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COU*I~TRIY- C A T,5'\'T 0 R-L' J AB3. JOUR. : RZI(him., Ho. 1959, Fo. 87837 A U T H OR : Blum~ I.; Birea-Galateanu, D.; Nistor, I. I i, ;3T. --------- ;-- T I 21*j Preliminary Study by the Method of Infrared Spectrography of Brown Coal from Deposits in Banat and Jiu Valley (Rumania) 0-11G. PUB. i Rev, chimet 1958, 91 No ll~ C13-617 PBSTRACT : A study was made of chemical structure of two varieties of Rumanian coal of different degree of meta- morphism (C9 85.24 and 79.58%), and of their extracts in CEC13 after thermal treatment at 4180 and 3860~ which ,correspond to maximum yield of extract. No substantial ~differences were found between chemical structure of coal land that of the extract. -- G. Bonvech. i CARD: BA(ZO -1 _ a, )-- -eAV I 6icb14-anhins' and 1ribioMi- o -K-- Acad. rit. 2fftISMEVE Tttrymml-a-3.-The ab. Popostre Fewmaixt 4, sorption bands of 2,4,6-triddoroan e and 2.4 trlbrolnu- safte in the spectral range from 1.2 to 12 ja are reported and the frequency assignments discussed. By comparison with Um'qwft of rawasubstitute4 anifines, the bands chanc- teristic of the NUrgroup and the CjHj ring are displaced towards lower frequencies. The displacement is very little affeewl by the nature of the substituent. The position of - tbo bands characteristic of the C-N group in, affected neither by the no.. nor by the natum of the substituents. Akx%ndtrAWw- Di stin 3 -A The vibmt1=1 a Bma aromatic -&a F ,, j 10 41 c cT-. IC! lnd~t, '. 1- 7n dimltfic forms of th~c m-pds I nthe wr~trz uncamentii and al~ imins. of 1 and 11 and CC!.. m .z., me vibrtmrj of the NO Vicup wmlotmd betweeL an~~ -Ml -1 for the Monom-1 an~, v about ~'x' d nncr The frequenc) oj th-e ~ib~tlov- , 0 defomwaart of the IITIIIIR group wa3 aboit one-hall G.' ttit of the fundameritAl NO vibmtion PirLilh Z~--e of tbc CN, vibratim ~ ~~twnm WT,.- ki~~ Vine monomcr mad at about ICP~X, crn ICO t ZZIF BIRCA-GArATEM, D. Oscullation spectrum of saw nitroso derivatives. Note 1. e-nitroso- ak-naphthol. Studii core fiz nnd-1813-18 160. (EUI 10:1) (Mitroso group) (Witrosonaphthol) (Spectrum analysis) 14V 400 BIRCA-rAIATEANU,,-. D. --- ---I 7be infrared spectia of oome anilines, Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 51-57 162, i 1. Polytechnisches Inotitut Bukarest. ,4 BIRCA-GALATEANU, D.1 IENETRESCU, Catalina; ELIAN, M.; MANTON, Lucia The infrared spectra of some substituted hydrazides derived from furylacrylic acid. Studil cere chim 11 no.2s225-237 163. 1. Institutul Polltehnic, Bucuresti. BIRCk-GAIATEANUI DFMTHESGU) Catalina Infrared spectra of some new cyanoacety1hydrazide derivativese Rev chimie Roum 9 no.3t2O4,-214 Mr 164o 1, Polytechnic InBtitutep Bucharest, Str. Folizu I* BIRCA-GALATEANIJ, D.; DEWTRESCU, Catalina Infrared spectra of some now derivatives of eyanacetylhydrazide. Studii cerc chim 12 no. 3:221-231 Mr 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest. BTRG/-.-GAIYrr:AM1, %; C If] RITA, G.; Cl'q t-ai ~ rl't' 4 L SF-weetrcacopic svnt~enls and analy.A.- irj t1, C~f the structure of now diary- sulfone-hydi-z-,zidones w~ 1,1, an~.i- tuberculosis effect. Rev chimie Roum 10 no.1:63-9~ 3a 165. 1. Laboratory of Physics of the Polytac~., 1r--sQt1zT-e, 101- charest, and Laboratory of Organic Chamiqt.-Y (--f '~io 'Tn,-~'-~tlite of Medicine and Pharmacy, Buch-1r,-.:;t, 19-21 !,1. Submt Uted July 4, 1.964. BIRCA-GALAMART. D.;. CHIRITA, C.; DEWTRFSCU, Catalina; WRODIN, A]. Synthesis and infrared spectroscopic study of the structure of some new diarylsulfone-hydrazidones with an antituberculous action. Studil cero chim 14 no.1:83-94 Ja 165. 1. Laboratory of Ph5raios of the Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, and Laboratory of Organic Chemistry of the Institute of Modicins and Phs--macy, Bucharest. Subaitted July 4, 1964. COUITTRY CATLGORY ABS . JOUR. i RZhBiol., ITo. 23 AUTHOR ORITG~ PUB. AE "~)TIIZACT Cont'd 1959, No. 1070417) rnfractariness. Hormonal preparationa veve administerea in large aoseti ( '-*~() Ini-z 0-f' ACTE,0 400 me of cortisone or I of ultracortin daily ). Aminouterin In doses of 0.25-0.5 me, was administgred 't.'c 4 patients after remisaian was obtained. Ale-ukemIc forms of leucosIR did not apoear- as a contraindication to antimetabolite therapy, Viree ohildren suffering 4L'Pom chronic leukemia were submitte,~ to therapy with myleran ( 0,06 mg~kg daily ); in One child remisslon was obtained, lasting for C ARD 2/3 U -2c)- BIRCAX,J.; 14IKS,14.; STEINER,J.; HEJLIN,I.; techniclm spolup--aca:KOLESAROVA,V. Functional capacity of the cardiopulmonary system in ado- lescence. III. Effect of work stress on some basic indices of blood circulatory efficiencys Bratiololek.listy 2 no.9: 541-558 163. 1. Katedra pediatrie I. Iek. fak. Univ.Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduca: prof. MUDr. I..Takubcova) a Oddelenie klinickej pato- fyziologie pri katedre experimentalnej patologie a farmako- logie (veduci katedryt doc, Mr. Marta, C.So.). BMCAK,Z.; NIKSA4 Technicks spolupraca: Amctional. effielleney of the cardiopulmonary system during Ithe period of adoieseence. V. Effect of the work load on ventilation. Bratisl. lek. listy 2 no.12001-709 163. 