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S11 21/60/t,00/007/0-,)8/01 I AUTHORSt Geller, Yu.A., Karavanov, Yu.I. ---------------------- I ~/ TITLE- Improving the Structure and Properties of High-Speed Cast Steel by Annealinr,,- PERIODICAL- Stanki 11 Instrument, 1960, No. 7: pp. Z)-31 TEXT. The problem of the investigations described in the article consisted in determining the possibilities of improving the stracture and properties of high- speed cast steel by way of annealing and in developing the right annealing con- ditions. Annealing at comparatively low heat4 ng temperatures does not dissolve the primary carbides, but, causing coagulation, can improve the structure, Cast steel undergoing annealing obtains, after hardening and annealing, a higher strength. The authors, investigating the properties of hardened steel and of annealed steel (particularly heat-reslstance and strength), draw, as a result of the investigations carried out, the following conclusionez The annealing of cast steel, while not eliminating the lattiod of leieburite eutectic segregating -at the grain boundaries, promotes its refining and mekes it possible to obtain a more homogeneous structure of the metallic base. OwJmg to this the strength of steel after hardening and annealing, i.e. in the state in which It is used in Card 1/2 S/121/60/000/007/008/011 Improving the Structure and Properties of High-Speed Cast Steel by Annealing ready-made tools, increases by 10-15%. It is recommended to anneal cast steel at higher temperatures (900-9501C) than rolled steel. Holding time at heating temperatures should amoilnt to 4-6 hours. A Icnger holding time is not- to be recommended, since it might lower the heat-resistance. The authors emphasize the necessity of carrying out further investigations of the heal, treatment of high-speed cast steel with the aim of a further improvement of its structure, There are 2 photos, 2 graphs and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 I,Z~XARAVANOVA# T.M.p nauk S.N. Korzhenevskii.9 Zemstvo physician. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 4 no, 10.39-41 0 160. (KRA 13: 10) 1. Iz Imfedry organizataii zdravo6khranoniya i istorii meditsiny (zav. - dotsent W.A. Frolova) Kalininskogo meditainskogo 40tituta (clirektor - dotsent A.N. Kushnev). (KORZHENEVSKII, STEPAW IIIKOLAEVICH, 1862-19P5) VANOVA, T.M. - ~ In memory of M.P. Litvinov; on the 75th anniversary of the M. P. Idtvinov Psychiatric Hospital. Zhur.nevr.i psikh 60 no 8:1045-1048 ,6o. iMIRA 13-9) 1. Kafedra organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny (zav. - dotsent N.A.Frolo*a) Kalininskogo meditsinsko 0 instituta. (LITVINOV, MMUIL FATLOVICHt 1846-19185 KARAWNIOVA2 T.M. , Problems in school hygiene in the work of district physicians of Tverskaia Guberniya; on the 90th anniversary of the 1st Congress of District Physicians in Russia. dig. i San. 26 no.8:106-107 Ag 161. (MIRA 15-4) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny Kalininskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TVER PROVINCE-SCHOOL HYGIENE) KARAVANOVA, T.M.,, dotsent (Kalinin, obl.) First congress of zemstio physicians in Russia. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.5: 69-71 162. p (MRA 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny (zav. - dotsent N.A.Frolova) Kalinihskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent A.N.Kushiyav). (NEDIGINE-CONGUSSM) (ZEMSTVO) K,ARAVANOVA, T.M.j, dotsent Feldsher's role in the control of agricultural traumatism. Yelld. i akush. 28 no-5:3-6 MY'63. (1,aRA 16:7) 1. 1z otdela profilaktiki sellslcokhozyaystvannogo travraatizrqa Kiyevskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo inftitata o.-topedii i travmatologii. (AGRICULTME-ACCIDENT-3) (1,M)ICINE, RURAL) T..M. dotsent (Kiyev 23, bu: 'var Lesi ,'roblems o' Prevention of agricultural trau:ytism at Congresses, Ortop., tra-,rm, i protez. 25 no.6:67-71- Je '64. (I"IMA 18:3) 1z Ukrainskogo instituta ortopedii I travmatologii v Kiyeve .v7 rukovoditel! - chien- (dir. - dotsent I.F. Alekseyenko, nauchn- korrespondent AMI S-SSR prof. F.R. Boadanov). C, KARAVANOVA, T.P. (Kiyev 123, bullvhr Les! l1krainki, d.12, Traumatism in some foreign countrieg. Ortop., tre.vm. 1 protez. 26 no.12s68-?3 D 165. (Y-RA 19~--lll 1. Tz sektora zarubazhnogo zdravooktraneniya Kiyevskogo institute obahchey i kommunallnoy gigJyeny (direktnr - chlen-korn!spondant AMN SSSR D.N.Kaluzhnyy). Subaltutod Apr'll 1, 1965. L0,AVANTSFAYA, N. A. "T'hysiolorical Appraisal of a Feedin'r, l.'ethod for N(Trborn Calves in Unheated Places in Lm and Below Zero Temperatures." Cand Vet, Sci, All-lTnion Inst of llq)erinental Ve+flrinai,~T Scirmcc, "In AF-riculture USISRI, Kiev$ 195h. (10,, No 11, T.'ar 55) SO: Sun. I'llo. 670, 20 Se,,) 55--curve.- ol" scientific and Tecim-ical t", 4 Disscr Uions DefenOcd at USSR Higher !'Juc-tional Institutions (15) XARAVANSKATA, N.A. , .,- - ~-~ Priuciples of hylgienic evaluation of rubber products which come in contact with food and with the oral cavity. Vop.pit. 1) no.3:31-)4 my-is 154. (MIRA 7:3) (Rubber) (Hyglene) KtLRAVAHSKbYA, N.A. (Moskmaj Studion of the chamicsl compooltion of Russian food products. VoD. pit. 16 no.?:76-79 Mr-Ap '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iv Mazhduveqometvenno,., konisBii on iEucheniyu khimichaskogo 6oat&vs pialichevvkh :)rnduirtov (prednedatel' - prof. F-Ys.Budagyan) ori Ministerstvs 7.dravookhronenive SSSR. (FOOD chen. composition of Russian foods (Rus))' VLADIHI~ROVP B.D.,-, ZAITSEVV A.N.1- KA4AVANSKAYAp N.A.; BOGOSLOVSKAYA, M.D. Hygieklic principles for designing dinin facilities in municipal Amd b*ding schools. Gig. I -qAn,, no. 10.37-A2 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) It Iz Instituta pitaniya'AMN SSSR. (SCHOOL LUNCHROOMS$ CAI-ETERIAS9 ETC.) MRAVANSKAYA, N.A. (Kiyev) Effect of the ambient temperature on the dyniunico of agglutfiLnins, phagoeytosis., and the blood picture in an experhaent. Gig. truda i prof.zab. 5 no.6.4,V-50.Je 161. (MIRA 1* 3) 1. Kiyavskiy maditsinskiy institut Jinani A.A. Bogomolltsa. (PHAGOCYTOSIS) (MWD CELTS) (TMUUUTj*-FMIOU)GIGAL EFFECT) PEDAN, G.P.; KARA*r-ANSKAYA, Yu~,T.; KUKHTENKOVA, G.V. Complexometric detoarmination of magnesium oxide in ferrites. Zav." EL b~ 30 no.12s.1448 164. (MIRA 1881). 