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YANVAREVA, I H Changes in the electric activity of medulla oblongata and the cerebral cortex during the period of dying, clinical death and resuscitation of the animal. Veat.LGU 14 no.9:87-98 '59- (MIRA 12:5) (BRAIN) (ELICTROPHYSIOLOGY) (DWH) W! ~L" !3, P _USSK_'7__Humiri_U'6d_Anima_1 Physiology.- The Nervous System. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol,,, No 90 19581, 41704, Author Yanvareva,, 1. N. kA#' Inst Lening-rTU-State Un1vers1ty._KffdPO~ FIZ-16101111 (-4c/6" Title I Parablotic Manifestations in the Centers of the Medulla Oblongata of Animals.. In the Course of Lethal Acute Blood Loss and Resuscitation from It. Orig Pub: Uche, zap,* LGUOI~ 1957,~'No 222., 116-125, Abstract: The changes of the respiratory function produced by 3timulation of-the proximal end of the vagus, and those of the blood pressure produced by elec- trical stimulatlowof the region of the carotid sinus were Investigated In cats during the process of dying from blood loss'and during Its reversal (Negovski method), Parablotic phases were ob- served In the respiratory and blood pressure Card 1/2 117 2 V m ~ Z:,.~ I - -, .11: . . _- ;, . I - . . : --1 -, I - "'! ~ ~'* 1-1 *~: 4- , ", -1 ~ Ule ~,' ~~ ~ ... -. - , :!;.~ ~ : .1 j4 Ihfluence of negative aeroions on the process of dying and on the outcome of the subsequent revival of an anim . Nerv. sist. no. 2:110-114 160. (MIRA 14:4) (AIRr IONIZED-THEWBUTIC USE) (DEATH (BIOLOGY)) MOM ACCESSION NR: AT4039715 6/3094/63/074/001/0105/0106 AUTHOR: Yanvareva L N TITLE-. The problem of the use of ionized oxygen foir artifical respiration during the resuscitation of animals after clinical death SOURCE: Leningradskoye obshchestvo yestestvoispy*tateley. Trudy* v. 74 no. it 1963.1 Protokoly* zasedaniy I soobshcheniya, 1961/62 g. (Transactions of conferences and reports). 105-106 TOPIC TAGS: artificial respiration, ionized oxygen, air ton, clinical death, thanatology,, hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, blood loss, resuscitation ABSTRACT: Previous work by the author and others, particularly under the guidanc6 of Prof. L. L. Vasillyev, has shown that Inhalation of air Ions, especially those carryfrig a negative charge, has a favorable effect on hypoxia due to fatal blood Ions or abno6pheric oxygen deficiency. Since negative Ions have been reported to increase the activity of Intra- cellular oxidative enzymes, the author Investigated the action of ionized oxygen, administered under light ether-chloroform anesthesia during the first few moments of resuscita-; to cats tion after clinical death due to exsanguinaUon. A radioactive generator of the Steinbok type,'.. designed by V. L Grachev at the Kafedra Mild 1-go Len. med. In-ta (Department of Physics, 7C-a-rd, 1/2 7 01, V ACCESSION NR: AT4039715 First Leningrad Medical Institute) and adapted for use with a respirator, was used to~pro;- duce Ionized oxygen with an Ion concentration of 80, 000/cc. Artificial respiration with either unionized, positively Ionized or negatively ionized oxygen, combined with arterial I infusion of heparinized blood containing glucose and epinephrine (resuscitation technique of V. A.. Negovskly) was begtm 5 minutes after the onset of clinical death and continued until spontaneous respiration was established. The mortality and complete recovery rates In the animals given unionized, positively fohized, and negatively Ionized oxygen were 53, 53 and 65% mortality and 41.2, 35.3 and 29.4% recovery, respectively. Thus, ionized oxygen did not improve the course of the recovery period in these animals and may have hao an tm- favorable effect. The author points out, however, that these results. may have been due to the time at which the ionized oxygen was administered. -ASSOCIATION: none.. SUBMITTED: - 00 DATE ACQ: Wun64,i'' ENCL: 00 01. SUB CODE: LS NO REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 00 -J YANVAREVAJ, I.N. Use of ionized oxygen for artificial respiration during the resuscitation of an animal after clinical death. Trudy Len. ob-va est. 74 no. 1:105-106 163. (NIRA 17:9) eL ...... ... YANVARSVA , L.F. Landuse mape of foreign oountries, Good, i kcarts no#6;68-74 Je 164. (MI.RA .17s 9) NIKISHOV , 1,11. 1 . ; YAIIVAREVA , L.l~ IAtLrrlc~;Itural cartography of the capitalist countriec. Geo--. J-1 kart. no.8:67-72 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) J4, GRYUNMRGY N.V.; KARPOV, U.S.; NIKI651 Y (Contento and methoda of wAking the economio mapo of foreign countries for scientific reference atlascDol Soderzhanie i metody Bostavleniia ekonomicheskikh kart zarubezhrrfkh stran v nauchno-opravochnykh atlasakh, Moskva., Izd-vo "Nedra,n Pt,l, 1964o 122P. (Moscow. 'ASentrallnyi nauchno-ii9sledovatallskii institut goodoziij aeros"omki i kartograftis Trudy, no,3.50) (MIRA 18:4) BYUSHGEIZI L.M.; GRYUNBERG) N.V.; NIKISHOV.. H.I.;, VAUIrA41~-- Compiling complete regional atlaseo; on the publication of the atlas of the Armenian S.S.R. Geod. i kart. no-11:57-63 N 162. (ArmeniaMaps) (MIRA 15:12) 0~ YANVATOVA, Z.A., felldsher (Kiyev) Use of penicillin In surger7. Yelld.i almah. n0-3:4&-49 Mr 155. (PINICILLIN) (MLRA 8:5) -~,J4 ~2 YANYARZVA, Z.A., felldsher (Kiyev) Treatment of trophic ulcers of the extremities. Yelld. I akash. 