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10 lecc L Idolpx? ~ Its I)fD6/vbv so ss :410 1. BOC'mNJOV, V.!;. 2. USSR (6CO) h- Electric Circuit Breakers 7. Reclosing gear PS-10 with a dauble magnotic system, Hab.energ I no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. DOGDANOVp V*�j., student. ,1_000A~' '11~ Investigati4g the centers of some types of crose-sections. TruAy LVMI no.6tl45-151 157'. (MIU n95) (Strains and stresses) 62-58-5-3/27 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Kiselev, V. G., Bogdanov, V. S. TITLE: Radiation-Chemical Conversions of Orcanic Substances (Radia- tsionno-khimicheakiye prevrashcheniya organicheskikh veshchestv) Communication 3: Conversions of Ethylene Under the Action of Rapid Electrons (Boobshcheiiiye 3. Prevrashcbeniya etilena, pod vliyaniyem bystrykh elektronov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR IOtdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1958P Nr 5y pp. 545 - 549 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mund and Kokh (Reference 2) investigated for the first time the radiation-action of high energy on ethylene. They found out that ethylene is -onverted into hydrogen under the influence of a-particle3. Lind and hie collaborators (Refer- ence 3) obtained hydrogen and small quantities of methane and ethane by means of irradiation of ethylene by a-particles. Mak-Lennan and Patrik (Reference 4) discovered also acetylene besides H 2 and CH4 in the reaction products of the radiolysis Card 1/3 of ethylene. Moreover it was found thut ethylene is con- Radiation-Chemical Conversions of Or,3anic Substances. 62-58-5-3/27 Communication 3; Conversions of Ethylene Under the Action of Rapid Electrons verted into polyethylene or into liquid products on the action of y-radiation. In the present work, the conversions of ethylene under the action of rapid electrons were inve- stigated,ass well as the influence of the irradiation-time of the initial pressure, the dilution of the initial ethylene by means of nitrogen and hydrogen. Gaseous and liquid reaction- -products were subjected to the analysis. The authors found that the initial products of the radiolysis of ethylene do not represent hydrogen and methane, as was previously assumed, but butane and acetylene (References 2 to 4). The gaseous reaction- products containbesides butane and acetylenesmall quantities of C2HV C4 H8 and H2P as well as traces of propylene. Liquid reaotion-Droducts (bjiling out" up to 13ooC) consist of ali- phatic hyarocarbons C6 and C.. The highest fractions contain important quantities of aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons. The formation of hexane, octanes of butane and other highest alkanes is carried out by means of the condensation of alipha- tic biradicals and of an even number of carbonvatoms with sub- Card 2/3 sequent hydration of the same. Tho energetic yield of reaction: Radiation-Chemical Conversions of Organic Substances. 62-58-5-3/27 Communication 3: Conversions of Ethylene Under the Action of Rapid Electrons 16 molecules per loo eV. A reduction of the initial pressure increases the degree of decomposition of ethylene without in- fluencing the course of reactibn. A dilution of ethylene by moans of nitroGen increases the conversion substantially (with intense reduction of the yield of gaseous hydrocarbons). A dilution by means of hydrogen does not influence the radio- lyaia of othylene* There are 2 fiaiires? 4 tables and lo refor- onces94 of rhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut oraanicheskcoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR ( Institute for Or.-anic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy, U US I SR) SUBMITTED: February 32 1957 1..Organic substances--Effects of radiation 2. Radiation--Chemical ffects e I Card 3/3 8/076/60/034/05/17/038 B010/t002 AUTHOR: Vogdanov, V. S. (Pnerki,A) ------------------------ TITLE- Investigation of Aorosol.~L Formed During Radioehomical Reactions if PERIODICALt Zhurnal fixioheekoy khimiiq 19609 Vol. 34, No. 5, PP-1044-1049 TEXT: The author investigated th,a formation and the further changes of aerosols which are formed by bombarding various gases with fast electrons under different conditions. For this purpose he used a brass veasel (Fig. 1) into which an electron beam was introduced from above, and through which a beam of light passed from the side (through two opposite glass windows). The light was weakened y the formation of an aerosol mist, which was recorded by a rsn-RGZP-47) mirror galvanometer via a phito- cell. The dispersity and-fh-e---eTectrical properties of the aerosol wer, *A'e- termined by means of_q, Millikan condenser.,Gas analyses were carried out by means of a BTM-2`~TVTI-2) apparatus. The author undertook experiments with illuminatrn-ggas (96% CH 4, 3% N2, 0.6% C2H6 and 0.4% H2), methane - oxygen mixtures (75% CH 4 and 25% 02)9 methane (98% CH 49 2% N2)1 and Card 1/2 Investigation of Aerosols Formed During S/0-16/60/034/05/17/038 Radiochemical Reactions BOIO/BO02 ethylene (96.2% C2'1 49 2*5% H29 0*8% N29 0-5~ C2H6) , and studied the effect of electron bombariments, temperature$ and pressure upon the formation and the properties o? the resul-ting aerosols. It vas found that the particle size of the aerwiols formed in methane amounts to some tenths of a micron Table 1), and thiA the particles are partly positive and partly negative oharges of 1 11 elementary units). The major part of particles (66%) ~ has charges olk' - 3 elementary units# and the number of charged particles depends on thfi dpgree of dilution of the aerosol (Table 1). Data on the mean charge calct.,lat,~4 from P. Lissovskiy's equation (Ref. 6) are given in Table 2. Furthermore, the author studied the deperdence of concentra- tion and yield ef aerosols produced from methane on the amount of adsorbed energy. The yie~Ld in ethylene is 32 times larger than the highest yield produced in methane. Finally, the author thanks Professor No No Tunitskiy for his valuable advice. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I American. SUBMITTED; August 15, 1958 Card 2/2 BOGDANOV, V, 5..