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fir 57 .... I till illy 1 1" 1, I's .19 -.BOGDANOV, 1.70, LAVROV, N.Y.; MAUROV, I.A.; PIOKIR,, A.Te.; CHMNMOV, I-I- Possibility of obtaining syntheols gas in oemicoke- producing ovens using an air blast enriched with oxygen. Gas.'prom. 4 no.11:18-22 159. (MIRA 13-.2) (Gas manufacture and works) I ~ BOGDAMY, 1. .; RMTSIV, K.M.; KOROBOV, T.V,; IAVROV, N.V.; MDSIN, A.M. Organic synthesis from carbon monoxide and water vapor. Trudy IGI 11:91-99 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Carbon raonoxide) (water vapor) i BDGDANOT, I.F.; LAVROV, N.V.; MMIKOVI Ye.P* Ultrasonic waves used for investigating, controlling, and intensify- ing physicochemical processes in the technology of fuel. Trudr IGI 11:205-214 139. (MIRA 13:6) (Fuel) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) LAVROV. N.Y.; akademik; MOSIV, A.M.; BOGDOOV, I.F. Kinetics of hydrocarbon synthesis from carbon monoxide and water vapor on a cobalt catalyste Uzb. khim. thur. no.4:62-66 16o. (KM 33:9) 1. Institut energetiki i aytomatiki AN UiSSR. 2. Akademiya nank UzSR (for Lavrov). (owdrocarbons) (Carbon monoxide) (water vapor) (Cobalt), KOSTOMAROVA, M.A.; BOGDANOV, I.F. .Calculation wthod for processing the results of synthesis from carbon monoxide and steam. Trudy IGI 16:61-58 161. (min 16:7) (Carbon monoxide) (Steam) (Chemistry, Organic-Synthesis) KORSH, M,P.; BOCPANOV I*F.t LAVROV. N.V. &_ --- Present-day 'trend of the research work on the 4rification of combustible gases by the removal of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, Trudy IGI l6t367-387 161. (HIRA 1617) (Gases--Purification) KOSTOMAROVAP MOAOJ'~~Jj ~V~I F. Study of synthesis from carbon monoxide and water vapor on an iron cats.3yet. Xhim.i takh.topl.i masel 6 no.I.M-25 Ja 161. (MIU 34: 1) 1* Institut goryuchikh isko Ivkh AN SSSR, (Carbon monozide7e (water vapor) (catalysts) T, - ACCESSION NR: AT40)t8187 S/0000/64/000/000/0012/0016 AVrHDR: hishchenko, 14.-Li; farberov, 1. L. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); Beg~pp Ft.~, TITLE: I nves t I gat I im of the 2Mjj,%U1of I I near pol Ymer Inder the i nf I uence -of flash heating SOURCE: All SM. jnstltut:goryuchlkh likop'ayemy-fth. Gazifikatslya I plroliz topliv (Ga!4Fication and pyrolysis of fuel); sbornik siatey. Mo5ccf4, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 12-16 TOPIC TAGS: pyrolysis, linear polymer, polystyrene, polyethylene, synthetic rubber, coke, flash heating yrer~e lyethylene and ABSTRACT: The py~polysis of linear polymers such as pRlylt , pcL sy-r-dhetlc --ubberpinder the influence of flash heating was investigated and the typical analytical data for an emulsion polystyrene, type 0, obtained at 600-1200C are tabulated. The yield In coke residue of pyrolysis Increases with an increase In the terN)erature of flash heating. This is especially clear at 1200C, at %,-.hich the coke residue yield increased to 65%, and the liquid resin yield decreased to 18% by weight. The rate of gas evolution during pyrolysis of polystyrene Is con- Istant at 800-1200C or higher, and the amount of evolving gas increases propor- Card 1/3 1H L j~"~o 4-65 ACCESSION MR: AT4o48I87 tiona'lly wits- the temperature, order to establish the relationship between the specific rate of gas evolution and the weight of the sample, pyrolytic experiments were carried out at 1000 and 1200C for 0.2 and 2.5 9 sarVies. it was found in .both cases that the rate of gas evolution decreased uniformly with increasing welglit of sample. Equations are given for processing the experimental data. The calc0ated and experimental gas evolution rates for both temperatures are tabulat- ed& The proposed equations permit calculation of the total amount of gas for samples of different weight durirg pyrolysis by flash beating at 1000 and 1200C. The iyrolysis of polyethylene differs considerably from that of polystyrene In that marked gas evolution is already found at 600C. With a further increa5e in temperature, the gas evolution Increases. The data obtained here also show that the )Ield In coke residue during the thermal decomposition of an organic substance deperds on -.the heating conditions. Concerning the reactions during the pyrol~sls of sInthetic rubber, the variation in the yield of the main gas components with incre-asing i:eimperature of flash beating Is Important. The tabulated -data show that with Increasing temperature the amount of unsaturated compounds passes through a ma>Imum whille the hy0rogen content of the gas steadily Increases, especially after 1000C. The composition of the pyrolysis gases for these three polymers as dete;mIned by gas chromatography is tabulated. 