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YBGOROV, A.L. (Moskva); PARNYUK, V.A. (Zaporozhtye) ProbleMB for extracurricular work. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.l.-?7-79 Ja-F 162. 04nA 15:3) (Physics--Problem., exercises, etc.) BELOGORSKAYA, N.I.; BLUDGV, 14.1.; BRAVEW-M, E.M.- BULATOV, N.P.; GALANIM., D.D.; GOLIDFARB, N.I.; YEVROPIN,YG.F.; -XMQEQY, AL. YEIlOKH(7VICHJ. A.S.- ZVOIRYK,111, B.S.; IVAHOV, S.I.; UUMIMETSKlY, 2~-.Yeo; KRAUKLISP V.V LfSEIMR, G.R.- IIAUIVJ U.N.; MIIMTOVA, G.P.; IENSHUTIN, N.F.; MINGRENKOV, Ye.Ya.; PFItYSHKIN, A.V.; FOKROVSKIY, A.A.; POPOV, P.I.; RAYEVA, A.F.; REZNIKOVI L.I.; SOKOLOVY I.I.; YUSKOVICH, V.P.; ZVENCHIK, Z.Ye. Dmitrii Ivanovich Oakharov; obituary. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.1:109- UO Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15-3) (Sakharov, Dmitrii Ivanovich,, 1889-1961) YEGOROV, A. L. (Moskva) Ana3,vais of the development of phenomena in the solution of problems. Fiz. v ahkole 22 no.4:48-50 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Phyaice-Problema,, exercises, eto,) YEGOROV, A.L. (Moskva) Studying.the great program of the development of commmian in the process of teaching physics. FIz.v sWle 22 no.5s22-37 S-0 162. (MMA 15s12) (Physics Study and teaching) J~omation--~~dy and teaching) YEGOROV, A.L.,(Moskva) Using students' knowledge of mazhematics and ph7sicB in teaching mechanics in the 9th grade. FIz. v ahkole 23 no-5: 29-37 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:1) YEGOROV, A. X., "Study of Methods of Combating Vibrations In Lathwdork.11 (Dissertation for Di~gree of Candidate for Technical Sciences) Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow Aviation Technologj Inst., Moscow, 1955 SO: M-1036 28 Mar 56 YEGOROV, A,.M.,_ kandidat takhnicbeekikh nauk. Prevention of vibrations while working with production cutting tools. Vast. mash. 36 no.9:39-43 S '56. (HLRA 9:10) (Cutting tools) frr -S. M. Polish. d 1 k hf 2 1 7 , an . , 2,5, 0 __---au ' ~We d this Is 1957. T'he tasO adf baWj 1 13 made of ~-ated with a layet heviag a I Ardneo 11M.C. th .6 an y Imchs sak, such Es ryrophvrnte, ba-i mit, ot diaba.~e- Tbt ns!dc parl of Me MIT N w4ted wrlib an adhesive slum, mattTiai of rolled in the "d l i d d a na Mac . jayeT" ~La 1y S .0 I - (- - 4:7 a V, /9 , /~-), y 1-7 TS' ~,'V,L ~ AY it I., dcktor tekhnichoskikh navk, professor; Yi ... r )HO 11 71-andidat tokimicheakikh naW:. Arl investAi-,ating, the vibration resistance of elastic s7gtO7,9 ,lu::-inl-- turning. Trudy ~L`-Tl no.32:7-2'1 147 . (,,;I"~*~ lo-P) (Lathes--Vibraticn) Y MOW, A. M. , P. S. 'IUTOV, F. 14. LOSKIFIr-OV, AND V. S. LOVCIIIKOV, A. N. VOL'SKrf, R, A - APACHEVA "On Hydrometallurgical Treatm-ent" Mintsvetmetzoloto rVOrt submitted at a cOnfelODCO On mV metbods of Ised production from comentrates, Glnt&vvtm*t (State InEt. XOn-F*rr0U8 Met~LllurgY),, MOSCOW 22-25 Jans 1956. (for entire cont. me card for L=T, V. P.) 3/7 0 8/ 5 9/000/00 2/004.1/008 D221/D304- AUTHOR., Yego-rov, A~M,q Candidate of Techni..-al 3cienceE TITLE: Elimination of low-frequency --ibrations during iri;Lta-I machining SOURCE. Tzhevsku Mekhanicheskiy ins'ViTut. Voprosy to'chnos-a, metallorezhushchi-kh stankov i m_-khanichaskoy obra- bot'kiq no. 2~ 1959, 58 -- 71 t 4 TBXT: Iniesiigations of a lathe under various condi ons of ao-ad- Ing, and the oscillographic study of conditions required Ifor vibra- tionleoe piachining are described. The lathe slide takes up -.,he who 1e cutting force, viho)roas Ole and tallBlock ~_-ontribu-,:e -to- gether to the reaction, In addition, the oupport pociopTooo 't-bo Ir-ir- gest amount of junctions which explains its minimum stiff.'neorj alld 30w ant 1--vi brat ional resistanceg im Jsl -J h t m is the r,igidity of the machine tooli J i;~ the rigida'liy 3-f- 71111 S/ 7 0 Iq/I000i 0~,2/004 D 2 I/D'3j Elimination of iow-frequency 2 564 S1, that of the headstock, and j t of the tail sto~;k_ Vner~_ foz_, the stiifnees of a lathe di~perids in "lie f-irst imtan-~- up;,,ri rhe rigidi-ty of she Support, The equivalen-i. forc.,e was rll a dynamometer designed by Candidate of Technical Scien--.s, A.A~ V. ri'~nln. The exi)erimen-6s were carried out on three different 'a-he4,, The following cori-`_usions are nade: There are ratios be-Meen the components of the cu-Wting force which resulzu in mAnimum, radial da-.. formation. This corresponds to -the highest rigidlty along the Y.axis 1 - regative to po- and forms a d soontinui:.y during the transi-Ion from L. sitive rigLdity of the sLide. The ri&idity of the syatem increa-,e-,, nhen the ra-io P Y.,,'P, drops,, The axis of maximum stabil-Oy dep~-njs L on the ra-~Io beiwee n the componen-P. for~,es and the general _~tat,~ the alas-tic. aystem. The use of these elastic. properties and Iradinlg along the axis of maximum str= g.t. .a enaure a safe oper,,t,~ijn r)5 far n L a-., ,,ibrations are Concerned. The teste have demonstrated that the directions of the equivalent f~arces are of ihe utmoB-, for, +he r-11gidi-ty of the system. The i:hange In the arrangeme-ri-,, of.- -1cad ing may be achieved by alzera-zing the tool ge,)Dier.y, ~r by -he ic-'a Card 2,0*'-; S/70a/5 9/0001/002/004./ 008 Elimination of loji-frequen~y D221/D304 tion of the too! in respect of lathe centers and OY axis, when aj.1 cutting angles are maintained. The conventional tool clamping re slilts in -.- -L i L. nignifican-t~ radial deflection which leads to vibra*ions. The elAmination of -tbc. risk ie enoored by the direction of the rE- aultan-t ootting force along the ax:La of maxiinuir, Th;-- dyna-- mic tests weri.- carried out with !Ilectrical gear nonsist-ling ol' a sml,- "ransducpr- - I . re,2ording oscillograph, and screened leads,. The In- 'Ll en s a. -ly of vibrations was increased by rhariging one parameter on-ty (width of cuT). A detailed description of condiiions i-a given,. The plt--A of data reveals -that the optimum angle of tilt of -the in re3pect to the center line of the lathe, coincides w-Ith the value~.- obtained by the analysis~ Further :rotation) produces a Inegative:,-I.. gidity of the slide and 1drawing-In' of the tool,. Four zones are distingul-shable during the change of the tool poaition, Tbe inves-,-,,-, gations proved that the proposed method ensures a staL)Ie- operation in unfa-;o-r-,ble conditions. Similar test-,- were made by al-tering -rhe ratlo of width and thickness of the chJP in order to deduce The an- ti-vibration capacity, The author draws the foLlowing conclua-lons'. The introduction of tools with wide cutting edge3 3hould be Card 3/4 S.1 70 5 -,, / 0 000 2 / C, 1) 008, Elimination of low-frequency D221~_.D304 raged ', due to their Increa-sod ouvout. This, ho-wever, r~quir!