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YAICOVI;L G. S. Hasopharyngeal diphtheroids in healthy Veople in bacterial carriers, and in diphtherial patients as related to specific bacteriological diagnosis of diphtheria. Trudy LSGKI 30:116-123 t56. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologil Ioningradekogo saniterno-giglyanichaskogo maditainakogo iustituta (zav.kafedroy - prof. H.N.71sher) (DIMMMIA, diagnosis. evaluation of diphtheroids in normal subjects, bact. carriers & diphtherial patients (Rua)) TAKQVLF,Xk _q._S.~; APIN, A. Ya.,- KURBANGALINA, R. Kh-j STESIK, L. N. r Detonation velocity of liquid hydron-4tric acid. Do;r-!. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:152-153 my .164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut'kbimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V. N. Kondratlyevym. ~ACCESS= AR: AP4035&210 S/0020/64/156[9011015#0153 'AUBM- Yakavleva, Go Be; Apin., A, Ya. jKurbanga3ina; R,1 Khoj* Stealki Le go. TITLE: The rate of detonation of Uquid hydrazoic acid 30MCE: M SSSRo Doklwly** ve 156,, noo lp i96k, 152-153 I TOPIC TAGS: hydrazoic acldp explosivep detonation, detonation ratep liquid bydrazoic acid 1ABSTRACT: HN 3 'a not used in practice as an explosive,, neverthelesaj, it In of liquid state. Measure-i linterest to dZter-Ine its detonation characteristics in the ,ment of the detonation characteristics are frequently used in the studies of the A ~~equatio4 of the state of gases at high pressures (hundreds of thousai2ds of a;tmoo_ .1.1-pheresY.and at high temperatures (several thousand degrees)* In treating experi- 'zmental data one is involved with multicomponent eystemop since the majokty Of I I It 11explosives consist of at least four types,of atoms. Consequent3,V,, the explosion' Ilproducts,contain several types of molecules... In.this reopect,HN differs favoreblyi 1%from other explosives because one might expect that products of letonation of liquid Mi vill consist primully of Moleauuw 4"en end hydrogen* The rates 'C= -rd -- 2 V . . . ........... concentration of diameteirof rate of detonation No. of . EIN3, wt % chargep am M/sec experimentr, 1w 3-10 7>s(-.L4 . . 10 90 7.4 744o-25 2 80 706D-11 5 pa YAKOVLEVA, G.S,.; SHANDURINI, S.v. Virological exandmation of the air. Vop.virus.- 6 no.2:231,~-237 Mr-Ap '61. (MRA .14; 6), 1. Kafedra milcrobiologii L~ningradnkogo vanitarno-gigiyopicheakogo meditsinsko instituta. NOMUS.Es) (AIR-MICGROBIOLOGY) 77777 YAKOVIZVAI G.S. Characteristics of strain2 of influenza virus isolnts;d at Me-chnikov Hospital from 1958 to 1959. TrudY LSGMI 66:279-282 162. (MIRA PiO 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyerdcheskogo 0 a meditsinskogo irrtituta (zav. kaffdroy prof. M.N.Fisher). ggg XC gr !~a mom BcRls(,jll2 L.B.- MOVLEVA, G.S. Effect of chemical compounds on viruses and cel-Is of llis3us cult-=e5. Trudy LSGMI 66:264-26~ 162. (MIRA 17.4 1. Kafedra mikrobiclogii lRn4ngradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instit-Uta (zav. kafedroy prof. M.N.Fisher). Elm. p. Ogg R~ t YAKOVLEVA. G.S.; DOROKIIOVA, Z.M. State of anti-influenza immunity in the interepidemic and epidemic periods from 19f8 to 1959. Trudy LSGMI 66:283-285 162. (KRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. M.N.Fisher). ZUBZHITSKIY, Yu.N.; YAKOVLEVA, G.S. Detection of virus antigen in cells by the indirect fluorescent antibody method. Trudy LSGMI 66:300-306 .162. (MIRA 17W 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy prof. M.N.Fisher). f, - Z~ '~NP2,Nril, NV IM BORISOV, L.B.; YAKOVLEVAj G.S. Inhibiting effect of novoembichin on bacteriophages and viruses. Vop. virus. 