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BORISENKO, A.I., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; YANTOTSKIT, Ya.I., inzhenar.
Thermal resistance of the air gap in electric machines. Test. elektro-
prom. 28 no.3.53-56 Ur 157. (KLU 10.-W
1. Kharlkovokiy aviatelonnyy institut i Kharlkovokiy elaktromokhanicho-
skiy zav*d.
(Electric machines)
AUTHOR: Boriseakov A.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences and
Yantovskiy, E.I., Engineer. 3-io-6-V24
I--------------------- M~
TITIB: Heat transfer in asymmietrically-heated ducts in elec-
trical machines. (Teplootdacha v asimmetrichno nagreva-
yemykh kanalakh elektrichaskikh mashin.)
PERIODICAL: "Vestnik Elektro-Promyshlennostill (Jouinal of the Elec-
trical Industry No. 6, pp.21-26 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The cooling of some parts of electrical machines may
be considered as heat transfer from a uniformly heated
wall to a flow of air or other gas along the wall. The
conditions axe always those of turbulent flow, If both
the walls of the plane duct give out an equal quantity
of heat the temperature distribution is symmetrical
relative to the axis of the duct and heat transfer can
be calculated by existing formulae. If the wall.3 of the
duct contain heat sources of different intensity or It
one wall contains no heat sources the temperature dis-
tribution will not be sym trical and the duct may be
Card f/5 described as asymmetrically-heated. Such cases are
often met in practice.
The article then considers steady turbulent flow of
Heat transfer in asymmetricall-j-heated ducts in elec-
trical machines. (Cont.) no-6-V24
an incompressible gas between two stationary parallel
walls. The pressure gradient along the duct, the inten-
sity of the heat source (and therefore the temperature
gradient) will be considered constant. In accordance
with modern views on the flow of liquid and beat trans-
fer in it, account must simultaneously be taken of the
action of two physical procossesi oidarlocumixing by
the exchange of small volumes of liquid which depends
on the conditions of flow and molecular mixing.
Since the mechanisms of inteTmal friction and heat
conduction are the same, expressions may be written for
the tangential stress and heat flux density for laminar
flow. Similar equations are then written for turbulent
flow and for the total frictional stress and heat flux
density nonnal to tho direction of movement. An expiv-
ssion is then given for the quantity of heat transmitted
in the direction of movement for unit time per unit
sectional area and then an expression is written, the
first term of which corresponds to the increase in in-
ternal energy of an element of gas flowing along the
Card 2/5 duct, and the second characterises the quantity of heat
reaching the element of gas from nei0bouring layers
by turbulent and molecular conductivity. The equation
11 Y"
Ileat transfer in asymmetrically-heated ducts in elec-
trical machines. (Cont.) 3-lo-6-V24
card 3/5
will cover the case when the lower walls of the duct is
heat-insulated and contains no source of heat and the
other is heated. Other cases can be obtained by summ-
ating individual solutions. The appropriate equations
are then derived and are finally expressed in terms of
dimensionless magnitudes.
The distribution of the heat transfer coefficient
across the canal is usually determined semi-empirically.
For a long time it was supposed that turbulent thermal
conductivity and viscosity passed through a minimum on
the axis of the duct. Hoviever, calculations of temper-
ature distribution based on this assumption lead to an
obviously false conclusion. Recent careful experimerru"s
have shown that the minimum of-turbulent properties on
the axis of the duct is very smooth and differs very
little from the maximum value. Therefore, proceeding
from the approximate concept of turbulent viscosity in
the fom of a parabola with its maximum on the axis of
the duct the assumption may be used to obtain a result
in a form convenient for use which is, moreover, more
Heat transfer in asymmetrically-heated duqts in elec-
trical machines. (Cont.) 110-6-V24
accurate than the assumption made in some worksp of a
linear relationship between the turbulent viscosity and
the distance to the wall. A relationship is then given
in terms of semi-empirical theory of turbulence. After
further development the author arrives at a logarithmic
law of velocity distribution which differs from the
usually accepted law in -that it is valid riF)lt up -to the
wall and that the velocity does not have a discontinuity
on the axis of the duct. A formula is then given for
the law of velocity distribution and results calculated
by this foimula are compared in Table 1 with published
results which are known to be in good agreement with
careful experiments. Good agreement is shown between
the two. Fignre 3 shows a comparison between the temp-
erature distribution in an asymmetrically-heat-ed duct
determined by calculation and from experiment. It is
shown that the temperature distribution formula givn is
in good agreement with the experimental results. The
greatest divergence occurs at the middle of the duct.
Card 4/5 For practical applications it is necessary to deter-
mine the temperature difference between the cold aid hot
walls and a method of doing this is given. Fig. 5 is
Heat transfer in asymmetrically-heated ducts in
electrical machines. (Cont.) ilo-6-7/24
a graph that can be used in place of a fo=la to cal-
culate the asymmetrical heating of ducts occurring in
electrical machines. Unfortunately data is not avail-
able to permit verification of the formula and graph
for high Reynolds numbers. In conclusion a practical
example is worked out. It is the determination of the
heating of the surface of the stator steel of an encl-
osed synchronous machine type IAA36-? 2/4 above the
surrounding air.
There are 5 figures, and 3 references, 2 of which are
ASSOCIkTION: Kharkov Aviation Institute (Kharkovskiy Aviatsiomrjj
Institut) and
SUMITTED: December 30, 1956.
71-e V's ff / V yi~__ 1 7-
Yantov skiy le. 1. Engineer. 110-9-4/23
ke-c"hi-an'ical Losses in the Gap of an Electric Motor filled
with Liquid. (Mekhanicheskiye poteri v zazore elektro-
dvigatelya zapolnennogo zhidkostlyu)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 195?, Vol.28 Vo.9,
pp. 15 - 16 ~USSR).
ABSTRACT: In designing submerged electric motors for artesian wells
or for-pumping oil, it is important to determine correctly the
mechanical losses since they often exceed half the total losses
in the machine. A source of high mechanical loss is the hydr-
aulic resistance to rotation of the rotor. Since submerged
motors are usually long an& thin, the hydraulic resistance of
the ends of the rotor is small and the main 1OBS is caused by
flow of liquid in the gap between the rotor and stator. Thisfkw
may be represented schematically as plane motion between two
concentric cylinders when the inner cylinder rotates and the
outer is stationary. Test results for this kind of flow can
be used to calculate the mechanical losses in electric motors
and an expression is written in terms of a dimensionless para-
meter. The formula given for this dimensionless coefficient of
resistance is in good agreement with published experimental
Cardl/2 data. The losses are calculated and compared with experimental
Mechanical Losses in the Gap of an Electric Motor filled with Liquid.
results for an electric motor type f13A -45-2. The motor
characteristics are given and the losses are analysed. From,
meal5uremento of the temperature drop between the frame of the
machine and the air gap, a graph is obtained for the loss in
the gap as a function of the temperature (Fig.2). The loss
falls with increase of temperature because the viscosity of
the (transformer) oil decreases (Fig-3). The convexity of the
experimental curve probably occurs because the temperature
conditions were not entirely stable. However, there is in
general satisfactory agreement between the theoretical and
test results. There are 3 figures and 2 non-Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: Khar1kov Electronic-chemical Plant (KhEmiz)
SUBMITTED: May 22, 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Oongress.
Oard 2/2
AUTHORS: Borisenko, A, I.,. Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Docent.and Yantovskiy, Ye. I., Engineer
TITLE: On the Question of Cooling Electrical Machines
(K voprosu okhlazhdeniya elektricheskikh mashin)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshilch Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Elektromekhanika,
19531 Nr 91 pp 112-115 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The need for some form of cooling, natural or forced, of
electrical machines is first discussed in general
terms in relation to its influence on performance and
design. Watural cooling is defined as purely convective
air-cooling which may be assisted by good geometric
design but does not employ supplementary blowers. In
forced cooling blowers or pumps are used to circulate
the coolant9 which may be either gas or liquid. The
point is made that sharp temperature gradients, and
frequent and large temperature fluctuations in time,
rather than high tea~)eratures themselves, often present
the more difficult problems of machine operation,
maintenance, wear &nd tear etc. Thus, a machine which
generates a high ninning temperature may not necessarily
Card 1/4 require' cooling, it it is run continuou3ly at this
On the Question of Cooling Electrical Machines
temperature without frequent starting and stopping, and
provided temperature gradients and fluctuations are
minimized by good design. Alternatively, if a certain
amount of cooling is still necessary this may often be
achieved by natural convection alone, especially if the
heat transfer surface can be maximized 7 e.g. by cooling
fins, Close attention should also be given to the
material of such heat transfer surfaces, if a choice
exists, since materials having equivalent mechanical
and/or electrical properties can differ quite markedly
in their thermal conductivity and emissivity. If the
above requirements are not met and forced cooling is
necessary, the rival claims of gas and liquid coolant
may be considered. The latter presents problems of
containment and7 usually, of corrosion also; however
it is generally a more effective coolant because
specific-heat, mass-flow products can be achieved.-That
would be impossible using gas coolants without the
installation of excessively expensive blower power.
Card 2/4 If a small amount of forced cooling is required as an
assist to natural convection, then a gas coolant is the
.On the Question of Cooling Electrical Machines
obvious choice; otherwise the choice between gas and
liquid will be determined by the peculiarities of
construction, performance and maintenance of the
particular machine under consideration. The paper includes
a r4sume" of the salient characteristics of some typical
gas-cooled and liquid-cooled machines, namely, air-cooled
asynchronous motors, types DIA36-52/4, MA36-52/8 and
MA36-62/8 and submer'ged (deep well and oil drilling)
motors PED-55 and MAPZ-2?3-54/2. The mass-flow
characteristics for the air-cooled types exhibit a power
law increase in cooling with flow velocity which, within
limits, more than offsets the cost of achieving the
extra flow. In the case of liquid cooling of the stator
surface of an enclosed asynchronous motor, the
temperature drop between the surface of tAe stator and
the liquid is only 5 to 10% of the over-heating of the
winding; the largest component of the temperature
difference is the temperature gradient in the active steel.
