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KARPENKO, A. S.- -, : * -, , -711 Basic features of vegetation in the Indigirka Iowland. Bot. zhar. 43 noU,70-75 A 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Botanicheakiy inatitut im. V.L. Komarova AN SSSR. Ieningrad. (Indigirka Valley-Botan~--Rcolog7) XARESEINKO, A. S. Specific features of the vegetation cover of Pskov Province as related to principal factors of the geographical environment --:~t,-~zhur. 45 no-5:667-683 W- 160. (MIR& 13:7) (Pskov Province-Phytogeography) SOCWA, V.B.; ISAGIONKO, T.I.; KOPOKO, A.S. Zonal division of the Baltic Sea region of the Soviet Union on the basis of a medium-ecale goobotanical map. Bot.zhur. 45 no.6:795-804 Je 160. (MIu 13*-7) 1. Botanicheskiy inatitut im. V~L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Baltic Sea region--Phytogeograpl7) K&UEUKO. A. S. Methods of generalization in geobotanical mapping. Bot. zhur. 45 no-9:130i-1308 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L~ Komarova Akaiemii nauk SSSR, Ieningrad. (I~hytogeography--Maps ) GiQBOVA, S.A.; KARPENKO, A.S. -- Conference on the mapping of vegetation. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no.5:823-827 S-0 161.V (MIRA 14:9) (PHYTOGEOGRAPHY-~WS) iURXQVSKAYA, T,K.; KARPLNKO, A.S. First Conference on the geobotanical investigation of bogs. Bot. zhur. 46 no. 5:750-755 My 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut biologii Karellskogo filiala All SSSR, Petrozavodsk i Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (swamps) KARPENKO, A.S. Discussion of the book "Steppe vegetation of northern KazakhstanO at the Komarov Botanical Institute of the AcadeV of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Bot. zhur. 47 no.9:1395-1396 S 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, &3ningrad. (Kazakhstan-Steppe flora) KARPENKO, A.S. Scientific seminar at the Department of Goobotany of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in 1961-1962. Bot.zhur. 1+7 no.1131706-1707 N 162. (KRA 16:1) 1. Sekretarl nauchnogo seminara otdela geobotaniki Botaniche-skogo instituta imeni V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Botany-Ecology) KARPENKO, A.S. --- -1 ... _.- ~: -------- - Discussion on three compendiums of geobotany at the Department of Geobotany of the Komarov Botanical Institute. Bot. zhur. 48 no.12:1857-1860 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. Sekretarl Nauchnogo seminara otdola geobotaniki Botanicheskogo instituta AN SSSR. KARPENKO, A.S. Work of the scientific seminar of the Geobotany Department of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Anademv of' SpInnees of the U.S. S.R. in 1962-1963. Bot, 2hur, 49 no*13156-159 Jd 164. (MIRA 17-2) 1. Bottinichaskiy institut imani V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, L6ninjrad. DAVYLOV , A.B. , kand. tokhn. , A.-!;~, Jr.T-h. 13 -~ L Lengthening the l,fr; of -~f lu-boexpandere, 'r ,rl:dy I t:,.. DIA 17 - 0) (mT KARPENKOY AsS. Phytogeograuhy of the lower Amur vqlleyj ana2,yi3is of a new rjiytr,.. geographical mao. Botozlmro 49 no.lOiI408-1420 0 '64, (MIRA 18.-).) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Komarova AN SSSR, leningrad. GRIBOVA, S.A.; ISACIIENKC, T.I.; KARPENhO, A.S.; LIPATOVA, V.V. -- _I'...,- Viktor Borlsovich Sochava, 1905; on his 60th birthday. Bot. zhur. 50 no.6:880-894 Je 165. (MIRA 1817) 1. Botanicheskiy In3titUt Imeni Komarova AN SSSI, Leningrad. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy.-Ingtitut Geobotanicheskoye kartografirovaniye (Geo- botanical mappi S), 1963. Moacow, lzd-vo "Nauka!', 1965, 23-32 TOPIC TAGS: geograpldcal survey, mapping, plant ecology ABSTRACT: The dynamic principle in the presentation ("reflection") of the regulari- ties in tile transformations of the vegetation cover on geobotanical maps is being de- veloped by the French and German schools of geobotanical cartography. In the SSSR, the realization of this approach dates from 1928. Major efforts are,12'6wever, of more recent origin (1959). The dynamic transformations of the south tayga forest vegeta- tion are most,frequently related to antropogenic cauSeS, - forest fires, forest ex- ploitation, convefsionto-farmland and farming abandonment. In arid and mountainous regions, major veget 'ation changes are known to be fastj In the plains of tile southern tayga, except in the marches, these clianges are quite slow and thus cannot be reflec- ted in maps. However, certain phytogenic changes, e.g. in the composition of vegeta- L 26520-66 ACC NRt AT5027652 tion comple= (participants), are significant. The present work is based upon a de- tailed large scale ping of three key reservations in the viscinity of a) Angara river (1961). 16 kl:lp, b) Ladozhskoye 0'sere (Ladoga lake),.1963, 16 klm2, Chudskoye ozero (lake), (1963),330 klm2. All these mapped parcels of land were situate .d within the generalized boundaries of the-soulhern tayga forest, but in regions vastly diffe- rent with respect to the degree of anVopogenic interference. Maps of the regions are presented on 3 figures. 3 tables contain a systematic description of the'observed ve- getation complexes; from 3 to 5 partidpant plants are listed for each complex. Dis- cussion of the complex successions i~m'phasizea the influence of various methods of forest harvesting on the future veg~fation development. Thoughts on the improvement .-of-mapping efficiency are expressed. It appears necessary to use the maximum range of cartographic information codes (e.g..multiletter designations), and to combine color with black patterns, for the fullest reflection of a present vegetation status agains, the background of Its past basei Orig. art..had 3 figures, 3 tables. SUB 03DES 41,08- SUBM DAT11i ISFev65,' ORIG Mq % 010 CYM REFi 001 'Card 2/2 W1 M R, AP6029519 SOURCE CODE: UR/0432/66/000/004/0040/0042 AUTHOR: Bayborodin, Yu. V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kraychenko. V. I.* Kabanov, E. Kar2enko, S.; Kozin, A. V.: Petrenko. R.,A.; Shaposhnik2 B. V~ ORG: none ~_~Ocl TITLE: A Q factor modulator for a iH!ILlaser SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya upravleniya, no. 4, 1966, 40-42 TOPIC TAGS:.- solid state laser, laser modulation, laser pulsation ABSTRACT: A Q factor,modulato that increases the output pulse power of a ruby laser by 103 is described. The modulator is made up of an optical head and an electronic unit. The optical head consists of a rotating prism with total internal reflection that acts as one of the mirrors of the laser optical resonator; it is,driven at angular speeds up to 26 x 103 rpm by a dc motor'. The electronic unit consists of a square wave generator, a comparator circuit, two time delay networks, a trigger cir- cuit, a dc motor, and a power supply. The modulator operates in the following mannert at a given angular position of the prism with respect to the laser beam, light from a lamp is focused through a lens and illuminates a photosensitive diode. The output pulse of the photodiode is amplified and fed to the comparator. When the rotational speeds of the motor and the prism are equal, the comparator initiates a pulse that lightsthe laser pumping lamp and thus triggers the laser. At the same time, the 43041-66 Z NRt AP6029519 motor is stopped and the laser is not triggered again until the motor build$ up its speed until it is equal to that of the prism. The motor has an automatic disconnect relay which stops it in 5 to 7 seconds if a faulty condition occurs in the circuit. As a result of work with the modulator, optimum parameters for the optical resonator, rotation speed of the itflector, and pumping power have been determined in order to ,IV) obtain maximum output pulse power. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. I SUB CODE: 20/ RJBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 A TD P A F-c, 5 Card AUTEOR YaPENK01B.K.,Eng, IHOKOFIYE~YU.A' 105-6-19/26 TITLE A Device on an obeillograph for Recording the Run-Down Ani;14 of thi. the Rotor of a Synchronous K2chinu (Ustroystvo zapisi na ostsillografeuf;la ybQgarotorasinkhrornoy mashiny - Ruii;,ian) PERIODICAL Elaktrichostvo, 1957, ur 6, PP 74 - 76 ABSTRACT A donor of the angle 9,which is of comparative structural simplicity, is described. It facilitates immediate recording on the oacillograph,has no inertia, and can be used for the recording of procausas with practically un- limited variability of this angle, The donor may have vary high accuracy and depends on the parameters of the elements used, The system consists of three elements- the Impulso.giver, the transformer- consisting of a thyra- tron, an electron tube$ an RC member - and an amplifier; In order to avoid the disadvantage accompanying the use of filters (inortia), an RG member, which is switched on to the rectangular voltage wave, is used. Systems with one thyratron and one diode and a system with two thyratrons and one dis- charge disk are described. In the former case e is fixvd ontia oscillogram after 0,02 see, in the latter came this 12 the case after o,ol see. In or- der that the RC circuit ma y not exercise any influence on the anodecir- e-dit, the resistance R should be as great as possible. (5 illustrations and 1 Slavic reference). KARPENKO, B. K. Doe Teah Sci -- (dies) "Asynchronous moments of synchronous machines with compensation of exoitation-oirouit resistance." Kiev, 1959. 13 pp with ~h '4T (Min of Higher Education UkSSR. Uev Order of Lenin Polytechnic 94 Inst. Chair of Slootrical Machines), 100 copies (KL, 46-59, 136) -22- 8(3) SOV/lo5-59-5-2-0/29 AUTHOR: Karpenko, B. K., Engineer TITLE: Determining a Constant Common Amplification Coefficient of an Electrodynamic Amplifier Working With-an.Electronic Amplifier (Polucheniye postoyannogo obshchego, koeffitsiyenta, usileniya elektromashirinogo usilitelya, rabotayushchego sovmestno a elektronnym. usilitelem) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 5, PP 80-82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If one or several control windings of the el-ectrodynamic ampli- fier (EDA) are fed by an electronic amplifier (F&), it is convenient to design an EA with such a characteristic that the common amplification coefficient of the EDA und of t-he EA remains unchanged. To this end, the product of.the tangents of the angles of the amplification character- istics must remain constant over the whole.mange-of signal changes. The difficulty rf this task is the circumstance.that the no-load characteristic of.the.EDA is-not unambiguous.but is expressed by a hysteresis.loop.depeading.on thaLiiiitial, magnetization. The tAsk is simplified by representing the no-load characteristic of the tDA in form of three sections -GftrA=h44- of straight lines. In such case, there are no particular SOV/105-59-5-2o/29 Determining a Constant Common Amplification Coefficient of an Electrodynamic Amplifier Working With an Electronic Amplifier difficulties in determining the common.constant coefficient. The determination of the demanded characteristic-of the-Ek- is shown in figure k. Figure 2 shows the circuit. diagram-of an EA which satisfies the required cozdi-tions.--In.-consider&tion of the approximation of the by 3 sections of straight lines, the.EL deacrib-od-here offers no possibility of obtaining an exactly invariable co=on amplification coefficient. The EA is connected according to the diagram of a parallel equilibrium of 6P3 tubes and - ex- cept for the,6Kh6 tubes - does not differ from ordinary d.c. amplifiers with a constant amplification coefficient. To obtain the nonlinearity demanded In the circuit diagram, a 6Kh6 twin diode is used. A positive retardation potential is brought near its cathode. The value of this potential can be regulated by a potentiometer. As long as the voltage of.the input signal is smaller than the retardation voltage, the 6Kh6 tube does not affect the work.of-the wiring, ''and the. amplifier yields the maximum amplification. When the anode potential become.s greater than the retardation potential brought (;Ard_~ near the cathode, the diode begins to let through the electric SOV/105-59-5-2o/29 Determining a Constant Common Amplification Coefficient of an Electrodynamic Amplifier Working With an Electronic Amplifier current, and the input of the amplifier is shunted by the resistor r4 or r5 according to the polarity of the signal. given. By changing r and r-,any gradient of the characteristic 4 towards the point of inflection can be obtained. The.charac- teristic of the EA without the 6Kh6 tube is an envelopeL of the whole family of characteristics. The point of inflection can be obtained in any spot of this envelope. The total.gradient of the characteristic before and after the point of infleation is determined in dependence on the necessary amplification coefficient by means of the resistor r and the current reverser P2 which shunt the input of the amplifier. The amplifier is very convenient for work in the laboratory as it can produce practically any characteristic. In spite of the mentioned shortcoming, the EA described-he-re greatly increases-the accuracy of regulation in the wizings with an EDA. The ampli- fier dan also be used in wirings with an invariable polarity of the signal where the influence of hysteresis is unimportant. C There are 5 figures and 1 Soviet xeference. 8(2) AUMOR: Karpenko t B K Engineer SOV/105-59-10-13/25 TITLE: Compensation of the Resistances in Slow-speed Processes PERIODICAL: Elek-tricheotvo, 1959, Nr 10, pp 68-72 (USSR) ABSTRACT; It is shown here that slov-speed processes allow for compensation of the ohmic resistance and reactance with tho help of circuit diagrams similar to those of automatic control. The time constants of the circuit-diagram elements greatly influence the compensating resistance. The author demonstrates that the compensating resistance greatly depends on the frequency at large values of the time constants. The value of the compensating resistance is easily obtained from the amplitude-versus-.phase characteristics of the open system. It is recommended to choose the compensating resistance according to the stability conditions of the system; In rapid-speed "recesses, the corre3poliding point on the amplitude-versus-phase characteristics is found 11car the origin of coordinates. This is why the equivalent circuit resistance is here almost equal to the natural one (without Card 1/2 compensation). This is exemplified in an appendix by the ic~ -r, -,-- the Resistances in SO V11 05-59- 10- 13/25 Sicu-speed Proc~-.sses of a circuit ft--a,-:,ram for resist nce compensation by mz~--ns of a ~:c-~ary amplifi6r as shown ir- fi,-ure 3. In conclusion, the formulas rcquired for calculating tha circuit diagram are =.itten down. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnic-Institutq SUBMUTZID: JulY 7t 1958 C ard 2 /2 KARPFMO, B.K. Elimination of dead bal2ds ir- transducers and ampifiers using ferrmagnotic materials. Elelctrioheetvo no.7:84-86 J1 161. MIP,,~ 14:01) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Transducers) (Amplifiers) VASIL'YEV, Yu.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; WPENKO, B.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRAVTSOV, O.K., inzh.; MURASHKO, V.A., inzh.; IVANOVA, I.G., inzh, Direct current motor with printed armature winding. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:25-28 Ja-Mrlt').,/,,. (MIRA. 17:5) K&RPEIIII.0, B.K., kand. takhn. nauk (KiyeN); IVANOVA, I.G. (Kiyev) Design of the, magnetic circuit of a motor wil printed winding. Elaktrichestvo no.3:48-52 Mr 165. (14IRA 18 z 6) k,inkj. n- 11 5 mw or 6 Eff(JJZffG(F)&WWIWA(h) =Ax ACC NRs AMM1076 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/65/000/003/0048/0052 AUTHOR: ljagp2nko. B, K. (Candidate of technical sciences; Kiev); Ivanoval I. SEngine,erf-raevi RG: none TITIS: Magnetic circuit calculation for a motor with printed windings.,)< SOURCE CODE: Elektrichestvo,, no- 3, 1965s 48-52 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic circuit, magnet, electric motori electric engineeringt electric rotating equipment part ABSTRACT: 7he article presents a method for'calculating the magnetic cir- cuit of a printed-circuit motor with a face-type air-gap. 7he purpose of this project is to detetminethe optimum magnet shape and dimensions, to ovaluate the need for coft-iron pole shoes and to determine the effect of otabilization on the mAgnituda of useful flux@ Thv 4eoign.aalculationq were made on a per polv Vavia for +hrea different aixgaps (I mm; Z mg J ma). First the magnet length, the magnet crdes-section and the pole shoo cross-section were varied# the leakage flux was assumed to be concentrated at the ends. On the basis of plotted curves of useful flux vs. magnet length it was found that the pole shoe becomes ineffective for a pole eh; maximm useful flux was obtained width greater than 50% of the pole pit at 80% pole pitch withbut shoes., More accurate results and better agree- ment with test data is obtained without assuming a concentrated leakage flux and by considering the efrect of the airgap dimensions on the leakage flux. For this purpoqp the magnet is divided Into n sections and each . , - - -! Card 1/2 UDC: 621.'313.226:o" - - L 10999-66 ACC NR: AP6004976 section is calculated by thd equivalent electric circuit mett-hod also by Using the demagnetization characteristics* The number of sections n must be chosen so that the results do not differ by more than a few-percent from those obtained with n-1 sections ( n= 4 was found to be sufficient for a -30-mm long magnet). The method described here and the method of successive integration were both used to calculate certain special magnet shapes i(pyramidal) and both gave practically the same results. In designing the -motor it is possible to use either a single magnet on one side or tmo mag-- *nets which should be located symmetrically. The latter case gave 30% more useful flux. In conclusions the Russian motor model PDR-6 (single magnet) is compared with the French motor model TH-510 of the same size with respect to essential design pardmeters.and performanqe characteristics$ Orig. art. has: SUB CODE: 09 SUBH DAM 2.10at64 ORIG-REF: 005 2/2 L 35340-66 EY-1 (1) ACC NR: AP6015344 SOURCE CODE: UR/0119/66/000/005/007.4/0076 AUTHOR: Vaynberger, G. Ya. (Engineer); Vasil'yev, Yu. K. (Candidate of technical sciences); Karpenko, B. K. (Candildat-6- -of* te_c'iinf~if science s); Kabkov, G. Ya. (Engineer); Larchenko, V. I. (Engineer);, 17Lybal'chenko, Yu. I. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Stepping motors-0 SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 5, 1966, 24-z6 TOPIC TAGS: stepping motor, n-dcromotor, servomotor / RShD gear stepping servomotor, EShD stepping servomotor ABSTRACT; A very brief description is supplied of (1) RS~0 reactive-rotor gear stepping motor intended for smaller steps and higher speeds and (Z) EShD Gard 1/Z UDQ; 6Z1,313,13-133.4 ACC NR: AP6015344 0 pe rmanent- magnet- rotor two-stator stepping motor intended for larger steps, higher torques, and quick response. They were developed In the Kiev Institute of Automatics. An RShD-10-FD-lV motor is intended for operation at a fixed frequcncy of 100 t Z cps; it is equipped with an electromagnetic detent and a damper. Technical characteristics of eight RShD and five EShD types are tabulated. The RShD types have: maximum static torque, 140-4500 g-cm; maximum operating speed, 100-3500 steps per occ; power consumption, 13-300 w. The EShD types have: maximum static torque, 1000-18000 g-cm; maximum operating speed, 500-1600 steps per sec; power consumption, 250-1000 w. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 004 Card 2/2 _-A 31o! COD!,': T L Ocs13-a of the basic di"icnslons oC clectric stop-i.-.otors with activa -Zicktriches-,vo, no. 6, 1966, 75-83 _~CS: elect-.1c mocor, c1cctrical engincerinr; a mct'-~Od :,L,01, The article preocliv. ab I i 0 h 0 do n `U I 117 1) J. L, c-ne o'f sinusoidal case, -,-thich aot-aal conditions, ia' difficu]_-6; anpropriato correct-ion f' a c tors -are ixitrodvced: in lieu of rlgorovs dorivation. The overall rotor dimear, lono, i.e./ .its di=,e ter and !on,,-,.-,Ih are dcter.M12lod on the 'oasis o' speoi-fied load conditions z; the optiMUM -,try of rotor teeth (pole zoi,que recCairement 0,-,, L %, u p:Leces) iE, do termined nex-'U- by const:~uc-, lion based -on the de- 7-wiGnct,_i_-ati;o-a ci;-"ve o:f' the ruatpel'; F.-Lnaily, tUI-Ic Str_--'o-7 is oxound t0he rotor. Is. ~LIVIO-Dole mcde"L. Con3idel-O'L Card 1/2 13-133.4 19 0 66219 Sov/i26-8-3-2/33 AUTHORS: Berdyshev, A. A. and TITLE: on the Role of Indirect Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths. 1. Ferromagnetism PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, vol 8, Nr 3, PP 330-336 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Usually the ferro and antiferromagnetism of transition metals is explained by the exchange interaction between the electrons of inner d-shells. If the exchange interaction integral between nearest neighbours is positive, then the metal is a ferromagnetic, while if it is negative the metal is antiferromagnetic. Such a treatment of magnetic properties meets with a number of difficulties. A large group of experimental data cannot be explained ifith the aid of the Bethe-Slater curve for tho exchange integral of transition metals (Ref 1). Moreover, the majority of theoretl*cal estimates of the exchange integral gives it a negative sign (Ref 2). Secondly, it has recently been found (Ref 3) that diluted alloys of manganese with noble metals are either Card 1/5 ferro or antiferromagnetics. In these alloys the atoms 66219 SOV/126-6-3-2/33 On the Role of Indirect Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths. 1. Ferromagnetism of the transition metal are at such large distances from each other that direct exchange coupling between them is entirely excluded. Similarly, ferro and antiferro- magnetism of rare earth metals cannot be explained by unusually weak direct coupling between magnetically active electrons. These considerations have led to a search for other possible mechanism of exchange coupling. One of such mechanisms is the indirect