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III PHII I. I H I III I V I F 111 11 VII em 01;W ng, Nay.,. gift iia -B 4 '4 .9 A tv a A. I P-A 3-4 oil 03 of us ?. . - P 4 I. gulp, * I I b. 2 a n! - -, ;,j " f CIO'- 8, "TUA ."I 1 4 r I zi 9 . Is -91 '10 -J' svi 204 !g oil 0 9 nju. t- a i i Le . :x. :g 0 ;8j 1 2 W Pin IS 'd A ja 4 IN -4 C P. ;St op, !q Oil BU gjam. h -1 SY~ I q"N J, V .04 Pb CV a SIR Vkl PRO ....................................................... . .......... . .................. TXMIOV, B. Spark arrester wIth a refloolmor. Poeb.dolo 6 no.8s28 Ag f6o. (NIM 13: 8) 1. Starshly Inspektor Vpravlosip poxharwy oMn%IW Vabokelmy SM, %shkout. (Traotors-41qulpmat and suppIlem) gp E~ ACCESSION NH~ AT3002170 V-?-. 1-Y AP! 2 aol~ww" TITLw etActri6 a The study of top 'SOURCE: AN Ukr RSR. Viddii kkinichollch puuk, Vcjpras~v '11963, 96.-!Lo4 J, TAGS: 'a ~Qp Pourin ott6m: Aectric steel, T- a__J~6& by: tfi4 :to~ -;M'f MOT 3 - he,: results hieribed~and comjiared, and the 4'dnntag 13 s of,!,tipp ir x o Th itain disadvant:ages bat in ' aro iscu ssed 4i Wditional equipment, (refractory nateriala-bot'Wil %I W_ eta _i hours, loss n 1 in cautina ctiannalp, ahd tholr:~4 tree from thes6 ahortawinCs, pro,,Iucos bettop miarogtrua aw~waation. 11"ever amenable t bottom pouirivg was,' pro Th-3 old me'thod iDf top ca:;,.ing ;resultod in sh:46~do;uuto r 'I an over4U cloaning of Aeols, requi w, a 0 1.1~iatal to tile b1c) "tom of tile moulir cause of J "M =,.'1!'7-77771, -T- f ~Iroig;r(; CiAya still-I. 1100 ~J~ing itliijtfiode ave do 4 ty'), "tqtt por2ring' are: 11~,s v( tj nore wov"114:i g~ fiij)tw 4)'1 Top pooting: Is f 4. ee 0 ~~, Ais'wore ~,red i4il recer tly. i 11~103tm 0rt'C'ace on alluir L~ lii~eitW;! a(Olf I -0.11011 lull III III 1'1~!! I- it- ~5 '4-63 1 7 *CCESSION RH i-LT3002170 Oe mould bottim. The new top-gouring pr; L~* 01! 141 oult ~tld ~Vata&' ill 1960. Thet forniation of aurface~daifeota waal I ~Gd'~ 40reitlii U'S M041de) 9 ivith spiacial gla a 9 fabric 64 by u6ing a cielptul 4 ~=~.Unt ~Q~ nip t(i~ Eagg in~ jauxllmge '411iis protected the exposed metal, surfau and~prev mt4d ito wii 4 *'Idj Aiakinv' T40 Authors conclude ~ that despite - an 8"10% lovi 6f ~ Tii llni:` w';r4 4; WIj, quality l~f StIlin- less steel was tiot affectndx VIA the now P:'ro'a-~Ve Or ttill is =01~' 'a,-~aind! that.At.~'. than produces the ~saae result ..61mpler, tAat it the botLom ourLng - Orig,,-art- Mas 2- t'ables' A SWCAT1011% ni~ne Ai -00' CAT &AC J~ ~1'941'Tf ED Qs '16101.6.'t 00 10 RUP SDV M0.1 602 SUM CODEj KL :004 fi~ V 3.A.; LUKIN, A.V.; MAK, A.A. ~ ~O -,- -F . I J Shortening of the lifetime of the metnatabis 2evel In a Q-modulated lager, Opt, i spektr. 18 no-2053-354 F 165. (MIRA 18 4) BALASHOVO I,F,; YEMMV.. B.A. Prequency characteriotico of photoelectric mltiplisro, Radiotakh. L slektron, 9 no.5007-909 'My 164., (MMA 17:7) 05449 SOV/120-59-3-20/46 and Mak, A. A. AUTHORS: Yqy TITLE: Use of Stora6e in Recording Flash Spectra Photooloctricall.7 (Primeneniye metoda nakopleniya pri totoelektricheskoy registratsii vremennykh spektroir svetovykh VSVYBhek) FARIODICAL: Pribory i takhn:Lk#A oksperimenta, 1.959, Or 31 pp, 94-197 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The system is illustrated by Fig 1 in which 1 is the pulsed (repetitive) light source, ~ is the grating monochromator, 3 is the photomultiplier, 4 is the amplifier, 5 is the delay line (with a symhronizing pulse input), 6 is the gating-pulse generator, 7 and 71 are electronic gates, B and 81 are stores, 9 is the output stage, and 10 13 a recorder. (The object of 71 and 81 is to improve the stability of the zero reading) The second section deals with the errors of measurement and with the choice of scan rate. The third section describes the units briefly; amplifier 4 is a normal video-amplifier with a rise time of 0.05 "ec and with a gain of 100. The amplifier is linear up to 3 V outi)ut, The gating-pulse generator uses a thyratron to discharge Card 1/2 a. delay line. Fig. 3 shows the differential output 0510 SOV/120-~59-3-20/46 Use of Storage in Recording Flash Spectra Photoelectrically stage, togather with theogates and stores. ~Ii$ 4 ebows the donteur of the 2605 A Une of Xe 13A at FA-IPrb ~aee -idter- the start of a discharge from 0.05 pF capacitor charGed to 12 kV; the integrating time is 10 see, with a repetitAon frequency of 15 c/s. The time resolu ion is 5 x 10- see; the wavelength reSOIUtiOn Is 1.5 A. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 3 western. ASISIOCIIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut (State Optical Institute) SUBMITTED: March, 24, 1958 Card 2/2 t t 25378 0/a9 61/011/001/007/olo C2/ tocoo B Y3214 AUTHOM Rostnvtoov, A. A., Iliin, Yu. L, DerdgovskLy, A. B., Tishin , V. G., Zezyulin. V. Yo., Yermakov. B. A. . .................., TITLEs )L two-dimensional 1024-ohamnel pulse-height anallaer of the We AMA-1024 (DRA-1024) PERIODICILt. Atomnaya energlya. v. li, no, 10 1961o 58 - 59 TEXTo The two-dimensicnal amplitude analyzers developed in the west suffer from certain shortcomirgo. For example, the one dnezribed In Ref. I allows only for a qualitative study of the spectruml those described in Refs. 2 and 3. though allowing fer quantitative study, have tvo-stase recording und the results can not be observed during the experiment.' These have same other diuadvantages,too; The authors of this "Letter to the Editor" have developed and constructed a two-dimensional J)Ulse.helght analyzer with 1024 charnalel it wears the designation DMA-ID24t It con- siste of a recorder block and two equalioorting Instruments "X" a" "Y" into which the puldes of the detectors are fedl theas are recorded oad processed only under cortai-n given conditions of coincidence. The anlyzer Card 1/5 25378 gC69/51/01 1/01/007/01o A two-dimensional 1024 chanr.41, ... B102/8214 channels are arranged In t he form of a matrix (32-32 - 1024). The channels of the magnetic storage syot*m (with ferrite nuclei) have each a capaoLty of 16,000 ;-aloes. The informations are madevisible an the acreens of two cattodo-rV tubes of the type 13JE037 (131,4037). The information Is repro- Dented an tAe screen of one of the tubes in a linear system with -1C% accuracy, aad on that ce thi other la a two-demodic 3yctom In the form of an opticall;r modulated point screen. The analyzer works with vacuum tubes and semiconductor diodes; In all it contains 360 tubes. The appurs- tus operates on a.c. =&!no (220 v, 50 cpa) and conouises 2.5 kw. Ito mix* Is 2000-90M00 mm. Tho appar&tua to easy to control, and has a ral-iable uninterrupt,ed working for 6 hours. The temporal distribution of two correlated processes can also be. studi-id with Its help. The figure shows 60 a two-dimensional spectrum of the Cc -d-- radiation iskon, by Metans of this apparatus. The spectruts shows three groups of possible coincideneos. tio n of the r-raWs with the Th* group of coincidences for compl to abo O energies 1.17 and 1-33 Hav in both :rysta, ph topeak) is represented by ri two Yortitses %M 1-33 XOT, said 1-331 1-17 Mov. ' The group coincidences for complete absorption in the one, and partial absorption in ths other crystal (4xyton scatterIng) is represented by four 'Iridgem* (phatop*ako - Card 2/5 25378 r A two-dimensional 1024 obd3nol ... B102/11214 C ompton). Thai group of coincidanoes for partial absorp4o'n In oaoh** :~two crystals, in repreaanted by the surface part designated "Cou;ton lu Pompton". Scintillation counters with photomultipliers of the type 43~Y% i~FEUIS) and Its.1 (TI) crystal of 30 = length and 20 ma height were o9ploystd, -f,)r taking the spectrum. The resolving time of the coincidence circuit -IlAaeo. The authcre thank Yu. 3. Zamyatnin e vtvc carried outj V. U. Gorbachev for discussion wid interest, at A L. 13ilibin for help.. There are I figure and 6 reforencesi 3 Soviet-I)Ioc "a aon-Boviet-bloo. The three references to Xnelish~lan ago publications gu -~"read an followas Ref.1a L. Orodains. Proceedings of the Becond United t Nations Inter. Conf orence on the Peaceful. Uses of Atomic Snorer. Vil- 14, Geneva, 1958, P'- 351- Ref.2v K. Dirk, T. Braidp R. Detombook. Rev. Went. 203 (1956). Rof.~a P. Cavanagh,- Boras. Rev. Scion%;. Ijilltxua.#~ 1028 (1956). SUBXITTZDs Apra 6, 1961 r ACC NR, AP=5019 SOUM CM.. 1M/63-W1V'*OW4'~W0380/0303 AUTM: A.; LO)dn Yerwl~M B. A. V., IMA. At; ORGO tione 1ITLEs Hanopulse. generation v1th.W2!u34" 67xtc"s 9 OURCE. Zhurnal Ieksperimutal'IncW i teo ,retichaskAr ftstki.- PiOm v redanislyu lit, lornothithlya), 11 v. 2) Tio. 8v 15165p *-383 TOPIC TMOO. solid state User# ]Azer g!j!St ANTRACT: . Tids As & contlimatitm of ear3ler, vork (Optika. A spe*vvskoplyu, v. 18, 35,5, 1965) lit Web s%ttAiment of nonopulse generatiou iw *he 2. rt=e4 reglon WM C8jj2,-,,Dy2,* Vets reported, 121 the present ~p"r the auWvio rto a talm -lit, of VIM maas 4i"ieraftan with Wztv's* aryaws it- And 2.1,n vialx4; an re cooled to 80-11. K b jet, of tatroo;en e)qerialental. 4etup in which the crystals aL at gaa from the liquid p1hase (Fig, 1). A nemitranisj*rent ai)&Urj% with vrflec- tidn COfIfICi4mt 11 - 0.95 � 0.6 ims deposited,. Qn one elvi Ofiho 0iyirtal. 11" cavity Switchibg iras by means of a roitatim tot*4 mit jiuirpajuv 1gr4ttilun vas symIxonlzed with a photeeleetrid Pylotat 0141)JOILto tho prism rotatilia at 1-2 x 104 ~qa. The cryaWls used vere 3.-3~ m In dlstt~6i;dr a~d'20-30 xjj JoM. The -radiaft,un treceiver van a Ce:Pu pbAoresist4ncep and tb6 jonert,4tiad energy vas ities- owed with a N)lonster. The monopulne UsiW &t xM - 2*Zl ~ ~.'uuu oj~ the throlo-level. +,ype ("g. la)p vith emission e=W 0.1 x 10-* J, cvrretq*OUr, a Mitle power of Lcard L 769 66 ~XC NRI ArWA)ig A Power.- y GUFPIY inantal setup vd-30' R -B Priam or". 4. x 103 IW. rn iseveml, mgratals M=Opulse 4-level, 90 64,-- 2.51 p) vao ob- tddnedo amarentlyp beemuse of the high co=W..-fttILon ciritim eAjt:j'qjLtor ,7,- in + teas$ Obs "hapa, of the Lee vu the aam an in ML9~ 2ad ~I The naldmum laser enesrMr ill the moaOWI-a mis 10-rl In this cam (pilgte pm(er ID4 v ,At W&L:uw $visa cua 2/3. I .111==t'.61Q, 1. Ilfl, AllalL, .1111 r", M&I AM 0.1,11w, ",l H 24M AUTHOM: TITLE: PERIODICAM SOIr/54-59-3-5/21 Vanyukov, 11. P., Yermakov, B. A*, Makg A. A,,,% Mu:ratovo V. H# Recording of the Variation With Time of the Contours of Spectral Lines in the Radiation of a Spark Dincharge Viastnik Lardngradakogo universitatao Serlya flzlki I khimiA'.0 1959# Nr !