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The Equation of State of ~'reon-41 (!Zethylfluoride) SOV/76-33-5-6/33 lines the analytical exprensions for the elementary functions U0, a,, an 0 were found which are compared to the experimen- tal data in t-able 2. The equation of state permits an ex- ten.-ive extrap'vlation towards both oidcs. The values for v" of freon-41 were determined on account of the dependenceS betv~een saturated steam preasure and temperature indicated by Michels (11ef 5). Table 3 shows the values for p and v" interpolated for low temperatures. Moreover, the caloric data of freon-41 viere computed by means of the equation of state. Tables 4 and 5 show the specific heat and specific inner energy as compared to the values by Michels. There 0 are 11 tables and 6 refe-:ences ,3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 8, 1957 Card 2/2 VASSERM", A.A., KAZAVCHINSKILT, Ta.Z. Equation of state for air. Insh.-fiz.zhur. no.4:81-84 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Inatitut inthenerov morakogo flota, Odessa. (Air) (Equation of state) M922 S/096/60/000/011/008/018 E 031/E113 AUTHOR i Kazavehinskiy, Ya,,Z. (Doctor of Sciences) TITLE: The Determination of the Elementary Functions in the _Equation of State ?f a Real Gas o PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika~ t9160, No. 11, pp 59-64 TEXT: The results are described of a new investigation which has led to a development of the method descrlbed by the author earlier (Ref.1) of representing the equation of state in terms of so-called elementary functions. Let the equation of state be put in the form (r ~ a0 + a,-7: + 0 u + Y') whert a = pv/RT 7 a-0 al, p and y depend only on the reduced density tJ = vkl'rl and p an& ~O are functions of the temperature., Consider first of all the simplest case when the last term can be omitted. In order to determine ao, al., 0 thTee base Isothermals are chosen, on which experimental data Is most zeliable. Then expressions for a in terms of X and poweTs of tZl can be written for each Isothermal. On the other hand7 expressions can be Card 1/3 8h922 S/096/60/000/011/008/018 3 031/E113 The Determination of the Elementary Functions in the Equation of State of' a Real Gas wTitten for a from the equation of state, By choosing a suitable value ca. of W , we can determine values of u on each isothermal from the first set of equations and cLO, al~ from the second set. Values of p are then easily Obtained on all the remaining isothermals'9 and the equation Of StatO thus derived. is the best approximation to the experimental data on these isothermals. In the case when the full equation of state given above must be used. an extra equation is appended to the two sets discussed above, and two values of 0 must be chosen, but otherwise the principle is the same fo.- the determination of ctO7 Gl~ and Y. In the first case and in the second. both 1.1 and are cbtained in the form of tals, and an indication Is given of how analytic expressions oan be derived, The method iiR suitable for all single-phase domains, but separate systems c,f equations must be formulated for each of the two phases in a two-phase domain. The method gives the best agreement with experiinental data, If there are reliable Card 2/3 "414 92 2 s/o96/6o/ooo/o11,/008/018 E 031YE11-3 The Determination of the Elementary Functions In the Equation of State of a Real Gas data on enthalpy and heat capacity, the method allows these to be used to eorrect the temperature functions found from thermal data. As an example of the use of the method a table of pressure against specific volume is given for water and water vapour for pressures up to 1000 atm. and temperatures up to 900 00. There are 1 table and 5 Sov.Leit references. ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota (Odessa Institute of Naval Engineers) Card 3/3 88275 J(f 00 j // 0 AUTHORSt TITLEs PERIODICAL: S/170/61/004/001/017/020 B019/BO56 Kazavchinskiy, Ya. Z., Tabachnikov, A. G. 4111101111MMIN - Equation of State for a Stoichiometric Nitrogen - Hydrogen Mixture Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1961, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 116-11c, TEXTt For the setting up the equation of state of this mixture, all ex- perimental data at present known in connection with Lhe thermal properties of the mixture (3H2 + N2) (Refs. 1-4)t were used. The authors used the following representation for the equation of statei PV - C(o + C 2K 2TiOF4 K2TiOF4 2K+ + Ti OF4__ Card 2/3 HIRZABEKYATIP A.O.; VAh"rSYAN, Ye.A.; KAZAZYVI, A.V. Regeneration of filterable forms of typhoid fever bacilli from the body of the patient. Zhur. rdkrobiol., epid. i inmun. 