7 no.2:148-152 blr-AP '62- (MIRA 15:5) 1. Leningradskiy 3anitaxmo-gigiyenicheskiy maditsinskiy institut. (BACTERIOPHAGE) (VIRUSES) (F-1,511GHT11) MOM 01:KM51-11M Miz " 71 k M RyKOV, V.I.; SHEYMMID, V.L.; YAKovu-NA, G.S. Por=aa and the 4on The Ftenkell - Oubanar I nt'~Pl-relati f vitt.orizationt "d the ourface energy, "Pood of doundf tho hoat 0 Uch. zap. Kish* un. 75:31--34 '64- (NIIIA 18%1o) 3 ~11- R .7 ~~'7 blm'~75 - - --- ---- F_i SOV/109-3-11-6/13 AUTHORS: Starik, A.M. and Yakovleva, G.V. ..TITLE: Influence of the Righer-order Wa-WEr-on-the Characteristics of a System of Resonant Irises (0 vliyanii vysshikh tipov voln na kha akteristiki sistemy rezonansnykh diagragm) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika. i Blektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, PP 1384 - 1388 (USSR) ABSTRACT:, Thq irises employed in the experimental investigation were in the, form shown in Figure 1. The effect of the interaction of the higher-order waves was investigated in the following,man-ner. Two similar irises, tuned to the same-resonant wavelength ko were placed in a waveguide at a certain distance from each other. The frequency characteristics of each iris were deter- mined and then the overall characteristic of the fwo irises was measured. In spite of apparent simplicity of the experiment, It.was necessqLry to prepare the measuring device-*ery-accurately-since the discontinuities at-the waveguide junctions-tend-to alter the experimental re13UltA; This is particularly true for the irises having a high Q. The experimental results are shown Card 1/3 _2 SOV/109-3-11-6/13 Influence of the Higher-order Waves on the Characteristics of a System of Resonant Irises in Figures 3 - 10. Figure.3a sh?w jhe frequency characteristic of a system in whiel~?Iiaphragms were spaced at a large distance; Figure 3_6 shows the characteristic for the-case.of IAO = 0.128 . Figure 4 shows the value of the standing wave ratio as a function of IAO wh-i]Le Figure 5 illustrates the dependence of the interaction coefficient o; on 1A ; from Figure 5, it is seen that for 1A > 0.38 the 8ffect of the 0 1 higher-order waves is negligible. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the dependence of the standing wave ratio and cx on X oAkp I where X kp is the critical wavelength. Figure 8 shows-the frequency characteristics of a system having X/60 = 0.32 and X oAkp = 0. 653 . The dependence of the standing wave ratio on the Q of the irises is illustrated in Figure 9, while the dependence of a on IAO for various values of Q* Card2/3 is shown in Figure 10. From these experimental results, SOV/109-3-11-6/13 Influence of the Higher-order Waves on the.Characteristics of a System of Resonant Irises it is concluded that the higher-order wave interaction can be neglected provided the two irises are spaced at a distance of JAB ;> 0.25 . where XB is the length of the fundamental wave in the waveguide. The authors thank S.A. Sergeyev and S.I. Rudkovskiy for collaboration in carrying out the experiments. 'There are 10 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and'l English. SUBMITTED: October 29, 1957 Card 3/3 219 -ACC -NRt AP601W7 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/65/019/005/0472/0474~ 'AUTHOR: Gede V 110 olnqv, I.; Dmitriyev V. N.; Nelebo. B. A.; Stepanoy. A. :Yakovleva. G. V, 4W--7AZ;--7- -7 ORG: none TITLE: daloagtivity of the Jover-the Atlantic Ocean in May to July, 1964 SOURCE: Atomnaya eriergiyaiv. 