exchange interaction suggested by Zener (Ref 1). The present work is concerned with the effect of indirect interaction in the ferromagnetic problem. The theory is based on the s-d-exchange model of transition metals put forward by Vonsovskiy, his coworkers., and Berdyshev (Refs 4, 5). The Hamiltonian which describes the interaction between conduction electrons and spin waves in a fez-romagnetic is given by Eqs (1) and (2) (Ref 4). In these equations E = Ak2 is the translational energy of a conduction k 2 electron, A is the tran4port integral cg = Jg is the Ca r d 9 ave numbers of 2/5 energy of a spin wave, k and 4 -ire tile w LIK On the Role of Indirect Interaction in of Transition Metals and Rare Earths. Card 3/5 66219 SOV/126-8-3-2/33 the Theory of the Magnetism 1. Ferromagnetism the electron and the spin wave (in units of t4e -lattice - 4P constant), J is the d-d-exchange integral, I(R,,k2) is the s-d-exchange integral, ak and a (-) are the Fermi operators in the second quantization theory for conduction electrons with wave num er k and spin components +1/2 and -1/2 respectively, b are the Bose operators and N is the number of lattige sites. In previous papers on the s-d-exchange model (Refs 4 and 5) only the H 0 and H2 components were taken into account which corresponds to taking into account in the energy first order corrections of the perturbation theory. The contribution due to the "triple" terms in the energy spectrum was not considered and it is the aim of the present work to elucidate the effect of these terms on the energy of the system and its magnetization. It is shown that the second approximation of the perturbation theory on the s-d-exchange model of transition metals leads to the appearance of an indirect interaction between d-electrons. When this interaction is taken into account the existence of ferromagnetism becomes possible in the / 66219 SOV/126-8-3-2/33 On the Role of Indirect Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths. 1. Ferromagnetism case of complete absence of direct coupling or even negative d-d-exchange integral. An expression is derived for the d-d-exchange integral and this is given by Eq (11). Froin this expression it can be seen that in the present theory the energy of the spin wave is considerably altered in comparison with the exchange model. Firstly, the second order correction of the energy has led to the replacement of the integral of direct d-d-exchange coupling by a certain effective integral whose magnitude depends on the Fermi energy and the transport integral for conduction electrons. Secondly, the effective exchange integral is not very dependent on temperature. Finally, the second order correction of the energy completely cancels the effect of the first order correction so that the "zero" energy 1k, which was considered earlier in Refs 4 and 5, is completely absent in the spin wave energy, This means that the spontaneous magnetization of d-electrons follows the T3/2 law in contradiction to the Card 4/5 results obtained in Refs 4 and 5 and this is entire ~ldue 66219 SOV/126-8-3-2/33 On the Role of Indirect Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths. 1. Ferromagnetism to the fact that the second order correction to the energy completely cancels the first order correction. There are 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 5 English. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gor,kogo (Urals,' State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: August 6, 1958 Card 5/5 21(8) AUTHORS: Be-rdyshev, A. A,t 'Karpenko, B- V. SOV/56-36-3-24/71 TITLE: On the Indirect Interaction of d-Electrons.of Transition Metals (0 kosvennom vzaimodeystvii d-elektronov perekhodnykh metallov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1-959, Vol 36, Nr 3, pp 819-822 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ferro- and antiferroma~netism of transition metals can be explained by the exchange interaction between the electrons of the internal d-shells of the atoms. The theoretical troatment or this problem by m6ahs of the exchange interaction integral meets with a number of-difficulties (Ref 1). Thus, firstly, the large group of experimental data cannot be explained by t-he Bethe-Slater (Bete, Sleyter) curve for the exchange interaction integral of transition metalso Secondly, the majority of theoretical estimates of this integral leads to a'negative sign (antiferromagnetic)(Ref 2)~ and, thirdly, diluted alloys of manganese with noble metal's show ferro- or antiferromagnetism (Ref 3)- In view of the fact that by means of this theory it is apparently not possible' to describe these phenomena Card 1/3 correctly, it is necessary to search for another form of On the Indirect Interaction of d-Electronn I -A of Transition Metals representing the exchan-e inter:iction; 'the present paper makes acontribution in this (Ii-ection. S',ener (Siner)(Ref 1) su&Eested the form of indi-rect e_xchan-e 4'nteraction ,,rhich he investigated phenomenolo,ically; the pre2ent paper uses it for the purpose of dealing ,-;ith t1,,e ferroma.-notic problem. The s-d model of the transition metals is treated on the basis of the perturbation theory in second approxim-ation; this leads to indirect inter- action between the d-olectrons in which the conductivity electrons are involved. Thus, ierronagnetism -,-!ould occur only if either s-d-coupling is complitely abscnt (J,, '=1D fo- rare "a earths and diluted manOane~~e :3,olutions) or -1:30 il jdd aSsumes a negative value. The conditiono for be represented in the goncral form J,,,,, + d(o) :__>C C,--rd 2/3 On the Indirect Interaction of d-Electronz of Trr=i tion 7, 1 e ta I s L The effective exchangre iritegwd is foun(I t o b;~ n 1 0 L!'l Y tomperature-dopende tit, i.#--. it becomes ni.,aLlcr i.-:1 ~11 temperature. The authors finally thank- S. V. Vons,--v--*---'L,1,- !uid Ye. A. Turov for discuosions and rowrk,,;. There ar,., 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Ural I --I-iy -,o sudars tvennyy universi to I (Ural - tato Uni v ~ r: -*L ty 5 U. I I ED Aujur t 3, 1958 (ini tially) and January 1 q', 1 (a. ter rcvi!-,on) Card "'/3 KARPENKO, B. V., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Interaction of conduct- ion electrons with spin waves in ferro- and antiferromagnetic materials." Sverdlovsk, 1960. 