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cum ACC NRi AT6003890 t. see see f Oj 25 .5 a j /JO t'se~ Fig. 3. Averaged results of changes in neuron rhythmicity- in the giant cell nuf:leus of the reticular formation during 5-G acceleration Acceleration, 2 - impulse frequency, 3 - intervals between impulses, 4 - intervals between groups of impulses. Card 4/12 t 143o1-66 ACC NR, AT6003890 f, irm/sec ZAP - imptsec 0. 0 3 t to-110. 0. 04t _110 0. 0 4 t ftl I~08- 0. 0 3 t Fog -no 1) so ".. EII-I I to 40, 40 JO 10 10 so &see Fig. 5. Graphic representation 'of processes in separate neurons o la ja jo #o jol to 7P #94sec of the reticular formation after, 'the termination of accelerAion.- Fig. 4. Graphic representation impulse frequency in the of processes ariaing in a neuron, process of.neuron excitation;~ during a Icceleration.- 2 - impulse frequency in the process of neuron inhibiton; 3 aggregate curve of neuroi impulse frequency. Cord /12 hum f. min V-V V V-V VT Fig. 6. Diapendence of impulse,frequencies in the proposed model,'a rough analog to a biological system exposed to Yarying accelerations ifo 'Stable componento'. 7 fPr -.,forced component,.. free, component. Card .6/32 ACC NN AT 003890 too - I" I' j" 44, Y' r. r e~W 5W J'ar ar four lem, film, 15,630t Fig. 7. Changes'in the rhythmic activity of neurons during prolonged stimulation 'of the otolfthic apparatus I Network no..I; 2 network no. 2, Vertical axis no. of itnpulseshec';. horizontal. axis timeofthe effects of periodic- force..- Card 7132. W, man= ACC N-R-i - ATWOPRO ..~siii is moving as a function of changes in otolithic weight. It has been shown that the frequency of sensory impulses increases prolx)rtionately with acceleration. 2. Reactions of receptor -neuron systems to acceleration gradually changing with time Some results of an investigation of the rhythmic activity of 100 ;neurons in the giant cell nucleus of the reticular formation of a cat. during 5-G ac'celeration are gAven In the following figures, along with graphic representations of. nouronal processes whIch arise under these conditions. Figures 4 and 5 are mathematical derivations of the experimental results. It can be seen that the aggr'egate curve of neuron impulse frequency is sufficiently close to Ahe experimental curve shown in'figu~e 3.--' -neuron system to acceleration periodi- 3. Reaction of a receptor cally changing tvith'time ILIM1.66- ACC NRs AT 003890 The problem of the dynamic nature of "channels" of the oto lithic Tortion of the vestibular analyzer is, discussed. It is proposed that a model !of a so-called receptor-neuron channel would be a circuit with'constant iresistance (R), inductance (L), and capacitarice'(C), successively switched ion, The acceleration acting on the organism is likened to the circuit voltage, and the current; is analagous to the electrical activity of a receptor-7 ricuron system. Experimental data supported the feasibility of the model shown above. Right utriculus !Summary devi ce leurons ecept;ors T Le ft utriculus Fig. 10 Principle of the "Summator" Cam L 14301-66 Acc NR, AT6003890 iCifie- -m-odeled effects of pr lo Figure 7 ow o n otolithic stim- ulation. 4.. Some principles of the so-called "summing device" A diagramatic representation of the so-called summing device which... 4,compares the coupled signals from the left and right utriculus and the _sa.cculus is given in Figs.-8, 9, aind-10- The author states-that' the'summing device, working according to the proposed systems, excellently reflects the 1entures of the movemerits of birds and animals with removed right and lefv otoliths. It is concluded that the proposed principles of modeling the otolithic portion of the vestibular apparatus can be used to explain some general features ~of this important organ. It is hoped that further development in~. this field will lead to the creation of a much-needed electronic model for more detailed investigations of vestibular functign. Orig.'art. h;Lr.: Jo figures and 3 fornALIas." LATD:M SS: SUB CODE: 06 suBm DATEr.none ORIG REF: 003 6)0 Cur~ '-32/.LP. L~ 26155=L6-Eg-Q~ k)-2/EWT(1) /EWA (d)/FS$-2 ~QTB ]:I/QQ/QVj ACC NR, AHMM(16 SOURCE CODE:' UR/9008/66/000/112/0004/0004 (N AUTHOR: Pravp tW.jy~j V. M.; Gurovskiy, It. N. Y.~So~~ov, B. B.; &jAeley, ORG: none TITLE: An important stage in space medicine. Results of the experiment with sputnik Kosmos-110 SOURCE: Krasnaya yzezda, 17 Mwj 66, p. 4. col. 1-5 TOPIC TAGS: weightlessness, space medicine, space -f .Light, Spacecraft, dog/ Kosmos-3-10 spacec-aft ABStRACT: Clinical data on the dogs Vgolek and Veterok, following an extended space flight on Kosmos-110P~re presented. The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of extended periods of weightlessness on living organisms. Immediately follow- ing the flight, both test animals registered a decrease in muscular volume and a loss of coordination. In the first.few days following the flight, an upsurge in the cal- clum content of the urine and blood was observed. Di;turbance of the calcium regime during extended space flight is earmarked for further study. In both animals, gastro- intestinal disturbances vanished after 6-0 day3. TFe data point to the adaptation of the animals' cardiovascular systems to the state of weightlessness while the return to the earth's gravitational field served to further aggravate certain disruptions in their bodily fmictions, the animals ultimately returned to norual. The authors con- -A - -- - ------ & rSS-2/EJT(1)/HEC(k)-2 SCT8 TTj DD/G,'J L 42Z22-~ N'R, iAOO7747 SOUPUE CG~;,'~-Uql6-2-~3-16CIC041CC~!Zdf-5'6-10-1-6-f! AUTHORS: Delone, 11. L.; Yegorov, B. B.; Antipov-V. V. ORG: none TITM; The effect of factors of the space flight in the manned satellite "Voukhod" or, Tradescantia paludosa microspore8 SOUPUEZ: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 1, 1966, 156-161 TOPIC TAGS: microspore, cosmonaut, artificial earth satellite, satellite data analysis, mitosis, microbiology/ Voskhod artificial earth satellite, Vostok 3 artificial earth satellite, Vostok-4 artificial earth satellite, Vostok 5 artificial earth satellite, Vostok 6 artificial earth satellite 'LB S T, J IUCT: The results of a study of the effect of the factors of the space flight of "Voskhod" on Tradescantia paludo3a micro3pores are given. Stalks of Tradescantia paludoss, with racemes were placed