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I I ~ - i KAZAIISKIYFA.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk About thermal capacity of peat and an academic dissertation. Torf.prom.32 no.4:151-24 '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Hoskovskiy torfyomoy institut. (aalorimetry) (Peat) ,*llf!tlf-. - -al-l Festq D,tn-,~,rclus virlis di.,je,~~e of Alftlfa iii ;ov. el-,,-..-)~,~,. 1~; !~o. u 4. 1:22L17 of "lus.,i,-Ln Accesji..Mi, I,i'Dr.!%ry of All..'llit) 1g:)-,. !,:, " ~-, c 1 " -~ -'s ~ f -i ed . KAZANSKIY. A.N. (Kookys.) Stability limits 4)f oxyacetylene velding flames. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd. tekh.nauk no.11:139-140 N 155. (HLRA 9t2) 1,Voaso"nyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skly institut avtogenney obra- betki metallov. (Gas welding and cutting) AID P - 508 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 107a - 10/12 Authors Bykov,, V. V., Eng., and A. N. Kazanskiy, Eng. Title New equipment for processing metals by.flame Periodical Svar. proizv., 10, 30-31, 0 1956 Abstract The authors briefly describe several newly designed gas- welding and gas-cutting equipment, such as: the GS-53, OSM-53 and GAO-55 torches, the FP-53, RAP-55 and RZP-55 cutters, and the RGS-53, ROM-53, RAT-55, RAO-55 and RAZ-55 insert cutters. They provide some technical characteristics of the cutters and torches. Five 'tables, 1 graph and 4 photos (showing numerous pieces of equipment and parts). AUTHOR: Kazanskiy,,A. N. (Moscow). 24-4-28/34 TITLE: On the velocity head and static pressure in the oXv-acety-. lene welding flamd.(O skorostnykh naporakh i statiiaheskom davlenii.v atsetileno-kislorodnom svarochnom plameni.). PERIODICAL: "Izv. Ak. Nauk, Otd. Tekb:, Nauk"-(Bulletin*of the Ac. Sc., Te0bnIC&L.Sciencas bection7_17957, No.4,pp.161-164 (USSR). ABSTRACT: For recording tb~ static pressure in the'zone'of t1m fla-me core a c6 er*jr6be with an active canal diameter of 0.3 mm was usedtlig.l; the full flow pressure,was recorded by copper probes with canal diameters of 0'.3 and 6.7 nm respectively, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. One variant of the recording arrangement is shown in Fig.4~. It was found that in the zone of the non-ignited gas mixture in the flame core excessive static pressure exists; during igni- tion of the gas mixture the excess static pressure drops sharply and changes into a clearly pronounced vacuiun and, following that, the pressure gradually increases to the atmospheric pressuret remaining constant at all the other sections. It is assumed that this rarefication represents Card 1/21 one of the stages of'thd reaction of the combustion of acetylene at which two molecules or two radicals combine forming a single particle; the reduction in the number of AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, A. N. (Moscow). 24.5-23/25 TITLE: On the thermal regime of the edge of the nozzle mouthpiece of an acetylene-oxygen welding torch. (0 teplovom rezhime kromki sopla mundsb*uka atsetileno-kislorodnoy avarochnoy gorelki). PERIODICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleni7e Tekbnicheskikh Nauk", (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section) 195?, No-5, pp-139-140 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In studying the temperature regime of the nozzle of an acetylene-oxygen burner rc-53, the temperature of the mouthpiece was measured during the process of burning of the flame by means of a thermocouple consisting of a constantan wire whiCh was hard-soldered to the copper mouth- piece. The results are graphed in Fig.2, P.139. In the case of stable burning of the gas mixture emanating from the nozzle the heat is trpn mitted from the flame to the nozzle; if the edge of the nozzle is cooled by gases flowing through it to a temperature lower than that of the ambient medium the flame will tear off. The highest quantity of heat will Cexdl/l be transmitted to the nozzle mouthpiece in the case of mixtures containing about 40% acetylene. There are 2 figures and 1 Slavic reference. SUBMITTED: February 13, 1957. AVAILABLE- 135-8-6/19 TITLEt Investigation of the Stability of the Oxyacetylene Torch Flame. (Iseledovaniye uoto chivosti plameni svarochnoy ateetileno- kislorodnoy gore] I The article containe 7 diagrams, two sketches of torch nozzles and 9 bibliographic references, 5 of which are Russian. ASSOCIATIONs IIVNIIAvtogen" PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDo AVAILABLEi At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 25(l) PHJE I BOOK EXF~UITATION SOV/2281 Vseooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell skiy inatitut avtogennoy obra- botki metallov Ki8lorodnaya rezka I avarka (oxygen cutting and Welding Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 268 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, VYP. fl Errata slip inserted. 4,800 copies printed. Ed.: A.N. Shashkov, CandIdELte of Technical Sciencei, Ed. of Publishing House: G.N. Soboleva; Tech. Ed.: V.D. Ellkindj Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Buildingi S. Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection.of articles is Intended for engineers, technicians, scientists, designers, and students of vtuzes. The book may be used for improving operational methods of oxygen and gas metalworking. ' COVERAGE: This book contains articles on theoretical investigations of oxygen cutting and welding and problems related to the gas Card l/ 7 Oxygen Cutting and Welding SOV/2281 acetylene ratio and employs the SV-100S Welding rod, develop- ed by VNII Avtogen. Strizhovskiyo 1.1.,,and D,X. Tesmenitskiy [Ungineer), Using Fine-grained Calcium Carbide in a Mixture With Fuel- Oil 256 Kozlovsklyl A.L. (Candidate of Technical Sclencep). New Mat- erials for Metallizing 260 The author describes a method of metallizing, claimed to be new, in which metal powder embedded in a plastic filament Is used instead of the usual metal wire or powder. Because of the high degree of dispersion of the metal, coatings produced by filament spraying have a fine-grained structure and are more uniform than those produced by the wire or powder methods. Kozlovski , A.L., I.A. Nemkovskiy [Engineer] and N.r. Filimonova L [EngineerT. Developing Production Methods for Manufacturing Polyamide Powder for Metallizing 263 Card 6/7 KAZANSKIY, AIN,, kand.tekhn.nauk Regulators of now design*. Svareproizve no*6:42 Je 161. (MIM 14:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'aki7 institut avtogennoy obrabotki metal2ov. (Gas welding and cutting-Equipment and supplies) , A It A ..1. 0 11 F 0 0 1 1 V I I I T I 4A B LX In U 0 A A hisichemkid decompositit-ti of 111musullamic adds in ti M ~23 ma Aha tai"to lye. A_i. 7% A. -Tr 11 1 1 l oil " la 1 wW,,. liqt tit lye oicultallsed to pw 7 willi s %vie I tlu (1) ' ' ,, m4it tit the dry virmilm. 2 NsO m4w old tit I w vw r jr Obtal".4 by mr~spfj. (1) 4. Jftlsw.. .'It Oil" K11.11(s. Istril 'Allis 0-M ho.w... t PA1111's.. .I ilkh".11.0 dilh. mul .4 . ..... 1.1 .3,101un. kli pl--t"f Kf~.Oih 11111. m tiot at all. F.-WOOS ask"'J" 11,1 Owl AwK III %fill,? It,, it. Alta imkidaii.-n, w..Imiu , ~1; %%A~ all-, d i.i -imt,l U"* ;!, 0 .l 40 'hlt.. Own A .111. 10 -1 .1 'i. 11'. . 1-1, hotmil "till .."I CIA,, -.1 .0. .10 k.1 40.1 - ijjl.~ 11. 11., 1111.0. a..- . 1JI.i 0,1"I Ill, 1,-hu miml . %1.1 -11. L1,11. 1. he vcwdu, lw~u th,- I t,46 -t. a, lettiud %iilt 1,-C1. 1-igm-ulfilow 4,,J. w,rr ujo-bv,mil mt., a0 0 w Ilm llllu~" tat At Ill cull mv~. I-Irvvtl tvivok1hT.. A I'Mg,mm oo7s ' boo 06 S L A "T 4ttLW(,IC&L tittlit0i CidSiSFICATIOSO ::190 go to we 0 ' u 11 11 a rid 0 %1 1 1 5 SA o 14 n 11 n ]~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Is 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 __,O 00 0000 00 0 0 1 ' O's 0 f 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 "A Fzg`zz XAZANSKIT. A. S. (Inglueer) 5An Investigation of the Process of Crushing Large Lumps of Anthracite With a Single Implement." Can& Teeh Sci. All-Union Soi-Ree Coal Inst, 29 Doc 54. (VM, 20 Doc 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Nducational Institutions (12) SO: SUN No. 556, 24 Jun 53 ~_A BERON, A.I.., kand. tekhn. nauk; POZIN, Te.Z.j, kand. tekhn. !Ia,-k,, KAZAVSKrY A S kand. tekhn. nauk; SFAVRINA, R.F., rod. [Improving coal breaking methods and the actuating mecha- nisma of mining machinery to better the fractional composi.- tion of coal output; short scientific report) Sovershon- stvovanie metodov razrusheniia liglia I lspoinitellrWkh or- ganov vyemochnykh mash-in s tselliu uluchsheniia fraktsion-- nogo sostava uglia; kratkid. naucbx*ri otchat. Mos"ra, 1962. 50 P. (M1IRA 18:4) 1. Moscow. Institut gornogo dela Jin. A.A.Skochinskogo. Laboratoriya mekhanich(iskikh sposoboy razrusbeniya gornykh porod. KAZANSKIY,A.S., inzhener Brief survey of tests made on large coRl crushing plAners. Nauch. rab. VUGI no.11:177-2o4 54. (MLRA 8:11) (Coal preparation) TEKHKISHMAV, Azat Vagramoriabi kamd. tekbn. nauk; TSMARSKlYp Igort Alekoandrovich, jnzh.;.,,KAZMSKlYj Apatolly S=geyevl*,p kand. tekhn. nauk; SEMOV9 Radlidir Mikbaylovichy kand, tekhn. na* KORABIZV, AnatQUY Aleksandrovicb, kand. tekhn. naukj SEMOV, I.B., otv. red.; ABARMCHUX, F.I.j red. ied-vaj ILINSKATAg Me, tekhn, red, [mining maohineryl Gormia'nekhanika. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhxi. izd-vo lit-ry po gorucmu deliz-0*1961' 291 (MMA 14:6) (cclal mining ma;hinej BERON, A.Lp kand.tekhn.nauk; -KAZANSKIY A S.t kand.tekhn.nauk Research on stresses and deformation ifi rock during straight cutting. Trudy Inst. gor. del% 5:57-63 160. (MMA 14-5) (Boring) -7 BEROV, Abs. Isaakovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAZA14SM _Ai~Ataliy- Sergeyevich,, kand. teikhn.nauk; LtTWV-,-Toris Mikhaylorvichp sotr..-, POZIN, Yevgeniy Zallmanovich, kand.takhn.nauk; SHOROKHOVA, A.V.p red. izd-va; PROZOROVSK&YA,, V.L.p tekhn. red. [Cutting of coal] Revanie uglia. 14oskval Goa ort khizdat, 1962* 438 P?Coal mining machinery) 15:7) KAZANSKIYt A.S. Determination of contact stresses under the puneh. Fiz.-makh.- svoia.,dav.i razr.gor,.porod no.ls236-242 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Coal-TeBting) -KAZANSKIY, A.S.; ROMANENKO, Ye.S. Effect of an open slit on the size of contact stresses durinC: the impression of a punch, Fiz* mekh, svoise,dave i razr, goro irod. no.2:26-29 '63* r1aft 17:1) K-47ANSM, A. V. Voprosy razmeshcheni~a t s~etsialiuatsii sotsialisticlieskoEo sellskogo khozyaystva ~Problems of Alloc~tion and :)necialiwitiori In. ;Malist Lr.~,icultvre), coliectim. Sellkhozgiz, 33 -.s. of articles, compiled by AIT. The np.-posium describes prollums of the allocation of socialist agriculture according to individual oblasts and rayons of the UISSR; prol-Imms of the co-*:;nati~%ri of br-mches of agriculture within varicusly specialized kolkhozes. The book is intended for agrictiltural specialists and scientific workers. 50: U-6V29 16 '0v 1954 MANSKIT, A.Y.; TOKARI, V.:K., red.; OREMMINA, V.I.0 [Decimal system of classification of industrial drawings and obJects] Detaimallaoia obaslichennais sistema klaosifikHtsii cherteshel I ob"ektov proisvodstva,* lzd.2. MORkva, Gos.izd-vo obor.prorashl.. 1959. 75 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Classification, Decimal) K-RUGER, M.Ya., inzh.; PANOV, V.A., kand. teklm. nauk; KULAGIIII, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; FOGAREV, G.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KP.UGM,, Ya.M.p inzh.; LEVIEZONI, A.M., inzh.; Prinirral uchastiye KALINKEVICH, V.141., inzh.; KAZANSKIY, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsonzent; DMITRUN, A.A.j ir~zh.; SIM011,0VSKIY, N.