111. V. Ramanova also took part in i-the work." has. 6-tables. Orig. art. Card.. -~-65 T~ 152o4 WccESS ION NR-'- A7048187 ASSMATION: none SUMMED: 04Apr64 ENCL-. 00 SUB CODE: OC -127790-65 (J)/FjPR _Pc-4/P'r-4/Ps_4/"t_!0 UV/DiAll, ACCESS1014 NR: AP50134312 S/0191/65/000/002/0026/0028 AVMOR: Bogdanov, 1. F.; Grel~ens'hchikovaG. V.; Losev.,._M. B.; Hishchenkog M- Lj.; ---------- TITLE- Study of the thermal degradation of polychloroorganosiloxane 1 3 -4 SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 2, 1965, 26-28 TOPIC TACS: silicorganic polymer, 0 aanosiloxane, polychorosiloxane, polyimr ther- mal degradation, p1henylailoxane polymer, chlor ted polymer ADSTRACT. The effect of ch3orinstion of the phenyl radical on the thermal stabili- a ty of polydimet!ylRhenylsiloxanesilwas studied experimentally. The thermal proper- ties of Volydimethyl-, polydimetRy1ch1cro, polydimethy1dichloro- and polvdimethyl-, trichloraphenylsilo-cane were determined by recording the thermal eifects oi pjjo!-~__ yrisi ~_o 800C on. Xurnakov's pyrometer, by measuring the pyrolytic wei-ght loss to 1000C,,, and by analyzing the gaseous dec-omposition products generated up to 1000C. Tl-.e non-halogenated polymer sbowed a small exothermic effect at 530C, while the chlorine-substituted specimen exhibited stronger exothermic effects at 550-565C, the height of the peaks increesing with the number of chlorine storms. Chlorine Card 1/2 7 1 27790~65 i ACCESSION NR: AP5004312 containinil specimens Started to decompose at lower temperatures, and the rate of gas generation and the parcentage of bonded chlorine split off as hydrogen chlor- ide both increased with the degree of chlorination. The amount of hydrogen liber- ated as H;! or methane as compared with the initial hydrogen content of t_he methyl groups decreased in the i-hlorinated polymers, indicating a shielding effect of chlorine vith respect to the stability of the methyl. Generally, the thermal sta- bility decreased with inckeasing chlorine content. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCUTION: None SMMnVED! 00 ENCL~ 00 NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER.- 002 Card 2 /2 SUB CODE: OC, GC j%qPAN V,.., -, VOLKOV, V.Z.; MOSIN, A.M.; FARBEROV, I.L., eokt~~,.- tekhn.nauk .L -!.,j~jj Problems in the chemical processing of gases obtained from urder- ground coal gasification. Trudy VNIIIPodzergaza no.13:2(-31 165. (MTRA 18:8) 1. Institut, goryuchikh iskopayemykh, Moskva. --- -- --- ---- I- - - -- - --l----- -I--- - -- - -- - - -- - - - I I OUSEVO As i.; URUBIN, B.S. j JOG 0 Press for the semiautomatic- upsetting of b6lt heads. Kus.-shtam. proizv. 5 no.502-38 My 163. (MM 16:9) BOGDANOV, I.I.; XAMOJRSKIY, N.M. Modern bacterial collectors (data on acme foreign investigations). Gig.i san. 26 no.3:81-85 Mr 161. (NIRA 14:6) (BACTERIOLOGY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) .(AIR SAMPLING APPARATUS) Ap6m893 SOURCE COW: UR/0358/66/035/003/0290/0292 AUTHOR: Netaklyt Go I.; Bogdan ORO: Department of Medical Zoology and Parasitology, Omsk Wildlife Disease Research Institute, Ministry of Health RSFSR (Otdel meditainskoy zoologii i parazitologii Omskogo nauchno-iouledovatellskogo instituta, prirodnoochagovykh infektsii Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya RSFSR) TITLE: Index of potential epidemiological significance of natural foci of tick-borne -encephalitis and Omsk Ihemorrhagic favor SOURCE: Meditsinskaya parasitologiya. i parazitarnyye bolezni, v. 35, no. 3, 19669 290-292 TOPIC TAGS: human disease, epidemiology, disease focus, virus disease, disease 4ector, tick, tiw~mft encephalitis, Omsk fever AgSTRACT: .,Four distinct foci of Ixodas ticks in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions overe investigatedfor the population and seasonal prevalence of ticks land the incidence of virus infection in the population. In taiga. ;;;as '.the infection rate of Xxod" penuldatua varied from 4.5-9.4%. in flood- plain regicne 0#8-2.0% of the v actor population (Darmwntor pictus) 'harbored viruses.. Do tole piotua carrying Omsk fever vii~s and inhabit- AP6021893 I I 1.1 1.