140) S OV/66 - 59 - 5 -'--i/.7/5 AUTHORS: Melltser, L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Karavan5kiy, T., Engineer T Investigation of the Ideal Cycle of the Philips Machine by Ap;~Iying Thermodynamics of the Variable Gas Q~iantity PERIODICAL: Kftolodil'naya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, PP 13-17 (U3SR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 The high efficiency of ths Philips machine attaining temperatures of -80 to -20 0C and its original construction has attracted great attention. The object of this article is t,,- pr:,pose a new meth-cd ~f calculating the cycle cf the gas regenerating machine of the Phillpz~ type. The investigation of the a,.xth:)r i tz based on the thermodynar! - s of variable gas,quantity, the principlesoL' which were laid d,)wn _7 whose method of calculation not only perml-, M.A. Maniontov fRef 3 to arrive at new results, but conveys also a more complete picture:- 1,11 the processes taking place in the machine. This makes it possible -,,~c determine the true heat loads of the refrigerator, of the refr1gerai-ing head and of the regenerator, which is not possible with any other iu;17 methods of calculation, in particular those of Kohler and Yor-ker= anad~ SOV/66-59-5-3/35 Investigation of the Ideal Cycle of the Philips Machine by Applying Thermodynamics of the Variable Gas Quantity of Kodegone Z-Ref I and 22 which methods the author briefly describes in the article. The author agrees with the conclusion at which Kodegone arrives, excepting that it refers to one particular case only, while the inethod proposed by the author permits to determine all values of the heat loads of the regenerator. From the graphs shown in the article it follows that for the cycle of the machine, taken as a basis for the calculation, the most favorable value of-wlies between 2 and -w being the ratio of the maximum working volume of the hot space t3 the maximum working volume of the cold space. There are 2 diagrams, 7 sets of graphs and 3 references, of which 1 is English and 2. are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodil'noy Card 2/-3 SOV/66-59-5-3/35 Investigation of the Ideal Cycle of the Philips Machine by Applying Thermodynamics of the Variable Gas Quantity promyshlennosti (Odessa Technological Institute of Food and Refrig- eration Industries). Card 313 XAR-~0iA!,'-:,jy, I. ccrt;jll tje., te -~~urh. ri. in-tb, 1, spheric,j Tjj(j tV F! c-,nsi,',tF bavic~-Ily it' on z-.. t , the. of which t-- a 1, C, U, th" centpr cf t~,e. (R Lh N lel 1~1. ,Ilo 5, '.~PY55) Sum. :o. -~81, 7 Cet 55 MM # TSERI L. Z. I 2=VANSMj_. 1. 1. "Tjier;a(xIynwiiJ,c InvesLigations of the Working Cycle of the Phillps I'lachine." w Report submitted for the lCrth Intl. Refrigei.-at-ion Congress, Cope nheqcn, 19 August - 2 September 1959- 24(o), 5(4). 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EML401TATION SOV/22125 Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lanledaVatel ' ekly InatitUt Metrologii Iment D.I. Mendeleyeva Referaty nauchno-issledovatellakikh rabot; aborni-k go, 2 (Sclentifle Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Nr 2) Moscow, Standartgiz, 1958. 139 P. 1,000 copies prInred. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. K=Itet standa.rtov, =er 1. izmerltellnykh priborov. Zd.S S. V. Reshetina; Tech. Ed.: M. A. Kondratlyeva. PURPOSEC These reports are intended for scientists, reseamhers, and engineers engaged In developIng atandards, measures, -n-- gages for the various industries. COVERAGE: The volume contains 123 reports on standards of ta~ went and control. The reports were prepared by scientists Institutes of the Komitet standartov, mer I izmer1tel'nykn prib rov pri Sov'te KinIstrov SSSP. (Commission an Standards, 0 a Measures, and Measuring Inatr=en--3 under the USSR Council of Ministers). The participating institutes arej VNIIN - VSeBo.vuznyy nauchno-iasledovatellsk.1y metrologil imcni D.J. Mendelayeva (All-Union Scient--fle Femearch Institute of Yet- rology Imeni D.I..Mondrleyev) In Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branih of this Institute; VNIIK - Vses_-)~znyy nauchno-I-saledovitel'okly institut Koctitets, otandartov, icer I 1_=erItel'nykh pritcrov (All-Union Scientific Research InzZitule of !;he C"mmissicn on Standards, Measures, and MeasurIng _~nstru=tntb), areat~d from MGIKIP - Mookovskly go3uds~rstvennyy inst.-tut mer I I.eritelInykh priborov (Moscow State Institute of Measures and Measuring Inntruments) Octoter 2. 1955; VNIIPTRI - Vaca0yuzny-f nauchno-13a:edovae~lsk'-Y,--nstitut flziko-te~~.,i- -a is I =e e. ly (All-Vnl-cn So Ie...-fle cheakikh I . d tckh.ichesklkh I Research Institute of Pnyalcotechntca.' and Radia-engince.-Ing Measurements) in Moscow; KhGLNC? - F2Lartkovakly go3udarst"nnyy i..tllu 1. mer I immeritelln)-kh pr!tcrov (Khar,kov State Institute of Measure. and Measuring Ins-r--n:s); and NQIXIP - NovTs.- birokly gonudarstvcnyy institu- =~.