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ti;:;e for ~1!,- -3tn. zi 7,.; r-~ -'a t -e iw~ -Ain t--.-; i-o- 5 Lo '17 WITKOWSKI, Witold; KADLUBOW.SKI, Wiktor; KAROZE14.SKI, Benedykt I - -1 1 1--- --.'' .1 Studies on the chemical control of the alder tree weevil (Cryptorrhynchus lapathi. L.) Col. Cure. Prace nauk mln i lesn 17 no.3:585-608 165. 1. Institute of Plant Protection, Poznan, and Department of Forest Protection of the School of Agriculture, Poznan. c.~ C. von7 i ati on /n 0 t v i:~!-,7 SoUrce: - -,c-ln .1 0 -a '.,:etervn!irvJna Vo I X I VIII No T-L~-ne 10/61, P 352. :)a+.,t: "?,eros-Itinn of Fro!,-Psed Small intestines in a Stallion Durinz POT-1UTD/General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. Biology and P Ecology. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 25383 Author Karczewski, J. Inst Title Buckthorn Thamnus fra:isula) and lachimi Flies. Orir. Pub Polkic pismo entomol., 1958, B, No 5, 5-12 Abstract The blossons of the alder D-ickthorn Rhamnus frangula are visited by numerDUS illSeCtS, in partictilar by Ta-china flies. (The blossoms serve aG the of supplemen-ta- ry food. ) A Iist of flies visiting the buckthorn (alliong them 41 species of Tachina flies) and a list of insects parasitic to some flies are -Iven. Card 1/1 2 T KARCHNSKIT, Taroslav [Karczewski, Jaroalaw) Workers' participation in industri-ar,7nanagernent. dvizh. no.12:37-38 D 158. (MM 12:1) (PolarA-Employees representation in management) KARCZEWSKI, J. -- f-wa rv ~ & - , Telegraphic distortions. Ft. 2. p, 1.34o PRZEGLAD KOL'-EJOWY ELEKTROTECHNICZNY. (Wydawnictwa 1(omunikacyjne) Warszawap Poland, Vol. 11, nos 5. May 1959- 1 - Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL., Vol. 9, no. 1. Jan. 1960. Uncl. KARCZ11-alsKil J. GooO functionim- of a teleLraphic ncti-;,ork depcnis on the I,oo:! technical. ccn(lition of the Teletype. F.- 73. T'I'LzrMY) KOL-jo~~-,'y Poland, Vol. 11, No. 3, Mar. 1950. ..onthl:, List of East Eiiropeap Accessions (El~ 1) 1", Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 101-9. Uncla. KARC KI bx2y, Mgr inz. --------- -- Application of teletypifig devices for the transmission of train formation diagrams. Przegl kolej elektrotech 13 no.6:185-191 Je 161. KARGZ94SKI, Jerzy, mgr.,,Inz. Driving installations in the long distance teleprinter "Teletype". Przegl kolej elektrotechn 13 no.7:21-0-215 161. KAMIWKI~ $.dzislaw., mgr inz.; ~WZEw,s4,,-Jerz-y,--mgr inz. The trammitter of the "TEELETY-IFE" teleprinter. Przegl koloj qloIctrotech lAf no.2:1#2-47.F 16-1. KAMINSKI$ Welair., mgr. , inz, ; KA.RCZEWSKI . Jer~~r.., inz. Regulation of the transmitter of the "Teletype" teleprinter. Przegl koleJ ele&+.rot 14 no-4:3-15-119 AP 162. L41,ghSKI, Zdzitslaw, mgr inz.; YARCZEVSKI, Jerzy,.mgr inz. Drive control of the "TEMM" teleprinter. PrzegI kolej elektrotech 14 no.1:20-23 Ja 162. KAMIIiSKI, Zdzislaw, mgr inz.;. KARCZEWSKI, Jerzyp -mgr inz. The receiver of the OTLIETM" teleprinter. Przegl kolej elel:trotach 24*W6.168-173 Je 162. q IL4MSKI' ZdziL:daw., mgr inz.; P~EZEWSII~, Je 1, j rzj, mgr inz. .9 Regulaidon of the Teletype teleprinter receiver. Ft.l. Przegl k7olej elektrotech 14 no.10:303-309 0 162. KAMINSKI, Zdzlslaw, mgr inz.; -~~"W~SKIJ~eAv ~r inz. Regulation of the TELET)TE teleprinter receiver. Pt. 2. Przegl kolej elektrotech 14 no.12:378-382 D 162. V KAMINSKI, Zdzislaw, mgr inz.; KARCZEWSKI, Jerzy, mgr inz. Maintenance of teletype teleprinterso Frzegl kol.ej elektrotech 15 no.2:44-48 F 163. KARCZEWSKI, Jerzy, mgr inz, Contemporary development trends of data transmission means nnd their collaboration with calculation centers. Przegl kolej elek- trotech 13 no.1t15-20 Ja 164. KARGZEIISRI, Jeroslaw -- -I~he name of mankind, for 'Ube benefit of mankind; on the proUi:am of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Praca zabezp spol 3 no.12:8-11 162. POL k ND _IEWICZ, lloi:iuald; STA;7,r'-E"r-,CZ, Stefan .EARCZL','."IsKI, Los-7el.--; ANDIRUSZK J- - Industrial Inst-ytut of Electronics (Pr--omyslo,.v,Y -Lnstyt,,,t Elclctroniki) Vlarsaw, Pr:Ler---IE:d elektroni ~i, '-Iqo Au-U L, Sr 0:)y pp 4b--O,)* "Pre:-,a-ration of Extreme- Puri tuy Sb-,S3l' C- i Z ?Wlf,22 z~- z ey e.R P 0 L~'D 1"AFRCZE'.731:1. Indu,:,!tr-.Lal Institute of Ellectroni03 (PrZer:-,Slo,,-:y Tn3 y I Elekti,c?ni.l,---;) V Warsav, Przeglad elektrordki-, No 8, August 6-'~-,, pp 463-65. "PreD.aration of Extre-'rie-Purity HC1 and A2 -1 lt)SkZ Z_ J '70 PC KARCZL137SKI, '.ileszek Industrial Institute of Eloctror-l-cs (Przemyslowy ins-'U--Y- tut 21ektroniki) o .'~\j ,J) 'Narsau, frzerlad elek-troniki, -*',,To 8, Aupi3t' 70- "Sorie Problems and Ncw ~lethod of SbCl;; POLAi,'j.) r~A--,--(c Z L'i*ll,--dT,- ILoszolc Indu ~,,4-riall ijjstk~uute of L~'jcct~-Ojjjc3 El elauron. lici) "darsavi eicktrolliki, lio ~3 liloltlnC of SbCl (przE;.my.~31c -1n.3ti,tut Au r m) 111-72-74- P 0 L A indu3tilital institute Of Electr0n'cs (Prscrayslovr-, ~-1-13'L'Ytut Elelftrcnill.:i) u 0,7 Warsavi, elelctronilci, ',I~o 8, Auru-st "Zone I.Ielting,, of Sb(CH-)COO) 2 1URCZE1 3KI, Leszej~; STANrK:E~'-,1jjC- te-P POLAIM) indu3trial Institu-ue Of 41ecturol--IC3 (Pr,,.cniy31c)-,%7-- -,- -~Ytutu El ektroniki ) i -I.. u 1',"arsav-, 2L~.~ 4 o J, Au,_~ist o., "Prop',2-ration of PbS Thin) Layers mic-I Powders b-,- C]lem~lcai 1.1ethods KARCZEWSKI, Leon A new species of Gasteropoda from the Astartian limest-mas of Sulejo-.r. Kwartalnik geol 3 no.4:939-942 159. (ME 10:1) 1. Zaklad Stratygrafii I.G. (Poland-Gastropoda) KARCMISKI, Leon r- Stratigraphy~-facies problems of the Rauracian and Astaxtian in boreholes of the Wojszyce and Klodawa regions. KwExtalnik geDl 5 no.4:86.1-868 161. 1. Zaklad Stratygrafii, Instytut Geologiczny, Warsmira. KARCZEWSKI, Leon Nerines as index fossils. Przegl geol 10 no.6.288-291 Je 162. 