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VORONKOV, M.G.j BnYUKOV, I.P. Problem of the additive scheme of calculation of a mean frequency in the nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrum of organylehlorosilAnot-. Tenret. I sksper. khim. I no.1:122-124 J& 165. W,,-I;.uws',mPtdrupole resonance spectra of chlorogermanSE. Ibid.i!24-126 -.- (MIRA 18;7) I.InsT,:Lzut organicheskogo sinteza AN Latviyakoy SSR, Riga. BIR I I.-P.; VOROKKOV, M.G.; BABICH, E.D.; ARKHIPOVA, T.N.; VDOVIN, V.M.; ---ITArz7KT?r, N.S. Nuclear quadrupole resonance of 1,1-dichloro and 1-w-thyl-l- chloro-l-silacycloalkanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.6:1336-1338 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteza AN LatvSSR i Ins-Litut neftakhimicheakogo sinteza im. A.VTopchiyeva AN SaA. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nametkin). _~QtQV, M.G.; SAFIN, I.A. Study of' the induction effent of substituonts In organoohlorosilanes by the nualear quadrupole resonance method. Tearet. i eksper. khim. I no.3073-380 Vq-Ja 165, (MTRA 180) 1. Institut organicheakogo elnteza AN Latviyokoy &SR, Riga. -.I%BIRYUKOV ; VORONKOVP M.G.; MOTSAREV, G.V.; ROZENWRG. V.R.; SAFIR. I.At ...J.I.P. Naclear quadrupolo renonanoe mothod of atudying organosilican ccupounds containing Si-Cl and C-02 bonda. Dokl. AN 555R 162 no.lWO-132 )V 165. (MIU 1815), 1. lutitut organichaskoRo sintesa AN tatviyakoy SSR i Kazanskiy fiziko-takbnich^akiy institut AN SSSR. Submitted November 17. 1964. BIjmtjKOv i p, .1 .-1 VORONKOVp M. G.; SAFIN, 1. A. Correlation between the mean frequency of the nuclear quadrupolm resonmea aad the induction constant of substituents in organyl- chlorosilanes. D&I, AN SSSR 165 ne,,4057-859 D 165. (MIRA 18t12) 1. Inatitut organlehaskogo sinteza AN lAtvSSR, Submitted April 12, 1965. ACHANW, V.A.; BARSKOT, I.M.; BIR=QV.,J.9.-,--B03ODIfip, L.Ta.; BRIE=, M.N.; GORWIp B.Te.; GuXimb-n-k.4i ZORKATA, N.M.; IOTRTW, A.I.; KAYDALOTA, O.N.; KAPUNIN, Tool.; T=J~WVA, X.Ao; LSOXOTTSIT, ToAo; LYSUK0, V.P,; KARK11i A.B.; NIMIMOT. N.N.; NISTIM. 1.T.; NICHATET, N.To; NIKCLISKIT, A.T.-, OSTRDUKHOT. K,Ta,; P1SARZH3VSKIY,'0.N.; POLtYBOTARINOT. M.N.; POPOV, Tu.T.-, PRASOLOT, X.A -, POUTAM9 Tugo; RIMBERGp, A.M.; RYABOV, V.8p; SWOVo B.Fo; 6P;;ZSXATAo To*Ao; TAKO1Wp X.F.; TRITONOVA, G.K.; T" IMOVA, V.I.j SKMEMUMV, G.Kho-, SMEJU=- IOTA, O.P.; S190MING0 KoGe; XTML.IKS, B.i.; MIXARLTAN, E.A,, redo; XUKHIN, Tu,As, toklmoredo [U.S.S.R. as, it is; a pop~alar illustrated handbook] SSSR kak on set". popullarayi illiustrirovannyi spravochnik. Moskva, Gosoizd-vo polit. lit-ry. 1959. 462 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Rusia), ; 1, ~~Hv - -,,,- 1, , ZQ, mm, - ~ , r, . ~x ~1 : ,g7, h pm too 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 004110,0000 0:0 0 a ,:040 1 1 If oil 91334 OlIsms *041424341 'if Ift A a C a x _L -61 8 1, 1 AN TL~,~A I I- . 01 ter, g! tf ?99 Igo ke 19. roof 4,VTPCO rt.,t,Lt Ittllt-I Me owl it ,)I -Y pull mit gilt) luv!lIujjljqp lilt* top" 'N % 111) 'Pal Ai""M fits;p pi- ul Jan- 0 -Wbqpm 00 400, J11111114 On m m a w T- I -T- 4 L `1 0 5 J 11 11 -r--v 7 v a Lm It stax ItR an tin Il;,w V a $t a PC V a a IN I) m 11 11 It a 6 1 1 0 p 11 4 a 10 It , IN It M U IN 11 t t it 4 Is bb - i -M $ND 04OPM ..v# I his with rubber. 1. V, Fla, untim cho=w .4m. z7 -1 RPM& kil, .14 S kc". toom(livol R.) 1"0, N.7. .100".-Dals air X43,11 m) Illimil., .4 No4sivinyt and TltllA,4-Nm-l.ivh,v1 hw nmOr's ClWth. 4111P., With IJWII Vllh~4111$41i,41 it% WAICI At 11111". 11w rffrvts ot XiAphile. IIAL. Ill. A atut V awl No lwl mt Ill. rukvinisviles h*1 1%." pliv.. stu'll Mvlt.~ -00 muls. 110krille C 1161 l"Of tm%t. hall *" l1n"ti-4Act-%jv -1111mv. *lilt 140.14- see Simi witillim, 111A,4 lowlt oilt xii4l,1111'. tallit.114ACIL AM "Willie salill" M% All.1 .06 7.25%. moisturv) Wvte 1xillitil aft" . - 1l S i h 1 l d fi i I . . %f 4 41c% .K14 t cats CA tw1 il val c wiltrilt l A l a** ThlAttl **I No 1-M1111 %fill ..I% it Vill. mli ?At I.m i i wil. n Wolff. air l 0 ol : ow ,- ~* , 41 i TICI C too 0 A I is I L a - A SIVAI.LUR&Kat 1,111111-10011 CL&%W U 9 0 0 0 9 1~1 go, 1, 110-0 I -1o s -&A W KW t, 1 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 see 00 0 0 0 0 1111111 00000 0 0 0 ole 0 0 0 go a es *go** 9 W-- -T 7 g Bmmov, I.V. Now packing materialso Nashinastroitell noolOt2" 0 165, (MIRA 18:10) BIRYUNDV, I.V.. Inzh. Tupmved traction drive of the IMI, electric train. Itlek. i tepl. tlW 4 no.5:17-18 Ny 160. (MMA 13:7) (Blectric ruilwav motors) MOLODIKOV, V.A.., inzh.; BIRYUKOV, I V inzh, L-=:-u Purpose of tests and measuring equipment. Trudy MIIT no. 121:4-8 160. (ElectrIx railroads) (KIRA 14'-4) -BIRYUKOVI I.V.s, inzh. Dynamics and reliability of the drive section of the ERI electric train. TX-4dy MIIT no. 121:98-121 160, (19RA 14:4) (Railroad motorcars) BIRYUKOV, I. V. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Dynamics and strength of traction drive of the ER-1 electric train." Leningrad, 1961. 20 pp with dia- grams; (Ministry of Railways USSR, Leningrad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers imeni Academician V. N. Obraz- tsov); 180 copies; price not given; (KLI 6-61 sup, 214) BMYUKOV.% Ieve ) inzbe G7roscopic phenmena in the traction drive of the Ml electric train. Trudy 141IT no.135:66-77 'Lt. (IURA 15: 1) (Electric lacomotives) (Clutchep-QUakinery) ISOEV, Igor' Petrovich; MOLODIKOV, Vasiliy AlekoarArovich;-IMP-hLOV, Ivan VyacbealavovichA LAZARYAN, V.A.,, doktor tekhn. ==k$ rels-onsent,-PEROVA,, A.A., kand. tekbn. nauk,, red.; VCROBIYEVA, L.V., tekbn. red. [Fundamentals of progiamming and solving of traction and dynamics problems of the rolling stock of electric railroads by means of electronic computers]Osnovy programmirovaniia i reshenie zadach tiagi i dine"JU elaktropodvizhnogo sostava na elektro=Vkh vycbis3.itellrqkh mashinakh. Moskva, Trans- zholdorizdat, 1962. 185 po (MIFLA 15:10) (Electric i%d1roads-44extegement) (Electronic computers) BIRIuKoV, I.V. inzh.; SAVCHUK., I.A., inzh.; EERLOVSKIY, G.O. Rubberizing of apparatus and pipes vith abonite. BIM-prom. 37 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Treat po ichimicheskoy zaah6hite metalloy Glavmekb=cmontasba Minil3terstva, stroitellstva, predpriyatiy metallurgicheskoy i Ichimicheskoy promyshlennosti SSSR. (Protective coatings) (Rubbdrp Synthetic) S/081/62/000/008/057/057 B158/B101 /5-193190 AUTHOR: Biryukov. 