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/rR / 51- /1 /VO V BULGARIA/Cultivated Plants - Grains. 14-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., ITO 7, 1958, 2974o Author : Katsarov, K., Petrov, Yes Inst : Title : Introducing Correct Crop Rotations to Rice Cultures. Crig Pub : Selskostop4 mis"I) 3,07, 2, No 4, 204-210 (bolg.). Abstract : The area taken up by rice cultures in Bulgaria in 1956 amounted to 12,042 ha.; the crop totalled 30-40 cent- ners per ha. of unscoured rice. The rice cultures my be extended and the crop increased by turning toward correct crop rotations with rice. A description of suggested crop rotations is given. Card 1/1 DZIIID?IIKV, Tordrim, lrjzh.; FAVAFW) Flirinto, -izh. Influence of the 3peed of cooling (jyj the struloture and m6A&nical propertIG3 of austanite high-mngmiese bteol. Tekhril.ka Balg 13 rjo.5t5-9 t(,"+ KATSAROVp P. OElectricity in agriculture in Austria" Blektroenergiia. Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), W, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas -IKATSAROVO P.,, inzh; DVLKOV., -Iv.., inzh.; BRIMITSKI, N., inn.; FOPOV, K., inzh. Main trends in the development of Ikagarian electric power system. Elektroenergiia 2,4 no.8:4-10 Ag 163. K.ATSAROV, Y. . - i, On the Path of Generalize Hygiene at Industrial Enterprises to Gain Higher o,, Pr ductivity of Labor. In the Bulgarlan Heavy Irulustry,, 4151:April 55 YATSARPT, IA- l'inpy, P., M,~q,,-rnv- IA In3enanation of sheep. p.22. On liveztock - P- ?3 YOOFEMAWTINO M, . So r - -iy,,. 'In.]. 10, no. 7, J,31~-,- !-~5'1' SO: ":ortbly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol 4, no. 10, Oct- 1955, Uncl. BULGARIA Parm Animals. Small Forned Stock Q-3 -.Abs,Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.,, No 3, 1958, 12o96 Author Minev P., Katsarov Ya. Inst Title Our Fine-Wool Sheep Breeding (Nashe tonicorunnoye ovtsevodstvo), Orig Pub: Kooperat. zemledeliye, 1957, No 4, 28-29 Abstract: As a result of the crossbreeding fine-wool native sheep with semi-fine-wool sheep, the number of fine-wool animals increased to 185,000 and that of semi-fine-wool ones to 1,000,000. The native sheep were crossed with rams of the Merino-Meat breed, and the crossbreeds of the Ist generation, and partly of the 2nd one, were crossed with rams of the Caucasian fine-wool breed. Double crossbreeds were crossed with rams of the third breed. The Card 1/2 BULGARTA / Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock Q-3 ..A~s,.Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12096 Abstract: triple crossbreed sheep attained a wei ht Of 83.6 kg., shearing yield average - 9.1 kg . tmaximum - 12.5 kg.), wool wuality 60-64 and length 8.7 cm. (maximum - 10 cm.). Detailed data on the product- ivity of the crossbreed sheep in various farms and areas are provided. The problem of the milking of sheep is also discussed, inasmuch as sheep milk has great importance in the country. The Me-rino- meat breed rams considerably improve the exterior of the crossbreeds, increase their live weight, wool yield and fertility, and the Caucasian rams create a desirable type of fine-wool sheep. Card 2/2 22 r s' AA R, BULGARIA/ Analytical Chemistry. AnalYSill of Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 27185. Author