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804T; The Frequency Band of Direct Current Amplifiers B/020/60/132/02/23/067 With.Conversion B014/BO07 ASSOCIATION: Institut avtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of AutomItion and Bleotrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: Februsxy 13v 1960 Card 3/3 82521 9000 BO19/BO60 AUTHORSt Karand!L:L,,K. B., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, -Iffry-UK, .6. Ia. TITLEs On the Cpnstruction Principles of Geophysical Devices for thellectric Geophysical Exploration by Measuring the Frequency Characteristics PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No- 4, pp. 831-834 TEXTs An electric geophysical exploration with several frequencies is carried out for an investigation into the electrio structure of the earth's crust. The method involves measuring the ampltude and the phase, or the active and the reactive component of signals. The frequencies of these signals lie in a range of from 25 CY0188 to 12 kilocyclea. The first method dealt with here is the one in which measurements made at the individual frequencies are carried out in the frequency range provided. A high noise immunity can be attained here by the use of a high-selective amplifier, and it is therefore possible to work with S102016011331041211031 Card 1/3 82521 On the Construction Principles of Geophysical S/020/60/133/04/21/031 Devices for the Electric Geophysioal,Exploration BO19/B06O by Measuring the Frequency Characteristics weak signals. This type of device thus allows measurements over large distances. The drawbaoks-of this method are that the operations cannot be conducted from a mobile station, and also that the quality of geo- physical measurements is low. An improved method worked out by Yu. V. Yakubovskiy in 1959 is then discussed. By this method, current jumps of a duration of some milliseconds are caused in the measuring frame, and the transient curve is recorded. The normal field is missing here, and only the anomalous effects are recorded, which fact is regarded as a notable advantage of this method. A drawback is pointed out to be t6he low noise immunity, which, in its effects, makes its use for the aeroeleotrio geophysical exploration impossible. The authors discuss the question as to how the advantages offered by the method with the transient response (high effectivity) can be combined with those of the method with several freauenoies (high noise immunity). The authors then deal with the recording of the frequency characteristic with a sweep generator, in which connection the achievement of a high noise immunity is particularly considered. In the authors' opinion, this would make it possible to carry out an electric geophysical exploration Card 2/3 % .RANDrVltV,-LB.4-8KTAMMGERp G.A*j DUDNIK# R,La, red.; ShWOVA, YeaGsp tekhn. red. [OnAralized theory of aece bridge networkol Obobahoho=aia tooriia mostovykh teepoi peremmogo toka, Novosibirsk# lzd..,vo Sibirbkogo otd-niia AN SMj 3.9619 222 p, (mm 34tio) (Bridg4 oircuita) KkWDEYEV K.B., otv. red.; SIGORSKU, V.P., doktor tekhn. naukp red.; T 0, M.P.p kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DREMOVA, T.I., red.; VYALYKH,, A.M., tekbn. red. [Works of the Conference on Automatic Control and Electric Measure- ments) Trudy Konferentsdi po avtozaticbeakomu kontroliu i metodam slek-I.Iricheekikh izmarenil, Novosibirsk, 1959. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSRp 1961. 409 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Konferentsiya po avtomaticheeko= kontrolyu i metodam elektriche- skikh izmerenilp Novosibirsk, 1959. 2.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Karandeyev), (Automatic control) (Electric measurementn) s/88o/61/000/079/001/011 E202/E592 AUTHORS: Ka 'ndeyev K.B and Mizyuk L.Ya. TITLE: Analysis of an auto-compensating circuit SOURCE-. L'vov. Politekhnichnyy instytut. Nauchnyye zapiski. no-.79. Voprosy elektroizmeritellnoy tekhniki. no.l. 1961, 3-22 TBXT: Self-compensating circuits based on the principle shoxm in Fig.2 are discussed. The measured e.m.f. is balanced by a voltage drop across R; this voltage produces current 3. appearing 2 on the output of the amplifier -with the coefficient of amplification K due to the entry to the output of the amplifier of a non- compensated part of the e.'m.f. equal to e - u With large K, almost full compensation is attained so that ~;Ie voltage is equal to the measured e.m.f. e. Making use of the negative feedback theory, the authors analyzed a general self-compensating circuit, shoim in Fig'3, in which e,r. - the magnitude and the internal resistance o~ the measured e~m.f.; u. - the voltage at t resislance of the amplifier; the input of the amplifier; r - inpu i t current in the input circ. ~i t; X - no-load amplification i A coefficient of the amplifier; e output e.m.f.; r - output 2 out --Card - l/ A-aalysis of an auto-compensating circuit s/88o/61/000/079/001/011 E202/E592 resistance of the amplifier- u i output voltage and current 21 2 of the amplifier, respectively; _r - resistance of the meter; R - resistance of the'current feedback- R additional resistance, included in the measuring circuit; R R high resistance potential divider where R t RZ >> r; 2' 3U compensating voltage 2 k opposing the measured one. Th s circuit with a simultaneously combined current and voltage feedback is discussed in detail and a general expression for the current i has been found. Analyzing .