&I red. izd-va; MITARCHUK, G.A., red.izd-va; SHCHFUNINA, L.V., teklm. red. (Handbook for the designer of optical instruments] Spravoch nik konstruktora optiko-rokhanicheskikh priborov. rLty) M.U. L Kruger i dr. Moskva, Masligiz, 1963. 803 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Optical instruments) numny, B. Saientific Ressarolk Institute 'of the loo'noulas of'Constructim, VOR. 01ODn, M007t17>475 JI '380 (MM 1198) (Building) VINOGRADUT, Andrey Hikolalvvich; KAZAHMIT. B., red.; TEMINA. T.,* (Planning the lowering of housing construction costs] Plani.- rovanie mAsheniia sebastoimosti rabot v zhilishchnom stroitoll- stva. Moskva. Goefinisdat, 1959. 103 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Construction industry--Costs) K&ZI.NSKIY, B. -~I-d-allsctlon of articles on construction economics ("3conomlc effectiveness of' capital Investments and now tocbnology lit constriiction "R#rviewed by B.Kazanskii). Vop.ekon. no.11: 141-144 N 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Construction industry) KAZANSKIIp B. A. B, A. Kazanskii, A. V. Kiperina, and 0. A. Zemskaya - "Concerning the oxidation of B-mathyl cyclohexanol. The synthesis of 1-mathyl-3-propyleyelopentane." (p. 1212) SO: Journal of General Che-mis&rv., (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii), 1920, Vol. 20, No. 7. 34 15 X If x 0 4 61 Q u I A& UfA~i a AJ-4- J* Pkadw &MOW01twe by tdrab" wn rt*m Tic cid. R. runs". btdi- Pkat Preda*m (U. 11. B. A.1 S. No. 1, 14 Fl. -A. nolm owThe wmi" w" ch"d. Ovw with at"" 00 irl VC ed HCI- The damic vm then vied with Hp to tht 8004v, Mark MA 100 ct. w" 06 tf'fMtmdwnIwvwbidM. Tuthe IIJOCC.of the aitothwYA". WS2 SdIled 11. of MA tu titmthm w" "tried Ow Witt, SuLcolunpuc I 00 t unta mcotbeabomw byAAftd*&.GIWOdMpaj $be odd mda. "rm' amt. d dd =3 in tkmtim im of an ewLb&a ukhare mw tbmfm the titer of so so 8 the -s- MU94 bt "I- V42k i, " ta Mo. lemma cown. before fitmtiaS The nkv. I% PI"tate ci NH.011 don mot katerfm with the titra JU pe'rn, so PI 14"Ingmile "M Is dtmibed. A -A. lkwhilinst '11zes so 13 00 a so gee 00u 00 go 4 goo 00 he tzo 4 A 10 S A WIALLUItGKAL LaTtRAU01 411111FIC0104 26. --F-F 0 o a 01 0 0 0 G. 9 o!; 4i 0" f 1"' 0 0, 106 0" lot lot o"WO660400000 0000440(bo* 40 0 0 0 0 0 j0 000 00600 to 04 000 6 0 0 0A 4 1 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 000-000 0 -.1 000000000600000 06 *** a 40 All 0 a 0 0 * * & 10004 0 041,9 01 4 0 0 & 0 0 6 1111-4 -a-* 1w 0 00 A 0 4 0 4 see & & * 11 11 It Is 1. 1 tIS JD ill)) X:Ijl V. 4. 4, v 41 v A L 4 .cle, nlamull left 1. Iliatillation =Gbtaka$4%1 01 I'law sud kil A V ; . . , KmAns . a melideed. . No 3 13-1111, UW IUS , ji. S. Arlyunysts. Sinw, vfWY%lW 14 kr cm. w lt Isl whicke h M k i o ay e Iamwe nir t p no takloee t4b-m wwo hted ftm larty substances doll .04 jobktied to 3~ MmVnsoks 04 tImAw4. The -00 t" of ibb prammes "m cridenvil "d Mill -00 114um kit 114 the$ mul alert dkin. .00 twil"114. 66, .09 a%Wlatim produm mW usukid sul t jun u I t t 00 . le w m u n o a 2M. The fint ffaction wLs The awmileu m0 had 11w- - swot COMPkx c"mPn-- molt. PiperYkift &W Possibly (Abet Imtkmet w s wee coolples. amtg. Of Oft IUWILDM wtLkb w" r"lv wxifird, 14,61ttins let prmnisp of tbg total bivin l-stkll residu. go . . y beament V. toitlem J.b cyclopeotadjen, 2.0. The rtaldut 1.4t, In the uvinyl at 1 111-17% of The total k"verbe, 00 t4ken kw pynjr*. .00 .00 A* 00 '00 66 's Oil Ciffstfullf COMOKATfOll I ? It It Is,o a rW 0 of 0 1 Ma 11 All, 0 * 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 Of 06 a * 0 * 0 0 of 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 60 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 IF ze Tie *10 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1) If V U 14 a U V Is IF &1 41 a Aj M a a ts bi Is 14 11 56 0 A T A &_.r 0-2 POK111111 Too"p- possid" uAlcobob from by-ptod- wwbl%l is obtalood is ibe A., *r1froso A. A~ Mondifl, 1. k-. K. A. lvwwva wwd H. N. 1karoymva. J~ IU- 8- &K-11 Go 2W?3(IW3).-Tbe Ou free fauct srpd. from The abowt by-prodwis b. 115-2W. ill,* cowituted abfull go 'Ahr neswild. dn. of the formula C,11.0 In thr troctima. This frwdm was " by the 'i- Iwier awtbod In the prosepre ri=.'r;`ay,,,, .1, is, "Ip%d..- punik* stotor with a glass sod a Cu tube. Cu on Ff. OW Mi - agettation in the liquid phs- i, to 0 'Ille Ilvur-m was 340-aul. M-410', ulrt% ww.t 5'.4dD4U`vm4O`AtOOV. Tbacatalyzatehadthe 09 a followift cmusts.: bwo 11SA-Ir (mainly 110-17% 1404 d4lo ()J;1(130 Which set fairly citior to those givrn Ill z0 0 of the Hastan for BoOll The bnyl hution sweet alme 00 .4 redisO. wW bydrogenoW nadwr olmilw cooditiocts. it 6 G` Yieklei&Prodwtb.lWb*.nul.41ri,d:*D.FOM. Thii 0 n apt a intiforva pmdm The yield of RuOll amounted 0 00 to 19.2% of the total of the Rk. by-pixfoducts. Tht brst hydrvIlenatim trump. for Use Do fnwlion ties at Wn% although Isydrng"alon tfik" plww at 60'; NI Wit. see mAcatce is the brst catalyst at 11111% A. A. B. PF OL live I jeo ~A&A -AA N &1 110.0 U ll AV 10 CA At it It n It It it it 1410 ft 1 *34 0 0 0 41 6 0 0 4 61 07 o 0 0 0 0 00 a & 41 6 6 a 0 *go wwswosoj- go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0-0 Ill 070 0 * 0 to 4 0 4 0 a I it If u v is tr I P a It A A L A a 00A -t-.& --1- -1-1 04001146 00 0 00 it a 0 0 0 6 0 0 111 0 0 9 0:0 9 It 9 2 34 X M V 3 111 4 41 fj 413 4 s -1-6-A.& Ill..411. 4 -1 S-&-- 40 0 .00 .00 00 1111OP"amlim of butadiess trom jymdlm#tbylothyl. -00 90 a No. W A. XanmU and 1. A. Wilmn. Sxw. K -hA4 '$"*- NO 1 31-4-- -Fmm 3 to 4"? of sym -ill. " 00 i "sktil"ft (1) is U;Q dw* At . s" mm ek. After imtont w .06 00 e d6*1wWmt&w (a) is WAbW MW by rMOVIAR 2 lie, Me U butadkm is Obtained, The Authors Palmd H .00 00 thw6b an eke. om at an ay. temp. 01 jW 40U* umiIjS 6*0 0 0 a dillwitntestalyvas. Tbvb-tYieId-,V40%buI~*i1tv,~ 00 Goo warlob'A"I" Wltb DACIS: 18-3% At 391-"' with NiCti and 0-01, at 3W-M* with AIM (all U Was domunpd.). Tbe cs"LlY1111111 11 Poisowd d i h e -1- ur ns t e reaction by the tar-like ag 00 A. llestoff ro 0 . 00 A -ILA SITALLUX11CAL LITINATM CkASUPICATION 7 IL L' 34"011i 11 u IS AV 11 ZO744, o * o o 0 0 0i0 0 0 0 Soo go coo isoo "oe too Go 9-s- 000 too '1' p0 CA #A L s 0 Im a a a .1 w w At "It In &VIS! o o q 1~ 0 o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 a 0 a 0 0 o o AND Ps"11111% lhtlll *00*6*0000000000 sees, 0 0 to do kv spoof U&J"or A-A-L-A-A A*- A. L t__j A_ a '4 9 S a - Il -L-1-M A m a -nit New 117111114leve by sea" of 1R_ A- X_4pouall. I*sp,&k ' "I'm - J. A W 41'.41434)- A "Yelic Mye"M cyclic un3mtd, 0 rings moch as furev, 9(c.. Wtutd. N rings ftwh as pyjrj4mmjd gmltk_ 00 a esides. ate.. with tf, ak"Wil. Anlaydrues. krumles. We, "es' qqbu-"- "Llff"-ft"slilliffol OnItildriles, r4rtin~ end slerly"ir buku" in so ItrUctured 0( The Prodorte fminrl art disrumni, as u4 u a, .00 dM10"Im" V1 ftmpjex unutd. c4mllids. s-kWing ujlmljj~ goo at f Comflib. MoCh as irth-flent, i*Vnipylethylene, etc. CI.. traW WA vwiotn Sylvo (It 1W1fnVr'iQlt ChArtwictit][6- ml um4ed, cyclic and MVCVC[ic d"R avilemA err "-mwrml~ Tht tevim h tam) chielly tui tile wook -4 Pwh, Ahl~r -J roe 11, RAthItlAllit go 0 0e See a 0 .. 1~ ties ago too Ali, 4.111INATY01 CtASUPICATIOn Ives i -T to M A 0 0 0 "Iowa[ lofts[gi Man all - 0 to 0 0 4 f 000 ~0# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 oi/_ a 004)60000 VOM X Am sot ca tiesoi t o 9,011MUMIS At u A N a a SO a a 29 1) N a Is 9 a of V a) Q $1 me a fl, cc cc a A I A q..P POMISUS Age Aliot "b"nks of c7dores4ass" waSs loydro. -0 garbles 11 4 * M ad wa N. 3 zrh1wia Z 4 ., comp. row. ", am it a. A, 4. $. A i . IW70(193 4).-Z. p"Rim"Y obtained h h I *0 a d (1 ev m n t e ) by d P an T prot Aia 00 UwAry. McCaig. tK,.a ;1-2.b d I', d 3 Units In a attram t W peow 00 aver thar"al wayam W11A ps (30%) at a role 01 44 .00 00 a &tVVMhk, 14 105-1 vt a hydrueselms, boo W-3% %kr Thm cinctow we very rkw *V-' I JroV. d144 0. l 00.3 it. tAA 0,00 f9t I-Owthripatow. 91colls, l l b CIO 0 00 st. v ePtiones, sit t-UW. t6 03M, go" a m , 1 1 ? b Co 1 91 -0% OV lim, d#q ImW . IWAls, *# 121 . OV-11 1.412.10 d,44 0.77W. Favs a mill. h. J(klt 21 1. vV i k I k hi i to 00 c t an Irwt ustion gave a m at. n wkL b the jA012, w i1o.lawn produminated. bha siV-1 JAGJ3, a0 0 go das 0.7117. The alkyky tag" Were synthetic PlAwiticts lAttiAd. (too cyck3l1butaftow. L. W. It. Coe 90 tee 0 41. nee 4 A CL.StwiC&IO" be be v il A I 'It A u A a- R3 At 1 A A t a ?w ti A, 9. A# is WA tt , 102 g JI, fit 9 goo g 0, to 0 0 0 0 & 0 o so 6 a 41 0 a of 0 0 00 09 0 is 0 so go go * 0 **#)Go* 0 ,, T -KASANSMJt B. A. -- --- -- - -- ---- - - - - - - "Sur la nature des homologues du cyclohexane qui composent la fraction, octconaphteniquell du benzine de Saourakhanill. KasanskiJ, B. A. at Markossawa, M. 1. (p. 884), SO: Journal of General ChemistrX (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1936, Vol. 6, No. 6 KALNSKY, B. A. "Synthese de quelouss homoloques mono3ubstitues du cyclopentane a chaine laterale bifurgues". Kagansky, B. A., Plats, A. F. et Gnatenko, K. M. (P. 1593) SO: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Xhimii) 1936, Vol. 6, No.. 11 loss 1w w lot: a Is v Is a, v 41 41 0 N 4 A V--j -W I At. A 00 1- r 00 00 A 668WIMrbinol. VI Ink 4 1398 13 am owt or so Oil Ad its*. :-vu- bi .1 V~. , Lad. R. T. 11,11 V- s- i, T - o 19Is a to is 04 first* 1(tTtl Its! "D a I f .0 0 0 a 0 IV 0 0 0 fol 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 a 0 0 0 f 0 0 9 00 a 0 :10 0 See Segeli* *see a 0 0 *1* 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 1b 0 g : : :.0O I-so .06 -00 so -00 .00 go* =00 Ce 0 goo Coo 300 We 10 clot age tsob *,, Mm-I've-, T W Jk-A- to 00 00 00 00000#040ifoos -t'-* 0 ILL 1-00 a go 00 AroaAU&RUm of cor4ain homologuos 01 cyclo. -00 0 : fMW iu YrORMS of &tWmed Pa*Lin~OU-M'I&M]3011.RMKAZAX*L~I A. F. LIATI (J. -00 0 13 ).-Th6following 9 V"UdA; AN ObW=d b i h 0 0 00 pam ng We ydrombons over PI-C A 31") l *0 It"d ti- C&H4MrXt froza x-butykylopentam; pz kim from 0 00 u y Bus - PhEt md O.X)-WW fmm x.octme; M. * Ci4k 0 'of 0o elh from diimmyl. IL T. 00 too goo 'Sip too wit 00 vi~ 10 It w 411 It a it W K a it it 40 41 0 , ~Ip 010000000060$06001100o 0 U 0 0 0-4 -0--~w is v 0 v W'w V-0 90000000046000611604: 400400840100*0*41io, I I I, # 1 0 r a 0 a it Q U w v in a 111 a a p it v Is bo a a v a 41 Q is a 4ze A~111' t-A k r . . . . I "-.P- 11" 1 0 a ? I J* Ki:1, I , 1.--X -I.., I It - .-A-1-TWO10 it, r ila, ".I.$ lip :o if HydropmUm of airmutic bydromboat by sneans of Ca-M.- Bali mLAW.N. V. smistm1% A. 4.,Ij. pil. w s s. "dill. Vr. tArtm t4r h4 ItunisknAil at-rd .4 It. C4 t 4NII, CaIN11s). AtN11.1, I I IL thits Cjl. gim cycluhtienc mind im," 0 0* J1 ficAndiew. 1.3-CyclohejAWlenegivabtgbyicidpoicyclo =00 .1rijiml which is not further bydrugenated under simiLat p So coo Mmhtsom. ThIeme slovs tatshydralolue1w. Aw C'Jj' so giv" telt-alin. A( higher tirtups.. Cis(NI1,1, twmfftc, tin =68 go. to .111r. 111"rtly UAISS its fmcirlwy "Witills KI4.1111irk coo 001 00 Off coo 00 00' #f a to, %1. A &11AttUftKA% LIVIIAIWPO 00 .4. 0.. so 4-vaL 'I, tot I "n an I I : 1001144 0 60 1~ 0 o is g 1 0 0 00 04, 0 0 0 0 6~6* 1 9 ke it 14 q- N, is .6 It A a -I !k -L #A IS JX P1 "4.1.1 00 of aramtk hylimurbms by'rumans of a %forsts d 14 sh y M J Vif F A K r l dii I 0: ne u . . Cs- aram . . an . , - e i g 1 0 , cfw.. C . W. S: 9. It.) 8, 612ARI MX); Cf. C. A. 32. le . 1 04 x%? t' a "t',dificatkict (A thi: We a cart 1.4-dit d rt."I i, IMM"11 in reart at to t__ d Y -V CA prrgxl. by paning dr ' 'P,* r* %*snd dr,, rualt4l The h % n d iliffXultly hi i0robochlor 00 j . . . y g p at nitrowhImide ciffirs. formed vith EtN(h and 1110 A-5-trumet 41411 at Ity* terni". 