41 no.3:135- 136 Mr 164. (KMA 17111) 1. Yerevanakiy institat spidemialogii i g1glyany i Yerevanskiy medi- tsinskiy inatitut. -L-37155-66 -.W(M) ACC NRs Ap6017281 (7VT SOURCE CODE: UR/0201/65/OC>0/004/0005/~, AUTHOR: Krasin, A. K.; jjkumov~Ljr. A.; Kazazyan, N. A., Xaz m ORG: none TITLE: Radiation apparatus in the lower thermal column of the shut-down IRT-2000 reactor /6 II SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Sery2ra fizika-tekhnichnykh navuk, no. 4p 1965, 5-110 TOPIC TAGS: research reactor, thermal reactor, radiation biologic effect, reactor neutron flux, Gamma flux, nuclear reactor shield ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to check on the possible access to a niche free of graphite after the reactor has been operating for a certain time at a definite power, since knowledge of the dose intensity in the niche of the stopped re- actor makes it possible to esti;-wite the time that a man can stay in it. The principal data used were the results of a two-dimensional two-group calculation of the neutron fluxes in a cylindrical model of the reactor. The results contain data on the fluxes of fast, intermediate, and therwil neutrons in the active zone, reflector, and other lelemerrts of the reactor. The vwrious sources of activation radiation that may be present in the stopped reactor are discussed and plots of the relative neutron dis- tribution are given. Also calculated are the y ray fluxes and dose intensities. The results show that the radiation level in the niche depends on the number of precedtng operating daily cycles, but that 4fter approximately 180 days saturation sets in, and L 37155-66 ACC NR, AP6017281 the dose intensity is practically independent of the reactor operating time. At an operating power of 1000 kw, the dose intensity in the most dangerous place remains at a rather higher level (85 mr/hr as against the allowed 2.8) even one month after' reactor shutdown. This means that no person should come within less than 50 cm from the thermal shield and that a brief stay (-"A0 min) is permissible in the bio- logical shield region. Orig. art. has: 2 figureop 5 formulas, and 3 tables. BUBCODE:04 /9 SUBMDATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004 07H REF: 001 3712i-66 w(m) ACC NR, AP6017281 SOURCE CODE: 5/0010 AUTHOR: Krazin, A. X.; Naurov. V. A.. Kazazyan, N. A.; Kazazyan Y-T - ORG: none TITLE: Radiation apparatus in the lower thermal column of the shut-down,IRT-2000 reactor h0.1d fI SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi, teryya fizika-tekhnichyWkh navuk, no. 4.. 1965, 5-10 TOPIC TAGS: research reactor, thermal reactor, radiation biologic effect, reactor neutron flux, Gamma flux, nualear reactor shield ABSTRACT: 7he purpose of the investigation was to check on the possible access to a niche free of graphite after the reactor has been operating for a certain time at a definite power, since knowled3e of the dose intensity in the niche of the stopped re- actor makes it possible to estimate the time that a man can stay in it. 7be principal data used were the results of a two-dimensional two-group calculation of the neutron fluxes in a cylindrical model of the reactor. The results contain data on the fluxes of fast, intermediate, and tMrmal neutrons in the active zone, reflector, and other [elements of the reactor. The various sources of activation radiation that may be present in the stcpped reactor are- discussed and plots of the relative neutron dis- tribution are given. Also calculjhted are the y ray fluxes and dose intensities. The results show that the radiation 1twel in the niche depends on the number of precedtng, operating daiiy cycleso but that .i4fter approximately 180 days saturation sets in, and 1/2 KAZAZAYEV, V.N., kand. zekhn. nauk Design of fxames for ntability losses of the 2d order. trud. RIlZflT no.40:93--99 163. Specified calculation of the sides of diesel locomotive trucks under static load. lb:Ld.:100-109 (IMIRA 18:3) ~,- XALZAZAYEV, Y.N., Inzh. Calculating changes In the modulus of elasticity in determining flexibilitr and critical stresses in compressed frames. Trudy RNERT no..24:116-125 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Structural frames) (Elasticity-) KAZAZAYEV, V. N., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Limit states of chassis." Leningrad, 1960. 13 PP; (Ministry of Railroads USSR, Leningrad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad,Trani5port Engineers im Academician V. N. Obraztsov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 154) KAZAZAYEV, V.N. (Rostov-na-Donu) Limited use of the strain analysis of single-span asymetrical frames with fixed oupportst Stroi. mekh, i reach. soor. 2 no, 2;27-32 160a (MIRA 14:5) (Structural frames) LIU KAZAZYAN.. A.V, Dystrophy of the li-7er in Botkinla disease. Zhur. eksp. i klin. medo 3 no*4t4:L-47 163 (MIRA 16:12) SOV/1 24 -57 - 7- 7819 Tran!.Xation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekh-anika, 1957, Nr 7, p 50 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kazban, A. M. TITLE: Determination of the Shape of Three Profiles From a Given Velocity Distribution Past Them (Opredeleniye formy trekh profiley po izvest- nomu na nikh