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KAZANSKIY, N.V.. nauchn. red.; USHENKO,V.S. red. izd-va; LELYUKHIN,A.A.0 tekhn'red. (Safety rules for repairing and operating apartment houses) Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti pri remonte I ekspluatatsii zhilykh domov. Moskva, 1963. 118 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstva kommunallnogo khozyaystva. (Apartment houses--Safety measures) KAZASKrY, Nikolay Vasil 'yevich; MIKHAYLOV, Fedor Semenovich; V.V., red.; K011TEVA, G.V., red.izd-va; SALAZKOV, N.P., tekhn. red. (Mechanization and automation of boiler systems] Mekha- nizatsiia i avtomatizatsila kotol'rWkh ustanovok. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.&SFSP., 1963. 103 po (MIIIA 17:1) BOGUSLAVSKrY, Leontiy Davidovich; KAZA SK red.; ZA!-,'YSJ4TYAYLTA, I.M., red.izd-va; MUOROV, V-V-, tekhn. red. (Maintaining and repairing sanitary equipment in apartment houses and public buildings] Ekspluatatsile i remont sanitarno- tekhnicheskikh ustroistv zhilykh i obshcheetvOnnykh zdanii. Mlo- skva, lzd-vo M-va kommn.khoz.RSFSH, 1963. 216 p. (MIRA 17: 1) . - --! ~"Z:"' "~T~'~":~ Iri- ummm LOVANOVICH, V.A.; JRUMYANTSEV, M.M.; KAZANSKIY, N.V., red.; GODINER, Me., red.; BLAZHIZKOVA, G.I.j, tekhn. red. [Manual for training specialists in the repair of radio re- ceivers] Posobie dlia podgotovki masterov po remontu radio- priermikov. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1964. 364 p. (MIRA 17-3) CHERNIKOVI cronislav Alekseyevich; KAZA14SKIY) N.V.) rod.; DOLGOVA, K.N., red.izd-va; KIMC)KH,'F.I-',.-, iekhn. red. [Safettj engineering in the major repairing of apartmont houses Tekhnika bozopasnosti pri kapitallnom remonte zhilykh zdanii. Moskvaj lzd-vo M-va komman.khoz.RSFSRl 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 170) I I :'~ 7.1- - lw--1111~'~-:- . 1 -- . . , :~. . ri . - -- - -----M~- KAUNSKIY, flikolay Vasillyovioh; SIVITSKIY, Konstantin Ptivlovich; IVPIICV, V.P., red. [Plastering] Shtitkaturnye raboty. Mo,-XNa, lzd-vo ~~--va koin- mun.khoz. RSFSR, 1963. 23 p. (MIRA 17:4) KAZAVSKIY, Nikolay Vasillyevich; hUZNETSOV, Leonid Filippovich; XUVIMIV~ P.V., red. [masonry and furnace work] Kamennye i pechnye raboty. Voskva, Izd-vo ll-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 38 p. (MIRA 17;6) g" UM/Endlo Telephone Apr 49 Radlo - Training "Pobulte of the Second All-Union Radio-Telephone Cm)etition," N. Kazauski7, 1 p *Raaio" xo 4 Tx the "U" group, first place was awarded to UAW, X. A. Shullgin, Moscov, who established tvo;.vay communication with 97 points. Second place vent to V. A. Ivamov, Kuybyshev, who extiLblished 105 two-way em-micatIon. In the *MS" gronp (short-wave observers), first place V, k; 4M 42/49T102 USM/Radio Telephone (Contd) Apr 49 v" awarded to MSA-3-652, A. G. Studenakaya, Koetrcma, who established crommicaticm with 160 points. URSA-1-91, T. G. Atabekov, Vologda, comamicated with 182 points to win second place. 42/49TI02 UMR/I~sdlo '' Jun 49 fiu3tennas Radio Waves.. HF "The Directional KV Antenna," N. Xazanakly, UkW, 2 pp !i~ *Radio" Vo 6 I I Construe tion details of a three-element directiomal antenna designe& for operation on 14-megacycle band. Unit consisting of a director, oscillator and passive reflector worked much more satis- factorily than one consisting of only a oscillator and. reflector. When the antenrm was directed to 51/49T77 UM/RaAlo (Contd) j= 49 the southeast in Moscow, R-S-T was sharply im- Waved In China, Japan, Java, New Zealand, and Australia, but radio stations of Sweden, Finland Greenland, California, and Iceland rep1ded very Infrequently. 51/49TT7 "AAotran3former, FOPular Radio Liblry, No. 71, Fditor-in-Chief, AcIdeudci Berg. Gos---,nergoiz,',,s- ~, Moscow-Leningrad, 16 ppj 1950. so VO Visual aidoel displays. Moskva (Ios wwrg. W-vos 19:0. 40 p. (Mmseavala radiobibliotielat 74) RZAT OWA-18 19490 ROSLTAKOV, F.V.; KAZA.NSKIY. N.V.: LITOVCHENKO, Ya. redaktor; RUSHKOV- SKIT, W., MM"YMIft-redaktor. (master the techique of receiviug radio messages rapidly] Ovladevai skorostnym radlopriemom. Moskva, Azd-vo DOSARMI 9 1931,,o 27 p.,[Microfilml (MM 10:6) (Telegraph, Wireless) USSR/Radio - Cmpetitions JU 51 Short Wave "The Fifth All-Union Ccopetition of Amateur Short. Wave Operators (Second Round)," N. Kazanskiy "Radio" No 7, p 22 In the individual competitions, the following qualified for the finale: K. Shullgin, UA3DA (162 communicat~ona), L. Labutin, UA3TsR, V. Zhenlov, Mn, I. Leshko, uA6LK,, and Yu. Prozorovskiy, UA3AB. The Stalino radio club von the competition in the collective radio station section. 195T74 PA-195T94 USSR/Rafto -sheet Wave Sep 51 Coopetitious, "Skill of Soviet Radio OPeratore Increasing," ff. Kazawklyp Becy; Judging Comittee, 4th All- Union Cmpetition of Radio Operators of Dosarm "Radio" No 9P p 19 Reports on the increasing skill of radio opera- tors in regard,to their ability to send by key and receiv6 by ear, and stresses the need for systematic training in this field. KAZZLISKIY~ N. USSR/tMlo - Short Wave Oct 51 Competitions '"Me Fifth All-Union Competition of*Radi.o Amateur Short-Wave Enthusiasts," N. Kazanskiy, 211,ecy of Main Board of Judges "Radio" No 10, PP 30-33 Results of competitions in 10 different specialties are described and summarized in a table. The team of the Stalino Radio Club, consisting ofV. Ya. Paakhin, 0. D. Kireyev, and V. M. Rozhnov,-iiis named 1951 Champion in Radio Comm ci~:f6As. L. M. Labutia-was named 1951 Individual Champion in Radio Communications. 