- C. -aammvt I.K. Nov wage oyvtem. Aytono, telex i eviaz' 4 no.10:1-2 0 '60. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Starshir inshener po tradu i sarabotnoy plate Glavnogo upravleniya signalizateii I evyazi Hinisterstva putey soobshcheniya, (Railroads-%laries, pensions, eta.) BUZINIYERp Mikhail losifovich) BOGDANOV Ivan Kuz'Tyjh MASLOVAI tY~ F. Yokaterina, Somenovna E red.; CHIZHITSKIY, Ya.G.,, retsenzent; KRISHTALI, L.L., red. MEDVEDIVA$ A'A., tekbz4 red. (waged -of signs,lin ~40 A m=all t. =3 worke Oplata, Utda. r&b6tzik*- -"A *W~'i'uvlazij spravochnik. Pod obsbobel rtd. I.F.Drobanko. Mosk --Transzheldorizdat 1962. 103 p. (MIRA .15:9) (Wagesm Railroads) BOGDOOT, I.L. WVWA-Aw. w" Classification of clinical forms of diphtheria. Pediatrita, Moskva No.3.-54-59 I June 50. (OLML 19:4) 1. Sverdlovsk, 1. ~i ~ 4 BOGDANOV, I. L. "Experiments at; the Institute of Infectious Diseases, AFS USSR Regarding Prophylaxis Against Dysentery in the Region of the Construction of the South Ukrainian Clanal in 1951," Vracbebnoye Delo, Vol 5, 1952, PP 435-"0. BOGDANOV, I. L. 'USSR/Yedicine - Brucellosis Jun 53 "The Problem of Vaccine Therapy of Brucellosis According to G. F. Rudnev's Method,tl I. L. Bogdanov, L. D. Ralyberdina, Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Sverdlovsk Med Inst Zhur Mikro, Epid, i Immun, No 6, pp 25-31 Vaccine therapy of brucellosis according to G. P. Rudnev's method was found to be to an advantage, because irritation caused by the antigen may be achieved with minimum doses of the vaccine. This method involves 2-stege treatment with a preparative dose of 300,000 bacterial bodies followed by a "working" dose of 500,000 bacterial bodies. Intracutaneous administration of the vaccine was abandoned as too irritating. 267T14 00&D11 ri 0 V, I -L- - UOMAM" - B; Oct 53 USSR/Medicine - Typhus "Application of thE Reaction of Com-olement Fixation for the Diagnosis of Typh-ats, 11- I. L. B6gdPjiov, L. V. Ponomareva, Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Sverdlovsk Hed Inet; Sverdlovsk Dermatol-Venerol Iast Zhur Mikro Lmid i Imnun, No 10, pp 86-7 ComDarison of the reaction of complemeat fixation (1), the Epstein-Welgl reaction (II), and the Well-Felix reection (III) showee that I is more sensitive and specific than either II or III. 266T30 - BOGDAXOV# I.L., professor, saveduyushchi-l.- SYTJIVmAvmjAuvA, v*ma; &Aw&Uw,^I --! -P.T.~-,-klavnyy vrach. Penicillin effect umon the streptococcal flora of the throat in scarlet fever. Pediatriia no.2:8-13 Mr-Ap '53. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Kafedra infektalonnykh bolemey Sverdlovakogo maditainakogo iustituta, (for Bogdanov). 2- 3-&Ya gorodskaya, detakays. bollnitea (for Alferova). (Scarlatina) (Penicillin--Therapeutic use) JIMMI.-L.L. prof essor. Gonference of reasearoh workers and practitioners on the problem of scarlet fever. Vest.AMN UM no.1:46 Ja-Mr '53, (MLM 6t7) (Scarlet fever) BOQDMRO~, J-A~-;SYROMYATNIKOVA, Y.M. '4 Streptococcal flora of the mouth in scarlet fever and its relation to penicillin therapy. Pediatriia, Moskva no.2:8-13 Mar-Apr 1953- (CL14L 25:4) 1. Professor for Bogdanov. 2. Of the Department of Infectious Diseases (Head -- Prof. I. L. Bogdanov) of Sverdlovsk Medical Institute and Smolensk Third Municipal Ghildren's Hospital (Head PlWaician - P. A. Alferova). /0 1,/ la=YA* S.A.; irminr IY, S.N., professor, ohlen ,,rkorrespondent Akademii moditain- skikh nauk saveduyushohly; ZOGIIANOV. *+h . professor, direktor. Zffect of intestinal Notozoa on the course of dysentery in infants. Vop. pediat. 21 no.4:9-11 JI-Ag '53. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Otdolentya spideziologii Instituta infektsionnykh boletney Akademii medi- tainakikh mm, SSSR (for Phichkovskiy). 2. Inatitut Infektsionnykh bolezuey Akedemii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Bogdanov)- 3. Akademiya meditsinskikh nank SM (for Rachkovskiy). (Dysentery) (Protozoa, Pathogenic) BOGDANOV9 I.L,!,. professor 31va,luation of the effectiveness of therapeutic use of penicillin in scarlet fever* Pediat.rila. no.5:66-71 8-0 154. (KM 7:12) 1.