In this case efforts should be made to reduce the tempera-
ture gradient in the steel, for instancelby using Armco
Card 3/4 st3el vihich has a higher thermal conductivity. If the
On the question of Coolinp; Electrical Machines
liquid cooling is applied on the stator surface as well as
on the internal surfaces of the rotor (for instance, motors
of electric oil drills), the heat fluxes are parallel and
thereby the heat flux through the stator is reduced. In
such machines the greatest temperature difference is that
along tho thickness of Oic, insulation, which may mount to
70% of the total over-heating of the winding. In the
latter case measures for reducing the thermal resistance
of the steel of the stator and the rotor or of the bowidary
layer of the cooling liquid will have little effect and
efforts should be mainly concentrated on reducing the
thickness and increasing the thermal conductivity (for
instance by impregnation with quartz-sand varnish) of the
There are 4 figures, 1 table and 2 references, i of which
is Soviet, 1 German.
ASSOCIATIOTE; Kafedra elektrotekhniki.narlkovskiy aviatsionlryy
institut (Chair of Electrical Engineering, Khar;kov
Aviation Institute) and Knar:kovskiy elektromekhanicheskiy
Zavod (Kharlkov Olectro-Mechanical Woi!ks)
SUBMITTED: August 12, 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: yantovskiyp ye.1.1 Engineer
The Flo`w*--O-r Cas-i
n an Internally Cooled Conductor
(Techeniye gaza v provodxLike s vnutrennim okhlazhdeniyem)
1:ERICDICAL-.Vestnik Elektroprom;yshlennostit 19589Nr 12,pp 43-47 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In large hi gh-voltage machines the electrical insulation$
which is 6 to 10 mm thick, offers great thermal
resistance to the flow of heat. The object of gas
cooling in hollow conductors is to remove the heat
generated in the conductors instead of passing it through
the insulation. According to published data, in a gas-
cooled rotor winding only lWo of the heat passes through
the insulation and in a stator winding the proportion
would be even less; accordingly the analysis given in
this article assumes that all the heat developed in the
conductor is transferred to the cooling gas. A foraula
is given for the mechanical resistance to turbulent
flow of gas. 'The uniform flow of gas in a lon g channel
where friction and heating occur is expressed by a
previously published differential equation. A numerical
Card 1/4 method of solution has also been published but it is too
The Flow of Gas in an Internally Cooled Conductor
complicated for practical application. In the viork
described in this article an approximate method of
solution was obtained that is adequate for cases
encountered in the practical desig-A of turbo-generators.
Eq (2) gives the relationship between the losses in
the conductor, the gas pressure in the frame of the
machine, the temperature rise of the gas and the
pressure ratio developed by the compressor. The
pressure is plotted as a function of the compression
ratio in Fig 2. To verify Eq (2) and to elucidate the
nature of the temperature distribution in the conductor
and the gas, a series of tests were made on the rig
illustrated in Fig 3 which represents a model of a
conductor with internal cooling. The conductor was
a copper tube with an internal diameter of 6 mm.,
2,400 mm. long with a wall thickness of 1 mm. through
which alternating cur-rent passed at low voltage. The
tube was internally cooled by air from a compressor;
the metal temperature was measured by a therao-couple.
To prevent heat loss, the cond-iictor was enclosed in
Card 2/4 another tube which also carried current. The space
The Flow of Gas in an InteTmally Cooled Conductor
between the tubes was filled with thermal insulating
material. The current in the outer tube was adjusted
until the thermo-couples on -the inner and outer tubes
Save the oame readingo, The te5ts showed that the
temperature distribution in the.gas is practically
linear. Therefore, the gas temperature was measured
only at 8he inlet and outlet, the inlet temperature
being 37 C. The test results are tabulated and compared
with calculated values of the parameter P. It is seen
that even at high-compression-ratios the agreement is
good. The connection between the compression-ratio and
the load that can be carried by the conductor is
discussed and graphs are given in Fig 4. In this
graph 100% represents the load on a turbo-generator
with a conductor length of 8 metres, the diameter of
the gas channel being 8 mm. The gas temperature-rise
is 800C with a compression-ratio of 1.02 and a pressure
in the frame of 1 atm. It will be seen from the graph
that the load can be increased by a factor of 2-5 by
Card 3/4 *increasing the pressure to 6 atm. with a compression
The Flow Pf Gas in an InteTm lly Cooled Conductor
ratio of 1*02 2 atm. with a compression ratio
of 1.1, A higher compression-ratio accelerates the
flow of gas and, therefore, increases the windage
losses. The windage and compression losses are then
briefly calculated. The relationship between the
dimensionless sum of the windage loss and the
dimensions of the gas channel is plotted in Fig 5.
For minimum losses in the machine, the channel
dimensions for the cooling gas should lie somewhere
near the dotted line. There are 5 figuresp 1 table
and 4 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: 7th October 1957
Card 4/4
Y Tl~
-AUTHORS: Borisenko, A.I., Candidate of Technical S,~ienceL a-,-d
Yantovskiy, Ye.I., Engineer
TITLE: The Th_e_fMT1--Des-�gn of Enclosed Induction Motors Types
MA-36 and PED (Teplovoy raschet zakrYtykh asi;-A1:hr,).-,i-,ykh
elektrodvigateley tipov MA-36 i PED)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Vol 29, Er 57
pp 25 - 28 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Heat-transfer in an electrical machine talces place by
conductive and convective heat exchange to the cooling medium
inside and outside the machine. The temperature drop in the
gap between the rotor and the stator is determined from
relationships derived from the theory of heat-transfer in a
small gap between smooth concentric cylinders. The temperature
drop in the insulation is calculated by the usual methods, as
in a plane wall. The temperature drop along the teeth is
determined as for a heat-conducting rod with uniformly-
distributed internal heat sources. The temperature drop
radiaily outwards through the stator is also determined as for
a plane wall with uniformly distributed heat sources.
A diagram of the enclosed self-ventilated motors, types JAA-36
and PED, that are considered in the article are illustrated
Card 1/4
The Thermal Design of Enclosed Induction Motors Types i!A-.~~- a~-'l ---',"D
diagrammatically in Figure 1, which shows their distinctive
feature to be direct cooling of the stator core by the
medium, which can move at a high speed. An import-ant. but
insufficiently studied magnitude is the velocity of cco!iLL,!,,-
air -ween the core and the frame. This should be calr.L11CA,,~d
and/Whines of the type considered an approxi-mate sexi--
empirical formula gives satisfactory results. In calculatir,6
the heating of the ventilating air the axial compouent of the
air velocity should be included in calculatioriG. The assunutions
that are made in the calculAion are stated. The total heating
of the part of the stator winding, which is in the slots is
determined as the sum of the temperature drops in the insulaLiGn,
in the teeth, in the out,.,jard path through stator and in the
cooling medium; the temperature rise of the coolinr~ mcdiu~m
must be added and is taken as half the total temperature rise
of the cooling medium. To calculate the temperature rise of
the rotor windinGs, the temperature drop in the Zap, iii half
the radial height of the rotor teeth and in the thickneSs c'L
the rotor slot insulation must be added to the teraperature rise
for the stator. In loaded~machines, calculation reveals a laxL~e
Cord.20/4 temperature drop along the radial height of the stator teeth,
110-56 --5-8//-P 15,
The Thermal Design of Enclosed Induction Motors Types MA-36 and PED
which'indicates that the stator conductors at the bottom of the
.slots are less heated than those near the air gaps. The
design procedure and necessary auxiliary information are then
The initial data for the thermal calculations are then stated,
including the dimensions, as indicated in Figure 1 the
heating losses and the velocity; also the physicai properties
of the materials and cooling media, taken from published data.
The sequence of calculation is then described - in partic-
ular, Pusselt's criterion may be determined either graphically,
using Figure 2, or analytically. Then th:e special features
of the design of liquid-filled machines (submersible types)
and of machines with an internal fan are con~3idered.
Test and design data for a number of machines are tabulated.
The winding temperature was determined by resistance, with
extrapolation to the instant of switching off. Usually the
el.--neri.mental temperature rise is greater than the calculated
value. This is probably because the stray losses generally
exceed 0.5% of the output. The procedure described in the
article is used at the Kharlkov Blectro-Mechanical Works
Card3/4 for designing enclosed and submersible induction motors.
'The Thermal Design of EnclOBed Induction Motors Types MA-36 and FED
There are 3 figures. 1 table and 9 references, 6 of which
are Soviet and 3 English.
ASSOCIATIONS: Khartkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kha~kov Aviation
Institute) and KhBMZ
Card 4/4 ;(Xa"
/11~z, Alxl7d
YA!t!TO'VSY,lYt Cand Tech Sci - (diss), ;Av Ylow of Acc Olill"',
inedima %nd dintribution of ten.iper-~turo ir, electric
FLOJ 1959 1-1 pp (17in of Ilij-,11,er 71.duc- tioll Ti Sr, . Lon Poly-
tech Inot im I-*.!. K- linin) (1-1.,37-50., 110)
"Electrically Conducting Cas Flow in a Channel with a Drifting (14oving)
Magnetic Field."
report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan 3 Feb 196o.