p. Braykova, M. Katsarova. in Raw Materials Title Photometric Determination of Iron Used in Glass and Ceramic Industries. Orig pub: Leka promishlennost, 1956, 5, No. 9, 36 - 38- Abstract: If the thlocyanide method is used for the deter- mination of Fe, the results are too low; it is recommended to use the sulfosalicylic acid method. The weighed sample of 0.4 to 0.5 g of the analyzed material is treated with 14F and HPso,~ while being heated until sio,~_and So vapors are eliminated, the residue is fused WiN 1 to 1.5 of KHSO-4, the fuse is dissolved in warm water acidified with HNO.3 (1 : 50); R,~_Os is precipitated from the card 112 BULGARIA/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 27185. produced solution using N, OH. The precipitate is washed with a 3%-ual solution of NH4,,.NO,, dis- solved in 5 ml of HNO.3 (I : 1) and dilutea to 100 ml (if a high exactitude was not required, tl-.e solution of fuse produced by fusion with KHSO,,,,may be used for the following determination of Fe). An aliquot portion of the solution con- taining o.ol to I mg of Fe is mixed with 25 ml of 10%-ual solution of sulfosalicylic acid, with 25,/Io-ual solution of NH OH until the color becomes yellow, and 5 ml of concentrated N!!~OH, diluted to 100 ml and photometered with a lue light filter. Card 2A KATSAROVA-YARANOVA P. A spatial induction of involutions in space. Insh stroit inst 16 no.1:111-122 164. Godishnik KATSARSKI, Iv.; DICHEV, P.; POSTNIKOVA (translator]; GANGHEV, G. Comparing the accuracy of stereophotograminetrie methods applied in the drawing out of the maps of Bulgaria on the scale 1:5000. Izv.geod BAN no.4:131-139 163. f7 3oil Sciencol. J.,ineral Portilizera. 5.") 4 12 .Uthnr Lithuanian Sci. Res. Inst. for Agricultuze L U Certain Methods for Oo--rect and Rational limine in the Lithuanian SSR )ris. r,~fn.:Tr. Lit. n.-i. in-tv 1957, 3, 81-118 Lbstrn,ct :Based on a slirvey of -all available natorial on soil lizaing in the Lithuuniiin MR, it is recon- m,endecl thtit linc- f~.,rtilizL;r3 bc anDlied to sand and loam soils at the rate of 0.5 wid two clay ct the .-ate of 0.75 of the normal doso aa deter- 2-ijjt,,d, by hyd-rolytic acidity. 30ils, with4)/4 V t1i;--r d in-the-given-eyclot n-io-A~ ro creased from 10 to .30 cm flutter increases smoothly from 0*2,to 0*45- The emplitudes of the first and second haMDniCS of tho field., characterizing the asymmetrr of the rapetic field, are approxi=Wv one order smaller than the amplituden that If cause radial instability. The equations of motion were integrated on a computerp 'tdth the measured filed oi the cyclotron given in the form of tables. This provided complete data on tho behavior of particles and orbliAl parameters in a real field. During the imrk, equili:bri= Grbits were constructed for various cmergies~ tnd the mean magnetic field along the equilibrium orbits was calculated. There is m insinificant difference between the field obtained and an iso- chronic field, and the phase shift during acceleration from 40 to 3x ke- is 6 deg as the energy increases by 10 kev per revolution. The orbitaa properties ;.re especially evident on the so-called phase ellipses, which close after N .1 and Q, by tho relations revolutionsj N is related to the betatron frequenc5as Qr Nr = (Q, - 1)-I and N By constructine ellipses