-1z, Institute. Infektolonnykh bolesney AMN SSSR. (SCARLM-FIVIM, therapy, Penicillin) (PINICILLIC therapeutic use, ,scarlet fever) BOODANOT. 1.L., professorl FARM, N.A.. h%ndidat meditsinskikh nank Olinical aspects and diagnosis of virus Influenza in scarlet fever in children. Pediatrita no.6:45-50 N-D 054. (MIRA 8:4) 1. Is Kiyevskogo instituta infekta. bolesney AMR SSSR (SCARLET YMM, complications Influenza, diag. & ther.) (IRPLUMU, In Inf. .and child in scarlet fever, diag. & ther.) BOGDMOV# I*Log professor Results and problems in antibiotic and vaccine therap7 of brucenosts. Sovened. 19 nool:20-27 Ja 155. (XLRA 8t4) Is Chlon-korrespondent Akadsmii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. 2. Is Institute. lnfekteiomWkh bolaxne3r Akademit meditsinskikh nauk USSR, 117ev. (BRUCK10SIS, therap7, antibiotics and vacc.) (ANTIBIOTICS, therapeutic use, brucellosis) (vAconas Aim uccinnia, vacoine.ther. of brucelloste) BOGDANOV, I.L.-q rodaktor [Scarlet favor; clinical aspects and therapy] Skarlatina., voprosy kliniki L torapii. Pod red. I.L.Bogdanova. Xlev. Gog. med. izd-vo USSR, 1956. 261 p. (MIRA 10:4) (SGARLIT FZVM) BOGDANOV, I. L. "The Comparative Evaluation of Various Methods of the Ear3,v Application of Antibiotiesp in Scarlet Fever",, a report presented at the First All-Union Conference Devoted to the Clinical-Experimental Stukv of Antibiotics, Moscow, 25-27 April 1955, Antibiotiki, No 1, 1956 BOGDANOV, i..U., professor txiyev) MONWdata on Botkints disease and tasks in its control. Vrachadelo noill.1:1127-1139 N 156. (KEBA 10:3) 1, Chlon-korrespondent A14N SSM (ERPATITIS, IVXCTICYUS) BOGDANOV, I.L. (Prof., Corres. Mbr.) Acad. of Med. Sci. USSR) 1, Administration of Penicillin and Other Antibiotics in the Treatment of Scarlet Fever," p- 339 Ministry of Health USSR Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on Antibiotics, 31 May - 9 June 1957- P- 405, Moscow) Medgiz, 1957, V7, *L., rofe (Kiyev) p Preventive role of modern methods for treating infectious diseases. Vrach.delo no.11:1169-11?5JI 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMR BSSR (COMMUNICABLE DISASIS) (CHEMOTHERAPY) BOGDANOV, I.L., prof*, redo - -,- [Scarlet favor; problems of epidemiology, clinical aspectat and therapyl Skarlatina; voprosy epidemiologii. kliniki I. terapli. Pod red. I.L.Bogdanova. Kiev, 1958. 313 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut infektsion- nykh bolemy. 2. Chlon-korrespondent ANN SM (for Bogdanov). (SCAM= PRY ) 0-'O'(5,C)AA10 [//j 2, /, 00LISHnYI,I.M.;IL",flIKHOVSKIT. Ye.I. (Dneproi.De trove k) ; XOROVITSKIT, L.X.~ LATSINNIK, Ye.Ya. (Odessa); BRAUDE. 1.R. (RhArikov); 3CODAWV, I. jKiyev) " jaw.m., A~S~ IsnAk Illich levin; an obituary. Vrach delo no.2:219 7 158. (LEVIN, ISAAK ILOICH, 1904-19585 ' (HIRA 11:3) BOGDANOV-,,I.L., prof. ~ Scarlet fever as a streptococcAl infection; from materiAls of the lnstitute of Communicable DIBeA889 of the Acndemy of 1-ledicnl Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest.Al-IN SSSR 13 no.2:27-37 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlen-korreepondent AWl SSSR. (SCARIET FEVER. etiol. & pathogen. streptococcAl Infect. versun virnl theory (Rua) BOGDAEOV, I.L., prof. (Iriyev) study of acute infectious diseases in the Ulnited States' Trach.delo no.81877-882 Ag '58 (MMA 11:85 I* Ghlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR. (UNITED STATES-CO*WlGABLE DISEASES) BOGDANOV, 1. L. Proceedings of a seaviou of the Institute of Infectious DiaeAues of tha AcAdemy of Medicine of the U.S.S.Ro on the problem of PoliomYslitis. Kiev, 1958- Vest- AM SSSR 13 no.8:54-57 158 (141RA 11:8) 10 Chlon-korrnspondent AMR SSSR. (POLIONMITIS) BDGDANOV, I. L. ., ., " ~- I- " 1 ! "Prophylactic s~-gnificance of modern methods of therapy of infectious diseased.6 report submitted at the 13th All-Union Oongress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infeetionists, 1959. BoODANOV, Ivan Lukl-vanovich [Antispidemic and therapautio regimen in hospitals for polio- a7elitis patients] Protivoopidemichookii i lechebuyl reshim v statsionarakh dlia bollnykh poliomielitom. Kiev, Goemed. isdat USSR. 1959. 