-YANTOV1SKIYY- Ye-.-T. _lKharko-w-y-
"The flow of Thermally Ionized Gases In a Moving Magnetic Field."
report presented at the First Al-l-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan 3 Feb 1960.
t 4-
EO E141
AUTHORs Yantovskiyj Ye.I. (Khartkov)
TITLE: One Dimensional Flow of an Electrically Conducting Gas
with Constant Velocity in a Running Magnetic Field
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
I nauk) Mekhanika I mashinostroyenlye, 1960 No 4, pp 166-167
TEXT: In Ref 1 the flow ps discussed of an incompressible
electrically,conductin, 1i uid . n a plane channel of finite width
under the action of a runn ng magnetic field created by a three-
phase current in the walls of the channel, In the present paper,
the particular case of a non-viscous compressible gas with constant
electrical conductivity a is discussed. The flow scheme Is shown
in Fig 1. The equations (1) describe the flow, where u. is the
gas velocity, v the velocity of the magnetic fields H4 the
r.m.s. magnetic field created by the current in the walls, Q the
intensity of heat evolutions q the specific heat flow to the
'walls, J and A. the mechanical equivalent of electrical and heat
energy. The solution of Eqs (1) has the form of Eqs (2), (3) and
(4). The increase in entropy is given by Eqs(5) and (6). The
changes in pressure, temperature and entropy along the channel are
Card 1/2
One Dimensional Flow of an Electrically Conducting Gas with Constant
Velocity in a Running Magnetic Field
shown in Fig 2 and the relationship of temperature to entropy in
Fig 3. Eqs (61 and (6) show that isothermal expansion is obtained
with n = 0 when the ratio of the field velocity to the gas
velocity equals the ratio of the supply of heat per second to the
power of the volume forces of interaction between the field and the
current in the gas. This shows the possibility in principle of
realising a.generalised Carnot cycle for separation of energy from
a gas current by a running magnetic field.
There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
SUBMITTED; January 22, 1960
Card 2/2
USTIMEM, I.Yu. (M2arlkov); YANTQVSKU,--Ts..I~(XhAr Ikov)
Plane flow of a conductive fluid in an alternating mgnetic f ielJ,
Izv.AII SSSR. Otd.tekh,nauk,Rekh,i mash1nostr. no.5.-187-188 " 160.
(MIU 130)
AUTHORs Yantovsk Ye.I. (Kharlkov)
TITLE: Radial flow of an electrically conducting gas in a
magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Otdaleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniie, 1961, No.2,
pp. 114-115
TEXT: The paper discusses a problem connected with the choice
of a rational scheme for a magnetic gas-dynamic machine transfor-
ming part of the energy of the high temperature flow into electrical
energy0 A diagram of the system is shown in Fig.1, The gas flows
in the radial direction between shaped discs made of magnetic
material. The magnetic field acts across the channel and moves
with a velocity having a radial component v, thereby creating a
variable single phase current in the conductors placed in the
walls of the channel. on maintaining a constant voltage in the
conductors and with a gas velocity u v, a circumferential
current arises in the gas, inducing an active current in the
conductors which is passed on to the external circuit and brings
Card 1/0',"
Radial flow of an electrically E081/E141
about a corresponding decrease In the total ent halpy of the gas
(asynchronous generator with gas rotor). The approximate theory
of the process is developed from the equations of one-dimensional
steady flow of a gas, allowing for heat exchange. Assuming the
reduction In enthalpy to be small, these equations are solved and
the solution used to derive the variation of temperature and
pressure with r and also the shape of the channel in the
presence and absence of heat exchange. It is concluded that it is
technologically feasible to produce effective energy by the method.
Acknowledgements are expressed to L.M. Dronnik and
L.Yu. Ustimenko for their assistance with the calculations.
There are 2 figures.
SUBMITTEDs April 21, 1960
Card 2 031
AUTHORSa Zimin, E.P. and Yantovslciy, Ye.j. (Kharfkov)
TITLE,. The flow of an electrically conducting gas in a
channel with a travelling magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.4,
TEXT% The authors discuss the steady state flow of a perfect
gas with a finite electrical conductivity in a circular channel
with a radial periodic magnetic field. The field is assumed to be
moving relative to the walls of the channel in the longitudinal
direction. Theme calculations are of' interest in connoction
with the possible replacement of tiebladed turbine by a device in
which the thermal energy released during the combustion process
is partly transformed into mechanical energy or directly into
electrical energy. It is stated that the possible types of flow
have been discussed qualitatively by E. Resler and W. Sears
(Ref.l: Prospects for magnetoaerodynamics. Correction and
Addition, JAS/S, 1959, No.5, 318)~, A quantitative analysis is
Card 1/2
The flow of n electrically ... S/ V61/000/004/017/019
attempted by the present authors but the results are said to be
inconclusive. The calculations do not, however, exclude the
possibility of magneto-gaadynamic generators. It is pointed out
that a more detailed theory is required, for example, the present
authors neglect the release of heat due to combustion in the energy
equation and the dependence of the electrical conductivity on the
temperature (all the gas parameters are assumed to be constant).
There are 3 figures and 3 references: I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.
The English-language references read as followst Ref.1 (quoted in
text); Ref.3: E. Resler and W. Sears, Magneto-Gasdynamic Channel
Flow. Z.angev.Math.und Phys. 1958, v.1Xb,'Fasc-5/G, 509-518.
SUBMITTEDi April 21, 1960
Card 2/2
3 9
AUTHORS: -Yantovskiy, Ye.I., Tolmach, I.M. (Kharlkov)
TITLE: Contribution to the theory of the magneto-hydrodynamic
induction generator with a rotating field
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk S~SR. Izvostiya. Otdoloniye
tokhnicheskikh nauk. Energetika i avtomatilca.
n0.3, 1962, 32-41
TEXT: A magneto-hydrodynamic induction generator with a swirled
flow of electrically conducting gas is considered. The gas,
obtained by combustion of fuel in a chamber is,introduced
tangentially into the working space at 'a substantial velocity
(about 1000 m/sec). The axial component of veiocity, which
determines the rate of mass.flow, has a value at the inlet smaller
by an order of magnitude. A rotating magnetic field produced by-
a three-phase winding in the stator connected to a powerful grid
exists in the working gap of the generator. The tangential.
component of the gas velocity exceeds the linear velocity of the
field so that currents interacting with the field in the gap arise
in the gas. As a result of this, part of the total enthalpy in
Card (JC/3'
a r
Contribution to the theory E191/E481
the gas is transformed into electrical energy and fed into the grid.
In a previous paper by one of the present authors (AN SSSR. Izv,
OTN. Energetika i avtomatika, no.6, 1961) equations describing the
flow of the conducting gas were formulated, 'In the present paper
these equations are generalized by taking into account the effects
of temperature and density on the conductivity of the- gas,
eliminating the restriction to average values in time along the
transverse coordinate and considering the voltage drop in the
stator winding and the properties of the winding. The gap is
assumed to be small in relation to both the length of the winding
and the pole pitch. All the variables are averaged with respect
to the radial coordinate across the gap but not with respect to
time. Heat transfer by radiation is smaller than by convection
and is covered by adjustment of the heat transfer coefficient.
The friction forces are assumed applied at the boundaries -of the
gas layer. The'ordinary equation of state of an ideal gas- is
assumed to hold. The viscous dissipation of energy is assumed
absent as usual in the flow of gas in long channels where wall
friction does not change the total enthalpy. The permeability of
Card 2/3
C O_r
Contribution to the theory E191/E481
the magnetic circuit is infinitely large. The length of the
working space is equal to the active length of the iron. The
.specific resistivity is a scalar quantity. It is a pron *ounced
function of temperature but nearly independent of density- The
magneto-hydrodynamic equations include the induction equation, the
continuity equation, two components of the equations of motion and
the energy equation. As a result of the analysis, the conception
~of a vector diagram for the magneto-hydrodynamic generator is
.introduced. The process of the direct transformation of part of
the kinetic energy of the gas into electrical energy and its
feeding into the grid is illustrated with the help of a*local and
a general vector diagram. There are 4 figures:
SUBMITT ED; December 25, 1961
Card 3/3
UTHOR~ Yantovskiv. Yea.l.. (Khar-kov)
TITLE,,, Equations of an AC magnetohydrodynamic generator with a
rotating magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Energetika i avtomatika,
no. 6, 1961, 142 - 151
TEXT~ Previously proposed DC conduction-type magnetohydro-
dynamic generators have not been found practi6able due to short
electrode life and the difficulties connected with DC convi--r~LAi,')n.
