabulated form. A detailed description of the following apparatus is presentedt. the LKV-47 type bridge, potentiometer of the PN-4 and PN-6 types, double bridge of the MTV and MTV-l types, and resistances of the VS type. Ch. XI Determination of Meelvanical and Structural Characteristics 332-362 All tests are made according to govsrnment standards. Mechanical strength of Insulating materials is tested w1th apparatus of the RM-50 and RM-500 types, and with IM4R and IK12A types designed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine Construction. A description is given of the-mechanical tests of radio 9/10 v 'A?.W)tk.1 luV'CW'OQfMuI13 '041A nfln-limar Eleatrical Engineering Abet. KA7A]tN;-%'$Tr EkAtOrIChf#IV' voi. 57- No. 476 Capacitarux of non-linear capacitors varies with Apr.'1954 applied vokage._ For a siven condenser, charcc coulonths is plotted against appliLd voltaCe. jhis Elootrical Engineering,. 45~ curve Is re med by 1 function of vt)ltarc in lctftl~' PMC odd powers of charge. Assuming a s;nusoidal applied Wtage, the current throueh such a con&-nser is derived. Using approximalions Ccncr.1 solutions am tabulated for 8 basic cimuits contairinji a non-lincar, capacitor and scries-parAld combiwtioo~ of lirecriti condenser, resistors and 0!I.ASZEM 'K4, L 4 u 621.319.4 :S21.315 612.4 Ang. on the tznb--LAncc4 capecitarice of n ferm, Orrick ciaggritiatituring charge. D, it "' "! - ZP. Irkh. Fix., L1, ma. to, 1 2-15 596'77 A cornpati.%on Is drawn bct%%ttn the diclecitic'. hysteresis curve mil the graph of charvp m chargirip potential. Anexprn%innfo;~thcdynanik-cai%-icitancti Sivcts by Yanus JAIntir, 4014 (1433)) Is criticized on the basis of thi-i compiriscm. It is comhtilcd that the 6ican capacitarre of swh a c3racitor under con- ditioni of small leakage and d,c. chiulge can bc obtainW by conrritional (ballistic) rmthcKIA. R P, car"nwrit. on the above paper H trade by N. P. izorodil5kil in Zk trih. I U.. 24, No. 1, 149 (1 ). V, V. ZAKIIAROV (1) j BATDA, Leoni~ " All ich: DOBROTVORSKIY, Vikolaq Stepaaovich: ORSHAIMKIT, Dmitriy Llvovich; POMIOXATA, Softy& likodimorna; RAZUMOTUIT. Nikolay Nikolayevich; BVIRUIT, Tevgenly Antonovich, [deceased]; YFJM. Andrey Vladimirovich, prof*99or, doktor tokhnicheiskikh nauk; KA7ARNOVSKIY, D.M., redaktor; Z&BRODINA, A.A., takhnichs- ekly re [Ilectric measurements; general course] Slaktrichaskis ismarealla; obahchii kurs. Isd. 2-9, parer. Moskva. Goa. energeticheakoe izd-vo, 1954. 496 p. (MLRA 7:12) (Blectric measurements) BRON. O.B. n=Tr.,JIsM*-, redaktor; VCIRONBTSXATA, L.V., tekhnichaskly redaktor (Ilectrie are in control equipment] Blektricheskata dug& v apparatakh upravlenifa. Moskva, Goes energetlaheskoe ixd-vo, 1954. 532 p. (Microfilm] 8:2) (Ilectric are) (Automatic control) w -ra. ZATALISHIN, 'Zosting radio materials and ports.* D.M.Kazarnovokli. Reviewed by P.I.Zavaliahtn. Blektrichestvo no,3:93-96 My 154. (HLRA 7.-6) (Nazarnovskii. D.M.) (Radio-Apparatus an4 supplies) USSR/Elec-T-ronics - Noise suppressors FD-1.469 Card 1/1 : Pub. 90-6/14 Author : Kazarnovskiy, D. M., and Fomenko, L. A. Title : Ferroelectric capacitors for noise suppression Periodical : Radiotekhnika 9, 43-47, Sep/oct 1954 Abstract : The authors describe a ferroelectric by-pass capacitor for suppression of interference to radio reception, citing data from their investigation of it and comparing its performance with that of analogous paper capaci- tors. Preliminary data indicate that ferroelectric-capacitors