-Cand. Chem. Sci. (dies) "Investigation of Aero- sole Arising in Radiation-Chemical Reactions.'~ Moscow, 1961, 14 pp. (Scient. Res. Phys-Chem. Instit. im. L. Ya. Karpov) 150 copies (KL 6upp 12-61, 255). 2t)W4 S/062/61/000/008/0001/010 \67 4,6 oo B117/B206 AUTHOR: Bogdanov, V. S. TITLE: Dispersity and electrical properties cf a-rcsols fcrmirg during radiolysis of gaseo,.~s hydreoarbo,,:~ PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izv-~tiya, 1A.~mi.oh-?qk1kh naukp no. 8, 1961, 1520--~, ~ TEXT: The author investigated the disperaily arkd ;rcp,?rt',e2 of aerosols formed during radiolysio of methan-~~, v-hane, n-butane, ethylene, methane-oxygen mixture (4-1.1 q.-;d ethy~-r...-:,xyg~,n mixture (1:1). The radiolysis was done in a 2 1 metal react4on-vessel on the accelerator. The mean energy of the accelerated ?',~-,troris amounT-?d to 112 kv after they have left the outlet. The aerosols formed were investigated by photographic oscillation method according to N. A- Fuks and .1. V. Patryanov (Ref. 3: Zh. fiz. khimii 4. 567 i",955), 1. V, Petryanov, P. V. Lisovskiy and G. L. Nalanson, Z.a-cdok laborallorriya, N2 10, 1219 (1948)). The potential on the cond"nsAr plat,~s amounted tr 80 v, the distance between them to 2.08 mm. Thp Card 1/5 26404 S1062J6 Dispersity and electrical properties... BII7/B2V, the reversal of the direction of the eleotri~ f 1 ~-~a j 2 ?e When calculating the sizes and charges of thp partlclvz~, -.'- ", 7 -"~;T v: r''! 1 !'-9 viscosity coefficients were used. The density .,f t~;- 6V'-f--;&tS Was assumed to be equal to the density of the oondensRte TI-I's %-13 detirrn~--d by a pycnometer. The aerocols were always prcdu-:~ed wi*h i concentration of I mg/l. This was determined by an C"IT iSPP) tip-z--w-ial filter. The countable concentrations were determined an microscope of the type BAK-4 (VDX-4)9 the mc-de of whi!::h w~~Lj described in Ref. 5 (B. V. Deryagin i G. Ya. Vlaa~rik,~, St, id"I oblasti Izucheniya aerozoley" Izd. AN SSSR. M. -L- 11049, Al experiments were made at room temperature lWh ji!7 1- 100 pa and a gas pressure in the reactor (,f p - I k g!': 0In t~rd-r tt3 obtain the weight concentration of 1 mg1l, the i rrad -a, !;MC-I W119 changed between 6 see and 30 min, according to the pa, zzlz~ed. T lv~ countable concentrations during irradiaticn of the invest~&-,ied were: 5.8-10 6 f- OR 4' 5-7'10 6 for C2H6, 6.o-io6 'ror 0,11 6' 518110 6 for n-C H10, 6.0,10 for 6 for CH +0 and "-.'?*'C L a r t '~. 0 1 4-~ a/.Cm3 4 C2H4' 5.4-10 4 2 Card 2/5 26404 9/062/61/000/008/009/010 Dispersity and electrical properties ... 3117/B206 for C 2H4+0 2' The number of meanured particles for aerosols vas 252 CH 41- 232 C 2 H6, 212 C3H8, 231 n-C 4H10, 290 C2H4' 220 CH 4+0 2' 234 C2H4+0 2" The sizes of the particles were within the range of the radl! from 0-4 to 2 pi the main mass of the particles being distributed within a still narrower range: between 0.9 and 1.5 A. For experiments with ethylene.. the distribution cu-~ve is displaced into the range of smaller radii, for experiments with C 2H 4+02 into the range of greater radii. Compared with the method of the perpendicular electric field (Ref. 1; Autor, Zh. fiz. khimii, 14, N2 5, 1050 (iq6o)), the method described prcdu~-.%ee moreaccurate results, since measurements may be made within a ff.-w m1ruteg, whereby the aerosol systems hardly change. The dispersity cf th,~ aerosols may be differential according to radiation intensity and absorbed on-4rgy, Thus, when irradiating methane with a dose of one tenth only, more highly disperse aerosols were obtained. On the one hand, aerosols are forming during the irradiation of gaseous hydrocarbons accordirg to the meohanism of a chemical condensation at room temperature. On the :ther hand, they form right from the start in strongly ionized, bipolar atmcz4phere.. For this reason, the majority of the particles is charged. In contrast to Card 3/5 26404 S106216110001100810091010 Dispersity and electrical properties ... B117/B206 condensation aerosols. The charge of the individual particles was mea6ured simultaneously with the determination of the dispersity (Table). 60 to 80 % of the particles were found to be charge(] negatively as well a.4 positively. The quantity of the charge varies between 1 and 67 elementary chargeR. The overwhelming majority, however, has relatively small -charges. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 Soviet referencas. ASSOCIATION: Institut organioheskoy khimii im. N. P. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imerii N. D. Zelinskiy, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 21, 1961 Card 4/5 5/020/61/136/001/025/037 BO04/BO56 AUTHORt BoRdanoy,V, S. TITLE: The Formclor of Aerosols During Radiolysis of Gaseous Hydrocarbuns PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, We. 19 pp. 121-124 TB)M Investigation of formation and destructiun of aerosols under the effect of radiolysis of gaseous hydrocarbons is the aim of the present paper. Optical method of investigation and determination of aerosol weight concentration was already described in Ref. 1. Irradiation was made by 112-kev electrons. For comparison with the investigations described in Re-rs. 2-7, experiments with ethane, propane, n-butane, ethylene, propylene , and methane-oxygen mixture were made in a brass reaction vessel those with acetylene in an iron vessel, and those with ethylone-oxygen mixture in an aluminum container. Volume of the vessels was 2 liters. Fig. 1 illustrates attenuation of liGht versus time for the aerosols 0 produced during 30 min of irradiation of C 2 H69C3H., and n-C 4H10 at 20 C, Card 1/5 86574 The Formation of Aerosols During RadiolysiB S/020/61/136/001/025/037 of Gaseous Hydrocarbons B004/BO56 1 atm, and an intensity I of the electron beam of 10p %and 100pa. Fig. 2 ' shows the results of irradiation of CH 4 + 02 (4 1), C2H4 + 02 (1 1 1) at .p - 1 atm, I - 100~,a, t - -10 0C (curves 1,2) t 200C (curves 3,4) and of C H at p - I atm, t - 200C, I - ~ta (curve 5) and 100 pa (curve 6). Time , 6 3 of irradiation for curves 1-5 was 30 minutes, for