in special holders in the satellite. The anthers were fixed after plantin-ff 4 times: 2 hrs and 15 min, and 24, 48, and 120 hrs. The buds were also fixed 1.5 hrs before planting by cosmonaut B. B. Yegorov. Mitosis in 4~ %'he Tradescantia poludosa microspores lasted 7 days at 30C (interphase 5 days, early prophase 1 day, and all remaining phases 1 day) and the entire cycle lasted 10 days at 20C (interphase 7 days, early prophaue 1-5 days, and all remaining phases another 24 hrs). It was found that the lateand middle prophaaes were the most sensitive, ane Card UDC: 581. _7 L 40299-66 A~;;C NRs AF6007747 CD that the early interphase was the least sensitive. This study confirmed the earlier hypothesis of 11. L. Deloneo V. F. Bykovsk-.y, V. V. ,A-ntipov, G. F. Parfenov, V. G. Vysotskiy, and N. A. Rudneva (Kosmich. issled., 2, No. 2, 320, 1964) that reorganiza- tion of the chromosomes is caused by one set of flight factors, while disruption of the mitosis mechanism is caused by another set of factors. Orig. art. has: 7 tables. SUB CODEEE: 22, c)6/ SUBM DATE: 02Sep65/ ORIG REF: 002 Cr..rd 21M)L/2 L 1 2777-66 EsIs- ?~Eyrr (I)LF~(IL_ ?I ?/ SCTB _~VA(d) Rt AP6004:398 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/11~f,/()t)3/0713/0715 AUTHOR: Delone, N. L.; Yegorov, B. B.; ORG;. none.- TITLE: The sent31tiVity Of the mitotic pbases of Tradescantia paludosa microspores to Voskhod-1 space-flight factors SOURCE: -AN SSSR.: Doklady, v. 166, no. 3, 1966, 713-715 TOPIC TAGS: Voskhod 1, microspore, Tradet;cantin paludosa, mitosis, space flight effect, combined stress ABSTRACT: The authors analyzed the effects of the Voskilod-I flight (including lift-off and re-entrv) on the various mitotic phases of Tradescantia paludosa micro- spores. Samples of the'microspores with their inflorescesces VJU placed inspecial i containers Qftwere attached to the interior of the space cabin. These stimples were fixed at fourtimes after thelaiding: 1) at2lir,15mki (corresponding to middle and late prophase during the'flight); 2) 24 hr; 3) 48 hr (corresponding to late interphase); 4) 120 hr (corresponding to early Interphose). Some results of tile analyses are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and Figures 1 and 2. The results of the experiments agreed Card 1/5 UDC; 576-312-36 ACC NR, AP6004398 Table 1. 6f chromo6om6l rearrangem6iiis, N%bo. o f twea rangement,- __:Tjpe S'amplo- Fragments jReiombi6C!on time 080 after - P, a abs abs ;k M abs. landing 0~0 1z W r, 15 min pooo poi 1: W" 1:1101 11 ill 1,30 0 a 1.1 0 64 1) It 6018 60 0 0 1:1 42 1 Oj 010 Id 6:21 11:1),; 12318 44 5 33 0:26 0.04 11 0. W 0,U2. 06 A2 8:3,0 000 1:1 '[Fol 204 0 4 45 0.23 0.01 14 0. Q 0.09 0 1 0 1 M 6 0.06 0,02 - 5 0.05 0.02 1 0.01 0.01 2 sa24 2 0.03 - - 2 0,03 - - - - On,-Reliability index of the variant andqqnprol 2 J -Cosmodrome "conera-1-7-Hos cow control i'Card 2/5 L 12777-6 ACC NRs AP6004398 Table 2. Number of tAlcrospore cells with mltotl.c disrupLions Sample I No. Of cells -Type of disruption t me .11d wit ims IV V i6ru 14 3s afTe Nr b rsr~ r landine FtM abs X abs. labs.1 % ks.1 2 2 hr -5 4 1 '14, n 9.1 0 2111 il 2 7 ",.1$ Is M .1 1 t):Qo I 1 2 O.Q4 I - Nucleus remains at the cell wall, chromosome,; do not diverge at anaphase and remain attached to the cleavage plane. Mono- nucleate cells are formed instead of dinucleate. H - During metaphase all chromosomes appear to be joined by the cleavage plane in a rosette pattern and mononucleate cells are formed. III - The spin.dle plane orientation is altered; chromosomes during metapbase and telophase and the nuclei in binucleate cells are situated along an abnormal plane. IV - Nondivergence by chromosoines which remain in a telophase attitude. V - Tri- and quadripolar mitosis. 5 L 12111-00 ACC NRs AP6004398 46- a a 04- lk d 77 72hr,15m!n-24hr 48hr 120 Irr.. Fig. Types of fragments result- ing from the' Voskhod-I f light a - Total fragments; b - chromosomal and isochromatid fragments; c - chro" matid fragments; d spherical fragments. Card 4/5 a 94 - a k b % 6" ,~c 2 hr, '24 hr .48 hr 120 hr 15 miri Fig. 2. Types of recombination re- sulting from ihe-Vqskhod-1 flight. a - Total fragments; b - chromosomal and isochromatid fragments; c - chro- matid fragments; d - spherical fragme L 12777-66 C_ N_R -t -AP'-6-0 0 4 3 9 8 AC 0 with those of the Vostok-4 and Voot6k-5 flights'. The authors did not speculate on which space-flight factor was responsible for tlie observed mitotic disruptions. A slightly more expanded version of this article appeared in " isnledovaniya," no. 1, 1966, 156-161. 0r1g. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. JCD) SUB CODE: o6/ SUBM DATE: 07Sep65/ ORIG REF: 002/. ATD PRESS: W G Car-d 5/5 ,~gMIHSNMMMMMMM C~ ACC NRt AT6036556 ISOURCE CODE: -UR100001661001010001016016161 AUTHCR; Yegorovs B. B.; Yegorov, A. D.; Kiseleyp A. 6.; Shadrintsev) I. S. ORG: none TITIE: Some problems in planning and analysis of physiolo*ical flight experiments 9 [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 2-1 to 27 May 19661 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po, problemam kosmicheskoy meditainy, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsinys (Problems of space medicine); materi~ly konferentaii., Moscow, 1966, 16o-161 TOPIC TAGS: space physiology, manned space flight, bioastronautics, space biologic experiment .ABSTRACT: 1. The ultimate result of each physiological space experiment is in- formation which can be gathered by the cosmonaut-investigator and can be .recorded on on-board and telemetric systems. The information obtained; after appropriate analysis is applied to deciding the duration of future Fpaceflights and to methods of combating unfavorable spaceflight factors. 2. The most useful and objective physiological information can be ~directly gathered by a specialist-investigator during the flight itself. In tthis situation, it is entirely expedient to alter earlier established medical "and biological investigations to fit definite situations which may develop ACC NR, AT 03 556 during the flight. 3. The purpose of this report is to analyze physiological data obtained from manned and biosatellite experiments critically, so that future physiological space experiments can be planned more rationally. 