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L K CZECH ical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Minlys, No 5, 1958, 142D9. Author Vydrs. F., Karlik M. Inst Title Conductometric Methods of Complexametrie Titration. II. Determination of Total Hardness of Water. Orig Pub: 9b. chekhosl. kb'Tn. rabot., 1957) 22.- No 3., 979-981 Abstract: See MKhim, 1957, 51566- Card : 1/1 TI) MASK I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2393 7'1- lazAugrad. Poll tokhalchoskly Institut NaahLaoltroysm,lyol skonomikao organizateLys. I planirovanive prolavotletwo (M*chlnery Razuracturingi Economilco, OrgnAitatlon, and Pla=UW of production) Moscow. Maahgiz, 1958. 110 p. (Sorleal Its% Trudy, Wr 200J Errata slip Inserted. 2,600 earl*$ printed. 3P= OrIng Agencys =11.91nisterstvo r,7ashago obrazovanlya. 3airnov. Doctor or Technical Sciences, Profossert ': Ilk, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Docent. M Kar and 3;A. Sokolits;n Canddats, of Technical Sciences. Docentl Tech. Zd.S 9.0. c,"'kaya. PU1P=z This collection of article# is Intended for engineering and technical persounbl"of machine as ufacturing astablishmatp, CDVZMXt ?his collection covers. the theoretical aspects of the --4cOacadcv.- argLaltation. sM plenning of production and the actual OPOration of each Ine-asnurac t url ag 9stabliahzents. The first five articles deal with problems of classifying uction lines for lot production, variations or the flow gmte of parts, and duration of the machining cycle, etc. The r-ex&Wr.9 articles are devoted to the economic efficiency of new technology. problems of quality control, and to the quostion of specASIL"tion and cooperation. Me personalities are mentioned. Rar*rencas a" given at the and of several 114.00110 ILO Analysis in the SOlOction and Use of InK and . I~IZ' R~qulpmsnt 74- jT1jtoSM"-".Y- Org&nLtLng Quality Control of parts Manufacture On Automatic lathes 91 - .7 k RFT? -fNiT f-11 Sp'c1ml'"t'On and COOP- 16 'rcm-CdxtIz9 Industry In the Leningrad Economic Easton. 96 AVAILAIWs LLbmr7 or Congrea, Card -4,/4 jo/se 10-16-59 E~ I ~4 r~d t h '64. 't t2' F1W_O__ __ -1 151: I AUTHORS: Boyarshinov, M. I. (Professor); Fayzullin, V. Kh. (Engineer); Karlik, U. I. (Engineer) URG:. none TITLE: Investigation into the causes of longitudinal thickness nonuniformity and its elimination during continuous strip rolling SOURCE: Stall, no. 2, 1966, 146-151 TOPIC TAGS: sheet metal, steel, carbon steel, steel forging, metal rolling / St2 steel, 08kp steel, 15kp steel, St3 steel ABSTRACT: The parameters which determine the thickness of continuously rolled sheets were investigated. The investigation was carried out on the sheet-metal rolling mill 1450 of the Magnitogorskiy Metallurgical Concern (magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat). The effect of rolling temperature and tension on the thickness uniformity of low-carbon steel sheets was studied. The stand temperatures were calculated after the method of P. Lee, R. Sims, and H. Wright (Iron and Steel, 1962 V. 35, No- 14, P. 624-427), and the deformation resistance as a function of the rate of deformation, the temperature, and magnitude of compression was calculated after V. I. Zyuzin, M. Ya.1 Brovman, and A. F. Mellnikov (Soprotivleniye deformatsii otaley pri gor~,achey prokatkel Izd. Metallurgiya, 1964, str. 211--233). The experimental results are:~presented in Card _1.12 Uq: 621.771.24-1 ACC NR- AP6018261 r aphs and tables (see Fig. I). g 4-50 W Fig. 1. Dependence of the decrease 0 of sheet thickness A on the change .4 Q) m in the position of compression bolts z, for stands V-IX for addi- 1 0) 1tional pressure applied to these ba stands. Q) 0.06 0 0,2S OSO 075 1.0 Change in the position of compression bolts z,m. The following relationship between the distribution of the rolling stand pressure and Ithe change in the sheet thickness was established vn A hi 1=0 V,+1 vihere a hi is the change in longitudinal thickness, zn - the position of compression bolt, v. - rate of rolling, and w = z/a. The indexes n and n + I refer to the stand numbers. It is concluded that an accurate knowledge of the relationship w permits ani accurate control of sheet thickness. Orig. art. has: 2 tablest 5 graphs, an,'- 2 1 equations. Ccld rib SUB CODE: 13Z SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 0 KARLIK, V. New trends in the design of Ugnite mines in South Moravia. p. 298. UHIJ, Prague, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct* 1954& SO- Monthly List of.East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. KLIMOVITSKIY , Mikhail Davidovich; WILIK, Vitaliy Alakoandrovich; CHARIKHOV, L.A., red.; L.Vo, tekhn. red. - (Brief h-mdbook on temperature control in ferrous metallurgy] Kratkii spravochnik po teplovomu kontroliu v chernoi metallurgii. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 376 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Metallurgical plants) (Temperature regitlators) RUIJKOVSMYI, A.; KAH IX, Te. Courses at a school. Prof.-4skh. obr. 17 no.10:25-28 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Direktor tekhnicheekogo uchilishcha NO-3 (Rostov-na-Dona) (for Kulikovskiy). (Rostov Province-Drening and continuation schools) XARLIK, Ye. Activities and concerns of master Koltankovskii. Prof.-tekh. Or. 17 no. 12:21-22 D 16D. (MIRA 13:12) (Taganrog--Farm mechanization--Study and teachiDg) ~04 oz;.! Af 00 00 1 00 8,; Is 0 4! 00 .2 00 00 oo 00 1! 10, It . I L A ITALLtjk(,KAL LITEIR S1,11111. ,c- 000 000 !v ro 1, 1, ft .0 0 0 0 0 ITOGS 0 9 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 1 -, , - W, - 0 7 , 0 e 0 0 0 06 000 Ir jjj~ __ 1 .4 A] v 41 040 1-1. A 9 p a 00 Tirchniii0ow aspects of steel milking usilig Kussa h, -00 tano- tite it=s, F. M. KiIIIII, o1141 G. V. ,vilTvi, Kai Stal 4 N-A. .4?*,4.!0!k4,,. -Uri .11.1413 (in 7eriall & AWY11 A. Ill. M, 01-1. (,K utillia tual of V containetl ill "all 1~ 41%W'd Into 2 xiitil", lillijileir o'kidati,,11 .4 V ill 't4a witt% ut~-jki,tlt I ,f th~ nictA],,,r ;xkrtW,mdAtru,,f vinto,Ug and twl-l irtrntion in the steel productil. ill a bask ofien-brarth furnace, ctm%i%ii in inching withitul go* litne and with Ewe addii. =00 and heat fini%hed. The total twivety I, (Ole V, 0 Many heats of this type were niadc. AH m ith, mt atifat - tmy resulm Five eipt]. heati in acid oix-n-hesuth lot nAc-sQwwcdredt tkin tomloml V ill the InctAl ind IC prodtkvd 449% With About 3% V. Expt, in an acid tim- vefter mmilAr to that .1 %vil Soll i C. 4. 21, 2t~Lsj wtr% out akiTS-ful. see 00 jilt . I U06 _I_-- Ire* a K K a ri it a a od o I a w a ,a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -001_0 09 9 004000000000 KARLIK, Ye. M. 6733. Karliky Ye. M. i Shvidkayap G. 14. Proizvodstvo Ignshek iz drevesnykh opilok sposobom goryachego pressovaniya. M., Koiz, 19114. 