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86427 S/la"/60/002/011/011/042 ,94/, 7 i?d 3S1 B006~BO56 AUTHORS: Bokov, V. A. and Myllnikova, I. Ye. TITLE: Ferroelectric Properties of Single Crystals of New Compounds With Perovskite Structure PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2728-2732 TEXT: The essential results of this work were communicated at the Third Conference on Ferroelectricity (moscow, January 1960). The authors grew perovskite-type single crystals of PbNi 1/3 Ta 2/303(1), PbYgl /3 Ta 2/303 PbCo 1/3'2/3'3 (111), PbCo 1/3 Ta 2/303(IV), and PbZn 1/3n2/1303 (V) and studied the ferroelectric properties of these compounds. First, the crystals were subjected to an X-ray examination vililch showed that all of them had perovskite structure with cubic elementary cells. Further, the following was found: 8642) Ferroelectric Properties of Single Crystals of New Compounds With Perovskite Structure COMDound 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4.01 10-17 9-94 395.4 386.0 2.3 ji 4.02 9.80 9.65 383-9 378-0 1.6 111 4-04 8-48 8-45 336.8 335-8 0-3 IV 4.01 10-18 9-87 395.4 383-3 3-1 V 4.04 - - - - S/181/60/002/011/011/042 B006/BO56 1) Cell parameter, kX 2) X-ray density 3) Pycnometrically de termined density 4*) Theoretical molecular weight 5) Experimental molecu- lar weight 6) Theoretical-experi- mental deviation, C/':' All X-ray diagrams exhibited a fine structure. Fig. 1 shows the temperature dependence of E and tan 6 of the compounds II, III, I, and IV, and Fig. 2 that.of V. In all cases E and tan 6 have a maxim~jm. As compared to the maximum of E , that of tan 6 is always shifted toward lower temperatures, which is characteristic of ferroelectrics.. A study of the dependence of polarization on the direction of the electric field showed that all crystals have a dielectric hysteresis. Compound V has a particularly marked loop with good saturation, and nearly the same good reault. was obtained for Il. Fig. 3 shows pictures of the loops. The authors thank Professor F,,:~roblectric ProDeriies of Single Crystals of 2',*ew Compounds-~iith Perovskite Structure 86427 S/181/60/002/011/011/042 Boo6fn,% G. A.~ Snolenskiy for'his interest and. discussions, anul 7"Irfenova for ciarryinC out the chemical analyses. A. i. Agranovskaya is r-entioned. There'are 3 fi-gures, 2 tables, and 4 Sov-,et references; 'iSSOCIATION: Institut poluprovo~nikov IJUN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconducto'ro of the A'S USSR, Leningrad) S UBM THED June 1, 1960 TIbLe 0, ~c a, -C Legend to Table 2 9 ternper~ - PbMg, 03 Pb, ISOOD 12 ature at F, with f=1 4-nc; ma x , ,. PbMjr,j.Tajp, 7000 ~8 86 69 - difference of these 03', . . . . . PbCo.1,Nb,/ 6'000 70 teinperature~s of the niobateo . 70 and of the Ebrresponding Pb.Co,/.Ta%O., 4000 -140 4 antaiate . PbN11/pb11.03 4000 -120 ~ s. PbN1, Ta% 03 . ... . . 2400 -180 60 P b Z n.*,,N b,,P., 22000 -f-140 CaA '3F4---- 7000 86427 S/181/60/002/011/011/042 B006/3056 0 U ZOOO WOO Z 005 -160 -Igo _60 Legen~ to Fig. 1: 1) E(t 2~ tan 6 - f(j-~ of II, f I kc/sec 3) E(t 4 an 6 = f(t of III, f =1 t 5~ FE l of 1 f = 450 kc/sec 6 F_ t ~ of IV, f - kc Isec Card 4/4 BOKOV. V.A. VACUUM table for optical observattons at low temperatures, Prib. ., takh.ekep. no.4:143-i45 ji-Ag 16o. (MIRA 13.9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. (Vacuum apparatus) s/196/62/000/006/004/018 E194/E154 AUTHORS: Myllnikova, I.Ye., and Bokov, V.A. TITLE: The growth of single crystals of Pb 3NiNb 209and Pb3MgNb 209 and their electrical properties PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.6, 1962, 6, abstract 6 B29. (In the Symposium 'Rost kristallovI (Growth of crystals), T.Z., I.I.oscow, AN SSSR, 1961, 438-446. Discussion, 501-502). TEXT: The growth of single crystals of Pb3NiNb2O9 and Pb31NJgNb2Oq by the method of crystallization from solution confirmed the possibility of producing a single crystal of such complex composition. Growth conditions of both kinds of crystal were investigated and crystallization conditions favourable to the growth of crystals of isometric form were selected. The electrical properties of the single crystals are in good agreement with the results obtained for I-,olycrystalline specimens of these compounds. Investigations of the electrical properties Card 1/2 The growth of single crystals ... s/lq6/62/ooo/oo6/oo4/ol8 E194/E154 of single crystals of Pb 3NiNb2O9 confirmed the data of Smolensky and others concerning relaxation and ferroelectric effects in this compound. Investigations with both hinds of monocrystals show that these compounds have no definite point of ferroelectric phase transition. It is supposed that in the region of temperature where the permittivity is maximum the possibility of relaxation of domain boundaries is not excluded. 