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YAROSMA. A.A. Teratoma of the brain associated with anterior encephalocele. .Top.neirokhir. 22 no.6:38-39 N-D 158- (MIRA 12:2) 1, Irafedra patologicheskoy anatomii. Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instityatae (BRAIN, neoplasms, teratoma, with encephaldeele in inf. (RUM (TMATOKA, in inf. & child, brain, with encephalocele (RUOY (IMCWHALOCEIR. compl. brain teratomff (Rue)) A.A., Jcand.mad.nauk Infectious-allergic arteritis (periarteritis nodosa) in children. Pediatriia 37 no.7:16-19 J1 '59. (11MA 12: 10) 1. Is kafedry patologicheakoy, anatomii StalinBkogo meditainskogo inetituta (zav. - doteent Ye.A.Dikshteyn). (PARIGOTHRITIS NODOSA, in inf. & child. (Rus)) CIL,- DROSHEVAt A,Ae ............ Rare cab's of primary . lbabdomyosarcom of the heaxt with metastasis. Arkh, pat. 22.ho. 4;7144 160o (IMA 14: 1) (IIEART7-TUIORS) DANILKIN, N.P.; KOCHENOVA, N.A.; SVECHNIKOV, A.M.; CHAVDAROV, S.S.; YAROSH&VA A I State of the ionosphere over Rostov-on-Don during the total solar eclipse of Feb. 15P:10761. Goomag. i aer. 1 no-4z6l2.-615 ii-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy univorsitat, kafedra. eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. (ionosphere) (Eclipses, Solar--1961) VIGH A.A, - GALLSHHV, M.A.; DOBICIII, G., redaktor; STIPANOVA, ff., YAR p - --Q5fl 1fA-h-nT-cFe-eTdV redaktor [Heat system installation in collective farm centers7 Teplofi- katuila vnutriusadabnogo :eltakokhoziaistvannogo proizvodstva v kolkhoze. Minsk, Goo. izd-vo 33SSR, Red. selkhoz. lit-27. 1955. 239 P. (Collective famn) (Electric power plants) (MLU 8:7) YARosffzvrcff, A., kand.takhugnauk. Heat supply on collective farm livestock sections. Tekhoov. MTS 1e n0.20114 15?. (MIRA 10110) (Farm buildings-Heating and ventilation) OSTROVSKIY, Yu.K., DGAN, D.Z., YAROSHEVICH, A.A. Phthivasid and cholesterol metabolism [with summary in English] Biul.e)mp.biol. i med. 45 no.5:34-35 W158 WRA 11:6) 1. 1% Plotakoy gorodskoy bollnitay (glavnvy vrach TeX Polygalina) i Polotokogo-orotivotuberkuleznogo dispAnsera (glqvnyy vrach N.Ya. Iregauk). Predstivlena deystvite'linym chlenom AKN SSSR. S.Y9. Severinym. (ISONIAZID, effects. on blood. cholesterol (Ras)) (CHOLESTEROL, in blood, eff. of iaoniRzid (Rua)) PIUNOVSKIY) I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZHIVOTKO, B.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; RUKTESHELI, S.V... kand. tekhn. nauk; SHTOMPELI, B.N.; kand. tekhn. nauk; BUTVILOVSKIY, F.A.2 inzh.; KORZBENEVSKAYA, R.A., inzh.; WGVIHOVICH, I.P., inzh.; UTEVSKAYA, L.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; RMITSO, A.A... kand. tekhn. naulc; NAGORSKIY, I.S.., kand. tekhn. nauk; TERPILOVSKIYj K.F.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; LOSEV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk;,)(_ 1qH,,A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; KATSYGIN, V.V., kand. tekhn.nauk-, red.; BOROVNIKOVA, It., red. (Problems of the technology of mechanized agricultural produc- tion] Voprosy tekhnologii mekhanizirovannogo sel'skokhoziai- styennogo proizvodstva. Minsk,, Izd-vo "Urozhai.11 Pt.2. 1964. 336 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mekhani- zatsii I elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva nechernozemnoy zorq SSSR. loco= U YA V c- H AUTHORS: TITLEt 20-1-28./44 Blokh, G.A., Yaroshevich, A.G. The Interaction between Soot and Sulphur in the Process of Rub- ber Vulcanization (0 vzaimodeystvii sazhi 9 seroy v protsesse vulkanizatsil kauchuka) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 1, pp. 105 - 108 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, a short report is given on previous works dealing with the same subject. The present work contains kinetical data con- cerning the interaction of soots (gas black, lamp black) with sulphur and with the accelerators. In connection with the in- vestigation of these problems the following was studiedt The interaction between radioactive sulphur and soot at temperature conditions which corresponds to vulcanization. The ads..xrption of caoutchouc molecules from the benzene solution by the surface of soot particles. The influence of pre-heating the soot sul- phur accelerator mixture upon the physical and mechanical pro- perties of the types of rubber on the basis of various synthe- tic rubbers. There follows a description of the experiments. First, the kinetics of the connection between radioactive sul- Card 1/3 phur with a gas black and lamp black is discussed. Three experi- 20-1-28/U The Interaction between Soot and Sulphur in the Process of Rubber VulacanizatL-4 mental series were developed on this occasiont I. series: The exactly weighed quantities of soot are mixed with equal quanti- ties of radioactive sulphur and are then heated at a temperature of 1450 for 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 hours. II. series: Before being mixed with the soot the exactly weighed quanPtiea of radioactive sul- phur were kept at a temperature of 145 for I - 10 hours and were then mixed with the soot. III seriest The exactly weighed quantities of soot and of radioactive sulphur were mixed and not heated. The experimental series II and III inadepoooible to ex- plain the quantitative aide of the adeofption binding of sulphur with soot. By comparing the remanent radioactivity of the I. ex- 'perimental series with remanent radioactivity of the second it was possible to obtain a true picture of the chemical bondbe~- ween sulphur and soot. On the occasion of the heating of soot with sulphur it is certain that a chemical bond between the two is formed. Even after a 600 hours' extraction of sulphur with benzene it was not possible to remove all the sulphur from the mixture with soot. Gas black is more strongly bound to sulphur than lamp black. The authors then deal with the adsorption of the caoutchouc molecules by soot-sulphur complexes and with the influence exercised by the pre-heating of the soot with accele- Card 2/3 rated vulcanized substances upon the porosity of types of rubber. 