- I izmcrit"1'1ykh pribrov (Xovoalbirak State Institute of X~asres and Moasuring 1ratru- __Rp~nt~t), No personalities are There are no referen-es. jltcalkova"~,J_ and LA., Moro-va rV"IrM). Studying Checking Methods for ALaurption-type--K-t~-.h--.ii7cre With Attenuation to 3-10 do In the Three Centimeter Wave Range 125 Leyltin_A.Ya. an -a... for. (KhGIKIP). De-loping a Method -jp- t" by a voltage to I microvolt ard by tfe Factor of Mod-ilation 128 Kshlmovnkiy~ Y.Y. (VNIIM). Apparatus for Checking and Call- brating Generators of Undamped Elec-r-d-c Oscillations of Ultr~rilgh frequency 130 Otryashonk.oV.._Y-.3.M.j and A.A. aord-sk.!Z (VNIIP-.RI). Devel-;.Ing jme~th_od and Apparatus for Measur"Ir- 7m-varying Param,~ters of Delay Lines 131 Ovjpov_I,1., and L.S. 11,!untroyev Developingr Met..'"4 and Standard Apparatus for Mensurlr~3 T:n~-varyinr P-et~rs ~: Pulses 131 Buzinov V S.. and.L.,A,joreversey (rXIIFfRI). Developing Yethoin Card 25;t?j' stol, AD 83158 6, V7,3,1 S/115/60/000/008/008/013 BO19/BO63 AUTHORS: Karavashkirt, B. K., Shpanlon, P. A~ ------------ TITLE; Investigation of the Method of Measuring the Frequency Deviation of a Frequency-modulated Oscillation According to the Zeros of a Bessel Function PERIODICAL: IzmeritelInaya tekhnika, 19060, No. 8, PP. 33-35 TEXT: In the introduction to the present article, the authors give the determination of the frequency deviation of frequency-modulated os6i!la- tions by means of receivers. The present article deals with problems con- nected with the determination of the frequency deviation by means of spectral analyzers. It is noted that, though that such measuring techniques are described in various publications, the error in measurement and the influence of secondary effe,3ts had hitherto not been estimated, as far as the authors know. The authors used a spectral analyzer whose intermediate- frequency amplifier had a transmission band in the range of 20 cps At a frequency of 110 kc/sec. ThVS, it was possible to carry out a spectral analysis at a minimum modulrjAing frequency of 500 cPs, In the analysis of Card 1/2 83158 Investigation of the Method of Measuring the S/115/60/000/008/008/013 Frequency Deviation of a Frequency-modulated BO19/BO063 Oscillation According to the Zeros of a Bessel Function the random error of this method, in which the instant at which the aMDli- tude of this or that spectra'.[ component vanishes is visually determined on an oscillogram, the behav-;or of the first derivative of a Bessel func- tion of n-th order near its root K M is examined. The random error was fou'd to be smaller than � 0.5%. The parasitic amplitude modulation, %hich is considered to be a systematic error, causes an error in measurement that can be calculated from formula (3), Experimental studies showed no errors that could have been calculated from (3). The authors conclude herefrom that the random errors in measurement are considerably greater than the gystematic errors. It follows from the further course of investigation that copbased and counterphased modulations have no effect on the accuracy of measurement, whereas an additional error in measurement is caused by arbitrary parasitic amplitude modulation. There are 3 figures and I table, Card 2/2 - KARAVASHKIN., B,K. Unit for testing nonlinear distortion meters. lzm.tekh. no,746-47 JI 161. (MIRA 1416) CNIve techniques (Electronics)) g-g- wMin _T A Q V1 V"- R HR-, I WAIT 4~ MUT 00 pal C skv,1916kfiro ucml PI-qN, -4;` Ym~ 1-kV, WORM, _01ba'~-Me m9i-,:,vAcuum - are:,', gn- 10 i m exigt ~A"gWupx;.- arc - 7U, ~h IfN it g en MfLjm_WRM e ace-2 bib umes 0 IV; .in. *RIPW _8 __9l- -. Ind W." fy _IQ UP W4 RW wMi olla mum pro Eq --curren iji ltbw.~ AN- qq VC011 OEM rt4t g tq MV LW' 'N ."N"M R ,KARAV.kSHKIN B.K., inzh.; KIRSANOVA, I.K., inzh. Device for measuring pulse characteristics of an arc. Priboro- stroenie no.12:19-21 D 165. OURA 19:1) KARLVASEKIN,N.I., inzhener Attachment for the hoisting arm of a lift truck to facilitate installation work at a height. Sbcor, mat. o nov. takh. v strol. 17 no.4:32 155. (KMA 9:6) (Building machingry) (Hoisting machinery) KARAMISHEV, 1,,; )WIVASILBV, T. SiLrgical therapy of disenliap of the thyroid. Minirgiia, sofla 11 no.8: 716-722 1958. 1. OkTtishna bolnitsa - gr. pleven G. lak-mr: R. Ihisev. (THYROID GIAITD. die. surg. (%I)) SOLDATKIN, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; KARAVASHKT -4er Ivanovich; VOROBIUVA. I - - ' - -._ ~Aj, _e&y- _ N.N., redaktor; KA . P., tekhnicheekiy redaktor. [In the Koygorodok 7orest Inclastry Establishment] V koigorodskom lesproukhoze. Moskva, Goelesbumizdat, 1954. 51 p. (MLRA 8:2) (Koygorodok--lumbering) KAnVASHKIN, S,19, Inshoner. . f , Wintertime bundling of tree-length logo. Rekh.trud.rab, 9 no,10; 25-26 0 155. (Lumbering) (HLRA 9:1) C" lp"(;y yllk-7 ('V-qllJlK)VA L, Alilk-sandr E-A V Y. , redAhor; Cl-; Int, er,~-hangc-ib" + rit serak 1q56, Au t t;, i. K M VASHKIN, S.I., inzhener. Loading tree-length logs on plantations of large tress. Mekhetrud.rabe 10 no.3:36 Mr 156. (KWA 9:7) (Lumbering-Machinery) KARAVASHKIN, S.I., inzbener. ___ _'MWSW"kW&AI Transporting tree-length logs by semitrailer without pole, Makh. trud. rab. 10 n0-9:32-33 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Lumber--Transportation) redaktor. LOKOSOV. Andrey Vasillyevich; WASAY - FOLTRVA, B.Xb.. redaktor izdatellstva; KARASIK, N.P tekhnicheakiy redaktor LHauling of tree-length timber in the Vikhorev Logging Camp] Vyvozka lesa v khlystakh v Vikhorevokom lespromkhoze. Moskya, Goslesbumizdat, 1957. 21 p. OILRA 10-6) (Lumber--Transportation) '4YAGKOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; KARAVASHKIN S.I. redaktor; PITERHAN, Ye.L., redektor izdatellstva: HgfR7~i~, tek~nicheskiy re- dakt or CRoller bearings used in rollig-stock of narrow-gauge railroada] Rolikovye podshipniki na podvizhnom sostave uzkokoleizqkh 2helez- nykh dorog. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. 1957. 85 p. (MLRA 10.-4) (Railroads, Narrow-gauge)(Railroads--Rolling stock) (Roller bearings) SULMMOV, Petr Petrovich; VENTSENOSTSEV, Turiy Nikolayevich; KARAVA&IMBI, K- I Sj~,*-red.; MELINIKOVA, A.G... red. izd-va; VDOVINA, V.I., tekhn. rea. (MIRA 14:10) [Mechanization of riparian log dumps] Opyt mekhanlisataii rabot na prireohrqkli lesriykh skladakh. Moskva,, Goslesbumizdlat., 1960. 46 p. (Lumbering-Equipment and supplies) KARAVASHM, S.Ip--tnzh. Automatic uploading of full-length logs from trucks, Mekb. i avtom. proizv. 