1he skidn. t4 It V",oduc" bydiambuns I- and 04v ,lith I dmiNct-md stlhr C atom finlird with the qubstitti. pving cyclu 0 J~ ent. C.11, rS%V IN$% CVCj0hC19rVe. h. K-14% X%r ectewl fir pri 4M."CO1. Pht-A g3ve 1-tthvi-l-cyckibext-ne, his, . t34- 1.45417, nitropc4chloricle. M. 101-2*. 21 IS 0 0 -1byNI-cychibelene. JN4 127-11'. d!* O.W6. n1trolocht(widt. m. 117-IR'. P-Xy"e thv1,1~vv1,ihr%rnr. t-- 127- 11'. it'.* UJ401. ~_Odo iltr-w~hkwide, ni. ht,"tylene i, 0 0 rogmalvil. giving a mixt., b. 141) CW. 11% . r, m. 13,21 3* tdmnnpn.)t CINT?%ponds to 1-1-cyrinhexene. Tetmltn Saw a milt. of tin. 1.4-Cyriahexachme smik 2 It almn.. -%enc. The hviinTrnatian i% pichohly cf- minary iwwn"izs1kmu iew. e hill 111anc Z nyorwarlicin i ni punitration an4i menuumium im vur hord",gruaini priiittaci ue bring inve%fitaud. m.Xylene Zee we 0 0 :4 a** 1, too u 9 &1 00-1 r I V 11 In 1 0 9 a of a 1w 4 4 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 0 0 0 0 do a 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 Ip 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111109,411 0 0 0 0;0 a 0 0 10 * o 9 0 11 Ij u Is I~ If it a a id a J* v a it 9 R J) Id p Is v ft 0 a N IL 1-1 Aso a v 4 4 (jj i C*Wytk trusistoraution of 2-snothylbicytIol,12.11- , A. !--bepwas and 2-nethylbitydoll.2.11heptane. 11 00 a'- ~ P) rrD"a. J. Gest, Chrom, ~ 1'. S, S. Razan"" O cf . C. A~ 29. #I=)'. %%'bcn :1. 1 h,t Mt t, 1) was b j 54e s t 1 11 1 00 - - i i 1 . . )A ( W me &h uslat UNN ith 11t ls h 00 arc m w c e p Ax- luct was not a heterountotis mfitt, 'cf. ZcInt,kil, 7 ,25), bit% -methy0j, w1... nxkil and Plate, C, A. 27, 6 * Anil :.11hopkove (11) prrvkmtJy obtained frian I wnh )1 P. 16 nt dehydrurt-failtil fit fit,- 7 = o0 In N at 3W* but ghVI Mitur high. h. Wing prWucts which pulwa the catalyst. 11 with Pt 0* 1 0 H d li l d l -1 rav. excess at 9 chamou an un erturs a cyc c v age wilb the forrustion of monocyclic pentanc% anti paraf- fins. The cotalysate commans trams of artmuslic hvdio- tartions (so-sylent). This Indicates the clra%*Sr Q the C--C-- bond forming The Ifirthylene brWxv. C. to. 00 I Z - it u a W so It If Or 14 a 41 Is 0 tun "KNO" I 0 0 41 0 0,40 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 1) 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 *,G 0 r 0 a 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @19 0 0 0 i------- - 0 -40 -00 -00 -0 0 0 ::S 0 46 A 0 too 00 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 a *,,A 4106--14-404-6 0 $14-0-0 41 -0-0-0 -2 $it q 0 0 1 0 0 04 0 0 0 41111 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111111, 9 -0-0-0 O-Off.- _V ,O_ 9-t-0-9-0-419 1111, 0 0 0 0 0 'a It s, Is I, It -ro $1 1 it to If W I " 0 I I ? V-1 1'. 11 is A 0 11 Al I-l"fal -It A C v. A44111111am of by&"" to u .amsibe IsydroLarboas by tae 10 #use of lititism. sutiledum and lAdim of Annit" am buism. W. R. A. Katauskil sod N. P. Glu%hrwv. aasm xas...%ir. (how. PM, 10111-4; cf. C. A. 33, IZTW.-- Nits vvnplfxr4 -4 Li. Its and Sr well prepd,.aZd then derouilml. in the pirience 4 CA trod PhMe. I cales it wall shown that It wai 00 al- added to the arornal". The Nils m-milkx III 1A Yk-111"I 00 tetrahrdroeoluene and =,!; c%villheal,11, Thl, .;; "'Implex reduced Italy 4% of the Phkte but it vwW"I coo 00 12,190 of letrahydrubmseme; the miuction itt,ximls of coo 4111111111- txm It CA and PhMe wbmmi a weak dirne tract ilm. The an compirz COVT plot ocally no mfuctiem with loWt. t.1 0 0 tip with C4H~ it ykided 32Z,% cyr~-hmx_. It. Z. K. 00 00 iwb-0_491 tip ~00 ~ 00 '100 .90 Iles Of 00 es a lie t AIN tLA -11ALLUrfICAL LITIF111001 CLASHFICATION - U 1 It a i a bt 0 0 p fill 11044 Its it A 9 fitt it ORWA fim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 *see*** 0 0 q 0 030 0 0 600000 000 0 0 0 * 0 to 00 6 * 0 111 # 0 0 0 # 0 * 0 * 0 0. 0 0 J k L _a 00 00 t, 00 0 J* 00 a 4l see 6 0 a a 0 0 4 (1 0 0 a JL_1_1 U J- _t_J_J J Pee-Cams m .10#111,11 ..Lit 4 .4 0 __ to naum" ammumpanytog me "Gum" of dialkWilsk III bass by mean o( "khm4mmeldl- B.A. it vid N F. Glushnev. .04 $all. "ad. id. U.N. S. S., Oulim Sci. M41h. "W., Sir. chimm. ION. 1OW71(in English. 1W2). d. C. A. 33. -0 12794~-Varicas dkkfuw mW arvattatic bydruembum 0 anderga lamberizatWo upon redo"ka, with Ca(.Nlf.)#. It I -bu a 1 uction of 2.3-di 13 Lgt&dKw, cyclopenta- :kO-,ethYIeUrIwnjrR;!o=1;;rIWv11 W 2A-di1nr111v1- 1" l I il -00 0 . wopro'. I sod m vi 4 'Mot 0.. ..0 4twola,ne, .$hlh pf.,1.0 mr, Itsil, iteduct", W Itiv dulki'l 44 111%,110 W, d wWuct which is believed (o be 2-ethyleyclolmetse. flic ; 0 results indlemot that Cs(Nifs)o reduces 1.3-dicnes. hydro- bl h Ad h i d I hi h i i M 0 e c m s a n a ou e w c carbom bay ng in t e mt&ptcd with the double lKmds In the benrette rins, 0 M hyd...t. Mving double bonds in 1,3- arAl 1,4- positions even though they contain nonconjucAled diette - carTied out at () 1. Allisonjerixatiunsuct so D. Z. Kamich coo 2 b, A$J1,JtA NITALLWIMIC&L 4,11fRAIUNI CL&SINK4110b, t1 %boos) .0 Nt all --- r--j It ; ~& a, I 0 (y It 9, of K . it a K Ct et 4 ; 619 000, & , 0 0 0 0 a * * 00 0 0 :J: : :10 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 * 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 !* bo 0 too An I to two %*,IN 1113 ta of 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 o * o 0 0 41 0 0 0 to gel 'T I- lip 9 0 0 g0# TOM-, 03 x st a m 1, 11 I I Ij P 1 -97 ----I cc I it il, b t f -two, 1,1 L 41 &* A; .. - so 00 00 Kai by* -don of dipbenyUlafteme. W A -00 00 C =nd G.T. Tatevos"n. J. GC". CAW. (U. S. 3:R.) A. hydn4matiom o(dipherlyf -* 0 Of g fulverm (1) was rqmstcd I: the Ixf-mv of IN end I'd -4100 'Aick Its ak AcOlf Htro rid cyckillexatmmm to the ,~Id 00 a cl.C.A.i&,4M-l. .00 so a adda. at the Itt mal. H proceeds slowly with only gradual .00 Ind disappearance of the fulvene trd M., V 18 a minplex mist., canto. chiedv un. '0 0 so all presence of the dibrJet. d"iv. VP44 lkt ~00 detd. I abilimitm 2 matilit, it quite rrmdtly. Sivitig dopkrqW. h. I IW-I*. sit. 1121 2.5'~ It is 00 oxidlized with JINOi to PhrCO. The addn. of the 3rd smA. H proceeds very slowly to give eydopexty1diphemyl. ~.o 0 so meAstairprrviouslydescribed. Thesucressivemin.ofthe 3 doublit hands piticteds more distinctly with I'd in &k-. 0 Its rate and the Compa. of the catalyntes vary with the :: is* solvents and catalysts used in the reaction. C. it. 00 0 Ise 00 00 1 A WALLOWCAL LITCE&Tlyfft CL&11lFKATtC- A 0 00 9 j0 0' 11111141111 it T -.7-.,i I -1 '", 0 -0 V ---V -I '5-A V-yj W, I j )d 0 a j. 5 41 1 3 U 1, 4 X .11 it a it U ft it is - n 00 0 0 of " sy 0 0 o o 0 6 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Is so 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 4 0 6 0 41 000 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 C q 4 I I a a It 11 It m it 4 1? 10 Qfn nigh J11121AM 1; it v u H 131 % ly if lC -1 I L x JA 19 kt IV tt I I 1 1. 00 -A' 1. . I I 4 Ilk, -~f Valaloc triminalamatlem of dimeric 1.3 -c) cioltexadjents If. A. Kastanstkill and L. G. Voll'l-m. J. t ex. Chrm. to if -R TA I; MIX), 4~1' ('L .1 2~. ;-. - M . . 14W, Ill , , eviou%ly it waft shown that oclerse. thAmah Itels."Cilig It. it"'. Shich Im Sitam, 1, 4-4121vt% 11111 ClIhIr and formotkin fit CS11, 81111 NINIt ~ It i"I'M 1. Of t vilseti-tvil that dityWratsdirive + aml it, dikldr.~ drvjr. * I till. dfri". of 1,1 AM, 1 1111-1 Sll ill. 09 C. A. 26. fs(F.W. %mil-I o1-, III, omp fit a qsoalai mmoi~ I 00 forrissition of COG. 1 0. "11.1 D.n.11" 06 j :Z. 12411) failiefl Io react ,of Im-mig if io Cc I; -t I.I.iol- to u.-ft rhartiall of this'. At ;Ns# A" I its CO P. sto,l If 00 iratu slinflarly to give III, Ill WHIIIIIII 1111011IFlPff I-V flaming is In COl ovi-v i fir vatalym at 3to 15'. A13111 50- - i1 giv" a few crymalls with a C1,11, odor un(I tiocittaill tit, We 72 1). In all the caws. the reacliou R.4, millaill"I &6m1 1131, It sort no un-.ittl. coinlit1q. C114~. 1114114 to 11 -00 a* ;7 coo Wes t'4111 So .2. too., 11-1- too Im, a OW 0 -W '-a'- I u u so uia Its Its mt, it it g 11 9 V1 U ft It 111 "0 A I Nit *'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 000 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 a 00 0 6 9 0 0 6 * v 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0'a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 1111 0 0 046 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 * * 4 * 0 0 0 00 4 9 a 0 0 sig a a -6- 0-4 ~60 'w'" ip v v iv v * 000 000-0 0-0 0 9 0 0-0 of* 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 * 0 4 4 * 0 a 1 6 ) s $ 4 0 it .1 U 11 12 a a B-11 p It N #1 I 41 v 0 a O'c 0 v I LI A I I A4 a CL 10 U 4 f j I 14 Wi Z d H 1 r 0 O W .00 s. ama- . . .'s . AM mu 4 f -00 m6 ilwLK). Cf. 11. 1481-60a Hall" . 1 tkmjw Imtkno 1b. 134-411 a( the Baku and Surakhan -00 5*01ise Wete &hYdiragensted to The littectice of cwt-m mupmSmated with Pt (afm with NO and A160* imprrs- point with N1 esislots at XM 10% The pn%furts wrtr -of , go itithomirdiind The oulf-mic AM, tAilmin"it wrtr 11-6011- . OUT WC.1fi. ass I.J-. 14- WW A, A coo coo so Of too s v, .0 a ff it Mi a I lik 00 0o0 o 0 41 00f 000 0 0 00 0 o 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 of 0 00 Go 0 0 FiAw AW 0 a 9 0 0 # 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 4 0 0 4 0 ft U Is I# Is u It IT a a if Ai is is yo as )I v um b b Ir Is 0 'st AU a F V JL--JL 1. L-AA 0 M W U 46 4 d Pq "0161 i Tbo catalytic tmadonsidtWe of some hom*Wp of lasisr. D. A. Kjuma%kil arul .4. R. N-tgunLo, Yd 00 =.ElWM. *.* 4147 ALI(Ijklilp. in jjjr ISO t premev" W Ni drinwited on A1,A), Alul In a 11 serratu, bm =1AIW lmk* 41smn even Ott LIM* it) Im"I 4 00 2 awl. W lim-Wilux timuWs. At blibeT 0 10 *tl* skint trAlftsce. .044itting of the sing with O ;;~h l I jU N 00 t4 4- so mvins. vrt (QUIS ykmiarse a 4 (w Its a N Ottraus (..111% 4 of atumatir hydrmarimm. fit a It eliesin, ' 0 U It. 11WI-14 . sit 1,4101, (1,.* 11.73;10, 161. to it. CAkd 48 38 At R f"41MI, 48.34. 0 fiWilled. S6-me IV Ltatwil CIvCI CrIO, at 4.%1' In a N -trrmn, it xi%, 11) 00 00 it I a It WITALL(IRGICAL OTEPAILWO CLASSIFICA"I" Is 01 It Is f% 0 0 0 0, 5, 04 i i i 0" 0") 0" 0, 0" 000 0 0 0 0.09 0 0 0 * 0 0 ;q 0 000 00 00 6 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 eje 0_0 -00 00 -00 00 -00 -641 .00 ~66 ZOO ze 0 Ire CW 0 1 w I# 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 6 0 0 0 0 00410 see * 0 a a 6 0 0 0 9 10 lsr:j, M14 :0 a a a oo 0 0 0 6 0 0 o 0 of it to It Is to IF If a PMAJOVAPO." V M 11 ft 11 a III V 01 Q 1% od a re A OF 4 4 1-7 V V. --l- 1- L. - AA 0 OL UD it I ist 4p4? j%V pool*% Ik --as 11110 CAWYM OdiltaiWll Of PUARM IlYdfOCarbOus ever lo Kapapolill and A. P 14,114'. i so C "Hillids. wt 164"M liver 111411itift4l V ail 31M'10% lirwIll 04 Im"19 I.P.; C414. V-19webyllwaa1w sirro A V-1, :-oo 3-mt4h tanetivo3l% ulandil. tit HiPh ando. anti A as A j~-zykw11nqtwtky"ww jiv" 4% on-avierve. wW 4. -to MetbYlIxtione titers 3.6% of aromatic- Vol"Jills., CNWI. -a a Misting in part of PfPh and I livid, the -00 slealef t1w. lirm-binS of chains suil the hight-r the jmIl UL. the roister the amt. of aromatit. ix"111%lo. xo* When dilsoamyt It Passed over N1 delvosittil %-in Alp, it zoo tenitis. fwug Item a(")* the amt. of an-Analic twil0s. townied rides tram 2.11 to 2A, V. 1-1. 161. 1xim-ter re 0 00 j 00 00 00 :!Sao 0.1 9 00 it .00 i!:00 rife IF 2 tro 0 S.,%LA Sao". 