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Modifteation of Hes2operation in ptosia of the eyelids Vest.
oft. 73 no. 105-36 Ja-F 160., iMIRA 14.-l)
i ~'. ."w''
ill ~ .
I - .
I I- m
1. ; I . -- , I . - . -1. . , . , . . - I - , - , I . I. .. , 4 , fl ~ t v - - + I , . I -
Some Interference phenomena in media containing thin horizontal-
parallel layers. Part 1. Izv.AN SS-SR. Ser.geofiz. no.9:1009-1020
S 156, (MLRA 9:12)
l.- Akadentya nauk SSSR, laningradekoys otdelenlye Hatematicbeekogo
Institute, Imeni V.A. Staklova.
(Satanic waves)
Some Interference phenomena In media containing thin horizontal
parallel layers. Part 2. Isv.AX SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no.10:1129--1144
0 156. (MLRA 10:1)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR Leningradskoye otdoleniya Matematichaskogo
inatituta imeni V.A. Steklovas %
(Seismic waves)
I - ~ 1, -
- - - -1.1. It .
ence phenomena'In u4is, containing thin
Some Interfer horizontal-
parallel layers. IArt 3. Izv.Aff SSSR.Ser.goofit. no.11:1241-
1251 N 156,, . (MMA lo.. 1)
1. Akademiya, nauk SSSR.Leningradskoys otdoleniye Katematichaskogo
instituta imeni V.A. Steklova.
(Seismic waves)
(MIRA 18'-B)
FACC NR. AP7004629 SOURCE COPi_-._1X/628'8/6-6/ooo/O03/
MOR: Yenal'sk~y, V. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Numericalisolution of th*
e dispersion equation for beam-excited plasma
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdcleniye. Izvestiya.
teklinicheskikh nauk, no. 3,
1966, 3-12
TOPIC TAGS: plasmIa beam interaction, plasma oscillation, plasma wave propagation,
dispersion equation, numerical solution, probability integral
ABSTRACT: A compq~r program is developed for solving the dispersion equation
satisfied by the cJDmplex frequency z %, n + ir of longitudinal oscillations in the
plasma, for the case in which thermal motion in the plasma and electron beam exhibits
Maxwellian.,distribUion. As this equation involves the probability integral of
complex argument %J,(z), the program deals with 1) the computation-of w(z) and its firstl
two derivatives, a~d 2)'the solution of the transcendental equation itself. Since
classical w(z)prorams ~for the construction of tables are not adequate for all values
of z, an addition , program is presented which uses a system of analytic series
expansions which ake given in detail. Programs for the identification of the roots
and their precise bomputation are also given. Typical examples of numerical results
Lqprd UDC: 333.9.12
ACC NR, AP7004629
follow in the form!of tables and curves giving the frequency Q and the amplitude
increment r as fun tions of the velocity v0 of the electron beam for particular
values of the varig "a physical parameters. The author thanks N. N. Yanenko and
V. S. Imshennik fo formulating the problem and'for their intereat in the calculation
results.. Orig. art.-has: 2 figures and 1 table. EWA-711
SUB CODE: 20/ SI DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0061 OrH REF:* 001/
Card 2/7
ACC NRs AT7004276 ---SUURCE',-'~&6iis-Ui/i~l-i/46/04/000/0093/0106-:
AUTHOR: skiy V. A
ORG: none
TITIZ: On the'motion of particles in an electromagaetio field
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Matmaticheskiy institut. Trudyq T- 74# 1966., Raznostriyye metody
resheniya zadach matematicheakoy fiziki (Difference methods for solving problems in
!mathematical phynics)v pt. 1p 93-106
~TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic field, particle notionp elliptic differential equationp
iiteration, numeric solution
ABSTRACT: The collioionleas motion of particles of mass a and charge e in an electro-
magnetic field in free space is considered. Maxwell's equations with the Lorentz
gauge and the equation of motion are reduced to the form.(in cylindrical coordinates)
%. OA, aA,N 0 (IDS + Air)
r+ aq;
+ iq 2~~ 1
re (A + 90 e lye Jve
aq (A*.r)*,
A06 0. AT AA, A,, ~-AA9 A99 AA, 01
PT - -FT
ACC NRs AT7004276
Here the scalar potential
has been separated into-a. high frequency component and a low frequency component
04 Cos (W I
The motion of particles is considered in a cylindrical region of radius R and length
L on whose surface ~_7 are gIven the boundary conditions
2W _~r '
'0 (r, 0) ' 4; , L),~' 0.