curve 6, 10 minutes. Temperature depen(lence of aerosol formation is discussed and referred to + 0 the formation of various products (in the case of CH chiefly HCOOH, 2 4 HCOH, and peroxides, in the case of C 2H4 + 02 chiefly products with high boiling point), The chRnges in the aerosol phase affect the course of the radiochemical reaction. Fig. 3 shows weight concentration versus time for aerosol's produced by radiolysis of C 2H6'0 3H., n-C4H1C, CH4 + 0 2 (4 1 1), H + 0 C (1 : 1), t - 200C, p - 1 atm. Fig. 4 gives the weight concentra- 2 2 4 tions for C2R 49 C3H61 C2 H2 aerosols. It was found that in the reaction range the aerosol phase is enriched with increasing dose with different rate and concentration for different hydrocarbons, and that a subsequent deartruction of this phase takes place.The aerosols last a short tLme after irradiation.A Card 2/5 88574 The Formation of Aerosols During Hadiolysis S/02oj6l/136/001/025/037 of. Gaseous Hydrocarbons B004/BO56 considerable portion of the products formed on radiolysis passes the aerosol phase. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut organioheakoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelin- skiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 7, 1960, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician SUBMITTED:. July 5, 1960 Legend to Fig. 1: a) C 3H 81 6) C2H6; (?) n-C 4H 10; 1) minutes, 2) luminous flux. Legend to Fig. 2:.&) CH 4 02; 6: C2H 4 + 02 ; 9: C 3H6; 1) minutes, 2) luminous flux. Legend to-Fig. 3: a) CH + 0 C H + 0 C H I ) mip'iftes', 2) mg/l. 4 Card 3/-5 88574 S/020/61/136/001/025/037 3004/3056 Legend to Fig. 4: a) C 3H61,6: C2 H41 Q 02H21 1 minutes; 2)'mg/l.. Pit Card 4/5 A) ri Y'L .4 to 9v 30 49 ovvv. 4) 88574 B/020/ti/136/001/025/037 B004/B 56 .3 Jo L40,vwt A) Card 5/5- h )2"9 U/844/62/000/000/'072/129 D214/D307 AUTHOR: Baqiancy,-3L,-S- TITLE: Aerosols formed during radlechemical reactions SOURCE: Trudy Ii Vsesoyuznogo soveshchani'ya po radiatsionnoy'khl' mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak..Moscow, ;zd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 415-40 TEXT: The formation an ,d destruction of aerosols was studied during the exposure of various saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Weight concentrations of the aerosols and-their ability to absorb light increased to a maximum and then decreased with increasing times of the exposure. The highest weight concentration was found H (40 rg1l) for a dose 1022 in C of 1.75 x and the loviest in CH 3 6 22 4 (1.2 m&/1) for a dose of 4.3 x 10 ev. An increase in the beam in- tensity from 10 to 1U0 pa changed the weight'boncentration of the aerosol in n-C 4H10 fron.'2.3 to 7.5 mg/1 (dude!= 1.1 x 1022 ev), while in C 21 06 (dooe = 3.5 x 10 ev) the concentration fell from Card 112 St'844/62/000/000/072/129 Aerosols forsmed during D214/D307 11 to 9.5 mg/l. The number'6f radiochemicall'y changed molecules of the hydrocarbon found in t'lid aerosol per 100 ev (G. ) increased with exposure in~CH passed through a maximum in C H and C H and de- 41 l :12 6 3 8 creased in all other systems atudied. G values for the unsaturated a hydrocarbons were higher than for saturated compounds. The radius of the droplets in CH 4 (exposure time = 30 min, -atmospheric pressure, 20 C, intensity,'=oIOL)/A&LP weight concentration 1.2 mg/1) was, 0.2 - 0.6 u. Up to 80,, f the droilets were charged with 1 - 10 units, half of which were negatively charged. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR im. N. D. Ze- linskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry h8 USSR im. N. D. Zelinskiy) Card 212 CREGOLIN, Pj4.- BOOMOV V.S. Lnl~~~ Automatic photoelectrcnia decoder of printed lnfo=ation. 1z7.. vyo.ucbeb.zavo; prib, 5 no.6&58-66 162. (HIRA 3.5s12) 1. Pyazanskiy radiotekbnieboakiy Institute, Rakmendoveme, kafedroy priboror upravleniya I vyohislitellnoy t4ftikie (Electrcnie data prooessing) .ts _711%- ki; M- 62 001 A,. --A-rsu~Aws:# U a 0 _-~G OU FZ1 Hoyt y bi4aanb~, -V S Ir A 'SOURCE; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. ~Serlya khtmirlheskaya, no. 8, 1964, 1524-1526 w nve y6in, TOPIC TAGS: ater.gas, water gas co rsion, fast electrons, radiol -.1 yi. OY6X4, irb. r n 3 box reaction mechan!sm, D car on C 0 u ide glycol aldehyde, meihwi6l. i~eroxide formation T lec -4 teg ------ isloy- fast~e tr6hb 016---ke ',:-in' ral-dose_-~r ABSTRAC -':-The iadiol~sj ate CO I- 0. 23 ev) of mixtures- of CO and Hq Was studied under equilibrium nd; T d t:y' 1d. depenrd ions at room temperature. _he'.P0 uc ie ing on -initial c mpoiaitioy~ -subjected to I d' I lis' bummarized -in fig. 1, The main oxygen-contaiining pr (C to lycol sldehyda,'metha- oducts were- glyoxa YCO' and suboxidei, 2 3 2 x; no g nol peroxides hydroeaj~bons were detected. A small amount of H increased the -ition Df.C0-.,, add. 113 L 217-77-65 ACCESSION-Ut AP404470t. 4 P LL w- MIKHAYIDV, B.M.; KISFJM, V.G.; BDODANOV, V.S. Conversion of water gas by fast else roni. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8:1524-1526 Ag t64. (MIRA 17s9) 1. Institut organicheskoy Ihimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. MIKHAYLOV, B.M.; BOGDANOV V KISELENS V.G. , S *~~ Reluction of carbon dioxide by 1-4drogen under the affect of fast electrons. ' ~. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.7:1271-ik/3 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut organichoskoy khimii im. N.D.7,e-Unskogo AN SSSR. ...-.:,Aim,ntal di',arminaLion c!' %oWmc jump on t~e melting of berAzene kFr Zhur.ftz.kbim. u.-id riJ,trobenzene und,4r pressure an tj 10,000 /(,m2. .';? lic,610t2520-2525 0 165. (MILRA 18:12) a. Vsesoyuznyy institut J. ranlotaklmicheskikh izzerenly. Submitted August '~, 19~4, of' triaillylberon 'by. means -of NHR spectra led to ABSTRACTt The s tu_(LY .the discovery of allylic rearrangement in this compound. 