4. In planning flight experiments, points of utmost importance are: - selecting physiological parameters which would guarantee the collection of data necessary for judging the functional condition of the orga- nism during the flight in comparison with corresponding data from earth- sid6 experiments. This would include an investigation of daily rhythms. - establishing scientifically based periods of time during which the necessary recording of physiological parameters would be conducted with the aim of drawing statistically reliable conclusi~pn*s on changes in the indices of physiological functions. - establishing a scientifically based volume of selective measurements -for deciphering the data obtained. Card 2/3 ACC NR% AT6036556 selecting a program for conducting space physiological experiments !;Which would assure comparison of the results of each subsequent experi- ment with the results of former experiments. After a sufficient number of physiological space experiments, conclu- sions based on mathematical methods could be drawn of both Individual and species -specific reactions of animals and man to spaceflight factors. 5. To solve these planning problems, both mathematical and physiologi-* cal methods uiere used. These data show the expediency of using'complex ,physiological and mathematical methods for planning physiological space experiments wAh the-help 6f com-puteir technology. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-1161 SUB CODE: 06, 22 SUBM DATE: OOMay66 Card __313 -ACC Nfu.- AT7011640 SOURCE-CUD21 :--Uit/0000/66/000/000/oooi/ooig- AUTHOR: Parin, V. V.; Bayevskiy, R. M. ORG: nono TITLE: 111hysiolog-ical measurements in spac6: Principles and Methods SOURCE: International Anetronautical Congress. 17th Madrid, 1966. Dohlady. no. 2. 1966. Fiziologicheskiye izmereniya v kosmose. Printsipy I netody, 1-19 U TOPIC TAGS; space medicine,-weightlessness* radiation belt, cardiovascular systen, carotid sinus, arterial pressure* arterial pulse, dogg space b1olo.-ic oxporiment / I~Dsnos 110 spaca biologic exporimont ABSTRACT: The Ko8mos-110 experiment with two dogs on board Yas not only the first flight experiment to pass through .part of the radiation belts., but was also the first of a series of experiments designed to investigate the adaptation of the.cardiovasoular system to.yeightless- tp.con'ditions Card 1/4 ACC M. AT7011640 of terrestrial gravity. Primary attention was paid studies of the neuro-regulatory mechanisms of the car- diovasc.ular system. The dogs were in specially venti- lated containers in restraint corsets. They were force- fed through a stomach fistula. This permitted the dogs to be fed prescribed doses at prearranged intervals. Ugolek, the control dog, had a loop of the caro- tid artery externalized into a loop of skin, with a catheter Implanted in the carotid artery and an elec- trode implanted in the sinus nerve. These surgical alterations made it DOSSible to administer stimuli upon command from Earth. Occlusion of the carotid ar- tery could be performi~d by measured clamping o7f the externalized looo of the carotid artery. The carotid zone of the sinus nerve 'could be electrically stimula- ted, and a drug could be administered Into the carotid artery. Arteri6l pressure was vieasu~red by a probe suspended in the lumen of the descending aorta at the' distal end of the catheter. In addition, the following measurements were,re- corded: caroftd artery-oulse. EKG..seismocard4!ogram, Card 2/4 ACC N.R.- AT7011640 respiration rate, and sore other physiological para.1- ct e rs. All of this Inforiuation was recorded by on- board devices, and the EKG, seismocardiograms, and carotid artery pulse ivere transmitted to ground control by telemetry. An annlysis of the 4ccumulacted data revealod no noticeable pal--hologica). changez in the cardiovascular system during the 22-day flight. T~us,'it-Zarj be con- cluded that three-week long expo3ure to weightlessness does not cause any serious shifts in the regulatory mechanisms of the circulatory system. On-board TV used to monitor'movements of the dogs indicated disorientation and impaired coordination of motor activity which began to improve by the 3rd of ~4th day. Complete adjustment to weightlessness took placO by the 8th or'9th day. Tl~e first'postflight examination showed significant changes In the motor apparatus. However, improvement was rapid and complete recovery took place after 8 or 9 days. Postflight examination showed*a decrease of mus- .cular massj but biopsy examination of the liver and ,other organs gave.evidence of a6~quate nutrition. Co,d 3/4 ACC M: AT7011640 Water was supplied to the dogs at a higher level than In laboratory conditions; thus, weight losses and body dehydration should be regarded as a sDecific reaction to the flight environment. Calcium metabolism studies showed an increased calcium concentration In the blood and urine on the first postflight day. Calcium washout was confirmed by x-ray examinations of the skeletal bones. During the first few postflight days the ani- mals exhibited some hyporeactivity, a lack of ortho- static reaction.-changes in the morphological composi- tion of t~e peripheral blood, and a high pulse rate (up to 130beats/nAn). Normalization tended to set In by the 5th postflight day. The' results.obtained cannot be consillered'to be the effect of weightlessness alone but must, to some degree, be due to the unusual experi- mental environment. It is anticipated that this ex- periment will.lead to others-ofgr.eater..duration., 0r1g** art, has: 8 figures. [ATD PRESS: 5098-Z7 SUB CODE 06,03 Sum Dhin.-. rione ORIG REFt~ 010,:.. Card 4/4 ACC'NR. AT7004920 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0003/0007 'AVTHOR: Gazenko, 0- G. (Moscow); Chekhonadskly, N. A. (Moscow); JUatumeyev, A. N. (Moscow); Yegorov, B. B. (Moscow) ORG, none TITLE: Some principles of information coding inherent to biological systems SOURCE: Viyes. konf. po avtomatich. kontrol i metodarn elektrich. izmerenly, 6th, 1964. Avtomatich. kontrol' i metody elektrich. izmereniy; tr. konf. , t. 1: Teoriya ,izmerit.. info. sistem (Automatic control and electrical measuring techniques; .transactions of the conference, V. 1:. Theory of measuring information systems). N6vosibirsk, Izd-vo Nauka.' 