(/?, S) / (S),
E 0,
A. (r, 0) - A., (r, L) 0.
t. a (S)
r w.
!where f and H. are given functions. The methods for numerical solution of the
~problem are discussed in detail, and the conditions for convergence of the iteration
iprocess are described. Some numerical results for seyGral specific ex6mples are
1presented and in one case are compared with -the known analytic solution. The author
!+.hanks U. X. Yanenko, V. A. Teplyakov, and V. So I-shennik for discuseiona, advicep
and interest in the problem. A. A. Nikiforova helped write the computer program
Orig. art. hans 124 equationst 3 figures# and I table.
Card 2/2 SUB CODE: 201 __ SM-D&M - noneL ORIQ_RW_I 0071 9TH RUs - Q93-
USSR/Thermodynamics Thermochemistry. Equilibria. B-8
Physical-Chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions,
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - KhWya, No 6, 1957) 18530
Author : A.I. Yurzhenko) V.D. Yenallyev,
Inat ; Lvov University.'*'~~~
Title : Study of Distribution of Isppropylbenzene Hydroperoxide
between Styrene and Water Phases.
Orig Pub : Nauk. zap. LIvivalk. un-tu, 1955, 34, 45-50
Abstract : The distribution of isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide (I)
between the styrene and water phases at 200, 350 and 430
was studied, The distribution factor (K) describing the
ratto of molar parts of I in the water phase and in aty-
rpn-- aecieases with the temperature riae from O.C639 at
20~; ';.-c, 0.0314 at 430, Addition of small amounts of NaOH
kcj.~".)l to 0.025 n.) causes a decrease ciAl K due to sal-
ting out, but at the increase of NaOH concentration to
0.1 n., K rises due to the formation of a I salt soluble
in water. Addition of Na2CO-A and KS04 causes salting
Card 1/1 - 209 - oqt of I'and a decrease of K.
yV, V.D.
n"4 ferrous salts -
Interaction between organic hvdroDeroxide, (MIRA 11:2)
'-'-pt.30-195-197 157.
Dop. ta, pov. Vviv. Unt n"I of)
(Chemical reactionn, Rate
(Hydroxides) (Iro Balts)
Zffect of interphase distribution of hydroperoxides on the
rate of-certain reactions In emulsions* Dope ts, pov, Vviv un.
no.? 201-2 lk7-037- (MIRA 11:2)
(Hydroxides) (Chemical reaction, late of)
d :,~M-1~4 AL.-
TURZHENKO, A.I. [IUrshonko, 0.1.3; YNNALITEV, V.D. [11nalliev, V.D.J-
Investigation of the reactions of organic b7droperoxides vitb
malts of ferrous oxide. Xauk.zap.L'viv.un 46-.7-2z - 158.
(MIRA 1217)
OWroperoxides) Son salts)
[IUrshenko, 0.1.3, Kovbuz, X-0-
Effect of the molecular weight of tertiar7 hydrocarbons on
their oxidizability in the liquid phase and in emulsions, Nauk-.-
zap.Llviv.un. 46:13-16 158. (NIEL 12:7)
(EVdrocarbons) (oxidation)
TEN&LITEV, V.D. (INnalliev, V.Dj; YURZHFNKO, A.I. [IUrzhenko, 0.1.]
Effect of the relationship of phase to the kinetics of redox
polynerization In amilalona. 46:21-2.1; 158o
(KIRk 12:7)
YMMITEV, V.D. [INnalliev, V.D.]; TURZI[EIMO, A.I. (IUrsbenko, 0.1.]
- Zffect of the concentration of the initiating system on the X-inst1cs
of re4ox polymerization In emulsions. fiau1c.zap.L'viv.un 46:
26-33 158- (Polymerization) (MIRA 12:7)
AUTHORSt Yurzhenko, A. I., Ivanova, N. Ya., SOV/20-12-1-2-32/50
TITLEs The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation Reduction
Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization (Uchastiye emullgatora v
okislitellno-vosstanovitellnom initaiirovanii emullsionnoy
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 324-326
ABSTRACT: One of the most important factors influencing the kinetics of
polymerization in emulsions is the nature of the emulsifying
.agent. The nature of the emulsifier used influences not only
the velocity of the polymerization process but also the
properties of the polymer formed. When investigating emulsion
polymerization in the presence of various emulsifiers, the
authors noticed several particularities in the development of
the polymerization process in connection with the application
of cetyl pyridine bromide. In this case the part of the emul-
sifier is played not only by a purely colloidochemical factor.