181 P. (HIRA 13:3) (POLIMMMITIS) BOGDANOV, I.L., prof. (nwer) Second International Congress of Infectious Patholog7. Vrach.delo no.grggl-994 3 159. (MIRA l3t2) 1. Chlen-hrrespondent ANY SSSR. (COHMNICABLE DISIUSES-CONGRESSES) BOGDAROV, I.L..,,[Bobdanov, I.L.] . lle~ 01920wam~: PoltorWalitis. Nauka i zhyttia 9 wo6;25-28 Jo 159- (MIRA 12:8) 1. Cb1on-korrespondent AMN SSSR, diroldor Instituta lnfektsiy- rqkb bolosbay, (POLI-OWILITIS) - %-I- .BOGDANOT. Ivan.Luklyanovich, red. [Poliomyelitis; problems in the etiology, epidemiology, patho- genesis, clinical aspects and treatment] Poliomielit; voprosy atiologil, apidemiologii, patogeneza, kliniki i terepii. Kiev, Gosmadizdat USSR, 1960. 283 p. (MIU 13:12) 1. Akademiya maditainakikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Inatitut infektsionnykh bolenney. (PMIOK=TIS) BOGWOV, I.L,, prof , ("T1 CoWbea on the problem of hygiene and the prevention of in- fectious diseases In Bresden. Trach.delo no.2:209-211 7 160. 1. Chlew-1correspondent AM SSSR. (MM 13 t6) (COMMCABLI DIMIAMLS-cowGussm) BOODANGVt_I.L., prof. (Kiyov) Infectious hepatitis and ways of studying it. Vrach.delo no.5:453-457 MY 96o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. (HEPATITIS9 DMGTIOUS) BOODANOV, I.L., prof. (Kiyev) *'14~ ~Mcal distinction betveen virus and bacterial infections. Yrach. delo no-8845-52.J4,,.160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR- (BLOTERIA, PATHOMIC) (VIRUS DISWE9) 000 BOGDANOVO I*Lop prof* ("v) Tnternational Epidemiological Symposium in Prague. Vrach.delo no.11: 141-143 N t60* (MM 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SM (IPMMM=--CONMRSSRS) BOGWOVp I*Let Prof. (Kiyev) Control of poliomyelitis in the Ukrainian S.S.Ro Vrao'ho delo no..12: M-n6 D 160,. (MIU,3.411) 16 Chien-korres'pondent AMN SSSA. (UlM~IffPOLIMMITIS) BOGDANOV9 I.L. Poliomyelitis as a droplet infection. O.esk.9pidem.mikrob.imtM.q n0-5/6:356-357 jl,6o. is Ustav infekoniob nesool, Kyjav. (POLIOMLITIS apidemioi) - BOGDANOV, I*Lv, prof*j ALSKSErEVA, NeVe Picture of the white blood cello in poliaWolitis and its diag- nostic significance. Fediatriia, no.10:51-54 161. (KIRA 1429) 1. Iz Instituta infektsionnykh bolezney AMV SSSR. (POLIMff=T]B:) (LMOGYTES) BOGDANOV,, I.L. Early medical use of specific heterogenic gamma globulin in poliomyelitis. Vest. AMN MR 16 no.4:44-50 161. . (MIRA 15:5) 1. Is Instituta infektsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR. (POLIOMYELITIS) (GAN-M GLOBULIN) BDOANOV., I.L. I;U- r f infectious process depending on the type of disease agents* Report submitted tothe Intl. Congress for Hicrobiologyp Montreal,, Canada 19-25 Aug 1962 BOGDA )V I.L. ._.p Ways of studying infeatious hepatitis. Vest. AM SSSR 17 no,,2-. 23-32 162. (1-9-RA 150) (IMPATITIS . INFECTIOUS) BOGDANOVL I.L., Prof. (Kiyev) Role of early diagnosis and etiotropic therapy in preventing in- fectious diseases. Vrach.delo no.8slO6-IU Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya UkrSSR. (OOMMUNICABLE DISUSES) nor.DANOV, TyM Timirl3mmyleb, prof.; RICHENKD,, N.L., red.; NARIEKAYA, tekhu. red. V [Scarlet favor as streptococcal infection]Skarbitina kak 'etreptokokkovaia Infektaiia. Kiwi, rzbim6dizdat USSR, 1962. 311 P. (HiRk 160) 11 4 1. Chlen4orrespon404~, kkademii maditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Bogdanov)., (SCARLETTEVER) -90-GDANOV. I.L. [Bohdanov I.L.]; FIATABA , Ta MO; DUBIISKAYL, K.O. K.0.1;.ALEKSEYEVA, I.V. (Aleksieieva, N.V.], Use of corticosteroids in the acute stage of poliomyelitis aIxI in other nerve infections. Pad., akush. i gin. 24 no.1:9-11162. (KERA 16:8) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney ANN SSSR Kiyev. (CORTICOSTEROIDS) (POLIOMULITISJ CHIKK&M. Yakov Pedorovich. sostaritell; AMDANOT, I.M.,' uchitell matematiki; MOMM', A.Ya., uchitell; GRUSOV, N.V., uChH4l'V!"MVUK, T.I., uchitell- nitea; %DR&VOMl=VA, N.K., uchitallnitea matematiki; BORISOV, S.A, uchitell matematiki; KITAYGOROWNIT, P.I., uchitell matematiki. [Teaching mathematics in the schools for young workers] Is opyta prepoda- vanila matematiki v ahkolakh raboohei molodexhi; sbornik statei. Moskva, Isd-vo Akedemit p*dagog. neuk HUSR, 1952. 128 p. (MLR& 6:5) 1. Akademiya podagogichonkikh n&uk RSFSR, Institut metodov obuchani". 2. Shkola rabochey molodyeshi No 52, Moskva (for Bogdanov). 3..Shkola ra- bochey molodyezhi No 31, Leningrad (for Modell). 4. Shkola raboahey molod- yeshi No 4, Moskva (for Gnusov). 5. Shkola rabochey molodyeshi No 65, Mo- skva (for Pavuk). 6. Shkola raboohey molodyeshi No 71, Leningrad (for Zdravavqslova). 