raspredeleniyu skorosti) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kazansk. un-ta, 1956, Vot 116, Nr 5, pp 32-37 ABSTRACT: The author seeks to establish the (triplane) configuration of three profiles immersed in a plane potential flow of an incompressible liq- uid for a given velocity distribution along the profiles, v, and given values of the complex potential on the forward stagnation points of the surfaces, w. The contours of the three profiles obtained by the inter- section of the z plane with the streamlines starting from the aft stag- nation points is fulfilled by the outline of a hexagon in the w plane formed by the three semi-infinite horizontal intersect-ions and defined by the given conditions of the problem. The contour of this hexagon is represented in a definite way on the upper serniplane Irn ~ > 0, and the problem of constructing the profiles is reduced to the determ- Card 1/2 ination of the missing bomidary values of the analytical function SOV/1 24 - 57- 7- 7819 Determination bf the Shape of Three Profiles Frorn it Given Velocity (cont.) dw . log, v _ i X(Q log, d According to the conditions of the problem, on the segments on the real axis E ir. the ~ plane that correspond to Lhe contour of the profiles, the log, v values are ~nown,.,and th6 vbLlues;of- ~ X on 'he remaining portions of the ~ axis satistv the three nonlinear functional conditions expressing the equality of the magnitudes of and P in the coinciding points of the confluence surface along the streamlines be yond the profiles. The article indicates the general sequence of calculations leading in principle to the singular solution of the stated problem. The method described is general and is applicable to any 1~ystem of profiles. No examples of actual construc tion are given. The method for -,atisfying the conditions of closed contours for tile profiles is not given. G. V- Stepanov Card 212 KAZBAN, A.M. Solution of the Dirichlet problem for multiply connected regions. Trudy KAI no.71:56-7:2 162. (MIRA 18:5) I:AZbA-;.:, Cr,nd -!bor '0 ~,,duc.-Ition (Yin of Id Ul I nov-Lo nin) c t, U i-.~ V. I. L 2894-66 EWT(d)/EWTM/EWT.(m) UP(c) JD ACCESSION NRt AT5023187 uR/2529/62/boo/bn/bo56/bo?21 '9 AUTHORs Kasban, A. M.- - ~41 TITLE: On the solution of a D:LrichletRr2blem for a multiply connect ed'region SOURGEt Kazan. AviatsionrWy iastitut. Trudy, no. 71, 1962. Matematika i makhanikaj, 56-72 TOPIC TAGSt Dirichlet probleRp contour integration, conformal mapping,, analytic function, complex variable ABSTRACT% There is given an n-,aultiply comected region Dz represented by the closadj piecewise continuous contours Ll0L2.,*,.,1n (see Fig. 1 on the Enclosure). It is required to determine tho function which is harmonic in the domain Dz with known initial conditions LK The problem is solved by assuming that the required function is the real part of the function f(s) u(xy) + iv(x,y) which is regular end single valued. in the -Card -1/9 L 2894-66 ACCESSION NRx AT5023187 ,,. , The novelty of the method useL here to achieve the ibove goals is to region D7 carry out a;conformal mapping' on a canonic'jal region consisting ot the tipper half plane (see Figs' 2 on the Enclosure)* The mapping is carried out by using the Schwsirts-Christ*ffel transformations in the form CM)j and It is shown that the relad~V~hip between tki k is obtainei from the conditions (iv p)j where C, +Const Iv InIt V=1 The variables are calculigted approximately for the function given above, This problem is shown to be applicable to the modified Dirichlet problem used in the theory of elasticity jud aerodynamics with the boundary oonditions L 2894-66 A~C- M*ION NRt AT-5023187 In partioularp the following aiMle case iii considerod. which corresponds to a situation where the branch cut in the 1). domain lies along a Bingle atraigbt line* The above problem can also bo genoralizEd to the caae of a periodically multiply connected region. Orig. art. hast 31, equatiorm and 4 figurese AS=IATION* Kazan. Aviatsiox iMy institut (gazan Av~ation Institute) SUBMITTED: Muxi6i ENCLt 02 SUB CODEs MA NO REF SOVI 008, OTHERs 000 A 'L 2894-66 AGGWSION NRI AT5023187 J)z zot c,rd 4/5 L 2894 -66 ACCHWIOH NRs AT5023187 Exqw;mml 0 C'.--.- Ar" Fig. 1 DESOVI A.Ye.,, doktor tekhn.naukp prof.; GORDON, S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV', L.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOCHUNOV, K.M., inzh.; KAUW-y-Z.A., inzh.; TSYURUPA, A.L., inzh. Results of the examiration of rolling mills operating with the N.IA.Kozlov equipment, and suggestions for improving the tech- nology. Trudy NIIZHB no-33:205-225 164. (MIRA 18-.2) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut betona i zhelezobetona Gosstroya SSSR (for Desov). 2. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut zhelezobetoiuqkh izdeliy, stroitelinykh i nerudnykh materialov (for Gordon). 3. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Glavnogo upravleniya po zhilishchnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitall- stvu v gorode Moskva (for Popov). 4. Moskovskiy institut t4-ovogo i eksperimentalinogo proyektirovaniya (for Kochunov). 5. NIIStroy- fiziki (for-Kazbek). 6. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institi,t organi- zatsii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstu (for TSyurupa). VLASOV, O.Y., do'vtor tekhA. mauk, prof.; VEYDENEAUM, G.I., inibe; YEREMEW, G. G. , inzh- KAZBEK-KAZIYEV Z. A. 1. GUSMA14, A. Z. BOLOTPIA, A.V., red.izd--va;-Tla~~~WiI.Ye., tekhm. red. [DurabLlity of enhlosing and structural elements; physical bases] Dolgovechnoatt ograzhdaiuahchikh i stroitallsykh kon- dtruktaii; fizicheakie oanovy. Moskva, Goestroiisdat, 1963. 113 P. (MIR& 160) 1. Akedemiya atroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Inatitut stroitellnoy fiz:Uri. 2. Laboratoriya dolgoveohnosti og- razhdayuahchikh konBtruktsiY Instituta atroitellsoy'fisiki Akademli atroitall'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Vlasov, Voydenbaum, Yeremfoy~ev, Kazbek-Kaziyev, Gusmax)~. 2.. Chlex- korrespondeni Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury (for VlaaoV). (Building materiala-Tentilig)- '. 'Iftw Di ACC NR3 AP6012993 SOURCE CODE~ UR7o_I_1q76X6_o/&~-_/& 160-:9:T' AUTHORt Kazbokov, Ao 11., gineor) _(Er ORG: none TTTTF,*. Socond LeninGrad scionce-technical-conference on hydramlia rjeclmnlsms and SOURCE: Pribo~ostrcyeniyo, no. 21, 1965, 29 TOPIC TAGS: nechAnical onginoerliig conforonce, servosystem, positive foodback, hydrau-1ic device, automatic control system, automation AB3 MICT: The Secondi Scientifiii-Technical Conference and )IydroautociatY-c*a---ii'a-s-lo-ld-i-n'"Leningrad from 13 to 10 Oct. 1964' attracted about 300 participantii. irty-tix reports were heard and dis- cussed. Hydraulic doyices and laydroautomatica are now in wide use in metal-working macb1n,!try, constriaction and road machinery, mining equipmento transport machinery, chernical and other industries. Reports Mt the con- ference reflected do-rclopments and experience in such areas *as high power hydraulic devil::es; high powor,~ervoaystemn with positive feedback; aut-omatic hydraulic tontral o-tuo-stage proportional hydraulic pf] ior; co~rcctio~a of hi h- ie- 9 o ed electro-hydraulic scryosystema; working fluids for nie In hydraulic systemal bibliographies of materials concerning conatructioa*and decign of hydraulic devicea. The conference Card 1/2 -1, 22063-66 AM NRs AP6012995 emphanizea the need for further development of work in the area, the importance of creating a powerful construction basis for manufacture-of..~ equipment for automati"Mof industry and the p-ropa'ratioin or more quali- f ied workers in the area. The Third Conf erence 11YAraulic Yjr2tPMa andl HydroautomatI.ce will bo.held-An-Cletober, 1905,, 9~R&- SUB CODE - 13, 09 / SUBM DATE t none Card 2/2 13 ~-Cr /;W ~` A AUTHORSt Bresler, S. Ye., Sawinskiy, Ye. M., Kazbekov, E. N. 57-11-16/33 TITLEs Paramagnetic Resonance Radiospectrometer for the Study of Chem- ical Reactions (Paramagnitno-rezonansnyy radiospectrometr dlya izuoheniya khimiohes kikh reaktsiy) FERIODICALi Zhurnal Tekhn-Rz,,1957jVol27,Nr 11, pp. 2535-2553 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The molecules taking part in chemical reaction as a rule pass a state of chemically active and free rqdicals. In these there are present electrons with non-paired spins, i.e. magnetic moments. In order to be able and observe the appearance as well as the disappearance of these active free radicals in chemical processes the sensitivity of the paramagnetic spectrometer must be greatly increased. It has been only during the last time that we find the possibility to build an apparatus with such a great sensitivity mentioned in literature. The calculation of the absolute sensiti- vity of radiospectrometers of different design, which are planned for the investigation of free radicals in chemical reactions, is given here. The authors show that radiospeotrometers with Eigh- frequency modulation of the magnetic field and with semiconductors as ray-recaivarB,as well as the radiospectrometer with full-range resonator and balometric transformer of the energy at low fre- quenoy modulation are best. One of the latter kind, built by the Card 1/2 authors is described here. Its optimum sensitivity of 2.1o-13 mol Paramagnetic Resonance Radiospectrometerfor the Study of Chemical 57-11-16/33 Reactions. diphenj1picrino hydrazil is close to the optimum sensitivity calculated. Ways for the further increase of sensitivity are in- vestigated. In the end some results obtained by the investiga- tion of the reactions of polymeres are given. There are lo fig- ures and 7 Slairic references. ASSOCIATION; Institute fur 11ir-h-1-joleoular Compounds AN USSR,Leningrad (In- 'j stitut Y"ok 3Lekulyarnykh ~ioyedineniy All SSSR,Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1957 j,VAILABLEs Library of Congress. Card 