0`611" -jV ",a C4 6 0 V u it A .0 or 10 1 0 11 ; 0* 04 11 o' 10, g' 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 V?V 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C it 0 0 & OT1408 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 0 : 0 0 to : 000 0 00060 0 14 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Is 0 0 0, as ILI a0 to 0 ALJL r A A pol R 041 t I I !I the tamidws MW 9 DO)t OM 06twu b awthed P" kiwk Vdatity tb4'11 Wwsted Is tl Of of artlysove of C Goa nowly 09W to ilm t1w, (we"Intim lym (109M Cal./a 0 04 Of rewdou em be mauurcd The now appamt bMf COW C. A. 30, 67130). C. H. 041ALLUMIOCIL L"94MUll CIAMICATOW A 0 2, WOO moo too woo coo moo moo moo 00 moo cog woo u VT 41 9 a 4 3 ireloolt:016,66" *,, I We 0000 I I v it U 1)4 14 it 10 W to p 1 61 U k, r A IL . %.' I "Ij V WO tot 4 .0 , , 4 , t : . it a I AA A k 0 #.r "Pool *a -OCK111,11 11 "1 OF~ - tagu"Cop tif the Butildhasts as tho TrIticity of Catalytic 00 bytirtgoustIO11,0f WWII tfisubstlititt'd "OvIe"'if 'a ths ,Platinum. 11. A. Kastiviviliff and M T. Tal- -00 of O.Gtv. Car". (U.S. S. R.) Iw4wtMol. 2.2-dipbessyl-M) "ttiCrnyletlivirne I'M yn" by knowu methods, The ndiviritual ethvlenr% and milts at i with n, in and iv were hvdnltnxltd the pirrvirticir at lit h1ack as rfulin troll'. lov 00 .,a in ht '3eshniltictrOped InanvartirT rowf (r. t 33. r-Nivi. 0 ne graphic multi,show that I bt~kqt-j tiv.1tc'n.-Won of 11110bl'tituted ethylevirs dertra" with inttra-ing i- -A .00 aryl sub%liturfits in the inal. The drop In vrinritY ii, rlar- =09 0 tk-ulazly Amp Ob The InIrnduclion of a 2nA arvl lulmitit rnt. I he hydrogenation of mixed hvhnmrl~ont w-werdit simfiltaprousjy. flowev", beirame ii! the diffe"fit eh'r- actor of substiturnis and the ". siting diflerrnre in thr 0 hydrost-nation velocity of the Individual Wrnearlinn% --ind tht ditribution of If 1wearen the comrwmenii .1 ynivI4.. fit teilction showii some w1rcilrfir, which i-"wc nimr "citiounird with greater nit. of Ish sufnillaicni% in lbr 2nJ 121; irovAtionent. Chit.. IlIn"r see IF bee LITIM&7!09 CLAWPICATiops 00 Bill- lov.113 4il (PIT 44% ...... - ----------- U a AT to v 00111#11,4011 get fig RU n 19 a "a it to I W 0 to 0 A, 0 1 '-1W IF" 0 q;q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ T4*0000-6*6600* too 069e0096 *;**go 004006600000000i Ip Ab* to "N" PRO plus &W "Opsoltes wool oom Ogg 0: t At A SAUSIX10- r-ITT, 1 00-S L of b YeDut 000 ;I= so a Wsoda r C!K' -Br JI, A11110-Itik OnALLMMAL t"MIMIS u 0 6 1, OR, OR. To xw a T'wv w 10 NJ; 00009410604104*:09*000 '0000 1440000,000,000*9,00000-00 4000 wbew 14.3211, &still EM'e" Ali N t 3 411 v i 000000606,06094009 .04 504 Sol Vol Vol 904 Vol U04 sea U04 Ire a 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 I A I Is It U is 14 u is IF is N a U a AS a A A 11VIIII1151011 v h 6) t Q 43 a are a.0 r -2 R_9_1 111,11 #A U. Cc 0 It I ii"_Jifess of tke "boollifteeles as th 411W# of "Wytk :so 19, 1 1 heyehnipastiass el e"Istime triatibefibet'l 0:eaft to the enclit of palladium black. II.A.-Kox4p aleol U I Ra A 0 C! 4 11110) ;~W III In fit 4 1 -erw1hyl-2.2 dulin I. And tripbeitylethyletsee (IY? and rquirnal. mivt-. 4 1 with Us M &rA IV ravis mprated to tbr peromervirv tet 1`414mick Ill invited (4 111 WA " jeer"Ismisly IjW.I W. .4. 34. 27vrl *)Ili I'd IlIvIreaws tharply Willi sulmlit"the" .-I I alml .1 Ph :100 Im allipliatit- radii-eds in contrast to the traction "$Ill Ill. and t%mvidembly IteeTerams, With 3 Ph aithatiturms. liv. 4111111 d binary Mitts. Imiocirrill Ork-cliverlY 'Ailh 4 66 onskirtalely grftttT rater %,I mildn. of th# Ist It riwel. I,* the dr%tvaller ceesorAments than it- I t4 00 3 0141itmialive testie in the hyditleltation of I V,1111 AIM 00 witl3out the adders. of leite-DuPh. llh.CI[Ht and llh,Cll- 00 99 CH,Pb Allowed luillycly that the retardation of I hyemst. at ion is caused by I"Keeming af the catalyst hir 00 the atianatic hydrocarbons formcd in the mactiore. The, fail- of froardation ImTedseret with Iticreasills net. %-( 4111 40 ThN eff"l was folilict et-reffinmi 400 In I'w "m), by the frid"latioll 'el 4-then'.114. in Ow 440 litchernOr CA C4116. Chat. 111411c so* T no 0 AIN-ILA ACTAitURGICAL LIIIPIATKI CLAIWOCATIC1111 92- !use a 1 6 lid a a a 1 11 a ft of a "0 too 1, 0 if 4 4 it a is of go "ID 0 0 9 g 0 fit 0 0 0 0 4110 0 0 f 100069 66 go 0 0 0 0of o 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KAZA.IISFIY4B8A8 600 1. KAZANSFTY, B. A., unwvosym, G. T. 2. USSR (600) "The Catalytic Fixation of Hydrogen in Corpounds Having Several Tiouble Bonds - IT. The Eydrogenation of rdmethylfulvene", Zhur, Obshch. Khim., 9, No. 24, 1933 Inst. of Organic Chem. of the Acad. of Sel. USSR, Div. of Acad. N. D. Zelinskiy. Received 9 July 1939. 9. IM Report U-1626, :11 Jan 1952 lo 0 0 0 ..'.O*p 4*00 v 0 a a M a -t-f- - -1 * 0 4L'tols y1: a 'n 9--A, F w I'D iv. .11511ATIVIL"vII I v P tvi 0 off olul W"-U- 44 p4UOA) Jm OOR 'wil ojvWjl vullusil III -Plb &%a 13nptw 44, 1144-1-mw~s Iv!II1Pd III AU131n"j -pk*M3 -paqu 8 it. ,III I it! ow WO IN allm =vp I qsntuqt 9 pzzltqlmd mm 110, .1 awusjpAr4 lvs)L3),, -usup Aq 1g) Pull op del t, I Sto 00 00-: floc I - "41 1-mit-l"I It 7ulpl3!A -.,I. I I, qojjlq,,.!N 00 3u-1111.14.4111 pr, 'NA11,1143kilpAll Aq (I I 'Pdaid Immim 'jolvui I's I i Will l I (P.I& Iff W W 'o 'i 1 0 0 0 41- 4~,~ '%I 'it t" Avla V 0 A v lp"ftn"-,V -V" I"upp pj V-- I""d to 44M CA- is. r r 1 i 1 0 )1 m 35 W-W-T ---J1 it x a oltrilor Rota all III q ft o 00 9 0 W f 1 4 9 4 foo LA -A A-4 ., o. to ntivelvelit As " At taltUie" I A_L_JL A I Vg` At 1. T $A U M A A A A I? .-p lkl, "Islas I. As bre I L, go rf~xltllf .14, .6.1191 11 ..tit 09 6 00 00 0 o a 0 0 p 1110411 ! Lj kan Somaithe octane sumber of asocilmas due to the ura"Facmum of b7dramoulle" 0t the c 111113141 late I areasit is t" p"ame" It byd"Va. thd S'. R. Sw Igo I ho. oxi In* (16,11tool fruill (110111V K0,441nor one Igral"I III, je,"'M(w aloof 1hr tratilling tustrital %a. I, /..Is I'Lli "not as"lli .1110 11"Al. It'll, I I.-ina .4,10410"1 othk 1, an .. look- It.. It.. 1.1i'l 11141'.0,11 "A. "%".. to qs%tl lot 3~Al :kki.t tht, lot, .4 N Ow.. Ill. to ruptulto tinp with I,mii%4tkm lot pAral. fillic lydrwartmat. The ppAuct 1). 35-1:U' and has 52 Octoth no. -09 _409 it* 9 ago ee A MAIALL M AL UtISAIM CLASUPKATMAI Igo. do..n. age boo Vol -0 1111114011"p go, am I A U to AT 10 uli A, 0, " "f-.r,-T-K"w--v"-~4f1r N 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 littliwtl int _11-11-TIABA-All ado a 9 11fol 9 a 41 Kw a I u an*, to 9 go 09 vote 0 go**** j 9 a 0 0 Ib 0 0 o 0 is 0 e q * 0 0 o1 KAZANSKII,_ Doris-Aleksandrov12hf Kazanskii, Boris Aleksandra;rIch, Ml- ed. Synthetic liquid-fuel from carbon oxide and hydroxide 5 predisloviem 14, D. Zelins%ogo. Moskva, GO3. nauchno-tekhn. izdat. khIm. lit., 194'0 359 000 beef fed 004 -00 OOW - OOT ".0 61i i i i i i i,i a, i if _i it-it' Ii ii i *oOOOOO Is 00000010000160900!0 01"W84141 A pw be. of, JAI Raft, AU &WAY of, or N =710 . I but do i 6 ve 10 we t co~ar* us J. J. IL 10010.0 Ojos a !0 0*0 slow ""Inv All 18110 PRIVIVIAG I* F- dm 000009*00*00**00*0 goo U's 0 go see Wes, GOO fee me* &0 boom 0 0 a a 0 4 ~gis a gosgo see - 0 _~V# -0 -0 - AVOFO 14 0 o 0 a i f. 4 L I Jig -A$-1- a i, a P. P 1. S b W A f 1 -4 to 9V U 00 a Caeuct cydirsom of pstrafisk hrdr9Wbp99~ N. D. A., 10 0 Karan%lifl, A. L. I.Ovinan. 1. It. L-ak. ' - R --*Tgirn1 o. CompC trad. acad. o, i. A *F. mair itiml ~; 00 1'. R. X. N. 27. 443-Al 10401 (in Ftiglith) .-The Present M~t k a le"t on the exiensi,xi of earlier studies and on 0 ) and pritains other rl,wly retat"! work (C. A. 13. 9212 tirii of the workin eriod of f th d bl it e ura eris o P to the pro 1 Z" 11w) 0011- Y"1 talysts. Synthrin- ga"ine fractions ( CM 6 .Wing of paraffin hyd ocitriguiks Mfg. ? to 10 C at 00 a. (1110011t I()-, &nd a wnAll quatilitY of 1"WitiAl Ukfins *0 4 "te clophyrd with a irsi"I CIA -PKilincia Mpd. fly , ppin. "Ith Nil, Ifunt a timakilt Cr Sall own. It finsigrery 00 Svitc in tatalytit4t the cychution reaction but its " ' " 10" 11 ariMty dectragird vadus1ly &I bough active fgr mom than I'm bi-. The behavi- of CrAh ignited at A -mmilia-rd a noticeable so lvity fur The first few hirs. of tj~. and wiss constilettly deactivated in 10-15 hirs. wben CrA am det.-ited fr3m a suln. of CONO.). on kniiM aside used as a carrier. the resulting catalyst h r t a I 'D a qp t. off tnk%t, quxe~qully amrk-fai'll the lWaffinic cyrfignition a gt,m~t tah,luy than C,qtij 1wepti. in th, usual wwv. The t% h;tvkx of a rstalvsi tuixt. gnrpd. by drim-itins 0,111, im Alg(h was Idirwi-v %tudird, Thu% it viat ol,mi vvd thAt even %hen the c%iairat of Crgos in Udl t1latar1% was at low at 77f. the regicuon of arrmatiza liem of paraffins proct-ttletl with sulliwiral effect and th, "' I catsl)~t was c We of being rtgrneramed with air. An sit 'At". inlruence of the mtrief m the activity and falolify go "Isilysis in M4 fractiogii Was gfbwrv~nj in The raw 04 11"'VOCts tN`11111. N',4% Of ThIN. Wink- A441% V01a alone did nut pfognote paraflinte mlization under the ciogglitions employed. the addig. of Vv(k o, I h(N to the A4(h y1tided a catail"t which simigglat"i to a considerable derre. The sanu. olgervitfions in-te made with %to and 1.1 oxides. W. A. Cook o" 00 8 U 0 AV 18 At, t 17 it 0 at It a al U 9 is ft it It KO n I ift 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 .00 -00 .41040 ",g to -00 A 0 60 ts Us -1 a- 00 0 0 9 0 V ~ 11 I a I to 'I U 61 M 4 is 11 Is S it il ", & 4 4 1 4 ( U 2 of N 0 60 a b I., a P 6 0 fA A Z I-A- 1- - W, 00.. I A .00 00 C4*fAttcydiud"otpomNIkkydrwwbo"- Cobb* 0 action of chromic *aid*. A. L. lAlwiman. -00 0 A. V. Plate. S. Compl. 1' 440-NOW S S V i d N R b j h) . . its. . . . n a . WA . . -re"' , ( us -o0 -The following c"Whaims am reported on crelization 00 a!- au4ws al synthetic gwokow! fractions of the following i h.-p. range: 04-123'. 83-1W. 122-130' and 138-62'. *a Ctol catalyst mixt~ ("alved by depositinq an CrA h to-tu tt is a ttKxv stabl i hi f f t i l i e cata ms a It gni yst p. y p rv rlitatton reartioa fhan Is CfA preod re tbe c b th 0 o . e y y . 0 usual simple ppin. rarthod. In &it uninterrupted p"xv&q tahles of dats still 1- 41 Th rill ti i l l t-ulvrn 111grth" "Uh aArtaded amount , e y a a On fract on - Yse CrjOs rtmillnur% to ra 14 81,11. rulployid alut elptl.,Hail. Our i4clihiedL - O b 120 h I J ": of d - ons R r2.. paraffinic hyth- as Is Arl vily de. 'A A Ccxbk * rbuins with titne. list adda. of lint). 1,N). an.] %I t,, 00 0: CtO. do" not Improve kt activity. Chromic hurate 00 4 ratalyzes the cyclisation rnsction of Waffun during a -0 abort time and promotes the formation of pmducls of high 00 truil. wt. CyckVmffim hive not been i:wmed among 00 it the final cyclitAtion products. The r%pta. with all th, AlKnT.11wationnt rals"S were e,arr" on at & temp .4 00 S 0 r ~* 425 sar, the hytitorwhons passing over The catalysts at - 00 o o - a rate 4 al-ut t). I the vol. rd liquid per I vol. of catalyst i k -.0411 i -k arognittic hydrocarbons in d fferent per hr. The y "4 As . eapts. varied 14_ . Tht maz. incrt%w of octane no 41 Witt 62 points. The methild at prepu. of CrA has an indutnee on its act =vit b%r. none of the prepo. methods described gives a tky stable catalyst and gearches for more perfect emlActs ibmid be divercled loward The f i 4i f i d t:e 0 Lwace o The n ers an mT prornoters. Sev- I y o o too " I 1- 4 -M r- V --V -,?I An I % I Od 0 W I If It 5 La 0 a T , 0 a 9 a Ot a a ft Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 9 a 0 0 0 00 0 1 KO A I Is 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 W3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 : ~o 0 of & 0 6 111 * 9 * 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 9 0 0 0 0o00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g-4110,11110,04100000* :4 Ij 1 4 'J 11, al It It %Js $4, n _n JS It X M is 11 V 14 14 X 11 V III P 4, 4l 9 U 441 Orle as 1 1. I-4A s a 0, P Q It m -A a Ia a -7~0 o 0 00, Comfort gythisfiflan parta a C 111dirlastsfild"S Cato tolotatip $.'1'l1 I d At I ;?,;k!