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AUTHORS; Boltaks B. I. Prokhorova, V. 'al., 57-28--5-13/36 Novozhilova, L. I. TITLE; Diffusion of Antimony in Germanium Alloyed With Antimony (Diffuziya surlmy v germanii, legirovannom surlmoy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, pp. 99o-995 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors communicated the results of the investigation of the antimony diffusion in monocry- stalline germanium ingots, which had been alloyed with different amounts of antimony. These preliminary results are part of the general investigation conducted in the laboratory of the influence of the donor- and acceptor impurities on the diffusion processes in the semiconduc- tor. The diffusion coefficients were measured in a wide temperature interval (from r-.650 to -92ooC) and in nume- rous samples (numbering 6o)~ Table I and figures 1-4 show the obtained results from each series of samples with a uniform antimony content. The relative antimony content Card 1/3 in germanium was too low as to result in a marked modif i- Diffusion of Antimony in Germanium Alloyed With Antimony 57-28-5-13/36 cation of the lattice constant of germanium or of the eigenfrequenoy. For this reason the observed increase of D0 can be attributed to the augmentation of the ac- tivation entropy,:~,S. Apparently this is connected with the general increase of the system entropy, which is cau- sed by the transition of the system from an ordered into a less ordered state, as the concentration of the impuri- ties also leads to an increase of the concentration of va- cancies in the lattice and therefore to an increase of dis- order in the system (table 3, figure 8). The increase of activation energy observed with an increase of the anti- mony concentration does not fit into the usual conceptions on the character of the inf-luence of the impurities on the binding energy of the lattice. Apparently factors as yet unknown play a r8le here. The modification of the free energy of the system possesses a minimum value at any temperature and at any arbitrary concentration, this value corresponding to the most stable state of the system at the respective concentration. Card 2/3 Further eXDerimental experience on the influence of low Diffusion of Antimony in Germanium Allojed 57-28-5-13/36 ;iitil Antimony impurity concentrations on "he diffusion processes will permit to determine the diffusion character in solids, in particular in semiconductors. There are 8 figures, 3 tables and 13 references, lo of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut pol:uprovodnikov All SSSR, Leningrad 0 (Leninirrad Institute for Semiconductors AS USSR) SUBMITTED. August 17, 1957 1.* Antimony--Diffusion --Properties 2. Antimony-germanium alloys Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Boltaks, B.-L.. 57, 28-5 -1 4136 TITLE: On the Problem of the Anomalous Diffusion Velocity of Some Elements in Germanium (K voprosu ob anomallnoy skorosti diffuzii ne'koto'rykh elementov v germanii) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, pp. 996-99a (USSR) LBSTR.LCT: In order to determine the causes of an anomalously high diffusion velocity of the elements of period I and VlII of the periodic system in germanium it is sufficient to investigate the causes for their solubility in germanium. The author devoted this paper to this problem. is can be seen from table 2, the elements of period I and VIII, as contrary to period III and V are completely lacking p- -electrons, which cause the basic binding in the crystal lattice of germanium. On the other hand, the difference between the electronegativity of these elements and of germanium is very small. Also ion formation plays an Card 1/3 insignificant rble here. All these facts contribute to an 1 -46 On the Problem of the Aromalous Difi'usion Velocity of Some Elements in Germanium unstable state of the atoms of ~)eriod I and VIII in the sites of the crystal lattice of germanium, leading to their low solubility and their high diffusion velocity. For this reason, the anomalously high diffusion velocity and the low solubility of the elements of period I and VIII of the periodic system is caused by the considerable difference between the electron configuration of the shell of the valence electrons of these elements and the germa- nium atoms. This difference is less marked for elements of the period III and V, these exhibiting therefore a better solubility and a smaller diffusion velocity in germanium. The here presented considerations are also valid for other semiconductors and can be used as a criterion for the choi-. ce of quickly or slowly diffusing impurities in semiconduc- ting materials. In this instance, however, the values of electronegativity of the solvent atoms and of the dissol- ved substance must be taken into account. If the difference in electronegativity is great, a new phase will be formed because of the ion binding. This will result in another diffusion character, The author is indebted to 1~ F. ioffe Card 2/3 for discussion of the problem. On the Problem of the Anomalous Diffusion 557-20-5-1,~/36 Velocity of Some Elements in Germanium There are 2 tables and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Leningrad Institute for Semiconductors )AS USSR) SUBIMITTED: January 28, 1958 l.' Chemical elements--Diffusion 2. Germanium crystals--Analysis Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Boltak Sozinov, 1.1. 57-28-5-17/36 TITLE: Influence of the Electric Field on the Diffusion of Antimony in Rock Salt Crystals (Vli.yaniye elektricheskogo polya na diff- uziyu surlmy v kristallakh kamennoy soli) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 10,58, Vol. 28, Nr 5 I)P..1012-1018 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper antimony served the authors as an ob- ject for the investigation of diffusion in rock salt, anti- mony being an element with chemically amphoteric properties. The antimony diffusion was investigated in wide temperature range as well as the influence of a constant electric field on the diffusion. The obtained results partly supplement the existing experimental data ardthe conceptions on the diff- usion mechanism of foreign impurities in the lattice of rock salt. The first series of experiments was devoted to the de- termination of the diffusion coefficient of antimony in NaCl- -crystals at different temperatures of diffusion annealing, (figure 2). The second series essentially amounted to an ex- amination of the character of the influence of a constant el- Card 1/13 ectric field on the antimony diffusion in NaCl. The shift of Influence of the Electric Field on the Diffusion of Antimony 57-28-5-17/36 in Rock Salt Crystals the maximum of the concentration curve3 towards the anodes indicated, that the antimony iR NaCl crystals is shifted in the form of negative ions. The analysis 6f these curves al- so permits to evaluate the value of the charge of the diffu- sion ions. It can be assumed, that the antimony exists in the NaCl lattice in the state of treble charged negative ions Sb3-. It was shown, that the dependdnae of the diffusion coeffi- cient on temperature can be expressed by the equation: DSb-.