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YATATKI X, L. M. Recent. data on fossil flora from travertines of Chistopoll Bot.shur. 41~ no.9:1287-1291 S 159. (MMA 13:2) 1. Xazanulciy goeudarstvannyy univeraitat in. V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Chistopoll District--PaleobotaiW) Ay yATAYKIN L. (Kazan') Work of the Kazan Branch of the All-Union Botanical SOcistY in 1960, Bot*zburo 46 no.6s920 Je 161. (MMA 1.4 t 6) (Kazan-Botanical societies) -R, 7W EMU", I" OV V.I.; YATAYEINp L.14. Recent find of up.-mr Oligoccnc flora in -.tcztc;rn Y.Lzakh~;tan. Dokl. -U' SSSR 136 678-679 ja 161. no. 3: !A:2) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy uni-varsitet imeni V.I. Ullyanova- -adz)rL: -cm V.I% 6uYxchcvym. Lenina. -Predstavleno al l.. (Nustanay Frovincez-ralcobct-any, Stratigraphic) 4-~ i - ~~. 2 z itf i ~ ~ -t- m ~~ -~, 1 ~ ~ ;~ I :!~ -- ;-, !'.T; 111 - ~~ - - " ", ~ - mmpwmm~ -- - --- - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- --- - !:;~ ~ ~ *.,, . ~. -~~ W t ; ~ 4" , x- -j,., , . . , " ~, 17 ~5 ~ -, :- ~ -i , . %. jt~- 7~' ' ~,z ,-.1 m 4,-, YATAYKIN, L.M. Flora and vegetation of the Akchagyl stage in the region of the Lover Kam. Nauch. dokl. vyg. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:135-139 162. (MIRA 15:3) Rekomendavana kafedroy sistomatiki rasteniy Kazanskogo gosudarstvenno.-o universiteta im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lonina. (KA14A VALIEY-PALEOBOTANY) ;1X- YATAYKIN. L.M. Use of correlation analys4s in determination (speclficat-4on) of the age of horizons containing spore-pollen floras. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkG'Ly; biol. nauki no.4M8-120 164. (MIRA 17t12) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy sisteiratiki rasteniy Kazanskogo gosudaretvanncgo uni7eraiteta im. V.I. nlyanova-Lenina. Comparative characteristics Of normal and callous plants as oxe-inplifled by Beta vulgaris. Fiziol.rant. 12 no.4:736-739 ji-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:22) 1. Kafedra botaniki, agronomii i kormoproizvodswa Kazan- 13kogo votorinarnogo inatituta. Submitted June 16? 1964. PANKRATOV, V. (g.Kotlas); TATCHEIMO, F- (9.Kotlas) Cre Pechora rail- ation of protective forest belts on the rona. Zhel.dor.transp. 36 no-5:71-73 147 '55- NIRA 1215) 1. GlavW inzhonor Pechorskoy dorogi (for Pankratov)b 2. Hachol nik, otdola zushchItrqkh lesonasaphdaniyFacbornkoy zbeleznf)y dorogi (for Yutcbeuko). (Russia, Ila rthern--Railroad u --Snow protection and removal) OusRia, Northorn-Vindbreaks, sholtarbaltn, etc.) 20"1 -5~ hX; r, NMI YATCFMIKO, F.I. Sitablishing shelterbelts In the tundraIregion along the Pechora Railway. RAst.Kr&1n.Sav.SSSR i ea oav. no.1:93 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Otdel 2&shchitnykh losonasazhdaniy Pechorskoy zbeleznoy dorogi. (R*t1ra*A&-Asw-V=tsctLon and removal) (Ruesia,Noribern-Windbraaks, shelterbelts, etc.) YATCHENKO, L.D.. Stratigrapby of the Lower CretAceous depoeits of-the LeBser B&Ikhem. Izv.AN Turk,SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh*qkhim.i geol.nauk. no.3:82-88 162. OURA 1615) 1. TSentrallnaya kompleksnaya tematicheBkaya ekspeditsiya 'Upravleniya geologii i okhrarq n8dr pri Sovete Min-istrov Turkmenskoy SSR. (Lesodr Balkhan Rarg&-neologyp Stratigraphic) 5 YPTCHR41CO, L. D.,--- f. .4 - jjjFpsj- b,,undary !~f '.he distribution of the repre5enta"t Ves Of the genus Lepthoplites. lzv. A Turk. 88R. Ser. fiz.-tekll-, (MIRA 18- khj.m. i geol. nark no-3.126-IZ7 164 .0 Turonian and Lower Coniaclan sediments of the Eisheyrnko7 Anti- cl lne. Ibid. -.127- 21 1. Mentraltnaya kor,,CLcksnaya tematicheakaya ekopeditsi-ya Upra rl 1 1 okhrany ned r pr! Sovo Le 'rlLn Is trTi Tvr~cmenb 0~-SSRI jj- SOURCE'-~ol~E-:.-'.-U.R/02-'02-/66/000/003/0124/0128' AU'MOR: Yatchenko. L. D. 0--'G- (Turkmenskaya dition UG SM Tur;ar.SSSR gcolor.-gcofizicheskaya ekspeditziya UG SX Turl-miS5R) ''TI I ITL_ F)tructure of the Yiaykop scrica in the western Kopat-Dag 3OUIRCE: AN TurlvnSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fLiziko-tokhnicMskikh, khimicheskikh i geologic'neskikh nauk, no. 3 1966, 124-128 TOPIC TAGS: geology, physical geology "I. A DISTRACT : A description of the comoosita cross secion along the profile Kyzyl-Chorhmc-Ezzot-Bcunna is given. Me May! op series, the main otibjoct q of this papcr,.is divided into two oubserioa -- Upper and Lowor Maykopf 1ho a-c of the Lower May1cop, at the base of which tah Solenovskiy horizon, VU i 43 sit "ad, has been assigned to the Middle Oligocene. 7no Upper Maykop, .4 on the Lower Maykop and Torymbeurskaya scries., lying with unconforva ha3 bean_.assigncd to the Upper Oligoccne. '~ho uncor4formity of the Upper %fraylkop o dif n forent horizons of the Palcogeno in tho vicatern Kopot-Dagiq evidence that the folded structures -,,.are fo,.-mod in the pro-Upper !.r1aykop period. A --h---p increase of 'he thiclla=3 of the Mayliop series (by a u factor of four) in a short dirtanco (4-5 Isi) between the Bolshoy ard Ilanly ranges can be related to subsidenco of the Uzokdaigskiy block bounded on the east by the Ezzct-Karagczskiy deep fault. RZ: -,03 h~Lo: I fifure. 