15 noo 5:25-26 My t6l. (MIRA 14:5) 11 (Lumbering-Machinery) KAHAVASHKINS, S. 1,., inzh. Now barking machines. Ibkh.i avtow.proizv. 16 n0-7:54-55 JI '62, (zaRA 15-.8) (Lumboring--~tohinery) ZI-TLTOV, Yevi.-eniy 14ikhaylovich; KARAVASHKIN, S.I., rad.; GOSPODARSYMA, M.H.,, red. izd-va; BACHUIZZI; red. [Gasoline engine saws in fSrestrylBontinomotornye, pily v los- nom Rhozlaistve. Moskva., Goulesbumizdaty 1962. 67 p. (MLiA 15:11) (saws) fb VOIDBUYEV, G.P,,- 1-11RONOV, Ye.M., KARAVASHKIN I., red,; PETRENKO, V.M,, tekhn, red, L, S- _ [End-grab crane for stacking and loading logs in the lowpr tinber landings] Tortsovye greifery MR shtabei.irovaniia pograzkS. drevesiny na nizhnikh skladakh. Moskwi, TSentr, in-t teUn. informatsii i ekoh. issl. po lesnoi, bumazhnol i derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl,, 1962. 34 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Lumbering-Hachinery) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) PATSIORY, P.P., doktor tekhn. nauk,, red.; VILIKE, G.A., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; ZARAPINA, Ye.Ye. otv. za vypi4sk; KARAITA4MO, otv. za vyplisk; TIKHOMIRDVA, V.R., red,--Om""' [Establishment and operation of automatic and semiautomatic lines in forest and wood-using industries] Ustroistvo i eks- pluatatsiia avtomaticheskikh i poluavtomaticheskikh linii v lesnoi i derevoobrabatyvaiushchei pronyahlennosti. Moskva, GOSINTI, 1962. 172 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. I:bjssia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ko- ordinatsii nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot. (Wood-using industries) (Automatic control) VORONITSYN, K.I.; JURAVASHKIN, S.I., red. [Improving the technology and technique of logging, 'umber transportation, and road construction operations] st-ver- shenstvovanie tekhnologid i tekhniki lesosechnykh, laso- transportnykh i dorozhno-stroitellrivkh rabot. Moskwi, TSentr. riauclmo-issl. in-t inform. i tekhniko-ekon. issl. po lesnoi tsel1J.ulozno-Lnui.azhnoi, derevoobrabatyvaiushchei pro- nVshl. i lesnonu khoz., 1963. 33 p. (PIRA 17:7) KAftAVASHKIN, S.Id . inzh..,,, . New equiTment for lumbering. Makh. i avtom.proizv. 17 no.10:26-29 0 163. (MA 17:1) ALYAB'YEV, V.I.; l:Cjl,0i)cj7, Ye.A.; I,EbEl-'~EVk, V.V.; G,K., N'Eydills(llvp KTAVASHUN, 5,3, red. [Cableways foT parTial aerial skIdding and J;-nadnr of tree-length lofro in inounttiln fellilq,, aVEa.-,jl u,,31.ano&, dliv ),.)'iupodveLn,~! *i,eJevki. .-'I pogritzki khly- stow v gornykh Iesosekakh, 1.-.oskva, TSentr. nauclinc-los"ll, in-, informais'll i tekhni~c-ek;'-~n. ls~:ledovnnl,,~ vc, i lesno.,im lh-zii0-sLt-u, 1963., 46 p. KPC,I..'EI:Ki)) B.F.; FARAVASHIN, S.i.; red. [DovoloplivrA of tile 1"'labaring in Ilerm ~i-cjvjnc~(,; a review] RaLvitie lesnol j.xrpiyjhEirui,-)sti Ferfuskoi oblasti; obzor. Mlos"ra, TSentr. iiaiichno-issl. in-t infor-matsii i tekhniko-ekon. isol. po lesnoi, de- revoobrabat-,rvaiushchei rroTyohl. i lor,omu 61. -KARAVASHKIN, S.I., inzh. .. ..... . ... I I Now lumbering unit. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 17 no. 3:51-53 Mr 163. (MIRA 17.9) 10, KALUTSKIY, K,K.; NOVO SEL I TSEV, N.V., nauchn. red.; SI.I., red. [Planning cutting operations for the conditJons of n,orthern Kazakhstan] SkhenV osvoeniia 'Lesosek v uslovilakh Severnogo Kavkaza. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno-issl. ln-t informatsii i tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, tselliulozno- bur.azhnoi, derevoobrabatyvaiuslichei promysh-l. i le-snorm khoz., 1963. IS p. (1-111RA 17:10) SAVIN, L,Yu,.! TANASHM', R.L; KILYAKOV, A.M.; GORODETSHY, M.S.; KAMINSKlY, R.M.. KIUIRIKOV, V.I., nauchn. red.; KARZIASHKIN, S.I~:~ ved~ [Work practices of the Verkhovskiy Logging Camp) Opyt ra- boty, lierkhovskogri :lesprorkhoza. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno- iss-1, iri-'u informa-tsii i tekliniko-ekon. issledovanii po tsel2iulfznc-,-biAnazhnoi, (lere-voobrabatyvaiushchei i lesnomu .'ihoz., 1964. 2S 1). (KIFU 18:4) POTAFUV, F.A.; i!AH SliF YR A, NO'.; ZHELTOV, Ye.M., nauchn. red. uhAvAsw'1v, z-,-.1., -Nechaulogy of `8Aing cutover5 vith biological dryinorr of lumibor] Tekhnologiia v-zralbotki leso3ek s biologl.cheskoi 5USj)',rj,,j lesa. Moskva, TSE!ntr. nauchnu-issl. ir-~'. irforrra- tsii i teldmike-ekon. Issledovanii po lesnoi, tsell:Luloz-no.- bwnazlinoi, derevoobrabityvadushchai provshl, i lesnomi khoz,, a964. 35 P. (MIRA 18-5) 1. TSentralliVy naucbm-isaledoiratellskI7 institut i;.01-hanizatsii i energetihi lesnoy promyshlerinonti (fbr Poiapov, Baksheyeva). ITIRKU, I.I.; GORCHINI-MU, T.D.; KLRLVAMMIL, G.I. ON^WAMW Solving mathematical problems on the universal digital computer "Ural". Priborostroonie no.5:1-8 My '56. (KLRL 9-8) (Electronic calculating machines) PMtKYAKOV, U.N.; KAWASUDIA. Yu.A. ;F Research and study of platform structures by examining tectonic fracturing, Biul.901P. Otd.geol. 28 no,6:57-72 153. (MLBA 6:12) (Geology, Structural) ANDROSOV, F.Z.; KMVASHKOVA, A.I.; L&PIDUS, S.S.; KHODDVA, O.Ta. -AgamAID ~-' Control of flies in stock pavilions at the All-Union Agri- cul~ural Exhibition. Veterinar-iia 32 no-5:72 My '55. (FLIES)(DISINnOTION AND DISIUBCTANTS) (MM 8:7) XARAVASHKOVA, A.I.; RYI-BOGDANIKO. M.G.; IONOVA, A.I. Using a WT insecticide mixture for controlling flies. Gig. i san. 22 no.6:87-88 J& '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iv Moskovskoy gorodskoy desinfektsionnoy stantsii. (FLIES, control with DDT mixtiares (Rus)) (DDT, effects, flies control, mixtures (Rug)) IVANNIKOVA, A.A.; KARAVASMO ~Iv I_MOU--& Use of chlordan in fly control. Med.paraz.i paraz.bol. 26 no.6: 733-736 X-D 157- (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo uauchno-isoledovatellskogo dazitLfektsionnogo instituta (direktor instituta A.A. Ryshov) i Moskovskoy gorodskov dozinfektalonnoy stantaii (glavnyy vrach I.N. Kudrinakiy). (OHLORDAN) (FLIES.