-�,NaCl ' 0,076 exp ( - 1,8 evAT) cm.2/see From a comparison of the ionic radius of Sb3_ with the ionic radii of other negative ions, Br- and J- (table), which diff- use by anionic vacancies, it can be concluded, that such a dislocation mechanism is possible in the case of theion diff- usion of Sb3-. In order to satisfy the neutrality conditions three anion vacancies must be created for each SO- ion in the lattice of NaCl. This amount of vacancies can exceed the thermally equalized chneentration and can cause local distur- bances in the lattice as well as the occurrence of a new phase. In the table also data on the activation energy of the Card 2/3 Cl-, Br- and J-, and Sb3- ions at the diffusion in NaCl are Influence of the Electric Field on the Diffusion of Antimony 57-28-5-17/36 in Rock Salt Crystals compared and the electron affinity of these elements is given. In this case an apparently not random regularity is observ- ed. The reduction of the activation energy with an increase of the radius of the impurity ions can be caused by the great- er deformation of the surrounding medium and the reduction of the potential energy connected with it. On the other hand, the probability of a separated existence of the impurity atoms and of the electrbns ahsorbed by them is increased by the reduct- ion of the electron affinity of the element. This can also lead to a reduction of the activation energy during diffus- ion. The possibility of a separate existence of the impurity atoms and of the electrons absorbed by them(durinc the period ta< tilti denoting the "life" of the ionic state) must also lead to a deviation from Einstein's equation, disregarding which complexes(oitphaBes) are produced. This effect also was observed. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 13 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, ILeningTad (Leningrad In- stitute for SemicondUctors,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 17, 1957 1. Antim*--Diffusion 2. Electric fields--Appli- Card 3/3 cations 3. Sodium chloride--Crystal structure AUTHORSt Boltaks, B. I., Mokhov, Yu. N. 57-28-5-22/36 TITLEt Self-Diffusion and Diffusion of the Impurities in Lead Tellu- ride and Lead Selenide (Samodiffuziya i diffuziya primesey v telluride i selenide svintsa) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhnioheskoy Fiziki, 1956, Vol. 28, Nr 5, PP- 1046- -1050 ('USSR) ABSTRACTo In the present paper the authors communicated the results of the investigation of the self-diffusion of tellurium and the diffusion of antimony and tin in lead telluride as well as data on the diffusion of antimony and selenium (self-diffusion) in lead selenide. Lead telluride and-selenide crystallize in a structure of N&Cl-type. The character of binding, however, in these compounds differs considerably from a pure ion bindi_zg, which is distinctive of rook salt. The combination of ion- and covalent binding in PbTe and PbSe leads to a reduction of the heat of formation as related to the gram equivalent and there- fore also leads to a reduction of the cohesive forces between the components of these compounds (Ref 4). The relatively small values of the activation energy during self-diffusion in PbTe Card 1/3 agree with the small values of the heat of formation of these Self-Diffusion and Diffusion of the Impurities in 57-28-5-22/36 Lead Telluride and Lead Belenide compounds. The heat of formation of PbTe equals 16,8 kcal/g-mol, which is considerably less than in a considerable number of ana- logous semiconductor compounds. The dislocation of Sb and Sn in the crystal lattice apparently proceeds according to the lead vr,cacies, and is accompanied by the formation and the destruc- tion of the complexe 8 Sb2' Te SnTe, and Sb2se3l the cohesive forces of which are greater Naln those of the components of the base lattice. This latter phenomenon apparently causes the ob- served "anomaly" in the interrelations between the values of the activation energy in the self diffusion and the heterodif- fusion of the investigated elements in PbTe and PbSe. As the heat of formation of PbSe is greater than that of PbTe the con- siderably higher values of the activation energy for the self- and heterodiffusion in lead selenide in comparison to lead tel. luride become understahdable. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Self--Diffusion and 'uiffusion of the Impurities in 57-28-5-22/36 Lead Telluride and Lead Selenide ASSOCIATIONt Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR (Institute for Semiconductors- AS USSR) Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute i;teni IP.I. Kalinin) SUBMITTEDs September 18, 1957 1. teed selenide--Iripurities 2. Lead telluride--Impurities Card 3/3 210) LVITHORS: ~Doltaks, B. I., Plachenov, B. T., SOV/20-123-1-18/56 deme -nov, -'Yg'.-V-. TITLE- On the Absorption Coefficient of il-Rays 6o Semiconductors of C060 ' (0 koeffitsiyente pogloshcheniya r-luchey Cc v poluprovodnikakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 19589 Vol 123, Nr lt PP 72-75 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives the results of measurements of the 6o ,r-ray absorption coefficient of Co (Ev- 1.17 MeV, Ej-2 = 1.33 Mev) in some semiconductor di materials of different degrees of purity and different modifications as well as in some metals (Al, Zn, Pb). Measurements were carried out with respect to these metals mainly for the purpose of checking the experimental method. The measuring apparatus used is schematically shown in form of a drawing. The measuring results are given in a table. The results obtained by the present paper differ from those obtained by Card 1/4 other authors by not more than 3.57.. The absorption of j--rays On the Absorption Goofficitnt of f-Rays of Cc 6o SOV/20-123-1-la/56 in Semiconductors of Cc 6o in the materials under investigation is caused nearly entirely by Compton (Kompton) scattering. Photoelectric absorption is less than 1% in the case of most of the samples investigated. An exception was formed only by the Te, Pb and PbTe samples; the share of photoelectric absorption in them amounted to -8,--?5 and -15% respectively. The absorption coefficient values given in the table were calculated by means of the usual formulae of the theory of the absorption of,~-rays in matter. The difference between measured and calculated absorption coefficients is larger in semiconductors than in metals. Besides, the absorption coefficient also of infinitesimally small concentrations depends on impurities in the investigated semiconductors (and in selenium also on structure, i.e. on-thd modification of the sample). Semiconductors differ from metals mainly by the concentration of the free current carriers. The authors determined the temperature dependence of absorption on r-rays in