- 0 0 00 A~ 00 it. N. V. 27. mb-70(lqul)(in I(Stalls Ila 00 X, J4, IM"dt'.-Tbe catalyst employed contained 33-il.316 .-Oo Alt0st aad 67-7% CrA; the paraffinic hydrocarbon frac. I II I-so 00 0 tass, j I I Pynthinr b. 83-1386 was intrestipted under contli- 00 1%1,1q similar its 11MV-sr 'k-leritled In JWTVkVill, papirr., Chtly the We it wh%,b the hyflitivotisson floctilm ,*I las-I -00 0 m. I the 4*1011.1 arass that, 1. will'ill A I $&$%Be -00 go t.-I ft-ner 44 the rololyals. r. the allopolly all raps. Ill.- rate was allnut 0.1 Vaal. of Ilqukj Irrulhilar per I 'All, J -00 re"Alyst I r br. (for [Oscan", lot the Catalyst consisting MOO 06 Call I ttkA. CIA. 0.78 mol. At^). The rate at which the hydrocatbon fractiou was passed through the contact 000' %pam had a emAderable indurnm upon the ykld of aro. roo 00 J~ Mask bythortattiom. but with a freshly carrpd. catalyst coo rvers In e%pts. with the we%. rate of 1.4 vull. per I vast. of %vtalv%t prt III., the atnt. 4 anantatic bytiftIcarbous --o0 !I'llor'l W41 arpstult, 20-26% tinting the first ht%. III the 1%, 1 atutUmrss"I ~M,Irvsbly In subsequent exIMS. K., .IIIII allow, the Itatitmins "anclusilart. Irsam the t a% Udy": 4 Vatmalys" cuuts. differstal pfullsortions VZOIA a0 0 lit, 1: ftosiled ulmm AIA have been let". Catalyatt comic, !s0 IS Olnect CrA wm Own ocilstv. but even the catalyst mixt. go 0 C'WIS. CrA possessed a sufficient activity atut stabil. r4i 4~ ZJ' is Y These catalysts C231 late regenerated with air $I the Spillp. of the =.' whefrhy their sarli%itv ias 114 a hill al mis, J W(N &rot Cut'l W "atah'11% I t!oe rtmig. j.'#AN at"I A" to equitsulal. ttuatntitia-1 111111U%10"~Vrs the meliviov ad the letter. W, 00 as latIA111.111POICAL If#41,111.0 C&MIFICATI11111111 I i:oo ire 0 It it 2-11 It ant'sol $0 146 a n it at "a I FM 0 It 0 1 19 0 5 A 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o oie 0 o 0 0 1) 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i I - 0 a 0000 00000 6 111 000 0 * CID 0 0 0 0 00000 0 a 0 o see *ol 06 AT 111110.4' sea 094 *a 2 00,3 0 43 as& I, III Is It! I r 141-1. 1--- __VT=_; __ toW I-I PICKV061 ale 000 1111110*1111 a**** 111111111011 oil, 0 0 1111111110411 so WWI 111,1MI66MOV isso is q4u iwaid& -11. - �-- A - k -9 - I ..*_ L-1 14-; kb *fV1 - Conant c7disatiose of pu*Mjdc hydrocubo". Cala- vastadhess pulaside ud thatim d6ji"' ~#,F. I'Lati, T. F. Bulanova and N. D. iw. sea. sell. U. R. S. S. 27, 6" QI1O1tA41017F"K(LL1; RNi 21-V61 hen a s yu t h In I n w t 6 a. b. 9;- 13 A ". was passed over VA at kpp"m. W. N114%Vft (prelim- hary btatistit to WU1 In N) at SOW or AIA at 430-W*. tbtm wes practically so fonwitiou of aromatic hydrom- txm. Ahudua vrith 8-10% of VA at M-U)" cats- Jym that farnation d aromatic hydrocarbacts from Wo- this fracthwas which b. 83-LW wW 163-MO. feep.. but gradaly lows Its odifte btp :V with Z; the catalyft readily Its t by beat- ins is a eaffea c 'k. th 10% Vz, at 46G 470. dwm4 costaiderble Ctytk wdvity but rapidly Wet ka wtivity. Parby Ut*WW with 16% VO. did ead"ores lots 'taromatle hydrocatbous from walbdWritectlost, b. "83-13'8 . AhuUIVA With 10% ThOs catallyaod the forizatles of aromatic hydrocubous Irma the saw qattlebe fractim. The activity of -UO shodu wkb 10% Tb(h mi 110D0 for be =OW Cd srt)~ "satic it from Sin mum "atkits, fractiou its then slowly demand. the caudyst Maun be led by beatiAg with sk. Alumina with 10% and 2% TbOi at 473-6WO acted In the same alumbus with 10% VOOS. Activated charcoal with 10% TbOl at 450-4T0' catallynd considerably the lorliesticts of womatic bydrocarbow; trout the VuWn fractin, but do cualro "WAS1 MPWY in Kc- tivitty am was tw satisfisdoruy regenerated with air. WIFTALLYMOK&L 4FMNAI Gcorre Arm I H* aftii; -0 a ..1 w 0 0 46 0 a 0 0 0 a 9 a 0 0 0 1o 0 east 9 00 0 0*0109 MINI 190,90 lop 64 0 0 0 ft 10 e 0 a 0 a 1111 a 0 a "so :0 0 00 Off go .00 41111111 200 a** GO* goo 1900 coo 4111111111 11411411 coo 1111110111111 goo not ~1~ 77! ~99 0IMO 0 'Me 'MO 0 A m A A L A A. as lee* fed %0 ~O u a A; 11 A ftatdm 49 ff%QW U- ra" m4 hsvW 062 4 poind Over a go. c# em. ut&& bawba tbw 940 r-alks Sagim swm pf Sad 10% (0, 4 . =411M b7z~--' IN wat 4760. 20m. 1. BL9, - I't OW prepd. by N IIJ4CIs aulim. and ban dW mot wasmatim the umgd. kydmcuwm of Kmtwb" mdA. (I coal at 3aU* armstl t. tkt ~ dta M :MNA W the .11* M11- 13 44% um'u- affim pobt and 10 CCU" am. Was Abs" at 435-awl. Sivias fte4cu. Us vubm for % tt (WAX.) WW oc=%oa (pmbtated in H to 4B0') at 430', -QA (re 1: 1 Mkt. of "M gtI it 426-M 6.00, 14.6, W-0, 22. IM at 00 , $An, IM 48-4. JO# (prebasud in N to 4500) at 1. 36; 021 A" 241 CrA 90 I N at 4T at Db% M 28A2, ad T MG% (pComiaw Is N to j , No ZA dumate at !4j! & 24. daliad chumal (cwts. 23% mignatim activatad cbwooal witb as in H at 30"10') at 3DO-3W* ratMa bactim. AlUr ftmoval 01 rm the No fraction by mcAm A - 23, Oubcd dw- d do el:dowbow to i #A with 9c4=. Ak4*nrW baa d I..Wt. cat.L11%.. mon Hit am. I SWV A%f F I p v 'a n It a 14U I S 11 qw 0 0 ; *I* & 0 o a a gel *:so**,, too s 0 ***vee* so 0 0 a Is - - Q 6660601badbase A;4 "f-ed ;-so -of **a wee, *so 'lee age Ixod are a Use Iota KAZANSKIY, B. A. . EYDUSS Ya. T. and ZELINSKIY, N. D. "The Influence of the Type of Carrier on the Synthesis of Liquid Hydro- carbLnB Over Ni-MnO-Al 0 Catalysts at Atmopheric Pressure." Iz. Ak. Nauk, SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, pp 27-33, 1141 -1 M I S' J. 00 00 go c 00 o * 00 go 00 09 IV a a a 34 a W 10 Iff -V, 'I - , m"RIM I * p9defuls &A* maptalits NND4% it (U. & & IL) The RUNJU k*41ht ahis Wnhday. t, 1 1, 0 a 6 a a a 21 -00 -00 I** -00 Vo ago moo "go a &L A "TALLVOCICAL tlytNATV" I-A&WCATON 1k u at 10 At 0 It D 0 orl" T 0 qw 8 61 9 a a 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 We 9 0000 Oda 0 06 *0 11 , - ~ -, ,,, Ivo -04 0 a Is x a 0 0600000040 is V a v a 43 a a a a zoo too see too !00 0 lowas so I sossfo *lp ~mv and "Upoof NA&III m all - 4 AV 00 &t I 'q A 1 8 ew 9 a 9 1 v so 9 43 0 .1 1 1. It OF A nThe relative Efficiencies of Laboratory fractionating Columns of various Construction." Kamnak~~. B. A , Liberman, A. L., Sergidenko, S. R., Tarassowa, G. A., and Plate, A. F. (p. 122) SO: Journal of General Chomistry(Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1942, Vol 1.2, No 1-2. Ki"21INSKY, 3. ~. "Polymerisation of butylenes on an alumosilicate catalyst." Ka~anpkv -B, A., and Rosenr,art, X. I. (P. 254) SO; Journal of General Chemj~~tr (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1942, Vol 12, No 5-6. Oo' 0 1000 7A.!to **A 000 A *oil *of :0 000 004 00%0 0011 04jA&t~AL L"BRAVVW CLUWIU"W 0 0 0 * 0 6 4 41 a as 4 ~om " got 0 ::0 ffoo go* goo gof, see see No* ISO* too* VOO at to X 9 A 9 3 1 V 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0, 0 0 a,* 000000004 0 0 0 0 fit 0 0 41 0 6 0 0 :0009094*00999 4 c 9 r 4 w x L All v 0 PU a S T W, most felt eon of* o OR son Goo sex rdqml 'K -0 ow -V ow) 00. A u inion on l" 9194 a K it irm SON 004440. "to ', - ~ 101,F)IMStfu AWRAVOIll IT311"11VINv nee coo sip I v, Is v I I -,4 op 81 -.1 - R - I" - 71 0 L-1- J A 1 Von e;-; tA L-L.- 00 A It! C-- Its ruw1mussit. v . ~!=)(H= outuntasy), -ViAng the pmvku4y tocit (C. .4. 37. dw autban studictl tbA PulywAmtkin d Imi PrroP*Vbork WW dcpWted on kimickuhr and ~q Go MWYMS 1. 40 art Zu at TI d"it ed tEKI ol a Th catalpt depasitej tx, -00 90 som 'm NWW, The first 2 ea' ts give 1-1 likht" 'Anow to "Ch Otber In cumpa. towns the .4tits y 1*:wiatnS actkm u( tbot cat=t C41.1 .1, see g fit the type ww cWts. Zo (w [lieu 11 are 1101 see Milt" ci iting The Th-bratins is CAP" of PoLmer tint hiabutyletit but i, Zsp'4V~~ ~~Wuve pr1wipir Of pulywriza. tka cw a 01, ac 1, type u I ht hydnad"te of I he 00. kkb h the cartici it( the ackl prtqx.i - wee 900 4 free set too* I law mulliv to Dori "if Q.- off astiel coil Ov Ot a w- Ran it t I A 4 3 1 V a QTw a a ta N 0 0 99 1 t-2 4L&0 a 0 0 0 oil 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 a -2-1AAA -, -7 - KASANSKY, B. A. "Polymerization of lsobut lene an Hydrosilicate Catalysts". Kwans ,, Be A. and Rosengart., M. I. (P. 308 SO: Journal of General ChwListry (Zhurnal Obshchei KhJjaii) 1943, Volume 3,30 no. 4-5- 00 so 002 Go 0 0 : 13 A, t "90 of -Obs" quismary C AIM 9 "00 0 and 6410011145- A. L. Uhnutan C-Pt "-4 AlMd i V =00 40. lo ch1wide at (7 - . -w . .,R. S. S. ).-*nw addn. tit jwjAjja t2-10' fumbbes In - ). bm 108.4'. oil 1.411t~ M r4 0 . -Inly b1.T -w _.jdtjfiW C, Con, st, obtained- By ydro*mat6. 01 1 .6X d Ch-081 -falyst 4.4-fimethyihex-c is obtained in Ovid, btu 110.0' a V 1 4014 d 0 . . . . AVO. r L. Kuhn ,Dow OLWLVI# I-*- I ZA p~',f W An & Iv two $101gro 9 4 pp It 0 0 U AV 00 AIL, --'T , ,, Is a I Vf* - 0 0 0 0 & 0 6 0 a 0 0 0000 00000 a 0000*000*0::: 00,00*000*000040 6100000 *000*1)00 00 C-0-006 to (lots 0 & offill, -000 10 0, It a i 066009 o0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 04 I ITT I I I 1.141t t t 1#7 is I t 'S A; a M 0 - a WN it a it ad a p it ); A -1 1 -11- W 1 -11-10 1 6 1 1 , - &- - 90 A APT.J.11-poply. -- - , -06 -/7 POLI&IONS, -Ld's A. L. bi.inwis Aml 11 A BOX. dfaj. 1, 1. 1'. R..% 'S , Od a I~ 1. -00 1%5, 77-4(in Rusilian). --Dintrillith it) in All. litilliellinn of P'. black do" not silliorb It at ally pignitimlit rate And lee 00 widn. of IICI does tivat Improve it; a maintwhAt hydrogenation rate was observed In AcOlf. time this r r2 W11 dwinallealtuO. land anall, suslical%ion a,( platin. izA gabo do not abwrb 11; addiv. (A a little 11,11tCla. 00 however. led to throrctical absorption of If. 1 (411 C~). 00 It I&I tal. AcOll, 19. platialt"I C. arad 6 real. 114PIC1, -4n. lee 00 19113 x. Mind.) were treated with 11 liver 45 65 hts. 00 With WICIFIllittirnt 4114,1111. Of 1.5 t. I'lAtillit"I C 411-1 V' ~NI oo jail. IliPtCla, "a.; adiln. of N&Oll land -little. gaveau aid. 59 (X9.5 C. from 3 expels.) whk-h m reilistia. gave III It, ].I. thaaaaaUjakyde"ne. Ill. 119.3". it!" 0.7".19. ft',* 1.42'114. xV-t 1.4313. and 61.4 l. of a mill. (47-6:511.15) of J.3-ift. varthykyriethenteell and J1,3-dimalthytrycloAarryl inflate. b. 173--ZW*- treatment of the mill. with ArCl gave pure eletUtai. haw d:1 IML17o, 01V 1.441 , aV 1.4387. similar hydrogenation of I ilk Etto pve 18.8ee! 1.1-dimethylryi-follexane and 40.11~ 3,3-dimethTicyclobextenall (itiolatni u-s the acrtatv);' hydrogenation In allosAine pvc 10"t, and 40";.. rt~p . while uw of Itoo for solvent gave exclutively the lAtter aut'. i silence. Pyrolysis of 48 If. 3,3-dImcthyk-)chahv%vI awatr lose at 430" bar jassup through a tube parked with glass wa.4 lee, Were d 4,4- "tion without a wAvrnt over fit ack pre 1.1-di. t:0 o methyleyclathexanc. by" 118.8', d:4 0.7810, IeV 1.4.hi:l. C., ld. KilmdAIX30 S L A ACULLUSICKAL tiff*AIWI CLASUPKAtON DING, tanotto -a 41. 0.1 an 01101clatf I od 4- is I U 0 AV to I F r--r-r MI v -TA A a IU 0 a W 1 9 am -J a -li-31 V 00 a *0 it It U a u it 40 :IV , i1A 000 9 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 o1 A, per so*@# #0#9 to. It! s o 0 0 0 0 10A A A - L_J &_JL_A_J" A hF4 1 t V U, t 11 AIM Q a v4F__ 4taa at f ;-a A J -__JL 41'0A -00 Alck"odt DniltrlaWdl Pofty. a. '-OG t*,W..A AW. V4aAk S.S.S.R. 16. No. 2. IV : A Fr%iCW Cal P.'s work jai togsitic chemistry. U. S. go so a* Vale 0 r e : *g I 'Jav 1*41-V .)~-SiT-cw 11 T_j _pW 0 a 'jj7 -i;--i It n at ;l*** 0 0 a 0 gage* 4'0 0 0 as 0 0a 0 a 0 a a a ,"1 17 / - /'/ ? ' /I /7ZP/" 5, ~ ) n-, "Catalytic Eydrcgenat ion of a-Nitronanhthtlere 11 by B A and '". S. Fro,-yElcv 11 . . . I . (P. F15) SC : Journal of kG(Ineral Ohe,-'n (Zhurnp.1 Cbshchel hhl- i i Ic4i~, Vc-lvne 16, No. 6 - --- -- -- - - - - MiLLU goo il, I it lie he I A -I- 'it f A. -~,W bydrossnatints till cydopentane aydrowamr-ti, 1-- 1 o: lWarbsitissains. V1, -1111411 in Olit A earbea. U_A. Well T. r-8-02.1"64 (kg. Cliem-'Acad. Ad o0 IL, Missross). Boll il Sti. ft-R.S.S., C-ios"S 1:1) Under the salor cundsli,ass. CJ1,1 hufinx IN, changr C 1947, 26%-W(in RuisLLn); Cf. C.A. 29, 79&)'; 3A I'm the same catal 1. 