~, pp 25-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT& In the prosent paper a three-channel photoelectric apparatun fOr the recording - of the variations with time pulses of the discharge apectra is devc1oped for a wide intensity interval. The scheme! of the apparatus is reyrouentod in figure 1. The spectral d.ecomposition of the periodic disohargas was made by means of a, monochromator according to Eberth and Past with a plane diffraction grating for intorforences of first order. 7he grating was constructed by P*M. Gorasimov in the GOI Laboratory. Ih-Lring the recording the grating alowly rotated. It wan connected with an electron selfrecording potentiometer of the type EPP-0.9 over a synchronoun trananittor. The angular volocity of the grati oould be adjutited gradually from 60 to 122t 2.5, 0.50 and 0.1111/min. The 3'adiO apparatus consisted of three uniform channels permitting a simultaneous recording of Card. 1/3 the 3pectrum, at three different instants, i.e. the amplitude of Recording of the Variation With Time of the Contours of SOV/54-39-3-5/21 Spootral Lima i-n the Radiation of a $park Diacharge the pulso:o7atained at the outlet of the olect-ron trigger is proportional to the value average with roapat~t to time At of the signal. to be investigated for a given period of delay t 3 The pulsett obtained are thus modulated according to the s1pectral 1-adiation distribution of the pulse tiouroe for time t These pulgiee arrive at a collecting schemej subsequently at a 3' direct-ourrent amplifier, and finjilly at the nelfreco.-rding potentiometter, The three channels record in the time intervals 0,.05-0-45,48809 0-4-20/4isee, and 0.5-50,#j3ec. For the determination of the beat working conditions the time of adjustment; of the collecting element was varied. By means of this device line contours and also the nhift of the maxima to- ward 0.1 W. may be observed. The limit 6f~the time resolving power with time is 5-10-8 nec. In the fieuren 2-7 the contours of the spectral lines of nitrogen an& helium in spark clischrarge tubes are represented. Herefrom, it may be seen that the lines widen mainly in the first stage of diocharge (FiZ, 7) which indicates a Stark line widening. The maximun aincontration of G-ard 2/3 the charged particles is observed at the be3iradiig of discharge. W1111 Racording of the Variation With Time of the Contours D.C. SOT154-50-3-5121 Spoctral Lines in the Radiation of a Spark Dischargo It 'was found from the helium line 11 4686 1 that it is 1-10 Is CM3 . Also the arc aischargo spectra of helium could be recorded. The observed asymmetry of the lines could be explained by the direction of the line shift. There are 7 figures and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDt April, 14P 1959-~' 4rd 313 S/120/62/000/005/019/036 ZIL92/2382 AUTHORS: and Xhazov.. LeVe TITLE: A vidso-anjolifier for exponential pulses witha maximum signal/noiso ratio PERIODICAL. Priboryi takhnika *ksp*rimeAta, no. 51 1962. l1'? - 120 TEXT: The gain in the signal/noiso ratio (voltage ratio) at the output of an optimum filer, as compared with the ratio of a video-amplifier having a frequency charac.teriatic K(w), is wipressed by (L.Ae Vaynshteyn, VeDo Zubakov - Vydelrmiye -signalov na fone sluq*.haynykh pomakh (Separation of signals from random noise), 1960, Isd-vo Sov. radio):' XF P S. (1) dt It (0) 440 card 1/3 -3%P p""d 5/12o/62/000/005/019/036 A -Video-amplifier .... EIL92/9382 where S(t) is the inpdt signalt -a (t) in the White noise at the input," 9 is the energy of the signal, S(t max ) i's th,e maximum amplitude of the signal at the output of the video- amplifer and is the ratio of the signal/noise ration at the output of the optimum filter and the video-amplifier. Eq. (1) iis umed to determine Ple, for a three-stage video- amplifier with simplo RC at of of, tte input signal being in the form S(t) = 6/a - 6(e- - 0 The parameters a and 6 deternine the shape, duration and energy o f the pulse., The calculated results for various a/6 as a function of It 6 , where "r-' = RC , are illustrated in Fig. 1. This shows that at a certain value of has a minimum; - this depends on the shape and duration of the pulse to be amplified6 Time minimum to also observed in the came of a 10-stage coil- compensatod amplifier& The theory was Y*rified exporimentally by employing exponentAal pulses with a a 0*156 and 0.0 us , whIch was produced by a @postal Mon*tatore Card 2/3 s/i2d/62/ooO/003/0l9/036 A video-amplifter .... R192^389 The noise w& 'a provided'by awideband amplifier, who'so input rezeived the noise frots the load resistance of q~photomultiplier. The experimental reaults were in good agreement w1th the theory$ It was found* thereforo, that in tho'case of an exponential pulse the maximum signal/noise ratio can.b* closely approached not necessarily by employing An optimum filtor but by choosing a suitable rise tisrse of the amlilif*r. Thore arc 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt Gosudarstvennyy opticheekly instit t (State optics Institut.0) SUBMITTED: Decemb*.r 2, 1961 Card 3/3 1: _.MVW11, ?27-66 4WIT(MVEWPO) I L J_~ACC, -- R/ /112C MRs AP6015435 GOURiCE CODEV UFt/ DOME j_-j 1_13300-OXNk~" L*AQA~A 9* none i1cl nt of $cue Omilic.- Effe a of ati"te& dinission M the tr4nam1bg"Lan c c"!! a Is ~611,don S Ukis Optik'a -'L ipektrosk s'~Vo 20'0 no* 5, 1S66# 903 OP ya -90.5. IFTOPIC: TAGS I rulw laser, stlidatel anission, optic t1lansoli*, on, 4yo chemica.1t, or- gank; cyanate c*mpqun4 ABSTkCr: Experi~e ats:are -6ovductel to detdr-olpe how'mtich em msicm~ power den~sity Is reqt4red in the resonator of~-6 ruby%vUs3r for traneilluniiaati~ ti o itfar ous organic solutions. A block diagrami and-RHER description of, the exO mental equipment are 1 IF it L 6 11 givet. Curves am 'also givoh, showing the transmli.saion coef p.enVas a function of kOli4 dinethyl forma inci? radiation power for iinlutians oil vanadyl Phhthallo. 4~ Mid;i ~'~ kryptocyanilne'. in methe n61, vanadyl phtbalocyaMi1;-1,5FT 7"baA zone and zitconium pbthaiLlAocyaniine In a-bromonaphthalene. These curves shov thatit+an6mlssion of the approaches, 10096 at '4i~ power density of the ordor of i;qiverjl MW/CM2 wbich cur- 'Irwpceds, to energy, densities. 4;f 1017 quanta/CM2~ in a pericd lord._ 10-0' itec. This indi- catmi that transillumination -of specimens In this claosAs 6~AcalIy due to transt- '17 9, 115.0014#14 UDC: 621.. C" J/2 I'l idfl 11M Hum Ij;jj!-fj,jj;j! ~zq 11,11 111 1 ~I -- - ------------ ---- --- --- ----- ------ (z L 27779-66 SEC (k L-2 IFAA PU) EW /Ex PWALM) -I~T -ACC NRs AP6015592 RUIIYRIKG- SOURCE Colm i UR $68/d-61004/005/0410/0414 tu'klno A. none TITiA.- Hwhan$r vesponsibile for- clearing of :organii: Ohotot~4)pic!shutters uind in j 1wilkladnoy up@ ookopliq v. 4 $'not Sj 19$ 1 4104t4 TOPIEC tnft Is ser, Pi Ug~ IW*61..Ptlon ithalocryanLne # phot6t" ": ~ ABSIMAM The authors conoider 1.1'eversible bleadbilig.''. Ift dim unde;:: th(9 lo, offict of powerful light pidses throdgh a solution of vanaft I --v an ino Yin Mtro- benceve an two wavelengths.lylng within the abg*rpticn n&ifor Wi; soluti A block diagrus of the experlojental setup Is shovm in the flglWe. )tn the rezo~ator of thi ruby laser ivirs ~a blebathabWt :.-ubborber,Aij-'.(s.,I 'ol~ttiou:- oi krypLocypnine Melthanpl), fahd- cell o4 , j MIW4 wlth2 :11 beminte tbq:k placie *3 wavelenigIthei 6149.34 no and 74S e1i (due td'ijW'm&W Raman scattering, In benzene). The eniorgy of tIUs puLsa -sbtiL A=74S' viku xats about 1~% Of 7ttle. . e-nerigy on the ruby Imet -outpOt- Kixtachrixatic "ea, were d4vected:towavd cell 6 with the solution to be stadled, thraugh am attenuating: filter, seledix-ld In ~Wch a way that the intensity of 4mlasion an US mV is insufficient to lAss thr6ugh -thei solutIon. The UDC: 1521.1~5,9 1/3, ---------- 71TIPH11 H.Mwell 1H 1, 11 144"'Imli'l I! -11:wl Iu tillm I I --L 21"9-66 .,AC N 91060 Wl! 1; fttter; J"rUby d~ysta 7 0 mirror 1! stith bonzene; 3-4opaque 9--output with solution 9--sot of light filters; to lbe studied; ?j 8--rotatliag mirrOr io rAdiation p4saii thmilgll Cell IT and set of A? neutral ftltero'! "111; livected to theinput Bilt 'of norm -4 tuned to a WaVe- tor )MA llength,of 745 viii( Aw MO-29 photomulti- plLeir WS plactAkbehiii I the outpt~t slit of, thil :moii~lihi~mat-Wj. mid ~if~i nignalitlrom;tbe photo tube was' IM' iiji 'Jyy an OK-17M dacil- 1=rd I 7aphi When the set of i te utra J.: filters was placed In fv~jt of - ~,ho cell (position ti I)ass thrWgh the Oland the emissloti intenUity ov 1=694.3 op itas mot sufficl~41,nt Sol sal was TeCO ded on A--745 mu with an anplituji~ of that of the lition, a pul I pubse produced whem the solLution was exposed to radiaticni jfcth Arl 911.'2 Lylu with the set' of. filters 7 1h position 1. The results showed cleariii~ -of plithalacyanive solu- tions throughout the entim aboo"Ption band during exposurb ito JAense monotbromatic ~j g . r radiation, A themetical cxpianation is given for the clei"I n ffect based on chang- es In poplilation In a thM44-lavel model for the slolutibn. ~%is thrpe-leivel model for conj 2/3 nz -,no It t I, CE11 X ITE -,.AP5001816 as aillatli DO 4~dcn- In Av~ INIC OTIRCE. 142M 1, 64 3-mt(116- ~T F, -19 A TAGS: s ir, gas lia gthi$ra ave: m~~.t vith j,hig6er. L~ 41:cs or .1 vlane mlrrors ~,4161-tcl' cObviar t -t44 -,V1,60retic~S.11r by,:Xt, A 4 V41 0 x-11A. P. -I y,*. ir ;r d fow W10'a ~60ili. I I rwth 7-60 a - -.1 11 Iq Jid ltzad I f1aal; 6-Ift t thC-~ 0 1, E);) 9. 0 1), r-U. r4jil r.-M 1" ro -ra , ter of t1ki m 1$ 11; f A. C;C lt~ LA ~.7 ,t ~uvt vIP ti*c olm~av !Tj] epi'l 1 I(T L alo Ir i till AjoO:, pr 11963)1- va roAly me tv 1; 411! jl.ti d C. 1 118i *I 61C a ~E 4 j E06 ION--- Wv' ~50.61616 7 .y1th i t vi: L -Siam (,'f the j(,LV lie cia 1w o4i -AZ .1 1, .1 M, ices -_tbLi 'CO)"LOWL j; - I I I ALI 46, 1 061" d, r 4a 300~,,Hl ~A:-41004 i"Autrid. 4;..16~ s beLat Ail ta VIN the :.!,64;~i I '26"Fil ptill 0 a* frecLI.Aosnic bcatvo~au :14o 17M.3dail 1& > a C~ -'the and 21. 1 fii~~ CP r relocity "of ligh Jim: ~jj:e W. L ; e$ Has re1'e;1oxV,, T114 f r, vad:i b~, tb~r dutttoru+ are, aot ~ iiiLg~ii~ M t 1114!1* ti*fj~611 L 61 it 4go -4, 4 NH'64 ;!; ~ 4 he, !:,~l j. flai Mi-6r J1 addlt ~~4 ~~t ".Iran ~kQt ra 1~tii ho'. F_ j I Hoi NI 1q it 7:j 8 ON UR IP zi iV f s an cc CO I,ough th i :;v,o- 2.4 a P~ 1. f 'he (':aj, oil t u t qa L 1 74V t h CuOrt --bo COUZ31A0~2'ed 0 M; v f a~t6 .4, j t, e, 14 if tIW 5 1 TCJ 0 It I; U, I u Q11 kt (11 ~1 -i; trort uch :-6rt-- the- Mir, xe~ CIL, ic-.6m)1~1itatti , :It~j PhOi 11C 0 1*~Lras, t .0 po?ss1,bU1Jty of ril 00 111 di Ili 4~ r: 11"~-l tu t1eq I% IVTI.