21 2:40-41 Y 156. (MLRA 9:5) (IZG--ULCM) YANMI, A.A. .4~1 ,~4 Stmoture of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite. Izv.AU XazaJch.SSE no.99:46-73 131. (MLRA 6:10) (meteorites) U, 'j YARAK v . H. ProIduction of small twin ampulas. Mad. prom. 11 no,3:46-49 Mr '57 (HLRA 10:4) 1. 1z opyta raboty Leningradskogo khimiko-farmateevticheskogo zavoda no.l. (GLASS KUWACTURE) Chromatographic Analynis Preparation end use of chromatographic paper in chemical analysis. Apt. delo., No. 3, 1952. MonthlX kLet of Russion hecessl2as Library of Congress. N2vomber 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. q AGGESSION NR., AP404Z955 S/OIOZ/64/000/004/0037/0048 AUTHOR: Doly*nslka, N. 0. (Dolinskaya, N. A'.) (Kiev); Maralln, V. G. (Kiev); Sobornikovj- -Yu. P. (Kiev); Yany*k, A. F. (Yanik, A* F.) (Kiev) equen6y-pumping systems. in parametron digital computers TITLE: High-fr ~,i SOURGE: Avtomaty*ka, no. 41,1964. V-481 I'TOPIC TAGS: , digital computer, parametron, parametron digital computer, Iindustrial digital computer ABSTRACM. A 3-cycle pumping system is considered which permits syntheviaing! industrial digital computers with parametrons operating at an excitation frequency 4-30 Mc, with 20-30 oscillations per packet (clock frnquencies, 100-500 kc), Hard-closed a elf- synchronizing and ring 3-phase relaxation -oscillator schemes for 3-cycle' semiconductor submodulators 'are described, as wen as mixed and. purely semiconductor h-f,supply schemes which bave a pulse -atnplitudepurnping, -Card 1/2 ........... YANYK, Vt. 11. I "The Healing Of Svperficial Defects of The Cornea Of Pana Eccvlenta. T~kraim~ institute Of Exzerimental Ophtl- ;4LploMr (Director: Distinguished Scientist Frof. V. P. Filotov), Odessa." (p. 967) by Yenv~. !!. V, SO: PREDECE3::OR OF JOUP'TAL.0-r-GE7LEAL PICtOGY. (Biologicheskii Zhurna-1) Vol. VII 193F, Nos. 11-6 -r! 4,q ;7j, 'T L 1~u )"t, jZE 0, it ~91 M~,A ~ 4 A, f Ar u wrl a u it it- -44-w- -- __ -- -2 ri -.L- Ad- 0 MAR N A--L- S-~: A-ILA--Al J- f. fir .0 A.0 f. 011,04446 #MD C*m radvo physiologW d4u ou Me ree"Ption of 9 :rC, N, V Y n it ithyl ohol And 91vC6" Is tbf stofflach llqf~ J. Pkytiol. (U. S. S. R.) 27. U10- *0 it (M19)-T'hv rapiditY of rrwMtitm of W5 Mull from a the stomachs of frop approximates that Lf mt from tbestomAchsof day". dop and buittan Waxi. Thernus. resorption occurs 20-M min. after the Introtluctioct (A the Ftolf into the stomach. Resorption is greater in the stomachs of tv tiles than in the stomachs of frowsirTlie 3 resorption of gincose is greatest in the womach., 0 (19". lower in reptiles anti I-mett in dor, S. A. Karlal* see so J1, go* too so ZI see see see 1~ ST see u AV to it D ty it 0 a K a' lot lot 1. Al A S 4 ad 0 it 0 1 ff st 5 a a 3 0 9 -wit- 0 0 00 0 0 0 Its 0 & 0 :< ~U "A Typical Growth of the Zpltl.ellum Durin., -?F-peatr.~l to the Skin." Cand 'Diol :;c1., lkrair,13n Experimiantal Inst of :-~ye als- cases Imeni Academician 11. 11. I'llatov, Odes8a, 1954. (Uhl-Aol, '1110 6, Var 55) ' SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 3eP 15-SurveY Of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defc-nded at Ifi,lher Blucational Institutions (15) NIKITIN, S.A.; TAM N V =L~~ Vladimir Petrovich Filatov; on his.80th birtbday. ZZT.AN sssM%r. biole no.3;132-136 W-Je 155. (MA 8:7) (BIOGRAPHIM, Filatov, Vladimir P.) YANYKj H. V. Effect of biozenic stimulants an the multiplication of cells In tissue cultures. Uch.zap. UHIGH 5:275--279 162. (MIRA 16111) ig ti LEYBUSHj, A.G.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, B.G.; GRUZINTSEVA) A.N.; LIKHACHEVA, A.S.; YAIT=U Ye.V . GOLIMIAN, A.M. ,~~ !--j Effect of the thermal treatment of a nick" catalyst on tha procese of methane conversion. Khim. prom. po. 2s90-96 F 161. (MIRA 1/,:.4) (Methane) (CatalystO . 23633 S/535/6o/oOO/126/oO2/002 q,73,oo E140/E435 AUTHORSt Danilovich, G.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences Yanyshek, A., Engineer TITLE: Analogue-digital voltage converter PERIODICAL: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut, Trudy. No)26. Moscow, ig6o. pp.66-74. Voprosy impul'snoy tekhniki i elektronnykh i elektronnykh vychislitelinykh ustroystv TEXT: The simplest type of analogue-digital voltage converter is one in which the value of voltage is transformed'into a time interval, during which the number of pulses from a stable oscillator are counted. An instrument of this type for three input values has been constructed'. The technical characteristics of the instrument are as follows: 1. The output code is generated by pulses of two different amplitudes, each code being preceded by a longer synchronization pulse. 2. The input voltage may vary in the range 0 to 40 V. 1 3. The conversion error is not greater than 1%. corresponding to 7 binary places. 