1. Instytut Geologiczny,, Warszawa. KARCZEWSKI, Leon Stiucture, evolutiong and stratigrafic importance of the shel-Ifish of the Rudista order. Kwartalnik gbol 6 no.2.387 162. lo ZaUad Stratygrafti, Instytut GeologiouW, Warazawa. KARCZEWSKI, S. Geological observations of a coast. p. 25. (GEOGRAPIA 11 SZKOLE, Warszawa, Vol. 8, nod, Jan./Feb. 195". SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LCI Vol. 4p No. ~.-, 4n. 1955, Uncl.1 KARCZWSKI* Tadeusz; PIMMAZEK, Jan; WLODAMKII- Gabriel i Studies on thO structure of various types of viscose fibers. Folimery tworz wielk,7 no.12:461-463 D 162. 1. Instytut Wlold:en Sztucznnh i Syntetyemych, Lodz. KARCZEWSKI, T.; KOZLOWSKI, W.; LEWASZKIEW1CZ, W.; 91",-l'.."! S.; VLODPRSKI, G. Contribution to the problem of determining the crys-,-a_-`n:ty of I viscose fibers on the basis -if their density. Prz-:?gl wlokien 18 no.10.-448-449 0 164. 1. Institute -)f Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, 1,11eirsaw. KARCZL?WSKI,' Ta"deusz;.LEWASZKIEWI. , Weronika; PILICHOWSKA-GWOZDZ, -.-- ' - ' " ' 8ianisla-wa Studies an the stmature of viscose rayon fiber. Pt.l. Polizery tworz vialk 9 no.lOi432-435 0 164. 1. Institute of Artificial And Synthetic Fibers, Warsaw. KARC Z&VSKI 11 W. Kffects of afferent vagal activity recorded on magnetic tape on the respiration of vagotonizod animals. Bul Ac..Pol biol 10 no.11:499-500 162. 1. Fathophysiological Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Pathology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by L.Paszkiewiez. I M ealaw; XARCZNWM, W!Ltold. Prevention of so-called histamine shook by stimulation of the brain with electric current; pre'liminarY cOMMUUicatiOu- Acta physiol. polon 6 no.4:373-376 1955. 1. Z'Zakladu Patomorfologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk Kierownik: prof. dr. L.Paeskievics. (HISTARM, effects, exper. shook, prer. by stimulation of raiu with electric current (Pol)) (EII00K, experimental, prev. of histamine shock by stimulation ar brain with electric current (Pol)) (MIRMICITY, effects, brain stimulation in prev. of exper. histamine shock (Pol)) L 05845-67' ' JK ACC NRi AP6031EI97 (A) SOURCE CODE: PO/0071/66/000/00f)/0334/0336 AUTHOR~ Karezewski, Wojciech--Karclievski, V. ORG: Poultry Disease Section, Institute of Veterinary Research, Pulaw / headed by Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Marelt (Zaklad Chorob Drobiu Instytutu Weterynarii) TfTLE: Development of the LaSota strain of-Newcastle disease virus in the spinal cord of chicks SOURCE: Medycyna weterynaryjna, no. 6, 1966, 334-336 TOPIC TAGS: veterinary medicine, animal disease, animal virus disease, animal infective disease, Newcastle diiseELse, Newcastle disease vaccine, animal disease therapeutics, Newcastle disease IaSota strain vaccine APSTRACT: Tests Were made with the lentogenic LaSota strain of Newcastle d1sease virus to determine whether it can have an adverse effect on one-day-old chicks. It was introduced into the, spinal cord, which in birds is known to be particularly sensitive to ND virus. The ND virus multiplied rapidly, but caused no paralytic symptom-,;. Only traces were left five days after infection. When injected 1 1/2 L 05S45 - 67 ACC NRi AP6031997 into the brain of chicks, the virus was present in considerable numbers on the first and third days after infection. Further studies are necessary to confirm chick resistance to LaSota ~strain itifection. Orig. art. has: I figure and I table. [DR] L-w- .4 - s-o-I SUB CODE: 02, 06P SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 003 Card 2 2 i POLUM/General Prolblemis 9f Pathology - Shock. U. Abs JDur Rof Zhur -, Biol., No 2, 1959, 8618 Author Karczewski, W. Irst P31ish AcadeiV. of bciences Title The Effect of Electric Stinulation )f the Brain in Histaniiie Shock in Guinea Pigs. III. Time FactDr. Orig Pub Bull. Acad. polon. sci., 1957, 01. 2, 5, No 9, 317-320 Xostract The brain of ~;uinea pias was stimulated by aii electric current for 8-14 niaites, ai.,d -At vari.)us iiiLervals they were injected L.V. with 0.66 i-.ii3/kg of histaaine. With..)ut electrical sti-;aalation t1ie ni.,rtality rate was 100%. When the histaziine was injected 1-3 zunutes af- ter the stil* 111,1ation the mDrtality rate was rediced t,.:) 20-50%. I"Jectim jf histauine after 4-6 i:dmites caused the death of 80-90~ if the aaimals; after 7-9 1-d-ates, Card 1/2 KAROZEWSK1, W, Effect of cerebral stimalation with electric currant on the course of histamine shock in gILinez pigs. I. Respiration and blood pressure. Acta physiol. polon. 8 n0-3:371-373 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Patomorfologii P. A. N. Kierownik: prof. dr L. Paszkiewicz. (HISTAMM, effects, exper. shock, eff. of electric brain stimulation on blood pressure & resp. responses (Poi)) (3RAIN, physiology, eff. of electric stimulation on blood pressure & resp. in exper. histamine shock (Poi)) (BWOD PRESSUR3, physiologyp eff. of brain stimulation in exper. histamine shock (Pol)) (RS3PMTION, physiologyg same) J7 - r: Itute o~ -x-c tborstor InE tic. ~-nce ?at6vLj;-,iv3llk, PAcedgaie p3l,~naise de's ~Citqces _SCrJC d6s Ussi Vol '-Q, 'K*o 11, 19621; pp 499..500. f er~!; wal Actlvl.~y xa-ordtid un Yagnatic -1.;e RaqiqAirarlon vag~,tci~dztd Animals." M'~!;tca~:t Llsiglisit articlq,7. 1~orzmal r---spiratory rhytir cc., ve I 'do rc~storee i-n a wtSntcm.,.zLd rall-bit If tie dist-al, ~~nd a-- tl-lz -,.a!~ stLTtulated in --,mtwcy -.,*.;th previounly recorded vagtil. rceul'Aing from refle-Y st:Ltwlatio,.