1JPf 37,7- SUB CODE: 08 SUBM DATE: 25JU165 C--U G 11M, FCO 5 Card UDC: 551-7. KmO. II.K., TTUTANKINA., Ye.Y.; SIRDOVA, A.G.; Zo; MISYURA. K.R.; ZUDINA,,A.A.; MISTURXIIKO, A.T.; TATCHENKO, M.G., red.; [Sco=7 of the Xhabarovsk Territory; a atatistical manua larodnoe khoziaistvo Khabarovskogo krala; statisticheakil obornik.Wlabarovskl Dabarovskoe kaizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. 127 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Kbabarovekiy kray. Statiaticheekoye upravleniye. 2. Statisti- cheakoye upravlenlye Khabarovskogo kraya (for all,ercept Yachanko). 3. Nachallaik Statinticheokogo upravleniya Embarovakogo kraya (for Yatchenko) (Kbaberovsk Territory-Statisties) AMR KOTXLINIKOVO VA.; ZOIFA. A.A.; HISYLMMO, A.T.; YA-"ICIIEIIXO, XJz,, red.; :)(AEMOVA, S.M., red. (Area under cultivation and the number of cattle in Khabarovsk Territory; a statistical manual] Posevnp ploshchadi i pogolovie skota v Khabarovskom krae; statistichaskii sbornik. Khabarovsk, Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo# 1958. 167 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Khabarovbkiy kray. Statisticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Rachallnik Statistichookogo upravleniya Khab-rovskogo kraya (for Yatchanko)o (Khabarovsk Territory--Agriculture--Statiatice) YAT22WJQ,_Semsn Vasil'Yevich, kandidat tpkhnichookikh nauk, doteent; SMfR OV, A.G.. redaktor; PZV-Z=. tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Lathe work] :rokarnoe deloo Izd. 7-o6, ispr. Mookvaq Goo izd-vo selkhoz. lit-rYs 1956. 532,P- iKIBA 9,9) (Turning) U01M pzb~ UTCHIMP Semn izd-To oelkhos. -T=j*] Tokmoe delo, 8. izd. Jopr. )(06kTao lit-ry; 19580 532 po lell semen Vasiltyevich; BEIKOLINIKOV, A.B., red.; zUBRILINA, Z-F-- tikhn. r8 lathas3 TokarnOO d6lOo lzd.9.9 perer.9 dop. :6) EXachining On oz.lit-ry, 1960. 493 P. (Kin 13 Xcskva. GOB-izd-vo sel'kh (Turning) YATCrif.'*'%'- S Vkand. tekk4n. nauk; ZAYTSFI, inzh.; YAWAIIIN) V.Yu., inzh. inz":") VAMITEL', Su rfave hardllnjng Cf ItIlOV al.loy -ly mm'shing. Yashl.roj3troanie no.3028-40 t+Y-Jo- 165, Ytl.T-EL') V.G.;WROFOTvKOPP.Ye. MARUSENKO,, B.Ya. AIZENMU, N.G.KOLESI[INo D.G,WAYS P.D.YATELS "A New Disease of Horses and Men" by V.O.Drobottko., Pye. Marunenko., BX. ljzenmm.. NOG. Kolesnikp D.M Kubya;yl P.D. YA7ELI,, V.D.Malinichankoe RUSSIAN# pert Vrachabnoe Delot, ffo.3-4.,1046.,ppa25-198. YATELt, T. P, Yatell, T. P. "Aspects of Certain Immunity Feactions in Ontotvnesis.11 Acad Med Sci USSR. Kiev, 1955. (Dissertation for the Deeree of Candidate in l4edical Science) XORNYUSHMIXO, N.P.; YATELI, T.P. Stud.v on the biological and antigenic properties of certain strains of the influenza virus isolated in Kiev in 1949-1953- Mikroblol. zhur. 17 no.2:29-36 155 (MIRA 10:5) 1. Z Institutu infe&tsiynikh zakhvoryuvan' Akademii medichnikh nauk. URSR. (INFLUENZA VMUS biol. & antigonie properties of strains isolated in Klev)(Uk) Liji-Lucaza v;Lrua mraina loolated in Kiev "Characteristics of Influenza Virus Strains Iq~)lated in Kiev in 1953 and 1954," by T. P. Yatell, Inatitute of nfectious Diseases, Acade Y or Te ca Sciences USSR, Voprosy Virusologii, Vol 2, No 1i Jan/Feb 57, pp 47-52 The article dezcrlbes at ties of 48 strains Udies Of the UM Of Influenza virus is,lantlgenlc and biological Proper- `uarY -1955 In Kiev. ated between August 1.953 and The strains were isolated largely by means Of Infe embryos with nasopharyngeal smears. for chick ez ,bryosj and pathogenicit, Hemagglutination acting 11-day chick Identificati v for whit CtivitY, Infectivity on Of the strains was accomp, e Mice were determined. T~,pe Ished by means glut1nation inhibition reactions with standard and loca,.Of cross hemag- ZesPonding immune rabbit serum. Type Identifl.,ti strains and cor- terlstjOB are presented In Table I and Figure 1. on and antleenic charac- Properties. The dynamics of antl-I Table 2 Shows biological e3caml4ed In 1.953 and 1954 are afluenza antibodies Properties of -in influenza patients strains of 111fluesh... In Figure 2. Table 3 lists biological ferIng disease courses. nza virus isolated from Patients with dif In the text. The results Of these investigation$ are analyzed It was.concluded on the basis of'these results that two types of virus, A and Al, were isolated both during interepidemic periods of 1953 and 1954 and during the epidemic outbreak in November and December 1953. Thirty .strains of type A and 15 of type Al were isolated. The type classification of the rem ining three strains was not precisely established. The strains isolated were not identical to the laboratory strains in, antigenic Struc- ture. Certain differences were noted even among strainp .)elonging to the same type. On, the basis of the fact that'strains isolated from patients with sporadic cases of influenza in the summer of 1953 were identical to strains responsible for the outbreak in November and December 1953, it .-was supposed that interepidemic strains participated In the genesis of the 1953 winter outbreak. When studies of the biolog'ical an& antigenic properties of strains belonging to the same type but isolated from patients with different courses of disease (severe to light) and apparently healthy were compared, it was impossible to establish any appreci- virus carriers. able differences in their properties. (U) -x. VA.SHCHINICO, K.A.;,TATAL'.,T.J?.; LITOVCHIHKO. S.Y. Disorders of the nervous symem in influans4 C.. Trach4dalo no.4s 373-376,Ap '57- (NLRA 10--7) 1.'Ttor4e klinichaskays otdeleniye (say. - prof, I.I..Xoroskin). epidemio.logicheakiv otdel (zav. - kand.aed.nauk N.P.Ko#O-ushanko) In"tituta Ufaktaionnykb bolssney ANN SSSR L kafedra nervnyk'h bolezney (Z*av;.