fo-r various energies and for different beta- tron amplitudes :It was possible to establish that-the maxii= permissible amplitude of raditl oscillations, 'which is 3 = for 50 kov, increases mrith :Lneressing enerEy to ~-6 for energies abova 100 kov- The betatron Ctird 2/3 MOR IMMOR RPM~3 ACC NRs AP6017684 frequencies calculated on the computer from the phase ellipses indicate that focussing is adequate over thD e4ira range -of energies. Machine tomputed betatrai frequeftcies were compared with frequencies calculated for assumed circullar obits. This comparison revealed that fre- quencies calculated by 'Ismooth approximation" forrzalas, by formulas usine lina-monic field anaLysis, and formiilas derived for an aasumod oterwise ftald~ Wiffor frcm, tho computor rosults by 5 to 7%. Analysis of the magnotic field indicates that the cyolotron design tdth spl-it magnots easily producv3-an isochronia field with very deep azimuthal variation,, providing good focussing for all orbits* Drig. art. haas: 1 formula. [JPRSJ SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 29May65 ACC NR1 AP7000797 Solic-11; 6&b'E_: AMMOR: Katcaurov, L. N. Kuznetsov, A. N. ORG: TITLE: Concerning the question of the drop of the neutron yield ilz targets SOMCE: Atomnaya energiya,. v. 21, no. 5, 1966, 3A:-392 TOPIC TAGS: triton bombardment, neutron reaction, deuteron interaction, i_.,yzical dif-! fusion i ABSTRACT: The authors show that the observed drop in the yield of neutron.- ir the D T reaction reported in varions investigations, can be only partially atiributed to the energy loss in the carbon film produced by this reaction, but can be ",_'lly ex- plained by means of the diffusion mechanism. In this mechanism the dcutcr]um ions fallinm on the solid -tritium target produce a concentration gradient which Gives rise to diffusion of the hydrogen dissolved in the zirconium or titanium. Vaie:. the anount of deuterium accumulated is sufficient to make the concentration of the particles near the surface of the target exceed the limiting concentration, equilibrium sct6. in'~ and hydrogen isotopes begin to be released from the target, the release 01 tritium i and deuterium being proportional to their corresponding concentration. Consequently, the deuterium striking the target continuously depletes the tritium of the target. The differential equations of this process are presented and expressions are obtained for the tritium concentration, for the timp of establishment of equilibrium, and for I Card 1/2 UDC: 539-172.13 ACC NR: AP7000797 the reaction tritium yield. The theoretical value obtained for this yield agrees -well with experimental data. The authors thank 1. Ya. Barit and I. M. Frank for numerous discussions-of the results, and also A. V. Yeldipinskiy and V. P. Perelygin for help with the experiments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 7 formulas. SUB CODE: 18, 20/ SM DATE: 24Au&65/ ORIG RU: 0021 OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 XATSAUROV, I.N... kando takhno nauk Arched ohape of conerate roof lining and methodj3 of its calculation. Gor. zhur. no.9124-27 S 165, (MIRA 1819) lo Moskovskiy itstitut radioelcktroniki i gornoy elektromekhanlki4 L :3777-66 EVITT(m)/E PA (w) -2/EWA (m) -2 IJP(c) GS Armssioli NR---.AT5007C-'46 S/0000/604/000/000/05 50/0661 AMOR4 Glzdy~~V&A.: Katsauroy, Ii. V. Kuznetr,,-,v, A. N. Hart ynova L. 