~ origiaatlng in p r a .Fotr ~-rrtirtp, 3 rof-urance.3, 301-5-66 '10569 SOURCE CODEt PO ACC NRs AP6020264 756597657019/6014 0507 AUT11OR: Karazewski, Witold (Warsaw) ORG: Department of LbMariments-1 Pathology eaded by Professor# DD~ PAN, WarsajtA&X-Lad Pat adetal ej PAN) TITIB: Role of the_MLs nerve in regulating re ratio,,2_ SOURCE: Postopy higieqr i mdycyrW doswiadozalnoj, ve 19, no. 4, 1965, 507-569 TOPIC TAGS: nourolog3r, neurologic igurgory, biologic respiration, neuron ABSTIRACTs On the basis of'an analysis of'expo-riment' with the effect of unilateral and bilateral vagotomy oia changes,in the electric activity of -pulmonary mechanoreceptors and exhalatory and inhalatory neurons of the vagus nerve in the presence of different stimuli, it is concluded that vagotomy is a major factor in causing respiratory disturbances (decrease in the rate and increase in the amplitude of respiration), The vagal ''centers coupled with the activity of the pulmonary mechanoreceptors may be the basic links in the aystem where each respiratory cycle is compared with, the preceding_.cycle and,, on this basis, the next cycle is optimized in ad--,-. vanc.ei./ Or:lg* art. hast 31 figures* /J-PRS7 SUB CODEt 06 SUP14 DETEs O0D&e64 ORIG REM 002 OTH REF: SOV REF-. W ard _L336.&6_-66 V1jP(~)M44t)/ETj j4p(C~__JD/HW_ ACC NRt AF602425i; SOURCE CODE: CZ/0034/65/000/010/0723/0729 AUTHOR- Dusek Josef (Engineer); Kochanovska, Adela (Professor; Doctor); ~otrubap -Karel (Doctor); Las~k, Jiri (Engine-e-rF ORG: [Dusek] Research Institute of Fer.rous Metallurgy, Prague (Vyzkuwiy ustav hutnictvi zeleza); LKochan'.ovska; Wotru-b,-iT-L-a-s-e-k-T-Institute of Solid State Physics,GSAJ, Prague (Ustav fyziky pevny-ch latek CSAV) TITIE: Effect of inclusions on the initial_permeability of hot-rolled transformer plates ( SOURCE: Hutnicke listy, no. 10, 1965, ',F23-729 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum containing alloy) electric transformer, annealing, metallurgic furnace, amonia ABSTRACT: Hot-rolled transformer 1~lates containing, respectively, 0.012 and 0.09 percent Al, annealed for a :long time in a tunnel furnace at 820 to 8400c, were suWected to another re- ~,fining in an atmosphere of pure 11 and cracked w=oniavALt a temperature range :of 700 to 1100 C. A relationship was found between the course of the initial permeability and the variations in the content and form of structural. parti- :cles) particularly iron carbide, alumimm nitride and silicon nitride, in iboth the starting state mid after refining. The effect ot crackad samonia -.on the heats with the bigher Al.content was found to be very detrimental. _Dk Orig. art.-'has: _j figures and 3 tables. (Based *on authorit Eng. abst.) PASI SUB CODE: 11, 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 001 C.rd 1/1 UDC: 621.3.002..3: 669.~4. Aa.~Q_ _Z A C Symposium on Eloctroncoustic Tranadticorg POL/5981 36. Undorwator piezoelectric clectroacountic tran.-ducor with a flat frequency response from 100 liz to 100 klizz. Zyj7,munt Nagiollo 353 37. Splitting of ultrasonic pulse In wifqi9tostrictive tr&no- ducors fod by ovorvolting sy::tc;tn. Jorny K. Skrzoln 38. Calibration exciter for checking accolaromiters. Par V. Bruel 375 39. Calibrator for phonograph pi-:Icups. Zypnunt Homornicki 40. Non-refIncting piezoelectric probe and equipment for ",asur- ing ultrasonic field Intensities in fluids. J. Karpinaki and 385 41. Investigation of the bases of ultrasonic generation in a flow-typt, equipment. lqi_enit~L _L(~_n~,PIL 3193 42. Ultrasonic hydrogeneratoro. C. Wachtl, A. Sigalin, and E. Karcznarozyk 401 43. Ps rti ulai -oa~_oor machanoolectric transducor nppliad to o nZeal oonatruction testing. Stefan Ziomba and Jerzy Kaninaki 405 Card 7/8 Source: ProceedingF; of the Svinros`-m on Electroaco- stic Trandduce7's (held in) Krynica, 17-26 -September, 1958. Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Namkowe,, 1961. U2 ~1'~Ilgls a-nd de-t.s-,ccr) E'nd KARCZMARE4ICZ, Andrzej., mgr inz. I ~basuring telegraphio distortionB. Przegl tolekom 34 170 Jo 162. 1. Katedra Tolografti, Politachnika, Warszawa. -Journal of the 121, Safety preeautionji during cleaning of railway tankr.- Institute'of J. Faromarski. Wfts (,Krakow),- 1952, 8, 312-4.-After classi- Petroleum -y~'l-nFffu-n-B-7nto toxic, inflammable, and sE-fe proups, Vol. 40 No. 161 author descril-es safety precautions and stresses the need Jan. 1954 for training all workers uho deal with milenrg In fmfety Safety Precautions precautions and hypienia Ivrocedurc. Tmporta-ace of correct diet for cleanerp Is stmesed. M. 81 1:A`~OZ71r. --13~ 1, T., y7cl! 1, Jan. 19" J. C) 4 E; in cool s,7asons. 11 tlilv L~ot of ast ?~urori-.nm Acc. ~'S-Lons (E'-,,Al) 1,~,' Vol. April 195f), Unclar's. KARCZMARZ K 'Polish flora; spore plants of Ibland and bordering territories" by B.Safran. Vol. 2: 'Mosses". Reviewed by K.Karezmn z. Kosmos biol 1.1 no.4:41+1-443 162. KA.RCZMARZ, K. Contribution to studies on the flora of Charophyta, of the'LLblin region (eastern part of PolanQ-.'- Pt. 1. Acta soc botan Po-1 32 no.1:165-169 163. 1. Zaklad Systematyki i Geografii Roslin, Uniwersytet Maril Curie- Sklodowskiej, Lublin. C rz nKey to the leaf-bearing Ymsci of the U.S.S.R. Arctic" by A.L.Abramowa, L.I.Sawicz-Lubickaja, Z.N.Smirnowa. Reviewed by Kazimierz Karczmarz. Wiadom botan 7 no.1:83-84 163. 5/081/63/000/001/031/061 B144/B186 NUTHORS: Szyohlinski, Jerzy, Latowska, Elhieta, Pawlak, Zenon TITLE: Some data on ohloro-plumbic acid PERIODICAL: RefeTativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 1, 1963, 111-1121 abstract IV5 (Roozn. ohem.f v6 36, no. 4, 1962p 771-773 Epol. ; sulamary in French] TEM It is established that ohloro-plumbic acid has the composition H2PbCl 6'11H20 (1) when obtained by the method described previously U (Friedrich He "Ber.119 1B931 26, 1434). The acid I dissolves in HC1Y but' poorly in CH 3OH and C2H5OH, and not at all in C 6H6 and CU 4' With organic solv6nts, I cannot be extracibed from hydroohlorio solutional this proves the absence of PbC1 in these! solutions. EAbstracterle note., 5 -Complete translation Card 1/1 SUCHLIVSKI, Jerzy; KARCZYN5Yl,,.,?eliks; IATOIISYJ%, Elzbieta; MUK, 7enon Some remarks on chloroplumbic acid. Rocz chemii 36 no-4: 771-773 162. 