the case of some samples of germanium, silicon, and tellurium with different Card 2/4 degrees of purity and different characters of conductivity. On the Absorption Coefficient of r-Rays of Cc 6o SOV/20-123-1-18/56 in Semiconductors On the same samples the Hall (Kholl) effect was measured, and the variation of the concentration of current carriers in the investigated temperature interval was determined. The results of these investigations, which are shown by 2 diagrams, make it perfectly clear that the absorption coefficient of Co6o r-rays increases in the semiconductors under investigation in proportion to the concentration of the free current carriers. A similar dependence holds also if Sn113 serves as a source of the r-rays. The results obtained do not agree with the present theory of Compton (Kompton) scattering (in which binding of the electrons in atomic electron shells is neglected). Therefore, these results ought to be subjected to careful theoretical analysis. The authors thank V. A. Sokolova for her help in carrying out measurements. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 3/4 21(6) AUTHORS: Boltaks, B. I,., Sokolov, V. I. SOV/20-123-3-18/54 TITLE: On the Coefficient of Absorption (of the Decrease in Intensity) of Beta-Rays in Semi-Conductors (0 koeffitsiyente pogloslicheniya (oslableniya intensivnosti) beta-luchey v poluprovodnikakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk.SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 3, Pp 446-448 (USSR) . ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the relation between the mass absorption coefficient of fl-rays and some characteristic features of ,gemiconductor materials, especially of a special structure of the energy spectrum of electrons in semiconductors (presence of a forbidden zone). The following 8 nductor materials were investigated: S, Se, Tep Ge, InS Se, CdTe, ZnTe, PbTe, PbSe, and also the alkali-halogen compounds NaCl, CuBr, KC1, KBr, KJ. The following radioactive isotopes were used as sources of the 204 90 P-radiation: 35 45 P32 IV185 T S C r e . a S , ' , , , The investigation was carried out on thin films produced by evaporation in vacuum. Plates of condensator mica were used as base layers. The absorption coefficients were measured by means Card 1/3 of end-window counters on a standard measuring apparatus of type B. On the Coefficient of Absorption (of the Decrease SOV/20-123-3-%18/54 in Intensity) of Beta-Rays in Semi-Conductors The values of the intensity were determined as functions of the thickness of the film and the linear absorption coefficient & was deduced from the found data. A diagram gives the values of the relative absorption coefficients of the fl-rays of the radioactive isotope P32 for sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. The abscissa axis of these diagrams represents the width of the forbidden zone (L E) of the energy spectrum of the electrons in these materials. Analogous diagrams are given for binary semi- conductor compounds of zinc blende structure and also for alkali-halogen compounds and semiconductors of NaCl structure. The following conclusions may be drawn from these diagrams: 1) For the investigated semiconductors and alkali-halogen crystalsp the mass absorption coefficient of A-rays is essentially different from the mass absorption coefficient of aluminum. 2) Notwithstanding the noticeable spread of the data, a regular increase of the absorption coefficient was observed if the forbidden zone decreased in width. This regularity was found for any group of substances of equal structure and similar Card 2/3 physico-chemical properties. In order to check this result, On the Coefficient of Absorption (of the Decrease SOV/20-123-3-18/54 in Int,~nsity) of Beta-;Rays in S&mi-Conductors the authors investigated 2 modifications of the same substance- selenium which have forbidden zones of different width. The absorption of crystalline selenium was found to be'byo'v 40% higher than that of amorphous selenium. The found dependence of the mass absorption coefficient of 0-rays on the width-'of the forbidden zone of the semiconductors and alkali-halogen4 crystals agrees qualitatively with the modern theories for the mechanisms of the absorption of 0-rays in matter. The results of this paper have only a qualitative character and more precise qualitative investigations are necessary. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: July 14, 1958, by A. F. Ioffe, Academician SUBMITTED: May 19, 1958 Card 3/3 66246 ZIA 7 7vo AUTHORS: Boltaks, B. fu, Gutorov, Yu. A. SOV/181-1-7-2/21 TITLE: Some Data on the Diffusion and Effect of Impurities on the Electrical Properties of Gallium Antimonide PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela,1959,Vcl 1, Mr 7, PP 1015-1021 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 99.98% pure antimony and 99.97% pure gallium were molten in vacuum with continuous mixing and cleaning by the layer method; hole-type conductivity (hole concentration ,jlOI7/CM3) was determinable along the whole length of the cast. The cast was divided into 4 equal parts and each part was mixed with 0.1 wt % of either In, Sb, Se, or Te in a repeated vacuum melting. Three plates each with the size of 3.8 - 4-5 - 16 mm of the melts of each mixture were prepared. The dependence of the electrical conductivity on temperature and the Hall-effect were measured by known methods for these samples. The influence of the additions In, Sb, Se, and Te on the electrical properties of GaSb is shown in table 1 (specific conductivity, concentration of current carriers, mobility). The dependence on temperature of the specific Card 1/3 conductivity and the Hall constant are graphically represented 41"- 66246 Some Data on the Diffusion and 'Effeat of 'Impurities SOV/181-1-7-2/21 on the Electrical Properties of Gallium Antimonide (Figs 1,2). In order to investigate diffusion, further samples were prepared by means of the layer melting process (GaSb was stoichiometrically synthesized, Sb-purity 99.90%). The surface of the samples was directly covered by the tracer impurities In114, Sn113,and Sb114. The annealing temperature varied between 3200 and 650OCqthe annealing time between 24 and 114 hours. The hole concentration is cited to be I .. , i~-. 17 -3 75 127 r6'~~'4 2.0).- 10 cm Se and Te diffused from t rv-apor phase izito the sample. After annealing chin layers were removed from the samples and their radioactivity wag ,measured, as a criterion for the coefficient of diffusion. The results are represented in diagrams and tables. The following conclusions may be drawn: The activation energy rises by diffusion of impurity atoms in GaSb in the order: In, Sn, Sb, Te. In the same order increases also the influence of these elements on the dielectric properties of GaSb. The decrease of the activation energy with increasing Card 2/3 ion radius of the diffusing particle does not depend on the,- 4-11, Some Data on the Diffusion and . Effect of Impurities on the Electrical Properties of Gallium Antimonide 66246 SOV/181-1-7-2/21 ion radius but on the number of valency electrons, which cause the linkage of particles in the GaSb-lattice. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 10 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: JulY 30, 1958 Card 3/3 .24 - 7740 81767 B/181/60/002/02/01/033 B006/B067 AUTHORSt Boltaks, B. I., Kulikov, G. S., Malkovich, R. Sh. M"~""ML4MM TITLE: The Influence Exercised by GoldAn the Electrical Proper- ties of Silicon I\ PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.* 181-191 TEXT: Gold belongs to chose impurity elements which show low solubility and high diffusion rate\Un silico AIn the present article, the authors present the results of their investigations of the influence exercised by gold on the electrical properties of n-type and p-type silicon of different resistivity. First, the influence exercised by gold impurities on the resistivity of silicon is dealt with. The samples had a rimary resistivity of 1.3-46 (n-type) and 0.5-87 (p-type~. Gold was introduced partly by diffusion from gold vapors, partly by diffusion from a thin gold layer applied to the sample at temperatures of 1080-138000 during 3-33 hours. The results are illustrated in a table and two diagrams. It was fbund that samples alloyed with gold in such a way show a relatively low-resistance surface layer; the electrical properties X Card 1/3 61767 The Influence Exercised by Gold on the S/181/60/002/02/01/033 Electrical Properties of Sincon B006/BO67 in the interior deviate considerably from those on the outer layer; the resistivity in the interior strongly increased, whilst the carrier con- centration strongly decreased. In n-type Si resistivity attains - 105 ohm.cmv in p-type Si, 103 - 104; the electron and hole concentrations decrease to 10 10 - 10 11 cm-3 and 10 12 _1013 cm-31 respectively. In the following, the carrier distribution is investigated with respect to the quantum states. Fig.3 shows a schematical representa- tion of the distribution of the local levels. A large number of details are given. The width of the forbidden zone decreases with increasing temperature according to 6E = AEO - oLT; at = 2.10-4 ev/deg, ,!~,Eo = = 1.21 ev. The temperature dependence of the level of the chemical Po- tential in n-type and p-type silicon was investigated for the two Pos- sible cases of temperature dependence of the activation energy. Data on n-type silicon are to be found in Fig. 4; Fig- 5 shows those obtained for p-type silicon. In the following, the plotting of the diagram which shows the dependence of resistivity on the gold concentration, is discussed. It was plotted by using all curves given in Figs- 4 and 5. It was found Card 2/3 81767 The Influence Exercised by Gold on the S116116010021021011033 Electrical Properties of Silicon B006/BO67 that by introducing gold, n-type Si can be transformed into p-type Si, that in the inverse case, however, by the introduction of gold into p-type Si, resistivity also increases without any change in the type of conductivity. The latter attains maximum resistivity at 2910K with 4.6-105 The experimental and theoretical data are briefly compared. In conclusion, the authors thank L. L. Korenblit for dis- cussions. Mention is made of A. A. Shteynberg. There are 6 figures, -1 table, and 10 references: 6 Soviet, 2 Americant 1 German, and 1 Irish. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR. Leninarad) SUBMITTED: April 16, 1959 Card 3/3 84586 S/181/60/002/010/008/051 B01 9/13070 AUTHORS- Boltaks, B. I., Kulikov, G. S.~ and Malkovich, R. Sh. TITLE- Electric Transport of Gold in Siliconp PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telaq 19609 Vol, 2, No. 10, pp. 2395-2399 TEXTs A thin layer of gold (Au-198) was laid on to the polished surfaces of two silicon samples (5-5.2 mm) which were then pressed together. The whole was placed in a water-cooled chamber filled with helium (Fig. '). Heating was done by direct current which also served to produce the elec- tric field necessary for the transport of gold. The temperature was measured by an optical pyrometer. Experiments were made in the temperature range 1075 - 13500C. It was found that in the temperature range from 10750C to about 12800C, the gold in silicon migrates preferably to the cathode. At higher temperatures, the direction of transport is reversed (Fig- 3)- It is considered improbable that this phenomenon is due to the change in the ionization character of the gold atom. It is rather surmized that the observed phenomenon is due to the associated motion of the ions with the electrons. According to V. B. Fiks, an impurity ion in a metal Card 1/3 Electric Transport of Gold in Silicon S/181/60/002/010/008/051 B019/3070 or semiconductor moves under the action of two different forces. The first force is due to the electric field and the second is due to the motion of the electrons toward the anode. The experimentally determined value of the mobility of gold in silicon as a function of temperature is graphically shown in Fig. 4. The values were obtained from a measurement of the rise of p-n junction with radioactive gold. The results obtuined here are in good agreement with those calculated by Pike (Ref- 4). It is established that the associated motion of gold atoms with electrons plays an important role in the transport of gold in silicon. The following values were ob tained for the diffusion coefficientt in the temperature range 1200-13700C -6 2/see, at 9000C about 5-10 -10 2 about 4.10 4-10 cm cm /sec, and at 10880C about 4-10-8 2/ I cm sec. Also the solubility of gold in silicon was studied with radioactive gold. The results obtained agree well with those of the other authors (Fig- 5)- No difference in the solubility was found for different types of conductivit~7 There are 5 figures and 10 references: 4 Soviet, 5-10S, and 1 ? ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of -Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences USSR9 LeningFa- Card 2/3 Electric Transport of Gold in Silicon S/181/60/002/010/008/051 B010070 SUBMITTED: March 23, 1960 x Card 3/3 86418 Z'4 - S/181/60/002/011/002/042 11.2 0 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: BoLtaks; B. I. and Syue Shi-in' TITLE; Diffusion, Solubility, and Effect of Silver Impurities Upon the Electrical Properties of Silicon I PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 19609 Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2677 - 2684 TEXT: The authors give a report on the results they obtained by investi- gating the diffusion, solubility, and effect of silver upon the electrical properties of n-type and p-type silicon single crystals (resistivity of 9 - 24 and 20 - 100 ohms-cm, respectively). The diffusion of the silver impurities was investigated by using Ag 110 and a standard method. Silver was applied from an AgNO 3 solution to the ground surfaces of the specimens, after which they were subjected to a heat treatment (1100 - 