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22873 5/089/61/010/005/001/015 A pulsed fast reactor B100214 decrease of 2-1#1 %1 the rough regulator allows a reactivity change of 2.4 %, the manual regulator.0.1 %, and the automatic regulator 0.036 %. The reactor possesses also a reactivity booster for the production of one intensive pulse. The control and shield system is an automatically functioning electronic arrangement with BP 3 counters and ionization chambers. The whole reactor is placed in a room of size 10-10-7 m whose concrete walls allow complete' protection from radiation. The most important experimental arrangement consists of a 1000 m long neutron coxiductor, a metal tube, 400 mm, in diameter in the first part and 800 mm in the second part in which a pressure of 0.1 mm Hg is maintained. This conductor connects a chain of socalled "intermediate pavilions" (at distances of 70, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 m from the reactor) in which experiments can be carried out. There is also an additional neutron conductor of 100 m length. The reactor chamber is joined to an experi- mental chamber in which four neutron beams of up to 800 mm diameter are available. There us such an experimental chamber also above the reactor chamber. Various experiments were carried out with the reactor and they are described in the present paper. These are experiments with stand Card 3/7 22873 5/089/61/-)10/005/001/015 A pulsed fast reactor B102/B214 assemblies and slowly moving main block for the determination of the most important parameters of the reactor; experiments with a core assembly (unmoved), experiments with rotating (5000 rpm) main block and a Ra-a-Be source in the core for the investigation of the effect of the multiplioa- tion factor, etc. The most important results are represented graphically. For example, Fig. 8 shows the dependence of the half width 0 of a pulse on the reactivity; the dashed line holds for the uesietationary caset the dot-dash line for of G - MTN 1/3V-27 where v is the velocity of motion of the (rotating) main block; in the quesistationary case 0 - 24Em/av where em is the reactivity at the maximal multiplication factorl F_ = FIM-ax 2, 'Where x is the displaaement of the main block. The reactor has been actually used for the measurement of the total, scattering, capture, and fission cross sections by the time-of-flight method. Further experiments will be carried out with a view to obtaining increase of power and decrease of the pulse duration. There are 15 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Sovibt-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follois: J. Orndorf, Nual. Sci. and Engng,2,NO-4,450(W)- Card 4/7 POSFEloOV, P.N., akademik; MINTS, A.L., akademik; ALEKSANDROV, A.P., akademik; FEDOSEYKV, P.N., akademik; LAVRENTIYEV, M.A., akademik;. BERG, A.I., akademik; PETROVSKIY, I.G., akademik; SIDORENKO, A.V.; SKRYABIN, G.K., kand.biolog.nauk; KONSTARTIPOV, B.P., akademik; GOLUNSKIY S.A.; SHUBNIKOV, A.V., akademl-Aki BLOKHINT _g!9K SEV, D.I.; DORODNITSYN, A.A., ak-aderalk; KEDROV, B.M.; SISAKYAN, N.M.-,-a-Tm-demik Discussing the reports. Vast. AN SSSR 31 no.U-49-66 D 161. (14IRA 14:12) 1. Chlony-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Sidorenko., Golunskiyj n't (Research) BLOMNTM., D. I. "Non-Linear Scalar Field Theory" report presented at the Intl.. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-11 July 1962 Joint Inst. for Nuclear %search, Dubna, 1962 IOMMSEV, D.L~KULIKOVA, L.V. [translator]; SARANTSEVA, V.R,., teMme-red, On backward Poattering of high energy particles. Dabna, Ob"edinenWi in-t iadernykh issledovaniiq 1962- 5 P. (Wo subject heading) BLOKHINTSEV2 D.I.; SMIRNOVA, L.Aftranslator] Non-Iinear scalar fieia theor7. Dubnat Ob"edinennyi In-t lader- nyih issledovanlis 1962. 7 p# (No subject heading) ZLOI~HUTSLT, D. 1. Present state of the teaching of elementary particles. Fiz Mat spisanie BAN 5 no.2:86-104 162. Ii.- 11 lameat Lsninmkor.~premli,, Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda (Moskva) Lenin and physics, Nauka i shyttia 12 no.4tl AP 162. 1. Chlen-korrespondent M SSM i ANIUkrSM. (MI" 15:8) (Lenin, Vladi-i 11fich, 1870-1924) - (Particles (Nuclear pbysics)) AUTHORS: TITLEt .PERIODICAL: S10561621042100110341048 B125/B102 Barashenkov, V. S., Blokhintsev, D. I., Wang Jung, Ylikhul, E. K., Ruang Tau-chan, Hu Shih-k1o Inelastic high-energy pion nucleon interactions Zhurnal eksperimentZllnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 42, no. it 1962, 217-223 TEXT: The calculations of peripheral inelastic 1M interactions (two types of interactions) at E,>1 Bev recently made in Dubna in the single-meson erimental re If the number of* approximation were compared with ex ' sults. pions produced (Diagram A of Fig . 15 is even, then the pion production is the main process in the peripheral -,--collision which with odd number (diagram B) is accompanied by the production of a single pion in the scattering of a virtual-meson from a nucleon. It i6 sufficient to study processes A and B whose interaction cross sections are V Card 1/4 S/056/62/042/001/034/048 Inelastic high-energy pion nucleon B125/B102 4max n ~ _2L'q (yl2n) (Q) K (Q) X (E) g2 0_0 qopow un 4pq W xj' ln(l+ 2POqo - 2MI + tL2)1- 4P'q' Z_pq 2poqo 2Pq - 2M, + W and Pmax n 02n+1 (E) = -L ~ ?"'P K (S) a (n-n (S) dP. x L/ 4n3u 0 PCD i(PMATP. OnN (p) V (RS - M2 4M~L' (2). (Vop* - M2 -R, + 10), 4PIP, p When calculating the single-meson approximation the authors combined allW-interactions in the upper nodes of the diaVrams A and B. The ratios of the cross sections for even and odd numbers of mesons at the some energies B of the primary meson are given in Table 1. The core of 0 tLe nucleon can be determined from the type of the production of an odd number of mesons at high primary-particle energies. When using the it-collision cross section of 23 mb oalbulated with: a 0.~interaeti6n Ca-rZI 24 B/056/62/042/001/034/048 Inelastic high-energy pion nucleon ... B1251B102 constant g2 , 14-5 one obtains 1"----40 mb for the cross sections of the processe s A and B. The calculated values of the multiplicity of the particles produced and the anVIar and energy distributions of the recoil nucleons are compared w7th the experimental data. The*peripheral -interaction with sin6le-meson exchange proves to be the decisive mechanism. The experimental data are not reliable and the contribution of multi-meson processes to the transfer of large momenta which might be of importance, has hitherto not been studied. The authors thank 11. N. Govorun, Kim Ze Pkhen, and P. Libl, collaborators of the Vychislitellnyy tsentr (computer Center) of the-Joint Institute of Nnelear Research for their help in the niimerical computations and nsien Ting-ch'ang for discussions of thp methods of calculating the charge distribution in the statistical theory. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet bloc. The three references to English-langua.Ce publications read as follows: D. I. Blokhintsev. CERN Symposium 11, 155, 1956; Proc. of the 1960 Ann. Int. Conf. on High Energy Phys. at Rochesterv Univ. of Rocheater,*1960; L. Rodberg. Phys. Rev. Lett, 1, 58, 1959. Card 3/4 .S/056/62/042/001/034/048 Inelastic hich-energy pion nucleon ... B125/B102 ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBVITTED: July 24, 1961 Fig. lo The most important types of the diagrams A and B in inelastic N-scattering and the leas important diagrains A' and BI., -63 E.. Bev 2 7 0 015 14 FIG. 1 too 1 0,25 WOO 2 0,5 7 'N Card 4/4 B1 35577 S/05 62/042/003/038/049 B1 08YB1 02 MHOR: Blokhintsev, D. I. TITLE: Elastic scattering of high-energy pions and nucleons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentall noy i teoretioheakoy fiziki, v. 421 no. 3, 1962, 860-881 TEXT: The author shows that the cross section of elastic back scattering. in the laboratory system decreases with the energy E of the interacting 0 particles as evl/Eo. This result was obtained on the assumption that spin effects are negligible, that the wavelength is small as compared with the dimensions of the interacting particles, and that absorption is high. The results expressed in the form of the differential cross section of back 2 scattering, (dLf/dR), 21(1 - PO)i 2 agree well with the results of 4 4 experiments with high-energy pions and nucleons. (p, - exp(2ill); complex phase). V. G. Grishin is thanked for discussions. There are -C ard 1/2 .C;/056/62/042/003/038/049 Elastic scattering of high- B108/B102 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- lan~uage publication reada as follows; K. W. Lai, L. W. Jones, M. L..Perll' Phys. Rev. Lett.,.J, 125, 1961. AP ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Instibite of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: October 20, 1961 Card-2/2 BLOKHINTSEV, Dmitriy Ivanovichj TALISKIY, D.A., red.; MURASHOVA, kIiii - - - " d" " '.' - -'V4- . ro V (Fundamentals of quantum meohanics) Osnovy kvantovoi mekha- niki. Izd.4. Moskva., Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 619 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Quantum theory) BARASHKOV, V.S.; BLOKHINTSEV,.D.I.; MIKHUL, E.K.; PATERA, I.; SEMASHKOp G.L.; SARANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. (Polar theor7 of ,)~ -hyperon produetion ia or N-inter- actions at high energies] Foliusnaia teiori-La rozhdaniia A-giperonov v jrN -mimodaistviiakh,pri bol'shikh energiiakh. Dubha, Ob"edinennyi in-t iademykh iseledo- vanii, 1963. 16 p*- (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut atomnoy fiziki v Thikhareste (for Mikhul). (Hyperons) (Masons) B&HINCEV ~Ontsevp Do] 47 -'V On the eve of new discoveries in physics. Term tud kozl 7 n o&6. -254 aTe 1636 -253 1* szovjetunio Tudomanyos akademiaja levelazo tagja; Dubnai Egyasitatt Atomkutato Inteast iga2gatoja. S10891631014100110111013~ B 102/B186 AUTHOR: Blokhintsev, D. I. TITLE: Causality in the modern field theory PERIODICAL: Atomhaya energiya, v. 14, no. 1, 1963, 105-109 TEXT: A detailed discussion is given of the significance attaching to the causality principle in classical and qiiantum physics (cf. also. Blokhintsev, Sb. Filosofiskiye voprosy sovremennoy fiziki - Philosophic problems of modern phypics- 1A.Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1952 and Preprint OlYaI, Dubna, 1962) and of the conclusions following-from it. An attempt:.-is made. to avoid the divergencies that.result when the causality the space time continuum is applied on the microscopic scale. A discus-'.:~ sion is given of the theoretical possibility of preserving macroscopic causality and of so modifying microscopic causality that no singularities appear. In this connection the possibilities for'a suitable generaliza- tion of the causality principle are discussed. buch possibilities may arise'from the nonlinear theory of. field propagation (Born), the change .of the metric of the physical vacuum and the space time quantization. Card 1/2 ASSOCIATION:-7, ob"---- iniiiiii'-w-'ifistitut yad piylkh_ -issledovaniy-' [,,'Joint Institute 9f Nuclear R2ag 4rgh) . A SUBMITTED: 3 DATE. ACO: 06Sep6 25Apr63 ENCL: 0 _ _ , 'CODE: B SOV:::: 003 NO PH OTHERi 1 .A 0 , ~ KELER, V.R.,, otv. red.; MILLIONSFCHIKOV, M.D.) akademik, red.; BLOKHIN, N.N.j red.; BLDHINTSEV, D.I., red.; GNEDENTO, B.V., akademik, red. 3`--ZX0C41--1-XOV INJI.p red.; KELDYSE, M.V., akademik, red.; KIRILLI11, V.A.p akadeniik, red.; KORTIMOV, V.V., red.; MONIN,. AndrVy.gergayevich, prof., doktor fiz.- matem. nauk, red. (1921); NE,%1EYANOV, A.N.p akademik, red.; FARIN~ V.V,, red,; REBINDER, P.A., alcademikp red.; SEMENOV, N.N., akademik, red.; FDK, V.A.p akademikp red.; FRANTSOV, G.P., akademik, red.; ENGELIGARDT, V.A., akademik, red.; KREM14EVAj G., red.; BALASHOVA, A., red.1 BERG A. I. akademik, red. [Science and mankind, 1964; simple and precise information about the principal developments in world science] Nauka i chelovechestvo., 1964.; dostupno i tochno o glavnom v miro- voi nauke. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,n 1964. 424 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Blokhir~TFAt1WWiZ-.'U1Uen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Blokhintsev). 3. Akactemiya nauk SSSR Ukr.Sj~,(for Gnedenko). (, _);~l ) F- V , .--; L- _ t . I I -; BIDHINCEVP D. Lblokhintsev, L.) Quantum aggregates. Magy fiz folyoIr 12 no.l-.1-8 '(1/4. 1. Moscow State University. ACcrssioN NR:- A1~4042567 S/0056/64/046/006/2049/2051.- AUTHOR: Blokbint-sev,. D. TITLE; Geometrical optics of,elementary particles SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor.,fiz.,"v. .46/ 'no. 6,1964, 2049-2051 TOPIC TAGS: wave equatioh,%wave function, high energy particle, elementary particle, particle scattering, mathematical method ~ABSTRACT: By starting from 'the equation for the single-time wave function for two particles V e, W) (x') d3z'- and by -,using two limiting cases', those of long and short waveto it .~is showathat thenonlocal potential which is obtained from quantum fi:eld theory can be replaced in.the case of large wave numbers by a .local comp.3,j%x refractive index., This gives theoretical grounds for Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042567 the application of geonie' optics to-the description of the scat- tering of,high-energy particles, as was done by the author and by .others elsewhere (D. I. Blokhintsev et al.,, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh nauk v. 68, 417, 1959; Nuovo pimento 9j 249, 1958. A. Serber, Phys. IRev. Letters v. 10, 357,' 196j). However, such a description of the scattering particles is'appr6ximate and will not be valid for very large scattering aAgles bacl~~ard tcattering. orig.. art. has: 14 formulas., ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED., lWun63 ..DATEIACQ.- ENCL: .00 SUB CODE: NP NR REk SOV: .004 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2_ BLORINCFV, D.I. [Blokhintsev, D.I.] High-energy physics in 1964. Fiz szemle 15 no.2:48-50 F 165. 1. Joint Institute of Nuc~ear Research, Dubna. BLOICENTSEV., D. I. On the threshold of the deepest scien4ific revolut on. Priroda 54 no.1:53-56 Ja 165. PA 18:2) 1. Obl'yedJnennyy institut yauernykh issledovaniy, Dubna; chlen- korrespondent, AN SSSR. BLOlaiINTSKV, D. I. Propagation of high-frequency signal;5 in a med-.Lum with random*characteristies. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.3;574-576 Ja 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy;'chlen- korrespondent A14 SSSR. Submitted October 20, 1965. -,,:ACC --Nkt AP6 SOUR CODEt UR/0033/65/086/W/0721107?-4 771: A AUTHOR Blokhint 1) 1 ORO TITLS.*.. ener& pbysics and'basic 0 modern thoory principles f SOURCE s Uspekhi fizicheakikh nauk,. 86, no. 4 1 721,724 Vo j 965e OM TAGS: wave chanics, elementary particle, particle interaction T This' -article- 18~4 brief au Mary' St m the ABSTRACT: of ate-of -the-m ' ..... biW -review of the halsto rical yhyelds.. A. art In high energy ;oteps leading-to'the development of wave mechanics Is followed,,'. -by suggested experiments which might lead.tolfurther revolution- ary.discoverleirin the:area of-high-energy physics. These Bug-" eriments have to ~ do with 'the structure of f roe time-. X P 7 ace and internal events., In-elementary particles during the1r.:..,,_.- " *-~,- --.:...,, ,-...~ -.--most intimate interaotionee The- overall, impression Le one-of--.-: , . Agpdatory comment rather,.than,'boientitio.reporting ,20 -":SU DATS one:." :Wf, 0 EM n' -010 OTH REF, -SUB; CODE: 06 !,UDCt :2942,01 ACC NRi AP7002344 AUTHOR: Blokbintsey- D_ I. ORG: none SOURCE CODEt UR/0089/66/020/004/0293/0310 TITLE: Tenth anniversary of scientific work at the joint instir studies to of nuclear SOURCE:- Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. S. 1966, 293-310. TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor technology, nuclear physics ABSTRACT: A review of some icisparch carried out at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies in h~gjj-en~Tgy 2hys s /dnd reactor"tachnology is presented. The author _E~anks his co-workers at the Institu~a who helped him compile this work. Special thanks go to, R. AL_Aj0.qoX, U,_ S. Bar4slMnkoLy _V. P. Dzhelopov, I. V. Chuyl In 1. 