~,further the circuit with current feedgack, it was found that with a sufficiently large amplification coefficient the current in the measuring device i 2 = e/R. The lower limit of measurement of the auto-compensator with a current feedback is determined by the zero drift of the amplifier, the amplification coefficient of the latter and it also depends on the resistance of the measuring instrument.. The smaller the latter the lower the e.m.f. which may be measured. The circuit with voltage feedback is also discussed in detail but it is concluded that although both methods are useful for the measurement of small e.m.f.'s giving identical results, it is preferable to use the current feedback variant, since it is easier to use a microammeter than a millivoltmeter. The latter :-Car d-2/3 ~P 09 .0 Analysis of an auto-compensating circuit s/88o/61/000/079/001/011 B202/E592 i"-equires'additional series resistances and parallel shunts to Fompensate temperature.errors. It is stressed that the above system closely approaches the ideal measuring instrument due to its high sensitivity with respect to the me.asured quantity and low sensitivity with regard to the interfering parameters. There are figures. UJ if jP- r Fig.2* d 3/3 S/169/62/000/001/028/083 D228/D302 AUTHORS: Karandeyev, K. B. and Mizyuk, L. Ya. TITLE: Measuring apparatus for aerial electroprospecting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1, 1962, 35, ab- stract 1A287 (Tr. Konferentsii po avtomat. kantrolya I metodam elektr. izmereniyt.1959; Novosibirsk, Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1961, 19-29) TEXT: The apparatus is described for two methods of aerial elec- trical prospecting -- by an infinitely long cable and by in.duc- tion. In the first, the field is created by a current in a straight cable which is grounded at its ends and has a length of 10 - 15 km, and is measured from the helicopter. In the induction method the field Is excited and measured in an aircraft. In both methods the reception element -- a frame with a ferrite core -- and the scheme of preliminary amplification are carried in the gondola. The length of the two rope is -20 m in the cable method and 150 m in the in- duction technique. In the method of an infinitely long cable, mea- Card 112 S/169/62/000/001/028/083 Measuring apparatus for D228/D302 surements are made on the frequencies 81.244 or 976.3906 c/s. The preliminarily amplified signal is fed to a selective amplifier, after which it enters two synchronous detectors. The supporting voltage is taken up by a JXS- (UKV-) receiver,, In the component measuring circuit it is transmitted to a square phase-commutator and a synchronous detector; in the phase measurement circuit it is transmitted to a phase-regulator and a synchronous detector. In the induction method measurements are made on any pair of the frequen-, cies 488, 976, 1956, 3904, and 7808 c/s. The generator frame is placed in the form of a rectangle between the center-plane and sta- bilizer of the aircraft's tail-unit. There are primary-field-com- pensators in the measurement apparatus. The field-amplitude meazure- ment is carried out by a recording voltmeter, the phase measure- ment being made by a phasometer with a two-contact releasing de- vice. Considerations are adduced about the conditions which are sa- tisfactory for the apparatus of aeroelectrical prospecting and about the perfection of the developed schemes. Z-Abstractor's note: Complete translation..7 Card 2/2 KARANDEYEVV K.B.; OBOZOVSKIY, S.S. . Calculation of the error of instrument transformers. Nauch. zap. LPI no.1:55-65 161. (MM 16:6) (Electric transformers) (Electric measurements) -:k .; GRITSIKIV$ R.D. -,, K,AR AN Kyz IV ,,, Design of devices for measuring the inductance of coils with ferrite cores during their manufacture. Nauch. zap. LPI noloi: 66-70 161. (MIRA .11.6:6) (Electric coils) (Electric measurements) s/88o/61/000/079/004/011 E194/E455 AUTHORS. Kara Shramkov, A.Ya., Krasilenko, V.A. TITLE. The use of nonlinear resistances in automatic self- balancing bridges SOURCE: Lvov. Politekhiiichnyy' institut. Nauchnyye zapiski. no-79. Voprosy elektroizmeritellnoy tekhniki. no.l. 1961. 98-103 TEXT: The object of the wor-k was to develop a self-balancing bridge for temptsrature recorders and similar devices which should be as simple and reliable as possible, avoiding the customary use of a motor-driven rheostat as the balancing device in one arm of such bridges. One arm is the resistance to be measured, which may be a pick-up;; another comprises an incandescent lamp filament: the remaining two arms are constant resistances selected to suit the bridge operating conditions. Feed-back is provided between ibridge input and output. A small bridSe-operating input voltage, insufficient to affect the lamp resistance, gives an out-of-balance. output voltage which is amplified and applied to the bridge Input together-with the low operating-voltage. This heats the lamp so Card 1/3 s/88o/61/000/079/004/011 The use of nonlinear ... E194/E455 that its resistance is increased and the bridge approaches balance, but there will always be sufficient out-of-balance to maintain current through the lamp. This, of course, depends on the resistance of the pick-up or other object measured. Thus the input voltage from the amplifier is a measure of the pick-up resistance and can be measured by a suitable meter. The out-of- balance required to keep the bridge in the equilibrium position should be as small as possible, certainly not more than 0.2 to 0.3 of the principal error of the instrument. For example, when the out-of-balance is 0.1% the amplification factor should be at least The bridge operating-voltage should be about 100-th of the amplifier output voltage to ensure that it does not affect the lamp filament temperature. In a bridge using a low-voltage incandescent lamp (1 V, 75 m.A), the amplifier amplification was 14000, the thermometer resistance ranged from 100 to 300 ohms and the other bridge components had stated values. The relation- ship between the pick-up resistance and the meter reading (max 3 mA) The circuit ~was almost linear. The auxiliary voltage was 15 mV. .