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88184 S/14 60/000/006/010/018 C111YC222 On Some Subclasses of Convex and Star-Shaped Conformal Mappings of an Annulus (2.20) f (Z) z q2)2oc + q2)2.(, (1 - d 0 2 2 A 1 + 15 2oL(1-.A where O~~A~~-i Theorem 4 s For F(z) e uo it holds q 2 (2-35) jarg F'(z)1,4 2oL aro &in [r~, + q . I _ r2 r r Hera z' r eio , and the argument means that branch which vanishes for z - 0 . The equal sign in (2-35) holds only for flanotions (2-36) F (Z) d Card 7/8 88184 3/14 60/000/006/010/018 C1 1-1YC222 On Some Subclasses of Convex and Star-Shaped Conformal Mappings of an Annulus for 0 = arc coo r are oos 2- (the funetions (2.36) do not belong to the class u0 r q 0 Some generalization* of the c:lausen Uq , Uq are defined by complicated structural formulas. The author mentions V.A. Zmoroviohj I.I. Privalov, G.M. Goluzin and L.Ye. Dunduchanko. There are 9 references 8 8 Soviet and I American. ASSOCIATIONs Zaporozhakiy mashinostroiteltnyy institut (Zaporozhlye Maebine-Construotion Institute) SUBMITTED% November 21, 1958 Card 8/8 28680 S/0,2Y60/000/007/003/009 D211 D305 AUTHOR: Danduchenkol L.O.9 and Kaslyanyukv S.A. T E: ITIL f Some properties nalytical functions with a positive real part in a circular ring PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukr ayins1koyi RSR. Dopovidi, no. 7t 1960, 878 - 882 TEXT: Definitions.- 011_~h + ik) is the class of functions regular in KI(q; 1) q 10 11 with positive real part Re f (z) 0, /z/-z- 1 and satisfying condition f (z) dz ~ h + ik, h >- 0 p 1. (2) 2sri z /Z =P C'M is the class of function regular in K (q; 1) for which q z Card 1/5 2868o S/021/60/000/007/003/009 Some properties of analytical D211/D305 f (Z) dz 1, (3) 21ri z /Z/=p and such that fe f ( z 1 - at 0 1 q < /z/---- 1. (4) M is the class of real functions li(e) non-decreasing on the seg- ment (-r; -Tr) such that 3r + 0) 0; WO 21r. (5) Using the results of work by V.A. Zmorovych (Ref. 1: Matem. Sbo 32 74; 3v 633, 1953) the two following theorems can be proved: Theo- rem 1: The necessary and sufficient condition that function s f(z) belongs to the class Co(h + ik) is that the function could q be re- presented as follows: Card 2/5 23680 S/021/60/000/007/003/009 Some properties of analytical D211/D305 X F (2e- 1) dpi (6) + 2w (6) n + SP (10) d~. (6) - h + ths 21r where lil(E)) c= Mv Izz an~ (7) 2 k-1 where integrals taken are in the Stieltjes sense. Corollary 1. The necessary and sufficient condition that the function f(z) belongs to the class Ca(l) is that it could be expressed as follows: 79- eIq\ d~g (0) + I - 2a. (8) F (ze-11) dik, (6):,+ fp 2, Card 3/5 - - 2868o S/021/60/000/607/003/009 Some properties of analytical D211/D305 The Lauren's expansion of--function f(z) is then (9) + Theorem 2: If function f(z)GCa(l) then the Lauran's' coefficients q satisfy inequalities /a,,/ 2a lp � 2# (10) q'v/ The equality holds for functions f (z) = 1 2a + aF(ze-'P) + aP(2-e'y) (11) 0 z in the points P = 0 and y Tr/n for V = ng P = X/n and y = 0 for V - n for each fixed V. Using the variation methoi of V.A. Card 4/5 28780 B/021/60/000/0074903/009 Some properties of analytical ... D211/D305 Zmorovych (Ref. 2: Ukr. Matem. Zhurn., 4, 276f 1952) four addition- al theorems are proved: The author also gives the functions for which the equality holds. If q tends to infinity, all theorems pass into a well-known theorem in a region /z/--=--l, for regular func- tions with a positive real part. There are 5 references: 4 Soviet- bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: J.E. Littleivood, Lectures on the Theory of