132 a. a. Ill. 22 sm. 3.00 ekz. 4 r. 50 k. -- Ribliogr: s. U9. -- (55-1978) p 688.72 & (016-3) SO: Knizinaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 KARLIK, Ya.M., dotsent. Hollow toys cast in paper materials. Dat.khor. Igr. no.l: 48-50 155. (MLRA 10:2) (Toys) KARLIK, Ye.v. Effect of technical Drogress and maes production on the qualifications of workera. Trudy LPI no.186-18-27 '56. (.14LRA IC:?) (Ffficiency, Industrial) (labor productivity) KLIHOV9 a X k-and.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLITSYN, S.A., kand.tekhn.nau1-;--&1R-1JKir-- ye 1, kond.elcon.nauk, dote., nauchny7 red.; SAVEASKIN, A.G., rg-.Izd-va; GIIRDZRIYI'VA, A.M., [Ways of ensuring an even flow of work in industrial enterprises) Puti obespecheniia ritmichnoi raboty promyshlennogo predpriiatita. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasp root ranenitu polit. i nsuchnykh xnanii RSFSR, leningr. otd-nie, 1957. 51 P. (MIRA 11:5) (Industrial management) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 469 Yellyashevich, A.B., Karlik, Ye. M., and Shayovich, L.L. Ekonomika s'otsialisticheskogo mashinostroyeniyp (The Economics of Socialist Machine Building) Moscovi, MashgIz, 1957. 475 P. 15,000 copies printed. Reviewers: Novozhilov, V.V., Prof.,.Dr. of Economic Sciences, and Stepanov, G.A.; Ed. of Publishing House: Leykina, T.L.,; Tech. Ed.: Speranskaya, O.V.; Managing Ed. of Leningrad Branch of Mashgiz: Bol'shakov, S.A. PURPOSE: This book is a textbook for undergraduate students enrolled in, as well as for personnel employed by planning and design organizations and by machine- building plants. COVERAGE: The co-authors of this book endeavored to give a systematic presentation of the problems and development of socialist machine-building as a science. Though no complete Card 1/.q~) The Economics of Socialist Machine Building 469 course in the economics of socialist machine-building Is offered, a discussion is presented of its basic problems and the following a:pects are examined: (1) scope and rate of machine-building d vbl4pment; (2) ways of improving machinery systems and the natural law governing the development of the machine-building industry; (3) personnel and organization of labor; (4) the natural law governing the progress of specialization and cooperation; (5) concentration and distribution of machine- building production; (6) problems concerning the effective use of fixed and turnover assets; (7) economic accountability of machine building. Chapters I, II, III, VII, IX, X, and XI were written by Professor A.B. Balashev; chapters IV, V, and XII, by Docent L.L. Shayovich; and chapters VI and VII by Docent Ye. M. Karlik. It is pointed out in the preface that the co-authors of this book constitute the nucleus of the Department of Machine-building Economics of the Leningrad Institute of Engineering Economics. Card 2/1'9.-) I I Ko - I XI) Y 7t~ , Z; - - ~ ~H ~~, - i, 3,T, .: ~,, ~kand.ekon.nauk, dots. Specialization of the manufacture of fastenings used in machinery industry in the Leningrad economic district. Vest.mash- 37 no.12: 78-81 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Leningrad-Fastenings) KARLIK, Ye.M.; MALWKHOVSKIY, G.V. Specialiiation and cooperatiot on the part of iron foundries in the Leningrad Economic Council. Lit. proizv. no.1:2-4 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) (4nirk-,rad Province--Iron founding) KARLIKI Te.M,, kand,ekonomicheskikh naukp dotsent Concentration of the prc '. uction of small fastenings and P organization of specialized shops of an ecc*iomic size. Vest. mash. 41 no. 5%80-85 My 161. (MMA 14:5) (Fastenings) (Factory management) , A . .6 KARLIXY Ye.m.,, kand.ekonomiohoski-kh nauk Some data on the concentration and specialization in the manufacture of springs in the United States. Vest.mash. 41 no.10:81-83 0 161. (MIRA 14-10) (United States-Springs (Mechanism)) KARLIK Ye Ma.0 kand. akon. nauk Concentration and specialization of spring manufacture in the U.S.S.R. Vest. mashinostr. 42 no.10:78-81 0 162, (MIRA 153-10) (Springe(mechaniam)) KARLIK, Ye.M. Peculiarities of specialization in the manufacture of oprings and spring fl-ttings in England, Kuz.-slitam, piolzv. 5 no.9t 41-43 S 163. (MIRJAL 16..11) KARLIK, Ye.M. Several-probleas in the theory and methodology for establishing the size of a machinery manufacturing enterprise. Trudy LIP no.227:15--47 163. Classification of springs as the basis for determining the expediency of their type specialization. 1bid--55-68 (MIRA 2.7--4) 'i KARLIK) (1,W60Y, A.P. 1-jorking out a plan for machinery manufacturing branrh speciali- 7ation in a large cconomic region; ba,,ed on tho 6XLLV1)10 rX mient Manufacturing. Trudy LPI no.244:24-33 165. Concentration and specialization of production In the. radio .nammtxy of the U.S.A. 1bid-:44-56 (I'lm", iv~: :0 KARLIK, Ye.M., doktor ekonom. nauk improving the quality of strings and increasing the economic efficiency of their manufacture. Vest. mashinostr. 45 n0-4: 73-75 Ap 165. 041~ 18: 5) I "I-- KARKHATn --LA Ulingrad) - ---- , -,_(a Pregnancy with premature labor. 24 no.1.1:85-89 17 160. (PRMUNGUI, CWLIGGATIONS OF) (MIR& 144: 3) Suit 10 49 J4 If W 40 if 41 44 4b in - 1, . 1, ! 4 4 ; : ; : ; : A Ali ll,k I L X Ill P 6 0 17 1 .7 Ty fm "W-H I, i A 0- I.j Is 4 1 N j a a SO A 1,~~ o!1#1 *0 00, The Infimace of diroal Iron. 1'. A. 90 wilpi'le deoxiAllflum fiRrI11% [Air 111111111 t'.1%1 ilim: I I I SI $0 At It-, At ZRI 4o", stat fill. tj Fr mul 12 V,. 1~69 ok All 11, '1114*'11'.. l"st'ji I'l I'll I'll. floor Ill..% I t%,q%-J I.-to V,0. 1-- W~i -o,l AI d-ohlkhq .1 .1,11. A.11U.u. .."I . Uto, ptim All Ittio-will"I t-j%xmi;% Moth tolimmse itmild %ibitc becamw of thdir clivin. %tructum anil rinw.jill.,lis of cooling. Mur,"wi-r. the Si conicot of the e4st imo i, ACO 0 mucWhat itiffeamil fly the dw-difiiing alcift and thi, tv- =00 suits in an incrrawd st-fin. of paphitt and a uniform di- Itibution of the Uaphile thl-oushout the cro" wetims .1 40 0 Ibecasting. Ill I hill -wallill rust hip alld t how fit om ho o1 Illivii-ilm the Olvel (if fill- (Imlioiling ;Igl Ill 1% it) illillrdwi 0 it, c lom-11. pfulk-1 ti- 1% ills i1wica,fifir %oall Illwkol Ill 00 %fill%,). Pool Kirsit.-I io,,111 ilmklu- 1.1litom -,.* . .....I if ol-,ol.lit'd A.1.1 00. 00 Mo. l1ldlit,411V ill. 'Ill.. took kill .1 11".1 I'l.011. -,I how. 0 0 1 "I" ""% ' 11. Nl%,' to of m1of. ba, fill, Ow ow .I A liviii,0111111r, 3frol .11Alply 84,111cl, 1111. 11,11ollit." 