4 literature references. ,T,'Abstractor's note: Complete translation.) Card 2/2 30546 1 q, 2?oig (to y3, llvr I I pf .3) S/564J61/003/000/022/029 1-5, .21150 D207/D304 AUTHORSt Mylinikovap 1. 7e.9 and Bokov, V. A. TITLE: Preparation and electrical properMes of Pb3NiNb2O 9 and PbMOb,O,) monocrystals SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut kristallografii. Rost kristallovp v, 3, 1961V 438-446 TEXT: The authors report on the preparation of Pb3NiNb20, (1) and Pb3 MgNb209 (11) monocrystals and.measurements of their dielectric pro- perties. Polyerystals of these compounds were first prepared by a group working under G. A. Smolenskiy (Ref. 1: G. A. Smolenskiy and A. 1. Agranovskaya, Zhur. tekh. fiz., 28, no. 7, 1401p 1958; Ref. 2: G. A. Smolenskiy, A. I. Agranovskayat S. N. Popov, Fizika tverdogo tela, 1, no. 1, 1679 1059) at the Laboratorya ferritov i segnetoelektrikov Instituts poluproyodnikov (Laboratory for Ferrites and Ferroclectrics of the Card 1/2 30546 S/564/61/003/000/022/029 Preparation and electrical..o D207/W04 Institute for Semiconductors). The two compounds have a perovskite structure; they exhibit both ferroelectric and relaxation polarization* in (I) the relaxation polarization in more marked and the reverse is true of (II). The temperature and frequency dependences of permittivity ( E ) and of tg & of Pb~ iiNb209 showeds (1) a maximum of E ( E - 4000) at about -1250C and 450 kc/a j (2) the relaxation type of polari- zation and some domain reorientation in strong electric fields. Similar measurements on Pb 3MgNb209 showedi (1) an E - 14700 maximum at. 0 -/a ; (2~ clear rectangular hysteresis loops, especi- about -15 C and I ke ally at low temperatures; (3) gradual transition to ferroelectric state at low temperatures. Dielectric properties of both compounds in mono- crystalline form were very similar to those found in polycrystals. Acknowledgment is made to G. A. Smolenskiy, who directed this work. There are 9 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc-referenceso Card 2/2 20793 8/181 /61/003/003/019/030 % '1300 (Ildlr~ B1 02/B205 AUTHORS: ~okov, V. A,--and Mylinikova, I. Ye. TITLE: Electrical and optical properties of single crystals of ferro- electrics with blurred phase transition PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no- 3, 1961, 841-655 TEXT: When investigating ferroelectrics of the perovskite typeg G. A. Smolenskiy, V. L. Ioupovq and A. I. Agranovakaya have found that also other complicated compounds have ferroelectrio properties. Of these, the compounds PbMg 113 Nb 2/303(1) and PbNi 113 Nb2/3'3 (II) and their mutual alloys have been studied jacist thoroughly. The two compounds show a relaxative shift of the maxima of the temperature functions of F, and tan 6, which is quite unusual in the case of compounds with ferroelectric properties. I shows no hysteresis loop near the point of saturation, not even in very strong fields, which is also an unusual observation. The authors have now studied the electrical and optical properties of single crystals of compounds I and II, and give a detailed report on their results. The single crystals were ob- Card 1/8 20793 S/181/61/003/003/019/030 Electrical and ... B102/B205 tained by crystallization from a solution at decreasing temperature 20-40 deg/hr). The crystals were subjected to chemical and X-ray analyses using CoKa radiation in the latter). They were found to possess a Perovs ~ kite-type structure with the lattice constants a - 4.03 A (II) and a 6 4.04 A (I). The pycnometrically determined densities were 6,55 g/cm3 (II) and 8.12 g/cO (1), and were somewhat smaller than the values obtained by X-ray analysis. The authors examined specimens (0-5 mm)3 large and foils of -0.1 mm thickness. 6 and tan 6 as a function of temperature at E - 15 kv/cm and different frequencies is shown for I in'Fig. 1 and for 11 ill Fig. a. The effect of a change of the field strength (E ) was similar to that of a change in frequency: An increase of E in theocase of I and II led to a decrease of the maxima of & and tan 69 and"in the case of I also to a shift of the maxima toward higher temperatures. At low temperatures, the single crystals of I showed a nearly rectangular, dielectric hysteresis loop which was quickly narrowed down with a rise in temperature. At -300C it was so narrow that it was no longer possible to determine the coercive force. Whereas the coercive force decreased quickly with rising tempera- ture, and vanished before reaching the zero point, the spontaneous polariza- Card 2/8 