~ ~mll fit cl 1~11 c1t 'f JLDk6(:-t:, ind"icas The vit I Pi r i OW a; i,a il- ip~xpqe mIM ~Gv:'Itfr Ana V, v 51.] iklr;L'1~061'1 Slp X, tabll FT- rAT T 0 x ~4dmist ij 041" FTED; P At' !AA i6! I i, ldi:i 10 If 1 "23 5r.7 7: if LA rA"( ta WR J!Tt f h(A-411h APS 1601: i54:- L~ki i j'AtoAt ye ~~r :;:I Re ac ng -Matlileable I Ykcg-.i Up Ika, ~~ttofskop.f *1c, hmik P_tastabl~' eveviarviia ~w 'ild A ~J~ idn-4 It iild4ii- a'tor .3pQ 14~r . t ivic fie BSTRA(M. Stored __P_x~iitat ton .6h kr&:" jfx4o A L e q Ale''IX:evell'- when 0 idb 1614-t. on ~~e'! 1163,10n. Nil! Ioul ~'eii 1~ 0 ~t- L or the 1'1~f; ta- ~ei~! t~~'y 11c InT Lj_- I'--- _ _-,_._.__ .-- - __ -1, _ ".00 f -0- -vas-cquai ba e d6tably, it~~Ule J~eve~' 11 - ;i 16 ILI, f- i jil!- 6E. -stiitd~ t j6pe~ddixe a h ted aWq i;:, e1;' twi t j ; I link 16!t# -ii'l F1 f d6 C~irmlt't~d Aed ~xaw4~tfdn% and: on !the p;Q U.1a k-A 0 if 'Lad jcj Listz~mt. y -11'd: -sa-1 ~rd ter ~the 2 4'c ec7iy 4~~ Lq~~ :'OnsIdOtralyly -smaller: than the Uf eitlci!.~ P'qj' id! pg'ad:!p c The re lure4aai t'~ittiLs' ini'L'. z 4b L6 val. c tit dt.-I ld;cay sults obtained 41bow thd#-, the etatili pi1113t ';T`4'djS lie. 1,t,eAs;eL-cons:1derab1y v'6en the lid a ~61 n~' 4s: ---:L f1gu H _,-I . Lww inshentor; 3ADOMMY. V.P., tokhaik. Adjustment of obain grates for anthracite. Uorptik 4 no.6:14-15 is 1.56. (" 9:8) (Boilers) Y19RAM. B.P.. laxhomer; RADCOMIT. T.P. 4m- maim Using mthroUts dust. Wwl.-sWlpr~w.22 w.600 '56. (KRA 9:10) lolialtakly 11"Isboyno-shlyway kemblast. (CofOL, Palwarlsed) (Bollem) TMMKOT, B.T., lashenfir. Ano"-waW W . .i4-~- Itsou'ring filter press cloths, Xasl,-sbtr.prou.23 no.1:38 '57. Wu 10: 1) 1. Vinnitskiy lboloboyno-shirevoy koubinate (Filter Presses) Y-EMIAKOV, B.F., inzhener. ""~~Wmcxl feeding of coal Into boiler furnpoes jot the ZPTcrozhljre Oils wid Ynts Combine. Knel.-shir.-orom. 17 no.l?:21-22 D 152. (341IF1 10:9) 1. Zaporozhnkiy maelm-shirk6mbinat. (Boilers) TEUIMW,, B.F.p insh.; lt&WTAp k.P.0 insh,j VMER,, E.0,1p in&, From the work aqwrience of VImdt~& 011 and Fat, Coubize. Awl.- shir.prom. 28 no.12M-28 D 062., (MMA l6ti) 1, Vlmltskly wislow4rovoy kombizat. ftdrogenation oils mW fats) (11nnit") (e)/E.WP(t ~~ETI W11'/WW/Jl) AP6015587 SOURCE CODEt UR/0146/66/009/OdYi-6'.'~iY/-01-257 AUMOM Ispiryan, It. A.; Y*rm#-2Z"A"X^4,VWV$h4v,, go A, ORG: Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and 2alce (Lenlngrada~iy.J,nstitut tochrmy mkhaaLkL I optLkL) TITLE:, An mm-am beat source for hith !Mrsturs' research BOURCC: IVUZ. PribarostroyenLye, v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 123-125 TOPIC TAGGs bL.-b temperature research, electric are, anon, beat ASSITUCT: Data are given frai exparimental tests of an -we source with a power of up to 20 kv desilgned for theraqphysLeal research (see figure). An electric are is struck between electrode I (the cathode) and nozzle 8 (the anode) mbLch beats the ar- gon injected Into the nozzle eavity through aperture 6. This results In jet 4 which is the source of host. power is increased by using an additional copper or graphite nozzle 0 to which a po' ive potential is applied after Ignition. The arc is struck by introducing Amaphitrar twigsten rod 10 Into the cavity of the first nozzle 3 until it makes contac-tia"W-Rectrois 1. A graph Is given chowing the specific thexual flux of the zutput jet as a functlim of the electric On-or of the source. The heat flux 15 m from the cutoff of the ~mstput nozzle Is 6 .4*106 w/62- for an argon floor Tate of UDC: 621.365.2 L 29711-66 ACC ML NGO15567 to. 7 *Ueve,- 3--first noxale (anod*); 4--jet-, laput; 7--water IhWr&, 9--wand 10--~Ite or twSaten rod. X0. .2 'S '6 k 1.77 %3AP. Thi -tesperatum of the jet ji at lowt - 70000K It dmid be possible to Inmems the Power of the source still further by using additional aaW". Opts# art. bew 2 tipma. .90 Coact 20f SUBN DATE: MaGIV OUG Uri 003 2/2 POGODIN,A.A., lashmwr,. 39]A!101,1.1.; ISOMOW.B.M., lashoser; BUUOF,V. I., ladmm. lqpvdwtloa of blitsprists withegg sWing (traclog) Test. wash. 35 no.6:7-5-1!kl Jo 155. (Kim 6: 15) (BILsawatims) TERMAKOV B,S.;,-YERMAN)VA, V.Te. getting of advontitims roots in the psen cuttinp or gra"ll) Divill OUT. 14to side no,,55s"-106 IfA. (NIRA ISt 1. Moskawskaya sellskokhosymystvanniWa aWemiya imeni K.A. Timiryaseva. alffok, -1,,; MWOV, D. ;" [Factory and locaIL comittes control ov*r housing constimetion] irontroll FM nad thillishchoys stroittlistyou. Isd. 2-*, ispr. i dop. Nosims, Prof!L$,Ut, 1953. 87 P. OM 7:11D) YRTO(AYAV- a 7. IM4000- Utilive all ~$ to spwdmp bowl" constreettem. S*V.Prof"Oluty 5 ike.6,11-114 Is "M (NUM 10-7i (Bowlm) Inspoktor Give every potivible help to Individual construction projects. Sqv.profsolurr 7. no.10:22-24 My 959. (RIM 12--9) 1. Zht11Ohchno1Ttqvoy otdol Tsesoyusnago toontrallnodo onvota (labor and laboring clasues-Dwellirigs) Neat, Stemis fWblmW A* 52 Xngirmerift lkwnstruction OZ the Flov Sectlon of a Obew Ttm!A4_-j " P, A - Yermakov. VP - Mtripunov, T. Dplgov, Engineers, GH Pbsenergo, I. D. lqamwlrit- skly, Cand Tech Sai, G. N. Xhrusbehev, JhW,,.Lmb of Steam Turbines, - VTI -"Zz -v~s Teplotakh Z=tlu So 6.. pq 24-27 Dastribes ebanges in desiga of turbine to iscreamm --tta-effiaiency an&-liduce, conauqftdm~of _tb94_r_&ttmc aX-Twito 480 g/kvh., izmik bidlC-,ft' Siesens-Shuchert 50,,000-kv turb 'Vag 231*-T 1930-31. ReIPLI&tiOn BUBO WIth 9M 19 reaction stages were redesigned. Testi ifi*j" decrease in beat rate * 4.%. Turbine cm*ity VMS -increased to 52, 000 kv at same mz stawmte U='OVA D, A,j fa~.; KOVAILEVs YU* N., Eng, Kashira Hydroelectric Power Station Kashira electric power station is 30 years old. D. A. Yqir=Jwv, ru. N. Kovalsv. Elek. ate. no. 7. 1952. gLssitn Accessions, Ubrary of Congress, t4ovemloor 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. NQ&V&U Lbt of F GOWITCVt A. S.; 27MAKOV, D. A. Electric Power Plants Thirteenth anniversary of the sclentiric and practical utivity of the Kashira Electric . Power Station In collaboration with the All-Union Thermo-TechmIcal 1113titute. Izv, VTI, 210 Fo. 6j 1952. 9. Monthly List of lbassian Acipossions.' 1 . Library of Congress, October 19M. Unclassified. VASILOUT. I.&; USINOV, V.I.; KALININ. G.A., KUVAXIN, V.P.; MADVIUV, A.?.,- ]PAYTILWICH. Ya.,A.; IMMUNOT, V.P.; , redaktoir; MOV, A.P., riklaktor; OSTROVSKIT, hAVOKAT40 D.D.0 rodaktorg nIDXXN, A.M. 0 tokhnichookiy rodaktor Clkpwrlence In operating the Kashira l4droelectric Power Station] Opyt okupluatateill gushirskol aMe Moskva, Goo, energ. iud-ifo, 1956* 179 p. (mmi 9:9) (fashirik Pydroelectric Powor Station) QSORGIYEV , Pran Georglyevich; ZHARKOVSKIT ~ Danill VladimirovIckt; TRZYIIAS, A.B., doktA)r sollkhoz. naukp prof., rateenzent; SUMV, V.P,j Alrand, takhm, nauk# retue-nzent; LIF-Ow 110), D.F., red.; ZE31110.* H.M,,, takhn, red, (Puelp lubricwts,, and waterj Toplivoj mazocbrwe mate- rialy i Yoda; uchebwe posobte. Minsk, Goo izd-vo Sol,- khoz. lit-ry BSM, 1963. 234 P. RLEA 16:12) (F-Lel) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Water) 3-4 KG_ 66 /,~Iz t Vr ACC NR1 AP60184b3 SOURCE CODE. UP,/0051/66/0:!0/00;i/li)83/1085 AUTHOR: Gonchukov,, S. A. Yermakov, G. A. ; Hikhnenko, G. A. ; Prottet.,Po, Ye. D. ORG: none _25 TITLE: On the problem of temperature effects in an A;;1W_JAaaz_1;2 -SOURCE: Optika i spektroskc,piya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 1083-4085 TOPIC TAGS: gas laser, laser emission, discharge t0a 2 MF41011rl Adroa 0..? "; Z)/" -~s,vr ABSTRACT: The variation in,the power of an Ne-He lavcr under constant pumping during the first few minutes of the discharge excitation is investigrated. Thir variation is obviously due to the heating up of the tube and the variation in the concentration of the neutral atoms in the gas mixture. When the tube is fired, the gas pressure riaes somewhat. The heating up of 'the tube decreases the rumber of particles in the working section and varies the temperature aad concentration of electrons in the discharf;,e. These changes, together with ',:he varying particle velocity dintributf.011, affect the magnitude of the pqpulation inversion and thara4y The outptit power of th,:! la.;er, The output power is platted as a ;Function of pressure and as a function of ti-,P- concentra- tion of unexcited a-toms with varialus wall teinperat-.-es. The exper,intoiital. inethod, con- ditions, and equipm1%.nt are described. Posulto ahow that there in an optimurn concontrell-& tioyj at which a peak power iis obtablad Mgardlean of the tompovatur", oiid tilat the POW-1- COM 1/2 UDC; 621.375.9:5105.096 dill 1; L 34800-66 F_,~CE-CNR, __J~MiSW~i er output is temperatum--ciependent. Reasons for the variation in power o7itput' are giv- en. The authors thank A. N. Orayevskiy for discussing the zvzults. Orig. art. has: 2 figu,,es, 1141 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Dec65/ ORIG REF: 001/ (Yrif REF: 001 "ATD PREESS11,~-igg,l D. L and 110VAMMOLT S. V11 r *611 D,!::I. -Ur"WV WAAd T he neir television broadcasting standArd 130ST 7 5-55t whic Ita t 84 h propared by the [,zientific Research Institute, Ministry of Camunica- ,tions. and approved ort 31 December 1955 by the C=uittee on Standxw-dsq. HeaOures, and bbasurimg Inatrumats., preacribes the ro1lowing parwaet*rt ittTV broadcasting piractice: number of lines per frame (625), widtil at rafto channol (a toUl of 13 Me,, of which 6 mc video channel, 0.25 14c audlo chanm!l), methods of scanning, polarity of transmission, modulam. #04 methoda (AM for vidf o transmission and FX for audio), radiation 104 :UW1ty (hor.'Lzontal for electric field), the bl%ck level, the separatil~d -of audio and video carrier frequencies, and others. The picture rat.1c, was fixed at 4 to 3, with a reservation for a ft- tom change of 11 to 6, so as to conf orm with motion-picture standiirdisi "The resol-fing capacity of a 111V system determines the geometric i"ition of the ivLge, JL..e., the number of sinall eleSents- n in each. from discernible to the e3re, which in turn de- nd on the pe number of silan U-iia Z, niniber of ftelds per second n1) and the width of the pass-bai* ,A At-- Ue rout on 1~ !*"Aft 'XC=14P ind 414: Maws; advii Xotjz(~.#). -nijiun tit ity1j, I i timiIjIllil I III qLI;1I I glirl I I I I I IjAuq, A" 041 L1024 ~Wrizooo Oak lines, reipor-ctively. vhAe and frame scan fly-back c- ..