13500C). The diffusion coefficient was between 3-10- 9 and 2.4-10-8 cm 2/ sec; its temperature dependence (Fig.1) may be expressed by the relation D = 2.0-10-3exp(-36800/RT) cm 21 sec. The migration of silver Card 1/8 86418 Diffusion, Solubility, and Effect of Silver 3/18-1/60/002/011/002/042 Impurities Upon the Electrical Properties of B006/BO56 Silicon ions in silicon under the action of a constant electric field was also investigated, and it was found that the silver ions move toward the cathode. For the purpose of investigating the solubility, 1.2 mm thick silicon sheets were coated with a thin layer of silver and heated in quartz ampoules filled with helium, after which the Ag 110 activity in the sheet was determined. The solubility of silver in silicon was found to be 2.1017at/CM3 at 1350 0C, and 6-5-10 15 at/cM3 at 1200 00. Thus, the solubility of silver in silicon is 3 to 5 times as high as that of gold. Further, the impurity levels of silver in silicon were determined. Figs.5 and 6 show the temperature dependence of the resistivity of n-type and p-type Si single crystals, from which the donor and acceptor levels (Ed and Ea , respectively) of silver in silicon was determined from the Ag Ag d(a) NAg equation for the chemical potential L - E + kT.In I - - )11 for 'F Ag ( ) 17 Na(d) n-type (p-type) silicon. Here, N Ag is the silver concentration in Si; Card 2/8 86418 Diffusion, Solubility, and Effect of Silver S/181/60/002/011/002/042 Impurities Upon the Electrical Properties of B006/BO56 Silicon Na and Nd are the initial concentrations of the acceptor (elements of the third group) and donor impurities (fiftj groups in p-type and)n-t 1 e Si respectively. It was found that 10 7at/cm ; N 4 IOY&at/c'31 NA9'2~~ a(d)"O - M -3 the electron and hole concentrations were of the order of (5 - 6).1013cm The position of the energy levels may be seen from Fig-7. Data on the effect of silver impurities upon the electrical properties of the Si single crystals are compared with theoretical results in a table, which were taken from earlier papers or had been obtained by the methods given there. Fig.6 shows the dependence of carrier concentration and resistivity upon the silver concentration at 18 0C. Card 3/8 87418 Diffusion, Solubility, and Effect of Silver Impurities Upon the Electrical Properties of Silicon S/181/60/002/011/002/042 B006/BO56 There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad). SUBMITTED: February 20, 1960 Card 4/8 cli C\j C) C) pq ro CD %D C) 0 A- --'Ac "f-x CIP16P- Ol 1,4 12 n-201 11.4 5.0 - 1014 1140 12DO 1 ICS I 12.4 4.0- 1014 1270 1200 ) 16.o n-25 1 ,. I 13.1 4.0- 1014 1200 1250 n 26,3 .n-252 13.1 4.6. 1014 1200 1250 26.9 ~n- 20 t 21.2 2.5' 1014 1190 1300 253 P.-90 93.3 2.0 -1014 337 1300 1.1 . 105 p 91 101.5 1.8 -1014 350 1300 1.6 - 105 P-81 83.7 2.2 -1014 3,12 1320 p 1.3 - 105 p-82 10-1 2,0, '014 3411 1320 1.7 - 101 P127 p 27..S 5.6. 1014 408 1300 111- 105 P-368 3686 5.5 - 101' 310 1350 25.3 p-170 1715 1.2 -1013 306 1350 928 n-10 - ~,23,0 2-Q w..'00 .1370 1330 -A.. 22.5, Iii-.25 , -~-, 1 13.0 4.0. 1014 1200 1340 12.1 n.32 . 14.6 3.75 - 10A 1150 1320 t 15.1 P.12 .74. 2 2.5 .1014 340 1320 7 1 3 .31. 1 )~. ( 1 82.4 2.0-1014 380 1340 : p I 6 7 :2 c0 MCA. awe I ,-,a""R P;6pb !-, 0 My . ., ll~ C%j x 7 .43 co %-0 ..x 0 0 ca pq 5- P.cq.l R 3 3.9-1014 10% 13.6 14 3.3- 10 3.4 - 1014 1160 17.0 1 2.6 .10 4 2.1 -1014 1140 26.7 1.7 - IOL4 1400 2.0 .1014 1176 26.7 1.7 .1014 2.0-1011 1240 141 3.2. 1013 1.8-1011 314 1.2 - I*o-- 1.7 .1011 I-A -1011 278 - 1.3 - 10& 1.6-1011 1.7- 1011 280 1.3-107, 1.6-1011 1.2-1011 304 1.5 - Ily. 1.4- 1011 1.811011 310 4.3-101 4.9'. 1011 3 2.0-1014 1240 6.7 -104 2.5 -10A 5.2 - 10122 1060 3.6- 104 5.5 - 103 2.0-1014 - 1350 1014 4.7. 1100 4.Or --1014 1040 2.8-1014 314 2.7 - 1014 306 CSY' OIL Pin P/0' V191 10 01 01 01 11 r0i 1 '91 Yl Irt- "40it-I .41 "IV - v - 01 W'v - I'M 0 0. 0/ 1 ' ). I_v'v 01 v (0cov. - IV Of j? '(00051, '.J' :;PV - 9 M = p R IV :: A 101 =pv P, ik3 No, mm.r ulf"a ..... bmilahas,N) 01 101 Thw'C.L3z*:L003 " (~- a) V.0 w 110 ig 01 ' matuak ... ... ' 1 so; (D 081 lidu) Vdq1d. , Sol 601 . -LO u"Unodn 9"112ya N ll-Loduo~ H uxm,, ll;,v U;)? W nloolfif a-L"30H nufludz Wo 01 1 Jlfquc 'lH(budj . -r 01 01 ziol 01* 01 rI 01 0i r 01 f; 01 07 7 j, 0j 4 *0 1 01 01 9~0000g 0; Z~0/a00/[L0/a00/0qA OL/s 01 r- 'wo.'Wo R 8643 8 /'02/0'11/002/0 S/18 0 0 42 B006YBo56 -Legend to the table: 1) Number of specimen; 2) Before introduction of Ag; After introduction of Ag; 4) Experiment; 5) Calculation; 6) Type of cona m uctivitY; 7) Res~stivity,; 8) Carrier concentration) c -3. 9) hd,ll'mobility, cm /v.sec; 10) Heating teinperature, OC; 11) like 6); .12).Iike 7); 13) like 8); 14) like 9); 15) like 6); 16) like 7); 17),like 8), ~nd 18) like 9). Cax;d 8/8. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SCV/5898 Boltaksp Boris Iosifovich Diff~ziya V p0 .lu'provodnikakh (Diffusion in Semiconductors) Moscow# Fizmtgiz, 1%1.-,462 p (Series's Fizika p6luprovodnikov i poluprovodnikovykh pribo-ov) 150000 copie; printed, Ed.a V. D. Kozlov; Tech. Ed.% N. Ya. Muraohova. PURPOSEs The book is intended for pbysicists,, chemists., and metallurgists investigating the physicochemical properties of semiconductors. It may also be useful to engineers and technologists in the development and manufacture of semiconductor devices. COVERAGEs The physical concepts underlying the mechanism of self-diffusion and diffusion of impurities in semiconductors are discussedy with-a review of the available experimental data being included in the discussion. Individual.chap- ters deal with the mathematical analysis of diffusion problems and experimental methods of measuring diffusiz-n coefficients in semiconductors. The last c4p- ter briefly reviews the problems of the solubility of_impurities in semicon- ductors and. the decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions. The author Card I/$ Diffusion in Semiconductors SOV/5898 than.'a V. P. Zhuzeo Professor; M. 1. Kornfellds Professor; A. R. Regel',, Professor; and Go So Kulikov,, R. Sh, Malkovich, and Antonins Vasillyevna Boltaks. There are 357 referencess 120 Soviet (including 1 translation),v 198 English, 38 German# and 1 Czech. References are listed following each chapter. TAHbFt CF CONTENTS% Introduction Cho 1. Structuial DOhNcts W Impurities in Semiconductors 13 1. Intrc6ictioh 13 2. Meal crystals 15 3. Effect of temperat"tu=re-on concentration of thermal defects 18 4. Radiatiqn defects in orysta 20 5. Defeat formation and the strs of the chemical bonds in crystals 24 Card 2,111 342h6 S11 a 1 /62/004/002/041/051 12 c.9 5-13 B1 021B1 36 AUTHO--l's. Boltaks, B. I., and Fedorovich, N, A, i i,; i o i ~ d -q o 1 ub i I i t Y o 1' s i 1 v o. r n 1 t 11 ur I d e ,-BRIODICji.L; Fizika tverdogo tela, V, 4, no. 2. 1962, 51~0-552 TEXT. Silver-doped Bi 2 Te is an effective material for tile ne.