208T53 -R- I -1171' ~L . 4., !! !,~ ~1- ~! ~- ~ !;~.Z",~ - z ~ ~ . I , , W' ~~ I f` I , 11 KAUNSKIY, II.V. [How to be a short-vave radio operator] Xak ntat' nkva, GoR.onerg.isd-vo, 1952, 38 P. korotkovolnovikom. No- NLRA 617) (Radio operators) KkWSKIY. N. ussh (600) Radio Operators Training of radio operators for competition. Radio, no. 2, 1952- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. IMCLASSIFIED -DaMM-P )f.~ Radio, Short4kve- Competitions Results of the fourth All-Union radio-telephone contest of short-wavo operators of the A11-Union. Voluntary Society for Cooperation with the Army,, Aviation and Navy. Radio no. 5j, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952 2)W; Uncl. ---KK"'A.iSKIY_, N. USSI, (600) Radio Operators-Competitions Procedure for radio operetor contests., Radio, no, 8, 1952 Mont 1y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952- UNCLASSIFIED. XAZANSKIY, N - USSR (600) Radio, Short-wave-Competitions Seventh All-Union Radlo-Telegraph Contest of Short Wave Operators of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation And Navy. Radio no. 9. 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librax7 of ConEreBs, December 1952- Unclassified. 3 4 j~ I . 11. I 2. USSR (600) 4, Jkadio, Short-Wave-Competitions 7. Fifth All-Union radio-telephone competitions of short-wave operators, members of the Volunt-er Society for Assi;tance to the Army. Aviation ftnA Navy. Rhdio no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accossions.. Library of Congress, March 195), Unclassified. KA.7ATJ'3KIYf N. "Constant aompA-Aition mnong Soviet short-wave amateurs." So- Radio, Vol. 4t p. 25, 1952 _-M KA.',A,ISKIY, N. "Taking stock of the fourth All-Union scrics of wireless telek-Iraphy com-netiti,tis among short-wave amateurs of the Dosaaf." So. Radio, Vol. 5p P- 33, 1952 KAYAN-SKYY N* ",'.he fifth All-Union Contest for the title of best Dosaaf rndio operntor.11 So. Radio, Vol. 6, P. 7, 1952 KA,W~!3KIY, N. 'ITakin.: stock of the sixth s~,ries of All-Union coripatitions among short- wave w-ateurs of the Dosaaf." So. Radio, Vol. 7, P. 35P 1952 D, &uXISKIYJ flConstant competitions among Soviet short-wave specialists." So. Radio, Vol. 10, p. 30, 1952 KA7W\SKIT, N. USSR (6o,D) Radio Operators Fifth all-union competition for the best radio-operttor of the Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Navy and Aviation. Eadio 22 no. 6. 1952 14onthIZ List of hussian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. UnclAssified. "Y6 B.,;-KAXALTAGIN, A.; SRULIGIN, K.; SPIMVSKIY. L., re~Ztor-._VMVU._ I., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Handbook for short-wave radio operators; reference and instruction manual for radio amateurs] Spravochnik korotkovolnovika; spravochno- matodicheakoe posobie dlia radioliubitelel. Isd. 2-e, perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo Dosaaf. 1953. 424 p. (Microfilm] (KLRA 7:11) (Radio, Short wave v 1. .... "' 2 2. US~M (600) 4. Radio Operators 7. Competition for attainment of classified status by short-wave o),erators, nenbers of tho All-Union Vclimteer Society for the Assistance to the, M-ny, Aviaticn, and Navy, Hadio, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lay -1953. Unclassified. 37!- KAZAN'SKIY' u. Itadio, Short-Wave Master of the radio-amateur hobby. hadio No. 3. 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 11~53. Uncl. KAWSKIY, N. Competition of the strongest. Radio no.7:32-34 Jl 153. (MLHA 6:7) (Telegruphere-Gompatition) XAZANSKIT. N. (Hoscow). Results of thog-th All-Union Competition of short-wave radio operators of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Yorce and Havy. Radio no.8:29-31 Ag '53. (MMA 6:8) (Sadio, 3hort-vaye-Gompetitione) '7~. I ! - .- -441 --"!V-, .,:R -I.- - .71 . -I ~, "'. ~11' A 1: ~ "I, , ; ; BURDZYNYY, F.; KAZANSKIY, N.; ROG.ACHBVSKIY, L. Highest achievements of a-tour workmanship. Radio no.11:44-46 N '53. (MLRA 6:11) (Radio clubs) XAXANSKIT. On tho right track. Radio no.12:11-12 D (XLHA 6:12) (R&dlo clubs) j*W Miscellaneous - aedio telegraph contests Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 1,5/27 Authors s Kazanskiy, N. im, Title I The n neth All Union radio-telegraph contests of short wave radio- telegraph operators of the DOSAAV PeriodiCal I Radio 2, Page 31, Feb 1954 Abstract i The 9th All U4ion radio telegraph am"titions between short wave radio-telegraph operators are outlined. The competitions consist of two parts. The first part consists In establishing the largest number of mutual (back and forth) contacts amon*g the contestants in the USSR. The second part'consists in establishing the largest number of contacts with the contestants of the allied r6publics, in the shortest period of time.. The first part of the competitions takes place on the 28th of March 19-54 between 0900 and 2100. Moscow time.