1. Katecb-a Chemii Fizycznej, I-lyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, Gdansk. KARCZMI, Maria Magnetic studies in the rogion of Gogolow near Swidnica. Kwartalnik geol 5 no-4:945-946 161. 1. Zaklad Geofizyki., Instytut Geologicznyt Warszawa. ACC NR- AP7UO355U SOURCE COUE: UR/0023/66/000/004/U504/0510 AUTHOR: Kard, P. ORG: Tartu State University (Tartuskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Inequalities relating the energy coefficients.of optical SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizi,ko-matematicheskikh i no. 4, 1966, 504-510 films tekhnicheskik:1 nauk, TOPIC TAGS: optic coating, light reflection, light transmission, light absorption, energy theory, absorption coefficient ABSTRACT: Making use of results of an earlier paper (Optika-i spektroskopiya V. 9, 95, 1960), the author derives equations relating the energy coefficients of reflection' I transmission, and absorption of a multiple-layer optical film, and the phases of the I reflection and transmission, under 'Conditions which are more general than those pre- viously used by A. R~ Cownie (J. Opt. Soc. America v. 53, 425, 1963), especially with respect to energy conservation. The new approach makes allowance for possible nega- tive absorption in the film., Cownie's formulas are derived again for the case of negative absorption, an(; new formulas are given which.hold for the case when the ab- sorption coefficients in all layers of the system have the same sign. Orig. art. has:! 36 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DWE: IlOct65/ ORIGREF: OOl/ OTH REF: 002 KARD, P., kandidat fiziko-matematichlaskikh nauk On the theory of absorbing optical coatings. Foesti tead akad tehn fuus 9 no-3:250-256 160. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Tartuskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Reflection (Optics)) (Coatings) (Absorption of light) KARDp P. SomR properties of absorbing optical films. Zesti te*ad,akad. t6h~..I'Ms. no.1:10-15 162. 1. State University of Tartu. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. - More about A.Vasicak's formulaa. Izv 21 Est SSR Ser fi,,!.-mat i tekh nauk no-41340-344 f61. 1. Tartuakiy goaudarstvennyy univeraitet. Chlen-korreapondent AN Ei3tonskoy SSR. KAFO) 0 P. Theory of a Fabry-Perot tylxi clarified light filter. Eesti tead akad tehu fuuo 11 no.3:159-166 162. 1. Tartu State University. Corresponding mei*or of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. 1,~ I L A -REULL111 4K4vA&w4jLvi:C xam ookiny ONY CHE L71 8.9113104C vil.131 0& (THr lif -J~ w A Wn I S a tM a N w-I xr IR 41 T tc RLD In I a tv OV it C ,I r IF; .r ine w UP W w v w v w 0w %0 ww %J v %0 v 4. w v w to %0 w %0 %P wU w %M w U 10 40 4w %0v 4 w w w %0. -P idW #.0 Vts,' W 40 to 4.v V40 of 40~ W, of 40 4284 UIATIVISTIG THEORY). Kard. 'ibur. Eksptt'. I Twrtt. M -20 1144-5(1950) Dec. (Letter to the Tn-fl-usslan) An attempt is made to calculate, natirelativistically. tho energy li~vals at a hy4rogen-UP Mom In it quantized PpAre by usinit st modified Schroodingerla Integral equation In the space of momenta; the modification Is made lit order to Introduce the elementary lenith. Xj" L !~T USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mass spectrum FD-804 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-17/2-1 Author : Kard, P. G. Title : Problem of' the mass spectrum of elementary particles Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, 259-260, Aug 1954 Abstract : Letter to the editor. Suggests a new tentative method for theoretical determining of proper masses. Derives equations by considering the proper mass of the particle aE, operator and the fifth coordinate canonically bound to the proper mass. Indebted to Prof A. Kipper. Institution : Tartu State University Submitted : March 12, 1954 KAR , P.G. "5" of antireflection multilayer coatings. Opt. i spektr. 2 ne.2:245-253 F '57. (MI-RA 10:3) 1. Tartuskiy gosudarstvannyy imiveruitet. (Reflection (Optics)) (Glass, Optical) XOD, P.G. Analytic theomy of waltilayer dielootric coatings, Fiz. abor. no,3: :350-352 ',"-7. (mm 11:8) 1, TartuOly gosudaretvaunn, universitet, (Dielectriao-Optical properties) 41) C, AUTHOR: Kard, P., G.,, Candidate of Phyaico-Mathematical ScienoEs23-4-5/18 TITLE, Theory of Seven-Layer Inte:rference Filters Using Full Reflection and Free of the Doublet Structure of Pass Band (Teoriya E;emisloynogo inte-~ferentsionnogo svetofil'tra, ispolIzuyushchego polnoye otrazheniye i svobodnogo ot dubletnoy struktury polosy propuskaniya) PERIODICAL,& Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Es-.onskoy SSR, Seriya Tekhniches- kikh i F12;iko-Matematicheslcikh Nauk, 19157, # 4s PP 344-350 (USSR) ABSTR;,CT- There are three-layer interference filters using full reflection. The pass band of these filters has the doublet structured It means that !;he position of the pass band in the spectrum depends on the polarization of light (parallel or perpendicular to the incidence plane). Two pass bands instead of one are obtained, which differ from each other by polari:,ation. If one of the bands is suppressed by means of the analyzer, the doublot disappears,but the light pimsed will be only half as intensive at the peak as the incident light. The doublet structure of the pass band is the most importlant defect of the filter with full reflection, however in other respects the filter of this type is one of the best. Card 1/2 The author then presents the theory of interference filter 23-4-5/18 .L..