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~by- Gullies; physical geographies. characteristics of gullies founil In the Zwopean U.S.PoRoUchesapelonsun* noolG4:27-53 149o (HLRk 10-1) (Physical geography) (Brosion) BISKE, S.F. - - ~ www~,04"t. Results of using dimetbylphthalate for protection against gnats under field conditions. Izv.Vsem.geog.ob-v& 86 no.5:455-457 S-0 154. (MLRA 7:10) (Insect baits and repellents) (Dimethyphthlic &aid) .j, . AHIKIYIV, N.P.: BISXI, S.F.: VIRESHCHAGIN, V.N,; ZIMKIN, AtV,; IARIN, N&I, -=entad conference on the preparation of unified Interdepar is stratigraphid plans of the northeastern part of the U.S.S.R. Sov. geol. no.62:182-188 157. (miRA 11:6) 1,Sevex-o-Vostoohnoys geologicheekoye upravleniye Ministerstva geologli i o1thrany nedr SSSR i Veaeo7wn".nauchno-igaledovateliskiy geologicheekly institut, (Siberia, lastern-Geology, Stratigraphic) BARANOVA. Yu.ll.;-~ ~S-*JpaNOV, AOPO Palsogeography of the upper Olenek and Markha Basins. Trudy RIGA 67:163-176 '58. (MIRA 12:10) (Olenek Valley--Paleogeography) (Markha Valley-Paleogeography) ANIKRZV, N.P.,. glavnyy red.; BISKE, S,F.O. red.; BOBTLEVSKIT, V.I., red.: VASIKOVSKIT, A.P., N, V.11., red.; M"IN, I.Te., red.; TRVANGULOV, B.B., red.; YVIMOVA. A.F.. red.; ZIHKIN, A.T., red.; T-ARIN, N.I., red.; LIKHARZT, B.K., red.; MEMM, V.V., red.; MIKHAYLOV, A.F., red.; NIKOLAYZV, A.A., red.; POPOV, G.G., red.; POPOV. Tu.N.. red.: &AKS. V.N., red.: SDMIN, A.I.. red.: SIKAKOV, A.S., red.; TITOV, V.A., red.; SHIT.0, N.A., red.; ELITANOV, N.D., red.; MAKUSM, I.R., red.; V redaktirovanil.prinimall uchas- tiye: ANI2 INVA, O.N., red.; BATKOVSKATA. T.N., red.; BOLKHOTITINA, N.A., red.; BORMX, M.O., red.; VASIL'YEV, I.V.. red.; VASIUVIXATA, N.D., red.; VOUTODOVA, Ye.M., red.; TZVSEUV. K.P., red.; KIFARI- SOVA, L.D., red.; KRASHTT, L.I., red.; KRISHTOPOVICH, L.V., red.; KMIKOV, N.V., red.; LIBROVICH, L.S., red.; KARKOV, F.G., red.; MODZALN&KAYA. Te.A., red.; NIKIFOROVA, 0.1., red.; OBUT, A.M., red.; FCH=BTWA, G.T., red.; RZHONSUITSKAYA, M.A., red.; W=VAq N.A., red.; SMANCT, D.L., red.; TIROPEM, B.V., red.; KHM)OIZY, K.M., red.; CHEMOT, Tu.F., red.; CHMMSHEVA. N.Te., red.. DRRZffAVINA. N.G., red.lzd-va; OUROVA, O.A., (Continued on next card) ANIZETIV, N.P.-(oontinued) Card 2. [Decisions of the Interdepartmntal Conference on the Unified Stratigraphic Column of the Northeastern Part of the U.S.S.R.] Resheniia Nezhvedomstvennoso soveshchaniia po rezrabotke unifitsi- rovannykh stratigraficheskikh 9khem dlia Severo-Vostoka SZER, Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrone nedr, 1959. 65 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Nezhvedometvannoye soveshehaniye po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheskikh ekhem d3ya Severo-Vostoka SSSR, Magadan, 1957. (Soviet Par Bast-Geology, Stratigraphic) 3(5) SOV/12-91-1-7/22 AUTHOR: Biske, S.F. TITLE: '- -The Problem of the Conditions or Interment or the Berezovka Mammoth (K voprosu ob ualoviys&~ zakhoroneniya berezovskogo mamonta) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo geograricheskogo obshchestval Vol 91, Nr 1, pp 67-73 (USSR)--1q'q ABSTRACT: The article deals with the almost completely preserved corpse of a mammoth found in 1901 in the basin of the right tri-hu- tary of the Kolyma - the Berezovka River. In this connection the author describes several earlier maimpoth findings, former data and hypotheses concerning the Berezovka mam-moth mention;~ ing the names of the following scientists: G. Sarychev, Adams, G. Maydel, K.A. Vollosovich, O.F. Gerts, D.P. Sevast.1yanov, Ye.V. Pfitserzeqer , Tarabykin, Yavlovskiy, I.P. Tolmachev, V.N. Sukachev, F.A. Byalynitskiy-Birull, A.Ye. Figurin, A.A. Bunge, Vastkovskiy, Tikhomirov, Kupriyanova, Vakar, F.F. Illinin, F. Z., Tairovat V.A. Zalenskiy, Popov, Shumskiy. He comes to the conclusion that new conceptions on the geologic Card 1/2 structure of the Quaternary deposits at the site refute the SOV/12-91-1-7/22 The Problem of the Conditions of Interment of the Berezovka Mammoth opinion held by Gerts that the mammoth died as a result of falling into a glacier crevice, as well as Tolmachev'B view that the mammoth died on the meadow or in a swamp. The finding of the mammoth at the foot of an ice wall re- presenting a bare part of the repeatedly veined ice, the fractures and bruises which the mammoth received while still alive, its position, etc., all point to a quick death, which probably occurred due to the collapse of a huge earth bloc which buried the animal. There are 2 sets of diagrams and 19 references, 16 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 1 German. Card 2/2 .00-11 BISKEt S.F. Qwter=7 sediments in the lake-alluvial, plain in the lover Indigirka Valley. Gool. i geofis. no,&29-42 160. OM 3432) Is Institut gOologii i pofisW Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN WSR& (Indigirka V&.Uey--4eo1ogr, Stratigraphio) BISKE 2 S. F. Some problems of Cenozoic stratigrapby and *Ieogeography in the lover Kolyma Valleye Geole i geofiz. no.12:96-100 162. (MIP.& 16:3) (Kolyma Valley-Geology., Strati~graphie) ~Kolyma Valley-Paleageograpby) BARAMVA, Yu.P.1 BISKEp S~~. Praotige in the geomorphological regionalization of Xprttl- eastern Siberia. Sib.geog.abor. no.ltl3l-158 !62. - (KMA l6s2) (Siberia, Eastern-Goomorphology) BISKE S.F.; BARLNOVA, lu.P. Late Pleistocene periglacial conditions governing the sedimentation on lowlands in the northeastern U.S.