4# The duration for obtaining the value in a single channel is 8601Ls. 5. The complete cycle for three input voltages does Card 1/2 V 23633 S/535/6o/ooo/l26/oO2/002 Analogue-digital voltage ... E140/E435 not exceed 4m s. A study of the noise as a function of the number of binary places shows that the converter is usable up to 11 places (0.05%). There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 jr 4 YAINSH,"IA, N. Ya. "Thc efft!ct On the he4lth oe the popill.1tion of i,intwairiat 'lop Of the atmosphor(,- by tbe W;,f-,t-- fr,)Ll an Station ,-n4 4 chundcal. noribine." FirRt I4051-01W Or(1(3:' Of In!3t iment 1. Cochonov. "ozcoir;, 1950 Plssortrtt~on for tho 'De--r-W Of r,.iTIdIdat(- ox ce) SO: Knizhnaya ii,~toDiss, lio 1p 1956 /V YI) nouchnyy notriuluilc -ffect of rjir pollution ~7 ditcharpon of nr -!Inttric station n:%! Chemical PlAnt on the hell1th of tho P-~Vulqtlqh [with m"Pr/ In Englichl. Gt-~. i oar.., 22 n*,9:1!,-21. Ag 157. (-nmi-- 10:")" 1. 1% N.4uchna-iFx1*dovqtm1'nVovo Institian t3Ditnrit I gigiyMny ImenA Briumana Hirdeteratva WR ?OTAUTLO11, nff. discharges of chom. vlartt el-~sctric stpt Lon on hqalth of porub3t Ion) (PUBLIG HEATITH off. of dipc..,wrp ,er. of chem. plant & ilentric stntinn or. nulation hemith of pot Data for the eotimtion of sanItary-protective zones for electric stations using peat. Gig. i eau. 24 no.9t6-11 S '59. (MM 13-1) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nat, hno-iseledovatellskogo instituta sanitarii i gigiyeny imeni 7.7. BrismanA Ministeretva zdravookhrananiya RSFSR. (AIR POLLUTION) Vl,V GURINOVP B.P., kand.mAd-nauk; XU=1EVAj, N.7a.*p kand-medonauk Data for substantiating sanitary protective zG=6,amd t11w degree of aah recovery for electric power stations operating on solid fuel* Gig* i san, 25 no, 120-10 D-16o. (MIRA. 14:2) 1, Iz Mookovskogo-nauchno-issladovatellskogo inatituta. sanitarlA i gigiyeny imeni. F.F. Erie-na Ministerstm zdravookhraneniya. RSFSR* (SMOKE PREVENTION) (AIR-POLLUTION) 77777 KALYUZHNYYl D.N., prof.; IZDEBSKIY A.M., kand.ged,naukj YANYSHEVA, N.Ya kand.rimd.niuk; PALIGOV, V.I. . med.nauk "Handbook on mmicipa; hygiene, 'lol.1.11 Reviewed by D.N.Kaliuzhn;ri and others. Gig. i san. 27 no.3:102-104 Mr 162. (MIU 15W 1. Gblen-korrespondent ART SSSR (for Wyuzhnyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH) 4 YANYSHEVA, N.Ya.; FEDORENKO, Z.P.; KOSTOVETSKIY, Ya.I. Content of 3,4 bentpyrene in the waste waters of coke and coal chemicals industries. Koko i khim. no.10:44-45 163. (MIRA 16.-11) 1. Ukrainskiy inatitut kommunallnoy gigiyeny. 6 - '-,; SUSHOHN71. 8.K., oty.rods; XRIM, I.L..; =Av S, V.S..; SHURAN, Te.M.. otv.reds; FXDOSITIT, V.I., red.; BMTSKAYI, V..A., red.; SOLOVIY3V'v S.No, takhn.redo [Cartographic chronicle; organ of the state bibliography ofthe U.S.S.R., 19541 Irartografichookaia latopis'; organ gosudaretvannoi bibliografii SOBR, 1954. Moskva, Izd-vo Taes.knizhnoi palaty, 1955. 124 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Ysesoyaznaya knizhnaya palata. (Bibliography--Maps) E% Introduce factory methods in the mamfacture of made-to-masurs clothing. Meet* prom. i khud. promys. 3 no.8t22-423 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1- Glavnyy ihzhener Kirovekogo kombinate, bytovogo obalushi- ;;;niya. (Clothing industry) YAWIIEVA 0 V. S. Cand. Chem. Soi, Disaartationo. "InveBtigation of Poisoning the Vanadium BAV CStDlyBt with Arsenic Trloxide~" Sci Res Inst of k'ertilizers and InsectofungicideB imeni Ya. L. Samoylov, 11 Apr 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Apr, 1947 (Project #17836) KUPERMAN, M.Y6.1 YANYSIEVA, V.S.; KRASILINIKOVAp Z.V. Electron microscope studies. [Trudy) NIUIF no.161#:42-43 159. (MIRA 15:5) (Electron microscopy) YANYSHEVA, V.S.; YUZHIJ.AYA, Ye.V.j CHEFELLWTSKIY, M.L. Electron microscope study of calcium sulfate films formed at the surface of calcite crystals during the decomposition of the latter by sulfuric acid, Dokl. AN SSSR IAI no-5:1161-1162 D 161. (141RA 14i12) 1. Fauchnyy institut po udobreniyam i insektofungisidam im. YA.V. Samoylova. Predstavleno akademikom S.I. Vollfkovichem. (Calck,= sulfate) (Electron microscopy) W&I A YANYSHEVA, V. S.; SAWNOVA, Z. A.; KAPILEVICH, S. B. Determination of alumin= with salicylal o-aminophenol in red phosphorus. Metod. anal. khim,reak. i preparno. 4:57-59 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut udobreniy i insektofting- isidov. YANYSIfEVAjV. S.; SAZONOVA, Z. A. Determination of sulfates in distilled water with salicylfluorone. Motod. anal. khim,reak. i 41133-135 162- (MIRA 17-5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po udobronlyam i inookto- ~fungisidam imeni Samoylova. YANYSfMVA, V.S. Fluorescent method for determining trace amounts of sulfur in red phosphorus with the aid of tetramercuriacetate fluorescein. Zav. lab. 30 no.lt23-24 '164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Nauchny'y institut po udobronlyam i livok-tofungisidam. RAU 114p A* Aep GRIG-ORYAK, YE* So, YBYSTUATI-.2. IlThermal Decomposition of Formate of Hickel" Zhur. Obshch, Khim. 10, No. 11, 1940; Moscow State Univ. Section for Organic Catalysis, Lab. of Organic Chemistry imeni. Academician No Do, Zelinakiy, Received 31, Dec. 1939 Report U-1627, 11 Jan. 52 P AV I AFANASIYXV, Pavel Semenovich,Wad. tekhn. nauk. ; MIMS, Y.H,, prof.,doktor tekhn.nauk, reteenzent.'; MLMMOV. Y.N.sinzh., reteenzent,; TAUYSH red. lid-vs,; ,,gSKIY, A.IP.,inzh., red.; PROKC71YEVA, L.G., OV, AAb'," ttk-1-j-,red* E'doodworking machinery) lonatruktaii derevoobrabotyvaiushchikh stankov. Hoskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol. 3. [Installation. repair, and operation) Montazh, remont i eksoluatataiia. 