14. -Franks and (it N. Flarovil Further thanks goes to P.-kt Zol~nikov -and Yu. A. Tumanov who took the photographs for this article. CNA/ SUB CODU 20j,18 SUBH DATZ9 nonG ORIG RZF% 071 OTH REFt 012 Card l/X ------------ 7, ALC A i .,;O1) I R" El CODE: l)lvoo53/()O/oli')/oo;!/oli,15/ol.99~.' i&T"AIII~: W101di ill %."y D. Joint Ins'--t-Llite of i'mclear Research (Ob"YcdIncnnyy institut yadernylkh issledo- TITHH": Bas-is for special relativity theory provided by experiments in high energy I'! 1y.; ics SO-URCE: 11spokIii fiz-ichc.-,kjkh nau%, Y. 89, 110. 21 19661 185-199 TAGS: spi-cial rcls~-Uvity theory, high energy interaction, mass energy relation.. principlc' space itime, dispersion equation, elementary particle ic author reviews a large ntmibcr of experiments in hi.Ch-cncr(7 Iiysics ford y p --ic -Purposc of chcc!Un~g the degree of support that they call provide for the -.'Oecial of rclat.Wity."~~--'Vnc theoretical foundation.- for tertirk-, the special theory of relativity in the domain of high energies and small dimensions are reviewed from the oi il%. of view of nxulicrous elementary premisin of element- ary-part icle theory such as p imicrocausality, conservation -laws, and the various parities. The principles that ami,ght be verified on the basis of recent experimental data are microcausality, the dis- -ocrion reltations, the assyrnptotic relations between vaiious cross sections,, and bomo- i Gencity ai,,d iz-otropy of space-time. Other possible checks on the theory of relativity i i in liah' , of present e:Terimental results are also mentioned. It is concluded that, the presently known set of facts in dimensions close to 10-15 cr (lab.) or 10-1" cm L Card 1/2 IJDC: 530.12: 531.18 L 1024.'3-67 ACC NR; AI-16028551 do not contradict relativistic Idnematics, which hold on the average with an I accuracy of -1A. Ilia dependence of mass on velocity has been verified with higher ac-1 curacy, up to 0.01%. Possible large deviations from relativistic kinematics are con- i ceivable, but these have low probability and have not been investigated. The only I troifulesome aspect is the situation with local field theorY, which is closely related !to the assumed form of geometry and to causality. Asymptotic cross sections in the irc~-ion of 20 Gov do not approach one another as expected, and a comparison of present_ 3,y known data on the forward scattering of high-energy pions does not agree with the -results of calculations by means of dispersion relations. This calls for an increase in the measurement accuracy. If this disagreement between theory and experiment is i sic! jeonfirmed, this would serve as a serious basis for a radical reevaluation of the ba, ipostulates of modern special relativity theory. Orig. art. has: I figure and 18 formulas. iSUB CODE: 20/ ,C SUM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 022/ OTH REF: 024 ACC M U)~017073 SOURCE CODEt UR/0020/66/166/004/0774/0776 AUTHOR: Blokhtntsev, D. 1. (Corresponding Member AN SSSR) ORG: Joi-n-i--tnstitut-a-f~~r-kuclear Research (ObOlyedinennyy Institut yadernykh isaledovaniy) TITLE: Space-time metrics and non-linear fields SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 4, 1966, 774-776 TOPIC TAGS: special relativity theory, physics SUB CODE: 20 ABSTRACTs Certain requirements for signal linearity Implicitly contained In the special theory of relativity are usually Ignored. Eistein has noted many times that we must deal with the sum "geometry plus physics," not with each component individually. This article analyzes this "sum" In the example of an abstract world in which there Is only one form of matters the scalar field (X) distributed in space R (X) (X - X I X2, x3, x4). In this case the directions In space R4 (X) are divides Into time directions (within the zone of influence) and space directions (without It). In order to differentiate between space and timew It Is necess 'ary to employ a signal which has a cone of influence including all other possible cones of influence. The authors note that the Klein equation, as usually appliedt leads to particle motion with speeds higher than the velocity of light, From the point of View of the definition of time given in this article (area attainable by a 'signal), the author considers that there Is one space coordinate and three time courdinatesS X19 X2, X3. ~Jith this definition of time, particle velocities described rd UDCi 530.18+530.16 BLOMINISEVt. Eng. I. DAIRY PLANTS From the experience of master Nikulenkov Mol. prom. 13, no. 9, 1952 M 61 T T Y, r ITID, AUTHORSs Shapiro, I. S., Dolinakiy, E. I., Blokhintoev, L.D., 2oZ.U/42 TITLE: Problem of Interaction of Muon With Nucleons (K voproau o vzaimodeystvii$o,-mezonov a nuklonami). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 19571 Vol- 116, xr 6, pp. 946 - 948 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The present report investigates the angular distribution of neut- rona which were obtained at the capture of a negative muon by a proton in 4&4-mesohydrogen. The negative muon is assumed to be po- larized. In this case the angular distribution of the neutrons in a general case will be generally anisotropic because of the non- conservation of the parity with weak interactions, in which case both the sign and the size of anisotropy depend on the form of interaction.The energy of interaction of a nuon with a nucleon taking account of the nonconservation of parity can be written down conjugated complex in the form H-5-~(V~,Okyp)(~[gk-gk't5]Ok-xt-') + k In this case Ok means the operators known from the theory of the 2-deoay which are composed of the Dirac matrices. It further holds k - spppv,a,t,in which case a,p,v,a,t signifies the scalar,pseudo- scalar,vectoriallpseudovectorialland tensorial variant of inter- gk the variant proposed by L.D.Landau (refer- action With gk - ence 1i of the th cry with a longitudinal polarized neutrino is ; obtained.The formula W (e)- 1 +acosO, holds for the angular distribu- Card 1/2 tion of the neutrons,in which case 8 denotes the angle between the 0 ProbUs OVInteraction of Muon With Nucleons. ASSOCIATIONt, PRESEREDS SUBMITTEDJ AVAILLBLEs Card 2/2 20-6-14/42 direction of emission of the neutron and the negative direction of polarization of the negative muon. The terms valid in the ca- se of the presence of all variants of interaction is given for a The values of a for the different variants of interaction (on the assumption of longitudinal neutrino)are summarized in a table,Such formulae can also be obtained for the capture of negative muonv by protons which are bound to nuclei.In this case a depends on the matrix elements of the nuclei which renders the interpretat- ion of the experimental data difficult.Besides the anisotropy of angular distribution of the neutrons, also the fact can be utili- zed for the determination of the form-of interaction that the neutrons formed during the proces9ed,7+p_--,,n+,9 are generally pola- rized. This polarization takes place both transversally and long- itudipally. A table contains the amounts of longitudinal polari- zation of the P-neutrons obtained at the capture of unpolarized negative muons by free protons in the case of a longitudinal neutrino.These data hold also approximately for the capture of muone by nualei.There are I figure,1 table and 4 referenoes,2 of which are Slavic. (vennyy universitet im.M.V.Lomonosova) IbSCM,S+A+A 1%dVOrBAY Im- M- V- IOMOU900V Ubskovskiy gosudarst- May 27, 1957, b~ D_ V. bkobelltsyn,Ioademician MaY 18,1957 Library of Congress S006-34-3-41/55 AUTHORS: Dollinakiy, E. 1. Blokhintse The Absorption.of Polarized Negative Myons by Nuclei (Pogioshcheniye polyarizovannykh ~C_mezonov yadrami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikij 19589 Vol. 34, Nr 3v PP- 759 - 761 (USSR) ABSTRACTs According to I. S. Shapiro and others (Reference 1) the distribution