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S/196/63/000/001/034/035 El94/E155 AUTHORS: Krotov, P. V. 1_92i5i~~ and Shvionov, I. V. TITLE: All investigation of silicon rectifiers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.1, 1963, 11-12. abstract 1 L.46. (Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta mekhaniz. i energ. lesn. prom-sti, v.3'~, 1962, 53-69) 'TEXT: In addition to their known advantages, silicon rectifiers have good resistance to shock and vibration so that they are particularly suitable for narrow-gauge rectifier locomotives for timber haulage. -In 1960 TsNIIME developed and made a narrow- gauge electric locomotive type )Y,'!f -:4-01 (EKOU-4-01) having silicon rectifiers and meeting the requirements stipulated.for the timber and peat industries. The locomotive power is 150 kW, the coupled weight 18 tons. -In developing the locomotive the silicon rectifiers were tested and recommendations,were made to the factory manufacturing the rectifiers. The following conclusions are drawn from tests on silicon rectifiers type n~V,-100 (PVK-100)4 Card 1/2 11 An inves.tigation of silicon rectifiers 5/196/63/000/001/034/035 . I E19 VZ155 The most effective of the aluminium radiators is one with a cooling surface of 800 cm2. With' bL cooling air speed.of 8 - 10 m/sec and an aluminium radiator the rectifier withstAndi 120% load for 30 inin and 1500,L load for 3 min. The rectifier withstands 5 times rated load for 0.42 sec., and at these overloads can be protected by high-speed fuses type F)H9-'2/300 (1-INB-2/300). To ensure satisfactory load distribiition between parallel rectifiers in bridge arms, they must have matched voltage drop to within 0,01 - 0.02 V. 7 figures. f-Abstractor's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 SHCHELUKOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; ROLDOV,_M.Ye., red.; YELCHINA, L.A., red.izd-va; BAGURINA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Converting logging camps,to the electric power supply from the-Sverdlovsk electric power system] Opvt parevoda lespromkhozov na snabzhenie elektroenergiei ot setei Sverdlovenergo. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 38 p. (MIRA 17:3) PEREMMUMI, Paum Moiseyevich; ITINA, Liya Solomonovna; KUCHARINA, Klavdiya Ivanovna,- BOLDOV,&Mikhaul Yefimovich: ALYABOYEV, Viktor Ivanovich; 7=L3M-Jq _ffl-Idlaii , Xreksiandr ovich; FOYARKOVp K.M.Y red.; PITEF14AN, Ye.L.p red. izd-va; VDOVINA, V.1-1... tekhn. red. (Electrification of lumbering-enterprises] Elektrifikatsiia lesozagotovitellnykh prodpriiatii. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 358 p. (MIU 15:2) (Electricity in lumbering) (Electric railroads) V i ROSIMLID, Vitnliy Yevgenlyevich; CIERBOTAREV, Yavgeniy Viktorovich; SIDOROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; BQ4DOV,-Xikolay.,1ndreyevich-, TRAKHTMAN, L.M., red.; FRIDKIH, A.M., [Principles of electric traction] Osnovy elaktricheakoi tiagi. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo. Pt.l. [Theory of train movement, traction and braking characteristics, traction calculations and testing] Teoriia dvizheniia Doezda, tiagovye i tormomnye kharakteriatiki, tiagovye raRchety i ispytaniia. 1957. 311 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Electric railroads) 8(6) AUTHOR- Boldov, N. A., Candidate of Technical SOV/161-58-2-28/30 Miences,-Docent at the Chair of Electric Transportation, Moscow Powvx SO,-iiici.drin~ Institute TITLE: Comparison of Main-Weight Indices of Autonomous Electric Train Power Plants (Sravneniye osnovnykh vesovykh pokazateley energoustanovok avtonomnykh elektropoyezdov) PERIODICALs Nauohnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Elektromekhanika avtomatika, 1958, Nr 2, pp 223-227 (USSR) ABSTRACTz In a general way, a thermoelectric plant is compared with an electric accumulator plant with respect to weight indices, applied to the same requirements in the use of autonomous electric trains. (The term "thermoelectric plant" is applied to a Diesel-powered or gas turbine-plant for driving electric engines). It is shown that the relative weight of thermo- electric plants between re-filling on long distances is smaller in comparison to the weight of electric accumulator plants. Furthermore it is demonstrated that the latter can be compared to thermoelectric plants on relatively short Card 1/2 distances with high train speed only. Comparison of Main-Weight Indices of Autonomous SOV/161-58-2-28/30 Electric Train Power Plants ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra elektricheskogo transports, Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (Chair of Electric Transportation at the Moscow Institute) SUBMITTED: January 21, 1958 Card 2/2 BOLDOV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent 11:-~~~ Method of evaluating the continuous power and efficiency of electric traction machines of diesel and gas turbine locomotives. Ilektrichestvo no. 11:62-66 N 16o. (MMA 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy eaergetichookly institut. (Blectrio railway motors) SVIRIDOV, V.P.; BOLDOVI N.G. Heating highly viscous fluids in tank cars. Trudy NIITrananeft' no.1:57-72 161. .