20793 Electrical and ... S/181/61/003/003/019/030 B102/B205 tion likewise decreased with rising temperature; at +800C. however, it had not yet vanished. The reversal of polarity of a single crystal of I was studiedf and the result isschematically represented in Pig, 6. The tempera- ture dependence of the intensity of birefringence of a polarized single crystal of I was also studied. The results are shown in Fig. 7: curve I was plotted on heating, and curves 2 and 3 on cooling (without a field). The maximum value of An at -1900C (5-10-3) is still smaller by one order 0f magnitude than that of BaTiO 3' All specimens of I and II maintained their optical isotropy up to -19000. Application of a field resulted in birefrin- gence, the relation An - aE2 being well satisfied at room temperature. The following results have been obtained from a very detailed discussion: I and II are ferroelectrics the phase transition of which covers a wide range of temperature. This is due to variations in concentration which are again due to the fact that the sublattice contains no ions which are orientated in octahedral arrangement. The phase transition to the ferro- electric state takes place by spontaneous polarization in the individual microdomains of the crystal. This leads to the formation of very fine domains which form larger domains only under the action of an electric field. Card 3/8 20793 a 8/181 61/003/003/019/030 Electrical and ... B102/B205 In the case of II, this process is not completed at ordinary usual field strengths and is unstable. The relaxative properties of the compounds in question are due to relaxation of the domain boundaries; this is analogous to that occurring in several ferroelectric solid solutions. Professor G. A. Smolenskiy is thanked for discussions and his interest in the Woex, and N. N.. Parfenova for chemical analyses. I. G. Izmailzade is mentioned. The main results of the present work were communicated at the third Conference on Ferroelectrioityl Moscow, January 1960. There are 12 figureg and 16 referances: 15 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1960 Legend to Fig. 1: 1) 100 cps, 2) 1 kc, 3) 10 kc, 4) 60 kc, 5) 6oO kc, 6) 1 Mc~ Card 4/8 Electrical and Pig. I 12 f0 8 Card 5/8 r- V ( YI S/181/61/003/003/010//030 B102/B205 -40 -20 0 JO $0 60 80 WO -140 -160 -/40 -MV 20793 3/181/61/003/003/019/030 B1021B205 Fig. 7 20793 S/ii3l/61/003/003/019/030 B102/B205 5. 0 set 3, 0.- 2- -zoo -180 -160 -140 -/zo -too *0 Card 7/8 Electrical and ... Legend to.Fig. 8: 1 100 cps, 2) 1 kat' 3 10 kc, 4) 60 kc, 40 5~ 600 kc. V jx ~0793 S/18IJ61/003/003/019/030 B102/B205 -40 -M 0 20 /so :-ffo -f4o -flo -fm -80 Card 8/8 61.04. S/056/62/042/002/054/055 B108/B138 AUTHORS: Bokov,,_~V.A-~Myllnikova, I. Ye., Smolenskiy, G. A. TITLE: Ferroelectric antiferromagnetice PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki? v1. 42, no. 2, 1962, 643-646 TEXT: The authors proved the assumeA, existence of perovBkite-type ferro- electric antiferromagnetics at the compounds Pb(Fe 2/3W1/3 )03and Pb(Fe 1/2 Nb 1/2)03 (the ions in parentheses are located at the octahedral sites). The electric properties were measured at single crystals and the magnetic properties at finely ground crystal powder. Results for the first compound are shown in the Fig. The second compound has similar properties. The temperatures of ferroelectric phase conversion are 1780K for PbFe 2/3WJ/3'3 and 3870K for PbFe 1/2 Nb 1/2 03 (maximum of 0. The phase conversion temperatures from paramagnetic into antiferromagnetic state are 3630K for PbFe 2/3W1/303 and 1430K for PbFel /2 Nb 1/203' However, all these Card I S/056/62/042/002/054/055 Ferroelectric antiferromagnetics B108/B138 phase conversions are rather washed out so that the given temperatures are only approximate. The Ne"el temperature of these compounds is much lower than in orthoferrites since the former contain a considerable number of unmagnetic ions at the octahedral sites. The experimental and calculated Neel temperatu7 a of PbFe, (363 and 4060K.