20-1-28/44 The Interaction between Soot and Sulphur in the Process of Rubber Vulcanization The thermal treatment of the soot at 145 0, which takes I - 3 hours, increases the adsorption of the caoutchouo molecules by the soot particles. Thore are 4 figures and 13 references, 6 of which are ---&Iavic.,-. ASSOCIATIONt Drieproretrovsk Chendbal- Technology Institute imeni If. 2. tfterzhinskiy I (lifiep:vopetrovskiylhimiko.-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. F.E. Dzerzhinskogo) PRESENTED: April 3, 1957, by P.A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTEDs July 12, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 M~~ 7 ;p2nnimM IffM BODrAXOP A. N.[Badziaka,, M. X.11 YAROSHETICH, G. B.fUrsitevich, H-. ih+ Effoot of the -heating- rate on Ahe restoration of thi pbyisical and mechanical propertiso of cold-deformed iron* Yeatoi AN BSSR. Sera fizo-tekh, nav. no.12103-110 . 163. (KRA 16:4) (Iron--Metallurgy) -9/2-50/63/007'/002/008/008 A059/A126 AUTHORS: Bodyako, M. N., Yaroshevich, 0. B. TITLE: Substructural changes of cold-deformed nickel and copper in the stage of recovery through induction heating PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, V- 7, no. 2, 1963, 124 - 126 T EXT ; The influence of temperature and speed of heating on the change of the relative distortion Aa/a of the crystal lattice of the second kind and of co- herent x-ray scattering blocks was studied. Samples 20 x 10 mm in diameter, with .diff6rent degrees of deformation (5, 10, 15, 30, 50, and 75%) were heated in the power generator mr3 -102 (MIGZ-102) with a speed of 30 and 300 degrees per second, and temperature was controlled with the thermoelectric pyrometer T911-1 (TEP-1) developed at the (DT14 AF. BCCP (FTI AS BSSR). The samples-were subsequently sawed under cooling, perpendicular to the direction of sagging, etched with con- centrated 'D'03 to dissolve the riveted metal layer, and x-ray photographs taken with the.ionization device YP.0-50 (URS-50). The copper standard was annealed at 5100C and the nickel standard at 8000C for 45 minutes with subsequent cooling Card 1/2 S/2-50/63/007/C02/008/008 Substructural changes of cold-deformed nickel... A059/A126 down with the furnace. The fact that the relief of distortions of the crystal lattice in copper takes place more quickly than in nickel is explained to be due to the smaller interatomic forces in copper. The change of the distortions of the crystal lattice depends on the speed of induction heating, both for nickel and copper. Mien, for instance, a temperature of 2000C is reached at the rate of 30 degrees/second, the value &f t-,a/a for copper is 1.1.10-4 and at the rate of 300 del ees/second - F5-10- , while the corresponding values for nickel were 9.2-10-W and lo.6-lo- , respectively. Theintensity of growth D of the coherent- scattering blocks when a temperature of 2000C is reached at the rate of 30 de 'T ees per second is 4.75-10-6 em and at a rate of 300 degrees per second r 4.35-10- C'm for cop 9er, while the corresponding D values for nickel are 4.5-10' em and 4.0-10- cm, respectively. Thus, the stage of recovery is characterized chiefly by the decrease of the relative distG rtions of the crystal lattice, while the intense growth of the coherent-scattering blocks should take place already in the stage of recrystallization. There are I figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATLION: Fiziko-telamicheskiy institut AN BSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS ~ISSR) PRESENTED.- by V. P. Severdenko,,Lcademician of the AS BSSR SUBMITTM); October 30, 1962 Card 2/2 6 BODYAKO, U.N.; A3TAFCHIK) 3.A. :;ffoct of the atructiwal otate on Uie integral int,--rWit; of X-ray lines. Dold. W.' 133SIt 7 no.11:752-755 It 163. (HI-'u 17; 9), 1. Fiziko-tekhrLichaskiy institut ki W33H. 1-rodstavleno akzade-dkom All BSSR V.P. Severden~co. BODYAX01 0. N. (Bad?, I`jka , M,14. 1 -*,'L:llf.,.- , SftL) taprhyk, 3. CrItical recrytAisYd'sation rInrin,17 induction heatim~. Ve3tui I-F Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.2:124-129 164. 18:1) `9 SOV/179-59.-2-28/40 AUTHOR: Yaroshevich G. 0. (Khabarovsk) TITLE: An Extension of the Kirdimff Analogue on the Eftect of "Jump" (Rasprostraneniye analogii Kirkhgofa na yavleniye "pereskokall) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR OTN, Mekhanika i mashino- stroyeniye, 1959, Nr 2. pp 169-171 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to Kirchhoff, the equation of equilibrium (Eq 1) (Ref 1), of a thin rod straight when unstressed but becoming bent and twisted when forces are applied to its ends, can be identified with the Euler equation of motion of a rigid body turning about a fixed point. This analogy can be further ex- tended to the effect of "Jump" from one form of equilibrium to another by identifying it with thop"ical pendulum (Eq 2) (Eq(3): s - length of cord, Po - forco acting on the point ,0 of the rod, H = EI - bending rigidity, angle of tangent to the direction of P0 ; Eq (2): t tPime of oscillation of the physical pendulum, P - weight of pen- dulum, A moment of inertia in respect of the axis of rotation, - angle of pendulum from the vertical, a ,distance from the suspension point to the centre of gravity), The following comparisons are made- the length of cord s Card 1/3 SOV/179-59..2-28/40 ,An Extension of the Kirchhoff Analogue on the Eff eat of "Jump" could-be compared to the time t of oscillation of th(; pen- dulum; the direction of P 0 . direction of P 1 magvitude of P - gravity force of pendulum Pa . The rigidity 5 momen? of inertia A ; the angle ~ of the tangent - angle inclination of pendulum from verticali the (,,ompression &~t of the rod 0 = the loweut position of the pendulum 0); the bending point '- = the maximum deflection of t e pendulum; the