~;Z_ el4mil__ nat.'Ion vibi-ntlon, by clianging the haral-ter oi .loading Thc. a Y, ex- mination revealed the ne9d for mod.if.Lcations in de-aign of the sli.. de~ 1"here are 7 figures and 2 tables, Card 1/4 KRESTOVNIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; VLADIMIROV, Leonid Pavlovich; GULYANITSKIY, Boris Stepanovich; FISHER, Aleksandr Yakovleviah; gYEG~OROV A I -red.; ARKHANGELISKAYA.. H.S., red. izd-va-7 HALVA , V.V. P tekhn. red. (Handbook on calculations of equilibrium of metallurgical reactions; rapid methods) Spravochnik po raschetam ravnovesii metallurgioheskikh reaktsii; uskorennye matody. (By) A.N. Krestovnikov i dr. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 416 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Metals-Thermodynamic properties) (Chemistry, Metallurgic--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) ACC N'~t ia,*ioon.6o8 (At /V) SoURCE CODE: -1JR/04 13 /66 /000 102-1 /(j.; INVENTOR: Yegorov, A. M.i Isayev, A. 1. ORG: None. TITLE: An electrochemical method for machining components.with complex sh---es. Class 46, No. 189275 [announced by the Central Scientific Research Institutc of Technology and Machine Building (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inztitut terl-chnologii- i mashinostroyeniya)] (71 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1~66, 117 TOPIC TAGS: electroerosion machining, metal machining, precision finishing ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an electrochemical method _frlr za-chin- ing components with complex shapes*using movable electodes based on Author's Certifi- cate No. 142141. Sectional electrodes are used to provide greater accuracy in ma- chining three-dimensional curved surfaces with large angles of twist. These electrodes are brought together in pairs successively or simultaneously at the optimur, angles to ,~he corresponding sections of the surface being machined, collectively producing the given profile in the finished component. S UB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 09Mar64 C-rd um 621.9.o47.7 ZAGORODNOV, O.G.; FAYNBERG, Ya.B.; YEGOROV, A.M. Reflection of electromagnetic waves from a plasma moving in Elow- wave guides. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:7-9 Jan QO- (MIRA 14:9) (Electromagnetic waves) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Wave guides) 34107 S/'185/61/006/006/016/'030 /2,0 6 0 Y~' I/ ~ z' /f3 D299/D3o4 AUTHORS: Lifshyts', Ye.V.9 Yehorov,_A.M.Y-and Zahorodnov, M. TITLE; Measuring high-frequency field strength in a plasma by means of the Stark effect PERIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnaly v. 6, no. 6, 1961, 793 - 796 TEXT: A method is proposed for measuring parameters of plasma wave- guides which has the advantage (over existing methods) of in-~.roduc- ing only very small perturbations. The Stark effect ia 'used for de- termining the mean field strength in plasma waveguides in a magne- tic field. First, the radial distribution of the electric-field com- ponents in the waveguide are determined, and then the phase velo--ity of the wave and the field strength at the waveguide axis. The field -strength measurements were based on the Epstein-Schwartzschild for.- mula: 3hE Card A-V = 8jr2FZe (n2 (n~ - ng )2 - n1(n V Ij (1) 1XI 3/185/61/006/006/016/0-710 Measuring high-frequency field D299;/D304 *' for the static Stark effect. It was found that the magni-'Uude of -rhe Stark line broadening was considerably greater in the exper-~Penrs conductedg than line broadening due to other factors which co,.Jld therefore be neglected. The diameter of the plasma waveguide was V 20 mm, the plasma density varied between 1010 - 1011~ The field strength was measured by the broadening of the H 7 - line, This line was aelected because it was more suitable for the operating condi- tions of the spectrograph used in the experiment. The discharge spectrum was recorded on photographic plates of type "Pankhrom", the exposure varied between 30 minutes to 2 hours. A figure shows a typical line shape. The line broadening, due to the experimental apparatus, was taken into account be means of a calibration device, incorporating a thyratron~ From formula (1) folloie.,3 that the field strength E = 2.31 - 103L~,, where A ~, is expressed in A, and B - in kw/cm. The obtained values of E are listed in a tableg together with the values of L1. The described method is effective; its ef- fectiveness increases with higher f..'Leld strength. The use -.~f Dhoto- electric recording ensures much greater speed of measurements There Card 2/3 S/18 611006100610161030 Measuring high-frequency field ... D299YD304 are 2 figures, 1 table and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc (in translation), ASSOCIATION: Fizyko-teklinichnyy instytut AS UkrRSR (Physico-Techni- cal. Institute of the AS UkrSSR), Kharkiv Card 3/3 20921 5/057/61/031/003/005/019 B125/B202 AUTHORSi Zagorodnov, 0. G.t Gaynberg, Ya. B., Yegorov, A. X., and Bolotin, L. I. TITLE: Multiplication of the frequency by means of plasmallslamming" PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy.fiziki, v- 31, no- 3, 1961, 297-300 TEXT: The present paper deals with the experimental study of the problem of frequency multiplication by slamming. knqwn,-a Doppler effect occurs when electromagnetic waves are refleated.fro2k a moved surface. In this case-frequency-and amplitude of the.incident.wave are changed. The effect concerned-can be considerably increased in.the case of multiple reflection. This is attained, e.g.., by concentrating the electromagnetic energy in a volume completely or partially filled with the plasma. This volume is then rapidly reduced by slamming the plasma. In this case not only density but also the total electromagnetic energy are increased. In the case concerned the energy of the photons that are multiply reflected from the plasma is increased. This effects the reversal of the Fermi Card 1/4 20921 S/057/61/031/003/005/019 Multiplication of the frequency... B125/B2O2 acceleration effect. In the case of multiple reflection frequency and amplitude strofigly increase even in the case VO;bC(V-~ C). This effect was experimentally checked for an H.11 wave in the 10-cm region. The electro- magnetic field was compressed in a resonator having the shape of a metallic rectangular resonator. The plasma piston entered the resonator by a grating consisting of three