-MMMINATION) KAWATSKAYA., V. A. KARAVATSKAY,A, V. A.: "Changes in of photochemical reactioh." Pedagogical Inst imeni V. I. (Dissertation for the Degree in Sciences). a sensitizer during the process Min Education RSFSR. Mosco-v State Lenin, Moscow., 1956. of Candidate in Physicomathematical SO: Knizhaya Ietopisl., Nq. 23 1956 A /q I~ A, I UGORITS, I. ; BONDARIV, N.M.; PLILTONOV, N.A.; ACHIASOV, D.I.; MKH TARTAN. 5.G.: SAVINTKH, A.I.; PIALTUTIN, I.F. VLkDIHIB,07, P.N.; MOSKOVSKIT, F.A.; GIL'IlliD, X.Z.; 1. BEMOZVAHM, I.A.; KIKINA, M.I.; TRICMMVA, Te.M. Z"T"J41; Nikolai Nkolaevich Romanov; obituary. Illek.sta. 27 no.4:63 Ap '56. ()U& 9 - 8) (Romanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1906-1956) K&R&VAY, N.M., inzb.; NEKILiSOV, A.M., inzb, Power engineering of the U.S.S.R. in 1959, the first year of the seven-year plan. Blek.eta- 31 no.4:5-9 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Electric power plants) GUREVICH, V.G.; KAKARNOVSKIY. L.S.,- KARAVAY, N. Preventing scale formation in distillation apparatus during the production of distilled water in pharmncies. Apt.delo 7 no.2:43-44 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Ihnr'kovskogo fnrmntsevtichaskogo institutR. (DISTILLATION APPARATUS) AFANAS173 SIL *'NOV, V., glavnyy inzh.: BACHILOV, I.; CHERTKOV,,.A., gla,4nyy, konstruktor; SOKOLOV, Ya.;,XAAAVAY, P., TRUKHANOVA, A.. tekhred. [Trench ijilo with a capacity of 1000, 700, 500. and 300 tons (brick or rabble concrete wells)) Bilosokhranilishchs transheAnogo tips emkostliu 1000, 700, 500, 300 tonn (steny kir-nichnye i1i butobotonnye). Proekt no.002. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red. nanchno- tekhn.lit-ry, 1955. 5 P. (MIRA 12:4) 1. White Russia. MiniaterBtvo gorodskogo i sallskogo stroitelistva. 2. Direktor "Belsollproyekta* (for Afanaslyev). 3. Rukovoditell mast,erokoy 06.2 wBelsellproyektaw (for Bachilov). 4. IBpo1nYayushchiy obFazannosti nachallnika smetnogo sektora *Belsellproyekta" (for Sokolov). 5. "Belsellproyekt" (for Sillnov. Chertkov, Karavay). (Silos) K&RAVAY, P.P., polkovnik, Geroy Sovetskogo Soynza Confidence is the main requisite for victory. Vest.Yozd, YI. no.2:18-21 7 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Flight training) KARAVAY, Z. N. USSH/tlectricity - Literature Feb 52 "New Books Published in 1951 on Electricity, Electrical Engineering, and Electric Power Engineering" "Blektrichestvo" No 2, p 96 New books include A. Vo Vinter's "The Great Construction Pro.-;ects of Communism," I. A. Dombrovskiy's "Television)" Z. N. Karavay's "Index to Technical Periodical Literature on Power Enginearirg,ll and A. A. Saninis "Radio Engineering Methods for the Study of Radiations." PA 208T43 KARAVAYEV, A. (g.Kharlkov) Automats and people. Sov.torg. 35 no.1:10-14 ja 162. ( yj R A 1 -5": 1 ) (Vending machines) ,:LXPItP4YFV, A. Urgent problems of developing countries are on the agenda. Vnesh. torg. 43 no.7:17-20 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Brazil--Commerce) c 1, E, c C + 1. KARAVILYEV., A. 2. ussR 6oo 4. Nedelin, Sera-fin Ivanovich 7. Aids for the participants of evening party schools (Socialist agriculture and its role in the development of the naticnal econony of the U.E.S.F. S. Nedelin, Reviewed by A. Karavayev), Mosk. prop, 5, No. 11, 1949. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1-953, Uncl. LILPTEV, 1. D., D IYACHENKO, V. 1. KARAVAYEV, A. A, Collective Farms "Problems in the development of the collective farms in the U.S.S.R." Reviewed by Ya. Lovkov Sots. sellkhoz. 23, No. l.. 1952 Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. KARAVAYEV, A. From the editor. Apt.delo no.4:6.9-69 Jl-Ag '53. (MLRA 6:8) (Illin. M.A.) (Enin, P.K.) (Collective ft;.rms) DMUZER, A.A., redaktor; DZYUBA, M.L., redaktor; YUROVITSKIY, Ye.I., redaktor; GNEASIMOV. P.K., redaktor; KARAVAYAV, A.A., redaktor; PnOV, S.V., redaktor: SAVELIYZV, B.V.. I.V., redaktor; M SYPKINA. Z.D.. tekhnicheakiv redaktor [Collective fam worker's calendar for 19551 Kalendarl kolkhoznika na. 1955 god. Moskva, Goa. lzcl-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, (19541 174 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 9:8) (Agriculture-Yearbooks) UUVAMOA.,4, M Now colloctive farm planning system and future plans. Vop.ekon. no.4:88-101 AP '56. MU 9: 8) (Collective farms) DEXIM, A.A.; DZYUBA. M.L.; YUROVITSKIY. Ye.l.; GBRASIMOV. P.L. rednktor; IARAYAYBVj A.A., redaktor; MOT, S.V., redaktor; SAVELIM, B.V., . -.9i;~--tMHKIN, I.V., redaktor; VroSKOVA, Ye.I., tekhnicheskiy recait or, redaktor (Collective farmer's almanac for 19571 Kelandarl kolkhoznika na 1957 god. Moskva, Goa. 'izd-vo selkhoz. lit-r7 [19561 175 P. (A-1manace) (Agriculture) (XLRA 9:12) R- I-),k f-) v /-) ~, E 7 14) ~) . ___ N D M 7 1 1,'_R , AI.A.; DZYUBA, M.L.; YUROVITSKIY, Ye.l.; GERASIMOV, P.K., red.; 4#AVA)-'SV, A.A., red.; PEROV,.S.Y.. red.; SAVEL'YEV. B.V., red.; YAKUSUIN, I.V., -9d.; V=OVA, Ye.I.,; PWZfflR, V.I., [Yearbook for the collective farm workor for 19581 Kalendarl kolkhoznike na 1958 god. Hoekval GoB, 10-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, [110571 175 P- (MIRA 11:6) (Agriculture-Yearbooks) KOVALICVA, N.Y., Icand.ekon.nauk, glaynyy red,;.KARAVAYEV-,-A..A..-,. kand., red.; APANASIYEY, V.S., kand.okou.nauk, red.; ZAYTSJCV, V.P., red.; RAUMOV, K.M., [Problems in political economy] Voprosy politicheskoi ekonomii. Moskva, Isd-vo VPSh i AON pri TaK KPSS, 1959. 190 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Moscow. Akademiya obshchestvannykh nauk. Kafedra politi- cheskoy ekonomii. (Economics) KOVALBVA, M.F., kand.e)conom.nauk, glavriyy red.; XARAVAYEV,,A.A..,,-kand. ekonom.nauk, "d.: APANASOYEV, V.S., kand.ekonom.nauk. red.; ZAYTSHV, V.P.i red.; NAUMOV, K.M.. [Economics of e0coialism] Voprosy ekonomiki sotaializma. Moskva. Isd-vo VM i AON pri TaK USS, 1959. 