'P. 'IlTbE# roncernIng the Input or Ion beam Itito a.Syclotran VOUPCE 11de Accolor-Ators. I'libna, 1963. 0 Mational Conferenre on 111gh tnem Trudy. floscow, Atomizilat I C0511, 658-6617 TOPIC TA(,St cyclotron, particlp beam A13STFACT: Tho problem of the external Injection of Innn tistef A ryclotron rmains espectally pressing In connection with the problem of flip nr-ol~tation of pol.-Irized ions, because the sourt-A -f i)olarized particle--, like sour- ,ther roTmilex soui cannot be situated at the center of the cyclotron. Since, in Ifir care of external injectior, the v~cpl;,ritfon bApUrn with a certain Initial enerpy, It Is Parsible to nv-ifl n mml'~Pr -f eliffic"Ities connected with the first revolu-ticns, in thp cpntril portion of the One of the procedures for -1ving this put the b~-atp along th,- vertical axis of the cyclotron .... I turn it by ain static deflecting system through 900 into the median p)nne. Ih-a- mo t substantial s deficienclett It stlemq. vf axial itsput of the beam is th- considerabie losses and Card 1/4 L 3777-66 ACCESSION HR: AT5007911116 the cn,731exity of the defla,!~tinP Vntem. The prerimit mport Intilcates hr-w it I- Possib 1~ to rna I i v, externa I h-nn in) Pvt Inti in th7, m;,dInn 1,1 anp -f thp mlprnot 111 n cin bo d-il- esperially simply In scvtov -yclotrnnr. In a noyihom-. - tinntir; ,radinnt ~! the Marnot It field, , liarged part icle.-Q i-xp-rlonce a dr] Ft across the V fif,ld. It is expedir-nt It- talp advantar- of this in tht, 7~rtnr cv,-Intron I,v dir-t- inr th- beam of particl- so that they drift up to th- rent v-1 r-pi,in of t~i- -v,- !- tron along the boundary of one, of the sectors. In the rt-ntral regf-Ti it il p,,q~ ihle with the hPIp of a cylIndrIcal el-ctrostatic flele. t- transfer the Particles to the trajectory required later. In the case of a homogev)-ous mamet!c field, which a]- ,most always -holds true at the central replon of sorl-r (-yrIntronn, the m, inimun, elec- field strength t I, In the cylIndrical condenror that is Rec-esssry Afor t1he M transfer of tht particles from' onp trajectory to anothor ran be represented by the formula wbore W is the kinetic vnerV of ~hv particlos Iti x1ev; Is the radius ol~ curv,iture (for a nonrelatIvistic sing le-charged loti) R 2 4. 57 -103 AWN); Card 2/4 L M7-66 ACCESSION OR: -AT5001946 Al is the mass of the ion Iri units of the mass of the nucleon; 4 Is the tnele 1:etwoen the trajectories at the point of thoir Intersection. As it turns out. !.t 1r, !posslblt to choane the place Ff7r injecting the particle been such that it will a',wivn tie Focused on itq path alonR the mapnet sector. On the path to the central of thf, cyclotron it Is pisSible to describe a "rips of loons, And almo ih-? fr-t--fnncy of a rp-volutior, (mrre Precisoily, the fr4-qw?ncy of loop forv-a-ion). Th- qllality ~,f th4, Mapnetic focuqing of the particles iq char;irtfri7.ed 1,v tip Y-,i!;- 9f the freqlienciF-s of the particles' horizontal and vlortical -;cillati-n,~ to thf, mon- ti--)nPd fT-PJ'Jf-nCY Of loop formation. Tho, radial focusinp- ~f thp !