--m- deystv. chi~.n AMN SS,$R, prof. B.N.10tilko~akiy) Klyovskogo madiiiiackogo instituta. (NARVOUS SYSTJIM--DISEASES) (INrWBNZA) MAKSIMOVICH, N.A.; KORNYUSEENRO, H.P.; BOTSMN. N.Ye.; YATALI. T.P. Virtwological and morphological peculiarities of acute paeumonia in small children. Pediatrita no.9:34-40 8 157. (XIRA 10:12) 1. Iz Institute infektsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR (Kiyev) (PMUMOIIIA) 7 411441 z .11.,P.; RYBIRSKAYA, L.H.; YATWL1, T.P. (Kiyev) Influenza C in a lft*dpllll~ ~-' 1F-'57. .duIIts and children. Yrach-delc nO.11:1207-1209 L Inst,itut infektsioInnykh bolegney AMI SSSR NIRA 11:2) (INYLUJINZA) -11-~'ll~P-YlNF.,~16-~--"k.*1441I Inn p Mn-l A!i P,1;4410- R'J'A Yv, M Rm USSR/Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. Grippe Virus Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1959, No 14629 Author : Kornyushenko N,,P. Forbinskaya L.N., Yatell, T.P. Inst t -! Title : An Epidemic of Influenza Type C. Orig Pub : V sb. Gripp., N., Mediz, 1958, 44-51. Abstract : No abstract USSR/Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. Grippe Virus E Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol-, No 4, 1959, No 14625 Author Yatel, T.P. Inst Tttle A Comparative ChuracteriBtIC of the Strains of Influenza Virus During Epidemic and Inter-Epidemic Periods. Orig Pub V 6b.: Gripp, N., Midgiz, 1958, 80-90 Abstract No abstract Card -----7.'USSR/Human and Animal~Viruses. Grippe Virus E 'Abs Jour- '~R6f2hur.- Biol., No 4, 1959, No 14605 Author .'Yatel!, T&P* Inst ------ Title The St-~xdy of a Few Strains of Grippe Virus Adapted to the--,'OrsanIsm of White Mice. Orig Pub V sb, s Gripp. M*' Medgiz, 19581 90-95, Abstract 1 ThG usual form of adaptation-waa observed follow- ing intranasal injection of allantoic cultures of the type A (recently,isolated as W0,11 as laboratory strains),, Imediately:following the first pas- sages lung lesions resulted In the animals, leading to theirdeath. A particular form, of the adapta- tion process took place following infection of tho nice with.,rocontly Isolated strains of the virus Type A. Having produced a severe, frequently Card 6 at I . I . KORMSMWKO, N.P.. YAT-VLI. T.P. v irologic on; epidemioloelcal studies on obliterated forms in influenza. Zhur.mikroblol*epid, I IMMun- 29 UO-6:49-53 Js 158 1, It Instituta infektsionnvkh boletney AXN SOSR. NIRA 11:7) (IM'I,UEUZA, remission* virol. epidemiol. aspecta (RuR)) A~ Ar, -S R KORNYU3H=1(0, N.P.; YATILI, T.P.; RTBINSKATA, L#N* StiologIcal and epidemiological characteristics type C influenza in Kiev In 1956. Yop. virus. 4 no.1:43-46 JTa-7 159. (KERA 12:4) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR. Uyev. (I"LUIM", epidemiol. 0, in Russia (Rua)) -T ~l T~~.N ft 'I YATMC, T.P. Life and activitieu of Hers,-Ushinekil; on the 25th annlver=7 of his death. Mikrobiol.zhur, 21 no.2:68-70 159- Ollu 12: 9) (BIOGRILPHI14S) II.P.; YATHLI, T.P. Joint scientific conference of institutes on the influenza problem, hold in Kiev. Mikrobiol.zhur. 21 no.4.-69-70 159. (IIIFLUBNCA RESnRCH-CONGRESSES) (MIRL 12:11) 4n, -- - ---- .t?K~5' YA T-%L ~Z gg 4 rM T4 ig - HAI fill VASHCMKOj M.A.; LITOVCIIEIIKOP S-V-; YATELI, T.P. Neurological syndromes in influenza during the 1959 epidemic. Vrach, delo no.8:55-59 Ag.'60- (MIPA 132-9) 1. Institut infekts:Lonnykh bolezney Al-24 SSSR i klinika nOrvnYkh bolbzney (zav. kafedro7 - deystvitelsnTi chlen AIOI SSSR, prof. B.N. Mantkovskiy) Kiyevskogo raeditainskogo instituta. (INFLUENZA) ('NEIJVOUS SYSTE14-DISEASES) M. REM R N w O"S T?- W f, 4~1 StuAy of type A2 influenza virus strains isolated in Kiev during the interepidemic period of 1960-1961. Milmobiol. zhur. 25 no.3:10-17 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Jnstit~jt infektsionnykh'bolezuey Ministerstva zdravo,- okhraneniYIA UkrSSR, Kiyeve IV I -UMMADW113 Lm YATELI, T.P (Kiyev) Virological and serolcgical characteristics of ir-fluenza 'n 1962. I 'frach. d- lo no-lo.1011-107 ~~ 164. (WRA 17.4) 1. Institat infekts-ionnykh bole7ney Ainlaterstva zdravookhraneniya Lrk.rSSR. YATELI, ~T.P. Materials on the st.W7 of type B influenza in-Kiev in 1963. Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no,1:16-22 165, (MTRA 18;7) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya UkrssR. AweNt-r BERZIN, A K.; YAKULEV39,B.M.; YATISt:AsAe Ug -of,nuclear photoewAlsions in efudYing ths noutro" 62, e atron. TPI 122t2l-*- of a 25 Hav. bet background use of type IA-2 nuclear tphotoemulgione in studying the spectrum of betatron neutr6nse lbid*327-.29 (KM 17:9) "'T F. -, T YAKOVIEV, B.M.; YATIS, A.A. Background'in nuclear emulsions formed under the action of radioactive Impurites and cosmic rays. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav;; fiz. no. 308-91 164. (WRA 17:9) 1. Nwichna-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki, elektroniki i avtomatiki pri Tomskom politakhnicheskom institute iment Kirova. -.f --~4 'h"4-I YZ~ yAYOVI,3V, B.M.; YATIS, A.A. kgro-and and criergy spectrum of neutrons from a Studying bac ns. Izv. vYs, ucheb. zav.; betatron with the aid of nuclear emulsio KIRA 16:9) fiz. no.4:3-9 163, 1. hfauchno-issledovatellskiy institUt yadernoy fiziki, elektroniki -- titute imeni S.M. 3. avtomatiki pri Tomskom politekhniclae3kom ins Kirava, (Betatron) (Neutrons) (Photography, Particle track) ~,H W-A 5 M X yAKGvLEV, B.M.; YATISy A.Ao,,._, Use of a slide rule in determining the energy of neutrons from the paths or tao6il protons in a nuclear photoemu,laion, Izv.,vya.ucheb, zav.; fiz. no-3:127-130 163o (MIM 16'-12) 1. Neuchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki, elektroniki i avtomatiki. pri Tomskom politekhnichookom instituto imeni Kirovao 94 -W- -~--'CQA 1A." Vi R-g --g -RAL N '26 NP, -1 OR -41, -M %7M -1V T RK. ACCESSION NR: AP4041850 S/0139/64/000/003/0088/0091 AUTHORSi Yakovlev, B. M.1 Yatis, A. A; TITLE: On the size of the background in nuclear emulsions, produced under the influence of radioactive impurities and cosmic rays SOURCE: IVIUZ. Fizika, no. 3, 1964, 88-91 ~1 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear emulsion, particle trajectory, photographic I*processinge radioactive material, cosmic ray ABSTRACT: In view of the importance of the background when nuclear, vemulsions are used with weak radioactive sources or with nuclea:. re- actions of small cross sections,or of low energies, the authors es-~ A,'timated the background in Soviet nuclear emulsions type'NIXFI Ya-2, H!T-3, T-1, amd A-2, with emulsion thickness 100 and 200 microns, Emulsions of various ages were tested* Particle tracks and stars i with Crom'two to five prongs were studied and processed* To prevent 6rd F ACCESSION NR: AP4041850 ion of the tracks and stars in the'emulsions, the 1 regress atter were stored at O*C. All emulsions were processed under identical conditions. The sources of the tracks and stars were shown to be impurities in the gelatin and cosmic rays. If a glass substrate was used, additional sources might have been radioactive impurities in the glass. Data were obtained on the distribution of the number cks as functions of the length, and on the variation of the of tra number of events with the "lifetime" of the'emulsion. Co!npa on, ris with Ilford emulsions indicatda that thecontamination of the glass substrates is about the same in Ilford and in Soviet emulsions. 'Methods of reducing the.background are discussed. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. A SOC S IATIONt Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiz ki, elektroniki i avtomatiki pri Tomskom politekhnicheskom. institute imeni S. M. Kirova (Sci-entific-Research Institute of Nuclear Physicsvl- r imec -mic Institute) Electronicso. and Automation at the Tomsk Polytec'. F -icarJ 2/ f I J I ---;v I" , - --- -i - , ~ , ~.- i~ -, - , 4..~ - ~ ol- , I ACCESSION NR: AR4022438 S/0058/64/000/001/A037/AO37 SOURCE; RZh, Fizika, Abs. lA333 AUTHORS: Berzin, A. X.; Yakovlev, B. M.; Yatis, A. TITLE: Investigation of the neutron background of a 25-MeV beta- tron with the aid of nuclear emulsions ,CITED SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 122, 1962, 21-26 TOPIC ,-T. betatron, betatron,neutron background, nuclear emulsion technique, optimal, Gamma ray dose, GammIa.ray intensity, neutron flux, Gamma bremsstrahlung TRANSLATION: Results are presented of measurements of the neutron background in the betatron laboratory of the Tomsk Polytechnic In- stitutewith the aid of nuclear emulsions.. Knowledge of thb neutron background is essential in the study of photonuclear reactions, and 'Cardil. _i/2 ;'..ACCESSION NR: AR4022438 also when betatrons are used in medicine and biology. The measure- ;ment procedure is described in detail. Photographic plates with emulsions 100 and 200 microns thick were used. The optimal ga=a- 'To avoid errors due to the paper cover -ray dose was 4-6 roentgens. '~of the plates, the latter were.irradiated without paper in a.dark :''room. The constancy of the intensity of the gamma radiation was :,monitored with the aid of two ionization chambers. The i.autron flux' ilwas measur It .38 x 10 neu- ed at 12 points. s maximum value was 6 4 ~,tron/CM2 per roentgen of ga=na bremsstrahlung. V. Voronin;* DATE ACQ: 03Mar64 SUB.CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 --- ---- -_ ----- -- MEW YATKO, N. CIAtko, Xykolal (Oaasoa) T he goal of his lifO. Nauka i zh7ttia 9 n0.9:29-31 5 '59. (MIRA 13: (Kyrychanko, Yedir llryhorovych) y NOW TkTKOVITS. Pa.; LIVSHITS, YU.1i. Osteozqelitis of the thoracic portinn of the spine complicated by posterior medlastinitis with an esophageal fistula. VestakhAre no'3:108-109 OUA 9:7) 7 Mr 156. 7 l.-I% Petrozavodskogo okrutnogo gospitalya. (SPINE, din. osteomyelitiso thoracic, with exophageal fistula & zediastinitie) (OBVIOMLITIS spine, thoracic, with mediastinitie & eoophageal fistula) (FISTUL& onophagomediaotinal in mediaotinitis & osteomyelitis of opine) (ISOPH&GUS, f istula same) (MIDUSTINUM, f istula sanie) -0-MA 4 Rt 74 1 FV'f I --- - AUTROR? Yatmanov, A.; Yevteyev, F.; Rubtloov, V. SOV-107-58-4-21/5-1 When Will There Be Radio Farts~(Kcgda zhe budut radlodetalil, PERIODICAL- Radio, 1958, Nr 4, PP 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains correspondence from radio amateurs in various parts of the Soviet Union; complaining of the Ia2k of radio components or materials for making these components. There are 2 drawings. 