should cost 30% less to mass produce than paper capacitors. Ferroelectric ca- pacitors for suppression of' industrial radio interference are a future prospect depending on the further improvement of radio ceramics. Six referencest USSR (1938-1954). Diagrams; graphs; photo. Institution Submitted February 2, 1954 Z 'Y"ri t~ WSR/Electronics- Dielectri-campli-fier --FD~1473--- --- Card 1/1 : Pub. 90-10/14 Author : Kazarnovskiy, D. M. Title : American journal ignores Soviet invention (letter to the editor) Periodical : Radiotekhnika 9, 56, Sep/Oct 1954 Abstract : During World War II the SoNlet scientist B. M. Vul andhis associates discovered the ferroelectric group of materials, which can be used in dielectric amplifiers capable of handling radio freqQencies up to 10 Mc. The dielectric amplifier bridge circuit was proposed in the USSR in 1947 by M. I, Kraytsberg under the title "Electrostatic Amplifier". This invention received a certificate of authorship, and it circuit and operating principles were published in 1949 (Svod Izobreteniy SSSR, 1949 No 6, Class 21, No 75431P 1) 239). Two and one half years later the Ameri- can journal Electronics (December 1951, p 84) published an article on dielectric amplifiers, some of which used exactly the same principles and circuit as the Soviet amplifier, without mentioning the previous USSR work. Institution Submitted ImwAtii,- ivjJ84-8 F-T-5 - M 2-1V -WAAAR~=N "41'~ 1, ON, V.T., redaktor; ZABRODINA. A.A.. *Og~" re ,~foy (Beignottocaramic capacitors) Segnetolkeramicheskie kondensatory. Moskva, Goa. energ. iz&-vo, 1956. 222 p. (MLPA 10:3) (Yerroelectric substances) (Gondensers (Illectricity)) KASKIN,V.A.; HIKOTIN,P.P.; KAZARNOYSICIT.D.M.. radaktor; VORONETSKATA, L.Y. p tekhnichesk:I?%mIf6FA"ww- [manufacture and use of rubber in cable production] Iggotov- lerAe i primensais retiny, v kabellnom proizvodetys. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo, 1956- 327 P, (MLU 9:4) (Rubber) (Cables) 7,- -7 MOMOT. YovgenV Grigorlyevich [deceased); XAZARNOVSKIT, D.H., red.; SOBOLEVA, Ye.K., [Radio mossuremental Badiotekhaichaskie izmereniia. Masi-va. Gas. energ.icd-vo, 1957. 364 P. (MEU 11:3) (Radio measurements) SUBJEM USSR/Lumineacence. 48-3-25/26 AUTHORSt Kazarnovskly D.M. and Sidorenko V.P. TITLE: Application of Forroelsotrics in Frequency Rultipli re (Pri- menoniye segnetoslektrikov v unnoshitelyakh obastot;) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol 21, #3, pp 455-465 (USSR) IBSTRAM An investigation was carried out in order to find out the basic properties of ferroelectrio frequency changers for tae three-phase current. A ferroslectrio condenser containing barium titanate with an addition of tin oxide, "Varikond VK1", was used as a main non- linear element, because only such ferroelectrie condensers are manufactured by the radlotoohnioal industry. Conclusions drawn from this investigation are: 1. That the properties belonging to the basic characteris- ties of ferroelectrio condensers for frequency changers are% voltage- and temperature-dependencea of the current I n of the Card required harmonic, coefficient of the harmonic of current Kn 48-3-25/26 TITLEt Application of Ferroeleotrioa in Frequency Multipliers (Primeneniye segnotoolektrikov v umnoshitelyakh chaatoty) and losses in the condenser P at For one VK1-4 condenser in the open air, being under sinusol- dal voltage of 2U0 v and a frequency of 500 cycles/nee, the following values were foundo 13