44) For purlalars 01 Ln&lys3% ~q 00 in 'OW; $7. 3MV.--M The calal)-st (40 ml.). having it~ lats.offendc.1 ,!s V""'allifille "d SJIL Voj~ &MVity thars"Clierd by Complete hydrognoatioxi 61 err drill.; select I IN10intl - I M) X7, 7.3 40, A7.43, V Calls at a BPS" VeWtr 0 of 0.3 and 110% dehydrogsintion 11-1-94f'r. MIr 1.401h. 1.31134. 1,3w, I .11,-.a, I *% %4, 'M aric the same it, was "ve to tbc Is' 0-7-U3, 07117. 0-6017. 11-0712. i1"14; aniline of Cyclubletatie at , 0: hydrog"tatkni of cyrioliestane (1) only when virgin; I%Aut 21.7. 31.3, 40.1. &1,o. 63.31. jr1l. ny*vgft&. 00 06 loader these conditims. at 3*Zbl And p - 0. 1. the initial Unit ad =tgwr I 001AL! the Watinco of platis,189,11 '40 44 1 am oxhla. 111. A. ko-&uskil o: Alrol 181~ Call'i/fir.) loul fill insitisequeM runio, tftcrb?pugv~ isuben 00 Activity 44 About I I V.11., hr. &fire aliout v his. and Z. A. Ituoillamseva. lbki lKI-M. (1) With [a uld, of a plolinit"i C catalyst 14, InlUrtd 'Alth lie stalyals Previously traird' Ith C.11. or with cyckohrien, Up 10 310% hAVIIIS oil AMMY C1111MCkill" by Wj were truseuve to the llydruCtoationof I at *W tuods ~ 0.1. hydrogenafion of Calls al 130' &nil p - 0.2-1 and 1,y 43~i 3 (2) 71w catalyzate obtaintA at ZAV (in several runt of - U. 4. the bydrogroation all cycloWntatir at 27V I -b- 2 ties. each) was fruclitmated Into b~ 3&9. WAQ. CaWytate obtained in loyditWivation ~(Orurthylcyclo 19'. and rraidue. in the iami# PI ,h 6.3 10 6 and 3t%. facutaxat (U) at 2W. V - 0.11%. Vuliluing gas 2 1 hr maxis It the lSt and t1st 3ed 1116471141111 Were lvw~ In ;;;~Slst of Pure contained 40-lil", I~r.ffiu laWlim-Aillaina of allok:iI 2: Call.,andl.resp. The Sa-t was III, 9711141*j, said. We"' carbon* 3-2%; hence. cracking products are practically site 11 jo; WS CatAlyzate WNA tractimated Isito b"a 1. rates olemottion 1. at a nit rate 0.6. 60.&-W.5. (10.5-2.8. R2.8-4.0. -C,12. 1.1111st..Ou %equiv.tol /hr..&I228,23-,, 70.9. 704-1.8. 71.5-1.7.5% in the anits. 1.13. 17.M. ; : Ira" p It. 0.34, OW -.77. and 2.(Fj 13.07. 3.37, 3.40. 12-96,3.39. 3ZA7%; maidue anti lotats reV.., al 2W. the yield of C&lfjj was practicall ; lejoendr"I of the rule of frefing (2 24-7.1111g~jhr.), 'tin. 2..W'" ; fractions 1-4 were alolost lW% paraffms, (rac- J ' At 2"N" lion; y and 8 atillost oil 11, flActiou 54votalized atiallut lu'l, a "Ith I led at 2.24, 5 Ill. I-AW, 6.10 ii.illo.. the yields of itaraffins. fraCtion 0. 15"iL. The caialyzate obtained at 110 o CJI. seem 2-M. 3..-,. 3.01. 3.1ki. 3.11 g./br.. i.e., a rate M"* was flactionAtell into h1j.-t M-0-9.5. WAIA of 2 g,Aw. is insuffiricni for full utilization of all the "ve ecritess of the catat rst; at 21,ki% R.b P. W.3-2.4. (U.0 Nit. in the &mi& 8 1. lilar., 4.70, 49.74, 16.76, 5.711, H.WS1j; reeklue and knars I Ibe y*kl of C.1fol max al-tut 7 S. 'hr ~ The a 3-Mle; the 1*1 fiact,%uss cmaisli a1mc-t vitiurly Ilratinim7f'r 4.1 like i4 al"ll :I,% r11A;7!lW&4CC. Ago .0 7` 1-4 n I u n 0 It is n, it 09 Ill a it It It aft It a 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 :10 : 0* 00 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 : :1* Q 0 0 L_ 0 0 & 6 ig 0 it Goo 0 jatodma. Itis, tiltit- it AtIll "I "IVU111% AbUtit (04 parathns'. l diturthIliornialto aiul 1, With the Wire 1wraortunatins thus, The 1,~U calslyi4le cutilains M% parArbas of which UA) W, .j ut the 1144-liusil. Thus. flic JIL411 11-Action too - 00 6 fwi, 3-rulittoylpeutane 200W, htxano ' ' ot the 3.4- tor tbir 4,3 toorni, Tbr gas mots in song o1wroinj 12 r. I he gas evolved at :it$ was if, W.V. cit. . '1011m oto of USA% I jort'l 1 4" imIll, l 00 1.2. Lis 04.. N. 1.4"'. 1 he tAinlyfate ablairsed &1 317- ' * 1 CfArkula is t~', 1.3 00 3A) cuumsint Lai the syrooirr of 7.%-77 ,, jostaff"Is but , (11). of 303'. vX4. fair S.%r A ",to. M 90 the twon"111 oxitcat stiAto"i 1410,V In individual expla. W', thAtAIRS.I.OV; 'Ill, Cit.. .1 ~.-;A% ."I I.t, *0 90 1 be cuerrsposidaig fract-us of she ;MI. 3LK". and 317- . . * (1.2. the Mt&1YSA1C CloutAlntq only PAIA(hus. ]hr *0 j0 catiolyzates were united it refractionated 0" X119 quid obtained at 305* Was Itactionated under 7511 mut, h 00 b- 62." 31 os-:W', 1. 1.- zv-&-9.8, 6110- ; 7 into b. 71-f!i W.U* t ltl.Fi). ?%Lu sl v ('3-u- ). slit ' go 2.78 (13. ,61, 6w W.5-4.oo j 13, ~21. b,"., (4-40). ' 9.2* (12.5%). 99.2 91.7 reidue OV.). 00 I... I 6K~X .1.4 i I IAN. bvm 0 71.4-11 (7.62). tvaititic . g by tint it.. wvttactkxt. and 4knilinc poont, the ist 09 by the plovs volots.. I he P4144111 vitiolist of 2- - 7 j to raction cunsists altmost entirely of piuathits. the 2nd wul 00 09 i metbytpentant d ,j, Z1%. ticzatte * ' ' 3rd entirely. the 4th approx. 411 c; 9,4 -thuseth) lt~utoir of 11 ,j. Tbc tv*lur vivniAturd 2 v Cj1j& tOLO&~ O of tht piedowittattit in the 1-t and 2-1 6owt,- at"i cs~-'-tut,s 00 total catitly"te). fly the Hattian 4xvits. the COM1111. about Ml,'o at the 3rd. the lot (14111041 LtHloosins A MUA11 00 00 is 72, 2), and M;. and the coorents of the sep. (evictions 7 litut. of Cit Is. the residue about 171 ~v 111k.%Ir 0 r; A t hv 0 2. 3. 4. 6 + 6. and .: 2-awthylpentione. IOU, 01). X1, 0. -tutalcuLtilyzate). 11yRantAn but I'llotunn-toy. over SO, 00 noidti7e; 3-morthy Iperolane. 0, 441. 77. 0. and 01,-v, btsome, of the tuilLw tit Nd, and 31d flowlioll AIT 00 1*0 U. '), U. 30, and wi'i ; 11. U, 1.1, 0, -'(1, land V()%, (.1) . 1watAue. not Over 10~~ 2.11lethyllwk.11C. ~,A 11"I -v, I tit', 00 With a M catallyst oti AIP., c1sawterised by 100% 3-methyffiesione: the 4th frw:tion ct.rosso. 4 about 50' f 00 , !!Tdroartuiliou of Cello at 160" and v - 0.19 WO by . Iunreacted 11. 2517s, 2-inctloy1hexanc, And L.Y.t 3-ttic1b)1 90 dithydrojettation of cyckh4toone to C411# It 290' and s hexane. king olkenting evidnitly takes pL"%- at the *0 0.19. U undergoes much cracking. At M . the biond. (3) At 2M'. undrt idenui-Al coudjuou,, tht I** gaintan products curialituic 40: of the 11 intmduced. At Stlil% v - 0. 16 Or anit. of h cracitted dropped from ratio of the nos. of utoles; oti CyCk4brittAIM. 1,%, 1.- t 1 d 11 d i I h 00 . n opene r. are approx. ane, , an -pen 00 40.6 to IL3.071, in 4 consecutive runs. decreasing with 0.2:0.1. Thus. disubstituted cycluprutAtt" arc otwoed 09 "' " progressing so togotthecAtolyst, Typicalcompts.of T more Slowly than the mottusubstitut.rd tmuipil.. and 11 00 0 67 the C": I . paraffin hyAriscarboots; 32.5%. TIte I ' reacts moire slowly than I owing to the presvice of 4 -14. 00 collected Catalyzate. no, I-AISO (increasing front sive" bonds (1-2, 2-3. 3-4. 1-5) as ationst Mir 3 tit I to IMIN in 4 consecutive runs), Q* 0.70M. aniline point (1-2, U-3. 1-3). Ix. Hydrogenation of 1.1-dunethyl. 00 414.7% was fractkounini into bo, 27.4-4W.3' c ycloopiniftne ovour platinim rd cat bon INJ 4"1 %U 0; 90 (37-VU), troodur J OU'~, lotioce by the I I-Ditutthylcycloistaimic tilli -Aas vymbr-Aard w%%1% ' phys. tvntotx~. it contains possiffusa; the residue actoo- higher yield than could Ise ototwuni by tuvtl"~I. a 00 Wots C4H*. At 2MO. v m 0.15, cracking att&intd 60%j I -hiLhertociescribed: 83g.5,5-diiiicthvl-1.3-cyclul)entatir- 00 IV a( the caloslyzate IM40. (3) With the oative Ni dione (IV). in HXX) ml. 95"t. Hoff. %as hydrogruAlrd costalyst. 3-cowthylpentaile at 203% v - 0.13, ve 42% M in the presence of 17 g. Raney Ni, undi r au itistiAl pit-oic 00 catalysiole. his, 24.0-02 W. 0.* 1.37,83. df.* 0.667 , aniline 7. 6 1'. the I&S WAS Its 417.9. said. hydrxtearbous. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -*1 '0 0 It 4 f 1 0 1 * It i VIM I To 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 . . f U I is . s . 1 4-A r . . I , j " .1 A.,? jIlk-M till I " is a ALJM-Z, re 00 0 75- I 5M 1 76 a In I $1A. UAI I P) In - Tr; U ' ' 00 A the Pressure row up to 140 ; from lbo . it Ivil 1- /ol; tons, the tolal paraftins obtained consist oI &1=1 - rapidly down to lo-Watti. After ctioUng. the Ili pre Buie 77% 2.2- and albout 231~ a.311111lithylpentgn, :rIW 4Was Again increased to 7(l-W atin. and the autisclave % as catalveate obtained at ZC-aw-, vu;j. tAte u LI "llalivint go heated stpin to IIW (of a total (~ 8 lus. after which Ito . , a )out Pit";, it %4s fravI14-1141"t (unilet 743 3 go go Kim If. w" absAxtbed. Distu. of the product v &I- 33j. (04-Mrof the theo-y) 1,11-dinitthyl-3 "- T.I jk in.) Into It, 77-2 8.11* ~37,4`j 6 2";" 1L.-Cs he I., ('action is ain a This was allowed to drup into IOU oil. IIN (d. 1.41, X ( " . , g almost all 2,11-dinicillylpentant, the 2nd fraction contains so MI. 13.0. and U *2 a* MIN% at 53-W ; the mixt. was then he led until s ti l ti a f N id 75-"D% luirlIffini Which. by kAntAw photwiletry, cau~i.t Of I l I i a on en a evo on o u us ea. ~ and evapd to a sirup whi:~h an coolins ave a cr it ni sa UW Y equA iuxits. of 2.2. and 3.3-dimethwl- pentane (38%) th W ,I . . s g . 7 e to ; jW.Poctions of 2,2. and j. I 00 d 1 i j the Mist. Of 0.4 - And $.A -4firtiethyladiplic acids (recrybid. O, f If d hi d 11 SO h d i isomers are thus vrty neatly the witit: (74 &nil !N;',. rnp ) 4 row an e over eate w l .) was , th 2%, 2*)-W* Th(Oll) t f ZW W h id 97 6 Unt.,00". rile liAlAncr W tilt LIld limetions t"Oalld;kl' j" 0 : o ront t . . e ac ; s. ji. g. of a mixt. of 2 2- and 3 3-41imetkylcyclo lcutationce was at U), anti 31lu", rr4p.) is untractcd 111 (31 The rate I-( Zoe 0 0 . , .i obtained. with a ricid or 69% Bitter militu. at 145-8* III is very neatly the %ame as that Ili Ill hyttrogroatj, 4), ee (743 Mo.). The ketunts, actit converted into U.1 g. motlusul)stittitcdtiicthylcycltvhciaiiv. Hingopritingtak Zoe . er redista. at 1%4)* at (yield. 77.6~~ art ad. - place exclusively at the 2.3-, 3.4-, an(l 4,5-tionds, I the extent of 24-1" And 36-h'~ res e 0 . he hydramies sefe decunfid. by heatilis , p t d l l i h 1 S 2 d I I Iwith fused KOJI and pi&Uni&vd C- fractionation 0; the Q . an ~ tsie un ergoes a w ng at t e y no nuS opetl , ' bonds in contrast to inethytcycb-lientatic where this ace 0 a 911 ymkI (with respect to b;dw Itli f 7 gj r , type of ring olletittig dorm take ptAce to wine extent ) . ;. lydrogellatiou of Ul Under the Mme conditioas as lichire, with an ellcess of Ili (1,5 1. ' N; Th- e 0 , Wi lie outoplas per hr.). &I lnl . vol. call! 02".30. save a s. catalyzate esid. to ctaltais 60.r~ paraffmal and fractioU&ICA. ' 1 7S2 5 1 . win.. into Li. 2S (W-4 ,0. 792& W.5' (62.174.). irsidur 3.7%, losses 3-717p. Fsom the phyll. (Onsta., the I&I kwilou is entirely 2.2-dimeth I- t th d f 2 i h n aitir; e raction conta pen ns s out 40% tto 0 which Ranum phototnetty shout I 0 "Amaist of approx. l L f 2 2 2 1 ) d 3 3 di I i 4e - &m *. o - ( equa . an met , % . sy ntane a ACIALLUINGIC At LITINAT1011 CLAS%iK&TM t*0 BID., SWSIA.. ItW I*.I.V live cot 1 aw i;%V - - o I I a ?W 0 a 0 4 U SAY10411. note 1001 walls a " ; ~ 0 a 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 41141114111 see 0 0 0! 0* 90 0 0 -9-"' -" 70 -.9-0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 .............. a 1111 Alt _A", J! it* liscellus am 00 Coatact cadolyfic tiansformottlaosus of 1.1-dwaltoyltorcloc #0 bips"s in the pittance of platintled ClUbtle. Ii. A, Rasanslul and A. L. Willman U.S.S.K.. 1 00 4 11 It 0 1~ i -?.16"W). Mail. "dad. s, - U.N I STIa, Sri, thim. 0 RUWAQ.