1. Katedra. padiatrie 1. 14k.fak. Univ. Nomenskeho v ' Brat-Iolare kveduoas doc. KJDr. I.Jakuboova) a Oddelenie kliniakej patofyziologie pri Katedre experimentalnej patologie i farmakologiev (raduci katedryt doc. MUDr. R. Barta 09c. DIACAK J I NIKS, M., HULINI 1-; STSINLR, J.; tec)u2icka spolupraca ROL-;SARDVA, V. ?4,national capaaity of the cardiopulmonary system in adolescence. U. Evaluation of the mechanism of ventilation by '.1he muthad of detniled expiration. Bratial. Lek. ListY 43 no.2t65-76 162. 1. Z I. detskej kliniky Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, voduca doe. MUDJ:. 1. Jakubcova, a z Ustavu experimentalnej patologie Lek. fak. Univ. Komanskeho v Bratislava, veduci doe. MUDr. E. Barta, C. So. (R:,'SIIIRATION physiol) (ADOIMCSICE) VERRR, M.; BIRCAK, J.; STEDER2 J. Some psychological problems of adolescents. Cask. pediat. 17 no.7/8: 638-641 Ag 162. 1. 1. detska klinika Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislava, prednosta doc. dr. I. Jakubcova. (ADDLESCENCE) (CHILD PSYCHOLOGY) BIRCAK, J.; NIKS, M.; HULIN, I.; STSINERO J.; technicka sPoluprace IMUZAROVA, V. runctional capacity of the cardiopulmonary system in adolescents. Bratisl. Lek. Listy 42 no.P-i671-682 162. 1. z I. detskej kliniky Lek. fak. Univ. Komens!ce'o v Bratislave, veduca doe. Mr. I. JakuNovap a z Ustavu experimentallnej patologie Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Aratislave,, veduci doe. MUDr'. E. Barta, C.Sc. (SPIROMETRY in adolescence) NIKSpM.; BIRCAKOZ.; DDM09M.; BACINSKYjM, Draluation of meohmmical ventilation by the Tiffeneau test In children during puberty. Bratiel. lek. listy 2 no.W*83-589 163. 1. Oddelemle kliniakej patofyriologie pri Katedre eacperimen- talnej patologie"a farmakologie Iek.fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava (veduci katedry doe. HUDr.E.Barta, C.Sv.) a Kated- ra pediatrie I. Iek. fak. Univ,, Komenskehe v Bratislava, (veducat doe. MUDr.I.Jakaboova). BIRC AK, V.; IJIKS, M. interrelations between some sciriatic Indices in ch.-Ildren during the puberal period. Bratisl. lek. listy 44 no.8:495-501 164. 1. Katedra pedia+rie 1. Lek. fak. Univarzity Komenskoho v Bratislave (veduca prof. MUDr. I.Jakubcova)toldclenie klinickej patcfyzlologie pri Katedre ex-pe-imentalnej patologle Jok. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislava (vEdaci katedry doe. 1,TDr. E. Barta, CSc.). .j, BTRCAK,J.,- NIKS,14.; JENCA,G. Ahthropmetric values in chIldren training for ice skating. Bratisl. lek. listy " no.I.It670-677 D 15 164 1. Katedra pedlatrie 1 Lek. faktLlty Univezrzity Komnnske~!c v Bratislave (veduca - prof. MDt% I.Jakubcova); Oddaienie klinickaj patofyziologie pri Katedre experimentAlnei p3t:,- logle Lek. fakulty 11niverlaty Kommuskohn v It-tAtIA.-we (Vedual katedry - doe. MDr. E. Bnrta, (r-,.) a Katedra lnteme,~, medicin7 1. Lek. fakulty Univerizty Romenskeho v EL-atislave (veduci - prof. MR.-. t1. (hdrejiclka). BIRCAK,J.; NIKS,M.1 J~YCA,G. Physical efficiercy in children tra:-ing for ice slkatlng. Brat-,91. lek. listy 44 no.12007-713 D 31 164 1. Katedra pediatrie I. Isk. f"oulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Etratislave (veduca prof. MUDr. 1,Jakubcova); Ohdelenie klln!~;kaj pe~ofyziologie pri Katedre experimentalnej patologie Lek. fakul- ty Univerzity Kamenskabio v Bratislava (veduci katedry - IftJDr*E.BELrta, CSco,) a Katedra intemaj mediciny I Lek. U-niverrity Komenskeho v Bratislava (Veduci - prof. t1pipf.M. Ohdrej-Icka). BIRCAK J INIKS,M.; 5"' MZROJ~; HUIPJ.; RIECALSKY,I.;Tec~ j colt., pr . KOLESAELVA V Ywictional efficiv,ay of the cardiopulmonary system during t1je period of ad-lipscence, IV. Relation of physical per- f,)=aance to s,,i-,Q jomatic indices, Bratisl. lek. listy 2 ro,11:637-S/,8 ;63~- 1. Katedra pediatrie 1, Lek. fak- Univ. Komenskeho V Bratislava; (vadouca:doc. MUDr. 1,JrJnibcova) a Oddelonie klinickei pato- yziologie pri Katedre e-xperimentalnej patologie a farmako- logie, Lek.fak. Univ. Vdhmskeho v Bratislava (vedouci katedry: doe. NUDr- E.Barta., C.rr, FISCHOVA, A.; STEINER, J, ;.R~ LICKOt T. Renovascular hypertension in a 10-year-old child. Bratit;l. lek. listy 45 no-8:510-513 31 0 165. 1. Katedra. pediatrie I Liekarske fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho, v Bratislave (veduca prof. HJDr. I. Jakubcova) a II. chirurgicka klinika Lekarske fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci akademik K, Siska). BIRCAK, J.; NIKS, M.; HUDAKOVA, G.; JANOVJAKOVA, E. The heart volume of healthy children in adolescents. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no.11:649-664 15 D t65. 1. Katedra, pediatrie I Lek. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v Brati- slave (veduca prof. WDr. 1. Jakubcova), Oddelenie klinickej patofyziologie pri Katedre experimentalnej patologie Lek. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislava (veduci katedry doc. KJDr. E. Barta, Me.) a Ustav zdravotnickej statistiky v Bratislava (riaditel prom. ekonom S. Estok). BIRCAK,, J.; NIKS, M.; HUDAYOVA, G.,- RIECANSKY, I.; DROBNY, M. Relation of the heart volume to physical working capacity in healthy pruberal children. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no.12:727-738 31 D 165. 1, Katedra pediatrie I Lekarske fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veducs. prof. HJDr. I. Jakubcova), Oddelenie kli- nickej patofyziologie pri katedre experimentalnej patologie Lekarake fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislava (veduci katedry doe. MDr. E. Barta, CSc.) a Ustav zdravotnicktj statiatiky v Bratislava (veduci prom. ekonom S. Estok). MUY. L. I DIROAXOTA# M. Affect of erythrocytes on the level of penicillin potassium salt., Bratiel. lek. listy 34 no.8:831-858 Aug 54o 1. 3 Ustavu. Iskarskej m1kroblologis IFBU v Koviciach. pre&nosta doo. dr. L.Dabay. (BRYTHROCYSSO . off. on penicillin potassium salt) (MICILLIN, potassium *&It, eff.of erythrocytes) M=AKOVICP S.; TEOFILOVSKI, C.j DIZDAR, Z.; B;WANIN,, Lj. A ziev procedure for the production of the carrier-fre 355. Bul Inst Nuel 22:88-96 0 161. 1. The Institute ot Raclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich.0 Hot Laboratory Department., Vince. 2.,Nbmbre of the Editorial Board and Editor, "Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Boris Kidrich'" (for Disdar). JELIC, Ilikola., dipl. fiz. hem.,, saradnik (Beograd., Zahumska 29b); BULOVIC, Vlastimir.. saradnik; BIRCANIN, Ljubisa., saradnik; VOJNOVIC, Jelisaveta, Production of 204T1 source for radiQgraphic purposes. TebF- nika Jug. 18 no.96uppl.aftdioizotopi zrac 2 no,9:1617-1619 S 163, 1. Laboratorija za hemiju visoke alftivnosti Instituta za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidric", Beograd-Vinca, BIRCHANSKAYA L Chicke,n factory* Zwn. sila, 36 no. W-9 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Poultry plante) SVOBDDA, G.; BIRCHENKO, A. Xxp~'rimsntal workaon obtaining compact asbestos slate using a new forming method. Stroi. mat. 4 no-8:35 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) I.Tekhnichaskiy rukovoditall Sterlitamalmksogo shifernogo zavoda Sterlitamkskogo zavoda (for Birchenim) 2.Zamsstitell nachallnika Otdela tekhnicheskogo kontrolys (for Svoboda). (Asbestoe) (Roofing) 13 N6o, BIRCHENKO, L,A.. Problem of surgery in advanced and long-standing primary glaucomn oft.simr. 12 no.4-?-26-23() '57. (KIRA 10:11) 1. Is glasnoy kliniki (say. - prof* K.K.Eolotereva) Belorueskogo instituts usovershanstvovaniya vracheye (M--SURGUY) (GIAUCOVA) ZOLOTAREVAj H.M.9 prof.; RAPOPORTv M.Kh.9 kand.meditainskikh nauk,- BIRCMK0j, LoA,t vrach. ............- Prevention of blindness and the organization of dispensary treatment of glaucoma patients. Zdrav. Belor. 4 no.2:48-51 F 158. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz glaznoy klinild Belorusskogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (direktor - professor M.N. Zhukova). (BLINDNESS PREVENTION) (GLAUCOMA) ACC NR1 AP6013479 __TN) SOURCE CODE: UR/0182/66/0 AUTHOR: Okhrimenko, Ya. M.; Nedosekin, L. L; Faybisovich, L. L.; Troltsldyp V. P.-- ORG: none TITLE: Forging yith preliminary partial cooling of ingot surface lit SOURCE: Huznechno-shtampovochnoyb proizvodstvo, no. 12, 1965, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: metal forging, cooling, hot forging, metal deformation ABSTRACT: The ingots produced by the present-day steel industry display as a rule various metallurgical defects such as shrinkage cavities, blowholes, internal cracks, etc. Defects of this kind persist in the forgings produced from these ingots, and their prevention can be accomplished by adjusting the regimes and sequence of the swaging, upsetting, drawing and other operations. At present there is no common consensus on the proper sequence and de- sirability of these operations. Recently, the Japanese investigators Mankichi Tateno and Shoichi Shikano (Closing of Internal Cavities in Heavy Forginge by Hot Free Forging [source not given)) described a now technique, based on the surface cooling of ingots to the temperature irnrri 1/2 UDC: 62L 73.032 ACC NN AP6013479 of the lower forging limit and their swaging in this form, which makes it possible to cone6n- trate deformations in the central ingot zone during the forging of large ingots. The cooled outer layers of the ingot then fulfill the role of a more rigid but yielding jacket, while the central layers of the metal, which contain the largest number of discontinuities and have higher tempe- ratures, are effectively deformed by a special press punch, thus leading to the elimination of defects inside the large ingot. However, the Japanese investigators make no mention of the ef- fect of preliminary slight deformation during the partial cooling of the ingot on the distribution of inclusions and the mechanical properties of the metal following the forging. To clarify this question, the