-!ory of Seven-Luyer Interference Filters Using Full ieflection and Free -)-f the Doublet Structure of Pass Band with full reflection,the pass band of which is free of doublet structure. To achieve this quality, the number of layers must be increased from 3 to 7- The article contains 2 fib-ures, 1 Enelish and 2 Russian references. :13SOCIATION: Tartu State University (TarLuekiy gosudsLr9tvemrjy universit-ot) SUB7"ITTED: 26 August 1957 ..,,VAILABLEt Library of Congress lard -/2 KA 0) P. C, PR1K1i0T'KD, A.F. 24 (T) P11%SE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1365 Llvov. Univeraytet Materia17 X Vseaoyu-_n*go L%oTeghthanlys. p0 bpektMzkopli. t. 11 Molakulyar-%ays (Papers of the 10th kil-Union Conference on Spectr35ccp7. Vol. I- Molecular spectroscopy) [L'vovj Zzd-vo Llvovakop unlv.ta, 1957. 499 p. 14,000 copies printed. (Seriest 1tsT Picychnn zbi irvk, v7p . 5/6/) Additional Sponsoring Agawyt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya po apektroakopLi. Ed.t later, S.L.j Tach. Ed.% Saranyuk, T.V.; Editorial Boardt Landaterg, O.S., Acadetlelan (Reap. Ed., Deceased). Neporent, B.S., Doctor of Phyal.c&l mid Ilathemstical Sciences, Pabelinskiy, 1,L.0 Doctor or Physical and YathematLaaa Scienceap Yahrik'ant. V.A., Doctor or Physical and Mathematical Sciences, KornitskU, V.O., Cacdidtte of Too.'alcal Sciences, Rayakiy, S.X., Candidate of Ph7aloal &n-1 Mathematical Sciences, Klimovekly, L.K., Candidate of rhyaltatL &r.4 Mathemstic&I Sciences, Killyanohuk, V.S., Candidate or Phjxij&:*L a:-A matterAtical Sciences, &M Glauberman, A. Ys., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Soleruj#&. Card 1/30 Wt, B.D., and Ye. S. Shop. Speetrophotometrio Method for the Determination of Kicroquantitles of Mineral Oil In Orgardo Solvents and an Metal Parts 337 Nozyreva, M.S., and I.V# Rodnikova. Study of Pe- troleum Oil by Means of Infrared Absorption Spectra 340 Bergiyenko. S.F., M.P. Toter1ra, and L.M. Hozanbarg. Infrared Spantrosoopi,: Study of High Molecular Petroleum Paraffins 344 _Xjm9,_RAW- Analytical 7beory of WItilarer Dieleatris Coatings 350 R~alyakova, V.A., and A.:'. VInkel-shteyn. Absorption Spectra of Light n2tt;ra Hade, of Organic Glass For the Visible Spectrum 352 LlPskiy, Yu. N. rolarizaloA Characteristic& of Speatrea Xquipmut 355 KARD, P. Theory of two-component rrLUltilayer dielect:7ic coatings. P. 54, (Uurimused Trudy) No. 5, 1957, Tallinn, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessicns (EDU) Vol. 6, No. 11 Novembor 1957 SOV/23-55-4-3/1' AUTHOR: Kard, P.G. , Candidate of I'll y s i c o-11ath ema i; J1 cal TlTLIE The Theory of Reflection and Transnission of Light by a Thin bletallic Film (K teorii otrazhe-.'1J*Lya i propuskaniya Sveta tonkint wetallicheskim sloyem) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, 1958, Nr 4, pp 28'3-289 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A. Vashichek zr-,* .ef 1 and 42 proposed a new theory of the reflection and transmission of li-ht by a thin metallic: film. This theory differs es- sontially from the usual one ZR__ef g in several assumptions, Which aim at insuring the lav; of conservation of energy. Particularly, in. the hypothetical case of a total-reflecting metal (with the vanishing real part n of its refrac- 0 tive index), Vashichek claims & totality of reflection irrespective of the thickness d of i Card 1/3 -s the film. Thi3 is a criticism of Vashiche SOV/123-58-4-3/12i The Theory of Reflection and Transmission of Light by a Thin 11letallic Film theory. Firstly, it is shown that the us'.zal theory is in accordance %-,rith the law of conserva- t--'on of energy. Thus, a revision is unnecessary. Further, the new theory is also incorrec-,. in that there is a discrepancy between it and 14axwell's electromagnetic theory (which is also in full a,-reement with the law of conservation of energy) Finally, Vashichek's formula for the reflection o:'-~ a thin metallic film displays an intr1insic ambiguity, for in the case of di-50, nl- .0 its value depends cn the ratio d,/nl, i.e. on the way or approximation to this limit. This result has obviously no physical sense. Card 2/3 SOV/23-58-4-7/13 The Theory of Reflection and Transmission of Light by a Thin MetalJ4 c Film There are 10 references, 4 of which are Ozechos- lovakian, 1 French, 2 Soviet, 1 English and 2 'Terman. ASSOCIATION: Tartuskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tartu State University) SUBMITTED: July 22, 1958 NOTE: Russian transliteration of names, titles and as- sociations are used throughout this abstract. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Kard, P.G. 51--i-5-13/29 TITM _~ Theory of an Improved Interference Light Filter with Total Reflection (Toorlya uluchshennogo Interferentsionnogo svotofilltra a poln~m otrazhoniyem) PERIODICALs Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958: Vol IV, Nr 5, pp. 643-650 kUSSR) ABSTRACT: Three-layer interference filters described in the publivhDd literature suffer from a serious disadvantage because the position of their transmission baad depends on polarization of the incident light. If the incident light is unpolarized then the fil-ber has, instead of one transmisslon band, two such bands which differ in their polarization. Thia effect is called the doublet st:ructure of the transmission band. A light-filter -whose theory is gi,7en in the present paper consists of two identical glass prisms s~~parated by an odd number (greater Vhan three) of layers. The odd layers have all the same