11111% 4-vi 1, t Ill' IIA1%Iur-of fouch CAM itim iN not Is- thao ituat tol! 0 if high-pude t-j,t iron having a ilejIlitc rtoulldnw,~. zoo M. G. M,-, -, 4- .4 AJI! ~i~ ts* c I-, ; it, I- LIUNOU" CLASUPICATION I bItAttLMICAL .1111, .11oili-t -q pvl 30 0 As- -Y,71 -- wa~ - o tj - is r '%--T-F I ~ .., An I I it A`w w A it q A;L Vot cc tt it N La (A An 00 0 0 0 :jag : 00 070 0006 KARUANIN,..P..A. , . inschener. RMOO Improving this t.eqhuol9gy.qf founding cast iron pistons. Lit. preizv. no.5:12-14 My '57. (MLRL lotO (Iran founding) (Pistons) ~~-rlng ana St-od'v! i:g the ut -I't I 2~-i ~ri n; ten I in i c a! rf!T'SO I f64. tho ro c t c i the profes- sl c~n 11 cha ripc, j.-,. tlh~, labOl Ppsin mines. MIRA ZHOYTUKHA,, G.A.; XMIKOV, D.N.; IMASNITSKIY, S.Ya. Theoz7 and design of a alit thermopre#pitator. Sbor.nauch.trud. Kriv.fil.IGD AN URSR no.1:186-192 162. (MM 164) (DuBt--Thermal properties) lit MEER 55 mg sn qn~ t. Vl~ --C- , ta c"Me.. 'M TV ck,- zi -1v 'L;, -~N Jg L~3 ~vt zm IN 4tUA, KARLIKOV, D. N. Cand Phys-Math Soi -- (diss) "The eh6pt-pwMe order and viscosity of liquid. amalgiuns of cadmium and zinc." Kiev, 1957. 9 pp including cover. (Min of Bigher bduc,tion UkSSF\. Kiev State Univ im T. Q. Shevchenko). 125 copies (KL, 3-58, 95) - -2- 20-2-35/60 Golik, A. Z, Karlikoy?,~D,-Jj- AUTHORSt f Viscosity and the On the RelationIB6tween-,the,COefficient 0koeffitsiyellta TITLE: Molecular Structure of Liquids (o svyazi oyanii') vyazkosti so strukturoy veshchestva v zhidkom 50st PERIODICAL2 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 19571 Vol. 114, Nr 2, pp-361.-364 (TJSSR) coefficient of Viscos ity and ABSTRACT: The relationship between the nd -particularly the st ructure 0. other physical propertiesp a of great interest both the substance in its liquid state are liquid state and Of development of the theory Of the of physical- for the the practical aspects the viscositY9 but also fOr , this set Of interrelatiODOSIIiPS -chemical analysiG- 110w0var on one handq the knowludge line not yet been elt-trified. ose i-s of the structure of liquids required for this Pl`rP4. ies of the , and on the other hand the phyeical proper,, lacking n suffi- structure of 1 quids have not been investigated i The authors of the paper under review made the cient detail. me the difficulties , which are encountered Card 1/3 attempt to overoo On the Relation Between the Coefficient 20-12-3;/60 Structure of Liquids Of Viscosity and the 1_`olecui ar in clarifying the relationships between viscosity and struc., ture etc.1by an economical selection of the objects of their investigation. For this purpose, also other properties were studied that are in some relationship with the structure. The objects were selected from the point of view of the similari- -'U-y of their molecular structures. The followinc, properties were studied within a wide temperature range: density, heat of vaporization, molecular dispersion of light, and critical temperature. It was demonstrated that the curves of tempera.. ture dependence of the viscosity and of the heat of va-pori- zation are placed the higher, and the curves of compression are placed the lower, the higher the critical temperature of the substance under consideration. It was also proved that the interrelationship between viscosity and other properties connected with the structure, on the one hand, and the criti- cal temperature, on the other hand, is a consequence of the periodic law of 1.4endeleyev. The analysis of the curves of atomic distribution of the isoviscous solutions, as well as the analysis of the curves of intensity, show coi,,iplete coircidence. Therefore it follows that liquids Yfith identical Card 2/3 coefficients of viscosity (isoviscous liquids' also have 20-2-35/60 On the Relation Between the Coefficient Of Viscosity and the Molecular Structure of Liquids identical orders of proximity and identical structure3. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 9 referencea, 8 of wilicl, 111-e Soviet . ASSOCIATION: State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Kiyev (Kiyevskiy aosudarstvenny universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko) Krivoy Rog Pedagogical Institute (Krivorozhskiy pedinstitut) PRESENTED: November 12, 1956, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Member of the Academy SUBMITTED: November 6, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 KARLIM, J., [Karlykov, - _p -- , --- investigation English]. Ukr. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvannyy (Zinc) (Mercury) solutions Of 21nc in mercur7 . 3 no.3:370-374 ~~-Je (~qju 11:10) i Krivorozbokly motals) LASHKO, A.S.; KhRLIKOV, D.N. Galculating the distribution function for atorm in a liquid. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSH no.9:198-209 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Liquid metals) (Atoms) MIKHELISONI, M.L. KARLIKOV, D.N.; ALFEROV, V.F. The "threo-thermometer" method for measuring the supersaturation of steam in a flow. Zav. lab. 31 n0.9:1109-1110 165. (MIRA J-8:10) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR, KrivorozhBkly filial. u ioli monosc ~.-':PiOsezit~d S~,: Ack.detIdclan--;L~ SOV/124-58-7-7436 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 15 (U55R) AurHOR: Karlikov, V.P. TITLE: A Linearized Problem on the Propagation of Shock Waves Pro- duced by a Powerful Explosion in an Inhomogeneous Atmos- phere (Linea rizi rovannaya. zadacha. o raspostranenii sil'nogo vzryva v neodnorodnoy atmosfere) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences, presented to the MGU (Moscow State University), Moscow, 1958 ASSOCIATION: MGU (Moscow State University), Moscow 1. Shock waves--Propagation 2. Shock waves--Analysis 3. Explosions--Wave properties Card 1/1 -i e-LA N ru V-r-T, 10 ( 11 ~ -760 0 69003 AUTHOR! Karliko Y.~~ S/055/59/000/04/003/026 TITLE: Linearized Problem on the Propagation of a Strong Explosion -F- in an Inhomogeneous Atmosp ere PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959, Nr 4, pp 27-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first three paragraphs are already published by the author fRef 22. The author considers a strong point explosion in a gas the density of which is variable according to the law 3 ~-To (1- EZ*4) (z - height). The linearized problem is reduced to the solution of a system of four ordinary differential equations of first order. � 4 and � 5 of the present paper are devoted to the solution of this problem. The author gives a series arrangement under consideration of the fact that the coefficients of the system have a simple pole; but it turns out that the obtained series converge very slowly so that the numerical solution is recommended. The principal difficulty is the determination of certain constants since in general it is not Card 1/2 69003 Linearized Problem on the Propagation S/055/59/000/04/003/026 of a Strong Exploeion in an Inhomogencous Atmosphere unique from which additional conditions they shall be obtained. The author mentions N.S.Mellnikova-Burnova; he thanks L.I.Sedov for the leading of the work. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION;Kafedra gidromekhaniki (Chair of Hydromenhanics) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1959 i.J/ Card 2/2 10..2000 S/055/60/000/01/07/009 AUTHORt Karlikov,_V.P. TITLEs Linearized Solution of the Point Explosion Problem in a Medium With Linear Density Distribution PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. S -eriya 1. matematika, mekhanika, 196D, No.1, pp.60-65 TEXT: The author considers a strong point explosion i n a medium the initial density of which is distributed linearly: ~? = - (I - E z), z lo F,- small, z - vertical. coor4inate. The adi4tbatic exponent is y 1-4- The solution is r2 20 [Po + 's rp (Vr0)Gos 0 p -t2 V(1)(V r To) v t r -R7T-T- cos 0 0 ro (2) Y= So [Ro (X)4- ~ rR(1 ) (V ro )Cos 91 V(')(V ) V r -' -'o sin 9 0 t R_TV7r_T Card 1/2 0 0 82515 S/02 60/133/04/05/031 e1. ?/.2 0 B019yi3o6o AUTHORS- Korobeynikoy, V. P., Xarl-ikov, V. P. TITLE: On the Interaction of Stron Ex2losion Waves With an Electromagnetic Field ~1 U11/ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No,, 4, pp. 764-767 TEXT& The first part of the paper deals with the investigation of a point explosion in an ideal gas with infinitely large electrical con- ductivity, assuming the existence of.a. weak homogeneous magnetic field.11 Owing to the weak magnetic field, the motion of the medium can be neglected in first approximation, and the problem has an axial symmetry on account of the homogeneous magnetic field. Proceeding from the induction equation, the equatlons (3) are obtained for the radial and the transverse components of the magnetic field, and are then discussed. An already known formula is.then given for the calculation of the current in the zone of gas motion. In the second part, the authors discuss the emission of electromagnetic waves caused by strong shock Card 1/3 Y 82515 On the Interaction of Strong Explosion Waves S102 601133104105/031 With an Eleotromagnotio Field B019YB060 waves in conducting media within an electric or magnetic field, and also the increase in the electrical conductivity of the gas behind the wave front of the shook wayealcaused by the interaction of the above electro- magnetic waves with the shook waves. It is a.asumed in the further tasks that the electrical conductivity is infinitely large behind the shook wave front, but vanishing in front of it, and furthermore, the influence of the electric or the magnetic field on the gas motion is neglected due to the smallness of the electromagnetic field. Proceeding frorh the assumption that the electric and magnetic field strengths are equal in front of and behind the shock wave, the vector product (4) is obtained for the field st7ength in. front of the ~ -th-ook wave. Plane waves are examined next, with Y parallel to the Y-axi 8 and ~ parallel to the Z-axis. (6) is then obtained for (4) and it is shown that H and E also satisfy equations E y + Hz . ~ ( f ), E y - RZ F ('9 ) , besides the wave equations. Here, . x - ctj 7) - x + at, ~ ) and _P (-9 ) are arbitrary functions, and c1iB the lig1it velocity. Finally, the propagation of a plane shock wave and a stTong explosion on a plane are investigated as concrete examplea. In the first example; expressions are found for Card 2/3 82515 On the Interaction of Strong Explosion Waves S/02 60/133/04/05/031 With an Electromagnetic Field B019YB060 H 1'(x,t) and E,,(x,t) (iindexl refers to the zone in front of the shook wave), as well as for H z for the zone of the gas motion behind the shook wave front. Similar formulas are obtained for the second example. The results obtained here can be used for determining the parameters of a gas-dynamic shook wave, if the parameters of the emitted electromagnetic wave are known.-There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOM Moskov8kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V, LDmonoSDva (Moscow State University im ni M~ V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: April 1, 1960, by L. I,. Sedov, Academician SUBMITTEDt Maroh 20, 1960 Card 3/3 S/020/60/133/005/004/019 BO19/B054 AUTHORs Karlikov, V. P. -Nang ------- MAMP.-M TITLE: On the General Theory of Axisymmetric Motions of a Gas PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 5: pp. 1049 - 1052 TEXTt The author investigates a class of axisymmetric irregular adiabatio motions of an ideal gla4the characteristics of which may be represented as an expansion in positive powers of the linear coordinate. The author proceeds from the equation system (1) for gas dynamics in spherical coordinates, and writes down the solution (2) of this system in a general form. These solutions are expansions in positive powers of the radius r. After an extensive calculation, the author develops a system for the coefficients of these power series, and indicates an algorithm for the calculation of these coefficients. L. I. Sedov (Ref. 1) is mentioned. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/2 KOHOBEYNIKOV, Viktor Pavlov-ich; MIFVNIKOVA, Nina Sergeyevna; RYAZANOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyevicho' Prinimali uchastiye: YAKIMOV, Yu.L.,- SHUSTOVj S.N.p red.; AKSELIRODf I.Sh., tekhn,red. [Point exposion theory) Teoriia tochechnogq vzrTva. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-rYp 1961. 332 pe. (MIU 14:9) ' (ExplosiorB) 26742 S/040/61/025/003/019/026 10 D208/D304 AUTHORS: Karlikov, V.Pop and Korobeynikov, V.P. (Moscow) TITLE: On Pertixrbatjorp nf tbp P1Pctrnms.P rp+il - 4" -",' under the action of a shock wave when conductivity is dis- continuous PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk~ Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, vo 25, nop 3, 1961, 554 - 556 TEXT: Electromagnetic waves are investigated here by subjecting them to the action of spherical shock waves, spreading in a weak electromagnetic field.. It is assumed that the mechanism of genera- tion of the electromagnetic wave is related to the appearance of the discontinuity in conductivity on the passage of the shock wave through gas. Velocity of the shook wave D(t) where t - time, is assumed known. If the subscrT (1) denotes the region in front of the shock wave and subscript 2) the region behind it, then Card 1/6 On perturbations of the ... H1= H 2' El-r ~ E2T 26742 S/04)/61/025/003/019/026 D208/D304 (1) where E tangential component of electric field vector. In view of infinite conductivity of gas behind the shock wave, one has E 1 V - H in a moving coordinate system, and 2 2 2 E [(V 1'r 2 - D) H IT (2) in the stationary coordinate system,, In the medium of zero conduc- tivity and p = E = 1, PE PEt = ro t H, t rot E~ (3) c t The spherical shock wave is -then considered. Initial magnetic and electric fields are taken to be Ho and E0 respectivelye The spheri- cal coordinate system is used (r, 9, (P) and 8 is the an le of H. The following cases are then solved. 