286 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Moncow. Akademiya obBhchestvennykh nauk. Kafedra politicheakoy ekonomii. (Russia--Economic conditions) KUZIMINOV, I., red.; KULIKOV, A., red.; KARAVAYEV, I., red.; SPERANSUYA, L., red.; MOSUNA, R., (Advantages of the socialist economic system] Preimushchastva sotsialistichaskol sistemy khosiaistva. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiall- no-ekon.lit-ry, 1959. 310 P. (MIRA 12110) (Economics) BUYANOV, P.S.; KARATAYHV ' A.A.; KULAGIN, N.A.; ASTAMOV. V., red.; VALOirOY, -D., red.; LIMNIKOVA, Ye., red.; MOSEVINA, R., [New stage in the development of the collective farm system] Novyi etap, v razvitii kolkhoznogo stroia. Moakva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 347 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Collective farms) SAMDIXTOV, A.; KARAVAYZV, A. Seven-year plan of the largest poultry plant. Mins.ind.SSSR . 1 30 no.6:23-25 159. (MRA 13:4) 1. Tomilinskays. ptitsefabrika. (Tomilino--Poultry plants) KOVAU'VA, M.F., kand.ekonom.naukp red 0;.KARAVAYEV, A.A., kand.ekonom.neuk, red.; TUSHUNOV, A.V., Imnd.ekonom.naFul,.--,--r-ecl,.-; ZAYTSBT, V.P., red.; NAUMOV, K.M., [Socialist agriculture at the present-day stage and problems of agrarian theory] Sotsialisticheakoe sel'skoe khoziaistvo na sovremennom etapa i voproay agrarnoi teorii. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i.AON pri TsK KPSS, 1960. 477 P. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow. Akademiya obshchestvennykh nauk. (Agricniture) KARAVAM At the front linen of the struggle for the agricultural upsurge,, Voyeekone noJuI26-131 W 161,1 (MIRk 34 W (Farm mmageniant) (Sooialint competition) BOLGOV, A.V.; KARAVAYEV,,.A.A.# prof., otV. red.; RUBE, V.A.p red.izd-va; PRUSUOVA, T.A., tekhn. red.; MAKAGONOVA, I.F., tekhn. red. [Differential land rent under the conditions of socialism; a theoretical study3 DifferentsialInaia zemel'naia renta Y usloviiakh sotsializma; ocherk teorii. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 221 p. (MIRA 17:2) ACC NRi ZAP7002545 SOURCE CODE: UR/04-13/66/OOC)/02-3/Cr,27/()027 Polisadov., V. N.- Karav A.,G.; Barantseva, Z. V.; Svidnitskiy, T. 110 Zalavskiy, N. A.; Polisadov, ORG: none TITIZE: Synthetic slag. Class 18, No. 189002 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarn;yye zriaki, no. 23, 10,060', 27 TOPIC TAGS: synthetic slag, rare earth metal., 09z Cllul?l 0-k`ib Ej ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents synthetic slag containing calcium oxide alumina, and fluorspar. To desulfurize acid steel, the slag contain3 58-62% - calciur, oxide) 30-40,'b' - alumina, and 5-10% - fluorspar. The slag contains 0.18- 0.25"" rare-earth metals. These rare-earth metals are taken in the followL-ng propor- tions (in terms of 100 parts by weight)- cerium - 60, lanthanum - 20, neodymium and praseodymium - 10, and iron - reminder. SUB CODE;: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 230ot65 UDC: 60'9.040'.56? KARAYEV, A.I.; GASANOV, G.I.,- KUZMSOV, B.G. Effect of ridioactive ph,osphorus (p32) on the course and nature of aseptic inflnmmmtion. Izv. MI Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i Lied. nauic no-5:U9-12L 160. (iai-u 14:9) ~PHOSPHORUS--ISOTOPES) (INFLAM 1ATION) KARAVAYEV, A. M., Candidate Tech Sci (dlss) -- "Investigation of the stability of wadding under analysis". Leningrad, 1959- 13 PP (Min Higher Muc USSR, Leningrad Order of Lenin Forestry Engineering Acad im S. M. Kirov), 150 copieE~ (KL, No 26, 1959, 125) ARSENSHVILI, A.Yu.; BOGDANOV, M.N.; GORIZONTOVA, Ye~A.; YERSHOVA, Ye.l.; MOWN, N.I.; IOFE, N.Sh.;~-~VAM,- A.I.I.;KOLOBOV, G.M.; IDBIN, 14.V.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KI)SMER, Kh.F., doktor bilog. nauk; MISHIN, P.N.; PATRIK, I.A., kand. sellk-boz. nauk; RMIKH, V.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; S24TNEV, S.I., akademili; SAXIOUTOV, A.I.; FILASOV, V.V.; SHKUDOVA, R.I.; SOKOLOVA, G.S., red,; ROMANOVICH, Ye.F., red.; LEVEA, L.G., tekhn. red, [Chickens for meat] TSypliata na miaso. 1-*,oskva, Izd-vo Fl-va sel*.khoz. RSFSR 1960. 197 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1poultry) XAPSLINSKIY, Yu.N.; PCLTARIN, D.Y.; MZHINSKIY, Yo.A.; IYANOV.I.D.; SERGHTRY, Tu.A.-, KOSTYUKHIN, D.I.; DUMIN, A.N.; IVANOT, A.S.; FINOGENOT. V.P.; ZAKENATOV, H.I.; SUODKIN. B.G.; 'DUSHENIKIN, V.R.-, BOGDANOV. 0.' S.; SWVA, L.V.; GONCHAROV, 1.N.; KAMIN, G.I.; tYUBSKITI M.S;; PUCHIK, Te.P.; SEROVA, L.V.; EMNSKIT, R.N.; SMELIN IKOV, L.T.; FEDDROT, B.A.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; ~~ ~VA.P~.; ICA OV, L.H.; SHIPOY. Tu.P.; VLADIMIRSKIT, L.A.; MSEWIV, A.A.; RTABININA, E.D.; ANARITET, P.G.; HOGOV, V.V., BELOSEMIN, D.K.; ~AXFU IMULTUKOV, A.M.; PARFENOV, A.Ta.-, SMI;jOV, JT:P.; %T.7XSF6TZV, A.F.; SHIL'IM , V.A.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; BORISK 0, A.P.; ISUPOV, V.T.; O11LOVA. N.V.. red.; GORYUNOVA, V.P.,red.; BELOSHMKIN, D.K.. red.; GEORGIYEV, Te.S.jred.; KOSAREV, Te.A., red.; KOM'rUKHIN, D.I., red.; KATOROT. B.V., red.,- FAUIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; POLTANIN, D.V.i red.; SOLODKIN, R.G,, red.; UFIMOV, I.S., red.; MMN, P., red.; SMIRNOV, G., [Economy of capitalist countries in 19571 Ekonomiks kepitalisti- cheskikh stra6 v 1957 godu. Pod red. N,7.Orlova, IU.N.Kapelinskogo i V.P.Goriunova.- Moskva, Izd-vo sotsialtno-ekon.lit-ry, 1958. 686 p. . (MIRA 12:2) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy institut. (Economic conditions) X,APjUjJISKIY, Yil.ll.; POINAIIIIA. D.V.; ZVTOV, G.M.; IVAROV, I.D.; SMOYEV, Yu.A.; 10,'112IIII12M, Ye.A.; KOSTYITHIN, D.I.; DUDUKIN, A.N.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGE"NOV, V.P.; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; SOLODKIN, R.G.-, DUSONIKIN, V.N.; BOGDANOV, O.S.; SMOVA, L.V.; GONCH~VWV, A.N.; LYT3BSKIY, M.S.; PUCIJIK, Ye.P. (deceased]; KAWMIKlY, N.N.; &IBEWNIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; LAWAYEV, -A!P..; KARPOV, L.N.; VARTUMUN, E.L.; SHIPOV, Yu.P.; ROGOV, V.V.