19,,no. 5, 1965p:4 -474 TOPIG.TAGS:. atmospheric radioactivity,,'radioactive,.fallout, research ship, radioactive aerosol ABSTRAM, The radioactivity of the air and the fallout over the Atlantic Oce4n v 4.~The were studied during the,of the research ship Mikhail Lomonoso :.samples were collected by filtering the air and allowing the fallout to deposit on a sticky surface. The samplescollected south of 8' latitude south, north of Vlatitude north, and between.8* latitude south and .8* latitude north were determined jointly. Comparison of the results with those obtained during the 12th cruise of the ship, at the end of 1962, revealed that, because nuclear testing in the atmosphere was stopped the specific activity of the aerosols in the lower layer of the atmosphere decreased by about an order of magnitude. Within 38 and 5* latitudes north, the concentration. of the aerosols was practically independent of the place of collection, due to the mixing of the atmosphere by the trade winds. No direct correlation could ~be established between the concentration of radioactive aerosols and the fallout UDC: 551.594.1:541.182.2 Card 1/2 es -1 7- qj; E0 _W -, - -,- MV, M, i R- R P-j L21933-66, ACC NR,. AP60IU87 'rate, on one hand,.and the average daily values of the atmospheric pressure and temperature, on the.other hand. The,high fallout rate in the equatorial region was due,to the heavy prevailing rainfall. The aerosol concentration was much lower in the equatorial region and the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere. 'Averaged data of previous cruises indicated that the highest fission product concentrations aredistributed between 14 and 40* latitude north; the activity of the air in.the southern hemisphere amounted to only 10% of that in the northern hemisphere. The Authors thank V. M. Vdovenko and A. G. Kolesnikov for making possible the completion of this work. Further thanks is rendered !,--N. Maksimor and L. N. S.Vsavevaya for their assistance in processing the results of the research. Orig."art. has: 4 figures'and 1 tableo ENAI 0- /_ ORIG -REF 003 SUB CODE: 189 4 SUBM DATEr OIMar65 2/2 nst Card B.I.; GCOWIU, Z.V.; MBEITEVA, Z.F.; v rabote prinimali uchastlye; YAKOVLEVA. G.V.- SHCHIMININA, L.G. Production and purification of antibiotics of the tetracycline series. Report no.2~ Hed.prom. 13 no.1:10-14 Ja '59. (MIRA 12: 10) 1. Vseao.,ruzn5,7 nauchno-issle dovatel'skiy institut antibiotikov. (TETRACYCLINE) g F,~ a-W LN R 6-g", OWN- M. YAKOVLZV~ zliMINA) G 127 "Concerning the Decay of cdl15* and Sb report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear SpectroscOPY) Tbilisi) 14-22 Feb 64. Radiyevyy Institut (Pad'uT Inst) w g. :M mx IW L 27867-~ W.W/W(h) GS ~ACC NkAT5023946 'UIV0000/65/000400/0338/0341 MIT HOR sYakovlevai;GV.j Garbolyauskas. Ch,_A.. 0. U.I.; ~hv doz- H_V_ TITLE: Radioactive fall-outs in Villnyus in 1962 Source: Nauchnaya konferentsiya po yadernoy meteorologii. Cbninsk, 1964.'RadioaktiV- nyIye.izof6~y`_v atmosfere i ikh ispoIVzovaniye v meteorologii (Radioactive isotopes. in.the.atmosphere and-their utilization in meteorology); doklady konferentsii. '965, 338-341 Moskow, Atomizdat, A TOPIC TAGS: radioactive fallout, radioisotope, radioactive contamination ABSTRAM, Radioactive fallout products of the,atmosphere were collected monthly~ .,,evaporated and:incinerated. The ashes were analyzed by a scintillation gamma spectro- -.