1966, 3-7 TOPIC TAGS: neuron, vestibular function, electromagnetic biologiceffect, M26"On coding ABSTRACT: The results are reported of an experimental study of information coding in some regions of the central- nervous system of animals whose organism was subjected-to overloads. Activity of the neurons of a giant-cell nucleus of reticular ,formation was studied; in practice, the activity of a chain comprising a receptor and A few series -connected neurons was observed. A cat was rotated in a centrifuge Card I /Z ;'. ACC NR- AT7004920 which created a 5-times-normal load In his organism. Pulses of 100 neurons were measured before, during, and after the overload. 'An Inference can be drawn that the receptors of the otolith part of the vestibular apparatus generate electrical pulses of 1 -2 msec duration, 1 -5 mv height, at a f requency f rom a fraction of cps to 30 cps. Xith application of an overload, the frequency increases to 120-130 cps, pulse heigh iremaining constant. It is found that: (1) The output of the receptor -neurons chain in ~a function of two parameters: degree of overload and time., (2) With gravity variation lof 1:4000, the output -frequency limit is 150 cps. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and R formulas. CODE: Cwd 06 SUBM DATE: none'. ORID REFt 004 YEGOROV, B. D. "Concerning the Methods for Determining the Absorption of Close Infrared Emission in Industrial Glasses." Sub 26 Jun 47, All-Union Sci Rea Inst of Glass Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Sum.No. 457, 18 Apr 55 C*IV. A, Z ; d # A-- -t- , X-4 / r. ;. Y, B~D., kand. tekhn. nauk. Difect dotaction in apaque, uviol glass. Trudy VIIIIStekla no.37: 111-112 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Glass--Defects) //- - 6 /' -~ /~)' YNGOROV, B *D., ~:and. tekhn. nauk; KOLBASNIKOVA, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk. Methods of determining the coefficient of linear orpansion in glass. Ti-udy TRIIStekla no.37:67-70 157. (MIRA Iltl) (Glass-Testing) S/058/63/000/002/023/070 A06~,/Aiol AUTHORS: ~egorov, B. D., Rekant, N. B., Beloliptseva, 1. Yu. TITLE: Absorption of solar radiation by some commercial glasses PERIODICAL:* Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika., no. 2, 1963, 69, abstract 2D441 ("Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla". 1959.. no. 3 (103), 33 - 37) TEM A method is proposed for calculating the integrated transmittance of glass in the region 0.3 - 2.2,4L of the spectrum by means of the curves of the energy distribution in the solar spectrum and of the spectral transmittance of glass. Results are given in the form of tables for a number of glasses and show a good agreement of the calculated and experimental data. Yu. Kutev [Abstracter's note:.Complete translation] Card 1/1 XARASIK, Miron Yoftmovich: )MOPOV, Borts I?edo_rovich; XARAMYSHEV, I.A., T- -or redaktor; M11U. G F., eklinicFeslefy redaki [work experience of progressive railroad bridge builders] Opyt raboty peredov7kh atroltalet zhelaz'nodoro7hnvkh mostov. Moskva, Goo. transportnos zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1955. 76 p. (141PA 8:6) (Railroads) (Bridge construction) TSTGANKOV, I.-, YEGOROV, BO Prodyiction and properties of products made of gas concrete. Strol.mat., lzdal.i konstr. 2 n#,3:17-20 Mr 156. (KM 9:7) (Lightvelght concrete) TEGORDY. -B-lV9-- -Serpukhov) Advanced practices introduced, Stroi. mat., isdel. I konstr. 2 no.8:19-2D Ag 156. (MMA 9: 10) (Construction industry) YEGOROV Ifficient workers of the Ljrubertsy combine producing reinforced concrete mlements. Stroi. mat. 2 no.11:14-15 N 156. (?ORA 10:2) (Lyubartey--Reinforced concrete) A~- YEGOROV, B.F.: SHABANOV, M.Ye. Building small bridges on pile trestles. Transp.stroi- 7 no.5:19-20 MY '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Nachallni Rizhskoy normativno-ioBledovatel'skoy stanteii Orgtransstroya (for Yegorov). 2. Instruktor Deredovykh metodov truda (for Shabanov). (Bridges, Concrete) (Railroad bridges) IOLIN, M.V.; ALEKSEYEEV, V.V.; VAK~VAN, Sh.-,~ ~'SGOROV, B.F.; STEPASHKII), N.I. (Building an automobile bridge ;,-=-cas-,, reinforced concrete structural elements) Strc.;--.,"stvo avtodorozhnogo mosta iz sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh -r--!-Aruktsii. Moskva, (1-gtransstroi., 1963. 24 p. (MIRA 17:7) YEGCROV, B.G. . Improvement of Ue operation of level measuring sdevices. Energetik 11 no. U115-16 H 163. (MIRA 16:11) w B. Go 42697. YFMOROV, B. Go i VARSHAVSKAYA. D. Ya. Traktotomiya Po Metodu Shokviata Kak Odin tz Sposobov Kh:Lrurgicheskogo Lecheniya TyazhelYkh Form Nevralgii V Nerva. Trudy In-ta NeyroRhirurgii Im. Burdanko, To 1, 1948, a. 221-36. SO- Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949 WR/Nedioine, - Nervous 5~stem, gurgery MWicine - Alood Tressure, High PA 13/4"5 Jul/Aug 48 "Surgical Treatment for Cerebral Syndromes Due to lb-pertenia," A. M. Grinshteyn, Active Mem, Acad Med Sci, *Prof-15.- G. Yegorov, L. S. Soskin, Cand Mod Sci, -Mbscow.. Dept of Surg of the Vegetative Nervous Syst and Inst, of Neurosurg imeni Acad-N. N. Burdenko, Acad Med Sci USSR,, 4 pp "Veprosy Neyrokhirurgiin Vol XII, No 1+ Abdominal nerves were severed and excision of secone and third lumbar ganglions of the peripheral trunk on one side was performed on 18 patients with cerebral syndromes of dynamic bypertonia and on 8 patients afflicted with endarteritis obliterans and high blood pressureq In majority of eases blood pressure decreased and cerebral symptoms improved or disappeared. P'~,- 13/49T95 -Y=()ROVI- -13. 0. USSR/~~cine - Ihm1h., -Surgery' Jul/Aug 48 Medicine - Epilepsy, Traumatic Notice of the'Coming-Heoting of the Untitute of Neurosurgery Toni Acadmiolan N. N. Dwdenko," B. G. 'iegorov, p "Voprosy Neyrokhtar3ii" Vol XII, No meeting will be hold 11 - 13 Novenber 1948. Program will cover (1) arachnitio,(2) aftereffects of surgical treatment of brain tumors, (3) surgi- cal treatment of traumtIc epilepsy, an& theoretical prolklem.of neurosurgery, PA 13/49TIOO - - 4Aqnoo YEGOROV, B. G. Burdenko, N. N. and Yegorov, B. G. "Indications toward a teelmique for surgical treat- .ment of cranim fefects after bullet wounds in the hend," Trudy XXV, Vseaoyuz. styezda khirurgov. Moscowro 1948, p. 363-69 SO: U-3264p 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'nykh Stately, No. 3, 1949 YBGOROY, B.G. Surger7 of arachnold andothelioma in various localization according to data from the N.W.Burdenko's Institute of Neurosurgery of the Acadevq of Medical Sciences in USSR. Vopr.neirokhir. no.2:3-13 Mr- Ap 150. (CUM 19:3) 1. Moscow. MOROTS B. 0. Sur-gory of arachnoid mdatluxUom localized in the region of the tuberculum soMe tracicae. Topr. nevrokhir. 