-nc-, jr- tir FzYstpm r-nsldered almost daps not oiffer fro;n Focu-flnr in R Similar cons I derat ions hold for the vertiril fortisinp )f tht- irnr. ditions for thn stability of the vertical motion of the lons nrv- rhara(-tPri7-6 ',,v inequalities involving the naFnetic field In the gap 1>--tween the r-ectorl in the reglon of beam passage. In the case of the authors' cyclotron, there alwayq Pxiqts a wide interval of inItial distances of the be-am frca the sector boundary for which the Injected ions can reach the central region of the cyclotron magnetic without experiencing defocusing, The experimental verificatif)n of the possibility of ex- ternal. injection by the ccoisidered method wa* carried ont an a three-sector C,yrlo- card am L 3777-66 ACCESSIM) WR: ATS007946 tron witli stralgbt sector borders (magnet diameter--720 ilm, acceleratetl p;;r-ticlef 350 Kov deuterons). TY.-- ~Y-perlrjental set-up and rpsults ar-- describ n sent report# orig. art4 has.- 1) figures. ASSOCIATION: rl2ldheqkl~ blatitut Iment lAtdeva a SSSR (Phvslcs Institutei An SSSR) ,SU13MITTFD- 26kyn 0 REF SOVf 000 ENCW w utlmk: 00i st"D Cont - tip Card 4/4 RUMANIA Cultivated Plants. Fruits., Berries 1,6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, J~arch 1957, No 22849 Author : Katsavela Inst : Not Given Title :Some Problems of Cultivation of Grapevines in Khunedoar Oblast Orig Pub :Gradina., via si livada, 1956, 5: No 8, 35-36 Abstract :In order to cultivate grapes successfully,, provision should be made to restore and repair the old economically unprofit- able vineyards; to assign areas for new plantings, to insure establishment of vineyards with planting materials. It is recommended that areas for table and wine varieties be brought to a ratio of 3 to 7- 7he necessity of districting stocks and cultivating stock and scion planting material locally is emphasized. Card 1/1 KATSAT, Shop repair of T13 diesel locomotives. Elek. i topi.tiaga 2 no.4;24-27 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Naeballnik lokomotivnogo depo, Petropavlovsk Omskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives-Maintenance and repair) KATSAT, A L Two-mat crew for the TE3 articulated diesel~loconqtive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 2 noog:16-17 S 158. (WILA 11:10) 1. Haeballnik lokomotivnogo depo Petropavlovsk, Omskaya doroga. (Diesel locomotives) Simple method of economizing on diesel fuel* Ilek i tepl.tiaga IRA 12. 2,r 3 no.1:31-32 Ja 159. im *Sol I* Nachallnik lokomotivnogo depo Petropavlov k$ Omakmya doroga. (Diesel locomotives-Fuel con:umption) KATSAY, A.L. We are perfecting the repairing technology. Rlek.i tepl. tiara 3 no-11:9-10 N '59. (MMA 13:3) 1. IbLchallnik depo Petropavlovsk Omskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Maintonanoe and repair) X&TSAY,,.A.-,X4-,-- ---------- Comments and vishes for the reference book. 31ek.i tepl.tiaga. 4 no.2:48-3 of cover- 7 160, (HIBA 13-6) 1. Nachallnik aepo Petropavlovsk. Omskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives) DTSAY, A.L. Fact-ory trade-marks should be respected. Zlek. i topl. tiaga 4 no. 10 -~~5 0 160. (MIRA 13 LIO) 1. Nachallnik depo ketropavlovsk Omskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Repair shops) KATSAY, AOL.j_LP9UAYEV.., A.I,-,, inzhe Improving the hydromechanicalreduction gear of the TE3 diesel locomotivea. Alek.i.tepl.tiaga 6 no.2:5-6 F I&% (MIRA 15:2) 1, Nachallnik depo, Petropavlovsk Yuzhno-TJrallskoy dorogi (for Katsay). (Diesel locomotives-.Design and construction) GI=ome and sin' lating of diesel locomotive-parts, Elek.i tepj~ q p tiaga 7 no,,02t4-.