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1- Y9G0ROV.'V.'V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Arboriculture 7- Conditions for growing trees along canals in an area generally alkaline. Fochvovedenie, no. 11, 1952. 9. Honthly List *f Russian Accessions, I&brary of Congress, Harch 1953, Unclassified. Y]WROV, V-Vo. samestitall direktora. Improvement if land. Vok-rug, eveta no.12:28-22 D 153. (KL.RA 6:12) 1, Pochwennyy institut Ak&dAodi nuak SSSR. (*igan a iiji~ e~-A;6lizat ion of land) (Reclamation of land --Ikgan ateppe) g~ .OMOV, V Y- Zasolennyye pochvy i ikh Osvoyeniye (Soils with excessive salt and how to cope with them) llojkva, lzd-vo AN SSSR$ 1954- 110 p. illus.., diagrs., map, tables. "Literaturall t P. (3-11) Nauk SSSR. Nauchno-PopulyarnaYa Seriya. At head of title: Akademiya Tt'e mecitiumba~8 of dto Frocasue Oftall ficcutittaidDa In & rd l V N A U d . am. . o a. t- ~ deselto a die Am!-CCXP A evece V. V. Fvxov A T lformo~, and Vu. P. L-hedew. Vrc4 - t "- k S rta K A S V V c . - . mem , ' " . . j ent -The acithors cov- the hfifcq 6-78 S R 44 IINW . . . C . , ( h L ti l d e acc=u ou of t a em of tho drea from the point cd v ~ di that l ii MNGO N Cl C ca a t a ns at such as s2lt:s, , the process of sAlnizatkm Is still going on, The fredi e of thcir relatively lost, sp. gr., stay on the wattro, becuis surfam of the ground waters which are taline. Theautho" disetaq the rift of the brine waters frvm the 011-hearim.- tyres l . of fortnation, vvhkh contain Ptimadly chmdes with PM( e2ity no *a1fates--Ttlese hr(%N give r6c toquify Wfm~:~k, Its satts ave cArried by the *Ws to dliltafst: arws-mel tcmnc In contact with wit" mithiental deposits COOtt. SIltWell, ft"e e of the Th* l tio l i t f nc a v ogina n. , se to gypmllh ng r gr l n nf C 1 ti d A i th t -4 ra Ptas on 3y accumu a o wpmo an e prFsw tilllts Is discussed exteitsively, ;ivwc data on the relation of -The cotnpa. of the wAteri of the rivers to that of the ofts., They -zhaw t6t the owdoental type of wilt tallow Into thm " cm(ritaltrs to their high sulfate mstvit. Ire the %ft0on cm the rolt of Oc plant covet on thL acturnultiticla of wits in tilo, arria a thomugh rty" UjV9101ftd, g(ViNg MYnit d h 1 l cr totA Kr-m ng mt OcW (lata (in the cmpn. of the ft4 1 in- I dl (xl file C k i h di i t na "to. are l a ons e Area. Witle con n t t nual tAlt Coutd-lutka (A 01w P1A:ftA to file still In le"n3l 14 k /h2. Tile next amtWo tfkuisex In dcrall the FilmiAcmm - e f I th lt h f i I O I f &i s n ca r f e e j, la river Watem n t kring dAta on the cnmpn. *( the rt'4rWtivf' rlvcrn drlinlac . IN ll d b I f . .; tme s fo y a O ) file CASPLm gulf ArAl %=41. " . t' ru-4m of the dr--tiny of FAlpt ctitedug tfic amoeg. It with the. tnineralizatkya cA the ground WMM in file tecAgic ptnille, Pgkmril by 4 review of the (mlot,; In. volved hi IlAs m1neralizatian "d g' sitalliq of 11111 (1corraloti. Ftnin that tin. the rafts In OW "I Cover Arc dMimed. tbel.- smwmal and mthods ri! coveting vie (fifffirlit -in the prricc~.-; of t;aIltil.-Ition, -wl,inchak. vAorictir. and N,iWl. In all nctiwis roti-Jilvrabic rhrtn~ data ot., prE-- d to illustrate the pamN iwitle, Vi rc("vnc(4. s. iewct9 n tbo w4vern CA4 4. -altt* A A, "tway OF III). ios, 0 MOW, ~,mb S.S, Ojv WA~f, tile, cj~))Ltn FAn, Itij I~441 to the 10r. i'litiGn 4 s1 a n, lit', witt t,~ryvuh* _,_- ok jAt vc,&w- r~ t t!i. C,,,S4D. tf!t~ firit, tu opt. owipetA)". htcr thA- Na~SO~ and 0:,, Nlg wi!l &crvuv qmcwhat, and 11) 1,12 intlitremAl- bm ... I u, cl~, 1,.r 0) sf I'll. YIGOROV,V.V. Common regularities in the formation of coastal delta plains. 1xv. AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.4:35-45 Jl-19'55- (KIRA 8:10) 1. Pochvennyy Institut imeni V.Y.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Deltas) (Coast changes) YEDOROV, V* nSalinizatioil of'Delta Soils in Ymritime Regions ond Conditiono of Their- Improvement.," a paperIpresented at the 6th International OSloil Science Congress,, Paris, 28 Aug to 8 Sep 56. In Libmry Branch #5 iwl YBGCRCV, T.T.; ZAMHAROINA, G.T. The degree of salinity of upper soil strata as a function of depth of ground waters. Dokl. AN SSSR. 109 no.4-.851-853 Ag 1956. (mm 9:10) 1.1 Pochvennvy inatitut imani Y.T. Dokuchmyeva Alrademii nauk SSSR. Predotavleno akademikon I*V. Tyurinym. (Soil chemistry) (AlkAli lands) (Water, Underground) MSR/Soil Sciance. Suil Genesis =0, GvtjL7,raphy J-2 Aba Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, Hr, 20, 1958, 11a gl,;K& Author Inst USSR Titla Soils'of the Snry1mL-,yshs1;iy Deproscion Ori~ Pub Tr..~ tanlo-Kasplyak. rloksn- okop9dits'Li. -'.N SSSII)- 1957, -20 8, 176- 6. Abstract 111be soil fonmtic,*,i coaCitimc ancl tho soils of th, x 44 slink-tVa dopressiun -.r., PrQvn1ca' . i7i t',c northern part of the Lle~pvus,ilxi --,rkj t~c dun-colorck~ thla, f,:obly- aeveloi,oa eoilz on lcrjas and ti),yr-like sr.lty soils. Dotritus soilz wh'Lc',) ~O.turrvtc with V~~r-for-,ccl ooils ca.d salt :~rtrohcs are Lliotrl'jutcd in the w,--Gt,,rn ,Lzrt of the d,~- pression at the foa-VIA11- slidos of Unntyturt , platec.u. In the southern -,)-nrt of the .1opression simll-mound and thin duzi-colorcd soils, strown with lizicstonas arc pr,.-vc~lent. StronGly i---kyr- fomed soils P-ml t,,.kylc in stratifiel miciont-alluvial cox-1 1/2 9 G' LOPATIN, G.V.; MIGINA, R.S.; YNGOROV, V.V.; KOVDA, V.A., otvetetvenny7 red.; TS71NOT, N.Y., ied. A.7s, tekhn. re4 [Dalta ofthe Aim Du-yi] Dellta Awi-Darli. Moskva, Ids-vo Akad. nauk sm, 19580' 156 p. (MIRA 1117) 1. Chlext-korrespondent Akademii mau SSSR (for lrovda) (Amm Darya Delta) KOM, V.A,, 0tvaetvennyy red.; TZGOROV# Vjo, kand, gool.