-I" 4varailction with the a ;"in of the list-( ItAnimit of the catalytic AMMUSation 00 00 a,-;! of dimethylbriAllra, in plLfficular of a.i-dirtiethytheisne _ Whitch, lit ;Kr' 3 IV, latinil"I C. rearts in The main + 3110 + to 0 Act ~ I i 1,1111t. failure to detect it,tertnedustr ftvmatiOu of i.1-di 09 1 nicticylCyclo1whalle 0) Ird to theitivratilatiors of thttrans j, jormitlons tit the lattef oil the same cotttalyd'. Its activitj i' . 06 Was characterix"I by W, hydrogrualiurs W Call# at Iii, -sty 0 and a Space vrltw - 6.48. and 87% dtilytifolienation 00 of cyclohexane at Will, I - 0.49, in a vcry slow strem Of Ila, (1) Without camer gas. 24.3 x. I at 300% 111 - 0.10, . 68 s4c., on 75 ml. catalyst, pve 18.6 time of ewlact or WAYEAlt anti 2.5 t. 11 10 4 1.) 949, lit OR. 1. Old 26.2. Ns 3A. th 1.5 C(h The catairzate was frac A&Z titillated Into fill, 110.3-13.1p 3,t, fesidue 12.0A. losses 3.9%. (39.. By nitration. the conteuts of aromatic hydrocarbons in the 3 fractsons and in the residue were 74.3, 70.5. 15. and i.e.. with respect to the catallyulle, 14, 28, 4'. dl 11 and lot' and in % of the theory with respect to the 'i ?I amt. of I 'U"' Ia. 26, If. slid 8 the aromatic bydra i ;.I catboat of the ist 3 fmc~ions is IlhMe (total yield 43ro). Alls-SLA MUtLUSCICA'. LITERATWOF CLAtINFICATION b Ua IV 10 it: 411, All a a It a 9 a a It Iloilo$ 104111 IA 4 A j I Ij 1 0 I. those (A the r cld~~O- -Kn-'F;~T; In tll~ aiiiiiiidt". vatic) orillo:11irts - 5: 1; the tatl,;, t4 . a hA: 1. These is lil- A-C.H.Mr,. 1j) Ili a sir,mix orrani 14 lit, 4 I./hr. (31111' v%virsO IJ ~.!l g. 1. lit ~11W, on Pill fill. calsaffill. title Whose 6 1111%hr., o - 41.05,, - 34 w., 12. catalylate still 2, 1 Ila&, It, W tv 1 -11. 1.3. CII. 5.1,, 1.3. (h 09"i.. Tim rats ate was true, tionated Into bre 91.8-111V NN?0'!)" P. M (51 5") residue 12.2,#, lotwsi 5.7"L. Contents (4 all) Mal'ic'h the teisidue. if.rruc-A bons in the 2 (tactOms and in 02-51 and 314", i.e., with respect in the rAtalyzate, 19. 6. an, 5%. or, in s" CA the thonry with mlwct to the amt. of J! M 6, anti 4%; the h, drocarbon of the two r fractions being PhMe. that cd the residue CallAl", the ratio Is 5.7: 1. i.e., practically the Panic as in The ah. sence of lit. (3) On a catalyst Piv'riously used for hydris 111MAtion of Calls at 351' and tbrn twice Im dehyde,s orcoadon of cyclohessur at XXI"t I 4kt YOU", withoat CAfriCt at a rate of flow of 2.2 mI.P !./15 nil. catalyst. 9 13. ir - W sec.. gave about 40, ( ittonatic hydrtivVirturivit. (4) The ratios of SA anti cl-Colh- ~Ics: M.CJI&l~Ic approx. h: I we ind"nArrit of the aft. aroce or Presence of Its as carrier gas. The final ywid I arrintuatic Ilydrocarbon% is. within the interval studied, - a litstu function of r. being 27. 40, &tilt .10)% at ;;4. 5O.'andflillocc.,rcip. No ring ripeilifir takes place in lhr Qrtion. The rate of the artnuAtization of I i% hAlfav between that Of drhydragenation i( cyr 1-h, and that of aroutatization of Imtruffins on the &Amt VAtalv'st. N. Thrill (OW is I a rw o a -a 03 9 00 1-00 00 00 06 00 goo =09 0 It, "00 -0 0 1 40 1# 700 ; WO o Uo 0 Its 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 M Tm M.M. 0.4 10000 ION, A L &- "A -A A 111 t 2 ti-r-MlILLL 1 -00 A~NI I kp ~~Yjl~o ,t *0 .2 7 go 00 00 -00 0* a -00 ,OIL Catalytic Hydregenstim of Cyclopentam Hydrocarbons e o tio t VIL H d A l CW W *0 r na n b &va^ " y g lz =t= 8 in the rr"guce of rlatl 10 eft i=M- =00 w Nickel on AhmIaL (In Russian.) B. A. C Ramnskil and Z. A. Rurplantserm. BuVelim of the a** so i AMdmy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Section of Chemi- 190 183 l s i 1947 2 as* - . ca c tafts. no. , P. , too it j. 406 no 0 saldfa Kit umv M 0 T a ZA . , I I" An A I I fw 0 a 9 1 9 0 ; a, K Cli tt K KID 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 :10 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ d 94666**0694696009 A ri. A. um/almistry - Ime"mation Woot IOT (ramistry - Hydrocarbons *Catalytlo Hydrogenation of Oyojojxmtanlc Wdro- ewbma When the Cycle Is Interrupted, VIII'" E. A. Zuanvkiy, Z. A. RWantseva, M. I. Batuyeyp lust Org Chem, Acad Sai USSR, 10 pp *Izv A)md Nauk SM, Otd Khlm Nauk" No 5 Discusses bvdrogemtlm of trans 1, 2- an& trwin 1, 3-dinetbyloyolopentans In presence of platinizod oarbca. I& u u it a a v v IN 41 4 -1 41 a AI r Q a 0 Av -'b' , I I a I , ! a 9. A 1_7 c c1 Nmliz sa Tel- Ri ?v; 7E P OM -WIZ I 115 a (q roe j '0 A 21 AN c b A As ago* c; A 'i 4, Its-, Z. S. A 'req Atb.~LA SITALLLOGICA4. LITEIATUtt CLASSIFKATION Wo 0 to $Ift An a 1 IN 8. 1 a a a V KX' VIA Net Nctif to FgKwn 1. %a 0 9 0 0 0 * 9 * 0 0 e ; 9 9 e 00 0 * 9 0 0 ot 00 0 90010 00 0900 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ___ 11 000 0 00 0 000 0 0 OA Whim im so W" InMgkb lUdbakff. R. A. Num. 31C =1-2(1947): Chm. off 008 god 00 U - I - sell . ASS.ILA OTAWONC" UTMTM CLAWNWAIM 41 it J i A X- ~ [I Ii i 'it r I 00*oo::O:Oooooo so zoo 00 0 0 0 * 0 ~ 0 Mm "NOW CAM an off sit 6i o *00096609000*0*99 00009tosesooosewoo 0 v 4-irapo 2 *60 off off use we* us* fee 966 was ties 400. woo 'feel llydrosewitlic of With rim opedo-4" in" the of PIA U. A. Quaskil, A. I.. a A. P. Plate (AcAd: %SZ.R., Mw- slow). Do" AW. Nsxk S.S.S.R. 37. 371-4(1947); CAe". ~.aaiso Z. 1: zealf. I d.) 1%8. U. 1M.-Hydru gestation of cyclolventatic In the piew ce of pUtinisivil C O;t. (c(.C.A.42.4&*W). Noccustals.having yiekled;r ISO a fewer C atoms were obtained. Inthecanotcyclo- propane awl cyclobutaw situd, hydrogenation with ring opening call be attrilluted to inner strains In the ring llowtm. this i.%sumption cAunut be nude in The eAw al rydopmumv. It is .4-Aum"I lb-11 In cyclopent4fir tiler, air. 4 like C --C lxosul,i 4iml a '-Ih wit" is lei. .1.04e *,,,I 1WrAk% 1111,11-1 11W ilitfUlth-e W.41 111.11Cd It A1111111. M. G. T Is lit f file. -k- -Al. 0 11 1 1. 1- a A a -1 1 , I it . 1#!,, 00 OOA -00 1. A. V I*# I A X01M. A Aid. MOM *S 01" 'lb!=b= tol x N-1111 11"N NO-10- d IC K cluding that "Irail t Sli debydratim) wu 00,0,v 00 t jr A &4. MnAi SJ:YJt. i1; Whi I IN .-Ca"n- based on the amid. ir"aw U 73 j. 1. 150 tal. RtOlf, eon i4lemA and 2 mi. II.PtC4 (withAitit funber 0,08 WAG# Ke tb. .1 Mll L.M."V -3 owl" 01 it wriv taken up, yiewns "=411 ND% SOME-21PO .4.5% bmwk Mt~t mixt.. which contaload oveg 50% 00 1111011NA, - of the laomw b Tlx ftaWoe with vtookubande- 04's SM 8% HCJ jpvt dw jeWwksm, in. 182-2.8', the filtmte from to 91 '. bw 78'. *V wk;& ssvp the cyclic mid. x1c., Cdl#.O. bo,. 176.81, IWE -----tsd vadw 40treat m-'aV I.M. d*&* VAM, which on dehydmdon with falle"L I A WS =90 30-1W0; al. atom. 19. = (COX)e Pvt 8 j. unutd. bytbecuboas. bw 121.&-2'. ifad C# Mid I OW. HOPM36 evin. (0.1 a 1. All. 0.79=; mid. Posted with aboklas mad &Me, cl 4 =i. Aide. b. 310*. 7*=tmmt 410 the with 7-4 lift . the illall H tatilemptime was JOA I.; I Cl pvt tlw kttow, C*IW, bw 169.6-73% which IUIISUM*" Aide. vdth 'be Is was doe bollad awdy at 1704-2*, mi: 1.4M. ro 0 IDO pis" Ine all lb:Ofi WA dlad.. flvlait MSMT 'by= it:' OAM, W f, aftch nolsaw matter an dian.; it aWbose. after 611COMWAM &W No. OTU. OwM9 vah. the rielb a Aryolftew, ba 0&1 . 4W. see 11, W . Is, ter In the InAwnce d Al bact1mvers obtalmail bk 110% H 183'. Dwmpo. al the lot a Lid OH awf fee The n"m was Mad. lb. IhA-76') AAAA 36 l. United plaidaind C pva, from 17.6 j.. 11.1 j. mid. bydmwbon i1i Airkh 80 It. (OVI)l 2 In. to 110-39% " 00 OD410' t*Ut-o WWA bWW prindpaUr at IM-18.3% the lower- aW Arritallitian 4 the dtbydmtim tm mi". Wait fim- wid Wsher-balling Wnwi being Wtwat In small amts. Ime* damMad YkW,t U.1 r. waud. b. JXIA- Thm, bydratenatIm In W"Y AMIA: We. pvt $1.779 40 i4al; Ow ovaWmad praftO hvw 2 raw pv* wil. byAbomirba" I (M 9.), IW Aid. HIM, and 7 j. X00 the con wilkh 4a diate. ka No. bw UND-W. *V Rwy 20 by*vgemttd at 100 atm. G (Initlay) 20 bm too 1.406, 4-0.71174; hydi time of" Pladmiald C at at ftm itimp, tbm braqlat tip to 100 We. It spin and too, #Ave tu b~ taiLt. NW& CONAAM Saimly 41 1111MA healind to 80'. give 4.a% laid. bydrumbonAA, b.. 1201, bamw b. 1100. the b. 122' was pw t In ItAsca. nV 1.4216. &W 48 app"Clal Colf"Ol bm it;" Oxil Pa"W Jon. %ydrWa4tional'the kelom in amWracld medium. latterandeby&a. A 71 !3, MV lvl~&) 0-;;- ai'. 6 -i -T-T-T--T- U In AV to At a 419 All A it 2 0 0 0 0 0' *0' 0 0 0 -so 0 0 0 *1: too** 000000060 0060000 00 flan by 76 id. hydramirboa milt R* 00 0 lim lw- save do J WAMk "W. bj*awbms, witb that b. * nj b h d t d 00 00 0 o mm est . l pvd*wAaMWI the tOW 'a y 1 to " It GVAUW MOSM W" WAV Rt- k h 00 t ", qg te $q f th u h so e o m a Imak"Ike 41 tin "NNW pmam's go Oe" MOB 49104b a w-owe wam pys the Pon In Os se Ws" I'mroft - 1103-10.81 felt bm .10 01 T 00 00 , L ~ AM & 0. 00 an wipiwted am only by the plim resp. lb4iff 1 Ila ;Id"' - R b 0 0 - ama sp e nde) but by l PROP" G mamedspoff U : . . . so 00 go 00 so *0 100 00 go 00 go go 00 Go 00 00 go oo go 00 00 *0 00 00 L : 0 0 1 ooftooe**0000000 0000000000**00000,000*00*00 of P 1: I. L i, j i ~Jdlvdvftfidon 4100110911114110 hYdFWAIba" anilin Imtitils, At almor vfl,wols 0 it 4, wial HY6020"11" at 1. litill. 17 S a.. Ow litilt.. 1 1, 4 .1, 4wl with Mt. -Ilm"i is Is troli in -so TI ve. relill "All, 2AII, 4111.1 a.tNI 1. C.11" III.. I~r, has of tic it 3A volume. u_A__K&"uouuu5 d 0 2&V a ioitA I to C 1t of t~ of conver . s p., . . , , o . =r lasirss. Abed. Nootil. S.S.S.R. Er" KAI an, I li l W HO) 968 r r th & of if I . . %v% M S. t rov. rsp.. e . , c . 4(4-11; cf. C.A, 42. 4&W.-Mitits. t4 cyclopentArm (1) 13M, and 11113 toil, 'hr.; the dvI;r" Ill delivilrtwenAliiOn 94 _ 00 a " cwtehellant (Ill in the onalar ruitt. 1:3. 1:1. 5:3. It wall Vnd~r tho sanif "Vild,to-Ift. pure I 41110 3: 1. and 0: 1. all 11 hit b 3: 1 vivit !COW* to the stivicloo. with rx~ Ill aAvr V.11,o 4.22 it hr , -vre-- 1;J ' 00 . "Wine ratio X fill's I Collis - U.1118 .4 Colls. tbv lot it* fl~ I nlliol.. jutsou'l In it Utt"'Ill ,I 1l.. K..v A 411 00 Z .1 loollion 1.1 an ~kvk--. h4l the bill to & jetkAt 011 U. wetv f,/hr.. Lonvvirsion Al N111'. the mixts. 1 :1. Allasiftl to lesict. witilout "priff Ivan Tlix) on plooliward C 314111 1~1 INO , :11) Ill dl: I v rea !1 3 1 00 , ., , 1 : . An . .: s. , . " l C V Pt) at 276 anti 311111". In all mism, part of the I mi. 11frhr., (I m, I.xis, 2 sm, ati,j :tam a. VJI,, la . t~ut- VIVAII ydrolog?"41vil Ito C.11'a by the III evoi%,ed In The Jol- toproolon 37.11. 44.11. 41M.O. and 0.11",: &,~ -J Jehyd- IN ti-A 44 11; the amt. of Collis Itinoved per hr. ornalhort nI 11 neotiv 111111%. MI&I. 0: 1. tit it sirrain -4 0 itstivases with Intirsisw vinat of I in Sh i k k vir . ill n al. uus lill per Celli, 0.114% II.Air., rimvir"hoti .1, V Nor 1. "M made in lutai 44 Ill into. diain. with 40 mi. catalpt in & j,jMm of Ill, pvc., lot the oulat, Coll,, V.65 c./hr.. rvdaml In [is at tip to 3W* tested in the hydrocautinin 01 l OO h h A i S f h i I . L e runs w t rts.. CUVT Chil ter t e m 33. t y 71p; a of CiH# at 150% WIN ml./hy. for 5 hr*., then in tlw de- C.V~lIu/hr. 4s.3%. 'Mis Indicates I hat. in the long run. , loydro"tion of 11 at 275% 3111-12 mi./hr. for 6 hors.. the catAlyst suffee, polaming mith rvsnt to hydrlwoa- lee Ilits flubed with pum No at the terfoop. of the Intended title ej I x1jiteolh its O"livity with T~jw," to &h%Atv- t2P1- 10 WVMlyr tIMC" 1-4 If.; thAt orwh tracts artuatly jenation td it is Fwv~rv-t. N, I h,m remain vidsorbecl, was d"nonstrat"I by Mnyftga of I lato C.". in The vol-vi" of vitenoal tit. alwaing 0.3 a./- hr. at )W'. 8 ml.