metal bands. The second front face of this waveguide gradually passed into a waveguide with the critical wavelength X - 4.6 cm. This waveguide serves as filter for the harmonic frequencies. or The plasma piston was produced by a two-electrode discharge with special ignitor and with additional electrodynamic acceleration. Fig. 1 shows the general block diagram of the experimental arrangement. The beginning of discharge can be regulated such that the plasma compression occurs two to three microseconds after the beginning of the high-frequency pulse in the waveguide. On slamming also the frequency of the electromagnetic field increases as a result of multiple reflection from the moved plasma until the frequency of the field exceeds the critical frequency of the waveguide filter. Fig. 3 illustrates the oacillograms of the high-frequency signals with the "multiplied" frequency at different instants of time of the Card 2/4 20921 S/057/61/031/003/005/019 Multiplication of the frequency... B125/B202 plasma slamming. In this case the maximum pulse height of the high- frequency signal with thq multiplied frequency.corresponds to the shortest duration of slamming. -These outpiLts are separated from the high-frequency pulse which-is.interrupted-by the moving piston by the time interval T. This time,interval.corresponds-to the "slamming time", i.e., the time required for.the.multiplication.of the frequency of the initial value (in this case .2840 megacycles) to. a.-value slightly exceeding the'oritioal frequency of the waveguido (6530 megacycles)- Thus, the frequency was increased.-by little,more than-2..3 -times. The spectrum of the oscillations. produced-by the-magnetron.contained harmonic oscillations of small amplitudes which penetrate into the..waveguide. Their amplitudes reproduce the form of.the magnetron pulae.-During slamming dissipation of the field energy, caused by lossesAn. the cavity,and in the plasma com- presBioh occurs besi4es the frequency multip2ication.and the intensifica- tion of the field amplitude. To obtain a sufficiently large amplitude of the signal at the output the "slamming time', must be of the same order of magnitude as the attenuation time 'to - Q/w, in the experiments described slamming takes -0-4 microseconds, which corresponds to a Card 3/4 20921 S/057/61/031/003/005/019 Multiplication of the frequency... B125/B202 velocity of motion of 2-107 cm/sec of the plasma compression. Thus, it was shown that by slamming a sufficiently strong frequency multiplication can be attained. There are 3 figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The 2 references to English language publications read as followst E. L. Ginstonj Science, 1271 3303P 1858; A. C. Kolb, Phya. Rev.9 107, 3451 1957. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR Khartkov (Institute of Physiceand Engineering of the AS UkrSSR Kharlkov) SUBMITTED: May 20, 1960 Card 4/4 S/7811/02/000/000/003/036 AUTHOR: Zagorodnov. 0. G., Faynberg, Ya. B., Yegorov, A. M,, Kivshik, A. F. TITLE: Reflection of 'electromagnetic waves from a moving plasma, Investigation of wavegulde. properties of a plasma PERIODICAL: -Elzika plazmy i problemy upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza; doklady I konferentsti po fizike plazmy i.probleme upravlyayemykh termoyadernykh reaktsfy. Fiz.-tech. Inst. AN Mr. SSR. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr. SSR, 1962, 9-20. TEXT: The first part of the article describes experiments on the reflection of slow electro- ma;,,natic waves from a moving plasma, aimed at* ascertaining whether the frequency multi- plication and Increase In the refloctod-wave amplitude attainable In the case of slow wavea to *sufficient to lead to the development of new methods of amplification of microwaves and ac- ---celaration-in a- plasma, - and- also to-stabilize-aplRaiRa. Since the Dopnler 8hift in the frequency and the change in the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave reflected from a moving mirror can be made appreciable only by increasing greatly the velocity of the reflecting surface or Card 1/4 8/7B1/62/000/000/003/036 -'Reflection of electromagnetic waves from.. . . by changing the phase velocity of the wave In the space where the interaction takes place, and sinco It Is not practical to obtain high physical mirror velocities (even when an electron beani or a plasma is used as a -reflecting surface), the experiment was carried out with an electromagnetic wave of a phaBe velocity slowed down to that of the reflecting plasma. The Blow-wave structure consisted of a helical waveguide comprising a porcelain tube 40 mm In diameter, with a helt x made of copper wire 0.4 mm. in diameter wound at a pitch of 0.8 MM. The experimentally measured phase velocity in the helix was vph/C = 1/200, A plasma platon was produced by d1schar&g a 750 rii1crofarad capacitor bank charged to 4.5 IN, At 24.76 Mcs, the frequency of the reflected wave was found to be Increased by 11 per cent rela- tive to the incident wave, and when the phase velocity was decreased to 1/375 of the velocity of light, the frequency increased by 20 Ivr cent. The velocity of the plasma piston was cal- cul.Aed to be V = 8.45 x 106 cm/sec. This effect can be used for amplification and generation of rilcrowaves, acceleration of particles, and various measurements In plasma and also to increase the stability of a plasma. The second part of the, Investigation was devoted to waveguide PrDpertles of plasma. A pla3ma waveguldewas produced by a high frequency discharge in a quartz tube 1500 mm long, Ca,,,:d 2/4* Reflection of electromagnetic waves from ... 