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85538 AUTHOR: Yarov-Yarovoy, M.S S/026/60/000/009/003/010 A166/AO29 TT=-. Automatic Devices of High Accuracy and Reliability q PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1960, No. 9, P. 5 TEXT: The automatic braking device of the second Soviet space ship braked it somewhat in orbit and the ship began -to descend. As it came lower It encoun- tered increasingly denser atmosphere layers which increased the braking effect, causing, however, overheating of the surface to very high temperatures. A reli- able system of heat-proofirlA.was therefore needed. When a certain speed was reached the animal cont ine was catapulted free and landed safely with the Fli-_ mals intact and unharmed. The shiD had a built-in television control system and a superaccurate system for orientaiing the ship in space so that it could be land- ed at the scheduled point on earth. 01% ASSOCIATION.- Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut imeni. P.K. Shternberga (State Astronomical Institute Imeni P.K. Shternberg), Moscow Card 1/1 23688 S/035/61/bbO/004/006/058 AO01/A1O1 AUTHOR: Yarov-Yarovoy, M. S. TITLE: The interpolation-analytical theory of motion of Ceres PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 4, 1961, 12-13, abstract 4A173 ("Tr. Gos. astron. in-ta im. P. K.-Shternberga", 1960, v. 28, 25-90) TEXT: This work represents the application of the Interpolation-averaged variant of the N. D. Moiseyev three-point problem to the determination of an intermediate orbit of the particular celestial body, minor planet Ceres. The observatioradata on ft normal positions from 1801 to 1938 were used from the works of G. Hill, E. Rabe and V, F, Proskurin In the ready form. The author Investi- gates perturbations of canonleal elements very close to the first system of Poincare canonical elements- x k Yi = M+w+f)- lip x ra k ( - Yp), Y2 - W r x3 k ( rp - rp Cos 0y), y3 - Card 1A 23686 , 1/000/00 11/00 F3 3/035A The interpolation-analytical theory ... A001/A101 where Y Is mutual Inclination of the orbits of Ceres and Jupiter, n is ascending node or the Ceres orbit with respect to the Jupiter orbit, 1 Is mean longitude of Jupiter In the orbit. The difference from Poincare eleme9ts consists In that all three generalized momenta contain 1 J, The charanteristlo function looks as follows: k4 + (x + k2M Wil 2x2 1 - x2 - X3) i I where W I/A roos Y/r 2 is perturbqL#on function. The averaging of the characteristic function Is performed QA236~644pect to X2 and x , and then Wi is averaged with respect. to Y3 - As a r4412 M funoZlon f) depends on x + 1 y + M Y 1 3 31 m(2) y /""2 Y2 + 3 3P where 1 131 mil), M~2) are constants which are determined by the methods of the correlation theory from statistical processine of empirical data, Variables Card 2/4 '3688 SZ035/61/000/004/006/058 The Interpolation-analytical theory ... AW1A1O1 The ortho-interpola- A are named by the author interpolation elements, tion con~ltlon has the form- + 1 m W . 0, 1 ' + M(2) 1 - 0 3 3 (1) (2) 2 3 3 and quantities 12, 13 and m3 , m3 are determined by the same formulae as in the circular restricted-problem of three points. Terms of the second order in e, 1 and ~ = sin 21/2 are preserved In the perturbation function, Under all these conditions, generalized coordinates xl, N, x will have secular perturbations of the order k2m and y y2 and y peri ical perturbations containing factors k2m 1 To consiruct ae' practic2 interpolation-analytical theory of Ceres motionj: the author determines from empirical data interpolation elements and/t2 and checks the condition of ortho-interpolation. To do this, he-determines from observations (normal posIti;sj a spries of osculating elements from which he calculates constants 1, 1, M(2) average values of preliminary 6lements C X11 X" Y-.21 Yis Y y and the average value of perturbation function W initial vAlues o?~IeAe'nts were compared with normal positions, and then these initial values were improved and compared again with the normal positions, The obtained approximate intermediate theory of Ceres motion describes the observa- Card 3/4 23688 S/035/61/000/004/006/058 The interpolatlon-analytical theory ... A001/A101 tions used with -the root-mean-square error of 98" in direct ascension and 115" In declination. There are 20 references. N. Yakhontova [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 10 0.0000 '(80.~o SOV/33-37-1-30/31 AUTHOR: yarov-Yarovoy, 14. S. TITLE: Review. E. Finla~-Freundlich, Celestial Mechanics, Pergamonn Press, 1958, 150 PP PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol 37, Nr 1, pp 188-190 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of the book by Scotcli astronomer Finlay- Freundlich giving the fundamentals of modern celestial mechanics. The book contains an introduction, two prefatory chapters, and six chapters of main text. The reviewer gives a brief abstract of each chapiter and states that the book can be recommended as a pre- liminary introduction to the problems of celestial mechanics and as an additional course of studies of theoretical astronomy and celestial. mechanics for student astronorper3. SUBMITTED: September 29, 1959 Card 1/1 AUTHOR: S/033/6O/037/o04/ol5/O15/XX E032/E314 Yarov-Yarovo)L, M.S. TITLE: X On the Explicit Expression of First-order Secular IPerturbations in Terms of Elements PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 37~ No. 4, pp. 764 - 777 TEXT: Using a general expansion of the perturbation function in accordance with the Newcomb method, a study was made of explicit expressions for the fiist-order secular perturbations in the form of series of powers of the eccentricities and sines of one-half of the mutual inclinations of the orbits. Analysis of the number of terms which are necessary in these expressions shows that the secular perturbations can be calculated just as rapidly with the aid of analytical formulae as by the Halphen-Goryachev method. However, -the method proposed in the present paper has the advantage that it does not involve harmonic analysis and the residual terms can be estimated. Moreover, expansions are obtained for the perturbation function averaged only over the mean anomaly of the perturbing planet.or only the mean-anomaly