Investigation was carried out by the dilatometric method in a
Card 1/4 dilatometer which prevents contact between the polymerization
The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation SOV/20-123-2-32/50
Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization
system and air. In the case of all experiments, the ratio
between the hydrocarbon- and the aqueous-phase was I : 9.
The hydroperoxide of isopropyl benzene-served as initiator,
and styrene was used as monomer. Polymerization kinetics was
investigated at various temperatures. In the course of one of
the test series sodium.carbonate was introduced into the
aqueous phase, The results obtained by the experiments are
shown in a diagram. Conditions otherwise being equal, poly-
merization develops much more rapidly than if other classes of
emulsifiers are used. Cetyl pyridine bromide warrants suf-
ficiently rapid polymerization also at low temperatures
(4 and 180), which is not the case with other emulsifiers. If
sodium carbonate is present in the aqueous phase, poly-
merization velocity passes through a maximum at increased
temperatures. In the course of experiments carried out without
sodium carbonate, polymerization increases with rising tem-
perature, in which case linear dependence is conserved up to
a rather high degree of polymerization. An addition of sodium
carbonate and an increase of temperature acts in the same
Card 2/4 direction (increase of polymerization velocity). The velocity
The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation SOV/20-123-2-32/50
Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization
of the polymerization process is due to the velocity of
initiation. The decay of isopropyl benzene hydroperoxide in
an aqueous solution is considerably accelerated by the intro-
duction of cetyl pyridine bromide also if Na 2C03 is lacking.
This decay is still more accelerated if cetyl pyridine bromide
and sodium carbonate are present at the same time. Data con-
cerning the kinetics of this dncay at various conditions are
given by a diagram. An increase of temperature increases the
initial velocity of polymerization and reduces the final yield
of the polymer. Also an addition of sodium carbonate produces
the same effect. A comparison between these and other data
makes it possible to draw the following conclusion: The
surface-active emulsifier may play a double Ale in emulsion
polymerizationi Firstly, it may act as an ordinary emulsifier
stabilizing the original emulsion of the monomer, and,
secondly, the emulsifier may have the functions of n poly-
merization activator by causing an induced decay of the
hydroperoxide.'There are 4 figures and 7 references, 4 of
which are Soviet.
Card 3/4
The Participation of theEmulsifier in the Oxidation SOV120-123-2-712150
Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization
ASSOCIATION: L'vovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Ivans. Franko
(Llvov State University imeni Ivan Franko)
PRESENTED: July 3, 1958, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician
SUBMITTED: May 16, 1958
Card 4/4
Initiation of the emulsion oxidation of isopr6pylbenzend and It I-
dipheIhylethane by hydrogen peroxide.,Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. fize,
org. khim. AN*BM no.8:326-131 160.% (MIRA .14:3)
1. Ltvovskiy gosudarstviixn~~ universitet-im. 1. Franko.
(C=ene) Mhane) (Hydrogen peroxide)
S/076/61/035/ D 10/01 G/ 0 7 5
AUTHORSs Kuohor, It. V., Kazlmin, S. D., and Yenallyev, V. D.