2/2 BRESLER, S.Ye.; KAZBEKOV., M.N.; SAMIXISKIY, To.m. Study of macroradlci~~' in palymer12ation an4 degradation proceongs. Part 1. Vyeokom.ooed. I no.1:132-137 J& 159. ~WRA 12:9) 1. Institut vy9olcomolakulyarrifth noyedinenly All SSSR, Leningrad. (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Polymerization) BMLER, S.Te.; MBIXOT, N.H.; SAMINSKIT, Te.H. Macroradicals in polymerization and destruction processes. V a k m soed. 1 no.9:3074-1382 S '.59. (MIRA 13:3; 0.0 . l.Institut vVookomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Methacrylic acid) (Acrylic acid) , N" CU - -- -- ---- 4 , NINSKly, 0, 4) 1 1 ~ "Investigation of 'the Macroradical reactivity by Elec tron- spin- resonan e." report presented at the International Polymer Symposium, (IUFAC), Moscow, USSR, 14-18 june 196o. Vj /V PHASE I BOOK MEPIDITATION SOV/4983 International symposium on macromolecular chemistry. Moscows 196o. Mezhdunarodnyy simpozium yo makromolekalyarnoy khimii,, SSSR, Moskva, 14-18 iyunya. 1960 g; doklady I avtoreferaty. Sektsiya II. (International Symposium on Manromolecular Chemistry Held in Moscow., June 14-18; Papers and Summaries) Section II. [Moscow,, Izd-vo AN SSSR., 196D] 559 P- 5,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Com- mission on Macramolecular Chemistry Tech. Ed.: T.A. Prusakow . PURPOSE: This book Is Iaten&sd for chemists interested in polymerization re,- actions and the synthesis of high-molecular compounds. COVMWE: 2his is Section II of a multivolme work containing papers on macro- molecular chemistryi The papers in this volume treat mainly the kinetics of various polymerization reactions Initiated by different catalysts or induced by radiation. Among thia research techniques discussed axe electron paramagnetic ce.rd 1/12 ::nternational Symposium on Macramolecular Chemistry (Cont.) SOV/4983 resonance spectroscopy and 11ght-scattering inte latione There am summa- rpo ries in English, Prench and Russian. No personalities are mentioned. Refer- ences follow each article. ,-ABIZ OF CONTENTS: Breslerf S.Ye., ELN. K&zbe~a, and Ye.M. Saminakiy (USSR). Study of the Re- activity of Macrorsdicals 'by the Method of Electron ParaxAgnetic Resonance5 Mayo 19 P.R. (USA).. Dimerization of Styrene Bagdasarlyan, Kh.S.,, and Z*A. Sinitains. (USSR). Inhibition of Polymeri- zRtjon by Axcmatic Compoundii TMUP F., I. Kende, and M. Azori (Hungary). Kinetics of the Inhibition of Polymerization of Styrene by Nitro Compounds 31 Bamford, K.Kh., and A.D. Jenkins (Great Britain). On the Reactivity of Free Radicals 43 Caxd 2/12 3095 3/v)0/62/oo4/007,/015/n?~ dp 0 0 31 2,,/D101 -T';07 Ye., Kazbekov, L. X., z;ar.Anz'.-iy, Ye. AU RS: 3ro., er, S. love!, a. T. T 1 T L_": :.'~ a, ~t e, u r e ir e n tof' the dc~-rec of polymerization th.-2 losses mothod P 7.2 1 (;, 11) 1 CL: sojedineniya, v. .",, no. 422 TZXT: A simple, rapid metl:od, accurate to rbout + 2 is ~!hich can be applici to determino the eegree of polymeri:~.-ttion at. rif-'- conversion IeC~(,DO3 of the monoi:icr examined. The techn, 1~,.u e iisi~,_ on t~~e fact that, for a fixed suncr-M-h frequency rail;,_e, 'ho Ii- clectric losses of the unchnn,r-ed monomer -ire hit-h as co,:,.T)ared %vith Vo~;O of the Dolymer ,-.hich need not be consilerei, the ~,ecre~~_Ie of the !,,.ono7-:er content is represented by that of the dielectric lossez. Z I e c t i om arn,~ t;_ c oscillations havinp a wave lenrth of 2 to 3 cm are 3upplted from, a otanda--l-type '-3-,," (43-1) ir~enerator to a cavity rec-c-itor carr'-i-, t-obe ,xith the polymerized mixture which is excited throurh a conne C tin. 4-ia- Card 1/3 6/190/6'?/004/003/015/023 ,:easuremcnt of the ... B124/B101 phrarm. The rosonator is conrectc-1 to a cr,,,stal clotoctor which rf-cor~!:) chanres in the ozoillatory power on polyrnerization by melins of a -econ". di-'?hrarm. Power values are controlled with a calibrated att,-~nuator and oscillation frequency is MAOMatically adapted to t1hat of the re-onator ,vhich varies in the course of poly-merization duo to the of V-.U di- electric pormeabil-Aty of the meli,-m. The automatic a.~apt,:~r hao b~aon crib,ed earlier. (Tek,hni%-.a izzmmcreniya na santimatrovykh voln;t,-.h tochnic,,ue %,.,ith centimeter -,vavao), iovetsi-loye radio, 1-,)1;9). to thc^rc8onator was controlled with a directional coupir.-. %A-,*,i a detector. In or,~er to calibrate the ~Ievice, the. a:,-,o1,.nt of lor.7od waz checked by extr::11ction \-.tith a volatile solvent ('0011~Qrc, lic"10- roethane eta.) for several dajs and successive cryoscopic subi-4.7ation. The eauation C - 1 T~/T" (7) derived providcl~ that the in-~,ut and i 77T 0 1 out-)ut coupling parameters of the resonator are identical, C is the concentration of the mono,=r, T the resonance tran~,rniszion coc~,;'ficien4. (ratio Of thO DO',VCr DaSSillf.: the resonator at the :romont of rt~zon-.,,.nco to Carl 2/3 AUTHORSt Bresler, S. Ye., and Slmeytek, P. TITLE: Macroradicals in PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo ) t q.1 56 S/181/63/005/002/046/051 B102/B!86 Knzbekov,_F.. N., Fomichev, V. N.1 Sech, F., solid polymers tela, v. 5, no. 2, 1963, 675 - 682 TEXT: The destruction of is studied in a special vacuum manipulator at liquid-nitrogen temperature. The investigations were made using an e.p.r. spectrometer with rf magnetic-field modulation. The diphe- nyl picry1hydrazyl spectinim served aEi reference standard The polymprs in- vestigated (polymethyl mathacrylate (I), polystyrene (II~, polyvinyl~.