1. Radio equipmeit.--Availabil-ity 2. Radio equipment--Maintenance Radio operators-~-Amateurs Card l/ P. )VP N.V.; RABINOVICH, S.G.; TAKCIIENKO, A.N.; USMANOVY V.B.; PIVOVAR( ~__At~MANOV ~B Photocompensating stabilizers. Izm. tekh. no.3:44-46 Mr(165. MIRA 18:5) PtA A, it, 4Z y-- M E-04'g' K", NVI-, o Mt, Heat-insulating and vall. materials based on building grpsum and portland cement* Trydy Inst. antiseism. stroi. AN Turk. SSR 3:231- Z34 958. (MMA 13 10) (Insulation (Heat)) (Gypsum) (Walls) YATROV, S. N. "Technological Basis of Oil and Gas Well Drilling in the Complex Depo5lt Areas of the Saratov Volga Region." Caryl Tech Sci, Inst of Petroleum, !cad I r Sci USSR, I-loxcow, 1955. (KL, No 15, AP 55) SO' Sum. 110. 704, ?- Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). AID P 2090 Subject* :_USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 3/24 Au thor. -Yatrov) S. NO Title Three-cutter bits willh lower fluid courses Periodical: Neft. khoz., v-33, no.4, 9-15, Ap 1955 'Abstract Bits with lower fluid courses are discussed. Their greater efficiency as compared with other designs of fluid courses Is emphasized on the basis of the data presented. Diagrams, tables. Institution; None Submitted No date FAMKINA. Ye.G., vedushchiy redaktor; TROYINOT, A.T.. 16khaicheskiy redaktor [Boring with drilling muds] Bursaie na Yodnykh rastvorakhe Moskva, Gou.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. L gorno-toplivnot lit-ry. 1957. 53 P OLPA 1o-.6) (Boring) W 41, 11, i'VIARI-Ok m ,W-11 . . . . . . . . . . . SiMMV, A.T., inzh.; YATROV, S.N., inzh.; -LUSTO1 -S.G. Use of hydraulic rupture of layers In the underground gasification of solid fuels. Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no.9:22-24 5 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Gasification of coal) TATROV, B-H.; 9MIRNOV, A.B.: GOLIDSHTM, I.Te.: GWSHCHENKO, To.l. Change In the quality of clay muds in drilling sulfate- and Ralt- bearing sediments. Neft.kboz. 37 no.12:7-12 D '59. (ICU 13:5) (Oil well drilling fluids) U A. ~~ATROV# Sergey Nikolayevich. Prinimale uchaotlye:.CHEWAVSKATA, L*Fap kand.takhn.nauk. SKRB-SERBINA, N.Ne, kand.khim.nauk. retsenzent; GEMIF, N.A.. red.; DURROVINA, N.D., vedushchiy red.; TROFIHOV, A.V., (Drillin.- fluids] Promyvochnye zhidkosti v burenii 9kyazhin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 196o. 312 p. (MIRA 13:1214 1. Inatitut fizicheakoy khimii AN SM (for Serb-Ssrbina). (Drilling fluids) REBINDER, P,A., akademikj $ERB-SERBIIIA, N.N.., kand.khim.nauk; UTROV, S.N., kand.t.ekhn.nauk., dotsent M,N, Shkabard's [doktor geol.-mineral.nauk) book"DrIlling 'and grout- ing fluids in drilling miDe shafts" and A.A. Linevskii's r' "vi4w of it. Shakht. stroi. 5:30-31 MY 160. (11M 14:4) (Shaft sinking) (Drillin fluids) (ShImbarap MM HIULINI M, NO -YATROVg SergeyNiko2ayevich; GOLIDSHTEYIII IzrailYefrercovich; GIUSHCHENNO, lekaterina lvamovna,!,- LATUKHINA, Te.I.0 vedushchiy red.; POWSMAt A.S.9 tekhn. red. [Natural drilling'fluids- for- drilling gas- wells under complex condi- tjonsl Eatestvennye pi-omprochnye zhidkosti dlia bureniia gazovykh skvazhin v oslozhnennykh'usloviibkh.'-Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd- vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry,, 1961. 4:1 p. (MIRA 34:7) (Shebelinka Xegion-Dril2lng fluids) RA. S UTROV. Bergey Nikolayevich; DUBROVINA, N.D., Vtdushchiy red.; BABALYff._G_.A.-j-p-r-o-r.j doktor tekhn,nauk, red.; VORONOVAj V.V.p tekhn. red- .[Natural drilling muds in-boring; muds with a base of drilled rooks] Estestvennye promyvochnya rastvory v bLireniij rastvory na oenove v~burennykh porod. Moskva, Gootoptekhizdat, 1963. 205 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Drilling fluids) YATROVI S.N.; RFMICHENK0. I.N.; DZHANGIROV, S.S. Controlling the solid-phase content, in drilling muds using wn ejector.-hydrocyclonic device. Burenie no.2j5_8 161,. (MIRA 180) 1. TSentralynyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tekhniko-ekono- micheskikh issledovaniy po neftyanry, naftakhimichaskoy i gazovoy pr,omyshlennosti iGRK "Krasnodarneft"'. BUKINAi, v.K.; PROKOPIYEVAt M.F.; YATRUDAKIS$-S.E*__ Quantitative determination of nitrosyl chloride, chlorinep and hydrogen chloride in gas mixtures. Uzb. khi-mo zhure no~6:45-49 160. (MIRA.1411) 1. Institut khim:Li AN U-SSR- .(Nit,rosyl chloride) (CMorjne--Ana3,7Vi8) (Hydrochloric.acid) YATRUDAKIS, S.M.; ZHDANOV, A.K. Hydrogen percrzide in analytical chemistry. Part 1: Ampercrietric titration of chromium on an apparatus with a rotating platinum electrode. Uzb.1-him.zhur. 8 no.5:23-30 364- (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR i Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. W gg Use cf hydrogeJ paTaalie im- a.,ial:7ti-~-&l e-hemir;tr.7. Part .2-- Ampercm-el-ric twitration of marigamese with hydrogen permide. Uzb. khim. zhur. 9 no.5:18-24 165. (MIRA 18sl:,,) 1, Insti-tut, khimii AN UzSSR I Ta,.,4ikantakly goaudarrilm-imiTy univeraitet Imer"I Len1w!,. Submit"Ied Sept. 29, 1964. fAl-~ cand. (100en,a-li, .';CL. Dissertation: ~2xryarlin-ant for I!orphologLcall A-nn'!