-minoral. muk.' 1- ---- -K -- otyetetvenw red.: ANIMMH N~Ye~.' red. izd-va; GUSNA, A.P. tekhn. red, [Drainage in the utilization of saline iollul Primenente drenazha pri osvoenii zaoolennykh zemell. Xoekva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 173 po WPA n to 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Pochveunyy institut Ims' Y.T. Dokuohaeva, 2. Chlen-korreopon&snt Akademii-zauk SSSR (for Zovda). (Drainage) (Reolamation of land) IVANOV, Ps, prof*; YZGOROV, V., aeflistOnts Maintain the high fertility of virgin lanAx. Nauka i pared. opt r selikhos 8 no.12:17-19 D 158. OURL 12: 1) (Reclamation of land) (Soil f ertilitir) YEGORGV, V.V. Classification system for delta soile in the arid regions of the U,S,S,R, Fochvovedenia no.11:19,-26 H '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva AN SM. (Boils-Classification) (Alluvial lands) W" 4i .N.ROV Valentin VasiLlptic-h- KOVDA, V.A.,; AHTSELOVICH, M.Ye., z ~Xva--,- to J red. [Sail forwition and conditions for establishing irrigation systems for the improvement of deltas in the Aral-Caspian Lowland] Pochvo- obrazovanie i unloviia provedeniia oronitellnykh moliorataii v dol'takh Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nizmannosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kovda). (Caspian Sea region--Irrigntion) (Caspian Sea region--Soils) YMOROV) V. V.) Doe Blol Sci (diss) -- "Soil formation and the conditions for performing irrigation soil-improvement In the deltas of the Aral-Displan lad- land". Moscow, 1960. 38 PP (I~Wcow Order of Lenin State TJ im M. V. lomonosov, Soil Blol FacitIty), 130 Copies (K7,, No 14, 1960, 120) KOVDk, V.A.; THGOROV. V.V.; WJUTOVk, V.S.; STROGONOV. B.P. Classification of soils by the degree and t7pe of salinity with reference to the salt resistance of plants. Bot.zbur. 45 no.8:1123-1131 Ag 160. (MIU 13: 8) 1. Fochvennyy Institut im. V.V.Dokmch&7eYa AN SSSR i Institut fisiologil rasteuI7 im. X.A.Timiryaseva AN SSSR, Moskva. (Plants. Iffect of salts on) (Soils--GlaBaificatiou) YEGOROV, V.V. Sodium carbonate salinization in southern Sinkiang, Pochvo7edenie no. 5t1-12 My #61. (MIRA 14 15) 11 Fochvennyv institut imeni V.V. Dokuchayevaj, AN S~SR, (Sinkiang-44ine and alkali soils) BIRYUKOVA, A. P. ; ffQgBQV V Y ,, , prof,, doktor biol, nauk; oty. red.; MDRDZOV, A.T., prof., retsenzent; PAVIDV, A.H., red. lzd-va; TIKHOMIROVA, S.G., tekhn. red.; GUSEVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Effect of irrigation on the water and salt balance of soils in the southern part of the trans-Volga region]Vliianie orosheniia na vodnyl i 3olevoi rezhim pochv IUzhnogo Zavolzhlia. Moskva# Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 266 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Volga Valley-Saline and alkali soils) (Volga Valley--Irrigation) 71"GOROV, V.V,; POPOV., A.A.; XONOVALOV., N.N. Consolidated zoning of the Volga-Akhtuba Flood Plain for ioil improve- ment purposes. Pochvovedenie no*3:16-29 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Pochvennyy institut Imeni V,V,Dokuchaova i Yuzhnyy gosudarBtvennyy institut, po, proyektirovaniyu vodnogo khozyaystva. (Volga-Akhtuba Flood Plain-Reclamation of land) YEGOROVI V.V.; POPOVI A.A.; K.ONOVALOVy N.N. Schematic zoning of the Volga Delta for soil improvement purposeB. Pochvovedenie no-9:4-13 S 162. (KRA 16;1) 1. Pochven-,iyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Volga Delta-Saline and ILUali soils) ROZANOV9 A.K., doktor geol.-m~ner. nauk, otv. red.(deceased]j_=.R3,V, V,_Y,,, doktor b1ol, nauk.,; PAVIDV, A.N.,, red. izd-va; YRGORDVAI X.F., tekhn. red. [Effect of irrigation on soils in the oaaes of Central Asia) Vliianie oroshenlia na pochvy oazieov Srednei Azii. Moskva, 12d-vo AN SSSR,, 1963. 105 P. (MIRA 160) 1. AN SSSR. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Soviet Central Asia-Soils) (Soviet Central Asia-Irrigation) BOLISHAKOV, A.F.; YEGOROV., V.V.; RODE, A.A. Possibility of irrigation organization in I~bs trans-Volga region. Pochvovedenie no.2:1-9 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni v.v.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. YEGOROVI V.V,, doktor sel'skokhoz. nauk Characteristics of bringing lands under irrigation in the Volga Valley part of the Caspian Sea Region. Cidr. i mel. 16 no.3: 9-16 Mr 164. (MIRA l7t4) 1. Pochvennyy institut imoni V.V.Dokuchayevs. YFEGOROVI V.Vl Taoke of 90.1 !ioionco In The drivelolment of J"Jgatlon farming, ll-)-~hvovuclonlp no.40-11 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:10) -IFNROV,-.-V,V.; ZIMOVETS, B.A.; DONDAREV, A.G.; SIAVNYY, Yu.A.; ORLOVA, Ye.M.; KAUR1CHEVA, Z.N. Effect of the complex of soil cover on the effectiveness of saturation irrigation on large checks. Pochvovedenie no.10i 6-15 0 '65. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Pochvennyy Institut imeni Dokuchayeva. -s H.S., isdatellskly red*; .441? Ovich. AIIIKnl rMMOV Vgg?4 AX N, f-H., Nk~ilheokiy red. [Water hammer in pipeol K voprosu o gldravlicheskon. udare v trubakh* Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obore promynhlop 1958 7 P- (Moscow. TSentrallnyl aerogidrodinemicheakii institut. Trudy no. 712) (MIRk 11:11) (Water hammer) YEGOROV, V. V. "Remark on the New Tnstruction for the Editing of a New Map on 1:1,000,,000 Scale",, Trudy Novosibirskogo Inst. Inzh. Geod., Aerofotoslenki i Kartogr., 6, pp 77-85, 1954. The wealth of detail on the new map in the 1:1,000.,000 scale should be ascribed to the use of the "Instruction 1951-11 The main advantage of this "Instruction" is securing the maximum reproduction of cartographic pictures. SO: Sum. No. 443, 5 Apr 55 SOV/154-5;',-' _1~ 71/22 AUTHOR; Yogorov, V. V., Docent, Candidato of Technical