present authors Investigated ingots of carbon steel 20JWch were partially cooled by exposing them to room temperature for I hr, after which the temperature difference between the surface and center of the ingot was found to reach -3000C. In this form of ingots were forged in a 3000-ton press with a reduction of -,6-7% in area, aft 'er which they were re- heated at 12000C and subjected to standard forging. Subsequent microstructural examination and, mechanical tests of specimens taken from these ingots, as compared with controls, established that the forging of partially cooled ingots indeed provides better conditions for closing up inter- nal defects in the central zone owing to the differences in the deformation resistance of the outer and innter layers of the ingot, and that preliminary deformation enhances this effect by improving the dendritio structure and bringing about a better balance between plasticity and im- pact strength, Orig. art, has: 4 figurees I table. SUB CODE: 13, U/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REFt 003. BIRCK$ 00kar., dr. 1 'Forestry anginear,lugm, br Pr-L learn=. Reviewed by Oazkar Birck. Erdo 13 nooW88-190 APIU. BIRDER B.N. Steady state of heat-conducting systems. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 9 no.3058-363 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy Institut, Ivanovo. - - r'.,!-- RZXMKI. W;BIP30K&. A-.SIXGJL, X. Results of 202 cases of aztrapls~~ pneumothorax. Graslica, Wares. 20 no.1:19-36 Jan-Feb 1952. (CUM 2.90) 1. Of the Department of Itang Surgery (Head-W. Rsepicki. M. D.) of the State Complex of %berculosis Sanatoria (Director - K. Dmbrovski, N. D.). Zakop=p. ..4 BIRECKIL, Ad&; RZIPBCKI, Wit Localized secon&ai7 adhesions of the lung after J&cobaeus ope- ration. Gruslica 23 no.6:3.97-08 June 155. Z Panstwovego Zespolu SanatRriow Prsectwgruslicsych.Dyraktor: dr. S. Prankel: s OddsWu "hirurgit Pluc--Ordynator: prof. dr. W. ltxepecki; Dyrektor: dr. L. Sadlowska; I s I.D. i S.K.L. w Zakopanem Zakopane, Sanatorium in. Sokolowsklego. (COLLAPSIC TMEAPT, pnMMDolYsls. postop.10.calised'adhesions of lung) (LUNGS, therapy adhesions postop, in pusumonolyals) BIRICKA, Ada; DRZVSKIj Zbigniew; RESPIM, Wit; SOM4IDT, Kiecsirslaw Treatment ofpulmonary tuberculosis by thoracoplasty with plastic material. Grqzlica 24 no.2;95-98 Fab 56. 1. Z Zadledu PtystocbIrargit I.Do t 3,LL.-Aierownti: prof. dr. W. Rzopecki w Sanatorium in. dra 0. Sokolwakiago--Dyraktor: dr. L. Sadlowska z P*nstw. Zespolu Sanatoriow Przeciwgruzlicsych w Zakopanon-Dyrektor: dr. S. Frankel, oras z Oddzialu Gbirurgiczn9go Snatorium Im. Y. DxIersynskiego w Qtwocku. .Ordvmtor:-dr. A. Bireeks. Dyrektor.- dr. J. Zarwowski Panstwowe SantoriusWiruslieze ln..-Yo.Dziersynskiago,,.Otwock.. (COLIAPM THNUIT .thoraeoplasty with polyethylene plombage.), BI]MCKA, Ada A case of secondary management of bronobtal fistula following pneumonectomys Polski tygod. lako 14 no.38S1715-1?16 21 Sept 59. 1. (Z Zakladu Torakoobirurgit Studium Doakonalenta Lekarzy Sanatorium im. Dr Os Sokolowskiego v Zmkopsnem: kierownik: prof. dr med. Wit, Rsepeaki), (PIUMONROMIT, compl.) ( TMONCHIAL FISTULA, surg.) BIRECKA,.Ada 11-~ Secondary management of bronchial fistula after -pneumonectomy. Postepy hig. -mod. dow. no.2:96 160. 1. Z Zakladu Ftyajochirurgii Sanatorim in. dra 0. Sokolowskiego v Zakopanem-liermuft: prof. dr Wit Rzepecki. (PNMONECTClff compl) (BRONCHIAL FISTULA etiol) RZEPECKI, Wit; BIRECKA, Ada; GORALCZYK, -Terzy; PUTWICKA, Jadwiga Metal mechanical outure as a aura and conservative method in pulmonary resection (UU,60 apparatus). Gruz3ica 30 no.2:111-123 162. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii -idatle Piersiowej SDL AM v Warazavie Sanatorium in. 0. Sokolowskiago v Zakof)inem Dyrektor: prof. # W. Rzapecki z Oddzialu Chirwgii Plue Ordynatort dr A. Birecka Sanatorium im. F. Dzierzynakiego v Otwocku Dyrektorl dr E. Komar. (PNEUMONEC70E equip & supply) RZEFECKI, Wit; .pMEgRj, -. GQLUZZYK, Jerzy _4*4 _ Results of mechanical resection of the pu2monary parencbyza in tuberculosis. Gruzlica 31 no.ltl3-17 163- 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Klatki Fiersimej SDL v Zakopanem Kisrovniks prof. dr nod. W. Rzopeaki Z Oddzialu Chirurgiesnago Sanatorium im, F. Dziersynskiego v Otwockti Dyrektorz dr E. Komar Ordynator: dr A. Birecka. (PNEUXONICTOW) (SUTURE TECHNICS) (TUBERCULOSIS., PULMONARY) IKRUSZEWSKA, Wanda; BIRECKAs Adas PIOTROWSKIO Andrzej Difficulties in the diagnosis of pulmnar7 tuberculosis. 1. Congenital cystic cavity in a c1lild infected with tubercu- losis. 2. Cirrhosis with bronchiecftasis as a consequence or a foreign body, (grain spike). Grailica 30 no.8:759-766 162. 3o Z Sanatorium in. J, YAtrchlevokiego, v Otwocku Dyrektor: dr K. Stec-Kryaskiewicz Z Oddsialu Chirurgicznego 1 2 Pracowni Anatomopatologicznej Sanatorium im. Dziersynakiego w Otwocka Dyrektor: dr Z. Komar. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULKONARr) (DIAGNOSIS9 DIFFERENTIAL) (CYSTS) (BRONCHIECTASIS) (BRONCHIAL DISEASES) (FOREIGN BODIES) (PULMONARY FIBROSIS) BIRECKA, Ada; KAHMKIq Janusz; MLLIKP T840462 I.