of the neutrons formed in the capture of polariz- ed negative.myons'by free protons, can be represented in the form I + otoos 9. The present report gives the results of calculation of the coefficient M-for the case of absorption of negative myons by protons which are bound in nuclei, for the scalar (s), vectorial (V), tensorial (t) and pseudovec- torial (a) variant of the 4-fermion-interaction of myons with nucleons. The nucleus is described by the shell model and the recoil of the nucleus is neglected. The calculation is oarried out in non-relativistic approximation iith re- spect to the nucleons. The interaction of the neutron being Card 113 emitted with the nucleus was taken into acoount by means of BOVA6-)4-3-41/55 The Absorption of Polarized Negative Myons by Nuclei I a complex potential which allcus the application cf a certain probability of absorption of the neutron in the nucleus. The value obtained for OCcan be still reduced due to various causes which are briefly summarized here. Firsi, terms for the wave functions of the proton and of the neutron are written down. The wave function of the neutron is written down here a'Iso by taking account of the spin orbit inter- action. The wave function of the neutrino was applied in ,form of a plane wave. Subsequently '2f2 rmulae for the emission of a neutron with EN - A kj/2m under a given angle 9 in the absorption of a negative myon are written down in the subshell characterizable by the quantum numbers n, j9 1. These formulae hold for the superposition of the s, v, t and a-variants. The total effect of all closed subshells is obtained by summarizing the corresponding formulae by way of n, j, 1. The formulae given here, also describe the absorption of a negative myon by I proton which is located above the closed shells. The formulae given here might form a good approximation for the double magic nuclei. The de- Card 2/3 tails of the calculation and the numerical estimations for sOV/56-34-3-41/55 The Absorption of Polarized Negative Myons by Nuclei concrete nuclei will be given in a separate report. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED.- December 9, 1957 'r Card 3/3 241%5), 21M SOV/56-35-6-26/44 AUTHORS: Dolinakiy, E. I. 1__~ TITLE: Absorption of Polarized p_-Mesons by Nuclei (Fogloshcheniye polyarizovannykh p -mezonov yadrami) The Angular Distribution of Neutrons (Uglovoye raspredeleniye neytronov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 6, Pp 1488-1498 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the nuclear absorption of negative muons makes it possible to determine the non-electromagnetic in- teraction between muons and nucleons. The process of the nuclear absorption of muons develops via an intermediate stage with formation of a mesic atom according to (I): IL- + P --I- N + V + Q, (P - proton, N - neutron, V - neutrino). In the introduction, several earlier publications dealing with this subject are discussed. Most of the theoretical papers, (as e.g. references 1 - 3), operate with the nuclear shell model with j-J coupling. In reference 4 measurements of the ratio between muon decay probabilities are compared with the theoretical results obtained by Tolhook and Luyten (Tolktiu'k., Luyten) (Ref 3) (Gamov,-Teller interaction type). Card 1A In a number of papers (Refs-5-9) the asymmetry of neutron SOV/56-35-6-26/44 Absorption of Polarized g -Mesons by Nuclei. The Angular Distribution of Neutrons angular distribu tion from (1),"(abeorption of polarized, muons) was investigated. Several authors (Refs 5, 9, 10) found that the nuclei themselves show polarization aftt;r the capture of polarized muons. In reference 8 the circular polarization and the angular distribution of I-quanta in g -ra&-ation capture 41 was investigated, references 11 and 12 deal with the investi- gation of the total depolarization of V -mesons in hydrogen. In the present paper the authors investigate neutron angular distribution from (1) when using g_-mesons, which are produced as a decay product of u--masons polarized along the direction of their flight. (1) may be considored to be a direct process for the neutron angular distribution of which I + P 9acos 9 holds (P9 is the degree of polarization of the V--mesons at the in- stant of capture, a - the asymmetry coefficient, and 9 - the angle between the direction of olarization and the direction in which the neutron is emitted~. By taking the non-conserva- tion of parity into account, the Hamiltonian for four-fermion interaction between muon and nucleon is set up. As the binding energy of the g -meson in the K-orbit in the mesic atom is Card 2/4 considerably lower than its rest energy, the wave function for SOV/56-35-6-26/44 Absorption of Polarized p--Mesons by Nuclei. The Angular Distribution of Neutrons the muon can be used in non-relativistic approximation. For the nucleus the shell model with J-J coupling is used. The recoil energy of the nucleus is neglected. The potential of the shell model and the interaction potential between neutron and nucleus is assumed to be spherically symmetric. The spin- orbit interaction of the emitted neutron with the nucleus is not taken into consideration because this case has already been dealt reference 13. The results obtained by theo- retical considerations are numerically evaluated for the neutron emission probability dW(E NQ) and for the asymmetry a(EN) for the 016 and the Ca 40 nucleus. Calculations are car- ried out with a coupling constant gk = ck(10-49 erg.CM3). The numerical results obtained Are shonw by 2 tables and 4 figures* They can be summarized as follows; The energy spectrum has a maximum at E Fd5 Mev. The major part of g -mesons is N absorbed by protons of the external shells of the nucleus. For, the angular distribution of neutrons it holds that Card 3/4 q(Q) - 1 + P11 _~a.HCos 9, o~ is the asymmetry coefficient for SOV/56-35-6-26/44 Absorption of Polarized p--Mosons by Nuclei. The Angular Distribution of Neutrons P -capture in hydrog9n (without consideration of hyperfine structure), W f;r 010 and Ca4o;ze +0-5. Degree of polarization of g--mesons in the K-shell of the meeic atom: P - 0.15 - 0.20 (Refs 14, 22), aH is between -1 and +1/3, for W A 0.5 the asymmetry of neutron angular distribution is of the order 3 - 10%. The authors in conclusion thank I.,S. Shapiro for his interest and his discussions, and they also thank M. K. Akimov, who carried out numerical computations on the electronic computer "Strela" of the MGU, There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 25 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1958 Card 4/4 DOLINSKIY, Ye. I. and BLOKHIMEV I L. D. "Absorption of Polarizadje-Mesons by Nuclei; The Neutron Angular Distribution," NucleaX kboysics, Yol. 10, No. 5. 1959, PP. 527-540 (No. Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam) The angular distribution of neutrons emitted in the absorption of polarizedA--mesons by nuclei is calculated. Numerical cwwutations are carried Out for 8 0 16 and 20 0 a 40- Moscow State Univ. 21(7), 21(8) j..UTAOR.- Blokhintsev, L. D. SOV/56-36-1-36/62 TITLE& The Absorption of Polarized e&CLMesons by Nuolei (Pogloshcheniye polyarizovannykhd,C-mezonov yadrami The Polarization of Neutrons (Polyarizatsiya neytronov~ PERIODICAM Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Wr 1, pp 256-263 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper calculates the polarization of neutrons which occur in the reaction eC+ P -4N + Y at the capture of negative muons by a free proton. In the first, chapter neutron polarizatim, is calculated. The vector V.. of neutron polarization is N defined " the mean value of the operator;5~of neutron spin; PN = SPV&)1Sp'j0. HerePdanotes the density matrix, and the elements in its diagonal determine the probability of the departure of a neutron. On the basis of general considerations , ) --4 --4 it holds that P ap + ~'k + erkV jp where P denotes the N polarization vector of the negativemuon and kN the momentum of the neutron. Further, the Hamiltonian of muon-nucleon Card 1/3 interaction used in these calculations in consideration of The Absorption of Polarized 4"-Mesons by Nuclei. SOV/56-36-1-36/62 The Polarization of Neutrons the non-conservation of parity is written down. The polarization of neutrons is calculated by basing on the same conditions as in the case of angular distribution in a previous paper by E. 1. Dolinskiy and L.