~meter. The distribution of monthly average individual and total activity was plotted by months.,IIt revealed a shIift.of the usual spring maximumtoward the summer of 1962, probably due to the unusually generous precipitation during the summer. The increase of fallout activity toward December of 1962, exceeding 200 raicrocuries/tquare kilo- ~imetermonth can be'explained by_the,arrival of fresh fission products. This was con- f irmed by plots,:Of-the activity* ratios. 141 144 95 144 Cj/(Ce~+ Pr) and (Zr Nbj. (Ce Pr) The second ratio showed a sudden rise in August,- November, The cumulative fallouts Card 1/2 L -27867--66 ACC NRt AT5023946 were calculated with,the considera .tion of the intrifisic decay. - Pr) 144 they For (Ce reached th e level of .80 microcuries/ square kilometer. 7he dos . e from the gama radi- ation of thedeposited fission products, at a heiglit of I niter from the ground was slightly over 10~nr/year* 7he orige,art. has 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONt W, sum1*01, 00 ENCLs, 00 SUB COM NO, REP SOY$ ~0001 OnIER: . 000::1 C,,4 HIM pUSHKINA, R.N.; YAKOVIZVA, G.Ta. Thermometric study Of inclusiow in zonary.quartz crystals from the Pamira. Trud7 VNIIP 1 nO-2' 169-170 '57. (MM 12:3) (Pamirs--(~mrtz crystals) N W.- N V ~N- RRr-- !5- a i4 YAFOYLLIA, I., XOMOVIGH, S. Water - Parification. Using ferric chloride, to precipitate impurities from,water. Zhil.-kom. ktLoz. 2, No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, captamber 1952, Uncl. '4~ 1~ M.' 4. Elm-, R-O -ROtM Ns KRAMARENKO, I.; YAKOVLVTA,,_I.,_ EstabUshing work norms for adelescents. Prof.-tekh.obr. 20 no.10: 18 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy. KOROVINA, T.T.; MAKSINDVAP I.L.; Clinical aspects of dermatorYOsitis. Zdravookhranenie 2 no-5:40- 45 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedr goopitallnoy terapil (saveduyushchiy - prof. M.A. Pblyukov) I patologichookoy anstomli (zaveduyushchiy - kand. sad. nauk V.Kh. Anestiadi) Kishinevskogo maditsinakogo instituta. (MUSCLES-DISMSES) XOROVINA, T.V.; YAKOVLEVA-v I.A. Rheumatic fever and chronic septic endocarditiB in elderly and senile persons. Trudy 12s129-136 160. 11 (MIRA 16 L Kafibdra gospitaltnoy terapil. i patologidbeakoy anatomii Kishinevskogo gosudaratvennogo meditsinskogg instituta. (GERIATRICS) (RHEUMATIC FEVER) MIR KOROVINA9 T.V.; RISHCHENKO, V.V.; Some clinical and anatomical comparisons in rheumatic fever. Zdravookhranenie 3 no. 5:5-9 S-0 160. (IMA 13:10) 1. Iz kafedr gospitallnoy terapii (zav.- prof. M.A. Polyukhov) i patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - dotsent VjKh. Anestiadi) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RHEUMATIC FEM) Las? 4-- YAKOVLEVA,, I.A. (Kishinev) ladocervicosis of the cervix uteri in prognapy* 64-70,161, 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatmii (zav. Anestiadi, nauchnyy konsulltant prof. D.I. skogo meditainakogo inatituta. (UTERUS-DISEASES) (PREGNANCY, Arkhopate noelOl (MIRA 14: 10) - dotsent V.Kh. Golovin) Kishinev- C014PLICATIONS OF) ANESTIADI, V.Kh., dotsent; YAKOVLEVA, I.A., dotsent Work of the MoldaAan B-public Scientific Society of Fathc- anatomists during 1963-3.962. Arkh. pat. 25 no.10.-76 .063. (MIRA 1797) 1. Prodsedatell Mol-davskop- Respublikanokogo Nauchnogo obshchestva patologoanatoincri (for Anes"Jadi). 2. Sekretarl Moldavskcga Respub- likanskogo Nauchnego obshchestm patologoanatomov (for Yakovieva). . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a, M.2 T- M'. W !NW- JKUDRIN, A.N.; KOST, A.N.; YERSHOV, V.V.; TROSHINA, A.Ye.; POLYAKOVA, N.B.; USPENSKIY, V.A.; TERENT IYEV, P.B.;.)~AKOVLEVI I-A. Pharmacology of new P-dialkylamino ketones. Farm. itoks. 