~ respectively) 1/3'1/3'3 are in good agreement. For PbFe 1/2 Nb 1/203these values (143 and 2760K, respectively) differ considerably owing to the segregation of ions of one kind in the sublattice in the case of high "dilution" of the solid solu- tion. The relatively small effective magnetic moment of the Fe+ Ions in PbPe 2/3W1/303 (Peff w 4.2 ABYP calculated 5.92 VB ) is due to the inexact extrapolation of the linear part of the 1/4(T) curve. For PbFe 1/2 Nb 1/2 039 lieff - 5-4 gB , A residual magntitic moment could not 'be observed owing to the high coercive force. There are 1 figure, I table, and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: J. Tsubokawa, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 15, 2243, 1960; M. A. Gillo, J. Phya. Chem. Solids, 13, 33~ 1960~ Card 2/~ B/056/62/042/002/054/055 Ferroelectric antiferromagnetics BlOS/B138 ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences US-~'R) SUBMITTED: December 17, 1961 Legend to the Fig.: temperature dependences of (1) A, (2) 1/4, W6, (4) tan 6 Card 3/f, '3 BOXOV, V. A.; S~MENSKIY 0. A. .9 "On the coeyistence of izgnetic and electric ordering in crystals." Report presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Atlantic City, 'New Jersey, 12-15 Nov 63- Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Leningrad .ACCESSION la: AP4028463 S/r'181/64/006/004/1240AW .AUTHORS.- Tutov,, A. G.; Vorvllnikova, I. Yo.; Parfonova, N. N,; Bo%ovo Vo A91 Nizhalev., so A* TITLE: New compounds in the systoms B (Fa3+j A13+, Ga3+,, j-jn3+) '203-M0203 .;SOURCE; Fizika t-,rfjrdogo tela, v. 6, no. h, 1964p 1240-1242 ~TWIC TAGS: Bi2o.-Fe2C3, Bi203-Al2 03, Bi203-Ga 20V B1203-Nn293oxthorhombic .crystal, unit call, call parameter,, magnetization, paramagnotie,, antiferromagnetio ABSTRACT: The authors have undertaken a studyof compounds coifoining Bi wl:,,h 203 the sesquio-.ddes of Pa., Al, Ga, and Zrx because of the lack of data on these substances* Among iron compounds they obtained Bi2O3*2Fe2O,. In the Al and G& compounds they synthesized an isomorphous series. Chemical analyses were not made (because of small quantitien produced) but similar formilas wore assumed (B:L203. 2A120 and Bi 0 *20&20 ). For 'Ain, results indicate a composition of Bi2O o2Fe 0- 3 2 3 3 3 2 '3.4 The specific gravity ef the latter nrystal (by picaometer is 7,33, of tha Fe CIM4 1/2, ACGMION NR: AP4028463 mineral 6.81, Single cry-stals were obtained of all these compounds. Ceramic samples were also obtained of the Fe compound. The specific gravity of these sa.aples is 6.53. The Al and Ga compounds formed transparent, rectangular, light green prisms. The Fe and Mn minerala proved to be orthorhombia, with cell par&-a- 0 0 0 eters of a - 7.86 AR, b - 8.40 Is o - 6.oo AO and a - 7.47 A, b - 8.52 A, a . 5.75 A :respectively. Magnetization of the Fe comipoilnd,, measured in a field reaching a rLix-J.-aun, of 8000 oersteds., rises with temperature and passes through a maxiaiam at 265~C before descending'. No residual magnetization was' observed. This suggests .that at 265X the mineral undergoes a transition from the paramagnetic to the anti- ,ferromagnetic state. "In conclusion,, the authors express their thanks to Professor G. A. Smolenskiy for his interest in the work." Orig. art. has; I figure. iAS=IATION: Institut poluprovodaikov AN SSSR,, Leningrad (Institute of Semicon- ductors AN SSS11) SMUTTED: 23Nov63 DATE ACQ: 27Apr64 LICL: 00 SUB CODE: FU NO FM SOV% 004 OZMR: 001 2/9 q ACCESSION NR- AP4030631 8/0048/64/028/004/0614,/0619 AIM1011t Smolonsiciy, G.A.; Dokov , V.A..; Mitook, A. 1. TITLE, Regarding the existence of magnetic and electric ordering in crystals 4190- port, Symposium on rorromagnetism and Forroolectrioity hold in Loningrad 30 May to 5 June 19627 SOUnCE: AN SSSR. Izv.,Ser.fiz.,v.28, no.4, 1964, 614-619 TOPIC TAGS: farromagnetic ferroolectric materials, perovolsite stnicture, forromng- notic ordering, ferrooloctric ordering, DiFeO3, Yh1n03, 'Vb%103 ABSTRACT: The authors point out that there is no basic principle forbidding the simultaneous appearance of forroolectric and forromagnetic ordering in the same crystnI, and they discuss recont work, both their own and others', indicating the existence of such double ordering in some substances. Two of the authors have given a thermodynamic discusoion of simultaneously furromagnatic atul forroolectric mater- ials (G.A.Smolonskiy, Fizilca tvordogo tola,4,No.5,1095,1962; A. r.mitack and G.A.Swo- lenskiy, Ibid. No. 12,3581,1962). These substances aro characterized by a combined electromagnetic suscoptibility tonsor relating both the polarization and the magne- ICard 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4030631 tization to the electric and the magnetic field. Possible interaction mechanisms, ~)e- tween polirizatlc~,n and magnetization are-, internetion of both with the elastic de- formations of the crystal; the influence of electric charge distribution on the for- romagnatic exchange interaction; the influence of electric charge distribution on the electron orbits, and therefore on the spin-orbit couplin.g. Particularly favor- able for the simultaneous appearance of forromagnotic and ferroelectric properties -ire con d mplex crystals with the perovskite structure containing transition metals an ions having an unshared 6s