-D. Blokhintsev (Ref 1). The formulas obtained,in this way hold actually only in the case of nuclei with completely filled proton-subshells. Two cases are investigateds The spin-orbit interaction between neutron and nuoleus was 'I) neglected, and 2) taken into account. The rather voluminous formulas for neutron polarization in disregard of spin-orbit interaction are explicitly written down. The even more complicated formulas taking account of this interaction are not given. The formulas permit the following conclusions toxbe drawnt 1) IneC-capture in mesic hydrogen the component FK is different from zero only if the above mentioned Hamiltonian is invariant with respect to an inversion of the spatial- and time-axes. 2) Py is not connected with the degree of non-conservation of spatial parity in the z Card 2/3 aforementioned Hamiltonian. 3) The longitudinal polarization P N The Absorption of Polarized e-Mesons by Nuclei. SOV156-36-1-36162 The Polarization of Neutrons of the neut.-on does not become equal to zero even in the case of unpolarized negative muons. The second chapter of this.paper deals with the numerical calculation for the 16 hilidei80 and 20 Ca4O. The degree of polarization (especially of longitudinal polarization) of a neutron may attain very considerable values. The author thanks I. S. ShapiiD for his interest and for discussing V~e results obtained. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCI ATION& Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets, (Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1958 Card 3/3 AUT11ORS: Shapiro, I. Sop Blokhinteevj Le Do sov/56-37-3-26/62 TITLE; Circular Polarization of the r-Quanta Emitted by a Nucleus After a eC*-Capture PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 37', Nr 30), pp 769-764 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In computing the:ciroular polarization mentioned in the titled the hyperfine splitting up of-the level of the mesic atom was taken into account. The authors made their computations for the case that the nucleus passes to a discontinuously varying.level in the &--capture (i.e.. no neutron departs). The process to be investigated is the.1ollowing: Nucleus AZ with spin j, captures a polarized negative ion from the K-shell and passes to the excited level A Z-1 with spin J21 which then passes from the multiplicity J to the ground state with spin j 3 under, emission of a r-quantum. The authors wrote down the Hamiltonian of the four-fermion interaction as'a superposition of the vectorial(V), axially vectorial (a)) and pseudoscalar (p) variant vith the coupling constants g g andL g The degree C of circular v a p r Card 1/4 Ciroular Polarization of, the r-Quanta Emitted by BOV/56-37-3-26/62 a Nuoleus After a & -Capture polarization is defined as followel C =(W+ - WYN, r W+and W denote the probabilities of the emission of r-quanta with the;r spin in parallel (right-hand polarization) and anti- parallel position respectively# to the momentum (left-hand polarization). For a,longitudinal neutrino the computation furnishes the result: C(r - P& OCOOS 0 P 0~. - B/A. P. denotes the degree of polarization of the negative muon at the instant of its incidence on the K-orbit of the mesic, atom, 9 - the angle: between the dirootioiis of the polarization vector of the negative muon and of the direction of departure of the t-quantum. The above-mentioned formulas hold for the case that the neLtrino, departs with a certain angular momentumA = A . This is the min least possible angular momentum admitted by selection rules. The oorreotion shown by Gall-Mann (Ref 4) conoerning the allowed transitions due to the "weak mechanism" has already been taken into consideration in the above expressions. In order to examine this, the authors investigate the transition Card 2/4 Aj Es J2 - J, 1 (no). A formula is, written down for the Ciroular Polarization of the t%.Quanta Emitted by SOV156-37-3-26162 a Bucleus After a (1,14--Capture matrix element Mv of the ~b transition. The structu Ire ofthis matrix element Mv is similar to that of the matrix element of the operator for the energy of interaction of the magnetic moment with the magnetio field. Quantity eu, (the total magne#o moment of the transition, computed in nuclear magnston unitsj,, takes into account the contribution of virtual pions accordi ng to Gell-Mann. Ref 4)--For the.transitions'of the type j 1.(no~, however# neither corrections are made for a "weak mechanism":nor are other relativistic corrections of the eame order of magnitude the amount of polarization of the ;r-rays although they contribute to the total probability of the process. The problem of such corrections in the (a--capture was inve stigated more e3Cactly by B. L. Ioffe (Ref 5). In.computing the expression for C the hyperfine splitting up of the mesic-atom level was taken into account, for it.plays an important part. In the transitions satisfying Fermi's selection rules the circular polarization of r-quanta is entirely due to hyperfine interaction. As an example of an allowed transition Card 3/4 Cixoullar Polarization of the -Quanta Emitted by SOV/56-37-3-26/62 a Fucleus After a &7-Capture with subsequent dipole radiation (A o, J = 1) at J1 - J2 ~ j3- 1/2 is investigated for the Gamov-Teller variant. In most oases, the 6C-oapture leads to the departure of a neutron from the nucleus. There are 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet6 MMITTED: April 39 1959 Card 4/4 BLOICHINTSE-Vip L. D., Cand Pbys-Matb Sci (diss) -- "Polarization phenomena in the capture of )4--mesons by nuclei". Moscow, 1960. 11 pp (Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor R.--d Banner State U im M. V. Lomonosov, Sci Res InSt Of Nuclear Physics), 130 copies (KL, No 12, 196o, 124) SH"nto, I.S.; BWMNTS37. L.D. Capture of A--mesomm by the 016 nucleus. Zhur. ekaP. i teor. fis. 39 no.4:1122-1114 0 6o. - - (=A 13:11) (mesons) I 88462 `1650/039/006/054/063 S/057 W j, 4. kilo B006 B063 AUTHORS: Akimova, M. K., Blokhintsey, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I. TITLE: Angular Distribution and Polarization of Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture.of Some Light Nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy-i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1806-1817 TEXT: A study of the angular distribution and polarization of neutrons emitted from nuclei as a result of the reaction p- + P-M + V gives information on the muon-nucleon weak interaction constant. Formulas for angular distribution and polarization (Refs. 1-4) have been obtained in different approximations, and numerical calculations have been made for several concrete cases. The very extensive calculations presented here are based on the theory-of universal;Fermi interaction, and have been made on the assumption that the interaction of "stripped" fermions can be described bj V- and A-type four-fermion.coupling. All relativistic terms which are of first order in vn/o (vn - nucleon velocity), including weak Card 1/8 88462 Angular Distribution and Polarization of S10561601039100610541063 Neutrons.Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006/B063 Light Nuclei magnetism and effective-pseudoscalar interaction, are taken into account. The Hamiltonian H eff describing the muon capture is taken from Ref. 7' and from the universal Fermi interaction with conservation of the vector current it follows that 9('U) = 0-972 g(p), pm 1+h 4-71, 9(P) = 0-999 9(p), and V V A A 9 8g(Pj g(0)- Fermi coupling constantifor p-aecay of nucleons; 3~ A V PPIN - anomalous magnetic moments of proton and neutron in nuclear magnetons; g(P)- Gamow-Teller coupling constant for P-decay of nucleons. A These assumptions and results of a previous paper (Ref. 3) are used to derive formulas for the emission probability of neutrons with given kinetic energy from a nucleus, for the angular distribution and the polarization for the case of direct neutron emission: j Card 2/8 88462 Angular Distribution and Polarization of B/O 5 6 60/039/006/054/063 B06A63 Neutrons'Emittrd in Muon Capture of Some Lig4t,.Xucl~i dw (E.V, 0) 0(""Wo (EN) U (E.0 + PiA (EN) cos 01 dEAd0,v/41v, (4) I (EN) (I + 3X2) ~- 2 11 211A - X2 (x - 1)] T, (Ev) + + 12~0 + ),2 (x 1)2 + 11 T2 (EN), K, (Ev) ((-.1 + %I) PO (Ey) + 2 1 + 2%1t + + V, (x I Pt (Ev) T, (Ejv) + 121LI (x 1)2 11 p2 (Ev) y2 (Ev)), ~(6) 0. 1040 9pa-1 &,( 'VIO, x OlIg q (EAr, 0) 1 + PIal (Ejv) cos 0, (7) al (Ev) Kl.(Ev)ll (Ev)- (8) PH IV (EV) L, (Ev)/l (Ev), (Ek) 2 0% (9) 12' go (Ev) + PI(EV)TI(EV) + 1~0- X(X- 1)]P s (EN),r2 (EN)) (10) Card 3/8-- 88~62 Angular Distribution and Polarization of s/656/60,039/006/054/063. Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006/BO63 Light Nuclei The angle, 0, of neutron emission is'measured'xyith respect to the direction of polarization of the)A mesons; their degree of polarization on the K-orbit of the mesic atom at the instant of capture is denoted b 3, F~k The neutron kinetic energy lies in the interval %+d%). The coefficients W P and have been calculated by the computer "Strela" of IrGIJ 0 k rk 12 20 28 32 (Moscow State University) for the nuclei of C , Ne , Si , and S on the following assumptions: The state of the protons in'the nucleus may be described by the nuclear shell model.with jj-coupling; spin-orbit splitting of proton negle?~jd. A square-well potential for.the shell model is assumed with R r A interaction between neutron 0 and nucleus is described by a complex square well, A (-U N('+' r< R V (r) N 0 r R -with the same R; computations are performed for, 0' -0.10, and -0-15; the coordinate dependence of the wave function of the muon on the Card 4/8 88462 Angular Distribution and Polarization'of' S/056 6.0/039/006/0WO63. Neutrons.Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006YB063 Light Nuclei K-orbit -is' taken into account. Numerical results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Fig. 1 s hows W0(EN) for the three values of f (curves 1-3). ar 2/ f,2 The values of a in Table 1 are defined by Yj( - Va3llr e- , a=zmpe i%, . Fig.2 shows P o(EX) again for the three.value6.of f.. In t.he final section, the results obtained are compared with experimental data and discussed in detail. Professor I. S. Shapiro is thanked for discussions. A. Ye. Ignatenko is.mentioned. There are 17 figures, 3 tables, and 20 references: 8 Soviet, 10 US, 1 Italian, and I Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University) SUBMITTED:. July 29, 1960 Ox. Card S/05 61/041/006/048/054 B109YB102 AUTHORSt Blokhintsev, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I. TITLE-. Coupling constants in It-capture PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 41, no. 6(12), 1961, 1986-1995 TEXT: It is shown that within the universal Fermi interaction theory the beat agreement with experimental data is obtained in the theory in which the vector current is conserved. The four coupling constants indicated in Table 1 are determined by experimental studies of the probability of muon capture on the one hand, and of the angular distribution of neutrons on the other. The experiments proved that in the case of negative (")Ig(")) for It 4.7 and It - 1, (11 1 + 9(")Ig(")), and in the 9i V case of positive X for It 1 no X and x (X Vexist that would 9~ A simultaneously satisfy the three experiments considered: determ,.'-.nation of capture probability in C 12 and P31 and of neutron angular distribution. Card 1 B/056J61/041/006/048/054 Coupling constants in p-capture B109/B102 ~11 ) denotes the axial pseudo vector -~ coupling constant, g(11) is the 9i (10 V vector coupling constanty g is the effective pseudoscalar coupling P I constint. In the case of positive X and for IL a 4-7, x and X values may exist within the ranges: 104 x 425, 1.6 4h-~66. The experimental data and those expected theoretically are compared and found to be in b 'etter agreement if the vector current is conserved. The comparison also shows that the sign of g('L) is opposite to that of (11). Also, I (IL)l ),jg(P)j . J v 9i gi V The sign of gP is positive in aooordance with theory. The remarkable tendency toward relatively high va*lues of the ratios and 9i V (")/g('L), compared with theoretical calculations, may possibly be 9~ A explained by experimental inaccuracies, and this point may yet have to be revised. 1. S. Shapiro is thanked for discussions, and V. S. Yevseyev and A. Ye. Ignatenko for having submitted their own findings (L. B. Yegorov, G. V. Zhuravlev, A. Ye. Ignatenko, A. V. Kuptsov, Li Hatiang-ming, M. G. Petrashku. Preprint OIYaI, 1961; V. S. Yevseyevj Card 2/4 Coupling constants in ji-capture S/05 61/041/006/048/054 B109Y33102 V. I. Komarov, V. Z. Kush, V S Roganov, V. A. Chernogorovaq M. M. Shimehak. IOYaIj preprint; 1961). There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 31 references: 6 Soviet and 25 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to Enalish-language publications read as follows: I .I H. Oberall. Phys. Rev.t 1219-1219, 1961; M. K. Akimova, L. D. Blokhintsev$ E. I. Dolinskiy. Nual. Phys., 9.1, 369l 19611'E. J. Maier, B. L. Bloch, R. M. Edelsteing R. T. Siegel. Fhyq. Rev. Lett.,.~t 417, 1901; A. Astburyt J. H. Bartley, J. M. Blair, M. A. R. Kemp, H. Mirhead, T. Woodhead. Preprint, Liverpool University, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: July 23, 1961 Legend to Table 1: (1) coupling constant in ji-capture; (2) diagrams considered; (3) expressed in terms of coupling constants in the p-decay of nucleons. Card 3/f 38870 5/05 62/042/006/035/047 ~S60 B104 108 YB AUTHORS: Blokhints6vt L. D.9 Dolinskiy, E. I., Popov, V. S. TITLE: Analytical properties of nonrelativistic%graphs PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 429" no. 6, 1962, 1636 - 1646 TEXT: Some problems of the nonrelativistic graph techniqpe are studie~11. A nonrelativistic graph with n internal lines and with 1 independent closed a)ntours can be represented in the form Fa lim d3 k. d~. jfj (q'j - 2m,8, M)j S-1 With the aid of a Peynman parametric representation, F is derived as a n1 function of the kinematic invariants X and A t n r-,, ye-)' r (n 51/ 2 "lim da, 6ak 6 A7-'/- (XA Card 1/2 S/05 62/042/006/035/047 Analytical properties of ... B104YB108 X and are homogeneous functions of the first order of the Feynman parameters a.. The characteristic feature of this integral representatiori is the 6-function b(z W which reduces the number of integrations CrYa over a as compared to the analogous relativistic case. The number of i i nontrivial integrations in M over a remains constant when internal lines are added to the initiat graph, which pairwise connect the apexes. of the graph. Real singul~rim f single-contour graphs are investigated, jLes o and anexplicit expression is Pbtained for the amplitude of a triangular graph. There are 3 figures an1t 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernok fiziki Moskovskogo, gosudarBtvennogo universiteta (In~-titutetof Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University Ina itut teoreticheskoy i.eksperi- mentallnoy fiziki kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Phy9ios of the Aoademy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDt January 23, 1962 Card 2/2 S/056/62/043/005/045/058 B125/B104 AUTHORS: Blokhintsev, L. D., Dolinskiyp B. I., Popov, V. S. TITLE: On the Faynman amplitudes for nonrelativistic processes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretip~eskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 501), 1962, 1914-1926 TEXT: The nonrelativistic limit F(O) of the-relativistic amplitude Fr n1 n1 of an arbitrary Feynman graph is ascertained for the case when the kinetic energy transferred in the outer vertexes and the energy liberated at each vertex of the fraph is low with respect to the'virtual particles. All inner lines of the Feynman Eraph are to represent scalar particles. 