&R. Geol, i geoliz. no.2: 66-74 163. (-MIU 16;,5) le Institut geologii i geofiziki, Sibirs4gg"~tdeleniya AN SSSR., Novosibirsk. (Oiberians Za~tern,--Paleogeograpby) BARANOVA, Yu.P.; bISKE.-S.F.,;_ SAKS, V.N., otv. red. [History of the de-mlopment of the relief In Siberia and the Far East; northeast of the U.S.S.R.] Istorlia razvi- tiia rellefa Sibiri. I Dallnego Vostoka; Savero-Vostok SSSR. Moskva,q Nauka,, 1964. 288 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Saks). - Outline of the history of the development of the relief of the Omolon-Chukehi region. Trudy Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.27:142-156 162. (MIRA 17:11) BISKE, S. F. Conditions governing the formation of the sediments of (2aaternary terraces in the Lena Talley between Pokrovsk and Zhigansk. Trudy Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.8t5-40 164 (MIR& 18t2) BARANOVA, YU.P.; BISKE, S.F. - ... ~ i 2, ::.11-1- Cenozoic stratigraphy and the history of the development of the relief of the Ikot Siberian Plain. Trudy Mnst, geol. i geofi2. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.841-63 t64 MIRA 18s24) SAKS, V.14.; Al0,-JlIPOV,, S,,A. , zairr.-glav. rea.; rvd.~ VDOVIII, V.V.., red.; VOLKOVA, V.S., red.; . t . red.; LAVRENIll"Y11,11, A-1 '='lOV, red, IVAINCTA, I.K., red.; W%P'17NOV) V,i,,, red.; NIKOWILT, N.I., red.; S'-l?ELKOV) S,A,~ red.t 'MDTTSK-.rY, S.L.., red.; CHOCHIA, N.G., red.; 311PIli-SE.R. Y,f-.,V,, red.; 311ATSKrY, B.B., red. [Basi,i probJemz iii the study Qf the Quaternary period; for ,h(, 71-h Ccirrve,-,~~ c-f INQUAx U.S.A.2 19651 Osnowkve problenT izw.-bonl.~-a -lioLvorticlinollo porJocln: k V.1.1 ~wni,,rot.;nu INQIJA (SSI-', 19ol:), MvAva, Nauka, 196" 1, Y r, (,1411RA 18:9) J~ na~.Gc S13SR. Sj-birskoye. otaolvniye. Institut geolol--I~ I geofizlki. 2. AE SISSR (for Saks). BISKEIP YU.S. --. '- - I : - - Slz7atlgrapl,,*- and fac�es zon~lng of N-.ronian sedimevi~,~-t in, tbe eastern part of the TtLrkestan Range (aouthurestern F6rgana). Vest, LGU 20 no.601-40 165. (MIlk 18.24) AO A*,*- BISKE, YU.S.; STARSIIINIn, D.A. Geology of Paleozolc sediments in the Sulyukta region (Turkestan Range); Vest. ILU 20 no.24:50-55 165. (I-MI 19: 1) 1. Submitted March 20, 1965. ZELICHENOK) I.A.; BISKINA, K.-I. Vitamin 1~2 trentment of d.j3aEtrcs rf the peripheral nervous syBtem. zdrav. Bal. 9 ro.67",-72 Je 163. (MINk 17;5) 1, Iz balln1frq stantsii Gomall Belortzs.,~koy zheleznoy dorogi (nachal.1nik tx)I'nI.tsy - A41, Ty-ufykveva')* CHARNIKHOVSKIY, I.N., insh.; BISKINA, S.L., inzh.. Use of turbocompressor equations in studying the operation of a control system approaching surge conditions. Energomashinostroenis 11 no.5:43-44' My 165. (MM 18:6) - - ------ -- mc,w.-AP502571+9 SOURCE COM UR/0286/65/0D0/018/0D97/0OW AUTHORS; Biskina; S. L,; Chernikhovskiy,, I. N. ORG.- none , 21 TITLE: Pressure regulator,' Class 42., No, 17484 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovar nykh znakov, n6. 18, 1965, 97 TOPIC TAGS: pressure regulator, vacuum regulator, pressure compensation, high vacuum, transducer, vacuum system ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a pressure regulator containing a two- bellows transducer connected to the atmosphere and to the vacuum system (see Fig. 1). To increase regulating accuracy for a high vacuum, the vacuum system is connected to the bellows while a throttling valye and orifice are placed into the line connecting the transducer with the atmosphere. This arrangement provides critical flow of the fluid and constant pressure relationship between the pressures before and after the throttle. With a corresponding relationship between the bellows areas, this configu- .ration compensates for atmospheric pressure changes. 1A UDC: 624.646-4:621.521 L 7116)1 ACC NRi AP5025749 Fig, I& I- transducer; 2- vacuum system; 3- connection to atmosphere; throttle; 5- orifice Orig. art. has: I figure, SUB CODE: NE/ SUBM DATEt 15NOV63 cal-cl 2/2 A.D...; CHEWMV, To.A.1 111611U, M. hit'hoisis of, silicon ozV m1c compounds with c"bosyl and carboxyl gr*Vs* Isv, Al SSSR Otd, khts. &auk ao.M1445-1447 D 156. (KM IOt4) 1. lastitut org&alchook*y khlutl In..S.D. Zellaskego Akadeali sauk SSMI, (Silicon organic cowsuads) GOLIDEVIBERG, A.Ya.; BEGLYAROVA, N.U.; MIACHAYA, D.K.; lmrl-ABIA, K.T.; BISKUBOVAI Z.O.; BAYR&W, M.N.; SHUSTER, D.Ye.; TOLL', I-I.Kh. Prophylactic examination of the populatiop for tuberculosis. Sov. med. 25 no.5:78-82 Ity 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz organizatsionno-mtodicheskogo sektora (rukovoditell - kand. med.nauk A.Ya.Golidenberg) Kharlkovskogo inatituta tuberkuleza i oblastrykh protivotuberkuleznykh dispanserov: Khal-lkovskogo (glavnyy vrach N.T.Beglyarova)., Dnepropetravskogo (glavivy vrach K.T.Kletskina)., Zaporozhskogo kglavnyy vrach M.M.Bayramov) i Sevastopollskogo gorodskogo, dispansera (glavryy vrach,Y.Kh.TollI). (TUBERCUIDSIS,-PRERNTION) (M-ICAL SCREMNG) BI9NUNOV, V.A., arkhitaktor Distribution of housing . the period of 1959-1965. 161. (Sverdlovsk-Housing) construction in the city of Sverdlovsk in Trudy Ural.politakh.inst. no.109:43-47 (MM 14: 7) BISIKUP, B.;KHOLL, J. "PhellmAic Transport, System ." p. 147, (MECHANISACL,,, Vol. 2, No. 4., Apr. 