25 no-4: 437-444 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. A.N. Kudrin) Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pavlova i jaboratoriya spetsiall- nogo organicheskogo sinteza (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR A.P. Terentlyev) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. -'M SR WO YANUSMICH, A.I.; TYURIK, P.S.; YAKOVWVA, I.D.; KYDYRALIYLV, A.; SMONOVA, H.I.; IYANOV, G.P., prof., red.; AITOMITA, M.G., (Birds of Kirghizistan] Ptit8y Xirgizii. Frunze. Izd-vo .Akad.nauk Kirgizakoi SSR. Vol.l. 1959. 227 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Kirghizistan--Birds) YAKOVLETA, I. D. Meeting of the mil Porzana pusille, (Fall.) and thered- breasted merganser Morgue serrator Le in the leffyk-Eull Depression. Izv.AN Kir.SSR Ber.biol.nauk 1 rio.4:167-172 159. (MIRA 13:7) (Ineyk-Kull region--Rails(Birds)) (Issyk-Kull region--Morgausers) GAGARIN. Y.G.: TAKQYW.L. 1.D..; YAIMHEVICH, A.I. Mass destruction of birds in Kirghizistan. Trudy Inst.zool.i- paraz.All Kir.SSIR no-7;287-g92 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Kirghizintan-Birds) T", R4 A N . .... A SO 7 'k gTZ!g E FROON, R YANUSMIGH, I.I.; TYURIN, P.S.; UKOVLEVA, I.D.; KYDYRALIYEV, A.; SIDMOTA, N.I.; IVANOV, A.I.. prof.. otV-.r-ed.; YAWSHE;VICH, A.I.,; VOZHSMO, I.Y., red.izd-va; ANOKHIKA, X.G., [Birds of Kirghizistan] Ptitsy Kirgizii. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad. nauk lirgizekol WR. vol.2. 1960. 271 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Kirghisistan-Birde) 'tMet TZ jut* -V M . . . . . . . . . . . . P YAKOVUVA~ Triyia--DmitriyAmm--,JANSHEVICH, A.I., otv. red.; BUTEIKO, N.P., red. izd-va; ANOKHINAq M.G91 tekhne red, [A guide to the reptiles of Kirghizistan] Cpredelitelf presmykaiu- shchikhoia Kirgizii. Frunze, Akad. nauk Kirgizskoi SSRi In-t zo- ologili parazitologii, 1961. 110 p (MIM .14:6) (Kirghizistan-Reptiles; 0 &11Q% M, IM Vali IN-In 0~ A Z M g~ i"R 02 M ~Fff RN & 76~ Y YANUSHEVICH-., A.I.; YAKOVLEVA, 10" FEDYANINAY T.F9 14ateriAlS on seasonal phenomena In the life of birds of the Chu Valley and the Issyk-Kull Depression. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 15:161-169 161* (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut zoologii i parazitologii. AN Kirgizsk' SSR. (Chu Valley-Birds-Rabits) OY (Issyk-Kull Depression-Birds-Habits) N I 5 ;RU G YATTUSBh-VI(;H, A.I.; YAKOVLL-VA,. I.D. Seasonal phenomena in the nfe of birds of northern Kirghizistan. I,-v. Ail Kir. SSR, Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.1:19-23 161. (MIRA 14:12) (KIRGHIZISTMI--, IQTRDS) '5 YAKOVUNA, Irina Dmitrl evpq YANUSIIEVIcil, A.I.p prof.~ doktor ' 0 '71iQ I _Fv . r 0 . fReptiles of Kirghizistan] Preswkaiushchiesia Kirg~zii. Frunze, Al Kirgiz.SSR, 1964. 269 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Kirgiz.SSR (fnr Yanushevicli). SHJffjKOVArDCRP. O.P., kand.tekbn.nauk; SBKIWVER, D.A., kand.tckbn._n_a_u_k; YAKOV-LWA, 1. F. Measuring natural n1travialat radiation. Svetotekhnika 4 no.11:20-23 N 158. (14IRA 11:11) VseRoyuznyy sv"totskbnicheskiy Institut (for Shelkova-Dorf. Shklovar). 