iciences TITLE: The Requests of Administrative Organizatione for Small-Scale Topographic Maps (0 trebovaniyakh vadomotvennykh organizat9ii k melkomasshtabnym topograficheakim kartan) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodn-,,iya i aero- fotoollyemka, 195B, Ur 1, PP 133-135 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A team of scientific workers of the HIIGAiK (Novosibirsk Engineering Institute of Geodesy, Aerophotography and Carto- graphy) made an investigation of the requests of various ad-, ministrative orLtanizations of Sibirl fo4now maps of their administrative districts on smaller scales. The followinc results were obtained: The maps in use until now (scale: I : 100 000) are obsolAe in many respects and therefore not as useful as they should be. A list of exanples in eiven. Among other things, the Gidromotoooluzliba (Office of Hydro- Meteorology) also noted that the maps used so far do not show the difference in the stream flow (urez). The workers of the Biologicheskiy institut ZSFAIT (Institute of Biolomr, Card 113 ZSFAIT) noted the lack of so-called "relief-ribs" (rebrovniki) SOV/154-56-'-'7,'22 The Requests of Administrative Organizations for S=a!2-Scale To-~cjra~h_J~- Maps up to a height of one meter on mapa (scale: I : 100 000). Other inatitutions again demand that the pasnability of parta of Sibir? during, the rainy season should be indicated more pr,--. cisely on topographic and other mapa. It is Jntended, there- fore, in the near futnre to isaue now topo(~,raphie maps of a scale of 1 : 100 000 of sueh regions which are thinly popula,ted, but of greatest importance with respest to econe=i--, and industrial development. The new maps of various thinly populated regions of Sibirt which are, however, of great geographic importance have to meet the new requirements. Because of the comparatively long lapse of time between the topoeraphic survey and the commercial production of new i:iaps-, it is intended to issue maps and at the same time also aei-o- photogrammetrip plans of the respective areas, The acjr~phot~- grammetric plans and air photographs can more ouoily solve some of the problems so far unsolved.There are 2 referencec, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 -':':~'~_'_T' ~T SOV/1 54-5,0-1-17, 22 The Requentwof Administrative Organizationa for Small-Scale Topojrmphic Maps ASSOCIATION: Ifovosibirskiy institut inzhenerov goodezii, acrofotosKyemki i kartografii . (Ilovosibirok Engineering Inatitute of Goodeay, Aerophotoilraphy and Cartography) Card 3/3 YEGOROV V. V.- "Modern Large-Scale Topographical Maps and Ways and Means of Attaining their further improvement." -~( I report presented at theAScientific and Technical Conference, Novosibirsk Inst. of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial. Photography, and Cartography, 15-22 Feb f3. (Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 158, 4, 79:80) m ~ M-=O VI arl iml V-ull!yovichj SOKOLOV I Olog Viktorovich; TATTUVSKIY I Lev Fedorovich; ROGOV, -A.B., red.; SILWAROVA, T.A., red. izd.- va; SDIMU-tOV, V.S., tekhn. red. [Compiling and editing maps]Sootavlenie i reduktirovanie kart. 14ockvap Geodezizdat, 1962. 238 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Maps, Topographie) (Cartography) DRAGUNOV, V.I.; WOMV, Me.; SlITLYN, L.F. Pre-Upper Pjaleozolc reefs and reef formepe as Indicatdrd of the tectonic ak'+A-Aty iii the northwestern marLin of the' Conlral SiberW Plateau. Geol.i geofiz. no.l.-72-84 163. OURA 1614) 1. Vaesoyuzriyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy geologicheakiy institut, Leningrad. (Central Siberian Plateau-Geology, Structural) (Central Siberian Plateaw."Reefs) -7T7 YEGOROV V Ye inzh, ii -&-Concerning the principal components of a chromatograph for ~nil~zing combastion.products. Elek.sta. 33 no.12322-26 D 2, (KMA 16:9) (Boilers-Equipment and supplies) 7777~~ YEGOROV, L..V!-j_YOROVKOV, V.S.; LUKOVTSEV, P.D. Electroph7sileal properties of an oxidized niobi= electrode during cathodic ard anodic polarization. Elektrokhimila I no.5017-523 My 165. 041RA 18: 6) 1. Institut elektrokhimli AN SSSR. YEGOROY,jj~j doktor sallskokhoz. nauk (Moskva) Characteristics of the operations of horizontal desalinization drainage. Gidr. i mel, 17 no.11:1-7 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) 0 4 0 XAJ-co A F#!Eiat v PIC0191-is -t4. Lj jd. y %, jr 9 ;-0 04 *I Tit& 6#"- Am 4Ltt*uw vs isinsify the CUPIVACID V fik$ 904W by MIA&$ V* Tb"Miurku %'0 1 [8-cs.-Uspin"arv - Important trft" manute Tht lOv llon ol W=6 th I .90 . e cu a n ="= i; xw in rutrients wW the Intommation z txg, nlsttcl -,riih th.- adda of IN 11 anA K festifints 1 I"I 5;;; ; Q *a 03 5 )r Incycaw 1 ns C M.1kcs it se to plow 1. s. Joffe 41 I L I "IALLUACKIL 1.11fRATW2 CLAIWJC*TM b u a At so Ail; too: *-*jftLO-eq1*OO*q6q* **goo see *00 No* goo use 800 An 9 1 4 3 f T 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 6 * e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4-0-6-0 0 0 0 0 a 11 a u W 4 W II a a a a a k 11 ft JP 0 a 0 41 a a a *A09 00 of 0 *00 44 a "d k -00 -00 no Soc"Ok AV. iu. a. S. It.) W . I -23,.Vew luo W dw podaw rum b" a low P roamal -90 Oft the muface hsyw and a itUtivtly bigh havato content. of raw pbaspbates hnpmtt pan cvItivadm the adda fed . the soUs nod Iscrauto the YkW of crow. Ilea addne. 2*0 00 aher IL W" wu phag&t" pmyw to be ofIvahw. l g 0 004 o o of 4r .00 x00 "TALLIMICA& UTIOATWE CLASIWKATW* a t 00 it K @list* &C 0" Sts 1W a 0 a I if F 2 a a 3, 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 9 0 0 : 0 01 10 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;00900000000*0000 0 0 4 900*4p4p4oeoo*oo*oooo:*o 0 # 9 # 0 0 at 1. 