-S(acd~are relative duration of lina req* K Is a factor wbich takes into account the lose of resolution Ver tically,, caused by the line structure of the raster. -~)OXO-Ti+0.16 to o.l8'f?.O.OT4 to 0,06, andi, nl!w~o Genert.lly,, K, (l I according to the new standard. For a special case, vhen the vertical reaolutibn becomes equal to ~'jj6~horizorrtal, the expression forAf bacmes 2 J an& 11 mlilil~lliii 00) --i5.0666y: tivtly. Ac.- 6 ing to the new standards, the power Intake of the audio channel igs frm 25 to 5% of the video channel. The video signal is azkplitude jm~i- u.lated,, with negative polarity and suppressed lower We bond. The audio channel has a band width of 0.25 W and Is frequency-modulated, Vitu maxim= permissiII5.1.0 frequencty deviation. of t5O 11-~ MAIAMP Y*#w-;-M-WMNWV Olllgl*-b"n I;wo-&"wy pyrowtor faii slawring flow teigoratwo, got Optoo i spektr. 13 uo.4159"~ 0 !oe, (MM 16: 3) (Pyromaters) POTASKNIKOV,, Fedor hitroviah; MYAWOY. N.V, red.; S12,1RDFA,, A.D., SSXM*14mo .Eff,qu-sing constractIft dope V worlare and *wgoy"s themselvool Straltelletvo 4*iW* Ollamd ratochikh A elasMehohlkh. lid-vo llelM~Proflsdmt, 1958, 60 p.- (MIRA 22:13) 1. ]kO*tnW *Il4#bA%W-WtGTQp O~d*la Yeasayusnogo beentrallnogo ove" iW~-(f or Potaishullcovo t& profmoya Termakow). a (Construction Industry) MISMIKU, 7edor Potrovieh; YXRMAKCT. Dwitriy vasivreviah; tiRi3wr. 0.F., red.; (KIMMMOTA, A.A., U - [trade =Ions control of the cometructlan of spartwnt haumis and btdldlngs serving ematural and publIc wedsl Untroll profivioLuzov sa shilishchnym I kallturno-bytovyis strolUllstvam. lbekwa, lud-vo V?gSPS, Profivdat, 3.959. 100 P. (NMA 130) (Trede unions) (Constractlon Industry) VOLCOOKO, Ivan Foulch, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YXWWOV,V.L., redaldtor; M010TI.A.-F., teMnicheshy rodaktoOl"'Of" (Using undergrocad water for Irrigation and water supplr) Impoll- savanle podsom:qkh vod dlis, oroshenlia I vodosumbxhonlim, Isd. 2-oe, dop. Noskya, Gcjs.Isd-vo selkhos.lit-ry. 195-1*,-. 327 p. (NLRA 9:2) (Water. Underground) . I I - - e ) 1~4-A~7 ~T / ~, I ~) (l/ /-- Y j I ..- Oxygen therapy In treaticS secarlasle Invenstoris. Kiedmparm!t. I parms.bol,svpp]L~nt to no.1:66 157. (Hat 11:1) 1. Is sanstortys Olostse UkMroatrakhmovets., (MMI-zm"Amic un) (ABCABIODS AND AMIUSIS) KUDINOV , V. A. ; KEDROV; S. S. ; _~W~UUKO~VG. A~. Vibration of doublo-Dided vertical boring and turning 2atheis. Stea.i Instr. 112 no.6:17-18 Js 161. ' (KMA 2416) (Lathes.-Vibration) BELYAVSKIY, V,Yeo; YERMAKOVI, IG.A. Difiporsion and mixtig equipment u"d in the paint indui4ry of foreign countries. Lakokras.zat. i ikh prin. no.2.-75-83 164. (MMI 17:4) YINAKOV, G. L. elektromakhanik 1~ Una Joint operation of " and ATS switelfboards. Avtom., telell. I avlas 2 no.4:35--36 Ap 158. ()aPA 1-2:12) 1. Aytomticheskmya telefonnsy^ avyasl, stantalya Oryazl YuV)-Tostochnciy dorogi. (Teviphorte) (BlectronIc circuits) GOLUBEV, Geurikh Aleksandrcvich; D"YAKONOV, Valsiliy Fomich; EUMTSEV, Beris Ivanovich; MURMANSKIT. Feliks Ilikolayevich; NASTAY, Napoleon Napoleonovich;TWAKQV,,ij.G.j, kands fiz*-Aktem.nauk, retsenzent; ZIMBTSOV, M.N.,prepodairatell, retsenzent; R7BALTOVSKIY, N.Yu., prof., red.; FRISEW p Z.S.,, red.izd-va; STULICHIKOVA, N.F., tekbn. red. (Problems in nautical astronony] Zadacbnik po morekhodnoi astronomii. Leningrad, Izd-vo wMorakoi transport,"1963. 287 p. (MIRA 1711) 1. Arkhange'llskaye morekhadnoye uchilishche (for Zlprqbtelov). W~rdpmim All 1JEW 1 4 fjjjI LIM I 7m- lkt -F1 PIANO I N. I PNIUM! F, FIIII:k 1!1I.! I- f FIN .11!11 pill I uw 25-11-10/28 AUTHORs Yermakovp G.V.# Chief Engineer "Glavatomenergo" of the -XI n I My-fo-F-P over Plants SSBR TITLEt The Mighty Power of Atoms (Noguchaya sila stoma) PERZODICALs Nauka I Zhisn't # 119 1957, pp 17-22 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The first atomic power plant In the world started operating on 27 June 1954 in the Soviet Union, it has a capacity of 59000 kw. For this achievement the Lenin prize was awarded to the Member-Correspondents of the USSR Academy of Sciences D.I.Blokhintsev, N.A.Dollezhalt, A.K.Krasin, Doctor of physico- mathematical sciences and on V.A.K&Ilykh, Doctor of technical sciences. In the course of the sixth Five-Year Plan the con- struction of huge atomic power plants with capacities of about 400,000 kw is planned. For experimentO Purposes the power plants to be built will be operating with atomic reactors of several types of up to 200,000 kw capacity, utilizing fast and slow neutrons and neutrons of intermediate energy. They will have moderators of graphite, heavy and ordinary water. Water, gas or metal cooling systems may be used. Furthermore the construction of a reactcr utilizing thorium is planned. A big Card 1/3 atomic power plant under construction whose firist unit is to The Mighty Poirer of Atoms 25-11-10/28 produce 420,000 kw)will in 1960 form part of the united power* system of the European part of the USSR. This pover plant will be operated by water-water rnaotors. The theoretical and experimental research conducted under the supervision of academicians I.V.Kurchatov and A.P.Aleksandrov proved the efficiency of water-water reactorn which are of aimple construction and economical in the uoe of nuclear fuels The plants will consist of two blocks, each compritsing a water-water reactor with a heat capacity of 760,001) kw and three steam turbines of 70pOOO kw each. The activit zone of the reactors represents a metallic basket-like container with a diameter of 3 m and a height of 2o5 m in which the heat- emitting elements are fixed according to a special system. These elements are assembled in bundles each of which is installed in a zirconium tube. The weight of nucloar fuel in each reactor'will equal about 40 toneg of which 23 tons will go to the share of enriched uranium containing twice as much inotoys 235 than natural uranium. The remaining 17 tons of fuel will be dioxide of natural uranium, By applying zirconium tubeep a coefficient of 0,8 can be reached at the beginning of the operation period - and at the Card 2/3 and about 0.7. Thus per kg of "burnt" fuel (fissionable nuclei The Mighty Power of Atoms 25-11-10/28 of uranium 235) 750 g of a new fuel - plutonium 239 - will originate from "non-fiesionabloll uranium 238, During the operation of the plant six pumps cause the circulation of distilled water under a pressure of 100 atm in the first circuit. About 30,000 ou m of water heated to 2500C Pass through the reactor every hour, reaching a temperature of 2750C in the active zone and are then directed into six steam genbrators, Per hour the six steam generators will produce 1,380 tons of dry saturated steam at a pressure of 32 atm. Thero are 8 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 /-S le'< v / Tq JENIMIEP 4YermKV, G.V.11 MlWNOSp S. (trimalatorl I - -- 4aive .. Tapes of atomic power pl"ts built in tho Soviet Union withim the 6th Five-Tsax Plan. Jade&a energie 3 n.:),6:190-192 Je 157. AUT1i0h: Yermakov,__G.V.9 Engineer. 1o4..2_)./38 ' _problems in the design, of atomic power stations. (Vorpr~)sy TITLE: L - proektirovaaiya atomnykh elektrostan-tsiy) PERIODICAL: "Elektricheskie Staal&~ (Power Staticns), 1957v Vol-28, No.2. pp. 1. - 9 (U.S.S .R.) ABSTRACT: One of the main problems of modem technology is the utilisation of atcaic energy. Conveational fuels are rapidly being used up and atomic energy will soon be a.~riui-Ted to take their place. It has been decided to build a nuiber of atomic power stations during the h Five Year Plan. Capitalist coun.tries are also developfv 01 atomic energy., the 46 IN Calder Hall station bi.-ing opened in 1956 and another 12 stations are due f or constitiction in Enggland, whilst in the USA it is prop- osed to build.,05 atomic power stations with a total power of about 700 MW in 1957 - 60, 1. This article considers a number of quer~tions arise in the design and construction of atomic povier stations considered as power unde37t;akings, it does not deal with the design and manufac,ture of equipment for them. The ar**cle is arranged as f ollows: Choice of construction site; Atoud.c. power stations need not Oat* 1/6 - be located near a source of fuel and tliey will, in the first io4_ Problems in the desigft of atomic power stations. WI/08-) place be built in regions without a local fuel suTiply. It- will, therefore, be possible to dintributi., indastry =ore -an-1- formly over the country than at present. If bbloe;ical safet-y can be dnsured atomic power stations will be very convenient for t1le supply of heat to towns as they ave of hiCb~ar effici- ency -than condenBing atomic stations and do not contaminate t1le atmosphere with combustion products. However, in the early stages, special precautions will be necessary because of -..he possibility of' discharge of radio-active E;ases to -the atmos- phere, including the creation of health protective zones bet- ween the power stations and living quarters. Determination of output and selectioA of main eguipment. Just as wi hermal stations Irge atomic pol;;er stations are more econoinic than small ones. The smallest convenient size of reactor is 200 MW with turbo-generators of 100 MW and mom . Special steam turbines will have to be designed because reac- tors produce eteam at lower pressures and temporatures than do existing boilers. Fuel fired supex.-hoaters are x-equired if very afficient turbines axe to be uso(l. Howevor, apeclal superheater reactors or eadbined evaporatint,.-; and atiperheatinG reactors hold promise and one will be included in a power Card_2/6 station being built in the USSR. Problems in the design of atomic power statlon.