14t39 Hay-Juno 50. P. 12-9 1. Correspor2-ing Hwber of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR 0403COW). CUL 19, 50 Novel 1950 BGMW-. B. G. KOFIUV., H. B. ltoentgenologieaI cliamatarJAios of vamlar supply of mca*Peal and aramizI bono twors. Vopro nevroldtir. l4t3,, May-Jma 50. P. 20-9 14 MOSCOW. CLHL 19., 5p Hove,, 1950 TWOROT, B. G. Problems and perapectives of the development of Favlov's teaching In neurosurgical institutions. Vopr. nelrekhir. no.1:3-7 Jan-Feb 51. 9 (CIML 20:8) 1. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Nedical Sciences USSR. 2. Hoscov. TEWROV, B.G. "biia of the B. N. Burdenko Institute of the Acadery of Madicina-OL USSR on surgical therapy of adenoby-pop)Wseal tumors. Vopr. neirokhir. 16 no. 2:3-8 Mar-Apr 1952. (CLML 22-4) 1. Professor, Corresponding Member of the Acadev7 of Medical Sciences USSR. 2.Moscov. LMSHINSKAYA. O.B., professor; USITEVICH, X.A.9 professor; ASRATYAN, N.A., professor; SMIRNOT, A.I., professor; FILIFFOVICH, SJ., doktor maditsin- skikh mulk; VOLOXHOV. A.A.. professor: PILIMOV, I.I., professor: SKYAKIN, P.G., professor; CHERNIGOVSKIT, V.I.. professor; SPZRANSXIT, A.D., akadaviik; DOWN, A.O., doktor maditsinakikh nauk; ICOTLYAREVSKIY, L.I., professor; NXGOVSKIY. V.A., professor: KASATKIN. N.I., professor; STELOCHUX, I.V., professor; YXS0RqV.B, , professor; BAKUIZV. A.N., ~ k"'q_ professor; BMIRNOV. L.I., profe-~sor;- USPENSKIY, Y.N., redaktor; PETROV, S.P.t' redaktor. (Teachings of I.P.Payloy In theoretical and practical medicine] Uchenie I.P.Pavlova v tooratichaskoi I praktichaskoi meditsini. Tol.2. Moskva, Izd-vo M-Inisterstvo zdravookhraneniia.SSSA, 1953. 611 p. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Daystvitalln" chlen AMR SSSR (for Lepeshinskaya, Chernigovskiy and B4:ulev). 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for laratyan). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for fairnov, Pilimonov, TegorOT sud L..I.Smirnov). 4. Moscow. TSentrallnyy inatitut UBOTershenstvovanlya Trachly. (Pavlov, ITan Petrovich, 1849-1936) (Nervous system) (Physiology) SHATALOVA, G.S., kandidut meditainakikh nauk; UGOROV, B.G., chlen-korrespon-I -A- - dent Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR, professor, dl-RIMr. 3-year results of the application of fibrin film in cerebrocranial surgery. Khirurgiia no.4:32-36 Ap '53. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Institut neyrokhirargii Akademil meditainakikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akademiya maditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). (Head-Surgery) (Fibrin) TEGOROV. B.G.. professor, chlen-korrespondent (Moscow). Certain moLftficationg in the technique of removing neoplasms from the cis- terna pontis. Vop.neirokhir. 17 no.2:11-20 Kr-Ap '53. (MLRA 6:5) L.Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Tumorb (Brain-Surgery) BRAZOVSKAYA, P.A., kand~iiat meditsinakikh nauk (Moscow); BLINKOV, S.M., pro- fessor, zaveduyt*hchiy; T&G-ORO C ff,j~A..,chlen-korrespondent Akademii medi- tsinskikh nauk MSR professor, direktor. Topography of the conducting paths which connect in man the cortical areas of the temporal, parietal and occipital regions of the cerebral cortex with the pons Varolii. Vop.neirokhir. 17 no.2:22-29 Mr-.Ap '53. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Kabinet arl--hitektoniki mozga Instituta ney-rokhirurgii imeni akademika H.N. Burdenko Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Blinkov). 2. 'Institut neyrokhInirgii imeni akademika N.N. Burdenko Akademii meditainakikh nauk GSSR (for Yegorov). 3. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). KRASOVSKIY, Ye.13.; SMIRUOV, L.I., chlen-korreapondent Alcademii meditsinskudi nank SSS*'iprofessor, zaveduyushchiy; YZGO.ROV. 3.G., chlen-korrespondon't Akademii'meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, professor, direktor. Local changes In cranial bones in malignant arachno'Adal eadothelioma. Vop. neirokhir. 17 no.2:32-39 Mr-AP 153. (MT-RA 6:5) 1. Patologoanatomicheakaya laboratoriya Inatituta n"yrokhirurgil imeni aka- demika N.N. Burdenko (for Smirnov). 2, Institut neyrokhirurgii imeai aka- demika N:N. Burdenko (for Yegorov)- 3. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Smirnov and Yegorov). (Bruin-Tamors) LINCHENO, N.M., (Moscow); YEGOROV, B.G., chlen-korrespondent Akademii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR, profess or~, .4irakto4l RAPOPORT, M.Tu, professor, nauch- nyy rukovoditell. Diagnosis of chronfe-inflammator-1 processes of the cerebrum and of its mem- branes with an occulsion at the level of the posterior cranial fissure. Vcyp.nisir'okhir. 17 no.Z;39-46 Mr-Ap 153. (KLRA 6:5) 1. In-stitut neyrokhirurgii imeni akudemikiL N.N. Burdenko Akademii meditain- skikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). (Brain--Inflammation) ARENDT, A.A.:--UO.ORQV-...)jjtqt, profeanor, chlon-korrespondent Alradomil moditsinskikh nauk SSSR, direktor. Reactions in brain tumors following long drainage of the lateral ventricle. Vdp.neirokhir. 17 no.3:3-9 MY-Je 153. (MIRA 6:8) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akademika N.N.Burdenko Akademii moditsin- skikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Tegorov). (Brain-Tunors) TERIAN, K.G.; VOLKOVA-PAVLOViL, V.L.; Y&GOROV, B.G., profenor , chlen-korrespon- dent Akademii meditsinskikh nOUE -SSSRdirektor. Aneathization in brain surgery. Vop,nelrokhir. 17 no-3:9-15 KY-Je '53. 1. IAstitut neyrokhirurgii imeni akedemika N.N.Burdanko Akademii medi- tsinskikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). (Brain--Surgery) (Anesthesia) KORST, L.O.; RAPOPORT, M.Yu., professor, rukovoditell- YNGOROV B G professor, chlen-korrespondent Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSV7 re or. Basic principles in the diagnosis of tumors of the parietal lobes. Vop. neirokhir. 17 no.3:15-22 MY-Je '53. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Nevrologicheakiy sektor Instituta neyrokhirdrgii imeni akademika N.N.Burdenko Akademii meditsinBkikh nauk SSSR (for Korst and Rapoport). 