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 30; Monthly List of Last European Accessions, (EEAQ., Wo Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955s Unel. BISKUP, B. ; Soula, J. Optical wedge for determing the exposure time for enlarging processes. P. 311 JWNA MBCHhNIKA A )PTIKA. (Ministerstvo vseobecniho strojirenstvi) Praha., Czechoslovakia. Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEkI) LC Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov.. 1959 Uncle BISKUP, Josef The effect of applying manure and complete mineral fertilizers at different timeo upon the quantity and quality of the leaf yield of Virginia Skroniowska tobacco* Rocz nauk roln roal 86 no.2:309-317 162. lo Oaredek Doswiadczalny, Skroniov, DISK-W, -P.K. inzhener. --~. Seagoing tanker of 10,000 t.expacity. SMostroonie 22 to.12:1-ml 1-56. (Km lot2) (Tank vessels) BISOP, P4L*,inwh, /_.~ --Testing the carbonic s,aid system of extinguishing fires. Sudostroanis 24 mo,5:19-22 My 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Ships--Fires and fire prevention) (Fire extinction--Chemloal systems) BISKU, F.K*, inzh,. ZI - - -, .. Air remova"I and vater recirculation in marine en~-Ine systemso Sudostroanie 25 no*6:17-18 Je 159. MLk 12:91) (Marine engines--Cooling) BISX.UP# P*Kep iw1ba Econmic advisability of building tank vessels of light alloys* Sudostroenie 28 no.902-55 S 1629 Tim 15:10) (Tank vessels-Cost of construction) (Ught metals) BISKUP, P. K.j inzh. Selection of cargo pumps for tanhrm. Sudoatroenie 28 no.10t 11-17 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Tank vesseu) (Famping machinery-) .BISKUP, P.K,, Effect of -the length of standing time of tank vessels on their economic indices. Sudostroenle 30 no#5:7-9 My 164. (MIRk 17v6) L" 0-66 EWT(j)1/EWP(z)/EWA(d)/EWA(l) ACC NR, AP6000139 SOURCE CODE UR/0229/65/000/008/0021/0024 AIJTHORt Biskuk, P. K. ORG: None TIT19: Formulas for calculating the free flow of compressed gas from gas cyl:inders delivered to the ship gas talfiRs SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 8~ 1965$ 21-24 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, marine equipment 4 .BSTRACT: A'theoretical study of filling ship gas tanks with gas from regular gas cylinders without the use%of a pumping compressor is dis- cussed. In general, ship gas tanks are much larger than the regular 40-liter cylinders In which compressed ~an is usually transported. A schematic diagram illustrating the sucoessive feeding process of 11-gas tanks from n-gas cylinders is presented on Card 2/2. A formula deter- mining the number_Pf_.oyljnders,n, in the first group was derived and Ig (P '_ P expressed as "all 19 (P.- Pq) Here, P.,,-initial pressure in the cylinder (kg/cm?-) initial prebsure in the tank .pl, -pressure in the first tank filled from the:'',oylinder, and k-ratio 6t tank volume nA ,.Vi'i (ou m) to the sum of tan k end cylinder volumes A~ . Similar formulas UDC: _qg~.~123 ~5 Card ACC NR, AP6000139 were derived for other oylinders and tanks up to the N-tank . An example of calculations f or f our 400-liter tanks fed from 40-liter cylinders of 150-kg/sq am Dress- ure was presented. The final taxLk pressure was assumed to-be 130 kg/sq am. The results-of calcula- tion for various Iversions*were summarized in a table. Orig# art. has: 1 diagram, I table and 13 formulas. BISKUPt W.: mgr inz.; RACZKMWIOZO M., mgr inz. Angular position meter. Pomiary 9"-45 A 163. L IIJ44-66 W(m)/EpF(c)/ErC/EPF(n)-2/,Wo(m)/EWp(j)/FwA(h)/EWA(l) -RM !ACCESSION NR: ,AT502_3157 1-7 UR/2892/65/000/004/0102/0116 JAUTHOR.- Af Diskupchuk, A pa0lev, V. M-; Dudkin, V. Ye.; Kovalev, Ye. Kuznetsov, V. q.; li-tvinova, r. -- . N* '.4- A Skl�~i-ifiivy--L -- -#19 ;TITLE: Experimental data on the *hial4ing RroRertiqs of materials with regard to 'high energy protons iSOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizichesk~Z institut. Voprosy dozimetrii i zashch I - ty i.ot izlu--He'n1y, no. 4, 1965$ 102-116 TOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding, proton beam, polyethylene, lead, aluminut, radia-I tion dosimetry ABSTRACT: Experiments on shielding against high-energy protons were conducted on the OIYal synchrocyclotron in Dubno. The total absorbed tissue dose Q(6) wi l .sured in a thin layer of a detector placed parallel to the shielding plans* The,', Aose attenuation and accumulation factor was determined from measurements.of Q(6) lbeyond a bhielding screen of thickness 6: Q W _.L_ 24444 ACMSSION NR: AT5023157 m_o_n_i__t_or_ In all c'ases,-the values of Q(6) were normalized in conformity with the readings. The experimental set-up is shown in fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The pro- ton beam from absorber I passes through collimator 2 and is deflected by magnet 3 to collimator 4, thus prod-acing a highly pure monochromatic beam of energy. The beam then passes through collimator 5 and ionization chamber M, and Impinges direet', 1y (normal to the surface) on a layer of shielding material immediately adjacent tol ,detector D. The detector was a flat ten-channel ionization chamber filled with a igas mixture (35% He t 65% Ar) which is capable of measuring the dose in tissue rads for energies of 1--Z6D Mev. The dimensions of the chamber were 500 x 300 mm. The characteristics of the materials used in the experiments are shown in table I iof the Enclosure. Curves are given for the dose accumulation and attenuation fac- Itor for a wide beam of protons as a function of shield thickness for various mate- rials at various beam energies. The curves