-,sis of the Zasterr. and North- Eastorn Part3 of t'-.e Area 7Taa-;-- Pa~,,'r:al LaRlo. Crier of 11--:in Statu 7. M. V. Lomnrmsov, 2 JLL1 47. ya -Tm~va, Jul, 3947. (ProJoct YlW'36) SO: Vecharnya- Ti YATSENKO, A. A. Ancient Valleys of the Northeastern Probaykal'ye There exist numerous references to the ancient valleys in the Pro- baykallye and Zabaftal'ye, but the insufficiency of the data does not permit one to compile them and to make conclusions relative to therige of the valleys. The finding of Tertiaz7 and possibly Mesozoic deposits In the valleys testifies to their considerable ancientness. The fts- junctive dislocations and traces of Quatermary deposits make difficult tin analysis of the development of the hydrographic network. According to observations of the author, relicts of ancient river networks aie preserved in the northeast Pribaykal'ye; they have been noted In the southwestern paft of the Severo-Muysk Range, in the water sheds of the Svetla and Namama. rivers, and right tributaries of the Barguzin river. (IRZhGeol, No. 4, 1955) Uch- nnp- Yin-qk- Cor. pod, in-ta, 21, 1953, 108-124- S0: Sum. No. 744, 8 Dee 55 Supplementar7 Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (17) :~. . '. -I ---- ~. , ".- 'IA- - "W, -V A N- W OPEN I E, Y "Z' i4 ;I-j- ~Ij;~~, U- ~ 1~ ~YIW~ '74 ~~-jv ~~,UztT, P!* t, F-,"A T, -,,F ;:,~!k T~TSWKO, A.AO' g~ "Zia servations,on terraces of certain rivers In the Baikal mountain 0 .~ (MIRA 10:1) region. Izv*AN SSSR,Serg,geog. no.6:101-107 N-D 1560 1" Geograficheakir fakul'tet Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo pedagogi- cheskogo instituta, iment, V.I. Lenin&* (Baikal 3~egion-Physical geography) i.; J W z:0 M; N )N- w AU '.4 E~_, A,~g I I I- Rf: I q i: i` -T! Tw~~% 6~ ~32 -'Z,,,,~ 1~, iii,. 4t ~ie A.' r. n~ 0 '0 37WrZ~ ?r Y1,VTW J5,; 4-, kq Ct, a-~i L"-,- A, 'o dots.; VASILIYEVA, I'v., dote.; DAvyDOVA, H.I., dote.; KAjjMTSKIY. A I(MELIUIKOV, Y.L.0 doteo; TUSHnISKIY, G.K., prof.; yATc=X.0,__A.A.* dots*; MILTSt I.G., tekhn,recl,; SHCHVT2VAP T-A-, (Programs of pedagogical institutes; Physical geography of th-s U.S.E.R.3 Programmy podagogicheskikh inetitutOV; fizicheekaia geografiia SSSR. [.Hoskvaj Ucbpedgiz, 1957. 22 p. (MMA 11:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye vysehikh i arednikh pedagogicheekikh uohebnykh savedenii. (Physical geography-Study and teaching) O."AN; IN nt A -~o g, -W4 -irl It YATSENKO A.A. Organizing a specialized seminar on the physical geogr~'aphy of the the third and fourth years Of the Geo- graphical Faculty of the Moacow 6tate Podagogical. Institute. Uch. zap. 1,VP1 no.159:53-62 160. Physical geograpkr of the U,S.S.R,, in a textbook for the seventh grade. ?7-83 (MA 16:9) 5wromakmagm 4,e J, g'w a A z~lf M'g, YATSENKOP A.A, Main features of the relief.structure of the Chukchi PeninsuU. Izv. AN SSSR. 19r. geog. no-409-85 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11. pedagogichaskiy institut im. V.I.Lenina. 1. Moskovakiy gosudaretvannyf (Chi4chi, Peninsula,-Landforms) R, L--%- g y P~ g"i p YMENK0$,A.A. PEJErMINSKIYp In nonlinear electrody'n ingularlties :1) Structure and motion Of 3 633 u f63 (MIRA 17. Zhur. eksp. I. teok. fiz. 45 no.5;1625-1 KIWI,, R Ulm YATSENKO, A.A. Morphological structure of the Chukchi Peninsula. Dokl. AN S-S-qR 151 no.5:1150-1152 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennYY pedagogicheskiy instit,!t im. TAninaq Predstavleno akademik-om A.A.Grigorlyevymo (Chukchi~'Peninsula"Physical geography) I I MR, I I I ~ ~k` ~ :~, ~-'. -, . -, 1 , - - - . j~ x ~- ~ ~, ,z .", -"- ~~ * ", - ~ - . . - - .. , - - I li- - 11 -~ -- ~ - F - - . ... - - ---n~! :. . . I- ,. . !;~: :'&; -~ : I- f.. .: YATSENKO, A. A. The most important Stages in the relief development of the Chukghi Peninsula. Izv.Vses,geog-ob-va 96 no. 2:109-1U Mr. -Ap 164. (MIRA 1715) 3A 'T "AIR -A A D61 -R. logn 4 Cz R rw Q AM S/O AMMOSION Ifts AP4%0927 ISN/64/009/006/0582/05% AUMOR s JS~gopko Faletminalky*yj So Vo (Pelothinakivp So Vo) T XTLE iThe classical theory of singularities in nonlinear field theory' SOMGZ t Ukrayino I iq*y f isy*chny*y shumal, v. 9g no. 6# 19649 %1-592 TOPIC TAGSs Nonlinear electrodynamics,, nonlinear*field-iheoryp classical aingu- larityp eleotrodynamic field eingularityl "four-trajectory." classical'oharge radiual singularity motion, radiation damring ABSTRACT: The structures and wtion of taro-zoos singulea-itien in a scalar field were studied a6cordin nonlinear electrodynamic:f1eld,-%'heory. It was assumed .g to that the radius of"curvature of the, 'Your-trejectoryN %,s'large comared to the ."classical radius"of the slaVdarity.*. " On this basis of , "As electra"oft priml- ples of horents, the equations of Aotion of the singularities were obtained,, including the forces of.radlation damping. The questLon of self-excitation Of the *charge with unJLfom motion. was treated. Orig. art. has 32 nuabe --ad equations ASS601ATIONs Visika-t9khqU6V*y,ihsty*tvt AN MrSSItt' Parkov.- (Phpica4pohnical Institumi AN UwW) -d I/ J.,G= .2 ? g!! TISHCHIENIKO) A.A.; YATSENKO, A.A. A group of caacunist labor. Veterinariia 41 F ';,5. 1. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti direktora Cher~,w:--koy oblaLitroy vetprinarnoy lavoratorii (for Tighchenko). 2. Predsedatell rzest- nogo komiteta noveta profe3sionallnykh soyu7,ov rherka231-oy oblasti (for Yatsenko). Dissertation: "Abnormal Dispersal of Centimeter Waves, in EaTiO Ceramic"I Cand Phy.,5- Math Sci, Eostov-na-Donu State U, Rostov-na-Donu, 1953. 1-~eferat vryy L'burnal-K-himaya, Moscow, No 8, Apr 54, SO.- SLE 284, 26 Nov 1954 4WU~~ 1-7 =111vild and A F ~S.S- It C "niv., V '2 20, 2W-10(OH--m-TiO~ ceramic, rm"terials (1) sint'emd at 1300-14W*, have low d. unk~ fultA with flUxt-s panca"M , The _ete_c. cond, of such I has an activation en ofl.A~ex;. but rhey' -S ew SuIlle :R, show clump. in COA& if heated to fWq. -- At &A)-'W* with lic-iting by the current occurs.: The current incrVasrs tivicafoveW. Tests weremndc tomelt 13.%TiO, ljycond. current. a 50% increase in the dielec. pervicability at the Curie S. PakslAcr 7 S C, F~ AUTHOR.* fatsenko, A. F. 57-lo-32/33. TITLE: The Optical Transmission Spectrum of Barium Titanate (Opticheskiy spektr propuskaniya titanata bariya). (Letter to the Editor) PERIODICALI Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957j, Vol. 27,, Nr lo, pp. 2422-2424 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Irtorder to define the range of the optical use of BaTiO 3 irnresti- gations of the transmission-of the monocrysta-1 as well as. of a powder sample of the seignettelectric (tetragona3L) barium titanate within. the range of the wave lengths offrom,,0,2 to 25ktwere carried auto The author shows that the wide absorption band~which covers almost the whole ultraviolet spectrum range depends on the transition of the. electrons from the filled zone to the conduction zone (activation energy ~=*3,o eV)& The crystal lets-pass well up to 66L in the visible and the near infrared zone. A complete absorption of waves with more than 11$L and a weak absorption of the waves around 8)of4 was obser- ved. Thecpowder sample.disperses a radiation of less than 5&A, and, showa~ an absorption band at, 25 _* 181G. Also measurements. of the transmissilon of the. SrTiO 3 - anj the non~eeignett-electric (cubic) Card 1/2 BaTiO 3 - powders were carried out. Within the range of measuring TF"7 The Optical Transmission Spectrum of Barium Titanate. 57-,lo-32/33 exactness these spectra coincide-with that of the tetragonalL barium titanate, with the onlr difference that the band for SrTiO 3 is a little-displaced into 'the direction of the shortwave part. There are.1i3lustration and I Slavic reference. ASSOCIATION.' R6stov.St&twUAi-mrs#* (Rostovekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet), SUBMITTED: February 11, 1957, AVAILABLE: Library of Congress* Card 2/2 24(2)q24(7)j240) AUMOR: Yatsenko, A. F# SOV/48L;22-12-il/33 TITLE: Infrared Absorption Spectra of Piezoelectric Crystals of the Perovskite Type (I-nfrak=asryye spektry pogloshcheniya segxte~toelektrioheskikh kristallov tips, perovskit) PERIODICAL: Iz,"Trestiya Akademii nauk SSSRi Seri a fizioheskayat 1958, 3' Vol 22~ Nr ~j2i.pp 1456;;.*'458 (UISSR ABSTRACTt IKS-6 spe,3%romaters 0-7 to 25(k)'and DFS-4 spectrometers (from 0.3 t-) 0.7e4) were used for the present investigation of abscrpt-:-;r. spectra. The lat,ter spectrometer was also used to irn,estigate the Raman spectrum. Powdery samples were prep~Lred aiicording to the method described in reference 1. Figure 1 and those of the non- sh:~ws the abso:rption spectra of BaTiO 3 piezoelectric fine-disperse BaTiO Also infrared absorption 3 spe-utra of other titanates (CaTiO , SrTi 0 ' PbTi0 ) f 3 3 , zirconates (SrZro 39 BaZr03, PbZr03) f stannates (SrSnO 3' BaSn03) and WO were irrrestigated. The respective data are summarized 3 Card V-Z in the table. Power constants of the potential function of ~77 2 eu� Inficared Absorption Spectra of Piezoelectric sov/48-22-.12-11/33 Crystals of the Perovskite Type valence- and deformation osdillations in the approximation of a-harmonic oscillator*(Table) were calculated for the majority of the substances investigated. The power constants of BaTiO and of solid solutions having a Curie point in the proximity3 of room temperature contain an unimportant imaginary part. By a comparison of the frequencies of fundamental oscillations and their first harmonies, the mechanic anharmonic coefficients can be calculated. Attempts were made to obtain the Raman spectrum in BaTiO as it was supposed to determine the frequency of valence oscillations. The results, howeverg were negative, thus pointing to an unimportant asymmetry of Ti-O-bonds in BaTiO . There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 1 of which3is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: RoBtovskiy-na-Donu gos. universitet (Rostov-na-Donu State University) Card 2/2 Z7 82051 09, S/058/60/000/03/11/030 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 3, P. P-05, # 6393 AUTHOR: Yatsenko, A. F. TITLE: The Anomalous Dispersion of Centimeter Waves in BaTiO Ceramics -P un-t, 1959, PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Fiz.