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KARYAGIN, N.P. (Gorlkiy) The ner-essity of raising safety raquirementg for small boiler rooms of heating systems. Vod.i san.tekh. no-71.28 Je 160. OURA 13:7) (Boilers-Safety appliances) KARYAGIN, N.P. Scientific and technical conference on the use of boiler systems. From.energ. 17 no.5:56-57 Yq 162. (MM 15,;5) (Boilers-Congresses) KARYAGIN, N.P. Scientific and technical conference on prob4as concerning heating' from oentral stations in Gorki.T. From. en-erg. 17 no.9154,-55 6 '62. (MIRA 15:8) (Gorkii-Heating from central stations) (Heating from centralatations-Congresses) KARYAGIN, W.P., kand,takh,nick (Gorlkiy) ------ 2kplosions in boiler gas conduits WhOn bu;rning liquid or solid fuelo-Todoi sezatekhe no-1100-31 F 1620' WRA 151-12) (Boiler exAosiora) I I ALRYAGIN, N.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Optimum temperature of flue gases with a capped heat exchanger installed behind a boiler. Prom.energ. 18 no.4:14-19 Ap 163. (MIRA 16W (Boilers) (Heat exchangers) (Heat engineering) BORISOV, B.G., kand.t-Z, uk POTOSIXY~:11V, '-I.N., kand.tek~an.rvauk; I anavi. ; A T.M., kand.teMm.nauk.; TRWHIN, 1'.V., kand.teklm.mukc. 753La-R(TVSKIY) Me., kand.tekhn.nauk; DIVINEY,-Ye.A., kand.' ekhn.n~-,uk; KARYAGIN, N,E-, nauk; FJV2'LY;W, V.P. (Ioshkar-oia) Training of engineers for work in industrial heat iuid --lectric-praw SYS- tems. Prom.energ. 18 no.8:35-.41 Ag 163. OMIRLA 16-9) 1. Ivanovskiy anargatichaukiy institut ineni V.I.Lenina. (for Borisovp Potookuyev, Romanova, Troahin). 2. To-,iskiy polItAlinicheskiy institut (for Melebrovskiy). 3. Dneprolj--trovLj',:I~----4!e--4,-,211-urgicheskiy in- stitut (forDmdchak). 4, Gorlkovskiv institut (for Karyagizk)-a.- (Power eftinewing-Education and tra- Ing) KARYAGTNj N.P. Heat te I of ste!= b.2~llera ope, , ~n;4- cm g&;3 f-u-:0L. Gaz. prnm. lio.1275-29 063 (M47RA 17~71) ~; t k4 t 17725-" IWTW/W (0) ACC NRs AT6006227 SOURCE COORS UR/0000/65/OWIOOO/0326/0330 AU7HORt Ka a In 0, ORd; none TITLE: Scanning device utilizinva flbev-oWcal converter 10 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institui avtomatiki I telemekhaniki. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika (Technical cybernetics).. Moscowt,12d-vo Naukat 1965, 326-330 TOPIC TAGS% fiber optics, optic scanning,computer component OSTRACT: the-InEititute of-Womation and Telemiecb~MIGg_r_gports the development of a iber-optical scannin;p device. A fiber Image distribution schemm and a block diagram. Of are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The-device is intended for optical scanning of a signal in the form of a moving dot. The time necessary to scan an n x it element surface Is redbced by a factor of d by virtue of a scanning concept which consists of sequential scanning of two mutually perpendicular strips I element wide and n elements long. -The time necessary to scan one,element and one (I x n) element zone are asstmed equal because of the form of the~input signal. The system'shown in Fig. 2 includes an opti-. i cal part (1) for focusing th6 Image on the fiber 'matrix, a fiber transfotwor (2) for dividing the. image into horikontal and vertical zones, two photoigultiplier tubes (FEU-31 type) (3)g, control circuits (4)# and a acanning mechanism (5) for signal. transfer of. time iuagos.t4i the photomultipliet tube-inputso The inage transformer Card 113 ACC NRi T.4 P6 AT6006227 1 4 L 177254A ACC NRt AT6006227 Fig. 2. Block diagram of the scanner I - OpticaL system focusing the image -an the f iber transformer input; 2 - fiber transformer; 3 - photomulti- plier tubes; 4 - control circuits; 5 - scanning mechanism which serially connects each zone to the photomulti- plier tube input; 6 - oscilloscope. consists of glass fibers 20 ti in diameter which are packed into 100 bunches 3 m in diameter and IZU mm lUn-g and arranged into a 10 x-10 matrix. The other ends of each f iber- cluster are split in two and grouped together as shown in Fig. 1. The operatioij of the electronic section is. as 'follows: The control circuit generates a staircase it signal which is allowed to momentarily Ipass through a gate where a coincidence between' the clock pulse and the signal from the PM tube occurs. Two such circuits are used: for horizontal and veritcal s .canning. To increase! the SIN ratio, a special modulating' plate is used. Tests indicate that only 20Z of the image screen area causes system-, atic errors proportional to element width. It is stated that this error may be easily eliminated. Orig. art.-hae: 5 figures and 2 formulas. (BDJ SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DM: 05HQ~65/ ORIC REPS .003/ OTH REFj OOl/ ATD PRESSt 39492 3/3= 616210431,D021035/0-5 IN/ NOO B1 25/B1 02 Karyagin, S. V., and Korst, 11. 11. TTTLE. Calculation of the paramagnetic relax"tion tire in vircous Media PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eks-.)erimertallnoy i teorezicl.-Oa3koy f4 Z-, 1_4 3 j no. 2(a), 190-2, 613 - 615 T.':,XT: A general method is given for calcula,tini~- tKe relaxati3n tizie of dissolved paramagnetic ions whose spin I,> 1 interactz wizin the -a e I a::e t1a medium according to the law G(t)L 1'M components of the irreducible spin tensor, FiTj are the com~oonents of the A. 61 4rreducible tensor as referred to the coordirates of 'he e d 4 um or th e sake of simplicity, summation in (1) is confined to quadrupole interaction. 2 G(t) Ir'F-M (t). The symbols are the same as in U. Pano's and 2 2 r,=-2 t1ard 1/3 ;/05 6/6 2/04 3/302/0 "1 5/05.3 Ci:~lculation of the paramaenetic ... B31 25/3102 ASSOCLITION: I ns tit ut 1-hi-micheskoy Pi ziki- LkUdemi.--L nuk S3,`"'R ( 1:-.s ti; tut,-, I,r of Sciences USS.-, of Chemical Physics of the LCadE.~.- T SU311-11TTED: '..arch 1962 3/3 ALEKSANDROV, I.V.; VETCHINKIN, S.I.j__XARYJIGIN, S.V. Theory of superfine splitting az:Lisotropy in electron para- magnetic resonance spectra of free radicals. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4i890-893 Ap 162. (MIRk 15%3) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Kondratlyevym. (Radicals (Chemistry)--Spectra) S/020/62/147/001/018/022 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Golldanskiy, V. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Gorodinakiy, G. M., Ki~~agin, S. V., Korytko, L. A., Krizhanf3kiy, L. M., Makarov, Ye-~_ ~., ~uzd-dlev, I. P., Khrapov, V. V. TITLE: Investigation into the Mosebauer effect in tin compounds PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, y. 147, no. 1, 19629 127 - 130 TEXT: The Mo**ssbauer effect in the symmetri cal. compounds SnCl SnBr 41 41. SnI 41 Sn(c 6H 5)4 and SnO 2 and in the asymmetriqal compounds Ph 3 SnKal (Ph - C 6H 51 Hal = F, Cl, Br, I) was studie *d using an apparatus in which the absorber moved uniformly with respect to the source and an apparatus-with sinusoidal movement. P-Sn or SnO 2 were used as sources of the 23.8-kev gamma-quanta (Sn119m). With the symmetrical compounds the chemical shift 6 of the absorber lines vith respect to P-8n, expressed in mm/sec (imm/sec - 7-9-10-8 ev), was a linear function of the electronegativity of the atoms bound to Sn. The equation 6-1.6-10- 2914 (42 -1 T 9(0)12 t -1 60 ev Card 1/5 Ll ~ 8!absorb j eai tjl S/020/62/147/001/016/022 Investigation into the ... B101/B144 given b~ A. J. F. Boyle, D. S. P. Bunbury, C. Edwards (Proc. Phys. Soc.' 79, 416 1962)) and the data on the ionicity of the Sn-Hal bonds, obtained by the method of A. 1". Schawlow (J. Chem. Phys. , 22, 1211 (1954)) and those ki, of%M. Yakshin et al. (ZhNKh, 6, 24250961)) on refraction and dielectric constant give 6 ion = -(5.6 � 0-5) mm/sec = -(4-4 � 0-4)-10-7 ev, 119 -4 = +(1.9 � 0.2).10 _for a completely ionized bond. These data ...R/R(Sn enable !tP5s(O)1 2 to be determined directly from 6. In the asymmetrical compounds, asymmetrical doubtlets were observed (Fig. 2) similar to those found by Boyle et al. in SnF 4' The asymmetry was found alao in dissolved compounds and cannot be explained by a random orientation of the crystals in the direction of the gamma quanta or by ferromagnetic or paramagnetic impurities. From the equation +1 S12 if 15, (cos 0) + 7~, (cos 0)) 1 (cos 0) d cos 0 G,, +1 - I 12 if (cos 0) - P, (cos 0)) f (cos 0) d cos 0 where the subscript Tr,3-;iL4 - total, FL(cos~~O) is the normalized Legendre Card 2/5 S/020/62/147/001/016/022 Investigation into the ... B101/B144 polynomial, f(cos-b -L-akfk(cosl~) is the factor determIning the intensity of the Mossbauer line, a k the decay coefficient, it follows that if a13, tot/oll tot = (2j_5aO + a 2)/(2f5a, - ad ~ 1 -(with a2/ 0) and -2 f5 - a 2/ao< 2V~5, each of the peaks of the 'm6ssbauer doublet may.become higher than the other one according t o the :ratio aO/a 2' This ratio can be determined experimentally. Assuming a quadrupole splitting of the 9.1018x v/cm2 is obtained where Mossbauer line in SnF 4 and Ph 3SnHal, q = 6. q . a2 v/8z2 is the gradient of the electric fi&ld in the region of the Sn 119 nucleus, and x is the degree of ionization of the bond. Por Ph SnHal xz-0-55 with Hal = I; X.::-0.7 with Hal - Br; C1 and x =1 with Hal - F.. Another possible interpretation of the asymmetrical splitting might be the different hybridization of the sp3d2 bonds. In order to explain this .problem it is suggested that the effective oharges of the halogen and tin atoms be determined directly. When an equimolecular mixture of SnPh 4 and SnI was irradiated with 1.6-Mev electrons 'the M6sabauer spectrum was 4 Card 3/5 S/02 62/147/001/018/022 Investigation into the ... BlOIYB-144 observed to be greatly changed through the spectra of various disproportionation products Ph iSnI 4-i being superimposed. Hence it is concluded that the M6ssbauer effect can be used not only to study the chemical structure but also to solve problems of chemical kinetics and radiation chemistry. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION; Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 21, 1962 Card 4/5 Card 5/5 S/020/63/148/005/019/029 B19*0/B102 AUTHOR: Karyagin, S. V., TITLEs A possible ~daiise of the asymmetry of the doublet componento in the MBsebauer absorption spectrum of acme powd*ry tin oompounds PERIODICAL., Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 5, 1963, 1102-1105 TEXT: The asymmetry; of the 11 "Gabduer doublet in certain orgsnotin compounds (ZhETF,43,Ao.2(8)',1962; DAN,147,ho.1,1962) is explained by an effect of the local electric field components aoting on the Sn119 nucleus. If the doublet is due to a splitting of the 3/2"' excited state in the nonuniform electric lattice field, the field a(3ting on the nucleus being, however, axisymmetrio, the ratio of the hfossbaixer tranoition-intensities swill be 10) 11 (0) sin OdO 0 T 1.(6) 11 (0) sin OaO .0 Card 1/4 S/020/63/148/005/01~/029 A possible oause of the asymmetry ... B190/B102 (t,-) and I (-v%) are the total intensities of ,'.he Mgsabauer and non- n Mhabauer transitions for y-quanta whose angle of incidence is 1h (measured relative to the crystal axis); f I (1A) characterizes the 1,16asbauer line in-tensity. fl(O)lf'(900) depends on temperature and latt ice elastic properties. With (0) + P-2 OD)J. I 1. (0) - const (; + cos'O) const'12 Y (2), 1. (0) - const (5/a - coOO) =~ const' 12 In 150 (0) 702 (0)], (0) -P Yla: Ps (0) 'Is jrlls (3 coslO 1) -and f (t~)_ 25 a. one obtains k kpk.('~') i 1+a /2aoY5 1 2 (4). 0 SOYT Numerical calculations are carried out for tetragonal symmetry, applying Card 2/4 S/02 0/63/148/005/01.9/929- 90/B102 A ponzible,cauce of the'asymmetry ... 13 relntions and date from Yu.Kagan (DAIT,140,7911,1961). If the single cryubril dnert not exhibit axial nymmetry, the 3/2+ state splits into two n(iblev(.Ju whiob ofinnot be characterized by the spin projection quantum. njjrob,-rrj. In thin once one obtains for the total transition probabilities to the t 10voln + L+A )COS2*�X�T/ (1.2) )~-Consl"V:OT T 2 C where . --.: I .. - ~ I.- . :- -.1 �B+a + XJ)-'h: b ;a m Ya'T-+-IX;' a Aeq; b eQ 1. 3 for Sn"O'; eq 2= -OFER; Y1 Aaq il; A'= 21 (-1/ -1 -Y A** njaz ~ MAY 8Q-(11JJe1rJ(3cos2.0,-1)J11) II denotes the nuclear quadrupole moment, ttoo is the frequency of the renonance y-quantum corresponding to an exoitation to the level,..' is the y-transition frequency without quadrupole field,-)/'-,q,are the anglea of incidence of the y-quanta abaorbed. For 0, the plus level Card 3/4 S/020/63/14-3/005/019/029 possible cause of the asymmetry ... A B190/B102 (4,2! -.Lyf') so that the tends to the level and the minus level to 2 2 (j2 2 splitting amounts to 2a anti Eq.