-, ' acetate (III)) zere produned by thermal polymerization. The kinetics of the disintegration of the macroradicals in solid polymers, formed by mechanical destruction, in studied in great detail. The macroradicale ob- tained in vacua vanish very alowlyl 11hia process whose rate constants are given by K 10 16 exp =2_90OOi2OO0_. CM3/mole-sect F1 T Card 1/3 Macroradicals in solid polymers s/181/63/005/002/046/051 B102/B186 is 24000120 3/mole-secl K 107cxp 230001200 =5kcilevMi K 10 exp (_ RT 2) cm RT 0) takes se'reral hours. The MFIcroradical separation is due to disruption of h L n migration mechanism is assumed ydrogen molecules from the polymer chn'nal for the radical state be!tng effective from chain to chain. The macro- radical dirrupture- Js strongly stirrulated by oxygen due to radical oxida- tion. The destruction p,rccess by 0 2 is accelerated to about 100 times the rate under normal conditions* The kinetic constants of the macroradical disrupture in the presence of oxygen were measured and their temperature dependence was determined. If the oxygen is eliminated from the ampoules alter complete radical oxidation (only ROO-present) the rate of macroradi- Also this effect W'c al destruction is decreaued by a factor of 5 to 10. speaks in favor of the hydrogen migration suggosted., The regeneration of the initial carbon radicalS of polymethyl 'methacrylate from the hydroxides 0.11 oxyren evacuation occurs more rapidly At 0 0C and leads to a 501,1.~ restora- tion. It proved impossible to explain 1,iriical destruction by diffusion pro- cessest the only mechanir:ri possible seems to be the radical state migration throiigh subsequent disrup-,uro of hydrogen atoms by the polymer chain radi- cnis. There are 4 f igurf 13. Cax& 21.5 S/1 81/63/005/002/046/051 Macroradicale in oolid polymers B102/B186 ASSOCIATIONt Institut vysokcmolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Deningrad (Institute of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR. Leningrad) SUBMITTED: October 1, 196:2 Card 3/3 BRESLER, S.Ye.1 MB.KKOV,, R.N.; MMICUVi V.N. Reactivity of saaroradicaloo Kin.i kat. 6 no.5:820--827 S--~O 165. (WRA 18:21) 1. Institut vysolcomolskulyarnykh sayedineniy AN SSSR. KAZBEKOVP E.S. Organizing the prevention of industrial traumatism among workers In nonferrous metallurgy. Zdrav.Ytftzakh. 22 no.6t6-10 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. IZ In3tituta, organizataii zdravookhranoniya i istorii meditsiny imeni R.A.Semashko (nauchnyy rukovoditell - doktor med. nauk P.P.Radkin), (NOUFFIRMS NLTAL INDLUTRIES-SAFETY WEASURES) KAZBEKCFV.0 E.S. Industrial -.rauma in the Balkhash mining and metalliirgical complex. Zd:-~av. Kazakh. 22 no.,10:5-9 162. (MIPA 17:5) 1. Iz Institute. organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii moditainy imerii N.A, Seinashko; nauclmyy rukovcxlltoll - dAtor meditsinskikh nauk.P.P. Radkin4 ;5 7 OTONOV, I.A., kandl-.ekhn.nauk; ANTOSHII , Te.Y., insh.; ASINOVSKATA, G.A., inzh.; VASILITEV, K.Y., kand.tOd-m.nauk; GUZOV, S.G., insh.; DETM, V.K., inzh.; ZATTSEVA, V.P., ins):,.; XARA , Tu.B.i inth.; KOLTUNDV, P.S., ksrd.tekhn.nauk; KOROVIN, A.I., inzh.; ERZ=EUCOVSKIY, A.K., in'zh.; ]MOVISOVA, Ye.I., inth.; 14ATVBTXV,Y.N., tekhnik; MCROZOV, M.Te., inzb.; FTXRASOV, Tu.I., insh.; NWHATEV, V.D.. kand.takhn.nauk; NINMG, A.K., kand.tokhn.nauk; SPFM(M,O.Sh., insb.; STRIZHUSKIT, 1,I., kand.llchim.nauk; TBSKrJITSXIT, D.I., inzb.; KFIRCHOVA, TS.S., insh.; TRIMLI, A.Z., Inzh.: SHASHKOV, A.N.. kand. tekhn.nauk, dote.; SHRLWHNIT, M.M., insh.; SHUMAN, D.Ta., inzh.; IDBLISOR, A.M., inzh.; VOLODIN, V.A.. red.; UVAROVA, A.F., [Machines and armara,tuses do8ign-Rd by the All-Union Institute of Autogenous Working of Ketals, Kishiny i apparty konstruktail VNIIAvtogen. Moskvs., Goa nauchw-tekhn. izd-vo mash inostroit el 'no I lit-ry, 1957. 173 P. Noscow. Vaesolusnyi nauchna-isaledovatellskii Institut artogennoi obriDotki metallov, no.9) (Gas weldim and cut~ing--Rquipmant and supplies) XAMKOV, S. Ba,tum airport ie a haven of co,=mist labor. Gmzhd.av. 18 no*10-.33 0 161., (14DU 15:5) (Batum-Asronautics, Co=ercial) Dissertations. Department of TechnIcal &tenees, July-Dec. 1957. Vest. Ak. Ikuk SM, 1950, Ito. 4, pp. 123- At the Inst. of Pwar EnaineerinG im G. M. Krzhithwmvskly the foUavi% dissertations for degree of Oned. Tech. Set. vere defended: V. N. ADRXAMN - Trawmission of 1.1adiation Beat of Dusted Combustion Oues In the Channel With Cooled Wallis. L. H. ZBOXMI - Problims of the Determination of thlu Optimm Part- ~.