The author therefore considers the perspectives of direct
conversion of the gas-stream energy to electrical AC energy in an
electrodeless MHD induction-type generator, in particular -
an asynchronous generator with rotating field. Such a generator
can put out directly extremely high tensions, eliminating tile
need for step-up transformers. The generator is riot limited by
its design, but by,the fuel-consumption rated it can attain
tens of millions of--kW per unit, The author2s attenti.on 'was
directed by L.A, Simonov to tile possibility of developing a vatie-
Card 1/5
Equations of an ... E14O/E335
control apparatus for gas flows at supersonic -olocities for use
i-n rotating field generators,, The theory developed in the
present article is a1so applic-able to generators with
rotors or magnetic turbines,. The problemi analyzed i5 the
following,. An electrically conductive medium (gas) flows in a
ring-shaped channel, whose walls have infinite magnetic perrlioa~,Jlliv
-ro electrical c ondur- t ivit y, Conductors laid -in th* w- 11,~ of
and ze
the channel. carry a three-phase alternating current.. The rote of
rotation of the -,,,iagnetic field i5 dif'L'creit froi-,. the initial
velocity of the Sas. Dcpending on t1hr, -3i-n -c le -,tJoctt.y
d-i-ffmrence energy will. be transferred to 0
phase c-urrent or tao, reverse. Compared. ;at'i ~A
mac,h in es , t h e MID g en or a t o r w i t h r o t att, j i if iI d C a 1) 1) r, U I- t t e d
a -5 t h o I. -Lm x t o f .%.n. .1 r, r j mi il o.1 Y I a r go, 11111111) 0 r o11 r 1111 t 0 1 YI I
Ordinary go nera~or-s placed on a corw-;ion axi.s , each of which ha~
an A tid epondent. rotor veloc j ty . momont o f rotat Ion and s I ip .-I I h
r 0111mun 111-~l ~"rlct i zat I fill currenL arid t; ommon angli I ar v tyloc I t Y of k'-ie
rotar-ing field., Tho 9teady state- of Lhe m;Achint~ is dcfl.m-~d by
I life ~~-qtia t I onu of hyd'r'odyzmmir-.,i,- T;'i phenoii;c:--~ III
Card 2/5
M ~Mt~
Equations of
cross-section of an MHD machine do not differ from those it) an
ordinary electrical machine and the variation from sectioti to
section of the shape and volume of the "rotor" opens the L)os~;i
bility of uniting the gas and electrical machines into a sin-le
whole. It is assumed in the present communication that the gal)
is substantially smaller than the length of a magnetic
conductor and pole piece, and the magnetic-field leakage is
neglected. The general equations of electromagnetic field ano
hydrodynamics are employed in the DIKSA system. The initial
equations constitute Maxvell's equations. The assumption is
made of an isotropic medium for simplicity, although the tensor
nature of cy is not always negligible,. due to the Larmor
frequency of -the electrons and the mean time between colli,,ionj
between electrons and neutral or ionized atoms. Ther of or L,.
the conductance perpendicular to the field can be less than
calculated under the above assumption. Furthermore, the initial
equations are drawn from the equation of continuity, tl)c
conservation of motion, the energy balance and the equation of
gas, valid at a low degree of dissociettic,11
state of an ideal I
ionization. An essential factor influencing the character of
Card 3/5
Equations of E14o/P,335
the flow is the dependence ol(p, fl~ Curves of ceo(p; T) hav,,,~
been calculated for heated gas with admixtures of allcall iziotal.-'i
and are given in the worlc~ The degree of ionization of tht,~
admixture was determined front Sah's equation and the electrical
conductivity "'0 was taken as the mean between values obtained
from formulae for weakly and strong-ly ionized gases. The
calculated curves of oJ are not sufficiently accurate, due to
the lack of information on the collision cross-sections of Jo,.,
energy electrons with neutral molecules, and ccrtain gap5 in the
theory. However, experimental information on &. confirm:~ thc7
data given in the article in a general ways Dlakin,(-,r cortain
simplifying assumptions from physical considerations ' the author
obtains the equation of induction and the slip of the syst(-117"
Comparing the equations with those for ordinary rotary
it is seen that the slip is not constant but a variable, to be
determined by the use of the equations of hydrodynamics.. As t It c-
equation of induction is complex, it may be considered as t-,,rc.
independent equations, These, with the equation of slip th'~-
Card 4/5
Equations of E140/E335
equations of magnetoliydrodynamics and the ideal gas equation
'constitute a system of nine equations for the machine.. Solving
'this system, the following parameters of the MHD-.generator are
determined~ the power factor; the real powerl the minimum
magnetization current-, the stator efficiency; the turbine or ad-
iabatic efficiercy and the fraction of energy converted..
The gas dynamics are calculated on the assumption of an
incompressiblo gas, to complote the work. Th-i results are tiseful
forsystems using liquid metal and give a qualitative idea of
MHD-systems at supersonic velocities.
AcImowledgments are expressed to I.M. Tolmach, A.I~ Bertinev and
A&I. Volldek for their comments.
,There are 2 figures and 14 references; 7 Soviet--bloc and
7 non-Soviet-bloc., The four latestEnglish-language references
mentioned are: Ref. 1: P. Sporn, A. Kantrovitz, Magnetohydro-
dynamics, Future Power Process. Power., 1.959, no, llj
Ref. 2: Prod Engng., 1961, v.32, no. 13; Ref. 3: S. WaY;
Future Power ;ources. Westinghouse Eng., 1960, no. 4,.
Ref. 43 L. Steg, G~ Sutton. Astronauticsj 1960, no. 8.
SUBMITTED--. JU1Y 27, 1961
Card 5/5
ACCESSION NR:'- AT4042318 S/0000/63/003/000/0389/0393
AUTHOR: Tolniich, I.M., Yantovskly, Ye. 1.
TITLE: no basic ratios of an Ideal Induction motor, expressed through the magnetic
Reynolds number
SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po teoreticheskoy I prikliidnoy magnitnoy gidrodinarnike. 3d,
Riga, 1962. Vopiosy* magnitnoy gidrodinamiki (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics);
doklady* soveshiphaniya, v. 3. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatSSR, 1963, 389-393
TOPICIAGS: I~ductfon motor, magnetic Reynolds number, magnetohydrodynamic
ABSTRACT: Bi an "ideal induction motor" the authors understand an electric motor with
a trav6iling field of constant amplitude, in the clearance of which, moving with a constant
velocity vX, is i~continuous electroconductive medium (See Figure 1 of the Enclosure).
The dimensionslof the motor In the direction of the,x and y wxes are assumed to be Infinite,
with th6 result t4at boundary effects Oongitudinal,and transverrc) are absent. A motor of
this type to a particular example of an induction magnetohydrodynamic engine in which the
velocity yx to giyen as a function of the coordinatee and other velocity components* are
it ACCESSION MO.' AT4042318
present. The authorb show that the fundamental characteristics of this motor can be
expressed throuih three parameters: the,frequencyLJ, the amplitude of the Intensity of
the resdItant field Hr, and a dimensionless parameter called the magnetic Reynolds
umbei,. In this formulation, the process in the motor Is described by a single Induction
tion having,'
equia 'in the given case, the following form:
(C,2 JjLj6s)A==1jL0WS
since there'is 4chanke in variables alonk the y adds. The following expression is
obtaindd for the resultant Intensity In the clearance
(i - 1R.) (2)
11 Here 111a the complex amplitude of the intensity in 1he "clearance of the motor created
11' only bk'the currdnts of the conducting medfum; Hm Is the amplitude of the external
intensity created! by the currents in the stator winding. The last equation is graphically
illustr~ied by tho vector diagram of the motor shown in F1 2 of the Enclosure. Ex-
tWeen f, and The authors show
pressions are found for 19and the angle 0 be vectors IM
7, r~~
that In the formulation of the problem considered in this paper the vertical straight line
AA1 is the hodogoph of vector fim. Allowance for the dissipation of the stator coil would
give the circumference DDI as the hodograph; that Is, the normal circular diagram of an
asynchronous m+r. For this reason, the authors,~admlt that the approximation presented
In the paper reflects the real process only at smallValues of R (in the no-load running
zone of the motor). Another important criterion is the specific electromagnetic power p'
generated In the stator coil by a unit volume of the electrically conduc ng medium. An
expression for this value is obtained. Orig'. art. hast 2 figures and 14 formulas.
~NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000
XOBZARI, A.I. (Kharlkov); YPIITOVSKIYI, le.l. (Ihartkov); TOIMACII, I.M. (nartkov)
Flow of a two-phaBe mixture in a eYwanliel with varying crons eaction. Izv,
AN SSSR. Energ. i transp. no-4:522-528 JI-Ag 164.
(1,11 RA 17: 10)
A f
~M~ -~VTM~h, Fw
-Z nq
NA': R -,V, 7,
L 10217-66 EWT(I)l
01P(m),ft~2/Era(m),2 jjp(c)
ACC HRr AP5028470 SOURCE CODE:- UR/0286/65/000/020/0043/0044
AUTHORSs Garbuzov, V. H.; Parkhomenko, V. A.; Strizhak,, V. Ye.; Yaritovskiyl Ye.~
Y11, 5
ORO: none
TITLEt,'A magnetoh-ydromamic generator. Class 21, No. 175583 Cannounced by
Scientific Research Electrical Eng "n~FIEKjpqtitute (Nauchno-isaledovateliskiy
'~~:Vol ~M~c 'e~j-i~iM~~Y-
SOURM Byulleten' izobrateniy i tovarnykh snakovs no# 20, 1965s 43-44
TOPIC TAGSs mh.d generator, Hall effect
tBSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a conduction-type magnotohydrodynamic
i generator. The generator employs the Hall effect* In order to increase reliabili-.
ty, the channel is made of alternate metallic and insulating frames at an angle
_Card- 1 -,--538.41621-313.12.024
LL4 6
ACC NR: AP6003204 COURCE CODE; UR/0302/6ci/000/004/0053/0056''I
ORG: norso -63)
MTLE: Self-induced magnetic field in one-dimensional flow of an electricallv con--
:ducting fluid
:SOURCE: Magnitnaya, gidrodinamika, no. 4, 1965, 53-56
TAGS: MHD flow, external magnetic field, conductive fluid, fluid flow
~ABSTRACT: A conducting fluid flowing in a narrow channel with the applied magnetic;
field perpendicular to the flow is described with the aid of the usual magnetohydro-
I ~dynamic equations. The equations employed take account of the induced magnetic
:field which is significant when fluid conductivity is sufficiently high. Two cases'
.namely, flows with constant velocity and flows with constant pressure are ekamined
~in detail. In both cases the fluid energy is transfomed Into electric energy
which-is extracted in an external load.- In the constant- velocity case, it is the
Apotential energy which is transformed. In the constant pressure case, the kinetic
UDC: 538.4
.Card 1/2.