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VLADIMIRSKIY, L.A.; LMBFMV, B.I.; AIU',IIYRV, F.G.; TRINICH, P.A.; GOLOVIN, Yu.M.; FIATYUKUN, I.S.; SSY-FTILIMUUIXOV, A.M.; SIIL.IDKRITT, V.A.: ALFIKSHYEV, A.F.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHMIAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; ORUS, V.G.; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KAPETANSKlY, Yu.N., red.; GORYIJNOV, V.P., red. V rodaktirovanii prinimali uchqstiye: BELOSHAPKIN, D.K., red.; GFORGIYI"V, Ye.S., red.; KOSAREV, Ye.A., red.; PANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; SITAUDKOV, Yu.S., red.; MAKAROV, V., red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; CHEPE'LUVA, 0,, [Tlie economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 Ekonomika kapita- listicheskikh stran v 1958 godu. Pod red. N.V.Orjova, IU.1l.Knpe- linskopo, V.P.Goriunova. Moolva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 609-p. 04IRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy kon"yunktilrny~v instit-Lit. (Economic conditions) PICHUGIN. B.H.; SAMINIKOV, L.V.; BODRIN. V.V.; SCLODKI11, R.O.; Kp.U2UOv, V.I.; SMOV.A. L.V.; LYUSKIT, M.S,; PUCHIK, Ye.P. (deceased]; KAMOSKIY, N.N.; TASHCHRIKO, G.I.; G17MCHIKOVA, I.N.; FADOROV, B.A.IZEARAILYSV, A.P.-_VINOGRADOV, V.M., red.; SELMNSKATA, V..A., red.izd-va; VOLKOVA, Ye.D., [Commrcial policy of Huropean capitalist countries] politicheakii rezhim evropeiskikh kapitalistichaskikh Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1960. z34 p. 1. Moscow. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy kon"yunkturnyy (Hurops, Western--Foreign trade regulation) Torgovo- stran. (mIRA 14:2) institut. YJMAVAYEV Aleksey -Petrovich; SHARROVA, L,I.p red.; BAMOVA, N.11.,, (Carrying out laboratory and praitical exercises in a farm mechanization school) ProvedenJ6 laboratom-o-praktichoskikh zaniatii v ucbilishche mekhani zaiusii sellskogo khoziaistva. Moskva., Vses.uchebno-pedagogAzd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1961. 30 p. (IMA 15:4) 1. Direktor uchilishcha mekhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva No.1 Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Karavayev). (Krasnodar Territory-Agricultural machinery-Study and teaching) .KAFAVAM,__AlekaanLr Peti :2~ch, VISENS, Khuan,, red.,, VASILIYEVA, G.N., red. izd-va; TSAGURIYA, G.M., tekhn. red. [Spain; economy and foreign trade]lspaniia; ekonomika i vnesh- nala torgovlia. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1962. 154 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Spain--Economic conditions) (Spain--Commerce) MRAVAYEV, A. V. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 510 - I BOOK call No.: AF 6kll3l Authors: ASTARHOV, M. F., KARAVAYEV, A. V., MAKAROV, S. Ya., and SUZDALITSEV, Ya.Ya. Full Title: HANDBOOK OF AIRCRAFT STRENGTH CALCULATIONS Transliterated Title: Spravocbnaya kniga po raschetu samoleta na prochnost' PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of the Defense Industry (0borongiz) Date: 1954 No. PP.-. 708 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff: The authors express thanks for help to the following: Shi8hkin, S. Doe. of Tech. Sci., Chereu=hin, A. M., Prof., Doc. of Tech. Sci.p Dabrovin, A. A., Kand. of Tech. Scl., Kurguzov, D. N., Eng., and Belous, A. A. TM(T DATA This N.pj Coverage; book is concerned exclusively with statics and does not contain probLems not yet thoroughly verified in practice. The general character of the composition is entirely subordinated to the needs of engineers who start working in the field of aircraft strength calculations. Wherever it was possible, formulae were reduced through transformations or graphical interpretations to their practical form. Chap- ters in which new problems are considered contain more details than it should be expected from a handbook. The book contains., especially in parts 4 & 5, a compara- tively large number of American and other foreign references. Diagrams, grapbs, 1/7 Spravochnaya kniga po raschetu samoleta na prochnost' AID 510 - I tables, formulae. on the basis of a general examination it may be stated that the book does not COntain unknown in the USA methods of calculation. The novelty of it consists of the com- pilation of methods of strength calculation which otherwise must be looked for in various handbooks) textbooks and technical periodicals. Table of Contents Pqgs PART ONE T14JESS AND CALCUTATING DATA Ch. I MeasurementeNIKKKNOM 5-9 Correlation between Anglo-American and metric measurements and between some netric measurements, Some gas constants; Speed of sound on various altitudes. Ch. 11 Mathematical TbLbles and Formulae 9-60 Ch. III Geometric Characteristics of Sections 61-113 Comparative data of sections; Calculating data on annular tubes; Calculating data on streamlined tubes; Comparative table of characteristics of corrugation; Coefficient of surface, of moments of inertia and of moments of resistance of some sections. PART TWO CHMACTERISTICS OF MA.TERIALS AND SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS USED IN AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTION Ch. I General Conceptions of the Characteristics of Materials n4-u7 Basic properties; Stress-strain diagrams. Ch. II Characteristics of Materials 1-18-142 2/7 Spravochnaya kniga po raschetu samoleta na prochnost' AID 510 - I Symbols and dimensions; Ratio of limit stresses of some metals; Steel; Aluminum alloys; Magnesium alloys; Bronses; Wooden materials; Plastic materials; Aircraft fabrics; Solders easy melting materials; Rubber materials; Glues; The influence of the rate of loading on tensile strength; Influence of temperature on mechanical properties; Some physical properties of materials; Coefficients of friction. Ch. III Semi-finished Products and Structural Elements 143-163 Wires, cables., bands, tenders; Ball