'This rear*# :rangement is shown as followai, -.transition-*(C,11' _CtIj-CIII=GIIj SP state The rate of this rearrangemov%t vAri4s vith t4mparaturat Irom 4.7 r-ps at ~M250 to 3.3 cps at BOG The lifetime for each state in this temperatur4 range varies from 2-104, to 3-10 -4 secd The calculated activation en- :ergy of theprocess is-11kcal/M. The authors intend to continue their istudies of boron allylic compounds. Orig.. %rt. has: I-formula, ,.SUB CODE: OT SUMB DATE: Mov65/ ATD PRES 219 JEW) .Card 1/1. 1/1- L 23736-66 ',1A(d-)/T/EV4?~t EVIP~ lij! WDl~yq !ACC NR:*AP-6006801 SOURCE CODE: W63' D/ /OOiYOI J14C//9.3(u47'*' jAUTHOR.- Bogdanoy S. -it d 1 ORG: All-Union !'JcientifidRdgohr6h-Inatitut6'of PhyiAcotec-ha vatel I ski iRadint-pchnical M gsurementa-1,Ysesoyuznyy.nauchno-isaledo y institut fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i radlotekhnicheskikh izmerenly) TITLE; Jump in volume and.MIting curve of cesium at pressuies up to 2 17,000 kg/cm A/ S-OURCE.- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki. Pissmai v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 3, no. 1, 1966, 44-47~ TOPIC TAGS: cesium, melting,.pressure effect, temperature dependence~ ABSTRACT: The author sbowb that.confirmation of the experimentally, observed maximum on the.m-elting curve of cesium, which Is presently under doubt because theexperiments were carried~out in apparatus with a quasibydrdstatic medium, and which cannot be checked otberwisei for lack of a complete theory of nielting~ can be verified by measure-_~- ment of the jump qf-volume along the melting curve. On approachir Ca 1 2, rd 77- 4~0 L 23P36-66 ACC NR: AP6006801 the maximum the magnitude of the volume should tend to zero, in ac;... cord with the Clayperon-Clausiusequation, He -then reports an ex- periment in.which this volume jump was determined, using apparatus -and a procedure described in detail elsewhere (ZbFKh V. 39, 2520, 1965). A plot of the dependence of the volume jump on'the melting temperature is. presented and is shown to fit the empirical. formula AV = 0.0125 - 0.066 log(T/302.9).. Extrapolation of the plot to zero..*-.., jump yields a temperature of 469.2K for the maximfim on the melting curve of cesium., and agrees with the value (470K) obtained by G. C. Kennedy et al. (Pbys..Rev..126,1363, 1962). The pressure variation'.. of the melting temperature obtained-by the author differs somewha t from Kennedy's data, Which were obtained with a quasibydrostatic medium, and the reasons for the systematic discrepancy are explained It is concluded that the e?cperimental measurement of the jump in the volume -of cesium as a function, of the. melting temperature points to the existence of a maxinnifil on.the melting,curve. Orig. art. ~bas., .2 figures and I formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE OTH REF. 1 ORIG:REF: 003/ 005 Le Card 2/2 gWAOW L 36517-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j) TV ~J' cc k, AX017885 SOURCE CODE: UR/W-i/- AUTHOR: Bo anovt Vo S.; Iagodzinskayag 0. V.; Pozdnov, V. F.; YAkhaylovo B, M. V ORGI Institute'of Organic Chemistry im. N. D. Zejinqkjy.~ Aoadenz of Scionots, SSSR iti organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSIq -TIT131 A3-lyl rearrangement in a13,viboracyclopontanciand triaLlvlborano-pyridine SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichaskayag no. 5, 1966, 944-945 TOPIC TAGS: organoboron compound,. NIV-spectrum ABSTRACTS The IM spectra WHO of al-lylboracyclopentane UCH2) ?_'C~ H,;], dimethyl ,allylboronate [( H (OCH )p oronic anhydride (C3H5BO), d allylboronic anhy- dride ffl~ J, allyjb .3H ) I triallylborane-pyridine cc lex . P)2B berate [B(OG 3 C(CqH ),IB- I '*4SI 1; ;H43, tri amino [(C,~MM and totraallylailane [(C3H3j , were in- vestikated at various temperatures, hexamethy1disiloxane as the internal stan- dard* The equilibrium exchange of CH2 groups in the allyl radical was found to occur only in two compounds, i.e., allylboracyclopentane and trie1lylborane-pyridine. In allylboracyclopentar* (as well as triallylborane), the foUowing equilibrium exohange occurst BCH2C&C*H2 transition state BC*H2Cff_-Cjj~, Card UDCS 542-952-1 + 661,718.4 + 541.67 L 36517-66 SUB CODE: 07/ SUEM DAM 161feb66/ ORIG REFs 001 ACC NR: AP6017885 but its rate is less rapid than in trially1borano. In the triallylborane-pyridine complexi an AX4-type spectrum arlseB only at about 16000, and the rate of exchange is two orders of magnitude smanor than in triallylborane. . When the complex is diluted 'With pyridine, the rate of exchange drops by a factor of approximately 4v which leads to the assumption the. the allyl rearrangement occurs at the instant of dissociation of the complex. NO V L BULZARIA/ Chemical Technology. Chemical Products ancl Their 1-7 Applicatioa. Pesticides Abe Jour : Referat Zhur*- Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 1241o Author : Bogdarov Vasil T. Inst : R14nrs--rr-y --of Aj-1-culture Title : Comparative Characteristics of Arsenic-C7ntainiiig Insecticides Used-as Sprays in Bulgaria, Orig Pub : Sravnitel'na kharakter:Lstika na upotrebyavanite v B" lgariVa arsen Wld"pwhashchi insektitside za pr"skane. Nauch. tr. M-vo zsried. Sor. rustennev"detvo, 1956, it No 2, 41-48 (Bulgarian;.Russian and English sumnaries) Abstract Characteristics are provIded of the fo" owing products of the plant imeni Angell Vylav- Paris Green (I), arsena.; tea of Fb (II) and of Ca (III). Described are i~e quali. ty control standards for I, II and III, and their inade- quacy is pointed out, and other indices are proposed in lieu thereof. Conparative remIts are presented of Card 1/2 - 33 - STEFAVOVICH, M.A.