2. InBtitut neyrokhirurgii imeni akademik& N.M.Buraenko Akademii modi- tsinskiU.h nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Yeevrov). (Brain--Tumors) TUMSKOY, V.A., dotsent; AREMR, A.A., professor, zaveduyushchiy; V~GOROV_, 1L.G., professor. chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, direktor; RAPOPORT, M.Th., professor, rakovoditall nevrologicheakogo sektora. Analysis of focal phenomena in the epileptic syndrome in brain injuries. Vop.neirokhir. 17 no-3:23-30 My-Je '53. (KLRA 6:8) 1. Kafedra. neyrokhirargii TSentrallnogo instituta usovergheastvovaniya vrachey Ministerstva, zdrevookhraneniva SSSR (for Tumskoy and Arendt). 2. Institut neyrokhirargii imeni akademika H.H.Burdanko Akademii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR (for Tumskoy, Yegurov and Rapoport). 3. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Yegorov). (]Brain--Wounds and injuries) (Epilepsy) FUTSILLO, M.V.; BLINKOV. S.H., professor, zaveduyushchiy; YE-GOROV, B.G., , professor, chlea-korrespondent Akademii meditsinakikh neuk SSSR,1~11i4kt6i~-;4i Connections of the temporal region with the thalamus opticus in man. Vop. neirokhir. 17 no-3:37-43 MY-Je 153. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Yabinet arkhitektoniki Instituta neyrokhirargil imeni akademika N.N. Burdenko Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Putsillo and Blinkov). 2. Institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akademika N.H.Burdenko Akademii. meditain- skikh nauk SSSR (for Tegorov). (Brain) NERSESYANTS, S.I.,_.T~XGOROV~B G~,. professor, chlen-korrespondent Akademii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR, direktor. Conservative therapy, of arteriovencrus aneurysm of the cavernous sinus. Vop.neirokhir. 17 no.3:48-51 My-Je 153. (MLRA 6;8) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akademika H.H.Burdenko Akademli medi- tsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Cavernous sinus) (Aneurism) USSR/Medicine - Neurosurgery SeP/Oct 53 "Classification of Wounds of Peripheral. Nerves," Prdf-b. G. Yegoro4y"Anst of Neurosurgery im Acad (-.!)N. N. Burdenko, Acad Med Sci USSR Vop Neyrokhirurg, Vol 17, No 5, PP 3-8 Proposes a new classification of peripheral nerve wounds based on 4 leading factors: character of the extremity wound, i. e., whether closed or open; mechanism of the injury; course of the wound canal; shape, depth, area affected, etc; type of damage Ao surrounding tissues. Submits a tentative table of the new classification. Suggests further 269T35 discussion of this subject by neurosurgeons, neuro- pathologists, pathophysiologists, and pUthomor- phologists. -g- J-- & 0 (~ 6 V BRTUSOTA, B.0 redaktor; YXGCROV, B.G., redaktor; SACHEVA, A.L. takhnichaskiy redi~Wt-o-r-'-" - -," -- (Physiological basis for neurosurgical operations] K fiziologi- chaskomu oboonovaniiu neirokhirargicheskikh operateii. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo mod. lit-z7, 1954. Z33 P. (MLRA 7:10) I* Akadeuiyu meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (BRAIN--TUKORS) (BRAN-ISOGIRT) YRGOROV, B.G. "-6~AqtT&kwzI Surgical treatment.of primary tunors of the third and lateral ventricles of the brain. Vopr.neirokhir. 18 no.1:8-22 Ja-Y 154. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Iz Institute. neyrokhirurgii im. akad. N.N.Burdenko Akademii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR. (Brain--Tumors) "ECOMIT, 13 L USSR/14.dicine Neurologr 1/1, $Pub- 77 -,1.3/;ZL 'Authors IYegorov, B. G.) Ac. Mem. Ac. Sci.; Byazemskiy, N. H., Cand. lied. Sci. Brain mirgery 11auka izhizn 21/9)~33-35) Sep 1954 AUtract It is claimed that Russian 'surgeons in treating battle wounds, performd head-operation as long ago as the ninth century. From such operations developed the science of brain surgery to correct disorders caused by disease. Descriptions are given of various in- stances of removing tumors from the brain andclosely associated nerve r 'egions and methods of-treatment of the patient with radiation and other means during convalescenco. Illustrations. Institution Subndtted TAGOROV, B.G., professor; KANDXL'. E.I. Use of ganglion-blocking agents In neurosurgery a.-d in postoperative stages. Vop.neirokhir. 20 no.6:3-9 N-D 056. (MLRA 10.2) 1. Is Mauchno-isoledovatellskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo 2named Institute neyrokhirugli imed akad. N.N.Bardanko J*ademii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR. (BRAIN. surgery. ganglion blocking agents in (RUB)) (ALMONOMIC DRUGS. tberapeutic use, ganglion blocking agents in brain surg. (Run)) YEGOROVA, B.G., prof., Active 14~mbcr of the Acadenrj of 11ndical Sciences, and KAIIDELYA, E.I., Candidate of I*_,dical Sciences, "The Prophylaxis and therapy of brain edema and acute cixcualtory distur- bances occurring during brain injuries," Ganglion -blocking preparations were used in 220 operations. Paper presented at 11th Session A143 USSR on Trauma, April 1957- pq~-t: sum. 1644 YEGOROV, B.G.; XANDJW. 9.1., kazidiclat modituinskikh nauk Injuries of the central nervous system; from materials of the eleventh session of the general meeting of the Acade.V of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest, A14N SSSR 12 no.4-20-31 '57- (IIIIZA 10:13) 1. Daystvi tell ny7 chlen 0114 SSSR (for Yegorov) (ILERVOUS SYSTER-WOUNDS AND INJUR19S) YX6CROVv- B#~*jIprof.; VYAUMSKIT, N.M., kanclemed.nauk Results of research conducted at the Institute of fourosurger7 of the AcadezV of Medical Sciencea of the U.S.S.I. in 1956. Vast. AHN SSSR 12 no.5;65-68 157a (MIRA 11:1) (IMOSURGRY in Ituesta (Rue)) YNGOROV. B.G.- MAYORGHIK. V.Te.; HIKITIN, H.A. glectrocorticographic data in intracerebral tumcru. Vvp neiroldiir. 21 no-3:3-10 MY-Js '57- iXLH-s 10:10) 1. %uchao-issle(iovateliakiy or-ion& Truaovogc- Kreanogo Znsmeni institut neyrokhirugii iment akad. N-N-Burdenko Akedsmii meditain- skikh asuk SSSH. (BRAIN NNOPIASKS. diag. alectrocorticognphy in Intracerebral t=ora) (ZUCTROUCUHAWGRAPHY, same) YNGOROV, B.G., professor; VYAZEKSKIY, P.M. (Moskva) Forty years of Soviet neurosurger7. Voo.neirokhir. 21 no.5:3-12 S-0 (MIRA 10:11) (NEUROSURGERY, in Russia (Rus)) YJdGO4QY&J,,.G.. prof.1 VYAZEMSKIY, N.M. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery. Khirurgiia 33 no-7:132-135 Jl 157- (MIRA 10:11) (SCHOOLS, MNDICAL in Russia, N.H.burdenko Institute of nourosurgery) (UNUROSURMY, educ. Game) MOO. B,G., prof., HOVIKOV, I-P-, queotions of theorr, practice. and orgnni2ntion in the rhouzatic favor problm. Vest.ANN SSSR 13 no.6.