(12) goes over to (2). Therefore, if ft(~-o) - const, then i a i and the doublet is symmetrical. Since 4- 14/,1- depends on the doublet components differ.not only in intensity but also in shape vwben the local field strength components are scattered. The doublet asymmetry will thus depend also on temperatuie, since is a temperature function. ASSOCIATION:- Inst'itut khimi~~heskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) PRESENTED., July 26, 1962, by V. N. Kondrailyev',.Academioian SUBMITTED; July 20p 1962 Card 4/4 EWr~)/BDS -AFFTC/-AqD AGUESSIUN NRt AP300531 8/0181/63/005/008/2128/21~L2 AUTHOR: Karyagin, S.J.. TITLE: Shape of lines of the M49bausr spectrum associated with spread in local values of the electrical field 'strength gradient SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 5J. no, 8, 1963,, ;2128-2132 TOPIC TAGS: Messbauer spectrump electrical field, gradientp Gamma-transition,, doublet, Bessel function ABSTRACT: The example of dipole -transition,11,12 1+/2 has been used to :compute the shape of the Messbauer spectrum when local values of the electrical !field gradient are spread, If there is no spread, the lines are assumed to be .infinitely narrow; i.e., the other factors tending to expand the lines are not considered. Two peaks are obtained, and it is shown that these have different shapes if the Messbauer factor is anisotropic, A formula is found for determining the degree of spreading of the electrical field gradient from measurement of the spectrum. When the spread is insufficiently small., the maximums of the spectral components are displaced relative to the points for energy of Y-quanta, determined i- Card 1/2 L .18423-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005316 QLfdanakiv.- by the average values of the gradient. "The author thanks V,-J,-C V. F. -14&karov and N. D. Sokolov for discussions of the work." Orig. art. hass .20 formulas. ASSOCIATION- Institut khimicheskKo fiziki AN SSSR, Moscow (Institute of Chemical Physics., Academy of Sciences, SSSR~ SU13MITTED: 25Feb63 SUB CODE: PH DATE ACQs 06Sep6.1 NO REF SOVs 003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 Card- 2/2 __L_2315~;-66 A~C NRI AP6006836 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/0493/0499 AUTHOR: Karyagin, S. V. IJ (2 ORG: Institute of Chemical PLysics,,Moscow (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki) TITLM Determining the parameters of a localized field from the hyperfine struc- ture of the Hdssbauer spectrun, SOURCE: Fizika tv'erdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 493-499 TOPIC TAM Mossbauer.spectrum, hyperfine structure , magnetic field, electric .field ABSTRACT: The localized field of a nucleus is described by the parameters gOH and e2Qq and by the angles 0 an&~ (see figure) for crientation of a magnetic field In. the system of the principal axes of the tensor for the gradient of the electric field intensity. The authors show that the Drown-Parker method M C. Brown, R. MO Parker, Plujs. Rev., 100, 1764, 1955) may be used in the case of the 1/2 -* 3/2 tran- sition f9p appM4imating the parameters e2Qq, n, 0 and and for exact deteriaina- tion of and '14 0Q -M 2 q1j1 .2 3 -L--23155-66- ACC NR: AP6006836 as well as for calculating the relative Intensities of the components in the krper- fine structure In the frequency (relative velocity) spectruti. Various methods are also proposed foil determining the energies of sub- MET." levels in the hyperfine structure and the chemical displacement S. The appropriate formulas are de- -rived. A number of formulas and derivatio*ns of a move general nature may be used for any transitions 0 This paper may bia of interest to research workers studying the hyperfine structure which arises In Mbssbauer spectra with simultaneous quadrupole and magnetic interactions. The author is grateful~to V. 1. Gol'danski,r. Ye. r. Makarov and N. D.-Sokolovi for discussing the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figure 2 tables, 26 formulas. -~:SUBM DATE:. llftr0t-_~ OREG RE REN 007 SUB CODE: 20/.- F: 002/ c -Z..;: Car d 2/2, ACC N% A16018535 SOLIRCE CME: ujVo18l/66/0O8/OO6/1739/1T5" AUTHOR: YArMinv S. V. ORG: Institute of Chemical PiWaics,, AN SSSRj jjoBcov (Institut khinicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRT_ TITIZ: Intensities in the hyperfine structure of Mossbauer absorption a etra SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telAL, v. 8, no. 6, 19~61 1739-1752 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer spectrum) hyperfine stnicture,, line intensity,, angular distri- bution, multipole order, crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earl-ter im,estigations of Mossbauer spectra were made under the assumption that the local field is axially symwtrical and the Moss- ,bauer factor is isotropic, the author derives f'ormulas for the relative intensities ,An the hyperfine structure and their angular distribution first for an isotropic Mossbauer factor and then with account of the Emisatropy. It'is assumed first that the nuclei contributingtto-the spectrum are in identical local fiews which have ,~ identical orientations relative to the crystallographic axes of the single crystal. In the case of polycr7stals, the spectrum is coaculated assuming all orientations to iq equally probable. The multipole radiation is assurmd to be of the mixed EM type. *e local field causing the asrmtry is regarded as a superpoiftion of magnetic and ,quadrupole electric fields. Single crystals with several sublattices, regarded as an Imtermediate formation between simple single C27stals and polycrystals, are discussed. Card 112 kcC NR3 AP6018535 Tables are presented of functions for the calculation of the angular dependences in crystals when the local field is asymnetrical. Typical results of computer calcula- tions of the effect of the anisotropy of the Mousbauer factor are given. It is con- cluded that the relations derived make it possible to obtain more complete informatia or, crystals than the Mossbauer spectra afford at the present time, but in order for this information to be obtainable it is necessary to increase the accuracy with vhich the intensities are measured. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 28 formulas, and 6 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ GUBM DATE: 01NOV65/ ORIG UF: 007/ OTII RU: 012 Card KARYAGIN, V. A. KOTAGIN, V.A,; SMOVIINY, G.M. [Textbook :cjr the automobilist) Uoho'Mik avtollubitelia. Hooky&, Goo. Izd-vo "Fiskulltura i sport,* 11~48. 207 p. OffJtk 7:5) (Automobile--Brivers ) ROSTOVTSEVA, I.r SKALINSKIY, Ye.; SHPAY, N,.D.; KARYAGIN,--Y-I."ADYROV, N.; KOPICHAY, L.S.; IBRAGIMOV, R.P.; (;CLOvbMv-,f-.A. Information and brief news. Veterinariia 40 no.7.-87-9*3 Jl 163. (MIRA, 16:8) (Veterinary medicine) OSTAPFIIKO, K.A.; KOROPOV, V.M.; P011KIIIN, F.S.; ~!.G.; KU,,YhGIN, Vj.; . . I - . - . - ZI'-'CHEI,IKO , A.V. ; PIDS"YOMASHVILI , A. ; 1 T , 1,7. ; K - . ; -17F~AShPVILT, S SIKORSKIYI A. Information and brief news. Veter,inariia 41 no.2:119-126 F 165. 