~ F -163. - (MMA 16s2) le NachaVnik depo'retropavlovok Yughno-TurillIkoy dorogij .~Dieoel locomotives), ***wee o A T MUSASSIS x3fl, 4; all .%vo d boot. of a. unwip-ma * 4* - v W -"=m, WAVWSA 06Z 1 4 1 AAk. d 60 WdMw" dAWk1m in mAv a )hMWJ1-Wk8 bd4P du* IM Mmw* bdou, 00 WJM-W" nbdv* bW i= W410 k crobiried 00 in 4" =4 by amm; of a mawar"I, tm dhm Ok 08 VUWA dwom Cal tu bmp an wAtM4 A MKVAd of aft es brmp I" anowtv b*,X. tw" I* -1ha; the' o i p ohm W &0 Omw *=&Alm o bL WMA l lim si..Olif. - - all) 1-1k asf-~.. U 0 AV 10 W. W IN 0 A 4 2 4V *o**oo:o:o esoo9::::1: 900 zoo xo 0 too 400 too t:o woo A -I- KATSCHM Vladimir kratochvills Vyr a elektroneic a zarivcY, (Production of Electron -Nibes and Fluorescent LamLPsY, a book re-view. u. 103. SLAROPIRCLIDY OBZOq,, Praha, Vol.. 16, no. 2, Feb. 1955. SO: Monthly List of East Suropean Accessions, (MAL), LC, Vol. It, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. K&TLCHER, iep TEKVEFiKp V& Czechoslovakia Roahvakuumrothren fuer mathamtische Geraete SO: Nachrichten-TeShak,, March 1956., Unclassified. Katscher, J. Ve Katscher, J. V. Pilat's NavodZ k zakladnim fysikalnim merenim (Instruc- eas`u-r-e-rac---nUs); a book review. p. t--nl in Vol. 17, no. 9, Sept. 1956 SLABurROUDY OBZOR TEGBOLOGY CzechoBlovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 62 hay 1957 No. 5 Katsvhcr, J. Ratscher) J. Notes on the problem of vacur, diiision; contribution to a discussion. p. 515. Vol. 17, no. P, Sept. ?.,,-'~6 SuDoPPOLL'L awl" ITIE ClulloLwi So. East European Accessions,, Vol. 6, May 1957 No. 5 Fs CZECHOSLOVAM/Matgietism - Experimental Methods of MaLsnetisla, F Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 8, 1959, 17982 Author : Katscher, Andrich Inst Title Electronic Tube Controlled by Magnetic Field Orig Pub Slaboproudy obz3r, 1958, 19, No 10, 658-66o Abstract Description cf a electronic beam tube with two anodes, controlled by a maC;netic field. This electronic tube is suitable for the measurement of the intensity of the nagnetic field or, if connected to a reactance coil, for the measurement of current. it has that advantaGe, that it protects reliably the zieasurfne instruments aLipinst over-loadinG, in the case of short circuits in the measurinS circuit. Card 1/1 L iZZ51-0 3 wu~ a)/ ru-WA-.*) I Dlx~ V~j S Ktg-T4/ A 4--1" Sj 272/63/WQ/0W,,/Q39/04 5 '-7 All--H-O)R: Naltsc',-,er, jincrich and Junger T-an-a-mir accessory 'or reversdble posi-tioni-Tig of thf4 recori4-:-, PER 10D MAIII Redfe--ati '--hiwilal, Avt~b 'm, telemekhanik i vychislitle-9na-ma vrkrY tekhaika, no. z, .-.963, 41, a ostract 4B227 (Czedhosj. 5. 1=: Ths-, tp-xt dpscrii'be5 a menhwnic--Ll aeressorv fc)T- 5.?J-tft~in~ M' 7e t E Of a rect~,nzular Dlate and made f- n. n"lah' + C. Cjr %e -:.nci --Le cl '-% e z a c i ~a.- -- s r- s t,,e cL:,- passe5 ce-~ieen '--ree rollers resilien-, a..-. aT;3 djS-,,~Stikl d,~ a .94-ni:_e e . -s m3ved --ie :-evarsa direc~~ion. '-'Iree variaritz of O&rd 1/2 S/271 A-% accessory for on this or~_--Cinle toe descl-ilraed. 7niare n're 1, I'llunstrations, V. S. nota: Gomplatu) translation,7 XAGAN', D.Z,; KATSEF, Tu.I. Heighiened sensitivity to streptomycin. Zdrav-Belor J& 160. 