-responded stably to smooth changes in the pick-up resistance; Card 2.13 s/880/61/000/079/004/011 The use of nonlinear ... B194/E455 the overall speed'of operation and error depended mainly oi% the indicating Instrument used. There are 4 figures.' ~ 4R~~, - 4.B. s- KOTYUKI. A.F. ,~"Snerg7 relations in electric meamwing inBtr=,--nts" bv V.N.Millshtein. Reviewed by K.B.Karandeev,-~L,F.Koti~k. I2m.tekh. no.2:63-64 F 161. (b= 3.4-2) (Eiecitrio instr=ents) (Mil'shteing V.V.) KARANDEYEV K.B.; GRINEVICH, F.B.-, NOVIK, A.I. Designing volumetric level indicators. Izm.tekh. no.10:52-55 0 161. (HIRA 14:11) (Level indicators) 0 - PINR T, MROMB NARANDEYEV, K.B. Measurement information systems and automation. Vest. AN S--SR 31 no.10:53-59 0*161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. ".i Chlen-korr espondent Ail SSSR. (Automatic control) (Information theory) S/119/61/000/012/002/006 D209/D303 AUTHORS: CorreAp6ding Member AS U84R, Grinevich, F.B. and Haniushq~T.N-, Engineers' TITLE: Logical system for selecting an optimum variant in the automatic sorting of articles PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, no. 12, 1961, 8-11 TKV,rs This paper describes the application, construction and operation of a logical system used in sorting capacitors according to their values and tolerances. In the manufacture ot mic cafacitors a large percentage of the items are outside the wide'st toleran:e (1 20 %) range. They spread out mainly around three adjacent nominal values.- Therefore, the automa- tic sorting 'of three adjacent ikoninal-values becomes most practical. The problem of selecting an optimum variant in capacitor sorting can be solved by a special.logical system described in this article. The choice of the optimum variant of capacitor sorting is based on the data Card 1/3 S/119/61/000/012/002/006 Logical system for D209/003 introduced into this schemes The automatic machine utilizing this scheme sorts out the capacitors according-to three nominal values, each having four tolerance classes. The capacitor value is represented in the form of an equivalent time interval met by a series of pulses~from a special distributor with twelve time intervals, A larger value corresponds to a longer interval counted from the time of start of the distributor. All possible variants are recorded by twelve receiving elements. As a result of the pulses coming from a measuring circuit only 3 out of 12 6lements change their state since the automatic machine selects according to 3 adjacent nominal values. Due to the impulses arriving from the.distributor all receiving elements return to their initial state. The element which memorizes the most convenient variant of sorting, is the last to return to its initial state. The logical elements process the information obtained from the receiving elements. They sort out by mlection the optimum variant* The scheme utilizes ferrites with rectangular hystersis loop and semiconductor elements. The main blocks in the system are: Distributor with a blocking-oscillators Card 2113 KARANDEYEV, K.B.; SOBOLEVSKIY, X.M. Homogeneous balancer circuits. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.6:l3j7-1359 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut avtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SMR (for Karandeyev). (Electric circuits) KOTYUKO A.F.; LEVCBENKOI D.G.; PASIKO~ E.V.; SIMI-IMOR, G.A.; HARANDEM, K.B., otv. red.; VYALYKH, A.M.p tekhn. red. (Apparatus for aerial electric prospecting using the infinitely long cable wthod]Apparatura dlia aeroalaktro- razvedki metodom beskoneabno dlinnogo kabelia. Otvet. red. K.B.Karandeev. Novosibirsk., Izd-vo Sibirskogo ot-niia AN SSSR, 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Chlen-korrespor-dent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Karandeyev). (Electric prospecting-Equipment and supplies) (Aeronautics in geology) GIK, Leonid Davidovich; KARANDIXEY, Ranotantin-3prisovigh; - - - SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I.,-red.; YELISTRATOVA, Ye.M.,-tekhn. red. I [Electric correction of vibration meaOuring equipment] Elek- tricheskaia korrektsiia vibroizmaritellnoi apparatury. No- vosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1962. 127 p. (min 16:5) (Vibration-Measurement) ORSHANSKIY,D.L.,, K.B.9 red.; VOBDNOV, A.A., red.; ~K~.; KARIBSKIY~ V.V., red.; KRASIVSKIY, S.P., red.; KULEBAKIN, V.S.,, reo.j LOGINOV, L.I., red.; LUKTN, V.I., red.; MALOV, V.3 jted.; P~VLENKO, V.A., red.; PETB)Vp BjN., reds; RAKOVSK1Y:"M.Ye., red.; SMAGLY, L.V., red.; SMIRNOV, A,D., red.; SOTSKOV, B.S.,-red.; STEFANI, Ye.P., red.; TRAPEZNIKOV, V.A., red.; TSAREVSKIY, U.N., red.; LEONOVA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. [EIKA; encyclopedia of measurements, control and automa- tion]EIKA; entsiklopedita iamerenii kontrolia. i avtomati- zateii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. No.l. 