~hr. Catalytiates (nun mixts. I + U * ' were tra"lonsited ilnt., h. M-40 anti >49 . In Ow lot 1111,01011. Collor W1114i 4IM411 hV tIW fTff4CtITT 111411rit IlkI tilt, 1 0 'U o *1 0 0 0 a fa all 4) as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d WP 11.6 a 0 0 0 411 a o o 0 0 Is 0 !a. KAZANSKIYO B. A. PA 66T24 MR/AcedoW of Salmoss Jon/Val) 1946 "Acadmiolan Aleksandr Itrulningelldoviob Arbuoy," D. A. razanskly, M. I. labaobnik, 6 pp Olz Ak Nauk SMj Mel Ihim Naue No I WItten in bonor of A. Ye. Arbuzov's 70th birthday, with awmary of his solentiflo aotivities to date. Inoludes details of his method of synthesis and other experimental data. B. A A. V. Koperina and M. I. Batnev, Hydration of cyc1cpentane hydrccarbons B. with splitting cf the cycle. XI. Tho hydraticn of stereolsomeric cyclopentanos. P. 503. During hydration of stereoinmeric 1,2.,3-trin-etbyl-eyelopr-.ntanes, there is observed a transition of each re of them Into the mixture of atereoisomers (always with a pro- dom-Inanee of 10j 2 , 30-trimethyleyclopentane) and a partial splitting of the five numbered cycle with formation of 2,3,4-trinethylpentane. Net. of Crganic Chemistry of the Acad. of Sci. USSR December 25, 1947 SO., Bulletin of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (Chemistry Series) Izvestia Akad. Nauk, S.S.S.R., No. 5, 1948. ji B'~ A I *D 11 U L) td 11 it If- Ik L .1 14 11 IL a 00 A 00 00 A so PA 11 32 11 J4 a is IF is P III ti u a al.'s CAWYtk Hydm=Om of Hidmearbom I ib. cy,j. MV9. (In Rus. Man.) B. A. Kaju ImIj (Progress ChenistrY).-tk-17,- Nov.-Dec. 1 948. P. 641-662. go R"Ic"N "'Iflung forvin and URSR rt3plkreh data COneerning the above. JWullgritirg of the proc to :nd optimurn condition& are Indirs rd~ 1) uIrranIs t lid tables. 48 re(. 0 0 a 4%. 1 L A atTALLUKKAL UYINATURR CLASWIMIGN mi;'ill ms ~v All o.T as r hdo fill 94 9 a 4 3 a v u 0 a '0 u! I; It a am n 8 M dw !0T64 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 lee -00 -00 too =0 0. 1:11110 coo 0 as soo Leo bee f I - - ---- -;Z~U=/Chaastry - 2hraff ins, Arcuatizatica of Jul 48 Chemistry - AromatizatIon "Cyclizationof Paraffin Hydrocarbons With a Quaternam Atom of Carbon and tha YAcbanism of the Aromatization of Paraffins on PlatIn-zed Carbons," Aead B. A. Kazanskly, A. L. Liberz=, M. 1. Batuyev, 3f PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSM" Vol LXI, No 1 Authors 1. previous experimenta unsuccessful. Here the.7 describe cmccez-aft! arczatizatim of 3, 3-dimaUWlhaxane at lower teeMeratures (2900 and 3000 instead Of 3060 3460). 1,1-dixothylcyclohoxwo was present in the reaction -products, as wall as toluene and metaxylme. This shavs that the sequence of operations is . UM/Chamietry - Paraffins, Armatization of Jul 48 (Contd) paraffin -+ cyclohexane --) arcwatic. SubmItted 3 May 19W. -1W I 8A9T9 i Ow UM/Oheaiattry - Cyolopentrtne. 'H:Ydrogens- Say 48 tion of Chemistry - Catalysts, Palladium '*Me Hydrog,=aticn at' C7clopentane With Nickel and Paladium Acad B. A. Kazanskiy, T. F. ZU11M07a, 1. pp "Dok Ak Haut SSW' Vol LXII, No 1 Discusses &Ifferences in action of platinized carbon and nickel ns catalysts for hydrogenation, based on previously ~_-Ptablished data. Experiments on bydro- geration of cyclopentane over ninkel cm kieselguhr Acid over palladium, and on destructive hydrogenation 35A9rll USSR/Ohemist_ry - Cyclopentane, Rydrogerz- Sep 48 tion of (Contd.) of, ncrmal peentane over nickel on kieseIguhr, led autb~zrs to conclude that platinized carbon. exerts a specific action in the sense that hydrogen is added OWy to two neighboring carbon atoms, whereupon orpl-Itting ce-curs without any side reactions. Sub- mitted 6 zTol. 48. C4- 35A9Tll' MANSTY, B. A,, Acad kA 36/49T13 USSR/CiIIISIRistrY - CYcIO"ntane, DerIvativeg sop 48 Chemistry - BIcycIo-(I.,2,2,)-I[eptane "Structure of Bicyclo-(l,2,2)-Heptene," Acad B. A. Kazanskiy, A. V. Koperina, M. I. Betuyev, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR " Vol LUI, No Discussion of experlment~il data on conversions U1 bicyclo-(1,2,2)-heptane, largely obtained in authors'!' laboratory, points out that it should be considered a cyclopentane derivative and not a cyclohexane vith a methylene bridge connecting carbons 1 and 4. submitted 6 Aug 48. ~A, :. 1~ -1~.tlv-;..-,~",.z:l~:,."~.~,E~~Tr~I KAZANSKIY B. A. and LANSBMG .9 G. S. "Complex Method of Ana3ping the Content of Different Gasolines, 11 Gostopte-khizdat., Moscow, 1949 . A so A 00 00 got -3 I 13 2 * ~ so 0. It so 40 1006~LTZ-nl 4.", -el Zvi ~U- iL AW A Cc so A "00 4 Calalytk by&vgmw*- at -1-. 1 41 and stollocill6ml. the Fl, milur Clatt4hil No- All'I --%)1. fit. Wok fin O"nins. X11, H 4 the fr4c 0MOUnc It, A. 1~4zan if. It. TemVeva, and C7 - I- $1 K k l S k S S S OW) 1 b. 114.11 '32 l u -69 iluey. . mr. no ~ . . A . amo . .X.. - itexlICIlEtt, In the fnwoms 1). 113' Xhim. Nawk 1049, 017. cf. C.A. 43, 1332b.-O) On ` 17.0% 2-1001171hephile was identified by RAmAn litics. 40 rill. 4 a !!%l IV , Pt im C catalyst, character 4 by an 99 12) The main roaction thus ctnoijits in a rupture of the .4,3. - Ilichl rA Colla Ill dthy4raptiation of cy0oloexam at 295 and 4.34lotods. To j lestmer estrur, twincl ~), I it broken. 00 arW ". %-,jocity o.2(), jvVmpyk-)TIopcvUne (1) + Ht. and- t0 In MA lesser ritent. bonds 1.2 and I.S. The -06 PASOVI at A 04MCr Velocity 'If 4) .06-0,21 at =5-. p,, A , Yield of armatk bydrucartirmiN dot. r.,-a t their formatilm in Partivul &I the 2:1 rilti~, t4 J 00 CS121y,,tte I.. I NJ? 1,4131-1.4150. by fractiljnA- tion. ahnut of the CatAlysale b PAraffillS. the IT40 (At . , on. du li It Yt-r, And the l1tAr abwzm of PhMr. are diffi.-ult to v. * met) 3. bytInvarbous 2.0. spacr velocity 0.00) is 11, W.2, sab Wal". (3) The following is a synth,%is E4 l giving Ltlrr - Id h At 3W1. sparv vckxity approx. 11.2. the flo 0,3, No 1. 1 P' t t &n n% thotis Iiervicrululy d vulit"'I' IT"'Illyl- (100 1 di,,g,, d i l A 5~bl I c;=Atl te b. air 1.4105. and CMuunl 4 and the I'l zatell of the 2W d c tAl bi , V~ 9. n an equa . of V111 Ill I, hydrogenat"t trader art inittAIjuxAgurr W 40-W un. m CO a u l, com ne I y -3(1()- mail were fractionated into how., (3-5 the preseace of Raney Nj (Ilr' cf the vit, c4 ful%-r .00 1, an 1.4052. aniline priint 61.4). 113.0-14.0' (4.9, ' 5 s Ivroplmation is ttlaratedft-40 tial" Until no I. 11,is .1, sco'bed, AZXI the sWil. washerf stuken with c(med lj ~y j .0 - I (W.S. LOW. 119.1), 1 5. 4 r". 65.6). 114.0-IS.8 1 5' (4 441m 1 3 (IR 116 5 17 4 mg 0) , . v s, washed avin. dritl. anddi-t& The %-kl,t is tial; if tjjv a* C - . , 1 . . . . . 1. 16.5 . , (5.2. 1.4!1k1, 62.0). theory. N. TtURI oe Bynitra- ,he* I thee ASS-14,11 '011FAMOGICAL LIMAIM CLASWKAIWO 10. 40 to 0 011460 541141100 .10 049 oft 0 . NA&ASIC"ll i i iiw 1! 1 IVA"& I rol 0 1 V 990:;1 0 9 11 9 AD 4 1 it a A A, I OTS so, : 00 00, a" 1* 000 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 99919 0 4 0 of 4011141111 000600 0 0 0~ 009000 0 0 0 0910 00 00* *JLjA-v-qLA'P-O 0 00 00 0 00 0 000 ti C W 11 b t %tl6n 4~j hydtoC&rhbnj of ~y:loptntaas "A"Tr , v,3 T-,ny Kiffelik if i4xa .11,:d. 01111-r. '-doprntan.: ovcr rt-C cvcn at 290, ~lejds only plite u. I'mmm. The appartnt entrgy of virlivatinn tf the re,wc- Oni, u-, tntfl. Krijphically fmin the kint-tic data, 1, 33AX) val./mOIC.. The fing vlfavag~ h appm-6ibie Cvc'i t!t 'DW. 1~1 awl Vr 11crim itt XW)jefil it Coinplex 1111"t. o1 vtodmts, Wid ntily mn?[~. of n-alk.-mes are forintd. IMethxi- r%-clopr-ntane rave-12% n-~exane. W"O -2-nirtlylventalle band 221~,'Q .1-mvillOpentane in a maction run avir Pt-C at 3ky),; at 22CA', tfiIN Cleavage atrolintetj to mily 0%. I't- Diwth)-IC~-ClOpentAnC g-.I,,e similarly 75% -P,2d;n7cth3l- rniane, 257c 3,3-Jimcibylpentant and tracts of 2-indbyl- Cune. Ira Fos- 1,2-Ditnet hyleyclopen tane sinfliarly gave 85% 2,3-dimethy nfinse, sme 3-methylpmtare, umt n- liepta ne (total. 16191 ~~Q)j Ira ni-1,3-dimethylcycloper tane gavt a mtalyr-11te containing &5% paraffinic hYtimcartonq, com of W111, ".4-dimethylbexmne. 2R7p 2-nmthj1h,-xnue -1111d 2,1% 3-methy1hexane. The telative rates Df hvilro- Senathist wrre fvnind to be-. cyclopentane I 1.5t nit thylcydo- ;ientanc 7. 1,1-diniellivicyclopeutane 7.5, 1,2dimethyl- cyclopentalle 2, 1 .:Wilnethy1cyclopentant 1. G. N1. "A Coowlex Method of Detailed Investigation of the Individual. Composition of Gasoline" (Kcnple-ksnyy Metod Detalisirovannogo Iseledovanira Individuallnogo Sostava Benzinov)o G. S. land:bergt B# 46 Uz&nqk1X,, P. A. Bazhulinj H. I., Batuyev, A. L. Liberman, A. S. Flat , and U. A. Taresova, odited by V. S. Fedorovp Gostoptekhizdat, Moscow/ LeningrRd. 1949,. 68 pages, 3 rubles. Subject nethod is based on spectral analysis. SO% UsDekhi Khimii, Vol 18, A, 1949; Vol 19., #1, 1950 (W-10083) A.--Aced PA 27/4M1 USSR/chemistry - cyclopentanes Fab 49 Chemistry - Synthesis "Several Mono-Derivative Homologue of Cyclo- pentane With a Branched Side Chain," Acad B. A. Mzanskiy, F. N. Gakhanov, 4 pp 'Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol. IXIV,.No 4 Describes method of obtaining, and characteristics of two nev hydrooarbons of cyclopentane aeries: 2-methyl-3-cyclopentylbutane and 4-oyolopentyl- heptane, synthesized from the corresponding fulve- nee by catalytic hydrogenation. SubaLtted 9 Dec 48. T 27/49T1I USM/Cbemmistry. - Cyclobutam Apr 4.9 ChemIstry - Syntheels "STnthesis of Hydrocarbons'of the Cyclobutane Series," Acal B. A. Kazanskiy, M. Tu. TAkina, 4 13P "Dok Ak Nauk SSO ' Vol LIV, Io 5 Synthesized 43-dimethYlcyclobutane and I-methyl- 3-athYleyelobutane, ewh in form of two stereol- scmers. From by-products of their synthesis, dl- (3-methYlayclobutyll-~nethane vas obtained, not d-l-risible into stereoisomers. Describes s7nthesis of these hydrocarbons and their character istics. 'hmt does not discuss zothod of obtaining 'IM- 39/4m..- USSR/Chemistry (Cont&) Ajr 49 them or characteristics of intermediate 1products. sutmitte& 21 Feb 49. KkZANSKlyt B.A. Chemical. Abst. chmmatogtotphl" method of sepamoiino(hr d,, n A It gA."Kjj'nisK~if, Vol. 48 No. 6 1"W (hapliva Mor IC minalq.. Mad. N,,.4 S. Kbim. - 25p 1954 Nauli` 195D. W-7l(Pub. 1952)~-A fletalled acenunt. is General and Physical Chemistry LI~Nten of expti. v-pri. of hydrucarbov ntixtg. on SiO, gel. %it. 'if aromatics and unsutd. liptrocarbotm Irvin paraffins is completely pnictirable. as Is the -,~pn. fn,ni The inethod is pirtimiarly suitt4i for pri,11n. of pire sIA-ri- inens of paraffin and w-iplillmne whichjine completel-,- wpd. unt onlY froin tile olfrin frae- ficuo, but also froul voutpds., M ridifv% N11 h. 00,16(tr%. suid nles. OzU&dm of 1-mathyltyclabousiont. 3yathes" W I A. Xat."I, A. V. A-minfitur *air Unly.. Orn, Client.) 20, one with= a. It kd. 141tut, I I.O.And It 2 Z. N1 I. !,,v %Jovr add.. uf lite ketme to lite %4,,. at kimal irt"In. pyr Kit' total iscids. A anutl 1. 111 (041111. Atilt 14 I-Osaffil wki'. lite 141tre 411013- its 78-5. allijulAit, %visit 41 Ot 11114 ItAl"111. Uve b)" YuJr Jismilitij I.I. IM 4b', whil-ij, lintint with Me si 11AVI ewe") ana dbid. uver (CtSll)t to Italmr, jAvr Pit ~ 2 mixed olefine. yWdins cc o"Id fructimmatioss In 1.4: 1.0 rutia .1,4-diwelk )eprwese bits 92.7". 111, 0.-7,15. ,=led :Y;cr Pt-C at W' to the Jamij. 1.4287 (rmdiiy I. dt,tiv., tbw U0.0". %V 1.4(VG. till 0.7452). anti 1.:4imlefb,4 t in hilvalrat. tft 104 4 -A", Islit 1.4444, d:" 41-MU (sinsilaily 6y'drijewled to 0% dd-ul vail't. tj ifdxl ~ 41 j'Offl. It 44 I'l. dlivffsh~kjaloftmmmo. th't W.5 6.0". Nit' 1410,1, 111*11.ViiIII). A sinutair tvaction vrith 110,11tUr me, utillin dchydrAti,le v distil. urctr Iodine, Larstily 1-wel 1.4 VIS. ill" 0. M 1. and a iini~Allanit. at tic LI-Isomirp. I'm 148 V, ar 1 441l1. d!- It-RWQ; Imirosen &IIIIIII t1f lite ItI118firt JAVC lint 147-7.8*, xj? 1.42U. d:- OM 15, bm 144.21- 01-4 . (". Ill. K(-4Avwff The oln"Don of i-mothylcyclobewarace. The synthesis of 1-methyl-3-propylcYrJapentane. It. 1% K.kt4pi)kaj -A V, K111wrina. anti 0. A. 7xindiorA. J. CiW. tlem. 17-6.R 20. 12,17-ttN l1l,**)XHnxl. twa%lAtion) --Soc C..J. 45,