(MIRA 16:5) (Petroleum, Heating of) W ASATURYAN. A.Sh.; SVIRIDOV, V.P.; BOLDOV, N.G. An analogy of internal and external problems of hydrodynamics. Trudy NIlTranoneft' no.1:83-91 161. (KmA 16:5) (Petroleum pipelines-Fluid dynamics) 22231 S/093/61/000/002/002/003 A051/AI29 ATMORS: Asaturyan, A. Sh.; Sviridov, V. P., and.Boldov, N,.-G.- ~.a.TILE: The motion of a real liquid in conical tubes and nozzles PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo, no. 2, 1961, 60-611 1 M : The authors have applied the method of similarity and dimensions (Ref. 7) for investigating the motion of viscous liquids in tubes of val:ying cross- sections as opposed to Bernoulli's equation of continuity: q = /4GF r~-k 2 (1), -t is the discharge coefficient, F the cross section area, F= rd! , g the where / - gravity acceleration, H the pressure under which the liquid flows. The difficulty in using the latter equation is said to be the correct determination of /t; an analysis of the obtained experimental data in this work showed, however, that formiiia (1) can be used for a viscous liquid flowing through conical tubes, where the discharge coefficient /Uis a function of the Reynolds number R. The latter relationship was derived by the authors in assuming that the created motion of the viscous liquid in the horizontal conical tube in each cross-section is deter- mined by.the interaction of forces of inertia, pressure and internal friction. Thtm~se forces are characterized by the following parameters: Q, A P, d, Card 1/7-v 22231 S/093/61/000/002/002/003 ,he inot-lon of a real liquid ... A051/A129 %, L, where AP is the pressure difference between t e two cross-sections investi- ga-,ed, in kg/CM2, 0 the liquid density in kg sec2/c ... Vthe coefficient of kinematic viscosity in =2/seo, 0~ the angle of taper in radians, L the length of the cone in cm. Considering that all the main acting factors are taken into a2court the conne2tion-equation in non-dimensional values is expressed as: 4Q. d d2); 0~; L 0. (2) The combination'Wsuggested by Al*tshull is the Reynolds number. Solving - ' Ir equation (2) with respect to the discharge coefficient//&, the authors derive: 4Q _f (R, 0~, d (3) 7 ji 2 L r2g d d which shows 4,hat//Y- is really a ftniction of R, angle of taper and ratio as stated above. It Is further shown that a connection exists between/+,and the resistance coef ficient (Euler's parameter E.) : /~ = 1 (4) 2 rE_ where 1. v being the average velocity in a narrow cross-section.,/,,, zharac-t--izeX the resistance of the opening to the motion of the liquid depending on R. /It can be determined experimentally only. Fig. 1 is a diagram of the exoeriment,al set-up to determine -the functional relationship of equation (3) Card 2/7__~/ 22231 3/0 93/6 110001W21002100.3 V The motion of a real liquid ... A051/A129 The apparatus consists of a tank 1 creating pressure along 10 m, The liquid from tarok 1 enters the measuring capacity 7 passing through the pipeline 2, through -,re nozzle 6. The liquid discharge was regulated by tap 4. The pressure chanze during the motion of the viscous liquid in the conical tubes was measured in cross- se3tions A and B, using a sensitive two-liquid manometer 10. Fig. 24-'s a graph Lhowing the characteristic features of the motion of the viscous liquid in the con'ca' tubes. In the interval 3 - 103 4_' R -::::- 2 - 105 - the function /~ hardly de-, nendz on R. In the interval 10 --- R -- 3 ' 103 14, does not depend on the angle of t.aper a1- all. At 10 !!~- R 4300 the liquid flow in the conic.,al nozzles is laminated, b'_%t no s-~xictly linear law of this flow is observed, just as in the cylindrical tubes. A comrarison of the data obtained by the authors with those of Alltshul (Refs. 4, 9) and theoretical calculations made by Wuest (Ref. 10) showed that no linear --nelationship of the type = AR (5) results from equation (3) in the same interval (10 Z R --'300) of R. tesults obtained from calculations made with equation (5) by other authors did not correspond to the experimental data obtained 11r, this work. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that a conical rube of varying cross-sections shows much greater resistances to the liquid flow than round apertures in a thin wall do. A transfer from the laminar to the turbulent moveme-n-t- is noted at the critical value of R: Rk = 300 *7 330. In the irterval Card 3X7 ~,, 22231 S/093/61/000/002/002/003 The motion of a real liquid ... A051/AI29 3 - 10 3,,, R , 105 the liquid motion is turbulent and hardly depends on R. With a f~lrthsr increase in the R number /t decreases to 0.92 and then sharply increases, rea_,hirz a maximum X = 0.99 at R = 4.5 - 105 (Refs. 5, 8). Purther the value o' /6 de,-eases again'(Ref. 6) . An example is given of the calculations for deter- minlng t.he discharge of petroleum products and water at a pressure H = 5 m through a conical nozzle with an aperture diameter in the narrow cross-section d = 10 mm. mn- example showed that conical nozzles may be used successfully as a discharge- meter for measuring high-viscous liquids, if the pressure drop on the nozzle and 4,h!~! -.emneratul-e of the liquid in -the given cross-section are known, Lhere is i ~, j lagram, I graph, I table and 10 references: 9 Soviet-block, and I non-Soviet- block. Card 4/7, Y/ YEDIGARCOV, S.G. ; SVTRTDOV, V.?.; BO.LDOV, N.G. Pouring rijazut for,,, tarij,, cars with car dumpers. Trudy !,- ",rra,-, grief t I 1- no.3:77--93 164. 183:2) -j3OLDOV, N.A., kand.tek),n.nauk, dotsent Method for determining the principal parameters of electric traction machiner,Nr giving minimum weight per unit if power. Llectricbestvo no.c)-17-21 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy enerpeticheskiy institut. (Electric railway motors) BOLDOV, V.G.- SHEYNIN, O.B. P Wthods of abstracting used in the "International Geodetic Bibliography.# NTI no.918-19 163. (MIRA 16:11) GAVRILOVA, S.A.; BOLDOV, V.G. Present state of the geography section in the Univer-lal Decimal Classification and its use in the abstract journal *Geografiia.* NTI no.8ill-12 163. (MIRA l6t1O) SUKHOV, V.I.; BOLDOV, V.G.; SELIFANOV, V.P. Geodesy, photogrammetry, and cartography in the Universal Decimal Classification. NTI no.10:30-32 163. (MIRA 17:1) GAVRILOVA, S.A.; BOLDOV, V.G. A new version of the section nGeographym in the universal decimal classification. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 95 no.6:537- 539 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) BOLDOV, V.G., arpirant; SELIFANOVy V.P., mladshiy nauchnyy -,otrudnilr Scientific and technological information in the fields of geodesy and cartography. Izv. vvs. ucheb. zav.; geod. _4 aorof. no.5:137-14.1 163. (MIRA 17-.8) 1. Vsesov.-uzny_v institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informat-sii. FOZLOV, A.!,.; ZAVrSr-,kT-,'I, I.I.A.; BOLDOV, V.G. i 0 - - - - l'--.---r-"-3n- aar ex~erienr.-,-, in comp'li-na a reference bock fur * of geogrpphical names. Geod. i k,:xt. no.1:45-.'-~ a IC! i!,.- -." i'-. - ~ I... KONDRASHKOV, A.V.; GAVRILOVA, S.A-.;_PqLDOV, V.G. Comparison of the content of Lhe sections on geodosy, aerophotography, and cartography in the Universal Decimal Classification System, the classification system of the Moscow Public Library, and the system of subject headings in "Geodeziiall, a journal of abstracts. NTI no.3'. 33-35 164. (MIlk 17~9) Bo!mv, v. Gm t opryi I) bi c Gormi ss.~, on o I' the o a nd Ca rlograp h y of 'I! if- Sc~ er! t! I c a !I ec', I I. cf4-! Cou I IoY";ne of Higher --T,(i Seconda-,~~ S-i-clalized Ediic~,tjon Mi nist, 11 ? - a T7.,, VyS, CHUDAKOV, K.P., inzh.; DOYMOVSKAYA, I4K., Inzh.; BOLDOV, Yu.V., inzh. Using the method of negative impressions for detaTmOning the wear of machine parts.- Vest.mash. 42 no.1:40-42 Ja 162. (MIRP 15:1) (Mechanical wear-Teating) CHIRYATNIKOV, V.I.,-starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LEVI14A 5 L.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BUSHKOVA, L.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; STEFANOV, A.V., starshiy veterinarnyy vrach-bakteriolog; SHIRYAYEVA, V.M., starshiy veterinarnyy vrach-I)akteriolog; SOLOVIYEVAI O.T., veterinarnyy vrach-bakteriolog; BOLDOVA A.K., inzh. Aging of cured meat in large containers. Trudy VNIIMP no.12:58-70 162. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Chiryatnikov, Levina, Bushkova). 2. Moskovskiy ayasokombinat (for Stefanov, Shiryayeva, Solov'yeva, Boldova). GUN) R.B.; BIRYUKOV, V.V.; BOLDOVA, I.P.; YATSKE'VICH, G.L. Automatic control of an assembly of a regeneration unit for the adsorption purification of liquid paraffins. Mash. i neft. obor. no.11:33-37 164. (IMIRA lgt:l) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po avtowtike v nefte- pererabotke i neftekhimii. BOLDOVA9 1. -. Diagnosis of volvulus of the sigmoid colon. Vest. khir. 84 no.5: 95-101 My 160. (COLON-DISEASES) (MIRA 13:12) Boldova, K. of VOlvulus of the Sim-noid Volon". 