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Instruments) (Automation) (Mensuration) KARAMEYEVf K.B. Meaourements in the automation of inteUectual work. lzm.tekh. no.3-.1-3 Mr 162. (lUU 15:2) (Information theory) KARANDEYEVP X.B. [Karandieiev, K.B.]; SOBOLEVSKIY, JC.M. [Sobolevslkyi, K.M.] t=-. ~- Principle of the design and optimum implementation of homogeneous . multistage circuits. Dop. AN URSR no-4:487-491 162. (KRA 150) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Xarandayev). (Electric circuits) K&MDMVI K.B.; SHTAMMMG, G.A.t kand.tekbnnauk Nbasurement of the ratio of two voltag4we EZLektrichestvo no.12s 7-10 D 162o (MM 15:12) 1. Insti-tut avtomatiki. i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AV SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent, AN SM (for Narandeyev). (Electric measurements) KARANDEYEV, K.B. Measuring information system. Nauka i zhizn' 29 no.1:24-25 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Direktor Instituta avtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR; eblen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Automatic control) (Information theory) GDEVICH', F. J3,; UMDEYV# K. Bo I . .tbw losaou"Ment of Impedances. TradY Determining orrore. in 162o just.-, xc.. stand. zorli ftw-'Prib. h6.570-34-38 - (MM 15:3.0) 1. Iiiatittt avtmatiki i olektrOmtili SibirokogO otdolenila AN S.SSRO' . (Ilectric lwavurownt8) KARANPEYEV,,_KonfLt.4pjin Borlsovich; LEVIN, M.I., prof., retsenzent; ,g BIBER, I..A,, --red.; BULIMAM, N.A., tekhn. red.-. (Special ischniquee in electrical measurements] $petsiall- nyo metody elele-trichookikh izmerenii. Hoakira, tosenergais- dat, 1963. 343 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Electric moaaurements) KARANDEYEV, K.B.; SHTAMBERGER, G.A.; GELIFAND, V.D. 'P~ Dependence of ~he selectivity of a synchronous detector on the asymmetry of the controlling voltage. Radiotekhnika 18 no.3: 37-41 Mr 163. (NIRA 16:3) (Radio detectors) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) GRINEVICH, F.B.; KARMEYEV J..B. Automatic large-scale q4ality control of radio parts. Vast. AN SSSR 33 no.6:61-63 Je 163. (MM 160) (Radio industry and trade-Quality control) KARANyqn~~z~,t~q' DAYEV, D.S.; PASIXO.. E.Y.; SHTAHMGHR~ G.A. Design principles of apparatus for geophysical prospecting by alternating curient, methode. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.2:254-259 F 164. (KRA 17: 3) 1. Institut avtomatUd i elaktrmstrii Sibirskogo otdoledya AN SSSR, GRINEVICH, Feodosiy Borisovich; KARMIDEYKV, K.B., otv. red.; MELKOZEROVA, T.B., reC.- - [Automatic a.c. bridges] Avtomaticheskie mosty peremennogo toka. Novosibirsk, Red.izd.otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 19("'. 1). (MTIIA WiS) 'nVVVV R 14 . -Kk= , otv. red.; SOBOIX-VSK17, K.M., karld. tekhn. nauk,, red.; TSAPII'KO, M.F., kand. teklm. nauk,, red.; SHALINA, L.V., red. [Automatic control and electrical measuring technicues: transactions] Avtomaticheskii kontroll i me-tody olektra.- cheskikh iznerenii; trudy. Novosibirsk, Red.-Izd. otdal Sibirskogo otd-niia M SSM. Vol.l. [Electrical mensuring techniques. Analysis and synthesis of regulation and control systems. Elements of automatic control devices] Metudy elektricheskikh izmerenii. Analiz i sintez sistem uprovionila i kontrolia. Element.), uStroiitv avtomatiche- skogo kantrolia. 1964. 250 P. (11111RA, 1. Traditsionnaya konferent,,;iya po a-vtomaticheskorau kontrolyu i motodam. ele)(tricbesk1kh izraereidy 3d, Novosibirsk, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondont AN LSR (for Karandeyev). KARANDEYEV., K.B [Automatic control and electric measurement techniquesj transactions] Avtomaticheskii kontrolt i metody elektriche- skikh izmerenii;.trudy. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdel Sibir- skogo otd-niia AN SSSR. Vol.2. 1964. 227 p iMIRA 18:5) 1. Konferentsiya po avtomaticheskomu kontrolyu i metodam elektricheskikh izmerenly, 4thq Novosibirakp 1964. KAWDEYEV otv. red.; SOBOLEVSKII, K.M.p kand, %ekbne nauk: 0 "'I.TMftKO, M.P.p doktor tekbn, naukp red.; SHAMIA, L*V,, reds [Automatic control and electric measurement techniques; transactions) Avtomatiebeskli kontroll i metody elektriche- skikh izmerenil; trudy. Navosibirsk-p Red.-izd. otdol Mir- skogo otd-niia AN SSSR. Vole2o, 1964. 248 p. (FIRA 18s5) Is Konferentetya po avtomaticheskomu kontro3yu i metodam. elektrioheskikh izmereniy. 3dp Novokbirskv 1961. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Karandeyev). ACCESSION NRt AP4038452. S/0115/64/000/004/0016/0018 ~-AUTHORSs Xarandeyeve X. B.i.Pucbkin# B. I* iTITLEt Sionics and measurements SOURCE: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1964, 16-18 Topic TAGSx bionics, measurement, logy ;Fesearolz biology effect, bio ~information theory ABSTRACT: Some aspects of the possible effect that bionics can have ;on measurement techniques and vice versa are considered. Rarticular attention is paid to wbat bionkc principles 'can be borrowed to im- re- .Prove measurement techniques. In addition, biological systems f quently have unusual sensitivity and operating speed, sensitivity 'to vibration, or sensitivity to concentration (smell)# which cannot'.-! 1yet be duplicated by instruments. 'Furthermore, bionic objects ex _:bibit a greater and piocesaing'capacity,than. Card MMDMV, K.B. _--:! Automatio digital measurimg inatrumentso Vast* AN SM A no.6W-50 Jo ~64 (KIERA 17 0.8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. GRINFVICIIP F.B.; KARANDEYEV, K.B.; SHULITSI V.P. Automatic bridge for standardizing'the anodes of electrolytic foil condensers. Trudy Inst. avtom. i elektrometr. 30 AN SSSR no.9:3-10 164. (MIRA 17:11) L'19825-65 W(I)/EWA(b) Peb, ESD(dp) ACcLSSION NR: APSOO 10 32 S/0115/64/000/011/003VO04Z AV1110.R: Karandeyev, K. B.. Grinevich, F. B. TITLE: Ser.-Aconductor-diode multiplying circuits SOURC.%::: lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1964, 39-42 TOPiC TAGS: multipli r, pultiplying circuit ABSTRACT: As existing 4-diode multiplier circuite hsve an rror some tvelwilques for this error are suggested. By connect g a linear az D t J~l xz,-~; e WrIhm e "~Lter r 77 appVnxrfriatiethe tku4 aquaf---i &~therrmistor into 'II C '; . -re Vit, ito improvea characteristic can be retained despite ambier-,- var-aion. Fcrmulas for computng the requ,re-- a,6difional elerrents are deilved. It is claimed that the overall tharmocompensated 4-diode multiplier 'will not exceed Z-3% GRINEv:[CH, F.B. "ultiPlying circuits using n0*11:39-42 N 164. semiconductor diodes. 