- !- - - Distribution of Vital capacity in botb lungs determined by comparative respiratory donsitograpby and bronchospirometry in 32 patients, Gruzlioa 31 no.61586-591 Jer'63. 1. Sanatorim ime FoDsierWakiegop Otwock. 1, 1L N;j, j" j" , "Ni IF Piz "Ila ~-erv sm 5 TC-'W t _n'A Rationql assortment of phosnhoric fertilizers for Polish soil. p. 446. (Pp,.,3xff.qT, r.F-n7vTcz%Ty, vin. 10, No. 9, SePt. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Mntb-.Ly Tdst of' East %ropean Accessinns, (MU), LC, Vol. 3. No. l?, Dec. 1954, Uncl. 3 a, datj n r*hl,= pmulusea xD;~erpbo!pb&l;; on y1el, Melba& of 3PPLIDetion yw'd Dog renoLon. 11 llirm~~ W Dugustv~shi 3ml H ~IOAA! ,,j 1W. 71, A, 42) --The lit-I ""pl, "i V 1.,in% g Itagc,3 of de_,.Prn~n- t" ---q ~~'t Whez c~caly d..ttib;st--,l thta;iglt, u, ~,I k"_-i ., 1-u.1j, tt,~ gmnulatQ Ivrm of F",-= k~-ttr.: r~,,Jt, tt"In 11, pulvrr!SW form. Arpliczbun ~-n jj)T--j tv~n nut (geor-ally) aflt~t cT the e'bc-&Cy 01 the "MEY, Ir,)t in'PON'rl th'~t Of the latteY thi, radhod of application nduces tho uffxacy ,' fVa,njiatd pbo!ophatv an limed =13 whkb a~- highly deRcitnt in 1) PCLAND/Soil Science, Soil Biology J-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo., No 10j, 1958, No 43W Author : Birecka Hop Tucholka Ze Inst -.-'Tffe_U_s_f1 M e of Agronomic Chemistry in Powan Title : An Invostigation of the After-Effects of Plant Phosphorus Feeding Orig Pub :Roczn. nauk rolniazychp 1956, A73~ no 1, 1-42 (Polish; rose Russ., Eng.) Abstract : The results of gooving tests made at the Institute of t*kGrn- nomic Chemistry in Poznan (1-cland) have shown that an improve- ment of phosphorus feedinE; in maternal plants is reflected on the progeny in sumer %iieut mid especially in barley, strenGthening plant growth rhythms and their uptake of N and P, increasing the number of scads in their ears and the over- all Grain yield., without affecting the N and P content in the Grain and the displacement of P between the endosperm and the embryo. -- W.W. Sokolov Card 1/1 21 POLAND/Soil Science - Mineral Fertilizers* J. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biole,, No 15, 1958, 67950 Author : Birecka H. Lisievicz, A., Lchmannp K., Czekals1d, A. Inst : Title : Effectiveness of Granulated 3uperphosphate in Connection with Mode of Application and Soil Reaction. Orig Pub : Roczn. nauk. rolniezycho) 1956, A73, No 3, 327-347. Abstract : Pot experiments were mdo in 1952 and 1953 in the Institute of Agrochemistry of the Hiu)zcr Agricultural School in Iloz- nan comparing the effectiveness of powdered and &Tanulated F with spring vheat and flax on light sandy loam having ~fi of 6.0 in a KC1 extracto In addition, by liming, the reaction of this soil was raised to PH 6.6, and, by appli- cation of A12(SO4) in a dosage of 6 mg. Al per 166 grams of air-dry soil, tg PH 5~2* Phosphates were added in (lo- ses of 40 or 120 mg. BO 5 Per pot. When 40 mg. P2 09 was mixed with the otherwi~c unchanged soil, and diptributed Card 1/3 - 39 - POLAND/Soil Science - Mineral Fertilizerso J. Abs Jour Ref 71iur - Biol.,, No 15, 1958, 67950 throuLtout the vho3.e pot, the powdered variety Gave a yielcl of 8.4 gram of wheat grain per pot, and the gra- nulated variety -- 10,3 crar's; the 120 mg. dose jpve respectively 11o7 and 14*8 Grams; the yield in the pot which did not have P 0 vus 6,5 Grams of grain, Whan these same dosce were introduced into the lowest layer of soil in tho pot) the yields were 13*1 and 13.2 grams respecti- vely; when 40 mg. P, were inserted under the seeds, the yields were 10,0 and.9.6 gram * On limed soil Granula- ted PC gave slightly inferior results to powdered PCO but on acid soil PC was much more effective. In this case, where the control gave a yield of 3.4 grams, the addition of 120 rag. of powdered PC &pvc 6.7 grams when it was thorou&ily mixed with the soil; adding granulated PC mi- xed with water gave U.1 Grams, and granulated PC nixed with organic matter gave 11.5 gramse When 40 me PC was added under the seeds, the results were 8.0, 7.4, and 8.8 Card 2/3 0 POLAND/Soil Science - Mineral Fertilizers. J-3 , . I Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 5770 Author : Byczkovski, A.) Birecks, g,j Boratynski~ X. Inst -------- Title Knotty Problems of the Fertilization of Light Soils. Orig Pub Zesz. probl. nauki polsk., 1956, No 6, 175-200. Dyskus, 303-363, (Polish) Abstract In Skernevitsi when 20 T./hectare of manure were applied to light podzolic soil over a period of 25 years the hu- mas content increased by 0.39%, i.e-,, 57% of the humus with the mnure during that period. In Germa- ny (nederling), when 40 T./hectare were applied yearly to light argillaceous soil., the husids content increased by 0.52% over the course of 18 years, i.e., 79% of the humus brought in with the manure. It is considered that 30% of the carboix in the manure is in the form of humus, and that 1/2 of this quantity can be preserved for an extended Card 1/2 POLA"/Soil Science - Mineral Fertilizers. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, 100076 Author : Birecka -Boguezveski, W., Szukalski, H., Lisiewicz, Ir,st Title : Periods of the Introduction of Fertilizers, Depending on the Reactiob of the Soils. Orig Pub : Roczn. neuk rolniczych, 1956, A73, No 4, 473-498 Abstract : In vegetational experiments on wheat in light soils, having ~ pH from 5.2 to 7.0, there were studied, in the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry of the Poznan Agri- cultural University, the autumn and spring periods of the application of povder-like and granulated super- phosphate and also soda thermoph-cephate. At a pH of 5.2-5.4 and of 6.7-7.0, the fertilizers were more effec- tive during the spring applications. At a pH of 6, the differences were not great. For the granulated super- Card 1/2 POLAND / Cultivated Plants. Grains. Legumes. Tropical M-1 Cereals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6199 Author : Tuoholka, Z.; Lislewicz, A. Inst : Poznan al Institute Title : Studies on the Utilization of Fertilizers In the Cultivation of Summer Grains in Rowe Orig Pub : Roczn. nauk rolnyozych, 1957, A76, No 1, 31-41 Abstra%t : The results of 11 field experiments, conducted .40r at the Chemical Institute In Poznan, concerning the use of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers together with granulated P0 in rows, are given in this paper. Higher yields were obtained in all cases when a full dose of N was applied in the rows than when the same fertilizer was broad- cast. An even higher Increase In the yield was Card 1/2 BLRBGrA, H.; JUBIGrA, U.; SCIBOR-MARCHOCIrA* A. I&SOMM"r." ""MM-1 Inpims albus alkaloids and a method of their quantitative do- teriination. Acta biochim. polou 6 no.l,.25-36 1959. 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Roslin S.G.G.W. w Warszawie lieNwnik: prof. dr H. Birecks. I (AMIDUS, detern, 1upinus albus alkaloids (Pol)) B MWZL R - "OROZYK, 2, Biosynthesis of radio-ootive alkaloids of yellow and white lupine. Bal Ac Pol biol 7 no.W05-211 159 Ma 9s6) 1. Department of Plant Fasiology, Gollege presented by. J. Honer. (Syntbesie) (lapin) (Radioactive (Alkaloids) of Agriculture, Warsaw substances) BIRECKA, H.; SZKLAREK, D.; MAZAN, A. Alkaloid synthesis in derooted white lupine plants. Bul Ac Pal biol 8 no-5:167-173 160o (EW 9:11) 1. Department of Plant Physiology College of Agriculturep Warsaw and Laboratory of Plant Physiology Institute of Soil Management and Fertilization, Warsaw. Presented by J.Heller. (LUPINES) (AUCALOMS) - BIRECKA, H.; NALBORCZYK, E.; SEBYLA9 T. Biosynthesis of alkaloids in intact and derooted plants of yellow lupine. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.3tl?-5-181 160. (EW 9:11) 1. Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Warsav and Laboratory of Plant Physiology# Institute of Soil Management and Fertilization, Warsaw. Presented by J.Heller. (LUPINES) (ALKALOIDS) BIRECKA,H.; SEBYLA, T. Transformations of 14C-labeled lupanine in white lupine. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.,5:183-188 160. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Warsaw. Presented by J.Hel-ler. (LUPIUS) (LUPANINZ) (CARBON) (RADIOISOTOPES) _~BIRRCKA, H.; ZEBROWSKA, J. Diurnal changes in the alkaloids content in Lupinus albus and Lupinus luteus. Bul Aa Pol biol 8 no-8:339-345 160. (EEAI 100) 1. Department of Plant Physiology College of Agriculture, Warsaw. Presented by SeBarbacki. (ALKALOIDS) (LUPINE) BIRECKAO H.; SGIBOR-NAWHOCKA, A. Alkaloid transformation in yellow lupine after introduction of aparteins or 1upinine. Bul Ao Pol biol 8 no.101449-455 160. (SUI 10: 9) 1. Department of Plant Pbysiology College of Agriculturev Warsaw, Presented bor S. Barbacki. (Ioupins) (5parteine) (Lapinine) BIRECKA, Helena; WLCDKOMI,, Mieczyslaw Reaction of some legininous plants to the phosphorus supply in early stage of vegetation. Roaz nauk roln roal 81 no.):511-541 160. (Ew 9:10) 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Roalin Szkoly Glownej Gospodarstwa Wiejsklego (Legumes) (Phosphorous) BIRECKAp H.; JULBORCZTK, E. ------- -I------.-.- Separation of white lupin alkaloids and attempts of identific4tion of some of them. Bul Ac Pol biol 9 no.10:401-408 161. 1. Department of Plant Warsaw. Presented by J. Biologiquea). Physiologyp Central College of Agriculture, Heller. (Redacteur de la Saris des Sciences .1.0 BIRECKA, H.; WOJCIESKA.. Ue Research on the alkaloids of Lupims albus during its period of vegetation. Pt, 3, White bitter lupin - in its ear-liest and late ontogenic stages. Acts, soc botan Pol 31 no,2i337-356 162* 1. Katedra Fisjologii Roolins, Szkola Glowne, GoBpodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa* BMEGIA a. I ~ -- 9~ Inf3uGm8 Of gibberellin and 19 -indole-acetic acid on plants of Yellow and vbite -lupine, Ptsl. The growth ana damlopment of Plants. Acta soo botan Pol 31 no.3:559-585 162. I* Departmerit of Plant Pbpiology,, Central College of Agriculture., Warsaw. BIRECKLY H*'; ZEBROMIA., J, L-A'luence of gibberellin and /I -indole-acetic acid on plants of yellow and white lupine. Ft. 2. The nitrogen and the alkaloid content. Aota sac botan Fol 32 no,3:587-599 162. 