TITLEt Initiation of emulsion oxidation of alkylated aromatic
hydrocarbons by hydrogen peroxido
PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no, 10, 1961, 2322 -2327
TEXT: The authors investigated the initiation by hydrogen peroxide in
emulsion oxidation of isopropyl benzene, 1,1 diphenyl ethane, ~tnd
1-phenyl-l-p-tolylettiane in the liquid phase, this problem being, of great
practical interest in the synthesis of hydroperoxide compounds. Oxidation
was conducted at 650C in "air lift" type glass ve,3sels in which the re-
action mixture was agitated by air bubbling in through a porous glass
partition. For the aqueous phase, a 0.1 N soda solution was used in all
tests. The volume ratio of the hydrocarbon phase to the aqueous phase
was 123. At regular intervals, samples were taken and the hydroperoxide
content was determined iodometrically by potentiometric titration (Ref.5:
see below). Oxidation of the alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons referred to
proceeds in emulsion systems by autocatalysis. The effect of hydrogen
Card 1/4 1
Initiation of emulsion oxidation of ... B106/B230
peroxide on the process is very specific, and depends not merely on the
ch4racter of the hydrocarbon but also, in a high degree, on the instant
of adding the hydrogan peroxide. Constant initiation by adding hydrogen
peroxide at short intervals intensifies tho oxidation of 1,1-diphenyl
ethane, whereas it inhibits the oxidation of cumene. In till oxidation
processes investigated, the following common rules could be observed:
-ahen hydrogen peroxide was added at the beg!.nning of the process, re-
action rate and hydroperoxide yield were practically not affectedl when,
however, hydrogen peroxide was added at the final stage of oxidation after
maximum concentration of hydroperoxide was attained, a rapid rise in re-
action rate and hydroperoxide yield took place anew. From observations
made the following conclusions were drawnt Initiation by hydrogen
peroxide did not simply cause a rise in the concentration of chain radi-
calo as had been frequently assumed in publications. Apparently, radi-
cals formed by decomposition of H 202 were not sufficiently active tostart
new chains by reacting with the hydrocarbon. With progressing oxidation,
products accumulated in the system acting an inhibitors on oxidation.
'dith such inhibitors initiator radicals may react, thus eliminating the
inhibiting effect. For this reason? initiation effect 4noreases with
Card 2/4 1
Initiation of emulsion oxidation of ... B106/B230
progressing reaction. This hypothesis was confirmed by an experiment in
which hydrogen peroxide was introduced into a reaction retarded by an
inhibitor. For this purpose, the oxidation of cumene was inhibited by
adding a small quantity (0.01 g-mole/liter) of phenol breaking down the
oxidation chains according -to reaction C 6H 50H + R* --:p C6H50'+ RH. The
C H 0* radicals are of low activity, and recombine. Adding hydrogen
6 5
peroxide eliminated the inhibition of the reaction, and caused a steep
rise of the oxidation rate. When during the reaction, oxidation products
combine with initiator radicals to form radicals similar to chain radi-
cals in their activity, initiation results in increasing the total oxida-
tion rate. In the reverse case, the consumption of components reacting
with initiator radicals is accelerated and the total reaction rate de-
creases. Also in this case, the effect of a brief initiation at the
final stage of oxidation may be favorable for the process. The effect of
an initiator therefore depends on the reactivity of the components of the
reaction mixture. There are 3 figures and 7 referencest 1, Soviet and
2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read
as follows: Ref- 5: V. Kokatnurf 14. Jelling, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 63,
Card 3/4 .1
Initiation of emulsion oxidation of Blo6/B230
1432, 1941; J. W. Fordham, H. L. Williams, Canad. J. Chem., 27B, 913,
ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy universitet im. Iv. Franko (L-vov University imeni
Iv. Franko)
SUBMITTED; March 3, 1960
Card 4/4
Yenal'Yevq V. D.
S,- 3 Za 0 Kuojjerq Re V-? droPeroXide
AMORS: ~~ ~yjeld ~in ~
esibilitY Or increasing the rdrogOA Peroxidell
TITLS: on the PO ting the Cumene oxidation withjL__1111 -
by Initia 1960t Vol. 132, No. 6,
Doklady Akademij nau .k SSSR9
pp. 1348-1351 litiation Of a chain reaction 2).