18:3) BORISOVICH, F.K.; PANASEINKO, V.P.; MATIN, M.G.; KARYAGINly V.I. Ntstanding veterinarLan of White Russia; 90th anniversary of the birth of E.P. klonov. Veterinari-is, 42 no.32',94-95 D 165. (MIRA 19:1) - 1;, ~ *4 N Of-e. -;4 - - KARYAGIN) V.I. -~rctector of the Bre3t fc,7trefi,3. .1~1 nr-;.-2: -I I ol~ I r I I l8o'l KARYAGIN, YU. G., Cand of AgrT'Sci 9-- (diss) "AgriCUltural Engineering for the Raising of Pumpkins for Fodder in the Conditions of the Desert-Steppe Zone of Alma-Atinskaya Oblast," Alma-Ata, 1959, 19 pp (Con,-.iitte on Higher and Secondary Specialist Education of the Council of Ministers Kazakh S3R. Alma"Ata Zoovetinar7 Institute) (KL, 6-60, 124) ol 3i I 49 TEPPER, Ye.Z.; KAR LGI .Ms,_Lx,A,. Distribution of proactinor7cetas ".n turf-Podzolic and Cbernozem soils. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. ito.5.-772-775 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Moskovskaya ordena Lenina nal'vkokhozyaystvennaya akadardya Im. K.A. Timiryazeva. ACCESSION NR: A24017623 5/0033/64/041/001/0116/0121 AUTHOR: Gindilisl L. M.; Karyagina, Z. V. TITLE: Energy distribution in the counterglow spectrum in the region >-'4-3900- 6500 SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 41, no. 1, 1964, 116-121 TOPIC TAGS., spectrometry,.astrophysics, nebular spectrograph, counterglow, counterglow spectrum Caid ABSTRACT: The spectral investigations of the counterglow, which have been made 1 over the past few years with the aid of the I?ariyskiy nebular spectograph, have made it possible to determine several charact.,eriatic peculiarities of this phen-1, omenon. Together with the conclusion regardLng the absence of any intensifica- tion of primary emission line,s of the night sky in the region of-the counter- glow, the presence of a continuous counterglow spectrum has been established. Energy distribution in the counterglow spectrum in the region %4600-6500.x was found to be very close to the energy distribution in the zodiacal light spec- trum; however, in the 4300-4500 1 region a clearly expressed excess was detectedi-- in comparison with the spectrum of zodiacal light. -It vas also determined that KARYAGINA., Z.V.; KHARITONOV., A.V. -1 ... -_--1". I - Determining the stallar-pagnitude of the sun in three-color systems on the basis ofabsolute spectrophotometric observations. AstroNzhuro . 40 no.6:1123-122'5 N-D 163, (MLRA 16:1-1) 1. Astrofizicheskiy institut AN Kaz3SR& p GETSEU, V.V.; ~A~~~ ochamical characteristics of the Chirkey h7 ,droaulfide sprinp. TLyrlay GooLinst.Dag.fil. A' SSSR 2.-260-266 161; . (MM 15112) (Buynaksk District-4bmeral unters-Composition) ,--WYAGINA. A.V. Gare of patients in the receiving an& discharge ward. Ked.sestra 17 no-91131-32 S 158 (MIRA 11310) 1, Starshaya meditsinskaya sestro6 1-oy gorodskoy bollnitsy, Cyrozn"O' (HOSPITAIZ) ,,nRUGINA, A.T. (GorsVy) Turnes I couuolls in GroxWyg, Ned.somilra 19 no.2t47-48 F 160. (MZM-NMSIS AIM MMSING) (MM 13 t 5) ~L 15624-66 ACC NR.# APS024154 SOURCE CODE: UR/0216/65/000/005/0772/0775 AUTHOR: Tepper,,Ye. Z01 Kar-yagina. L. 'At - RG: Agricultural Academy-Im. K.- A.'Timiryazev (Sellskokhozyaystvennaya akaderdya) TITLE., Distribution of Proactinomycetes in sod-podzolic and chernozem soils SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologichedkaya, no. 5, 1965, 772-775 NOPIC TAGS: soil bacteriology, soil type, agri,culture science 'ABSTRACT: The seasonal dynamics of Proactinomycetes and chernozem soils are stud- led. Proactinomycetes in plowed sod-podzolic soil number in the tens and hundreds ,of thousands of cells per g of oven-dried soil but they decrease sharply with depth. ln July, when the soil Is dry., their numbers decrease considerably and they are vir- tually nonexistent in the subsoil. The relativa percentage of Proactinomycetes !(16%) is highest in unfertilized soil. The predominant forms are Proact. coralli- 'nue in unfertilized and Proact. oitreua synNotircwn In fertilized soils, respec- ~tively. Proaot. mucoawn Is abundant in all the soils during the summer. In forest populations number In the tens and htM- Isollso as,.In plowed soilsg ProIactinomycetes, UDC: -576.852 Card 1/2 KARYAGINA., Nina Stepanovna; MEDVEDEV, Valerim Vasillyevich; V-,Y S-.-~-----red. I [Labor protection .in car operation, maintenance and re- pairl Okhrana truda v vagonnom khoziaistve. Moskvap Izd- vo "Transport," 1964. 207 p. ~~ (MIRA 17:8) YXMWIOV, G-V-; KARIAGIVII" N-Yee 4-.11 , Coprecipitation of thallium with aurea complex of lead. Uch. zap. LOU no.297:71-76 16qo (MIRA 13:11) Otanlum) (Mad compounds) YMAGINA, Z. ve Def ended his Candidattes dimsertation in the State Astronom. ic-al L-13titute imeni Shternberg of Mo5cow Stato Univor3ity on 3 JulY 1952. Di!mertation: "Detemination of the Stellar MAgnitude of the Sun." SO-. Ventnak Monkovskogo Univensiteta, Seriyt Fiziko-Mlatematiche6kikh i Yet-tc!5tvenrr,,kh Nevuk,, No. 1, Mo3cmi, Feb 1953, PP 151-157: trannl. in W 12 April 54, For off. une only. ,29782, KARYAGI NA, Z. V. Determination of the stellar magnitude of the sun. Isy. Astrofts.Inst. AN Kazakh.SSR I no.1/2:135-105 '55. (MIJU 9: 10) (Solar radiation) K ARjj - h I -jdpj%W Spectrophatometric Investigation of the Intensificqtion of the 5577 A line in zodiacal light [with summary in English]. Izv. Astrofiz.inst. AN Usakh.SSR 5 n0-7:110-119 '57, (MLRA 10:7) (Zodiacal lij;ht) URYAGINA, Z.V.; PARIYSKIY, Nell. Spectr= of Arend-Roland's aomet. Autron. tair. no.181:2-4 -Te 157. (MIRA 13:3) l.Astrofizichaskiy inatitut AN KaisSSR i Gosudarstvennvy astronomich6; inatitut im. P.I. Shternberga, (Comets-6peotra) KARYORIA, Z.V.; PAIIIYSKIY, N.N. Spectroscopic observations of low-latitude aurorA borealis of September 29-30, 1957. Astron.tair. nf).186:20-21 14 157. (miRA i1:4) 1. Antrofisicheskiy institut All Xa7SSR (for Karyagina) 2. Gosudnrstvan- ny astronomicheskiy institut im. Shternbergn (for Pariyakiy). (Auroras) 88937 $10351611000100110131019 AOO1/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, As~roncimiya i Geodeziya, 1961, No. 1, p. 58, # 1A412 AUTHOR: _nu.7aginaZ V. TITLE: Low-Latitude Aurdi-a of September 29-30, 1957 PERIODICAL: "Izv. Astrofiz. in-ta AN KuSSIV't 1959, Vol. 8, pp. 68-78 (Engl. summary) TEM The author describes results of vJ.sual and speotrographio observa- tions of aurora of September 29-30, 1957. Observations were conducted near Alma- Ata in the vicinity of the Great Alma-Ata Lake (430OWN) at an altitude of abou-C 3,000 m above sea level 'Aurora was'disoovered