9 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Uralskiy State Univ im A. M. Gor'kiy); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 139) )()211 s/i26/6o/oo9/o4/ool/O33 E032/E435 AUTHORS: Karpenko, B.V., Berdyshey, A.A., Zaks, R.B. and TITLE: The Role of Indirect Exchange Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths II. Antiferromagnetism~l ~3 ki PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 4, pp 481-487 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the previous paper (Ref 1) a study was made of the indirect interaction between d-electrons in the ferromagnetic problem. It was shown that the indirect interaction between electrons in inner and incompletely filled shells, in the atoms of transition metals and rare earths, favours the formation of a ferromagnetic state. In the present paper an estimate is made of the role of indirect interaction in setting up antiferro- magnetic order. The Hamiltonian for an antiferromagnetic, according to the s-d exchange model put forward by Vonsovskiy (Ref 2),i5 of the form shown on p 481 where a k and ak(-) are the Fermi second quantization Card 1/4 operators for electrons with the momentum k and right LK 80211 S/126/60/oog/o4/001/033 E032/E435 The Role of Indirect Exchange Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths II. Antiferromagnetism and left spin orientations respectively, S,j is the spin operator for the n-th lattice site, J is the d-b exchange integral for two nearest neighbors, I is tbe s-d exchange integral (assumed independent of the momentum of conduction electrons)g V is the volume of the system, Ek = Ak2 is the energy of a conduction electron, A is the transport integral (Ref 3) and S = 1/2. The spin operators can be related to the Bose operators by the two equations at the bottom of p 481 and top of p 482. The Hamiltonian obtained in this way is shown at the top of p 482 where z is the number of nearest neighbors for a given atom, Yx and 0 is the radius vector from the atom to its nearest neighbor atom. After diagonalization, the Hamiltonian can be thrown into the form shown at the Card 2/4 bottom of p 482 where e% and g(%) are defined by the 8021-1 S/126/60/009/04/001/033 E032/E435 The Role of Indirect Exchange Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths II. Antiferromagnetism relations at the bottom of p 482. The energy of the system in an external magnetic field, the free energy and the magnetization are then calculated in a way similar to that employed in the previous paper (Ref 1). It is shown that if the interaction of spin waves with conduction electrons is taken into account, then the interaction between d-electrons is characterized not by the d-d exchange integral but by a certain effective exchange integral Jeff which is given by Eq (6), in which 15 is the chemical potential of the conduction electrons. It follows from this equation that in the absence of direct d-d exchange interaction, the integral Jeff is negative, which means that the energy of the spin wave also becomes negative and an antiferromagnetic state cannot be reached. It is concluded that indirect exchange interaction in general favours ferromagnetism and tnis agrees with Zener's hypothesis. The electronic specific heat of transition metals is also affected by indirect interaction. The Card 3/4 interaction of conduction electrons with spin waves in 80211 S/126/6o/009/04/001/033 E032/E435 The Role of Indirect Exchange Interaction in the Theory of the Magnetism of Transition Metals and Rare Earths Il. Antiferromagnetism ferro and antiferromagnetics introduces an extra turn into the specific heat equation. it is suggested that by separating out the linear term in the experimental determination of the specific heat of a dilute alloy and by comparing it with the corresponding linear term in the specific heat equation for a pure metal, it may be possible to estimate the magnitude of the exchange integral I. There are 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 German in Russian translation and 5 English. ASSOCIATION:Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo (Ural State University imeni A.M.Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: January 25, 1959 Card 4/4 80536 Y. I) S/126/60/009/05/022/025 AUTHOR: Karpenko, B.V. E073/E335 TITLE- Oii-T-h'."Probl'ibm of the Existence of a Supercon uctinn State in Antiferromagnetic Metals 4 PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 5, pp 794 - 795 (USSR) ABSTRACT: So far, no superconducting antiferromagnetic metals have been detected and therefore it is of interest to investigate the criterion of superconductivity in these. In the antiferromagnet:Lc metal Interactlomof conductivity electrons with spin waves occur which are specific for such metals. In this brief note, the author investigated mathematically the problem of the influence of this inter- action on the occurrence of a superconducting state. It is shown that electron-magnon interaction leads to effective interaction of electrons with pulses of opposite polarity and spins and this interaction is repulsive ir. character in contrast to the electron-phonon interaction. The bond energy of the Cooper electron pair, forming as a result of electron-uhonon interaction, can only decrease and the Cardl/2 pair can generally be annihilated as a result of scattering L411" 80530 S/126/6o/009/05/022/025 EOJa~E~~ On the Problem of the Existence of a e 9nducting State in Antiferromagnetic Metals of electrons on the spin waves. The repulsive character of the electron-electron interaction, due to exchange with spin waves, is explained by the fact that the scattering of electrons is accompanibd by spin Clip. If one of the electrons of a Cooper pair is scattered on a Spin wave, it changes the direction of its spin; electrons with parallel spins cannot form a conjugate pair. There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: January 15, 196o Card 2/2 85396 0 0 (3 -2.0 3, 9/) S/126/60/010/002/023/028/xx E032/E414 AUTHOR~: Karpenko, BV. TITLE, On the Existence of Supdrconducting Antiferromagnetics PERIODICAL.~ Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye., 1960, Vol.10, No.2, PP-301--302 TEXT. The superconductivity criterion for antiferromagnetic materials was discussed by the present author in Refs.1 and 2. In Ref,2 use was made of a reduced electron-electron Hamiltonian des---ribing the interaction between electrons with opposite momenta and spins due to spin-wave exchange effects in antiferromagnetics. The positive sign of the effective interaction potential showed that electrons forming a Cooper pair repel each other as a result of scattering on magnons, In the present note the author discusses the effect of inelastic scattering of electrons by magnons on the appearance of superconductivity, using the method proposed by Bogolyubov in Ref,,3, The flamiltonivn for the electron-phonon- spin-wave system consists of three parts (P~301) and includes the s - d exchange integral I , the electron-phonon coupling constant 9 the chemical potential of conduction electrons and the number of nearest neighbours z . The Dogolyubov transformation is then applied and the transformed Hamiltonian Card 113 M 653 S/126/60/010/002/023/014!8/XX E o 3 27r4'1 4 On the Existence of Superconducting Antiferromagnetics is quoted at the bottom of P.301, It is shown that the energy gap A separating the first excited state from the ground state i-g~ given by u exp where 92K2 I2K2 P F Pa iph -a-K-ZE ~ (KF ph Y-11 a ~z. 7 j71,1 .,ff E7 (KF) where j represents the effective d - d couplings The quantity W is equal to the width of the energy interval in which electron-phonon and electron-magnon interactions are effective. Si-nce P,> 0, it follows that the additional scattering on spin waves reduces the magnitude of the energy gap, i.e. it hinders the appearance of super4:;onductivity, For sufficiently strong a - d exchange effects (j?a~l) Pph) superconducting state :annot exist at all. Acknowledgments are made to V.A.Moskalenko and V,V.Tolmachev for Car.d 2/3 85M J ho LI 16 1- S/126/60/010/005/028/030 E032/E414 AUTHOR: Karpenko,_B.V. TITLE. The Effect of Scattering of Conduction Electrons by Spin Waves in a Ferromagnetip\on the Temperature of Transition to the Superconducling State PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.5, PP-794-796 TEXT. Following the discovery of superconducting ferromagnetics by Matthias et al (Ref,l), the