electron pair. Pb(Fe2/3Wl/3)03 and Pb(Fel/2Mbl/2)03 were investigated and found to be ferroelectric as well as antiferromagnetic. Some of the ferric ions do not participate in the antiferromagnatic ordering and so behave para- magnetically, leading to an increase in the susceptibility with decreasing tempera- ture even below the Neel point. Calculations al the Neel point (G.A.Smolenskiy, V.A. Isupov, N.N.Kraynik and A.I.Aranovskaya,lzv..AN SSSR,Ser.fix.25,1333,1961), on the assumption that a ferric ion participates in the antiferromagnetic ordering only when it has at least two magnetic nearest neighbors, gave results in reasonable ag- reement with experiment for Pb(F02/3Wl/3)03# There have been indications, particu- larly from its behavior in certain Polid solutions, that the antiferromagnetic BI- FeO3 might be ferroolectric. The low resistivity of this substance, however, can Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR; AP4030631 give riso to errors. High frequency electrical measurements on BiFeO3-1,aFeo3 soi Id solutions showed that BiFeO3 is not ferroolectric. The ferroelectric,materials W1nO3 and YMn03 were found to be antiferromagnotic, wIlth Neel points below the tem- perature of liquid nitrogen., 40 Xormulas, 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 3OAprO4 ENCL: 00 SUD *CODE: NR RBF BOV: Oll OMIER: 004 C(Ird 3/3 ILIIN, Georgiy Sergeyevich; DOKOV,~ V.A.j, red, (Cerehic piezoelectric elements] Keramichaskie plezo- elementy. Leningradj 1963. 19 p. (Laningradskiy dor, nauchno- tekhnichaskoi propagandye Seriia: Elektrichenkie metody obra- botki matorialov, no.2) WIRA 17:9) Pt-:1O/P3-4 IJ.P(c)/ADJTL/SSD/ 'AS (MP),2AAER(-c)/_;SI~-gs_)/ASD ACCESSION NAI A?4046616- S/0181/6410061010130381310144 _~JAUTHORJ Ink'OVI-V. A.i Xithayev, S.~A.; M lnrkova, Ye. Tutov, !A* G11 T~ 7-_-! 1717LEs Ant i f i7i r-i i7inA e of -rb- 0 /2 1/2 t d --- v 6 10,9- 19640 3038- -ve -r-oito tela 00 --3044- MIC TAG53~ single cryztal_Hrowtb~ lead cobalt tungstcte vrygtal, p crovskite type structure, feyvoclactric crystal, antiforroelectric ~crystal, paramagnetic crystal, phase transition W 03 a 1_'19le 1ABSTRACT: PbCo crystals wera grown fron oolution in I ~t 1.& 1 2 imolten PbO, an eir crystal structure, and electric nn,~ ninnotic !propertias were determined and compariad zo those of Pb"-, - 1, ~~ k ~.~ - ~vhich. is the only known -stable antifaTroalactfic CL- A- 0 af2 a-In o of compoun4s. Thia x-ray powder pattairia lindi,intaa D z:r -vzkv~-_ 'type Btructura 'with a rhombic tin I tcall at room i 2? + lbic call'at SOC,'vitb ordered distribution of CO * and V 10;1~3 Tho emperature dope ne t ndanee of tb dialciptric constant of lard aingic cryo tn1a showed a maximum at 32C: corri'iponding to the tr~-u,,,itloon fror, the 1 '3 3- ~~A~U?,SSION N;RJ AP4046616 7paraelectric (cubic)' phasa to the antiferroelectric (rhambic) phsse. ~Thi3 naximum shifted toward lower temperatures on application o f an iinarsasing constant electric field. The observed double hy-ateresis 4oops in the antiferroelactric phase, i4ess at low ta-vnp. Pr at 11 ri-i -3 (below -100C) whinn electric field's arz appalled, wa3 currelated 'with e I a- rI:ri,t -s tatC The double hyatnresia loop was-gradually transfor-M-ed anto a normal loop vhen teTaperatureuas decreased further 'to -193C. t)The transition point into tho-ferroclactric state in tha absence of 11 Iield wat detarrained to bq -206C. The ".tritlical" field, at wbich tho loop di-siappen-rs-i vas -Bhown- to- dectease with decreasing ysteresis 'temper.aturef, The transition into the farroalectric state fn a strong iel'actric field t3 posalble because of a small difference in tbo_ fro-C ~energiaa of both stat~:a. The antiforroulactric state q an b 1 A~ more !,:It C -.'Ihie A t e-,44evendence. of --the' "ast- Savers Ut one ,a iTbCo 'could nat te correlated with the' I3_U__:O_CGPva4nt~ 1/0112_03_ ---Er --f a Ve tvItIt7-i~ta1_thv3jgh-_ A-i-devtation -on- kh--- Pplear-ante--o _1111tiferro t Icuri-e-Waiss, IAW_ ~vas -in*ta4.below-:-IOOCc-! iThe .-abaenCe of. ma~netie_phasa -~;at ilaast In-Ah-a-tampiazrtuTa xange~ .bove 6 I _~~transitionz~ vas i-deducedt, 19 C,*:- r j ACCESSION ~NRj- AP4046616-- . 'AS SOCIATI01 Institut N: OlAiprovoduikav r3 . . .68mitonductors-, AN SSSRT-:-~- TD F SUBMITTED1 , ~T -u --cobur, k0 --Ant. -sov- -069- 0711-pu - - --- - - - - - -7 Z ~7 T -7 ----77-- :--7 T 77,--j Li 3/3, 70. BOKOVI V.A.; ROMANOV, V.P.; Cl!