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; BOGDANOV.,_I.V.,_,___ - Reducing effect of gases in blast furnace stacks. Stall 22 no.8:687-692 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Magrdtogorskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut i Magnitogorskiy met&Uurgieheokiy kombinat. (Blast furnaces) (Gases) BOODANOV9 V.V. Making large products without using cement. S~roi. mat. 7 no. 1:17-19 Ja 1.61, (MIRA 14:1) 1. Glavnyy iii7lener z-avoda zhelezobetonkili~"izdeliy YAlininskogo sovnarkhoza. f (Kalinin Province-Precast concrete) (San4-IJme products) ACC NR. AP603~893 SOURCE CODE: uR/AlVF6/66(~jc~i~/6~3~/oljq INVENTOR: Gol'tsman) F.M-~, Birman, A. Ye.; Moiseyev, 0, N.; Slutakovskiy, A. I.; Bogdanov, V. V.; Yungans, V. Yu.; Kartavtsev, S. M.; Nakhamkin, S. A. ORG: None TITLE: A device for producing summation tapes based on the method of controlled di- rectiona.1 reception of seismic waves. Class 42, No. 1BT333 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, toVarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 130 TOPIC TAGS: seismic wave, seismography, data analysis, electronic equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces; 1. A device for producing summation tapes based on the method of controlled directional reception of seismic waves. The installation consists of a magnetic recorder, amplifiers and a multichannel summation unit. 7he speed of seismogram, analysis is increased by basing the multichannel sum- mation unit on delay lines equal in number to the channels added. Taps are made from each line corresponding to the various directions of summation, as well as taps from the various delay lines corresponding to one and the same direction of sum- mation. These taps are connected through decouplers and resistors placed at the in- puts of the summation amplifiers to filters with their outputs connected to recording galvanometers. 2. A modification of this device in which the winding of the step ACC NR, AP6035893 switcher which reverse the magnetic recording heads is connected to a contact mecha- nism on the magnetic recoring drum. 3. A modification of this device in which scat- ter in the amplification factors of the summation amplifiers is compensated by making the resistors at the input to these amplifiers in two sections, one of which is a po- tentiometer. 4. A modification of this device ir. which summation quality ia improved by using an automatic amplification contiol eystem after the freq7aency filters during playback. SUB CODE: FO-91-OBL SUBM DATE: 23Apr65 ACC NR: ,INVENTOR: iORG: None AP7002979 (A] SOURCE CODE: UR/Ohl3/66/ooO/024/0077/0077 Slutskovskiy, A. I.; Bogdanov, V. V.; Yungans, V. Yu. ItTITIS: A procedure for making kinematic corrections in analyzing seismic recordings. !Class 42, No. 189599 [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of iGeophysical Exploration Methods (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut igeofizicheskikh metodov razvedki)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 24, 1966, 77 TOPIC TAGS: seismologic instrument, wave analysis, tape recorder, ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a procedure for making kinematic corrections in analyzing seismic recordings tape-recorded by the reflected wave method. Time delay is used for Improving accuracy during forward or reverse playback of the oscillations. A programmed switch is used for varying the number of links in the electric delay'line during transcription of a single channel. This switch is me- chanically connected to the rotating axle of the magnetic tape drum. In passing from transcription of o6e channel to transcription of another, the delay time of each link and oi* the line as,a whole is changed by varying the magnetization current passing through the auxiliary windings of the chokes in the delay line in such a way that cor- rections are made for any channel by exact formulas in minimum time. SUB CODE: 08, 09/- SUBM DATEz MugW 1/1 UDC;,550-834 BOGDANOV I V. 4. in#~rukfidr Creatively, vith all their beartses., Okhr# truda i sotoo otrakho 3 no.9:25-28 S 160. (MIRL 14:4) lo Sverdlovskiy-obloovpro:t. OvercUovsk-TurbmachlAos) (SvetcIlovsk-Industrial -.hygiene) i BOGDANOV, V. V. Interesting activities. Okhr.truda I sotS. strakh. 5 no.2:17 F '62. . (MIRA 15:2) (Mining engineering.. -Ifygienic ispects) A I --i~~'Itha neiaes ir'ecOv ~int*O,*6 -CDM- !,j--:-,-,--~:l- whicb -are led--d iputer. Ab. a'sk problem, is'. tM rel~6illty. cl-measurements dvring prolorq,,,red -b- -thia"u --4j b-t-beir WgIv. :wItIfeldern". oyemtift is n e* per a UO~ M p0 nts pod -di -n e-, -it e"LaLi,'aemconductortbLtmistots connf of a measu!#g-!~ ell are used (Fig. 2). Conditioned Fj:- -0- 'Lit -,Table'l. .-Methi -a pace, fllf;ht Range of Fequind ement measur J se Ta iv n min PDet=ojVapby: Pei lon rate 6-120/imin llmin ~j Cutaneous-tbermometry' --temperatura 26-4oc YDtor activity iljllftz~ ~1~ Itif uni t x! 7~ CUM I coutitmed on caid 4/9) Emmm- ml )602' 5~ -Ng: --AT301304 T ON 7'' 7,: 7.. ~:7 7_7 f All Oiitl)ut ja~ A--- -77~ -7 ci Fig. 2,', 0 for measuring,skir temperature ~6 7 flltgo U pont comrna.n twif6ed -on; 4~, Ag -e ii--- -Whei~.g-forces, ht the, po, 6 d ortio e. g~ rom W6ns, an noise attain'rna~ijjjum n i t4nsity, up to 5-10 min during the l'--orb-ital portion. - - Thip comput2itionxate of the arithinetic unit for fixed-point calculatiom is several. thousand M _nS per sec.- : The permanent sto~ragre qjjek~ 10 3-the him Carries the p ;A nst s, The microprogrammibg e= co ant rogram. am rinciple is~vs&d inthe 6or d6t~~,t-unit is equipped with Ar644 system. - - fo A f t.h ic r.earrangemen i-o-.,-.~ eprograrn uri a qui k h ~o d ng t e opera.-, ion. vt hjw ASSWI&IONt - none - SUB CODE:': DPqP9 Sul IPA 11-A008 :~4 tc~rd 9 7 -7- ~7:1 - i ACCESSION NR; AT4037707 S/281355/64/003/000/0379/0388 AUTHOR: Vayevskiy, R. M.; Bogdanov, V. V.; Voskresenskiy, A. D.; Yegorov, A. D.; Chekhonadskiy, N. A. TITLE: The application of mithematical methods in space medicine SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniyo biologicheskikh nauk. Problowj* kosmichenkoy biologii, V- 3, 1964, 379-388 ' TOPIC TAGS: space medicine, mathematics, cybernetics, space flight, pulse rate, acceleration, cosmonaut, manned space flight ..PSTRACT: This article deals with the interpretation of results and concepts These articles were PIrliosented in six articles which were published in 1962-1963. wr tten ckiefly by the author of the article reviewed here.. It is stressed that in the last few years new trends have appeared in biology and medicine where matber-atical methods are extensively used. These trends appear to be of great importance In space biology and space medicine because of special conditions af- fecting biological experiments and medical protection of organisms during