1 is the number of independent closed contours. Res'ults: For P~*1, F r can be (0) ni written as the sum of the principal term F of the expansion of F with r1 ni respect to the small parameter 0, and of the relAivistic correction F(1) For n~-51/2, F(O) coincides with the nonrelativistic amplitude having nl nl Card 1/3 3/056/62/043/005/045/056 On the Feynm~n amplitudes foi.; B125/B104 singularities with respect to the nonrelativistic invariants. For n< 51/2, P(O) aepends only on the mass 6f the v_-rtual partie'les, but not on the n1 nonrelativistic kinematic in4ariants. The entire.dependence on the nonrelativistic invariants and all nonrelativistt'c'singularities are contained in the small relativistic correction*F 1). At n = 51/2, the n1 amplitude F(O) depends logarithmically on the nonrelativistic invariants n1 The order of magnitude of the relativistic coirections to the principal terms in the expansion oi the amplitude Fr with respect to 0 is given by ni Fn", = F.(01) (I + 6.1); (24) 0' nPH 2n-N=O aw A opm 2n-51=�t (25). 02 In nPu 2n-51=�2 npm 2n-51--�3, �4,... Card 2/3 S/056/62/943/005/045/058 On the ~eynman amplitudes for... B125/BI04 The graphs with n 0 0 (16) (923 (*.nd'-+ N;3' 1 npH nit> 0, nu 0. Fig. 2. Curves of the real'and,complex singularities of the amplitude F 31' a) for < 0; b) for. solid lines: real singulariti'e's 112 112 "~113< of F 31 on the physical sheet; dashed lines: real singularities, not on the physical sheet; dotted lines; complex singularities on the physical sheet. Card 5/5. BLOMINTSEV, L.D.; DOLINSKIY, E.I.; POPOV, V.S. Analytic properties of nonrelativistic diagrams. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.6:1636-1646 Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta i Listitut teoreticheskoy i eksperJmentallnoy fiziki AN SSSR.. (Nuclear reactions) (Graphic methods) BLOXHINTSEV L.D.; DOL KIY, E.I.; POPOV, V.S. Feyn= amplitudes for nonrelativistic processes. Zhur, eksp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.5:1%-~1926 N 162.(MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosud&-.3tvennogo universiteta i Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Graphic methods) (Nuclear reactions) BLORHINTSEV,, L.D.; DOLMKIr, E.I.; POPOVY V.S. Compleac obaracteristics-of direct nuclear reaction anplitudes, Zbur.eksp.i teorefiz. 43 no.6t2290-2298 D 162, (MM *21) A.-Institut yadernoy firii.d-Moskovskogo, gosudaretvennogo Universiteta i Institut-teoreticbeskoy i eksperimentalinoy fiziki. (Nuclear reactions) ACC NRs APX)12410 SOURMCODES UR/0367/67/005/001/0115/0122 AUTHOR: BloWhints6vt Lo Do.; Dolinskiyg So I# Iblinsky, So 1. ORG% Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State Wversity (Inst tut 4~' yadernoy flzikl Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Existence effects in quasi-elastic scfttterlng~ SOURCE: Yadernaya flzika,'v. 59 no. 1. 19679 115-122 TOPIC TAGS: elastic scattering, graph theory, riublear reaction SU13 COM. 20 ABSTRACT: Effecti due t6 the exisience of interodiate particles in quasi- A elastic scattering reactions are studied-u-Lng the graph theory of direct .nuclear reactions. It is demonstrated in the, example of the (N., N'd) reaction, thit the neglect of such effects leacls to:large.errors. It is noted that the effocts considered are not'taken into account in the usual calmdations. Mlitudes usIM "a wave function forml ism, Orig- art. has: -of direct reaction i 3 4figures.,and 22 f omuias*.', Egv~;ed,on authors# Eng. Abgt JPRSt 40,3 7 r 7 ir BMW - Jill alf son Al t A A-L a it 0*4 p , cloffs *O PROCISM AM P014110"ll Mors -00 see, l p -ow ' **A I . O111144 loo 002 008 41011NAWN 4'6101)ii [a Ilse rolot system of kok. d go A. Prakal'ov, LY MW ht, A. ' doe skoaasst ., N 30-43 2 Nk R V O. im. ef"at. Zast. 1O . , O -'ne No 40 2 onl 9t f I hb 11o* 994 . . c ar , o ru "f s amiparelively law in ~ 4,~Zp,,t 811herma. Itfact"M(GI(SUM.Intfiv f h =00 ww zone. a ter w k.h it decream Ajawly, Nil d6nilr r4wrelation Wall dwtv%d belwma Ik wt, of the 11PIR and the cwtent of rubber in the 1-yw plant W. R. flenn got Woo AMR Cleo too '49o 00 - 111" WOO 4.&G44 wit 4" Ogg MASI at 0MV sit 0 U AT go Isl 11 i ;0 is .0 In A v ad 4 al a I v a 9 a a 3 4 A t ` o 0 o 0 * 0 0 0'0 0 4 0 0 0 0 #0 0 , 1, 0 o o 0 0 0 *00 000 0 0 0 0 G-* 0000 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 111, 0 0 0 *f/ 0 00 0 e 0 0 00 4 0 0 1 ,NM fY~ _ ~ is .0 lot I it 11 * - JL- --r-A ML ICU A-) 1i 00 A It! f? rov4uu- AM _fACPAILf" Mkt!- ot 00, -TH-Gaiwi, aid nkwjmxwy of hole. YX A -00 A 0 0 IflukhAniveys. fiW tor. i Fitfol. NawAukoeto ' MOM10"o. 9. W40. Xhim. Abfftraai. hair. IM, i lot 016'a Net, 2,40: v . C. A. 33, ftV.-RulAwr appears jil the 00C III luh-seoghys on 11, Is, day ofto jctmhation, During wcp1allon the content of rulAwr in lite r(outs in. 092 elrm~~ and the content of T"Ites devivaters. Accumula. ~00 0 tion of sugar and inulin in the roots Imsins during the Ilud-hamation p"W and reachm its mat--*1u&uM_ the 100 (POA ifuit-twaring period. During the initial prriod rubbct ifaty- *of Itiltuted among the whole bark of the ivols, but is latrr *00 I. shird around and bcIerven Lbc latex veaserls. RuNwrism 00-1! product of smondary synthesis taking place: in the toots. f - This s nth i is n t d di l i h h 3 =00 40'3 m s oto&"- o cm wtt rect t y y w p ' W. R. lienn 004) coo ::U 00 I Also so* tree 7 "0 MOO If 11 view 60.1"Ir ,610 oo .01000 .10 o-V Got alai" We VISS11 off M 00 0 Al 10 Atl W 4 1 is j 4 'a v KID 0 0 0 0 40 0 O e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 l 6 'Nor 000000000004* r Is 11 ~ X a A-1-L-AIL 111404 ?"post" Aft Zhar. M 4. low" I No. 2. 4W cf. C. A. 33. ZkW,-bIll-IuChrUl- in- vextilgatims of 6i.005hys lmvrs showrol that Amilla I-rdridtiOll there It MV111"I'lled 'it (110 a mi-trlion vomistinS Mainly Of I-Iftluth SAIWAncv-VI. io -00 acetone. The to itsommim and the Vol. (if the '60 %1'" lmva-m an ticutint thent with water vapor or bax-~, %b, -tNecting lit ob4cirvect ori A ith Omie -00 avill. Memoir otrull tunpleA vthcn sub- e0 tkowc. are Ineke"I In the Wvrellons. Iloomitialion V%pts. i1plicair that the mxvrtion slork, ow vontain any rubbet du ,nX the early St"mof VVW(h and MIMIUS 0911Y tCdWr% ShIT"inx The blauckining and fruit-bearing malf". Rubber 6 (twilled not in the lcsvv4, truit lit the latex Ivwl% of kuk- It a- to An its --- MITALORGICAL room #0"I"T $494*0 "or Q.V Got - ; I T ki at 4111181 OK dog 01 ILI V AV I~P As ; T P I I An A 9 a old a -1 Iff 01 a So it it VA 440 W- 00 a 00 00 10 U $ H a it IS A v a t 4 It ALMA JP it It 11 9 ' 4 fonmatiq ntobt r in kok-"4bys as a function of the tell,[ 1"4015. 1. 1, filulthintorva, Bull, o.od. qj, v. X, S. Y.. 4. tuW-13-111 kdk- let kok-jachim Rod.) tuh1wr 6 Willed III latrIL Trawls, Illi, 111%xv" hax sit) thl"I cutulvvikill %rith vilultul"thriiA. 'Vim (mitathut of mWirt pamd" takes ptam with the iarlicii,ation of ta"tid% mmi i. filmed by thr imilcin membratir tju tht, rubbet par(icles. The [tvairt 114"tion of tht fill-lirl i% himirill AU4 invultill- Vr*WI. of the em,4111414tv --I- in tow 1410% 41ed in the I, : _1 ktillring iln. wgrtttler Im-t(M. the pAttit-le. ill. -4W in Qfq. 01141 low talks %4 11114%, 1., 11,111. It v Kiratfl. When the late% VCR".I% lvau, li, 11111clioll, a -lid Ilt%lWf thIrAqI J% finnn'41 In thl' 4'aViIV Of thl-W Vr%WIA- to o see too coo mo 1.17111001 CLAIWK41100 nolli 40 v AV Ito Allv 91 - m Y I a fm 0 to W 1 0 14 0 a a I v Wx it it 0 00 tj If it 0 4 IX it q 4 a It ,job go as so 0 00.0. so 90 go* so 0 0 ale A -e, ~R i~' Changes in do nobbor pwtWn In Qo telex of krim-SS.-hil altid hok-olaskis dad" growm 1. 1 k If.