thicL-n-bas h, and the same law refractivi) index n1, such that total reflection is possible in these layers. ]Ayers Card 1/2 with tho even number have the aame thickness h and the satae 51-4-5-13/29 A Theory of an Improved Interference Light Filter with Total Reflection refractive index n, which. is taken to be eqaal to the refractive index of the prisms. It is shown that a proper selection of the layer thicknesses, refractive indices and the angle of incidence causes ;he two transmission bands, for the two mutually perpendicular polarizations, to coincide, provided that the number of layers is not less than five. The paper is purely theoretical. There are 8 referonces, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 American, 1 French and 1 translation of an American book in-bo Russian. ASSOCIATICK; TartusL-ly Gosudarstvennyy Uriversitet (Tartu State University) SUM11TTED July 1, 1957 1. Light filters - Thecry 2. Light - Refraction Card 2/L' SOV/58-59-8-.19004 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizlka, 1959, Nr 8, p 277 (USSR) AUTHOR. Kard, P.G. TITLE- A Contribution to the Theorry of the Optical Properties of M.tilayer Coatings PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Tartusk. un-ta, 1-958, Nr 62, pp 169-179 (rez. est., angl.) ABSTRACT: Simple formulae for I/d N and r d N., where rn and dN are respectively the amplitude coefficients of ee reflection and transmission. of light in the case of an N-layer coating, were found earlier (nzhriz, 1958, Nr 1, 2131) by the matrix method. With the aid of unitary trans- formation theses formulae are transformed into another form, in which they reveal a direct connection with Vlasov's method of recurrence formulae. P.G. Kard Card 1/1 S/058/61/00O/OC3/004/O27 AOOl/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, No. 3.. p. 224, # '~G90 AUTHOR: ~~~d, P. G. TITLE: The Method of Variation of' Layer Thicknesses of a Translucent Optical Coating PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Tartusk. un-ta, 1959, No. 74, PP. 56-74 (Estonian and 'English summaries) TEXT: The qualit of a MUlti-la~rer translucent coating can be characterized 1T by magnitude s = 1 - (tR)/(R./Do) where R. and Do are energetic coefficients of reflection and transmittance of the optical surface without a coating, arid R and D are the same quantities for the coated surface; the dash.denotes over spectrum. Maximum s corresponds to the best translucence.* Sle 8 is a quadratic form of quantities, depending only on reflection indices of the layers, with coeffi- cients depending only on optical thickness of the layers. If coefficients are given, the determination of smax can be carried out by means of a very simple graphic construction. The simplicity of these graphs makes it possible,. in a C ard 1/-- S/058/6 1/000/00 3/00 4/027 AOO 1/AOO 1 The Method of Variation of Layer Thicknesses of a Translucent Optical Coating visual manner, to vary coefficients, i. e., thicknesses of the layers with a purpose to obtain the highest possible value of smax. It is shown that the most advantageous ratio of layer thicknesses for a two-layer coating is 1:2 and for a three-layer one it Is 1:2:3 or 1:2:1. P. Kard Translatorts note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Kard, P.G. SOV/51-6-3-17/28 TITLE: On Elimination of the Doublet Structure in the Transmission Band of a Total-Refle,etion Light Filter (Ob ustrBnonii dubl,atnoy struktury polosy propuakaniya svotofilltra s polnym otrazheniyem) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 3, pp 369-393, (USSR) ABSTRACT; In his earlier work (Refs.1,2) the author described a total- reflection light filter consisting of three layers (with refractive indice ril, n. nj) placed between two glass prigns. The out:r two layers are totally reflecting (refractive index n1). The disadvantage of such a filter is that its transmission band has two peaks ("doiiolat structure"). This doublet structure can be eliminated by using a larger number of layers, including more than two totally reflecting ones (Refa.1,2). The present paper describes a simpler arrangement which also eliminates the two transmission peaks. This arrangement consists of Card 1/2 seven layers: each of the two totally reflecting layers SOV/b.1-6-,5-17/:e8 On Elimination of the Doublet St;ructure in the Transmission Band of a Total-Reflection Light Filter is placed between two "correcting" layers with refractive index nk- The seven layers of the filter can be represonted by their refractive indices as follows: nknlnj~,nkn.jnk- The condition for the absence of the doublet structure is given by n -1 jk = (nnl) !~. (191) A special case is worked out in detail: for an angle of incidence () =: 600 51 r, = 1. 7, nj = 1. 3, nk = 1. 487 (found using Eq.(19)), for zero order of interferennae and total-reflection layer thickness L = -A /2n,, the transmission band half --width was found to be 1/1900. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 5 reference3, Card 2/2 of which 4 are Soviet Fmd 1 French. SUBMITTED: April 11, 1958 24(4) 07, / 5 'X-01 2 9 AUTIM: Kard, P.G. TI T LE On the Effect of Thin Films on the Total Reflection (O_v1i:janii tonkilch plenok na nolnoyo otrazhoniyo) N-RiODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol b, Nr 4, pp 563-536 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses tneoretically the effect of a transparent, multi-layer film, placed between two madia, on the phase s.,Aft occurring on total (inteimal)reflection at the boundary bet-ween these two media, The batiic racurrent formula is derived in the form suitable for numerical calculations. By way of example, the calculation is given for a single and double-layer film which i imlizes the phase shift difference between the COM'Donents polariz gargae~erpendicular to A the plane of incidence. The paper is entirely theoretical, There are 1 figure and 3 referenew, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 French. S UUT U T TED April 17, 1958 Card 1/1 S/023/60/000/003/OD8/01;? C111[C222 AUTHOR: Kard, P., Candidate of Phy:gico-Mathematical Sciences AR TITLE: On the Thoory of the Absorbing .Optical CoallmsN PERIODICALs Izves-riya Akademii nauk Est-onskoy SSR. Seriya Tekhnich03kikh i Fiziko-MatematicheBkikh nauk, 1960, No-3, pp.250-256, TEXT: The theory of optical coating becomes very complicated if olle of the layers or one of the media is absorbing. In the preceding paper (Ref.1) the author improved the well-known formulas of Vlasov (Ref .2) and obtained the relations i tcm imm (1 i0( b b1b2e + a2a1 8 where a b = -1 , and r,d are the amplitude reflectance and trans- d d mittance of the coating. Now the author considers the magnitudeaVD-0- and bb)*~-aa4t, where .,pdenotes the conjugate coating. It is shown thilt these magnitudes depend only on certain (absorbing) layers and on the Card 1/2 S/02 60/000/003/008/012 On the Theory of the Absorbing Optical C111YC222 Coatings L4 backing medium but not on the mediunt of incidence or certain (not absorbing) layers. These results are! used in order to find those com- binations of a given coating with other coatings for which the coefficient of absorption of the combination is smaller than the coefficient of absorption of the given coating. For a special case the author has already described the applied method. (Ref.5). There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Tartuskiy gosudarstverLnyy universitet (Tartu State University) SUBMITTED: December 9, 1959 Card 2/2 67966 S/023/60/ '009/01/003/011 D031/DOO3 AUTHOR: Kard, P., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences TITLE: The Theory of Achromatic Multilayer Interference Po- larizers T1 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, Seriya tekh.- nicheskikh i fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Volume IX, Nr 1, pp 26 - 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A prismatic multilaye:L, interference polarizer con- sists of 2 composed glass prisms with a multilayer film between them. The parameters of the film, the refractive indices of the prisms and the angle of incidence should be c:aosen so as to obtain the reflec- tance of the component parallel to the incidence plane near to zero, a-ad the reflectance of the compo- nent perpendicular to the incidence plane near to unity. Thus the polarizer divides the incident beam Card 1/3 of unpolarized light into two linear polarized beams 67966 S/023/60/009/01/003/03.1 D031/DOO3 The Theory of Achromatic Multilayer Interference Polarizers with equal intensities. In addition, the polarizer must be achromatic, i.e. it must work in as broad a spectral interval as possible. The article presents a theory of the polarizer of this type. It is sho%im that if one takes all. the layers having equal opti- cal thicknesses and alternately high and low refrac- tive indices, one can choose the angle of incidence and the refractive indices of the prisms in such a way that the polarizer is greatly effective in the broad spectral interval (nearly equal to one octave, i.e. to the whole visible region). In a particular numerical example thEi degree of polarization differs from uh1ty at the most by 0.032 in reflected light and by 0.025 in transmitted light. One can still more increase the efficiency of the polarizer of the des- Card 2/3 cribed type by placing additional polarizers of the 67966 S/023/60/009/01/003/011 D03l/D0O3 The Theory of Achromatic MUltilayer Interference Polarizers same type in the wcay of reflected and transmitted beams. Such a composed polarizer is analogous to the polarizers of another type consisting of a pile of coated glass plates. There are 1 table and 10 references, of which 6 are Soviet, 1 Amorican, 2 German and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Tartuski,7 gosudars-L",vennyy universitet (Tartu State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: September 8, 1959 Card 3/3 ICAR 9 P,G. Now recurrent formalas in the theory of maltilayer optical coatings. Opt.i spekt:~. 9 no.1:95-100 J1 160. (MM 13:7) (Optics, Pbvsical) VAR , P. G. Theory of -the transparency of metal coatings. Opt. i spektr. 9 no.2:248-252 Ag 36D. (MIn 13:8) (Hetallic films-Optical properties) 83368 ,&U THOR Karld, PA. ------------------------ TITLE; Rindamentals of a Theory Dealin& with Syathesit of Abiorbilas Antireflsotion Coatinj~i PERIODICAL, Ontika -1 rooktroalcopiya, 19+50~ Vol, ~, No. pp. ~86-393 TEM The author introduced reoently (Ref, 1) a -~:znc-,ept of conjugate coating& in the theory of prevention of reflection at optical s4rfaces- Two coating;s are called conjugat6 if the complex xafractivis Indicee of &11 the, layers and outer media of ons coating, are complax- conjugatev of the corresponding refractive ind'.1ces of tho othor coa-ting (laye.- thlaknesves are the same in both coatine,s). The light it aseumel to I)& incl.dent no-Mally on the coating. In the prosent papor the author discussoi ~,:oatinp cons!.sting of ss-,Oral abaorbing layers separated by transp&rent layere. The 2:,ec:,e,-,sax-y and ;ufficient conditiona are fw-%md -whic-h- th5 r.,oatirg ahou'ld obey In order to bave antireflection properties. The number, di9tributicr., thicknrs6ae and optical i~on-stant,~ of aliorbing layerR are asst,,mod to be t rid aati-Tef~ontiori. -,.onditiorF aro taicen to Card " "2r' V ~P 3 36 8 B/051/60/009/003/CO6/01-1 3201/E691 Fundamentals of a Theory Dealing with Synthesis of Absorbing An+iref1ec-;!,1' coatings apply to parameters of transiparent properties are governed primarily by expression representing this fact is theoretical. There are 1 figare an, SUBMITTED: November 28,, 1969 layers. It is shown that antirefio~:.t:.".