14 0 0 0 0 )1 $6 a 1. 0 1. P 4 V- :-711777 00'. the eff"t of perfodit fettiliting of flas on the vieW and qualitv of crop. V 010 \11' C.- 4e-9 R' S 14 1 10jok, 0; 0 u Oc*$ lb~ Ow-111-1 4.1 Ih, I.. Ifir 11.,% it frtl,, ItJ III the I firm ti"itpu, of (fir ptatiti. i.00 The S, 11 And K cootevits of leav" and stenis of varimi qfsgv% id grurvri h are giveii. The manipulat irm d N mgidn,i. J. h i d as a greater uctict tn the plants than K addni. n i 00 0 loll? of 1. 6 00 0 0 .00 0 0 a S a%t coo ov A a I a 0 O-r 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 [ Vol- 'as 0 AN bF 0 0 0 41 it to 0 a C A P- It 11.1 A4 w ILL 0 11 01, 11~. The pre;mratim &ad imptaverat'al of V W 4 -.00 twowYkk 7~11939. M-50. Kilim. Nfftrat. ZA%,. 194o. So, 7,39-10-The ft-quirements (if cultivatel "I, Ate bipth abuldrption capacity In reprd to (-atkms, a vi'mV 002 -00 large ami. of org. *ub4tanre andl a favwable ditructitre. is 0 The Analytical incl"es of the tictree of cultivation (4 Or .00 004 sdirils are the content of moldile PtCh, afmwption capacity, .00 if ritial. et'"llin. (dif the art. IlubMance, relative editille"tdi of 0 0 %4111 JVI% still the ap. gr. of the wil. Virgin "Is and) The see 0.9 litstil"13 are numt Ifultraviril fly otc. lCmIlirt, .00 Ittlariltre. pent. lupine, ete.). petenniAl grasdi, little mu-1 0 -3 mineral (eflilizers. W. R. licnio a** 00 so isoo eel '!coo us* 20 C, 111TALLUNIGICAL W9016TWI woo too", 1-1011,19 Mail i;411 rw 0 A a 1 it al 9 a U to SO d * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 oil 40 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0410 0 0 0i 0.0. 0.- YEGOROV, Vasiliy Yegorovich Academic degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, based on his defense, 27 June 1955, in the Council of Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultural Acad imeni Timiryazev, of his dissertation entitled: "The Role of Extended Application of Fertilizers, Crop Rotation, and Repeated Sowings in the Development of the Fertility of the Soils of the Non-Chernozem Belt." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 1, 7 Jan 56, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, Uncl. JPRS/NY-548 i YJCRBIN. Akin Akimovich, professorl LWSNIKOV, T.V.. profossorl XtUHITOV, A.Y., professor; CHIZOVSKIT, M.G., professor; GRACIWA, V.S., redektor-, . a wr~e , -spatoredaktor; PXVZM, V.I., takhaichs- skiy redaktor [Agricultural Zemledalis. Moskva, Goa. tid-yo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 27o p. (MIRA 10:1) (Agriculture) VOROBIYIV, Sargey Andrayevich; TYrAWOV,,V.Ta.; XISILXV. A.N.; CHIZHZYSXIY. M.G., professor, redaktor';'~GRiCMA,'i.'h., radaktor; VISKOVA, TOOLO takhoichaskiy redaktor [Manual for laboratory work on problems in agricultural Rukovodstvo k laboratorno-praktichaskim zaniattiam po zemladaliiu. Izd. 2-os, parer. Pod red. H.O.Chizhavokogo. Moskva, Oos. izd-vo salkhoz. lit- ry, 1956. 326 p. (KIRA 9-9) (Agriculture-Study and teaching) GHIZHNVSKIY, Mikhail Grigorlyevich, prof.; KISBIAV, A.U.. dote.; VCROBIYNV, S.A., dote.; YNGGR L.,V.Ye., prof.; BALICV, P.M., dote.; TIMNIKOV. A#H., asslstent-~-UHUWWHIXIII, Yu.G., red.; GORIXOVA, Z,D., togkhn. rod. [General agriculture] Obahchee zemladelia. Pod red. X.G.Chitheyokogo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957- 357 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Agriculture) M33R / Soil Soiwico. A A J_A nor,41 Fortilizura. "Ibs Jour: Ref Zhur-B~ol., No 8, 1958, 34386. Author : _Ye&Qz2y,_Y__-YiT-. Inst : Depart.i.,ent of Field Cultivation of' the Mo3cow AGricultural Academy imeni Tifairyazov. Title : Effect iveness of Fertilizers and Re.ojated Sow- ings in Lasting Application. Orig Pub: Udobreiiiye i urozhay, 1957, No 5, 10-21. Ab3tract: Experiiaonts of imny years in field vogetation cultivations by the DoDartmont of Fiold Cultiva- tion of the Koscow Agricultural Acedomy iaeni Timiryazev, have shown that contont of humus in soil of the permanont cultivation (ch_-nr:~eless) was not difforiint from the contont of it in crop rotation cultivation; on the othor hand, tho amount of soliite phosphatas in culti- Card 1/2 Uj'32 / soil Scianco. Fortilizoro,. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 34386. J-4 Abstruct: vation of potatous - wa3 even ~,roator. Fotatou3 incroase the yiold of the crop rou"altion by 1 p, rye by 100%. Prolonged application of -,-,,-inure and NIT, with oiniultanoous raising of -the aF;ro- technical level, increased the coeLficicnt of utilization of 'LI.KP, increased the ronuixzation per unit of fertilization, increased the content of huaic acids$ which were richor in C, contained more N, and had tan increased cubic content of ab- sorption. Specific importance of fulvoacids drop- pod. Cultivation of the same soil by fieans of annual and perennial qlants and with zp-chanical troatiaont, but without application of fertilizers and -.;dthout raising the standard of afxo-technique, did not show similar shifts in the content of or- ganic matters. V. L. Astaflyova. Card 2/2 26 TJWROV, T.Te., doktor sellskokhosysystvonarkh wk, prof. Results obtained from long-run experiments,"*1th fortilizer.uxago A,nd with.growing crops in monoculture and in rotation. Isy. TSW no. 3:29-58 158. (MIRA 11:7) Ofertilizers and manures (Rotat.ion of crops) YEGOROV, V.Ye., prof., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Scientific basis of the row crop system in agriculture. B."ol. v shkole no.2:71-77 Mr-AP 162. (YIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskaya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya. imeni K. A. Timiryazeva. (Rotation of crops) J YEGOROV V.Ye., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh na"Ic, Prof.; DOSPMGV? B*Aty kand. eel I skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Effectiveness of liming old soils fertilized for a long time. Izv, TSKHA no.3:7-24 162* (MIRA 15:9) (Liming of soils) (Fertilizers and manures) V.Ye , doktor ael'skokhozyayotvennykh nauk,, prof.; LYKOV, A.M., aspirant Content and composition of humus in continuously fertilized soils, in crop rotation and monoculture. Izv. TSKIIA no.3:66-77 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Podzol) (Fertilizers and manures) (Humus) YEGOROV.