7. Shkola raboobsy molodvezhi No 32, Moskva (for Borisov). 8. Shkola rabochey molodyeshi No 45, Moskva (for Kitaygorodski7). (Mthematice--Study and teaching) DOGDAA'UV,_I.M. Lektorskiy, v.a. Computation of percentages im schools dor working Soviet youth Mat. v shRole no. 3, 11052 ISACHKIN, B.Ya. (penza); MALININp V.V. (Leningrad); k09PANOV, I.N.; SENNOVSKAYAP F,V,, obahchestvannyy metodint; ASKEROV., K. (Baku) Draft program for-matbematiC8 in grades 9. to ll of evening (staggered) secondary schools of general education. Mat. v shkole no.3:57-59 147-Jo '63, (MMA 16:7) 1. Inspektor po shkolam rabochey molodezhi Kalininskogo rayons. Moskv7 (for Bogdanov). (Mathematics-Study and teaching) POV L -M. ?A i~ANISOV, HikiL Ni'kolayevich Ov ,;-~BOOPAA I,M., red.; IVAUOVq R.I., tokbn,red, [Tbe Nonstantin Bduardovich TSiolkovskii Home-Munqual Dom-musei Konstantina Iduardovicha TSiolkovskogo. Kaluga, Izd-vo gazety wzn8mia " 1957. 47 P- (MIRA 11:2) tTSIOLICOVSKII, XONSUNTIN IDUARDOVICH, 1857-1935) KHEVELEV, E M.; KRIVTSOV~ K.S., kand. arkhitektury.. nauchrWy red.frinimall uclZtlye:J9P_A_NQV_, I.M.0 inzh.j IDIKONW, V.F., inzh.,-.VOLFYAN, B.L., inzb.; DIVIDOVICH, LoNs. karA*'tekhn* naukp retsen2entj DEHI- SOV, Yu.M., re4.; ROZOV, L.K., tekhn. red. (Design of city garages] Proektirovanie gorodskikh garazhei. Ioanin- grad.. Goo-, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.., arkhit. i stroit. materialam 1961o 183 p. (Garages) CHERNYAKOVSKIY, F.P.- BOGDANOV I N . Improved Guy balance. Prib. i takh. eksp. 7 no.2:176 Mr-Ap 162. (NIRA 15:5) 1. Yaroslavskiy tekbnologicheakiy institut. (Magnetic measurements) BOGDANOV Ivan Malakhiyevi h KOSTIN, V.P., red.; POKOF-AREVA, A.A.., [Agricultural planning in the zone of production administra- tion] Planirovanie sellskogo khoziaistva v zone proizvodetven- nogo upravlaniia. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 174 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Agricultural policy) KOZLOV, Ye.K.; DOPCRAYEVA, V.S.; BOGDANOV,, I.S. Unique ore gab~ro-norite pegmatite -of Nittio Mountaig in the Mon~be-nmjra. Hat. po.min. Noll,.poluont.-3:86-99 162. (MIRAJ713) 0*4 001 004 00 it 090 go* 004 o*W 09 4 v x v 4 41 41 40 sit Ac! CT -A., I -VA-A- k ~j --k -A, -0- --A 1-1-1- A-L.ALA -00 Y. 'Lahaya ia arc A cmtinuou. ~Pr 0;-47R# td~N=7 217 I for cita. of rmtwkh cendsting of a -00 t t wipow 0%4w twit 6 cft~d shaft earrying UK" bb*dm =Wfts and open On a counirr. ~66 tufftnt prbidple, we* AtAI.ILA IMIALLURSCAL WINATUM CLUWKATOW -le as .00 a** Zoo 4070 a** lose goo 1300 go* US* a* 0 ISO* goo BDGDANOVj Me-, YZVZLIN, L.Me: CHUUMV, T.S. v-'-'%--. '. nits for drying and moisturing leather. log. prom. 18 no.8:12-15 6 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Leather-Machinery) - BWDANOV, IvV,, Insh,; LNIZZROV, A.T,,- insh.1 MMNSHTM9 R.D9, insh* -i-, Wheels with rubber elements used for rall'transporto Zhele dor, traney. 41 uc.3165-8? Mr 159. (HIBA 1217) (Car wheels) RNDV, A.A. [deceased]; CHUDAMT, T.S. New devices for removal of burdock and other,foreign matter from leather and fur raw materials. Kothedbuy.prom. no.12:16-16 D 159. (MM 130-5) (Hideo and skins) ---- - -- -- I - - - --.. , ,- , BOGDANOV I V - PLATONOV., S.A., polkovnik, red.; MUKHACHOVA, M.D.p tekhn. red. I (Automatic frequency measurement] Avtomaticheskoe izmere- nie chastoty. Moskva, Voenizdat 1962. 85 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Frequency measurementsi BOGDANOV, I.V.; YEVZLINp L.M. Belt conveyor dryers for paperboard. Bum.prom. 38 no.1:27-28 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Opstidarstvannyy proyektnyy institut predpriyatiy legkoy pronyahlennosti Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta narodnogo I&Ozmatva. (Drying apparatus) (11~perboard) SKURIKHIN, N.F.; SHORp R.M.; GOLITSEN, I.I.; METELKIN, A.I.; WOPANOV,,I.V. Conference of leather specialists on the problem of automation and mechanization of the operations in leather manufacture. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 6 no.ltlO-19 Ja 16.4. (MIRA 17W 1. Glavnyy spetaialist G03udarat"nnogo proyektnogo 14tituta No,2 (for Skurikhin). 2. Gosudarstvannyy proyektnyy institut No.2 (for Bogdanov). 3. Kiyevskiy kozhavennyy kombinat (for Shor).. 4. Moskovskiy kozheTannyy-zavod (for GoIltsen). 5. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kozhevenno-obuvnoy promyshlennosti (for Matelkin). -OCGI)ANCV", T.Y.