6/781/62/000/000/003/036 In which a vacuum of 7 X 10-3 Mm Hg was maintained. The plasma density In the waveguldo could be varied up to 1011 cm-3. A slow electromagnetic wave of low power (on the order of I watt) at frequencies from 150 to 2000 Mes was excited in the plasma wavegulde, and the re- sultant phase velocity of the standing wave was measured as a function of the frequency for different plasma densities and for several values of longitudinal magnetic field. A study of tLe dependence of the wavegulde field intensity on the high-frequency power applied to the p~lasma (in the range from 100 to 1.5 kW) has shown this dependence to be non-monotonic, probably owing to resonance in the plasma column.: Other quantities measured were the radial dependence of the longitudinal component, the nonlinear distortion of low-power signals passing through the plasma waveguide and the microwave losses in the plasma waveguide. The acceleration In the plasma was investigated by means of a small model of a helical- plasma accelerator. An analysis of the onorgy spectrum of the beam, made by electrostatic eeflection, shows that the spectrum Is quite broad and that a considerable fraction of the c lectrons had the expected energy near 6.5 keV. This shows that the field is capable of pene- irating and reaching the axis of the plasma and that the electrons become accelerated. K. D. Sihell nikov is credited with suggesting one possible reason for signal distortion In tho Card 3/4 -7_ 3 ~S/781/62/000/000/003/036 Reflection of electromagnetic waves from.. . . plasma waveguide. There are nine figures and sixteen references, Including articles by S. S. Buchsbaum and S. C. Brown, Phys. Rev. 106, 196 (1957), V. Josephson, J. Appl. Phys. 29,30 (1958); Ginzton, Science, 127, 3308 (1958), and M. Lampert, Phys. Rev. 102, 289 (1956). ~L 4242-66 2/41A(m)-2 OS/AT/JXT ~ACCESSION HR: AT5007973 S/0000/64/000/000/1023/1029/~-~61., tarrHOR: Berezin, A. Berezina,, G. P Bolotin, Arb Yejorov, Z~ 0v, 0. Kornilov, B. Kurilko, V. I;~~ LutsenRo, Ye -soroan 116; La Pedenko, N. S.;-Khai-q-~~nko I. F.; Sh.1 YR~ ~loYu. vchenXo, V. :f.-; Faynberg, Ya. B. ITITLE., Acceleration of charged particles with the aid of longitudinal waves in 'plasma and plasma waveguides International Confere elerators. Dubna 1963 SOURCE: ~ . nce on High Energy_Acc Trudy. Moscow, Atom rZ-&a--t,=9r04- -1029 'TOPIC TAGS: high energy acceleratort electron beam, plasma accelerator, plasma 1waveguide 1ABSTRACT: Plasma waveguides and noncompensated electron and ion beams can be uti- ~Ymposium f, _7 ilized as accelerating nystems in linear acceleratorr.,g(Faynberg, Ya. B., S CERN 1, 84 1956); Atomanay energ6y-a such systems, slow alec- 1tromagnetic waves v 5 C are.propatat;d, which are necessary for particle accelera-i, "Ition. The waveguide properties of restrained plasma and noncompensated beams am I displayed in the case of waves in the meter and centimeter range even for com- Card 1/5 -66 L 4242 ACCESSION NR: AT5007973 atively small plasma densities around 109 to 1013 cm-3). Under these conditions! par I the high-frequency energy losses during wave propagation, which are due to the col-1, lisions of plasma particles, are small. The density of electrons in metals (about .10 23) is many orders greater than is necessary for ensuring wavegulde'properties In the microwave range. This leads to great losses of high-frequency power during !wave propagation in metallic conductors. for plasma densities around 109 to 1013 the energy losses during particle transist through the plasma, which are pro- portional to plasma density, are insignificant, from 10 5 to 10-6 ev/cm. Thin means that plasma waveguides are "transparent" for accelerated particles. Accord- Ing to the conditions of acceleration the particles are divided into individual bunches, Thus the loss of particles moving in the plasma can increase greatly be- cause of the occurrence of coherent deceleration representing the inverse of the ieffect of coherent acceleration, which was established by V. 1. Veksler (Symposium CEP11 1, 80 (1956)). However, even for accelerated particle fluxes of the order of tens of amperes~ these losses are all insignificant. Because waveguide properties ,are determined by the plasma, the metal surfaces can be re-note from regions with ~large field strengths or eliminated altogether, which permits a significant in- (crease in the permissible voltages of the accelerating fields and a substantial de-~ 'Card 2/5 L h242-66 1ACCE6SION NR: AT5007973 J !crease in the high-frequency energy losses. It is also important to concentrate tthe electromagnetic energy in the radial direction only in the regions where the ;accelerated part.1cles are moving. Thus for a given field strength the electromag- 'r.etic energy flux decreases markedly. If the fluxes of accelerated particles are large, the waveguide properties necessary for acceleration can be enoured by the particles of the beam which are not entrapped in the acceleration process, through lihich particles the entrapped particles moves The beam itself which is injected into the accelerator operates under these conditions of an accelerating system. To' clarify the possibilities of particle acceleration by means of electromagnetic ifaves excited by charged particle beams, and also to investigate the influence of lbeam instabilities upon the acceleration process, the Phyoicotachnical Institute, iAcademy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR conducted theoretical and experimental in ti- Igations on the interaction of charged particle beams with a plasmab These in esti- rgations were intended to lead to, not the design and construction of a definite ac-1 ;velerator model, but the physical processes occurring during the interaction under iconsideration, and in this way to a determination of the possibilities of plasma imethods of acceleration which are being developed at this institute, The theory ideveloped up to the present time of the interaction between beams and plasma has lbeen essentially a linear theory, As a result of the work of V. D. Shapiro and V, L 4242-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5007973 I. Shavchenko at this institute for the case of beams of not very large density, a nonlinear theory has been created which permits one to trace the process of in- teraction of an initially nonmodulated beam and mono-energetic beam with a plasma ifrom the initial stage to saturation. As is shown, a large part of the beam's ad motion (75% of Its initial energy) Is lost by the beam as a re- energy of order sult of collective interactions with the plasma. Thus the energy expended upon excitation of oscillations amounts to 30%; upon increasing the thermal energy 'of the plasma, to 30%; and upon increasing the thermal energy of beam, to 15%. The .experimental investigations of this interaction were carried out by:I. r. Kharchon-' ko and A. K, Berazin and their respectivo co-workers. Their results are In agree- Iment with the theory of M. F. Gorbatanko, The mentioned institute has also car- d out furthe 'rie r theoreti6al and experimental investigations on the problems of !electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma waveguides excited by high-frequency wall sources. The experimental studies, by 0. 0. Zagorodnov, at al., showed that the re- sults agree well with theory under conditions of insignificant nonlinear effects, i Current experiments are concerned with highly-ionized plasmas with density ;011 to 1012. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. %Card 4/5 YEGOFOV, A.M.; ODINETS, Z.K. Calculating the temperature dependences of weak electrolyte dissociation constants. Sbor. nauch. tnid. GJntsvetmeta no.23:2-41-246 165. Temperature dependenco of the instability constants of certain complex ions. Ibid..-247-251 (MIRA 18:12) 'YEGCROV, A.M.; SMIRNOVA, M.N. ---------------- Study of the mean heat capacities of vine and nickel orthosilicates at high temperatures. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.9-.2131-2135 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) UTHOR: YEgorov, A',-M. 586 'ITLE: Temperature Dependence of the Solubility Product.(Temperaturnaya zavisimost, proizvedeniy rastvorimosti). ERIODICAL: "Zhurhal-N.borganicheskoz,Khimii'I (Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, V'O-r7.Lj V0.21 pp.46U-4b4. kU.b.S.Rj, I qj~l BSTRACT: A thermodynamic method for calculating the effect of temperature on the solubility product. Calculation of the coefficients in the equation for the solubility product in terms of temperature enables values of the product to be calculated. This has been done for several sulphides and halides for temperatures from 0 to lOOOC"~ There are eight references, five of them Russian. There are seven Tables and ten Equations~, Received 23 January, 1956, Card 1/1 eriRturo-tar tiares, effect ve idtjjy acid solutiona. uo j;i, I tit. F. P4 kl,,- - - ". , g --"' -~L, Lit L-!' L i k L --, air A A74im. Trhinci. Tophvc t AL;:-J 1957, 3, f)2 B.-sr, from 6~, kci-jini- racno,, A th, H-A -IV Y!J~' 'kk"j tari I Kit b.4 wil lo-I r, Uw I, strCI Kit, lr~d i't t , -1, ru"t l"ZI L,;,-(s r,jiw-I th~ 111C I.Z; f tKmll add, (Icpendii)g oil th~ stet-1. Thi: inhibtting acit-i t. furtlitr gicatly inuospli by tit" alld", of ~nl,lll of MCI (jr IICI, reducing tl~e soln. T'te t. 0.007 0.01 h; 1011, IfiSO., md to 0.07 4) 161 j, 'zq. irt. hr in the :ivivi T13, 1~5-4 reFistapt . steci Iss to corr'~:"n iii Ill l'id' tio higher dir .111libiting vfl~':[' %"th or will"'ilt t!i, LA - uld- Th, inhibithig, p,)%vcr of the i, rd~iiin-f 1- a h-ov, twic it 95-i 8" A mixt. 2", of thc lmv%~r-4 the -1- ratc ul Iuw-C, sud ..t 20, lit 10% IICI 1" 0 Di v /,q, m lit I'lic 20% wal, the mijibit'q alul iU, CI - vii:vinate, uht: '.C.11C oil 5ted ill 5- 10 m1n. :a 'J5:t~ 51. SOV/180-59--3-6/43 AUTHORS: Agracheva, R.A., Vollskiy, A.N. and Yegorov, A.M. (Moscow) TITLEt Investigation of a Method of Treating Lead Sulphide Concentrates by the Application of Ferrichloride Solutions PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 3, Pp 37-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The thermodynamics of the interactions between sulphides and chlorides of heavy metals in aqueous solutions is worked out. Results are given in Table 1. The thermo- dynamics of the processes between ch1orides and sulphides of different metals was also examined and results given in table 2. An experimental investigation was carried out on the dissociation of sulphides of' heavy metals by ferrichlorides. Results (table 3) show that galena, chalcocite, silver sulphide and covellite are easily decomposed; pyrrhotite, marmatite and chalcopyrite are slowly decomposed; but pyrites are unaffected. Experiments were carried out on a lead concentrate containing 63-77 Pb, 2.56 CU, 5.4 Zn, 4-73 Fe, 17-36 s, 0.59 SiO2 l.o6 1120 and 4.48% remainder. The results for two temperatures (60 and 80*C) and two times (90 and Card 1/2 120 minutes) are given in Table 4 (q* =:-degree of sov/180-59-3-8/43 -iAvestigation of a Method of Treating Lead Sulphide Concentrates by the Application of Ferrichloride Solutions extraction). Results of further experiments on a more.,c.omplex mixture are given in Table 5. The extraction of lead is greater than 99%. The method of treating lead concentrates is thus: treatment with iron ferrichloride solution which converts PbS to PbC12, leaching with a solution saturated with CaC12 and NaCI and electrolytic extraction of Pb from the solution. Experiments on purification of the anolyte showed that copper is.almost completely precipitated by lead sulphide (Table 6, q = degree of precipitation) but precipitation of zinc is very slow (Table 8) and this method is unsatisfactory. There are 8 tablva and 0 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED3 April 26, 1958 Card 2/2 YEGOROV A H ; VOL'SKIY, A-IN Special case of the hydrolysis of Doorly soluble or weakly dissociated electrolytes. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no. 12:2677- 2680 D 6o. (HIRA 13:12) (Hydrolyale) (Sulfides) (Carbonates) .1. GULIDIN, I.T.j Yk,GOROV A H.j BUZ11INSKAYAj AN. Decomposition voltage of naturaLsulfides of some metals and of sodium sulfide in fused salts. Zhur, prikl. khim. 34 no. 12:2674-2680 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Sulfides) (Electromotive force) DZLIYEVj Islam Iosifovich- YEGOROV,, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; - NEYMAN, M.N., -red., M , 'T., red. izd-va; DOBLJZHINSKAYA, L.V.p tekhn, red. (Cadmium metallurgy) Metallurgila kadniia. Movkva Motallur iz- dat,, 1962. 188 p. (Cadmium--Metallurgy) WRA 15:61 YEGOROV, A.M.; ODIURTS, Z.K.~ Prinimala uchastiye- KUZNETSOVA, M.G.,, Behavlor of the sulfides of ~,-opper.., zln,.-, lead, and iron during roasting in presence of sodium chlorida. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintevetmeta no.19:293-307 262. (MIRA 16:7) (Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) (Sulfide s-149 tallurgy) YEGOROV, A.M.; TITOVA, Z.F. Temperature dependence of solubility products of salts with rmiltiatomia ions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.2;275-278 F 162. (MIR& 15:3) (Salts) (Solubility) YEGOROVI, A.M.; ODINETS, Z.K. Approximate calculation of the dependence of metal hydroxide solubility products on temperature. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gin- tsvetmeta. no.19:308-313 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Hydroxide) (Solubility) (Metals, Effect of temperature on) 7777= XWOROVJQ A.M.; ODINETS, Z.K. Certain conclusions from V.I.KuznetsovIs hypothesis of analogies. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.3z706-708 Hr 162. (MBA 15-3) (Chemistry., Analytical) YEGbROV, A.M~;. SMIRNOVA, M.N. Preparation of nickel orthosilicate. Zhur. neorg. khim.,8 no.8t 1987-1988 Ai- 063,. (MIRA 160) l. Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S. Kumakova AN SSSR. (Nickel silicates) YEGOROVO A. N. Yeg"U. A. R. "On river intakes in the Bads river basin (Southern Kazakhat&n),w Trudy Novoohorkas. politokhn, in-ta im. Ordzhonikidze, Vol. XVIIp 1948, p. 3-13 - Bibliog: 11 items SO: U-32649 10 April 1953Y (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, no. 3, 1949) YZGOROT. A.P.; BOCHXAUV. Y.V. (authors]; YARBXR, V.B., doktor mediteinskikh nauk Cii'Vriver] . OHemopolesis and iontophorstic radiation.* A.P.Ig hkar prov, Y.Y.Boc ev. Re- viewed by Y.B.Farber. Terap.arkh. 25 no.3:83-86 My-je 153. MHA 6:9) (Radiation) (Blood) (korovo A.P.) (Bochkarov, V.V.) YEGOROV, A.P. [Morphological blood analysis; handbook for doctors and studantal Morfologicheakii analiz kr07i-, rukovodetv(% dlia 7rachei i stu- dentov. 5. izd., perer. i dop. Moskva, Medgiz, 1954. 49 p.(IUaA 8:1) (Blood--Analysis and chemistry) YSaOROY, A. P. "Course in the Technology of Minerals," bk., Moscow, 1944. I-- EcofiOV3 A. 1". A course inthe teclinolou of nineral Substances. 2 izd., perer. 11osk-ra, ,y - Cos. r-auclmo-te-'&-. izd-vo k-Yi-im. lit-r-y, 19-"0. 134 p. (;51-26276) TP155.E3 1950 Y7 "I T, BOOK thor 1c)L, and -~~FSHT D -y T~ ull. T-:Ltls,: i-~. D-7 Trza-islitarated Titla: Ubshciiava khimiv,msk~aya t~;'~hnolo-iyz 'Puh si~ i "1,-! Ja ta bri -ina t' n.,,- ncy o n3 FU j j 4 Litcrature D,atr% : 19 '3 Nio. pj-.; 632 No. of CO-Af's: 2- > Editorial Staft' C Editor: Luchinskiy, TiCII. A. Editor -iil-G'aie f : loll fkhovicIhl S.I. Acad. Gthers: 3ratitud2 is, ,xpressod to valuabl:.t corments. Threc additional authors m::ntion-d: -IAI. ~Cxt Data G ov -.- ra E c The book consists of two volu;v-'s. Vol-arm I is dLvGv:d to 7c:-.~ral --rolle"is C' C.-InACA te,~-,131CL;y SI-Chas raw tcchnoloL~,y of vpitar andi -uo 1-,~. of a- '. -2a3, 0 3,_,` CI A I D-I i i j, I r ,I's ill?lstrat i-Or's --f j- ". .1,) bro? I'd 'L-l o~ arl;l coill't-i vs-Y !.-r i:lari I ,'J U." :ind ,o;ils s,;L in-iuOtv!.C!5 arc cjt,~d. Mpprovcd Oy Lhe Hi.n.-Lutry (A' ~~i6rmv --juratior, oC tti~f 4:3 a 1*(.11. O~lp;~rtw,~nt:; .FA eottnt-eii ol.' tli~!wl(-,~iL 114crinoloij. li ti,~S: lia;,,es c)C nany 1-jovioi, cl:,~Lpti!As ura faenti..~ned. No. of Aursiari and __Aavic iCefercriccs: 145 IU922-1~,:')2) va 2-1 la ble A.I.D.3 J,i'orzrr of 212 -6, .2~s KPI, USSR/Chemistry.- Chemical Technology Sep 53 "Review of S.I. Vollfkovich, A.P. Yegorov and D.A. Epshteyn's book 'General Chemical Technology (Obshchaya Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya), Vol I, 632 pp, Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1953," (P.P. Budnikov, reviewer) Usp Khim, Vol 22, No 9, pp 1165-1168 In this book material is organized on the basis of similarity of technol processes and partly on the basis of common raw material source. The section on thermal treatment of fuels discusses pyrolysis of solid fuel, conversion of petroleum and natural 26ft17 gas,,.-and gasification of solid fuel, including subterranean gasification. Development of the cbem ind during prewar 5-yr plans and the leading USSR chem schools are discussed. The section on basic inorganic synthesis describes new processes for production of conc HN by direct synthesis 03 and H2SO4- While and combined production of 1M03 the book has some shortcomings, it is a valuable textbook for higher educational institutions. 26Drl7 Ell f- 21, m - ~ :, ...- - . - 1. - SIA)HYANSKAYA, F.B., kaudidat takhnichaskikh nuldr; DYATIMA, V.N.; APANASIM, P.S*; YSGOROT, A.P.: VITKOVSKIT, M.N.; MISRIN, I.A.; MEDOVAR, B.I.; L,tmxf, 'n.A.T-APbHuK, Nju., k&Midat tekhnichaskikh nank; YRID, T&.L.; WIN, I.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Retheds of testing stainless steels for susceptibility to Intergra- nular corrosion. Zav.lab.21 ne.11:1314-1340 155. (MMA 9:2) l.Yeenoyuznyy nauchns-imaledevatel'skiy i kenstruktorskir institut khimichaskage mashinostroyaniya (for Slom7anakaya, Djratlova).2.Na- challnik TSentrallney zavedskey laboraterii (for Afananlrov)-3-Na- chalinik laboratorii eksperimantallnege zavoda khimichaskego mashi- nestroyeniya.4.Sumokey mashinestreitellnyyzavod imeni M,.T.Frunze (for Vitkovskiy, Mishin).5.Inatitut elektrosvarki imeni Yo.O.Patona, Akademii nauk SSSR (for Medovar, Langer).6.MookovBkoye T.Vasheye tekhnicheskoje uchilishche imeni U.S.Baumana (for; Pallchuk).7-Zame- stitell nachallnika Mentrallnoy zemodskoy laboratorii zavoda "Serp i Molot" (for Frid). (Stael, Stainlesa--Corrosion) BARSUKOV" V*2.; YJCGOROV, A.P. Some peculiarities in the formation conditions of hypogenic borate deposits [with summary in English]. Geokhimlia. no.6:673-683 '57- (MIRA 11:2) 1.Institut gookhimii i analiticheBkoy khimii im. V.I. Verna6skogo AN SSSR, Moskva. (Borates) YEGOROV, A.P. "The principlen of chemical technology' by D.A. Epshtain. Reviewed by A.P. Egorov. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no.1:150-151 J& 158. (HIRA 11:4) (Chemistr7, Technical) (Epahtein, D.A.) q. G 0 IIQX.- A ~,,k I n,-, ~. M - -, Volnile mapnetic flaw Iritx~nko-. Xhin. msh. 3 W--Te '59-- . : - .. . . 12:12) (Materials-Tosting) Role of magnesium in the composition of metasomatic formations with borate mineralization. Gookhimita no.2:164-176 160. (IGRL 13:6) 1. Y.I.Yernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical ChemiBtry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.R.R.. Moscow. (Borates) (Magnesium) (Metasomatism) YEGOROV, A,Pm Accuracy of height determinations from topographic maps in regional gravity ourveys. Geofiz, razved. no.6:118-124 161. (Siberia-Gravity prospecting) (WRA 15:4) . . . . . . . . . . . YEGOROV, A.P. Data on the boron content in some metamorphic rocks and their granitized varieties in the Taezhnoye iron ore deposit in southern Yakutia. Geokhimiia no.9:775-783 161. (141RA 15:2) 1. V.I. Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Anal~tical Chemistry., Academy of Sciences. U.S.SeRop Moscow, (Yalmtia-Boron) YEGOROV, A.P.; NEMTSOV, L.D. Practice of conducting semidetailed gravity surveys under the taiga conditions of Siberia. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.42t62-71 161. (MIRA 16:11) YEGORCVj, A.F. Recalculation of chemical compositions in minerals and rocks on the basis of orystallochemical data. Geokhi-lia no.9:778-793 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and An4-ytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciencesp U.S.S R,j MOSCOW* (Minerals-Analyeis) iRooke-Analysis) .I YEGOROVY Alp, Barometric leveling and aerial photographic sur7eying in geopbysical aurve~4ng. Geod. i kart. no.50.27-30 My 163. (MIRA 16: 7) (Barometric hypaometx7) (Aerial photogrammetry) YEGOROV) Afanasiy Petrovich; SHERESHEIISKIY, Abram Isaakovioh; AVRAI.'