apace "Card 1/3 !ACCESSION NR: AT4037707 flights. An important problem of space biology and medicine is that of obtaining :scientific information during space flights and transmitting the information to ,,earth by means of radiotelemetering systems. The determination of optimal methods 14for coding such information which will ensure the mDGt effective utilization of I :channels is the most important factor in designing radioteleinetaring systems in !space ships. For the solution ox'such problems the mathematical apparatus of the ;information theory is proposed. As an example, cortain problems in coding electro-' !cardiograms are presented. The problem of coding of information includes the problem of designing simple and economical doding devices such as digital com- put~--rs, integrators, and others. Punctions to be porformed by computers in space- ships and the principles of their design are analyzod. It is noted that develop-. ,ment of algorithms for computers in spacesbips is a very complicated problem whose :solution will require the use of mathemati;a-L logic, probability theory, and ,other mathematical disciplines in addition to biological and medical information. !As an example, an algorithm for processing alectroctirdiogramn is presented. The methods Of mathematical simulation must be applied to the construction of schemes for analyzing and prognosing changes in thestate o:!.an astronaut. Mathematical' models reflecting the dynamics of physiological ind-5ces (pulse rate, blood pres- a action of certain factors dw~ing apace flight can be sure, oto.) due to th .A ------ ACCMION NR: AT403?70? developed on the basis of experimental data obtained in laboratories by using the methods of mathematical statistics. Statistical indices such as mathematical expectation, variance, and carrelAtion function must be established. Pecularitioa encountered in determining statistical indices for space biology and space medicine are analyzed. As an example, the problem of prognosing the pulse rate when a cosmonaut is subjected to linear accelerations is presented. It is concluded that quantitative descriptions of physiological procasnes and the construction of mathematical models reflecting the principal ch=ges in organisms under various space flight conditions are possible. The authors believe that the problems analyzed in the article represent only a small part of the queationa in space biology and apace medicine which will require mathematical methods for their aolu- tion. 'ASSOCIATION: none ;SUBMITTERD.- 00 ~1 'No =r sov.- oo6 ra, 3/~ ACC NRe PXQU11901 SOME --INVENTOR. Slutskovskiy, A. I.;JkWanov, V. V.; Piahchulin, V. V.; Veksler, B. Ye.; Ayzman,.Yu. A.; Malinakiy, S, A, ORG: None TITLE: Automatic gain control for amplifiers in seismic prospecting units. Class 42, No. 18182a SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. lo, 1966, 85 TOPIC TAGS: seismic prospecting, _wtomatic gain control ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an automatic gain control for ampli- fiers in seismic prospecting units. The device io based on kithorts Certificate No. 119689. Recording clarity with respect to amplitude ic improved and the Vidth of the-illegible vaahout zone is reduced in the region of first arrivals by using sta- bilitrons in charging and discharging the filter, capacitor for various purposes. SUB CODE; 09, 08/ SUM DATE; MaY63 UDC; -534t632;681,892 ACC NR, AP700564~ SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/6y/000/002/ao94/oo94 INVENTOR- Slutskovskiy,*A. I.; Rogdanov, V. V.-. Yunpno, V. Yu. ORG: None TITLE: A method for introducing kinematic corrections. Class 42, No. 190595 i(announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Exploration Mpthods (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instit# geofizicheskikh metodov .-.-azvedki) I 180MCE: Izobreteniya,.promyshlenny3~6*bfraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 94 TOFWTAGS: seismologic instrument, error correction, circuit delay line, magnetic recording .ABSTRACT: This Author's'Certificate introduces a method for input of kinematic cor- ripctions during analysis of seismic recordings made on magnetic tape by the reflected wave method. The procedure is based on the use of a multiple-element electrical delay line in wbich the delay time is controlled by the magpetizing current and the number of elements. To increase accuracy in the introduction of kinematic corrections, the delay of the line is varied during retranscription of the oscillationn in one channel changing.the amplitude of the magnetizing current in conformity with the first term in the series of the kinematic correction formula. Aiprogrammed switch is used for se- lecting the matching load impedance at the line output, and the number of elements in the line during retranscription of each channel is selected in proportion to the square .of the distance from the point of the blest. SUB CODE: 080 091 SUBM DATE: 29Aug64 I Card 1/1 UDC: 550.834 go Cr AA #4 0 61; V. V, CMIMSEZV, V.V., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; BOGDANOV, T.T.. inshener * I lzil~lll,~If~7 , *I',- W- low apparatus for testing the wear resistance of meWs. NIEOMOUU no.14:124-130 153. (MURA 7: n) ( SHAPIRO. M.B., inzhener; BOGDANOV, V.V., inshener. Tempering crankshaft pine of oompreseors with an oxyacetylene torch. Vest. mash. 3) no.10:56-58 0 153. (KIRA 6:10) (Teupering) (Cranks and crankshafts) %tA tv m -A g~.m MMI M... .-MAR .9 12. v 11W Ho I 1-5 c i All '00' 1.59 -0. -4. f4 0"; ol H min- .9 tit a.1-. 1413 -il Al lin :V. .9 I da O.U A 114 910 An -01 lim 1131,1M I nv A.14 .!i 0 "U pn v I d 141. : fi-H 2's. A ow -ID So In o 'a i hTil I'mm . ~1'4 , " .4 C; A .;.A 1.44 A LEPIKIIN, L.A., inzh.~ Prinimali uchastiye: STEFANOVICH, M.