Functions, Oxford Univ. Press, 1944. ASSOCIATION: Zaporizlkyy mashynobudivnyy instytut (Institute for Machine-building, Zaporoshe) PRESENTED: by B.V. Hnyedenkog Academician AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: November 23p 1959 Card 5/5 85219 S/042/60/015/005/011/016XX C111/C222 AUTHORS: Alin L.Ye., and Kaslyanyukq S.A. ~uohenko TITLE,. On S notions chlicht Within an Annulus PERIODICALg Uspekh-4 matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol-15, Yo-5, pp.165-170 TEXT; Let K z(q,-I) be the annulus O 300 0 0 every 50 and in the range of 200 - 300 C every 200. The radiograms were i., processed photometrically to determine the width and intensity of thelihes. The beginning of recrystallization was determined from the emergence of isolated spots. In Al-Cu alloys the beginning of recrystallization was registered at 220 - 2600C, in the Al-Si system the beginning of recrystallization spreads ove 0 r C. An increase of the Si content to 3.3% reduces sha the range of 220 - 350 rply the number of spots. In the Al-Cu system a fairly good coincidence between the maximum intensity temperature of development of recrystallization processes with, the-zone of a sharp decrease of ductility characteristics is observed. 7~.n the case of silumins a shift over the temperature scale of the range of the most Intensive development of the recrystallizatlon process Is observed depending on- the composition. There are 11 references. M. Matveyeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KASIMMKOVA , K.X. (Alm-4ta); FRESNMOV, A.A. (A2ma-Ata) Plasticity of ordered anoys in the oystem magnesi=--q&dmium. Izve AN SSSR. Otd. iekh. nauk. Mit. i topl. no-4:101-102 J1,Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Magnesim-cadiLum al2oye-Teeting) DUDAREV, V.Ya.; ZHDANOV, G.S.; ALEKSEYEVp B.A.; KASYMBEKGVAp K.K. Products of graphite sputtering when bombarded with Sn- V I Mo+ ions. Atom. energ. 13 no.2:184-186 Ag '62. IMIRA 15;81 (Sputtering (Physics)) (Graphite) (Ion beams) KASYMKOVA, K.K.; MIKHOV, V.D.; PRESNYAKOV, A,A. Changes in the structure of magnesium-cadmium alloys during ordering. Trudy Inst. met. i obog. AN Kazakb. SSR 71'30-35 163. (MIRA 17t6) s/126/63/015/001/019/029 E-073/EI5.1 AUTHORS: liasynbelcoyn, K.K., and Presnyakov, A.A. TITLE': Physical propertiee of y-phase Cxx-Zn 14"RIOUlCAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeidye, V.15, no.1, 1963, 1311-137 TEXT: Published information on the y-phase is scanty. Specimens were prepared by casting and by hot-pressing at 700 *C, with a load of 30 tons giving 801,,u' reduction, using alloy made from 99.9971~. piirity Cu and 99.990,~ purity Zn, either under ai7 or under argon. Deformation of the hot-pressings was carried out by bendiilg through a large angle over a small radius. This was readily carried out shortly after removal from the mould, but if allowed to cool by 20-000' before testing the specimen,.; became extremely brittle. The brittle-ductile transition temperature was found to be 650-670 *C. Equilibrium was achieved by annealing the hot-pressed specimens for 90 hours, made up of 2 hours at 7500, It hours at 6500, 12 hours at 500 0, 12 hours at 4ooo, 20 hours at 3000, 20 hours at 2000, 20 hours at 1000. Determinations were made of the hot hardness, and microhardness after quenching, and bend ductility, and the Card 1/2 Physical properties of y-phase Cu-Zn S/126/63/015/001/019/029 E073/EI5I Several striiettire of the fracture was annlysed. Conclusions. transformations were observed over a wide temperature range, confirming previous data on trans f orwat ions at 280 and 