-JKj--49 '58 %'MIRA 11:7) 1. Daystvitellnn chlon M SSSR (for Y~gnrav'). 11RIMUMATIC. favor prevention and control (Rus)) YEGOROV, B.G.; KAIfM',Ll, E.I. Prevention and treatment of cerebral edema n-id ncute circulntDr7 disorders in injuries of the brain.[with gumury In Ingligh, D.621. Vop.neirokhir. 22 no-2:3-7 M-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Ifauchno-isaledovntellskiy ordenn Trudovogo Krnsnogo Znnmeni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akad. X.N. Burdanko Akndemii meditsinftkikh nauk SSSR. (BRAIN, wounds and injuries, causing circ. disord. & cerebrnl edema, Drev. (Rus) TEGOROV, B.G.,-prof., zasluzhennyy daystell nsuki,; VOLKOVA- red.; SATITSKATA, Te.H., red.; SPIRIN, B.G., red.; UGRT.U- MOY, Y.~., red.; FILIPPTCHVA, H.A., red.; TABLONOVSLATA, L.Ta., red.; KORKTANSKIT, G.P., red.; GRAZHDANINOY, N.A., [Research of the N.N.Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. from 1954 to 19581 Nauch- nye raboty, vyshadshie iz instituta neirokhirurgii imeni akad. N.N. Burdenko ANN SSSR za 5 let, 1954-195B gg. Pod red. B.G.Egorova. Moskva, 1959. 157 P. (HIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut neyrokhirur- gii. (NERVOUS STSTEK-M)RGERT) . YSGOROVI B.G. Treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. Vrach.delo no.12: 1323 1) '59. (MM 13:5) 1. Kafedra khirurgicheekoy stowatologit (zav. - prof. N.V. Yetisov) Xiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (3WRALGIA, TRIGNMINAL) :04 3'-.0 J13 UiMW 1-3.0 14, So -a# I gi, log ;L fla DAVYDOVSKIY,I.T., otv. red.; VIGGROT,B.G., red.; KRAYEVSKIY,N.A., red.; FRIOROV, U.N., r--5-d-.T-?RMOFMY. S.F., red.; (aI- GOROVSKIY, I.M., red. GRIGMOVSKI-C. I.G., red.;. LYUDIKOY- SKAYA, N.I., tekh. red. [Problem of traums; trananctions of the l1th i3oanion of the G General Meetingof the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Problemn travmy; trudy XI sesaii obahchego sobraniia Akadenii meaitsinskikh nauk SSSR. I.V.DnvydovnV-ii. Red. kol. B.G.19,gorov i dr. Iloskva, Gos.izd-vo mod. lit-ry, ig6o. 175 P. WRA 14:5) 1. Akademiya maditainskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. 2. DayBtvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR ( for 3)Dvvdovskiy) (TRAUKATISM) (BURNS AND SGALDS) (RADIATION SICKNESS) PG-ONTP-B.G..; NOVIKOV) I.P., Adrainistrativ'e and research activities of the Division of Clinical Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1958. Vest.AMN SSSR 14 no.5:70-76 159. 04IRA 14:5) 1 1. Deystvitelln3rf chlen AN4 SSSR (for Yegorov). (ACADINY OF 14EDICAL SCIENCES CF TIE U.S.S.R.) A111CHKOV, M.11.., dots.; ANTELAVA, 11N., prof.; BISINIKOV, D.P., Pand. med. nauk; BOGUSH, L.K., prof.; GRIGORIYE-V, M.S., prof.; DYSKIN, Ye.A.., kand. med. nauk; M7ESJ--jTb Lij prof .;XOLE5OV,,A. P. KOLESOVY V.I., prof.; KUPAHANOV., P.A.., P;of.; L1!;BLtG, L.E., prof.; RAKS1101KOV I A.1%. prof.; O3IFOV,'BvXty profs; SAVITSKIYj A.I.; prof.; UVAROV, B.S.; UGLOV, P.G., prof.; KEOIDIII~ S.A., prof.; PETROVSKIY, M., prof., otv. red.; BAKUIEV, A.N... akademik) red.; GULYAYEV, AN., prof., red.; prof., red.; PANKRATIMp B.13.) prof., red.; PYTELI., A.Ya,, prof.., red.; RIKHTER, G.A., prof., red.; FILATOV, AX., prof.) red.; CHAKLIN, V.D.) P'--Of., red.; RYBUSHKDI, I.N., doktor med. nauk, red.; RU113VA,, M.S., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on surgery] Mno otomnoe rukovodstvo po Ichirurgii. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol .5. fChest surgery; thoracic wall, pleura, and lungs] Khirurgiia gmdi; grudnaia stonka, plerva i legkie. 1960. 727 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskilch nauk SSSR (for Antelava, Bogush, Maksimenkov, ~avitskiy, Kholdin,- Chalclin). 2. Deystvitellziyy chlen Akademii meditsinskik-h nauk SSSR (for Kupriyanovy Petrovskiyj Yegorov). (CHEST-SIRGERY) a YEGOROVp B.G., prof. Results of research on uSurgery of the nervous system." Vest, AM SSSR 15 no.8;7/e-77 160. (FJF-k 13:4) 1. Deystvitellpyy chlen AMN SSSR. QP;RVOUS SYSTIN.-SURGERY) 77 YEGOROV, KORNYANSKIY, G.P.; NIKITIN, M.A. Indication and method for total excision of a neurinoma of the eighth cranial nerve. Vop. neirokhir. 2/, no. 3:3-14 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (ACOUSTIC NERVE-TUMORS) YRGOROVj B.G., prof.; VINARSKAYA, Ye.17., (14c)skva) Disorders of the higher cortical functions after resection of the brain in approaching deep cerebral tumors. Vbp.neirokchir. no.4:3-9 161. (KM 14:12) 1. Paucbno-iseledovatel-skiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zhameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akad. N.N. Airdenko At-IN SSSR. 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Yegorov). (BRAIII-TUMORS) (GEREBRAL CORTEX-DISEASES) YZGOROV,-D.D-.-, M11 0, F. A. -prof.; SHLYKOV, A.A.1 KONOVALOV, A.N.; BE Ma (Hook7a) Diagnosis and method of surgical treatment, of cerebral aneurysm. .Vop.neirokhir. no.5tl-10 161. (MIRA 2.4&.U) 1. Waucbno-isoledovatellskiy ordena trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akade F.Ne Bardenko AMN SSSR. (INTRACR M AL ANEURYSMS) YEGOROV, B.G.1 SHLYKOV, A.,A.; KONIVALOV, A.N.; SERBINENKO, F.A. Diagnosis and method of surgical treatment of aneurysm of the brain. Vest. AMI SSSR 16 no.10:11-25 161. (MIFA IJ,; 11) (INTRAGRANIAL ANEURYSMS) (ANGIOGRAPHY) YEGORO . prof. zaeluzhennyy doyatell nauki (Moskva) ftrgical approach to the cavity of the third vettricle of %he braine Voponeirokhira 25 no.1910-13 Ja t6l. (MIRA 14:2) la Nauebno-isoledovatellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akad. N.N. Burdenko AMN SSSR. Deysbritellnyy ehlen AI-24 SSSR. V\ (BRMI-SURGIERYj YEGORO-V B G.- KANDELI, E.I. 1 -0 p c International Congress of Ifeuro,3urgeons. Vest.AKI 1111..~R 17 no.7:87- 88 162. (MIRA 15:10) (NERVOUS SYSTEM--SURGERY) BLINKOV, S.M.j YEGOROV, D.G. (Mojjkva) Topography of neuroectodermal intracerebral t=ols (or, the method for surgical interventions in tumors of the cerebrum). Vop.teirokhir. 25 no.1:5-9 162. (141FA 15:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zhamenj institut neyrokhirargii imeni akad. 17.N. Burdenko aill S SSR. (BWN--SURGERY) (BMIE-TUMORS) YEGOROV, B.G., prof.; KOVOVALOV, Yu.V., prof.; FILATOV, Yu.M. (Moskva) Trigeminal neuralgia az an initial sy=ptom of the app--a--,-ce c--" neurinoma of the 8th nerv. Vop.neirokhir. 