1. Department of Plant Physiology., Laboratory of Plant Physiology., Central College of Agriculture., Warsaw. BTRECKA, H. , prof., dr.; WUMC11.7,1, M.; SKUYINSKA, J. Phosphorus metabolism in pea plants grown from seeds of varying phosphorus content. Rocz nauk roln resl 85 no. 1:29-46. 162 1. Zaklad Fizjclottii Roalln, Szkola, Glowna Gespodarstwa Wiejskiego i Zaklad Fizjclogil, Instytut 'Uprawy, Nawozenla. i Glebcznawstwa, Warszawa. BIREGU$ H. Studies on alkaloid synthesis in bitter white lupine. Acts. soo botan Pol-32 no*11131-10 163- 1. plant Physiology Department, Central Gollege of Agriculture, Warsaw. BIRECKA., Helena Isotopes in biologic"gricultural and agricultural research In Poland; its present state and purposes for the future'._.Postepy nauk roln 10 no,103-40 Ja-F 1639 BIMCIA. H,; SKUPINSKA,, J,; WOJCIF-SUj, Us; ZT.NKIMCZp E. T Photosynthesisi, translocatiOn and aOOUMUlatiOn of assimilates in cereals during firain development. Acts. soc botan Pol 32 no.2'--,~35- 461 63. 1, Department of Plant Physiology., Central College of Agriculture# Warsaws, and "'otion of Plant Physiologyp IzwtitutA of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation,, Warsaw. BIRECKA, H. Inoorporation of assimilated carbort into.alkoloids in bitter white lupin planU of various ages. Bul Ao Pol biol 11 no.7: 341-346 163o 1. Department of Plant Physiology, Agrioultural University, Warsaw. Presented by S. Barbaoki. BIRECKA, H.; SKUPINSKA, J. Photosynthed a, translooation, and accumulation of assimilates in cereals during grain development. Act& am botan Pol 32 no.3031-552 163, 1. Plant Physiology Department, Central College of Agricultars, Warsaw,, and Plant Physiology Section, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation. B DAKIC-"KOWSKA.. I. Photosynthesis., translocation and aacwmLUtion of assimilates in cereals during the grain development. Pt-3. Acta soc botan Pol 32 no-0631-650%3. 1. Plant Physiology Department,, Central College of Agriculture,, Warsaw, and Physioloj7 laboratory,, Polish Academy of Sciences., Warsaw. ,-W BIRECKAP H.; DAKIG-WLODKOWSKA, L. Photosynthesis, tranalocation,, and accumulation of assimilates in cereals during grain development, Acts, soo botan Pol 33 no.2t407-426 164. 1. Department of Plant Physiology, Central College of Agriculture, Warsaw, and Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Polish Acadeqr of Sciences, Warsaw. BIRECKA, H.; SKUPINSKA, J.; BERNSTEIN, I. Photosynthesis, translocation and accumulation of assimi'jatee in cereals durinp grain development. Pt.5. Acta soc botan Pol 33 no.3:601-618 164. 1. Department of Plant Physiology, Central College af Agriculture, Warsaw, and Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Cultivation, %-1 Fertilization and Soil Sciences, Warsaw. BUMEL,Ireca; JASZBWSXi. Isabella Trequency of multiple ulcers in primary syphilis* Frsegle dermot -Wares. ~7 no-3:215-219 Mr-A 160. 1. Z Klinlkl Darmatologlosuej A.M. we Wroclawiu ; Klarown1k: prof. 6. H. Aersecki. (SYMILIB pathol.) BIlMCKA Irana- WASIK, Felik The problemi- of atrophic mucosyneohial bullous dermatitis of Lortat and Jacob in the Ught of our observations. Przegl. dem. 4,9 no.3: 207417 162. 1, Z KlWki Dermatologiomej AM we Wroolaviu.Kierownik: prof. dr H. Hierzeaki, (PWHIGUS) MIKLASZEWSKA, MIk1skszewska;_AIAPq4.j_jr_ena Multiple mycmas of the skin. Przegl. dom. 49 no.5:419L-426 '62. 1. Z *Kliniki DerTaatologicznej AM we Wiroolawiu Kierownik: prof. cIr H. Mierzecki. (MYOMA) (SKIN NEOPLASMS) -BIMONA. Irena; WDYTON , Alekaandra Dernatosio pustulosa Bubcornealis. Przagl. dem 49 no.6017-522 162. 1. Z Kliniki Domatoloomej AM we Wroolaviu K:Lerownikt prof-dr H. Miersecki. (DEHUTOLOGr) BIRECKA, Irena; WOYTLV, Alsksand-ra ___ -_ Coexistence of cystia basal-cell epithelloma and syringo- eystadenoma within the naerum sebaceus. Itzegl. derm. 51 no.3.-297-302 MY-Ze 164 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologiamej Akademii Kedycznej we Mroclawiu (Kierowniks doe. dre .'.KubJcz). BIRECKA, I - SIELICKA.-ZUBER, Luiza - XS=, A case of Bourneville-Pringle syndrome with rare histological changes of the skin. Przegl. dorm. 52 no.4:40-407 JI-Ag 165. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: doc. dr. J.'Kubicz). 13 3' 1 ~c- 4- 1"01) ark 9- c 3 an ;,-;ul (Rloczy;- t, of V-'ar,-est MA -15, OT 15 clays I)Tloy Was the r 5119 mcfew; tht~ ~tll 16~t Kesj lc'o .1ralt, Y e-',T nA BIRECKII M. "Cross-seeding as an important method of increasing th otato crop." (p. 25).' s ~ war NOWE ROLNICTWO (Panstwowe Wawnichtwo Holnieze i Lesne azawa, Vol 3, No 2, Feb. 1954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. W", 31BEGKII M. "Technive of cross-seeding and cross-cultivating potatoes." (p. 16) NOWZ ROLNICTWO (ftnstwowe Wydawnictwo.Rolnicze i-Imene.) Warszawa, Vol- 3, No- III Mar- 1954 so. ]bet luropean Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, August 1954 P 0 L A '--Spaoins of potatool. N1 lli?t'Cki and -H Hmbicki ~R-r, N'-A 67, A, zu~t' - dot-.. 