~,ative Stde of a thermocouple, Ag di?fusion and solution was studied with p-type Bi Te- single crystals grown by the Brid~man method, The conductivity 2 the soocimens was 500 ohm cm the thermo-einif coefficient was 0, 0 LL v 'd e They were cut partly in parallel azid partly perpendicular the cleavaee plane. Diffusion annealing was carried out in an argon, at,-,-osDhere . Difiusion was invezti,3ated L~ by using A;110 tracer ani r om c, v i yt,:rs, ind found to bo hi '-,iily anisotropic; in the cleava--t~ rl,Je w,,ao 5-) orders of rla6i'14 'L ud e i--her than in th-o CT017--, c.1----.bed from~10 -8 -5 2 r)-;re--tion D to -10 CM see "Oetween 1,C-2 -n-,, and D, from -10 to -,5-10 -6 cm 2 /sec between 300 and 500 0 C, Card 1 3 3h2h6 311 _~'/004/GC'2/04'//051 S/1 F 1-1 . j z ~1111'bility of silver ... B 1 OL'// B 1 -; 6 Dii = '~,2-10_3exp(-0,42/kT)cm2/sec J DI = 2.3-10-lexp(-1.17/kT)cm2 /sec. anisotropy in diffusion is attributed to structural anisolt.-n-py- T."J. -rder of the atomic layers is _-Bi-Te Te II_ II_ Bi-Te I- Bi-Te rl-,ree Te plus two Bi layers form a quintet, which is separated from th- '-.-x! one by u greater distance,. Ag, and other elements of tie f-rst gr-.! '~Un only penetrate in an interstitial manner. These interstitial atcm-s are easily ionized and form donors. Copper diffusion in Bi 2Te3 displa,- -1-ie same ef"fects. The same specimens viere used to study AE soluti~:-i. 'Uhe ...realing time was varied between 17 and 96 hours depending on, The solubility measured in tne range 200-5000C, was 1 19 3. 0, -~l -- 3~51`10 atoms/cm Saturation is reached above 400 ~' T,;e s-idents V. P, Kokoyev and Li ',Iin-i are thanked for measurements. are 2 figures and 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet, The refere, '.o the English-language publication reads as -Pollows~ IR, 0. Carlsor- J, Phys, Cheri, Solids, 13. 65, 1906o. ;,ard 2/3 342h6 Diffusion ana solubility of 1jilver 5/181/62/()04/002/041/051 ... Bl 02/13138 ASSOCIATION; Institut PoluprovodnikOv AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad ) SUBIMITTED: October 26, 1961 V~/ Card 3/3 3/181/62/004/003/006/045 rwo B152/B102 AUTHORS; Boltaks, B. I., and Matveyeva, N. N. TITLE. Diffusion of phosphorus in silicon PERIODICAL: Fizikh tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 3, 1062, 609 - 614 TEXT: In the diffusion of phosphorus atoms in p-type rilicon, a not yet fully clarified deviation was observed from the distribution function x/2V57 erfc(x/2 Y'Dt) - 1 - 2- , exp(-x2)dx which holds for other elements fit i r of groups III and V. This deviation is explained by evaporation of phos- phorus from the Si surface during diffusion. The Si sinEle crystals (20 - 40 ohmecm) used for the experiment were ground, etched in~'~1-8 (SR-8), washed, and then introduced in quartz tubes together with small amounts of P32. The tubes were evacuated and sealed, and heated in a furnace. One part of the furnace with the crystal had always the same temperature (120000 while the temperature of the other Part containin'g the phosphoruz 0 0 Was 1200 C in one and 250 0 in another series of measurement. The holding Card 1/1L 311811621004100310061045 Diffusion of phosphorus ... 3152/B102 periods were 12 and 24 hrs, reSDOC'iVely. To dcte_-;,,~ine the distril,'ution, thin layers were removed from tho crystal and the adioactiv4%',Y was measured. A calculation of t1be diffusion equation, with conzideration of the evaporation of the diffusing substance, c~ivas a family of curves for various evaporation Drobabilitiozs of the P atoms (Fir,-_ zj). Co-rresponding exneriments with low P vapor pre2.sures showed a distinct maximum. This maximum did not appear at constart saturation vapor pressure. Preliminary experiments with n-type Si yielded the distribution erfc(x/2 5_t') under* analogous test conditions. There are 7 figures and 7 references: 1 Soviet V and 6 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to En.-lish-languare nublications read as follows: E. Tannenbaun, Solid Sta to Electronics, 2, 123, 1961; L. A. WAsaro, Solid State Electronics, -1, 3, 196o; F. A. Cunnell and C. H. Gooch, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 15, 127, 196o; J. W. Allen, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, j_~, 134, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Institut Doluprovod-nikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semicondu~tors AS USSR, Leningrad) SU31MITTED; September 29, 1961 Card 2/4 Semiconducting phases in the system A 11 VI -A 110VI (7 - Sic.). L. V. Kradinova, 1. K. Polushina. 3 62 Anomalous scattering of x-rays in "'a2Se3 and its solid solutions. A. A. Vaynolin and M. M. Markus. (Presented by A. A. Vaynolin--25 minutes). Papers not presented-] Diffusion of impurities in gallium arsenide. 8. 1. Boltaks. V. I. Sokosov, F. S. Shishiyanu. % . Influence of the Impurities silver and gold on the electrical-properties of gallium arsenide. B. I.-Boltaks, Ve I. Sokolov, F. S. Shishiyanu. Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor ConDounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 [~-I'ffuslon.and solubilityof impurities in bismuth telluride. -B. I. Boltaks-, N. A. Fedorovich. Tvr--e~'~tW-~Y B. - 1- 801 ta-ks-715 minutes). Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kisidnev, 16-21 Sept 1963 S/18 63/005/003/036/046 B102X3180 AUTHORS: Boltaks, B. I., and Fedorovich, N. A. TITLE: Diffusion and solubility of cadmium in bismuth telluride PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 3, 19063, 944-940' TEXT: The authors used p-type Bi Te single crystals grown by the 2 0 Iridgman method to investigate Cd dilfusion along and across the C-axis by the tracer method (Cd115). Diffusion along the C-axis was studied by successive removal of thin layers; across the C-axis (i. e. parallel to the cleavage plane' by contrast auroradiography. In both cases the experimental data fit in very well vith'the straight lines in the log D-versus,-1/T graph, which are given by D,I= 488-10- 3exp(-0.48qkT)cm 2/sec D 102exp(-1.8ev/kT)cm2/sec. The diffusion shows distinct anisotropy; a. at 5300C D and Di differ by 3-5, at 3500C by almost 6 orders of magnitude. The solubility was Card 1/2 "/161/63/005/003/036/046 Diffus.ion and solubility of cadmium B102/B16O studied with the same samples in the range 250-5300C. Determined from the 18 18 3 tracer saturation level, it was 2-10 - 6-1o at/cM . The temperature dependence of the solubility has a maximum at 400 0C. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad Tnstitute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: October 29, 1962 Card 2/2 -7-77-- B/181/63/005/004/015/047 B102/Bi86 AUTHORSs Boltaks, B. I., and Sikolov, V. I. TITLEs Investigation of the diffusion of cadmium in indium antimonide', by autoradiography in layers PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no- 4, 1963, 1077 1061 TEXT: The Cd diffusion in InSb was investigated in the range 250 5000C 115 by means of Cd tracer and autoradiographic activity control using Agfa- Sino X-ray films. With this method, which allows an accuracy of within 5 - IOPt, the diffusion coefficients and the Cd solubility were determined for n-type InSb single crystals oriented along f111J, with the parameters 16 -3 2 115 tp -:-0 007 ohm#cni, n~- 1.65-10 am 54000 cm /v-sec. After Cd had deposited on the polished and etched surface placed in aqueous Mel solution, the crystal vas subjected to diffusion annealing': 2 in an argon-filled quartz ampoul; then the radiogram was taken and photo- metrized in order to obtain the Cd distribution curve. 