1z.. . tekh. (X-"RA 18:3) "MM APIWW38 UWW3(V65/DW/OOZft38/OD61 064 AUTMRS t TIM -3 Measwoment inforwti.oxt system- for Al say=;: AN 8MR. Vestr1k, nt~. 21 19165, 55-61 data proc~~Bsiag MPIC TAGS., Veophysics, 6 rumazt~' aerial 6-0-707 ABSTRA.-,T: Soviet xnethods and equipmert for obtaining-and processing geophys!-: cal data are found 1-0 be outdated in--dmu-st be improved to step up the ex- I ploration and exploitation of mineral resources. Like the scientist- other countries, Soviet geophysicists favor the tise of ae.-,.al ever gt method!; for su--v~yitig large areas with a minimurr, expenditure c-I rrone-,-, especi-- 1)) to pinpoint prospective mining areas Ln -hich tc) C more e)pensive ground surveya. One major defect ia that frequently 6 eral types of surveys (magnetic., gravimetric, radiometric, electricaD must be flown separately over ~he swre area becau8e each type of (3pera- tion rea,,i'lres the usz of aLfferent types of equipment, au of which mus. 'he Card -113 L53707-65 AC=:rON Ms AP,%08W8_ ;;6i~e__re(fbj-_tfie' a ircraftla el6~1rilcii'sy*ste m-' an d' -which--are too he a vv and bulky to be carried together. It is recomxnended that Immediate steps be taken to devise informa- tion-gathering systems which tre capable of making slimultaneous rn&&,6Lv~f- .Inents of magnetic, gravimetriz., electrlca~and radiometric paxaxnpter-~-. ~In addition, the lack of specialized equipment with which the data obtained by various systems can be partially analyzed In flight is noted. Finally, attention is called to the fact that Soviet automation of field data .has failed to keep pace with developments In data-gathering instrumentation. ,,.A combination &nalog-digital comptiting system, ncm, being built at lh~_ stitute o,* Automation and Electrom LAry to process magnetic i5 desigred to help fill this gap and is expected to be adaptable tr-. a v,,ide 2 figwtD. 7ange Of geOphySiCal computations. Orig. wt. ba. ASSOCIATION: aVt0Wtjk,. J alaktrwetrit 81bli-akctga ot &il 4m--n_'_'- E]RFEMEF --_- a -~j, !1~1~: v!L' 5,M7-45 SION Iffil M)gmu 7m11 00 2=2 00 SUB ODDS: 196, IV REP soyl 000 OTWI ATD PXMs 4M4-? i, ~C I-0- IT, -M ~7 50 (170431, 'where a is the napetio permeabil ity r is the overall dimension of the loop, and V is the volume within the loop. It is noted that the quality of the antenna does not depend an the number of loops in the antenna. This follows from the assum-ptian that Ikk as low as desired. Actually, this is raslatanes,.Df- the-an plif ii ita - t' en :0 -mot ~~igathex; poibi ier:t f; this-,resistance.. Antenma_ camputed in accordance with the k. values bave maxi;mm power but very low output resistance. If the resistance of the antenna does not correspond with the input azrlifier, m~y a small paxt of the power applied to the antin=19, W'I 0-:~ *rrrgai~t;'~d bv the am lifier. To e1JzLTia-.e this poss~bi.L-I;V. un-tching trimitformoTs ure used. Shact, trajisfc=ers, W weigh about 200 6. az-b. has: 1 fiawe nnd 15 formulas. kSSO-CTATION., Almmdem,'Lyn nauk SSSR9 TiLatitut avtomatiki i lalektrometrii, Sibirskoye Oj,Aejenjy9 1*-ade-,V of Scienoes SSSR, inatituto of Autowtion and 5,.berian Departmeni 0 T"ICCESSION, kR- AP5016462 m AUTHOR- Zburavleva, T.A.;Karand6r~vj &B.; Shtamberger, G.A. TITLE- The use of electronic computers for the selection of structures of Tuasi-e-T_dli- bratied bridges aflow-Ing separate measurements of complex impedance componenks SOURCE- MJTZ. PXiborOStiQ.7V*ev_1FAA, nm 311-985, 23-28 TAG& electric bridge analyst Impedance bridge circuit, impedance 4,omponent mimsurement, quasloquillrated bridge, bridge circuit analyals, computer program ABSTRACT, or -_By-means ~mavi_ lrated!4irt.- -bridgis can cargy out Separate one Independent uteasurem ants 6f the mnWel, Ohase aneel* a6hve and rmetive compenents, Q-factor, losses, and other obaracteristics of a complex impedance (see,e- g. ~ K. B_ Karandeyev, a. A. Sht-imberger, Obotshcbennaya teoriya mostoyykh tsepey pere71-leilLoaO Wks, Novoailirsk, 1zd. Sibirskogo otdiAeniya AN SSSR, 1961). The applicabih-v of ,~Jectroruv nmnputers for the analysis cf quasi -eqWlibrat,-)d bridges xt-As v . 1. Obukhol. fiS81EWICIva'Tuve 131stf-mv 8vtormatiche-skogo kontru!ya ja ispc;llzovanJyem kvaziuravno7eshenncgo mosta. Thesia, Minsk, Institut mashino-veden- Jya i avtomatJzataii AN BSSR (Institute of Machines and Autmation, AN BSSR), iubz) LlZai 1/2 j 7 ---' "'a KARANDM;V, K~\B- (Novosibirsk) MMI~l ~%asuretncnta and progress. Avtometriia no.113-8 165, (MIRA 180) ~Wv :T KARANDEYEV, K.B.; MINMM F.B. ---------------- Fuse of the methods of;the natural electromagnetic field in designing antennas for geophysical research. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. zem. no.407- 10i 165. (MM 1818) 1. Ins-titut avtomatik` :L elaictronetrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. - - -- I KARANDI-:YEV,, K.B.; GRINEVICII, F.Be Errors Irl 'Ile aPPrOz-imticn of lic'nuniforim scaLa.,i. no.9:24-26 S 165, (Y-TRA 18:10) ~KARANP-n n n risovich; KARPYUK, Bogdan Vladiy-i ovich; EVA Yr-flUolayevich; FUS1110Y, Boris 14ikhaylovich; MINOVICH, Vladimir lzrailevich; S1NITM'N, Boris Sergeyevich; T'VERDOXHLEB, Petr Yomellyanovich; TSAPWO~ Mikhail Petrovichi Prftima)AAAWhbsO#yw:.2%MOV, [Electrical methods1n.automatic control] Blektricheskie metody avtomaticheskOgO kontrolia. Moskva Energlia 1965. 