2. Tevpatoriyskaya bloklimaticheskaya stanteiya (for Yakovlava) (Ultraviolet rays-Measurement) 32143 S/675/60/000/004/002/005 D298/D304 'AUTHOR: Shelkova,, O.P., Shklover, D.A. and Yakovleva,...I..F. TITLE: Experience with measuring natural ultra-violet radia- tion SOURCE: Konferentsiya pa biologicheskomu deystviyu ulltrafio- letovago izlucheniya. Leningrad, 1958. Ul.Itrafioleto- voye izlucheniye solntsa i yego ispoltzovaniye d1ya pro- filakticheskikh-i lechebnykh tseley; trudy konferentsii. No. 4, Leningrad, 19609 83-89. At head of title: Blini- sterstvo zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. Institut radiatsion- noy gigiyeny Mts In 1957 the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy avetotekhniches- kiy institut ( Scientific Research Institute of LightAng Engi- neering) and the Yevpatoriyskaya bioklimaticheskaya stantsiya (Yevpatoriya Bioclimatic Station) measured total and dispersed Cardu 1/4 32143 3/675/60/000/004/002/005 Experience with measuring D298/D304 ultra-violet radiation with-,an experimental model of a photo- electric recording device developed at the Institute of Light- Ang En,ineering. The device's radiation receiver was a vacuum antimony-cesium photocell with anCt~6-6 (STsV-6) uviol glass window and a set of interchanfable filters for selecting spec- tral ranges close to B C A = 290-340 m,/J,) and A ( A = 340-400 m/k). A matte plane glass screen quartz glass hemisphere were used to correct the receiver's spatial characteristics. Photo- current was recorded with an)Tf- 100 (EP-100) electronic poten- tiometer with a circular.diagram. The potentiometer's input cir- cuit contained a bank of resistances for varying the device's sensitivity and selecting the optimum sensitivity for the par- ticular conditions. The apparatus was batter.-ey-powered.. Through- out the day a continuous record was made of total ultra-violet radiation. In addition, every half-hour the photocell was Card 2/4 32143 S/675/60/000/004/002/005 Experience with measuring D298/D304 shaded against direct sunlight, thereby recording the extent of the dispersed componerit of ultra-violet radiation. The appara- tus was calibrated by the formulas IE;~ A X where spectral irradiation (in relative units) being mea- sure&,(fA - absolute spectral sensitivity of the instrument in /4Aa/,m v/cm 21 1 - photacurrent of the instrument in./4a. From July through October 1957 the apparatus was used for measure- mentB in Yevpatoriya. The measurements provided data on totml natural radiation in the spectral range close to B, together with its direct and dispersed components at different times of the day and their changes throughout the months. The results of the measurements are presented graphically. The apparatus' rea- dings were compared with similar readings from a Boyko monochro- Card 3A 32143 8/675/60/000/004/002/005 Experience with measuring D298/D304 matic dieter. A considerable divergence in the readings 0 was noted, but further study is needed to determine the reason for this divergence. The Institute of Lighting Engineering and the Institut biologicheskoy fiziki- AN SSSR (Institute of Bio- physics, AS USSR) are using the above-mentioned model as a basis for developing improved recording devices. These use pho- toe lectric multipliers as radiation receivers and register the photo,current on a 6-point recording electronic potentiometer, thus providing measurement data in various narrow sections of the ultra-violet spectrum for both the total and dispersed com- ponents of natural ultra-violet radiation. There are 5 figures- Card 4A YAKOLEVA-, 1. N. "The Effec'tof Nicotinic Acid on Choleatorinemia During lbrpertensive Di3esses, Arteriosclerosis,and the Development of Experimental Arteriosclerosis." Cand Med Sci, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst. (VM, 29 Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Dofended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 MAKARMIKO# I.Bo. YAKOVIrjVA I.N. Changes in the physical development of employed adolescents, and students at industrial training schools and trade gbhools in Kier. Vrach;delo no.8:839-841 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) 11 Xiyevakiy inatitut gigiyeny trudA i profeceionalinfth zabolevnniy. S7, ~_-15: QX YAXOVLEVR# I*W.t*nauk liffect of digitales, strophanthin, and mercuoal on the thrombo- pointia properties of blood it cases of cardiac insufficiencv. 