He emenov Re
The authors discuss the PrOOGBB Of "f. 1) and N- lie t in
TEXT: by He Mo rumanuel' (Re g observed tha
oil the basis of papers the authors (Refs. 39 4) it wa n-7bY means Of
.In previouB papev, by Of Oxidation of iso TO 1 bonze the initiator
the case of initiation S on the Point of time 0 a ing ither
]a 0 tile eff,~~ct depend ginning Of oxidation effects ne
2 2 1A) An addition at the be red otion of the induOtion period,
ration of th: .0gotion nor u time ihen the rjactjon beoOM00
a0,0010 0 is ad ed at later points Of roxide Yield rises
Only if H2 2 acceleration so that the hydropO
gloverv it effects an
card 1/3
he -field 5/02o/60/132/06/35/068
bilitY Of increasing t B004/13005
on the POG8V the cumene
in HydroperOXide by Initiating
Oxidation With Hydrogen peroxide that the by-products develop-
9 conclude nated
Hence, the author eh is elimi
from 40 to 80 ert an inhibiting influence whi nhibitOr
ing during Oxidation ex lusion by adding phenol as an i
by H2 02* They confirmed this cono *ted by H 0 (Fig. IB). Equations
of Ihich vas really elimina 2 2 C, with the
the effect the reaction A the reactiOn)('
,,,itten down for the kinsticO Of , and c interrupting f
are dergoing degenerated branchi 9for various values 0
product B un he funot ion 7L . f If g . rate
chain; Fig- 2 above t onstant of degenerated branching '
g, h - Tate 0 rA rhg k w oonstant Of
I M A -~~h p " k 3
B/AqO ption of reaction, 3 tne more intensive
ant f the int8Tra 0 is added,,
QOn:t n ratf, for C). The later the H2 2 9ferenoeni 5 Soviet
the regotio sot. There are 2 figures and 6 r
is its initiating eff
and I Swedish. Liversitet im- Ivana Franke
LIVOVBkiy gosudareivennYY ull 'Franko)
(LIVOV State University imenI Ivan
Card 2/3
I- 8141c
On the Possibility of Increasing the Yield S/02Y60/132/06/35/068
in Hydroperoxide by Initiating the Cumene B004 B005
Oxidation With Hydrogen Peroxide X
PRESENTED: February 110 19609 by V. N; Kondratlyevf Academician
SUBMITTED: February 99, 1960
Card 3/3
Sadovalkyl, IU.SA, i~47;66. A.Ye. [Batch,, A.R.]; SADOVSKAYA, T.M.
I iSadovalka., T.M.]
Thermal stability and initiating activity of substituted benzoyl
peroxide. Khim.prom. [Ukr.) no.lzl7-20 Ja-Mr 164. (W RA 17:3)
S t,~,e.JjS (;f
.)Yr. . C
Gaidensation of tertiary amyl hydroperaxide with some
carbonyl comp=ds. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no,7t2430-2432
Jl 164 (MIRA 170)
1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issleclovatellskiy institut plastmassp
RQ%4AN'TlsRVl;-,Hj M.K,
Ukr.khlm.zhu*r. 31 rjo.2.1207-~108 165 (141 RA 21-814)
institut plastIcheskill-h
YENA L? Y'i:-"V, 1 .1), , M! , A.A.; GEOR IKOV , E-11. ; DEVMTS , G.S.
S ", u. 11 i r - g r, f rh 9 ~, ri D r- -, y= e r a f a t yr e -11, C, w I t h d ' v i nYl I-It' r- 7 e n e -
Plast. massy n0.8:5-6 165. (MIRA 18:9)
Kinetics of styrene in the presence of some tort--amyl
peracylates. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.8:834-838 165. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-is~-,le,~,r,,;at-.allski~,f institut plasticheskikh mass.
7AY'TSV-'f,) V.11-; Yu";
j'oJyM(-rl7,ftti illitiltted I)y oifj;rc,
c)JI CIC fjtyl.e
Vysokom. soed. 7 lio.2.:`75-279 F '65.
1. UkrainsIdy Paiicli,lo-is.-iledovcttellskiy instit'Lit
AP6017975 SOURCE CODEs un/0413A6/000/010/bO79/om
IMENTORS: - Yonallyev,, V. D.; Dozaidanko, A. G,
ORG: none
TITLE: A method for obtaining granular polymers. Class 39, No. 181807 Zainnounced
b.,f Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Plaptics (Ukrainakiy nauchno-
.issledovatellskiy institut plauticheskikh mass)-7
SOURCE: Izobretonlyat prowshlonnne obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 10, 1966~ 79
TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polycondensation, plastic, formaldehyde, phenol, alumosilicatat
silica gal
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining granular polymers.