length of rod Y, . time -r. of oscillat- ion.In the case of"'jump" of the rod two forms of equilibrium can occur when other factors (such as load) do not change. In the case of compression and bending, these two forms of equilibrium 9 if the axis of the rod has a different number of characteristic points, i.e. the form of equilibrium shown in -Fig 19 represent the position of the pendulum with no lowest position being reached which corresponds to the rod with no compression points. The form of equilibrium shown in Fig 2, corresponds to the oscillation of the pendulum between the Card 2/3 SOV/179-59-2-28/4-0 An Extension of the KircH&f Analooie on the Effect of "Jump" moment t -- 0 and t - r,. . The form of equilibrium shown in Fig 3 corresponds to the oscillation between the point t - 0 and t - T on the return. The oxperimental verifi- cation was made with the pendulum typ-- MK-30, where the re- sults showed sufficient accuracy for the effect of "jump", for example, in 1.25 see the pendulum reached the second se- quence of oscillation with the angle amplitude 1800, the first sequence - 1220; in 1.67 see the gendulum reached the third sequence with the amplitude 10 and the second 1300. Thanks are given to K. B. Kurenshchikov and V. I. Zaporozhskiy for their help in the experiments. There are 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: September 3. 1958. Oard 3/3 YARCSHEVICH,G.O. (Penza) Linearization of equations of motion of autonomous systems by means of asymptotic polynomials. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav mat. no.6sl76-179 165. (MiRA 19:1) 1., Submitted April 7, 1964. IM; X I!-, 0910~t;610.53 S/124/61/000/0 D-1334/D303 AUTHOR: Yaroshcvich, G.O. TITLE: Can a^compressed and bent rod lose the stability of the first hind? cl- I 1IODICAL: -Referativnyy zhurahl. M haniha, no. 9,1961, 29t abstract 9 V261 (Uch. zap Miabarovshiy goc. ped. in-t, Fiz.-matem. car., 1959, 1, 25-35) TEXT: Tho~ loss of stability of the second kind in under- stood in the an.clastic rod subject to bending and compres-. can 01 -Form of distortion to cion hs the phenomen,3n of jumping from one another which in qualitatively different from the formers- It is remarked that analysi--; of'tl-Lis phenomenon must be based on the exact non-linear equal;ion of bending. On the basis of results ob- author (Inzhencrnyy tained in a raviousl:i published paper of the ab. 1952P M it is &'firmed that the jump is possible under a load" smaller than Euler's corce. It J aremarRed that the some result Card 1/2 S/124,./61/000/009/046/058 Can a compressed... ~D234/D303 can be obtained with the aid of the Nm1I-Icn6x-m Kirchhof Unctic analogy. Z .7Abstracter.'s note: Compld~te' tratislati'=2 t Card 2/2 YAROSHEVICH, G.G., Dynamics of chronometric motion allowing for shocks produced by the escapement and impulse. Uch. zap. PP1 no-103-43 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1.,,104-66 tWT(d) IJP(d) L AP6001824 7 SOURCE CODE: UR/0140/6s/000/00610176/ol79 AUTHOR: Yaroshovich, G. 0. (Penza) ORG: none TITLE: Linearization of the equations of motion of autonomous systems by asymptotic polynomials 1e,, t/,~, SOURCE: IVUZ. Maternatika, no. 6, 1965, 176-179 TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic polynomial, motion equation ABSTRACT: An efficient method is suggested for constructing the fundamental harmonic of the solution of a nonlinear equation describing the motion of an autonomous system having one degree of freedom; also, a convenient stability criterion to established. The motion in described by this equation: A. ID,(X, + k2x + f (x) 0,. whe re t (x, it) is the even function of X and odd function f (x) in the odd function of x, both being continuous. A harmonic oolution with amplitude A is found, -A '4 X 4 + A. The function (b (X, ;C) Is approximated by a polynomial as suggested by I. I. Eterman (IVUZ -Mate matika, no. 3 (28), 1962). The stability of oelf-oscillations of the above equation is investigated, and aa lddle;,t of the degree of approximation is given. Orig. art. has: 24 formulas. SUB CODE: 12 SUBM DATE: 07Apr64 ORIG REF: 000 / OTH REF: 001 uJ COM I UDC: 517.93 1. YAROSI[EVICHIP G. V.- 2. USSR (6G0) 4. Iron C-res--Bashkiria 7. Report on the redults of the geophysical exploration in the Inzer and Lapyshtinskiy iron ore regicns of the Bashkir A. S. S. Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no. 3 1947. 9. Monthly Lipt of Russian Accessions,jibrary of Congress, I-larch 1953. Unclassified. KUDZIN, Yu.; YAROSHEVIGH, I. flAroshevychp I.] Ude of silicate bacteria in the steppe zone of the Mu~alr-e. Mikrobio.l,zhur, 26 no*4*.90-91 164. (.%g RA .18;.10) KUDZIN, YU.,, kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; YAROSHEVICH, I.,; VIASOVA, 11. Supply collective 4[hd state,,-.farms with cornseeds tborcu&4 prepared for planting. lluk~relev. prom. 27 no.10:11 0 1 61. 11 (MM 14:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut kukurazy. (corn(14aize)) I I I 12112 1 4 IL VMIN, Yu.K. [Kudzin, W.K.), kand. eel'skokho2yayetvennykh nnuk; TAIROSIWI--10,-,,I,V,.,CIAroshovych, I.V,,], nauchny7 sotrudnik Bacterial fertilizers. Nauk i shyttia 9 no,3:40 Mr 159 (iW 12:4) (Boil Inoculation) YAROSHEVICH, I. V., Cand Agr Sol -- "Effectiven s f '0 phorobacterine in the steppc~ oi,~kSSR and te."nlju-e~"ve of Its application." Voronezh, 1961. (Mn of Agr RSFSR. Voronezh Agr Inst) (KL, 8-61, 256) 397 v KUDZIN, Yu.K.; YAROSHMCH, I.V. Mobilization of organic phosphates In Chernozem soils and the phosphorus nutrition of plants. Trudy Inot. mikrobiol. no.11t 252-259 161 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut kukuruzy. KUDZIN, Yu.K., kand.sellsko'khozyaystvennykh nauk; YkROSHEVICH, I.V.; VLASOVA, N.I. . . .............. Recent developments in the use of phosphorobactcr"IP~ Zenaledelie 23 no.11:65-67 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kukuruzy. (Corn (Maize)--Fertilizers and