23 no.6:29-35 Je '59,, (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz goapitallnoy terapevticheakoy 1--liniki (dir. - prof. P.-re.Lukomskiy) II Moskovekogo meditainakogo instituta in, Hol.Pirogava. (PROTIUMBIN) (BLOOD--COAGUIATION) (CARDIAC, GLYCOSIDES) IkKOVLEVA I. N. Effect of navocaine on the blood lipids of patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Sov.-med. 24 no.11:47-59 N 160. 0~ 14--3) 1. Iz g'ospitalinoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (dir. -prof. P.Ye. Lukomakiy) II Maskovokogo meditsins~ogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (NOVOGAik) (LIPIDS) (C.ORONARY HEART DMASE) YAKOVLEVA. I.N.. kand. med. nauk Use of vitamins A and E,for the- treatment of coronary atherosc2e- rosis. Sovet. med. 26 no-5:26-29~MY'63 (MIRA 17:7.) 19 Iz gospitallnoy terapevtichegkoy kliniki (dir. - chlen-kor- respondent MIN SSSR prof. P. Ye. Iukomskiy) II 14oskovskogo meditainokogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. TAKOVLEVA, I.P., assistant Investigating the optical mirror system for a spectrograph with a plane fields Izv.vys.ucbeb,zav.; prib. no-3:119-126 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Leningradskly *nstitut tochnoy makhaniki i optiki. Reko- mendovana kafedro~ teorii optichaskikh priborov. (Spectrograph) ACC N't AP6009798 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/002/0339/0334 AUTHOR: Mikbaylov,* B, He 'Dorokbov,-,V. A*,* Yakovlev, I.- P. ,.ORG,. Institute of Organic Cbemistry'im. N. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sciences,53SH-.tinstitut organicbeskoy kbimli.Akademli nauk bb;3h) TITLE: Tbioborating noetonitrilelv- SOURCEe. ANiSSSR* Izvestiyao,~* S.eriya kbimicbeskaya, no* 20 1966, 332- 334 GS: ,TOPIC ~TA cbemical reactionj:'O*rgania' nitrile compound, organic sulfur compound.,'organoboron compound'. cbemical,purity: -ABSTRACT-.' Tbereaction-of esters of dialkyltbloboric acidl(i) witb~ acetonitrile was,, investigated Simple and -mixed etbyl., propyl and butyl esters~of I were added to acetonitrile forming crystalline adducts wbiob decomposed to.tSe original material on beatingo,.Reactions were run at;-~ room temperaturei. itb.or witbout solvent and-70-80% yields were w ,obtained, Adduats were. stable - in~ air,, . ~alcohol,, water, and HCL at room t erature,. IR studies'sbowed'-the'adduct monomers were formed first- PmP and then dimerizede Tbese reactions of adduct formation and a means of purifying .9sters of dialkyltbioborio Card 1/2 UDG: 542191+661-718.4 go loo, 2 4 0 &UT7CR: 'nldlc~ TIT,LE: On t!,o Dopolarization of -1jesons in !:Ctal- (0 P*I-mezonov v mt-tal'al-h) PER I OD I C A-L Zhurnail i teoreticheskoy fizil'i' Vol ", 1- 4, PP 97o ).j 973 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since the discove.vy of the non-conservation of. parity in zeak- interaction, investi.=A ions of myon depolarization-in condensed media are of considera"le irterest (Refs 1-3). 