show good agreement with theoretiuaA I calculations. Curves are also given for the mean tissue dose in a flat phantom as ia function of the incident energy of protons in the absence of a shield. The- !curves agree quite well with theoretical calculations. The mean tiss dose D u t Ifor a flat phantom with 6 30 g/cm2 is found behind a polyethyleneXhield at 1proton incident energies 9~ 126, 260, 415 and 660 Mev. The maximum mean tissue 'dose for a thickness of 20 g/cm2 is at a proton energy of 260 Hev, while at sreaterl_- IL 1444-66 I.ACCESSION NR: AT5023157 thicknesses, the maximum comes at 415 Hev. The mean tissue dose for 415-Mev ro- p 2 i tons remains practically unchanged up to a thickness of 50-Zo g/cm of polyethylene:~ !The 660-Hev proton dose is reduced beyond this thickness by a factor of only 2. ,while the dose is practically zero at a thickness of 15 g/cmZ for 126 Mev, and the same is true at a thickness of 1640 g/cm2 for 26"ev protons. The attenuation curves for the various materials are practically identical. Thus an equivalent thickness of any of the materials studied may be substituted at proton energies of 126 and 260 Mev for a polyethylene shield. On this basis, curves are given for mean tissue dose as a function of shielding thickness for various materials at energies of 1:26 and 260 Mev.- It is found that fok, a proton energy of 260.Mev, con-1 sideration must be given to beam attenuation through inelastic interaction in the shielding materials and in biological tissue. The method used in this investiga- tion has not been verified for proton energies greater than 260 Mev and less than 126 Mev. Orig. art. has: 12 figures, 1 table. 1 14) 1 ASSOCIATION: none ;:SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: NP NO REF GOV: 006 OTHER- 007 ATD PRESS: Lgard -qj~ T, lhloh-M !ACCESSION NR: ATS023157 Mf%T AMIDr. Card,.4/! L 31-_)~1_66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023157 iMaterial TABLE 1 Chemical formula Polyethylene ........... Aluminum ............... Mixture of polyethylene and titanium hydride.. ;Lead ................. ',Mixture of polyethylene -'and (CH7) Al (CH2)n t TiH1.65 Pb (CH2) +,Pb n rensity 3 g/cm, 0.94 2.7 2.7 .11.3 li,17 1.67 2.7 ENCLOSURE: 02 Content of ele- ments, wt. C=85, 6; H = 14.4 Al 'v 100 (C117.)n 13.5; TiHj 86.5 Pb % 100 (C112) = 75; Pb=25 (CH2 )n= 50; Pb-50, (,,,)n = 26; Pb-74 n JANEVIA19 Josef ; Blq!Wn Gra DURM190. Jerzy; GMNIOX, Alfred; I=, Karia; RACHIMICZe Janusz; TYSPIR, Zofia; WCQTCUX, Andrzej Iffects of thermal balneological stimuli On the bater metabolism of the body* Polskie arch; nod. weva, 28 uO04:519-524 1958; 1; V lnstyti~tu BaUeoklinatyezuego v Ponnavitu Dyrek-tor: doe' mod. Jo Jankovisk, i s 11 Illulki Chorob Wevnetrnych A.M, . ...;=r Ifterowniki Prof. dr nod. J6 Rogukt. Adres autora; Poznan, Slowackiego 8/10 InstytvV BalneoklImatycs*; (BMY 7LUIDS, off' of thermal bathe on water-electrolyte metabolism (pob) (MKAT 0 off*' thermal bathe on water-electrolyte metab. (Pol)) (BALUOLOGY, eVre of thermal bathe = water-electrolyte metabs' (Pol)) BISKMKA,, Grazyna Clinical evaluation of bypotensive drugB. Pol. tyg. :Lek,, 17 no.15: 552-555 9 Ap 162. L Z I Kliniki ChOrOb Vownetxsnych AM v Waresavis i Przyk3.inieznej Poradni dla, Nadoinnienia Tatniesego; kierownik: prof. dr mod. Andrzej Biernacki, (ANTIHrMTENSIVE AGENTS ther) - -7xCMdYU K~Ml -CA -Sec.11 - Vol-.10/7 Ot,oRhino-Larrigo Jul5? POPSO I 1329., BISKUPSKA J. Klin. Ptolarvngol. A. INI., Warszawa, -Przemieszczenie kot L gnyKowe . Displacement of the hyoid bone OTOLARY'NG. POL. 1957, 11)1(85-87) Illus. I The author describes a case of complete displacement of the hyoid bone by about 5 cm. downwards. The displacement probably occurred during a great effort com- bined with hyperextension of the neck. The author briefly describes the pathology of the hyoid bone concerning bone fractures and lesions of the muscles and liga- ments. BISKijPSXL' Janina Burns of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and larynx by potassium permangLuate. Poleki tygod.lek. 14 no.50%2193 -D 159. 1. 2L Ili-niki laryngologloznej A. M. w Warszawie; kierownik: prof . dr nod. J. Ssymnaki. 'ANISMICS toxicol) (MOUTH wds & inj) (ISOPUMS wde & inj) MILA-USNOWSKA9 MiroslawaQ~~Uq-janlm--- Reotarative operation in nasal defects after Upusp Otolar polsim 15 uo*2#209-214 161~ 1, 2 Klinivi Otolar7ngologiamej A.M. v WanwAs Kisrovniks Prof. dr zed. J'. SzynneU NCW surg) pts OQrPl) M BISKMU9 Janfta; PESKL-USKOWSUg Xtroalawa Cuss of a mro developmental anomaly of the auricle of the sar. Otolar po23k& 15 no.2s215-217 161. I* Z Misalki Otolary%oUgiomej AM w Waresavib Uerowaiks prof. dr mod, J 837=ski iUR EXTIRM abnom) BISKUPSKA., Janina; SZD1ANSKI, Jan Laryngeal granulcma as a ccmpliOatiOn of intratracheal general anesthesia. Polski przell. chir. 33 no-5:481-484 161. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologiczenj A.M. w Wars7,awie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Szpanski. (ANESTHESIA I14TIlATRACHEAL compl) (MRUM die) (GRANnOMA etiol) BLcZMKA. Janina --- I------- Surgical therapy of lop ear. Dtolas7ng. Pole 17 no*31279-283 163* - - 1, Z Kliniki Otolaryngologiomej AM w Warazawie; kierownik: J.Szymanski& CICHOCKA-S7UMILIN, Irena; BISKIJFSY,~,.J~n~na Apropos of the surgical management of hypoplasias of the external and middle ear. Otolaryng.Av-1. 