of the Card 1/3 85109 S/033/60/037/004/015/015/XX E032/E314 On the Explicit Expression of First-order Secular Perturbations in Terms of Elements perturbed planet, as well as in accordance with the Hill- Delauney scheme. As an.example, first-order sec,41ar perturbations in the elements of Ceres dueto the eight major'j~lanet, are calculated. Numerical values of the secular perturbations were found to be very close to those obtained by Proskurin and Merfield (Ref. 8). Secular perturbations were also found empirically. In distinction to previous investigations the secular perturbation in the mean anomaly 1.1 was calculated in addition to the secular perturbations in the elements i, W and X4 . It was found that the secular perturbations deter- mined empirically agreed with the first-order secular perturbations derived from analytical formulae to within the limits of precision of the direct determination. Acknowledgments are expressed to the Staff of the Chair of Celestial Mechanics and Gravimetry of MGU for valuable discussions. Card 2/3 W~ S/033/60/037/004/015/015/XX E032/E314 On the Explicit Expression of First-order Secular Perturbations in Terms of Elements There are 5 tables and 8 references: 7 Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Gos. astronomicheskiy in-t imeni P.K. Shternberga (State Astronomical Institute imeni P.K. Shternberg) SUBMITTED: November 10, 1959 Card 3/3 811931 S/033/60/037/005/016/024 3, N J0 go, o) E032/E314 AUTHOR: Yarov-Yarovoy, M.S. TITLE-. On the Application or-ffaitsen's Ideal Coordinates PERIODICAL~ Astron6mi4,,heskiy zhurnal, 196o, Vol. 37, No. 5~ pp. 908 - 917 TEXT: In various problems of celestial mechanics the perturbations are frequently determined analytically., not only in the orbi-t elements but also directly in the coordinates. Depending on the nature of the problem, the principal plane is taken to be either the plane of tile orbit of the perturbing body or the plane of the unperturbed orbit of tile perturbed body,~ The latter plane is then assumed to be stationary. Moreover, it is usual to assume that the plane of the osculating orbit of the perturbed body approaches the above principal plane. This assumption is, of course, only justifiable when secular and periodic perturbations in the longitude of the ascending node and the inclination, in a time interval in which the analytical theory of motion is being set up, are sufficiently small. This is particularly significant in the case of secular perturbations, since it is these perturbations which may give Card 1/3 8h931 S/63-3/60/037/005/O,i6/021* E032/P,314 On the Application of Hansen's Ideal Coordinates I rise to an appreciable departure of the plane of the osculating orb-it from the principal plane, and thus upset the underlying as5umption, namely, that first-order perturbations relative to this plane are small, A consideration of special cases sucli as the motion of an asteroid, or an artificial Earth satellite, suggests that in such cases a rotating plane is best chosen as the principal plane, This plane should have the same secular motion as the plane of the osculating orbit. Among the various foirms of solution of this type of problem, Hansen's coordinates appear to provide the best approacht Here, the plane of the osculating orbit is taken to be the principal plane and it can be shown that the above perturbations simply vanish,and the introduction of the so-called mean elements ensures that the secular term in the longitude will also be zero, It is shown jLn the present paper that this approach ensures that C:Lrst-. or-der perturbations are small. The derivations of the corres.- poriding formulae are -wery similar to those given by Hansen himself in Ref. l. Thus, integral equations are obtained for the perturbations both in the orbit elements wh:Lch determine the Card 2/3 B4931 s/o33/60/037/005/016/024 B032/E3.14 On the Application of Hansen^s IdealCoordinates position of the plane of the osculating orbit, and the ideal rectangular coordinates in this plane for large and small values of the inclination. Integral equations are also derived for the perturbations in the ideal polar coordinates whieb can be employed if either time or the true anomaly in unperturbed motion are used as the integration variables. The method can be employed to construct an analytical theory of motion for both artificial and natural celestial bodies. Acknowledgments are acpres-sed to the staff of the Chair of Celestial Meclianics and Gravimetry of Moscow State UniversljLy for valuable suggestions. There are I figure and 7 referencesi 4 Soviet, 1 English, I French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Gos. astronomicheskly in--t imeni P.K. Shternberga (qtA~L"atronominaj Ingtitute imeni P.K.ShteEnberg) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 313 39312 S/035/62/000/007/012/083 0 0 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHOR: Yarov-Yarovoy, M. S,_ TITLE: On seriesidetermining the motion of a satellite FERIQDICAL; Referativn~y zhurnal, Astronbmiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962, 18, abstract 7A128 ("Soobshch. Gos. astron. in-ta im. P. K. Shternberga", 1961, no. ill, 15 - 38) TEXT: Differential equations of motion of a satellite around an oblate planet'are reduced to three differential first-order equations for Delon's variables 0, 1, g, if integrals of energy and areas existing in this problem are made use of. Solution of equations is sought for in the foam of series in powers of coefficients of expanding the planet potential by Legendre polynomials. Coefficients of these power series are polynomials with respect to vo, sin vo, Cos vo, where vo is true anomaly in unperturbed motion. The following results are presented without derivationj 1) The series of the form under consideration converge for a time span it - tol-e- 114 Oays for an orbit-with e - 0.15, 1 -_ 650 and perjg~e altitude over the Earth's surface equal to 225 Icn; 2) the series Card 1/3 S/035/62/0W/W7/01Z,1683 On series determining the motion of a satellite AOO1/A1O1 converge for the time span It - to I/_454 days, if canonic Poificar6ls variables are used instead of Delonets variables: L, ?,,,, C11 C21 ~11 ~2; 3) the series converge for the time span It - toj