1958. 566 p. fl (MIRA 11:12) (Woodworking machinery) ACC NRI A116025354 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/06/000/004/00 8/0068 AUMOR: Z0sYm0VYc1jL_r. R.; Y~any ey~' Ah __~iy, A. T. TITLE: Analysis of 0So agneti cular flows _,_.,.c characteristics as a source of data on solar corpus- V) SOURCE: Ref. zfi, Astronomiya, Abs. 4.51.510 REF SOURCE; Visnyk KyyAvslk,, un-tu. Ser. astron., no. 6, 1964, 32-35 TOPIC TAGS; sun, solar corpuscular radiationt computer ABSTRACT: Stability of a corpuscular flow system can be elucidated by an analysis.of magnetic characteristics related to successive rotations cif the Sun. Correlation coef- ficients between diurnal magnetic characteristics were determined for successive 27- day periods. Calculations were made on the Ural-I digital computer. A program for the, determination of correlation coefficients is given. Clear dependence of the correlation coefficients upon heliographic latitude has been found, and the conclusion made about long-term stability of the corpuscular flow structure, particularly during the ebb of solar activity. Lyranslation of abstrac~- SUB CODE; 03, 09 Card JZI UDC-52MI-123.165:525.24 ~L7_7 a-Z 1a; 2. L 21411-66 E",T (M)/E!,P (w)/MVP (V)1T1F-',',P (k)/FTC(m) -6 ACC NRI AP6009927 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000;~-0-0~/-6i-l~/oro* VIVENTOR: Arinushkin, L. 8.,. Abramoviche R. B.; Vaynbaum I F DMmgy, Milthaylov, Yu. -N.; Fedorov, V. A. ~ayzutdiiov. N. s~- n Y. V. ORG: none TITLE: Aviation turbogenerator. Class 46, No. 1T9131 COURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki,, no. 4, 1966, 119-120 TOPIC TAGS: turbogenerator,,,gas turbine.,,,, ABSTRACT: The proposed turbogenerator contains a gas turbine, an electric generator, Fig. 1. Turbogenerator 1 - Electrogenerator; 2 - oil heat exchanger; 3 - fan; 4 - auxiliary fan; turbine disk. uDc: 621. .322-81:629.13 !M!Eam M -1-71 -kC NR. Ap6oO9927 a. speed regulator for the rotor, an oil-systra to lubricate.and cool the rotor bearings, as well as an air cooling system with a centrifugal fan. To increase the .servTc-elife of the turbogenerator, the oil system contains a heat exchanger through which cooling air is blown by an auxiliary centrifugal fan mounted on tPV turbine shaft. 'In,variation of this turbogencrator, the air-cooling fan blades4re located on the rpar side of the turbine disk. The. diskand blades are made in one piece (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 1 figure. JTNI SUB CODE-, 21/ SM 6ATE: z( Aug63/ ATD PREgs: a A rd 2/2 e-N "'N VORONIN, Ivan Vasillyevich, dotsent; VASILIYEV, Prokofiy Vasillyevich, -prof.; AINSYSEKIN, Sargey Petrovich, inzh.; I&W, Dnitriy Petrovich, inzh.; XOSTYUKOVICH, Yedor Trofimovich, dotsent; MAXAROV, Grigoriy Yefimovich, in2h.; RADETSKIY, Vitaliy Illich. kundesel'skokhos.nauk; S = , Yovgenly Dyullyevich, kona.tekhn. nBuk; SUDACHKOV, Yevgeniv Yakovievich, doktor aellsko'khoz.nauk; FEDCROVYKH, Mikhail Leonidovich, o'saistent;,,U!YSHKOL-Ane-toliv- Davydovich, asuistent; YUKS. Ye.A.. red.i2d-va; KUMMVSOVA. rA-.I-.-. -t-ekh-n. red. [Organizing and planning work at forestry enterprises] Orpni- zatsiia i -planirovania proizvodstva na predprliatiiakh lesnogo khoziniatva. Moskva, Goslosbunizdat, 1960., 328 p. (MIRA 14. -2) (Forest management) .-YANYUKv V.S, . The use of synool in mwgical practice* Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no. 8t6l-62 Ag 160. (MIRA 14:1) (DEXTRAN) (SURGERY9 OPERATIVE) SOV/ 124-58-10-11471 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p, 110 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vergun, P.I., Vilutis, A.F., Ivanov, V.N., Pereverzev, A.A., Petryagin, I.N., Yanyukhi TITLE: Calculations of Critical Loads and Frequencies of Natural Vibrations of Parabolic Arches (Vychisleniye kriticheskikh nagruzok i chastot sobstvennykh kolebaniy parabolic he s kikh arok) PERIODICAL: Sb. 'stud. nauchn. rabot. Altaysk, s,-kh, in-t, 1957, Nr 6, pp 89-98 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card I/ I YANYUKOV, A. V. "Study of Gold Distribution Between Dross and Work load.u Sub 15 May 47s Moscow Inst of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. KAlinin Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineer- ing in Mjoscow In 1947. SO: Sum. No. 457, 18 Apr 55 4 Us in P--~-Iliquid chro::~ato I J to F.~, I ~7-' ;zf,. t2x -Ii I' Of -i u --t a C', the vapz-.,-,phwe thein,--il niL ation of pi,opar.,;,~ alld the C/f the reaction of miethyl ra,'Iterid!j vith ziltrol;)-An ljo:-oxich-, 11 no.6-024,,-927 162. (I-ITRA 17, jD) 1. Inn'Litut nofteXhLaicheakoro sbmteza All S&IH, alt- SMIRNOV, V.j prepodavatel',- YANYUSHKIN, M.; LYAMINp Yu., aspirant On the problem of monetary wages,on collective farms. Sots. tilld 5 no,22:21-31 D 160, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Omskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Smirnov). 2. Direktor Severo-Kavkazakogo filiala Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sel'skogo'khozyaystvap g. Rostov-na-Donu (for Yanyushkin). 3. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy institut, (for Lyamin) 63-lective farms-Income distribution) (Agricultural credW ffl~J17EIIT~1)__A T6 3~0~%CZ C~ODZ:-~-U-R-13227164100~31000~~009illOI03~-~ AUTHORI Pere udov, F, I*: Marinanko. V. A.; )~~nyushkin,,_-YI-J', 9 -------------- ORG none TITLEt Automatic radar station for registering activity SOURCE: 1-mo-k, el _i ikqqy. hniki" Trudyo v. 3, 1964, 98-103 TOPIC TAGS-t--radar metear-abservation, radar station, meteorologic radar ABSTRACT: The Authors discuss some elements of the nationwide meteoi- watch network which was to have been aacup in the USSR to contribute to IGY-IQSY activities. This synchronized network of radar stations was to have operated semiautomatically, in that a detected meteor echo at one location would generate an actuating signal for adjacent sta- tions. Experience with earlier radar meteor probes indicated a need fo optimizing radar parameters for beat statistical results; for exampleo wavelengths should be 4-6 m, and pulse repetition rates should not exceed 300/sec. The H-3 type station, developed at the Tomsk Polytech- nical Institute to replace the 1e as sensitive P-2H stations has the Card 1 3 Mr 4 L 08726-67 ,~Cc NN ATb033997 Power M Sy n Trans!- - Ing an!- tenna nizer mitter tproa Marker Pmr-eiver dIIntor 2SY nc a Photo- DiscrIm- m l f if r Cl Eock D istri. Pecoi*r r titder time tor, .~Sync signal Sync signal ' from adJa- to adjacent , cant station station FL g, 1, Meteor radar station Card-_2 L! _ IACC NRi AT6033997 following optimal parameteras X - 4.2 m; transmitted pulse power, 100 kw; pulse width, 3 psec; and pulse repetition rate, 300 pulses/see in packets of 3 pulses, The antennas used were a narrow-beam wave channel type and a wide-beam folded dipole (see Fig. 1). Meteor echo data from this type of station, compared to thone of a station operating at 10 m, showed the same qualitative response in terms of daily and soasona.lecho frequency. Orig. art* h&s# I formulal I table, and 2 figures, SUB CODE3/7.43/ SUBH DATE: none/ ORIG REF: OQ3/ net Car 3/3 YANZHUL, 1. N. Tekhnika i organizatsiya mashini2irovannogo ucheta. -m., Gosplanizdat (1939). SO: Mathematics in the USSM, 1917-191,7 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 YANZHULs 1. N. "Use of Automatic computers (Punch card machines) in astronomical computations." Astron. Zhur., 16, No 5. 1939- so: u-1518,, 23, Oct 1951. z_ to U_ I - N automata &~d theft ApplIcation to BstronomIcd computatIon. Uspehi h1latern. Nauk (N.9T-j,`n-o.7r6(j5-16), 27-40 ('1946). (Ruadan) 4thOrr-stical Revisws, Vol 10 NO- 4 -AW N Mv us SR j" W-lxt~qm_gf CIMIRASO by fractioagtwn CA this fibm. 5 1.5 ld 0 ki L a rsv~, ell 6~ 1 :A~Fr ottv, rft Q. nt. nfil-, V pad). 53).- lu rclavou between the fiber length and the propertLi of pa= and cardboard made Umetrom ii of great theoretical and practical interest. The fractionatkin c4 the fibeis me- card;Ag to their leneth vraq studkd. and the pbyskvrutxh. and chem, pmmtics for ml6te ccllulase, before and after wa3blas, were detd. It i3 shown that retnoval of filles yktd3 celluiases with increased a-cellukxC and decrmsed] tam Materfal; flex ves&tzrwe, etc.. art abo improved (cf. Ko*bwn, C.A. 93, 71W), r1lubath HambQ!lh - ---------- YAOST, Kh. Unetics of the formation of viscone fibers. 164. (IMMA 17:10) 1. Ilauchno-issledovatol I sidy institut vololam Akademii naulc Gertmnskoy Doriolcraticheskoy L'b3publiki, Telltov-Zeyel:hof. ABRMV. X.M.; TAPAROV, S.A.; IKRAMV, M. Comparative chemical characteristics of wild and cultivated LagochIlus Inebrians Bge.Uzb,blol.xbur* no.6:55 6o 58. iMIRA 120) 1. Uxbakskly gosudarstvenrqy universitet imeni A. Ravoi, kafedra bots:nW. (TJzbekistan--Lagochilue) ABRAMOV, M.M.;,YAPA.ROVA, S.A* Extraction of the main activQ principle from legochilus imbrianB. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 co.11:2554.r2556 N 163. (MM l7sl) 1. Samarkandskiy kooperativnyy inotitut TSentroaoyuza. ZAYTSEV, Yu.A.; FILATOVA, L.I.; M-ILEYEV, V,S.; ROZANOV, S.Be; KHERASKOVA, T.N. YAPASKURT, O.V., Basic characteristics of the Cambrian structure of the M-utan (central Kazakhstan). Biul. MOIF W. geol. 40 no. 6257-81 N-D 165 41IRN 19i1) f4wax- Mim p 'T - a- 0 9 9 III ~~Op ~ *-1*- 0-0 Q~I)less t o 0 w IIIJI)MIS14 trio it I Il a u n to v x P i fell 1111 19-16-16V A 0A A Al W W Tyr r~vlil . . I - a a I % I it- I- I . .- I 6 r- Y 'a .(a ll!~. ~.?, 0 0 so Os otiffi l h w 0 fe on t e p 1k4 of a S&&AMWff 0( th4l J(d Arthe 0 So cj With aA4 WIthQUt SUW POW&I- V- VAtArA"IJIM V. 1. $IrTiql, AND 11. A. Coinjivi. M)V. Naut Zapiski Tsob"wi Prisms. ". 141-O(IL134-The crieff. of heat trans. UtIMIM In like findin of a l f J i ramissireu te O g . 'I"t Strike with sugar, dry for starting CTY11". Itic-traxes on an lay, of 11)17r liall a4larpWnIly jhl, jj"w C4 I..1 D 0 , o 0 00 a see Sol, ee 0 s solo 0-0.2 o401 - 00 1 946 00 S a 4 a a -f f4i, Lt,.(,K .4 uriff.14,41 (4 t d 0 if I &A t I V IN 0 001 1 &1 am Aria 0 0 0 0 #10 0 IN 9 0 0 0601 4 40 YQ /4, suta~' 01 blab *%too lot 0 "kh'irma"s .technological PIOC a. V. V. % apA- 564-5. 194 pKip. 7.1 pu,,iy in sugs, "'U'le-13- Ckc""- Ch. the law V6 heir 1940, 12. 1 trrAl - )y in 'Irtail 61 C lots CA d'Wfilltsol, tty tine 'A Ill h Polity h keel it cinvvirte, ju"Icus ,.ng.IT.j t I IV is it "thl. ~,A ; A in! -- -------- YAPASKURT, S va Techiologicid scheme of feflq-Wg 10 coulu"ction-JoW A beat sugar factory. N. 1. I-Irfenov (Krasnopresnewk Groop Lab.) and V. V. Vapvkurt. Sakharnaya Prom. 27, No. 1, 20-W schemes for re- finitrg beet sugar durfng and out of crop are desaibecL The flwsheets are 3hown. V. 17, Balkow TAPASKURT. V.V. OrN Increasing wA improving sugar production on the basis of new techniques. Sakh.prom. 28 no.1:6-12 '54. NLRA 7:3) (Sugar industry) YO L) j? 