1. V. TITLE: The effect of polyethylene on the chemical stability of rubber PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 8, 1962, 604, abstract 8P360 (Vesta. tekhn. i skon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Soy. Min. SSSR po khimii, no. 2, 1961, 33-34) TEXT: To increase the chemical stability of rubber coverings made of mixtures of natural rubber, CK6 (SK,3), and polyisobutylene, 110-160 parts by weight of polyethylene were introduced (per 100 parts by weight of rubber). The mixtures were pressed for 10 min at 1500C and 200 atm. with subsequent cooling to 70-800C. The vulcanizates obtained were held for 60 hr at 55-600C in 36~4 H01 and 50~, 112S04 parallel with similar vulcanizates without polyethylene. The mixtures with polyethylene swell 4 times less in HC1 than mixtures without polyethylene. The stability of mixtures with polyethylene to qo~ 11 so is lower, but to 87% H so is greater than for 1 2 4 2 4 Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/008/057/057 The effect of polyethylene ... B158/B101 mixtures without polyethylene. The mixtures with polyethylene do not swell in benzene, toluene or acetone after 50 days at -200C. The greatest stability to aggrebsive media is shown by mixtures containing V)1*1 polyisobutylene. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 S1 1231621000101210081010 Aoo4/Aiol AUTHOR: _Biryukov, I. V,,, TITLE: The causes of corrosion of the -II(R-1) electrolyzers and protection methods PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhumal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1962, 55, abstract 12B342 (I'Vestn. tekhn. i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po khimii", 1961, no. 11, 35 - 38) TEXT: The author analyzes the causes of corrosion of metallic electrolyzers with mercury cathode, He presents the results of investigations for protecting them from corrosion. It is pointed out that the bath cover* get out of commission owing to the destimation of the ebonite and subsequent metal corrosion by gaseous chlorine. 'For repairing single sections of the bath coversidevices with chrome- plated operating surfacq are suggested, these devices being fitted with a winding of. 3~ichrome wire. The author presents the investigation results on the selection of more dependable materials for protecting the baths than the 1751 grade dbonite used. For the bath protection he suggests the 1752 grade ebonite which contains Card 1/2 5/123/6Z/000/012/008/010 The causes of... Aoo4/AIO1 crude rubber wIth C K~ (SKB) additives. To improve the protection of the equip- ment of mercury electrolyzers still further it is expedient to use ebonite on the base of 100% HK (NK) a#d a coating consisting of a layer of chloroprene glue, ebonite and rubber from'chloroprene oaoutchoue. The author describes a method of fixing the chloropreno-ebonite facing with chloroprene rubber glue. There are 7 figures. [Abstracter's ncji,--: jom'plete translation] Card P_/2 L 17786-46 Ma(m)/EWP(J)/T/ZTC(m)a4 IVAN ACC NR: AP60D4656 SOURCE COVE I UR/OU7/65/000/010/0029/0029 I AUTHOR i Biryukey, I, V, ORG I none TITIE& Nov sealing materials SOURCE: Mashinostroitellp no. 10, 1965p 28-29 TOPIC TAGSs hermetic seal polytetrafluoroothylenet graphitop fluid Vump. thermal stability, chemical stability, friction cosfficient~ sealing device, PUMP ABSTRACT., The &se of po~trafluqroothylano kith additions of natural (argon- tous) graphiiel5and oil I-or MA4114 pump cupa Ts%xamined. The cups are prossod in collapsible molds (see Fig. 1) at room temperature under a pressure of from 2.5 to 15 k9/cm2. The cups are obtained in the form of rings of rectangular cross section. SealePof polytetrafluoroethylone operate well in such media as benzene, toluene with an admixture of 75% sulfuric acid, p7robenzol, kerosene, tetrachloroethane with an admixture of carbon black., hemachloroethane,, hydrogen chloride,, trichloroethylone., otbylone chlorohydrin, chlorino with an admixViare Card 1/2 62-233:678.,5 7, BIRYUKOV,, :~j -,-kixnd. tekhn. nauk; MATVEYEVICHEV, A.P., inzh. ,_4 z, ... Use of analog computers in modeling the vertical dynamics of the motor cars of ER2 electric trains. Trudy MIN no.207: 1-131-127 165. (MRA 19: 1) MMON07A., VA. prof,,* N07ITSKIY,, R*I, dotoorit; ADISMAN, N.A,' in2h.; , BfiK erocappensioner'O soyuznogo znacheniya; LAVRI~NTIIW, _&~O ~ .fi;,~ ... tematichaskikh nauk; TOL4)KONSKIY, N.I.9dotoant Immortalize the memory of S.OWizelo Svetotekhnika, 7 no*6:28-29 a s&L, (M 14t6) Sergei OniparioI BIJITUIOV, L. (C.Aktyabinak) Is the building mateirilmle Industry LWIng. fteas keep. ne.9832ft33 8 9566 (Balmiag materis") (MM 9 , i0) 30313 1.5c)oo S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/E135 AUTHORS: Simkin, G.S., Lukin, I.V., and Biryukov, LVI.. TITLE: Radio interferometer for measuring large lengths PERIODICAL: lzmeritelvnaya tekhnika, no.10, 1961, 8_10 TEXT: The KhGIMIP has elaborated a method using a two-beam radio interferometer on centimetre waves, designed for checking large inside gauges and fixed mark measures. The interferometer in based on Froome's apparatus for measuring the velocity of light. The operational principle of the instrument is illustrated in t diagram. The generator (2) radiates energy on centimetre waves along the wave guide to A, where it is divided; one beam goes outside through a lens mounted in a conical outlet (7), the other is directed in the opposite way to a closed limb (8) containing an interference attenuator. Both beams are reflected back to A, the outer one having met a plane mirror (5) placed at a variable distance, 6 to 20 m, and mounted on a carriage (4) which moves along the rails (6) in the direction of the beam. The two beams interfere at A and the corresponding effect is observed by means of an oscilloscope, which is the essential part of a detecting Card 1/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring ... S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/EI35 system (9) shown surrounded by a dotted line. The frequency of the generator is stabilised in part (3) containing a volume resonator of high quality and checked in the measuring system (1) consisting of a highly stable quartz generator, operation on 100 kc/s, a frequency multiplier and a counter. As the instrument operates at two different distances between the outlet lens and the mirror (the difference being the distance measured), the amplitudes of the two reflected signals must be made equal without change of phase, which is ensured by the attenuator. The measuring carriage (4) moving along the axis of displacement is equipped with three microscopes, two of which serve to maintain the mirror in the required direction and the third being used for observing the marks on fixed mark measures. The measure tested is fixed