-f ~4%s GES in the System With Control Carried out for Yeoxe. A. A. IWAILDVA - layest4ptlon of the 7v---.! zTocesses In the Sua-Drying De- vices of Differett Fruit D. A. KAZMMNA - P=blems of the Stiergy Supply of the Pastures of the Drive- Cattle Breeding. 1. B. MOTM= - Inveatigation. of the G"dynwde and Xlectr1a Processes AccompanyinG t2w X3'rJnmt1*n of the Are by Air Jets. r. K. VZUIYMXAVICMI - Covering of the Rest YAximum In the TRT's of HI& and Supextl& ftrameters. L. N. ZOMM - 10toblems of the Determination of the Optim Parts of the GES in the System With Control CarTled out for Yes". A. A. UNUIMA .. Lmrostigation of the 7hermal Ptomses in the Bun-DryInC Device& ofDifferent n-uLt Struature. D. A. KAEBEMNA - Pr%)blew of the Inera Oupply of the Pastuxes of the Drive- cattle Breall'iOL ", TARASOV, N.F.; KAZBEKOVA, D&A. Scme problems of the introduction o,' raa.Luactive collodal solutions into lymphatic r9asels. Mad. rad. 9 j, J1.12-17 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:12) SOV1109- --4-3-18/38 AUTHORS: S.A. Kornilov and O.N. Kazbekova Z_~ TITLE: Detection in the Cathode Circuit of an Under-Excited Reflex Klystron (Detektirovaniye v katodnoy tsepi nedovozbuzhdennogo otrazhatellnogo klistrona) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhaika i Elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, PP 1+75-1+81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was suggested by the author, Kornilov, in 1955 (Ref 6) that the envelope of a high-frequency signal which is amplified by a klystron can be detected directly in the cathode circuit of the klystron tube. The circuit for this purpose is very simple, as can be seen from Fig 1. The detected signal is taken from a resistance R which is connected into the cathode circuit of the tube; the klystron performs the function of a regenerative amplifier as well as the detector. The problem of employing this type of detection was investigated experi- mentally at, frequencies of 3000 Mels and 10000 Mc/s. The circuits employed for the measurements are shown diagrammatically in Figs 2 and 3. From the experiments Card 1/3 it was found that at low input signals a square detlection characteristic was obtained. At large input signals a SOV/109-- -4-3-18/38 Detection in the Cathode Circuit of an Under-ExQited Reflex Klystron saturation.effect was observed. The amplification coefficient of the system as a function of the cathode resistance R was measured and the results are plotted in Fig 1+ for two values of the reflector voltage. The sensitivity of the detectors is illustrated in Fig 5; the axis of the abscissae represents the potential of the reflector, while the axis of the ordinates shows the sensitivity in the maxima of the "amplification regions". It was found that the threshold sensitivity of the klystron operating at the wavelength of 3 cm was 10-11 W. On the other band the threshold sensitivity for the 10 cm klystrri was 10-10 W. The mechanism of the detGction in the cathode circuit can be analysed theoretically. If it is assumed that the emission current is constant and that the thermal velocities of the electrons emitted by the cathode are governed by the Maxwell distribution law, the detector characteristic can be expressed by: j ( 7q Card 2/3 L i = k )2 p2U2 jOv/l()9- - -4-3-18/38 Detection in the Cathode Circuit of an Under-j~xcited Reflex Klystron This formula is in good agreement with the experimental results. On the basis of the above investigation it is concluded that the use of the cathode-type detection in Idystron is quite feasible, especially in view of the iact that -the threshold sensitivity is of the same order as that of a crystal detector. The input impedance of a video avili)lifier which Is connected to the cathode circuit can be comparatively low (of the order of several thousand ohms) . Card 3/3 There are t:") figures, 1 table and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: September 7, 19517 A-f-A, I t A,J--% I A L-A-A k- ft Ot IV U k 4 %~C- 'h"' U- R Y t/ K (rA t , . - 0 *bon- 01M. Infisome of bwWw as D. pant"thi so 0 NI. A. LAbbef"ll. Z. Ustro"'4 h To n imi 11 F 194 N R 00 - re c o. , ock lit. S. S. .) , . df4' l f B lt 24 M .-Of - it,cu Um O -P 400cr. Of M" Milk Wks IM M4 iMselimlase"i. Alto an hr. at :Irl' the kurnim cultureo( the local milk awd, ,so - 0-24 bra. Mice 00 go weir rwptivv. Both cipts loondsted with It - . . vivre b lactic " to de, cFmRs pi dmlo bW ma A 0 0 : . m $ j& p y Party the Orsuffillms. To a neutral bouillon was ad" 9 1.00 e !-e. of 10% CIIjCHOIICOOH per ewh 10L) cc. o1 butlillm - -00 1-his was inocutatrql with a 24-hr. cultme of A. Pardlyph4 INWINA e"j (m) billions per I cc.) . No gtowth wRq ob- So :wo ved. lijkv ibmulAted with thil in(mird Imuillowl Oil o i~.nmlnrd &hve. It in m1cludnt that the I-Actelk-i'lal d- l so t ect of Intent" Is due to its lactic acid content, as a resu b l m 2 f erences re aj. 3 u it# the sclivity of B. t" N* t I age 3 o tie a ~ 9 U I I V_~21 - 0 F p it 0 4 a a I V R a m u, a A I IVA 1 0 0 010 0 o 0 0 see 0 so 1111 KAZBERTUX, N.A.; LITVINCVA, Z.I.; SADOVNlKOVA. R.N.; PSVZIIZR. G.L. Irperience in using dry living tularemia vaccine and tularin for allergy skin tests. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 27 no.6:58-61 Je 156. (MMA 9:8) 1. Zz 2yaZanLkoga meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P. Favlova, Oblastuoy protivotulyaremiynoy stantaii i Chapayevskoy rayonnoy sanitarno-eptdemiologicheokoy stantell, (TULAMLN, immunol. vaccine. dry living. use in determ of allergic skin reaction) (VACGWS AND VACCINATION tularemia dry living vaccine 4se in determ of allergic skin reaction) (AT-T-YR T, etiol. and pathogen. to dry, living tularemia vaccine) KUDiMIp A.N., prof.; MQWYU,.,K.A.,; HKULIN, A.A.; POLYAKOVA, N.B.; TROSHINA, A.Ye.,, USPEVSKYY, V.A. [Preeeription manual] Spravochrdk po reteepture; ucbebnoe po- sobie. Riazan', Riazanskii med. in-t. 1962. 265 P. (MIRA 16:12) (PRESCRIPTION WRITING) - do do do do off F - do do i 00 4 --Tf_v *TO 00 g 0 :Fps in tho, b00& M&rrow a,4 tho periphootal blood tit Chat or C& $t C Avium 11 09 00 .11alintnot. an-1 A. A- N 1 1 A o I Owm -""t, 1940. 1. jot. N's .1. tlol 4tIlLiAl); -06 r I %amwl. Ill ftw Jh..l Atul fh~ Nwar InAls"Ill W-'j O fig W 114vins loynoptIM114 C &N 11144 I;d A 11w, Im lln%$ In vitantill C ottilio, mitwil"40 Willi 1,11111.14th", M JKIL Ill Jur t.ill, (Awl that 11", AV,, 'Jjjjn'"~ tolrtl ill, IILM M toll 401 floor 'TH. 1w tallow f#1414.1w I'M"' 'A fill lhtlmlllxl%'nl& Alill ORAII411 tit 111' '10 1, -Vt_ 4,,Rlltl Ill, jetecled in Ow twF111114 11144. OtAliKo-.11jiliv t'l..Rl oontta'l~l -Vill 1k%IlAtnln-1~ o j I 0 two 0 1 t LifflIASU4111 CL-ISIPKAMN o0 S, boo ii . W o OO 00 it f 1 1 $I i I I Mill' it I , c P s 40 T s, rp of . to U w k4 di 0 0 0o0 do0 0 i , '00 iv Ir. tl(lcrtain pro' ltms of clinical 1-1 aviDr -rnl v nephrot,ic r-,~T -1-Irl, tis (hf-- rrhaj.c emdv:~ic n-!:A.r,)ti!i I nabar, vo"-vi. L,o:;piLalya, III, .;J: U-43k'13' 19 Au~,,ust 53, (Letolpis 'Zlrurral lnykh 3tlatf.~yl, 17(l) SOV/177-58-11-20/50 AUTHOR: ,_ Kazbintsev, L.I., Docent __Z:1i: TITLE: Diagnostic Significance of the Peculiar Pain in the Lumbar Region in Hemorrhagic Nephrose-Nephritis PERIODICAL: Voyer,no-meditsinskiy zhurnnl, 1958, Nr 11, pp 60 - 61 (USSR) ABSTRACT.: The author bases his article on data of B.G. Chuda- kov cmd L.S~ Leybin and on own observation of 90 patients suffering from nophrose-nephritis within the past few years. He states that besides other early objective symptoms typical for hemorrhagic nephrose-nephritis, the acute painfulness in palpat- ing the lumbus has great diagnostic importance. The pain is especially intensive in a certain strictly localized point at an angle produced from above by the 12th rib and vertically by the outer margin of the long back muscles. The symptom can be noticed Card 1/2 from the 3rd to 5th day of the disease, I.e. in its SCV/177-5E~_11-20/50 Diagnostic Significance of the Peculiar Pain in the Lumbar Region in HemorrhaSic Nephrose-Nephritis second period and frequently remains UP to the end of -the secondmonth from the beginning of the di- sease. The symptom's great frequency, the expressive ness, and its early appearance warrant its great im- portance in the clinical picture of hemorrhagic nephrose-nephritis. Card 2/2 dots. (Leninernd) PathogenesNa of hmorrhngic nephrosonfq)hritle. 16 no.(-: qn-105 Je '158 VURA 11:7) 1, Zz knfohdry termyAl dlym usovershenstyovPintyn vrpehey (nmeh. - prof. P.I. Shilov) Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordenq LA!iiqA nkidamil imeni SX. Kirovi%. (VIDEMIC iMMORTMAGN Fl',RR, pathol. systobmir chrn",s (Rutq)) SHILOV, Pavel Ivanovich, prof.; MZBINTUV,,.j~qyj qAq~4, dots.; KOHAROV, F.I., red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., takhn. red. (Functional diagnosis of stomach diseases) Funktsionallnaia diagnostika zabolevanii zheludka. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 259 P. (MIRA 16:4) (STOMACH-DISEASES) SMORODIRTSEV, Anato3.iy Aleksandrovicb; LAZDINTZV,..~q-y..~y!~novich; CHUDAKOV, Valentin Georgiyovich; GOLISHTEYN, N.I., red. (deceasedil; MMAYDER, B.Ye., red.; KHARASH, G.A., [Viral hevorrhagic fever.91 Viruanyo gemorragicheskie likho- radki. IAmingrad, Medgiz, 1961, 291 p. (MIRA 17:2) TERENTIYEV, A.P.; GRACHEVA, R.A.; TIMVA, L.F.; KAZBUIAMVA,, N.A. Spectropolarimetric study of Schiff's bases in the furan series. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6tl373-1375 0 163. (MIRA 1611l) l..Moskovskiy gosudarstvemiyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Terentlyev), KAZCHFNKO. A. S. Blectromagnetiem A lecture on electromaEnetism - Viz. v shkole, No. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongresE, March 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. D A; 13 A 03 a No' I 13 !,s 13 8 40 % 09 iol