46'cause of the nonconservation of parity in n+--4 V+-decay the Myons produced -are polarized in the direction of their emission; accordin- to the t-wo-component neuti-ino theory pola- rizatior r!hould Ibe total. Fo-r the i)ur-,:,o-e of determininz PI-yon polexitation the ron-conservantion of parity in tl`~Q next-follwoing A+ -4 e-l-dec--y is used. Inte,:;rat:d with respect to enerTy, the angular dictribution of pocitrons has the form 1+a coo 9 (0 = anGle Card 1/4 between the raomentum of the myon and the direction + On the Depolarization 1~etaln 0 f e 43 0, n in S3 of emission of the positron, a= Pa 0 , ,~;here P is the 11 polaTization. and a0 deponds on the selection of the variable of the theory. Depolarization of myons is caused by their mutual interaction. The angular anisotropy of positrons depends, according to experi-mental dcta, in a high deL-;ree on the medium, as e.g. in metals, where it is very considerable. For the purpose of explaininj the mechanism of myonz depolarization, the formation of mesonium (bound system g++e-) may be assumed. It is upon this assumption that also the author bases her investi-,ation. In the case of the formation of mesonium in con- densed media, also the irreversible interaction processes with the medium must be taken into accounit. For this case the density matrix is set up. As a linear combination of operators it has the following form: U(A)U(e) U(g),j(e)~ Card 2/4 'Kk K ig k k k= -51 PON _M: On the Depolarization of Mesons in Metals ij An investiCation is carried out of metal, all valence electrons of which contribute towards conductivity, and it is shown that the exchange interaction between the mesonium electron and the electron liquid in the metal reduces p -meson depolarization considerably. In the case of sensible assumptions as to the dimensions of the mesonium in metal, the considerations and estimations mentioned here are found to agree well with experimental results. In conclusion the author thanks V.G.Nosov for super- vising work, and she expresses her gratitude to S.T.Belyayev for having suggested the topic. There are 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (Moscow Engineering;, and Physics'Institute) A F S/056/62/043/005/028/058 B102/BIO4 AUTHORSs Nosov, V. G., Yakovieva, 1. V. TITLEs Depolarization ofU + mesons in solids PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 431 no. 501), 1962, 175P - 1764 TEXTj On the basis of weak-interaction considerations of the e decay of completely polarized muons, the positron angular distributi' on should have the form 1 cosi~(with respect to the direction of flight of 3 Actually the anisotropy of this decay is much.weaker, because of /j+ depola- rization in the matter. This depolarization is mainly attributed to muonium production; if, however,,V-+_e spin contact interaction is considered it becomes clear that muonium production will not be the only effect-that plays a role in /L depolarization. Here the depolarization effects are analyzed and a phenomenological theory is developed which takes account also of the presence of an external magnetic field. The theory is based on the assumption that, irrespective of contact interaction, the electron of the Card 1/4 + S/056/62/043/005/028/058 Depolarization of p, mesone in solids B1102/B104 muonium is depolarized in the matter, i.e. it shows a kind of spin flip with the. characteristic frequency,,v. From the expressions derived for the com- ponents of the muonium spin density matrix the time dependence of /'UI polarization is calculated. 71ith the dimensionless parameter,x (V/W 0 H/H0 for rapid relaxation~of the electron spin W +j 0 dt 1 P P (1) e-0-1 - = (I 0 t + 0)20'rj4V 2-+_ and for slow relaxation ~4