along the rails on special blocks below the carriage. For measuring interior gauges two stays and a reading device are fixed to the rails. The princ�ple of the Instrument-resembles very much that of an optical interferometer; it must however be mentioned that, as the frequency stability cannot be obtained as high an in the case of the latter, the frequency should be calculated depending on the Card 2/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring s/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/EI35 prevailing conditions, from the formula X = U (1) nf where: c - velocity of light; X - wavelength; f - frequency; n - refractive index of air, The correct value of the length measured, LX, reduced to normal conditions, can be obtained from the formula: L_X LN + -A+ AL (2) - 2 - t:tcn+6 where: L nominal or approximate'value of the length; computed fraction of the length in ma; A - readings of the reading device; 6Lt - correction for the linear expansion of the measure; en correction for the refractive index of air and water vapour; correction for diffraction. Values of the refractive indexes, corrected for temperature and pressure, and diffraction have been taken from tables or worked out according to known formulae and nomographs were prepared and uded for quick calculation of ALt, cn and b. A series of Card 3/ 6 30313 S/ll5/6l/oOo/olo/oq,2/oo3 Radio interferometer for measuring...# t 1 E198/EI35 ~ OW- measurements have been carried out with success, although the conditions in which the work proceeded were difficult in some respects, e.g. the lack of a thermostatic installation which necessitated a number of additional precautions and supplementary calculations. However, the method proved to be reliable for the lengths up to about 30-40 M. To minimize the influence of the waves' reflection from the walls and other objects, adsorbers of wooden planks and shields were used, so placed as to disperse the incident energy as much an possible. Moreover, each measurement was made twice with a displacement equal to X/4. The mean square error for all the results obtained amounted to 1.6 - 2.0 x 10-6. Further improvement in the accuracy of measurement can be obtained by carrying out the process in thermostatic surroundings, improving the determination of the refractive index of water vapour and of the diffraction error, as well as further improvements in the construction of the particular parts of the radio interferometer. All these tasks are being currently worked on in the USSR. The aim is to achieve an accuracy not lower than 2 - 5 x 1o-7. Card 4/6 YELISTRATOV, V.S.;_.B1:'-YUKQVj,~~; NASYPOV, M.Sh. Restoring the worn out parts of oil f3.eld equipment in the First of May Oil Well Drilling Truct. Mash. i neft. obor. no.908-40 164. (MIRA '.7:11) 1. Trest "Pervornayburneft". YELISTRATOV, V.S.j BIRYUKOV, L,,P. Starting gata witb a remote control system with quickly replaceable wearing parts, Mash. I neft. obor. no.8-33-34 165. (MIRA 18*9) I# Treet OPervomayburneftle. ZORBOTO N. I.; -B. IRYMT, bzTh. DeterminatIon of calclum and stagnestnu (absorbed bases). Pochvoredenle no-4:94 AP '.57. WILA 10: 7) 1. Laboratorlya otdols pochvovedenlys I Institut pochvovedonlya Xoldavskogo filtala Akadeutt sauk SSSR. (Soils--Analysis) (Calcium) (Xagnesim) BIRYUKOV, L.T.; KOZYULYA, Yu.N. Autmatic machine for the welding of spades. Avtom. svar. 14 n0.3% 88-94 Mr 161. (KM& 14332) 1. Artemovskiy mashinoetroitel.'rATY zavod "Pobeda truda." (Spades) Wectrio welding) BIR Y UJL(lv ... Death of aguatic birds due to water pollution by petroleum produets in the 36ba Oilfields. Xxv.AN IMkh.SSR.Ser.xool. no.7:130 '48. (KLRL 9:5) (Imba Valley-Water birds) BIFMOVP M. D. "A New Gigantic Rhinoceros, the Priatinothere,, and Its Stratigraphic Significance*" CW Biol Soi, Inst of Zoology, Alma-Ata, 1953. (RZhGeo3., Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (32) SO: Sum. No. 556 24 Jun 55 BIhYUI:CV, Ii.D. Entelodont (Entelodontidae) from middle Oligocene deposits in the upper Zhilanehik Valley. Mate po ist, fauny i flory Kazakh. 3:11-19 1d. (MIRA 14:7) (Dalygalyzhilanshik Valley-Ungulata, Fossil) BIRITKOV. III.D. -.- - .. -I Swump rhinoceros (Amynodontidae) from the mle,'le Olipe, -e cS the Turgay Gates. Ilat. po ist. fauny i flox- "'"-zakh. 34.20... 'u 29 162. (Awgay Gates. -Ilhincccroo, Fo-sil) O."B" V+:Y) T3IRY-UV-.Vj M.Dz ipecific. fpaturc- of th,c, ~S Allaceropo fron Ile ~;uyol: site. MJ. ljo "auny, I *.'Iory tazakho 300-o' 161. (:,!Ivj~ 1~:7) (Tur,,.,'cy Fouil) BIRYUKOVO M.D. Anew species of amynodont (Amynodontidas) from the Paloogene of Razakh.gtan. Mate po ist. fauny I flory Kazakh. 4:34--41 163a, (KIRA 16:9) (Rin-lorishp Mount- Rhinocerosl Fossil) Kcs"'a'wv N-R- CcrmWV4-Z t!v oftYlf mm2allm rhum or tho Z&.Ivan Dap.:otalm. V00t, PH MUM- MR 23- no*12175M D 165. NEI IW22) BiRnwv, M.L., prof.; ZVIROVA, H.P., Work of the Gorkly Pathoanatomical Society from 1954 to 1957. Arkh.pat. 20 no.11:87-89 '58. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Predeedatell Gorlkovskogo obahchestya patologoanstomov (for Biryukov). 2. Sekretarl Gorlkovskogo obshchestva patologo- anatonov (for Zefirova). (P.%THOAN&TOMICAL SOC331TIRS) BIRYUKOV M L. Morphological characteristics of ependywl brain tumors and the differential diagnosis between them and gliomas. Vop.diag.i patomorf.nerv.zab. no.2:38-50 '59. (MIRA 15:8) (BRAIN-TUMORS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) B.iRYUKOVP M.L. Genesis of rosettelike formations in the 4~vitles and canals in ependyms.1 tumors. Vop.diagei patomorf,nerv,zav. no.2&51-67 '59. (MAIN-TUMDRS) (MIRA 15s8) BIRYMVj M.L. Neuroepithelial eysts. Vop.diag.i patomorf.nerv.zab. no.2:68-72 '59. (BRAI.N-TUMORS) (CYSTS) (MMA 15t8) BIRYUKOV, M.L. Cancer metastasis into a neurinoma. of the cereballopontile angle following surgery. . Vop.di&g.i patomorf,uerv.zab. no;ZtM,:.lZ5 159, (=A 7318) - - (MAIN-CANCER) BIRYUKOV, M.L. Study of the cancerogenic properties of sylvan (2-methylfuran). Trudy GIGT no.9z 41-46 162.4 (MIRA .17:9) BIRYTTYSIX, prof.1 ZLOTNIXOVA, Z.B., Work of the GorW Scientifio Society of Pathologists in 1964, Arkh. -pat. 27 no.3.lt64-V 165. (KM 18:12) 1. Predeed&tell GorIke"kego Tmuohnogo obehohostva. PaLtolo "Atomov (for Biryukov). 2. Sakratarl Gorl- kov~kogo nauchnogo, obshcheetva patologoanatomov (for Zlotnikova). m USSR / Cultivated Plantsk Fruit Treesi Small Fr~ult IVI Plants. Nut Treesi Tea. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlyal No 6, 1959, No* 25034 Author i-BBiryukov, M. Pa.; Savinykh, G. M. Inst Sta-te-TUb=c Mbrary Im. V. G. Belinakly Title Horticulture In the Urals. Index of titerature Orig Pub Goo. publichn. b-ka Im. V. G. Belinskogov Sverdlovsk, 1957 (1958)t 147 PP-9 3 drawings Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 i 7 1 -; - zI . , II, ,- , BLOKH,I.G.; BIRYUKOV,H.S.; IVANOY,Ye.Ya. Winning peat in stumpy bogs. Torf.prom. )2 no-3:11-13 '55. (MLPA 8:6) 1. noakovskty torfyanoy institut. (Peat industry) BIRYUXOV, M.T. D14td-presoure on the abdminal aorta aB a method for control- ling bn~,otouic hemorrhage. Akush.i gin. no.6t49-54 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva I ginskologii (savo - prof. M.A. Bomanov) Aetrakhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ABDM4D= AORTA) (HEMOMUGE, UTMM) V B 171 U 11,C) ~' ).. , Vle i!lcrius ailitan i I ; traditions must lic (,art?ful-I.,, prerrn-, :' and Pnhanced. No 9. larkist. i.-0 12, 19118. CHUHIVSKIY, V., insh.-Polkovnik; BXRYUXPV, N., iuzh.-podpolkovnik; GALINSKIT, Vs, lnzh. Determining the exact site of a hit. Voen-vest. 39 no.4t82-87 Ap 16o. (MIRA 14;2) (Margate (Military ocienco)) t BIRYU V, N. [The rebirth of Gersan iWertallm to a threat to the security of France] Vozroshdonle germanskogo isperiallFwa - ugrosa betopannosti Trantfili. Moskva, Oes.ixd-vo poll. lit-ry, 1955~ 166 p. (Xiak 8!12) (Germany. Ifest-Diefeases) . DIRITEOV, N., inzhener-Polkovnik; AB.%AYAOV, Ye., imhoner -- - - " , Audible and luminous initator of firing operations. Voen. veEt. 41 no.7'.3.16-318 J1 '(3. O'aiLl 1,5..1) (Shooting, Military-Equipment and supyl,lies) go a of 00 Ar 00 0 0 6-0 -0-4-2-0-0 0 1 it II Iz 11 k4 is tA "Is 0 u-ii-it 4w AI-ALV-M-45~W .16 florfalas lurf Jan. fro o Ch" r ,t$ and 4611KIr nwtsh to a .60 zf' an, 11vu mme mad a smixt. ul re and ca eavown in chrmlic "I in a wn-tinn of awtallic 1. iron and Irsd equal to 0'. 1:0-6. 400 "Aw too fro 0 coo wool S L aMIALLURSKAt LIT1361kat CLAUWK&lwm .0 1 10#043 .40 ski sang N44111 4w Oftv ill 0 190 '09 00 '0000to 0 0 199 00 :100 '00 00 so so 0 so too 7. li 7- a rd op owtJOW; kc I~d jywojCjhdclxWt,j of ch,tm Ic " and chf-ium got R .00 oo .3 h 'Wing by tj,~ WfkWI ,f 4144 Rod find I., C. 00 13 &see Igoe SOO wee too wee It is le 0000 00 0 o 0 W W !JCA 400 00 C 00 41 00 -00 Itulm. which glaw".;-j Of give pf"w Cd chrIA1141 . - a & ,3 ,Ub is cs:zo:m see Tt. MV-0- 0 09 a ;zoo Mee 0* tie 0 voo C,L61W. m.&11 40 CRI II of ---- it a a ate o o-0 0 0 ~ggg- -M il'.-;.Nl~ -.I;i Igo SEE.-- 122 1.- m 0 Oit 0012 eon 004 got oew 0000*90*00*0000009000oooposesooooooooo!oooooo D 0 0 0 0 000090000090000 DW 0000099099099990000000woooooe 1,000,0 v an soil 313111 all Vs *41141404141 4! V 00 c 0 E, G _a. It a I _L_L_i, -1 k - - e _. _, t IT cm AV is I VT T I a too A 0% .0 it. VIVO 002 00- 002 AUANKMIVX 'A '1-!M IR AqdWN"M V AON11 1111A IOU Pill 009 wave R110 Awl- -W payt-t 1-1 m Nva 2"Mor Pat so. I C19 Pug (ItIN I T) '01?11 '19 91 V41311 In 9,1%p.. Aq=.,p . M. 1-q 3vql p-cip at- -p- v I- qdxH -a-sulp M Aq p3t-q 00- 00- P OPPN"b OAR PMA P- (WWOZ91 '01 MA114W "I" -V P"" $.Mollan HN P" OW APO Will PON NMI PON IONYX IM 10 'Iqm 1 amm -06" w aNS.LPNA P WH P IPA JURN 4014 IOU" P MdUMO "4 tPlM 'MUR POW '3111IR uIllud 0 SqAgq "JO3 P04=Ndmw v WH POO AOUY)l JO UM3-Aul Aq `013 Pill "HXV_Uj9d_-UW)9L-='9 'AWIVY I-FMW TAWNSAINVIOWZ 'nk 'S (INIF --AMJI :Q 'N iolds'. so J.v 0#1 tolljolb tkt J.. m tow -7 V- 1 1-6 1 -1 -1 a -a -W IC of a a it I, it It n it it it 00 Poo Os 00 00 o o 00 00 'P00 00 00 off V 00 j 000 0013 00 *M hesda at ammitin Matim-M. N. 1). 1116mloy sad S. P. .100 woh (MrssrW MeSZ71M 1934, I'L lee ~kVojtim of dk Wee. .41wj.' thfo volumv. TL M I,* dome is OXIAffAwd Iml "W""'i t whm equ"'Wum 1*0 .1 the iho wkc4"y,& of -00 Mani af delpti!Od 4Utkr* of QkM* Wid 0011144401ft -~*Ulic 000 ozWk- rvdwvd. During chr9mium OffAzel: am MAM-ule of Almmium lee n4wilan (ma #A c *'t" (V Oll is fifet lomw and then (NO whad- mulliburic VNW is pererut or not. 1~ The akvwmv .1 thill arki. the P"W%VA Noe l.n1ii1%"hl 111UP111 ovum AMAy 11114lb in Its Ph'wMM% WIND tlw t"lue- laus form with At, rhmonle wid insoluble comp"Unilli such troll E)r,(C!rOl)v which n4W diffusion towanlis the cathado. With oulphufic ackl, q*9 howem, soluble make of type Orf.( (80J. we formed the Will ountrat C.1110.;k - coo of which depends on this ismooM of pburio wid In the electzalyte. The depositional ellioreadommusplollimism In the abooftoo afoul urlewwisim- Imimmilik%oiamsbr(W Woble suillAoft formed In the ce of oulphuAc wid b'00 and this is pordy rfdowd to awtal and partly oxidloA formbW a amnewhat Jvw laym. In Ab cam the slortrulyto mw the catho& tenailks of 3 Coo entolmillsillilM (VII. the lategin~diale (Vill. and theautaklo Crvl- moo 'Ayers. the lilt no intmor4jew Is he I mirrml om Imm the utidhhw sellum Ail Voo the CT% I in the ezt4= E~. :.t' thoom allAw drixisition (it lurwhe Aft'lu- ium possible. 7U of thm layem to raduomd whru hydropa is Wee evolved jA the cathade.-P. N. K ago ~m - L A litIALLVOGICAL t"1180o" C11.41'"WICATON age .1lo- 6'7.a". Wee Ow I I------- 11111 ON Gov 111t r .. as 9-0 "" 'or 0 Is 0 It to *016111 a i % All A I a tw 0 4 IF 0 3 st F ; - 1 41 * 0 00*0 000 00 a sea, A U 1 A a a v Al j0 I AL 060CISUS %*a vmovli~utl *DID a it 10 0 a 41 a di a AIM f - -~- 1. 1, - 11 .10 'A . A-& AL 40 so C O' d i H k i d A & Ti ki k 00 a ar em an smo m a . n ci e MOW 1"). ISK 14. 103-12ft-ila Rusi.,j In oprating the wilphuriv- l t4 b ith hi h t Ai l hl 4 th W O l O i hl i vurrm r . umma e ac a w w vai r v e c a a 4 m g y. nf 1 ' I v lor Ila- Inereamed by intermiltvait wmkkvX vinve the interruptions stford titne COM*x OrgOO funned do 96 WroWyals to det,ouipm &on = r *0 3 1 thronitum, romle. The voltm4m obanites at the into eulphmno electrode terminals an dem afiveled by intemptioew the differetim between the initial and AW valms bob* considerable after a kmX interruption. 71w 00 00 rurves showing the iWtW vWtWe in U* individual vilw4injents of a series against tim life of do bath in samp.-hra. always exhibit several! maxims corm. 00 sponding neither with the Uses ofinterruptions am with the sulphuric wid con. 00 K_ % current lmdepoolUng n*Whc chrotnium Oestratiom 71wel 00 Q~ 00 Ar y 2 after the bath has lwwn tom! for a =h" a constant Value of 3 o th id b f h d t ti f l h i WI4 on e c ncen on o 9u ur e &r . num er o amp.- re. ra rpm l1 Variation in the valmeal Karevegiderand the muinsom" md tomazinta .ib= ... full. =.. the surf. 00 do tervalm between the ex eriments after : 00 : l a kmg interruption. the r&Waltm in an savending curre.-I). N. K so loom SIVINIAT. '#"W-osT- 461 U U AT fo m T~~ 0 0 0 9 of on I I e ~, 0 0 0 *OA 1 I= U-1111 &am "IMP610111% "019 WIT 00 **A 14, No. 4. 