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; BABARYKIN, N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; IWASOV, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHPARBER, L.Ya., inzh.; BO DA-NqV inzh.; ZHARKOVJ, P.N., master pachi; PANIN, O.G.7, Smas-ter-pec FEDDTOV, V.G., master pechi; FEOFANOV, N.M., master pechi;SAGAYDAK, I.I., inzh., rukovoditellraboty Evaluating the effect of various methods of charging a blast furnace on the state of the gas flow in its upper part. Stall 23 no. 3:198-204 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Lepikhin). BOGDANOV, V-V- Mbr., Geological Institute, The Turkew Affiliate of the Academy of Scinnees of the USSR "Problem of studying runoff from takyrsit Izv. Turk. fil. AN SSSR, no. 2: 18-21 1949 (Submitted May 1948) BCjGDIdIC,Vp' V.V., Cand Gool-lan Sci--(disrl) 7--nd thc, dov.1-bevring capacity of the TarbagatayJX4W doposit:xr-rion." Lon, 1958. 19 PP (Yin of aeoloCy and Gone ervation ol.,-JW- layjc~rvl Rlecuurcer, ft_~, USSR. All- Union Sci Res~ ~eollinst')q 100 copies (10,,45-58Y 143) -37 BOODAMV. Y.Y. Pbysicogengraphical characteristica and hydrography of the Ponoy Basin. Yodnonnerg.reatKollepoluoov noto:5-23 158, (MIRA 1213) (Ponoy Valley--ftyqical geography) BOGDAMV, V. V. ; BEMKOSKOVA, T. I. I- Linear characteristics of tbe'Kola Peninoula river u7stem. Isv. Kar. I Kol'.fil.ANL SSSR no.4:83-89 158. (MIRA 12.-5) 1. Otdal gidrologii i g1droenergetiki Kollskogo filiala AN SSSR, (Kola"Penlnaula-~Rivers) SHLYVDIF, N.O.; !0 Improving the characteristics of SO-26-51D seismic station ripliflors, Rasyed. I pros. goofts. no*2lt4l-43 158. (WRIL lItIO) (Prospecting-Gooftitcal methods-lquipment and supplies) BOODUOY, T. T. A survey of the study of lakes of the Kola Peninsula. no.292:160-195 160. (mIU l3t7) (Kola Peninsula-Lakes) -BOGUMV, V.V., RtarshiY Muchn" Gotrudnik- Physicogeographical characteristics and the lake of the Varzina and Drozdovka Basins. Vodnoenerg. n0,4:5-38 160, 1. Kollskiy filial AN SSSR. (Varzina Valley--Hydrography) (Drosdovka Valley--Hydrography) and river network res. KD11. poluos. (MIRA 13:10) ... BOGDANOV, V.V. Features of lake distribution and impregnation in the river basins of the Awmansk hydrographical region. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 96 no.'51423-427 S-0 164. MTRA 17-.12) 'UQAT9 aXV GQOTA9p ;0 09U';A'Baa GOWn ~ad-;d uT ripeaq o~uanbaxj -Ioom p oWTod uT s*ATeA 4-~sjvu puv ~ad*;d axnesomd uo aA-EP-A GrPT-tig 9aprns $ad-;d a3MqaT uo saaAnoT dv[j 9uTqTaosarp 9ueuT-j.vdTd ;0 QSMW SU;.~U04aad XO.T 8QXnSMZU 9813SMOSTC[ *049 failmnd UoTqono jo aoTqmmado UT UOT-:~dnajaqm; uoppno "adTd 94v~uT jo ftig2oEn -EeTqxed xo atp-Ed= IlesdId JO QrPTOUT ogn-Ed ti-4ava Z:)"moo se tjons $9aenvo jorum x;alqq. I)ao sqovdmT oT,[ne--gq ;o suamouatld sezAtwy 6a-ga dd 'L Oll 'TOX~S tT9a4OxPTC AOuW209 'VX *A x2ug '-E-IT& 0';TnvXP4 Cq me(l tj,.~~a uS"srau&Tm,;sj arlq. jo uo-;4c)nx,4euo:) aqq ftTxn(I 88uT-lodTa uT stpudml 3-;-Cn-expA]g Ba-;qua.&aaa,, a9 'Itir s=(j lsbT-[ne#AR 9a-TaaouT2ag/jWk BOGADANOV, V.YA., Erg. Water Hammer Measures against water hammer In mud carrying pipe lines during the hydraulic rill of the TSimlyansk earth dam Gidr. atroi. 21, no- 7,1952 A, 6_4A lv~' %,, V AID P - 3952 Subject : USSR/Hydr. Eng. Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 16.119 Authors Bogdanov, V. Y&., M. I. Burenkova, and M. N. Uvarov, Bng3. Title Improving the performance of dredges by preliminary mellowing of soil. Periodical Gidr. strol., 7. 431 1955 Abstract The article reports on satisfactory results achieved at the Kuybyshev Hydro Power construction project by loosen- ing soil before starting dredge operations. A special plowshare is fastened on the cutter and used for this work. The authors claim that the hydraulic fill mass obtained has a 1:3 ratio. Institution : None Submitted : No date f BOGDAZOT V.YA.. inshener; ILDOWOV, A.N., 1nshener; CHIMAM, Y.N., Inshoner, Improve the equipment and technology for hydroulic mining. Noah. tr~dd*rab 9 noolO:27-29 ; 0 %55o (XIM 9: 1) (Hydraulic mining) BOGDMIOV) V. Y-., Master Tech Sea - (wvn) nT"e qrdxo-abraave wear of tne sactLon- ;J~, vv' arodging eqapment.11 M.aww, L957. 2U pp (MAai JLgner Educ USSR. 2wo avoco* ~ 1~;gba-0vust inst > J-Lu Coplell OiLp Nu 3L), Aj5'1) BDGDANOV, V-T&., insheners -~,, Z. Prolonging the life of dredging saahinery. Makh.stroi. 14 no-3:11- 14 Mr '57. (MLRA IOM (Arqdging machinery) BWDANOV. T.Ya., kapitan. ~-~ Reroute the traffic of diesel-engine propelled freighters from the Canal to Lake Iodogs. Rech,transp. 16 no.5:12-13 MY 157. (MM 10:5) (Ladoga, Lake--Inland water transportation) (Freighters) BOGDANOV. V- nshener. Measures.for prolonging the life of dredges. Gidr..stroi., 26 aswV. 33-35 Mr 157. (Dredging mchinery) WM 1%4) BOGDANOV V.Ya, pensioner -01*00PPV-. I. Lenin I s participation in the creation of a joint transportation worker trade union. Rech.transp. 16-no.11:45 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Byvahiy kapitan Severo-Zapadnogo parokhodstva. (Trade unions) 98-58-7-6/21 AUTHORS: _Bogds~.~~andidate of Technical Sciences; Gorin,V,.A. 7~_nZaytsev, N.I., Engineers. TITLE: Utilization of Hydrocyclones in the Hydromechanization of Earth Works. (Primeneniye gidrotsiklonov pri gidromekhani- zatsii, zemlyanykh rabot.) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, Nr 7, 1958, pp 22-23 ABSTRACT: Experience acquired in the US has shown that hydrocyclones can be successfully used in mechanized mining and earth works.. The Laboratory of the Hydromechanization of TsNIIS of the Ministry of Transport Constructions tried out a hy- drocyclone with the capacity of 360 - 920 cubic m/hour, whereby pulp with initial density of 18% was concentrated to 88%. The authors describe various cases in which a hy- drocyclone can be-uaed for the hydromechanization of earth works. There is 1 diagram and 1 French reference. 1. Mining--Development 2. Hydroryelones--Operation 3. Hydro- cyclones--Applications Card 1i BOGDANOV. V.Ya., Iraoitan , '' Eliminate ice Jame .and prolong navigation on the Nava. Rech. transp. 17 no. 6:34 Jo '58. (HMA 11:7) (Nova River-Inlaind navigation) (Ice on rivers, lakes, otc.) BOGDANOV, V.Ta.; kand.tekhn.nauk; GORIN, N.A., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, H.I., insh. Using hydrocyclones in connection with hydraulic fill methods of earthwork. Gidr..stroi. 