problem of the connection between superconductivity and ferromagnetism has acquired a considerable interest, Vonsovskiy and Svirski- (Ref.2) have shown that the magnetization of the conduction electrons by the exchange "field" prevents the formation of a superconducting state. However, no one has so far investigated the effect of inelastic scattering of conduction electrons by spin waves of the superconductivity of a ferromagnetic, The present author investigates this problem using the Hamiltonian of the s -d exchange model put forward by Vonsovskiy and Turov in Ref.3. The Hamiltonian is simplified by neglecting terms responsible for the magnetization and retaining terms responsible for inelastic scattering. This simplification is Card 1/2 6" 'T1 5M S/126/60/010/005/028/030 E032/E414 The Effect of Scattering of Conduction Electrons by Spin Waves in a Ferromagnetic on the Temperature of Transition in the Superconducting State said to be justified by the fact that the role of the neglected terms has already been investigated by Vonsovskiy and Svirskiy (Ref.2) and the analysis would only be complicated by them without altering-the overall qualitative pi--ture, The results obtained from this analysis are in complete agreement with the results of Kasuya (Ref.8) who showed that spin wave exchange leads to an effective repulsion in the case of electrons with opposite momenta and spins in the neighbourhood of the Fermi surfa--e. It is shown that electron-magnon interaction prevents the transition to superconducting states. There are 8 references. 5 Soviet and 3 Non-Soviet). ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosuniversitet im. A.M6Gorlkogo (Ural State University im,, A.M.Gor7kiy) SUBMITTED- April 19, 1960 Card 2/2 82423 S/056~60/038/03/24/033 B006/ 014 -AUTHORS% Karpenko, B. V., Berdyshev, A. A. TITLE-. Indirget Interaction of d-Bleatrons in Transition Metals. II. AntiTie-rromagneTIsm ~1 PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy f1z1k1q 19609 Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 925-928 TEXT: In continuation of a previous paper (Ref. 1) in which the nece33ity of investigating the indirect interaction between electrons of unfilled inner atomic shells of transition metals (d-electrons) and rare earths (f-electrons) has been pointed out, the present paper describes a study of the role played by indirect interaction between d-electrons in con- nection with the antiferromagnatic state. The ansatz for the Hamiltonian of an antiferromagnetic body in the s-d,exchange model, on which the theoretical study is based, was taken from a paper by S, V. Von8ovskiy (Ref. 2). The investigation is carried out by perturbation-theoretical methods. Contrary to what was done in Ref. 1, the perturbation theory is not applied to an arbitrarily chosen spectrum, but to a certain unperturbed Card 1/2 x B014/BO07 ADTHORS: Vonsovekiy, S. ., Corresponding Member of the AS VSSR, Berdyshev, A. ., Izyumovt Yu% A.9 Polyak, Yu. Ya. TITLE: Exchange Interaction of Inner and Outer ElectroJin Trans- ition Metals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 132, No. 4, pp. 797-800 TEXTt In the electron spectrum of metallic crystals which are composed of elements of the transition group and of the rare-earth group, special properties are observed compared to the crystals of other metals. This is brought into connection with the d- and f-shells of the electron sheath. The electron density of the transition metals is divided into three regions. The first is near the nucleus, the second consists of the valence electrons, and the third intermediate region consists of the electrons of the non-closed shells. For this system the Hamiltonian (i) is written down. The present paper describes the influence exerted by the non-diagonal terms in (1) upon the development of the exchange coupling, i.e.., on the S/020/60/132/04/17/064 Card 1/3 KARPEI~, B.V. - BEI-DY611hVp A.A, , -,-- -4--- Exchange intoraction through current mrriers in ordered 13emi- conducting magnetic materials. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no-10:3026- 3028 0 163% (IURA 16:11) 1. Institut fizilr4. r.(,-Ia]Iov AN SSSR i Uralt-okiy gosudarstvennyT univeraitet im. A.'.',. Gorll-o.~"o, 6verdlovsk. KARPENKO, B.V.; BERDYSHEV, A.A. Indirect exchange interaction via current carriers in semiconductors. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.12:3397-3405 D 163. (VJRA l7j2) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imani A.M.Gorlkogo, SverdlovBk. L 15670-66. .ZWT(_m)/T. :ACC NR: 0020 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/005/1463/146S~r'~r~'. _AP60 Z___._1 AMiORS: D. Ya., Yax-osbenko, A. P. ORG: Dhepropetrovsk State University (Wepropetrovskiy gosudiarstvennyy universitet) .T=: Veator meson in a Coulomb field SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperiimntallnoy i teoretiches)-coy fiziki, v. 49, no. 5, 1965, ::1463-1469 ,TOPIC TAGS: vector ireson boson mtrix function, quantum nedianics, spinor ABS17ZACT: Thd auth6rs show that Kepler proDlem for a boson can be solved in simpler fashion in the Kemwr representation, using for this purpose the theory developed for projection operators by A. A. bkoxgardt (Algebraicheskiye mtody v teorii chastits tselogo spina LAlgebraic Methods in the Theory of Particles with Integer Spins], Dnepropetrovsk,, 1964). In particular, -the motion of bosons of spins 0 mid 1 in a Coulomb field is treated or. the basis of a 16-row Kewer representation. ,The properties of the spin-angle functions involved in the calculations am de- scribed and the integrels of wtion which completely classify the states are deter-' :Card 1/2 L 33289-66 LV,(1) GO ACC NRt APE014057 SOURCE COM AUTHORS: Borgardt, A. A.: Karpenko. D. Ya. ORG: Dnepropetrovok State Univer8ity (Dnepropetrovskly f--t-F- . univeral e 167/11,7o gosudarstvennyy TITLE: Bosons In the field of a plane electromagnetic wave SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4. 1966, 1167-1170 TOPIC TAGS: boson, electromagnetic wave, relativistic electron, algebra , ABSTRACT: The authors obtain a solution of the Kemmer equation for a boson in the field of a plane wave in terms of reducible representa- tions. These representations satisfy, besides the well known rules of the Kemmer algebra, also relations that were obtained In an earlier paper by one of the authors (Borgardt, Dissertation, Dnepropetrovsk State University, 1964). The solution obtained applied to all types of Kemmer bosons (vector, pseudoscalar, axia-1 vector, and scalar). The Irreducible parts of the representations are separated by means of the projection operators presented earlier in a paper by the other author L 33289-66 ACC NR& AP6014057 (Karpenko, with Ya. P. Yaroshenko, ZhETF v. 49, 1463, 1965). The authors are grateful to Ya. P. Yaroshenko for checking the calculations and for a number of imp6rtant corrections and remarks. Orig. art. has: 27 tqrmulas. SUB CODE: 20/~ sum DATF,-. 