1111,341111M); Chink & 1101". S40, 33, 13M.-When a 3 M CVO~ willn. omit. 03-0.6 1. ' " - Cr )logo. w 65 M, 115 tkctndYwd, the Y*M Of P f ts a cow. was, whir is reached after a certalls time Afthff the mmut 11irletuy. Istarard th, end J ekv- trollyda, doctor pa. reactions take place lietwern CriMNIs .00 tmt is Proportiomw to the cowIl. Of " "A tMt 41110 and 0,(M),SO~, rrmilling in the h1wratiott of li,*~ 00 d depeomb m the CrIll ~ . At the start of ellwtrimbrois km the carriplex and fxvvmtkjn of Cr,(Cr.O,)s. As ttw 00 go &no& oxidatiom van be defted as I be diffenwe betw" time interml betserru tc-sts incim". the e. m. f. lit -,'100% wA the percentage of the current Costumed by the the teminsh rim- mW the cond. falk proportkentely. The 00 :' tvohvd (h, this clefinition V0114,11fM ing in ~ to tror " to after A"i - C & m b i C d e. M. f. curve has 5 mal, which are independent a I be "I .04) o t u t r onnal on r tran ; , P M cut - I of 23-W amp./hr. per bo-M cc. of thetrollyte, I Ct and WSOtcvtorns. and M-A)ol the litne Intervals. and whit* d o M oftl di h i i th ti I l j n 0800 l a "attidatim" afroady means The MMA I tarY 101MADDS The luermse embromic acid or Its ults ,at the anodir of o rpr n e r m n ca r c poten a ng y , 'I ll f X =go . p in CORI cmum. corommut with the decrease in Inv $04 rate o evolution of lit does not temain nm%t. dwin' rest. When there is equil. lirlirren the oxidation arwi Coo kina (total Jiuvatr man . rr"Laining CID"-) dec e the ' reduclion processes in the rJectrolyte. the rate cd rythluckm =00 yield of Cr noetal. The decresor in the total Cr Cauca. in of It, dependis an the initial condition ot the surfacv. tbeckvtfaytcisgmaiertbegrmtertbeHiSO.coOm- 10 When the Cr is deposited on polidwd Cr. I be rate is tria- plaft Cr frown a CrOa bath then is abrays an excessive "' " tively slow at first but mon increases to reach a ltracticially t 90 that for -9- Jr Parl I'* Cr to Cy reduction Of Ct coo". value in about 2) min.; this is dw to the fact tha ' AILAILMS deposited an approx. eqwv. amt. of CFO. is educe to the Polished Cf grsdually becomes coated with a fibn ~ :a** Crj(h. Aso rtsult of the 3 eathodic Proftw",M,1110311 dull Cf, the surface of which fimby becortirs uniforin. On ,A It,, anxilitlau of Cr wW rOdUCticift Of Cfth to CrAX- doll Cr dw crwee-voltagie of It it smitalier. which sc'~unts the total amt. of rtduc-tkm. as well as that of L'r% to for be increm in the rikle of evolulkis of H, toward be CrA, decream even at the first Viretraysis, in spite of end of electrolysis. When plating is carried out an dull The fact tisat the coneri. of 11,90s does out vary ", k' "U ik 1 14 N B 9D Irl n Co. The rate of evolution (it lit does not vwy, tcause the. w :1 0 "J"wi o. #Jt* &b - . ' . INW-11 a HXK)4 + 44)* Chink & imodustrit )8 'Inwtw* of th" st"I's" 0 1 1 el I he I Ad do" rm vary. f ell , ION 6th 6 electrotyred under a high c. d., the knob of IFU role of gvwwkm o my Is Inversely proponiow [a glor otemiall at the terminate of the cell an accou t f th I into wwb elapws lictoreen the tests plaYs a VM impor- n o e p . varUtim in catbridirpotential -C A P coo tant part in all tmkv"": the trinarr the intervals, The - . . . , .. . .. ..... L ' A $doesti .6 1 woti* ago GRIP an 1111111 ON GOT All ~J 0 a 0 a up 87 w - ad a 0 8 1 Is 10 9 0 ; 0 9 e 4 0 * o 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 eon 00 0 A ICOUGMALRO CPU 21 TOP 32 a 0 vs M-Little -!ntmis too ANO 41" CINT11111 r.jacul's / 0$ VWpArp 10 P.0"" a9 __ 14_ ol__" OR, uOlivM10 19 al- 641 -" an-0 OR "M WROOMIJ 1114PAJ-11 PWI, ju"sg#q 10 gMA" 19 "a sqj poup"I oq " UM"PAR tL;Tt" aAP-109 OR) SPPW FM Olmow "I "-p- COMO q an P-,P"-Wp 91 ""M a" I Soo q uonnp4e vAmapiq M Sq "402pw an a" OWN" 10 P" uotlntw P" MUIWQW al mirml- 9um""d 10 Is pmp"owjml soap Mtkmf* n I" RAW 10 guolpf.) 10 "11"m A pa"Ina 44 Am ww if Alm" 1 10 "n a" IMPROAL POWPUN= IN m asivi A= W., tq vaq;- Oq1 IT um"2 iwwm vm a" as 841 "Was" JO UO"1PPV -nn"+ za"Nsex va wk + tomew sup"101 an -P *M- 0 MR cup I OR$ MR" 147111~ ".m rv. 0 It, U4411PI)v 1110* on saw ul vt~w -411101"m 01 uqtn "Vale 9 -44 W" "qw 19 $"In" as ipboom"* smalm Wu sjwpunaft wnrxw " Op lrqm pav)"Iu "-or I PI'S ee it POO woof Soo** *000 ' 06 06 so 0 0 %I lot so Ilam I C A jo . . . . . . CA~ )~ t moo 09 a Cr is wWkw to A pbtft awtab an se"was o - ARL- 804110- WHI WKWw"bililY nod" twonal tiondi- =00 00 1 law CM9. of lighl rawtin. I k0s. bill 1111111 A Motive of pr F~11" C*u br tomtrd in l1w 1 ,h mlb 0 00 j , f4ww.p k w 1-46-wins curtleft zuca.Wer or cu~Nl.ct. Ihm-f =00 00 1"Mit With Or in INK VMjk-W. Tbr fir%t-f4watkouni '00 Pfm'"ISWC is thr lartl9f, tbuulb the coqt i- billb, In rech , ser ibe Co. &ad NJ-Pblift JmkI Iw fidlowrit try varrful ago l r * o ~ A. Pa0mou-Caums, ' g 4 l zoo o 0 ' ago "06 S L A 60 i - ,e u om i " 1P" j go, 0 0000.0 00 000000 0 00 0 *00 of 00 0 0 go g It 0 00-0-0-0-00 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 00 0600 000 Of of 0so 0 00 go 0 0, so La Rusak. C. S. smpku :60: 3 ire 0 00.9 004 Will Vo 0 Coo to 7go* :31 HIFOO See :904 see Zee 460-ILS MULLSISKAL UTIFROM CL"WICATIMIS 0 view OVINSAV. M0.1"V I was$ .6 111660 w0 4"T Got 14111 114.1 411131 OR 0.0 Fe a u a 41 0 4 1 1 N a a I 1 9 Im 9 Aa a 3 2 b 16 00 ; ;jw,4f,;9;W dAW I YA 0 000000000006*00000000 000 0 so fee 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0i W06000900*60#69 0 A t o0: 00 00 I 1 1 4 1 f 1 4 it to to 14 IV ~Jljjll it, ~-Jtmj- cl; ~Wxupl 16 -L..1 A, 4-j -&-A --L. a it F A W tm iloopitmol" 'AAti'alld S. P litsms *semk MW adogm !4 21N J. AWW t-LO ILI-IMA 11, HIS (in prmb. mb)jIW%is, cf. C, A, 10, 2,11114~ The rieh lbroory (cf. C. A. 15, IN41) til Cf lAstift 6% LWx IItCfO.. furtboor dormtkigord. In the rathtAlk fvdudkm 01 tjoe vekoeltimul The VAMY elect-bent. t"Wkm Cf(o# CcO by at. If MA al the oKW&ti= of CIO by the elft- te accottlim to3cro + CrOk - 2CrA are linpurtabl. lemlim bowqvn ibrw vvinclik-s can Ite emptrawd v ISY tow tooqualk" Wn x IM) (Cf) - A', "hwtv low Cl. arA Cf &9v =%elventase y1this im cliffelit) 44 CO. ati-tard ~ 4 MM 104 efitialk". IjW V*14W 4j X III_ ins 10 Slie er"mes wkk so imemm of temp. off Cf pkiloos. The hd of electrolylor be& two points of in smile (A 4" WWII art orbaracteriink- for a riven mmal. MW PWRI A (of 3D*) coormVubdit to a dWp is approwasm OW dimenvoluot of the Cf crystals, The drpunks bel" A were doN grayish avol the stain Am abmt 23 p; iobe" A the dneamit is lustrous mW thr pubsimG.9a. At the point JI (ANtron.0") tbedepopils' had a sairror-like sWerionre. The Iturins and harroutt :11asorwat 04. C. A. 3I.X31b) I* etopkined hot an sWiration if A amil A nit. proints twtwm vmhkh the lumorw tklwv4t. arm umalmed. A. A. INvillpany 410- 00 It 008 6 An 4 t a Itto of S Or Of A It of to n 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, of 0 0 0 0 6 0 op 0 o o 6 0 0 0 & 0 * 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 FOO 0 0 # 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 -00 -So allots zoo allollo zoo goo go 0 00 =00 -goo 10" q : :, WOO 0 0 0 0 t is 11 q II if it J.