1) For E0 = 0, Ho ~ 0, and mo- Card 2/6 26742 S10 A(" 1 1 )25/00,,/019/026 On perturbations of the ... D208/1j.~'U'-j of the shock wave given by , r D dr2 = c-(:.2 2) ct - r r 1-1 dt a -,,1 2 , r P .2 2 2(0) 0 (7) (p Q3. r2) t2 A- (k 2) gk,- 0 k=O in (k i- t2 (k j- 3)-]] k~o where q. are constants, the solution is 1;r Ell ---0, in 9X. Itt + (k -1' 2) ri (8) in V Cos 0 1 'k + (k + 3) 1 + 110 cos Card 3/6 r3 .k=9 k + 3 26742 S/040/61/025/003/019/026 On perturbations of the D208/D304 110 P V r k + 2 + 110 (8) r k~o I 2) If D Do = const. Ho ~ 09 Bo 0 and H. orthogonal to Eot then the solution is found by putting = r/Dot, separating the variab- les in (3) and solving the resulting equations. The final result H, - J7,A B + Cos 0 61 1% W Y.) fro = HDA B - 1 sin 0 + Erwi-, 9 v -4 Cos T + I H,, = - CoAl in (P Cos 0 Er = E.A, (- Rl - + sin (P.Sin 0 6- Tt 3-61 Card 4/0' 26742 S/040/61/025/003/019/026 On perturbations of the ... D208/D304 E,0 = -- E', i1, + -L -I. sin T cos 0 j jL4' .3 E,P = H.A i. 0E,,A, (B, 6.4 X (9) where 33164 3 (1 61) -- ot (I + :562) D 364 1 + 1) 6" + 3:16, C + 3 (a + 3) (8) can be utilized for approximate determination of electroma- gnetic parameters if D(t) is diffe:rent from (7) and can be used if D(t) and r2M are tabulated. Also if~the initial position of the' electromagnetic wave is given by r = r 0p then the substitution = r - r - ct should be used in (8), There are 5 references: 4 So- viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English- Card 5/6 On perturbations of the ... S126742 04Y61/025/003/019/0A D208 D304 language publication reads as follows: 11. Gallet, Propagation and production of electromaenetic waves in a plasma, Supplem. Nuovo, Cimento, 19599 V. 13, ser. 10, N. lppp. 234 - 256. SUBMITTED: February 18p 1961 Card 6/6 J t. AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: L. 15 ~ 1-1. S/.040/62/026/005/016/016. D234/D308 Karlikov, V. P. and Korobeynikov, V. 2. (Moscow) Motion of a plane piston in a medium having finite conductivity, taking into account the effect of elec- tromagnetic field Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 26, nb. 5, 1962, 970-972 TEXT: The-velocity of the piston U is assumed to be constant and the conductivity is assumed to vary in the direc 'tion of U as sx -10 The magnetohydrodynamic e 'quations are formulated taking into ac- count the displacement currents. At the initial time instant (when the pistonB begin to move), a constant field HO, directed along the j, axis, is given. Re solutions are expanded in powers of a small q = Ho'~Dopo, where Do is the velocity of the shock wave for H 0 and Po the initial density. The authors find the zero 0 Ci~rd 1/2 S/040/62/026/005/016/016 Motion of a plane ... D2347D308 order and first order terms of the solution. SUBMITTED: J-une 21, 1962 Card 212 KARLIKCV,V.P.;KCROBEYNIKOV,V.P.;CHL7SIlY,Iii, P.I. (Moscow) "On the analysis of explosion in compressible media" report Presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and APniied Eechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. CGIj--,: Ull/Oli2l/66/OC,0/001,/0089/0093 (i-~ozcow); Sholomovich, G. I. (,-,'Oz;cow) --ov, V,I O'~G: nono TIME: !-,Othod for approx:Lmato calculation of the offoct of the walls in cavity flow past a body in hydrodynamic tubos :301MICE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Mokhanika zhidkosti i f-,a--a, no. 4, 1960", 89-93 TOPIC TAGS: cavity flow, hydrodynamic thoory, fluid flow "-:;ST:L',CT: Tho article considers the homomonoous steady state flow of an ideal- incomprossiblo fluid past an axis m:-.otric ob-octin a cylindrical, y j introduce tho control surfaco shown by tho dotted lino in Fig. 1. ------------ Figure 1. Card L 09W0-67 ACC NRz A26030114 .%Iross section 0-0 represents the flow far ahead of the body, and cross section 1-1 the .niddlo of the cavity. Designating by V, p, and /0 the velocity, the pressure, Lnd tho donsity, wo asswe intogral laws for the consorVation of mass, and the change in the nonontur. impartod to the volume of the fluid included within the control surface. In pro',action on the axis of the tube we have I" dS P V-dS pdS p(IS- pdS- pdS No :Iore tho subscriprs indicate: 0--cross section 0-0; 1-cross section 1331; ,--~Cae boundary of 'Une ca-vity; S and S..,--tho aroas of the transvGrse cross soctions 0 of -'u-ho ti~bo and tho niddle point of the cavity; S-4 and S45 -tho pro joction of the I to t~ area o' "Ie lateral surface of tho cavity from th3 broalcaway point of 4 o jot o ~m j Ui %.- U - th iddlo paint, and tho pro-ec' on of tho we"od surface of the body on the plane of ' o J. t-ransvorso cross section of the tube. Assunin'? that VO and p. are constant over the i-Vhola cross section, uhile the pressure p is constant along the surface of the cavityr' ,and designating by X tho force due to tho3rasistanco Of the body, we havoi V dS VOSO f, V' (is -f'17"'IS(' POSO p dS 1,3S3 X AZC NR: of is clovalopod on tho abovo basis, nnd calculations lby th' ystorr, aro co'-."alrod oatisfactorily with oxist:lng litoraturo data. Orig. art. has., 14 ard 4 figures. SbB CODE: 20/ SUB-1 DATS: 25Fob66/ OUG RZF: 0051 OTH RZ-r; 004 Card 3/3 - - - , -- . . . . - . . - 1 7 - - . I . - - 1, . - - . - - : ~ : . - - i . . . . . . - I . - .. - I I. . . : :. --, - . I .. . - 1. -- - - . . . . i -.I - 1 1 .- q .-- . .--- - L :: , I . . .-. L 35381-66 ~ __6__ A C AP6026853 AUTHOR: B azhant S. (Doctor of medicine); Karllko"p.L~ _kzan&, Stanislay-B modie-ine) (Doctor of ORG: Milil= Sva Institute /headed by Lieutenant Colonelp Doctor of Medicine Bohumil Polak/, Marianske Lazne (VoJensky lazensky ustav) TITLE: Epidid tis n_soldiers 74-- SOURCE: VoJenske zdravotnicke listy,, no. 2, 19661, 87-91 TOPIC TAGS: army medicine, genitourinary system disease, tuberculosis ABSTRACT : -The article describes the treatment and clinidal asp-ects of 220 casev 'treated at the Institute in the period 1957-1963. The disease developed guickly (1-2 days) in 61% of the cases; the cause in 47% remained unknown, in 12 it wasi due to an injury, in 14% to urological causes, and in 20% it was of tuberculous origin. Laboratory methods of diagnosis are described. Normally the disease required 9 days of hospital treatment, and several veeks of additional treatment." at the Spa Institute. In 50% the cure was qu~c~ and completel. some of the as- pects of residual difficulties are discuseeds, The author thanks Doctor J Tuhy, G ief of the Urology Department-MM-ip Prague for providi 9 the case history-documentation. Orig. art. has:4 tables. 