7-'in First Lenimrrad 7-:edical inst Lmeni Acadenici~n T. P. Pavlov an,--~ t',,- T n- 5 in ae, Sci -,tes Inst of First Aid imeni t4 Y4-Dzhanelidze, Lenin-rad, 1q 5 (Dissertation for Degree of Doctor of ll';edic7l sciences.) SO: Knizhna3ra Letopist, No. -23, I-Iloscow, Jun 55, PP P-7-104 BOLDOVIN, 111. Reduction of the time neceseary for artificial drying of wood. p. 8. TEHNICA NOUA. (Asociatia StiIntifica a Inginerilor A Tehnicienilor) Bucuresti. Vol. 3, no. 34, Feb. 1056. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 ZOrOV,M.Ya.; BOU)OVKIN,I.A. Device for making grooves in gypsum wnlla. Rats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.104:29-30 155. (MIJqA 8:11) (Electric conduits) V 3OLDOVSK11, A. S. Dorozhnoe stroitel'stvo v Gor1kovskom krae. fPoad construction In the Gorki terri- tor~7. Gor1kil Gorikovskoe izd-vo, 1935. 180 P- SO: Sovial Transugrtation an4 CUMMIcations. ?A ;5ibligaTaphy, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. - muI-.uuvzmII " U. V. "Warm Water Gadidae in the Barents Sea." Dokl. AN SSSRJ, 24, No.3. 19B9 Knipovich Polar Sci. IrAt. Marine Risheries and Oceanogmpby BOIMVSKIY, I.V., inzhoner. (stantsiya Nikitovka Donetskoy zbeleznoy dorogi). Automatic control for maintaining constant temperature in greasing leatber parts. Vest. TSNII MPS 15 no.4:55-56 D '56. (I.UU 10: 2) (Railroads--Brakes) BOIDOVSKIY, N. V. Use of automatic control in air compressors. Zhel.dor.transp. 37 no.10:73 0 155. (KLRA 9:1) l.Nachallnik proizvodetvenno-takhnicheakogo otdela vagonnogo depo, stantsiya NikitovkiL. (Air compressors) BELYY, V.D.; CHqYKO, I.T.; BOLDOVSKIY, N.V.; NOS, V.S. ~b*WAMWwftww,w- Study of diesel mine locomotives. Trudy IMakNII 14. Vop. gor. elektromekh. no.5:249-265 62. (MIRA 16-.6) (Mine railroads) (Diesel engine exhau4~ gases--Analysis) BOLDUR, C,; BOLDUR, Al. Geologic research in the Resita-Doman-Secul region. Dari seama sed 46:255-272 '58/59 [publ. 1621. RAILEANU, Gr.; NASTASEANU, S.; BOLDURI c. -- New data on the west tectonic limit of the Resits, zone (Banat). Studii cerc geol & no.1:7-11 t63. 1. Comanicare prezentata. de academician G, Murgeanu. BOIDUR~ C.; BOLDUR, Al. Geologic research in the Resita-Doman-Secul region. Dari seama sed 46:255-272 158/59 [PubL 1621. BOLDUR P 0. ; STA14 Olu J, 1. ; S'. IIIA, Al. Consideratiofie on the dogger in the Plesiva struct-are(Resita zone- Moldova Noua Banat). Dari seama sed 40, pt.2:93-97 -161-162[publ.16,/J. 1. Sulmitted I-larch 16, 1962. BOLDIR, C.; *-,:1IULACJE, P. Stratigraphic irq.-ortance of the lw:iellibranchiate faimu in tho Maditmi Jumssic of the I-lesiva structure (Resita --one. M)Ieova Doua, Banat). Dari seama sed 49 pt.2:163-171 161-162 (publ. 1641. 1. Sub-latted April 13, lc?62. RAILEANU, Gr., MASTASEAMI, S. , BOLDU-R,~~ G. New data on the western tectonic houndary of the Resits, 03anat) area. Rev geol geog Rum 7 no. 2: 199-202 t63. BOLDUR, Gh,, ing. An . a.pplication of linear programming in supplying balast pit materials. Constr Buc 16 no.760:3 1 Ag 164. 1. Institute of Building Research and Construction Building Economics. BOLDUR pilrt-inz*.. The Tudor Vladimirescu Enterprisep a moderm unit for relon thread processing. Ind. text Rum 12 no.5:179-183 My'61. 1. Directoral Tesatoriei de relon "Tudor Vladimires cull. BOLDURCHIDI, P.1)., prepodavatell fizichookogo voopituniya Deep and spaced respiration as a factor strengthening the health of students in a hygienic sports camp. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:406-407 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra fizicheskogo vospitaniya, lechebnoy fizkulltury i meditskinskogo kontrolya (zav. dotsent Gne~mshev, V.V.) Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. BOLUJSHU, F.I., in2hener; IVANOV. F.M., inzhener. Experience in building cement concrete pavements under cold weather conditions* Avt.dor. 18 no.1:11-1) Ja-F '55. (MIRA 8:4/ (Roads, Concrete-Cold weather conditions) B/081/61/000/024/037/086 B117 B147 AUTHORS: Tokh, T., Boldvin, V. TITLEa Effect of different hydrogen concentrations on the plasticity of steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 306, abstract 241198 (Sb. "Korrozion. rastreskivaniye i khrupkost". M., Mashgiz, 1961, 166 - 173) TEXT: The plasticity of SAE1020 steel with varying H 2 content was studied at different deformation rates and temperatures. The steel was electro- lytically saturated with hydrogen in 4% H2 so4 with an addition of 1% of a 2 solution of 2 g of yellow phosphorus per 40 ml of CS2o D0 was 0.15 a/dm It has been found that the effect of H covers a thickness of 64 mm. 2 H2 can be "pumped out" of the steel by subsequent anodic polarization. The accompanying increase in plasticity resulting from anodic polarizaiion Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/024/037/086 Effect of different hydrogen ... B117/B147 is larger than after mechanical removal of the surface layer. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation .1 V/ Card 2/2 RUMIA/Cultivatea Plants - Grains. L-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69228 Author Krachun, T., Boldya, El. Inst Title The Influence of Agricultural Background on the Quality of Corn Hybrids. Orig Pub Px1Cfbl. agric., 19505, 8, No 12, 34-51 Abstract The experiments were conducted in seven variants with F2 and F3 seeds of local specimens Moara Doninyasks, X Ikar 54 and Dobrodzhan Ikar 54 in F1 and F - The pre- servation of heterosis in F2 and F was es?ablished. The physical properties and chemicll composition of seed of corn hybrids were studied. Card 1/1 ]WDMr,i,R/uuit-Iva-t,1e rlants - Grains. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 10707. Author Pryadchenku, A., Yazadzhi, A., Velikan, V., Dregich, L., Bretan, I., Gologan, I., Dalas, V., Melakrinas, A., Boldye, Ye., Cbobotaru, V., Millya, K. --l- - Inst Rumanian Academy. Title The Best Sorts of Spring Wheat for the Rumanian People's Republic. Orig Pub Biol., zh. Akad RER, 1956, 1, No 1, 147-2o6 Abstract The results are given of the comparative testing of spring wheat varieties conducted in 1949-1952 on six experimental bases, situated in different productive zones of the Russian People's Republic. USSR/Cultivatea Plaiits - Grains. M Abs Jour : Ref 7bur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82263 Author : Pryadchenko, A; Melakrilios, A., D-iesku, S., Boldya, Ye. Inst : Tit-Le : Arnaiitka Winter Wheat Orig Pub Selektsiya i scmenovodstvo, 1957, No 6, 73-74 Abstract Winter Arnautka was discovered in the peasant's plaitings i-. the of Krayovskaya Oblast' ard in the Bacou Pro- virice of the Rurnnian People's Republic. A botanical des- cription is cited. In 1953-1955 Arnautka wi:iter wheat was tested at 10 e7perimental station of the Ri~maninn People's Republic. Winter Arnautka sown in spri-..g does not prod cc spikes. The duration of vernalizatio:-- is 14- 15 days shorter than in ordinary wiiiter wheat; it is si- milar to winter barley with regard to winter resista-.-.ce; it is affected less by loose sm~~t and buat and is more resista%.t to In the north of Moldavia, the soath Card 1/2 - 10 - ~SSR/Cultivated Pla-nts - Grains M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 16, 1958, 82263 Of OltOllil-l, iii Jla.iatn and iii B116harest Province it Procl'ces 50-150% hi&cr yield than tLic ~prinb Ar.Iautka; tile graill is 0k high. q.ality; the absoLite wei0it s-ur- passed the weight of the grain of ordinary wiiter wheat by 4-10 grams; its grain has higher vitreokisness. Winter Arnautka is -at the preseit time bred at the agri- c"Itural experinent station of Studi-no and at the seed growL-g establis'Lime,.-Its of Krayovskaya Oblast-. -- A.F. Khlystova Card 2/2 BOLDYRI, Ye.D.; Pb'rRUSHEVSKIY, G.K. "Actn hydrobiologica Ginica, no.2, 1956 (in Chineael. Reviewed by R.D. BoicLvr' and G.K. Petrueflevskii. Zool. zbur. 37 no.3:474-475 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (China--Fresh-wnter fauna) FILlN. I.; BOLDYREV, A. Homemade motor scooter..Za rul. 1? no.?:17 Jl 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Motor scooters) DROBYSIIFVSKIY, V.; BOLDYM, A.; REP111, A.; FEM, , A.; KFYI, A. (Chelyabinak). Suggested, developed, introduced. Izobr.i rate. no.4:32 Ap '60. (MIRA 13:6) (T3chnological innovations) BOLDIREV, A. - Are the plant administrators justified? Dan. i kred. 21 no.7-. 55-56 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy bukhgalter zavoda "Akkumulyator". (Kursk--Electric equipment industry-Finance) BOLDM, V. A. There should be an overall solution for technical problems. WTO 5 no#5:29-32 My 163. WIRA 16:7) 1. Predsedatell Gosstroya RSFSR, chlen TSentrallnogo pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo khimicheskogo obshchestva imeni D.I. Mendelpyeva. (Building research) ; I I z /_,~ C- / I/ " ,, _r, BOIDYRBT, A.A. . inzh. HYdroelectrIc power plant construction In India. Gidr.stroi.26 no.12:39-45 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (India-Hydroelectric power stations) /_ ~11,./, fi~'lr 4. 1- I_T1_ 77, BOLDYREV, A.A., inzh. ... Wa,'Nteppower resources of China (from "Water Power," no.2 1957). Xlek.sta. supplement no.6:38-39 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:2) (China--Hydroelectric power) '_ I --- ?r) I AF-N AUTHORt Boldyrev, A.A. Engineer 98-7-18/20 TITLE: The Catastrophe at the Shoollkopf Hydroelectric Power Plant, USA (Katastrofa na gidrostantaii shelkopf, SShA) PERIODICkLt Gidrotekhnicheakoye Stroitalletvo, 1957, No 7, PPS7-58 (USSR) A,BSTRACTs One of the oldest hydroelectric power plants in the USA was partly destroyed on June 7, 1956 by a rookslide, causing complete destruction of power houses B and C, with a total capacity of 234,000 kw. The discontinuation of operation at the Shoellkopf plant meant a lose of 8,4% of the stand-by reserve of the Upstate low York Power Pool. The disaster was likely caused by a minor earthquake, or by water seeping through the rocks, or by a combination of both. Whether the destroyed power houses will be repaired or re-built, has as yet not been decided. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 2 English references. AVAILLBLEi Library of CoAgress Card 1/1 - - /.- Z'i - - 7-- .,- - -- I . 1 2 - - II/ I I BOIDYIMV, A.A., inzhener. Pressure pipeline of the Big Zildon Dam [Victoria, Australia]. Gidr.stroi. 26 n0-8:52-55 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Australia--Dams) 1-7 r AUTHOR: Boldyrev, A.A., Engineer 98-58-6-18/21 TITLE: The Erection of the Bersimis Power Plant (Stroitel'stvo gidroelektrostantsii Bersimis) PERIODICAL; Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitellstvo, 1956, Nr 6, PP 51-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a detailed description of a power plant being erect- ed on the river Bersimis in the southern part of the Labra- dor Peninsula in Canada. There are 4 figures, 1 photo, and 8 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 7 English. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Electric power production-USSR 2. Power plants-Construction 3. Water power-USSR 'ROLDY-TZP,V, A.A., inzb. Salina hydroelectric station (Spain). Blek. 9ta. no.4 Supplement: 44-45 Ji-Ag 158. (1411bi 11:10) (Saline Xydroelectric Pwor Station) BOLDYREv, A.A., inzh. Electrical part of the Bersimis Hydroelectric Power Station. Energokhoz. za rub. no-5:10-12 S-0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Bersimis Hydroelectric Power Station) %. BOIJ)YREV. A.A..inZh. Multilayer pressure pipeline of kydroelectric power stations (fron "Journal of Power Division," no. P04. 1957). Rnergokho-. za rub. no.6:38,740 H-D 158. (HIU 1~:4) (Brazil-Hydroelectric power stationa) NOVIKOV, Yu.M., inzh.; BOLDYRLT, A.A.,P."inzh. The high Ansuan Dam and Ito economic Importance to the Xg7PtIan area of the United Arab Republic. Energokhoz. za rub. no.2:1-6 Mr-AP '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Assuan Dam) SOV/98-59-4-13/17 AUTITOR: Boldyrev, A.A., Engineer TITLE: From the Experience of Foreign Technolc~gy (Iz opyta zarubezhnoy tekhniki)t Underground Hydroelectric Power Plants With a Reduced Powerhouse Volume (Pod- zemnyye gidroelektrostantsii s umen'shennym ob"- yemom mashinnogo zdaniya) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 4, pp 47-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article aives technical data on the following underground hydroelectric power plants recently erected: Ambuklao Philippines), Guayabo (Salva- dor), and Maytkhon Rndia). They feature level- type power generating units with straight-shaft suction pipes. There are 9 diagrams, 1 table and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 2 English. Card 1/1 8(6), 14(6) SOV/98-59-7-14/22 AUTHOR: Boldy-rev, A. A., Engineer TITLE: --The -Exploitation of the River Drac - the Saint-Pierre Coniet Hydro-Electric Scheme PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 7, pp 55 - 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ..This article, dealing with new developments in the non-Soviet world of kydraulics, is devoted to the pro- ject on the River Drac in the Rh6ne basin in France. There are 7 diagrams and 3 references, I of which is American and 2 French. Card 1/1 BOIDYREV, A, IetIs develop the manufacture of details and elements made of solid and porous silicate concrete. Na stroi. Ros. no.3:17-19 D 16o. (MMA 3J+-. 6) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosstroya, RSFSR. (Si3icates) (Concrete) BOLUbMV, A.A.; IL'IN, A.I.; NOVIKOV, YuJI.; VOZN35ERSKIYl A.U., prcf., 'MROPOV, L.N., red.; LARIONOV) G.Te., tekhn. red. [Deve:Lopment of water resources in India) Ispollzovanie vod- mykh resursov Indii. Pod obiffiobei red. A.N.Voznesenskogo. No- sk-va, Gose energ* izd-voy 1961, 95 Po (MIRA 15:3) (India--Water resources developrent) I SOLOVYEVA, G.A.;_BOLDYREV, A.A. - - ,Effect of carnosine on the restoration of working capacity of the nerve and muscle preparation in exhaustion and after diplacin-in- duced block. Vop. mod. khim. 10 no.41425-430 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 18t4) 1. Kafedra biokhimii zhivotnykh Gosudarstvennogo universitelt's, imeni Lomonosova, Moskva. L 2~117=k6 . EWT(1)/T ; JK 4CC M AP5025671 AUTHOR: Bold-yrev, A. A* SOURCE COM 'JR/0385/65/ool/005/0398/0403 ORG: Department oL-Aninaa Binchenj trz. sgi~ Blulng:y Fanultzz of Mnnaow State University- Im', U& -VL U&qLMv (Kefodra biokbimli zhivotnykb