at 17hljP UT on the northern horizon in the form of ; very bright redorimson 11low with sharply outlined bounda. ries. In the initial phase of its development aurora was expanding in altit d Ne and azimuth, and its brightest parts were shifting along the azimpth. At 3m UT aubora split into 2 parts,~&Imost symmetrical to meridian. At 18"1~m aurora had the appearance of a diffuse aro. By 19h29m UT aurora considerably weakened and was observed up to 22h03m UT an a weak glow of various shapes (diffuse spot, dome-like Card 1/3 88937 S10351611000100110131019 Low-Latutude Aurora of September 29-30, 1957 AOOj/AOOJ arc, wide pillar). Aurora was first of red color but then whitish and greenish colors began to dominate. The sky brightness in the northern and north-eastern directions remained enhanced during all the night (till dawn). Spectral observa- tions of aurora were conducted by means of a speed nebular GAISh spectrograph with a glass low-dispersion camera. Three regions of the sky were spectrographed simul- taneously. Observatiowstarted still prior to the appearance of aurora. On h-em h spectrograms taken at 16- IJU and 16 59m no anOMiLlies were discovered. In the spectrum of the sky polar region obtained at 17h1--3m UT red oxygen lines were sharp- ly enhanced, and their brightness became considerably higher than the brightness of the green line. The brightness of red lines tras growing anomalously strong with increasing zenith distance. On the speatrogram taken at 1~h3lm the line k 5200 (NI) was discoveredl changes in Intensity of lines ?,k5200, 5577 and 589,3 depend- ing on the azimuth were noticed. In the violet portion of the spectrum emission lines ),;L4667, 4568, 4410, 4262, 4172, 4074 and :5875 were discovered on the back- ground of continuous spectrum. After 19h42m the regions of zodiacal light and counterglow were spectrographed. It was found out that prior to dawn in the zodiacal light region was present the line X 55Y), and the bands of the first negative system of N+ were enhanced so that their brightness exceeded that of the green and red lines.2 The intensity of the red line was close to that of the green Card 2/3 88937 S/0.35/61/000/001/013/019 Low-lAtitude Aurora of September 29-30, 1957 A001/AO01 line. No essential changes were detected in the features of the linesXX5893 and 5577. The intensity of emission lines was expressed in absolute units by comparing with stars. The absolute intensity of % bands and red lines (01) was increasing in the period of aurora development. However intensities of lines kX 5200, 5577 and 5893 were practically constant. N. Divari Translator's notel This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 313 to t.4 vie 'It 1414 it's 4 5 r lu ,y, 410 S/169/61/000/002/017/039 AO05/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No. 2, P. 32, # 2G239 AUTHOR: Karyagina, Z. V. TITLE: A Spectrophotometrical Investigation of the Aurora at Low Latitudes on September 29-30, 1957 PERIODICAL: V sb.: "Spektr. elektrofotometr. I radiolokats. issled. polyarn. siyanly i svecheniya nochnogo neba". No. 2-3. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1960, pp. 60-62 (English summary) TEXT: The author gives an account of the results of determination of the absolute intensities of -the emission lines [0'.], NaD, [N1] and the bands of the first negative system q in the auroral spectra observed on September 29-30, 1957, in the region of the Great Alma-Ata Lake (40004', 75028' ejong.) . The observations were carried out with the aid of the nebular spectrograph of FAWW (GAISh) . The absolute intensities of emissions were measured on 5 spectrograms for three points of sky, the spectra of which were obtained with the aid of a special prismative headpiece which makes it possible to take simuitaneousiy the photographs of three regions of sky. For the calibration and standardization of Card 1/2 8/169/61/000/002/017/039 A005/AOOI A Speotrophotometrical Investigation of the Aurora at Low Latitudes on September 29-30, 1957 the spectra, phosphors of constant action were used The absolute intensities of the lines A 6,300 + 6,364, 5,893, 5,577, and 5,200 P were determined by gaging them with the phosphor. When deriving the absolute intensities of the emissions, the absorption of the radiation in both prisms and atmosphere was taken into account. In consequence of the low dispersion of the n6bular spectrograph, the fine structure of the bands of N is not resolved, and the bands ~ 4,709 (0.2), 4,652 (1.3), 4,596 (2.4), 4,551 6.5), 4,278 (0.1), 4,236 (1.2), and 4,2oo (2.3)R are obtained as two wide bands with wavelengths of maximum intensity at A 4 616 and 4,254 R. The accuracy of determination of the wavelength amounted to + 5 R. Bfsing on the data obtained~ it is concluded that the intensity of the bands of N2 considerably increased with time. The intensity of the line X 6,300 + 6,364 also increased. Simultaneously, the brightness of the lines A 5,200 [NIJ, 5,577 [011, and 5,893 Na remained practically constant, which is characteristical for the low latitude aurora. L. Yerasova Translator's note: This is the full translation cf the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 89764 3/169/61/000/002/018/039 A005/A001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofi:-lika, 1961, No. 2, P. 34, # 2G252 AUTHORS: Gaynullina, R. Kh., Ka . ~agin~aZ V TITLE: The Determination of Temperature of the Upper Atmosphere From Rotation Bands of the Hydroxyl Spectrum PERIODICAL: V sb.: "Spektr., elektrofo4ll-ometr. I radiolokats. issled. polyarn. slyaniy I svecheniya nochnogo nebs..". No. 2-3, Moscow, AN SSSR,-1960, pp. 63-65 (English summary) TEXT- In accordance,with the program of IGY, the temperture of einitetior" of OH molecules was determined from the intensity dlstribut~ion in the rotation bands (6.1) and (9-3) of the night sky glow spectrum. The obse-.vations were carried out in the vicinity of Alma-Ata at an altitude of 1,400 m, To obtain the spectra, the diffraction spectrograph CN-48 (3::-48) was used. For standardizing the spectra, a phosphor of constant action was used. The distribution of energy In the spectrum in absolute units was obtained Oy comparison with the phosphor. For six nights of observations, the Intensity was determined of all components of the bands (6.1) and (9.3) in absolute units, and for two nights of observations Card 1/2 89764 S/169/61/000/002/018/039 A005/AO01 The Determination of Tempqrature of the Upper Atmosphere From Rotation Bands of the Hydroxyl Spectrum