-. Reactor installations. The m- actors discux;,-*f,-~ a T I e 7 i only for power supply and not f or the prodii ci- c~-- Four stations are being built each witli 200 111,tif of them will have heterogeneous reactDrz 111 d It e r under pressure as moderator. The, sta:I;ions wili tI.I-:- bines of 70 UW us-j-nb satunated steam at 2a, at--., !3rv-,s-ri.irr, in the primarj- water circuit being 3.00 atm. -u -v bloc V -~'I associated with three t xbo-genei-ato c ircu. :lating systems. The water in the rjr-idat3:~.,- c-L-~,uii i!:7 blown doxm to avoid exwssive radio-activIty e,-! steam is to the system and radio-actl,;-~ -ve held in long term stoi-aSe. The second type of pover station uses as the huat is romoved by distilled water aiO, steam, of reactor i-s very similar to that In tho llirot -:tilil OC the Academy of S'cLonce. BecaUSO Of 61 Lhe primary steam the ISCICOMDIVY jIteaIll Sjjj~)Lj)]JL~(j t~() j)JI-11111t; J,j at a pressure of 90 atm. and is superheated i;o a temj.,e-~ature of 500 G. Normal turbo-generators ure m~~kjd.t an(] Uiie ov~;.rall efficiency is about 36,,~O. The third type of station also uses a reactor COM4 3/6 %rith heavy wator as modeiutor. Reat ~s re::io%,td b,--,T c,trbon Problems in the dei3i,~;a of atom-ic pot%:-j:, Stat -ions. (coil dioxide. Natural u--ian-ii.;m is used.3 so fuel The secondary stueem is at4 29 atm. and 420 0. ef'117i- ciency is, however, not more than 2(Y;,,, In addition to these stations there will be a ni,~~;I-Iber exper.imental stations each of ?0 MW La(,,Iud:b-JC,: A heterogeneous boiling type xeactor uid.nj-, (I_h~tillo,l kv t" U 1" as modorator with 6toam supply direolt to A Seneoua reactor using heavy water as 11LOIe-lator. TI-It-;., -)to."al-Ic fuel is distributed uniformly in the heavy waLev in zhl- fo-"u, of a suspension. The turbines use f;teax. A heterogeneous reactor with ET-aphite az woo.e.-Ol'o-or lie~tll- being removed by liquid sodium. The -Wrbiries operate or steam conditions. A heterogeneous breeder i:eactar eiiiploylftj!~ r-'-'ApJd aeutrolis with heat removed. by liquid sod-lum. The tal?bines work or! steam of medium conditions. These stations and othez are beinf~ buill; La help aza 11 selection of t1le best types of future power stations.. Rectuiiements of the elements of reactor ini~talL_itions.. choice! of stean conditions is discussed,, stations i -- -z highest thermal efficiency do not nee es 1',, ~; 'Uhe iiean, Card 4/6 est power. Stations of the first type 2.roulems in the desiL 104,; 2,1/38 .~n of atoaic polver stations. ((; ont - ' pawer moit- cheaply than those of the second t-~,,;e alt'-ou~-,h' th_.e respective overall. efficiencies are 2*~,d:' and se1zcticz of pr.-IM-ary heat t1ransfer medium is diocussed, none ,,f thooe /at used is wholly sati8factory. The selection ~~)V toall,t.~,rialr, from which the pile is constiucted is discuixed. production of envelopes for the active material Is most impor!,,ant. Questions of choice of type o.' reactor. Tne meci~s of reacTors 'viorkIng on natural u:mniurra and biy4mider reactors with enriched fael are discussed. Enriched fuel is vor.-, expenzive and will probably not bo much usod at, JUrst. U.,ucth can 1)-~, (Jorie by ap-Dropriate! desiEA of reactors and the use of homogrineouG reacti~rz appeexs promi.sins; there are notable advantagea in using the fuel. in liq:aid form, but there is stAll some risk in h---v-lrl,- laxGe quantities of radio-active materials at high temp- erature and pr-esMre. ,Reliability 1 safety of oper,ation of r~qaclloru. To avcviid reactors iulli-Limo, away they sho~ald iiave a neC,,ative roacti-Trity facto.r; those with, liquid moderators are usually of this kind. CalculaL;ion of self-regulation iss dif-ficult, and it is best det-erained by triELl., Shielding should be adequate. Various ,e of heat transfer kinds of accidents may occur Esuch as leakaj, Card 5/6 mediun,, failure o-.i:.' power supply or contro'l systems or damage to Problems in the design of atomic poweT s,,;ati.ozw active elements. Another clasrs r.,f acei lents includes dizc.,~aarga of excessive qyantities of radio-active Gas ol- cub.,:I'tance and explosion of reactors. Liethods of pre-verrI;:Ln-- thas(~ accidents are described. RacUo-a2Ljjt_j?i-oducts of rt~.actora:, this i,,ives a rjeneral discussion of radio-ar'Wilty_ and diqyozal of radio-active wartas. Soacial features of operation. The of atomic p"I 'ant is Mected by ITact tba't certain parts of it are inaccess- ible for long periods. 'or, cire When primary or socondary steam 3.Mar-V uit ecluipment_ is Tse,=In the turbines the heat o.,ccI)angvri.; and similar eclaip- ment &Lve rise to no special problems but syitems using liquid metals have special features. Special I)ipen must ba -ased in the heat exchangers and sj on, spa,.*;ial are uced both for primary vrater and for 14 iquid metals. ECQIIOM3-C Questions. This brief disoussicn of the economi-~.q, of aTomic enera it based on Anerican '7 $ Card 6/6 There are 6 figurec. ANAILAXLE: PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION 887 Wermakov, Georgly Viktorovich Moshchnyye atomnyye elektrostanteii (High-flowered Nuclear Power Plants) Moscow, Izd-vo "znaniye", 1958. 31 P. (Series: Vaesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostranenlyu politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya IV, 1958, no. 18) 47,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestto po rasprostraneniyu 1)olitichesk'Lkh I nauchnykh znanly. Ed..- Faynboym, I.B.; Tech. Ed.: Trofimov., A.V. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for the geneial reader. COVERAGE: The author discusses the construction of large industrial plants in t*he USSR. A detailed description is given of graphite- water and water-moderated water-cooled reactors used in the USSR. The author gives information-about atomic reactor construction in the U.S.A., Great Britain and France. No personalities are men- tioned. There are no references. Card 1/2 iFigh-Powered Nuclear Power Plante 887 JABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Utilization of Atomic Power Installations 4 Atomic Power Plant With Graphite-Water Reactor 7 Atomic Power Plant With Vater-moderated Water-cooled Reactor 9 Prospects for the Construction of Industrial-Atomic Power Plants 23 Development of Atomic Power Plante Abroad 24 Conclusion 30 AVAILABLE: Librairy of Congreas BK/whl 11-28-5 Coard 2/2 Tumov, o.,r. (mookva:) Dr.,relopient of atomic power plants in the U.S.S.R. 71z. v shkole 19 no.l-.29..42 Ja-F 159. (KIn 12 13) (Atomic power plants) ~ACUESSIOX S106/63/037/008/1925/1927 AWHORS t SjMlLpov, V. P L; 16,nakov4- 0 aV., TITLEt Practicable superheating of Sb*Ev Zhurivr~l'fiz. khimii, V. 3T, no. 8, 1963o 1925-3-92T TOkC TAGS: isuperheatinit Superheating of liquid ABSTRACT: Results are reported on the determination of practicablei limits of superheating hydrocarbons at atmospheric and near eriti- cal pressures according to methods of H. Wakenshima-and K. Takata ('T. Phys. Soo. Japan, 13, 1958, 678) and V. P. Skripov and V; 1. Kukushkin (Zh,. fiz, khImil, 35s 1961j, 2811). RKperimental tempera - ture limits agreed with value3 calculated from Doering-Volmee for- mula. Near the critical conditions (P.; O-T Pkr tj - 196.6c) how- ever,-data could not be obtained becau the droplets lose their explosive character. On p - t coordinateso the line or superheat- Ing limits Is almost straight for n-pentane. The value3 for~n- hexane and n-lieptane are practically on the lamo lino. Orig. art. Riiii ACCESSION 21R I AP3004992 has t 1table. ASSOCIATION: 'Uraltskly politekhnlcheskiy Institut im. S. M. Kirova, Sverdlovsk (Ural polyt;eohnlc* Institute) SUBMITTEDi l9Xov62 DATE ACqt 06sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEr CH NO mw sm, w4 OTMI 003 SKRIPOV, V.P..; X21!!~Ovf G.V. k J Pressure dependence of the ultimate riperheating of liqulds. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 38 no-2096-404- F 64. (KIRA 17:8) 4 1. Urillskly politekhnicheskly institut Imeni Kirova. A 0- M-obl(dis in the devolaMant 6f nadlojar powr ovilmeeripg. Top1c. energatika 11 no.60-4 Jo t64. (MIRA 1817) 1, GosudaratvonzVy proizvodatvannyy koadtat po svrgsti'ke i elaktrIfiketsii %8M, ACC NRi AP70062.34 (PV) SOURCE CODEs UR/0076/6?/o41/oo1/oo77/oo8i AU17HORS Yermaoyx (it V.* Skripov, V. P. M: Ural Polytachrda Ingtituts im. S. M. Kirov (Ural*akiy politakhnichoskiy insti- tut) TITLEI Saturation 'Zine, criti.aal parameterst and attainable superheating of per- fluoroparaffins SOURCES Zhurnal fizicheskoy khbdi, v. 41t no. 1p 1j?67, 77-81 TOPIC TAGS1 critical pressurap critical tomperaturel, fluorinated hydrocarbor# alkane ABSTRACT: The saturated vapor pressures and critical parameters To and p. wor measured statistic&Uy for &Lc liquid Derfluoroparafilins (poxfluoropentane, ve fluorohexanot porfluoroheptani3, pernuorcootaneg perTluoronomane and perfluaro ;cane)~. The nethod of supernatant droiolets Was used to measwr~e the tiomperatures of attainable superhoating at pressures froin atmospherio to p ts 0.7 pa. 1% was found that 0 paraffins follow the law of t:aermocbrnamic similitude between normal and fluorinated paraffins. The potential parameters of the substances studlad depend almost 3-inear3,v:_ onthe number of carbon atoms in the paraffin molectile. The weakening of inter- malecular interaction upon Wbatitutlon of hydrogen atoms -with fluorine in paraffins is estim&ted. Authors thahk V. V. FILroov for his assistanco. Orig, art, haat 4 figku-esl, 2 tables and I forxula. ?V 39 07/ SUEN DATZI 12"3/ OW REPS 008/ OM PEP$ 002 cry C021. UDC 1 5.4 T)MOBB14, V.Ya.; YEMMAKOV, G.Vo Operntion of a foam dust collector imilar tho conditAcn of preliminary steam condenvation on dUnt partirAes. Zkur.prikl. kiiiiii. 38 no.34.691-693 Mr 165a (MIRA 18:11) 1. Tvanovskly khimiko-434mologichookiy inatitut. SubinltWd Febr. Is, 1963. TARNMY, I.Ao L NAKLMf. P.?,, inxh. aw developols" In sochdqm"o f&stproN6 20 W.5:59-62 Wr 160, Om 2318) 1, sametite"ll sl&vmp lashonas Xvwwbw prpdulao- thatokege Imimblusta 61mmWe saugal (for IrwoMov), (SPIMIVA) TmmA,,rov, i. A jj1#v*rOmm,~. Ways cof IneressILC labor prod=tivltr on stat* farms. Vop.ekon. n0.6:3.41-144 JS 057. (KTAA 10-?) (Irasnoder Territory-4ralt) 'T Y17K I pWouselyfivich; INUDMOMOV, G.U., red; COXIMSOVA. A.6., I.. [State forms In the U-Bos'Rel govkhosy V SM. Moskva Goes isd-vo 98ovstakels neWcool 1957# 36 po (MIRA 11:2) (state tome) YMWKOV, I.G., inzhener-goolog Higineering geolog7 characteristics of loesm Boils In the a.rea of the Wovosibirsk-Barnaul railroad line. Trudy FfIIZHT no. 2207-69 161 (MIRA 19:1) 1 1.490 SHAROvi ~V.I. RelationshLp between tke deformatiQu modulus of Vest Siberian dusty s"s and the porosity eoefficibnto Trudy MIZAT -to.28-, 131-254 162. (MMi 16:32) TERMOV. I*G. , Novosibirsk) ". '~ Conference in Novosibirsk on the exchange of experiences in engineering &w pological work, Oan*pfunds i mokh,grun, 6 no*6:28-29 164. (MIRA 18:1) YERMA 1 a C~ -'the and 21. 