biologo pocbvennogo fe-cullteta Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitete) TITLE: Relationship between ImIdazole and cholinoreoeptor in aynaptio impulse transmission SOURCE: Zburnal evolyutsionnoy biokbimli i fiziologii, v. 1, no. 5, 1965, 398-403 TOPIC TAGS: neurophysiology, nerve fiber, nervous system drug, muscle physiology, experiment animal ABSTRACT* In continuation of earlier work this study involves certain stages in the mechanism of the Imidazole effect on the myoneural region for increase of working capacity and removal of the diplacin-induced block. Data are also presented on sensitivity changes to acetylcholine at various stages of the effect under study. The wglmas conducted in three series, for fatigue, diplacin end acetyleholi 6,-rn a preparation of frog sartorlus muscle (Rana temporaria) in Ringertg solution with or without imidazole and subjected to varying serielp 90 .tingle pulses. L 23117-66 ACC NRi AP5025671 0 Diplacin (l.lo-5) and imidazole (9.10-3 ) werg introduced upon changing the Ringer solution and acetylcholine (1010- ) was poured into the solution surrounding the muscle, It was found that in fatigue-depressed muscle response imidazole favored restitutio76 of capacity for a single contraction (to 1~,O%) and almost complete recovery for optimal tetanus without effect on pessimal tetanus. Fatigue appeared much later in an imidazole-containing solution and could be reversed by adding new imidazole. The imidazole effect was pronounced for rhythmic stimulation at optimal frequency; the increased amplitude of optimal tetanus points towards labilization of the synaptic apparatus since no change in energy resources was seen when compared with controls. Diplacin block gave essentially the some results, though more pronounced, as fatigue; this is ascribed to postsynaptic changes. Replacing diplacin with imidazole gave analogous effects. Increased muscle sensitivity was seen in all tests. The acetylcholine effect was determined at all test stages. Development of the diplacin block was accompanied by decreased reaction to acetylcholine. Decreased acetylcholine sensitivity also accompanied the stimulatory effect of imida-zole, in contrast to controls. imidazole had no stimulatory effect on non-fatigued prepare.tions, but it did depress their acetylcholine sensitivity, These facts permit localiza- tion of the imidazole effect between the terminal membrane and the apparatus determining motor reaction to nerve irritation. It was L 23117-66 ACC NR' AP5025671 concluded that imidazole applied Dnder those conditions increased the working capacity of muscle, This effect was accompanied by increased excitability of the nouromuso"lar 'preparation and depressed sensitivity to acetylcholine* Orig, art, has: 4 figures, SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 2lDec64/ SOV REF; 0051 OTH FEF: 001 C.'d 1/1 G- 13AGDASAROV, S.M., inzhener; IANTSBXRG, Yu.S., inzhener Eauthoral; BOLDYREV, A.F., inzhener (reviewer]. --- -~ - 11 *Operation of mmicipal roads." S.M.Bagdaearov and Iu.S.Lantsberg. Re- viewed by A.7.Boldyrev. Gor.khos. Kosk. 27 no.?:29-31 Jl 153. (MLRA 6:7) (Roacle--Naintenance and repair) PANOV, D.I.;_.BDLV[RICV, A.F., inzb.; KIMIRSKIY, X.F., inzb., YJLTnffEV, N.I., inzh. - Introducing improvements in the city of Moscow. Uor.khoz-Hook. 34 no.3:5-12 Mr 160. (HIE& 13:8) 1. Naucballnik Upravi i a blae-oustroystva g. Hoskvy. e?Wo%cow,-*Anicip&l service) BOLDYREV, A.G.p inzh. Portable reinforced concrete poles for electric lines. Gor. zhur. no.2:72 T161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Trest Vakhrushevugoll, Karpinsk, Sverdlovskoy obl. .(Mine railroads-Wires and wiring) BOLDYREV, A...G., inzh. Portable driving station for transporter belts. Gor. zhur. no-5: 67 W 163, (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vakhrushevskiy treat ugollnoy promyshlennosti kombinata Sverdlovskugoll. (Conveying machinery) L 0~65 64 _ _ AGUSSION NR AP021279 I on the basis of epr_W_asurements~ thr-be ty~6s.or..radicals'were-detected- The- - I'kinetics of:free radi~61 acciiu6lation. i was s- ud ed by gradual heating of spacL-nen,,, and'the results are.shown graphicaily. :~It- Jia donaluded that during heating of polyandde acids two processes occur: -arevercible one and an irreversible one. The, reversible change is attributed to,: prpcosses taking one and the s ame Pi imide rlng~ whereas the nunreversible changes are attributed to the recombination . -. of free radicals two differett. macromolecules. Wicals having the structure -0 --0 were not detected. Or art s:,' h graphs.; ASSMUTION1. Institut v~mojromolekalyarr4kh , Akademii nauk SSSR pbyedineniy . . (Institute for High-Hol e,cular Coupoufids1% Aeadeny: of Sciences. SSSR)++_~Ie 77 7 77 7 WBMTED l'Har65' SNOM -SUB. CODEt OC It W. REP SOVt 003 h -N -BUDYFIEW # A. I._. Compensation in epilepaye Report Ho. 1. Vop. paikh. no. 3:295-293 159. (MIRA 13:10) (EPILEPSY) BOLDMEVI A.I. Development of somnolence and sleep following hypnotic treatments, Vop. paikh. no. 3:321-325 159. (MIRA 13:10) (SI.FZP) (HrPNOTISM-TMWEUTIC USE) BOLDLUN., A. I. Work adaptability in epilepsy. Vop. psikh. DO-4:152-16) t6o. (Epilmics) (HANDICAPPED-1-HPLODENT) (~fIRA 15:2) BOLDYREV, A. I., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Problem of labor compensation in epilepsy." Moscow, 1960. 