18 no.2:211-217 t64. N 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej Akademii Modycznej w Warszawle (Kisrownik: prof. J., Szymanski). P0414D/ChoLdeal TuchnoloL7. Chui,:ic-,l Pr--ducts and ThAr 11-28 Food Industry. I.-bs icrLx,. Ref 72hur-Mik.,.i., Fr.) 2) 1959, 6285. 1-Uthor Biahupslzi, List Title ConceminG thu, Estirztion of,Mathuds of StuLly of Brcaa- Bahin6l Quality of Pye ftou thu Point of Vkw of Difftrcr-cc in JUnd. OriC. Pub: Hodowla rosl., ahli::~t. i iiasicm., 1957, 1, ro 4, 579-596. 1-Ustract: 418 soxiplus of rye of varims description worc starlied by Various ;.icthocls. ExqL It per'nontal broaa bahin,-; was adi--It ed as the iost acceptablo :-m-thod- The dovolopod mthod of --kin[; Iou&-,'! with yL-ast and adclition of lextic acid proved to bL- useful f.-)r thu ~stinatiua of the quality of rye of Car(.! 1/2 POT~11ID/Chc1licn-1 Tc:cYn,.O3,:-.,,-Y- Prrducta mi(I Thluir i'.P.-Plication. Pocc! h--clustry. :,bs Tcur, Ref Zhur-10iin-, Vo 2., 1959) 6285. various description. Results of wxalyscs of various plQs of rye c1iffcrinZ in color and of 1000 (;x-ains are presented. It was established that thc- bread-baid-ng propcrtics of rye depwia on vio conaitions of Lrowth more, thma on the peculiarities of the 1tind. - Z. r-abir-shiy. Card 2/2 125 44253 8/035/62/000/0 1 2/015A%4 3, /,5-L7 A001/A101 AMOR: Biskupski, Andrzej TITIS: Calculation of the hypothetic ring of Jupiter PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zh*nal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 12, 1962, 65, abstract 12074 ("Post9py astron.", 1961, v. 9, no. 3, 171 - 172,- Polish) TEXT: The author determines the distance.? from the Jupiter surface of a ring whose existence was hypothesized by S..K. Vaekhsvyatskiy. The following formula was derived JP R (sin(P'4-X)/(sinX- - 1)), where(D*is Jovian latitude of. the Jupiter equatorial zone, k*is Jovicentric latitude of the ~un *? is independent of that understood under the term "radius of Jupiter". In the given case R is radius of spherical surface on which the ring shadow is observed. W. W16niewski [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 PORTYCH. Lessek; (KOEINWSKI, Romn; SZVALUK. francissek; WRZOLKOVA. Torsos,; BISKUMI, AlIgiuss; RUSZKMICZ, Viktor Zvaluation of the arterial system of the head of the femar in old age, Obirnars.ruchu ortop.polsks 24 no.6:499-506 159- .1. Z KlIniki Ortop*dycsnaj AN v Gdansim. Kisrownik: doc.dr A-Somer. Z Zakladn AnAtonli Patologiesnej AN v Gdanska. Kierownik: prof.dr W. Czarnooki. (FMR HUD blood supply) PORT70H, L.; WRZCLKOWA, T.; CKONDWSKI, R.; -!Tsl~~E-i 11r, - -SZWALUK, Y.; RUSZKIBWICZ, W. Morphological picture of the articular cartilage of the head of the femur In old age. Chir.narz.ruchu ortop.polska 24 no.6:507- 516 159. 1. Z Klinild Ortopeoczaej AM v Gdanskas lierownik; doc.dr A*Senger. Z Zskladu Anatonli Patologiesuej AM v Gdansku. Kierownik: prof, dr W. Czarnocki. (ram MUD pathol.) D ISKXM, L.; OKONIEWSKI, R.; MJSZKBWICZ,W.; SZWALUK, P.; SUCHOZEBRSKA, E. Radiological examination of the femoral heads using the bons plate methoa. Chir.nars.ruchn ortop.polska 24 no-6:517-523 159- 1. Z Iliniki Ortopedyesnej AM v Gdanalm. Kierownik: doe. dr A.SMer. (IMMUR UAD rudiogr.) CKON13WSKI, R.; RUSZKISWIoz, w.; SZWAMK, Y.;-4kS-KU?PKI, B., WRZOIKOVA, T.; PORTYCH, L.; SMH07"RS3[A, E. Localization of the field of fatty degeneration of the bone marrow in the upper segment of the femar In aged subjects. Chir.nars.ruohu ortop.polska 24 n0-61525-528 159- 19 Z Klinikl Ortopedycimej AK w Gdw7,skcL. Kierownik: doo.dr AsSeager i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologiesnej AN v Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. dr W. Czarnooki. (BOn MARROW pathol.) (MUR pathol,) PORTYCH, I.; OKONIWKI, R.,- RUSZKIEWICZ, W.j-, POZNIAK, Z. e SUCHOMRSKA., E.; .9 BISKUPSKI, E. Healing of experimental false joints. Chir. narz. ruchu ortop. polska 26 no.6;665-672 161. . I 1. Z Kliniki Orto AX v Gdansku Kiercwnik doc. dr A. Senger, rFMO"An3HRO31S exper) RUSZKIEWICZ, W.; OKONIEVSKI, R.; PORTYCH, L.; WRZOLKOWA, T.1 BISKUFSKI, E.; SZWALUK, F. Morphological changes in the Joint capsule of the hip and pericapsular nuscles in old,-age. CM4 narz.ruchu ortop. polska 26 no-3-.235-242 161. I. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM v Gdansku Kierownik; doc. dr A.Senger oraz a Zakladu Anatomli Patologicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik:. prof. Sr W.Czarnocki. (HIP pathbl) (AGRG) DUNAJ, Weronikai BISKUPSKI, Eligiusz , Microscopic studies on the sternocleidomastoid muscle J-n congenital myogenic torticollis. Chir. narzad. ruchu, ortop. Pol. 29 no.2:243- 250 164- 1. Z Kliniki OrtopedyC2nej Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. A. Senger). BISKUFSKI, J. Weldability of carbon steel. P. 165 (PHEMAD SPAWALNICTWA) (Idarazaws, Poland) Vol. 9, , o.6, June 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 195F BISKUPSKI, Jerzy, doe., mgr. inz.; SLUZALEC, Adolf, mgr. inz. Influence of aging upon the mechanical properties of welded joints of St 37S stool. Prxegl spaw 14 no.6:161-164 Je 162. 1. Politechnika, Czestochowa. L BISKUPSKI, Jerzy, doe. mgr ins. Slide rale for estimating time iA mmial electric are welding. Przegl apaw 15 no-309-#2 Mr 163. I ANT,I Brc F Up!1I I) K. , -r, ,h cly a n 1'. 15, "Re.,.-iClnbrarc,~s frcn the jAkr in the Tmshc a, Ilcurt j- F0. P, August 1954, Warsaw, Prlard) I SO: lbrthdy List of East F opean Ac~,cssi orl-s (F- JIJ,), 1, ",, Vcl. ." , K, . 