383 P. WRA 18:8~ -1 ~~DBTKV$ K.B. (Novosibirsk) Measurements and progress. Standartizatsiia 29 no.10:4-6 0 t65. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR. ZHURAVLEVA, T.A.; KARANDEM, K.B.; SHTA-MBERGER, G.A. Using electronic computerts in velecting the structures of quasi- balanced bridges securing a separate -measruezent of the componew' Cks of complex resistanees. Isv. irys. ueheb. zav., prib. 8 ryo.3s 23-28 165. (MMA ,L8g,-,L) 1. Institut avtomatiki i eiektroxstrii Sibirskogo otdelaniya AN SSSR. JT ACC NRe 06OM87 SOURCE CODE. UR/0410/65/000/001/00D3/00W AUTHOM: Karandeyevi K. G- Novoiibirsk) ORG: -none:* TITLE.-. M.~asurement and SOURCE: Avtometrlya, no.-.-l. 1965 J~-8 TOPIC TAGS g'apparatus -automation. ABSTRACT: P a,general treat so, on; es to and'prospects for measurement_' itechhoI6 k*-the author notes the ever-increasing need for and demands on ar zieasuring.devices and techniques. In particul . he speaks of cases in ;production and in experimentation --ri -where the amount of information to be ;processed,.the time available, the agressive raodia. involved, the temperatuxesp ,pressures, etc., etc. make n6Ln's -ovml; senses or even mants presence as a :measuring device or reader. of measuring,devi6es impractical or impossible for ,usage. to the problems of,in-proving,product quality and productiv-,-. J :ity of labor.. to performance,of ever'More demanding measurement and control functions in experiment and producti Ion,'the author states# is automation of ICIDntrol and measurement devices. One.method of further improvement,of auto- mation in measurement is the: atudy OT the methods- used by biological systemsp 'G() reliable &rid economical of -.spaco~and power in performing moasuremento ;7h6 author otates.that this 'a oach~can be particular3y fruitful in solving ppr .;-'the problems. which. w:111 be presentedT~jn tpe near future when the first So~iet' another planet to pe nts without- mants. ~instrument pj. k lands on _rform measureme ORIG REF: - 022 SUBM DATE. VJiov64--,/, 14 V Card 1 1 t% 0j. TDCo- 681#26W 10 KARANDOMA, M. V. (Docent) 1 2. USSR (600) 4. Physical Goography - Krasnovidovol Moscow Province 7. Short gemorphological sketch of the environs of Krasnovidovo. Trudy Geog. st. "Krasnovidovo" no. 1: 1948 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessionii, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unc,- T, J, I iiyl ~; D-1. -T," V A)I,- , 21526 RARE-Dvy F. Y.; i YA:'A'EDMVAt 14. V. CLeograficheskiy falrulltnt m3skorskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. ZTezisy Doklad-a/. Trudy Vtorogo Vsesoyuz. geolyr. sllyezda. T. Sh. M., 1949) s. 460 - 62. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 29, Moskva, 1949. IrARAN-MMA, N.V. Problems of the paleopography of the western part of tb,~ Caspian Depression* Uch..zapeNcisk.un. no.160:5-30 152. (gMi 8: 3) (Caspian Depresvion-Paleogeography) Caspian Area USP/Geography ~eb 53 "The Development of the Western Caspian Area During the Quaternary Period," Yu. Z. Brotskiy (deceased) ,and M. V. Karandeyeva,, Chair of Geomorphology Vest Mos Univ, Ser Fizikomat i Yest Rauk., No 1, pp 139-146. Describe their investigation of the western Caspian area in 1948-1950. Establish general law governing the distribution of lithologically heterogeneous pre- cipitates whichwere left by the latest transgres- sions of the Caspian. Distinguish genetically the types of relief, and determine the laws of 269T51 their distribution. Establish the geomorphological conditions sur3,Ounding the water supply and irriga- icommend the most expe- tion of the territory and rE dient directio4s to be taken by the main canals. BROTSKIY, Tu.A.-; LUUNDEYEVAIN.V. Development of the western Caspian Sea region during the Quaternary pariad. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no-2:139-146 i 153- MRA 6:5) 1. Kafedra geomorfologii. (Caspian Sea Region--Geology, Strutigraphic) VOSKREWTSKIT, S.S.; rA'RAMMYXVA N.V. Ivan Samenovich Shchukiz (on the occasion of ilia seventiath birthday). Izv.AN SSSR.Ser-geog. nool:154-155 Ja-lP '56. (Shchukin, Ivan Semenovich, 1885-) O= 9: 7) 11misTMA, H.V. Zonallty of the relief In the Best baropean Plain. Uch.zapomosk.un. no.182:29-34 156. (MLU lrj:5) (Imst Buropean Plain--"ical geography) 14-57-6-11892 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, pp 37-38 (USSR) AUTHOR: Karandeyeva, M. V. TITLE: Various Relief lZoneau ~j in the Russian Plain (K voprosu o zonallnosti rellyefa na primere Russkoy ravniny) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. uh-ta, 1956, Vol 182, pp 29-34 APSTRACT: Decomposition and denudation, which are influenced by climate conditions, cause the intermediate forms and the microforms of the relief to acquire regional geo-~ graphical charaq teris ties. These, however, are.not as clearly expressed as the variations in other physical components of the landscape. This fact is caused by the active,endogene processes acting on the relief; these processes do not follow the laws of geographical zon- ' ality. Moreover, relief develop'ment is much slower than such factors as, for instance, the evolution of soil or of the, vegetation cover. This is why the Card 1/2 present relief has forms which developed in earlier Various Relief Districts' in the Russian Plain (dont.) 14-57-6-11892 climatic periods and are foreign to modern physical and geographical conditions. A long period of uniform natural conditions is necessary to produce the strongly expressed regional features in the relief. Climate works on the relief both directly and indirectly through the action of vegetatian and of the hydrosphere. It is the plant cover which"tend,p to preserve the relief. The relief develops more quickly where'the vegetation cover is light (steppes and deserts). The author describes briefly regional features of the intermediate and microrelief forms of the tundras, forest zone, steppe, semi-steppe, and deserts in the Russian Plain. A bibliography of eight titles is included. Card 2/2 D. Timofeyev JEM'W, GoW., red.; TMW079 )~.So, cooomorphol'Off Of lkr'opm US.S.R. I %oio~fologila Rmpsialmi chasti'. am ~ [Nodtvj] Is&-" Nooko ImMv. o,* 1957. 