- A_ I. a it F a "I 4 7 4 i -P 1-41 wed W wavvirle; "M as as ismselattesem '"docones Prot estimate IN (I , ~. , Wt. Ofee IIII 10~" ~7 Mil."Rgro. ~vdtl. 'Pt"11"I al Thr sells.- Ium a# the Cj deposit, its -00 a umn1wer mw its Issues Val IMI Witte On, cbmw as K as site (1.02 -0AII N 119SI h. X. mrsim dw end Immew wireeduany dft-mwd; its 1100e.K i�rhM=d%MMIyh*t 11141,1111 site slut lullter did full K Itiew Ltb~OJILN 5^ mewd and a r-.1ttw-E. s obill Zq - . - .- firm". *ad bed else amem smax.; the timew of trwiling the max. W" toagUY diem IY PrIllecationiel to the IIISO. mwn A - A. PricUmny coo oof WOO it It opil 1114111111 "quit or w 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0000000 60006000 0 00090000 O.,Oo go *veoo$ 00009&4006;;~A It it u IS is It 11 so -C maid ad wilaw dftmkw m an k6id6 of clift. P. Malm'eva and N. D. P. -A.A114Y. ~Mei Net 4. No. 2. IG-14 UVW); d. C. A. 33. 2161k-Two types of trivaltist Cr -00 (1) by int"Pludug CF(OH)i into the Wid lemity mw 0) by tivilkeelic irdiwtion of CKV Me- -90 [I& led w. AeldmulCr(OlVeirelumt1hr see go elf V It owl divi-tessurs dw ruimi yield (it C( m1w" of Ci(h to LY" hintaws t ler vvWu - zoo tion of It, and elmervem the rate (A 1"Clim at the *no&, As The com. of Crul incresseem, the cuntot yidd of Cie in - to a ceirtain mi., and then docream. Fm CIO* Or (014h. the mte of amodic caidat ion is 4 to A too so- fieum IW ol ibe Cent obtained Ivy ceethemlic terduction W Of I C111. C. Sbapivro U1111411101111 CtAUVICHIN u a AT 10 01; IS a I 11-11.;-T. 3&V AOL 101ma 0 witirmsms is v 13 w 8 A, u 10 ft 4 41 6 0 &1 0to A AL. K U. j , , , a a - I aloww few" of am slusaw. A. V. Ti..khima. Ibor b4 s N-'!l 646 go ic F, or sip@ OW).-A both owls. Ct% and :Ge 8 . Ativif : Ire. (th. '".) the 0 hat T-"- tbfv d. it X am. the Cs *lmiwls, am v"T l"Ishl And the th. lit. i. -4 lift'" IW of Alit 914- - both uml at 141- atki %I 4141P., 4110 lhM ShOt "it Ship. hta,,I. h&$ 1%&.l thriltall bkvmm dull Ah4l "WO $i;m to ott, balu Note. 11m; .00 Ship. tus, Thi gvftm. If my. ICYL: 11"All'a 1~ age sw vb-1p with Allow. pakww the mall.-I th. kamit mw durs ASIA irmp" the OWN of the Cf drikaw AhwasloAmtkmCirh -Ce"glaic. . 2m -/w4- dift. tht' Cr dwodb do sK imVre" apprwb*, Mrr" The F-amig. bmthoftabette" afety In tank% lined with i am *May W Fb + I - l.h% ft. C. 14.1411011ho COO GOO 41 00 gee wee gee woo 01 It i to 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0" 1 g I,*-" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 C9 -9-9-i-o 0 0 0 90 00 0 got 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0* s * 0 0~9 ILO-t,913 w IF w a w . ~ , T r - ~ - . 4 A u J m 0, #1 is A, K I.. I A C 60 Ae owe Coms -R-101kLidwy- 10.441 it Iftyw.. 'Altrifti'l. It? -tit k Ott. 1.44imilitit-itif K#0140. dMI 11.wk~ I .J"j biwit Ito) w"T "G~%v !I,)- 11-l"Ied 14"OrkliA 111w 4%b "Wit. III* I'MMY 004 The l lir o v tit" 411 101111 lit l"L1114hiril lift the (oil fhal l with dw 141111141iiiii 44 6 NOIll 14 fl(Vidrill t 2 111tvi If it 1 11,C1 t I Or t "-lots A Vit% rwituil to Av 11,11-f"111.41 0: likka" the livi-III.-I U-411"k .1-still. the -all 44 Imatful 0. Which 01111 i. IlW MUW 44 lilt 14"11811111hIMIAM. 0.11 * 0 * 0 ~ Ah,111, a . . A 00 *00 -00 -00 a** 20* !see f 1 L Ak 11 s - s -~TALL!ff K4O. ultealm CLASWICATIN 1141130" .41 ONT aft -T na lit a IMP 0 000 I : : : : : : : : : : : c A S ,008 **a go q3 go* so's all, 640 oaf zoo see ~900 400 40*1 A 15 - I L A UTALLWGCAL UTCOATWt CLAUMAIM gum MINION u 0 " 10 "1; 1 r q w 14 lift SONAMI ilili Guy it, : ; ; I N a s a a 2 t v dam to ?A 61T28 ion 108 Chemistry Wdragen Im Canoentratian OA Graphlo Method of Rapid pl'Camputatim of a &Au- tian In a Battery of Any Voltagepw 1. D. Biryukay, Soi Roe Inst, CawArcial Air Fleet, 21 pp "Zowod IALbar" Vol XIV, No 1 Describes method for rapid comqmtstion of pH of but- ter~ soluticn based an a sinple Instrument, vh-4eh re- cards by means of a needle or else registers auto- NAtIOL1.1y MA gmphtoLw. Barring ww type of In- -artiftin instrument,_pI values are--registered vith a ur arrar at* O.Ok. 6IT28 6'1 'C Y t4 'VI 0 \J, W . 0 BIRYUKOV. N.D. ~ ~ .................... .. ., .. Regularities in the qizantitles of electrode potentials of metals. Zhur.nearg.khtm, 2 no,9:2240-2258 S 157. (MIn 10:12) LTSentrallary nauchno-inaledovatellskir institut AN SSSR. (Metals-Electric porpertles) (Potential, Theory of) LISTVIN, X.I., insh.-Polkomik, red.; MDV N.I. [translator]; ZLITM. -RUM, N.Y., red.,- KLUUMM. 9.B., tekhn. [Supersonia airplanes; a collection of translations and abstracts frou foreign periodiml lItzr&turs].9verkhzvukM* samolety; abornik parevo&v I referatov is Inoetrannoi. periodiaheskol literatuxy, Mookwat Isd-vo Inostr, lit-ryj 19589 233 Po' (NIRA U17) (Airplanes) 66296 (24 5 -57 0 0 0 0 60 SOV/78-4-12-4/35 AUTHOR: Biryukovt N. D. TITLE: On the Dependence of the Normal Electrode Potentials of Metals Upon the Dimensions of the Atoms and Molecules of Metallic Oxides PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichaskoy khinii, 1959t V01 4, Kr 12, pp 2670-2681 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Rof 1) the author has already noted that in calculating the free energy AF of the reduction of metal- lic oxides by atomic hydrogen iLi normal electrode potentials 30are almost linearly dependent upon AF. With the ZO-values of alkali- and alkaline-earth metals, however, deviations are observed which wore shown to depend on the dimension 3 77 of 1he atom and ion of the metal. In this article the author reports that he detected similar relationships also in the other groups of the periodic system. He explains these results with Card 1/4 the help of a hypothesis. The normal electrode potential B,,,, 66296 SOV/78-4-12-4/35 On the Dependence of the Normal Electrode Potentials of Metals Upon the Dimensions of the Atoms and Molecules of Metallic Oxides of the metals of the electromotive series was calculated as a function of the reduction of metallic oxides and hydroxides by atomic hydrogen. Moreover, the author determined the deviations of the empirical values 30 from IOslo (Table 1). It was proven that each group of the periodic system has a special, approximate- ly linear dependence of this deviation