1 fii~~ CP r relocity "of ligh Jim: ~jj:e W. L ; e$ Has re1'e;1oxV,, T114 f r, vad:i b~, tb~r dutttoru+ are, aot ~ iiiLg~ii~ M t 1114!1* ti*fj~611 L 61 it 4go -4, 4 NH'64 ;!; ~ 4 he, !:,~l j. flai Mi-6r J1 addlt ~~4 ~~t ".Iran ~kQt ra 1~tii ho'. F_ j I Hoi NI 1q it 7:j 8 ON UR IP zi iV f s an cc CO I,ough th i :;v,o- 2.4 a P~ 1. f 'he (':aj, oil t u t qa L 1 74V t h CuOrt --bo COUZ31A0~2'ed 0 M; v f a~t6 .4, j t, e, 14 if tIW 5 1 TCJ 0 It I; U, I u Q11 kt (11 ~1 -i; trort uch :-6rt-- the- Mir, xe~ CIL, ic-.6m)1~1itatti , :It~j PhOi 11C 0 1*~Lras, t .0 po?ss1,bU1Jty of ril 00 111 di Ili 4~ r: 11"~-l tu t1eq I% IVTI.~ ~mll fit cl 1~11 c1t 'f JLDk6(:-t:, ind"icas The vit I Pi r i OW a; i,a il- ip~xpqe mIM ~Gv:'Itfr Ana V, v 51.] iklr;L'1~061'1 Slp X, tabll FT- rAT T 0 x ~4dmist ij 041" FTED; P At' !AA i6! I i, ldi:i 10 If 1 "23 5r.7 7: if LA rA"( ta WR J!Tt f h(A-411h APS 1601: i54:- L~ki i j'AtoAt ye ~~r :;:I Re ac ng -Matlileable I Ykcg-.i Up Ika, ~~ttofskop.f *1c, hmik P_tastabl~' eveviarviia ~w 'ild A ~J~ idn-4 It iild4ii- a'tor .3pQ 14~r . t ivic fie BSTRA(M. Stored __P_x~iitat ton .6h kr&:" jfx4o A L e q Ale''IX:evell'- when 0 idb 1614-t. on ~~e'! 1163,10n. Nil! Ioul ~'eii 1~ 0 ~t- L or the 1'1~f; ta- ~ei~! t~~'y 11c InT Lj_- I'--- _ _-,_._.__ .-- - __ -1, _ ".00 f -0- -vas-cquai ba e d6tably, it~~Ule J~eve~' 11 - ;i 16 ILI, f- i jil!- 6E. -stiitd~ t j6pe~ddixe a h ted aWq i;:, e1;' twi t j ; I link 16!t# -ii'l F1 f d6 C~irmlt't~d Aed ~xaw4~tfdn% and: on !the p;Q U.1a k-A 0 if 'Lad jcj Listz~mt. y -11'd: -sa-1 ~rd ter ~the 2 4'c ec7iy 4~~ Lq~~ :'OnsIdOtralyly -smaller: than the Uf eitlci!.~ P'qj' id! pg'ad:!p c The re lure4aai t'~ittiLs' ini'L'. z 4b L6 val. c tit dt.-I ld;cay sults obtained 41bow thd#-, the etatili pi1113t ';T`4'djS lie. 1,t,eAs;eL-cons:1derab1y v'6en the lid a ~61 n~' 4s: ---:L f1gu H _,-I . Lww inshentor; 3ADOMMY. V.P., tokhaik. Adjustment of obain grates for anthracite. Uorptik 4 no.6:14-15 is 1.56. (" 9:8) (Boilers) Y19RAM. B.P.. laxhomer; RADCOMIT. T.P. 4m- maim Using mthroUts dust. Wwl.-sWlpr~w.22 w.600 '56. (KRA 9:10) lolialtakly 11"Isboyno-shlyway kemblast. (CofOL, Palwarlsed) (Bollem) TMMKOT, B.T., lashenfir. Ano"-waW W . .i4-~- Itsou'ring filter press cloths, Xasl,-sbtr.prou.23 no.1:38 '57. Wu 10: 1) 1. Vinnitskiy lboloboyno-shirevoy koubinate (Filter Presses) Y-EMIAKOV, B.F., inzhener. ""~~Wmcxl feeding of coal Into boiler furnpoes jot the ZPTcrozhljre Oils wid Ynts Combine. Knel.-shir.-orom. 17 no.l?:21-22 D 152. (341IF1 10:9) 1. Zaporozhnkiy maelm-shirk6mbinat. (Boilers) TEUIMW,, B.F.p insh.; lt&WTAp k.P.0 insh,j VMER,, E.0,1p in&, From the work aqwrience of VImdt~& 011 and Fat, Coubize. Awl.- shir.prom. 28 no.12M-28 D 062., (MMA l6ti) 1, Vlmltskly wislow4rovoy kombizat. ftdrogenation oils mW fats) (11nnit") (e)/E.WP(t ~~ETI W11'/WW/Jl) AP6015587 SOURCE CODEt UR/0146/66/009/OdYi-6'.'~iY/-01-257 AUMOM Ispiryan, It. A.; Y*rm#-2Z"A"X^4,VWV$h4v,, go A, ORG: Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and 2alce (Lenlngrada~iy.J,nstitut tochrmy mkhaaLkL I optLkL) TITLE:, An mm-am beat source for hith !Mrsturs' research BOURCC: IVUZ. PribarostroyenLye, v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 123-125 TOPIC TAGGs bL.-b temperature research, electric are, anon, beat ASSITUCT: Data are given frai exparimental tests of an -we source with a power of up to 20 kv desilgned for theraqphysLeal research (see figure). An electric are is struck between electrode I (the cathode) and nozzle 8 (the anode) mbLch beats the ar- gon injected Into the nozzle eavity through aperture 6. This results In jet 4 which is the source of host. power is increased by using an additional copper or graphite nozzle 0 to which a po' ive potential is applied after Ignition. The arc is struck by introducing Amaphitrar twigsten rod 10 Into the cavity of the first nozzle 3 until it makes contac-tia"W-Rectrois 1. A graph Is given chowing the specific thexual flux of the zutput jet as a functlim of the electric On-or of the source. The heat flux 15 m from the cutoff of the ~mstput nozzle Is 6 .4*106 w/62- for an argon floor Tate of UDC: 621.365.2 L 29711-66 ACC ML NGO15567 to. 7 *Ueve,- 3--first noxale (anod*); 4--jet-, laput; 7--water IhWr&, 9--wand 10--~Ite or twSaten rod. X0. .2 'S '6 k 1.77 %3AP. Thi -tesperatum of the jet ji at lowt - 70000K It dmid be possible to Inmems the Power of the source still further by using additional aaW". Opts# art. bew 2 tipma. .90 Coact 20f SUBN DATE: MaGIV OUG Uri 003 2/2 POGODIN,A.A., lashmwr,. 39]A!101,1.1.; ISOMOW.B.M., lashoser; BUUOF,V. I., ladmm. lqpvdwtloa of blitsprists withegg sWing (traclog) Test. wash. 35 no.6:7-5-1!kl Jo 155. (Kim 6: 15) (BILsawatims) TERMAKOV B,S.;,-YERMAN)VA, V.Te. getting of advontitims roots in the psen cuttinp or gra"ll) Divill OUT. 14to side no,,55s"-106 IfA. (NIRA ISt 1. Moskawskaya sellskokhosymystvanniWa aWemiya imeni K.A. Timiryaseva. alffok, -1,,; MWOV, D. ;" [Factory and locaIL comittes control ov*r housing constimetion] irontroll FM nad thillishchoys stroittlistyou. Isd. 2-*, ispr. i dop. Nosims, Prof!L$,Ut, 1953. 87 P. OM 7:11D) YRTO(AYAV- a 7. IM4000- Utilive all ~$ to spwdmp bowl" constreettem. S*V.Prof"Oluty 5 ike.6,11-114 Is "M (NUM 10-7i (Bowlm) Inspoktor Give every potivible help to Individual construction projects. Sqv.profsolurr 7. no.10:22-24 My 959. (RIM 12--9) 1. Zht11Ohchno1Ttqvoy otdol Tsesoyusnago toontrallnodo onvota (labor and laboring clasues-Dwellirigs) Neat, Stemis fWblmW A* 52 Xngirmerift lkwnstruction OZ the Flov Sectlon of a Obew Ttm!A4_-j " P, A - Yermakov. VP - Mtripunov, T. Dplgov, Engineers, GH Pbsenergo, I. D. lqamwlrit- skly, Cand Tech Sai, G. N. Xhrusbehev, JhW,,.Lmb of Steam Turbines, - VTI -"Zz -v~s Teplotakh Z=tlu So 6.. pq 24-27 Dastribes ebanges in desiga of turbine to iscreamm --tta-effiaiency an&-liduce, conauqftdm~of _tb94_r_&ttmc aX-Twito 480 g/kvh., izmik bidlC-,ft' Siesens-Shuchert 50,,000-kv turb 'Vag 231*-T 1930-31. ReIPLI&tiOn BUBO WIth 9M 19 reaction stages were redesigned. Testi ifi*j" decrease in beat rate * 4.%. Turbine cm*ity VMS -increased to 52, 000 kv at same mz stawmte U='OVA D, A,j fa~.; KOVAILEVs YU* N., Eng, Kashira Hydroelectric Power Station Kashira electric power station is 30 years old. D. A. Yqir=Jwv, ru. N. Kovalsv. Elek. ate. no. 7. 1952. gLssitn Accessions, Ubrary of Congress, t4ovemloor 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. NQ&V&U Lbt of F GOWITCVt A. S.; 27MAKOV, D. A. Electric Power Plants Thirteenth anniversary of the sclentiric and practical utivity of the Kashira Electric . Power Station In collaboration with the All-Union Thermo-TechmIcal 1113titute. Izv, VTI, 210 Fo. 6j 1952. 9. Monthly List of lbassian Acipossions.' 1 . Library of Congress, October 19M. Unclassified. VASILOUT. I.&; USINOV, V.I.; KALININ. G.A., KUVAXIN, V.P.; MADVIUV, A.?.,- ]PAYTILWICH. Ya.,A.; IMMUNOT, V.P.; , redaktoir; MOV, A.P., riklaktor; OSTROVSKIT, hAVOKAT40 D.D.0 rodaktorg nIDXXN, A.M. 0 tokhnichookiy rodaktor Clkpwrlence In operating the Kashira l4droelectric Power Station] Opyt okupluatateill gushirskol aMe Moskva, Goo, energ. iud-ifo, 1956* 179 p. (mmi 9:9) (fashirik Pydroelectric Powor Station) QSORGIYEV , Pran Georglyevich; ZHARKOVSKIT ~ Danill VladimirovIckt; TRZYIIAS, A.B., doktA)r sollkhoz. naukp prof., rateenzent; SUMV, V.P,j Alrand, takhm, nauk# retue-nzent; LIF-Ow 110), D.F., red.; ZE31110.* H.M,,, takhn, red, (Puelp lubricwts,, and waterj Toplivoj mazocbrwe mate- rialy i Yoda; uchebwe posobte. Minsk, Goo izd-vo Sol,- khoz. lit-ry BSM, 1963. 234 P. RLEA 16:12) (F-Lel) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Water) 3-4 KG_ 66 /,~Iz t Vr ACC NR1 AP60184b3 SOURCE CODE. UP,/0051/66/0:!0/00;i/li)83/1085 AUTHOR: Gonchukov,, S. A. Yermakov, G. A. ; Hikhnenko, G. A. ; Prottet.,Po, Ye. D. ORG: none _25 TITLE: On the problem of temperature effects in an A;;1W_JAaaz_1;2 -SOURCE: Optika i spektroskc,piya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 1083-4085 TOPIC TAGS: gas laser, laser emission, discharge t0a 2 MF41011rl Adroa 0..? "; Z)/" -~s,vr ABSTRACT: The variation in,the power of an Ne-He lavcr under constant pumping during the first few minutes of the discharge excitation is investigrated. Thir variation is obviously due to the heating up of the tube and the variation in the concentration of the neutral atoms in the gas mixture. When the tube is fired, the gas pressure riaes somewhat. The heating up of 'the tube decreases the rumber of particles in the working section and varies the temperature aad concentration of electrons in the discharf;,e. These changes, together with ',:he varying particle velocity dintributf.011, affect the magnitude of the pqpulation inversion and thara4y The outptit power of th,:! la.;er, The output power is platted as a ;Function of pressure and as a function of ti-,P- concentra- tion of unexcited a-toms with varialus wall teinperat-.-es. The exper,intoiital. inethod, con- ditions, and equipm1%.nt are described. Posulto ahow that there in an optimurn concontrell-& tioyj at which a peak power iis obtablad Mgardlean of the tompovatur", oiid tilat the POW-1- COM 1/2 UDC; 621.375.9:5105.096 dill 1; L 34800-66 F_,~CE-CNR, __J~MiSW~i er output is temperatum--ciependent. Reasons for the variation in power o7itput' are giv- en. The authors thank A. N. Orayevskiy for discussing the zvzults. Orig. art. has: 2 figu,,es, 1141 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Dec65/ ORIG REF: 001/ (Yrif REF: 001 "ATD PREESS11,~-igg,l D. L and 110VAMMOLT S. V11 r *611 D,!::I. -Ur"WV WAAd T he neir television broadcasting standArd 130ST 7 5-55t whic Ita t 84 h propared by the [,zientific Research Institute, Ministry of Camunica- ,tions. and approved ort 31 December 1955 by the C=uittee on Standxw-dsq. HeaOures, and bbasurimg Inatrumats., preacribes the ro1lowing parwaet*rt ittTV broadcasting piractice: number of lines per frame (625), widtil at rafto channol (a toUl of 13 Me,, of which 6 mc video channel, 0.25 14c audlo chanm!l), methods of scanning, polarity of transmission, modulam. #04 methoda (AM for vidf o transmission and FX for audio), radiation 104 :UW1ty (hor.'Lzontal for electric field), the bl%ck level, the separatil~d -of audio and video carrier frequencies, and others. The picture rat.1c, was fixed at 4 to 3, with a reservation for a ft- tom change of 11 to 6, so as to conf orm with motion-picture standiirdisi "The resol-fing capacity of a 111V system determines the geometric i"ition of the ivLge, JL..e., the number of sinall eleSents- n in each. from discernible to the e3re, which in turn de- nd on the pe number of silan U-iia Z, niniber of ftelds per second n1) and the width of the pass-bai* ,A At-- Ue rout on 1~ !