manures) (Bacteria, Phosphorus) KOM, Yu.l.; YARWHMCH, I.T. Use of plsoophotobacterin in the Chernozem zone, Mikrobiologua 31 U4 6s109d-liOl 14-D f62. (KM 160) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-looledovateltokiy institut. kukurusy. (UXRAINF,-CHEMiOMI SOIIS) (BAGTERIA., PHOSPHOMS) y nauchnyy sotrudnik; VLASOVA~ N.I... nauchnyy notrudnik YAR06HIVICH, X.X.,goronesh) Do it yourself; clamps and collars for tie repair. Pat' i put. khos. no-3:42-1#3 Mr '57- (MIRA 10:5) 1. Nachallnik putevykh doroshnykh masterskikh Yugo-Vostochnoy dorogi. Otailroads --Ties) YAROSHEVICHI M.S. Studying Tertiary bitumens of some areas of SakWin. Trudy VkIGRI no.181%191-194 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Sakhalin--Bitumen--Geology) J,AROSHEVICH, M.S.; KOZINAv T.A. Study"of the group and hydrocarbonaceous acuiposItAon of bit ns 'Ab Neogene sed~.ments of the Okha-Ekhabi region iii Sekhalin. Trudy VNIdRI no.224.*34-44 163o (PIRA 17s2) c ,e "'n e r ry, r- 6 Q, IZ r t, h~-, .1; tip, d. t Pe n n2 i: -.'P- !.n Sakhrili.n. T.-ady WilGRI ns.42~ (MIRA C7:)v Ll - ;j, -.rat Fi any, Ail LIJ 16 3 6t fij CY f"I t.,4 n V S/170/60/003/005/008/017 B012/BO56 AUTHOR: Yaroshevich, 0. 1. TITLE: Investigation of Heat-transfer Processe~ in Fuel Elements �9 of Nuclear Reactors by the Method of Hydraulic Simulation PERIODICAL: Inzhonerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No- 5, Pp- 81 - 85 TEXT: In the present paper, the method and the results of investigation of nonsteady temperature fields of fuel elements of water-cooled, water- moderated nuclear reactors are given. Investigations were carried out of the BBP(VVR) elements used in atomic power plants of the USSR, viz. the elements in the center of the core. The system (1) of differential equations for the temperature field of such elements is written down, and the boundary conditions for the solution of this system are given: Boundary conditions of the fourth kind at the points of contact of in- dividual layers of the elements, such of the third kind on their outer surface, and the initial condition til f(r), where i denotes the Card 113 Investigation of Heat-transfer Processes in s/17o/60/003/005/008/017 Fuel Elements of Nuclear Reactors by the B012/BO56 Method of Hydraulic Simulation layer number. As an analytical solution of artem (1) is very difficult, the method of hydraulic analogs (Refs. 4,5 6 was used in this case. The investigations were carried out on a hydraulic integrator by V. S. Luklyanov (Ref. 4)- When investigating the temperature fields of the elements mentionedg this method made it possible to take account of the change in the heat-transfer coeffi'cient in the materials of these elements with temperature, the change in the gap between the core and the can of the element on heating, as well as, with sufficient accuracy7 the influence of the negative temperature coefficient of reactivity. The temperature dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient of uranium dioxide was determined from formula (3). The values calculated from this formula agree with those of Ref. 7. In determining the influence exerted by the negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, the continuous variation of reactivity was replaced by a number of successive stepped changes (Fig. 1). The experiments are briefly described. By means of the hydraulic integratory the temperature :fields of the reactor were examined under starting and emergency conditions, The results (Figs. 3 and 4) show that the elements of the type under consideration are very Card 2/3 Investigation of Heat-transfer Processes in 5/170/60/003/005/008/017 Fuel Elements of Nuclear Reactors by the B012/BO56 Method of Hydraulic Simulation reliable. There are 4 figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki AN BSSRq g. Minsk (Institute of Power Engineering of the AS BSSR, Minsk) Card 313 Y.AROSHEVICJJ 0. 1. IlApcroximation methods of hydraulic analogy in investigating heat- transfer processes in bodies with internal heat sources." Report presented at the 1st All-Union Gonference on Heat- and Mass- Exchange, Mirsk, BSSR, 5-9 June 1061 88273 S/170/61/004/001/015/020 0 0 B019/BO56 o? 6, .2 .23 / AUTHORS% Yermakov,,V. S., Zhuk, I. P., Yaroahavlah.-OpI, TITLE: Calculation-of Temperature in Fuel Elements of a Nuclear Reactor in Transient Conditions PERIODICAM Inzhenerno-fizicheekly zhurnal, 1961, V01- 4t 110- 1, PP. 104-108 TEXT: The temperature,distribution in fuel elements of a water-moderated water-cooled reactor in transient conditions is investigated. The authors proceed from the known set of differential equations for the temperature field of a cylindrical fuel element consisting of rod, aireap, and jacket. This nonlinear differential equation is simplified by assuming mean values of the thermal conductivity coefficientAbeing a temperature func- tion, for various temperature zones of the fuel ele4ent. This simplified linear differential equation reads: c ~t i "\ v2.t + Qi (r,r), where 1 1, 2, 3, corresponding to the iri 9F ik i Card 1/4 7i. 77 88273 Calculation of Temperature in Fuel Elements S/170/61/004/001/015/020 of a Nuclear Reactor in Transient Conditions B019/BO56 rod, the airgap or the jacket, and k is the k-th temperature zone. By moans of thic equation the fuol olemonts of a DBF> ~VVR) reactor with a power efficiency of 760 megawatts is investigated. The thermal capacity of the airgap and the jacket are neglected, and the He and Al-mass is assumed to be small compared to the UO 2-maes; furthermore, the temperature drop in the Al-jacket is neglected. For the temperature of the core, the following expression is obtained by means of a Hankel-bransformationt hl , FaT :r/T r) qT I - 1 a~)+ hl. aT TaT 2qh e-agj* iAkif) 2 2 2 1 5) a +h )~-I+ of the equat (16). For JAi are the positive roots ion LLJ,(/4) hJo( Card 2/4 88213 Calculation of Temperature in Fuel,Elements B/170/61./004/001/015/020 of a Nuclear Reactor in Transient Conditions B019/BO56 J calculating with (15) itlis now necessary to know.the reactor period as as the time within which the reactor attains a certain power output Table'l shows the resu'ltso There are 1 table and 7 references: 5 Soviet, 1 British', and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut enereetiki All BSSR, g. Minsk (Institute of Power Engineering of.the AS BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED. August 16, 196o ."