27 no.7:22-~23 J1 '58. (MM 11:8) (Separators (Machines)) (Urthvork) BOGDANDV, V.Ya.. kand.telchn.nauk Remote control for hydraiii1c azeavatoroo Tranap.strois 0, no.9:35-36 S 159. (MIRk 13:2) (Remote control) (Excavating machinery--Hydre-ulic driving) 10(0)2 30(l) SOV/98-59-10-15/20 AUTHORs Bogdanov V.Ya. Candidate of Technical Sciences VW, W'MkiA TITLEs A Remote Control-, Hydraulic Excavator PERIODICALs Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitellstvo, 1959, Nr 10, pp 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The article is a brief description of a new remote control hydrau- lic excavator. The main faults of the present ones are that they are manually operated and have to function at some distance from the actual work-site, which distance is determined by the formula h - OLH, where,OG is the coefficient of the material being treated varying from .5 to 1.2f and R is the height of the bank in met-rs. However, in-,ordbr to raise efficiency, the machine should be much nearer the site, as can be seen from the following VNIOMS (All- Union Scientific Research Institute for the Organization and Mo- dernization of Construction) functions r 40.7 12 PO (kgs/cM 2 P'[]~~ + 30] d 0 where p, is the average specific pressure of the jet at the nozzle /JLM2 Card 1/2 in kgs c 1 L is the distance in metersq and d 0 is the diameter of SOY/98-59-10-15/20 A Remote Control Hydraulic Excavator the nozzle in meters. Fig.1 shovs a general diagram of a remote control hydraulic excavator designed by the KB "Transgidrostroy". The moving of the shgft on a horizontal plane to 900 and on a vertical plane, to 60 is carried out by means of hydraulic cylin- ders (1 and 2); an oil pump with an elect-ric motor,, r. 3-pQaition side-valve switch and other equipment requiring U.I.- ---g is contain- ed in a metal casing. The machine is designed for use in soft earth which is partially inundated, and it is protected against dirt and water. The specifications ares diameter of the tubing - 250 mm, weight - 1 ton, nozzle diameters - 35, 50, 65, 75, 90, 100 and 110,,mm. The machine is contr9iled from a point which allows the machine to be kept in view, and'the layout of the remo- te control apparatus is seen in fig.2. The first of these machine2 were made in 1958 and production is expected to increase in the future. There are 2 diagrams. Card 2/2 BOGDANOV, V. Ye. Doe Mad 9ci -- (diss) "Treatment of chronio gastritIa and uloers A I with mineral waters of the Peekupi~inking-watsr springs." Krainodar, "Soviet Kuban"', 1959. 23 pp (Min of Health USSR. Tbilisi State Med Inst), 250 copiea M, 43-59. 127) -77- COWITRY USSR CATLGORY Farm Animols. Poultry. ABS . JOUR. RZhBiol., No. 69 1959, 110. 25929 AUTHOR Bogdanov, Ya. A. I'Y3T. T IT LE' Winter Raising of Chicks in the Primorskly Rayon. ORIG. PUB. : Ptitsevodstvo, 1958, No 4, 221-25 ABSTRACT : No abstract. CARD: f *Takov Mikhaylovich; XRAXOTTA]r, GrIgorly Mironovich; KUSHNM. I.L. a . takhnichaskly redaktor [Wgions] Gigiena. Isd. 2-os. parer. Kookva. Goo. izd-vo, "Piskulltura i sports' 1956. 384 P. (KLRk 100) (HTGDM) BOGDANCfV,, Ya.M.; MWOVY41 G.M. Petr Frantoevich TAisgaft (1837-1909). Gig. i san. 25 no-3:49-50 Mr 160. (MIM -14--5) L Iz Instituta fimiches)-coy kulltury imeni P.P.Leagafta. (LESGAFT9,PZTR FR&NTSEVICH, 1837-3:909) BOGDANOV Yakov MikhEgrlovicbs dots.; RMOWAK, Grigoriy Mironovich., dots.,- DOBIWV,, A.A... ed.; RMILISMA, T.D.,, tekhn. red. (Hygiene] Gigiena. Moskvap Izd-vo uFizkul'tura i sport.," 1961. 167 pe (MIRA 15-2) (HYGME) (PBYSICAL EDUCATION AND IRAINTMG) BOGDANOV, Ye. (Irkutsk) Miniature mirror-t7pe camera. Sov. foto 19 no-10:70 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Miniature cameras) BOGDANOV nih. (IrkUtsk) --- ~S-Yhe 14-1 One camera contains ton devield. Izobr. i ratm. no.7:24-25 163. (MIRA 160) (Cameras) ,DOGDANOV tan Targeto detb.cted at maximim ranges. Voen.vest. 43 no.7:8&90 Jl 163, (MIU 16:11) bOCDANOV, Ye...-In.z1arer-kapitan --,- Skillfully exploit i echnoloa in Oint ~r. Vcen. vast. 43 no.12:70-72 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) -~A I- -!I'uq~, j BOGDANOV, Ye.9 -Mzhenor-kapitan Regulation work and the workshop. Tekh. I vooruzh. no.2j4&-49 F 164, (MIRA 17 a 9) BOMAOV, Yt. A. $11-lethods of Investigating Mechanical Losses in Tractor Enj;i-nes With Self- Ignition." Cand Tech Sci) Khartkov Polyteclauc Inst jiioni. V. I. Lenin, 11in. Higher Education MER, Kharikov, 1954. (IM, 11o 10, Mar 55) So: Sim. 'No 670, 29 Sept 55 - Survey of Scientific and Teelmical DissertaLion* Defended at USSH U.-her Educational Institutiono (15) &,-GANOV, Ye..,.., krandidat tol:hni cheek! ft h nRu17. , 1 t~A~ ~ &41L-- -IMAW Friction of piston ringq. i~vt.l tralt.pror. no.6:11-15 Jo '57. l.Tadzhins',dy sellskokliczynyatvennyy institut. (Piat-on rings) TAKHTAROV, Anatoliy Taukenovich; BOGDANOV Ye.A,, red.i GRZHEGORZHEVSKIY, .9 A.N., kand-ekon* nauR-,-?~ r'e*- !.~&TYNOVAM.N. tekhn. red. (Technological development in agriculth~ikl machinery manutacture and the increase of labor productivity; based on the materials on agricultural machinery manufacture of the Central Asian Economic Council] Tekhnicheskii progress v sellskokhoziaistyemom mashinostroonii i rost proizvodi- tellnosti truda; na materIalakh sellskokhoziaistvennogo ma- shinostroaniia Sredneaziatskogo aovnarkboza. Moskvap Izd- vo "MYS11y" 1964. 87 P. (MIRA 170) .BOGDANOV, Ye.A. z ------- Power losses in the D-54 tractor engine. liv. Otd.-ast.-nauk AN Tadzh.SSR no. 18:35-47 157. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Xafedra traktorov i avtomobiley Tadzhikekogo sel'skokhozyaystyannogo institute. (Tractors--lagines) BOGDANGV, Ye.A. (Ioningrad S-24, Nevskiy prospekt,d.147,kv.63) Setting dislocations of the thumb by the hydraulic method. Ortop.p travm. i protez, 25 no.11:55-57 H 164, (MIRA 18:11) 1. Iz travmatologichaskogo punkta Moskovskogo rayons, Leningrada. Submitted May 18, 196/+. BOGDANOV Ye.A. (Leningrad S-24, Nevskiy prosp. d. 147, kv. 63) Frequency of traumatic dislocations according to data of a first aid station. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.1106-38 N 165. (MIRA 18s12) 1. Iz travmatologicheskogo punkta. Moskovskogo rayona Leningrada.