- - - Device for the thermal fracturing of rock. Gor. z~ur. no.505 My 165. NUIRA 18:5) BOGDANOVP I. yeo PA 65T36 Atr 1948 Relays, Telephone Telephone Lines- perational Organization of a Booster Point," I. Te. Bogdanov, Chief of a Booster Point, 2 pp i "Vest Svyazi- Elektro-Svyazl" No 4 (97) Training of personnel to operate booster points on long transcontinental telephone lines is one of the prim requisites for Improving performance of the whole network# Describes the wMerlenoes of one booster station along tranooontinental line using 32-, channel system of commicatione. Training of j?er- sonnel. and proper organization of work are two impor- tant faotors In efficient perforstance of boosterv&-W. PA 21/hOT17 n NOV NOT Telegraph Line Units "The RoI6 of Booster Points In the StruMle f or Better Telegraph.Telephone Main Linea," 1. X. Bogdanov, Nag Booster Point, 3 p Ovest Svyazi 31ektroavvaz'" Vol VIII, No 11 tesoribes various operational and maintenance measures adopted by vorkers on Moscow-Kiev line inspired by spirit of.nocialist rivalry. ............. BOGDANOVI I. Ye. "OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC LEVEL REGULATORS FDR EQUIPMENT OF THE 12-CHANNEL V-12CHANNEL V-12 SYSTEM" Vestnik Svyazi, No 8, 1952, pp 11-13 Translation M-1286, 8 Nov 56 j &Ctneer .,g _ "Elimination of Shortcomings in Maintenance and Servicing of Comimnications Trunk Lines," Vast* Mazis No,7, pp 19., 20, 1953 Translation No. 543, 27 Apr 56 POMWMV, 1. Ye. DOMANVI, I. Ye. - "Increasing the Effectiveness of Us;ng Systems of Packing on Sy=--trical Trunk Cable Lines for Cormini cations." Min Cor-imni cations USSR. Yoscow Electrical Engineering Inst of Commnications. MOSCOW, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SOURCE Kni7hnaya Letopis', No 6 1956 BOGDANOV, I-Te-, kand-tokhn.naWc Remotre control of a switch assembly. Nekh.1 avtomproizvo 14 no.8-.18-21 Ag 060. (Kum 13:8) (Jilectric railreade-Switches) (Remote control) BOGDANOV I Ye j-I&nd.tekhn.nauk; BARINOV, V.V., inth. Automatic conveying of spools to weft winders. Mekb. i avtom. proizv. 15 no,7tl9-*U JI 161 (MIRA 3.4:6) (Automatic control) tReels (Textile machinery) t "I BOGDANOV, I.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk Remote control of the vacuum system in cleaning the working members of carding machines. Tekst.prom. 22 no.1:82-83 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Rukovoditel' gruppy elektroavtomatiki Naro-Fominskogo otdela mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii TSentral'nogo proyektno-konstruktor- skogo i tekhnologicheskogo byuro (TsPKTB) Moskovskogo oblastnogo sovnarkhoza. (Carding machines--Cleaning) (Remote control) BOGDANOVO I.Ye.., kand-tekbn-Itauk Automation and blocking of the passage of two electric trains on a com--- ntrack* 22 no.8;80-82 Ag 162. (MA l5a) 1. Rukovoditell gruppy alektroavtomatiki Naro-Fominskogo otdola mokhanizatoii i avtomatizatoii TSentralinogo proyektuo-konotruktorskogo i tekbnologichookogo byuro (TsMBj Mosobisovnarkhoza. (6onveying machinery) (Automation) BOGkUK.-Z~) kand.tekha.nauk Automatic control device for waft bobbins. Makh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.10:27-30 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Automatic control) (LOOMS) BOGDAN f. 1J00- Pao electric trains A )ttomation of the. sage ok intrafact on crossitga. Toket-PrOUP23 -Ta 163. NIRA 1612) 1. Rukovoditell gruppy elektroavtomatiki Naro-Fominskogo otdola mekhanizatzil. I. avtomatizataii TSentrallnogo proyektno-konstruktorskogo i tekhnologichookogo byuro (TSPKTB). (Railroads, Single-rail) (Automation) BOGDANOV, I.Ye.,, kand. tekhn. nauk Automation-of the intraplant electric transportation. Tokut. prom* 22 no,7:76-78 i1 162. (MIRA 17il) 1. Rukovoditell-gruppy elaktroavtomatiki Naro-Faminskogo otdala.mekhanizataii i avtomatizataii TSentrallnogo, proyektno- konstruktorskogo i tekbnologichaskogo byuro Soveta narodnogo, khozyaystva Hookovskogo, oblastnogo ekonomicheskogo administra- tivnogo, rayona. BOGDANOV I.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk I "M qrv ll;:~~ I Automatic switch. Mekh. i avtom. pro-izv. 17 no.4 43-45 Ap 163 (MIRA 17:9) BOGDMOV, I.Ye., kand.takhh.nauk 7. ~ ~ Automatic control of power presses. Mekh.i avton.proizv. 