."-,Legend to Table 11.1 ) Time from the beginning of the roactor startup aTd. 2) . Cori e radius in ~ mm. t-X) Temperaturd, calculated by means ofa hydrointegrator. t").Temperature calculated analytically. Card 3/4 ~88273 S11 7DJ61/CO4/001/015/020 BOlq/BO56 TemnepATYPHOe nOAe CCPAt4MHXa TBM npm m3mememmm YPOBNX MOU%HOC?H peaKlopa c 10-' W" AO W,, (WMA YABOemmg moukHOCT14 20 Cox, T - 28.8 ces) -2PDA)IYC CepAe4lfHxA TB311, um BP61R, c )Iaqana 1,393 2.42 3.12 3.69 4.18 P83roHa, celc 1. to' 1. to* 14 too 30 388 .186 348 348 310 311 272 '275 232 235 40 546 531 488 478 434 427 384 376 324 322 776 748 698 672 614 600 544 528. 460 451 M 920 888 820 797 732 712 648 626 .552 535 60 1092 1055 972 948 868 846 768 745 652 637 65 .1290 1254 1148 1126' 1020 2005 904 885 772 756 66 1346 1326 1218 1181 1080 1063 956 936 920 800 A Fl p ii m e ti a ji ii it, V-Temnepnypa, may-mllas c nomolub-10, nqP011117erpampa, paccjimman allaiiitTHtieCKH. C a d 4 4 YA e\()SH EVICH 2.i825 5/170/61/604/005/Oil/015 D111~9214 AUTHOM, Yermakov, V.,S., Zhukj. I. P., Yaroshovich, 0. 1. TITLE; The problem of non3tationary heat transmission in the fuel olemanta of- a nuclear reactor PLUODICAL: Inzhonerno-fizichookiy zhurnal,.*v. 4, no. 5,io6l, 96-99 TMXT: The problem of nonstationairy heat transmission in.the fuel elem6nts of -p th ii-aplify- a nuclear reactor is solved in this paper. For this u oce; nee in6 asau6ptionc made in Ref. I (IFZh, v. IV, no. it 19611 artat.k~n into account. It is assumed that the temperature distribution at the beCinnina of the tr.*.noient t(O, r)' - y(r) is nonuiniform -and * that the intensity of the heat production is time :dependent as obtained by the solution of the dynamic reactor equation. The solution of the dynamic reactor equation in one-Croup al)vroxination with a decay const4nt i is found to be',. n gard 1/0 77-7~ 22825 8/170/61/004/005/011/015 The problem ... B111/B214 I where the density of'tho=al- neutrons at the boCinning of the transient tad reactivity of tite re'actor, 5 the fraction of slowed down neutrons, and L the nean.lifetime of neutrons. For the production of heat Q(T) In a thermal reactor one may write: Q - Q4 IA;e-I At,-,' 1. (2). 'A. A. - L P-P Tito problem of the radial tempgrature distribution inside a fuel alomept may bu mathoi4atically formulated in the following mannon. (A.."' -Ae" (3) to (6). Or Cnrd 2/6 - ------------ ?2825 S/170161/004/005/011/015 The problem ... B111P214 Equation (3)*under the,conditions (4) and (6) may bo solved with the help of a1aplace transform. The :soluiion is obtained in the following f orm; 4 + h4V a a a. Q. At + his (7). + e R a a V 21T + h - I x + R ITR Card 3/6 mow mmgmg" mr-mm-11-m-mm"n' 77 W-7 - 22025 S/1 70/61/004/005 /011 /0~ The Problem B111/B214 X (pl 4-Lh Is (p, R) + 70 0, R 2Qh ,I is (P, i-1, R (P2 +h 1. R) 2Q.A,ah Is 7) + (a,*-j-1 a) (pi + h') J. R) Hors, 1~-aro the positive roots o'fthe equation Vi A, (piR) h Io(piR). The. solution of (T) can be considerabl;- oloplified. The first, second, an4 sixth. terms of (7) vanish al-moat qompletel., 1 second after the beeinning of the transient if the tomperature field 4iffern only slightly from the stationary value. The simplified expression !c; Card 6 zr_-Z-_ 3/1,7 61/004/005/011/015 Th. problem B1 11 X214 h Q*A, elm,. (1/77 1, R) + 1, - R a a a IQ_, + 'R) + -Ij-0+0 I " + hI)I, (i-IR) A CTR a, as R (pi 2Q.Alah r) + CT QiR PT. a + ad ($4 + /0)J. 2 Qh J. (P, ,)e-'lI (9) !R The numerical calculationa were made'for the fgel.elemento of the rsaotoi;of ty& 82P (VVR) and compared:with the calculationc made earlier for an analOGOU3 problem with the help of an analogoua computer. The val6s were Card 5/6 22825 8/f7q6j/0C4/005/011/015 The problem ... B111 B214 found to be practically c~inqident so that bo th methods can be applied. The solution obt ained. dencribai the ncnetationiiy temperature field of thefual alomonta.,'of a reactor with constant rate of starting up. There are 1 table and 3 Soviet -bloc references. USOCIXTIOU, Institut oner6atiki AN BSSR, C. Minsk (Institute of Power Enginooringt AS BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED; February, 14, 1941 Card 616 TM LYKOV A.V., akademik, red.; SMOLISKIY, B.M., prof., red.; SHASFJWV, A.G., kand. tekhn. naukp red.; PLYAT, SH.N.2 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PUIERANTSEV, A.A., prof., red.; ROMANENKO, P.N., prof., red.; PERELIMAN, T.L., kand. fiz.- mat. nauk, red.; TARDSHEVIC.H._W,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BELIZATSKATA, L., _re_J--izd.-va; TIMOFEYEV, L., red.izd-va; SIDERKO, N., tekhn. red.; VOLOKHANOVICH, I., tekhn. red. [Heat and mass transfer] Teplo i massoperenos. Minsk, Izd- vo AN BSSR. Vol.l.(Thermophysical oharacteristics of materials and methods for their determination] Tep-lofizicheskie khai-akte- ristiki materialov i metody opredeleniia. Pod obshchei red. A.V. Lykova i B.M.Smollskogo. 1962. 216 p. V01.5. [Methods for calculating and modeling heat-and masis-transfer processes] Meto- dy rascheta. i modelirovaniia protsessov teplo- i massoobmena. 1963. 471 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniya po teplo- i massoobmenu. 1st, Minsk, 1961. Akademiya nauk Bel.SSR (for Lykov). (Materials-Thermodynamic properties) (Heat-Transmission) (Mama transfer) io' L 16470-66 EWT(m)/ETC(f)/EPF(n)-2/EViG(m) WWIDIA ACC NR: AP6005534 SOURCE CODE; UR/0089/66/020/001/0061/0062 AUTHOR: Krasin A. K.; Yaroshevich, 0. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Startup of the critical assemtbl at the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineer- ing)AN BSSR SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 1, 1966, 61-62 TOPIC TAGS: chain reaction, fissile material, nuclear reactor moderator, nuclear reactor core, critical assembly , nuclear reactor technology, test stand ABSTRACT: The authors describe a uranium-water critical assembly put into opera- tion in April 1965 at the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering,AN BSSR. The ins- tallation is designed for experiments on "clean" reactor cores. The stand for the critical assembly consists of the following basic elements: an open tank, compo- nents for the reactor core, a system for filling the moderator and controlling its level, a tank for storage and emergency dumping of water and a system for shielding and control. The open tank is a cylinder 1600 mm high and 1500 mm in diameter. UDC 621. 039. 519 C.ard 1/2 L 1647046 ACC NR: AP6005534 ~Frovision is made for varying the thickness of the lower reflector and for facili- tating assembly of new reactor cores. Two safety rods are used, each consisting of two sections: an upper section containing a fissionable material (a type EK-10 fuel element), and a lower section containing a moderator material (boron carbide). The chain reaction in the assembly Are controlled by varying the level of the moderator. :The device is used for experiments on determining the critical masses of "clean" reactor cores in a wide range of nuclear concentrations of hydrogen and U235, on ,the distribution of flux density for thermal and epithermal neutrons, etc. Orig. Art. has: 1 figure. ''SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 060ct65/ ORIG REr: ooo/ OTH REr: ooo Car 2/2 fn C, 7 7 TT-, -'W-- RA 'Till XPI 41, V. v -N A-3~ AD . 141 1 g -j Is I ID a S, i j", ;! :31 Aj* $41 A$ .1 fill H-t- V cw still, 2! 1 Wr jag u lei gig A fill fill TAROSHNICH, S~anjalay IQA_~fovic4,-. KAMBANOV, F., red.; KALECHITS, G. [Building a house with a single brigade; experience of the Uw~-19 mixed financially accountable brigade of construction trust No.11 Strait' dome odnoi brigadoi; iz opyta raboty khozraschatnoi brigady konechnoi produktaii M-19 stroitellnogo treats No.l. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.proinvodetvennoi lit-ry. 1960. 22 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Brigadir UNR-19 treats No.1 (for Teroshevich). (Minsk-Building) lira WX .&rU rrA AWSAVI W-k BWN' A.trMealcholkly Was- v ukly%unt" granotem, ate.W7 zsrth ("Ju-jx at Buti-A for C;tj-1L Obel-ti so T ,M9. 29 1. 5W CcPi&m yr'3"4' B.i.littas, or. 1109COT I..&. cindis, &Iltorial Searstaryt 0,A, 51TIM070 To. book 1. 1-t-e-4 for mal"tists *AS-4*4 'a SOrth-l.tellite M4 far ta4effts of *.tro.~V. Tt~ ~Um~tjoo of artiolas a,,mrisom U4 "MIt. of obe*Mtlwm Of anthat Of Obl*rntlm, Tbe r.. the SOTI.t earth astaluts.. twmt lAcInUel it7, N"s wd Case- 6-4, tllu a nth data. ,t. of ,,Is= ilelbil .. tech article in We 9=rv'm are zMvrv" fIrnres 'a4 a" So"Pt referee" c, -1.1 by so 104111b LOSOUtlon' colls joe Is acccwpm t.N, Ubser"tim-4 Of 1,10tomse T.rt-tloaa of "In gies"l-fart, I-L' " Y-4, ' the tatt- attadW4 to the peaut c-ri.r Of the ?bird 911LOt WOUL" 't'e' ", &wduct%4 at .1 L'sonogal at A"khs,61'sk. six Below. eset. hUSCCOCIal lugtl%RU l- '*or and I*T;,9W Of 1958v wltl the %hl~_4 SpItatt __ ju octe V~MtA of MX- alet of .9t&%U.Ur4g tbo -,,*a VorIld Of M. (Iriscrankil. %righ%O960 "" det.r.1--& W a astbW ffu" &;; A owltoph_q *"a for tbl- Vor3l" Oad the mathO4 ImetwA -, ip-" -0 A.A. din.0, from Aft-no"Sk. L,acu.-w. coertar A,t%..bsa to tb4 AT-1 T9166COP 4 t4l"6016. ,Ztt, oonMtor 6%tgChq4 to tbra AT J. ribe a al 4deterutming eTmt*riaL O014i-t4d Of $Vlt&'kl' R The Nntum Is used for IM.Ultl-ob"r-tION IU%lm The tests nrl COOdUctad at tb. IJ-1 state vAi"rsltyl re %be Mrstu~ sea destgned. An mau- er a to onalased, vic"a "y 11.1. RUMI'loo, usestor OlUstifig OtAff *$*SIP III. Pat --l-1 cbsqrTatery, lAcb4m rtum' JA 1web Ims posits%@ at - Alt a 1. the .tbod of *at" the deserliss Z*UWr les '" as the sateluto low ... Dad for dbtaLnU4 t as late 7tw pUts V68 %7 mase, of a wdm gretiag plecal ta frout of tba P at &..Umd wy the eltbOrt 1, OIUVontim etth ft4i"or f nmww F.L Obt;"fg IVAI""ItY 0 out* Atrawwool Uslitlu in", tho A. PAGO161. 01thol ts "llmuntift tttb Iz; a-- DEMIDOVA, N.Ye. ; SOLOVIYEV, V.Ye.; YAROSHEVICH, S.V. Observations of the illumination during the total solar eclipse of February 15, 1961. Astron.tsir. no.227:5-7 F 162. (NIRA 16s1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Eclipses, Solar--1961) DEHIDOVA, N.Ye.; SOLOVIYEV) V.Ya.; YAROSIMT S. V. ;CH Observation of the lunar occultation of Venus on October 7. 1961, Astron. tsir. no.228:32-34 Ap 1629 (MIRA 16:6) 1. Dmepropetrovskly goaudar tvennyy universitet, (Cultations) YAROSREVfCH, Svetlana Viktorovrta, starnhaya prepodavatellnitua Modeling of an optilmim control system of a blooming mill drive. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 8 no.4:4,74-476 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy fakul7tet Dnepropetrovskogo gosudarst- vennogo univerFiteta. DAVIDENKOV, N.N.: SMIIUIC'V, B.I.; YA ~R~OSHEVI,CHV~.D. Temperature effect on the creep strength of metals with body-centered cubic lattices. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no.6:1731-1734 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Creep of metals) (Metals, Effect of temperature on) (Lattice theor-j) 377crA X, BY61/903/010/031/036 B gzeD B125 102 IDTHORt Yaroshevich, V. D. TITLEs Teaperature dependence of Armco iron yield point PERIODICAL: Fiiika tverdogo tela, V. 39 no. lot 19619 3207 -3210 TEXTt Thet:ging process of cylindrical Armoo iron samples (0-03 - 0-04% carbon con nt) was examined. The samples were vaouum-annealed for two hours at 600% and then left in the furnace to cool down. All annealed aamples were pre-deformed at 200C by 4% until a stress afo' oorresponding to the limit of the plastic rangev was attained. Fracture followed in each case. One group of samples was quickly cooled down to -76 and -1960C, &nd deformed at these temperatures with stress dfT forming as a result. The other group of samples was aged at 1000C for 15, 40, and 60 minutes. Thereupon, all samples were deformed at 20, -76, and -1960Cp and stress a appeared. The plane section of the stress-strain curve, sT a(F-I corresponding to the yieldg appeared after 15 minutes, and grew further in samples annealed for 40 and 60 minutes. The samples were Card 14 29701 S7181/61/003/010/031/036 Temperature dependence of... B120102 deformed by an OM-12 (IM-12) machine. Measurement results are presented in Fig. 2 and in the table., The temperature dependence of the yield point determines the temperature dependonoe of the resiatande to the motion of free dislocations through the metal lattice. By subtracting curve 1 from curve 2, the temperature dependence of consolidation with cold working is obtained. The temperature depends linearly upon the stresses character- izing the strength of the bond between dislocations and impurity atoms. N. N. Davidenko is thanked for proofreading and advice. There are 2 fig- ures, 1 table, and 16 referencest 4 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as followas D. K. Wilson.a. B. Russel. Acts, Met.9 8, 36, 19601 D. E. Stein, I. R. Low. J. Ippl. Phys., 319 362, 1960; W. C. Johnston a. J. J. Gilman. J. Ippl. Phys., LO, 129, 1959. ISSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physiooteohnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the AS USSR Leningrad) SUBMITTEDt April 15, 1961 (initially) Card 2/A June 129 1961 (after revision) DAVIDENKOV.9 N.N.Ldeceasedl;, YARWHEVICII, V.D Effect of the deformation temperature on strain aging of metals. Fiz. tver. tola 3 no.2s640-643 F 163. (MA 1615) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheakiy inatitut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSRP Ianingrad. (Deformations (149chanics)) (Met4as-Gold working) ") -3 3 3 6 S, 161/62/004/001/002/052 B102/B 138 AUTHORSi Davidenkov, NI N,, andt.La.Lqstavich, V,, D., TITLE: Influence of low-tem erature deformat-ion on the subsequent p aging of Armco iron PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 1, 1962, 8 - 13 TEXT: The effects of aging were studied after previous plastic deforma- tion at low temperatures. The specimens, made of Armco iron with 0.03 - 0.04~o' carbon, were cylinders, 15 cm high and 10 mm in diameter,, They were annealed at 6500C for 4 hr and cooled in the furnace. Deforma- tion,was carried out on a 'W-12 (IM-12) machine at the rate of -3 1 !:~3-10 sec-. Measurements were made on three series of specimens, deformed at 20, -76 and -1960C, respectively. Aging temperatures were 20, _100 and 4000C, the latter in vacuo, Specimens predeformed at -1961C showed lower resistance to subsequent deformation at 200 than those pre- deformed at 200C~ In each case aging after low-temperature deformation had a different affect from that when deformation took place at 200C. The effect of low-temperature deformation is attributed to deformation twins Card 1/2 3/181/62/004/001/0021/052 Influence of low-temperature,_ B102/B138 and microcracks, which act as stre8s concentrators when the specimcn reaches room temperature. '.)ith subsequent deformation they cause premature.flow, i. e. lowering of the deformation curves., Since twins and microcracks have various different shapes, different stresses are con- cantrated on them, which means that the metal will have no yield point.. The twins were revealed on. microphotographs of polished non.-etchea sectiorp- Twinning produced by deformation at -1960C has the sam,_ effict on sub- sequent deformation, either before or after aging. Tests wcre made a. 26 an -1960C with deformations of 4, 8 and !6~,. At 200c 6,7, 17,4 and 26,1 kg/mm 2 were measured and at -1960C: 5,9, 20-9 and 39 9 k- /mm2 , There ar~: 6 figures, I table, and 7 references: 1 Soviet and 6 non.-Sovilet.. The four most recent zeferences to English-language public3tions read as fol- lows: A, W., Cochardt e' al. Acta Met. J, No. 05, 1955; G, Schoeck, A~ Seeger- Acts, Met,, 7, 469, -1959; D, W., 'Wilson.. B, Russel, Acta Met:. 8~ 36, 196o; J. T. bllichal3~A, H. V Paxton., J, Metals', 12, 80, 196o. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A, F~ loffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Phy8ico--technical Institute imeni A. F., loffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED& May 29, 19061 Gard 2/2 L'29o-64 EWP (q)/VtPr (m)/EWP.(b)/BDS AFFTC/ASP JDIJG* _ACCESSION NR: AP3006379 3/0126/63/016/002/0260/0266 AUTHORS:- DavidenkoV. N. N. (deceased); Yaroshavich,,V, D. TITLE: Influence of stress type and temperature an cold shortness- 'SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 16, no. 2, 1963, 260-266 TOPIC TAGS: cold a~ortness, stress', temperature 'AB ST RACT: Stress patterns which develop in steel* M25YU5 and tungste'ri during bending and torsion 'were studied and compared. This comparison'Ea-di-it possible to 4ecide to what degree-the normal and tangential stresses areere3ponsible for metal failure. The results obtained with a chrome-aluminum steelf'(which had a tendency toward cold shortness) showed that thi-m-a:ifi-iaiW-fi6iih-ffil7stresses at -78 and -196K are almost -equal in magnitude. During the transition from -78 to -196K the apparent strength of steel was considerably lowered (2h-29%). This was explained by the action of concealed stress 6oncentratorb (intergranular boundaries). It was con- cluded that twinning was responsible for the failure oflKh25W steel at _196K. The results or the tungsten tests showed thct at-20, 8, anv-196K the failure was 7 caused by. normal stresses, the magnitude of which did n9t'depend on temperature. Orig. art. has; ..4,figures and I table. i Card 1/2 ERMRM %M EM M-- YAROSHEVICH) V,D. Reversing device for tensile tests of metals. Zav.lab. 29 no.12:1502 163. (MIRA 17:1) YAROSHEVICH, V.D.; SMIRNOV, B.I. Dependence of plastic flow stresses In metals with a body-centered cubic structure on temperature. Fiz. met. I metalloved. 