7- vi 5t4s
T, 2255,-1-66 L;7,
I ACC MRs -AP6003221, SOURCE CODE.- UR/0302/65/000/004/0153/0154
AUMOR: Yantovskiy,, Ye.,.;I-.
ORGI: none
TITLE: Determining magnetfc Reynolds number
SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 4, 1965, 153-154
TOPIC TAGS: Reynolds number, MHD flow, magnetic field, plasma effect
ABSTRACT: The magnetic Reynolds number as.a criterion in M11D for estimating the ratio!
of Induced to applied magnetic fields is used by the authqi~_to point out that Ii. A
Popov and V. B. Tikhonov (Voprocy mqpiit?wy gidrodinmriki, 3, Izd. All LatvSSR, RIF',
1963, 5)'are not justified in their ariticism of the work of E. L. Resler and U. R.
Sears (Sb. perevodov Afeklianika, 19.58, 6, 11). In addition, Popov and Tikhanov apply
a new parameter relating the mignetic Reynolds number to problems where the fluid ve-
locity is close to drift velocity. It is judged by the author that this parameter is
-not an-indispensible one. Similar criticism of L. P. Harris' work (Magnitogidrodina-
rncheakiy e te che niyav knna.Inkh.- M.---,- _11,_1 - 1963) W I%- M.- Olchremenko
gidrodinaniki, 3, Izd. All LatvSSR, Riga, 1963, 119) is Judged by the author to be In-
valid on the gmunds that the critic 1= not considered the appearance of drift velo-
city correctly. OrIg. art. has: 6 formulas,
1/1 UDC: 538 It
AUTHOR: Yantovskiv- Ye- T_ ( ar1kov)
ORG: None
TITLE:,,Flow of a conductive fluid in a channel with a rotating magnetic-field
SOURCE: AN BSSR. Izvestiya. Energetika i transport, no. 1, 1966, 151-155
TOPIC TAGS: conductive fluid,,~M flow, rotating magnetic field, Reynolds number,
numeric integration
ABSTRACT: The article is a continuation of previous works by the author in which
general equations of magnetohydrodynamics were used for derivation of expressions de-
scribing the motion of a conductive fluid in a narrow channel of annular cross section
,with a rotating magnetic field. This system is numerically integrated in the present
.paper and results are given showing the distribution of velocity, magnetic field and
~pressure in the channel as well as indices describing energy transformation as a func-
tion of geometric parameters, the magnetic Reynolds number and the Alfven number, The
system of equations was numerically integrated by V. G. Sologub at the Computing CenterI
AN SSSR for various parameter values. The results are given in graphs. Orig. art. has
7 figures, 12 formulas.
SUB.CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: lP_Aug65/ ORIG REF: 002
Card 1/1 KH uDc: 532,51*538,122!518-552
ACC-NR'.-': A~?^ddo,6~z SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0101/0103
AUTfW. A'Aavskqiy, A. I. (Kharlkov); Yantovskiy, Ye. I. (Kharlkov)
Bo s
,f'TLZ--: flow of 110"uid in a tube with grid electrodesIn a regime of weak magnetohydro-!
dynami&in A
,SOURCE': Zhurnal pr~ikladnoy mekhaniki'i tekhnicheskoy'fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 101-103
-iTOPIC TAGS: MHD fl:ow, incompressible flow, magnetic permeability
ABiTRACT: Stationary flow of incompressible and nonviscous fluid Ln a round noncon-
tube is considered. The flow is weakly interacting with the grid electrodes
'in the tube. The hydrodynamic equations describing this system are written out for the
,case of constant potential on the electrodes. These equations are recast into dimen-
'sionless form and simplified by assuming the dynamic pressure to be much greater than
,the magnetic pressure. The resulting equation for the magnetic field is of the second
worder and its solution is written out in the form of an infinite series. The radial
'distribution of the field at the position of both electrodes as well as at mid-point
;Is shown in Figure i. It indicates the presence of internal currents disconnected
';from the electrical,circuit. A solution for the potential distribution is also deriv-
ed and graphically portrayed in Figure 2. The potential difference is inversely pro-
Card 1/2
-ACC -f
rig. 2.
rig. 1.
portional to conductivity and can be positive or negative depending on the value of,
.the conductivity and magnetic perveability. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 7 formulas.
.SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: none
Card 2/2
YantqV k ~Asbentos (Development of the asbistos industry in Sverdlovsk obla3t.
Synpoois # ff Ural Fakiy savromonnik, Ito, 13,, 1948,, p. 175-M
SO: U-3264, 10 April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 4, 1949).
BORISOV, Yu.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; K01MV, V.K., inzh.-, ITSHKASH, I.T., inzh.;
Y~~IT44) q.D., inzh.; PAPENIKOV, A.Ye.; ZAVARNITSYN, D.A.
Using liquid fuel in bl-st furnaces of the Nizhniy Tagil
metallurgical combine. Stall 25 no.6:497-503 Je 165.
(MIM 18:6)
1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat I Urallskiy
nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov.
KICHIGIN, A.F.p inzh.; KAZAR., YU.N-t inzh,; YANTSEN, I.A.p inzh.;
SALTANOV, A.D., inzh.
Mchanical hydraull e nining machine. Izv. vyoo ucheb. zav.;
gor, zhur. no.:L2,.72-73 161. (MMA 16-7)
1. Karagandinskiy politekhnicheskly institut. Rekomendovana
kafedrsy gornykh mashin i rudnichnego transporta.
(Mining machineT7)
USSR/Medicine Infectious Diseases Nov 51
'Tffectiveneso of Penicillin Therapy in Jaundice-
Free Leptoi~irosis," A. A. Varfolomeyeva, M. T.*
'Yantsen, E. Ye. Ectrina, Moscow Oblast Inst of
Epidemiol, Microbiol, and Infectious Diseases
imeni.J. I. Mechnikov; Sychevsk Rayon Hosp.
"Sov Med" Vol XV, No ll,.pp 29-32
Penicillin was found to be very effective in
the therapy of jaundice-free leptospirosis.
1 inzh.,* NAUMTKO, A.S., inzh.; YANTSEN, T.G., inzh.
T11910MIROVA, M.F. p
Mixed lime-&sh cement on a base of ash from electric stations
in the Middle Ural Economic Region. Sbor. trud. Sverd. nauch.-
isol. inst. po stroi. no-10:34-50 163.
(MIRA 17: 10)
YANTSENj, V.I., gornyy inzh.:
Blocking mine shaft gates by means of the brakes for hoisting
machine operations. Gor. zhur. no. 12:75 D 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Achisayakiy polimetallicheskiy Rombinat.
KOCHUGOVAP A.P.p inzh.; YANTSEN, V.I., inzh.
Mine shaft signaling with.signal transmissions from a
cage* Gor. zhur. no.7:10-71 Jl 163. (KIRA 16:8)
1. laninogorskiy po~lmetallicheskiy kambinat.
KLIMSNOK, B.V.; KONDRATIYEV, A.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: BASYROVA, Z.V.;
Counter-current horizontal extractor for processing hard materiali.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft',i gaz 4 no.2:75-77 161.
(MRA 15: 5)
(Paraffins) (Diesel fuels)
iUTHORS: Pyatkinj S.F.) JAItsev P.. SOV/72-58-10-9/18
TITLE: Contactless Method of Automatic Stabilization of the
Temperature of Electric Furnaces (Beskontaktnyy sposob
avtomaticheakoy stabilizatail temperatury elektropechey)
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika,, 1958,/fir 10, pp. 35 - 36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the industrial manufacture of endless glass fibers the
regulation of temperature of the platinum-rhodium melting-
pots is performed by means of an electronio control-millivolt-
meter of the 3VM -47 type. The millivoltmeter controls the
autotransformer of the AOdK 10/0,5 *type by control mechanism
~R -1. The electric furnace in which the glase-melting pot
is installed shows constant heat balance at stable temperature
conditions. Arul change of temperature of the pot is accom-
panied by a change of the power consumption. Thus, also
constant temperature of the eleotric furnace can be obtained stabilization of the supply voltage which is supplied to
the terminals. NIIstoklovolokna, together with kafedra
.elektrooborudovaniya Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta imeni
Card 1/2 Ordzhonikidze (Chair of Electric Equipment of the Moscow
Xontactless Method of Automatic Stabilization BOV/72-58-10-9/18
of the Temperature of Electric Furnaces
Institute of Aviationimeni Ordzhonikidze) have developed
and teited a contactless scheme of automatic stabilization
of the supply voltage of the furnace (Fig 1). In figure 2
the time course of voltage at the terminals is given. Auto-
transformers of the UTW-1 type with electric drive and an
automatic regulator of the ^W/ -01 or 1EM, -12 type, respect-
ively, (Fig 3) can be used for the purpose of stabilizing the
voltage. There are figures.
Card 2/2
Mastering the method of cultivating tomatoes vithaut seedlings In torrito?7 of a
Krasnodar canning combine; Sad I og. no. 2, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library Of Congress., Her -1951 Uncl.
Preparing the supply area of the Mikolan Canning Combine for the
grOWiTW season, Kons. i ov. prom. 13 no.2.-21-22 1? 158. (MIRA 11:2)
1. XDnser7nyy kombinat Imeni Mikoyana.
(Canning industry)
'Experience in the storing of carrots In the climate of the
canning plant at Krymak. Kona. I ov. prom. 13 no.8:)5-37
Ag 158, (MIRA 11:9)
1. Nonservrqy kombinat v Krymaks.
Raising seedlings under transparent plastic cover, Una. i ov.
prom. 1:) no.11:28-29 N 138. (MIRA 11.111)
1. Konservnyy kombinat v Krymake.
(Vegetable gardening) (Vinidur)
Practices of F.I. Iazutko's crew in producing high 7iolds of
early tomatoes. Kons. i ov. prom. 14 no.5:18-19 K7 '59.