'V, V SKORBILIN, Sargey isdorovich, kandidat tekhhicheakikh nauk: DAMASKINA9 G.B., redaL-tor;.TAPASKURT V.V.,.zateenzent; SFMGIN, P.V.. redaktor; GOTLID, B.M., t6I53iFCT-e-lik-~,8'dftktor. [Automatic density gauges] Avtomatichaskie plotnomery. Moskva, Pishcbepromizdat, 1955. 49 p. (MLRA 6z11) (Specific gravity) YAPASKURT.V.V. Make wider application of progressive techniques. Sakh.pram. 29 no.2:1-5 155. MRA 8:6) 1. Glaysakhar. (Sugar industry) PARSHIKOV,M.Ya.; KAKHINYA,M.M.; SILIN,P.M.; UMRRRT,V,,V.; YEPISHIN.A.S; SHAKIN,A.U.; ZHIDKOV,A.A.; ML914SKIY,M.7..; Kk6~96V,A.K.; BMIIN,r,.S. IFYESHKIN.I.P.; MRASH=,G.M.;ZffIRKO,I.S.; ZBLIDQV,I.F.; KH IZE,N.V. Birthday of P.V.Golovin. Sakh.prom.29 no-5;7 '55. (HLRA, 8:11) (Golovin, Pavel Vasillevich, 1880-) MISHIN, A.S.; SHAKIN. A N.; SILIN, P.M.; ZHIDKOV, A.A.; .WA T,,y .-K~~IdiikkIT, M.Z.; SIMMTAKIN, P.H.; NOTIEDY, V.A.; POPOV, V.D.; MNU, G.S.; MAYNNOV, A.K.; KIWATOTA, V.6,; KARTASHOT, A.IC YARADLINSKIT, A.K.; ZIBOROV, D.K.; VAYSMAN. M.L,; ZAKHROVSKIT. V,A,; SVYATJMIW, H.M. lUlil Markovich Zhvirblianskii; obituary. Bakh.prom.29 no.6;48 155. (Zhvirblianakii, IU3-ii Markovich, 1894-1955) (XIBA 9:1) UPASKM, Va. Speed up the processing of beets and increase the sugar production at sugar factories of the Ukraine. Sakh.prom. 30 no.7:1-4 JI 136. (NLRL 9:11) 1. Hinisteretvo promyehlennosti prodovol8stvenuykh tovarov USM. (Ukraine--Sugar industry) M" Si~ YAPASMa, V.V. Initial steps In the work of the Economic Council of the Vinnitse, Economic Administrative Region. Sakh.pron. 31 no.6:3-6 Ag- 157. l.Produedatell Vinvitskogo sovnarkhoza. (Vinnitsa Economic Region) YAPABLIM. V. V. Sugar industz7 of the Vinnitse. Zconomic Region in 1959-1965. Sakh.prom, 33 no-3:1-5 Mr 159- (MIRA 32:4) 1. Vinnitakly smarkboze (Vinnitea Province--Sugar, industry) KRIVOROS, P.F.~-Y"Mgm- -,,.V. New developments in the organization of freight and commercial operations of railroads. Zhel.dontransp. 42 n0.5:23-27 Hy 16o. (MIRA, 13:9) 1. NacbLallnik Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Krivonos). 2. Predsedatel' Vinattakogo sovaarkbosa (for Yapaskart). (Railroads--Kanagament) ZOTOV, V.P.; MMINYAp M.M.; PAPSHIKOVp M.Ya.; GAVRILOV, A.M.; SILIN, P.M.; GOLOVIN, P.V.P# KHErZE, N.V.; BUZANGV, I.F.; YJ1M115KIY,, 14.Z.; 1AEA6XURT,X-V-,- SHARKO, A.P.; SANOV, N.M.; LITVAK, I.H.; IVAI,*GV, S.Z.; LEPESHKIN, I.P.; 1="f B.M.; XEPISHIN, A.S.; GOLUB, S.I.; GOWIMOVI S.I.; GEUBE, V.R.; PASHKOVSKIY, F.M.; LITVIWOV, Ye.V.; BENINp G.S.; IVANOV, P.Ya.; VINOGRADOV, N#V.; POITOMARENKOp A.P.: ZHIDKOV, A.A.; KOVAL', Te.T.; KARTASHOV, A.K.; NOVIKOV, V,A. Sixtieth birthday of A.N.Shakin., Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Sugar Industry. Sakh. prom, 35 no.7:33 J1 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) (Shakin., Anatolii Nikitovich, 1901-) (Sugar industry) ,ACCESSION NRs AP4025730 5/0046/64/010/001/0054/0059 ~AUTHORBs. 11gunas, V.; Xubilymenev 0. Yapr~" p.: A,. TITLE: Precision interferometer for measuring ultrasound velocities in fluids in the frequency range 1 - 12 megacycles. SOUR9~s Akuotichookiy zhurnall v. 10, no. it 1964P 54-59 TOPIC TAGS: intorferometerp ultrasound volooityp crystal diameter# quartz crystalpl reflector diametert Piro interferometer, impulse method, standing plane wave 'LBST2 i AC"T.- The accuracy of velocity measurement by the described interferomet4r is i 10-2 percent. The authors give the dependence of the measured ultrasound velociV in water on the ratio of the diameter of the crystal to the length of a sound wave in water# and also on the ratio of the reflector'diameter to the wave length. They describe an interferometer of variable lengthl of Piro type, with the ordinary indication (with the help of a pointer or a recording measuring device), which in accuracy not only exceeds that of an interferometer with the noted complicated means of indication but gives resulto close to the most perfect impulse method. ~Generally aAjintorferometer is used in the presence of rather strict standing plane. Card 1/2 'ACCESSION NRt AP4025730 8/0046/64/010/001/00W0059 ;AUTHORSt Ilpme, V.; Kubilyimienet 0.1 Yapartasp A. TITLE: Precision interferometer for measuring ultrasound velocities in fluids in the frequency range I - 12 megacycles. ,SOUR9~;~ Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 1, 1964, 54-59 TOPIC TAGS: interferometert ultrasound volocityp crystal diameterp quartz crystall"! ,reflector diameter, Piro interferometert impulse method, standing plane wave ,08M-fT: The accuracy of velocity measurement by the described interferometer is � 10 percent. The authors give the dependence of the measured ultrasound veloci%r in water on the ratio of the diameter of the crystal to the length of a sound wave in watert and also on the ratio of the reflector*diameter to the wave length. They describe an interferometer of variable lengtht of Piro type, with the ordinary indication (with the help of a pointer or a recording measuring