*"Aft 'XC=14P ind 414: Maws; advii Xotjz(~.#). -nijiun tit ity1j, I i timiIjIllil I III qLI;1I I glirl I I I I I IjAuq, A" 041 L1024 ~Wrizooo Oak lines, reipor-ctively. vhAe and frame scan fly-back c- ..-S(acd~are relative duration of lina req* K Is a factor wbich takes into account the lose of resolution Ver tically,, caused by the line structure of the raster. -~)OXO-Ti+0.16 to o.l8'f?.O.OT4 to 0,06, andi, nl!w~o Genert.lly,, K, (l I according to the new standard. For a special case, vhen the vertical reaolutibn becomes equal to ~'jj6~horizorrtal, the expression forAf bacmes 2 J an& 11 mlilil~lliii 00) --i5.0666y: tivtly. Ac.- 6 ing to the new standards, the power Intake of the audio channel igs frm 25 to 5% of the video channel. The video signal is azkplitude jm~i- u.lated,, with negative polarity and suppressed lower We bond. The audio channel has a band width of 0.25 W and Is frequency-modulated, Vitu maxim= permissiII5.1.0 frequencty deviation. of t5O 11-~ MAIAMP Y*#w-;-M-WMNWV Olllgl*-b"n I;wo-&"wy pyrowtor faii slawring flow teigoratwo, got Optoo i spektr. 13 uo.4159"~ 0 !oe, (MM 16: 3) (Pyromaters) POTASKNIKOV,, Fedor hitroviah; MYAWOY. N.V, red.; S12,1RDFA,, A.D., SSXM*14mo .Eff,qu-sing constractIft dope V worlare and *wgoy"s themselvool Straltelletvo 4*iW* Ollamd ratochikh A elasMehohlkh. lid-vo llelM~Proflsdmt, 1958, 60 p.- (MIRA 22:13) 1. ]kO*tnW *Il4#bA%W-WtGTQp O~d*la Yeasayusnogo beentrallnogo ove" iW~-(f or Potaishullcovo t& profmoya Termakow). a (Construction Industry) MISMIKU, 7edor Potrovieh; YXRMAKCT. Dwitriy vasivreviah; tiRi3wr. 0.F., red.; (KIMMMOTA, A.A., U - [trade =Ions control of the cometructlan of spartwnt haumis and btdldlngs serving ematural and publIc wedsl Untroll profivioLuzov sa shilishchnym I kallturno-bytovyis strolUllstvam. lbekwa, lud-vo V?gSPS, Profivdat, 3.959. 100 P. (NMA 130) (Trede unions) (Constractlon Industry) VOLCOOKO, Ivan Foulch, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YXWWOV,V.L., redaldtor; M010TI.A.-F., teMnicheshy rodaktoOl"'Of" (Using undergrocad water for Irrigation and water supplr) Impoll- savanle podsom:qkh vod dlis, oroshenlia I vodosumbxhonlim, Isd. 2-oe, dop. Noskya, Gcjs.Isd-vo selkhos.lit-ry. 195-1*,-. 327 p. (NLRA 9:2) (Water. Underground) . I I - - e ) 1~4-A~7 ~T / ~, I ~) (l/ /-- Y j I ..- Oxygen therapy In treaticS secarlasle Invenstoris. Kiedmparm!t. I parms.bol,svpp]L~nt to no.1:66 157. (Hat 11:1) 1. Is sanstortys Olostse UkMroatrakhmovets., (MMI-zm"Amic un) (ABCABIODS AND AMIUSIS) KUDINOV , V. A. ; KEDROV; S. S. ; _~W~UUKO~VG. A~. Vibration of doublo-Dided vertical boring and turning 2atheis. Stea.i Instr. 112 no.6:17-18 Js 161. ' (KMA 2416) (Lathes.-Vibration) BELYAVSKIY, V,Yeo; YERMAKOVI, IG.A. Difiporsion and mixtig equipment u"d in the paint indui4ry of foreign countries. Lakokras.zat. i ikh prin. no.2.-75-83 164. (MMI 17:4) YINAKOV, G. L. elektromakhanik 1~ Una Joint operation of " and ATS switelfboards. Avtom., telell. I avlas 2 no.4:35--36 Ap 158. ()aPA 1-2:12) 1. Aytomticheskmya telefonnsy^ avyasl, stantalya Oryazl YuV)-Tostochnciy dorogi. (Teviphorte) (BlectronIc circuits) GOLUBEV, Geurikh Aleksandrcvich; D"YAKONOV, Valsiliy Fomich; EUMTSEV, Beris Ivanovich; MURMANSKIT. Feliks Ilikolayevich; NASTAY, Napoleon Napoleonovich;TWAKQV,,ij.G.j, kands fiz*-Aktem.nauk, retsenzent; ZIMBTSOV, M.N.,prepodairatell, retsenzent; R7BALTOVSKIY, N.Yu., prof., red.; FRISEW p Z.S.,, red.izd-va; STULICHIKOVA, N.F., tekbn. red. (Problems in nautical astronony] Zadacbnik po morekhodnoi astronomii. Leningrad, Izd-vo wMorakoi transport,"1963. 287 p. (MIRA 1711) 1. Arkhange'llskaye morekhadnoye uchilishche (for Zlprqbtelov). W~rdpmim All 1JEW 1 4 fjjjI LIM I 7m- lkt -F1 PIANO I N. I PNIUM! F, FIIII:k 1!1I.! I- f FIN .11!11 pill I uw 25-11-10/28 AUTHORs Yermakovp G.V.# Chief Engineer "Glavatomenergo" of the -XI n I My-fo-F-P over Plants SSBR TITLEt The Mighty Power of Atoms (Noguchaya sila stoma) PERZODICALs Nauka I Zhisn't # 119 1957, pp 17-22 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The first atomic power plant In the world started operating on 27 June 1954 in the Soviet Union, it has a capacity of 59000 kw. For this achievement the Lenin prize was awarded to the Member-Correspondents of the USSR Academy of Sciences D.I.Blokhintsev, N.A.Dollezhalt, A.K.Krasin, Doctor of physico- mathematical sciences and on V.A.K&Ilykh, Doctor of technical sciences. In the course of the sixth Five-Year Plan the con- struction of huge atomic power plants with capacities of about 400,000 kw is planned. For experimentO Purposes the power plants to be built will be operating with atomic reactors of several types of up to 200,000 kw capacity, utilizing fast and slow neutrons and neutrons of intermediate energy. They will have moderators of graphite, heavy and ordinary water. Water, gas or metal cooling systems may be used. Furthermore the construction of a reactcr utilizing thorium is planned. A big Card 1/3 atomic power plant under construction whose firist unit is to The Mighty Poirer of Atoms 25-11-10/28 produce 420,000 kw)will in 1960 form part of the united power* system of the European part of the USSR. This pover plant will be operated by water-water rnaotors. The theoretical and experimental research conducted under the supervision of academicians I.V.Kurchatov and A.P.Aleksandrov proved the efficiency of water-water reactorn which are of aimple construction and economical in the uoe of nuclear fuels The plants will consist of two blocks, each compritsing a water-water reactor with a heat capacity of 760,001) kw and three steam turbines of 70pOOO kw each. The activit zone of the reactors represents a metallic basket-like container with a diameter of 3 m and a height of 2o5 m in which the heat- emitting elements are fixed according to a special system. These elements are assembled in bundles each of which is installed in a zirconium tube. The weight of nucloar fuel in each reactor'will equal about 40 toneg of which 23 tons will go to the share of enriched uranium containing twice as much inotoys 235 than natural uranium. The remaining 17 tons of fuel will be dioxide of natural uranium, By applying zirconium tubeep a coefficient of 0,8 can be reached at the beginning of the operation period - and at the Card 2/3 and about 0.7. Thus per kg of "burnt" fuel (fissionable nuclei The Mighty Power of Atoms 25-11-10/28 of uranium 235) 750 g of a new fuel - plutonium 239 - will originate from "non-fiesionabloll uranium 238, During the operation of the plant six pumps cause the circulation of distilled water under a pressure of 100 atm in the first circuit. About 30,000 ou m of water heated to 2500C Pass through the reactor every hour, reaching a temperature of 2750C in the active zone and are then directed into six steam genbrators, Per hour the six steam generators will produce 1,380 tons of dry saturated steam at a pressure of 32 atm. Thero are 8 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 /-S le'< v / Tq JENIMIEP 4YermKV, G.V.11 MlWNOSp S. (trimalatorl I - -- 4aive .. Tapes of atomic power pl"ts built in tho Soviet Union withim the 6th Five-Tsax Plan. Jade&a energie 3 n.:),6:190-192 Je 157. AUT1i0h: Yermakov,__G.V.9 Engineer. 1o4..2_)./38 ' _problems in the design, of atomic power stations. (Vorpr~)sy TITLE: L - proektirovaaiya atomnykh elektrostan-tsiy) PERIODICAL: "Elektricheskie Staal&~ (Power Staticns), 1957v Vol-28, No.2. pp. 1. - 9 (U.S.S .R.) ABSTRACT: One of the main problems of modem technology is the utilisation of atcaic energy. Conveational fuels are rapidly being used up and atomic energy will soon be a.~riui-Ted to take their place. It has been decided to build a nuiber of atomic power stations during the h Five Year Plan. Capitalist coun.tries are also developfv 01 atomic energy., the 46 IN Calder Hall station bi.-ing opened in 1956 and another 12 stations are due f or constitiction in Enggland, whilst in the USA it is prop- osed to build.,05 atomic power stations with a total power of about 700 MW in 1957 - 60, 1. This article considers a number of quer~tions arise in the design and construction of atomic povier stations considered as power unde37t;akings, it does not deal with the design and manufac,ture of equipment for them. The ar**cle is arranged as f ollows: Choice of construction site; Atoud.c. power stations need not Oat* 1/6 - be located near a source of fuel and tliey will, in the first io4_ Problems in the desigft of atomic power stations. WI/08-) place be built in regions without a local fuel suTiply. It- will, therefore, be possible to dintributi., indastry =ore -an-1- formly over the country than at present. If bbloe;ical safet-y can be dnsured atomic power stations will be very convenient for t1le supply of heat to towns as they ave of hiCb~ar effici- ency -than condenBing atomic stations and do not contaminate t1le atmosphere with combustion products. However, in the early stages, special precautions will be necessary because of -..he possibility of' discharge of radio-active E;ases to -the atmos- phere, including the creation of health protective zones bet- ween the power stations and living quarters. Determination of output and selectioA of main eguipment. Just as wi hermal stations Irge atomic pol;;er stations are more econoinic than small ones. The smallest convenient size of reactor is 200 MW with turbo-generators of 100 MW and mom . Special steam turbines will have to be designed because reac- tors produce eteam at lower pressures and temporatures than do existing boilers. Fuel fired supex.-hoaters are x-equired if very afficient turbines axe to be uso(l. Howevor, apeclal superheater reactors or eadbined evaporatint,.-; and atiperheatinG reactors hold promise and one will be included in a power Card_2/6 station being built in the USSR. Problems in the design of atomic power statlon.