(MIRA 12:6)
l.Konservnyy kombinat v Krymske.
Rannii Kr7mskii, a local tomato variet7. Kcz~s.i ov.prom. 15
no.9:32-33 S 160- (MIRA 13:9)
1. Konservny7 kcmbinat v Kr7mske.
YANTSEVICH,V.B., inzhener
Simultaneous testing of several samples of transformer oil in
one oil testing cell. Blek.sta. 26 no-7:56 J1155. (MIJU 8:10)
(Insulating oils--Teoting)
Soccific Gravity
Studying "apacific grpvitY" in the 6th grade. Fiz.v shkole, no. 4, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Co.ngresa, Ilovember 1952. Unclassified.
TSVETKOV, I.L*, redaktor; GAR=, Me, tokhaichooldr
[Teaching.physice in classes 6 and 7 of schools for Young wor-
kersJ Prepodavanie fiziki v VI i VII klassakh shkoly raboahei
molodezhie Noskva, Izd-vo Akademii pedagogicheekikh Dauk Rsme
1954. 209 pe (MIU 8: 3)
(Physics-4tudy and teaching)
YARTSOV otv.-red.
[Kh6rials of the Novosibirsk scientific conference of the
of Pedagogical Sciences on technical education,
may 1)-16, 19571 Haterialy Novosibirskoi nauchnol kon-
ferentoii &ademii pedagogichookikh nauk po voprossm poli-
takhnichookogo oWchanila, 13-16 maia 1957 goda. Moskva,
1958. 43o p. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Akademiya pedagogichookikh nauk RU;SR, Moscow.
(Technical educat ion--Congre one a)
ELI , MoTass Prinimall uohastiy*a: MLAGOVISHCHENSKAYA, K.A.;
(deceased]; NEZHURBICDA, H.P.; SNITKO, K.1.;-TAMSOVA,-.Aj..
(Rconomy of Kiev Province; a statistical manual] Narodnoe kho-
ziaistvO Kie*vskol oblesti; statisticheskii abornik. Kiev, Gos.
stat.isid-vo, 1959. 255 P. (MIRA 130)
1. Kiev (Province) Statisticheskoye upravlsuiye. 2. Nachallnik
statiatichaskogo upravleniya-Kiyevsk6y oblasti (for Milcreboll).
(Kiev Provinoe-StatisticB)
3-1(0) SOV193-58-1.1-6115
AUIHOR: Aslanov., S.A. and ;ranttsen., B.T.
TITLE: About Planning the Rates of DriWng
(0 planirovanii skorostey v burenii)
PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye kbozyaystvo,, 1958.,/-'#r n,, PP 30-33 (USSR)
AWT=T: Planned commercial drilling rates are primarily based on statistical
analysis and inadequately relate to planned increases in labor productivity.
This method is fealty and it is suggested that the planned commercial drilling
rate be based on labor productivity and standard drilling rate. The new method
requires that the planned commercial drillin_g rate satisfy two conditions ex-
pressed by the following formulas: 1) ypi = "Pliq and 2) Yn
where'Ypj is the planned commercial 12 ypi = 0
drilling rate, Kp
Rp, - labor productivity or planned output per driller per annum, N - pXanned
number of workers per rig-month, 12 - number of months per year, Y - conven-
tional drilling rate based on prevailing technical standards, and the
coefficient of excess in conventional over planned drilling rate. ~ -corres-
pondende of the results from the two equations will sigaify that the ratio of
commercial drilling rate to labor productivity is maintained.
Card 1/2
Kjout Planning the Rates of Drilling sov/93-58-il-05
A correspondende in the planned ccomercial drilling rates vill signify that
the existing drilling rate standards are suitable to the level of labor pro-
. duciivity at the given excess in conventional over planned drilling rate,
but noncorrespondence will signify that the drilling rate is below the con-
ventional standards. The practical application of this method is dewn-
strated by a specific example based on initial data (Table).' There is 1
table, I
Card 2/2
YAM TSEII,-.Pgr-Ipj JII114 Y e. I.
,-e,dQKqKi_qh; VAYNER, I.Ya.j red.; IWMY
----~--ved. red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V. 2 tekhn. red.
(Planning and analyzing basic technical and economic dril-
ling indices] Planirovanie i analiz osnovrjykh tekhniko-
ekonoricheskikh pokazatelei bureniia. 14oskva Gostop-
tekhizdat, 1962. 74 p. 41MA 15:7)
(Oil well drilling)
Yantush, D.A., Question o'n the utilization of photometric properties of aerial.
surveys ~ for detemining the depths of shallow seas, Zh. nauchn. i prikl. fotogr. i.
kdnemat2gr. (Journal of Sclentific and Applied Photography and Cineinato~grqphy) Vol 2,
No 6, 1957, p 45o-458; (RZhGeofiz 1/59-271)
Yantush, D. A., Method ofphotometric processing of aerial photographs La
detenaining the depths of reservoirs Probl. Arktik-i (Problems of the fi-retic), Ho
1958, p 99-110; (RZhGeofiz 8/59-7744~
Reflex epilepsy. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no.9:71 S 161. (MRA 14:10)
1. Iz Starobinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach P.A.Getlman).
YAITIJIENISi Is A. -- "Experiment in the Roentgenotherapy of Postpuerperal
Madtitis." Moscow, 1956# (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate
in Medical Sciences).
So.: Knizhnaya Utopis',, No. 7j, 1956.
3 rim JA a rof the workers cf knit fl;-~rorjlen, Tek3t,pTr,.,a. 25
no.218'7-88 F 165- (MIRA 18i4)'
I. Nachallnik otdela tnida i zarabotnoy platy Chernavltskoy
trikotazhnoy fabriki No.l.
25(4) 23 (5)
AUMORt Lyalikov. 9.S.
TITM Successes Of Soviet Elect ropbotographl (VsP4khl &Qv*tl-
koy &1ektrofotografil) A Scientific and T*ohn%c^1 Con~
foresce on 4u0stionj of Eject:V6raphy ("sucbm-USbal-
prosaa elektrografli)
cbestays, konforentsi7s. po vo
Zhurmal nauchwY I Prik-ladwy fate-7afli. I k1h6a&toZr&fii,
1959, Vol 4, rr 2. pp 149-152 (U-~~)
LB3rR.;CT* This to an account of a scloatific and toc'uUcal coa-
forq=* an eltctrography, the fLraz to be held In the
Soviet Union &:L1 evidently In, the world. It was orgaa-
Laod LA Villayus an Docezber '16-19. 19~8 by the Soviet
narodmo6o khotyaystra Litovs:k*y ZSR (council for
Natiomal Economy of the Lithanian =R), the Gasudarst-
Sena" z&Uchm&-tw11M1ch~skI7 koultat Scv*ta ainistrov
rAtowskow S3R (State Scientific and Technical Commit%**
- Of the Council of r-alaittra of %hs, L-Ithu-Ima SZR) and
- th4 IVAtItUt olektrogratil
(Scitc.tific Research Institute of Electrography).
The tonfor*aco, atterAiod by over 300 scientific *or- was opened by the Depuzy Chairzan of the council
for Utional Economy a., the LithusiLian = P.A.
Kul9vatas after which the director of the Institute
for laactrography, I.I..ZhIlevich. reviewed the state
and prospects for d#velopmoat of s1ectrography in the
US-2. He stated that research in this field Should be
carried out along the followiz%g 21asat a) a search
for mew pboto-active xat*riAls with high dark realtance,
Ical r*36"~_h Into the Interna phatooffect;
a dev lopneat of phatosemicanductor layers; d) do-
rolo;zont Or the theor7 of the alectrophozographic
ISO for O.G. Topova)
process. K.S. L"likov (speaking
-~ :
zro a report M Shia he SUZZ03t d d*tOrMiZiE~-rie . ......
,.tkt 8*42itivizY of aloctrothatoGraphic layers in GOS?
t&Lts- ff-"' P`1&vIn3 (sP4AA'a6 G~so for I-14hilevich.
. KalinauskocZ
SA4 ().M.
rsport*7'ca gone researc`h~ao the sensitization
s*xiconJuctor In *jectro;hotoCr&;hjc layers. V.:.,.
?r1dkIa tawo, a report on al -!Lly Sensitive
zrSAIc ayors and an elect-
txs, far-mation ;roc
rovieve,d ct
ss of tl-.* latent sit'
1hotocraphIc IsLace am trA baste Gr the zonal the
LIS* described the desigz or an slOctrOS0031%ot-ter
for de%ormining sqr.Ajtjvt7 ty
.he relaxation period of I
a charge an the surface or ta. jayer. &r.A the cjr,.j%
Of &A %1*czrO;hOtO6rsPh1- tapyLog device. kavUov
finished describing tte latter and thou ~;ok he
'4 '
&W-smIcs and Xicatics or t.. of
elfttrophotocraphic L=Aee in -,I;zull eevelo;ora.
Card 3/10
auac a photography; A Scientific and Technical
gews"Of Sovi:t,El* tr
Conf: on Zue t onsoof Xloctrogra;hy
K.U. Vinagrador described some of the reatures or the
aa.'aca-ao and liquid methods of electraphoto(:raphic 4e-
valopulat. Yu.Ye. Earpeahko devoted his report to the
criterion or iigtt sensitivity of the alctrophotoZraphic
process. After the roportas a discussion took place
an methods of determining the light sensitivity or
electrophatcoMb1c layers. 1.11. Cherayaher spoke on the
prospects of developing polygrd-~Uc processes using
electric and aa.Gnetic forces. O.V. Gromov (sp*:C4imZ also
for I.I. ZhIlevich. A.A,-AUkT yeva. k.3.