in relative.units in the region of the w.avelengtl--is 6,200 - 6,600 R~ The Intensi- ties of the lines-were de-termined by integration of the co=our. The results of determination of the excitation temperature of the rotatIon bands showed thaT, the average value, taken from all the nights, of temperature amounts to 2570�20C for both bands. L. Ye. Translator's note. This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract, Card 2/2 8592-5 3,19,10 S/169/60/000/010/010/013 AOOWOO1 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, No. 10, p. 207, # 13191 AUTHOR: Kar-jagin~~ TITLE: The Low-Latitude Aurora Polaris on September 29-30, 1957 PERIODICAL: Izv. Astrofiz. in-ta. AN KazSSR 1959, Vol. 8, pp. 68-70 (English summaryT Tat: A bright aurora polaris is described in detail, which was observed on September 29-30, 1957 in the Alma-Ata region; the results of deciphering the aurora spectra are presented. The aurora spectra were obtained by means of a ne- bular spectrograph with a special prism mount, which made It possible to observe simultane usly three regions o~ the sky apart by 201). The linesk 6,300-6,364 5,200 2, and the bands of N~ occur in the spectra. The line k6P300-6,364 is-considerably intenslfied, its intensity attained 3oo.10-5 erg/cM see steradian. The intensity of the N~Lband considerably varied during the observations, whereas the intensitiea of the lines k 5,200, 5,577, and 5,893 A were practically constant. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 KAMGIIM, Z.V. -. TULIMOVA, L.N. Spectrophotometric investigation of -the continuous and emission spectrum of nightglow in the visual region of the spectrum. Izv. Astrofliz.inat.AN Kazukh.SSR 9:86-95' 160. (MIELk 13:5) (Night sky-Spectra) S/03.3/60/037/005/012/024 E032/E514 AUTHOR: Karyagina. Z.V. TITLE: The Energy Distribution in the Continuous Spectrum of Zodiacal Light\,y PERIODICAL: Astronomicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol-37, No-5, pp.882-887 TEXT: Spectrophotometric observations of zodiacal light were made during four nights in the Autumn of 1957 and the energy distribution in the visible spectral regiDn (XX 4100-66oo) was obtained. The nebvlar spectrograph at the State Astronomical Institute imenI P. K. Shternberg was used (focal ratio 1/0.7, dispersion 1500 JL/mm at 5000 1; Ref-5). It was found that sufficiently strong spectra for the night sky could be obtained with OaF plates (British Kodak) with exposures of 20 to 30 min and slit width 0.3 cm. The corresponding slit image on the plate was found to be 0.004 cm or 36 JL in the region of H . The spectro- graph was set up atan altitude of about 3000 m Xbove sea level and the spectra of zodiacal light and at an angular distance of 200 from Its axis were determined simultaneously with the aid of a special attachment incorporating direct vision prisms (Ref.6). The zenith distance was 70* throughout. Calibration photographs Card 1/2 23713 -31 AUTHORS: TITLE% 3/035/6 1/000/004/04 8/058 A001/AlOl Karyagina, Z. V., and Tulenkova, L. N. A speotrophotoinetrioal investigation of continuous and emission spectra of the night sky in the visual region of spectrum PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1961, 70-71 abstract 4A524 ("Izv. Astrofiz. in-ta, AN KazSSR, 1959 (1960), V. 9, 86-95, Engl. summary) - T EXT Spectra of night sky glow in region A 4100-6500 were photographed by means of a nebular speotrograph with a high-speed camera (I : 0.7) and dis- perdion of 2,500 A/mm at A 5600. Observations were carried out at an altitude of 3,000 m above sea level. Calibration was made by comparing with spectra of a luminophore taken at different widths of the slit, and standardizatlon-.~ With spectra of stars 8 cyg and ~ Dra; energy distribution in the spectra of the latter was determined in absolute units by comparing with energy distribution in the solar spectrum. Intensity distribution in continuous spectrum of the night sky glow in region 114100-6500 was determined. Integrated brightness of the continuous background and integrated brightness of lines A) 5577, 5893, 6300 Card 1/2 KAJ~TA.q-1U,--M-k PARIYSKIY, N.N. Effect of the polarization of a spectrograph on the observed energy distribution and spectrum intensity of the zodiacal Ii ht -77 161. 11 * Izv.Astrofiz.inst.AN Kazakh. SSSR 11;70 (MIRA 14:3 (Zodiacal light) S)2138 3, C9~ IQ 534/61/000/021/002/005 AUTHORi Idlis, G.M., anLiaELSaini D055/D114 TITLE- The cometary nature of the Tunguska meteorite SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komitet po meteoritam. Meteoritika, no. 21, 1961, 32-43. TEXTg In conducting this study, the authors cttempted to support the hypo- thesis that the Tunguska meteorite was the nucleus of a small comet which formed a tail before colliding with the Earth. Characteristics associated with the approach and explosion of the Tunguska meteorite are discussed and oalculated. The estimated initial and final speeds of 60 km/sec and 6 km/sec indicate that the meteorite met the Earth travelling in a direction opposite to that of the Earth and the final mass of the! meteorite exploded and was dispersed in the Earth's atmosphere. I.S. Asta.povich (Ref-3: Priroda, no-3, 1951, 13-23) made a direct estimate of the explosive force of the meteorite at lo23 erg, which the authors find in agreement with their calculation fig- ure. They estimate the change in the geomagnetic field in Irkutsk when the tail of the meteor collided with the Earth at about 3-10-4 gauss, which agrees fairly with the direct observations of K.G. Ivanov [Abstracter's note: see abstract 00,~ of this setl . The geomagnetic disturbance occasioned by Card 1113 321~8 S 534/61/000/021/002/005 Th~, cometary nature D055/D114 the meteor resembled an ordinary magnetic storm but was shorter. The size of the tail of the hypothetical comet was commensurate with that of the Earth, -which accords with the authors' conclusion that the Earth's atmosphere cap- tured the whole mass of the tail, consisting mainly of dust. The observed duration of the first phase of disturbance, until the horizontal component began to fall, was 32 minutes.