1. Is voyannogo goopital-ya. (TUBERGMSIS) (STRMORYCIN) 5 no.460 (MIRA 13r5) Ffi AJ E ts a is -ou sit 4!1 33. at VIA A oil i r A c i I FIX IIR y I YSS C T'-~' C 0 _R 7 Pot, to-,.q. Vt3,-:-,atab't;2. Pcm-I,-rt!-o Pe-pnor ef thr, enut P U3 KHLMGORGIrKV' ,S. ye. I inzh.; inzb.; SHPARAGA, I. D.., ino.; MASSOVER, N. S. insh. Specialization in founding. Maahindatroenie no.5:35-38 S-0 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Ukrgiprostanok. (Founding) ---*, - - - - - - - . . . . fill ak!oaaoamn..-. - to iiiiiii is I milull" is 4 it It VPI,7 Ana )Svx.~ hill 41w ro JL-L 0 If r . Q R I . Iv-- I I- I- AA 00 U M t1 A V 0 to Iffircl of manitiourbe concentratiou an the rate tot com -00 bustion of clurb" and on the quality of steel. L. Kijt~ it -00 Afeia 1&'c 13. No-. 9. and Ofentla,vule!I. 37 111A9,0ii. Vill a Ikiplor & m4tower 4:. :.1 '1. Ad.N. .4 '111'so'x -00 the lutii'" 0 11,1 1. IIIIJ:mIalolor it 00 lvdilmo, lilt, title kof '110 so -60 so Ivtl is not always I hv ~uinc: if the \III ovim (Itom tot'lu, -R -0 0 I lion of the stag. I he optimum i, 0.35 4 6. it it com, so 1141111 lilt- Adilts. (if frilo-Mil it Mlould II.-I eml-I O;iL`~' 40 ~00 00 00 60 06 -00 00 100 '00 0041 11,11 N .1 L AWITALLURtKS1. LITtRATU011 CLASUPKATION 00 9' 1 .00 a, *0 ki -1~1 j- "ola to to I W V j 3 a U 0 SY so 140a 614 0 ef It UP 6C Is It 11 11 lot Ct seeso 00000 0 0 0000000*000 0 4000000600090000000 Ole 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA -'sm IV ? h 0 )0 v 11 1) 1) it V 16 Er a 0 0 ft v 01 M 1 11 L I 'I j i L 1 0 a 114, Et t A so thVISUDUM Ot W MAunX PrOOM in lam Opon-Himili so R. Aim disetimed No.2,lip..13-17). (InItualtian). Thoexporh I $0 in thiq arth-lo were obtaineti froin olion-henrth furvineva rang-ing fritin 00 Uhl to 41* tonsin valvicitv andulth a depth (if liath (if frollit MI it) go, of the carbon were ptudied: (1) Depth of bath, (2) therinal capacity cgs tit Olt- fumave, (3) voinlicsition and pro"k-A tit tht slag. and (4) tht~ effort of l"atwanew. Th" ehlor fart4w whivii lowers the ritto lit Whilinatiolk Id I lit, I'ArIn"I rim I Ito dept Is 4 1 Ito full It ill 1114,11,11im'd In I lilt r-1111-1114,11 Ill the n-tivil muffill"O AWA of th" 6th 1101' 111111, WOWIL lit charge. This way be counteracted by incre"ing the rate of heat supply to the furliiavv, which will favottr elimination of the carbon by M' the rate of diffugion of the forrous oxide front the glag Into Jill 6onl=t.. The fluldity of the alag shoulti be incroaml by inerraning fertu-niatignitrw Phould nut be Aded tit ri its liaxivitv. Fitinfly I fig the Wil, ;4m this lomitra the r4to tit t-AWKtu Alinination. bib 6 SL A ollAt%,L;Vr~KA1 LIURAILAt CLAWFICA110m ILI- T -i'* ; ~ %, 'I" .,, j T a u I , _ -'~4 D . . 1 Or _V-L] a u 4( 6t it it a K a a it X Q a A :14, 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 *is 6 0 a 0 0 00 00 so go we so 1111-0-0-11111-0 O-V 09 0 00 & 0 0 0 0 00000 00 a is- to 0 00060000 0 e 0 0 * 0 0 --W-W.W w o 0-0 0 . I . - I - - 196*41000 to FROCIIIIIIII AWW~Ftotlts Mot% an ths Ow owing Ce Naha MwL kMand A. halsividn' (Stal. l"p, No. 10. pp 16-20). (1 Thio hydnjen omtent of samples Ca at vwwm M" of fifty buits In IW) bowo open- &iwmbw. rwu)lq an d6cuwotJ from W" wicous proce" facto". The ~00 the