-The second part at:m )0 -to-2100-of-the-4th-of-AP-ii-1954,1 P1666 on-the-3rd-of April r Moscow time. Institution's Submittedt ~T,;, ?P KAZ.PTSE'IY, Ty.. UMR/Electronlce Training Card 1/1 Author Kh7anB ,:~iy2 -Union category in the radio ~ _W. , Judge for the All -'im-Witwa I sport Title Training radio telegraphtsta reriodical, Radlop 3, 27-28, Mar, 1954 Abstract Suggostiona and advice for training radio telegraph operators ,capable of receiving and transmitting 60 SIFnals/minae are g1von. Institution SubrAtted --a -54 4" EAWMIT. N. MAZAP) Results of the 9th all-Union wireless telegraphy contest. Radio no.8:28-29 Ag 154. (XLRA 7:8) 1. Sud'ye, Vessoyusnoy ImtegDrii po radiolyubiteliskomu sportu. (Telegraph. Wireless) Authoro I Kazanekiy, N, Title IChampionshi-p competition of short-wave radio operators in 1955 Periodical I Radio 2, page 29, Feb 19.55 Abetract I A narrative report is presented concerning the forthcoming competition of short-wave radio operators on 27 March and 2 - 3 April 1955. The bam transmissions will be conducted on 10-, 14- 20- 40- 80-, and 160 m Vands, and distances of less than 50 km. This annual competition is sponsored by DOSAAF organization. Institutiont ..... Submitteds -E ,rAlZA, SKIT Nftslay. U1601novich; GRIGORITEVA, A.I., radaktor; AMMIANDY, tsi&~ic6siir redaktor. [Amateur radio sPortl Eadioliubitallskii sport. Hooky&, Izd-To DOS"P, 1955. 132 P. [MicrefilmJ (MLRA 9:6) (Radio-Hictory) KA7A KIY2_N, Results of the oontests. Radio no.52-31 MY'55. (Radio clubs--Competitions) (HLRA 8..6) XAZANSKIY,N. International competition of short wave radio operators. Radio. no.6:20 JO 155. MRA 8:8) (Radio operatori3--Coutpetitions) --liA NN, tMe-W Miscellaneous - Radio amateurs Card i/l Pub. 89 - 10,121 Title C New clasAfioation standards for radio omateur-sportsmen Radio 7, page 26, Jill 1955 Abstract f Aznouncenont is made on new changes introduced by the central comn-Atce of the DOSAAY into the already existing sparts-technical classification of member radio amateurn. The now clnssification standards became effect- ivo July 1, )-Ow55. Institution 0-ibmitted XAZANE;KIT,N. Shortwave and ultrashortwave equipment. Radio no-9:31-32 S155. (MA 8:11) (Radio, Short wave--Apparatus and supplies) KAZANSKIYjN. Builders of the collective's radio station. Radio no.10:9 0155. (Tallinn--Radio clubs) (HLRA 9:1) XAZAN.';KIY,N., sud'YA T4680YUMOY kategorli The North Pole--Bollsheia Zemlia radio coupetititon. Radio no.11: 8-9 N'55- (MA 9:1) (Radio, Shortwave--Competitions) RDSLTAEDV, IN, glavVy mudlya sorovnoyaniy; XAZANSKIr N sudlya voeooyuznoy kategorii. - 11- Women shortwave amateurs in the air waves. Radio no-3:16-17 Mr 156. (Radio operators) WaA 9:6) AgL ALV KAZANSKIY, N. (WAY) oudlya voesoyuzno7 kategorii. Yor model discipline of Soviet shortwave amateurs. Radio no.4: 26 Ap 156. (HLRA 9:7) (Radio, Shortwave-Competitions) A AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, N. 107-5-25/54 TITLE: Antennas for 144 and 420-mo Bands (Antenny dlya diapazonov 144 1 420 mgts) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956,Nr5, pp. 26-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description of 8 different constructions of antennas for 144-146 ma and 420-425 me; radio amateur types used in Czechoslovakia and presumably France Simple folded-dipole 300-ohm antenna; 4-element folded-dipole array; five-element array; double-dipole simple antenna; double-dipole five- element array; two-tier five-element antenna about 240 ohms; coil-type vibrator and round-lattice reflector narrow-beam antenna; lattice-type corner antenna. A general reference is made to: "100 montages ondes courtes" (Paris), "Amaterska radiotechnica", "Radio magazin", "Amaterske radio" (Prague), Nine figs illustrate various constructions and applicationtof the design formulae thereto. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 XAZA)ISIIY, N.. sudlya viesoyuxnoy kategorii. Results of the ninth All-Union Contest of RMio Operators. Hadio no.6:4-5 Je 156. ()MRA 9: 8) (Telegraph. Wireless--Competitions) KAZANSKIT, N. "Field day' for radio operatoro. Radio no-10:16-17 '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Radio. Shortvave--Competitions) "On the 14-Meter Wave Band," by N. Kazanskiy (UA3AF)p Ea!L, No 12, Dee 56, p 29 The 25-w amateur radio station UA3AF operating on the 14-meter wave band reports very good radio reception of distant stations under certain favorable weather conditions. Very few Soviet radio amateurs, and especially the collective radio stations, operate on this wave band. Under favorable radio transmission conditions the stations of Africa, Europe, North America (particularly the 1, 2, 3P 4, and 8 districts), Canada, and Newfoundland are generally heard well beginning at 0700 hours Moscow time. In the evening, stations from Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are heard. At 0200 hours Moscow time amateur radio stations from all of North and South America can be heard. LT~~. 