25 no.1:43-49 162. WIRA 15:1) 1. Fauchno-isslodovatel'skiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut ne-yrokhirurgii imeni N.N. Bardenko MR SSSR. (NEURALGIA., TRIGWINAL) (ACOUSTIC VERVE-TUMORS) BAKULEV, A.N., otv. red.; DAVYDOVSKIY, I.P., red.; red.; ZHDANOV., D.A., red.; ZHUKOVSKIY, M.A., red.; I-ETAVE-7, A.A.,, red.; OREKHOVICH, V.11.., red.; PAR321, V.V., red.; SERGIYEV, P.G., red.; PELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. (Abstracts of scientific papers of the Academy of Medical Sci- ences of the U.S.S.R. for 1956] Annotatsii nauchwjkh rabot Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR za 1956 god. Otv. red. A.11. Bakulev. Moskvaj Medgiz. Books 2-3. 1959. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. YEGOROV, B.G., prof. Anatomicopbysiological reasons for surgical approaches to cerebral timors through the parietal lobe# IIrobI#Bovr.neirokhIr. 3:5-28 159. ( MIRA 1616) 1. Deystvitelln-yy chlen AMN SSSR. (BRAIN-TUMORS) (BRAIN--SURMM) ARENDT, A.A., prof.; ARKHANGELISKIY, V.V., kand. med. nauk; BOGDANOV, F.R., prof.; BONDARCHUK, A.V., prof.; KOPYWV, M.B., prof.; KORNEV, P.G., zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR, prof.; KUSLIK,M.I., prof.; LEYBZON, N.D., doktormed. nauk; MAKAROV, M.P., Icand. med. nauk; NIKOLISKIT, V.A., prof.; PODGQRNAYA, A.Ta., doktcr med.nauk; RAZDOLISKIY, I.Ya., prof.[doceased); RDSTOTSKAYA, V.I., kand. med.nauk; T1114SKOY, V.A., kand. med.nauk; UGRYUKA V.M., prof.; FISHKIN, V.I., kand. med. nauk; KHRAPOV, V.S., kand. med. nauk; CHIKOVANI, K.P., prof. [deceased]; SHLYKOV, A.A., prof.; PETROVSKIY, B.V., prof. zasl. deyatell naulci RSFSH, otv. red.;,jW6A2x 12 ~ zasl. deyatell nauki NWSR prof., red. toma; MIRONOVICH, N.I., doktor med. nauk, Z11m, red.; PARAKHINA, N.L., takhn. rod. (Manual on surgery] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po khirurgifL. )4oskva, Medgiz. Vol.4. (Neurosurgery; the sequelae of lesidiss of the central nervous system. Diseases of the spine, the spinal cord and its membranes. Diseases of the vegetative nervous system) Neirokhirurgiia; posledstviia povrezhdenii. tsentrallnoi nervnoi sistemy. Zabolevaniia pozvonochnika, spinnogo mozga i ego obolochek. Zabol6vaniia vegetativnoi nervnoi sistemy. 1963. 667 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Deystvitellnyy ch-len ANN SSSR (for Petrovskiy, Yegorov, Kornev). 2. Chlen-korrespondent A14N SSSR (for Bogdanov). (NERVOUS SYSTEM-SURGERY) (SPINE-SURGERY) YEGOROV,.B.G.;XO1U1YANSK1Y, G.P.; MIDEL', E.I.; SALALYK111, V.I.; FEDOIROV, S.N. R~-S~O I i. Use of urea in'neurosurgical clinical practice. Vop. (.-eirok~ir. ~7 m,1:1-7 Ja-F 163o MIRA 16i 5) 1. Eauchno-issledovat4llskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut neyrokhirurgii imeni li.N.Birdenko, Al-21 SSSR. (ERAIN-DISEASES) (EDEMA) )~EGOROV)-B...G.;_ KILIPPOV, M. M.; BLAGOVESHCHENSKAYA, U. S.; ZHUKOVICH, A.V. In memor7 of Profescor Ollga Grigorleyna Ageeva-Maikm. 'lest. otorin. no.1:122-123 162. (MIRA 15t7) (AGELFVA-MAIKOVA, OLIGA GRIGORILMIA, 1887-1961) YEEGOROVP B.G., prof.; SALALYKIN, V.1,; FEDCROV, S~N- (Mo5kva) Ane3thosla in neurosurgOry, Vop, I W) , _3 .4-3 I/iy--Je 4 r, '-, . (MIRA 17:9) 1, Nauchno-issledovatellskiy ardena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni inatitut neyrokhirurgil imeni alcademika N.N.Burcienkn A16-1 S'I!',,R (dir, - prof. B.G.Yegorov). Yl,',g!OR prof. Deystvitelln~y chlon AHN SSISR; Yo. kand. B.r mer. nauk; NAYDIN, V.L. Role and place of compound rehabilitation therapy in the 3ystem of neurosurgical aid. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.2:55057 Mr-Ap 164. ("'ITU 18:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatePskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo ';ntmeni institut neyrokhir-urgii (direktor - prof. B.G. Yegorov) i,.,,.eni N.N. Burdenko A141 SSSR, Moskva. YEGOROV, B.G., prof. (Moskva) ~Prospects of growth of the biological trend in neurosurgery scientific research work. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.1:1-5 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR. KAYS.H, M.N.; YEGOROV, B.L., mashirdst Readers letters. Blek.1 tepl,,tiaga 6 no,2;46 F 162. (11""PU 15:2) 1. Glavnyy ' zh. luganskog6 teplovozostroitelinogo zavoda im. "Oktyabrlskoy Revolyutsiill (for Naysh). 2. Depo Batabinsk Zapadno-Sibiralcoy dorogi (for Yegorov), (Locomotivan) 6 EWT(d)/EWT(1)/T/E":,'(1) L 3442aL6 ---kt-60-09446- ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0147/0154 AUTHOR: Totsenko, V. G.; Yegorov, B. M. ORG: none TITLE: Setting up rellabillt networks of neuron-like elements SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po kom Ickenoy pro~bI2!ne Kibornettka. Dionika (Blonics). Moscow, Izd--vo NaukA_,_1_9T6, 1 -164 TOPIC TAGS: bionics, computer switching, logic element, logic circuit ib(I ABSTRACT: The authors study neuron-like elements as logic elements which have n inputs and 1 output and realizing certain switching functions. Functional errors are discussed for a neuron-like element logic circuit. A system of Inequalities Is given for determining the func- tion of a neuron-like element known as a threshold element in computer terminology. A method Is presented for determining the required order of the circuit according to the given switching function and the required stability for a simultaneous change in parameters. The parameters of the coupling element depend on the circuit realization of the switching function. A redundancy circuit can be set up on the basis of threshold parameters having arbitrarily high stability with respect to simultaneous paramoter changes. The threshold elements have Card IJP(c) BB/TG/GG/GD -IL 34403-66 ACC NRt AT6009446 0 an arbitrarily low stability with respect to simultaneous parameter changes of the type discussed. This method is used forsetting up redundancy circuits which execute both switching functions realized and not realized by a single threshold element. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 25 formulas. SUB CODE: 06, 09 / SUBM DATE: 260ot65 C.M 2/2 &~~- -,YlGOROV, B.H. Use of cranes for bridge reconstrtwtion. Pat' i put. khoz. no,8:28-29 Ag '59. (MIRA 13:3) l.lachallnik otdeIR inwhenerrqkh mooru2haniy. g. VIlInyus. (Railroad bridges--Maintefiance and repair) YEGOROV, B.N., inzh. (g.Villnyus) Improve the maintenance of oonstructions. Putt i Put, khoz. 5 no~03:22-23 lir 161s (,'~aRA 14:31) (Ruilrouda-Maintenance uzxl repair)