23~~: 36,83 SUB CODE: 06 / SUM DATHI none 1 ORIG REF, 002- / OTH REFs 014 UDC: 616.689-002: 356.33 PROKLIDIE! , V% ) , - , '~7:!- ,~' 5 -: *i:,-,.. l-..Lc-3eT -,.,i prt,.ct',.-c, -.. - (:,*7!,:.. -'.7-. i2'i RIAM MY ''m ~Wlv. MAN AUTHORS. Klebanskiy, A. L., Fi-khtengoilts., V. 79-12-2-8/1-3 TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of Cor-= pounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti sinteza kremniyo--:-ganicheskikh neniy). V. The Synthesis of Polysiloxanes With Combined Radioa,.~ (V. Polucha= niye poliziloksanov so smeshannymi radikalami). FERIODICAL' . Zhurna1 Obshchey Khimii, -1957p Vol. 27,, Nr 12, pp. 3321-3321~- (TiSSR). ABSTRACTO. In the present work the authors try -W explain the effe,,tt oi poiw- substituents on the char &,:;ter J q tic-.3 of polysi-loxanes. For this p=pr,- se chloromethyl- and dichloromethylderiyative3 of methylrjx~p4les were produced by direct chlorination of the corresponding methy1chloro-si- lanes with ultraviolet radiation with subsequent hydro2ysis and j?z;4- condensation. The chlorination of dimethyldichlorosilane was ca-rried out according to data from publications by conducting the cid dried chlorine through dimetbyldichlorosilane in the stirring flash with ultraviolet radiation (qua-rtzlamp with in the fla-sk). After. the direct chlorination of di,ethyl- and trimethylchlorosilane under these conditions the chlorinated final products were isolated. ThE!se, as well as their compounds with dimethyldichloroLilane afte-- the hy- Card 1/2 drolyses with methylalcohol resulted in the correspondi-nP, Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of Silicon-organic 79-3-2-218/43 Compounds. V. The Synthesis of Polys:Lloxanes With Combined Radicals, nes. The authors stated the better solubility of the hy-Lrclysia pTo= ducts, which have chloromethylderivatives, in water and methanol a--- well as their more complicated polye-ondensation compared W-Ith pur--. dimethylsiloxanes. The authors also showed that the presence of chl~rc= methyl groups in the caoutchouc-type polysilomanes causes a cert-n.~-r! deterioration of the physico-mechanical parameters of rubber but ma- kes it more resistible against frost. The author5 assuiie that th~- chlsz rine atom could be replaced by the SH-group. There are I table., and 6 references.,, 1 of-which is Slavic. SUBMITTED'. October 22, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Silicon compounds (org-inic) - Synthesis Card 2/2 A 1// 4~q '~ Z / /~ 128-58-6-10/17 t-UTHORS; / Lupyrev I I., Candidate of Teciinical ~~ciences, S.S. 11 zIngineer, --tavitskiy, I.K., E'n--inoer, Rarlin A.V., Engineer, Kryukov3kaya, Z.1.1., Engineer TITLE: 6eparating Lubricants for She'.]. .'.olds (Randelitellnyye smazki dlya obolochkovykh form) I'~LAIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 191~8, ,.r 6, p 27 (UL,31i) ..'iB62RACT: This article contains information on " SKT-2" and "SKT-3" lu- bricants for shell molds. These lubri cants are based on methylsilicon vat residues, and are 10 to 11' times cheaper than the ethylsilicon liquid No. 5 (TU MKhP 2416-56), rhich previously was entensively used for sh ell molds. The new lu- bricants are also more stable at hiCh temperatures and cause no scale on the surface of mold boardc. -I'hey were developed by the authors. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Lubricants-Applications 2. Sy-nthetic lubricants-Applications 3OL461 3/133/6 1,'000,,~~31 1/0311/0W t-- A'051/A126 AITITORS Borisov, S. N., Karlin, A. V_ Malysteva,. T. A TTITLE% Vulcanization of cyc2ic dimethyl- and PERIODICALZ Kauchuk i rezina..,no. 11, 1961, 4 -- 8 .0 pe-:~x~de and U.-aO -C,~.~ TEXT% A study was made of the effect of the benzo, 7 1 Fe2O ) metal oxide, additions, on tre therral stability of v-ult:an,-za:v1-e mtx* urQ.E baU on dimetkyldlethylsiloxana rubber. -The Possibility of, using '~,.Cw- molecular dimethyl - and diethylsilocxanes instead of -11he f- orne r-",.y )~ ~;,d InA-! dL- .31 methyltetramer and ethyltrimer, for tha production of rubbers, was farther investigated. it was fc~und that, the by catalytic polymerization of' cyclia dimethyl- wnd dc~ differ ir. their properties from similar rabbers pr%-duced from `.-rir and ethylt-etramer mirtures. The dim,.-thyI.A-tIxylsil.oTxxne polym,~r-~ yeqi-17- a quantity of ber-zoyl peroxide for tne vuleanizat-ion than the CHT ~sw,--) Vulcanizates based on the mixtures of dILme~,-"LYldiett,,vlsil-oxauE, rjfte-f!'~ titanium dioxide instead of zinc oxide, retain tneir elas-.10ity 't 2500C - I I a', - of time at 200 - 2250C, and for shorter perdods a T:T1P, C ard. 1/3 30461 Vulcanization of S/138/6 11/00-0).101 1,1001/0~`f A051/A126 frost resistance at -700C. It, Is proven experimentally, oi ~'he examcl- :f e-n".Yri- Slloxane Po3ymers that the zinc oxide, usually contalned in *~,he rut-bei: incrc,a,ies tbedr stmeturalizing proalesseE. Sllnc~,e urnjLc-r ~-11-able rat-_-s of pollymrlzatolon of the and siloxane, under the effect of' 11~504, h-ave '"1e rate's` 0~ 1 ~84 I , ratio In t-he producta ef comulete bydrolyzls Of mei-, t, r!f fA:,. U- m~" 70 - 75 s 30 - 25, it. was assumed r--,placa w!';h M2-4 frac-blon, and E2-34 etby-hydrolysate with E~~-3 frani 'On, A no sisuLificant eff"ect on -the condltdlons of, prod-uction. arA! prope~rF.Ie!; -It' dlitzb.ylailoxane elastomere, &nd would at t-he seLme !Arr-e iowei- tlo a r c, - p;~:~ a, e.:c~ con~mmptllon coefficients of the inj-3,jaj mo was oonducted in two dIP-Per-ant way~ki Lric ler 'r-l- a-l-id, and in !.ne p_rei~tmnc, of k:r, alkall . Alrmollg~,,, ',r~e 1 acLlon of lro_n orlde and +4~&n';mr --oxide waz ~o t'nf, 1-4sq Pr-ot--e&Iya actic-n of M&O-Al DX_5dE-_ W14r . .... ar?'TLIZ lcxi~%ne rij bber F rix., cd~ &LO ZV~.'_'AM G. 1: X_111V - the Cj."_TC-*,-:-&y_-A 14_,lox~me T,.,4 -Oces!~ It +.almed i(bowed tlrmi- tnF- add:itl.clp. Of Tl~lc Cx,d!~ x- Card Z/3 Vulcanization of ... 