on the dimension of the atom. Empirical quaVons were developed for the dependence of so upon AF and :nd NT, whereT denotes the atomic volume. The calculated values of the normal electrode potential agree with so for the greater part.of metals of the electromotive series as well an for the lanthanides and rare earths (the po- tentials of which were calnulated by V. Latimer)(Table 2). The author proves the dependence of the deviations of 9 0 from Rcalo upon the structure of the electron sheath of the atome Card 2/4 and upon the molecule dimensions of metallic oxides and L~l 66296 SOV/78-4-12-4/35 On the Dependence of the Normal Electrode Potentials of Metals Upon the Dimensions of the Atoms and Molecules of Metallic Oxides hydroxides. It in assumed that the additional energy consuapm tion for the escape of the *leoiron from the electrode, which effects the deviation, in dependent aA the diameter of the oxide molecules inhibiting the escape (Figs 2, 6). On the basis of a hypothesis concerning the oxide redtotion by atomic hydrogen at the interface between metal and solution the author oaloulat- ed the electromotive force of five galvanic oells by utilizing S. Gleestan (Ref 5) and V. A. Kireyev' (Ref 3) data. With the help of the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation the working heat q of the element (q . -,&R) was shown to be the difference AN 0 of the salta developing and vanishing during the process. The deviations from the empirical values of Q and E were only insignifioant (Table 3). There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 5 Soviet references. Card 3/4 66296 BOV/78-4-12-4/35 On the Dependence of the Normal Blectrode Potentials of Metals Upon the Dimensions of the Atoms and Molecules of Metallic Oxides ASSOCIATION: Institut neorganicheekoy khinii Sibirskogo oideloniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Saienoest USSR) SUBMITTED: May 26# 1958 Card 4/4 B-IRXUKOV N,D Mendeleev's periodic law and normal standard potentials of metals, Izv*Sib.otd*AN WSR no*6MA-56 161. (MM 14:6) I@ Institut neorganicheokoy khimli Sibirskogo otdeleniya, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Metals-Eleatrie properties) BIRYJXCV, N.D. Recovery of antimony by electrolysis from antimony thio salt solutions. Zhur,prikl,khim. 35 no.5:1048-1057 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. % (Antimony-Electrometal.lurgy) SAFIR, A,D~; J31MXCM,-ILPL; KATAL-NIKOV, S,G.; FROLUVA, Z.M.; - IEGINA, V,R.; SHUVANOVA, II.V.; KWHEIIIIIHIKOVIto YO.P.1 BLINOVA) IL-tchange of experienoe. Zav.lab. 28 no.6:670-671 162. ('.aRt, 1515) 1. Chelyabinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Sapir). 2. Institut neorgwdcheakoy khimli Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Biryukor). -3. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhno.- logie-beskiy institut Mendeleyeva (for Katal'nikov, Frolova). (Chwdstry., Analytioal) BIRYUKOV NO. Reducing properties of (NH4~2 S208. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.7.q748--1750 JI 162, - (KERL 16;3) . 1. Inat.itut neorganicheskoy Ithimli Sibirrkogo otdeleniya,AN SSSR. (Ammonium perojUmdisulfate) I (Reducing agents) , BIRYUKOV N.D. Mechanism of cathodic and *Aodic proceasee in the electro- lytic deposition of antimony from solutiote of salts. Zhur. PrikI. kbim. 36 no.10:2167-2179 0 163. (MMA 17:1) 1. Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, BMTUKOV, N.D. Yiectvin!sm of The hydritlun and ntructtir~r ^f jIqLO I W. lzv, Sib. otd. AN ric..H.-40-5? (MTFA 17-.8) 1. Insti-tut necrgarilcheske-j kbim," Sib,-riVogu ctdalenlya 0 SS:M, Novosi-Wrsk. BIRYUKDV, N. F. From our practices cf machingry maintenance. Put# i Pruk. khoz. 5 no.7:25 JI 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Glavnyy mekbanilc putevoy mashinnoy stantaii, No.63., st, Znamenka-PaomzUrskaya,, OdesBkoy dorogi. (Railroada-41aintenance and repair) Blj'Nlhlv B.B.~ BIRYUKOV9 GFEMSHCHEV, le.". iesting for strength of the main frame and body of 2TF-101- dlesel joaomotives. Trudy VNITI no.19:28-43 164. (MIRA 180) A BARON, Le Ie 9 ~ aYA2j,,N,.j.', (Kooky&) ]a , w, Tl!~- Incidence of pneumoconlosis #md conl dust control in Muhr mines; Gige'trucla i 'prof. zabe 2 no-5959-60 S-0 '58 (KIRA n23-1) 16, ZDmiselya pri Akademli nauk SM iDo bor'be a allikosom" (Rmm YA Lixy--mna ixisTs) 0 (RMR VAIM--WWI--MUST DISSASES) L 3 4346-63 1WP(q)/31a(m)/BD1S AFFTC/ASD JD ACOFMION 11R; AP3002898 S/0140,10/000/006/0%3/00.18 AUTHOR i ~#yukq IN 1. 1 TIME: eatment of a metal In a ladle with a synthetic titwdum-contaiining slag -;L7 't-SOURCEi IM. Chernaya metallurgiya, nD. 6,0 29639 43-48 TOPIC TAGSt synthetic titenium-contedning slag, eynthetic l1me - alumina slag, titemium dioxide, aluminum oxide, freshly roasted lime, titanium-containing slag, -AMTRACT: Authors studied the use of &.synthetic lime a2umina slag (with ad- 'mixture of titanium dioxide up to 5$) from acrap slags containing up to 70 - 8 aluminum oxide and freshly-roasted lime in order to determine the effect of the oxidas contained in it on the qua1ity of a steel and its chemical composition. Au- thora found that a content of titanium dioxide of up to 5.0% in a synthetic lima alumina slag does not produce any negative effect on the process of desulfurizing the steel by the slag. As a result of the reaction of the metal with the liquid, synthetic, titanium-containing s:Lagp a partial roduction of the aluminum and titan- au-, takes-place..and thsy tra"aform into steel. The mechanism of this reduction of aluminum and- titaniura- was not establishedo- -.The fining- of -a metal in a ladle- vith Card V2 L 3-33146-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3=898 liquid, synthetiat lime-alumina slag oauses the origination of nitride inclusions in the steel4(titantum nitride and carbonitride). It is recommended that only -steels wh: 'Llre not reqWxed to have an especial pwity with respect to nitrides inclusiono be treated with these slags, Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 tables. !ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinekly inauehno-lealedovatel'skiy Institut metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of meta gy) nur 1 SUBMITTEW O5,Tul62 DATE ACQ: 24.Tu163 ENCM 00 SUB CODE- OD NO REP SOVI 005 OTHERt 003 -we .0 MOW=p A.P. BIRYU*qy,_N I Mweling process" 4 in-tho-ladlo treatment,of metal by slag. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; ohern. met. 6 no.2:39-" (miRA 16:3) 1. Chelyabinoldy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Metallurgy) (Dimensional analysis) BIRYUKOV) N. 14. ILfforestation-Rostov Province Raise the ouality of affore,9tation work in Rostov Prov:L-ice. N. Biryukov. Les i ste,:)' 4, No. 6, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Access-ions, Library of Com-,ress, Septenater 1952. UNCLA.36IFIED. i3lamrx"'T, r. "f. PIRYUKOV, N. III. Cultivators Implement for cultivating soot seedings of oak. Les i step' 4 no. 6, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 10/52. TICLASSIFIED. BIRYUKOV, N.M. Afforestation - Ukraine Afforestation of sands in the Chernassy District Les i step' no. 4, 1952 (See also: BIRYUKO',"A, N. M.) BIRYUKOV, N. M. Cand Tech Sci -- (dies) "Establishment of the relationship &%A Va~g U 13 49 the specific pressure of gie elastic" matrix and the depth of Mos, 1956. 12 pp (Vin of Higher Educetion USSR. Mos Order of Lenin Aviation Inst im Sergo Ordzhonikidze), 110 copies (KL, 14-58, 1120 - 48 - AUTHOR: Biry-ukaa,-itJ~. 30V/147-58-1-22/22 TITIE: Impact Extrusion by an Elastic Die (Shtampov1,',a-vytya--hka Ielastichnoy matritsey) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Tekhaika, 1958, lir 1, PP 1'(9-189 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Papers devoted to studying the process of stampin,6, by an elastic die including the careful investigations of Isa- chenkov (Ref 13,do not contain recommendations for determining the relation between the specific pressure and the depth of the extrusion without an additional experimental investigation in each case. This paper discusses that relation theoretically. The compressive tangential stresses in the transition zone of the blank as a result of plastic deformation vary with the depth of the extrusion. The specific pressure of the elastic die necessary to prevent folding also varies. Hence, it follows that its dependence on the depth of the extrusion can be found by an investigation of the stressed state of the transition zone of the blank and the conditions of its stability. The fundamental parameter influencing the quality of the component in impact extrusion by an elastic die is just the specific pressure. The equilibrium equation for a component Cardl/3formed by the rotation of the surfaces is established under the Impact Extrusion by an Elastic Die sov/147-58-l-22/22 following assumptions: the loading and the deformation are symmetrical; the thickness of the blank is constant and the line of the overflow of the side surface of the component towards the flange in the meridi-anal section is an arc of a circle. If, for the preparation of a Eiven component, there is required a specific pressure lesa than a(ritical value (which is determined), then the impact extrusion process can follow one oL' the laws illustrated, whereas if the specific pressure is greater than the critical value, the process muct follow the other illustrated law. These illustrations enable various conclusions to be made about the process. As the experimental curve approaches that illustrated in the text for the variation of the specific pressure, as a function of the depth of the extrusion, the maximum stress during the stampinG diminishes and the permissible gap between the die and the clamping rinG at the beginning of the extrusion grows. Card 2/3 Impact Extrusion by an Elastic Die sov/147-58-1-22/22 There are seven figures and nine references, 8 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra proizvodstva samoletov, Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Chair of Aircraft Production, Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: October 28,, 1957 Card 3/3 1. Dies--Performance 2. Materials--Extrusion 3. Mathematics --Applications SOV/14?-58-3-16/18 AUTHOR: Biryukoy N.M. TITLE: On the Selection of Pressure of an Elastic Die for St ;-g of components from Shoots (Vybor udellnogo dayleniya slastiobnoy matritsy pri ahtampovke detaley iz lista) PERIODIOLL:Izvestiya Vysq'hikb Uchobnykh Zaveden Aviatsionn Ta Tekhnika, 1958, Nr 39 pp 126-134 (Wk ABSTRACT: The beat conditions obtain if the intensity of pressure on the elastic die surface (Fig.1) varies in direct proportion to the depth of drawing of the sheet-metal (Ref.1). A proper pressure distribution may substantially decrease the number of operations needed to produce a given shape. For the case of drawing a cup from a flat blank of circular shape, as shown by the author (Ref.1) the relations of Eq.1 to 4 decide about the equilibrium of the transition ring (between the "cup" and the flange), where Rh - the inner radirs of this ring (mean); r - radius of the conical portion (mean)(die shoulder); a - the width of the flange; act C14 (CICKPI a Kp) - hoop stresses in the conical portion and ij~ the fla,29 respectively (and their critical values). Card. 116 Lasuminf, that r = 0, so that the cup and the flange have BOV/147-58-3-16/18 On the Selection of Pressme of an Elastic Die for Stamping of Components from Sheets a sharp joint and consider an element of the flange as shown in Rg.2. It is acted on by its hoop stress a* and the pressure from th* blank holder, qT%. The effect of the junctioiL with th* inner portion is replaced by a hinge and the elastic forces which tend to bulge tbo flanp. When the :a2nitude of these stresses exceeds a certain critical valu rdi~endent on the the current flange dimensions) lateral collapse into waves or wrinkles occurs. Using the energy miethod to determine the critical value of a we got Eq-5 where: Er = 471B - reduced modulus of elasticity; (4y + A -57- TT = (l OB qp)r- - modulus of strain hardening; Z OB - elastic limit; vp - relative reduction of cross-sectional area at the instant necking is forming during tension; Card 2/6 3 - modulus of elasticity; SOV/147-58-3-16/18 On the Selection of Pressure of an Elastic Die for Stamping of Components fron,-Sheets 1 - the length Of the PrO360tiOn, On X-,aXiB of the buckled mean line of the flange; v9T vertical and anipilar displacement of the cross- section.of the flange; Poisso #-a ratio; IK 1/3 Q65 - second moment of the plate area (in thick of the flange; torsion); Kv 8E bras 42x1 coefficient of the elastic resistance of the flange against bending (Ref.2). To solve Rq-5 a sabstitution. is made for y as given in Eq.6 where: AU - angle of rotation of the cross section through the crest of the wave; n - number of wrinkles. Applying all these values and using the substitution of Eq.7, fins,117 we obtain Xq.11 giving the mmber of wrinkles and Rq,12 giving the critical hoop stress cF&Kp Solving Eq.12 for qxp we got Eq.13 and relations 14 z 16 where is the init-lal radiUs of the blank. In the case Card 3/6 of lu4lcation being used betveen the blank and its