121,7 107-12-25/46 AU`rHOR: Kazanskiy, N. (UA3AF) TITLE: the 1_4-_M`e`Ver Band (Na 14-metrovom diapazone) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956,Nrl2, p. 29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A report on amateur communications in the 14-meter band which the author managed to establish during August-September 1956. He heard DX QSO very distant stations with good signal strength - 7-9 points. His station UA3AF had the 20-25 w transmitter and a vertical antenna and a counterpoise. Soviet short-wave hams hardly use this band; over the two-month period the author heard only the following Soviet stations:UA3BF, UA.3BN, UA9CC, UB5WF, UAOCD, UC2AA, UB5KAB, UB5KAA, and a few others. On good propagation days, around 7-8 a.m. Moscow time, African stations CR6, OQ5, ZD2, FF8, FD, ZS were heard. By midday the stations of Europe and of USA would appear; also Canadian and Newfoundland stations. In the afternoon Japanese stations would appear with JA3BB (400w), a very loud station, leading; also Australia, New Zealand and such rare countries as ZIA, ZK, ES6, FK8, VK1 (!) In the night up to 2-3 a.m. Moscow time, many WA and also South American HK, HC, CE, PZ, FG, Pj, YV, VP, Ti, YN usually appeared. The following rare stations were heard in Moscow: HK3PC, KW6BV, FQaAG, ZDlDR, VP11U, )CElPj, KB6BA, ZE5JA, Zs3BB. AVAILABLE: 'Library of Congress Card 1/1 knn; KAZANSKIY, HikolFq VAIenti-novich; YENTUTIN, VA.. red.; VORONIN, K.P., t 8'khri. rbd'." [Dingnme of ultrashortwave apparatus] Skhemy UKV apparatury. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1957. 30 P. (Hassovain rndiobiblio teka no.279) (MIRA 11:1) (Radio, Shortvave) ~y N 107-57-3-5/64 AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, N., Umpire of the AII-Union Category TITLE: The-S~~~~c-~o"-ni~~A-1-i"-~U'nion Contest (Vtoryye vaesoyuznyye) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Ni 3, pp 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The number of women engaged in radio amateurism has beon growing every year. Two new radio stations, UA3LX (Valentina Pishchulina) and UA3MH (Zinaida Dyukareva), went on t~e air in Yelete. Alevtina Smirnov'a (Ivanov,o) took part in the Contest using her own radio station UA3VD. Galina Olondar' (Zaporozhle) also w6tit on the air and estiblished sixty-five two-vmy radio communications using he'v own station UBSQB. Cited an outstanding operators are: Yelizaveta Ivand-~a (Chelyabinsk, UA9AJ) who established 103 two-way radio contacts, sometimes establishing up to twenty-thrbe radio con- tacts pier hour; Tat'yana Tovkis (Tbilisi, UF6AM), Taisiya. Belousova (Khar'kov, UBSLE), and Larisa Silina (Murmansk, UAIYJ). Among shortwave monitors, the following women are cited: Ludmila Ivanova (UJ8-8620) and Yevdokiya Ozernaya (UJ8-8619) of Stalinabad; Aleksandra Svinareva (Simferopol'), and Mariya Revnivykh (Tobol'sk). Among collective stations of radio clubs and DOSAAF organizations, the following operators are cited: N. Dogadayeva, Card I A 107-57-3-5/64 The Second All-Union Contest Z. Somenova, and Z. Kudasheva (UA3KAH, Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications). Good results were shown by these Ashkhabad radio amateurs: M. Kutishenko, A. Krivchikova, and G. Dolganova. Among the winners of the Contest are the teams of the Khar'kov Polytechnic Institute (UB5110R), the Chelyabinsk radio club (UA9KAB), the L'vov radio club (UB5]KBA) and the Kiyev Polytechnic Institute (UBSRAC). Among radio clubs, the first place was scored by the Moscow radio club, the second by the' Simferopol' radio club, and the third by the Pavlovo-Posad radio club. Among individually -owned radio stations, the first place was won by Yelizaveta Ivanova (UA9Aj, Chelyabinsk), second place was taken by Antonida Semenova (UA9DA, Sverdlovsk), third place by Yelizaveta Bobrova (UAlTj, Bo~rovichi), and fourth and fifth places by Zoya Kurilko (UAlBj, Leningrad) and Mariya Kolotilkina, (UA3TX, Dzerzhinsk), respectively. Among collective radio station teamio, first prize went to the team of the Moscow City Radio Club (UA3KAH); second prize went to the Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute station UB5KBR and its team of Ye. Yevlakhova, Ye. Serkova, and 0. Tokhtamysheva; and third prize was awarded to the Asbkhabad Radio Club, UH8KAA, and its team of Card 2/5 107-57-3-5164 The Second All-Union Contest M. Kutishenko, L. Krivchikova, and G. Dolganova. Aleksandra Svinareva, a Simferopol' radio amateur, showed the beat monitor work. Tamara Shcheglova (UA3-210, Moscow) was the runner-up. The third place for monitor work went to Vera Zaytseva (UA3-15062). In 1955, A. Kharina (UA3AQ) and T. Glotova (UA3FA) took part in the Contest; however, they never appeared later, nor did V. Sukhareva (UA3CF) appear. Some radio clubs are criticized for their in- adequate preparations for the Contest. Tookorov, Chief of the Kamyshin Radio Club, is blamed for the fact that men, not women, worked at the Club radio station. The Maykop Radio Club (Vol'yano, Chief) failed to single out a team for the Contest. Many girl radio amateurs are on the list of the Cheboksary Radio Club (Gusev, Chief); however, only three of them took part in the Conteft. V. Shabolina (UA9YO, Barnaul) did not take part in the Contest, apparently be- cause the Barnaul Radio Club (Serebryakov, Chief) did not help heir with prepa- ratioiis. On the other hand, the Kishinev Radio Club (Zuyev hief), the Borovichi Radio Club (Filatov, Chief), the Ashkhabad Radio Club (Vasil'yev, Chief) and the Tbilisi Radio Club (Tabliashvili, Chief), did help their women members to open their own radio stations. A list of female -operated amateur Card 3/5 107-57-3-5/64 