9he temperature dependence Card 1/2 EWP(q)/.EWT(m)/BD5.- ..,AFFTC/ASD'..- WW/JD S/0181/63/005/006/1620/2624 !ACCESSION NR: AP30012.81 AIJTHORS: Boltaks, B. I.; Pedoroviebt N. A, OV1. 4/ (0/ of Bi Aq TITM Rediffusion of;silver impurities from a solid solution POURM. Fizika tverdogo telap v. 5., nok, 1963,.162D-1624 TOPIC TAGS- diffusion, rediffusion,, Ags, U3, To) So, I, semiconductors. diffusion coefficient MSTRACT: The environing atmosphere during rediffusion of qi1ve impurities in semiconducting samples of bismuth telluride-bismuth selenide was investigated in order to discover the role of this atmosphere in the process. Preliminary data on this study were presented by the authors (Term-colektriebesldye svoystva poluprovodnikov. Izd. AN SSSRO L.t 1963) at II Soveshchardye ro tern. oelektrichestvu. !(Second Conference on Therwelectricity, February 1962). It 'was shown that an I oxidi ng atTAbIlGre facilitates. emergence of alloying admixtures to the surface of, - a - ple. ffusion coefficient of silver n he tested alloy was computed -ar USion r _i t ff proper c Siderat:r t of "' =M formed by bound impurities on 0_ sideration of movemin i(growth of the wide film),, and the value of this coefficient proved to ~e 10-8 The results thus found indicate that conditions for rediffusion iem2/sec at 300C. 6 d L, 17998-63,.-, ACCESSICH NR: AP3001281 01' silver involve not only oxidation of tbe,bismth tt'.Lluride-bisuuth selenide Q loy 1but also the possibilitTC of rapid diffusion to an interface. The introchiction! of' iodinc! 4Ato such an alloy imposes &-supplementary bond on the migrating silver, hingerin Its movement to the surface. Orig. art. hass 6 figures and 4 fo rwalas. MLSOCIATICN: Institut poluprovqdnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute ot Swid. BOLTAKS, B.I,; FEDOROVICH, N.A. RediffuBion of a silver impurity from the solid solution Bi2TO3 - B2303, Fiz. tver. tela 5 no,6:1620-1624 is 163. (MIRA 16-.7) I. Institut poluprovodnikov ig iSSR, Leningrad. BOLTAKSP B.I.; SHISHIYANU, F.S. Diffusion and solubility of silver in gallium arsenide. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.8:2310-2316 Ag 163. (-MM 16:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, LeniAgrad. (Silver) (Gal-Uum arsenide) (Diffusion) WLTAKS R DZUFAROV, T.D. Effect of local electric fields on thediffusion of' antimDny in germanium. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.10:2818-2824 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad, i histitut fiziki AN Az. SSR, bak-U. BOLTAKS, B.I.; WHAFAROV, T.D. Diffusion of gallium in inhomogeneous silicon. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.12: 361-1-3613 D 163. (~HRA 17:2) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. BOLTAKS, B.I.; SOKOLOV, V.I. Diffusion of gold in indium antimonide. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.3s771-775 Mr 164. (MIRA 17s4) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. s/olBI/64/006/005/1511/1519 ACCESSION NR: APho34936 AUTHORS: Bolttkss B. I.j Dzhafarovq T. D.j Sokolov, V. I-,* silishiyanus Fe S* TITLE: Diffusion and electrical transfer of zinc in galliw'a arsenide SOUXEt Fizika tvordogo telas ve 6., noo 59 19649 i5u-1519 ,TOPIC TM: solid diffusion.. semicomiuctorj, semiconductor conductivity, metallog- .:raphic ekamination, zinc diffusion, gallium arsenide ABSTRAC-*: The test material consisted of single crystal samples of n-type Gaks with resistivity ranging from 8010-3 to 2*10-2 ohmacm and of p-type GaAs with resistivity of 5~10-2 ohmocms Heasurements wore made by radioactive and 1'electrical methods. It was found that the Zn distribution in both types of BF916 1. ~as well as the distribution of current carriers introduced by the diffusionp .:depends on the boundary concentration. When this value is low, the concentration ..curve is described by erfe function. At boundary concentrations greater thm 40101Y cm73,, the concentration profile is atop-aikeo It was found that at high Zn 1/2 Corel- AccFzsioN Nits AM34936 concentrations the concentration of current carriers is but 115 to 1/8 the Zn concentration, The diffusion coefficient of Zn depends on the boundary concentra- tion. Metallographic study has shown that when the concentration curve for n-type GaAs is step-like,, polished sections show two transitionss p* - p and p - n. !In p-type GaAs, there is always but the one transitions p* - p. The authors have found that in the temperature interval 830-1130C Zn is displaced in GaAs in the f orm, of positive ionss the effective charge decreasing with rise in temperatures i;'i This decreaso follaws from the entr~%pmont of ions by electrons. The diffusion me chanism is thought to involve three diffusion current5p due to negatively charged ions in vacancies,, positively charged ions in interstices and neutral ';;Zn ions. Orige art. hast 7 figures. ASSOMITION: Institut poluvroyodnikov AN WSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconduc-' ;tors,AN SM) SUBHUTEDs 1ODec63 ~DATE ACQs 2OMay64 SHOL s 00 SUB CODSt EG No REF sovs oo4 OTHMI 00? ACCESSION NR: AP4041688 S/0181/64/006/007/1925/1929 AUTHORS: Boltaks, B. I.; Kulikov, G. S. TITLE: Diffusion of silver on the surface of silicon ,SOURCE: Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 1925-1929 TOPIC TAGS: silver, silicon, diffusion, transport process, surface diffusion, autoradiography ABSTRACT: Free diffusion and electron transport of silver on a sill- .con surface was investigated by an autoradiographic method in order to determine the kinetics of these processes. The object of the in- vestigation was single-crystal n-type silicon and the diffusion was investigated on the (100), (110), and (111) crystallographic planes in the temperature range 300--1000C. Ag-110 was used as the radio- active tracer. Two batches of samples (parallelepipeds measuring -3 x 5 x 20 mm) were tested with ground and with chemically Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4041688 p6lished'surfaces. The test'procedure is described. The results .show that the coefficient of diffusion 6f silver over a pc~lished sil- icon surface depends on the crystallographic orientation of the sur- face, but diffusion over a ground surface displays no such dependence. .The diffusion coefficient in either case has an exponential:time de- pendence. An increase in the dislocation density leads to an abrupt increase in the rate of diffusion'.of silver on the silicon surface, with accumulations of silver 'clustering in the regions with maximum dislocation density. Tests of the diffusion of silver in a. constant .electric field have shown that the silver on the surface is in the form of neutral atoms and partially in the form of negative ions. This, together with thedata on the effect of the dislocations on the surface diffusion,.points to a vacancy mechanism of silver diffusion on silicon. -Orig. art. has: 6 figures and.1 table. ASSOCIATION:.Ir Institut,*poluprovodnikov AN SSSR,'Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AN SS.SR) Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4041688 SUBMITTED: 20Nov63- SUB CODE:- SS Cord 3/5 DATE ACQ: NR REF SOV: 005 ENCL: 02 OTHER: 000 ACCESSION NRz AP4041688 At 3 r 0-d 1.0 1.2 1.4 16 1.4 10j aCLOSURFi. 