-Me prof. Results of half a century's practice in applying fertilizars in crop rotations and to monooulturoo. Zemledelie 4 no.32i 51-55 N 162, (KIRA 16i1) 1. Moskovskaya selliskokhozMatvennaya akademiya imeni. N.A. Timiryazova. (Fertilizers and manures) (Rotation of crops) LYKCV, A.M.., aspirant; YEGOROV, V.Ye., prof.., nauchnyy rulModitell Characteristics of organic substances in soils deterTlink by Springerts method in a ContinUOUB axpori:,nent of the Tiattlazov Agricultural Academy& Izv. TSIUIA no-32224-227 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Humus) YEGOROV, V Ye.; LYXOV, A.M. Change of the organic matter in turf-Pod20UC BOU3 after 50 years of farming. Pcchvovedenle no.1007-48 0 163. (WRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskaya ordena Lenina Bellskokhozyaystvennaya akadomiya iment K.A.Timiryazova. YEGOROV$ V,Ye,) dok-tor sel'skokhoz. nauk, prof.; DOSPEXHOV, B.A.,, kand. sellakokhoz. nauk, dotsent, Liming of continuously fertilized soils in crop rotation and monoculture. Izv. TSKHA no.6sl25-137 163, (MIRA l7t8) YEGOROV, V,Ye,, doktor neI'skrzP-'zy~y-ztveanykb rrcf. Results of bilf a ^_er,'Wt:-yIz fte2d expe7lmenta of tho Timirlazer Agricultural ''cudea7 with rerrilizerv, crop rota- tion, and monocultura~,,. Jzv. TSIXH4 ncj.&~30-56 163. (M7RA 17.78) 'C; Z 091- 14-i -,,of.# doktor 0011sicokhoz. nauk; KIIRWH~YF, assistant Evaluating the effectiveness of the liming of fertilized soils. Izy. TSKHA no.40-16 165. (MIRA 1. Kafedra zemledel:ya i matodiki opytnege dela Sellskokhoz"yotyennoy ordena Lc-.n-lrft akndemii brani T12aIryazeva. V.%, Y,"GOROV. Me., pra, Ing faming level Is the min probcm. Zemledelle 27 ro*9!5-11 (M.,PA 3.8.10) zj. E Y'--T-43~-'OV9 V.Ya.P in zh. "'t0y W* Fit I Orl And h6at (-x--ihange in th- furnice of 4h6 b-)I-ter n,T-,sitlr,7, Gn antlhr~clto culm and natural gne. ~eploenerg,~tlka 1161 no..1~6-12 Mr 164, KIIIIA 17:6) A,. Yixikaya tepinelakt-ot3entrall go.!, YEGOROV Y. S. Measuring the temperatpre Of electron gas and the concentration oftharged particlea in pulsed neon discharge. Zhur teM. fiz. 31 no.3:352-356 Mr 1614 41IRA 14:3) 1. Leningradakiy osudaretvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zbdanova, N01"ectria discharges through gases) Mectron gas) YIDGQROV,, Ya, Tiaportant aspect of the State Bank's work. Don. i kred. 21 no.5: 61-~-63 MY 163* . (MRA 16:5) 1, Upravjyaquohchiy Roginskim otdoleniyam Gostankao (Noginak-Banks and bw*ing) YEGOROV), Ya*A*.. aspirant Determining the performance of a piston during gas-exchange pro- cesses in a two-stroke engine. Izv.vys.ucheb.2av.; manhinostr, no.8:192-196 163, WIRA 16:11) 1. Moskovskoye vyssileye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. KRUGLOV,7M.G.J. kand.tekhn.nauk; PMITRIY-.V, V.P.., aBpir&nt; YknOtwV Y A.,,. aspirant Improving the economic efficiency of an engine with a power-driven supercharger operating with partial loads. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; ma- shinootr. no.8:205-211 16,3. (MIRA 16:11) le Wskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. -t4 YEGOROV, Ya.A., inzh. Optimum wiper6harging pi-essures for engines with p-ower-operated superchargers. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no. 12:150-157 163. (KRA DO) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye takhnichookoye uchilishche Imeni Baumana. KRUGLOV, M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; YEGOROV, Ya.A., inzh.; DMITRIYEV, V.P., In-4h. Improving the apparatus for testing engJnes. Trakt. i Bellkhozmash. 33 no.5tl&20 I-V 163. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Monkovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchillshche Im. Baumana. KRUGLOV,, M.G., doktor tekhns nauk;,YEGOROV, Ya.As. inzh. .-I ....I....I........ .I..................., Determining available energy of exhaust gases by the diagram of pressure changes in the outlet pipe. Vast. maehinostr. 43 no.12il7-21 D 163. (MIRA 17:8) 27104-66 EWT(d 'I /EWT(1 )/EWT Om~)/&-TP( f )/T-2 W-9 - - 7"___-__ I . 100WOOR ACC SOURCE CODE NR, Ap6017405 t ' UR 0122 0 00 AUTHOR: rxu~lov, M. G. (Doctor of technical sciences)i didate" of technical sciences) Yegorov Ta. Ae_~Far, ORG: .: none TITLF% Effect of the exhaust system on the operation of a high-speed two-cycle diesel eng1n2 with loop scavenging f the case of combination supercharging SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniyat of 8, 1965, 33-37 TOPIC TAGS: diesel enging, supercharged engine, engine exhaust system, engine turbine system, turbine compressor, turbine ABSTRACT: ThO,-authors propose a theoretical.and exper1mehtal',-..1 method - f or.'- selecting the optimum 'dimensions f or',- the exhaust sys-' tem of a diesel engine with a combination supercharging system*' An equation jo-given for power balance.on the turbocowvreqqor~_.