31.1 P. strwhwa) ("Iasi googrm~pby) (Km& ntio) Development of the gullted relief in the western part of the Caspian Sea region. Vest. Hook. un. Ser. biol.. pochv Sol., eeog. 13 no.2:231-24.2 158. iARA 11:9) 1. Moskovskly gos, univeraitat, KafecIra geomorfologii. (Caspian Sea region--Physical geography) KARANDEYEVA, H.V. Principles and methods foil preparing a geomorphological map of the )Nropean U,S.S.R. andthe Caucasus on a 1:2.500,000 scale. Vest'. Moak. un. Ser'O 5: Geog. i7 no.6t32-36 N-D 162.,(MIRA 16i1) I- - 1. Kafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Rusaia,~Northern-Geomorphology.v-Maps) (ca*sus-Geomorphology-Maps) %- --- I KAPWMEY-171A, 0. G. - "Ecological-Physiologi calInvestirra+ ion of Temoo- rary Anaerobicsis of Certain Lorer Invertebrates." Moscow State U imeni 1:4. 'T. Lomonosov. Soil Biology Faculty. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for thu Dei~ree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) SOPRCE Knizhnaya Letopis', No 6 1956 KARANDSMA, O.G. ry anaeicboisis of some benthonic invertebrates. 3iul. HOIP Otd.biol. 61 no.4:108-109 Jl-Ag 156, (KLRA 10: 8) (HiRINE FAUNA) (FRICSH-VATER FAUNA) (MGEN-PHYSIOLOGICAL VFJCCT) I -Vffti rall I of, br-oly Under artaln conditidns. 0. C'. Karendeeva and M. A. Abqikf~ (M V Lu-nonoenv SLal, ~1%1" :1 End ?qf~v * S 2~. S. R. i--nd KAUVDKMA, O.G. Some aspects of metabolism in Modiola phaseolina and Mytilus galloprovincialis under anaerobic and postanaerobic conditions. Trudy BBS 11:238-253 '59. (MM 13:5) (Ismallibranchiata) Oxygen-"iological effect) KARANDEYEVA, O.G. Analyzing the mechanip-4 of primary osmatic regulation reactions. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.3:755-758 J:L-'61. OiRA 14:7) 1. Institut normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AMN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Chernigovskim. (osmosis) KARANDEYEVA 0 G.: Effect of the speed of the dhange of external conditions on the metabolism of aquatic invertabrates. Vop. skol. 5189-90 162. (KIRA 16%6) 1. Biologicheakaya stantsiya AN UkrSSR, Sevastopol'. (Motaboliam) (Adaptation (Biology)) KARANDEYEVA, O.G. Av~~-------~ '_ ~ -~ - t-,,,-..- Computation of total water-salt balance in aquati C 4Lvertebrates. _L Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.6:1430-14.33 F 165. (MIRAI .18:2) 1. Inatitut biologii yuzhnykh morey im. A.0. Kovalevskogo AN UkrSSR. Submitted FebruarY 5, 1964. SHASHIOV, Boris Apollonovich; KARANDEYEVA, V.A... red.; ZYKIN, V.I., tekhn. red. [Laboratory course on the theory of photographic processes] Laboratornyi praktikum po teorii fotoprotsessov, Moskva,, l'Islmsstvo.." 1963. 229 p. (MIRA 17:4) NIKONOV, V.A. dotsent; &&9QMAYEVAz V.M., assistent; FORTUNATOVA, N.G., assis ent Ways of eradicating diphtberia in Kalinin. Trudy Kall no.10.52-54 163, (MIRA 18:1) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. kafedroy dottent V.A. Nikonov), Kalininskogo gorodskogo meditsinskogo instituta i zav. Kalininskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii (glavnyy vrach GG.Davidenka). NIKONOV, V.A., dotseAt.- KARANDAYEVA,_Ul., assistent; GORSHKOY, T.A., vrach. Materialq on the treatment of ascariasis in patientB Wi7C,] Botkin's ': disease (epidemic hepatitis). Tridy KCAII no.10017-321 163. (MIR-A 1821) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionrqkh bolezney (zav. kafedroy -dotsent V.A.Nikonov) KalininBkogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituta. KARAMAYEVA, V.P. (Mosk-va) Protein assimil,;tionp nitrogen balance and vitamin C supply of the body using a diet containing dehydrated products Vop. pit. 24 no.1:38-42 Ja-F 165. (AIRA 18:9) 1. Otdel gigiyeny pitaniya Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta giglyeny imeni F.F. Frismana (nauchnyy rukovoditell- prof. A.I. Shtenberg). go go go 0 41 0 go Dole 0*009 on 4! x ou 11 HAI it a a a 41109 004 411-41 00 1~~Aw **qim. IV. awl d tu k9l at It *bosom 1,W the parposs, ad cbe OW141DO. 06 d' _d' A 5 771? A. AS 771M.-Whea cmvectim pkya a p&n 1W *00 er btat frato a muting ps to the wall& of the vn- 008 wl, pm* math. trostateat kiis~ Amardimly, the cvW ins of ak hot ps bu bma studied expWaxwntally and an empkical cqnatian conawfins functima of vmxkius I*- Mmeteti (size of B. C. P. A. ,goo'* *06 00,u coo ego 04040 124040 A I a. I L A WTALLIRROCAL LITER ATWI CLASSIFICATION Boom WOW wit 0410 all uncon $1111.1 QMv al 7A RR so L I I C~ a 0 0 1 jr a 9 a 6 1 U an Ic As an 0P. If 0 D v a of In, a, $It I gogo go 00 0 00 60 0 go 0 0 00 0 00 000 000 0 9 0 41 0 0 410 0 00 * 0 0-00 0 0 0-0-ib O's go 664600'a 00 WLANDINO Boris Nikolsyevich, inzh.; FlLi~~V, lev Petrovich; TOLCHINSKIY, OK, G.Yu., inzh. red.; UDALITSOV, A.U., glavnyy red. (self-recording deam1ty gauge for smIl current 11 of li Uide Squipment f or gatiging the heal-, conductivity of liquidel Regi- BtAraiushchii plotnowr dlia malykh potokov zhidkonti, Ueta- novka Me ismarentis toplopriovadnontl ithidkostei. Hook-va, 1956. 10 p. (Pribory i stend~r. Tema 4. no. P-56-417) Una 11:3) 1. Moscow. Institut takhniko-ekonomicheakciV informatsii. (LiVids-Asasurement) KARANDIN G.1 mashinist parovoza Preparing to change over to a.c.electric locomotives. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 5 no.11217 N 161. (MM 14.'n) 1. . Depo Koxkazakaya Seveiro-Kavkazakoy dorogi. (Caucasus~--Rai:L-oads-.Eleotrification) XALITAq P~Gvp gorny7 insho; KARANDIN. I.G., gornyy insh.; KM(NA, V.P. Briquatting of brown cioal with admixture of anthracite fineg U901' Ukr- 3 no.9:4ci S 159. (MM 13:21 1. Treat Tatitunugoll (for lalita, l6randin). 2.Yurkovskaya briketnays. fabrika (for Urandin). Wriquets (]Fuel)) KAJWIDIN&, G.I., aspirani; Pi*esenca of hyallaronic acid in blood serum of rheumatic fever patients. Trudy 27;177-181 '57. (MIRA 12;9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy terapti (zav.p'rof. G.D.Zaleaskiy) Navosibirskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (HTALI]RONIC ACID) (SERUM) (RHHUMkTIC FETAR) 3ELOV, G.F., assistant; MRANDIM. G.I., aspirant E~uluronidaee content of the internal organs. Trudy Novoaib. 27:182-185 '57. (MM 12:9) 1. Iz kafeeb.-y fakalltetakoy terapii (zav.kafedroy prof.G.D. Zalesskiy) Novoaibirekogo, meditsinskogo institnta. (HTALUROIIIDASE) Ac,=ina and imect-VaCTors of Disease r!-2 A--bS jw~- : -Ref Z-1ilux - 3--ol., 1110 5, IOC8, L062-21 AixUhor : Ba'~ecv, 11.1%, KaranrUna, 13esed.nn, K.P. inst : - Title : Ecto-,-)-ira,;ites of Crista-te ana. Diurnal Pesch--m1m, CGerb-i-IC j, of -the Eastern Cauca-,ian Fcothl Orig Plub : Tr. U.-i. .)rotivochum. in-ta Ka-Imcm i Zzl:avlanzya, !"'0 ij 125-:L47 Abstract : Fror. i.947-1952, l1,-168 fleas, (10. species) as well as -65 U-c';!-S (ixmdic, hamasic C.:3, and ar~-msicc..3) Ware Coi.lectea fro-m 5709 dturnal and cri ,st-ate, Clerbilv- vio!;. common ave Cerato-phyllus laeviceps, vhich the entire area ring all seasons of the year, but ihich diminish ill r-M-11,er during zhe vLumer. Stenoporia vlasovi and Coptorsylia ravn]Aensio of the Caucasm- foothills infect only scn(II: near Kirna and Chernozeme-Isk, and, are found only rarely at Card A/-.~ - AcRrinp- and Insect -Vcc W',- Gi* T)I.Z~cn~;o Patho,~ens. Ref Zhur 5., -'C153., IfI622 ~.t Is ttrsumed thail.. they i:ere br~)ujlt -",ni;o -i:he Eastern Caucasus fool,-h-.'L!--,z; froti Trarisco-5--lia '.-,y Sreen vmrtir,~.~- C. Iaev~Lccps Ir mare -I)W-0--Int ~Jn c i bils, "'111LIe Ol, (Ij '~Jje,r are iumni ones founCt on szndu close -Jer C ti ty -Ithail .o steppe formatu'Lono. in a scmeNdlat lai G Ilil-in I 'a -,x) pecies 04- on -,,,ea'~!y cons~~;Iif-teO :;ands. The Other t s- fIeLls I-re n~,-)re wimerouz on 6iurncal than on the cristite Cerbils. 1mong the reasons for these differences nre mentionec! the dissimilar dUratiOrl Of P-"CSSCrVation of grer- b~,%j b,.il-rovs oil differeat noils, the paz-ticular ive of burro-,-O 'by gerbi*I'j) etc. The lar,gest n=ljcr of al-I threc~ f1c"I ~;VCcius on gerbilt, is ill tile ai.1-wima, but C. laeviceps i-, al,~o abujidant ill mpring when the --verage air temperatii- re reaac'les 5-70- Tne ch--=e of C-Lens-ity on Lerbils is noted v~hen t1he density of the animr-I -~)opulation is mv.-r-XcdIY C a a 2v, KARUDINA R S. KCS:UIN-Sh-lY, R. B. ItTagging the red-tail sand rats and their fleas in the enz,,,otic plague area of the Bozdag range (Azerbaidzhan SSR)*" p. 241 Jjesyatoye Soveshchaniye Do parazitologicheskim oroblenam i -orirodnoochagovym boleznyam. 22-29 Oktyabrya 1959 9. (Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Foot 22-29 October 1959), I-Io'scow-Leningrad, 1959, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR and Academy of Sciences USSR, No. 1 254pp. Antiplague Inst. of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus/otavropoll KOSMINSKIY, R.B.; KARANDINA, R.S.; LSYKINA, G.A. Sensitivity of different flea species to DDT. Dokl. AN SSSR .130 no.4:1020-1022 Ag 'Q. (MIRA 34:7) 1. Nauchno-i6sledavatellskiy protivochumnyy institut Kavkaza i Zakl%vkm%'ya. Predstavleno,akademikoa Ye.N. Pavlovskim. (Pleas-Resistanoe td'insactioides) (DDT (Insootioide)) lixperience in the sturly of the autumn :rd wliint~~r ulji-r~-A-Ion of ,gerbils 1,11eriones erythourus Grcy and IuLeir flear In the region of the Bozdag mountain ridge (Azerbai i.Ln A.S.S.R. ). 'led. -olllrnz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.2:233-234 1. Fauchno-iss1ciovatel'shly 11~stitutu Kavl-Lza i Zpl-a-,r'y,-azlva llinisterotva zdravookhrrieni.- pa SSSR (dirp~~T-or '.'.".Ter-Vdrtw-Iov), Stavropol'. - -- 11 - . . - .-1 1 - I - . I- : -1 ~, ~, fl, ~ 1,-, .4 mlia- MANMA, . S-. N. --- ...... .; - 28304 Rastityelbnostb statsionara v lipovD-Daovon lyesu Uchyen. Zapiski (Lyeningr: Gos. Un-T Im. Zhdanova), Syerlya Bi-ol. Nauk, Byp. 17, 1949, S. 13-36 SO. LETOFFIS X. 34 254?0 Vlazhnostb pochby V tyeelVenlye vyoaetatsionnogo pyerlods V lipovo-dubOvOm lYesu- Vchyen. Zapiski (Lyeningr. Goa. Un-t Im. Zhdanovs), Sycriy,-- blol. N-,vzk.- Byp- 17, 109, S. 37-57 - Bibliogr; 7 !Ta7-v- SO: L'PTOPIS 'To. ll~, A g,~ A KAWIDINk. S. N. Oak Ecological and biological differences between early and late varieties of oak (Quercus robur L. var. praecox and var. tardiflora Czern.). Uch. zap. Len. un. no. 143, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, HW -1953. Unclassified. A Oak Development of oak sprouts depending on the intensity of interaction among themselves. Dokl. AN SSSR 89, No. 4., 1~53- SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions.* Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. rA�AwnlmA v ~% - %10" Dispersion of underground parts of plants in certain associations of the Khibiny Tundra. Bot.zhur. 39 no.6:809-818 N-D 154.(Hxak 8:2) (Khibiny Tundra--Roots (Botany)) (Botanv_-Zoology) ,.,POLISKIY, M.N, " Rxperimantal plantings of oak on dark soile of large sunken areas in the nnrtweatern part of the Caspian Depression. Trudy Inst. less. 38:41-50 158. (MIPA 11:10) (Caspian Depression--Oak) AFANAVYIWA. ~TO.A.; URMINA, S.N. 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