- the ab9orbing layers and a simple obtained. The paper is entirely 3 Soviet references. G a rd 2/2 Y+RD p . PI,.G. Theory o,- imilti-layer asymetric reflectors. Opt.i spektr. 10 no.3084-369 Mr 161. (PIRA 14:8) (Reflection (Optics)) IUID P. G. Optical reversibility principle and its application in the theory of thin-layer coatings. Opt. i spektr. 11 no.2:237- 241 Ag. 161. (Refraction) (MIRA 14:8) (Absorption of light) S/023/b2/011/UU1/001,/002 D237/D301 3 AUTHOR: Kard P.,-Corresponding Member of the AS Es-LUSSR TITLE: Some properties of absorbing optical coatin[;s PIEMIODICAL; Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR. izvestiya. Seria fiziko- matematicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, v. 11, na. 1, 1962, 10 - 15 TEXT: Using the results of his previous works (Ref. ": Gptika i spelctroskopiya, o., 1~)6o, 248); (Ref. 2: Izv. AN EstSSIR, Ser. fiz mat. i teklin. nauk, ir. 9, no 3, 196o, 250); (Ref. 3: Optika i spektroskopiya, 9, 1960, 386~, the author derives some new relati- ons between the quantities describing the dbsorbing optical coat- ingsp and considers -the case of symmetrical coatings in more detail. In conclusionp the author dravis attention to formula R U2 [23) D - 2(chcp + cos 2~i7 where R and D are the reflectance and transmittance of a SYPIIIN,~-,Vri- cal coating respectivelyt U - improvement parameter (i.e. minimal Card 1/2 S/023,/62/011/001/001/'002 Some properties of absorbing ... D237/D301 absorption), q- - absorption parameter, u - phase angle of the ra- tio r/d where r - amplitude reflectance't d - amplitude tran,,,mittan- ce of the coating, and discusses its implications. Ther' e are Soviet-bloc referencec. ASSOCIATION: Tartusk:Ly Gosudarstvennyy universitet (State Un 4-~ersi- ty of Tartu) SUB','ITTED: February 9, 1961 Card 2/2 KM, P. Synthesis of abhromatic dielectric interference light-dividers [with summary in German]. Izv. AN Est. M,, Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh, nauk 12 no,1:3-12 ~63, (MIU 16:5) 1. Tartuskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Chlen-korrespondent AN Estonskoy SSR. (Optical instruments) N S/051/63/014/002/008/026 E032/Ell4 AUTHOR: Kard, P.G. TITLE: New formulae for multi-layer films PERIODICAL: Optika J_ spektroi5kopiya, v.14, no.2, 1963, 234-239 TEXT; The greettest disadvAntage of existing formulae for thin films is said to be the fact that they are suitable, strictly speaking, only for the analysis of V_ 9, i.e. for determination of the spectral characteristics of 1~_ma of given composition. They are not very suitable for determination of the optimum composition of such films, which is necessary to produce given spectral properties, A procedure is now developed for avoiding this difficulty. The new method consists of expanding the energy coefficients of reflection and transmission R and D of a multi-layer dielectric film into a Taylor series in powers of a W/2, where a is given by; gi i kn COS "~i (3) ;k in the wave number in vacuum; ni is the refractive index of ;Card 1/2 S/051/63/014/002/008/02(i Anew formulae for multi-layer films E032/E114 the ith layer- hi is its thicknessi -Ji is the angle of ,refraction in ;he layer, and gi are integers. This expansion is suitable for practical calculations of the spectral .characteristics as functions of wavelength and thickness of the layers. The application of the method to specific problems irt the synthesis of mmlti-layor systems will be given in a futuro paper. SUBMITTED: April '41.0, 1962 lCard 2/2 "KARD. P. , , , - Achromatism of the translucence or antitranslucence of absorbing films. Izv. AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk 12 no.2: 115-122 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. State University of Tartu; corresponding member of the Acadoky of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. -1- . KARD, P. Theory of asp=etrical mirrors. Izv. AN Est. SO. Ser. fiz.,fqFat. i tekh. nauk 12 no.4.*359-368 163. (MIRA 17:1) 11 dorresponding member of' the AcadW of ScienceB of th Estonian S.S.R. 5R ACCE'SSION' NIR: AP4035435 S/0051/64/016/005/0914/0916 ATMITIOR: Kard, P.G.. TITIX: On the problem of synthesis of multilayor dielectric films SCURCE: Optika i spoltroskopiya, v.16, no.5, 19G4, 914-916 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric coating, multilayor dielectric coating, dielectric film, coated optics AXSTITLICT: In a recent publication R.J.Pegis (J.Opt.Soc.Am.,51,1235,1qGl) proposed a procedure Tor synthesis of raultilayor dielectric films (coatings). In his paper Pc.--Js gives an clegant method for solving the set of quadratic cquntions th-nt do- fine the coo.'Xicients which enter into the equation for R/D (R is t;io re-~'lc3tion co- ef Xicient and D is the transmittance) . In tho present note the author proposes an even more ele--ant method for solving the set of quadratic equations and siq,-csts soi-,io other modifications of Pagis' method. The main difference betwcen che present i-.ict-hod and that of Pegis consist in use of a criterion for a rainimwi q-.ladratic do- viation instead of a Fourier series and derivation of a different final equation for takino- the sum, which should reduce the amount of computation involved in ar- Card 1/2 %;UFO f,/ 4 4_~ Off, _10 pg ROK ORM W mo,,g-6-Ngi ma gig me, PW MO. .42 AM _ IMN RN 0t UOW gig. M NMI n-E Ak vrnm F01. go _m, Mm -~~7r _A; Oe _1W 'WW", Aj 10~ R.U SRI K-- LIAM` a ~21 WA i 07' MIT: