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DOCHEVt L. "The Breaking In Period of Tractors and The New, Improved system of Inspections." p.20 (Mashinizirano Eemedeli Vol. 4, No. 1/2, 1953, Sofiya.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3., No. 3, Library of Gongress3 March 1954, U-ncl. M BOBCHEVp L. The Urm C-h5 tractor. Ps 17. Vol. 6,, no. 8, Aug* 1955, HASHINIZIRAVO ZEMEDELIE Sofiya, Bulgaria So: Eastern European Accession Vol- 5 No--I Jan. 1956 BOBCHEV, S. "Ancient Sexdika ursier the new Sofia" (p.56). PRIRODA (Bultarska Akaderrar-da Na Naukite) Sofiya Vol 2 110 5 Sept/Oct 1953 .SO- East I~wopean Accessions List Vol h7o 8 Aug 1954 E NIKODDVp N.j IORDANOVp Go; BOBCHEVj To . Our the treatment and prewntion of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. Akuah. ginek. (Sofiia) 4 no.3:200-207 165. 1. Institiut taspetslializatsila i usuvurshenst%,uvane na lekarite, .L- Soflia, Katedra po akusherstvo i ginekologila (rukov. prof. N. N' kolov); Bata - III gradska obedinena bolnit-sa, Softia (gl. lekar: dr. M. Kutov). 0 DOWD AUTHORS. Solntsov, 1,11.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences, 4OL"e-IL-0. and Korotayeva, G.K., Engineers TITLE: Determining the coefficients of heat transfer frorn gas to a bed of granular material PERIODICAL: Xhimichesicoye mashino"Llroyeniye, no. 6, 1962, B-12 TEXT: The heat exchange process between gas (air) and --',,,ds of lu-,,.p basalt, silica gel and active carbon was studied -for the -.=Dose of obt-ain- inG more accurate heat transf er coef f icientL, si-rce those ob'ta-.*; ned in the I iterature dif f or. The test installation f rom the DePar,t-ment o~-" ~!'achinos and Apparatus for the Chemical Processing of uel of 14!Kh" 4s described in detail and illustrated in a diagram. The heat transfer coefficients -dero determined by 11aykov's metbod (V.?. 'Yaykov, Candidate's Dissertation, I tJ1KhT'-',, 1954), which is simple yet gives sufficiontly accurate results. The interdependence of the Nusselt and Reynolds criteria was determined by the 1/2 5/164/62/000/006/003/008 Determining "he coefficients ... D040/D112 method of least o(juares for basalt fractions of 2-7 mm, 7-A.8 =i, and 4.8- 6 rm diam, and for silica gel and carbon fractions with ciuivalent diametm-a calculated from the'formula, for particles.of nearly Globular shape. The found dependences are: 17U 0.106 Re 0'88 for basalt; IITU-1 0.093 Re 0.88 Ve e e e 0.88 for silica 6el; Nuv 0.106 Ree for active carbon (at Re. 90-1-450), where V - air flow in m~/hr, and e equivalent. The obtained foTmulao are more ,eneral than those derivod previously. It is :,recommended to use 'he formula V1, 0.1 Re 0.88 for aDDroximate calculations in t1le case of -V e a turbulent process if there are no em-pirical datin for tho material or if the charGo parameter 's are not known. Graphs shoa the determined inter- doT)endence of the Nu and Re numbers. Thero are 4 fib-ures. Card 2/2 ACCESSION M AR4034736 19/Gl24/"/0O0/0OVB110/B110 SOURCEs Ref. zh. Mekhan., Abao 3B876 !UTHORs Bobo, L. S.; Semikhatov, G. N. TITLEt The criteria of similarity# vihich describe the process of heat and mass 'ox0hvMgo In the 0004006fitiOn Of a two-OOmponent mixture of vapors CITED SOURCEs Tr. Vass, no-J., I konatrukto in-t khims mashinostres vy*p. 44, 1963, :.,!26-33 -TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, hydromed'sisnics, heat-exohango# maee-exohangej, energy transfer, diffusion, boundary leqerp similarity theory TRANSUTIONt On the basis of the similarity theory. the mutually connected pro- oesses of mass and heat exchange during the condensation of a two-oomponent mixture of vapors forming a mutually soluble condensate are studied. The physical model of the process suggested by Le Do Boman (Zhurnal Tekhnioheskoy Fiziki, 1958, 28, No 13.! 2717-2629) is aoooptedo From a system of equations doooribing the transfer of a 1 quantity of motion, mass. and energy in a two-dimensional stationary flat lamina- i boundary layer and from boundary conditions# criteria of similarity are obtaiwde j LE C 7d ~' A/2 IAGGESSION NRs AR4034736 't2l IThe system of oritoria obtained is similar to Bomem system of oriteria, with 0 exception of the criteria for calculating the speoifios of the prooess, vhi0h Uclude the fact that during condensation from a steam-gas. mixture, diffusion -through a semipermeable partition takes place, and -ahen a mixture of steam Is ogri Idensed, diffusion through a fully-pomeable partition takes place, a noUdimOnsional 'Isquation obtained from the preliminary results of experimental study is cited& The i iaxperiments were made on various oonoontrationB of mixtures (e*&nol-nmterj, &ootons-~ water, othanol-propanol, ethanol-butanol) in the following range of measurements or :!Paramotoras q a 7~000-130#000 kiloaalories/sq motor-hour. At -2-4-600, ][V a 9-170, iR a 2-230, Ar a (1.8-13) X 104. :DITS ACQs 02AprG4 SUB CODEs. PH, HK INCLI 00 "ACCESSION NRi AR4034736 8/0124/64/000/003/BO94/BO94 SOURGEs Refs zho Mokhano, Abe* BB673 AUTHOR: Bobo. L, S.- TITLEs Heat and mass exchange during the condensation of mixtures of vapors CITED SOUROEs Tro Vaoss no-io i konstrulcto in-t khimo maohinoetro# vy*ps 44-#*,.1963, 34-46 TOPIC TAGSi hydrodyn=ios, beat transfer, boundary layer, heat exchange, oondonSR- ;.tion ,TRANSLATIONt Methodology is given on calculating the surface of heat-exohange i ~during the condensation of a vapor mixtures Cases are reviewed of the condensation a binary mixture of vapors which form a mutually soluble condonsato, with a iconstant temperature of the wall. The calculation is based on a theoretical model .of the process proposed by Colburns It is shovm. that the assumption of the-oon- .stanoy of the value D?/RT accepted by him does not lead to basic errors* ioe*& it is' possible to omit the change in physical properties resulting from temperature oh&Wa :within the limits of the Iminar boundary layers Formulas for determining :the -C~-rd X/2 -ACCESSION NRs AR4034736 surface of a vertiole tube, which wers, obtained for the case of direct-flow and .oounterflow oondemmationo aro oitede ipATE ACQ& O2Apr64 SUB CODES Al, PH EMS, 00 BOSE, L.S., inzh.; SFMIKHATOV, S.N., doktor tekhn. nauk Calculation of the surface of heat and mass transfer In the condensation of the vapors of binary mixtures. no.2:12-17 Mr-Ap 164. . (MIRA 17:4) 1 1 1 p adjunktus ,Effect of bott t distribution and earth presmwe on bottom stresses in trcofag~:STO;d civil engineering constructions. Melyepite- 3 5 stud szemle 15 no,.43.51-156-Ap -163. 1. Drazdai MusigAi Egyatem', BOB KA Mar Case of hepatic distomiasis in man. Folski tygod. lek. 11 no-34; 1491-1493 20 Aug 56. l..(Z Oddsialu Chorob Wownetrznych Szpitala Wojekowego; ordynator: dr. med. Henryk Baraban). Warszawa, u1. Kopinska 35 b1. 4 m. 35. (LIVER DISEASES, cale)reports, distomiasis (Po ) (DISTOMIASIS, case reports, liver (Pol)) BOBEK, A. "Education of Technical Personnel in Indtistrial Schools." p. 257 (ELEKTRCrLECHNIX, Vol. 9, No. 9. SePt. 1954, Praha,, Czechoslovakia5 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiona, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5. May 1955, Uncl. BBUSOVA, Dagmar, Dr; BOBEK. Karel, doe dr Carcinoma of the islands of langerhant with metantases to the liver causing byperinsuliniam. Cas.lek.cesk. 91 ne.45-46 14 Nov 52* 1. Z interni kliniky,v PlznI (pradnesta doe. dr. K.Bobek) a z ustavu pr* path logickou anatomii a histologii v PIzni (driv. pred- nesta ft D.Bene:ova).* (HYPOGLYONKU, etiology and pathogenesis. .can6er of isla~ds.ef 14ngerhans with metastases to liver) (LIViR I ., neoplasms, metastatic from islainds of Iiangerhans, causing hvpoglv.- camia) (ISLAms 01F WOMMM" neoplasms, causing hypeglycemia, with matastasse to liver) BCBXK, Karel; TOKSI, Frantisak Pblzonarr embolAsm in patiants at the ward for internal disease. CA.s.lek.essk. 91 no.47:1394-1401 21 Nov 52. 1. Z kliniky chorob vuitrinich v Plzni. Prednosta: doe. dr. Karel Bobek. (PULMMURT IVIBMISM AND THROMOSIS. statistics, hosp. report) and MEK J. Inst ---Pilsen -(CSR'--- -*(~or PuLmonale- Inn. Klin., Pathol. anat. chronicura infolge der Lungenembolisation. Chr:)nic MED. 19'53, 3/13 (596-6ol); us. LEK* CES. 1953, 92120-21 (576-582) Report on 2 cases illustrating the pathogenesis of clironic cor pillinonale, Jollowing reeurrent nulmonari emboligm in chronic tinrombophlebitis of the vessels of the legs. Special mention is 11ade of the fact that recurrent infarcation is often regardad a5 a sequela o; cardiac chan'~-es. In fact, however, chronic cor pulmonale is a sequela of recurrent infarcation of the lungs. Lezgus Munich SO: EXCERPTA MEDICA, Vol. 8, No. h, Section V1, April 1954 !!E!11~1 !Plzen, Ham. ripubliky o.22); VANK I. Josef (Plssn, YArxova 13) Senecio poisoning. Lek. liety, Brno 9 no.15-16*.361-363 1 Avc. 54. 1, Z vnitrnt kliniky (prednosta doe, Dr Karel Babek) a z pathologicko- anatomioksho nstayn'(preduosta doe, Dr Josef Vanak) lakarske fakulty, v Plzn1. (SIMIO, P~isonbg) (POISONING,$ Senecio) cEpmax, Vaclaw, vedouci studentakeho vedeckebo krouzku, vedouci ucitel:; BOBEK, Karel, doc.,-Dr. Irroneous diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Vnitr. lek., Brno 1 no.9:6",6-684 Sept 55- 1. Z klintUy chorob'vnitruich v Plzni, prednosta doe., Dr. Karel Bobek, Pleven,.Nam- 0. bratri 15. (PULMONARY MOLISM AND THROMBOSIS, diagnosis embolism, sympt~ow &AIij. difficulties.) BOBEK, Karel; VANZK, Josef Thrombopblebitis as a cause of limb gangrene. Ynitr. lek., Brno 1 no.10:733-742 Oct 55. I-Z klinilty chorob vnitrnicb (-prednosta doc. Dr..K. Bobek) * z pathologicko-anatomickshoIustavu (-prednosta doc. Dr. J. Vanek) * Plzni Statni fak. nemocnice, Plzen. (Tff OPH ITIS. complication limb'gangrene.-) (EITUNITINS, gangrene caus d by tbrombopblebitis.) (GANG= extremities, caused by tbrombopblebitise) BOMM, Karel; TAMM, Josef I OL Cfitari disease (thrombosis of the hepatic veins) Cas. lek. cask. * no-7tI63-168 11 74b 55. 1. Z kliniki chorob vnitruich (pred. doe. Dr. Karel Bobek) a x patologickeho-anatomickebo ust. (predn.. doe. Dr. J.Vanrk) v PlsnI (VIINS. MWATIG. diseases e.rLdophlebitis obliterans hepatica) Boi3EK, Karel, Prof. Dr. ; CVRIAX, Vaclav, Dr. Prevention of thromboembolism in obstetrics & gynecology. Cask. gyn. 22/36 no.8:562-367 Pee 57. 11 Klin. chor. vnitr. v Plzni, prednosta prof. Dr Karel Bobek. (TKAOXBORMOLISM, prev. & control in obst. & gyn. surg. (Cz)) (GENITALIA 0 FMIX, surg. .postop.*thromboemboliem, prev. (Oz)) (OMSTVMCS prev. of thromboembolism in (Cs)) ...IERPTA YTDI'A Sec 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Yed. Jan 59 455. THE ADIINSIVENESS OF BLOOD PLATULE'rs IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF VE- *sOuS 'I'llitomilosiS - Adbesivita krevnfch destleek v diagnostice lilnj trom- hosy .Doi . and CepelAk V. Klin. Chor.Vidtr..PIzcA-CAS. )ek K. , IAK.CE--jr.--PjrjT.--�a/40-4I (1245- 11249) Graphs 2 Tables I After determination of normal and pathological values a close relationship was found active thrombotic process and an index of adhesiveness greater than 1.70. The test appears very reliable and is useful, not only for the diagnosis of venoufl thrombosis, but also for following the decline in the active process during the course of treatment. BOB3K, Urel (PIxeUq Nam. ROPI-LblikY 22-) Academician Pelnar as a teacher. Gas. lek. cook. 96 no.31;3562-1563 20 Dec 37, (BIOGRLMUS Poinar, Tosef (CZ)) I A 1~7 X11 J~2B% Karel- VICTLTIA VoJteoh; 1&U1 V"em; JINDRk, Jaroalav; Karlicek, Vaclav; IMMAC-A-VUL9 OJUrmila, Technicka spoluprace. Transaminanes in infective hepatitis. Gas. lek. cesk. 96 no-51:3571- 1576 20 Doe 579 1. Klinika Chorob vnitrnich (Prednosta Prof. Dr K. Bobek) a infekoni oddeleni KUNZ (prednosta prim. lir J. Zdaril) v Flzni. (HEPATITIS, INPECTIOLIS, in-'blood glutamic oxalaoetio & glutamic pyruvic transaminaBes, cliag..value (Oz)) (TROSAMIUSRS, in blood glutamic oxalacetic & glutamic pyruvic transaminasee in infect. hepatitis, diag. value (Cz)) BOBSK. Karel -'. r- .w - , O-UA~ 11"nte'rnal medicine & its specialized branches. Cesk. zdravot. 6 no.8: 413-422 Aug 38, 1, Predseda sbom hlavniho internisty, (KRDIC M, IYZMML in Czech., internal med. & its specialized branches (CZ)) 'RX77)PTA , FD1C..*, See. 6 Vol n/12 Internal red. Dec 4q 6957. SIGNIFICANCE OF SERUM TRANSAMINASES IN ACUTE VIRUS HEPATIT- IS - Uber die Bedeutung der Serumtransaminasen bel akuter Virushepatitia - Bobek K. Petera V. , Lahn V, , Jindra J. and Karlitek V. -Nre-&. -Univ. -Klin. und Infekt. Abt., PIzeA - Z. GES. INN. MED. 1958. 13/22 (887-892) Graphs 9 Tables 2 The functions of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and their behaviour in virus hepatitis are discussed. Activit- ies were determined by a colorimetric. method giving a normal activity range of 5-40 U. per ml. of serum, the mean values being 22*7 U. for GOT and 16 * 9 U. for GPT. The normal values are constant and uninfluenced by nutrition, Findings in 40 cases of infectious hepatitis and 11 of other liver diseases are discussed. All other customary laboratory tests were performed as well. From the trans- aminase determinations (total about 600) it appeared that these reactions are highly sensitive and greatly supertor in this respect to the other tests. Their reliability is also considerable; although similar transaminase reactions may be found in other than liver diseases. these are easily distinguishable. (myocardial infarction. etc.). In this series of patients, the highest. lowest and most commonly found activities were respectively 990. 58 and 200-700 U. for GOT and 1250. 115 and 400-1200 U. for GPT. At the beginning of hepatitis the GPT activity was higher than the GOT activity in 80% of cases. Both transaminases reached their maximum activity in the 2nd to 3rd week of Illness. The GOT curve returned to normal at 5-6 weeks after the onset of virus hepatitis and the GPT curve at 5 weeks. In- creased transaminaze activity Is detectable In the pre-Icteric stage of virus hepatit- is, During convalescence it is possible to ascertain whether the clinical improve- ment is real or apparent. Relapses can be detected earlier by the transaminase method than by the usual liver function tests. For purposes of differential diagnos- is. however, the value of transaminase determinations is more limited. Gutt - Bielsko-Biala CL, 6. 7 BOBM. QWIAX, Vaclav; MOMAX, Jan Iffective help in the fight against puerperal thrombosis. Gesk. gyn. 23[371 no-5:337-343 July 58. 1. Klin. chor. vnitr., pradaosta prof. dr. K. Bobek, a gM por. klin. v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. V1. Kikolan. ll~ B., klin. chor. vnitrnich, Plz an, MFLrxova 13. (PUZ39OLM. complications thromboslag diag. & ther. (oz)) (THROMMISO In puerperium, diag. & ther. (Gz)) BOBEKP Xarl OPATPJ=, Xarl, [Opatrnv, Xarl3, POISTS, Ventueslava [Ponec, Vj wv"~Mq'w""Rekhoslovakiya). primary aldoseronism (Conn's syndrome)** KLine-med, 36 no*10:43,46 0 158 (MMA 11:11) 1. Is terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prod. K. 3obek) meditsinskogo fakulltets. larlova universiteta i terapevticheskogo otdeleniya rayonnoy bollultsy (zav. - doktor TSvechke) v go- Pillsenee, (ALDOSTERONE aldoeteroniamp primary, diag. & surg. (Rns)) P.;,7111PTA 1-rDICA See 6 Vol 13/7 Internal 1.ed. 'u1Y 50 3724. PIIENYL13UTAZONE: AGAINST THROMBOSIS - Butazolidin als Antithrom- baticum ; Bobek_,&, and Cepal4k V. Med.Univ.-Klfn., Pilsen, Tachechos NAMEOLQGIA (Basel) 1958. 145/6 (434-444) Graphs 2 Tables 3 The beat results in thrombosis of the deep vvins are obtained when the thrombosis has occurred in otherwise healthy persons after delivery. operation. accident or excessive effort etc.. a form called sthenic thrombosis. In the asthenic form of thrombo-ts. i.e. forms with pre-existing pathological conditions such as malignant turnours, cardlopathles etc.. the treatment atiso evokes a certain favourable response. not as marked, however. as in the athenic forms. Dosage was determin- ed individually after observation of the clinical course and determination of throm- __~ocytic adhesion. Greif - Graz 4 to BOBIM, Karel; CNEW, Vaclav ROAM"- Improvements in the diagnosis of pulmonary ekbOUBM. COBk. gyn. 24M] no.3:153-159 Mar 59. 1. Xlinika chorob vnitrnich v Plzni, prednosts. prof. dr. X. 3obek. X. B., Marxova 13, Plzen. (PUINOURY 3MLISM AND TBROMBOSMS, diagnosis, .postpartum (Gz)) (UMR, compl. postpartum embollsm, diag. (Oz)) TARMICHRE, V.; 14N, V. Significance of oar= transaminasee in diagnosis and prognosis of uVocardial infarct, Terap. arkh. 31 no.2o.54-60 7 159. (NrU 12t1) 1. Ix tompfftichookoy,-kLiniki.,(iaiv.. - prof. X.B. Bobek) medits#skogo fakitlIteta. Ilarlova un~verslteta, Pillienj Ghekhoolovakiya. "(mroGmuL WAROT, blood in, transaininaues, diag, & progn* aspects (Bus)) (TRANMIUSN, in blood, in myocardial infarcto diag, progn. aspects (Rae)) 30M, Karl; PUTERA, Vovtekh; 10, Vilem; INERA, Yaroslav [.Tndra, -T.J; rAIiICHEK, Vyacheslav; SPEVACEMK, Tarmilo [Spevagek, J.] Transaminues and Botkin's disease [vith summar7 in llnglishl. Klin-med- 37 no-1:33-0 -T& 159- (MMA 12-- 3) 1 1. Is kliniki. vnutrewdkh bolezuey (zav. - prof. K. Bobek) i iu- fektalonnogo otdolonlya Oblastnogo iontituta narodnogo sdravookh- ransulya Gave Is, Zdrazhil) v Fil"Nene (Chekhoslovaklya). (HNPATItIS. IMOTIOLTS, blood in glutamic oxalacetic & glutamic pyravic transaminasee (Rue)) (TUNSAMINASES, in blood glu~aiaicoxalaoetic & glutamic pymvic trans6minases in Infect. hepatitis (Rue)) BOBNK. K.; CHL4YATAK, V. Clinical signIficance of the thrombocyte adhesive capacity index. 37 no.6:93-103 Je 159. (MIRL 12:8) 1. Iz terapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof.K.Bobek) meditsin- s1cogo fakul'tets. Karlova universiteta (PlIzen', Chekhoslovakiya). (THROMBOSIS, blood in venous, adhesive capacity index of thrombocytes, diag. value (Rua)) (BLOOD PUTTMTS adhesive capacity index in diag. of venone thrombosis (Rus)) CRELAK 1, Vaclav -P Adhesive properties of the blbod platelets in acute hemorrhagic stress. Caseleke cesk. 99 no,20/21:637-644 2o Yq 6o. 1. Klinika chorot, vnitrnich lekarake fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. Karel Bobek. (HFMORREAGE ~xper) : (BLOOD FLATEMS) BOBEKO K-j*, CEPELAK, V.; MADLE, A. Venous thrombosis, obesity and fat ingestion. Acta univ. carol. (Mod] Suppl. 15:89-95 161, 1. Klinika chorob vnitrnich lekarske fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni, prednosta. r f dr K. Bobek. (THMMSL41 eti2 0 * 0 (OBMITI, etini) (PATS nutrition & diet) BOBFA, Karel, prof.MDDrq CMUAK, Vaclav, xR)Dr. Control of thromboombolic diseases in Czechoslovakia. Cesk. zdravot. 9 no,lt24-29 161., I' Kliniks chorob mitirnioh faInOty vooobeeneho lekarstvi KU se .sidlem v Pizni. (TBROMRS04MM prev & control) PFTRUO V.j BOBBKO K.j LWI Vq teohnicka spoluprace SPIROCROVAO 3. Activity of SGOT~ SGFT and lactic dehydrogenase in therapy. Cask. g4stroent. vyz. 15 i10-4:241-246 Je 161. 1. Klinika chorob vnitrich v Fizni$ prednosta prof. dr. K.Bobek. (TRANaAMINASES blood) UACTIC DERYDROGEWE blood) (TESTOSTERONE rel cpds-) #,4V, el, e BOBEK, Karel I- CZECHOSIDVAKIA Prof. MUDr. N Director of the Clinic for Internal Diseases of the Medical Faculty of KU (Karlova Universita - Charles University), Plzen Prague, Prakticky Lekar, No. 19, 1962, pp 817-820,820-826 "Contribution to Diagnostics of Benign Fndocrinal Tumors", Part I. and II. Co-authors: BROZKOVA-YiORAVKOVA, Vilemina, 10, same as above, or Cent.ral X-ray Department of State Faculty Hospital, Plzen; Assistant Director: Z. Chudacek, Dr. CAM, Ludvik, MD, same. 02 BOBEK, Karell-CEPHT-AX, Vaclav Blood coagulation relationabips in experimental venous stasis. Ca-9. lek. cask* 101 no.312945-948 27 J1 162. 1. Klinika chorob vnitrnich lakarske fakulty University Karlovy so sidlem v Plznil, prednosta prof. dr. K. Bobek. (BLOOD COAGULATION pbys-Lol) (VEINS pbysiol) (PIMNOLYSIS pbysiol) BOB.EK, Karel,, prof. dr. ....................... .............................. ~ r .Academician Felnar and medical practice. Gas. lek. cesk. 101 no.47: 1400-1401 23 N 162. (GMMM PRACTICE) (BIOGRAPRM) FETERA, V.; B~ ~.LAN, V. Activity of semml glutamio-*Mlacetic and g2utmmic--pyruVIC transaminases and of lactic debydrogenase'fol-lowing the administra- tion of mtbyltestoaterone. Terap. arkh. 34 no-40-95-97 162. (Kim 15:6), 1. Is terapertich-askoy kliniki (sav. - prof. K. Bobsk) meditsinskogo fakullteta, Karlova universiteta, PlIzen, Charkhoslovakiya. (TRANSAMINASES) (7ACTIC DEHYDROMASE) (TESTOSTERONE) BOBEK;_ K.., prof &o I BAXALs Jo. MUDre; ]JAWAGEK, V., ins.; I(REGNERS Ve I *ins*.,, C.Sc.; HATOUSEK., J., p.1.; WVAK, J,', HUDr.; NOW, V', prof., inz., dr.; STIBOR.''J., MUDr.; BAYER, K. Gommenting on K. Bayer's ideas on applied meteorology. Meteor Spravy 15 no.6:179-180 A !62.' MIKOLA.S, Vl.; BOBEK; K. Thromboembolic disease as a cause of death during the course of pregnancy and I*r, Cesk. gyn. 28 no.1/209-43 F 163. 1. Gyn.-por. kli~. 19k. fak. KU v Plrsni, prodnosta prof. dr. U.Mi6las Klinikn chorob vnitrnich lek. fak. KU v Flzni., prednosta prof. dr. K. Bobek. (PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS) (MA'TERNAL MORTALITY) (LABOR) (PUIXONARY EMBOLM4 :7 BOBE KY K. , prof. J. , prommiany lekuir; 3-f.RLAL, Medical biometeorology abroad. Meteor zpravy 16 n0-3/4: 101-102 Ag 163. 1. Interni klinika a Fysikalni ustav lekarske fakulty, Plzen. BOBEK, Karel Teaching internal medicine. (Audiovisual aids. Control study. Formff of mmmination.) Ibitmi lek. 11 no.2tl84-186 F 165 1. Klinika vnitmXah chorob fakulty vseobeensho lekarstyi University Karlovy as oidlem v Plzni (prednosta: prof, Dr. K. Bobek [Decease4). C!~ ~BOBIEXKK_,,.,,rof. dr. (deceased]; CAM, L.; CEPELAK.,V.; SLAISOVA,V".; OPATRIY,K.;_M7Mx,I7-___* Venous diseases and the role of various factors in their de- velopment. Cas. lek. resk. 104 no.14061-W' 9 Ap 165 1. fainika chorob vnitimich fakulty vaeobecneho lokarstvi v plzni (prednosta: prof. dr. K. Bobak (deceased]). BOBEK, K. (deceased) ~e p~roblem ~of internal d1seases in obstetric practice. Cesk. gynek. 30 no.9:642-645 N 1065- 1. Interni klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Plzni (prednosta prof. dr. K. Bobek). ~#pilex.".~4.~,~,'a-slodll.'! SAIEKv A. Auxi3iary examinations and diagnosis. Can. lek. Cesk. 104 no-49/50: 1350-1353 10 D 165. 1. Katedra vnitrv,'.ho lek&ratvi fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlo University so sidlem v Plzni (vedoudi prof. dr. K. Bobek [deceased7l a Katedra marxismu-Ioninismu fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Karlcvy University se sidlem v Plzni (vedouci doo. dr. E. Jukl, CSC.). Sub- mitted June 1965. Bobek J Bobek,, J, Catalogs of wage scales based on qualifications in the building industry. p, 80, Vol. 5. no. 2. Feb. 1957. POZENNI STAVBY TZCHNOLOGr Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol, 6. No. 5. May 1957 PETRU, Frantisek,- POPELA, Bohumir; KULHANEK, Jan; CUCHY, Zdenek; BOEEK, Milan; VITAK, Frantisek A Small infrared spectrophotometer. Chem listy 57 no.9-964W2 S 163. 1. Ustav pristrojove techniky, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Brno a Vyzkumny ustav monokrystalu, Turncjv. Ax&~= m; t-T042o76 AUMOR- Bobek. Miroslav (-Engineer, Lieutenant colonel) TME: Using voltage 14miter to form non-linear functions in the MEDA analog computer SOMME- Brunn. Vojewke akademie. Sborzdk. Rada B, no. 4, 1962, 115-124 TOPIC VMS.- analog voltage limitter, linear section, JtLmrtion ameratar. nonlintar 14 ZftUatlc~~ rinciple of the f or-mat! on oz nonlin- ABSM011: The article is eoncerwd vith the v ear functions with the aid of lia--ar sections. This method is the point of view of accuracy. It, is shown that small electron-le zers, vhicb are not nDrmally equipped vith n. miversal diode geaerator --f f~ 'but which usually have a voltage Limiter, are suitable for the ~5o-' 0.1 --t:klz nonli-ne&r differential equ&.1ons. In its present aesigm, the YKE", equipped vith a diode generator of functiont for the formatfcn ,of ,Curd. Awmsim nR AT4042W6 nonlinear func+.Jons. The manufacturer supplier. the diod-a genen-'itor .-)f R.-, an inilepeneLent xmit. Por the foltaition of nonlin"ar 1L'-'?"C*1-- in :in analog computer, only four syimetr:Lc&l voltage limiters vi~'L, bias feed are taken into con i&2ration. The nonlinear funct!--~ns Vhic, 7--n- vith the aid of symmetrical voltage limiters must, of cou-rb'~, '~'e nond-iminishing in the described intterval. Only thonse cas,,F: eration vnere the functions are symmetrical w-ith r-es Ct Pe tiGn of the liweax function is therefore approximate; the error, Lowever, 'Z linear function by rections is entirely comparable to the other erl-ors of the dif- ferential analyzer. For thiz z-amon the method is accept;a!,;1e frc~-m of civerall solutlon accumcy. "IThe article vas written vlltt tl~f- C-1clZi- gater -I- mind. T-n-iE comvuter Is in vide use in research -!~- d~~trial enterprises and schools in Czechoslovakia. The met'-hod can '~f- -.i~3ed c--n otber analogue com7aters which are not equipped vitb a -riiversal dl'--X-I~e r,,f f=ctiow. The AP-2 -7.,omputer, which has 5 independent voits-Se la eucr- -f-el. The mptho-d Lr, demonstrated vith the so1-utl,)n TrIon"p-M. urig, Frt~ Mat dlagrarw and Card 2/3 smN. mi- ATO ASSOCIATION i none sudaanrm- 14-Aug62 Mi REF sov. 000 I,- A EWL: 00 003 SUB CODE. D-.1p Ec Card 3,13 tr--- a~~ OZEM03LOVAKI-A BOBEK,, 9; VARKAS4, JI SORMO P Institute ckf Organic Cheadstry and BlO_*_- -Gstmp Czechoslovak Academy of Sciancess prape - (for an) 00yellsations of hemalosonle acid thiosemicarbazones to 5-substituted 6wasauracil derivatives," 0 K I 1P, SIMM-,_V. UICEMADVAMA Czechoslovakia Institute of Human Nutritional Research (Ust-av pro vyskum vyzivy ludu v Bratislave), Bratislava; Director: A. BUCKO, MD, Candidate for ScienceB. Brno, Vnitrni lekarstvi, No 10, Oct 62t pp 1075-1078. "The Nutritional Effect of Fresh and Heat-Treated Sunflower Oil 4nd Hydrogenated Edible Fat on the Spectrum of Serum Proteins and Lipoproteins of Guinea Pigs." Co-authors: BUCK02 A., Director, Institute of Human Nutritional Research, Brno; BOBEK, P., Institute of Human Nutritional Research,Brno, BOBEK P GINTER, E. Effect.of C avitaminosis on the level of serum -lipoprotains in guinea pigs with intact and tatrachloride-damaged livers. Cas. lek.,cesk. 102 no.40:1103-1106 4 0 t63. 1. Ustav pre vyskum vyzivy, ludu v Bratislave, riaditel doc. dr. A. Bucko, GSe. ASCORBIC ACID DEFICIENCY) (LIPOPROTEINS) iCARBON TETRACHLORIDE POISONING) BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORWIS) PATITIS, TOXIC) (LIM REGENERATION) N All*j 1XIA V; Mg r Ir-litIt'do of Research of Kumm ITutr."Alou vq-.itL%Am ,s~ktwu trakuitua trwwfu=o !~,o 9's 1;64 $Wr~~ra ~1601%m lfi,-A~ia In B100A of km- -tielavaoll .1997-66 P5D26090 ACCESSION M: -77 "The authors thank Dr..Jo Babal (Institute.for Pathological Anato IF UK-in. Bratislava) for histological.analys'is of s oinen and En . J. Cerven and Engo p8 9 Deakova. for cooperition 3jrAsotopic and biocheinical studies." Orig. art*-hast-, j 4' graphs, 3- tables figure ASSOCIATION I Jaborat .orne oddelenie skum V.Vzi 9-Bratialava, prevy VY ludu lgiti 6 for Nutritional Rose (Iaboratory,DaiArtmedt~.- tut arch 3Wan65. SUB CODE: IS ENGLI z, NR:RSF SOV9 003 -7 Can 029 'J w Card 2 j ONE GIRTER,E.; BOBIX,P.; GMBELOVA,M-1 CKDREICKA,R.; BILISICS, L. Lipid metabolism under conditions of acute and chronic L-ascorbic acid deficiency in guinea-pigs. Physiol. Bohemo- slov. 14 no.3t282-288 165. 1. Institute of Human Nutrition, Bratislava. Physiology CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 612.015.3(:547-915):612.014-434 I ,BOB2X,_?.: GINTER,, E.; Research Institute for Humano-Nutrition (Vy-skuni-n-y I Ustav Vyzivy Ludu), Bratislava, Director (Riaditel) Docent Dr A. BUCKO. "Acclimatization to Cold and Lipid Metabolismoll , CasoDis Lekaru Ceskyeh, Vol 105, No 38) Prague. 16'Sep 66., pp 1022 - 1029 Abstract: The influence of low temperatures on the,metabolism Tf -lipids is discussed. Basic principles of thermoregulation., the reactions of the organism to the reduced temperature of the surroundings, acclimatization phenomena and their mechanism, and the metabolism of lipids. under the conditions of acclimatiza- tion to cold are described. Authors' experiments with rats ex- posed to intermittent long periods of exposure to cold are dis- cussed. A normalization ef-fect of cold acclimatization on the level of liver glycogen is.described. Histological changes ofthe myocardium in rats exposed to cold and fed an atherogenie diet are discussed. 4 Figures, 76 Western, 2 Czech references. (Man- us.cript received Doc 64)- EWY, Zygmunt; BOBEK, Stwiis KAMINSKI, Julian 4., 1,, Tllik~F; The level of iodine in water and milk and the frequency of goiter in children. Postopy P4-g. med. doew. 16 no.2:335-342 162. 1. Z Katedry Fisjologii Zwierzat WSR w Krakowie Kierowniki prof. dr Z. Ewy - (MILK chem) (WATER SUPPLY) (IODINE) (GOITER statist) ro,,m a t ed r BOBEK, Stanislaw Goitrogenic action of some plants. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 19 no.2:303-312 Mr-Ap 165. 1, Z Katedry Fizjologii Zwierzat Wyzszej Skoly Rolniezej w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. Z. Ewy). BOBU., V. Dr. Principles in therapy of ankle fractures. Acta chir. orthop. tran- each. 25 no-3:226-228 May 58. 1. Chirargicke oddeleni 3. okruhove namocnice v Plzni, prednosta Mn*. Josef. Popilka. Venovano k 50. narozeninam MUDr. Josefa Popilky. (AHM, fract, surg. reposition & fixation of splinters by nail, screw or u-shaped nail, principles (Cz)) BOBSK,.Viadimir A foreiglk body of extra-articular-crigin In the knee joint. Acts, chir.. orthop. trauma.,Caah. 28 no.104-35 F 161. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni vojenoke nemoonice v Plzni, prednosta MUDr. Josef Popilka,landidat.19karskych ved. (K= for bodies) 0=9 Rri; BOBMj Vladimirl Apropos of the therapy of varicose complex. Sbom. ved. pram. lek. fak, Karlov. univ. (Hrade Kral*) 6 no,5 suppl.t667-670 163 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni OM Plzen-sever (prednosta: MUDr. Jiri Krbec) a Chirurgicka klinika v Hradai, Kralove (pred- nostat prof. MUDr.,J.Prochazka)v Narlova universita Y Hraddi Kralove. ;CZFCI',OM.OVAKIA V-I--ditnir BOBF.K apd Josef f0i'-IL" HD And I~oad (na-.~Antk) I)c;v:,q'.,Vmprst: of of Military NoSpALSl (Chirurgi~~ke "Tre,-menr ana Carc of ftltiplt~ Lc-g Fxjwurefi." Mravonickc Liscv, 'Vol Fc, 0, r,,,c Q'; pl- 252-233. Ajosrract fltvglish smmnvy modilied--I ~ Casoz: cjL cimminoted iractuve of fun%-,r, r-plur-l-la and tibla in DV.-BLOr who had motorc-~c,.-iv acc-~*deut; im-nediate surgl-cal care resvIted in re).Ltlf,.,clN, -nir'id aod cure. Four i;estr--rn --nd I Czech tvferrinc,~. Vladimir; BDBHK,,-VladIm#. Experiences in:the ourgiaal treatwOnt of pectud ereavatume Sborm.ved.prac.lek.efake Karlove Uiiv.(Hrad.Kral) 6 no.3t 207-233 t63. 1. Chirurgicka. kliniVa., Universita Kar3.ovmL; prednostatprof. MUDr.J*Procha2kao -vr BRZEK, Vladimir; JURIN, Ivan; BARTOS, Vladimir; BOBEK, Vladimir Determination of the lymph pressure in the thoracic duct. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. ~ no,11133-138 164. 1. II.chirurgicka klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. J. Prochazka, DrSc.) a I. interna klinika (prednostat prof. MUDr. F. Cernik) Karlovy University v Hradoi Kralove. BOBBLYUIC, V.P. Effect of "I, amount of sand and quality of fluids on the hydraulic fracturing. Neft.khoz. 38 no.2:41-49 F 160. (MIRJL 13:8) (Oil wells--Hydraulic fracturing) BOBELYUK, V.P. C__~ Some results of measuring temperatures of oil-bearing layers of the Nebit-Dag field. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.11:52-54 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Nebit-Dag region--Oil reservoir engineering ) - BOBELYUK, V.P. Fracturing in a layer in processing wells with surfactants. Heft. kboz. 39 no.9:2'7-37 S '61. (141RA 15: 1) (Tuymazy region--Oil wells;-Hydraulic fracturing) (Surface-activ agents) MOSUENKOVA, I.G.; io-W= --- KJ ~"-P- , Injecting petroleum in water producers as a means of water I exclusion. Neft. khoz. 40 no.5:38-41 62, NIRA 15:9) (Oil field brines (Oil fields--Production methods) BOBELYUKp V.P. Hydraulic-fracturing of strata in fields of the southeastern part of New Mexico, Nefteprom. delo no.6t37-40 163. (MM 16:10) (New mexicn-~l wens-Hydraulic fracturing) DIANAYEV, N.G.; GOMIBINLR, Ms.; KRAVOI)ZNTO, !.I.; BLAMMICH, V.A.; MARKOV, V.P.; SATTAROV, M.M.; CTLIMAIJ."'HIN, I.G.; AISBIROV, h.B.; BOBELYUK, V.P.; RrMANYTIK, F.I. Comments on the article by M.L. Surpchev "Excluii.on of reserv6ir waters",.. Neft.khoz., No.11, 1962o Neft.klhoz. 41 no.B-.38-57 An. 163. Present status of and prospects for the constr-action c.-f steel tanks in the U.S.S.R. Ibid.:58-62 I Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye Tuymiz-qreft' (for In. navev, G;Mbiner). 2. Tlffimskt, nafty~'nioy nnuchn,)-J'vsIedovate.'sk*iy in8tit, ' (for Kravchenko, Blazi~,w:ich). 3. Nef reproiVFlovaye up-avliniye Chernomorneft' (for Markov). 4. NefteproLTjslovoye upravleni,ye Arlanneft' (for Sattarov., GillmansIdn)l 5. Gosudar- stvennyv institut po proyektirovanivu i iz;sledova-~ellsklm rabotam neftedoby-vayushchey promyAlennosti vostochnvkh rayonov strany (for Ashirov). 6. Vsesovizzriyy neftep-azox7,7 nauchno- issledc,vateltakiv inatitut (for Bobebruk, Romanyuk). (M1&4 17: 10) BOBLIZUK, V#P, -, Analyzing ex'T'enditurea on the treatmnt of wells in the Tuymazy and October Petroleum Trusts. Pauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.24:134- 140 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut. BOBELYUK, V.P. . Method for evaluating the effect of the drilling fluids used 0 for drilling-in on the productivity of oil wells. Trudy VNII no.41:25-46 164. (MIRA 17:11) BOBELIUK) V.P. ;. , -1. ~,- ~ Results of the first hydraulic fractures in the Arlan oil field. Nefteprom. delo no.10:30-36 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Voesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut. BUBLL!Ijli V.P. :Z~ Tnvestigating Uic; hydraulic fra-turrio- ~-,,f a ihed p~cducod arbitrarily when working the wall and not fo-l- purpoees of h3d,-uul-,~~ fracture. Nauch.-tekh. sbDr. po dob. neftl no.25:114-120 -62'. 17:12) 1. V-.,Csc)yuznn, lieft(Igazovyy lnisrltut. BOMp Antonil LUCIA19. Miecsyslaw; WOMISCHOVEUp Helena ----------------- Injuries of the central nervous system in newborn infants. Gin. polsk.s. 32 no.4s4n-417 161. 1. Z Oddsialu Ndworodkow i Waxesniakaw I X34nild Poloaniatwa i Chorob ~obiecych Slaski*1 AN w Zabrsu Kierownik: prof, dr We Starsewski Z Zakladu Anatomli Patologiosmej Slaskiej AN w Zabrau Kierovaiks prof. dr- We liepolmaki 1. (CEML NERVOUS SISTEM die) (INFANT NEWBORN die) WOLLNSK19"Idam; SINGER, Zbigniew; BOBERp Antoni A case of generalized tuberculosis during the course of chronic granuloo.vtopenia. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.38il455-1457 19 5 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrmych S1. A.M.; kierownik: prof. dr Jozef Japa i z Zakladu Anatomli Patologicznej SI.:A.Mo; kierowniks prof. dr Witold Niepolomski. (AGRANULOCYTOSIS compl) (TUBERCULOSIS MILIART compl) KUBICKApAlina; BOBER, Antoni A case of multiple congenital malformations in a newborn in- fant. Wiad. lek, 18 no.8:707-709 15 Ap 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Polozniotwa i Chorob Kobiecych Slaskiej Akademii Medycznej v Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Glowinski) i z Zakladu Anat. Pat. Slasliej Akademii Medycznej v Zabrzu (Kierownikt prof. dr. W. Niepolomski)* ~ACCESSION HR: AP5015562 UF,'/0286/69 9 AUTHOR:Shkollnikov, Ya. A.; Polik, B. M.; Karakhanidi, N G. -1 vancv~,, PK. Bcjoer, b vbyshe v , V. V. Alen'kin _A. _t Ye.; G-jr'yeYa,_Yu._N.i Yefimova, M.,_!.,- Dfl~,,n, _E.