26Nov65/ oRiG Rut! oo5/ oTh Fzv; ooi 2/2' Card USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Allergy. S-2 Abs Jour Referat, Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957) 71367 Author Karpenko, E.K. Inst Title Dynamics of Tuberculin Allergy in Osteo-Vascular Tuberculosis in Different Treatments. Orig Pub Materialy po obmeny nauch. inform. Ukr. in-ta tuberkulyo- za, 1955, vyp. 2, 111-117 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 16 - KARFENKO, E.P.; KROMISKAYA, M.G. Effect of penicillin on tissue respiration in healzhy animals and in animals in a state of shock. Antibiotiki 7 no.6:522-527 Je 162. (MIM 15; 5) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.A Ivanov) TSentrallna,,n nauchno-issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya (zav. E:M.Kogan~ II Moskovs'4%-% o meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (PENICILLIN) (SHOCK) (CELL ME'rABOLISIM) IVAYOV, V.A., professor (Moskva, G-19, ul. Mayakovskogo, d.37, kv.47); KARPENKO, E.P.; LYUBSKIY, A.S.; STAIIISHEVSKIY, Yu.A. Use of penicillin in surgery. Vest.khir. 89 no.7:74-r/9 Jl 162. (MM-1 15:8) 1. Iz klinil-i obshchey Ichirurgii (zav. - prof. V.A. Ivanov) lechebnogo fakiLlIteta 2--go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. P.I. Pirogova. (PEVICILLIV) (SURGIMY, OPERATIVE) KARPENNo w 01. No. 9 6P The size of tomatoes and their content of solids. Vu. May 10, 1954 71 1 Foods a"tE. , a -$C11cliorl-Re~0--uCh sLa Ct tawe T"' "_~ -i rF ?- C'46 fx ).' Voklady VS1.1 . Akad. .)e1'AOk11O;r au im. . . Lexina IS,, -Large,ize tornatoeq contain more sug orms of ascorbic and (vitamin C) and lem arid. The percentage of total solids is higher in the �G-100-g. tomawctl-- SELIVANOV, Yu.F.; MIKULIN, E.V. New method of logarithmic conversion in densitometers with direct reading. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i~kin. 7 no.6:447-453 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy poligraficheskiy institut i Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut poligraficheskoy promyshlennosti. (Densitometers) EA11FEL'I L:C~ A. Certain :-,e3u!ts of the En~ineer--n,~-Geolo--ical and ~:Ydro~e-01-c.;ical of the AM-liate to the state Planning Institute for "cnferr,.u3 I., Enternrizes Durim, 1951-1952. !!aterialy po inzh. _,e,,)1o,jt, No 3, 1,)5), 7-9. 1.1ethods oil r,,~RtIiematical statiAics --ere used to study tIe IP-7,0 -overnim, the vari-~!us propertie3 of loses rocks and tb inveotigate the settlin-r and sa,-In., properties X loess rocks steeped by 1-.aters of vnrl.oils ct,mx-stidna ~, el ~ . c!,Nmpo~lttionsi. Complox f1eld aiid lah-)rat,iry attidin.-i -n loei-s roc ierp conducted in Central Asia to -stabli3h the dependence of sagging settlllntT of loeso rocks upon their :,enesis. ( FZhGeo I, 1TO 1, 1954) SO : TI-3112*83, 11 Jan. 55 ;7. A. Problem6 in the 3b;dy oC and Conditl-.ns for the ConStruction of ilonferr:-us ..'etallurzicaj. Enterpri-es. ..'ater,aly no inzh, 'reolo,,11, 11.1o 4, 1953, '17-15 ..ost o" the nonferrous metallur-ical enternrlses are, !(,cqted in the southern mctmtain-~us re.-Zicns of the USSR, re--,ions eith s~Iarv)lly-cu-t reliel' -ind dry climte. Procedures for enaineerin--eological inv9.Ai~;, in these regicn-~ have been i7ealkly developed; the most im-ortant object2 fbr tudy '.Ir.-. t'he follc-,,In~ si:.,,: properties o~ MOUta!- -03es, caline foundatiom;, excavations, !-,uj fracturin, of rocks, cli--rts. (FZh,i,~;61, I'lo 1, 1354) SO: 11 jan. 55 DUNDUKOV,11.D., Inzhener; SAMBONOV,V.N.; Ir-UWMO,F,A.; KMM,N.I.; KMIMIN.P.G., kandidat takhnichesVMq'-na-tWr"SHELTAPIN,R.S., kandidat tekh. nauk; HAKSIHOV,0.11., inshener; X&LYSURV,M.I., profesRor; RODSIEMI,A.G., kandidat takh.nauk; GOLIDSHMCYN,M.N professor; A-BET V,Yu.K..professor. Discussion of the problem of building on coarsely porous settling aoils. Stroi. prom. 33 no-5:40-45 W '55. (MMA 8:6) (soil Madhanian) KAR , G.A.,inzh. Large blocko made of autoclave hardened foamed slag. Biul.stroi. tekh. 12 no.8:9-10 Ag 155. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Trest No.10 Glavapetestroya. (slag) (Concrete block13) (-PMNKO, G.A., inzh. Improving the system of regeneration in sodium cation filters. Xnergetik 5 no.10:12-13 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Water-Parification) - KARP?MO,G.A.;TURKEVIGH, N.M. NeW Drinting-of VIII issue, 1952, Pharmacopeia of USSA and its first supplement. Aptech. delo, Moskva 2 no. 1:59-64 Jan~-Feb 1953, (CLML 24:1) 1. Docents. 2. Of the Pharmacy Faculty of L'vov Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. L. N. Kuzmenko). Ministry of Public Health Uk- rainian SSR. GNIDETS, I.R., kandidat farmatsevtichaskikh nauk; KARPWKO, G.A., dotsent, zaveduyushchAy Xafedry tokhnologii lekartstvenn~*h'form i galenovykh preparatov Llvovskogo meditsinskogo instituta; KUZMKO, L.K., profes- sor, direktor Llvovskogo meditsi~akogo instituts. Studies on glucoside extracts from water pepper herbs. Apt.delo 2 no.2: 41-45 Mr-Ap 153. OffRA 6:5 ) 1. lafedra tekhnologii leXarstvannykh form i galenovykh preparatoy L'vov- skogo meditsinskogo inatitnto, Hinlaterstva zlravookhraneniya USSR. (Glucosides) (Persicaria) KARPMTKO. Georgiy Alekseyevich; TURMICH, Nikolsy Mikha7lovich (Antagonism of drugs and their incompatible combinations] Antagonizm lekarstvennykh veshchestv i ikh nesovmestimye sochetaniia. Kiev, USSR, 1958. 261 p. (HEM 12:2) (MMGS) VAGER, R.M.; KARPENIKO, G.A. Chemical structure of the mosaic virus of winter wheat. Vop. virus 7 no.4:106-109 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fitopathologii. (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (MDSAIG DISEASES) (WHEAT-DISLASM AND HSTS) ATAEFOV, I.G.; KARPENKO, G.A.; NOVIKOV, V.F. S(,Me riftorpt.Lve prory3l,tiel of' cnj(,ium phosphate and their use in de- termLning the miclootide lcomposItIon o!' ribonticlelc noid. Blokhimila 28 no.3151" 523 tV.-J)e 63. (MIRA 17:2) Vhat retards the development of scientific research and its utiliza- tion in industry. Visnyk AN UIMR 27 no.5:70-72 My '56. (KLRA 9:8) (Ukraine--Research) 0 -.W. " ABRAMOV, II.M. 1. . Technical requirements for a dental cement. Stomatologiia no.6: 16-18 N-D 154. (HLRA 8-11) 1. Iz kafedry terape..-ticheskoy stomatologii (zav.-detsent T.T.Shkolyar) Leningradskogcj meditsinsko stomatolo-gicheekogo inatituta. (IENTAL CE14ENM required qualities) A',9RA'IOV, N.'-f.; KARPENKO, G.B. Testing dental cements. Stomatologiia no.4:10-14 Jl-Ag '55. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kafedry terapevtichaskoy stomatologii (zav.--dotsent T.T.Shkoly-ar) Lanirgradekogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheekogo instituta (dir.--prof. P.I.Gavrilov) (DENTAL KXMIAL, cements, testing technics) ABRAMOV, N.M.; XARPEMO, G.B. Necr3sis of the dental pulp under silicate cement fillings. Stomatologita no.5:21-22 S-0 '55. (KLRA 9-2) 1. Iz kafedry terapevticheskoy stomatologii (zav.-T.T. Shkolyar) Leningradakogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheakogo institute. (dir.- prof. R.I. Gavrilov) (ImAys. silicate cement. causing dent. pulp necrosis) (DENUL PULP. diseases, necrosis under silicate cement inlays) I I L,, rac 11 _,~lr 1) 1 - 2,.1 mnk-v, Troun 1 T 7,, -Lri I ~,rac ti-n c f v r c I., ut r 0 - -1 t:~n Z TA c u Mh 6 f r r ~;yntl,.esiz in-- U---J r -i~ c- + 0 C!"'I'll jc -a nx~ a C -Ins. juti. itt"'Ji 1~~ ~j P& '~',twly of the Intennctivity of Sulfur vith s-,bsti-tuteO 1,2-dithiol~3-thiones." Voron!-ov, !'. G., Brom, A. 13. (deceased), T,-.nin7r,d Itn~.n Ordor of Lonin U) (P. 1977) Unrinturritc,11 Compounds. IV. Phelly].- i3nd Knr-)Piil:o, G, P, (Ch-gir Orr! Chem, SO: Journni of CennrnJ- Chemlstn, (7hu-nal Ob:-,hohoi Kidmill, ) 19/,'), Vol. X-EX, 110. 10 USSR/Chemistry Destructive hydrogenation Cnrd 1/1 Pub. 151 17/38 AIuthors Voronkav, M. G.; Dolgov, B. N,,;. and KarrArfko. G. B, Title Deztructive hydrogenation of tetraethylsilane Periodical Zhur. ob. khim. 24/2, 2,69-272, Feb 1954 Abstract The reaction of hydrogenation of tetraethylsilane,in the vaporous phase Was. investigated at normal pressures. It was established that the absence of cat- alysts~does-in no way cbanpe the tetraethylsilane hydro.-en even at a tempera- ture of 5000. A temperature much higher than 5000 results in the pyrolysis of the tetraethylsilane and the formation of elementary Si and sortie gaseous pro- ducts. At a temperature of about 5500 the tetraethylsilane is split, by thu hydrogen over an A12(SiO3) catalyst forming triethylsillane and ethane.. The mechanism of destructive hydrogenation of tetraethylsilane is explained. Sev- en references: 3-USA; 2-German;.1-French and l-USSR (1904-1950). Tbies. Institution : The A. A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad Submitted :'October 3, 1953 AUTHORS: Voronkov, M. G., and Karpenkol G. B. 79-2-10/58 TITLE: Investigation of Alkoxysilanes Part 6. Synthesis of Tetraaroxyoilanes by the Re-esterification of Ethyl Silicic Ether with Phenols (Iseledovaniya v oblasti a33wksisilanov pereeterifikatsiyey kremneetilovogo efira fenolami) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obahchey Khimiij 1957) vol 27, No 2, pp. 325-327 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Experiments shoved that ethyl silicic other in the presence of a homologous sodium phenolate reacts easily with phenols of different structures. This reaction was considered to be very simple and also suitable for the synthesis of tetrasroxysilanes with yields of about 70 - 85%. By employ- ing this reaction method, the authors synthesized eleven tetraaroxysilanes as well as orthosilicic ethers of cyclohexanol, cy-clopentanol and benzyl alcohol. The physico-chemical properties of the tetraaroxysilanes obtained are dezeribed in a table. When exposed to ultraviolet light, all tetra- Carcl 1/2 aroxysilanes give a light blue or dark blue as well as a violet fluorescence. ROSKUT, Ye.S.,- KARPEITKO G.B Influonce of tho KtStOf - KI~10roxidation-reduction systam on the kinetics of the static polymerization of acrylonitrile. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khi*. tekh. 4 no. 2:280-282 (MIRA 1-4:5) 1. Leningradskiy tekqiilln~y institut. Kefedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. (Acrylonitrile) (Polymerization) (Oxidation reduction reaction) 3/080/62/035/010/009/012 D204/D307 D.V., Vishfievskiy, N.Ye., ~'01;1:iil' lc.--~., 1-ushe 1~ar~cn-'-.o, G.3. and Dergachev, 6tudy of the effects of hydrodynamic conditions on the polymerization of acrylonitrile '.~.hurnal -.)ril:ladnoy khimii, v. 35, no.'10, 1962, 2323-233-0 The present work x~as concerned with the effects of stirring on the polyrinrization rea'ctions ok acrylonitrile in aqueous solutions (7,.)), owing to the incrchsing importance of such polymiers in the production of artificial fibers.* The reactions were carried out under argon in a cLainlorno stetl autoclave 6 with stirring (2800 rpm, Ae buing 4000 or 46000),' at 1.5 - 45 0, under isothermal 6onditiono. O-imilax c.-cl)c rime ut s wdre carried out under static con- ditions?* in air and in argon. Iq-inCi4 and oxalic acid were used as initiators. In stirrcd sobitions after 15 inin reactions, the yicldr, increased f rom - 20,,, at 156C to - 600/'Q at 300 and fell to Card 1/2 0,,/030/62/035/010/009/012 Study of the effects ... D204/D307 - 47-,j at 450C. The corres,,)o-a(ling figures after a 40 min reaction were - 49, 70 wad 5Cj.'j res.)ectively, tending to be always slightly lower in the more intensivelv stirred solutions. Yields of static- ally carried out reactions uader argon were on the average - 10'A higher than the abovo, a-ad were higher still when the polymerization uool-. place (still without stirriag) in air. In small amounts, oxy- gc-Li improves the yiel(!--, but reverses its action and even stops the reanction*completely when iii-itroduced-in large amounts, eoge by stir- ring in systezis open to the atmosphere. There are 3 figures and I table. AS~XCI"ML'14: Lcriin,'rads1:iy teicstillnyy institut im. 3.N. 1drova _cningrad lustitute im. S.M. Kirov); Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-is-sledovatellskiy institut neftelchimiches- kilch protsessov (.Ul-Union Scientific Research In- stitutc of etrochemical Processes) 3 t JIM : ITA Rily 5, 1961 Card 2/2 ROSKINY Ye.S.; MUSHENKO, D.V,; VISHNEVSKIT,N.Ye.f-UR-UILKQ, G.~.; DERGAGHEVA, R.D. Effect of a hydrodynamic regime on the polymerization of acrylonitrile. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.10:2328-2332 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Leningradskiy tekstilInyy institut imeni S.M.Kirova i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov., (Acry-lonitrile) (Polymerization) (Hydrodynamics) r, ion reu~,-,x 0'. te fr. 2p ~ .4 t2-,; f) t the 't..Lnetlcs clC the static p4 .rl~-!rlzaticri of acrylcni.T,-4A,!-. vv.,j. uch.A). klifin. i Ichim. toU,. 7 n 4nc-.,,F-l A -k ; v -1.9 t teks nc;- ir-,~nl F! rovn , kafaiva f 11 -z i 2*-:osk! ~~iml KARPENKO) G.I. [Karponkol H.I.1 ---- --- Rolling instead of honing. Mekh. sill. hosp. 12 no. 2:15-17 F 161. (MIM 14 1 4) 1. Golovniy inzhener vantazhnogo avtoparku No.3 GolobkiivavtotranBu. (Motortrucks-Engines) .olkovnik; RYTOV, L.A., inzhener-kapitan KIWENKO, G.M., inzhener-podu Use of long lines in the antenna feeder systems of a radar station. Vast. protivovozd. obor. no.8:43-46 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Radar, Militar ) I Y K P-EVWIA~~-F~, Mlad5lity rauchnyy ootrudnik Our erporionca in the control of shield butge. Zashch. rast. ot vrod~ i bol. 6 no,,5:19-.20 My 16L (1,11Ily, 15.6) (Surygasters) KARFENKO, G.V. [Karponko, H,Vj, doktor takhn. nauk , ~ '. - -:~, ~ - I I ....... ~e-. Increasing labor productivity in the national econoW is the impor-- tant objective of scientific institutions. Visnyk AN URSR 30 no-7: 21-24 j1 159. (HIRA 12:10) (Labor productivity-) 1 0 is 11 11 1, 4~ w Fl(Ictsfics 44-0 Sep to 31 0 it 933 Ids HUXROO goals lleat mwilpation by the Worm Gear HOLWng. G V Karvenko. Enginerrs' Divest (American Filitio'll, v. 4, Mar. 1047, p. 140. Condensed from 11 Symposium '31 of the EncrKetic4 Institute. Academy of Sciewes of the l7krainisa S.S.R., no. 1. 1916. p. 134 155, T1w t,ttert it( vOtioult (actor. W1414 inva'stlizat"d irl t-r,lvr to favil, tate (IMICti of wortit vvar unit.,, I Ltd It A MCfAtLMIKAL L41CRATiAt CLAMPKATH)w 8 -1016. t .1. oat -W-Fy U T1 Ar 147 St' n ta t see =00 400 Coo SO, * too uge 'USSR/Acad.emy of Sciences De c 48 Medicine -- Ebredity, Mechanism I 'The Meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences M-trainiaa SSR, Devoted to the Question of the State and Tasks of the Biological Sciences In the Institutes and Institutions of the Academy of. Sciences Ukwainian SSR," 0. V. Karpenko, 1 p 'Triroda" Vo 12 Conf6renca convened in Kiev 4-,6 Oct 48. Discussed, status of biological sciences in the Ukrainian SSE in the light of Lysenko's'and. Michurin's . theoriee. Conference vas dismayed that sp many prizes and avards had been given. ecientista vho vere -tollowing the lourgeois ant�-Mioliurinian theory in 1!ology, M C) ~25/4g~- KARFENKO, G,V, Effect of surfactants on the fatigue strength of metals. Dop.AN URSR no-3:39-43 149. (KLRA 9:9) LInstitut budivellnoi mekhaniki AN URSR. Predstaviv diyaniy chlen All URSR F.P. Belyankin. (-SurfaOe-adtiie,agemts)- (Metals--Fatigua)