Pausha and Tu. 1. revalajtis r--.;Zr';.P0n0-U derelop-
zWut of *Ictrophctoj-&pUc reproducing 9qu:;::mt. A.3.
Pausba. (speaking also for I.!. Zhilevich, A.S. BO-120-
vich. N U. Gsl-v-.diks and s:.r.Rhutkauskas) reportax-
r - -Is in recardini,
an th ;a& of a *ctrosrs;hic metFo
=4 other r*cniing instrument.,
V.P. LuUhenka (speaking &ISO ror L.Xjj_1in) spoke an
the possibility of *Iectrapbzueraphically-recordlag
lsag*& from eloctroa-bass tube-j. L.5. K2rol' (s;,eaking
also for NX. 2arkevich, T-1 Kazlovskaya,.B.I.
Kaltnauske-e. U.K. ~ayuoms, Lf7~Xilwrlatpwft and
I.A. WORWaos) eav-* _ W-derailed descriptio ,a of labor-
atory cal cachLne a.tho4s or producing phatcatalcozduc-
tar pap*I (zinc oxide was used). &.A. Suk-hiy (spaLkLna
also for 1.1. 'bilevich, O.V. Grosov 11.1. Gordey*v
N.V. 7 1 a and T.r. q2_-) deacrib*l a laboratory
.and us rial nachine, for-prod,:in& ;h0tomemicanductor
papers. T.A. Zhishklma (s;w&kir-g Aliocfor Ya.A. Ckr.=ar.)
reported an a-zW~Z=4 of oxa=IcAng & a trOPbOtO9-A-;MTC
materials usinZ an a/c bridge S.I. Khot~wmovich
(speaking also for L.I. Olken; and T.S.--T,~J_tvk*ms)
poke on developing mattfMals for el*czrophoto~-ra-~hy
terzcLa to,;raphy. including developers ;Lving 4C
*rev*rso* f.C1L 1. Tik."nov reviewed methods of
sea Lot tRhftg:i.ct*rQMCZrrc potentials of alectrop--ota-
gra;~Ic ^,79ars. str9s:1mg that the oscillatin;* tle,ttro4e
should not be placed have a layer with varyine ratem-
tial as this causes self-disch3rgo. 1.7. K_r4k~vx.Lls
(spes.kin,; &Is* to.- 3.3-12--vcY, &z-"
S. Q.Vfets) spoke on the practice 01~-;roducl=G vel-
vetten papers 1= an electrostatic fl*'-d. and sho"d
samples produced by the Zrigishakaya paper factory.
Y then gave a historical review at the
.:;.'I o,;zI:*,-"-ov ec t rogra;U c zothols In :bLch he Mid
tribute to th; w0 rk of "e Scientific Res arch institute
Of EI*Ctrcc-ap!-,y in Ini-n-us and the 1n=t1tut -,Ollerafi-
.he skoga zastd=,cstroy*=!ja (I-'c%L-ta)-(iol7gr%;h1c Xachine-
Buildlua Institute (1:3scow)). D*tatos were then held
Carl 6/10
methods of mea-l~ -he
.re_-ti&! of ctarged a ectro-
photographic layers; t--* vibrallor. pick:-up =Ost-usod
was shown in B.I. Tikhomov's r*;-3rt to be not always
accurate. S.G 3rSWahlm stated that the bad Influence
of the oscillaMi~, el"trod- can to eliminated if the
electrode probe above I-.&; &,rfaco is fixed and the ;ick-
up Is connected to It by a al.telded cable. in the de-
bate on Yo.L. Nealrovskly-s-repart it was stated that
the research of Acadoziclanz A.N. T*rerij% and r*.K.
Putsoyko should be c*n3ide-*4 as the basis or all work
on *lectrophatographic papers with ZmC, As they were
the first to show the posilhiliry of oetical sea3itL-
zation of the Internal ptotoeffect In ZnO.
vidle tlem goes a report on the depositing of charges
by a caroma. discharge. A.I. E~,='.zskas and I.P.
Yagulls r*vlowea soze- Or-t-to T.-P.,ults of.-thG_Usq_Qt___'~
*14ttrographic mothods in radiaGraphy. L.I. lcyunlko
(Speaking also for I.I. ZhilevIch, I,Z. Plavin, Yu.S.
Vishcho.kas and Yu.A.Zibuta) reported an relaxation ro
cogsisa In somiconddo-Or layers. usioZ a vibration elec;ro-
aster. Yu.K.Vishakas gave a report on research an aose
P, Lc:l properties of the polycrystalline layersoof
..T:nl us cadmium. X.P. J:jke_%7avichyus spoke a one
of the photoelectric proportion of Sb23 and 5b S the
'3 0"
N 900
absorption max'-ua of the letter Is b..
S.M. _5z.Wan reported on zathoA3 of obtaining selenium
itive layers, including sublimation amA ther-
art-re6=040t; it was also fou=l that the sensitivity
of the layers increased after storage for 1.5 to 2 months
at room temperature. ?.=. PadvljSalkin (spoLking also
for S.G.Granishim) spoke on-Fe'search into the elec-
trical pr4o7ties of 91*ctrophatographic layers or
____--kjid6bous selenium and powdered zinc oxide. N.K,
ShLUorov (speaking also for A.S. TL%~=tLs) discussed
the production of selenium layers " some of their
properties. FinaZly the followicZ reports am f*rro-
aagm*tagrapty were delivered. 1) B.Ya. Katmacheyev,
V.lf.Zhogina. "Flea tro4opas Iti or. or ~aget-0--Vi'd Alloys
wIfTMvem Magnetic Charectorts%ics ) =. '.1rutyunQv,
.Visualization of Zxzzotic OSCL!ligrams by tto*-7-*~:ro-
graphic Lothzd- 3) T.1.j!Lr_unoy. 'Petrographic 4czrdjmg
of Facsimile Images- 4) -1.1.ZhIlevich. I.I. .2uia' B.
Y4.1,1 -1. 1 - *' A.141~?his, "Mack ~xperiaemts
,,I !Zra
In ure Foroazzle'le riaring*. -here was
also an exhibition showina the waric or the Peczra~
graphic Institute. The most Important conclusion of
the conference was that a solid approach had beta made
to the possibility of wide twc~_-%Ic3l use of tLe Zothods
or siectrogram. It was considered %hat althou= v0 k
In this field satmallr started OLLY is M3-56 It b" bw~ero* such
:ZtbA Usk in 10 Years. dhile &=tt1mC that it was
ior to reproduce results already achloved tl-- to b
the first to arrive at them. the co=ference observed
that the America" took good care tzat no Important
Information appeared in the literature available.
Card 10/10
. .... Zool.zhur.
Reproduction of the grenadier YAcrurus berglax Lacepede.
41 no.8:1259-1262 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Polar Research Institute of Fishery Projecting and Oceanography,
(Atlantic Ocean-Greanadi ers'(Fish))
PA 29/49T80
.Describes various forms.of sillimanite found in sub-
ject region. Notes that it is always found with or
close to muscovite deposits. Givespercentage chem-
loal and,mineral composition. Mineral has a high,
A120 content and In rare in the USSR. Claims it
can L oonaiderea a postpegmatite mineral from stand-
point-of its-formation characteristics.
0. 0. OUTIO411 106 114. 'i Mfla'TTT
Aa Jk__L_f A 9 J A -L 11- 1 2_1 1, 1.'11 1. ~J~ AA 0 CC CC H. I A
, - I, ... ..p 91
so A
go Limits of the laws of togular intritfueths K P.
9 vAnuu)v. Dolwy maj. X.,it -00
--"PVTr~-A&Lmling wRoyi,sr (C.-I
cin only UCCW it the I,,jr3HICj4`I* Id 11W UK
he intercrowth tAkrs PI.Act do not 41117'r
haanls~l"%. Y. sattad" Syst.-InAl icAlly 11W ifift'TIT.." Ih*
X and %'1t. lulides INS (101) (A 1.16.1 finta."vit, .410 1
lijutitar). X114CI and %II,Ilr formill %och ilita-fillfa,thi
00 withitilIkulty since they forin driultilri., virAiiiiii,mv .00
0o at of the (111) 14cesof the 5.1115sith 11011) of fuic.ldili. Ow too
j lie ruys at list percus-.1on figure I,( joici -or --its
lutercrowtit: t
so pirallet to (1)[1) of the IMMes, Ify cuunwrMit"a of ami-
entni and unuciented crystilt (it lvist '24111 fear rich sa-
0 d
00 firia), is du risin wite plotted which shows the no. 14 ims.
I .! roo
friled InIrtsfuOtliq as a funclif"I of thr 1wri-till'str .1101f.
ence of the parimeters o( both kinds ad I.siiuv.. 0
For NH,I thiia diff"mce 6 only 0,39';, fim, KCI 1.,tit
17 In the first caw the regulAr intrrItruath.arr nrArly
0; -Arlyf). Forlhom IICf Lilt 4 111.-
1 0, in the litter ruse III oo
ZO 0
am). of oricut"I Interpoitths w4s iflirrinvoli.ite, tile func- "010
tioci being.ijilmox. lj~jvAr. W. Pitel
JI too
a - 5 L a, I L to 0
- - -- " ""' - --: a;;- I III-, 84"8n"
it 7ra a -i,~
0 u III IV so Is 9 W 0 a It IV It It a x a It a It .1 Is .00 17.1 An I t a rW 0 W I I if &1 5 " ant:
O1411, 0 0 0 0 0 00 & 0 0 00 40 6 0 ***Joe 0 0 0 All 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 so 0 jtJL"'.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
lostiforturphic tnterlmarth alidium nittato on calcilip.