__' ghaft,pand formulas are derIved'for calculatIng,the coefficients whloh.appear In this equation for the available power of the' 'ex' haust,gases, the power transmitted-to-the piston by the eihaust-b gases during gas exchange, the available power of the scavenging air, losses In the exhaust system; turbine efficiency and com- pressor power demand. The proposed theoretical method Is expe- .y,.;studyIng the operation of a two-cycle rimentally oheoked.b V-4 Card 1/2 UDC: 621.436.13.001.5 P, ts~ 5MM -1o4 -66 2 ACC NRi AP6017405 'diesel engine with loop sewrenging (D hs'"130 mm# 140. Mm'T- under ' oombination superchargi oonditions. The data'show-that-a pulee"', ng ~ turbine with an efflolency-of. 0.82-0.'84.*and a 6ompres'sor' with an * efflolency of 0,72-0,74 may be used;to produce a mean cuperoha~gdl In a high-i3peed.two-cyole-engine-with loop soavenging'and In orease - , the.power by 45 50% &t.9 .:i'0.175-0-180 kg/e fhp -hr-,,* Orig. art, has t 5 fig&os and-- 12 _fozimla6. 3FIST SUB CODE% SUBM DATEI none ORIG REF1 004 Card t P M E: - ----- ACC NRt AP7605229 (A SOURCE COD' * URI/0145/~6/ooo/ooq/0087/0091 xuviola: Kruglov, M.' G. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); _LegHq~,, Ya. A. ,(Candidate of technical sciences) bRG: MVTU im, N. E. Bauman TITLE: Energy distribution in the exhaust stroke of atwo-cycle -nginn SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1966, 87-91 TOPIC TAGS: diesel engine, gas turbine, kinetic energy, exhaust gas dynamics A13STRACT: The article is a report on experimental research done at -the Moscow Technical College on the effect which the cross sectional area of the exhaust manifolds. in the 4D 13/14 two-cycle loop-scavenged diesel has on the energy distribut4on in the exhaust stroke with regard to losses. The length of the manifold was held lonstant at 600 mm and diameters of 80, 67 and 50 mm were tAudied. The engine had two exhaust manifolds, each joining two cylinders. A stroboscopic MAI-2 indicator was used for measuring the static and overall pressures of the exhaust gases in two cross sections of the manifold. The results show that up to 40% of the total available power is in ihe form of kinetic energy when the exhaust gases are moving at high velocities. 7his fact should be taken into account when evaluating the energy potentialities of a gas turbine. The time relationship of the gas velocity should be taken into account when Card 1/2 UDC: 621.4-12 ACC NR: AP7005229 calculatinp, the kinetic energy since considerable errors are introduced if the average velocity is used (the results miy ~e more than 30% lower than the true values). Feat losses through the walls of the exhaust manifolds are insignificant, reaching no more than 4% of the total available energy of the gases in the cases considered IVY the authors. On the other hand, hydraulic losses reach 20% of the available energy. Methods are given for determining the energy components, and it is sbown that hydraulics' losses may be determined with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes from the average flow parameters as in the case of steady-state motion of an incompressible fluid. Orig. art. has: 1; figures, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 13, 21/ SUBM DATE: IO.Tan66 lu_ 'Z7 m)/-EWP-(-J)-/T--- IJP (c WW/6WW_~___7_ ACC NRiAP6022016 SOURCE CODE: UR 012OT667ooo iZ_3F0 f~ 6-16 15 77 AUTHOR: Tomashevskiy,.E. Ye.1 Yegoro Ye. A. Savostin, A. Ya. ORG: Msigo-Technical Instituib AN SSSR,_Leningrad (Fiziko-telthnichaskly in3titnt AN SSSR) TITLE: Using magnetic-field pulse modulation for rgcording the original form of 14MR and EPR spectra 2-1 L I SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 156-157 TOPIC TAGS: NMR, EPR, magnetic field pulse modulation ABSTRACT: Modulation of magnetic field by high-amplitude pulses (exceeding the absorption'range) is suggested for the purposes of recording original NMR and EPR spectra. The method results in a 100% modulation of the absorption signal and ensures, without line-shape distortion, a higher sensitivity as compared to the method of "small" sinusoidal modulation. The direct record of the original spectrum enhances accuracy in calculating absorption-line momenta. The method, first suggested by B. E. Holder (Phys. Rev., 1955, 98, 1, 265), involves the signals modulated by trapezoid pulses having a repetition rate of a few dozen pulses per second and a duty factor of 0-5; simultaneously, a slow linear sweep of the maGnetic field is performed. NMR spectra of polymethylmethacrLLatejand an M spectrum of DFPG are shown. The method is applicable to standa-.:d NMR wide-line spectrometers as well as to superheterodyne-type EPR spectrometers. Orig. art. as.' 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20,.09/ SUBM DATE: 29Apr65/ ORIG PZF:_ M1 5- UDC: 539.28.0 gOl/ OTH REF: 002 1 5 A;F YEGOROV, Ya.B. Continuouo mechanized production line of sewage pipes. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.11:29-30 N 163. (MIRA 17t1) t, BOCHAAROV) Y11.P.1 kand.arkh1tektor; YEGOROV, Ya.L., lnzh. Some problems in the water supply of tho citlea of the R.S.F.S.R. Vod. i can. tekh, no.20:25-27 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) YEGOROVp U.N. Experience In improving the qualificatioas of technological information experts, Opyt. rab. po tekh. inform. I prop. no.309-41: 163. ''(HnA 16~12' 1. Zamestitell nachallnika TSentrallnogo byuro tekhnieheskoy informataii Kemerovskogo sovets. narodnogo khozyaystva. 7 Iluxt -jK1 J Vin. "Conversions of Ethyl Cyclopentane in the Presence of Ru and Pd Catalysts =Aer Hydrogen Pressure in a Circulating System," Doklady Akad Nauk, 95 (6), 1211-4 (1954). Evaluation B-85325, 14 Jun 55 .1 L 7A A-T I-z-Ij Crciative coor*,,ration b.:itween wurkei-3 of the institute and railroad workrrs. 