-The corresponding figure, as calculat-ed by the authors for a hypothetical comet, is 33 mins. This disturbance has a natural explanation in a collision between the Earth and a comet and could hardly be uonnected with the explosion proper of the Tunguska meteorite, as K.G.Ivanov supposes. The light nights and long, bright sunsets observed in Europe and Western Siberia after the fall of the meteorite are a further indication that it was a comet. The phenomenon was riot discovered before the collision with the Ea2~th, because its tail was formed only just before the collision. Refer- ence is made to the works of I.S.Astapovich, V.G.Fesenko-,, B.Yu.Levin(Ref.9: Fiz-'cheskaya teoriya meteorov i meteornoye veshchestiro v solnechnoy oisteme [The Physical Theory of Meteors and Meteoric Matter in the Solar System], Izd-vo AN SSSRq 1956), A.G. Kalashnikov (Ref.16z Izv. AN SSSR; seriya geofiz., no. 6, 1952, 7-20), V. Bw.iba(Ref.Byull. 17 astron. in-to- Chekhoslovakii, 5. no. 1, 1955, 1-5), Ye.L. Krinov (Ref. Ii T-ingusskiy metecrit [The Tunguska Card 2/3 The cometary nature ... 32138 S/534/61/000/021/002/005 D055/Dll4 Meteorite)Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1949) and L. Apostolov, Director of the meteor- ological bureau of the Kubano-Chernomorsk~y krayevoy institut (Kuban' and Black Sea Regional Institute), (Ref. 24: Mircivedeniye, no- 3, 1926). There is 1 table and 34 references, of which 27 arej Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The 3 English-language references are: P.J.W. Whipple, The Quarterly Journal of A the Royal Meteorological Society, 56, N 236, 1930, 287-304; it, Chapman and K. Ferraro, Terrestrial Magnetism, 36, 77, 1931, 171; 37, 1932, 147; C.W. Allen, Astrophysical Quantities, London, 1955- Card 3/3 S/16 62/000/009/108/120 D228YD307 Ils/ AUTHOR: Karyagina, Z. V. TITLE: Hydroxyl emission in the night sky spectrum according to observations at-Alma-Ata PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962, 14-15, abstract 9G122 (-In collection: Polyarn. siyaniya i svecheniye nochn. n6ba iro. 8, M.p AN SSSR9 1962v 6-8 (summary in En g. TEXT: Observations of the airglow spoctrum. in the 6200:-6600 wavelength region were carried out in the IGY period. The absolute intensities and rotational temperatures of the OH-bands (6, 1) and (9, 3) were determined from night sky spectrograme, obtained'in the winter and the spring of 1957-1958. The rotational temperature .was ascertained from the F-branch line intensities (transitions between the.levels 2p ). The results of determining the tempera-.: 3/2 .--ture and total intensities of all the band's components (P, p, Qq Card'1/2 S/16 62/000/009/108/120 Hydroxyl emission in D228YD307 R) in rayleighs for 18 nights of observation are tabulated. The average rotational temperature ascertained for both bands was found to equal 2340K. No dependence of the OH-band intensit on the rotation temperature was detected either for band (6, 1~ or for band (9, 3). The relative population intensity of. th6 9th and 6th oscillatory levels is independent of the rotational tempera- ture in the range 200 2500K. Z-Abstracter's note% Complete trans- lation.-7 Card 2/2 KARYAGINA, Z.V.; KIIARITONOV, A.V. Use of standards in spectrophotometric observations. Energy distribution in the spectrum of Persei in the region 3200-10300 X in absolute units. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. Jfiz.-mat. nauk no.l.-32-42 163. (MIRA 17:4) GINMILIS, L.M.; KARYAGINA, Z.V. Energy distribution in the counterglow spectrum In the x )I. 3900-6500 A range. Astronahur. 41 no.1:116-121 Ja-P 164. (MA 17:10 1. Astronomichaskly institut Im. P.K.3-3hternberp i Astroftzichenkiy institut AN KazSSR. KARYAGINA, Z.V.,- MARROW, A.Vo Energy distribution in the spectra of 17 stars erpressed In absolute energy unita. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. fiz.-maLt. nauk no.3alO-27 S-D 164. (M.IRA 1-71!2) ~ KARYAGINA, Z.V.; MOZHAYE-VA, ftission spectr= of sodim in twilight. Vast. AN Kazakh.SSR 21 no42175-77 F 165- (YIRA 18:3) KARYAGINA, Z.V.; KHARITONOV, A.V. Study on the UBV photometric syBtem. Astronszhur. 42 no.2-t377-385 Xr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut astrofiziki AN KazSSR. fxcduc t D-C Lit 1,',in~, o-. Sil'- bu" - I I no .3 I:r (:.,-L A 1'r: 1. Sckret-i~ V:3,-... wisa Ko-.- %o p,r-'Ai Zaro--,-o-.'i,-,,':o.:, (Vocs; %,,C, (CO! co -ati or) Kit 14, 11VI,V7 US~S R/Me d i c in eFish Yedicine Tem,,;erature, Effecta Feb 11~48 "Upper Temperature Limits of the Baykal Cottoidei," L. 1'. Tciliyev, YF. A. Karyak v, Baykal limiological Sta, ixad Sci U-'-':3R, 4 pp I'Dok A-kad ULuk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIXI No 4 Analyses e~q-~erimental study of 20 fonrs of Baykal Cottoidei, c-,:rriEd out on 12-7 different fish. T Iq bul,-tes results for av~-r,~ge, Maximiur. and minimum temperutures. Submitted by Ac~;demician I. I. Muialluauzen, 10 Nov 1947. PA 43T56 .1 ft m ACC NRt APGOJG056 SCURC2 CODE: 1)'-q/0084/65/000/011/0018/0019 AUTHOR: Belolipetskiy, A. (Encgineer)-, KAILa~~ (Engineer); 5 Karyaka, V. (Engineer) (P 5 ORG: None TIT=,: Sky giant SOUGE: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 11, 1965, 18-19 TOPIC TAGS: transport aircraft, turboprop.aircraft, aircraft enaline,/ An-22 transport aircraft, NK-12MB aircraft engine ABSTRACT: kA general description of tho n3w transport aircraft 0 An-22 type, (also known as "Antey") is presented. Being designedi~Y 0. K-6 Anto'nov's Design Office, it is considered the greate-s-t--a-l-roraft in the world. It is equipped with four 15000-hp turb op an,qines de- si8ned by N. D. Kuznetsov. Two four-blade pr6pellersim,runted on coin- cident axes are driven T-Y each enrine. Designed for-a takeoff iveight of 250 tons, the aircraft can transport a load of 80 tons over 5000 kra. Its cabin being 4.4 m high, 4.4 m wide and 33 m long is well adapted fo airlift of heavy machinery, vehicles, agricultural products and other goods to the remotest parts of the country. The operating range of the aircraft is 11000 km. The aircraft is provided with loading and hoist- Card 1/2 i i ?~ I y , ~f,~ . ,; ., "'. . I? !. B *. ',* -~( '..4. 1 1 'Al , , . ~ 1. , . " " . , .-I i '-, 1 ~ . ; fl,.~ ". ~1. 4 .,. y -.1 1. ~ .. ~9djLh . ~ j 4 Y 9 !~ t - G-,- a zi A . av . 22 nc,. 