1- th, 2 .11,Ch -nt~nt Of the Wb~T3 -R~ atli~t~d 11Y 1-th 111:111n~ -~P~i .-eatter cinditior5 ID gt.~ll t~~h -.te.1 IM- y-ld~ A,c~gc wt yl-r tUl~T Al~d - Of Wt~~ 1-1 ;,UP! If,- -th distance b1twofn P);~n" " H , ". 1 1, ~ ~-itjb of pxatm& M, and 1~. K%jtIk1 1954, eD, A, 471-327).-14c .1fim- c, tuL,; i Ji Ian ~.-,d temp. arc txarm, t I mtrr"~~ V~LWA And IMITCV~ of lh~ -x-,;~t'i nlawr~q WAbut 1041 in yi6d 'o, cQr-.brK-d %,~rIl.!t!LAi,,a ~lId Itzr Viao tht ~om cf Ow ubtavi,~j t!v reipf,auA tz~ tb--~.r tT4:;..tmmL, 44 dn"', r,t tn ,5 g*. e ul., Climatic we v . V -t d Ak -7, tj 4md ell ant a Of _p W.CZ ov.." o" 'Ods bnt ilic -.3: tatO )-jIlds V,.4 3, ye)d 2n OD-80 4 W-Per Unit V't ~l 'MV7 th, 7D. d-jTabj.'. Ith sueb reac -1 the "'! pn . . 'With 3mmal cot, ., "PtImul", 7"-t' 1~~- -40,3.) atto C7 S-d the al'a art) ")rf, , ~" ..f , V'm pf 'e,", May f, r t1_111 ' d man irld hs, BIRLICKI, BI-FRECKI, I,-MCZ7Y5UI--;. Kwadratowo-gniazdowe sadzenie ziemniakow. Wyd. 3- rozsz. I.,arszawa-, Fanstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Loesne, 1955. 73 P. (Checkrow Potato Planting. 3d 0111- ed.) DA Not ill 111C AGRICULTURE Foland So: -.ast Europ~an Accession, Vol. 6, 110. 5, Lay 1957 ti~i.5A 631 4~, Fllr(Tkl --',l On Drvp und Shallow Tillai r. -,-) pi.,vae !0Qb,A!,j I The PropLrHvs 0? in '2 ary ellmate and of ~n Pnl!md -t irmp~r,-,c ch-.nntp I'd to G1 TI ILI;!o wl t t W,ut 1 1: 1 1 W 11,. 1.~ eOib I -d.7. Sl br "'W fb UIC (Not raftbDd, th. qualify an - .1anti, p7a"Fc- -ft ~, S. dorp , - L'.R. &o,-' I ~uh P.4. j9-- ratioll. .111d -p9 in la."rt'd t"' SIM t) ' :Mtt?-cl t alld i., ridii., b P". Itiva - -r, h"bf Awurfi,, .0 rnpa. ~tlj by 5-115 - 1 1, 0 tul- fairh, 'I -":d I-y in the t, e~p pj;kntj. tln Cd by lidging f - - 9 inh _h, p- r b) ly th ,y A' Q 1"t-m-tv 11 ~~Folalo planting 46ais. M. B:md! am] K -Id -f !"t.- -.6 "'I Gil Ina Climatic curidait'- t- 1-1- 'L%SII'li1mi,,n I,v tht 1,12krits. PqLM/Soil Science Cultivation, Amelioration, Erosion. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 5822 j-4 Author _Zirecki, M., Smolska, K., Gabriel, W. Inst Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Fertilizers, and Soil Science of the Polish People's-Republic. Title Surface Watering of Field Crops. Orig Pub Roeza. nauk- rolaiczych, 1956) A72, No 4, 589-619 Abstract This is a description of the results of an investigation of the optimal times and.the various norms of wateriAg potatoes, beets, and several grains crops on turf-podzo- lic soils of the regions near Warsaw. The investigation was conducted by the InstitjTte of Agricultural Enginee- ring, Fertilizers, and Soil Science of the Polish People's Republic. Card 1/1 POIAND/Cultivated P-Witti. Potatoes, Vegetables, Malone. M Abe jour: W'Zhur-Diol., So 17, 1958, TT658- Author Birecki, M-j Rmtropowimp St. Inst Title DelOtionship~Datween Size of Assimilation Surface of Potato Plants and Taber Harvest. Orig Pub: )Roezn. nauk rolniczych, 1956.. A74, No 1, 144. Abstract: At the Reguly Experimental Station (near Warsaw), the assimilation surface of potato plants was regulated by means of removal of the stem , A dependence was establAshed between the dynamic accu- mulation of harvests, size and the productivity of the assimilation surface. The highest harvest was obtained not from the mony-st d plants, but from the shrubs,, vhere the ration of leaves to stems was card 1/2 POLABD / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Grasses and Edible M Roots. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 24920 Author Bireoki M Zbieo, Z# Inst : N t ez~" Title : Selection of Cover Plants for Mixing Perennial Grasses In Field Crop Rotations Orig Pub :Roczn. nauk rolniczych, 1957, A74, No 4, 705-74o Abstract :The Central Higher School of Agriculture (Poland) in 1951-1954 experimented, in the capacity of cover plants, on rye, oats, and winter and spring varieties of wheat, barley and rape for the mixtures of clover, timothy grass, dew grass and tall ryearass tI) and clover with timothy grass (II). In years with Card 1/3 POLAND / Cultivated Plants. Foddor Grasses and Edible M Roots. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiyal No 6j 1959j No. 24920 insufficient precipitation, the largest harvest of the mixtures' green mass was ob- tained following the spring cover cultiva- tionB; in the case of a large reserve of soil moisture - after the winter crops. The higher the harvest of the winter cultivations, the lower is the harvest of the mixtures. At the utilization of the winter cover crops, the I mixture produced# on an average, a harvest 13% larger; the II mixture produced larger crops with the spring cultivations. In the I mixture, cereal grasses, especially those of the spring cover cultivations, were prevailing in weight. Under unfavorable weather conditions, the harvest of the Card 2/3 84