'i rjcyt). proraktivu 13 no. 16, 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1956. Unclassified. PON IRIM M_ 33159 S/120/61/000/006/03o/o4i E035/E435 AUTHORS: Yegorov, Ye., Sychava, G. TITLE: D.C. Stabilizer PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.6, 1961, 130-131 TEXT: The circuit diagram is shown in Fig.l. The main components of the circuit ares 114 A (P4D) - a powerful regulating transistor, n201 (P201) - an ampliZying transistor, A808 (D808) - a zener diode, giving a reference voltage at the' base of the P201, A7 r(D7G) - a thermo-compenzating germanium diode, Assume the load resistance R11 becomes smaller: as a result, current through the load, the regulating transistor and the resistance (R1 + R3) in the emitter of the circuit increasts, The negative potential on the P201 bass increases and the current passing through the emitter-base, reference diode D808 and diode D7G is increased. This causes an increa-je-of tha amplifying transistor collector current and a reduction of the base current of the regulating transistor P4D with a corresponding increase of the voltage drop across the transistor (the emitter- collector resistance of the P4D increasea), The current through the load RH and the regulating transistor is reduced,thus Card' 1/,V po 33159 S/120/61/000/006/03o/o4i D.C. Stabilizer E035/E435 leaving it almost unaltered. The operation of the circuit is similar if there is an increase of the load resistance. By varying RI a definite current can be established to the base of the amplifying transistor and also sets the necessary current passing through the regulating transistor and the stabilized load, The circuit effectively stabilizes currents up to 400 mA at. a load resistance RH Of 20SL By varying the load resistance RH =-20SI by + 19'1, the stabilized current varies by + 0.03 mA from 300 m.A. The stabilized current as a function of foad resistance variations for three current values of 200s 300 and 400 mAq is shown in Fig.2. The internal resistance of the stabilizer is calculated by the approximate formula Ri =- 4aR Ic/dI by substituting the data taken from the graphs for stabilized current values of 200, 300 and 400 mA.. The- internal resistance is respectively 10, 7.9 and 6.6 k..Pl. The variation of stabilizer supply voltage by + 10% from 32 V causes variation of the stabilized current by + 25 mA from 300 mA. The presence of three semiconductor element; makes the circuit sensitive to ambient temperature variations. For raducing the Card* 2/0, -7) 12 33159 S/12o/6l/ooo/oo6/03o/o4l D.C. Stabilizer 9035/E435 influence of temperature.on stabilizer operation', tl~orno-'elements may be introducod - a germanium diode A 7 (D7) - into the reference diode circuit. The results of incorporating the compensating diode in the circuit is shown in Fig-3- Without,temperature compensation, the stabilized current fall by 3 mA from 300 ntA trhen the ambient temperature was increased from 20 to 400C, but with the inclusion of the compensator D7G only by I mA. The described stabilizer is used for stabilizing the supply voltage of a thernioconductometric gas analyser. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. (Abstractor'Is note: Abridged translation.] SU.BMITTED: April 5, 1961 Card 3/0- GOLIDANSKIT, V.; TEGOROV Ye nauchnyy sotrudnik C= -I ~-- 0 ~ Neutrons weld and crooslink polymers, Tekh.mol. 31 no.200-31 163. (KIRA A6s6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Golldanakiy). 2. lAboratorlya yadernoy i radiatsionnoy khimii Institute, khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (for Yegorov). (Polyners) Oleutroris)'* KUZNHTSOV, S.V., dots.; YEGOROV, Yo.A. Role of the nervous system in passive immunogenesis in paratyphoid Infedtions of guinea pigs. Hauch. trudy-Samark. Inst. soy. torg. 8-.215-218 157, O(IRA 12:7) (PARATYrHOID FMR) (IHMUNITY) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) SOV1120-59-5-19/46 AUTHORS: Slutsicer, A.I. and Yogorov, re TITLE: An Apparatus for the Measurement of Small-angle X-ray ScatterIng PERIODICAL; Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 5, pp 89 - 94 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A description is given of an apparatus which may be used to measure scattered X-rays down to angles of about I min. The apparatus is show schematically in Figure 2. The specimen under investigation is in the form of a plate land is irradiated by a wide divergent X-ray beam. The beam has a sharp edge defined by the lead plate 2 Rays scattered by the edge of this plate are received by the baffle plate 4 which can be adjusted by means of a screw arrangement so that it just reaches the edge of the beam. The angular distribution of the radiation scattered by the specimen is measured by the counter 6 which can be rotated in the plane of the drawing (Figure 2) about an axis through the specimen 1 . The counter carries a slit 5 whose width is 80 ji. The height of Cardl/3 the sl1t Is 20 mm. The stability of the X-ray tube 11 is the subsidiary counter 7 The chamber I t;--*" SOV/120-59-5-19/46 An Apparatus for the Measurement of Small-angle X-ray Scattering evacuated to exclude scattering by air. Both WI and scintillation counters were used as detectors. The apparatus may be used to study various phenomena and processes which take plac in regions having linear dimensions of 10 - 1 000 1 and uhich SILve weak monotonic X-ray scattering at small angles. For example, Figure 6 shows the spectrum obtained with organic glass. Curve 1 in this figure refers to the original glaus specimen and Curve 2 t the same sp cimen with "bubbles" of the order of 3-00 1 (% =;1.54 1). The vertical axis gives the number of counts per see and the horizontal axis the scattering angle. Figure 8 gives the spectrum for 99-970'a Al, annealed in vacuum (Curve 1) and for the same specimen (30% terqile deformation) (Curve 2). Acknowledgment is made to B.N.Zhurkov who directed this work. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and 7 references, of which 2 are S iet, 2 German and 3 English. Card 2/3 7 SOV/120-5! ,t,5-19/46 An Apparatus for the Measurement of Sma I-angle X-ray Scattering ASSOCIATION: Fiziko~-tekhnicheskiy,-institut AN SSSR (Physico-teelinical Institute of the Ac.Sc.USSR) vl',*~ SUBMrrTED.- August 7, 1958 ,.w - Card 313 S/12o/63/000/001/043/072 AUTHOR: TITLE: PEIZIODICAL:* Ycgorov,lye.A. -Itabilization -circuit for the oscillation--~nmplitudc in regenerative pick-ups Pribory i telchnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1963, 167 163 T RXr Th esystem deacribod per-mits stabilization of tho oscillation-amplitude in various types of regenerative transducers. The stabilization is based on the fact that the oscillation- -amplitude is dependent on the anode supply voltagre; tho amnlitudn increasos with the supply volta,,.,o. The practical circuit i; sh,-.n in Fig. 1, whero the regenerat iva circuit is controlled by a pentodo, type 6-.-,5i7 (6Zh5P). The ztabilizing feedback amplifier is based on a radio noise-measuring device, type on-26 (IP-26), wh:Lch 3.5 coupled to the pick-up by a rod antenna. The output of this A. amplifier is proportional to the amplitude of tho oscillations and this is rectifiod in tho detector circuit and then applied to the control -rid of the stabilizing tube. The oscillation-amplitude can be adjusted by varying the bias o;C the grid of the control tube Card 1/2 6/120/63/000/001/048/072 Stabilization circuit .... E192/L~3'32 by tho potontiomotor R . On tho otoor 1mrid, by vnrying R it possible to adjust tL w4cillation-amplitudo as vroll as do dogvee of stabilization. ell 0 t 4 j- .10 co.-istant" of tho tystem is 1 sec lore 'igur mv for- C 10 F. T1 Aro 2 ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-telchnichosldy institut AN SSS11 (Physic ot ochnical Institute, AS USSR) SUMMITT 1-:1); April 28, 1962 smsn V'Z CC n M04?uff 4 00ft IM-Ze " >1qn-la Card 2/2 Fig. '11N YEGOROV, 0A 0 Circuit for stabilizing autodyne generation amplitudes. Prib. i takh. eksp. 8 no.lil67-168 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 1. Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Electric circuits) (Electronto apparatus and appliances) ZHURKOV, S.H.; YEGOROV, Ye.A. Effect of tensile stress on molecular mobility in oriented polymers. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no-5tl-155-1.158 o 163. (KMA 16t12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zhurkov),, ZHURKOV, S.N.; YEGOROV, Ye.A. Identification of - and - forms of pol7peptides by the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. Vy3okomesoods 5 no,5:772-773 My 163* (MIRA 17:3) 1. Fiziko-tokhr-ichoskiy ip3titut imeni. A.F.Ioffe All SSSR. KOILAIM, h.M., profeesor; YWOR011, Ye.G., in%hener. ...........................I I Ventilation systema on livestock farms. IiAuks i -iered.op. r sellkhoz. 7 uo.,9:25-26 '57. (I-ILRA 10:90, (Farm buildings-Heating nnd ventilation) y HF3 O"Rov, Y-E, I Defendekl his Dissertation for Candidate of Technic-1 Sciences in the Leningrad Polytechnic~tl In3titute, Leainggr&j, 1951 Dissertation: "Effect of Hydrogen on the Structuro and Properties of C;~-st Iron" SO- ReforativrWy Zhurnal Khimiya, No. 1, Oct- 195i 01/29c75511 Apr 54) j SOV/137- 57-1-11536 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal . Metallurgi ya, 1957, "-,or 1, p 203 (USSR) AUTHORS: Yegorov, Ye. I., Romashin, Yu. S. TITLE: On the Photometry of the Dark Component in the Metallographic Investigation of Alloys (0 fotometrirovanii temnoy sostavlyayushchey pri metallograficheskom issledovanii splavov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Novosibir. inzli,stroit. in-ta, 1955, Vol 5, pp 169-174 ABSTRACT: The authors propose a method for determining the amount of the dark component in the structure of ferrous alloys by means of photometric evaluation of the microscope's field of vision. The photometry was carried out with the aid of a low-resistance F1 galvanometer having a 610 mm/~L a current sensitivity and a type FESS-4 photoelectric cell with a 6900 ma/mm integral sensitivity illuminated with light reflected from the metallographic specimen investigated or from the mirror (zero reading). Through experi- ments carried out on irons and low-carbon steels it was established that the per cent content of the dark component is proportional to the ratio (A --o A) /A where Ais the reading from the mirror and M . M m Card 1/2 A from the specimen investigated. The method is convenient for SOV/137-57- 1- 1536 On the Photometry of the Dark Component in the Metallographic (cont. ) obtaining objective characteristics of alloys with a fine dispersive or a complex structure of the dark phase when the application of other methods is inconvenient. A. F, Card 2/2 j, ~i' -7.7. r T N pplication 'it the methoz! of "tort of hvdrageg I cg" rrn. cnroy ~May, ic bt~t %amplinq O.ivr "I ff.r df;~fx, If is nw& "t co. "ith Irn C, I 11', hingoi; the"- twrudt cooling 0, !1410 1 1 2 .1 - (h,ly -,~i lvw vot 0- luaL~~l of v~cumri licating Ix ds del-,cn(Mble a6 It 1-3 fut slrcl. Vol grav or malb-able Cmt Irall the ltletkoj of varutal) atelting IA M, Kosolaji44T--~, 4; tIlla', -it ,k2. TEGOROV, Ye.I. radioactive isotopes in foundry practice; reviev of published materials. Lit.proizv. no-3:28-31 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) (Founding) M n;m YXGOROT, Yevgeniy KELrpovich [Why our collective farm is planting more buckwheat] Fochamu naeh kolkhox raoshiriaet poeavy- grachikht. [Xuibyehev] KuLbyshevskoe kn-vo, 1956o 14 pe (MLRA 9:10) (Buckwheat)