~IJN, V.V. Mossbauer el"fect on Sn 11,9 nuclei due to the ferrVelectrin nhase Lransition in the solid sol.zitJon Ra(Ti ~ , S, n ~ V "'r. C) . ts cl.2~0-i. F; -. - tela 7 no.6:1886-1888 Ju 'o5. (YIRA 1s:(")) 1. Fiziko-teklinlcheskiy Instituf n-l,-,kild-, terpera"ur, Kh,,I~-Ikov i Institut poluprovoirilkov AN iSSR, Lpningrad. L 646~_66 __ E WT(IVEWP(e "/EPA(s )_2/E;WT(m)!;&WP(i)/EPA(w) (11-) /VAIPCb _)DI-1_1AP ACC NRt AP5025259-- ___IJ_f_(0- - JD/WH SOURCE CODE: . P/0386/65/C>02/004/0186/0189 4'.j "04 q~' N-'; q4;-;~ . j AUTHOR: Chekin, 'v,. V.; Romanovj_V. P., Verkin, B. I.. Bokov, V. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute of Low TeTperatures Academy of Sciences UkrSSR (Fiziko-te)diniclieskiy institut nizkikh temperature Alta Feml TITLE: Clhange ir the probability of the Mossbauer effec or. nAs' impurity nuclei in the fftrroelectric i)hase transition_in SOIAE: Zhurnal eksperimental.Inoy I teo"retid'heskoy fiziki. Pistma v redaktsiyu (Prilozheniye), v. 2, no. 4, 1965, 186-189 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, ferroclectric effecty phase transition; barium titanate impurity centcr, :L~n containing al~4,.' 1, _'Icontinuation of earlier work (FTT v. T, 1886, 1965), ABSTRACT: This is a where it was assumed that the phase transition in solid solutions of the Ba(Tio.8Sn6.2)O3 s-ysterd-is considerably spread out. In the present study, the authors have'investigated the pro- bability of the Mossbauer effect on Snl,3-9 impurity nuclei in the Ba(Tio.99Sno.oj)O;3 system near the ferroulectric phase-transition temperature. The introduction of so small an amount of tin impurity into barium titanate does not change its ferroelectric properties noticeaW~r, but at the same time makes it possible to measure the resonance absorption of 23.8-kev y quanta by the SnJL19 impurity nuclei. The samples were pre- pared by standard ceramic technology, using tin oxide enriched with Sn'19 to 65.1%. The measurements were made with a setup In which the absorber was driven at constant Card 1/3 17n/ L b4b5-00 ACC NR: AP5025259 Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the relative Mossbauer erfect probability (1), dielectric constant (2), and dielectric loss tangent for the system Ba(Ti Sn )0 0.99 0.01 3 L 2k 4 --- L 646 1-66 ACC NR: AP5025259 speed by means of a mechanical cam drive. The y-quantum source was magnesium stannide -18 vv,/cm2 thick. Measurements were made of the temperature dependence of the rela- tive Mossbauer-effect drobability (1),, of the dielectric conbtant (2)~ and of the di- electric loss 11;angent (3) for the system Ba(Tio.99Sno.03.)03 (Fig- 1). The relative probability of the effect was determified from the ratio of the areas of the absorption spectra at the given temperature to the area of the spectrum at the Curie temperature, the value of which (TC = 390K) was chosen to correspond to the maximum of the dielec- tric constant, It is seen from the figure that the relative Mossbaver-effect pro- bability decreases quite sharply on approaching the Curie point from the paraelectric region,. passes through a minimum, and then begins to grow with decrease in temperature in the usual manner. This singU1440 can be attributed to the temperature dependence of the frequency of the anomalous optical branch. A comparison of the results with earlier measuremen4ts (Bokov.9 Romanov,, and Chekinj, FTT v. T, 1886, 3065) confirms the previously advanced )0q)othe sis that the phase transition in solid solutions of the Ba(T1 S system is considerably "smeared." Authors thank Professor G. A. Smolle1=1 lous interest in the work, Candidate of Technical Sciences I. E. ikE Val I nikov I ,b jieparing the samples, and L. 1. Kazakevich for help with the measure- ments. Orig. art,. has: 1 figure. qu, 7 E- SUB CODE: SSI SUEM DATE: 21JUn,65/ ORIG REP; 0031 OTH REF: 002 Uw I b, M06 1 -22 VR; AUMOR Boko v, V -A ; R1zhayav,S,A.; M yl n Ll m v, a aa t 0 v 0 trot,,m-,,,v_'7 T -A TE, Antiferroebactric and forroelectric pblase PbC. o 0 geport, 4th on F-3-roel-tr' c-11~4,--, hald 11~ yios tov- on -the -f o--.n SGUME: AN SSOSIR. lzvestiya. Ser.fizicheskaya, 7.29,nno,6,1955, TOPIC TAG$: ferroelect-ic material, antiferroelpetric Fnt'eriz~_' ant-i- ferromagmetic materlZ, perovskite structure, ~ea~_compound, cobalt cozpound, tungsten compo-~nd, single crystal ABSTRACT; IMUlle aut 'ors have grown single crystals of P- 1- by c 1. ing asolution in FbO from 1200 to 800D~ at 'Lae ate r, o 0o r X-.ray diffraction measuarements with pL-wders of tne sl L n S! e c T7, s t za"' s !.gave values of the lattice constants in sagre-ement with thos~~ obtained ifor polyerratalline material by M.Filiplev and tallografin 9,9,93,1964). M6 matarial has the pD ~nc?~, Cit C&PS70,j A and thO s7me"l-jry is Thombobedral at 26oC and cub.-11. c a50-0C. 'Th ed-j-- electric constant was found to have a maximam at 320C. Tltai-s e7chibited sli.,ht temperature hysterebi!3 amft vza:a sh:ffted t-o-~-rL- bv ~llc f 'I e 1d, tomperatims app ation sf an 61ect-ric t~tnt curre had a Imee at 68 K and the loss t-anporil'; 58-K. 