pObA of MIDW Of Ow Of v contirk~ow perWd *hpum therdon tpolaWkwuml by -00 I] MPFIY or beat to the fiffmice. The W011,04p of -00 ore id" to tbo,seolt" steel pkAted against the gm content. irot) W got tite, begbudpg of the subsequent boll PTO a cUrv" of the ww 1 000 ahowing had Saw, at bvtWV4 Bauxite IMIAM Dn 20,; am 4% Ore. 000 during "periods)IMIAM bectried. Bauxite added,furiog the Wri(vd of the ban baes"d tbo g- content. Such additioust ithouki be Mumd to a vdnimum, the requisite slag be4 formed 041, a mliqgUg"Ofthebrat, During the boil. rajoit! elimina- he in t Twists goo tion Orthe VWNW WA a low vitivitaity or the slag r"alt in reductiotm of ibe ps vanswL Dur4 the inibmequent deoxidation thp g- I of ftirro-alloys; conmquently Coe content li inavoond by thb so"tim should be. contralkA to mium goo the manpinese omtent of the metal the amount of doositlinre required. age goo U9 ------------ _UTG*Wi T_;_ V Ii to to 0 a a it 5 M a Is it III WID a Igr w to 0 M It I w a 1 .2 a I OF oovp so *I,*"* a, 0 0 111 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 00000000000 0 00 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 04 loo 0 09*10010 0 009000-00 90 00 000 o 0 & 000 0 00 00 0 0 000, 1w lip edlip 4 10 .0 U m It a 0 - I-# 'D a- 00A .Ibd 1. detmwim go-, go ~,). Lb, 10, 62 (1"1 1 .00 L. tw~ Kstma'. Z.Pwj, covel Wilk ct, I" with the lisimid 14"1 OtO .00 As the �An'Plt 0 Its " for the cautaiw into a gas .00 ,b. pw, to Opw thtmgh a cu tube 5 the metAl to t&.251. By Ollowin 0, t-V,4uka of the .40 MIN. 0 awe CMnpk" ape. Ih talln I lb'th """a roe of 4r1 fro* 0 0 rig goo of 1W 1~ ISO* a L A -f~fAtIt VV.I(,KIAL LOC.0,ATWVF CkA&%LFKkVtCV 0 0 roe WP T j-& j 1-1 -&4 -t 0 u 6 AV 81D LS tp It it lW At lb - a, " It It It it 00 00 go 00 * * * 0 0 010 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 4100 0 0004901 Z g 00 so 0 0 to 0 * 0 0-0 a 6 0 6 a 0 0 6 9 * 600 9 0 0 Tz so at-it iftoll Lh.' $1144 $64 Soj Swim" tor in ds4. P. K. lvanv~ and L. G. Katmi, zarobikeys Lab. 10. 14,&11941).-A O"Witftru 6 1 lu the d db d . ese e S. ) b (C.A. 33. 1 g* 6 tuore b avo6led the app f II . , tvspn. o t I o to= wwstit tftWts we obtained. 11w compact, w compu. d PKI Suatnd was Cos 3-6, CO 15-40, 1.11 I I 0011 A tful 4343. No 7-10, aw Cut 0-0.5%. W. R. Ah Ill mum. so .941 so -sip *0 so MITALLUMCAL LMDAVLOR CLAUWK&TM team 11"4itva %*Iowa "it ON zat slow WO.'Inv Q T_ U V AV 10 ' Vr ; I b P OP 4 w A '17 0 10 0 -1 w a 0 43 a .3 0 0-0 0-00 00 0- b lj~ 0-0 00 Af1G_o_o_q-_s-,fli 19 ~jb a 0 Is 00 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 __ - - - -&-A 4-4 ~_6_0_0_0_410_0 60 sees a 0 Cos goo goo 4400 -200 *so 00 rise 01 ---------- EATSEN, L.G.; STYCHINSKIY, L.?. (Wotk methods for bloomin mill operator foremen] Metody raboty starshikh operatoroy bluminga. HOBkva, Goa* nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i toyetnoi metallurgii, 1953. 43 (KLRA 7:6) (Rolling (Metalwork)) KATSMI, Leontiy Grigorlyo4ich; APTEKARI, Sd*61iy Semenovich; KOVAL', -,'Boido i~Anovich,- SHALGANOVA, M e 6VIC V.N., red.; SAMOLETOVA, A,V,., tokbn. red. [A haw wage' system in iheta:Uiir~ical~plant6l Rovaia sistema-op- Uty truda na metallurgicheskikh zavodakh. Stalino, Stalinskoe oblastnoo knizhnoe izd-vo., 1959. 108 P. (MIRA 14: 10) (Volgog~rad Province-Wages-Steal industry)