* A.VW0j,*M AW. Nlu 'o'k. jokil, t. 1-.111. xt.. 4, 193 4116; Hall. Abs.. 101.1, 15. "MI I~ lite suhtivir IwAttkk% in Witt-mg1da air at fil't 'J.6 f1...41 J11.1 mmill. but 1-1.4"Ped M14 L141'.ef -61 411%; 1-14191 glon,I olJcf, ihote of kok-ughit -ph, tt. J, Wt gi,)w wmwitIO Itijigm as the 1.14to III o.m'. Ple .111 %111)- of tile fuldwi 'erjus to be of .114A .141wfivAl 1.411i.;k. isklieori Ilw 4etive f.rist4tion of lite lwo 1killdr, eevc It. 1.0 folumt ..wt Ow I %to% 6,gm, t-*,m~, sit lite Lte% *1.1th .1w, tile hic% in Ilk-Ilk illf" of BLOKHINTSEVAV T.D . VASILIMNOP'A.T*j MEBINNIKp V.G.; ZHUKOV, V.A.; NEWOV, L.L.;-SELIVANOV, G.I.; XUANI ZHUN-FAN [Yuan Jung-fangl [Eight-liter bydrogen-deuterium dubble, ohamber in a magnetic field) VosImilitrovaia, v6dorodno-deiterievaia puzyrIkovaia, kazera. v magnitnom ple. Dubna, Obuedinenrqi in-t iadernvkh ISS1.2 1961. 20 p6 (MIRA 15:i) (Babble chamber) (Magnetic fields) 13LOXHI ~A~~TEBINNIK, Ve T., LIBMAN, G., NEMMV, L& L., SELIVANOV, G. 1. ~ YUNG-F "G, Yuan, ZMMV, V. A. "~~Y*son Interaction vith Hydrogen at 340 Mev" BLOMNTSEVA T.D.: GREBINNIK, V.G,j ZHUKOV, V,.Ae; LIBM, G.; NEMOV, L.; SUIVANOV, G.I.j YUAN' ZRO-FAN [Yuan Jung-fang]; SARANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Interaction betweenffl--mesons and hydrogen at an energy of 340 Mev]Vzaimodeistvie~Zl---riezonov s vodorodom pri en-.r- gii 340 Mov. Dubna, ObIledinennyi. in-t iadernykh issl,, 1962o 27 p. (Nuclear reactions) (Mesons) (Hydrogen) (111RA 15-.10) 41436 S/12o/62/000/005/009/036 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Blykhintseva, T.D., Vasilenko, A.T., Grebinnik, V.G., Zhukov, V.A., Libman, G., Nemenoy, L.L., Selivanov, G.I., Yuan Jilng-Fang hamb TITLE: An eight litre hydrogen-deuterium bubble c er in-a-_ Magnetic field !-PERIODICAL: PrIbory 1 tekhnika 'eksperimenta,'no-5, 1962, 51-59 TEXT: A detailed description of the apparatus is given. Essentially it cons-ists of two coaxial cylinders, the inner space being the working volume and the outer space'.for temperature control. The inner cylinder is of copper to improve heat transfer and the outer cylinder, together.with most of the casing, is constructed from IX18ti9T (lKhl8N9T.) stainless steel. Observation ports at the ends of the inner cylinder consist of- dis s of JIK-5 (LK-5) glass 40'mm thick and with an aperture of 280cmm. Detailed drawings are given of the expansion apparatus and the associated two stage double acting electromagnetic valve. The nozinal gas pressure for operating the expansion apparatus is 7 atm and of expansion can be altered by changing the Chrd 1/2 An eight litre hydrogen- S/120/62/000/005/009/036 E039/E420 quantity of liquid in the hydraulic system. A detailed 1schematic layout of the gas system is shown and constructional details of the stereo-camera are given. The liquid nitrogen supply system for the radiation shield and a 24 litre Dewar flask ,for liqitid hydrogen are also described. The magnetic field in ;the working volume is 12 kilo oersteds and is supplied by a standard MC-4 Ns-4) electromagnet. Preliminary cooling with 'liquid nitrogen must be gradual and consumes about 100 litres. iCracks were observed on the walls of the chamber when the cooling I !time was less than 8 hours. 'The time to fill the working volume I 1with liquid hydrogen is about 3 hours and requires about 20 litres. ~During operation 2-5 to 3 litres/hour of liquid hydrogen are ~consumed. A photograph of a typical track showing the elastic collision of a Tz"- meson with hydrogen is shown. The chamber-has ibeen used satisfactorily for 6 months during which time i30000 stereo photographs were obtained. The expansion apparatus :has performed about 70000 cycles without changing the bellows. The dead time of the chamber does not exceed 2 sec. There am 13 figures, :ASSOCtATION-i Obtlyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint SUBMITTED: December 9, 1961 Institute for Nuclear Research) Card'2/2. S/056/62/042/003/046/049 B108/B102 1? 0 0 AUTHORS: lokhinl"ya B T. D., Grebinnik, V. G., Zhukovy V. A., Libman, G., Nemenov, L. L., Selivanov, G. I., Y-uan Jung-fang, TITLE: Measurement of the total cross section of the (TE-P) reac-_ tion with 340-Idev n -mesons PERIODICAL: Mirnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 42j no. 3, 1962, 912-913 TEXT: The reactions -+p n n- + no + P, (2), 9-+P-n-+T+P. (3) have been studied at energies of the primary n- mesons of 340 + 15 Mev with the aid of a 25-cm liquid-hydrogen chamber in a magnetic -field of 12,000 oe. The respective total c;oss sections were determined as 6 - 1.24 0.14 mb, a 0-13+0 Ob mb, 6 0.09+0 Oj mb. In the 1 2 -0:04 3 _0:O Card 1/4 Measurement of the total cross ... B/056j62/042/003/046/049 B108/B102 determination of the cross section of reaction (3) only cases where the energy of the emitted gamma quantum was higher than 100 Mev were considerecl In order to obtain a representation of the contribution of the different isotopic states in the cross sections of the reactions (1) and (2), the latter are written down in the form A M I AY-1 Re (A2'~*AW') + 21AW112] +111013 9 5 5 2 R e (A Zi6 A'I') + I A'11 1 2 1, 1 1 1-12 022=11411 +V[-flA +2Re(A7OAY') + 21 AY-131. to where denotes the invariant isotopic amplitudes (superscript refers to total isotopic spin of entire system, subscript denotes total isotopic spin of the system of two pions). The cross sections of the reactions (1)', and (2) permit with some assumptions to infer the following about the magnitudes and phases of the isotopic amplitudes: (a) if the amplitudes Card 2/4 S/F056/62/042/003/046/049 Measurr_~.Unt of the total cross B108/B102 A1/2 and A3/2 are zero, then the A3/2 will be considerably smaller than 1 1 2 A1/2 - 3-11A3/2.12 < I A1/212 4 5-71A3/212 i W if it is considered that 6 0 2 0 2 1/2 3/2 and a 2are determined mainly by A and A then the phase shift of these amplitudes is about 160 0C, and their moduli are connected by the relation )A3/2 2 1 A' /21 - For incident pion energies of 340 Mev the maximum total energy (c.m.s.) of two pions is 400 Mev. If the case (a) applies, one may state that the pions in the energy range 280-400 Mev milli- interact mainly in states with total isotopic spin T - 0 and not with T - 2. Professor B. M. Pontekorvo and P. F. Yermolov are thanked for advice and discussions. There are 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non- Soviet. The references .,to English-- I anguage publications read as follows: J. Deahl et al. Proo. of the 1960 Ann. Int. Conf. on High Energy Fhys. at Rochester, 1960, p. 1851H. J. Schnitzer. Preprint) 1961; B. C. Barish et al. Bull. Amer. Phys. goo-, II,.~, 523, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy,institut yadernykh iseledovaniy (Joint Insti- tute of Nuclear Research) Card 3/4 2/0 d/056/0/644/00*1 _B104[13144'-_ AUTHORS: Iribinniki man-j G,~: Nemenov p,'L; La .3611,van6v 0. -It, Yuan Juni4aa: VITLE: -Interaction of. X- vses*0ns.:witb;hdrogin at -340 NOT- -I- PERIOD IdAL: Zhur 1. t o' na eksperimen al i i t soret lbheiekoy.: f iz 6 126', 19631 A a -x TEXT: The.,iea'ot16* B`X7 p-- 4-'X"' + p d n + + an 4. 1 + re 1 itua i i d "with a 25, "'~q gqD e id byArd bublile. ~p we P chamberj~:a 12 000..;oe magnetic~field'.'. The a, beaji~wae enerated g -p in the''s r M ynqhr6" yol-otron. of 04 Laboratdriya ya44rnykh qble~ OIYaI cry ' f N 'I r Pr6blim the mison energy was 340!15 11ev. :,:.,:.(Laborat ' -o ., uo ea is 01yal) 14QO_tvo'-~rong6d'.st ver .e. fou;nO --ini. 16,00'0~ e'ter'46's'66pic. photographs-. lied (1) tile Those listed in Vable.2.4omp -with the,folloving.oonditions: angle a between the track, of the incident particle :and.*. the. central plane 'of the chamber miet not,4koeeA."40i .(2) the n-'mee6n track'imist not be sh.orter'than 110 mai; ' (3)_tbie'.distano~ betwben,the:point,of An'teraotion :--'%,.!"`.',and tho-'.bounda of, theL: visible ran'e of 08 working 1xim' of the chamber.-. ry,,, 9. vo e Card 1 Interao 1- i on f, n-Imooone ~vlth 3/056 63/044/001/022/(*? B B. 014 B44 4/ OV IiU*Oj4 J,SD sr+p-jr+YP+ ~I 0 131-0 0 ti 7,52*0,55 Table' 2.-Interactionoross sectian e * A, (I Y tumbe venisi (2) L gen r ofe s. o' tot 1, expiorimintal I millibdamt: 0 Y1.6 total.' iheoreticsil.' :66~d -3/3