'With thin (50 micron) plates, double hyst3resis 1nor's served belo-w -10000 in fie2ds of the order o 41' 1 sis loops were single at liquid nitrogen temparatui~-s. ed that the material ruidergoes a p;hase t-n,:,-nqitI,'m tric to the antife.-roelectric stla~e -fat 32 v ~ I., C,- ~'n tni, an elect*ric to -~he ferroelectric state at SSOK. T e 11 a h ~j " v nary hystaresis 'Loops atbove the f6rrcelectric trans-I ti-xil Onporature is discussed# The magnetic susceptibility -was maasur~71i~ ne from the Curle-Weiss la-q indicate that the mate.-Ia1 romagnet-ic at suff.l.ciently low temperatiir*)s~ Or!.P, - AS-S, Cr, IA TI, ON -. none SUB41TTED a 00 IMCL 1 00 S -U BC 0 5, ST I DR RZF SOV: 005 OTIM: 000 .L 10760--66. IJP(C) . 7Q/JV1/GG & - ALL NKg APS022747 SOURCE CODE: OP/0101/65/007/009/286;3/2871 AUTHOR: Kizhayev, A.; Tutov, A. G.; Bokov, V. A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductom AN SSSR, LeninFrad (Tnstitut polupr-avodnikov AN SSSR) T17LE: Structure and magnetic properties of TlMnF3 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo, tela, v. 7. no. 9, 1965, 286R-2871 TOPIC TAGS: thallium compound, manganese compound, fluorido, x rav analysis, crystal; structure, magnetic propiarty ABSTRACT: Data are given from x-rav and magnetic studies of a new compound, TIMnF3: The specimens were produced by mixinR saturated aqueniis solutions of thallium>~Iluorlde and manpatese fluoride at 200C. CuK and CrK a were used for the x-ray studies With _V photographic and umization recordinr. It was found that the new compound has a pe- rovskite s The lattice has a cubic cell with a parameter a = 4.250 1 0.001 angstroms. The interplanar spacinR and radiatign intensities of TlMnF3 are tabulatedi for various Miller indices. The Mq~ of the compound is plotted as, a function of temperature from 65 to 5200K. Thie curve shows a maximum at 850K which is apparently due to a transition to the antiferrafiagnetic state. The authors are Card - L 1/2 L 10760-66 ACC NR: AP5022747 grateful to G. A. Smolen_sk for interest in the work, and also thank V. ~ U -B. Mironov, A'."'N.-'Lazarev and A.I'S.A~arsu)cov for furnishing the specimens. Orig. art. has: I figure, 5 fomulas, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20V07/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REr: 005 L Card 2/2 L 15742-66 &JT(m)/k-,W(v)/T/WP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD ! .1-1 - -1-1 1 1-- !ACC INR; AP6000897 SOURCE CODE: ;AUTIJORS., Bokov.-V4 A.j My Inikova, I. LB r a M rikbryan, A _a7-bin ,ORG: Institute of Semiconductors,Aff SM. !poluprovodnikov AN'~-SS-Rl- -- - - -1- -1 .-- . - - A UR/0181/65/007/012/3W,/36981 Ye,; Kizhayev, S. A Leningrad (Institut TITLE: Structure and magnetic properties,of BiMn 1'~. 03 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3695-3698 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth compound, manganese compound, magnetic property, temperature dependence, Curie point, ferromagnetic material, solid solution, ferroelectricity ABSTRACT: The authors synthesized the BiMnO In the form of small -'j 3 whiskers, using a technique described ersew ere (FTT v. 6, 124o, 1964) and measured its magnetic propertles at temperatures from 55K to room temperature at Hmax 9.5 kOe. They found DiMnO 3 to be a ferromagnefl-,' I Card 1/12 L 15742-M WIM NR: AP6000897 1with a Curie point at 110K. The large ferromagnetic moment of BiMnO is attributed to positive exchange Interaction in the chains Mn3+ -_ 0 -- Mn 3+. The authors also synthesized solid solution s DI 1-X CaX MnO3 with x = 0.41 0.3, and 0.2, uoing a standard ceramic technique. An ,investigation of the magnetic properties of these solid solutions at I temperatures from 77K to room temperature has shown that increasing !CaMnO3 concentration the paramagnetic Curie temperature decreases. IThe solid solution Bi Ca MnO has a maximum magnetic susceptibili~ 0.6 o.4 3 at 155K. The drop in the paramagnetic Curie pcint with :increasing x Is related to a decrease in the distances between Ions of the man- ganese in all three directions. The existence of the compound DiMnO 3 and of solid solutions on its basis offers, in the authors' opinion, another possibility of obtaining ferroelectrlc-ferromagnets. Authors thank G. A.-Smolenski-v for encouraging this work and for a discusEiion of the result5. Orig. art. has., 2 figures SUB COM., 20, 1V SUM DATM 23ju165/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 002 card -2/ L 21219-66 EWT (m)/E VIP (w)ITIE I-jp (t) Jjp (C) JD/JG ACC NR: AP6003809 SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol8i/66/oo8/ool/O26';/0267 AUTHORS: ___k'jzbayqy S. A.; Bokov V. A. Kachalov, 0. V. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN__SSSR, Leningrad (Institut 1 9 polup dnikov AN SSSR) TITLE: Magnetic properties,of YMnO 11(6 3 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 265-267 TOPIC TAGS: ZLLii,_u1e78 ound,, ferromagnetism, magnetic susceptibil- ity, single crystal, magnetic moment, temperature dependence, neutron diffraction, antiferromagnetism 2 ABSTRACT: In view of "the lack of convincing data allowing to con- clude the existence of weak ferromagnetism and in YDInO the authors measured its magnetic properties using single-crystal Kmples, at. low temperatures. The magnetic susceptibility was measured with a magnetic balance by the Faraday method in the temperature interval from 4.2 to BOOK at a maximum field of 13.6 koe The apparatus employed was described in detail by N. M. Kreyn~s (Disser'tation, IFF, Card 1/2 L 21219-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo38og M., 1959). The synthesis of the single crystals was described by the authors earlier (PTT v.-5, 3607, 1963). The specific suscepti- bility decreased slowly with increasing temperature, and no spon- taneous magnetic moment was observed at low temperatures. Nor were anomalies observed, characteristic of antiferromagnetic phase transitions, on the temperature dependence of the reciprocal mag- netic susceptibility. Neutron diffraction has disclosed, however, the presence of antiferromagnetic ordering at 11.2K. Judging from the values of the lattice parameter, the temperature of the anti- ferromagnetic ordering should lie in the liquid-nitrogen range. It is concluded on the basis of the data that YMnO is not a weak 3 ferromagnet, but a compensated antiferromagnet. The authors thank G. A. Smolenskiyfbr interest,-A. S. BQrpAk-Romanov for the oppor- tunity of performing the magnetic measurements at lo_w temperaturel I. Ye. MY11nikova for supplying the single crystal?,'~-and N. M. Kreynes for reviewing the manuscript and valuable remarks. Orig.. art. has: 2 figure6. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE! 30ju165/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 007 -Carcl _.2/2. 0 Z 38887-66 E',','P(e)/Ela(m)/E'IP(%v)/T/E'.VP(t)/ETI , IJP(c) AT/WH//_7D/FW/,TG ACC NRi Ap6018577 SOURCE CODE: UIV03.81/(>6/008/()06/195T/195~, AUTHOR: Kizbayevp S. A.; Bokav, V. A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, AN SSSRI Leningrad (Inatitut polupravodnikov 4' SSSR) ~- 1~ V1 %11 0 41 11 TITLE: \FAZnctic properties of _(Zpo.rW -nd BaNio.5WO.503 _0. 5039 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1957-1959 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound.. barium compound, phase transition.. ferroelectricity, antiferroelectricityp magnetic moment, magnetic susceptibility, ferromagnetism, anti- ferromagnetism~, i7t" "-t_ ABSTRACT'-'- ---This is a continuation of e r er work (Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. v. 29, 929, 1965) where it was found that PbCoo.sWO.503 (I) has two phase transition points connected with electric orderingp becoming antiferroelectric at 305K and ferroelec- tric at 68K. The present study was made on this sul-stance at low temperatures and also on Ballio.SWO.503 (II) at liquid-hydrogen tempe'?atiLres, since the latter had no magnetic phase. transitions above room temperatur,,n- The measurements were made with apparatus desi:xibed by N. M. Kreynes (Diaaertatv-,, Institute of ftsics Problems, Moscow, 1959). In the case or I the wMAetic suh~!%---i '!~tibility goes through a mmximm at 9K. At this temperature a spontaneous magnetic moment is producedp amounting to 0.15 G-cm2/g at 4.2K. In the case of 11, the suscaptibility has a maximum at 55K and no spontaneous magnetic moment was observed. It is concluded from the magnetic mea,- Card ACC NRI AI360185TT surements that II becomes antiferromagnetic at 55K, and I becomes at 9K antiferro- magnetic with weak ferromagnetism. The Neel teraperatures of II and I are 17 and 9K, respectively. The results show that I below 9K is simultaneously ferroelectric and 'weakly ferromagnetic. This points to the existence of a new type of perovskites with both electric and mapetic ordering simltaneauOy. The authors thank G. A. Smolen- skiy for interest in the work and a discussion of the results, A. S. Bor-a--U&No-manov and N. M. Kreynes for the opportunity to make the measurements at low temperatures# and I. Ye. Yql' for preparing the samples. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. SO CODE: 20/ sm DATz: o4jan66/ oRiG REF: on/ oTH Pjw: oo4 C.,d 212,1-~iL-,,- ~e 6