11,11ort Kli'I'lli.-Itt 1
I'll. Obs Ad Atillif (%I till. .%,. ruw- imitt'sal. 177, It I I N 10 1 -If)
-NA.Ntlif 11111ti C21CItr arc n4)t i%stsmovorlwhir; lite r4orallorl
UOVIIA0111% Of INANIh thmil-liMs."ti .)of .4 v 'AV.1gor
4)l 014101, is I)fc)tlxlll alwAll bor an I.I.Mp.
Ilion 1st flut-Irl is( NaNifi lot"ll lite "111W1.11.1. .411. willwil
air solIpArlord toy file vey'lal slillulme J l1w -414 ile It
file irml.-ite rilroilal Is c."MismAWY sissovird. lite loridul.ility
kst 9110% All IlWIsICnI.AI (ItiVIIIAlisill fit(Vt it 411.111t lefil. mild
so's interogris.01 is 'Ili, Al'I'lie.16"ll CJ CAL-1w
as sevol cryqtals fur file L-firsoln. sit NANO, 111sM.1111V*11AIN of
foulest by addid. com.1i6mis which tuAlle file
plo'-sole'l solid Implavoti'vble. Its its 111-l"lli'm Ill.
Isfuress if simiLir to el)itA%y, atut It is numor ostist.oble to
classify It as an orillorazy powth of NANO, tin Mellor.
W. Vilrl
4, -,3, eNj,;~;
Yk o U L 0 v _M
61111askaft tMos Peoutite Ttins of the Eat Occurrvlre~
P. Ysook.-v and 161, K, Vantilwt 14piski
'MiWW;-MiV4eiAu I Will, up-. fu*-c mwird i '77,
is vilfirr lit I.x-
matites of Northern Kattlill, especially lit I'mi, lit the
following paragenetic assixti.,: (1) 1,etlil.ilile~ tif kv-11111C.
gartset-blotite gtivissrs, 121) quarts-kyunite aggh"it,"t-
("ichfierrn"); (3) sillimaiaile vk-lin, nrarly
illie; (4) in oligtwlist IttgnLititri, with mu~iivitr, girfitt.
apatite, tourmaline. etc. In (.1), the irruLir inirr-
growth% oi sillinuititr with kymitv aic Iml lit lillfly tvili-
cal. with the ($)lot) slirectims in conalli'mi, "111.%e int'-f.
gronths are in tratity panint(ophs. kyAnite In-mg vb:tllx, -1
to siltimanite. The agicentent 4 111V rry0albrojaphic
urientatkm lit r IS IMOUght O"t ISY OK IttildilfAl AgM-
ment of the IMOQ chains, The clivin. :t?jAyNi, howit a
slight clice-s of Si0k; over the the-wrtival tamp Al,.(h:.
SiOt w 1: 1 - Sk-ciral alulysis sh,,Avtl V. S.a. K. Sr in
the sillimattite, The optical ptnpetti,-4 ate chametcrized
bY lower a thAn tfut given by la ru-n - I - LW to
I.C.6; a - IAV) to 1,615. d. 3.(W4 tm 41 0. 'Me fvX111.1f t
inttygrowth of lillimanite with musivVile i. Jarli"Istally
interestiair which is otL-crved as 12.r4vt-l star,. ill, rat,,,(
which Cuffespond to the ra)s 4 flu. jrCljNsi')13S all'I
pressure, figitres of the ruk-J, ill aIXA49 ellital IrvqtlrrWv.
An attempt to explain thec fiifvrvm~ths by tructural
Acalotiev %bows an approx. agtxvnwtit 4 the par-inti. tt is
ill musc vite 10101 (5.18 A.) with ~illhmmifv f4ill
0.7 A.). aW muscovite 111kil (18.fol A.) with Alimawtv
[0011 (17.1 A.). The intergrowdis bring alp"it a typicif
astcrunt henurntnou like thit with intltj,4,ns -4 li,mt-
thr, rulit, etc. in mk-A.
OPrinciplem of crystallograph7.m O.M.Ansholes. Reviewed b7
K.P.TAnulov. V09t.Lan.un.9 nool:220-221 A '54.(MLRA 9:7)
(crystallography) (Ansheles, Osip Markovich)
TATAMKiT, V.13.; YRAMKAHMVSKIY, V.A.; BURAKOVA, T.N.-, wwor. v.v.;
0.14. Anebeles; obituary. Vest. laU 12 no.18:152-154 157. (MIRA 11:3)
(Aneheles, Osip Markovich, 1885-1957)
loomorpbism and spitaxy. Isv.Otd.est.nauk AN Tadzb,SSR
no.2t4l-51 158. MM 13:4)
1. Institut goologii AN Tadxhikokoy SSR.
The ocope of the concept of isomorphism. Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR
3.04 no.1:139-147 159. WBA 15 W
10 Inatitut geologii AN Tadzhiksko SSR*
n4agmatism and postmagmatic processes in western Uzbekistan"
b~ I.Kh. Khamrabaev. Reviewed by R.B. Baratovp K.P. lAtAdov.
Izv. Otd. est.mauk All Tadzh. SSR no.3:24-W 159. (141RA .15:5)
(Khamrabaev,, I.Kh.)
Oriented pseudomorphose's of rutile after ilmenite. Dokl. AN SSSR
140 no.1:215-217 S-0 '61. (FIRA 14:9)
1. Institut geologii Komi filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
N.V.Belovym. (Rutile) (Ilmenite) (metasomatism)
I 'K,
lAucoxene of Devonian sandstones in tho southern Timar, Ridge. Trudy
Inst.geol.Komi fil. AN SSSR no.3tl57-169 162. (MIRA 160)
(Timan Ridge-Laucoxane)
Urolithiasis in the sea bass (Sebastes marinus L. and sebastes
mentella Travin). Dokl. AN SSSR IU no.5tll96-1199 Je '62.
(KRA 15:6)
1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut morokogo
z7bnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii imed M.N.Knipovicha.
Fredstavleno akademik= Ye.N.Pavlovskim.
USSR/Miner-als 1948
Mineral Deposits
"Sillimanite From the Ensk Pegmatite Deposits, K. P. Yanulov, 11. K. Yanulova, 5 PP
"Zapiski v-s Mineral Obshch" No 4
Describes various forms of sillimanite found in subject region. Notes that it is
always found with or close to muscovite deposits. Given percentage chemical and
mineral composition. Mineral has a high A120 content and Is rare in the USSR.
Claims it can be considered a postpegmatite m?neral from standpoint of its formation
PA 29/49T80
to (ram pegmatite veins of the Ens accurfence
K. P. vanukry anti A-L'k - ULW
4112 ~1' 41pilki
Afixeral. Mikkeratu t lent! W... (11-4. MI(drA.1 77.
:W4(1948).-Sillienanite it ratlwr sti I. g-
nutites of Northc1t; Karelia, t.'j.-cWjy ill Few. ill 111V
parajerrectle asins-ni., pvxlwatit'~ IA kv;111111-
garrict-114)(ItC KTlCj-%CS: (2) qUAft1-kyAnit.-
(-schlikirri-1; (3) Sillillunite rtins. llearly Ill-o"Otwor-
Adic; (4) iouligurbsepcirtuatileq,with snu~#,vife.xArtui.
spailte. fourenAinc. Cie. In (2). tier texulAr filter-
p')Wtljs a( siffinLAnilt Ailb Ity4niii irr Imili, tilmly ivl)i.
reel, Will$ t[W ((ill) fliftflij"Is he IL"'11111,41, I jj'W jill.-I _
growths arc let irality p4ranwerphs, kv-imtv to ing ch ind, -1
t0 11.1111MA1111C. TIW dgFeCOWIll #d ill,- tl`V1tAl'1KrWj1hW
wientstiou in t is brought aloint by ilm itavito #I agim.
Went (A the JAIOe*j ChAill1t. The . 1). In. WUllyll. IJIYWS 4
slight excess of SA ovei the tbv~ntlkul r4lia) Alih:-
SiOt - IA. ':J-V(tAl 4aAIYSi% Shtl%%rd V. N4, K. ~1` ill
the Wittlanite. The f16-Al pT0PC1li4'- atr
fly lower N th4te thAt fivvtv hy L~r-t.. 1,t,# to
1.00; a - 11.0) it; IAI.P; J. 3.1#6 j it V). Tier r- xulir r
inirtgruverth t4 sillinianile with pnu~-ivilt- i. I.alt--jAitly
interesting "hich Is vI,%krvr'I Ili 12-vq"l 111, 1.1% ~ 44
which cvcTc%pt)ad to the rays all ill,, 1xicu%.imis an.1
pressure 69wes of the nik-j. ill alwot vfitLtl kv(poncv.
an attempt to CxPlAill thew itat'rKrelt4th. fly 'Irm-tural
Analogic-9 shows all approx. agrevint-ta id the jutmn, It it
in muscovite 10101 MIS A.) etille olhm,nif, Ifetill
(3,7A.). anti milwoerite [1001 fISJjIAJ
(0011 (17.1 A.). The intergro*M5 ;j qjntal
asterisrel'tht1ti)[11CUO" like! th4t slide illdti~4414 4411IT113-
titc. rut, etc. Ift .0 1
UM=VA, H. K.
.. - .
Ianmontits of the laragaylinskoye deposits in Irazakhatan. Zap.
Voes.min.ob-va 85 no-3:424-428 156. (Km 9:11)