18 no.2:12-14 F 164. (MIRA 17W *W BOGDANOV, I.Ye.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic turning switch* Mekho i aytomeproizv, 19 no,,3930-33 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) -Mr, --A-P6012974 A rc SOURCE CODE: UR/0094/65/000/005/C,057/0037"t t "I AUTHOR- Bogdanov,.I. Ye. ORG: none TITIZ-.# Materials of the CentraL.Science Research Institute of Patent Information SOURCE: Promyshlennaya energet;Lka, no. 5, 1965, 57 TOPIC TAGS: research facility;:iscientific information ABSTRACT: The Central Scienc JeSearch Institute of Patent Information (TsNT created in January of 1963 has ~ the task of making avaraKe--T--'-"-- rmation I pa ent info concerning foreign and domestic patents. In 1965, a catalog of translations of patent materials will be available. The institute has developed about 100 tables of bibliographic infomation (tabulograms) on descriptions of new inventions related to machine building, power,instrument construction, heavy industry, etc. Several examples of descriptions.of foreign patents whicb,will be published in 1965 are. presented. (JPRS1 -D W n COM '0~' SUEM one. Card-lZj ------------- - -- Wim~~ MATC(M) 1_9ftn66 Eff(d)AWMAAWMkiA~Nh~ We -ACC AP6003743 SOUNCE CODES UR/0104/65/000/604/00`?2/00~3 AUTHOR: Bogdanov,, I* Yee (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLEt patent an perving technical progress -SOURCE: Elektricheaki,7estantaiij, no..4. 19659 92-0,3 TOPIC TAGS: scientific infor*tion scientific policy' scientific organization ABSTRACT: 7he Central Science4esearch Institute of Patent Information and Tecluiico 3conmio InvoistinaMn=sTsLUJI created in January 1963, ha3 DiS task or maltinZ avaUable patent Infoniation concerning foreign and domestic patents. It publishes a listof foraimn patent descriptions received in U the USSR, as well as the Byaleten Izd*orateniy i Tovamekh Znakov (Bulletin of Inventions and Trade Xarlki) dsp~cribin.- inventiona'and trado maeks reZistored in the UM, and translated information on patents'publi3hed in the official patent: jourmls of the MA, IRG and ErWAand. In addition, patent Journals on special subject areas are published. and the microfilm shop is now engaged in r4crofilain the entUv contents of the all-mion patent-techniml libraryq a total of'over J-011 lop.patents as of-lbe time of publication of this article., LJW SUB COMS 05 J SUN DATE t hons Card UDC: 347.77ltOO2.6 BOGDANOV., I.Ye. Information on patents in Our country. Elektrichestvo no.4: 92-93 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) BOGD&NOV, K., starshly redelmrt I------------- Inar's-asing the zoisture resistance of nautical charts. . -Mor.flot. 20 no.8:16-17 A-g 160. (UM 13--8) 1. Teentrallwye lmrtoproixvodstvo. Okutical charts) (Paper coatings) B_OG',DANO ~* VESELOVY P.; NOSOVA, A. Readers suggest. Fin. SSSR 23 no.7:77-79 Jl 62. (14IRA 15s1) 1. Nachallnik inspektaii gosudarstvennykh dokhodov T-ambovskogo rayonnogo finansovogo otdela Tambovskoy oblasti (for Bogdanov). 2. Zaveduyushohiy Luginskim rayonnym finansovym otdelom Zhitomirskoy oblasti (for Veselov). 3. Inspektor Arskogo rayonnogo finansovogo otdala Tatarskoy ASSR (for Nosova). (Agriculture-Taxation) (Luginy District-Community centers) (Agriculture--Auditing and inspection) ~10 ~* 0 Pt ip 0 0 BOGDANOT, K.A. Materials of Sedoy's polar expedition during the first wintering in 1912-1913. liv.-AN SSSR. Ibr. Geog'. n0.3:85-90 MY-Je 157. (Sedov, Georgil rAkovlevich, 1877-1914) (MM 10.-12) (Arotic regions) BOGDANOV. Xonstantiu Alekssn&rovich; YAKOVLEV& Yu.A..kand.takhn.nauk, nz .-gidrografp spetere .; M&D"Np Z.S.p red.izd-va; KOTLYAKOVA. 0.1., takhred. (Marine Morekle morskogo 147 P. (Nautical charts) navigation charts; manual for merchant ship handling] navigatsionnyo karty; ponoble dlia sudovoditelei flota. Leningrad, lid-vo OHorskoi transport.n 1960. (KIRA 13:7) (Ship handling) PAVLOVAq Alekeandra Vasillymaj BOrn p otvo redej KULAG M p T,I.v redo; ZHUKOVAI Ye.G.p - . re . (Marine charts] Morakie navigatsiomVe karty. Leningradp lzd--yo Leningr. univ.9 1961. 179 p. (MIRA 1419) Olautical charts) NWHERCFV,, I.P. (Leningrad).; BOGD~NGV,, KA. (Leningrad) Witness of a bold scientifio undertWdAg-snd heroism; a map of the Antarctic cruise of the First Russian Expedition to the South Pole. Pritods, 51 no*5t$9-91 V7 162. (KEU 15: 5) (Antarctic regions-Haps) AV