19 pp; (Ryazan' Med Tnst im Academiciarl Pavlov); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 28-60, 164) C, Fundamental principles of treating epileptics. Felid. i akush. 28 no.2:20-271 F163. (MMA 16.-9) 1. Iz Instituta psikhiatrii Ydnisterstva zdravookhraneniya R3FSR. (EPILEPTICS-CARE AIM TREATMU) FEDOTOV, D.D., prof., otv. red.; RE=OVA, Ye.S.~ zam. otv. red.; AVERBAKH, YaX, red.; 61OLD'YREV, A.I.,(Moskva) red.; GOLIDOVSKAYA, G.I., red.; KOPSHITSER, I.Z.(IIoskva), red. [Materials of the AL-Russian Conference on the Problem of Epilepsy, April 1964] Materialy Vserossiyskoy konferen- tsii po probleme epilepsii, Moskva, Gos.nauchno-issl. in-t psikhiatrii, 1964. 293 P. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya po probleme apilepsii, 1964. 2. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo in- stituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (for Fedotov). 11I.P. f."!O~kArn); *1 1 ) . 11 1 of the folcher nerv,-~uq activity ard vegetativ-, react-lons In the J.Pitial ~stage of epilepsy. s-lat'. no.,/I 156-16,0 163 (1,11RA 1.821) 4 j 1y Charac L~--j,J s tics of Lhe adaptlve function of the, visiiai S.,!sC in epilepsy patients. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 5B nc,.8:42-44 Au 16Z, . (mu:-A 18: Laboratoriya organov chuvstv (zav, - prof. Sn:,,akin) 1-1-sti- C, - tuta normallnoy i patolo,gicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - deystv--te'-' I-,.Yy chIen AHN SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) AMM SSSR i Iristit'lit, usiklizatri: ~dir. - prof. P.D. Fedotov) Hini,,Aerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, [,I,).-,kva, Submitted July 8, Ic)03. ALESHIN, S.N.; ~ _A.I. Using a sodium glass electrode for determining the absorption of sodium in soi14. Pochvovedenie no.1:1-14-121 ja 162. (MIRA 17:1) L MOskOvSkay'a seliskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya imeni Timiryazeva. of' floll and, their dotormlriat~rli~. 0 1. fizicheshoy i kolloidnoy c:71'i,kokhozyaystvonno,,y akademii to.0111 BOLDYFEV, A.I.; S14C)LIKOV, B.H. "tandard evaluaLion of articlen of an accessory production. Standartizatsiia 28 no.8:30-31 Ag 164. (1,1IRA 17: 11) S~ZINOVIGH, P.P.; BUIJ)=V, A.K.. kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; MDNOMMSM, Y.M., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, nauchny7 redaktor; YMROVA. N.O., redaktor; IIAKH OV, V.S., takhnicheakiy redaktor; VORONIN. X.P.,tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Architectural bruilding elemental Arkhitekturnve konstruktsii zdanii. Koskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhi- tekture, 1952. 332 p. [Microfilm) (MLRA 7:32) (Building) OSIPOV, Lev Georgiyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; SERBINOVICH, Pavel Petrovich; KRASENSKIY, Viktor Yevgenlyevich. Prinimal ucbastive SHOIN, L.F., inzh.. B YRIV,_AK,., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; MARTYNOV, A.F., red.; GRIGORCHUI, L.A., [Pablic and industrial buildings; architectural and structural deaigns and building eleinental Grazbdanakie i promyshlonnye zdaniia; arkhitakturno-kDnatruktivaye ekhemy i elementy zdanii. Izd.2., parer. Pod obshchei red. L.G.Osipova. Moskva, Goo. iod-vo "Vvsshaia shkola," 1961. 470 p. (MIRA 15--2) (Pablic buildings) (Industrial buildings) - WI&DYREV, A.K., [deceased]; GREKOVA, M.K.; KUZIMNA, L.B.; ALYAVDIN, V.F. Crystallographic tables for finding the ratio of two whole numbers in decimls. Kristallografiia no.4:196-229 '55. (ML'RA 100) (Crystallography) %L. SERBB'OVICH., P.P.;.BOLDYIEV, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; OSIPOV, G.L., kand. tek" nauk, retsenzent; ILIB'SKIY, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; OBLIZINA, N., red. [Principles of structural physics; a textbook for students specializing in construction at the All--Union Engineering and Construction CorresporuJence Institute] Osnovy stroitell- noi fiziki; uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov stroitellpykh spetsiallnostei VZSI. Moskva, 1963. Sec.1-3. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy inzhenerno-stroitellrjyy institut. Kafedra arkhitektury.