3, Maroh 1955, 'Urcl. BISKUPSKI, K. "Tadeusz Garczynsld'u S-,)ort i DW (82crts and Tourism); A book Review." pe 23 (TOTWA. 110. 11) Nov. 1954; lfamawa,, Poland,) So: Monthly List'of Last European Accessions) (MAL), LG) Vole 4.1 1400 h) April 1955., unal.. BISYUPSYIp K. EI-2YUPSY!, Y. !Lxploration of the ct.untry in the activities of the Fc,lish Tourist and Ccuntry Lore Lssociation. p. 6. Vol. 2, No. 4, April, 1955 TURYSTA. Warszawa, Poland GECCRAPHY & GEOLOGY Sot East Europeon Accessions, Vol. 5, May 1956 POUM/Chemical Tbcbnology - Chemical Products and 7heir H-28 Application. Food Industry. Abe Jour : nof zhur - Khimiya~ No 8? 1958, 26807 Author : Biskupski Mieczyslaw Inst Title Heat Management In the Process of Grain Dryifig. Orig Pub Przegl. zboz.-nlynarakil 1957, lt No 5, 8-9 Abstract Description of the procedure of elementary computations of beat balance-of grain-drying units, and listing of factors vhich induce high output and econorlic operation of driers. Card 1/1 B;SIWtSb;, !-,,. AGPJCULTU."iE perit,dicals: I.-RUGLAD Z2OZCW'%,IY!TARSKI Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1959 BIKI,IPSKI, M. I~ater turbines or electric motors? P. 5. Mont'hily T-i-zt of East European Accessions (EZPI) LC Vol. F, ljc-, 5 A may 1959, 1-'nclass- -at pe"I"ll Ale p2cotelds ON$ OOA oat 008 armak 00 it if f. 6, 0 Ila 44 10-Imr SO . wbesi MO., P, T. xw - a a Novi so.0~ goal fee we*. A 18 - I L A alIALUNI&C" U. AIM CLOWCATM slow SIVIGISVE V"&Av taboo* .10 a.. SPA&DI Ali U 0 At 1 0 AS 0 a w 0 N jw 0 N W-W LA -3-gal Iff X iff m am ILIK LA BISKUPSKIY, M.m. -4 -... "I .. ;, ~ I I Biology of the maturation of embryos in -,ome cereals. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. nauk no.2:3.3-16 F 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vsesoyruzn~-,y nauchno-issledovatellskly selektslonno-geneti.cheskiy institut imeni lorsenkc. BISKUPSKY) V. "A training center at Biely Vah." p. 224 VESTRIK. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 6p No. 4, 1959 Monthly list of Dist Diropean Accession Index (EEIA), Library of Congress, Vol. 8, No. 7, JUly, 1959, Unclassified BISKUMNY, UwUmjr, dr., ins. The role of county agricultural and forestry associations. Vestnik vYzk zemedel 9 no.7:363-365 162. le Vyskumny ustav leansho hospodaretvap pracovioko Bratislava, BISLIS, A. P.: Master Mad Sci (diss) -- "The development of the masticating organ and the state of the oral cavity in preschool children as a function of living conditions". IMunas., 1958. 24 pp (Min Health Lithuanian SSR, Kaunas State Mod Inst), 150 copies (XL, No 5, 1959, 155) BIHT,ISj B4 L, SAVIFIA, 19. D., PRAMMIMIME, A. AM COROMIOV, V. V. "The influence of the vitamin D and cobalt on the wMitt quality of sow increase." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 7, 1960, P- 71 s - kf d - T) r FjYTU OVA, -Ye.Ap kand. sell skokhoz.nauk; OORCKHOV, V.V., veterin.vrach; BISLIS~ BI.,, veterinevrach; SAVINA, N.D., mootekbnik Effect of vitamin D and cobalt an the quality of the litter of a sow. Veterinariia 37 no.7M45 JI 160a (MIR& 16:2) (Vitamins-D) (Cobalt-Physiologioal effect) (Owbe--Diseases and posts) BISLOUKH, L. A. and VORONIN, A. V. "An Investigation of the Heat Emitted From the Surface of Contact System Conductors," The Works of the Scientific-Research Institute of Railroad Transportation (Trudy vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta. zheleznodorozlmogo transporta, No 42, Transzheldorizdat, 132 pp, 1951. W-22517, 29 Apr 52 SISM. ~ A.G. BISNEK, A..Q. and K.I. SHAFRANOVSKII. ... BibliogrcLfiia bibliografii Srednei Azij. MRSkYap AN SSXR--p 1916. 48 p. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Institut vostakovedeniia). "Otdellnyi ottisk iz isdaniia 'Bibliografiia Vostokal, no. 8-~-9 (1935)". cty NN DLC: 23411.AlB62 SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified. 9%~-C~44747 EW(1)IFSS-2 TTMW "T AP `~~ CC N" 60~Ml 4 SOURCE COM UR/0033/66/o43/oo4/O76i/o7Ti AUVOR: ~Bienovatyy-Kogan, G. 8,; Kazhdan, Ya. M. ,1 ORG: none TITLE: Critical stellar parameters SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 4, 1966, 761-771 TOPIC TAGS: star, stellar parameter, otar stability, iooentropePSrrz1_,qA1_ ABSTRACT: The points of lose of stability of stars, which have exhausted their nuclear fuel, have been computed by the approximate energy method for masses in the range M = 5M. - lOOOM.. Stars with a-constant entropy per unit mass were considered rope with the -index n = 3 was assumed. Mass distribution according to Emden's polyt Similar computations for n = 1.5 showed that the difference in Scrit and the central t and p does not exceed 10%. The i8oentropeA were calculated for the ranges' t crit oFtemperature 1 < T < 200 and density I < P < 103 At lower temperatures or 9 densities the P, E, Cy, Cp/Cv and Y functions were computed along the isoentropes. The critical points were computed with allowance for small effects of the general theory of relativity. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas, 8 figures, and 3 tables. SUB COM 03/ SUBM DATE- 17Dec65/ ORIG REF: olo/ On REF: oo8 Card 1/1'a1-1 TZC, SPIL877 FILATOV, V.; BISNOVATYY,-L*---. We are helping the villages. Okhr.truda i sots.5trakh. 4 no.11: 15 N 61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Glavnyy tekhnicbeskiy inspektor Kemerovskogo oblsovprofa (for Filatov). 