01 Temperature dependenci of the coefficient '~of surfice diffusion of silver for 41.4f.e'rent crystallographic planes 1* (110, 2 -(111). 3 (100), 4 (110),(i11),(100' volume diffusion 1-3 polished*surfaces, 4 - ground All points are averages for two or three-samples A.CCESSIMI NR: AP4041688 aCLOSURE, 02 70- 50- rel. Effect of consmai at electric field on units the diffusion of silver over the surface 3,07 - of silicon 1 to anod6, 2 to c~athode 0 O.Z 0.4 x , cm Card cz Im i - th--concentrat,on-s _:.~vrsenlcle_ --ufth the aid: of zinc i_The~'_ Toct -of - annealing one mobility-ol' the:carriers vas, inwmtigated--in:n-4:~pe single cx7etala with initial q e -1,6ct r"on onc entrat ion 8 x' i6i'5 ~ cV- 2/V an- and mobility - 3700 cii -.tsec,. The nealing tMT--craturearanged from 700 to 1-200G, the anneal-,Ing duration was 7 houra,~ fl~ each temmemture,,~ -and tbe_coolinng rate vas 3DO.--kW deg/sece. 7he kimAics of the thernU con7ersion vas, studied by obnerving the displvevm ent of the p-region bounAarricz~ oi~:auring upon annealing of 71-type Ban-plea. The effect of annealing 15ard A L 525- 11,-5-6-5 ACCESSION IM: AjP501(Y7,0 on the carrier concefitratio,"I air-6 mbility is ~shovn- in Fig. 1 of the Rallo-muixe. The results, estabiLisiied, Unit' tb&mAl coaversion:ir, the consequence of dij.',Fiasim of ermO-~Icc ors from clustering point tb ert a (such as the ssurface or sfrtictural defects)l~ into. the volume of the'Cr7stal.- Vie data bbtained confirm the existing opinion that-the r~a-Ln cause- of: thermal -. conversio: .m, of gallim arsenide is the copper mmuri" ty.-- The possibility of extric-ting copper from gallitm arsenide with I.-Iric ald o f zinc vas: investigated by cdatirq,,,,c er-saturated . samples of gall 'L ex - OPPI m s nide wit athin leyer of zinc tmd'anneai sealed mmpaules.- The carrier dencity was T: determined:by the Ha.11 effect and the transparency of the samles -vmz i rv f., st I g, at e dj vith an iuftared micz6sccq~e. 7b6-- hole concentration decreasp I by severe-A orders 6i A. =grdtude a:Mer ann"ling at ~various temperem-'res. The re -Ats sho-wed tbr i" pmence of a tine lacer vik the surface id-ndered the tberm: convers-lo-n- Of -PW AS -WI 4~ad ~tjtUte 0 IM11 7 OIS L 29961-66 M(m)/EV4P(t)/E11 IJP(c) JD ACC NR: Ap6o12520 SOURCE CODE: W0181/66/008/004/1312/1314 AIMOR; Shishiyanu, V. S.; B. 1. 43 ORG: Institute of Semiconductors 19 AN SSSRp Leningrad (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR) TITLE: Energy levels of Ag and Au in GaAs SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telap v* 8p no. 4p 2966p 3312-1314 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide., gold,, silverp impurity levelp forbidden bandp tem- perature dependencep electric conductivity, Hall constw*y E4.sFeC.*e '6'qA--o ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (FTT v. 7, 1021, 1965 and earlier) dealing with the diffusion and capture of Ag and Au in GaAs. Thei present study is devoted to the energy levels which are produced in the forbidden band of GaAs when doped with Ag or with Au. A series of experiments was made on the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity and the Heal constant, making it possible to determine the impurity levels of Ag and Au in GaAs. The measurements were made at the temperature range 77-T70Kb The doping reversed the conductivity of the single-crystal n-GaAs samples to p-type. Because of the low solubility of the alloying material in the bostp it was necessary to investigate the e1ectr1c properties of GaAs against the background of thermal conversion. In Card 1/2 L 29961-66 ACC NR: M6olmo the case of Ag, an acceptor level was observed at 0.11 t 0.01 ev above the top of the valence band., as compared with 0.15 � 0.01 ev in a control sample subjected to thermal conversion by annealing. In the case of Au, the 0.15 level was observed .in the control sample, as well as two acceptor levels in the doped samples, cor- responding to 0.090 t 0-005 and -0.02 ev above the top of the waence band. It was also noted that when samples doped with Au and samples subjected to thermal conver- sion or doped with Cu are simultaneously annealed, the latter samples lose the 0.15 ev level and acquire 0.09 and -0o02 ev levels. The shallow acceptor level (0.02 ev) is unstable and vanishes on suboequent ahnealing. To observe deeper Au and Ag levels it would be necessary to use puer GaAs sanples, Orig. art# has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Nov65/ OPIG W 00V OM REF: 001 Card 2/2 ACC NR- AP?006199 (A) SOURCE COM: UR/0163/67/003/001/0026/0025'~ AUTHORi Kulikov, G. S.; Boltakso B. L; Savin, E. P. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut poluprovod- nikov Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIS: Diffusion of phosphorus through an oxide film in silicon SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 3, no. 1, 1967, 26-28 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus, silicon dioxide, silicon, physical diffusion ABSTRACT: In order to determine the causes of the masking effect of axido films on the surface of silicon, experiments were conducted on the diffusion of phosuhorus in oxide layers and also in silicon through oxide layers of various thicknesses. Dif- fusion coefficients measured for phosphorus in quartz as an analog of an oxide film on silicon, and also values of the activation energy and preexponential factor Do indicate that starting at 100010C and above, the diffusion coefficient of phosphorus in silicon dioxide is smaller than in silicon. The masking effect of oxide l'ayers on silicon during the diffusion of phosphorus (for moderate times) is due to a limi- tation of the concentration of the diffusing impurity on silicon under the oxide layer. This is caused by the =03 value of the diffusion coefficient of -phosphorus in Si.02 as compared to diffusion In silicon. The masking effect also arises in the diffusion of elemental phosphorus and when the source of the diffusion is phosphoras Card 1/2 wcs 546.iSI532.723546.28 ACC NRz Amoftqq Z)gntoxide. At 1100oc (source ta"rature 3230C) and a diffusion time of 6 hr* a good =asking of, loot is provided by codd layers 0.6 micron thi:&. Orig. art. bass 5 figures. SUB CODEt 07920/ SUHK DATZI 13D&a65/ OrH REFS OCY+ 2/2 Card -Z * ~4!5 tlo~/ ~ 0 0 J, /6 or 8 111 r VA 40 8 04774AOS! Q Z~ ~0* 0 0