30461 S/138/61/000/011/001/007 A051/A126 sistant rubbers, based on polysiloxane rubbers, would be unsatisfactory. Tfte-le are 6 tables and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintetichesko-go kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedev (All-Union Scientific Research ln_stituie of Synthetic Rubber im. S. V. Lebedev) Card 3/3 I 5-.q20,r, 0 9 27575 S11~01611003100910101016 B1 I O/B1 01 AUTHORS: Borisov, S. N., Stavitskiy, I. K. (Deceased), Karlin, A. V., Malyaheva, I. A. TITLE:' Ethyl siloxane elastomers. I. Copolymerization of octamethZA cyclotetrasiloxane with hexaethyl cycl.otrisiloxane PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye sayedineniya, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 1377-1362 TEXT: The highly heat-resistant polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) rubbers are elastic up to 250-3000C and have a low glass transition temperature (-130oO Replacement of CH 3 radicals by larger organic groups, e.9-, methyl-phenyl siloxane, renders the polycryBtallization difficult, improves the properties of the vulcanizate at low temperatures, but does not change the glass transition temperature. As a direct synthesis of methyl-phenyl siloxane is not possible, and silane chloride mixtures were formed on phenylation of methyl dichloro silane by the Grignard synthesis, whose separation was difficult, it was necessary to use better accessible monomers for the production of frost-resistance rubbers. The purpose of the present paper Card 1/6 27575 S/190/61/003/009/010/016 Ethyl siloxane elastomers. BlIO/B101 was the synthesis of methyl-ethyl siloxane elastomers on the basis of octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane and hexaethyl cyclotrisiloxane. According to the nomenclature suggested by N. N. Sokolov (Metody sinteza poliorganosiloksanov (Methods of synthesis of polyorganosiloxanes), Gosenergoizdat, 1959, PP- 127-132) the former is denoted by M2_4, the latter by E2-3. These two components, obtained by hydrolysis of dimethyl dichloro silane and diethyl dichloro silane, respectively, were co-poly- merizei in the cold in the presence of 2% by weight of concentrated H2SO4 under stirring for 5 hr with subsequent addition of 1% of weight of H 20. At almost equimolecular initial ratio, co-polymerization takes place readily, forming rubber-like high-molecular polymers. Table 1 presents the properties of the resultant polydimethyl-diethyl siloxane rubbers. The molecular weights were determined by the equation derived_by Burry- Korolev for high-molecular linear PDMS: Ell benzene , 2.15-lo 40-65. Filling and vulcanization were similar as with CKT'(SKT) rubber (polymer - 100; powdered silica gel Y-333 (U-333) - 501 ZnO - 5; bonzoyl peroxide . 2 parts by weight). The assigned and real content of dimethyl siloxane links in the polymers was determined indirectly by IR spectra on Card 2/6 27?75 S/1 9Y61/003/009/010/016 Ethyl Biloxane elastomers. B110 B101 the 1267 cm-1 band of the Bi-CH 3 bond. With increauing content of diethyl siloxane ohainsin the copolymer, the elasticity of vulcanizates decreases in parallel to the decrease of their swelling in organic solvents. When V (DE) > 15 mole~o, no rubber-like vulcanizates were obtained by "2H5)2S'o ( the treatment commonly used for SKT (10 min vulcanization in the press at 1200C; 6 hr additional thermostat vulcanization at 200 0C with a temperature rise of 1OC/min). If, however, the second stage (6 hr at 2000C) is omitted, compounds containing 45 mole% DE give rubber-like vulcanizates. With 1-15 mole~o DE their strength corresponded to that of SKT vulcanizates, 106 DE vulcanizate was well elastic. They were more frost-resistant than SKT. The coefficient of frost resistant was - 1 at -60 to -700C for rubbers with 6-10 mol0b DE. Acid catalysts which required troublesome washing-out were replaced by alkaline catalysts: M 2-4 and E 2-3 (92 ; 8) were polymerized under stirring and heating in a stream of dry N2 on the reflux condenser in the presence of a catalyst from cyclodimethyl siloxanes and KOH. The properties of vulcanizates obtained with 0-0075~6 KOH practically correspond to those obtained with 2~,' H 2s0 4' The authors thank Card 3/6 27575 S11,901611003100910101016 Ethyl siloxane elastomers-. B'11O/B1O1 N. V. Kozlova for taking the spectra, N. G. Sviridova for performing the alkaline polymerization. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to Engliah-language publication reads as follows: Ref. 1: R. A. Pike, J. E. McMahon, V. B. Jex et al., J. Organ. Chem., 24, 1939, 1959; T. 0' Williams, Re A. Pike, F. Fekete, Industr. and Engng. Chem., 5-1, 939, T;0- ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateliski;f institut sinteti- cheskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev) SUBMITTED: December 6, 1960 Table. Properties cf elastomers obtained by co-polymerization of methyl tetramer with ethyl trimer in the presence of H2so 4* Legend: (1) Polymer propertiesl (2) characteristios of standard vulcanizates; (3) sample no.; (4) molar ratio of M2_4 : E2_31 (5) 01~6 volatle I content, 3 hr, 150OC; ~6~ solubility in benzene; (7) molecular weight-10--'; (8) tensile strength; 9 relative elongation; (10) coefficient of frost Card 416 32350 s/igo/62/004/001/012/020 BlOi/B110 AUTHORS: Borisov, S. F., Karlin, A. V., Malysheva, I. A. TITLE: Ethyl siloxane elastomers. III. Methyl-ethyl siloxane rubbers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 1, 1962, 74--.,9 TEXT: The preceding communication II was published in Kauchuk i rezina, no. 11, 4, 1961. To obtain rubbers which remain elastic even at low tem.- peratures, C2 H5was partially substituted for the CH, group in polydimetIV, siloxane rubber. N. S. Shvarts catalytically synthesized the methyl-ethyl- di chlorosilane from methyl-dichlorosilane and ethylene: boiling point 99.3 - 1000C/756 mm Hg; n 20 _ 1.4189; d20 _ 1.o612, MR From 4 - 34-01. D D aqueous-qlcoholic hydrolysis of this monomer the following was obtained (total yield 63% by weight): -1,3*5 -trimethyl-1,3,5-triethyl-cyclo- Card 114 32350 S11901621004100110121020 Ethyl siloxane elastomers. B101/B110 n20 _ 20 -)45-7 risiloxane (I) (b. P. 78 - 78.40C/10 mm Hg, D 1.41081 d4 0,1 JI, MRD - 60/.43, 120 - 2.00 cp) and - 1,3,5, 7-tetrame thy 1-1 , 3v5P71-te't ra - ethyl-cyclo-tetrasiloxane (II) (b. p. 110 - 111OC/10 mm Hg; n 20 20 20 D d4 -0, 9518 ; MR D -92-75, 4.29 cp). Under the action of acid o- alkaline catalysts (H2so4 or KOH), new, high-molecular, rubber-like poI,y mers resulted from copolymerizing cyclic methyl-ethyl- and dimethyl sllcax- anes (ratio 96 ; 4 to 84 ; 16). These polymers contain (CH 3 )2 SiO and CH3C2H5SiO links having molecular weights from 260,000 to 973,000. The samples vulcanized with 1 Dart by weight of benzoyl peroxide, 2 parts '"'y v;e*L,-ht of TiO 2, 50 parts by weight of powdered silica gel per 100 parts by weight of polymer showed resistance to frost increased with increasing content of CH3C 2H5SiO links (Fig. 1). After 10 days' heating at 2000C. tensile strength was 41 kg/cm2; relative elongqtion 230%o. ComDarison w2A_11-i diethyl-'and methyl-plienyl siloxane rubbers showed for the resistance to Card 21A 32350 3/190/62/004/001/012.1/020 Ethyl siloxane elastomers, B101/B110 frost the following'orderi .'