(YVA, N.S.., red.; KOGAIT, V.V.j tekhn. red. [General chemical technology of inorganic substances] Ob- shchaia khimicheskaia tekhnologiia neorganicheskikh ve- shchestv. Izd.4.) perer. Moskva, Izd-vo "Khimiia," 1964. 687 p. (MIRA 17:3) YEGOROV, KULAKOV., I.N.; SLOUSH, M.M.; SHKULEPOVA, L.G. Field testirig' AIN-P microbarolevels. Geofiz.razv. no.14: 143-154 163. (MIRA 17:3) -ACCESSION NR'- AT4002127 S/2702/63/000/014/0143/0154 ,AUTHOR: Yegorov, A. P.; Kulakov, I. N.; Sloush, M. M.; Shkulepovi, L. G. TITLE: Field investigations 6f the MBN-P mierobarometric levels SOURCE: USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye geologii I okhrany* nedr. Geofizichoskaya razvcdlca, no. 14, 1963, 143-154 TOPIC TAGS: surveying, surveying instrument, level, microbaromctric level, ancrold, MDN P microbaromeLric level ABSTRACT: The design and operating principles of the MBN-P microbarometric levels, xnanufactured by the "Gidrometpribor" plant, are described and Illustrated (see Figs. 1 and 2 of the Enclosure). Several such instruments were standardized prior to field tests. Field test's carried out to check the elevations of gravimetric stations showed level errors of +0. 56 m (366 readings) and 0. 68 m (315 readings) in sightings to gravimetric station cle- vagons of 7 and 14 km, respectively, from the initial station level. The moan square error -of closure was �0.5-0.7m. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 7 tables and 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Glavnoye upravleniye geologii i.okhrany* nedr (Main Bureau for Geology and Conservation of Natural Resources) -1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4016747 8/2604/63/000/049/008010085 AUT11OR: Yegorovo A. P.; Lozinalcayi, A. M. TITLE: Comparative tests of high accuracy microbarometere SOURCE: Moscow. V1186. n.-i. inat. goofiz. motodov razvedki. Razvedochnaya i promy*slovaya geofizika (Prospecting and industrial geophysics), no. 49, 1963, 80-85 TOPIC TAGS: surveying, high accuracy surveying, barometer, aneroid barometer, microbarometer ABSTRACT: In almost inaccessible regions of Siberia and the Soviet Far Eastj barometric levelling is of great importance. Barometric levelling is also widely used for gravimetric prospecting at scales of 1:1,000,000 and 1:200,000 when the mean square error in the determination of height is approximately �5.0 T and 2.5'm. No types of highly accurate instruments have recently been designed by VNIIGeofizika - an aneroid level with a microsopic micrometer and a string ng barometers have been designed by other institutions: microbarometer. The followi an optical microbarometer (SNIIGG]24S), a microbarometer with a flexible trans- Mi mission (Gidrometeopribor plant in Moscow) and a microbarometer with a cro- scopic. micrometer (VNXIM neftegaz). A diagram of the first aneroid level is Card 10 1 ACCESSION NR: AT4016747 shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. In the string microbaromater, which is-designed for use an a field barometric station, the sensitive element is a hermetically scaled sylphon. Practical use of these instruments will permit an increase in the' i number of 'meteorological stations for detailed gravimetric prospecting in a -given area. Orig. art. ban: 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Vacs. n.-i. inst. 'geofiz. metodov razvedkio Moscow (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Prosp~cting)' SUBMITTED: .00 DATE ACQ: 13Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: ES NO'REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 t Card 2/3 YHGOROV, A. P. Some characteristics of the locW.zation of metasomatosis and the mineralization related to it in regionally gremitivad Pre-Cambrian formations. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geol. 29 no.7t12-23 J1 164 (MIRA 18a1) 1. Institut geokhimii i analitioheakoy khimil imeni V.I.Vernacb- skogo AN SSSR.. Moskva@ YEgorov, Alcksandr Favlovich Geodetic'works during gqpp ration~'(Geodezicheskiye raboty pri geo- hysical explo , fizicheskikh razvedka~hY'~os-c(~~,--i-~d--~6--li~ dra", 66. 0191 p. illus., biblio 31250 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: geodesy, geodetic survey, geodetic instrument, topography, aerial photography, barometer, radar mapping, height finding, coordinate PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book views the problems of preparing geodetic work during geophysical explorations, such as seismic, electrometric, gravimetric, magnetometriel work and others. The book also includes problems, instruments, methods and r)ro;ical cedures of laboratory study of results from the obserwations made during aeo~hy explorations. Special attention is given to new instruments used in production as well as to methods for carrying out the studi6s. This book is reco=ended for technical engineers performing geodetic work during geophysical explorations. It can also be useful to specialists in other fields in which the determination of coordinates and heights of points is produced by simplified methods. TABIF, OF CONTENTS: (abridged): Introduction - 3 Ch. I. Geodetic works 5 Card -L--08519F 6T-------- ACC NR. ~UiT,6-01~-3 Ch. II. Use of topograph~-c marz 25 Ch. III. Use of aerial photography material 37 Ch. IV. Barometric leveling -- 71 Ch. V. Radiogeodetic measuring -- 133 -.Ch-;Vl. Construction of work basis - 172 Bibliography -- 189 SUB CODE: C)V'/SUBM DATE: OlFeb66/ ORIG RM. 034/ CTH REF: 000 Card 2/2 YEGOROY, A.S., doteent Uterine atresia, Akush. i gig- 33 no,2:56-61 Kar-Ap '56. (KLRA 9:7) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologii (zav.-prof. Ya.Y.Kukolev) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo insituta. (UTERUS. abnorm. &treat&, surg.) (ABNORMLITIM &treat& of uterus, surg.) -YEGOROV, A. S. Pathogenesis of intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus in prolonged pregnancy, late toxicosiB and heart defects in pregnant women. Alcush. i gin. to.4:52-59 '62. (MIRA 15 --7) 1. Is kafedry akusheratva i.ginakologii (zav. - dotoent A. S. Yegorov) fakullteta Dnepropgtrovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (PREGITANGY,, PROTRACTED) (TOXEMIA) (M=T-DISEASES) YEGOROV, A.S. (Leningrad) Studying the aiming capacity of the 870 [with susmsr7 in Inglishl. Vop. psikhol. 