The Second All-Union Contest radio stations opened recently is presented, as follows: 1. UAIAT, Volkova, A. P. -- Leningrad 2. UAICA, Devyatkina, M. B. -- Leningrad 3. UAlGW, Gavrilova, V. I. Leningrad 4. UA10G, Kulikova, Z. A. Arkhangel'sk S. UAlYJ, Silina, L. L. -- Murmansk 6. UQ2AE, Vorontsova, Ye. S. -- Riga 7. UANY, Martynova, N. M. Kalinin 8. UA3LX, Pishchulina, V. K. Yelets 9. UA3RU, Ivanova, L. N. -- Tambov 10. UA3VD, Smirnova, A. A. -- Ivanovo 11. UA4LG, Gordeyeva, L. Ya. __ Ul'yanovsk 12. UA4SF, Vlasova, 1. N. -- Yoshkar-Ola 13. UBSQB, Olondar', G. A. -- Zaporozhlye 14. U05BN, Buchasskaya, N. F. -- Kishinev 15. U05RK, Kovshova,l. N. Kishinev Card 4/5 107-57-3-5164 The Second All-Union Contest 16. U05MM, Minyaylova, Ya. V. -- Kishinev 17. UB5SL, Bugayeva, K. G. Simferopol' 18. UB5CX, Svirsheva, E. A. L'vov 19. UF6HD.(old UA4HD), Sidorova, N. L. -- Georgian SSR 20. UH8BD, Gulina, K. A. -- Ashkhabad 21. UA9AJ, lvanova, Ye. S. -- Chelyabinsk ZZ. UA9YO, Shabalina, V. V. -- Barnaul There are two photos in the article: M. Gudim, Kazan' Radio Club, and T. Tovkis. Tbilisi Radio Club. Card 5/5 ~i N _. 1, -i ~ 7 , AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, N. 107-57-5-44/63 TITLE: News About Permanent Contests (NOVOYe o postoyannykh sorov-novaniyakh) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 5, p.40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 8-year old statute of the "Permanent Contests" has become obsolete. For that reason the Central Committee of DQSA&F, USSR, has instituted a now statute which stipulatea the following requirements: (a) Two-way contacts (or monitoring) with 15 Soyuz Republics within 24 hours; (b) same with 50 or more oblasts within one year; (c) Same with 10 rayons within 48 hours. First-, second-, and third-grade certificates are instittited. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 UUNSKIY. N. (UA3Ar). C;)rrpating radio amateurs on the starting line. Radio no-7:9un 34 JI 157. (MLRL lo;a)'~ (Radio, Shortwave--Competitions) X 107-57-7-11/56 AUT'HOR: Kazanskiy, N. All-Union Category Umpire TITLE: The Best High-Speed Operators (Sillneyshiye skorostniki) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 7, pp 8-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A report on the 10-th All-Union Radio Ham Contest heldin Kiyev in 1957. 64 best radio hams of the country took part in the Contest. Better results were achieved in transmission as compared to previous contests. From 90 %o 100 signs a minute were transmitted by M. Tkhorl, N.Yemshanov, G. Astrabakhin, V. Baranov, A. Mallm, V. Sokolovskiy, Ye. Le7kekbmnn, 1. Laps. (transmission of numerals). Ye. Leikekhman sent a viord radiotelegram 155.8 signs/min andanumeral radiogram at 106 s1m. P. Vasillyev showed a speed of 175.4 a/m. Very good results were demonstrated by these younger hams: V. Baranov (Alma-Ata), I. Isakov (Ashkhabad), Yu. Neunylov (Stalinabad), N. Slepneva (Kiyev), I. Bodney (Simferopol), G. Karapetyan (Tbilisi), and the Champioii of the Belorussian SSR M. Volzhankin. I.Livahits (Stalinabad) received and copied in longhand a text at 225 s1m (or 299 'Paris" system) beating by 9 s/m the previous s. Eksler's record. Livshits was able to receive meaningless texts at 170 s/m. Card 1/2 The best High-Speed operators 107-57-7-11/56 The first place -- the Champion Of 1957 -- want to G. Rassadin; second Tar- takovskiy; third - G* Patko; sixth - Z. Kubikh. Poor results were shown by Mnatsakanyan N. Xalachev, A. Morozov, N. Sannikova. (Yerevan) and 1. NaZaryan; also by The Leningrad team has worsened Its Scores over the last 3 years. Lack of attention is noted on the part of yesipenko, Club, and Timofepv. Chairman of the Leningrad Chief Of the Leningrad CitY Radio 0- Bachinskiy (Riga), A. KOtellnikov (Tashkent City DOSAAF Committee. E- KOrshull WilvnYus), E. Braude (Tbilisi), a ), N. m their respective DOSAAF Committees. Ish UkhamOtOv (Omsk), nd others seriously criticized Two Photos of V. Baranov, M. Severina and others. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 YaZANSKIY, H. pud'ye, vsesoyuznoy kategorii. Ok-- amateurs must be ahead! Radio no.1:20--21 Ja 158. (Amateur radio stations--Gompetitinne) (MIRA 11:1) KAZANSOY, 11*1 nudlya veenoyuznoy kategorii. truggling for championship. Radio no.3:8-9 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Amateur radio stations-Competitions) qo, AUTHOR: I*azanskiv N11-Union Class Judge SOV-107-58-e-6/51' 71"Ll,&: "Fox-hunting" is Becoming a l'opular Sport ("Okhota na lis" stanovitsya populyarnoy) I ~-'El ' ~DI CAL: Radio, 10,59, Nr 3, pp 6-7 ( L",, S 11 The author describes the results of the 12 All-M-rainian and the All-Union 11adio "Fox-hunting" ComPetitions in which the "fox" was repregented by a secreted radio transmitter and operator and the "hounds" were armed Nvith radio recei- vers. There is 1 caricature. 1. Radio operators--Performance Card I./i A U T 11, 0 R.- ;Gaza Sw /1 5 1 C - E. 11TTLE- "Field DaY": 1958 ("PolevTy Ultra-17hort 'Vav~-barda. i Rndic,, 1953, N2- 10- P 9 1"33tW'T! The author des,,ribe2 the to3t betwoon ultra-short There is cne photcgraph, Ion." !