2. Tekhnicheskiy inspektor Kemerovskogo oblsovprofa (for Bisnovatyy). (Agriculture--Safety measures) 1. PETROV, S. - BISNOVATYY, S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Bearings (Machinery) 7. kssemb4 and disassembly of intifriction bearings of the S-4 self-propelled combine, Tekheov. MTS 13 no, 35, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. TU. .YkandiZ-tTteihnIcheskIkh nauk; A V. 1.A., inshener; T,V. ASTVATSATUROV, G.G., inzhener; B1330- Inzhener; BURIULHM- X0, A.Y., inzhener; GURWNIK, nznener; GORBUNOV, N.Y., inzhe- ner; ZLATKOVSKIY, A.P., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, KATTS, N.V., in- zhener, KITATIT. A.S., inzhener; 10ZLOV. A.M.. inzhener; LZONOV, P.T., inzhener; LIVSHITS, L.G., kandidat tekhnioheakikh nauk, LIB33W . A.R.. insbener; LINNIK, Ye.M.. inshener; LUKANOV, N.A., inzhdAer; MOROZOV, S.A., inthener; POGORUTT, I.P., kandidat tekhniche8kIkh nauk; PETROV, S.A., kaudidat tokbutchesklkh nauk; PYATITSKIT, B.G., inzhener; RABO- CHIY, L.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SILIVANOV, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; IWXRG, B.S., kandidat tekbuicheskikh nauk; CHISTTAKOV, V.D., Inshener; GHUNIKHIN, V.X., Inshener; SHIRWIT, A.I., inshener; SHCHUPAK. A.D., inshener-, KUCHUXOV, P.S.. inshener. redaktor. PATROV. S.A.; PISTRYAKOV, A.L. redaktor; BAMOD, A.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Handbook of equipsent for repairins tractors and agricultural machine- ry). Spravochnik po oborudovanilu dlia resonts, traktoroy i sellskokho- sialetyennykh mashin. Xoskya. Goo. isd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1954. 646 p. (MI-RA 7;11) (Tractors--Repairing) (Agricultural machinery--KairLtenance and repair) BISN)VATYY,S.I. ......... Operation and maintennce of the S-4 self-propelled combine] Tekhnicheskala ekspluatatelia samokhodnogo koubsins. S-4 Moskva, Tradrazervisdat. 1955. 82 p. (MLRk 8:12) (Covabines (Acricultural aRchinery)) ARTINOYEV, Yu.N., kand. tekbn. nauk; ASTVATSATUROV, G.G., in1b.; BARABANOVJ. V-Ye., inzh.; BARTKDV, G.A., inzh.; B101 fATYT, S.1 inzb.; GALAYEVA, L.M.., inzh.; GALIPERIN,. A.S.,. kand. tekhn. muk; GALICHENKOp I.L.-ftzh.; GONCHAR, I.S.p kand. tekhn, nauk; DEGTYAREVI I.L,, kand, teklm. nauk; DIADYUSHKO) V.P.p inzh.; YF11MAKOV, I.N.p inzh.; ZHOTKEVICH, T.S., inzh.,- ZUSMANOVICH, G.G., inzh.; KAZAKOV, V.K... inzh.; KOZLOV, A.M., inzh.; KOROIEV, V.A.j, inzh.; KRIVENKO, P.M.., kand. tekhn. nauk; IAPITSKIY, M.A*,, inzh,; LEBEM K.S.p inzh.; LIHERW, A.R.,, inzh.; LIVSHITS, L.G... kand. tekbn. Lai LOEEV, V.N., inzh.; UJKANOV, M.A., inzh.; LYUBCHMKO, A.Ms, inihs; MAMEDOVp AXI kmid. tekhn. nauk; MATVEYEV, V.A.0 inzh.; ORMSKIY, N.N., inzh.; POLYACHENKO, A.V., kand. tokhn.nauk,- POPOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; PUSTOVAIDV, I.I., inzh.; PYTCBENKO, P.I., inzh.,- PYATETSKIY, B.G.,, inzh.; RABOCHIY, L.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROLIBIN, Te.M.# inzh.,-, SELIVANOV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; SEMOV, V.M., inzh.; SKOROKHOD, I.I.j. inzh.; SIABODCIHKCYV, V.I., inzh.; STORCHAK, I.M., inzh.; STRADYMOV, F.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; SUKHINA, W.V., in2h.; TIMOFEYEV, N.D.,, inzh.; =SOV, I.M., kand, tekhn. nauk; FIIATOV, A*Gsp inzb,,, KHODOV, L*P,, imbs; KHROMETSKIlp P.A.,, ind2.; TSVETKCVp VeSs.. inzh.; TSEYTLINj B.7e.p inzh.; SHARAGIN, A.M., inzb.,- CHISTYAKOV, V.D., inzh.; BUDIKO, V.A., red.; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) ARTEMIYEV, Yu.N.- (continued) Card 2. [Manual on the repair of machinery and tractors] Spravochnik po, remontu mashinno-traktornogo parka. Pod red. A.I.Selivanova. Moskvap Sellkbozizdat. Vols.1-2. 1962. (MIRA 15-.6) (Agricultural rachinery-Maintenance and repair) (Tractors--44aintenance and repair) S~A.; BIS"ll(NUTY. Ei.A.., rea. f de,.L: rx~;e-i i ffit:j)aJr :~f agricultu7ral i;ta,:hlres and tombiriesj Romorft ,qEjl'skokhozAaJstverujy'kn uinobin A koinuain(:v. l4ouva, Koloss, iWA. 462 P. 00,~.Llu -1?:Ij.) a EWF -66 =VT EWALMJZ~ GW i2o2g __JR0 C NRs AmDow SOURCE CODE: UR/0384/65/0DO/005/0a7l/0073 AUTHORt Binnove 40gan. 0. S. ORG: none yy TITLEt The gravitation conference in Tbilisi SOURCE: Zemlya i Vaelennaya,, no. 5., 1965., 71-73 TOPIC TAGSt gravitation field, gravitation wavet general relativity theory, starp galaxy, geophloic peruonnel, physics personnel, physics conference, geophysic con- ference, graVi ation, solar system, cosmology ABSTRACT: The Second Soviet gravitation _P~Qnfq nco, at lb 41~was attended by theoretical and experimental physicists, astronomers, and geologists, and also by scientists from Bulgaria,, F-patGermanny, and Poland. The conference opened with a report by academi 01 on the Fundamental Principles of Einstain'3 _Thto~of ~Gr4jvitation.n A. Z. PD4~"' , r9port nOn Gravitational Waves gave a surve , in the Modern Theory of Gravitation.n V. B. Brag716 examined the experimental _gKggj_nsK3,y possibilities of the detection of gravitii_tiona~ wav9p, ..The report of academician Aia B Zelldovich. "The Inevitability of the Gen/eral'P'mo=_.QtjjQU 4 0 . wns )'a_ev7o;Ee_d -to lfs__pro~tection from fruitless attempts to modernizo it, A kinetic theory of relativistic gas"is~s developed in a report by Pit Cho -,~'-A second report __Ap_Chernikoy .0 by Zelldovicb was devoted to the cosmological problem. Reports by Kh. P membwor of the Estonian AcademV of Sciences, !j. H. Miranishvill, associate C-.rA L UM-M FiEc- ta AF60DO668 menber of the Georgian AoadeV of Sciencesy and their colleagues were devoted to the relationship between the Einstein and Newtonian theories of gravitation', the Pb"i- cal Interpretation of certain solutions, the energy-moneatum tensor of the gravitational field. Professor D, Do I= reported on the possibility of creat- I_f-vv oxmined a method of describing the ing a unified field thftry.