-P. ; Nabatov,_ V_ Baiasho-;, Ii. , Oazza, L. B. TITLE: Glass for glass fibers.s~Class 32, No. 1703(-,9 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykb znakov, no. 8, 1965, 119 'TOPIC TAGSz. glass, glass fiber ,ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a glass suitable for making glass fibers. To increase chemical durability, to prevent corrosion of alloys of aluminum and other light metals, and to improve processability, the ejass, is for- ,,,ntain: 58-63% sio2, n-b% ~,2 - 01, Z'1_C'2, 6-81 Ca(), 12-131% Na20, and 1.5-2% K20- ION: none ASSOCIATI Card AVIOSOR, MEL'MAN, Ye.P.; SOPILINIK, A.Yu. Relation of the degree of experimental disorders of the arterial supply of the liver to peripheral blood proteins. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.4142-47 Jl-Ag 164. (WRA 18:2) 1. Kafedra fakul'tetskoy terapii (zav.- prof. M.L. Aviosor) i kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav.- prof. Ye.P. Mellman) Ivanovo-Frankovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. FARASHCHAX, A.P.; BOBER, I.F. Odeaskogo maditsinskogo inBtituta. Vrach. delo no.2:40-/+3 F 162, (MMA 15:3) -1. Kafedra fakulitetskoy terapii (zava - prof. M.L. Aviosor) Stanislavskogo meditsinalrogo instituta. (CHOIAGOGMS) (Gkwmi., BILIARY) BO~~~. P~Stanisjav) Nitrogen metaboliAm-in endemic goiter. JKlAn. mod. no.S:,109-114 1616 (MIRA 15:4) 1. Is'liafedr7 fakulltetakoy terti Nav. - Prof. M. L. Aviosor) i kafedrybiologiaheigkoy kbimi, zav. - dotisent G. A. Babanko) Stanialavskogo maditainskogo instituta (dir, dotisent G. A. Bab~nko) (GOITER) (NITROGEN METABOMM) AVIC60R, M.L., prof.; ~~REF WLIMAN~ Ya.P, prof.~ SHEVCH-UK, M.G. Dynamics of bz-ochenlcel irdicaB of thv, blood in ex-pGrim-nt'al, myocardial intara-Aon -In dogs. Kardic2ug-'~a 5 nn.~g7.*1-72 JF-..F 165. (Mln 1849) 1. Kafedra fakrulltetsRoy t6rapil (zav.- proi*. M.I. hviosor) -A k-afedra normalInny anatuamii (za*q... prof. Yle,P. Mellvar) Stanislavskogo rueditusinskogo Instituta, D CID -,T. y J. SYmbol of the n,:nr a,--. p, FREDVOJ. (Yomunisticka strana Slovenska. Ustred-d vybor) Vol. 3. no. 46, Mov. logo$ Ibnthly List of East Eurooean Accon-ions (MAI), LC, Vol. '!0. 2, Feb. 1*50. Urcl. BOBER. Uslaw; KITAwBADAK, Marial BADAK, Jerzy The uvabi3lty of the mndatones fiftm,the gaize bedB in the region of Wie3.iczkao.Kwarta3nik,gsol,5 to.31:691-701 161. 1. Karpacks. Stacja Ter6nowa -Tnstytutu Gsologicznego. 01'/ 7 - z la 4C.-, 4,) Ob POLAND BOBEjr; Leslaw; 0dZCZYPK0, Nestor CarDathian Field Station, Geological Institute (Karpacka Stacja Terenow Instytutu Geologicznego) Warsaw, Kwartalnik greolo-giamy, No 3, 1963, PP 549-51- "Hydrochemical Characteristics of Contact of the Pienines Belt of Rock with the Magurska Unit in the Area of Czorsztyn, Eluszkowice, and Krosnica". BO~~,,.,4QAj";,,OSZGZYFKO, Nestor Influence of the tectonic factors on the- water-bearing capacity of the Magury sandstone of Snieznica (Beskids). Kwartalnik gaol 6 no.4s791-793 162. 1. Karpacka Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiczny~ Warszawa. BOBER, Leslaw , Further results of research on Puchowo marl as valuable building raw material. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4:795-796 162. 1. Karpacka Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiezny,.Warszawao -jAslaw"-~ '-39M' Further results of research On PuchOWO Marl as Vak,able building raw naterial. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4:7c,,5-7)6 162. L Karpacka Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. m m 1 1 KALISZUK, Kazimierz; BOBER, Mieezyslaw Method of obtaining high puAty oilver-manganese alloys. Przegl elektroniki 3 no.10:573-575 0 162. 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektronikip Warszawa. BOBER, Hieczyslaw . Method of.obtaining porous tungsten laminaticns, P,-zegl elektroniki 3 no.10:575-577 0 162. 1. Przemyslawy Instytut Elektroniki, Warszawa. . 0 SOV/84-59-11-40/66 AUTHORS: Galitsyn, A., and.Xqber R Engineers TITLE: New Means of Mechanization ?ERIODICAL: GrazhdanbkEqa aviatsiya, 1959, Nr 11, p 21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is-a survey of the ac i ,h.~vements of efficiency rs experts of the Vnuko, kiY .,.ekspluatatsion- no-remontnyye m asterskiyw n' o maintenance and Repair Shops). Engineer I. Dardyk and aircraft technician A. Rykov invented an arrangement for put- ting on, taking off and transporting the wheels of Tu-104 airor'aftc Efficiency expert A. Volkov con- structed a special stand for checking the complete- ness of RTVK-45 and RTVK-45M sets. New stands.and arrangements were also worked out by laboratory fore- man V. SuBlovarov and.technicians Ye. Malashkin, N. Dolgov, and P. Lakhtin. Technician V. Siluanov ,worked out a system of using stationary and mobile electro-aggregates, MG-6, MG-16 and 2PR-600 to start the engine of Il-18 aircraft by ground facilities. Card 1/2 .,Efficiency experts A. Borisov and V. Toll-introduced