5000, and revealing a new transformation at 700'. This transformation influences the y-phase, leading to a fall in ductility similar to that in solid solutions. Further work is required to clarify the trans f ormat ions in the y-phase. Ductility does not increase uniformly with temperature; there is transition to brittleness at 600-6500 in cast specimens and at 5oo-6000 in equilibrium annealed. In both cases the*re was an increase to maximum ductilitY at 7009, followed by a sudden fall to zero at 725* and 750* respectively. At still higher temperatures ductility increased uniformly. T-phase Cu-Zn can be deformed by hot-pressing in a closed die. There are 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii i obogashcheniya AN Kaz SSR (Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation, Card 2/2 AS Kaz.SSR) SUBMITTEDt May 21, 1962 XWMMG7A$ K.Ke; PRFSNYAKOV,, A.A, Certain properties of the 17-phaae in tjw o"tem Ou - Zho Fix~*Matai Petalloved. 15 no,,11134-137 A 163* (MMA 1612) .1. ~nstitut matealurgil, i obogashcheniya AN KamSSR., (Copper-Ana alloya-Mtanography) Mob mle and equilibrium) NELIKHOVY V.D.; KASYMEEKOVA, K.K.; POLYAKOVAt T.P.; PRESNYAKOV, A.A. Transformation in -brass. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.5000- 702 N 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut metallurgii obogashcheniya AN KazSSR. Nl: ACCESSION NR: AP40406861 S/Od~.29/64/000/006/0009/0011 TITM Changes in the structure of Mg-Cd alloys in the ordered state ;'AUTHOR: Kasy*mbekoya, K. K*.;Melikhov, V. D.; Preenyakov, A. A. SOURCE: Metallovedeniy6 i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no@ 69 1964, 9-11 TOPIC TAGS.* ordered state, Mg Cd alloy,.plasticity, microhardness, I alloy structure ABSTRACT: So far, there has not been any data available concerned with the effect of the ordered state on plasticity and strength of Cd, MgCd and MgCd alloys* In earlier-work' the authors discover-~. M 92 C pro ed the anomalous effacts that occur in the chaAges of plasti per-,.. ties of alloys in a near-ordered state. In Mg-Cd specimens having a stoicholmetric composition, plasticity rose sharply., Nowl the authors attempt to Yerify earlier investigations by submitting cast Mg-Cd specimens in an ordered stateto hardening at different J temperatures. X-ray,.examinations' show~ed that the heat-treatedo specimens subjected to tensile tests consist of a rhombic and a atj~table phase. The ordered rhombic phase has the following 7 ACCESSION NR: AP4040686 parameters: a - 4,993"kX; b 3,216'ki!and C 51256 kKh and the -intermediary metastable phase has a - 6,072 kKh; 10.018 U and c/a - lj65. Maxiiun~ microhardness and the greatest changes in.~-] lattice parameters were observed at 250C.,'. At this.temperaturs, deformation releases~an intensified order-disorder.~diffl4sion process that results in high.plasticity provided the transformation and deformation processes staud iW,'a favorable kineticjrelations~ip. The orig. art. hast 2 figures.: ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii i-obogashcheniya AN Kaz."SSR' (Institute of Metal1urgy and Beneficiation, Ace of Sci. Kazakh SSR)! SUBUTTED: 00 ENCL: 00%. -006 SUB CODE: NR REF-SOV: OMER t Ooii~ 211 KRSYMIN, Yki'A. SUBJECT USSR/IUTHEMATICS/Theory of functions CARD -1/1 PG - 827 AUTZIOR KASjMIF JU.A. TITLE On -the completeness of the function systems fi'(Z+ O(A and f.f (n) PnIDDICAL speoh(zi)!;*Nauk 12 -154 (1957) reviewed 6/1957 L 2t 151 Theorem 1: Lot the function f (z) be analytic in jzj 4R and f0tj (n-O, I r 2p ... be an infftLte sequence of different points, where sup I o(nj - ck , o(