~,10 651da)~ On the iraateur (Na lyubit2l~fjlth UKV diapazerakh 03L~110 1'1`50 "F-J-1:1 Daty"; a prcf-J'.1ei c - f- I ~y oil w~tve radio amateurn in the US311. Card 1./' 6(4) SOV/107-58-12-27/55 AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, N. TITLE: Executing Congress Decisions ... (Vypolnyaya resheniya s"yezda... ) - For New Achievements in Amateur Radio (Za novyye dostizheniya v radiolyubitellskom sporte): Results of the Sporting Year (K itogam sportivnogo goda) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 12, pp 24-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the beginning of the article it is stated that the 4th All-Union DOSAAF Congress set radio amateurs the responsible task of con- siderably improving the sporting indices, especially those on which international com- petitions are based. The author shows how this task is being achieved by citing results from various competitions held during 1953, which show a vast improvement on those for 1957. For example, at the 9th All-Union Ra- Card 112 dio-Telephone competitions each participant SOV/107-58-12-27/55 Executing Congress Decisions... - For New Achievements in Amateur Radio: Totals of the Sporting Year carried out an averaGe of 27 two-way radio communications, while at the 10th this fi- gure was 34. In the first round of the,13th DOSAAF Rudio Communications championship 47 sportsmen COMDleted over 100 two-way radio communications as compare(] with 31 in 1957. A photo shows Sh. Shamsutdinov and T. Rindyuk, members of the Karaganda Radio Club, working at their radio station under field conditions. There is 1 photograph. Card 212 BUMMYRY', F-I- (UA3~-I); IAZANSXIT, N.V. (UA3AY); GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; BLAZHENKOVA, G.L,, [Concise handbook for shortwave radio amateurs] Karmannyi spra- vochnik radiollubiteliv,-korotkovolnovika. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1959. 63 p. (min 13:6) (Radio, Shortwave-Amateurs' manuals) LOMANOTICH, Viktor Aleksandrovich; GODIM, P.Te., red.; KMUTSKIT, N.T., red.; KOBTARI, Y.N., (First shortwave radio transmitter-rooeiver set] Pervala UKY radiostant6ii2. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1959. 70 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Radio, Shortwave) DOLINIK, A.G.; MAVRODIADI, V.G. i red.; red.; TROITSKIT, L.V., red.; ZLIKIN, I.M., red.; GRI(~M-r-YiFA, A.I., red.; KARYAKINA, M.S., (Beat designs of the 14th and 15th ochlbitions of the work of radio amateurs] Luchshie konstruktaii 14-1 1 15-1 vystevok tvorchestva radioliubitelei. Koskva. lzd-vo DOSW. 1959. 263 P. (MIU 13:4) (Radio--Exhibitions) 13UMSYNYT, Fodor Ivanovich (UA3-1); XAZANSKIT, Nikolay Valentinovia- (MAF); KAMYAGIN, -1 SHM I GIN Konstantin Aleksandrovich NAPA); VASILIM, A.A., red.; TROITSKIY, L.V., red.; KARYAKINA, H.S., (Shortwave radio manual; reference manual and methods aid for radio amateurs] Spravochnik korotkovoluovika; spravoclino- metodichaskoe posobie dlia radioliubitelai. Izd.3., parer. i dop. Mos)cva, Isd-vo DOSAAF, 1959. 479 P. (MMA 13:1) (Radio, Shortwave) 7 7 1 AUTHOR: Kazanski SOV/107-59-1-16/51 TITLE: The 1959 Sports Calendar (Sportivnyy kalendar'na 1959 god) PERIODICAL: Radio# 1959, Tir 1, P 17 NSSR) ABSTRACT: The author lists and comments on the All-Union competitions in the amateur-radio field to be held in the USSH during 1959. So far, most of the ultrashort-wave amateurs have been operating in the 36-40 megacycle band. In this year's competitions the stress %vill be laid on operation in the 144-146 and 420-425 megacycle bands. Card 1/1 ';0V/107-'_9-~'-;5 1/52 L" Q'R Kazanskiy, N.t (UA3AF) T IT.6 F, Fo!~ L,ie Quality of Amate!_~' ....... GZ-1 k,1C11.-Stvo 1yubitellskoy ap ly paratur- 0 D I C AL RaJ i o 1959, 17.r 3, P 35 11111 (? -11, 4-, , , t". "s of m~aster radio AB,=ACT: or points out th(. A(.;!'! -(!V'~ G. Rumyantzev ("" amateiirs -aalimov (RA3AEAF) JA9DN) ind m~~ntions V. C-roncharskiy (UB5Nr4), I .: I," - I simultaneously a number o.-,' ,".ions having in- ferior tone quality. In adul tilese stations created interference ove-, dist:inces. The author demands that thece be properly t,ined and that amateurs use moder;_1 ejuipment which does not disturb the work of neieibooing TV sets and radio receivers. The amateurs sho-,k]-d use mo,;ern an- tennasl for example ground plane antennas, dinoles with symmetric feeders, etc. Card 1/1 V)hzl 6(6) SOV/107-59-5-16/51 AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, N. (UA3AF) TITLE: Once More on the Elimination of TV Interference PERIODICAL: Radio., 1959, Nr 5, p 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses possible circuit arrangements for eliminating the interference of short-wave ama- teur transmitters with KVN-49 TV sets. He recommends using ground plane antennas and spark surpressors at the telegraph keys. He describes the manufacture Df capacitors for filter circuits in short wave trans- initters. The transmitter operated by the author, 160-180 watts with a GU-13 output tube, does not cause any interference with KVN-49 TV sets. There are 3 circuit diagrams. Card 1/1 o6257 G( SOV/10'7-59--6-21/50 AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, 11. TITLE: Ilevis from Contests PERIWICAL: !RIdio, 1959, Nr 6, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author briefly explains some of th~~ new regulations which are used. in the outdoor radio amateur