bearings; Springs; Graphics for the calculation of lugs; Rivets; Tubular rivets and solid bdlts; Welding; Spring locks and screws with riveted nuts. PART THREE CONSTRUCTION MECHMICS Ch. I Tension and Compression 164-167 Basic formulae of tension and compression; Effect or orifices and scorches; Effect of the direction of rolling. Ch. II Crushing 168-171 Basic conceptions. Crushing of metals; Crushing of vood under bolts/ Ch. III Shear 172-172 The diagram and the work of deformation; Admissible stresses Of shear. Ch. IV Torsion 174-187 Closed thin imlled sections; Effect of orifices and scorches on torsional strength; Calculated stresses and the coefficient of plasticity in torsion; Moments of inertia and stresses in torsion of multi sectional bars. 3/7 Spravochnaya kniga po raschetu. samoleta na prochnost' AID 510 Ch. V. Bending 188-261 Coefficient of plasticity in bending; Formulae for the calculation of beams for bending; Transversal bending with axial loading; Graphic calculation of compressed and bent beams; Multispan beams; Checking of the strength of tubes under combined stresses; Diagonal bending. Ch. VI Shear in Bending and Center of Rigidity 262-285 Center of rigidity; Determination of the center of rigidity of thin- walled sections; Center of rigidity of open sections; Closed sections; Position of the center of rigidity of various sections; Bending work of a section with flanges and non-working walls; Distribution of tangential stresses in shearing for some sections. Ch. VII Combined Bending and Axial Stress 286-30b Combined bending and azial stresses in struts of uniform section; Combined bending and azial stresses in tubes; Corbined bending and axial stresses in hinged bars of variable sections; Short struts of variable sections; Combined bending and axial stresses in bars with excentricity of axial force. Ch. VIII Trusses 307-319 Statically determinate and indeterminate trusses Ch. 1X Frames 320-342 Methods of calculation of frames; Formulae for calculation of simple frames. Ch. X Curved Beams 343-347 Stresses and deforrations; Formulae; Bending. 4/7 Spravochnaya kniga po raschetu samoleta na prochnost' Ch. XI Arches Arches with two and three hinges; Arches with fixed abutments; Arches with greater rise; Stability of arches. Ch. XII Springs Ch. XIII Rings asid Frames Formulae for the calculation: of bars of uniform section curved according to an are of a circle, of circular rings) of oval rings (frames) of constant section; Graphs for the determination of stresses circular rings (frames) of constant section; Graphs for the calculation of frames taking account of elasticity; Calculation of wooden spars for bending. PART FOUR CALCULATION OF PLATES Ch. I. Flat Isotropic Plate Compression; Excentric compression and bending; Compression from all four sides; Shearing; Simultaneous action of compression and bending; Oblique-angled plates. Ch. II Curved Isotropic Plate Compression; Shearing; Torsion; Compression and shearing. Ch. III Bending of Tubes Ch. IV Calculation of Plates for Normal Pressure Flat rectangular plates; Curvilinear plates; Spherical plates; Plates with filler. PART FIVE AIRCRAFT DESIGN CALCULATIONS Ch. I Monocoque Wings AID 510 348-366 367-373 374-4o6 in 4ii-42o 421-432 433-434 435-456 457-499 5/7 Spravochnaya kniga po raschetu samoleta, na prochnost' AID 510 Geometric data on wing sections; Linear loads; Torsional axes of the wing; Moments, secant and axial forces; Normal stresses; Tangent stresses due to bending; Tangent stresses due to torsion; Secondary normal stresses due to bending; Tangent stresses due to torsion in fixed points; Deflexions and angles of torsion; Partition ribs; Plastic deformations. Ch. II Semi-Monocoque Wings 500-531 Secondary, normal and tangent stresses due to bending; Reduction coefficients in tensile and compressed areas; Shear invalls. Ch. III Braced Wing 532-537 Ch. IV Special Features of Swept Back Wings 538-543 Ch. V Semi-Monocoque Fuselage 544-564 Local stresses in the skin; Conical casing; Frames; Lighting holes and. flanges; General losses of stability of semi- monocoque fuselages. Ch. VI Truss Fuselage 565-573 Practical hints; Symmetrical loading; Torsion; Lateral loading. Ch. VII Landing Gear 574-56+ Ch. VIII Engine Mount. In-line and Radial Engines 585-6ol Ch. IX Empennages, Ailerons, Flaps and Controls 602-643 Forces in the empennage; Reaction in elastic supports of the wheel (determination by energy considerations); Diagrams for the determination of the stabilizer; Special features of swept back empennage; Special features of the wheel witha.Vee shaped rotation axis; Details of the 6/7 Apravochnaya, kniga, po raschetu samoleta na prochnost' AID 510 empennage; Wheels; Ailerons; Simple and split flaps; Controls. PART SIX SHOCK ABSORPERS, WMING GEAR. PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS Ch. I Landing Gear Shock Absorbing 64-4-659 Shock absorbing operation; Diagrams of pressing and the work of a shock absorber; Characteristics and choice of pneumatics. Ch. II Oleo-Pneumatics. Design, Checking 66o-69D Ch. III Rubber Shock tbsorbers 691-696 Appendix J04.z -, 697 -700 Purpose: This tauk is intended for engineers and designers; it may be useful also to students of aviation institutes of higher learning. Facilities: None No. of Russian md Slavic References: 14 before 1939, 38 after this date. A number of footnotes are given in parts 4 and 5. Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. 7/7 KARAVAYF,-~, !,.V. ,.rch dams from three-hinged belts. Sbor. dokl. po gidr. VNIIG no.,':17-28 162. (MIRA 18,7) SOV/124-57-5-5580 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 68 (USSR) AUTHORS: Karavayev, A. Ye., Baybakov, 0. V. TITLE: The ME1 Pump Laboratory (Laboratoriya nasosov MEI) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 19, pp 366-376 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry A Card 1/1