(905 )2310 (CH3)C6115sio ~ (ell3)c2115Si-O. Tho~rcfore, tho Dynthesis of polydimethyl siloxones with (C 11 )c H SiO or 2 5 6 5 (C 6H5)2310 links is be prospective. There are 2 fifmres, 3 tables, and 7 referencess 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The reference to English-language publications reads as followas K. B. Polmanteer,,M. J. Hunter, Rubb. Trorld, 3381 95t 1950i Jb Appl. Polymer Sci., .1, 3, 1959. ASSOCIATIONt Veosoyuzn$ y nauchno-isaledovatellekiy institut sintetiches- kogo kauohuka imo B.*.V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research InOltute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev) SUBMITTED: February It'1961 Card 314'/ S/080/62/035/004/021/022 C D205/D301 ho L sov, ci's N., Karlin, A. V., und ~'iviridov~t, N1. It. AU121,1101CJ -Bori., I T I TLE' Sint ultaneous polymerization Of DCt,1-.1CthYl 0~'CIQIU-t~tra-- siloxane and decamethyl pentacyclosiloxane P 7-,'R 10 1) 1 C,~%. LZhUrnal prilkladnoy Id-liniii, v. '55, no. 11, 106"], rT-, T, X--,' In the production of the thermally stable polyiathylsilox"Ln,~ -L., L 0 resin (SKT) low-nolecular cyclic dime thy ls iloxane 3 are employed as the s-&~arting product. The influence of the starting products U _Ltion on the molecular weight and technological properties of CoMpOS4 U,ie polyriethyl disiloxane resin was not Sufficiently investigated before. Polymerization of the binary mixtures of octamethyl cv(.,lo- U 2-4) and decamethal cyclopentasiloxane (1,12-5) ta- 4- etrasiloxane (M in the weight ratios 90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, 10:90 vlas formed by stirring in the presence of (a) 21,~' W/W concentrated -Lor 5 liours at room temperature with Bubsequent introduction o" W/W 01 H2 0; (b) 6c,fo 1,11/W aluminum sulfate dihydrate, taken as a'31r Card 1/3 S/O310/62/035/004/021 0'-'1 1 ta~,,eous p olymeri ~-,Rti oil 0 'L D205//D301 Daste of the catalyst in siloxane oil, for 53, hours Lit 100 c ) Cu, - -Ualyst based on Potassium siloxanolates for 3 hours at 1400C Li a current of dry nitrogen. The increase of the M 2-5 content from 10 to 90',:') lowers tI_,e molecular weight of the elastomers fromi 700.0(10 ~o 500,000 rout-lily. This increase leads also -to a somei-.,hat- M---hcr 0 LI relative elongation and freezing resistance coefficients i'll tii(; ~.r~,Ican-zed re~;ins. These influences are less Dronounced N-;heii -1~-',hqd L 0.) is U-Seld. T_'ile polymers obtained by this method are of :I ;-.,,IecuI!.r wei~rht than those obtained by method (a). The Convorsic'n 1~ _ i" bot"', me-,hous was more U than 90'. The conversJLon iii the ;~Ij` met,hod (c) was lower. With the increase of the M,-5 conte"t 10 to c,Ma tile amount o--F* volatiles increased from 14 to 17~`- The :Iro- porties of the resins prepared by the 3 methods were compQ-,,~lb-L.-'. It 4-11at i~~ concluded the differeiices induced by the varyini- compcL~i- tion 0-41, the Star-"Uins mixture are Practically are 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reft.- rences to the En;dish-language publications read as foil~)ws: %,i'. Putnode and D. F. Wilcock, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68, 35,E~, Card 215 S/080/62/035/004;'021/022 3imultaneous polymerization of ... D205/D301 hunter, J. P. Hyde et al, ibid., 68, 667, (1946). ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovat-allskiy institat aintu- ticheskogo kauchuka im. Akad. S. V. Lebedeva (All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rub- ber im. Academician S. V. Lebedev) Card 3/3 BORISOV, S.N.; KARLINY A.V.;-Primimli uchastiytsMP.LYSHEVA, I.A.; BJMURfHAP--K.-A-. Organic silicone elastmers containing diphenyl silaxan links in the basic chain. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.120-5 D 162. (NIRA 16:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno'-;--iss1edovatel'skiy institut sinteticheakogo kauchuka im. S.V.Loebedeva. (Elastomers) (Si,~oxanos) s/i38/6P-/ooo/Oo6/oo1/oo8 A051/Ai26 AUTHORS: 13orisov, S.N.,,~.arlin A_V,, Chudesova, L.M., Galil-Ogly, F.A., Chebysheva, L.M. TITLE: Properties of ethylphanylsiloxane rubbers PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 6, 1962, 3 - 6 TEXT-. The relation between the methylphenylsiloxane ring content in rubbers and their optimum frost resistance was determined by producing and investigatinr'-, polymers containing from 2 to 10 mol 1% of the methylphenylsiloyane rings. Optimum Irost resistance was found In rubbers based on polymers and containing 8 mol % methylphenylsiloxane rings. The substitution of the latter with diethylsiloxanc rings yields elastomers with the following characteristics: a) the abillty to vulcanize with lesser quantities of benzoyl ~-Iroxide and with weak vulcanizing agents, such an dicumyl peroxide; b) a highdr resistance to accumulation of n!s.1- dual deformations after compression; c) resistance tc. destruction in cloGQ-d 5ys- tems. A study of synthesized ethylphenylsiloXane elastomers showed that they combine the advantages of both the diethylsiloxane and metbylphenylsiloxane elas- Card 1/2 Properties of .... 3/178/62/000/006/0101/008 A051/Ai2,6 tomers. They vulcanize with a lesser quantity of benzoyl peroxide and dicumyl peroxide, as compared to the methylphenylsiloxane rubbers. They have a higher resistance to destruction in closed systems and regeneration capacity after sim- ultaneous action of elevated temperatures and loads. The rubbers based on the ethylphenylsiloxane polymers are equal to the methylphenylsiloxane rubbers in their thermal and frost resistance, within a temperature range of -100 to +2500C. The properties of ethylphenylsiloxane rubbers are improved by substituting the Y -333 (U-333) silica gel with the more active BC-280 (BS-280). There are 2 tables and 3 figures. ASO-OCIATIO14: VEesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva i Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber im. S.V. Lebedev and the Scientific Research Insti t&m of the R~bber Industry) Card 2/2 KAUINP A. V.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; MITROFANOV, L. A. Preparation of pure dbmtbyleyclosiloxanes. Khim. prom. no.3: 166-171 Mr '63. (MIRA .16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iBeledovatellskiy institut sinteti- cheskogo 14uchuka imeni Lebedeva, (Silicon organic compounds) KARLIN, A. V.; BORISOV, S. N. "Proizvodstvo polisiloksaricivykii elastornerov v Sovetskom rey)ort submitted for 35L1, Intl Cong, biduutrial fl'huinisti',~, War,,:uw, Sep 64. Vsc!;o,yu-,,,uyy 1.11oUtut k"tuch"Llut im S. V. Lebodev, Leningrad. ACC NR: AP6029928 A SOURCE CODE: LTR/0413/66/000/015/0090/0090 INVENTORS: Karlin, A. V.; Mitrofanovq Le A.; Trofimovp Ve M. ORG: none TITLE: Method for obtaining low-molecular weight C