-~/Jj- Rqdio~ grAvitational field by means of the no-coned tetrad formilation. The quantum effects of vitatio=2 M2 p described in a joint work by D. D. Ivanenko and Yu. Ntdfra Ia. F- W604kiy discussed R,JWpothesio of the e3detence -alrov. of bodies with negative men* Re 4, 7, S=o* Theory of a Locally Heterogeneous UaversO) and A, 5, K and A, S. C ("Solution of the P Gravi PA Equatlicus onogenecus AnIsotro 2") we" devoted to cosmlog3r., G- -111 p Yne Lo V, Ch="Tgdave a report entitled "Theory yakan AM I. -;~Wi Bodies.4,111.1 D. Novikov reported on the ftelativistic Stages of Superdense Him ;di ~'A of the latest experioengh, tare 12. in the Evolution of Stk". ;, __~data on atWerLt and cosmic sourcel Of -"Wa.440+14 Yas given by L Be 5hkl _- --7 and a M. 2:~; The conference a won sod and success il, At a session of the Soviet Gravitational Consission in Thilbip it was resolved that the third Soviet GravItation Conference --t be hold in three Yoara. A fifth international conference on gravitation anst be hold sisnAtanscusly. If the international conference is hold at Fbacovp then bDth conferences will bo coebloods SO OD1X:2D,o3/SMM DATEs none BISNOVATYY-KOGAN, G.S. (Moskva) Viscosity of a partially ionized two-temperature plasma. PMTFF no.2t 74-78 Mr-Ap 165, (MIRA 18:7) ACCESSION h2s AP4041191 so AUTHDRs !LsnoVttY!K-K-N!~9 TITIEs Heat transfer and diffusion in, partia1ly Ionized Wo iemperature plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy makhaniki I tekhnicheskoY fisiki, no. 3, 19640 43..U 6PIC TAGS: heat transfer, Ion~zed plasmap two temperature plasmi, Boltzmann 'heat flow, diffusion .equation, Chapran Erwkog method, electron temperature,, ,vector, elastic collision wfiere the temperature of 'ABSTRACT: The author studies partiklly ionized plasm electrons may differ from the -temperature of heavy particles. He solves a system of Boltzmann equations for such plasma in a magnetic field by the Chapman-Enskog method and obtains tensors relating heat flow and diffusion rates and temperature gradients and dirfudion vectors, The limits of applicability of sucb a solution for completely ionized plasma have been given by R. Iandshoff (Transport phe"U"U"M a completely ionized gas in the presence of magnetic field. Phys. Rev., .v..76, p. 9041; 1951, v. 82, p. 4a. -(Rusek, per* Probl, Soyr, fiz,9 IL, 1956t No 2 'and H. Schirmer and LFriedrich.(Die slootrische LaitMigkoit sines Plasmas. Z. Physik, 1958, B. 1510 H. 2v S. 174j 1958t' B. 1510 H. 3, S. 375; Dio Cued ACUSSION UR: AP4041191 Virnesfihigkeit sines Plasms. Z. Phrik, 1959S B. 153p H. 5; S. 563; (Runsk. per. ab. Dwizhushchayasya plaual, n's 1961.),, These conditions are also necessary for applicability in the present work. It is also necessary that the plasm be ' "strongly ionized" in the sense of V.'L. Ginsburg and A. V. Gurovich (Nelineyw*Ys 7avleniya v Plames naModyishche~wya v peremennom vlaktr6wagnitum po~*. Uspekhi ifiz. nauk,, 1960, ve 70 2), Orig, art, has 1.55 formulas* -~MWIATION: none -SUWMEDs 20Feb64 INCLt 00 SUB GOIEs TD V.D MW SOV: OTMc 007 Cwd 2A Z'~l o KK 2ig BISNOVATYY-KOGAII, G.S.- Critical mass of a hot iaotheimal white 4-Warf considering the effects of the general theory of relativity. Astron. zhur. 43 no. 1.689-95 Ja-F 166 (MIRA 19t2) 1. Submitted June 18, 1965. DIS., YO 17SLIKY, 1. .Nitridin.- of ft rrochromc- and ferromancineses ps KOHASSZATI LOI-'OK. (Yigyar ;Danyaszati es Koliaszati E-9yestilet) i~-uda, f:~st, liung--iry. 1o1. 15, no. I", jelt. 1?59. 'lonthly List of East luropeart Accessions LC, 'iol. (-. no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. /3 ) s c v-p7sl(l /. 7 A_ USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22520 1-5 Author Bisovetskly, T. Ya. Inst Title Means of Increasing the Effectiveness of Fertilizers Administered to Sugar Beets. Orig Pub: V sb.: 8-ya nstuch. konferentsiya 18-20 marta 1954 g., Kiev, Selkhozgiz UkrSSR, 1955, 12-13 Abstract: The most effective and most profitable fertilizer for sugar beets is manure in combination with mineral fertilizers (half and half). Not less than 70% of the totally planned quantity should be uti- lized in the original application of fertilizers. Card 1/1 -35- EIISMTSUY. -VA Rffectiveneas bf manure wA composts prepared by various methods in the woodqc~-.steppe,of the right-bank area of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Agrobiologiia. no,'5t737-741 S-0 162. OfMA 15M) 1. Belotserkovskaya. opytno-selektsionnaya stantsiya. (Ukraine--Farm manure) (Ukraine--Ccmpost) BISOVETSKII T,Ya. Hathodo for applying fertilizers to sugar beeto, Zamladelio. 24. no,10: 55-W 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Be*tserkovskaya opytno-nelekt9ionnaya stantsiya. (Bel0a TSerkovt Diatrict-Sugar beete-Fertilisers and manures) BISOVETSKIY, T,Ya. ..- . %-- ~ i~c`reaaing the fertility and productivity of soils. Zemle- delie 25 no.11:34-38 N 163. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Belotsorkovakaya ogrtno-selaktaionnaya stantsiya.