-. Reactor installations. The m- actors discux;,-*f,-~ a T I e 7 i only for power supply and not f or the prodii ci- c~-- Four stations are being built each witli 200 111,tif of them will have heterogeneous reactDrz 111 d It e r under pressure as moderator. The, sta:I;ions wili tI.I-:- bines of 70 UW us-j-nb satunated steam at 2a, at--., !3rv-,s-ri.irr, in the primarj- water circuit being 3.00 atm. -u -v bloc V -~'I associated with three t xbo-genei-ato c ircu. :lating systems. The water in the rjr-idat3:~.,- c-L-~,uii i!:7 blown doxm to avoid exwssive radio-activIty e,-! steam is to the system and radio-actl,;-~ -ve held in long term stoi-aSe. The second type of pover station uses as the huat is romoved by distilled water aiO, steam, of reactor i-s very similar to that In tho llirot -:tilil OC the Academy of S'cLonce. BecaUSO Of 61 Lhe primary steam the ISCICOMDIVY jIteaIll Sjjj~)Lj)]JL~(j t~() j)JI-11111t; J,j at a pressure of 90 atm. and is superheated i;o a temj.,e-~ature of 500 G. Normal turbo-generators ure m~~kjd.t an(] Uiie ov~;.rall efficiency is about 36,,~O. The third type of station also uses a reactor COM4 3/6 %rith heavy wator as modeiutor. Reat ~s re::io%,td b,--,T c,trbon Problems in the dei3i,~;a of atom-ic pot%:-j:, Stat -ions. (coil dioxide. Natural u--ian-ii.;m is used.3 so fuel The secondary stueem is at4 29 atm. and 420 0. ef'117i- ciency is, however, not more than 2(Y;,,, In addition to these stations there will be a ni,~~;I-Iber exper.imental stations each of ?0 MW La(,,Iud:b-JC,: A heterogeneous boiling type xeactor uid.nj-, (I_h~tillo,l kv t" U 1" as modorator with 6toam supply direolt to A Seneoua reactor using heavy water as 11LOIe-lator. TI-It-;., -)to."al-Ic fuel is distributed uniformly in the heavy waLev in zhl- fo-"u, of a suspension. The turbines use f;teax. A heterogeneous reactor with ET-aphite az woo.e.-Ol'o-or lie~tll- being removed by liquid sodium. The -Wrbiries operate or steam conditions. A heterogeneous breeder i:eactar eiiiploylftj!~ r-'-'ApJd aeutrolis with heat removed. by liquid sod-lum. The tal?bines work or! steam of medium conditions. These stations and othez are beinf~ buill; La help aza 11 selection of t1le best types of future power stations.. Rectuiiements of the elements of reactor ini~talL_itions.. choice! of stean conditions is discussed,, stations i -- -z highest thermal efficiency do not nee es 1',, ~; 'Uhe iiean, Card 4/6 est power. Stations of the first type 2.roulems in the desiL 104,; 2,1/38 .~n of atoaic polver stations. ((; ont - ' pawer moit- cheaply than those of the second t-~,,;e alt'-ou~-,h' th_.e respective overall. efficiencies are 2*~,d:' and se1zcticz of pr.-IM-ary heat t1ransfer medium is diocussed, none ,,f thooe /at used is wholly sati8factory. The selection ~~)V toall,t.~,rialr, from which the pile is constiucted is discuixed. production of envelopes for the active material Is most impor!,,ant. Questions of choice of type o.' reactor. Tne meci~s of reacTors 'viorkIng on natural u:mniurra and biy4mider reactors with enriched fael are discussed. Enriched fuel is vor.-, expenzive and will probably not bo much usod at, JUrst. U.,ucth can 1)-~, (Jorie by ap-Dropriate! desiEA of reactors and the use of homogrineouG reacti~rz appeexs promi.sins; there are notable advantagea in using the fuel. in liq:aid form, but there is stAll some risk in h---v-lrl,- laxGe quantities of radio-active materials at high temp- erature and pr-esMre. ,Reliability 1 safety of oper,ation of r~qaclloru. To avcviid reactors iulli-Limo, away they sho~ald iiave a neC,,ative roacti-Trity facto.r; those with, liquid moderators are usually of this kind. CalculaL;ion of self-regulation iss dif-ficult, and it is best det-erained by triELl., Shielding should be adequate. Various ,e of heat transfer kinds of accidents may occur Esuch as leakaj, Card 5/6 mediun,, failure o-.i:.' power supply or contro'l systems or damage to Problems in the design of atomic poweT s,,;ati.ozw active elements. Another clasrs r.,f acei lents includes dizc.,~aarga of excessive qyantities of radio-active Gas ol- cub.,:I'tance and explosion of reactors. Liethods of pre-verrI;:Ln-- thas(~ accidents are described. RacUo-a2Ljjt_j?i-oducts of rt~.actora:, this i,,ives a rjeneral discussion of radio-ar'Wilty_ and diqyozal of radio-active wartas. Soacial features of operation. The of atomic p"I 'ant is Mected by ITact tba't certain parts of it are inaccess- ible for long periods. 'or, cire When primary or socondary steam 3.Mar-V uit ecluipment_ is Tse,=In the turbines the heat o.,ccI)angvri.; and similar eclaip- ment &Lve rise to no special problems but syitems using liquid metals have special features. Special I)ipen must ba -ased in the heat exchangers and sj on, spa,.*;ial are uced both for primary vrater and for 14 iquid metals. ECQIIOM3-C Questions. This brief disoussicn of the economi-~.q, of aTomic enera it based on Anerican '7 $ Card 6/6 There are 6 figurec. ANAILAXLE: PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION 887 Wermakov, Georgly Viktorovich Moshchnyye atomnyye elektrostanteii (High-flowered Nuclear Power Plants) Moscow, Izd-vo "znaniye", 1958. 31 P. (Series: Vaesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostranenlyu politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya IV, 1958, no. 18) 47,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestto po rasprostraneniyu 1)olitichesk'Lkh I nauchnykh znanly. Ed..- Faynboym, I.B.; Tech. Ed.: Trofimov., A.V. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for the geneial reader. COVERAGE: The author discusses the construction of large industrial plants in t*he USSR. A detailed description is given of graphite- water and water-moderated water-cooled reactors used in the USSR. The author gives information-about atomic reactor construction in the U.S.A., Great Britain and France. No personalities are men- tioned. There are no references. Card 1/2 iFigh-Powered Nuclear Power Plante 887 JABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Utilization of Atomic Power Installations 4 Atomic Power Plant With Graphite-Water Reactor 7 Atomic Power Plant With Vater-moderated Water-cooled Reactor 9 Prospects for the Construction of Industrial-Atomic Power Plants 23 Development of Atomic Power Plante Abroad 24 Conclusion 30 AVAILABLE: Librairy of Congreas BK/whl 11-28-5 Coard 2/2 Tumov, o.,r. (mookva:) Dr.,relopient of atomic power plants in the U.S.S.R. 71z. v shkole 19 no.l-.29..42 Ja-F 159. (KIn 12 13) (Atomic power plants) ~ACUESSIOX S106/63/037/008/1925/1927 AWHORS t SjMlLpov, V. P L; 16,nakov4- 0 aV., TITLEt Practicable superheating of Sb*Ev Zhurivr~l'fiz. khimii, V. 3T, no. 8, 1963o 1925-3-92T TOkC TAGS: isuperheatinit Superheating of liquid ABSTRACT: Results are reported on the determination of practicablei limits of superheating hydrocarbons at atmospheric and near eriti- cal pressures according to methods of H. Wakenshima-and K. Takata ('T. Phys. Soo. Japan, 13, 1958, 678) and V. P. Skripov and V; 1. Kukushkin (Zh,. fiz, khImil, 35s 1961j, 2811). RKperimental tempera - ture limits agreed with value3 calculated from Doering-Volmee for- mula. Near the critical conditions (P.; O-T Pkr tj - 196.6c) how- ever,-data could not be obtained becau the droplets lose their explosive character. On p - t coordinateso the line or superheat- Ing limits Is almost straight for n-pentane. The value3 for~n- hexane and n-lieptane are practically on the lamo lino. Orig. art. Riiii ACCESSION 21R I AP3004992 has t 1table. ASSOCIATION: 'Uraltskly politekhnlcheskiy Institut im. S. M. Kirova, Sverdlovsk (Ural polyt;eohnlc* Institute) SUBMITTEDi l9Xov62 DATE ACqt 06sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEr CH NO mw sm, w4 OTMI 003 SKRIPOV, V.P..; X21!!~Ovf G.V. k J Pressure dependence of the ultimate riperheating of liqulds. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 38 no-2096-404- F 64. (KIRA 17:8) 4 1. Urillskly politekhnicheskly institut Imeni Kirova. A 0- M-obl(dis in the devolaMant 6f nadlojar powr ovilmeeripg. Top1c. energatika 11 no.60-4 Jo t64. (MIRA 1817) 1, GosudaratvonzVy proizvodatvannyy koadtat po svrgsti'ke i elaktrIfiketsii %8M, ACC NRi AP70062.34 (PV) SOURCE CODEs UR/0076/6?/o41/oo1/oo77/oo8i AU17HORS Yermaoyx (it V.* Skripov, V. P. M: Ural Polytachrda Ingtituts im. S. M. Kirov (Ural*akiy politakhnichoskiy insti- tut) TITLEI Saturation 'Zine, criti.aal parameterst and attainable superheating of per- fluoroparaffins SOURCES Zhurnal fizicheskoy khbdi, v. 41t no. 1p 1j?67, 77-81 TOPIC TAGS1 critical pressurap critical tomperaturel, fluorinated hydrocarbor# alkane ABSTRACT: The saturated vapor pressures and critical parameters To and p. wor measured statistic&Uy for &Lc liquid Derfluoroparafilins (poxfluoropentane, ve fluorohexanot porfluoroheptani3, pernuorcootaneg perTluoronomane and perfluaro ;cane)~. The nethod of supernatant droiolets Was used to measwr~e the tiomperatures of attainable superhoating at pressures froin atmospherio to p ts 0.7 pa. 1% was found that 0 paraffins follow the law of t:aermocbrnamic similitude between normal and fluorinated paraffins. The potential parameters of the substances studlad depend almost 3-inear3,v:_ onthe number of carbon atoms in the paraffin molectile. The weakening of inter- malecular interaction upon Wbatitutlon of hydrogen atoms -with fluorine in paraffins is estim&ted. Authors thahk V. V. FILroov for his assistanco. Orig, art, haat 4 figku-esl, 2 tables and I forxula. ?V 39 07/ SUEN DATZI 12"3/ OW REPS 008/ OM PEP$ 002 cry C021. UDC 1 5.4 T)MOBB14, V.Ya.; YEMMAKOV, G.Vo Operntion of a foam dust collector imilar tho conditAcn of preliminary steam condenvation on dUnt partirAes. Zkur.prikl. kiiiiii. 38 no.34.691-693 Mr 165a (MIRA 18:11) 1. Tvanovskly khimiko-434mologichookiy inatitut. SubinltWd Febr. Is, 1963. TARNMY, I.Ao L NAKLMf. P.?,, inxh. aw developols" In sochdqm"o f&stproN6 20 W.5:59-62 Wr 160, Om 2318) 1, sametite"ll sl&vmp lashonas Xvwwbw prpdulao- thatokege Imimblusta 61mmWe saugal (for IrwoMov), (SPIMIVA) TmmA,,rov, i. A jj1#v*rOmm,~. Ways cof IneressILC labor prod=tivltr on stat* farms. Vop.ekon. n0.6:3.41-144 JS 057. (KTAA 10-?) (Irasnoder Territory-4ralt) 'T Y17K I pWouselyfivich; INUDMOMOV, G.U., red; COXIMSOVA. A.6., I.. [State forms In the U-Bos'Rel govkhosy V SM. Moskva Goes isd-vo 98ovstakels neWcool 1957# 36 po (MIRA 11:2) (state tome) YMWKOV, I.G., inzhener-goolog Higineering geolog7 characteristics of loesm Boils In the a.rea of the Wovosibirsk-Barnaul railroad line. Trudy FfIIZHT no. 2207-69 161 (MIRA 19:1) 1 1.490 SHAROvi ~V.I. RelationshLp between tke deformatiQu modulus of Vest Siberian dusty s"s and the porosity eoefficibnto Trudy MIZAT -to.28-, 131-254 162. (MMi 16:32) TERMOV. I*G. , Novosibirsk) ". '~ Conference in Novosibirsk on the exchange of experiences in engineering &w pological work, Oan*pfunds i mokh,grun, 6 no*6:28-29 164. (MIRA 18:1) YERMA 1