-matem. fak. Rostovsk. /D Vol. 46, No. 7, 87-92 TEM The dependence was stu Idied of the complex dielectric constantil (E I and of BaTio ceramics.on the wavelength within the range of X - 4-25 am. The method of measur'ln~ line loaded in an 'infinite way" was used. In front of the sample to'b6 measured one or two matching dielectricall transformers were placed into the wave&ide. The thickness of the transformers was not oxactly A/4, -The coi~piejc refractive index of the sample for these cases was calculated. The measurement4i a given frequency was checked by measurements of the input complex impedance at adjacent frequencies. It was shown that in the range of wavelengths mentioned 1EJ varies in dependence onX from 300 to 800 6S - 1,050), and t!l aw 150. The relaxation frequency of BaTiO is (2.5 + o. 4) - lo a. it was established that the dispersion formula a+ (k- E)1(1-jcJ-6 poorly describes the course of dispersion in ~M0-3 Card 1/1 V. M. Petrov 85865 81046 601024101110011036 B YB056 AUT,~,)R: Yatsenko, A. F. TITLE: The Temperature Dependence of the Infrared Absorption Spectra of BaTiO , PbTiO , and PbZr 3 ~j 3 .03 vj PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 196o, Vol. 24, No. 11 , pp. 1308 - 1310 TEXT: The present paper is the reproduction of a lecture delivered on the occasion cf the 3rd Conference on Ferroelectricity, which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. As the ferroelectric effects in barium titanate and other perovskite-type crystals are brought into con- nection with particularities in the temperature dependence of one of the optical branches of the vibrational spectrum by aeveral other authors, the author of the present paper investigated the temperature dependence _.,ofthe-absorpt,ion ban-'- of the perovskite-type compounds. In view of the fact that in BaTiO the..bands of the deformation vibrations had no "fer- 3 roelectric" character whatever, the temperature course of the valence Card I 1 85865 The Temperature Dependence of the Infrared 51048V601024101110011030' Absorption Spectra of BaTiO 3P PbTiO 39 and Boo6/BO56 FbZrO3 vibration bands wao investigated. Fig.1 shows the absorption spectrum of 7^k the valence- and deformation vibrations of BaT,iO,p F~bTiO 3' 3L03 :,0 an d SrSn03. The temperature dependence of absorption in the valence bands of PbTiO3 and PbZrO3 is shown in Fig.2. For the fire', series, it is cha- racteristic that with an increase of temperature, the fine structure of the high-frequency side vanishes, whereas on the low-frequency side F_ valence satellite is formed. PbZrO3 shows how all lead-containing perov- skites on the high-frequency side had a "lead" satellite, which vanishes with increasing temperature and has no anomalies at Curie point. The re- sults are finally briefly discussed and compared with those obtained by other authors. The author thanks S. P. Rubtsova for help in the mea- surements. There are 2 figures and 9 references: 6 Soviet, 1 US, 1 British, and 1 Indian. ASSOCIATION: Roatovskiy-na-Donu goo. universitet (Rostov-na-Donu state University) Card 2/. 85866 S10481601024101110021036 B006/BO56 .1_3103///,6 2.) AUTHORS:: Yat8enko, A. F. and Popova, T. P. TITLE: Some Electrical Properties of Bariumtitanate Activated With Rare Earths PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol. 24,No. 11, PP- 1311 - 1313 TEXT: The present paper is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at .the 3rd Conference on Ferroelectricityp which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. The authors investigated the electrical proper- ties of BaTiO 3samples containing additions of 0.1-3 moles. of rare earth A V1 *1 Vi -11 V1 11 oxides (denoted by TR):"Sm 0 , Pr 0 j1Nd 0 , Y 0 , Tb 0 , Er,O,, -A 'A := 3 -:2-13 =24 =_.~ =4 ~WV "~Lu,0,, Tu,O,, Yb,O,, and'~Gd,O,. The eloctrical characteristics measured in the case of some of the samples investigated are given in the Table. The method of producing the samples is briefly described. Small TR-addi- tions in general increaBed the stability of the tetragonal phase. The Card 1 85M6 Some Electrical Properties of Barium- S/048 60/024/011/002/036 V. titanate Activated With Rare Earths Boo6)Bo56 temperature dependence of the dielectric constantA%as measured in the case of all samples, and als-o7he tangent of the loss angle at V-50 V and V - 1000 cps. The 6 value at room temperature, Eo, as well as at Curie point S0 are also given in the Table, Fig.1 shows 6(t) and tg 6 - f(t) for BaTiO with different Pr-additions. Most of the com- 3 pounds investigated had a high dielectric constant, and some of them also had considerable loss angles. In general, a decrease of ~59/co as well as a decrease and broadening of the E-maximum was found in the E(t)-curve with increasing TR-content. Also the temperature course cf resistivity was found to be dependent on the TR-additions, viz. in an interesting manner: TR concentrations of 1-3% exerted no influence, the curves showed the same course as with pure BaTiO (exponential decrease 3 of resistivity with increasing temperature); samples containing 0.1% Sm 0 % Er 0 0.1% Tb 0 , and 0.1% Nd when heated at Curie 1 213' 0-1 2 39 1 2 3 203) poIint, had a resistivity peak (increase by several orders of magnitude), whereas when cooled at the same place they had a flat maximum (Fig.2). Card 2/B n' V-K!."