17 no.2:252- 255 F 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR imeni A.F.1offe. MOM ACCESSION NR: AP4017358 S/0126/64/017/00~/0262/0255 AUTHOR: Yaroshevich, V. D.; Smirnov, B. 1. TITLE:., Temperature dependence of the plastic flow stresses in volume-centered cubical metals SOURCE: Fizilca metallov I metallovedonlye, v. 17, no. 2, 1964, 252-255 TOPIC TAGS: iron, molybdenum, tantalum, plastic flbw, plastic flow stress, volume centered metal, cubical metal, plastic flow stress tom porature dependence ABSTRACT: rn order, to fill gaps in the literature, tests were underWcen in which cylindrical specimens, 8 mm, In diameter and 12 mm high of technically pure Fe (0. 0034% C), Mo (99.9% Me) and Ta (99. 11% Ta, 0. 63% Nb) were vacuum-tempered at 900 K for two hours (Fe) or at 1100 X for one hour (Mo and Ta) and compressed in an IM-12A machine at 77 (liquid nitrogen) or 300 K up to 40% of their Initial height.,, For all the metals, the curves relating 66Ti 11,c and the degree of detormation show on otherwise uniform patterns, an upward trend with increasing deformation. Control studies showed that no fatigue, which might have affected die yield stress and Interfered with tempera- ture dependence tbsts, occurs during the 77-300 K transition. Of the curieTit theories proposed.-to, expl-ard the mechanism of the dependence, the. authors believe that a stepwise Cad: 1/2 ACCESSION NR:. AP4017358 dislocation inhibition is the most likely. The calculating and curve plotting techniques are given in detail. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Fizikd-teldmichoskiy institut AN SSSR Im. A. F. Joffe (Physico- technical Institute) SUBMITTED- DATE ACQ: 18Mar". ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REF Sov; 005 OTHER: 007 -~ACCESSION NRs AP402W52 ~/0032/64/030/003/0361/0362 -AUTHORs YaroShevich* Vo Do TITLE& Apparatus fqr~brittls fracture o;r molybdum under different vouditims.of .,strong SOMq$ 7AVOdakays, laboratori^t v- 309 no. 39 19649'361-362 m Topic TAM =1ybdw=j brittle fraotureg shearing stressp norasl stress A~STPACTt In order to study the brittle fracture of solyb4onua under different v~oar and norml stress oompommutap the %pparatus shown in Fig. I on the Enclosure was construotedo It provided stress conlitions over a range 1 -dr 4- 2. For this~ configuzation the stress ratio is given 'by Qi 1 4- and the angle between the mmi~ mormal stress plane and Us plane perpendicular to the gbdmum samplea (0.001% Xip~ specimen axis Is given bp, stm 2 0 0.001% siol 99.9% M*')s Wated in a vac"a at MOC for 2 hours and ooolel.slowlyq ACCESSION NRs AP402005?, weri triptured at the temperature of boiling 'nitrogen with *Lbetw**n 2ana i.""it was-found that 0 increased to 43" ac 0% was cherAged from 1.68 to 1.08a Between o~ 2 and 1,53 the sheer stresses Istormined the failure. After the normal *tFGG#GG had reached 6t a 52 kg/;:m taa camples could take more load until thi shear stress reached 1*, a 34 Q/=2,, ror ot - 1.53 - I.Op microoraoks are formed vrhan the ahear stresis reaches 'To w 34 k-g/=2 but the specimen would not fail until the norzal stress reached 4t mm?. In this range of ot failure occurs at constant normal stress " if the miarocracks had 'been present before loading. Orig.. art, bass 3 figuresp 2 formul"g.ud 1table. ASSOCIATIM Pisiko-takhmicheskiy inistitut Akadsaii usuk SSSR (PbYsicatechnima Instituiep AcadoW af Sciences SM) SUMITTEDS, 00 D= jjcqj 2731=64 MCM 01 10 RK? BOYS 001 000: ACCESSIP14 11R- AP4044900 S/0032/64/050/009/1119/iizl AUTH(;R:l Yaroshevich, V. D. TITLE;; On the.46valuation of the tendency of metals toward cold brittleness SOURCE;. Zavodo'kaya laboratoriya, v. 30, no. 9 1964, 1119-1121 TOPIC TAGS: metal, metal brittleness, metal fracture, tensile strength, IM ~4 testing machine brittleness thor proposed and described anewer, simpler, and more definitiv ABSTRACTs The au 0 method for determining the tendency of metals toward brittle fracture. The method is baned upon the varying influences of a scratch or incision on the strength of a brittle or plastic substa'ce. When the original condition of a n teat material is known and when the results of tensile tests on a smooth and a scored sample are compared, the material's resistance to fracture can be determined. The au -thor defiried the critical temperature of,,brittleneBa an that temperature at which transition from fracture along the incision to fracture along the'Bmooth portion takes place. The test specimens were'deBeribed and shown in two viewB% the' -666bthpart of,the sample shaft had a diameter of 3-5 mm; the incision groove was .~cut with a radi~a of 0.2 mm and a depth of 0-5' mm. Testing machine 111-4 was used in Ij.,Bpecimexx deformation, and testing too7-c,place through a temperature interval of 1/9 --- --- '~"20 to -196c. The difference between the two typea of fracture discussed was shown in a photograph;of two fractured samplasp one-fractured at 20C and the other at 196C. The author urged careful control of experiment execution and measurements to .I.minimize extraneous influencea upon critical temperature determination. Orig. art. i:haai 2 ;figurea.i 11ASSOCIAiiTIOTTs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inn titUt im loffel Akademii nauk SSSR (Physico- !jtechniclal Institute, AcaderQr of Sciences SSSR) SOMITTEDs 00,~ ENCL: 00 NO REF SM 003; VrHER% 004 flSUB GODEt MM Card!- ~/2 -.them :,ModUl iin4ardeninx us 'inua: -of 51 Luuj~. - Wo ~.L7U94. -ruie.remperature dependence 3,1 VI i-cle-termine(I-only--Lif~-both-theLetrairi--atid- the- -;i)lt6 account. ,Orig. -art. :-in (NDI his-- 3 figures. Y" t~JM N-L-Ai a. USSR sico-w- ffe I~jt (KI I E 11,H Of teivArature n the strength rati