4 no-5:47-55 S-0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Eye) YEGOROV. A. S. Hypogene nonuniform lixiviation of quartz in iron-bearing quartzites of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, DokI, AN SM V+7 no-43920-923 D 162. (MMA 1611) 1. Institut geologii rudny" matorozhdeniyp petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D. S. Korzhinakim. (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly-Ouartz~' Netamorphism(Geology) Af 0 fie 9 002 094 .00-4 0 so 0 w 0 0 V 0 If 4i~hsm, and 1~44 emoi TJI# 1` stem Of ad'"' .1koo." Oki Kesda. Gooo4vol. U yaw" Mim 141, No. 3, Skwxib Vu&wkj&Ab NON No. 8; 70-1(1041).-VW most sW. campommi Is Aga, the Mut md.bCdCh. Tberchaterwwreuteetkat 3W' and 20.7% CdC4, 30.7% Aga, &W 30.6% PbCh. The kAy. of the compoeents Is the putero the Imer the M.P. of the q6tem. H. M. Lekester L A!!- I t A"TALLmISKAt U711147"I WINIPICAM $11ow u At 10 a I X K K a a 1, tW L 'a' I Aft I I a u0 x it I v a b a a-) X4 f I I"m 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 --Ww-q-ww-w- ; -W W ~'w - - - - *04000 60*00000 11-9 is XNAl a) no 4640 J, i_ A, A-it -00 .00 .00 "so -00 .09 see too see go* coo no* T STABNIKOV, V.N.; YEGOROV, A.S.; VISNEVSKAYA, G.L.; SOKOLISKAYA, Ye.V. Composition of the ether-aldehyde fraction. Trudy lFjr?III3P no.5:139-145 159. (MIRA 16:11) YEGOROV, A.S.;.MYAKOTA, L.I.; POLUNIN, I.P.; TARANETS, A.M. Improving the design of ionameters. Trudy Ukr3IISP no.5;180,- 196 '59- (14IRA 16:11) 14 YEGMOV, A. S. Zxperimental Investigation of the overcoming of difficulties under competitive coAditions (with eummary In Engliahle Yop, poikhol. 6 no.1:428-134 Ja-7 160* (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra psikhologii. (Sports-Paychological aspects) S/245/62/000/005/002/002 D222/D307 AUTHOR: TITLE: The adaptation of sportsmen to hypoxamia during re- peated suppression of breathing tinder different mental attitudes PERIODIC!J,: Voprosy psikhologii, no. 5, 1962, 84-90 TEXT: This study was carried out owing to the lack of in- formation in the literature on the possibilities, direction, limits and mechanism of adaptation to hypoxemia under various mental atti- tudes. Four series of experiments were carried out irith 40 subjects . In the first series the mental attitudo was uncontrolle'; in the sec- ond the subjects were asked to do simple arithmetical calculations; in the third they were aslmd to concentrate on the difficulties of their situation7 in the fourth they were asked to taIm a positive attitude and to think of activities where oxypn intake is small. Each subject underwent 10 periods of suppression, the duration of these periods were defincd by~the time taken to reduce the oxyhemo- Card 1/2 3/245/62/000/005/002/002 The adaptation of sportsmen U222/D307 globin contents of arterial blood to 6" of the initial level. The average times for the four c-,.I)eririental conditions were as foliows: I min 25.5 see; I min 31.3 sec; I min 20.3 see and 1 min 37.6 sec respectively. The differences in the development of ada:)tation can be seen from the differences between the first ' and last periods of suppression: 17 see, 23 see, 13 see, and 32 see respectively for the four series. These results can be explained according to the Pavlovian theory by invoking certain signalling functions of con- sciousneso. 'The author concludes that the results of this investi- gation constitute evidence shot-ring that mental attitudes can inf-lu- ence the adaptation of the organism to hypoxemia. There are 2 tables and 1 figure. ASSOC1XVION: Kafedra psilthologii institut fizicheskoy kulltury im. P.F. Lesgafta, Leningrad (Department of Psychol- ogy, Institute of Physical Education im. P.F. Ms- gaft, Leningrad) Card 2/2 A.S. Experimental study on overcoming difficulties in dynamic work. Vop. psikhol. 8 no.1:19-27 Ja-F 162. (2-MU .15:4) 1. Kafedra psikhologii instituta fizichaskoy kL11tury imeni F.F.Lesgafta, Leningrad. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (EXERCISE) ARTIUKHOV, V.G.; YEGORO.V,-,,A.S.; BEMNIKOVAJ, D.S. Movwment of nitrogen compounds in the column during the rectification of alcohols produced from molasses. IZV. VYB. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6:31-33 163. (NIRA 17:3) 1. UkrainsIdy nauchno-is5ledovatellskiy institut spirtovoy i likerovodochnoy promyshlennosti, laboratoriya khimii i rektifikatsii spirta. 77T777 ARTYUKHOVI V.G.; BEREZNIKOVA, D.S.; YEGOROV, A.S.; KLIRENKO, K.V. Losses of fusel oil in the products of yeast separation. Spirt. prom. 29 no.6:36-37 163. (MM 16-.10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut spirtovoy i likero-vodochnoy promyshlennosti. (Distilla,tion) (Fusel oils) ARTYUKHOV, V.G.; YEGOROV, A.S.; Prinimala uchastiye Klimenko.* K*V.j khimik Movement of fusel oil in the rectification colurLn of a beer still with indirect action futing tho manufacture of high purity alcohol from molasses mash. Trudy Ukr.NIISP no,8:36-47 163o (MIRA 170) MATYUSHA, A.G.; YEGOROV, A.S.; PETROVSKAYA, M.V. Investigating alcohol losses and impurities in the return of the ether-aldehyde fraction to the production in molasses distilleries. Trudy Ukr.NIISP no.8:48-59 163. (MIRA 17:3) MATYUSIIA, A.G.; YLGOROV, A.S.; PETROVSKAYA, M.V. Studying the balc-mce of esters, aldehydes and acIdB in the fractional distillation of molasses alcohol. Trudy UkrIIIISP no.9:44-50 164. (MIRA 17:10) ARTYU11OV, V.(,',; A.~--'.; f P.M.; N .i.K( )VA , + 4 - ~hp - ~n, r -.,, c t 10 r , 'h-r L~l 4, - -.4;.1- 1,1_11,yiro, I, , i~a' -g,, of filsel o1l in the proi ,I~f* h ; 11 -.. ~ Ef Cror", i 1 -5F 164. "!Oil( -#~or. Trudy ric-0:51 a (1-awk iv: 10) DANILKO, G.V.; ITGOROV, A.S.; STADNIKOVI V.N., prof.) riauchny.-,r konsulltant I U s 7 imlof ion exchanie resLins for removal from t1he of Iritiesinseparable during the rectification. Trudy UkrNI15? no.9:59-71 164. WIRA 17:10) ARTYUKHOV, D.S. Effect of the re-71- ra'ic on the distribution of alcohol i= t-i-s 30 64 ill a rectifying calwan. Ferri. i spirt. prc..-.i. (MIRA 17: 10) 1. UkrainsIdy mauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut spirtovoy i likero- vodochnoy IzorTfshlemosti. D. Khornutetskaya. R. 1. Jklalkina. and N. T. Ktutruk (CMW UnOC11M. IAII. t1titluvioni. ViogokUc i I'mo. Agra4pitwp S.S.S.R. 10. No. d. 43-,5(itW)-JUmtrvmct- tic pit dems, (4 wine prmlt Clow torlifilAogical "Itua ul lerrmMi.timl P"Kr". I L Oatflekl A. S. Dissertation: lllnve.,~'Jgation end ILirmverent of Control of th,~- leidity c;f -nterre,"Iele rroduct-- cf the Llcohol AT-dustr-,." Cnnd Tech ^ci, Kiev 'echnclon~?cal lnst Of '_h~- Food Industry ireni A. 1. ','ikcvrln, 23 AT.1- (Fravda Vkrainv, Yiev, 4 514) SIO: SUM 243, 19 Cot 1~cr 14 - ---'-,-777T`~~ -.-TZGOROV. A.S.: VISHNXVSKAYA, G.L.; :SOKCLISLAYA, Te.V. ~Aw,gwj, -omposition of alcoholic liquors in the purifring columns Spirt. prom. 24 no.7:18-22 158- (MIRA 11:11) (Distillation apparatus)