's' 11". ( I,'; 17 ' ' I I , 38il2l ACCE&9TON NR: AT4041807 *25016000/230/0MI/0023 AUTHOR:' Karyald, Yu. Ye. TITLE: - Flow around circidar tattices of circles SOURCE: Leningrad. Politalchnicheakly inatitut. Trudy*, no. 230, 1964. TeMnicheskaya gidromekhanika (Technical hiriclimmechanias), 91-23 TOPIC TAGS: aeromeohanics,'bydromechanics, hydraulics, flow, flow imposition method,, circular lattice ABSTRACT: The article evolves a complex p otential for the Raw around a circula~r lattice of circlei3 using the flow imposition method. This is done, as'ehown in Fig. 1 of the En- closure, by arranging lines directed toward the origin of the-coo which Is the rdinates source of flow, along xvgvlar lengths -at gomi conot&d radius. The flow is thft Integrated: nz- j L C ~ Hd ACCESMON NR: AT4041807 Using polar coordinates a different expression is* evolved:.. :1 At RW + Al 20r~" cos,V (I +,p) 0 In RW + t3N- 2R cosi (X -v) V In this fornn"N in the mij6ber & Orofiles In the iatuce and iB,.o,ome angle. Thieftle m ay be found by using w siinila solution evolved by Elckh for a straight'air-foll, latticee This Is done by considering datq,- ?ON/,,Y'and;L - 106XI; whom q - 1A the density of an equivalat sUidght air-&il lattice and A' in one of lis parameters.. Calculations have shown that for a lattice density of q - To N1-j < 0. 92 the zero flow lines may be approximated by circles with siLfficient swcuraoy. In Fig. 2 of the Enclosure, crosses show the calculated -points for a density of q 0. 606 (N = 20; R = 1; ri 1. 10); a 2 zero flow line In also shown for comparison where q 0. 94 (N = 20; R = 1; r 2 , 1. 16) :'This allows one to consider that Airmula (1) expresseis the complex potential of radial flow around a circular lattice of circles with sufficient accurary. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. 0 77 Card - 2/6 7_77. - - - ------------------ ACCESSION NR: AT4041807 ACCESSION NR: AT4041807 ENCLOSURE: - t 1 - C 44~1 _ A Ccrcfl~'3 4/5 , "'T 7777,7- - -~ -4 .1 1 I I - Ic! 0~ - - 17 - - % .1 - -- 2 - - I S ~ 7 1 . ,. ~-- Y . - . - . l - ~- M- - - - 4 - , I - - 171 - + URYAKIII, A. (g.Liuki, Yoronezhakaya oblaut') Increased sensitivity of a transistor receiver. Hadio no.2:43 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Translator radios) KARYAKIN, A.A.; IMLIYZVI. G.S. Diagnosis of Vibrio fostus infection. Yeterinariis 35 no-1:71-74 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Direktor Uersonskoy oblnatnoy votbnklnboratorii (for KarvRkin). 2. Znveduyushcheyn bakteriologicheBkim otdolom Khereonskoy oblnetnoy vekbaklaboratorii (for DeliyevA). (Abortion in animala) KAMM, A. M. 36225. KARYAm7, A. M. -- Uluchshit' ispol'zovaiiiye novo~-o oborudovaniva. Tekstil. prom-st', 1'49, 1i0. 11, G. 36-37- SO: Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh Sta,-ey, No. 49, 1949 KARYAKINt A. ff~ Looms Choice of Parameters for adjustment of looms. Tekst. prom. no. 5, 1952 Monthly _IJist ~Lf_ F_ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. KARMIN., A. M. Time Study Organize the work of Lime-s-lv-udy engineers correctly. Teks'.. prom. 12 no. 8, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIMED. KARYAKIII) k.M.p Inyh. '. of the cnaases of Fitrilin In vioven fabrics. Tekst. prcm. 25 r4o.7:44-45 Jl 165. (Ir_TfUt 18 -8) KARYAKIN, A.M., dotsent (Leningrad., Lesnoy pr. d.4, kv.22) Perforated ulcer in the adducent loop of gastrointestinal anaBtomosis. Test. khir. 91 no.W18-119 Ag'63 (MIRA 1-7 23) 1. 1z 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (nacha3 Inik - prof. I.D. ZhitnyA) Voyenno-meditainskoy ordene. Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. MYAKIN, A.M., mayor maditainakoy sluzhby Course and treatment of peritonitis inecuts radiation sickness. Voen.-med.shur. no.9:79-90 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) (PUITOMTIS) (UDIJLTION SIGMSS) URYAKIN, A. 14. Pemilifiritias of the course and treatment of diffuse peritonitis in acute radiation sickness. Zdrav,.Turk. 3 no.3:7-9 My-Je '59. (MIR& 12:11) 1. Iz kafedry Idiirurgii usovershene-Wovaniya vrachoy No.2 (nachallnik - prof.I.D.Zhitnyuk) Vo.,ranno-meditainbkoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (WILTION SIMMS) (FMITONITIS) (ANTIBIOTICS) 717' K, -A M gnu fro ',.a 202 .1.1 ('.bblts' doqs)~_ as atim. rodu by a to al- dy single X_ irradiation. peritonitis, was produced by means or Infecting sbd*=I"1 cavity with the contents or a large latez~ine. The'treateent of the peritonitis was conducted with antl. .J.,biatics (penicillin, straptozontm) in novocatne solution, The antibiotics and the novocalne wcre Injected into the ~sbdawtnal cavity through a thin elastic rubhor drain In a 6"o of 17~3DO units of each antibiotic fond .10 cubic canti. asters of O.ZS percent novocalne solution per Xllogr= of lgbtZf the aftimal for five days three%ttmes a day (every 10ght, ors). : Infecting the abdominal cavity with the contents of the I:rgo Intestine led to the d:vslapment of a diffuse parLt- 0 ItIs which ended In the d ath of al I the animals of the c.1tr.1 groups. -.The .1croflors of the poritonsal asudst was polymorphic vith a, predominance of the colon bacillu:. 133 ?jj~,a~rIy (f And 22 hours ofter'faaction of the obdamInal qSvIty) rolo tod. Introparitoneel jlnl~ctlcn of antibiotics Ing "lotion during ths'16tiol period of $cut* With havoca" In the .Padkation ilckoass W Consfdorable reduction =!..tgllty rat!c of the animals, from per.1 to.., t.!2; Wbr4A the saubrotics In novocalnesaZut ton wersAnjected lito 't4d'abd6minal cavity for *0erit-n1tis the penicillin Ind .-my. - war. md In the blood for,the next eight,hour&. pt I fo." to the.blood was The highest cobcantratlop of ant1blotica 99uA4 one-haIS'and' two hour-$ Otter the time or their Enjec. tica. The Int aperitondal fP41ic tIon 6f antibiotics In :Xgr'ttd,,& favocableeff*ct an the course no f rg let an Sic)uw as gap VLng It tc*me. 22-i, M. 9, 1959, KARMIN, A M Analysis of m4itality in.acute diffuse peritonitis aB revealed by clinical data, Zdrav. Turk. 4 no.6:196-24 N-D 160. (Km 14:1) 1. Iz kqLfedry khirurgii wovershenstvovaniya vrachey to.2 (nachallnik prof. I.D. Zhitnyuk) voyenno-meditsImskoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni S.M.Kirova. (PERITONIT1S) LUMAKINg A.M. Absorption of antibiotics and novocaine in normal and inflamed peritcneum. Vieet.khim. 84 no.3934,39 Mr 160. (KMA 13t12) (PEMONITIS) (ANTIBIOTI03) (ROVOCAM) KARYAKIN, A.M., dotsent Deaminating and urea-forming function of the liver in acute diffuse peritonitis. Vest. khir. no.10:123 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki us,overshonstvovaniya vrachey (nachalinik - prof. I.D. Zhitnyuk) V,:)yenno-meditsinskoy ordena Leniiia akademii imeni Kirova. Card: .slr--,6f-.hda corre4pF!~ creases- allentbd-. SHVI-D, F. ;)of, t,~j 1~, D R-1K]ITIAROV, F.F. und atri-tu'-le b, -'Aa-1 1 24 no.9-309-~112 S KARYAGIN A.V.- SOWVIYff, G.M.; TABACHNIKOVA, A.Ya.. redaktor; MALYSWA, ==iX~~khnicheekly redaktor [Textbook for automobile enthusiasts) Uchabnik avtoltubitelia. Izd. 7. Moskva. Goe. izd-vo "litkalstura i sport." 1953. 273 P. MRA 7:10) (Automobiles-Design and construction) (Automobile drivers)