device)# whioh in accuracy not only exceeds that of an interferometer with the noted complicated means of indication but gives results close to the most perfect impulse method. ;Generally anjnterferometer is used in the presence of rather strict standing plane, Card 1/2 YAPEYEV2 A.S., aspirant Incidence of dental caries in workers of the sulfuric acid and oulfate.shops of the Bondyug Chemical Plant. Vop. obshchei Btom. 17:138-139 '64. Effect of vapors of inorganic acids on the state of teeth. Ibid.:140-242 State of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in workers of the chemical industry. Ibid.:143-144 (MIRA 18:11) 1 YAPIDUS' V.I.O 2. ussR Wo) 4. Hydraulic Machinery 7. Study of the character of the flowing stream in the revolving wheels of hydraulic machines. Vest6mash. N~- 1 1953 9. Monthly List Lf Russian Acce5SIons, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. ~A ~p YAPISHIN A.S. Information on sugar manufacture and consumption in France. 6akhprom, 37 no.2t69(149) F 163. (KM 1615) (France--Sugar industry) YAPOLI X IY I. inzh. ~~- '7 ~1- II* I Mobile mortar -mixer. Zhil. stroi. no-llsl7 N 160. '(MML 13:11) Nixing rachiner'y)'' "PUAPOLINTY) Techr'0109Y SSSR, 1951- Comtruction work. Mosklula. lzd-vo I-linisterstva rechnooo flota 2 9. Monthly List of Elisslan Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1951. Unclassifi YAPF-kj, Yu. A. Functional Analyzis Dissertatiow. "Zie ;chroedinger Form of ftel-utl~ristically lnvari~Lnt L,uatlons for Elementary Particl6s and Several ~'uestions of Their Physical Interpretaticn." Cand PIV5-Math Sci, Leningrad State U, Leningrad, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal -Vatematika Moscow, liar 54). SO: 3LM. 213j 20 Sep 1954 T"- Sf . . .... I-A RfLcl~Physics - Particle theory Card 1/1 Pub. 146-19/21 Author Yappa, Yu. A. Title Concerning V. I. Karpman's article "Problem of the connection between the method of regularization and the theory of particles with arbitrary spin" (DAN SSSR, 89, 257, 1953) -Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 28, 123-124, January 1955 Abstract : Karpman's work was devoted to a criticism of the writer's note entitled ",Connection between the theory of regularization and the theory of particles with arbitrary spin" (Yu. A. Yappa, DAN SSSR, 86, 51, 1952). Karpman asserted that the writer's results were in error. In the present letter the writer has as his aim to show that Karpman's assertion is mainly a consequence of misunderstanding. Institution: Mningrad State University Submitted January 23, 1954 , R A redaktor-, KO A.P., IBOVA, M.P.', /e'~h;ichoskiy redaktor; MAR otvatetyann;ry redaktor, professor; POPOP R.Yu, redaktor, Clasnification of elementary particles [translations and surveys of foreign periodical literik~ure]-Problemy sovromennoi fiziki 8 noolltl-173 1560' (MIRA 10:1) Nxticles, Alementary) 24(5) SOV/54-56-4-17/18 AUTHOR: Yappa, Yu. A. TITLE: On the Method of the Functional in the Quantum Field Theory K metodu funktsionaloy v kvantovoy teorii polya). Scalar Fields Skalyarnoye pole) ~ PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradakogo univeraiteta. Seriya fiziki I khimii, 1958, Nr 4, pp 172-161 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The basis of the present investigation is a complex function y(s) which is scalar with reBpect to the Lorentz tranaformations and which describes the spatialfield di2tribution; s denotes the vector in the space of coordinates x or I or in the space of impulse . 1"h9 equation of motion and the theorems of conservation of the field must be satisfied in ?(a). Forthe quantum-theoret- ical investigation at first the field is regarded as a system with continuously distributed degrees of freedom into which the. wave function Q(y) is introduced in this case as a functional determined in the Hilbert space of the field function F(s). It is necessary that the functional permits the general factor of probability. Yet, this method proves to be mathematically im- Card 1/2 practicable as the equationa are unsolvable for the functional. SOY/54-58-4-17/18 On the Method of the Functional in the Quantum Field Theory. Scalar Fields A second way was therefore chosen, for the first time found by V. A. Fok (Refs 2,3). The field is regarded as a 3y5t0M with a variable number of particles and described by the infinite columns of the function f+,,Wx42(x1,x2). .... 1, to - const. All columns together clearly correspond to the direct sum of the Hilbert spaces and are themselves a Hilbert spac e. Fok found the concrete existence of this space for a whole-numbered spin by introducing the funotional Q(-) (Ref 3)- In this paper the con- ditions are investigated which according to the method by Pok are to be satisfied by the wave function of the fieldj'2(y). By means of a theorem of the non-linear functional analysis it was proved that the neoessary and sufficient conditions for the representation of the sqalar complex wave function in-form of the Fok functional in a certain domain of the Hilbert space are the local boundedness and weak differentiability within this domain. Finally, particular emphasis is laid upon the fact that the functional corresponds to the corpuscular conception. There are 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet. LAZARENKO, YU.P.; Analytic properties of a diagram with two closed circuits. Vest LGU 16 no.22:26-34 '61. (YJRA 11~:11) (Geometry, Analytic) DRABKINS LA.;- YAPPA-.Yu-.