The method involves ausponsional polycondensation of one or several mixod polar
substances that enter the polycondonsation reaction and form oil-innolublo productoo
such as phenolaulfo acids and formaldehyde, in a nonpolar dispersing modium. To
strengthen the stability of the emulsion, structuring substances are added to the
dispersing medium. These substances posaeas hydrophylip-hydrophobic properties or
are capable of assuming hydrophylic-hydrophobic properties due to an addition of
hydropho~ilizing or hydrophylizing addenda, for instance alumosilicatess silicqLg~l
or organic salts of heavy metals.
SUB COM 3-1/ jSUBH DATEt Wan63
Card 1/3. 07/ UD(;s (98.6,034
Ao"j. JOUR,
PJ; i :
11. ;T.
V. F.,Dla-
1956 (1c,58), 51
L YTVIL I A (7 S3MVj.CJ Of' 01-1-- 41CIT, in cruer
trial utAllz,Ai,,,
d t, V,. Ip1.11c tcchnology or its indlus -.:I.
ionr varlutions of busic cov,pm'.Iticjs,
r-rml ~,,at ,wej-~ Made o. A.
of ox-lu"es and compound-s of hil dIlfl',z;rent
valfancy, and a procedure, -'s pr-)I~os~-d for the prodvctlon c;f
rermanl~-iriut(;. G. Voroblyerv.
'.,I D
Ya.;, DZHEII B. S.; YENCHEV,,,,D* A.;,ZHELEV., Zh. T.; KALL.113KOV, V. G.;
:J,~)R~.:.VIPSEVA, A. V.
"Investigations of Spectra of Conversion Electrons and Spectra of Positronz
of the Europium, Fraction."
report submitted for All-Union Coaf on Nuclear Spectroscopyp Thilisi) 14-22
Feb 64.
Mal, LGU (Joint T-ist Nuclear Res; Leningrad State Univ)
-r-(m) P"
I A,
~mnfereace an Ruz I eix zi pe c a c
I A.
o o B004/BOI 4
AUTHOR: Yonchev,, D. G.
TITLE: The Influence of Some Ammonium-, Potassium-, and Sodium
Salts Upon the Decomposition Rate of Ammonium Nitrite in
the Reaction HE Cl + Nano 2r__11- HE4 NO2+ Nacl
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol~ 5, No. 6.,
pp. 1234 - 1240
TEXT: The author investigated the influence of HE 4-P K_' and Na salte
of various anionag namely; Br_q No_~ Cl CH COO and 50 2- upcn
3 3 4
the decomposition of ammonium nitrite. He desoribes ~the experimental
arrangement (Fig. 1)p in which the temperature was rigorously kept con-
stantq and the amount of nitrogen liberated was measured every 7 set-
Experimental results aTO graphically shown in Figs. 2i4 (abscissa - dura-
tion of the experiment, ordinate - liberated N2 in cm ). The separation
of N2 in the reaction of ammonium chloride with sodium nitrite attains
Card 1/4
The Influence of Some Ainmonium-, Potassium-, S/078/60/005/06/07/030
and Sodium Salts Upon the Decomposition Fate B004/BC14
of Ammonium Nitrite In the Reaction IT11 CI + NaNOP ~:a NE ITO f "aCl
4 4 2
a measurable intensity at 57 0C, while the addition of aramonilin salts
yields measurable N2 volumes already at 560C. The anions of the a=moniun
salts speed up the reaction in the lyotroplo series
CNS_ > Br- > 110; >Cj- > S0 2- >CH COO. The accelerating effect, of NH selfs
4 3 + 4
is explained by the increase in concentration of the 11H 4 ion, the con-
oentration being a factor of the equation according to which the decc---
2)4/dt . I(, (IM-+1 [1,0-] rIT"10
position of NH4NO2 is most likely to occur: d(ff 4~~ 2 L" 21'
The anions of potassium salts slow down the decomposition rate cf N11 4NO 2
In the name order. The anions of sodium salts halre a similari slit;htlY
more retarding action. With them, Cl and SO 4 change their place in the
order. The strongly inhibiting action of the acetate Ion is explained 1y
the low reactivity of HNO 2 In its presence. With respect to the inhibition
of the decomposition of NH 4 No2the cations range In the followinC ord,:r:
Card 2A
The Influence of Some Ammonium-9 Potassium-p 8/078/60/005/06/07/030
and Sodium Salts Upon the Decomposition Rate B004/BO14
.of Ammonium Nitrite in the Reaction NY4Cl + NaN02 PA NH4 N02 + 11acl