contests on July 25 to 26t 1959. AccordinG to these reGulations, 12 points are counted for establishing one two-way communication in the 38-40 Me range at distances between 1300 and 500 km. Distances below 300 km are not counted. Eight points are Given for distances between 500 and 1,000 Ian. For two-way calls of stations within 1,000- 2,000 km, only four points are granted, while only two points are credited for contacting stations at distances b,etween 2,000 and 3,000 km. One point is Civen for all subsequent 1,000 Im, ex~!edinp 3,000 Im. In the range of 144-146 Me, stations mu~-:t be outside a 10 km radius. Card 1/2 06257 SOV/107-59-6-21/50 News from Contests For frequencies of 420-425 Me, the minimum range is 5 km. For each call, 10 credit points are Given to the amateur. The number of points increases considerably for distances exceeding 300 lim. In the 144-146 Mc ran-e 200 points are Given if the other station is outside a 17;00 km radius, while 600 points are [,-ranted for the ~,ame distance on 420-425 Mc. The author mentions that the re- ceivers and transmitters must be of a hiGher ~-iualityJbr the aforementioned competition. In addition, i~ulti- element and multi-ctory antennas must be used on 420- L1-25 1.11c. There is 1 photograph. Card 2/2 05397 SOV/107-59-8-17/49 AUTHOR: _N,_Kazansk_jy, Judge of the First All-Union Category TITLE: The Team of the Village Tallmenka Is First PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 8, pp 22 - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on the results of the third kll- Union contest of young VHF radio amateurs, which was held on the last day of the spring vacation in 1059. More than one thousand pupils participated, operating 173 group stations and 118 individual VHF stations. However, there were no participants from Kiyev, Tbi- lisil Villnyus, Yerevan, Riga, Tallin and Kishinev. The team of the village TallmeL%a (Novosibirskaya Oblast') took first place, and won the prize of the periodical "Radio". The team of School Nr 2 in Fer- gana took second place. The author lists a number of elementary and secondary schools whose pupils achieved outstanding results. Card 1/1 XAZAIMIT, Nikolay Valentinovich; YILIHOIIOV, I.M., red.; PAYNSHMIDT, CAiwiteur radio in the U.S.S.R.] Radioliubitallskil sport v SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1960. 91 p. (HIRA 14.-2) (Amateur radio stations) LOKAHOVICH, Viktor Aleksandrovich; GODIM, F.Te., red.; KAZAITSKIT, N.Y., red.; FATNSMI)T, F.Ta., (Simple amateur shortwave transmitter-receiver sets] Prostys MY priamo-parodaiushchie liubitellskie radiostentaii. 140hkva. Izd-vo Dosup. 196o. 95 P. (MIRA 13 -10) (Radio, Shortwave) KAZANSKrY,,_N,-_ORLOV, A.; MALMV, A.I., red.; FILIMONOV, I.M.p red.; HUMINA# Ya.S. p takhn. red. [Methodological manual for training radiotelegraph operators] Me- todicheskoe posobie po obucheniiu radiotelografistov. Moskva, Izd- vo DOSAAF, 1960. 135 pe (MIRA 14:6) (Radiotelograph) (Radio operators) KAZANSKIT, N. The oailors are in the lead. Radio no.2:13-14 F '60. (MIRA 13:5) (Radio--Competitione) I # - I WAITSKIY, N, (UA3AF) Pole antenna for tree bands. Radio no.3:37 Mr 160.(MIRA 13:6) (Antennas (Zlectronics) KAZANSKIYj N., sudly4 vaesoyuznoy kategorli Amateur radio competitions in the Spartakiada. Radio no.IM-9 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) XAZANSKIYj N. Wn't hesitate 'to spend the nemsary time in preparation for t1he competitipps. Radio noJsU~15 Mr 163 . (MIRA 16:2) L Starshiy trener sbornoy, ~ozandy SSSR po "Okhote na, lie". (Radio operators) , (Radio direction finders) KAZANSKI,r, N. (UA3AP) In disre.-ard of poor operating conditions. Radio no.5:18 W '63. (MIRA 16:5) (Amateur radio stations) (Radio operators) KA2111-'AlY, NUolay Vasil.1yovich 1,;n-nitary enrineering and eloctriTal enrinoering op,ra-- t~i.ons; rcq~air Eind maintenance cf stinitury ongincering e(,puipinent of dwellJngs] L,~iniiarrio-tokli!iiehe~-,kie i clektro- tc hhniche--kie vaboty; remont 4. ~-,Oderzlllarlic --linilarnc- tl,kluiic',.c-skogo oborudovanila zhilup do-ma. Vu~--kvlk, Str--I- !:,,,d,it, ~964- 33 (~117~A KAZANSKIY, NiRola- llasillyevlch~ invh.; 141~'.HNIK, Yakov Tarnncvlch, rn77F.-;-7616ff~~r. -.r~a- [Itoofing operations] Krovellnyu rnboty. 1.',o,;kvn, Otrc)IJLAat, 1964. 86 p. (NIRA 18!3) KAWSKIT, P.. predesdatell. Towards new labor achievements. V pomeprofaktivu 14 no.15;24-26 Ag '53, (MI-HA 6:7) 1. Komissiya proisvodetvenno-masnovoy raboty taekha vmlkanizataii Yaroa- lavokogo ordena lenina shinnogo zavoda. (Tires. Rabber) KAZAN'sYlY, '.,). A. 21312 UZANSKIY, P. A. Kommuni8ticheskie u go(,:y 6-razhdanskoy voynl. Frepodavanie istorii v shkole, 1949, No. 3, S. 26-37. SO: Letopis' ~,hurnallnykh Statey, Hc. 2(,~, 1.',oskva, 1949. KAZANSKIT, P.A.; MURASHOV, S.I.; VPMOVTSIV, I.P., red.; POPOVA, T., fe-Ea-. r-8-&. [Light over Russia; studies on the history of electrification in the U.S.S.R.] Svet nad Rosslei; ocherki po istorli elektri- fikataii SSBR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 398 p. (MIRA 13:9) Ollectrification) WANSKIT, S. Pneumatic lining for the icinl,~, of cold storage vaults. Sov. torg. 33 no.5:37-39 My 160. (MIRA 13!11) (Cold storage warehouses) KAZANSKIT, 5.1. Bar1jr dehelminthisation in dictyocaulosis in calves. Veterinariia 33 no.4:30-31 Ap 136. ()gRA 9:7) l.Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach veterinarnogo otdela Kalininskogo oblastnogo upravlenlya eallskogo khozyayvtva. (Nomatpda) (Calves--Diseases) K&UNSKIY. S. I Round-shaped warehouse mde of Ice. Sov. torg. no-3-50-53 Hr '58. (Cold storage) (MIRA 11!2) KRYLOV, Mikhail Mikliuylovich, laureut Stulinskoy premil; KAZANSKIY, S.L. [Refrigerated warehouses in trade] liedianye slclady-kholodillaiki v torgovle. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1953. 98 P. (HLRA 6:7) (Cold storage KAZANSKIYY S,,L. .Determining the thickness of heat insulation and the snow bank -round ice depositories. Mato k osn. uch. o merz. zon. zem. kory x no.7:17&-191 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Icehouses) KAZAI-SKIYO vt I saw it with my own eyes. Sov. foto 19 no.10:26 0 159. (MIRA 1311) (China--Pictures, illustrations, ate.) KAZANMY, V. In thm Far North. NTO 6 no.ls29-31 Ja 164. (MIRA 17j2) 1. Predsedatell Taymyrskogo okruzhnogo pravlenlya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva seltskokhozyaystva, glavnyy inzh.-atroitell Taymyrskogo pro- izvodstvannogo kolkhoino-sovkhoznogo upravleniya. L 00585-66 EPI(s)-2/Z4T(in)/EPP(n)-2/ZTP(t)/MiP(b) - --JDIV.4140 ACCESSION NRs AP5021605 UR/0286/65/000/013/0076/0077 AUTHORSs Sokolov, Lo Ast Kazans)dy, V. A.1 Sellkin. 00 Sol UstyuZ in, V.-N.1 Shashkoy# V& No TITLEs Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid meta . Claas 429 No* 172516 SOURCEs Byulleten' izobreteniy i tov&=Wkb znakovp no. 13, 19659 76-77 TOPIC TAGS: liquid metalp smelting temperature, temperature measurement ABSTRACTa This Author Certificate presents a device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid metals. The device is calibrated for each chemical composi- tion and contains a temperature transducer and a measuring circuits To automate the smelting process by simultaneously measuring the liquid metal temperature and the difference between the liquid metal and its crystallization temperatures according to the temperature gradient in the containerp the container is made of cooled walls of material with high thermal conductivity, e.g. copper, This contains er is in direct contact with the liquid metal (see Figs I on the fhelosure)s TIJ measure the temperature gradient in the high thermal conductivity wallf the device is provided witt, several temperature transducers placed on the outer and inner Card 1/3 777.--. [card Card /UnRUtry - Cyclopentaw Nov/3)80 Memiotry - Catalytic Reactions ftstalytic Hydrogenation of Cyclopentanao In- Vaving Ring Scission," V. A. 1hz&nskiT,, '4 Mbecov, 211 PP ~g Oftpekh Mile Vol XMI, No 6 Al,though bydrogenolysis of hydrocarbons Is very alow below 3000, establieheA that cyclopentane wA its derivatives undergo ring scission faming =xmal pentane in the presence of platinized ' -carbon at 300-3100 in an excess hydrogen. StUU of cyclopentame, at 225-2900, methy1clopentane.. 4OW 64/49T6_j, V =/Chemistry - Cyclopentave Nov/Doc 48 (Contd) dimthylelopomtanes, and. l,2,3-tr1zetbylC1o- Vwtane, vith some consideration to the be- lievior of the stareoiscmare gives an O"Pproximto !'44ries of relative velocities decreasing *Ith ,~tbe z=ber of subStitUOUtO AUdL Vith the de=v"e In their prozJnlty on the ring. PaLl3AAiua qffecte the hydrogenolyplb., of cyclopentame at ,a considerably smaller,rate than platinvm, a3A al,cksl on aluminum is much more vigorous, 'cut tbeae latter two catalysts exhibit a much loVer a pecificity in ring scission. KMNSKIY, V.A, PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REPORT Call Mo.: AF480616 AID 130 - I BOOK Authors KAZANSKIY,, V. A. Full Titles TECHNOLOGY OF THE FLOW OF PRODUCTION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TURBINES AND TURBO-MACHINES Transliterated Title: Tekhnologichnosti konstruktaiy turbin i turbomashin Publishing Data Originating Ageneys None Publishing Houses State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Machine Building (Mashgis) Date: 1950 No. pp.t 222 No. of copies: 3..,000 Editorial Staff Editors V4ser,-D. B.,, Assist. Prof. Tech. Ed.: gone Witor-in-Chieft Bol'shakov, S. A*# Fhg* Appraisersi Kanterp S. A. and Fridmego, I. M., Rag. Otherst None Text Data Coverage: This book explains technological problems of the construction of turbines and turbo-machines. It includes also a number of other industrial problems such as the definition of technological aspects of construction, and of the conditions upon uhich they dependp and the determination of systems of technical efficiency indicators. Practical examples of the 1/2 -~V.A. Tekhnologi.,ftoett konstruktsiy turbin i turbomashin AID 130 - I construction of turbo machines are included. In the final chapter problems of standardisation and of control of plans will be found. (Diagrams# graphs, tables) Ccoments., This book has the character of a general textbook in the field of turbines and turbo-machinest and is based on known mat4rials. Purpose: A book for workers of design bureausp and technologists of turbo- machine construction works. It will be also useful to vorkers of allied branches of heavy industry. Facilitiefig None No. of Ruesian and Slavic References: 11 Avail.ablet A.I.D.., Library of Congress 2/2