-A-. MaJorization of Feynman diagrams for processes involvin strange particles. Vest. IZU 17 no-4:28-36 162. flz 15:3) (Quantum field theory) -gz M o54 62/000,001/004/0" 102 'BI 12 involving for of Teyloan &.13 1 zation 11,30ri ex ticles strange ? .1 te t. 6 nbu ~Jjuovo 1 s c omp wirlGra 26 - ELI 1959) Vp 962, opose& b'j .20 690, )rL Of ,Waan .pj~~IODIWIL no. A, A Xle Pr Vhys. ;.-I -.z&tI( Iticity Of tecbn'v1 T'rLeor t,,e a3orl- 0 anal be- zation (pro9r, r"gli Sion tae line,,,_ss ,a~orl . -AZ Ir myle 'glacinF, tile rjlrie t1a 111hicb 1) r e, s 1~. BI leulvas llovis 0& bY j...G ecOaa S ral "-ae 6101. 1958 j1dal tional rea& as f o is no t cilang total lacing seve itial . f tle jr .1 1 by t%;o leviluas gr aP -'I- I b :ePrI f 8.11 3.-A T,he5e t 0 f the -lines I " 0 vertices- Sra?lls eiemel~' several .,verse cas lZa.'Oto several for 8,50 grap"s atri-f. es 'by tne I tj^Le vertle . ort (2) T o o P.-VITIman ov is two ne Vert % f ie n a., ,ne ,ass. Lov t.,,i e e )rig'In tot'a ajn6 0 re al)PI f t'he ( ,,, same &iVII 13'alts a Yr ofess 0 one Of .,,ajeVe& bY T%ie re 'Jes b:f G is proved. ' )artir gra.-Ph are trange '30t'h lemmes Drocess es invo 'Car& 1/2 B,/054/62/000/001/004/011 Majorization of Feynman graphs for ... 3102/BI12 for having proposed the topic, and 1. T. Todorov and N. A. Chernikov are thanked for advice. There are 5 figures and 6 references: 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two references to English-1 anguage publications read as follows: K. Simanzik. Progr. Theor. Phys., LO, 690, 1959; L. B. Okun, Rudik. Nucl. Phys., 1.~, 261, 196o. SUBIMITTED; July 10, 1961 Card 2/2 :A, 6/054 65/00h/001/004/022 B102XI86 AUTHOR i Yappat YUS As TITLE: Some aspects of the matheinatioal atrtAoture of quantum theory FERIODICAL: Leningrad. Universitet. Veatnik. Seriya fiziki i khimilq no, 21 1963, 34-40 TEXT: The author presents a philosophio-mathematical diaQuesion of the principles of correspondence between tho mathematical thGoZ7 of normalized rings and a physico-philosophio interpretation of quantum theory. The discussions are based on Pok's Filosofskiye voproey sovremennoy fiziki (Philosophic problems in modern physics) 1959, and the related papers by Schwinger, Dirac and Seumann (of. e.g. Schwinger, Proc. nat.aaad. USA,46,257-265,1960). It is shown that physical sense can be adjoined to certain mathematical concepts defined in the theory of rings on the basis of Fokle interpretation. in thia case the quantum theory -1- might be based on a generalized concept of the futiotional f(x) of the expectation value, f(x) related to the hermitean elements Card 1/2 S/054/63/004/()01/004/022 omo asPL018 of the mathematical ... B102/B186 can be considered an a construction of the functions given on the ring C: f(x) is linear, f(i4x).>/O and f(e) - 1, when e in the element of C. With dAf p:f(M) 1, the normalization of the functional f(x) leads M 'to the definition of the space M as a apace with probability measure. SUBMITTED: January 15, 1962 a; YUHNOVSKAYA, S.I., red. YqP (Training children in 17glenic habits] Voopitanie g-4- gienichoskikh navykov u detei. Moskvap Moditsinal 1965. 29 p. (MIRA 18:9) C P G - Be- - ----- --- "Determining the Filtration Coefficient From the Haulage of a Bored Well in the Case of an Abrupt Fall Gloss to the Vertical of the Aquifer StratunP # Energ. in-ta AN Az SM -203p 1954. (Azerbaydzhani resume) No 12) pp 194 An wmmple indicating thatj, for Increase In the number of wells in series abov a four, the value of the riltration coefficient varies but slightly, If in the aquifer stratum there is an infinito series of interacting wells, then the vertical planes perpendiculat to this series and passing throudg the middle between neighboring wells are surfaces of separation which one can assume to be boundaries of the abruptly falling aquifer stratum. (RZhMekh, No 10, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 TAPPU, G. B. Mechanical characteristics of volcanic ash from the Kura Valley. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 11 no.5:341-344 055. WaA 9:6) l.Predotaylono devetvitellnym chlenom AN AzarbWdzhanakoy SSR M.A.Xashkayem. (Kura Valley-Voleanic ash, tuff, ate.) Y, -ij TAPPU, G. B. TiWris"Nr if b7drostatic Pressure In contacts between particleis of clayey noll. lav.AN Azerb..SSIt no.3:27-42 Xr '56. (M~RA 9:9) (Soil p9rcolation) wh y nauchnyy notrudnik, kandidat takhnicheeklkh nauk. z!~, Calculating the pressure of soft soils on the flat callings of underground excavations. Izv.VNIIG no-33:51-60 147. (KLRL 10:2) (Soil mechanics) BORDVYY, A.A., red.; GIRSHKAN, I.A., red.j 'YAPPU G.B,.,.r*d.j SOBOLEVAp TO.M.0 ta" red. [Design and construotion of large dams; materials-of the sixth International Congress on Large Dams) ProaktArovanie i stroitel'stvo bol'shikh plotinj po materialam VI Mezhdu- narodnogo kongresoa po bol'shim plotinam. Sbornik atatei pod obahohei red. A.A.Borovogo. Moskva, Go 0energoisdat, 1962. 559 P. (MIRA 160) 1, International Congress on Large Dams. 6th. Now York, 1958. (Dams--Design and construction) vn, -'a